skripsi ptk bahan chapter iv

36 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Research Finding 1. Pre-Action Description The pre-action was conducted in May 2014. In this occasion, the researcher joined the speaking class and observed the initial condition and students' activity in the class to identify the problem. The researcher found that many students have difficulties in speaking English because students have little practice in speaking. They had limited vocabulary, they like to use their native language more than English to express their opinion, and they had less motivation in speaking activity. To overcome the problem in that school, the researcher used guess word games technique to support the teaching and learning process. The researcher teaches the students using guess word games as a technique of teaching the students in order to improve their speaking skill. 2. Action Description This research was held in SMP Negeri 1 Cibarusah-Bekasi on May to June. Here, the

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A. Research Finding

1. Pre-Action Description

The pre-action was conducted in May 2014. In this occasion, the

researcher joined the speaking class and observed the initial condition and

students' activity in the class to identify the problem. The researcher found

that many students have difficulties in speaking English because students have

little practice in speaking. They had limited vocabulary, they like to use their

native language more than English to express their opinion, and they had less

motivation in speaking activity.

To overcome the problem in that school, the researcher used guess

word games technique to support the teaching and learning process. The

researcher teaches the students using guess word games as a technique of

teaching the students in order to improve their speaking skill.

2. Action Description

This research was held in SMP Negeri 1 Cibarusah-Bekasi on May to

June. Here, the researcher attempts to discuss about the preparation of the

devices for the action research in which included the four phases. Each cycle

of the research implementation which consists of planning, acting, observing

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and reflecting activities are described in this chapter. In this research, the

researcher plans to conduct three cycles in classroom action research. The

researcher will describe the cycles through the scheme of action research steps and

each of the phases will be explained briefly.

a. Cycle 1

1. Planning

Planning is the first step to do the research. Before implementing the action,

the researcher was gave the students of class VIIC to doing the pre test. The aim

of the pre-test was to know the students' ability to speak English. Having

identifying the students' problem and the causes of the problem, the researcher

chooses a teaching material and technique to solve the problem. She used guess

word games for the technique applied in the speaking class. In the first cycle

the researcher made a preparation to conduct the research. She made a lesson plan,

prepared teaching material based on the

syllabus that was about descriptive text. She chose descriptive text about an

animal. The technique was implemented by using guess word games. The game

was doing together then tried the group work. It can make researcher easy to

control the class.

The researcher told the students that they were going to learn speaking by

using guess word games that day. It was to get the students' attention and interest.

The researcher also gave a lot of time to drill the students. The

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students could drill every word. The students could ask questions whenever

they found problems. The researcher gave the students a chance to learn the

material and to practice the pronunciation of the words that they have learned.

The last was to reviewed and closed the lesson. The researcher closed the class

by saying salam.

2. Acting

Acting phase is the implementation of the planning that has been planned

by the researcher. After doing pre-test the researcher was doing the action. In this

acting, the researcher presents in following action;

The first, the researcher opened the class by saying salam and greeting to

students then asked students' condition. After greeting the students, the researcher

checked the students' attendance. No one was absent that day. Before started the

lesson, the students asked to praying then after that the researcher told the

objective of the lesson. She said that the students would like to learn about

descriptive text, and the topic is describing an animal. She also said to students that

after the lesson the students are able to express their feeling to describe kind of


The researcher gave the materials about descriptive text and usage of

simple present. She explained the simple present usage and she gave an

example of descriptive text about an animal " Giraffe ". After gave them a text,

the researcher chose the students to reading aloud the text. After that, the researcher

asked the students mention the difficult of words that they have


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found from the text. The researcher asked students to say the word directly

because she wanted that her students go revising from the errors. Therefore

the students could study from their mistakes. After the researcher explained

more about descriptive text, the researcher checked students' understanding

about materials. After that the researcher showed a picture and giving time to

the students to think individually then asked students to describe the picture

orally in front of class. The researcher gives appreciation to students that

brave show performance in front of class and after that the researcher

explained to students about guess word game technique and its rules. The

researcher made some groups then showed some pictures to the students and

gives a picture to each group. The researcher gave instructions to each group in

order to do not showing the picture to other groups. Each group has to makes

some clues about the picture and then clues are given to other groups then other

groups have to try to guess the word of the picture. The researcher gave score

and appreciation to group that can guess clues correctly and fast.

Before closed the class, the researcher asked students regarding their

difficulties during the teaching and learning process. If might there are some

questions concerning with the materials, the researcher will a bit explain and

give the answer. Then the researcher discussed the material together with the

students. Before leaving the class, the researcher gave them homework. While

to closed the class, the researcher closed it by saying salam.

