sil r^siîwii our youno folks -...

i w MUT- «ln's.'U>*''nU,w" tfhc iiumhi li urti. Th i Children. ri P And 'i iiHfitl po« n i itloh VA t'o ii», t My Sill I ll iii* n« dt»*.* M , - >oi.-> mid Pdo ni'ii nil ended, v". .'. Ihr day I- dl-ùiUssyd' ,1....v gnthrr around me, a .'. Igid and iu« hissed: I,. v\hl|c urah" «iii« «nudit'líi in balder ondhnce ! ih-b nvo huh»« he»vein isldne of love du my fa**' \iiil »< !.. thea, nv M»>«M» . sh dreaming « i, his . .nldliiHith too lovely l<» liu-t ¡ ,.. i.ive' tliai niy heart witt ronudnber, Wi en tl nukes to the poise of Hi* \*&** . , ;, , ... .. wovt I ¡bul tts wickedness made mo \ , iviuev sorrow (Mut .-lo ! \\ ;.. u thc ti'.-'-.v of «.«>d wits about mc. iii.) fi" e.owy of a'.ndne c- within. v ,>, i-iy heart grows as weak u- « woman'*. Wit IMO LHIiiliiins of Owling wt" \Vhcn I ihhik of th* |Mi<ltf s<**i> ibu« "t..ny. WI cry Hie :,'< 1 *'f 1,1,1 <h"..v biics must xo : Ot tt»V mnunl Hus of stn himuiiig o'er them, Of thc tchnmsi ot r-.f Mowing wild; iih ! Hiern ls noHi.tiig on enrHi hnlf^o hol> \ S V'O- mi.ys" ?. ¡ns I « lr. ti. st W il ll I ll k I1' I'hi .U-'- nftiCfutM^ol.-i tiou-eiiotda; v,H.v o-i.n.;-i-.o.';oc'";,:t: ,. V.. stinsiyM»»liu'j a tiiu liiciims in theil",eyer. V,id riv»- »'c'. n >vt. r,c Kingdom of « m a child. , not » nfc for tho deny o.i*« mu Hud Hie cmy have.hud en. wm ?SS^'IUiCVomys.H. < .i nr.iyi«'i?il;",m.Vf Hat « i inner must pray fe»' hUnso.lf. .nictw^i--..c:xsUv in ndcd l hiivo hiudshëd thovuloiiml Uu , ,;v0 t¡.u,iu nw « ; : ; .i hcv hivve tnvijîht me the goodin Mvheftii ls .. dungeon ofdutkne^. Where 1 KW* íor hríiodUR * « UM .: .t.». is íuftielout vorrceticn; ' My love - thc th« ol'Um school. ' -i ii uve thc MùVonèe in ihn nutumn, To tVftversi on-. .-H<>\.\ «o morisi !.? hon 1 shall slc.h loi Hie .lour nr.os. Tliilt in, <-t mo > ai li mci ii nt (ho doOi ! 1 ¿indi oms th.- ''gnoil nights" ami «»..> HiáayS Aa.I ltu' íiii«n of their innocent gt**; ¡J ho sr UU' ci. »,!.. ci. cn ¡oíd th» ihiwore l'tmt ure hr >ti.,»,t ovory i.iovnin;? to «.*». 5 shall miss ihoin Rt tiU vo mid nt ( v.min«, Vhi'lr song hi tho school .uni Hie -Oreel; I shao.,viss di* W»w lum» oítUslr voices. Abd lui .- iüi|i nf their deliCill» feet. W i a Hie les- .s tasks ure »11 elided, {n i .1- lilli -ay rho seiniol i- dlHihlhSe l '. M ii y Hie '.-.Mle om s wu..... mound n bid tn hight a. kls «od Thanksgiving. M \i:v -'J l'.:\l'.U-.i:ivir,}f day- tl'.anh..^, iii'j mcaim yivii'.^ thanks. What lo I wondei'. lind why bfie dav in Ute yet inore 'lum any oilier day: it don't se. t bo liait . ither. 1 iW.llVt sec tiuytnu giving thaidv. it's luu ina coinptnv . .'"' a good tillie, and lots of j-oe»' ">h>gs I élit. Why .h> wc keep thaiilisgiiinj! A >.'.. .' AMV-I doa'1. A ; 1 dover though nhont it. Ni via -I asked ilohhlthS and jic -.aj,; it »ns :i Yankee invetiP-'ii. VMY-I -ioa't l||i»k 1 kl).cv u lmt llid M ,\in --11- n't he stupid^ Vou've heiiid bf iho Yvhkee.s, smc: (jneer people (hat li.'-; ; >va\' down K'isit ; but herb -, -.he knows every tiling,' she'll jell " KANN» - Tell you \vln»À? MAICV- Winn «hi-.-lay is for, why wp kci|ji it: did (|u. Vanhoes gel ii np? KAN NY--I sltbiiliiii'i wondeth tiiev "g«". ''If' '""^ lii'''>d>' : hilt why do you cad Tho New Knaiamh-rs Yank-ms? ^ÍAia-Ih canv'- tin.-ir name ain't h ? how did (hoy eet sit eh a name:-' j FANNY-Wheh the Kholijih tir-a enute to tills country, thc 1 batts couhhrt ^¡.cak thc word plainly, ami culled then)! .' Yan-, s .," and it got changed a, words ! V'ill iii Yanliccs. M utY-~tiiey didn't ca!l ail th,- l'a,-.-. I-A NN Y-No. Those in Virginia and in thc Southern states (hui wore settled j} ?-1' 'ni lia- same num. they called - í;bh¿ | K.dte-." I suppose ibu.- w.-is a differ. \ \ eiii'o in dross! tind liinboeis lh-0 tl... I.. (' dians saw. " M A nv - If they were ali Kilglish peo- a plo, why should there lie a fl life renee: ' FANNY - lt wouhl bc loo long a idbry to tell yoii. Thc people who settled in Ni ts Kiigland couldn't stay at home in ta. oki coilntry, and wôrshijp lind in tim way they thfiitgiii righi ; Ihoy were, most / . . * lt« i)f them, very religious and very strict, «¿o tlltit they uciv called " I'tiritan.-." their * lives wcic so pate, and I sajiposc (hey U were r'atlièr still', ¡uni dressed plainly, v' btji they were an-l nobie lor ah that. ti' M Ai; i-And thc others, wasn't they s,. a" xiii people ? 'h. FANNY--Some of them were, no doubt, m lit they came Itel o for tidventiirc, or to -a t rich, a- d other reasons, ev .MAKY- Ain't the Yankees awful mean', it's: rilVi il VS .said so. Ai FANNY-Weil, a nail mean Yankee is >>'. lt! UK it cr« .rbi in t a Und angel is worse a great deni than l»\d man. AMY-You haven't told us about Ihuiksgivinsi. FANNY -You ashed mr so many quós- ms I Couldn'í. and to make you undcr- an I, i must £<> bach to thc time when ie I'ilgrltns ll i's ( cante lier*- in 1020. lt ns in December, timi latter cold. 1 link the winters used to he colder than toy are now. MY ern lid I at her lolls oil eep snow, and snob ooh! hs 1 never now. M A in r-vN hy ls it : FANNY-O, you couldn't understand t Iteré are changes going on in this wOrld X ours Ulai may make Changes ia the Inhale, hut tibs wa- a terrible winier. Vhen the Pilgrim Kat he vs landed at Fly- nmith they nunihered ono hundred und med but they sn hoi ed so. that in four nonth.s half of them died, and onlv six ir seven were able lo wait on (he rest : n_e:,.h..» \U.,v ...d.v I..OJW..I lo rt«! jr ..: ihev hail, and for lour .oars they had dreadful times; lt" if nan aol l eon fbi' tho Indians 1 hov would have -tarse I: I he il, when Illings heyan lo yo on nicely, die Indiana got ugly and plaguedthrin every way. and at last gol together luid ;. >y?h' danoo, and agreed to kill bl tho Knylish. Some of the fricihlly)hdiahs told tho white men of it. and Ihej ai! joined ami foitghi Hie In¬ dians ad got .-ueh a victory over them (that thiel men didn't trouble thom a- lyain h a youd many years; timi was jpallcd ic Pequo'l ivar, and there was never twequod left to light ayain. , h vvjV/ ter this \vhch they I ell safe at rest, ai that tiio Governors th' all tho New lvland Slates made a lYociama- Uon buhe people to have a grand Thahl\4'h»g¿ It was in 11137,and that was tUflist Thnnk-yis lng. The next \e»i die kept i: in Ute fall after Ure jliarit'st jts gathered in. and it has liooi) ?the ,v/N^iii for every year since ; fame bes \^ wore seatlered. caine togètliOl Oh thap..v> sotiieibnes from a hundred miles ti y. jrriod things were sent to ali fhOW people, so that ail could .have a taiksyi viny. AI Whys in the 1 morning,y v ,.," ibclptiéh, then Imme to cat (/Wandest dinner «d' all ila year. YU ;v ,¡:IV of,j0y and pclhdllCSsj I and tie ,,". it |lm, itUked of il ... .days l)i\J¡| e'tiiie. M.MiXi.t if f,". cusdom is tiudrs. why dohnd all tho Su,tes keep tho day to,. l'\vx\4eeause the New ICnglahders IhlV'O .i ,e\evy w lui e. in every town; all <uv.,/hf.ld you Will ItliÓ UlCU), tllON '.airy t!j with tl liiiltiehi leint try and flu' ways of hobie ami wherever they go they le people around the in. A.Mv-'nt those old i'llgl'lih Fa'.i.ei- ka\ i' bedehd tiles,- ever so many years. F.\\--T!m Pilgrim spirit is not dead- .A;..IV.* Ii> iióhh brórtO UghP ¡iel ii wa testes tin- tt.e.,1 . <J (Itu vleriuu- ,1, a.1., Wi tho slliihi shh*«* cy nv.'lo. íj'áii'ÍK . t'."- l>e«l Alió One. e wile lue. Lté.'.. .IHal K''iir<l their iee-huiuut .shore. 'I the wt'vés hf I lie bay iér< Ile- Mnytlovver lay sj: fouiit anil freeze no more." Unqutióhnbly tho best sustained worbf tho kind ni tho World." HAflPEB NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. « "It t J At. N-'ll'l> ol VIII. PU uss : 'Plie list populär Monthly ia the world; \r>r y,,, (,'.*, yo r. Ul ! leter ia |.M-Iie ot euloyy p> (pc high t..i rind varied eMadlono; s (if ll A lt- ''hp's Si.'iA/IXl a j. ni in :i 1 with a monthly eii'etilatU] ofalmtu 17<hh00oopm in whose l|'|.!iy* ar pi lie fotiibl s'oino Cf tho elipiOesI ligltil aiiileeiieral reading nf tim day. \Ve speiik of in's hhrk asa;. evhloitcO of (In- eui- :m-- ol til Aime i. aa IV-Oplot and Ile- p,?pu¬ ai ay ii ||,. ¡\eirjuireii is ihorited. K'aoli Xuin- '" ." . onta'tis fully I 11 paire- of readiny mat lei', ftjip.ópri.-tteiy iihi-t ratel with youd typed-t'llp ; aad it combines in itselfthe raiby muilley aa,I the m,ne philosophie;) 1 (plaiter- y. blended « ii h th-- hep t eu t it tc s nf the dal- y journal, lt lias groat pow,ria tho dissent nation nfii ihve ,,r inna- m.-,- t...... i'm i. o.i.-s .f...... ie .\}"<ririn IA!- r tinr,\ tibuHoH. -d.Wia;-t;.7iai'i,;h,ee:, pVe^Veie-ii;,.',;.,,:,. ,tl taste, inn,idiiny a varie y of i,),',. nd m-trneiive reading fm- alT- ji/mb, //is SI liN( 'h'll'TK 'N's', mi li i, ll lists : Il A Kp; lm \i .so S/iNT. one \ . s l 00. An lisna i',.j,y oil!,, ,- ,j( M ,.i;v/IN,- i-.KKl.v. ,.. b.t/vu will i ,. - nj .j .i ¡. ¡; »''.v ( h.!, m ii;.. SuhM-rlliei J;,"1;""' i" 111111 111, i : P,' ms C. pies ,hr ipi jons ,., II'.* M \ i, v/bsi IfKKJ v. a n.I UAzxif. n. om' address mi ,',",? .ar. $10 (H>;or (woof Hát-pOi'.. Peri,,.Heals one adih e s lui ,,| ,. yeal .S" MI (lack NutiilihCs eau' he mpplhvi at ans A ( lauph ;, Se , now .tipii-;:, , | Jlil f v. sen \ olimi, s. m m at blhdinii ss ill stan hy exp,. .... tvejuht a. éxpenseof ii ir- laser. Ku- sj -.p, ,".,. volume, shhde\0U iles, ny hitbh postpaid,.^.'Hift, ('loth ea o r hiii.hny. .> omits. In mail. pov,,,;,i(j' J io postaye "" Harp, , -- M;i,;i/ill(. ,s .., ms a year, ivliw), m".M |n. pÁlil :p the « PieI- - pOs|-o|l¡(.(., >iih---rii.poi,. iVhin p,¡i, ¡, S'oni, .mr,..;, I'.'