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Observing students' activity in the classroom is the researcher duty.

She observed every single thing that happened in the classroom while the

teaching and learning process were accomplishing. Here, she used observation

form that has been by the researcher concerning with cases to be observed.

Along with the observation, the researcher also noticed things that did not

note in the observation form. The researcher has applied the guess word

games in teaching speaking, yet it still did not work. Because some students

did not pay attention to the instruction given and did not actively participate in

the learning process. The classroom condition still uncontrolled yet. Still there

was some troublemaker who disturbed the other students while the learning

process was processing. The researcher then suggested the teacher to modify

the game and clarify the instruction, so students will integrate and seriously

pay attention to the material explanation.

3.Ref lect ing After finishing acting phase, it was time to reflect the

all activities

whether the implementation of the guess word games developed students'

speaking skill or it did not. Based on data have been collected and analyzed by

the teacher and the researcher as well, it shown that there was an improvement

of students' speaking skill in the classroom action research by using guess

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word games. Nevertheles, it was not prestigious or had not achieved the target

yet. There was so many things to be well. Prepared again to gain the target. T


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have been learned that day. Before closed the class the researcher gave

conclusion then gave the homework. Bell rang and the researcher closed the

class by saying salam. 3.


In this cycle the researcher gave them text about description of

someone. When the researcher asked one of the students to read a text, they still

got mistakes. When the researcher asked them to make description about people

the students got problems. She hoped that the students could learn from their

mistakes. There are some questions from students as "miss, kalau hidungnya

mancung bahasa inggrisnya apa ?" said seventh grade student. The other students

asked "miss, kalu keriting bahasa inggrisnya apa?" so the researcher should

walked around to checked their work and help them if they got problem. Beside

that, the other problems that they got were still in pronouncing the words.

For example: they pronounce "oval" as /ofal/ which often actually should be

/a6v1 /, they pronounce "nose" as /nos/ which often

actually should be /now/. In this cycle the researcher asked them to make

description about people, all of students tried to make it. Beside that some of

them also borrowed a dictionary to help them when they got problem in

describing people.

In this section, the researcher asked the students to do their work in

pairs, it could make them easy to do their exercise because they could asked to

their friend when they got problems. Nearly, all of the students enjoyed the45

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teaching learning process because they could share their problems and get the

solution from their friends without being ashamed. The progress in their

speaking skill can be seen from the students' description in front of the class,

although in Pronouncing some words the still made mistakes, but in arranging

the sentences they got fewer mistakes. 4.


After implementing the second cycle, the researcher compared the

result of first cycle and the second cycle. There were some differences here. It

included the class situation and the students' comprehension. The class

situation was more relax. It was because the researcher lessened the activities

and gave more time to discuss. When the students did the exercises, whether it

was in groups or individual, sometimes the researcher asked their difficulties

and gave guidance in doing the exercises. It made the students feel enjoy and

no pressure in doing the exercises. It also made the students feel closer with

the researcher, so they are not doubt in expressing their opinion. However,

sometimes they still used Indonesian.

Based on the second cycle post-test result, the researcher concluded

that there were some improvements in some points. The first point is students'

motivation in learning English especially in speaking. The students looked

enthusiastic when they were asked to describing something. They looked

confident to describe somene. The sentences they made had been better than in

the first cycle. They seemed more active in joining the lesson, although41

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The researcher then limited three points for the discussion, those are;

students' speaking achievement, students' participation in the classroom, and

classroom situation. Students' speaking achievement in the primary

concern for this research. Dealing with this case, the researcher found

that some students are lacking several aspects that they can not achieve the

lesson as fast as another student can do. Consequently, the researcher had to

be aware to whom that could not participate actively as the teacher

expected to do. She also had to help them to more activate, at least they are

able to response even in a short sentence.

Concerning with the improvement of aspects that the teacher

expected in the planning phase, it is found that students' fluency, grammar,

vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehension are still low in speaking,

because they are clearly need to practice orally not only in the form written.

The secondary concern was integrating students in the classroom relating

to this case, the

researcher revealed that the implementation of games to stimulate students to

speak is good way.

Besides it is fun, it also can make students socialize themselves and

build their solidarity but teacher has to be more pay attention to students who

lacks in speaking aspect because sometimes, students feeling so fool in front

of their friends when they can not do likely the other did, so that students

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would not work well during the activity. Therefore, the researcher has to



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Diagram 4.1 Students' Improvement










Pre-Test Cycle 1 Test■ The mean score of test

all students without any expection and make them to attempt to do as best as

their friend do to speak.