.Vin- es "",p |". ¡lOotMiipanlOtl -; .,, prepay h.hed '- - I"' '-op Aiklre-- ki -, KI'f'K .. i:ic. -; j j: ii s . lv , A ( OMTI.CTI: IMI loin AI. msTOKY or Tin: TIMl>." l ill HKS I'. CIIKAt'Ksi') AND MOST SKCCKSS- j V IWMII.Y I'll! I\ TilK INION." IIAIIPEIVS "WEEKLY. SAM.I'.XOIIH u.i.i'STii.yi r.i>. < ri i ic ul Not I res «>f i iii' Pl'i'«s Tli" MOOKI, NI AV-I-AIÍU Of bur romilly- .omph'lo in nil Mic ilcnavlincuts ol'an Amer- ioan KiinlUv pilpol-ll VKI'i n's « I.I KI v has nrnoil lorltSoW'H li Li lit l<> Iti lill«'. "A Jour- i,al oil i\)li/a'i"ti."' .V. > York' />'"'»'.I .'<?>'? Our finnie historians will elli loll tl.isi'lvos out ot lliirpcr'-s Wci'Uly loiij» atna xviii ors. :U"1 |iriiiter:'. iiiiil publisher;* aro turned i<' du-t.- A'- ic York- Uro>>{)(list. Tlio ol' its ela>> in America.-Motton Ton-Her. yt I ho foi'.'- Weekly n ay be iniroservcmy no- e.iiireil I hil best new (-paper lil Aiiici'icii.- '/Vc liukni-ndriili A'< w York, 'Hie iiriich's lipon piiblle (iiiyspoiis xvhtcli iipneiii' ill Harper's Weekly from .week to wool, torin ll lauiiiil'kübh! -. rios .1'lu iel poiil- hill essays. Tliej nie ilisiliifitiislicil bj .'. :" ami 'iniii'tCil -tat'oiiuail. hy .1 ColunioU sçhsc, hv iinii'iiCnilunoc anil hi-c.'iillh ofvlcxV. l'ho\ abe lin- expression ol mature Ciuivic- lion', lililí prínelph!. ami strdtijí feeling, ¡mu take liioir phicc anioníí tho best noxx .-paper writ nig oi ino tuno.- Aorta ¿lincrn-un /fe¬ ríelo, /íosíbii. -l/<t-->'. Sl'I'.SI lil Ii 11 ONS. 181Í0. ll AUiTuV WI I.M.V. uni: year .. .'MOO, An Kxtrii Copy of t itiior (ho M xiiA/ist'.. Wi: I. KI. v. ur ft A/.A lt xviii in- i | I :.-il ¡p'átls Im- i vory ('Inti u|' r¡vo SllbsorihctS iit$| Ol) « o.oli. in on«: rOliiituihOOi or six i'iipk's Coi S'il) 00. Subscriptions, t> IIMHMI:'- MX-.X/INI. WI KUI.Y. aiui li x/, xi:, tu uno iiitilrCs.N l u ono year. SlUOo; r t wo of Harper'«* iVi h»llic¡'ils. lo uni' iiiltlrosx (or one \ i-itr. t>7 tip. I hick' Nutn'ioi- «an tn- supplied a! aux time. 'rite Annual Voluiiii - of li xitrt'.ii's Wi i K- l.Y. in m a! cloth bitulhigd vx :U lu- seht Uv OX- pro---. Tn.I e,\peiiso, i-.; .-; eaeji. A oin- ph'io Soi, eoinjuiS'iug KlçVCii ViihUues. Soul ull icceipt hf cash ¡il iii* rate ni'..?.*» '.!."> pei* vol . freight ut expenso Ol' purchaser. Volume XII. ready .liinuary ! -t. IS0, Tho post a ur<. un' Harper's. Weekly is 2tl ooiii- a year; \\lii'-li inhst bo paid at ihl -uli- .sCiiiior's pu-i-nlHcO. V SuU- iapildns -i ni fruin Prill-li iVorlli A nun hain Provinces in list he !tcci.iiip;iiiieJ xx lih 20 cciils additional, tn pi epa \ lui; «il Suitos p..-ia :o. Aihlri-S ilAiirini A \i\u >riu;us. N.-.v VuiL. Tito Mi'Vcliniitij1 Protectiv( Ur.ion Mercantile Reference Register. 'PUK NU .. i Pr- -o. i';\, I nion ulgUlt- i/oil tu promote md prop-el initie, hy enabling il - siili.M.u Ihci - :.. iilpiiil fuotlitx am -al'iiy in Ila M ant ina ol ilrcilils. and |lu» re- i'livery ol idiihii' at a i |i")llts. Iiiixii lo nu. iioiiuoo th.,: tlii'V xyllL iii Septoildiór. I^c-. pnliiish in bbc hil'ge ipiai tb voluiiii.'. 77o Meram.t* /', '. t{";,,« .»/.?,.. eoj./b'i /,.?/? /.. o. Itcljfw r. Cntit ll hiing, anoint iillbr illino-, ihl.1 \¡.ino-. Naturi' uf P.u-iiio-.. V|ii« i| ip| bi" 'li pi tili. I'i- biincial Sii\üiiiug th ul llutiug us (.'rialli id* i vcr 'Y OO , O O O iriiu'ipul iniicbani.s, irt] ia "«..lo- ".ni;. lillOtlil'lll - ¡li ol ¡lilli tb-' Ililli muí - 'tiletlb'i - ¡il 'i^liui Ihi'ir lerrlbUii -I. IÇS.. im II «' o", o -.. .... ^niTii iio.-os bl' \ .rill .Vim in a ; and cinbi'a> lina ¡lu ni"-', i...,- .'-'iii iii loi iiiilt'i'ili .itiain- uhh abd lo i. --ai.« i" Ci i ¡i I ib- ¡hi' lio).-liant ¡u a-' .alain at .i uíai-o. lin < apíiab I lao:;. tell aad I io j re,- i. .Iii of snob ol' ho . loiliers a- au- deçinkjd xv'iiillii ..( ¡pi\ ¡o.ulu- lion ufereilii. o unpi i-in;.', ai-u. 'A A i -':.../.{ '/ii j" fhi'i"¿y .'".'. eolilidiiblg lio' li'lo. t inn¡o tov. j ii.-. Ipii! plaoo uf iiiiiliieiui'oH. \xilb lui', pilitleillar.S rehliive tu i-aoli jiuninil. hi-in- a eiiiuph'tc irui'lo tu ibo i»ii -> uf ixory ouiio:;. i., itip Tithed Sinti'-. iii«' rejioits and iiifurnuiiluil \xi!l lu- 'On- lined i> i iiu- .. ilçbnii'tl xvlu i'liy ijr si.úúc rnie ut .rodil : and as lin- -aaio «xii! lu- I-a-o.I. -> br a- piiioih'abío.iipíni tin written -lalebu ills (ifibo partios tbiiii.-elves. ov -«-. t and eor- !...!..1 l>x XVifli ki.oVVIi aio! ioihibie Él'gítl eiiíresponde, i», whose eliariicter will ¡.no o a gt» a ra ni Cc I' tin bon cot ness «>i il«« iib l'ni'Uiaihui furnished 1>\ is I odin .i that ile reports ubi proVcbioi'c iruthlul'ami eoiiiplcto. and. therefore, -upi liol- lo. aol .u orciilci' vahío, than any preVibíislx i--i" I. P»> it iii t*( i iib Mercitntit' /.'./. r> >>>?> /.'.:;*.'.).. iuislliCSs uten x\ ill lie i'Uahhil lo a-- ri:. -1. ai a i>tsi lice, tho capital ami u rudal io n "I H iii. a- eoiiipió'ed xviii, lltiaiieial xx nilli, «a ioaiiy rx ry iiicrclndii. niiliiiifiiiinrer, iradii aiit| haiiUcr, within tho above-¡.¡uiltil ten I uria limit-. i' s or about llb' ltr.-t uf (-nell liiolilli <ub- -..rili' - xxiii al-u roo.-iv.- tin- Monlhl'i ('.?... i- ph\ eoiuainiug. ¡tutoug oilier thlui!*. ree- uni of silidi itnportaut einiiijrcs in tho anni ami eiiudilfoii ol' liiiiis. throughout tin- iii.itii- try. a- may ooour stibseipieiil tn Ihe pu Ijcii- tioil uf caoli luill'-yoai'ly volume ol' Hie Mef- eanlile (IcIcreHCc llotiisuir. Price «.f 7 Vu Mucha nts Union' Mer*iiiil, .'.'./'<.' io. Hf(iifiti). Fifty l)ollar< ($*)<j. i"i v\hi.-li il will bc furwaiibd lu «ny addr-- hi iii" I'nitctl Staio-. iransportation naid. Ilubb rs nf live sin shares ol' Ibo ('ipil¡il Stuck, in ail'liii'.n lu participating ii ibo j.nuil-, will receive «um copy «if thc Mooan- plo UeiVreiiec Ueyisler free of olinrgc; ii fl- i: .a' o n -hal«-.- nb! h.. entitled io fwii copies: and no tiiOre than tell siiarcs n ihe < aura! SlOCk xx ill bo allolCd lo any on- ¡o»- piieaiu, 1 \M »oiniilanc. -. oriiijr.*. rn- cunimu.ioa- lonsrclillive tu th,- hook should he adiii-H-icii lu th,' Meiehaiils' Prblective I nion, hu,,. Ami n-an hxchllligc Hank litllhiliig, Ne pis MroiithVsiy. (box 2.u0i}), Now "t'ork COLGATE & C(.»s ^niRraiK Toilet Soft] t,v pruparud by Skillful xv>rk- men from tho best Ma(.,ri- nls, & are. known anthe ST'AIXlDA HU by Uo.lors and consumera. Qà- Hold H vor y xv boro.. . ?Tl 1 IO IT." ld MT." A :i-2 paye Auiiatial ol' Public Spo;iK"... I'ni'e lalertiiuro. und Pracilcal licligibn, r.iihdiig some of thc best Illings -ai, ;,v ie Cleriry, ami public mon (lie ú'iii'hl OVir. BKNT ON U VBÁH roi! NOTIIINCl ! Scud lo cents wiih vour ¡ul,bess io ''Tl11«! IM 'I.PIT CO.." i'7 l'ai k kow. Now Yijrk Til li STA I I Ol' im, Al 11 tl lil il toil iV: l.ogiups IIA KKK Y til No I leiai Sireet near Aiiicilca, von eau ho lur- I* I xxiii, a good article nf well baked Pr, ¡.j ollvorixl at any part of the « it v. on rcftiona- sil r^siîWii O E T YOUR JO H 8 DON K "ADVOCATE" 200 MI; IM m; st UK KT, l HAKLKS T< IN, S. ( '. We ure iio'w! prepared lu i'M'cnir, willi! lu'iitm ss and (ll'tipaU'lp all kinds o'* jp» i'lllNTlSC, VIZ : [ 1 \>.-ti'l\-». liill-hoiuls, (. -ii-eulit rs-' Í 1 la j id-bills, l'i'OjLÇÎ'îllllll IOS ». í nviisil iöji v ki rds. \Vo<l< liipiJ. < 'lillis ; iV<'<-., [ :¿-- Kates reasonable, and sálisuiclioii : 'guaranteed. tt MM 1i i;(3A\r:ir, sJ«r\v i NC; M. ACM 1 LIN GOG BROADWAY MW YolíU. k PAMILir.S ANT) MANUFACTURER THE HOWE LOCK STITCH. Til KS Iv VY0I. Kl)-R K N < > W N KI) SI AV I NC;! MACMiNKS llei'o rt'<.<!(riled 'Vu liiij/oísi jtrviniitio u( itu' \\'n) ''"s Foi)' i l 1.1. ltili,tl. tin'! S'X jil',*' fÍH')kiliÍii¡i Ol i/o A*. V. iStdii i'oir "/"IS. Ale oeh'hlah'd for «li» ile- wo rib n>- nig a inttoh sida Per needle for tito saine (liread ha a any(Miler uiaehiiii'. and by tike iniroiluc- li"ii of I lie inc-I approved ma ein in ay. we me now able io shppjy Hie very best machine- in tbe world. These machine- are made at our new and spacious Kih'thryiii Itrltlycport. ( omi. under ibo hninedialo supervision ol the ITc-idoul m lin company. KI.ÏASi 11< J>\V K, Jit.-; i he original inventor oft he Sew- lng Ma< hine. They an adapted pi ah Kinds ! of I'Yiuiily Sch ny. Arin.v « lotlihi'r. and io the u-o of Seam-t ro--r-\ |>res> Makers; Tailors. M a nu fact arias of shins, ollar-. Skirls. Cloaks. Mantilla-. ( lol hi ny. lints, ups. < 'or- set-. Hoi it s. shoe-. I Pit iless. Saddles, Linen (¡nods. rinbrelhiN. Parasols, etc. They hork I eijuolly well upon silk, linen, woolen and Chit hil yod- is iib -ill., ootlon or linen Ihn ad. flu \ u iii -earn, quill, /rather1, hem, loll, e.»rd. brui {<, mud. and pei lorin iii cry species of.-m\ iny. inakiny tl beautiful lind per feel si Úeli, alike mi both sides of the !ti lióles sew¬ ed, The .St he'll invi uied by Mr. IIÖVTK, tis j milde on Ibis M achire, is th" iniisl popular and durable, exe nil S'ütctii'u Moplain üái't sub- U i'i io ti.i ¡ihnt'iplv invt nted bylaw. SlONT) VOIX ( IKCl I,AK. i AGENTS WANTED, 'J'he Hmvc Mdchu\tí ('"!)>)fin y, '?'} nou-'i AY -f. j vd i, m st., K; v Tiuisl Company« ÙhtMvMl >>>' Sixxial Ad of Cony rent, Mureil. 180A. lirahcli at l-harlcstou, S. C., NO. 71 iÚÍOÁn STKKKT. Opón every ihty ' N. i-pi Sundays ann poll- .lay- hum ll .v. M. io 2 c. M.. and Sainrday- iv iii fi iii s i' Si. 1 loposli "i" any aniuunt received .Vom iiiiy pol-««!!. I II (civ* i payaluY hi January and dilly in ..;.< li year. 4\|ii (loposils will hu repaid willi Interest tIto \\ lion reipilretí, Vd 77/ I.V lt I TT!:li. Cattlin-. March 28, l yv fl/NAORIDQeW£DlTtOM /fflffîx ¿OOO 10,000 ll onto «m.1 Mioniniiíi Hot in other pfc ti'DU! i'll S, 3000 Engravings, 1840 pp. Quarto. Price $12. Those throe books arc lim snni lotnl <»i ¿r<jni I.iluaries : iii« liibb?; Sh<tk'$)H<tvt\ anil 11'<r's ltó¡iiU í,'i/,), '...--'VÍM M./M /-.Yoolo, ,/lHli'IUlt. YVKPS/bKlPS National Pictorial Dictionary, lu ¡0 pp. (VI ave. CDU Kngravings. Price sal. Thc wuk is really a tie M of a Dictionary inst ile' iliinu' l'or the million.TAmei'foti IfWiti'iitfoiiitl Monthly. Published hv ti. «V 0; M KRUI A M. Spring licbl. Mass. oct 17i f TO PRINTERS Til v; sp|is(illijl>it iitiiiiiHiiottiros Tv nc ltuvi>lv ho:Doiilile iitel SIIIKII! (;.vl»inl«>r I bin tl. j? Mil .