Conducting pre-test was intended to find out the students' weaknesses in

speaking. The weaknesses were regarded not only from the score but also from

the students' mastery of the aspects of speaking. The result of this test of cycle 1

showed that the mean score was improved. The mean score of pre-test was 61.58

can impove became 66.89. The distribution of the students' test score in cycle 1

is displayed in the following diagram:

b. Cycle 2

1. PlanningIn the previous cycle, the researcher did the four phases of the cycle

and from that cycle found the improvement of students' speaking skill but

also was found several remaining problems which needed to be solved in the


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second cycle. Therefore, in the second cycle the researcher would like to

improve things that have not been obtained yet. These were some students'

difficulties in memorizing and pronouncing the vocabularies which used in

the speaking activities. The researcher expected improvements of students'

speaking skill not only in grammar, vocabulary, and pronounciation aspects

but also the improvement of fluency and comprehension aspects.

2. Action

The researcher came to the class by saying salam and greeting the

students. After that the researcher checked students' attendance then the

researcher asked the leader of class to lead praying. Before opening the class

the researcher stated the goal of the lesson. The researcher gave the material

then prepares some pictures of celebrities and divided the students into 4

groups then explains the rule of guess word games technique to the students.

After that the researcher gives clues to every group based on the picture and

its group have to guess. If it group can not guess the other groups may to

guess and the researcher gave score to the group that can guess correctly and

fast. The group that can guess most will be a winner and the researcher gave

reward to it group.

Then the researcher asked the students to made a dialogue about

describe someone and perform in front of the class. The researcher gave

appreciation to students that have performed in front of class. After that the

researcher asked to the students about difficulties of the material that they

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there were still had problem in pronouncing the words. The second point was

the students' progress in constructing new sentences using simple sentences.

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80 66.89





Cycle 1 Test

■ The mean score of testCycle 2 Test

They made fewer mistakes in applying the suitable vocabularies to express

their ideas.

These improvements were supported by the mean score of the second

cycle post-test. In second cycle post-test the students' mean score was 73.64. It

was better than the mean score of the first post-test in cycle one that was only

66.89. The distribution of the students' test score in cycle 2 is displayed in the

following diagram:

Diagram 4.2 Students' Improvementc. Cycle Three

1. Planning

In cycle three, the researcher more active to drill the students some

words. In the third cycle the researcher still used guess word games as the

technique in teaching speaking. The researcher also prepared the material that

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technique in teaching speaking. The researcher also prepared the material that

was about procedure text. To make students more enjoy following the class

the researcher divided the class into several group. It can make researcher

easy to control the class, for the students it can make them felt comfortable to

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follow the class and do the exercises.

2. Acting

In cycle three, the researcher will teach students still using guess word

games technique teaching speaking. Here, the researcher wished to more

improvement of students' speaking score than in previous cycle. As usual, the

researcher opened the class by saying salam and greeting to the students and

asked the students' condition. After that checked the students' attendance then

praying together before the lesson was started then built knowledge of the

field. After that, the researcher gave material that related to theme. It was

procedure text.

After gave the material then the researcher made some groups. The

researcher asked the students to chose a representative from each group and

called the representative to come forward. After that the researcher gave the

representative of each group a picture that related with theme but the

researcher explained to them in order to do not showed the picture to other

groups. The representative of each group back to their group then explained

about the instruction that given by the researcher to their friends. The

representative of each group showed the picture to their group members. Each

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group made the procedure text based on the picture that is given by researcher.

After each group have done make a procedure text then the representative of

each group presenting in front of class but only explain about ingredients and

steps and other group should guess the name of food or drink it. The

researcher gave score to group that can guess the name of the food or drink

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correctly and faster. The group that can guess most be a winner and the

researcher gave reward to it group. The researcher gave appreciation to the

students that brave to described the picture in front of the class orally. After

that the researcher asked to the students about their difficulties then made

conclusion and closing the class because the bell was rang.

3. Observing

This phase is the same as in observation phase within the second cycle.

The researcher noticed everything that happened in the classroom during the

teaching learning process. She also noticed whatever that she found involving;

students' activities; teacher's performance; and the classroom' situation. In

teaching English the researcher has implemented the technique a bit better

than in second cycle. The classroom situation controlling also can be handled

by her, so when students were playing the games, the overall students are

participating enthusiastically and students seem more enjoyed the activity.

4. ReflectingActing phase within the third cycle is completely accomplished. Data

that were obtained from test and observations also have been collected. It is


the time to analyze those data, reflects the all activities, and proves the

students' progress in learning speaking by using guess word games technique.