-lon.-. -: iti'O ana Platten Pow.w l'rc-s, for jsews iiiiinr. liooiii .loi», tiltil ian! I'rintinir- Tilt' M ...i|.| ali allvtilion bi Publishers ol' S"o\\ simpers t Un ir Now Railway Wowspàpor Pres; Witt, li i . i>>" lally UOSIJUUMI lo supply SOM S|MI|HM ot"ni".!< i .lt'" «iiTol »I'..«II willi ll plain lilli s.M-vi.oal.l iMMNTtNti MAI HIM ano .MI.' r.-.pai.l. "I 'loi"; ¡..i-,.. ,ion WtUtK nfevery licseriiuion. li omi li 'run... .li} !.> oiur mini ut .'i speed ul'Sti'i im | - >n ¡...i |i vu ¡Uní li\ stèaiii ivlii Kbit" liiû-pir l.tïvK» periioit wiilioiil ri.liji'«ty jar» lt biíóii|ili»s .spaeCol' :> l-t! iv fiait, illili r.Úi l.«i iv.irkoií ill a room seven ll'Ot W i iijlu. t ..\.-1. :> I'M poiunl .. l'iiéir Sbilíie i.iir»i (.ft. Illllli'V rLand tíhntníg Maoliino, i lr i titi y Po.'*-, ls also a «'«»ivenleiit aml iluruM l'rllliiilj; Marilin.', rapal.lo .il' ilblnj; Hui inlii k .».'; '«n i.iii.'v. Iii- itçsl^iieil tb rah I. liaml al a sp.v.l ofKso pr«' in,nr. Knelt ii)arhii|i' i «Vibrettttal, ami will II »I Aili io give i'iulr sall- in Hon. \". .. iiiainiia.'inrv ultnosi livery arlieló r. .(inn .1 iii Keller I'ri'fs. I.itlnniriipliir, or « ?.;.)>. r i ?titi Pi luting ll«>«ik-Ulalling, i:i«-rttot\pinn íúul Üfl« '*' "?' i'lli.ií. .uni bimbil ..Hitit- .'...n|il.-l- iib' i'íb'li \Vi' tvotiM ivill idli'iition bi ..uv serlioiial -ir riv il) pe lllo.'l.-, M. liai.i.'.tl l'al. nl billVi 'i.«Hr;.-. N«-\\ Coillpbsltors, Slaiuls, CnIiilili s '?l ino, .;. -i.s'u-, ami all si/os, SiaiuliliDr liiilloys, l'a u n:'Uot P.o.lkins, Printers' Knives, Ar., ulan li ri in j; uii.l I \ ¡.I'our ..wu impon.i lion, muí ina.I. .'xpivssh Cor oui' Si'ivspapor iunl ('yluuU'i' Prinini V milito--. i in .I. tail fliriii-iio.t. A iii-w Cat¬ alogue, eohtniiting «.'lit- ami ilo.-rrlpti. of mani now mu.'lim.'-, ma l..-t' -In.wu in Hi.-ir Look, will lin-.'tion- i..i pnltin-.'. '..?>. working, Ar., anil ollu-i ti-, lui inlVmnntinn, i ju roiliphîr.l ami ran Ur lia. .',; nppliriilioU. li. Mi il-; .v ( it.- Nrvv York, ami lioi-tbii. M:o- I * Oiil.ti-'n.-r- oi N.-w-papir- uro al lili.-m t. ia-, i di- ¡nil ri H-rnn ni, ilisplavoil ns nliove, Huri tmn - ni lin n- Weekly Cap. r willi tills noil*, hut liol n Uh .ill. any lon. pow..ti- lo .Ir.uuury, IS'.-I, hui a .I lat. priA I.-.I Hu'} |UII« liasr í'y p«> or Maln ial ol' our manilla'Carr lor lour limes Un- amount ni ilniitiiili wliirli will lu- all.ov.-.( ni sri I Irn.riU ol our-, tm r.'. r l ol a ?.).> ol tltolr puprr roiitainitiKMlir a'lviTli-i'iin m. CLERGYMEN ¡¡rc lumisiicd with Tlic Illustrated IMiriwologicftl Journal; ilovutcd id E'bnolooy, I'liysiolooy. Pbren- ulófíyi Pliysiooiunny. IMisycholok-y, clo.-at < lilli irnos. .Sl.ùOayear Slnalc N'o.'.s 20CIS' To .others. 6'2 a yoitr. Ih'oniiuui.i, ul .\|t-|o- ilcniiS. Pianos. Sew iiou -Macbinos ami Hooks aro given liv " S- R. WELLS. Publishor, 980Broadway, INT. y RARE CHANCE To in'ii ni ASK GM O G ERIES. F, WEHMANN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, \o>. 2S7 ,\. 2SÖ KA sr HAY. C'OUNI:I{ or I.Allfl.NS Sn;i;i:r. Ibis al\\a>s on band a large supple ol I5ACON, StUiAli, KIAH K. ( OFKKJS, TBA, «vc. Aa. Which will be sold at lowest market price for Cash only. )';»)"" Stritt attention given to country ( inba s. S. M. PETTENGILL &CO., 17 e.UUi Kow, sr.w Yo UK, ,\Ni> IOSTATKST-, MOB- los. Arc AKOIUH for all Ibo Ncws)ia|)iirs in Hu« Uni- t«il Statrs ami CtitiÁiIftá. 1 livy liavr Himrial ari'AligC< units willi Un; Uollgioilfj, Agil ltur.i) amt Other OUR YOUNO FOLKS is i >t int fi ii >>r delightful entertainment for iuvenil«' mulcr-; si bries, bibles, charades, reluise.-, enigmas, ¡uni exquisite wood engra¬ vings, ll ls beyond comparison Hie best ju¬ venile inagu/.bie ever published..búllalo I0sj>re«<f. l.\ erv ¡tey and girl in America should bavo ¡il. Ti KM-: Tw o dollars a year ; Single or I Specimen Number. SO-cents ; EVERY SATURDAY ls culled I rom the rich and wide Heh! ot eur ri ni foreign li'endure, From tho Immense. storehouse bfKiigllsli and routh.otitnl maga¬ zines and papers there have been taken the choicest short >t"iies. thrilling adventures exquisite poem.-, historical sketches, sclent!- lie articles, racy essays in biography and I criticism. The selections are all made with I tile object ol' meeting thc tastes ot' American j readers. J'ltil'i Ju-nn'irr. j 'l'unis: Single Number, 10 cent-; a ! vear TIC KNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, BOSTON. IÓOJJEJÜTIÜ MÍiíliiüAtj OÖLLKÖB Ob' I'IJNNSJYIJVANIA. .| in. l'i.ili'-."' holds iiio'e Héshtoim vheli year, The llrst session commences beioher Hill, iui«l r.inUlinit'S lindi tin« cull ni il noua ry tin1 second session commencés V'ei.iuavy i~t. ¡in«! continués until the. hcvuninK ol Miij : Hie I lilli! Session continue-* throughout the summer nimitlis. ti luis :in Miilt.rps ol'bvelvi' Prolessor?; ¡uni rv- cry Department nl' tue Mini Sni dely is thorough- ly taught. ! l'.vcrv lacillo in Un- way tltuslratlnns, inorhUt specimen-. Ih-ilsn-ltim, rhoinlcid itnil phllns.opt)ç.iil apparat u-, microscopes, Instrument ol'tim lulest in- vi<ntli*ii l'or physical éxntiihmOon and diagnosis will lu» provided, splendid llosi>ttiil ami clinical Instruction arc of- ld aired t'o-i' liehet.« m nil i>ur City Hospitals nie pro- villi"! Ui--ei'tiii.v; MaO-iial iiliiilidanl al li lioiittuill ' I rosi. Perpetual Scholarship:* are sohl i'm- $i¡6. Semi tor circula»-. T li o E c 1 c c t i c. Medical Journal of P e n ii s y 1 v a nia, l'iilillshcd monthly, eoiiliilns l- pat;-- ol' original ' millier. Priée .*'- pei' ionium. The largest, il nc si ' ¡uni inosi progressive Médical .loiirnal in thc United stale-. Splendid inducement, lo the Keller up ol' - Clul... lieaiitil'iil pi emlum engravings, valued at $tl, gh eli every siib*erlhiT. I -1.inion copies sent free, mi application. Aildiess .mux nrcjiAXAX. . 22Í North Twelth street. Philadelphia, ba. " may 10 1 year. :' THK IU>T AIM: I III: (:iti*:\i>K.s:F. o j lill'. MASON .\ HAMLIN' l'A III S KT OUHANS huv.lbisl tieeii .'warded ii ll lt sf l'lllZt: MI'DAl. S, at liie Hiand Kx'pO-íiion in Miirls, in conipelitlnti ?-i nidi instriiihenb iVoin the hes! milker.- of all como e lies. TM> lanko, wer Sl'VI'STY ItllillKsT Pitt:- < MiUMs unaided ili' in wullin II lew A'ouvs. 'IVs 11* ie i niioiiiiiis I'rmii iii.iie tli.-.n throe hundred nilhi1most i. jtroipiiieitl linislehiii- iii itu- country IheVn lustre- r. m. in-MO iuii'i|iialh'il (ire piilli-he 1 in (ho elreulniH ¡o ol' Slii.-nii A iliiinliii. ,. ' ili.-efve I li-il .U-ah-i'.- ni ne- i ul iii-tinriienl ' are -,. >trvmgl\ ieiii|iieU ifi iiiniiirii't a.-.i ipial lo the luv-i. ¡ mi A filch i!.. .\ ejni m.ik.i lliii lai'g* e.-1 pindi, ll..- i.. ..i Mi ,vi H. aré fixed amt in- 'vMi .ii ..? I LI e¡iliiol a Ho) il Un- litigó i'.i-i'ullllls e malle lo niniiiiíactnrcrs ni' ititVilor work, nhill) ol' 0 j win nh ¿eil m .tn io .'. jier cont tit-count. v M Un- po «?- .o which they Míe -i, 1,1. Un- M ti.MW A .- Hamlin Organ« MO ellc\i -I Iii Le ma ótll) lin- l.-.»( ? hill the eheape.-l Iiisli lllijcills ol' ¿heir ebbs, semi loy M . Uvular, willi |inrin uhlis lo MASON ,V HAM. r KIN. c .'vr. ia i;i'!v. O \. y., m Tremont st., Itnstoti. ' j an. ls I mn. William Maséti & E. S. Hoally'.s New Method 1 for thu Piaaoforto- Alii- eo M -i-eond ciliilon ol'itiiü nevi Work rca <b iiii.l neall; In ailvanec. I- is \ww In uieilioit amt I mill I er. laiiliraeiiii.'iimili rn exercises a ml ixpiail I rn- uni he.i». I.ii'orc |.o--ente I. willie hs seteetion ol . líxcivise-, Kc'icalton-, ami iMeccs' mostly iVom eoiiijinscrs ni' rceotíni/.cil cinineiiee, is untoually la Mini v erv el,nice. This js the lir i iiistriictimi liook io hicliiilc Hie 1 léehiilcnls i.r iiaiili'rn |iíannrortc |ilayíiiK' ílá-i a jj tull elneiiiallon unit illii-ilration of Mr. Mason's new Syslciii Veeciiiual l'icalincnl nf Kxcietscs, hy ivhieli Uno ot lon ni tin' pupil is almost eoiitpcllcil ami .'Miele-- pr.-ieii.-c i- lomleriMl nearly hnpossihlc, ulule ni.| oui'. Hie,Kui ;il.«o (ho mimi, tail ii ami arti-ti'- lierçcpllpn.s MIC i-nlilyate.) ami traiiitat li is eiiiinently a pra. liral ion k'the rcsuli ol'loni! aiul morl siiei i'ssl'iil experience in ila1 a.anal Im.-i- ii.'-- ni' pianot'ortc Icaciiliij;- li ts carefully pro. in i" o >.. ven clear amt pcispieiious .-nul lull in in l.\pl;iiiatl<nii- ami nu celions, illiistraleil hy cuis amt illairranis, ami i-. a.lapleil m tltó nsO of yonnji l.e^in mi- as well M-"I lin'-i- vilio hit viv linnie prog ri'.-,:, 34o pp. lar,.;.- -ll... Plier T-J. I'M II nliiions nr.- pun- hslieili one willi A vi 1.1;K A \ ¡uni one with Kl'lto- PICAN KIN<ita:iN(.. ( arc should taken to dr- siifiiaio whii-li i-vi ;inicil. Piihlislitid liv VIA-.IN bib »Tl I Kits, öfö, Ih'OiUlwny, New York. M.v^.iN A HAMLIN, ici 'I'lcnioiU St. ttoslon. ll KOW N'S ll Up X 0\ HAL TROCI IKS, Having ii ilir.aa Iniliiciicc lo thc pai l, give iiuincdi jaie relui", foi: UliOXCIII I IS, ASTHMA, C'A IA HUH lov.MMiivi Tinto vc hisi.Asrs, Troelius tiru Uscit willi alway- |{óoit success; SiN.;r.i:s VNii IM lll.lf: Si'r.AKiaiS lisp ihem lo clear and sli'ctiiithcn the \ oleo, Om viv ,.iily .. miovv.s's lllibMCillAt. 't'noi lies,' ami <lo aol lake anv oi'lliii Woiirin.kS.S KMi l ATIoS thal univ in- oil'oicil. Sol.ii ICviuiYWUi:«!:. GET THE BEST ! P1UNCE & COAS j PATENT MEL0DG0N8. AUTOMATIO ORGANS. and St'HOOE ORO ANS. iioin\ TiiorsANi) Sow IN rsi: KVKKV iNSTItKMUNT W A lilt VN I i'Oll Kl VI. V KA ICS TH F B li S T F A F FR ion rm: I A M i KY. po ii Tin: i A KM, von TIIK OAKDEN, non futí HOYS AND iiuti.s T 11 I : A AI !.: li 1 CA N ACHI C ULTU Ri ST, j CON TAINS .'IS TO ll) FAUOK PAOKS, AM. IS »E.\t'Ttl'i;l.bV 11,1.1 KTll.Vri'.l). TI.U.MS : 1 àb a year : 1 copies, $f> ; 10 copies, $12; 20 copies, tu- more, 81 each. TRY IT A Y E AR. OH ANO H JUDD fi CO., 1'iibb:leis 2-Í6 broadway, New York,