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From observation data and post test result of the third cycle, the

researcher and the teacher English felt satisfied to the action research result,

because the implementation of guess word games technique in teaching

English especially teaching speaking showed amount changes than before

do the classroom action research. For example; student who is at the first

time felt afraid of making mistake in grammatical and vocabulary, after

learning by using guess word games now they begin to understand the use of

simple present in even in simple sentence by which students can use the

vocabularies that have been stored in their brain. Then student who is at

the first time felt awkward to say in English because they usually brush the

material up only in the form of written, and after learning by using guess

word games in which expression are

involved in those games (routines), so students can practice which brought

about habit of using English orally.

From the explanation of each cycle, it could be concluded that the

students' ability to speak improved from cycle one to cycle three. It was

regarded from the mean score obtained and the students' achievement in each

aspect of speaking. Briefly, the students' improvement seen from the mean

score of all tests could be described as the following diagram:

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Diagram 4.3 Students' Improvement

Pre Test Cycle 1 Test Cycle 2 Test Cycle 3 Test

■ The mean score of tests


Based on the diagram, it could be seen that the chart which

described the mean score increased in each cycle. Therefore, it could be

concluded that the use of guessing word game technique in implementing

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during teaching learning process can improve the students' ability to speak


B. Discussion

Based on the research result, there are some weakness of every cycle.

The weaknesses of cycle one are some students did not pay attention to the

instruction given and did not actively participate in learning process, the

classroom condition still uncontrolled yet, still there was some

troublemaker who disturbed the other students while the learning process

was processing. This thing caused less students' enthusiastically even

class atmosphere

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become clamor and the last is their equip the answer showed that they had a

few self confidence. The researcher then modified the game and clarified the

instruction, so students will integrate and seriously pay attention to the

material explanation.

The weaknesses in cycle 2 are when the researcher asked one of the

students to read a text, they still got mistakes. Beside that, the other problems

that they got were still in pronouncing the words. The researcher tried to

asked the students to did their work in pairs, it could make them easy to did

their exercise because they could asked to their friend when they got

problems. Nearly, all of the students enjoyed the teaching learning process

because they could share their problems and get the solution from their friends

without being ashamed and make the atmosphere of the class being fun. There

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was little increasing in their pronounciation. As far the tasks were given

individually. In cycle two, the researcher found some students showed

increasing their speaking.

In cycle 3, the classroom situation controlling can be handled by

researcher, so when students were playing the games, the overall students are

participating enthusiastically and students seem more enjoyed the activity.

There was increasing in their speaking ability and the responses showed that

they had motivation in learning speaking. They were still improve their

speaking ability to be better and more confident.52

Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that guess

word games technique is very useful and effective to help the teacher in

learning speaking activities. It makes the teaching process becomes

more joyful and easier because the students like to play games within the

class while they are learning the lesson material. By using games, the

class atmosphere and environment becomes warmer for both students

and teacher to get to know each better while playing games together,

and this technique creates an enjoyable teaching and learning

condition in the class. To motivate the students in speaking, teachers

need to find as many short sentences as possible to give more variation.

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The media such as fhotos/pictures or any other helpful things must be

provided by the school to support the teaching learning process

in the class.



A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data which have been analyzed

and discussion in the previous chapters, there are some conclusions

which can be

drawn. They are as follows:

1.By implementing guess word games technique in teaching speaking,

the students have chance to be active and cooperative in speaking

activity. Beside that the students' responses are positive. They do

not feel bored, but more enthusiastic to follow the teaching learning

process. The students were more active, look braver and more

confident to speak and express their feeling in the class.

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2.The result of the research showed that the students can improve their

speaking skill after being taught by guess word games technique.

The improvement of students' speaking skill can be seen in the


of the students' scores. The result of the pre-test and post-test of

each cycles showed the significant improvement and it as one of the

indicators of the improvement gave distinct evidence. Based on

the result of pretest, the students' mean score is 61.58, and in post

test in cycle one the students' mean score is 66.89, in cycle two

the students' mean score became 73.64, then in cycle three the

students' mean score of post test is


80.77. So, there is an improvement

speaking. Thus, it can be said that the

word games technique is successful.

of the students' achievement in

teaching speaking by using guess

B. Suggestion

Having concluded the result of research, the writer would like to give

some suggestions that hopefully will useful for the students, English teacher, and

researcher. Some suggestions are given as follows:

1. For the students

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The students should be trained or practice to speaking English so that

their speaking skill be better. The students do not be afraid and shy of making


2. For the teacher

The teacher must more creative, and can create enjoyable, fun, and

interesting situation as possible as the teacher can in learning process. The

teacher must also give motivation and explanation to the students about the

importance of speaking in English communication. The researcher suggests to the

English teacher in order to uses this technique because it encourages students

to speak in speaking class.

3. For the researcher

The result of the study can be used as an additional reference or further

research with different discussion.