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iw m»MUT- «ln's.'U>*''nU,w"

tfhc iiumhi li urti.Th i Children.

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And 'i

iiHfitl po« n i itloh VA

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I lliii* n«

dt»*.* M

, - >oi.-> mid Pdo ni'ii nil ended,v". .'. Ihr day I- dl-ùiUssyd'

,1....v gnthrr around me,a .'. Igid and iu« hissed:

I,. v\hl|c urah" «iii« «nudit'líiin .« balder ondhnce !

ih-b nvo huh»« oí he»veinisldne of love du my fa**'

\iiil »< !.. thea, nv M»>«M» . sh dreaming« i, his . .nldliiHith too lovely l<» liu-t ¡

,.. i.ive' tliai niy heart witt ronudnber,Wi en tl nukes to the poise of Hi* \*&** .

, ;, , ... .. wovt I ¡bul tts wickedness made mo\ , iviuev oí sorrow (Mut .-lo !

\\ ;.. u thc ti'.-'-.v of «.«>d wits about mc.

iii.) fi" e.owy of a'.ndne c- within.

v ,>, i-iy heart grows as weak u- « woman'*.Wit IMO LHIiiliiins of Owling wt"

\Vhcn I ihhik of th* |Mi<ltf s<**i> ibu« "t..ny.WI cry Hie :,'< 1 *'f 1,1,1 <h"..v biics must xo :

Ot tt»V mnunl Hus of stn himuiiig o'er them,Of thc tchnmsi ot r-.f Mowing wild;

iih ! Hiern ls noHi.tiig on enrHi hnlf^o hol>\ S V'O- mi.ys" ?.

¡nsI «





I'hi .U-'- nftiCfutM^ol.-i tiou-eiiotda;v,H.v o-i.n.;-i-.o.';oc'";,:t:

,. V.. stinsiyM»»liu'ja tiiu liiciims in theil",eyer.

V,id riv»- »'c'. n >vt.

r,c Kingdom of « m a child.

, not » nfc for tho deny o.i*«

mu Hud Hie cmy have.hud en. wm

?SS^'IUiCVomys.H.< .i nr.iyi«'i?il;",m.VfHat « i inner must pray fe»' hUnso.lf.

.nictw^i--..c:xsUv in ndcdl hiivo hiudshëd thovuloiiml Uu

, ,;v0 t¡.u,iu nw « ; : ;.i hcv hivve tnvijîht me the goodin

Mvheftii ls .. dungeon ofdutkne^.Where 1 KW* íor hríiodUR * « UM

.: .t.». is íuftielout vorrceticn;'

My love - thc th« ol'Um school.' -i ii uve thc MùVonèe in ihn nutumn,To tVftversi on-. .-H<>\.\ «o morisi!.? hon 1 shall slc.h loi Hie .lour nr.os.Tliilt in, <-t mo > ai li mci ii nt (ho doOi !

1 ¿indi oms th.- ''gnoil nights" ami «»..> HiáaySAa.I ltu' íiii«n of their innocent gt**;¡J ho sr UU' ci. »,!.. ci. cn ¡oíd th» ihiworel'tmt ure hr >ti.,»,t ovory i.iovnin;? to «.*».

5 shall miss ihoin Rt tiU vo mid nt ( v.min«,Vhi'lr song hi tho school .uni Hie -Oreel;

I shao.,viss di* W»w lum» oítUslr voices.Abd lui .- iüi|i nf their deliCill» feet.

W i a Hie les- .s tasks ure »11 elided,{n i .1- lilli -ay rho seiniol i- dlHihlhSe l '.M iiy Hie '.-.Mle om s wu..... mound n

bid tn hight a. kls «od

Thanksgiving.M \i:v -'J l'.:\l'.U-.i:ivir,}f day- tl'.anh..^,

iii'j mcaim yivii'.^ thanks. What loI wondei'. lind why bfie dav in Ute yetinore 'lum any oilier day: it don't se.

t bo liait . ither. 1 iW.llVt sec tiuytnugiving thaidv. it's luu ina coinptnv . .'"'

a good tillie, and lots of j-oe»' ">h>gs Iélit. Why .h> wc keep thaiilisgiiinj!A >.'.. .'

AMV-I doa'1. A ; 1 dover thoughnhont it.

Ni via -I asked ilohhlthS and jic -.aj,;it »ns :i Yankee invetiP-'ii.

VMY-I -ioa't l||i»k 1 kl).cv u lmt llid

M ,\in --11- n't he stupid^ Vou've heiiidbf iho Yvhkee.s, smc: (jneer people (hatli.'-; ; >va\' down K'isit ; but herb -, -.he knows every tiling,' she'lljell "

KANN» - Tell you \vln»À?MAICV- Winn «hi-.-lay is for, why wpkci|ji it: did (|u. Vanhoes gel ii np?KANNY--I sltbiiliiii'i wondeth tiiev "g«".''If' '""^ lii'''>d>' : hilt why do you cad ThoNew Knaiamh-rs Yank-ms?

^ÍAia-Ih canv'- tin.-ir name ain'th ? how did (hoy eet siteh a name:-' jFANNY-Wheh the Kholijih tir-a enuteto tills country, thc 1 batts couhhrt^¡.cak thc word plainly, ami culled then)!.' Yan-, s .," and it got changed a, words !V'ill iii Yanliccs.M utY-~tiiey didn't ca!l ail th,- l'a,-.-.

I-ANNY-No. Those in Virginia and inthc Southern states (hui wore settled j}?-1' 'ni lia- same num. they called - í;bh¿ |K.dte-." I suppose ibu.- w.-is a differ. \ \eiii'o in dross! tind liinboeis lh-0 tl... I.. ('dians saw. "

M A nv- If they were ali Kilglish peo- a

plo, why should there lie a fl life renee: '

FANNY- lt wouhl bc loo long a idbryto tell yoii. Thc people who settled inNi ts Kiigland couldn't stay at home inta. oki coilntry, and wôrshijp lind in timway they thfiitgiii righi ; Ihoy were, most /

. .* lt«i)f them, very religious and very strict, «¿o o¡

tlltit they uciv called " I'tiritan.-." their *lives wcic so pate, and I sajiposc (hey Uwere r'atlièr still', ¡uni dressed plainly, v'

btji they were an-l nobie lor ahthat. ti'M Ai; i-And thc others, wasn't they s,.

a" xiii people ? 'h.FANNY--Some of them were, no doubt, mlit they came Itel o for tidventiirc, or to ^°

-a t rich, a- d other reasons, ev.MAKY- Ain't the Yankees awful mean',it's: rilVi il VS .said so.

AiFANNY-Weil, a nail mean Yankee is >>'.lt!UK it cr« .rbi in t

a Und angel is worse a great deni thanl»\d man.

AMY-You haven't told us about

Ihuiksgivinsi.FANNY -You ashed mr so many quós-ms I Couldn'í. and to make you undcr-an I, i must £<> bach to thc time whenie I'ilgrltns ll i's ( cante lier*- in 1020. ltns in December, timi latter cold. 1

link the winters used to he colder than

toy are now. MY ern lid I at her lolls oileep snow, and snob ooh! hs 1 never


M Ain r-vN hy ls it :

FANNY-O, you couldn't understand t

Iteré are changes going on in this wOrldX ours Ulai may make Changes ia the

Inhale, hut tibs wa- a terrible winier.

Vhen the Pilgrim Kathevs landed at Fly-nmith they nunihered ono hundred und

med but they snhoi ed so. that in fournonth.s half of them died, and onlv sixir seven were able lo wait on (he rest :

n_e:,.h..» \U.,v ...d.v I..OJW..I lo rt«!

jr ..: ihev hail, and for lour.oars they had dreadful times; lt" if nan

aol l eon fbi' tho Indians 1 hov would have-tarse I: Ihe il, when Illings heyan lo yoon nicely, die Indiana got ugly andplaguedthrin every way. and at last goltogether luid ;. >y?h' danoo, and agreedto kill bl tho Knylish. Some of thefricihlly)hdiahs told tho white men of it.and Ihej ai! joined ami foitghi Hie In¬dians ad got .-ueh a victory over them(that thiel men didn't trouble thom a-

lyain h a youd many years; timi was

jpallcd ic Pequo'l ivar, and there was

never twequod left to light ayain. ,

h vvjV/ ter this \vhch they I ell safe at

rest, ai that tiio Governors th' all thoNew lvland Slates made a lYociama-Uon buhe people to have a grandThahl\4'h»g¿ It was in 11137,and thatwas tUflist Thnnk-yis lng. The next\e»i die kept i: in Ute fall after Ure

jliarit'st jts gathered in. and it has liooi)?the ,v/N^iii for every year since ; famebes \^ wore seatlered. caine togètliOlOh thap..v> sotiieibnes from a hundredmiles ti y. jrriod things were sent toali fhOW people, so that ail could.have a taiksyi viny. AIWhys in the1 morning,y v ,.," ibclptiéh, then Immeto cat (/Wandest dinner «d' all ilayear. YU ;v ,¡:IV of,j0y and pclhdllCSsjI and tie ,,". it |lm, itUked of il

... .days l)i\J¡| e'tiiie.M.MiXi.t if f,". cusdom is tiudrs.

why dohnd all tho Su,tes keep thoday to,.

l'\vx\4eeause the New ICnglahdersIhlV'O .i ,e\evy w lui e. in every town;

all <uv.,/hf.ld you Will ItliÓ UlCU), tllON'.airy t!jwith tlliiiltiehi

leint try and flu' ways of hobieami wherever they go they

le people around the in.

A.Mv-'nt those old i'llgl'lih Fa'.i.ei-ka\ i' bedehd tiles,- ever so many years.

F.\\--T!m Pilgrim spirit is not

dead-.A;..IV.* Ii> iióhh brórtO UghP

¡iel ii wa testes tin- tt.e.,1 .

<J (Itu vleriuu- ,1, a.1.,Wi tho slliihi shh*«* cy nv.'lo.

íj'áii'ÍK . t'."- l>e«lAlió One. e wile lue. Lté.'...IHal K''iir<l their iee-huiuut .shore.'I the wt'vés hf I lie bayiér< Ile- Mnytlovver lay

sj: fouiit anil freeze no more."

Unqutióhnbly tho best sustainedworbf tho kind ni tho World."

HAflPEB NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE.« "It t J At. N-'ll'l> ol VIII. PU uss :

'Plie list populär Monthly ia the world;\r>r y,,, (,'.*, yo r.

Ul ! leter ia |.M-Iie ot euloyy p> (pchigh t..i rind varied eMadlono; s (if ll A lt-''hp's Si.'iA/IXl a j. ni in :i 1 with a monthlyeii'etilatU] ofalmtu 17<hh00oopm in whosel|'|.!iy* ar pi lie fotiibl s'oino Cf tho elipiOesIligltil aiiileeiieral reading nf tim day. \Vespeiik of in's hhrk asa;. evhloitcO of (In- eui-:m-- ol til Aime i. aa IV-Oplot and Ile- p,?pu¬ai ay ii ||,. ¡\eirjuireii is ihorited. K'aoli Xuin-'" ." . onta'tis fully I 11 paire- of readiny matlei', ftjip.ópri.-tteiy iihi-t ratel with youdtyped-t'llp ; aad it combines in itselfthe raibymuilley aa,I the m,ne philosophie;) 1 (plaiter-y. blended « ii h th-- hep teu t it tc s nf the dal-y journal, lt lias groat pow,ria tho dissentnation nfii ihve ,,r inna- m.-,- t...... i'm i.o.i.-s .f...... ie .\}"<ririn IA!- r tinr,\ tibuHoH.-d.Wia;-t;.7iai'i,;h,ee:, pVe^Veie-ii;,.',;.,,:,.,tl taste, inn,idiiny a varie y of i,),',.nd m-trneiive reading fm- alT- ji/mb, //is

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ll lists :

Il A Kp; lm \i .so S/iNT. one \ . s l 00.An lisna i',.j,y oil!,, ,- ,j( M ,.i;v/IN,-i-.KKl.v. ,.. b.t/vu will i ,. - nj .j .i ¡. ¡;»''.v ( h.!, m ii;.. SuhM-rllieiJ;,"1;""' i" 111111 111, i : P,' ms C. pies , ipi jons ,., II'.* M \ i, v/bsiIfKKJ v. a n.I UAzxif. n. om' address mi ,',",?.ar. $10 (H>;or (woof Hát-pOi'.. Peri,,.Healsone adih e s lui ,,| ,. yeal .S" MI(lack NutiilihCs eau' he mpplhvi at ans

A ( lauph ;, Se , now .tipii-;:, , | Jlil f v.sen \ olimi, s. m m at blhdinii ss illstan hy exp,. .... tvejuht a. éxpenseof ii ir-laser. Ku- sj -.p, ,".,. volume, shhde\0Uiles, ny hitbh postpaid,.^.'Hift, ('loth ea or hiii.hny. .> omits. In mail. pov,,,;,i(j'J io postaye "" Harp, , -- M;i,;i/ill(. ,s ..,ms a year, ivliw), m".M |n. pÁlil :p the«PieI- - pOs|-o|l¡(.(.,>iih---rii.poi,. iVhin p,¡i, ¡, S'oni,.mr,..;, I'.'.Vin- es "",p |". ¡lOotMiipanlOtl-; .,, prepay h.hed'- - I"' '-op Aiklre--ki -, KI'f'K .. i:ic. -; j j : ii s . lv ,

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Tli" MOOKI, NI AV-I-AIÍU Of bur romilly-.omph'lo in nil Mic ilcnavlincuts ol'an Amer-ioan KiinlUv pilpol-ll VKI'i n's « I.I KI v hasnrnoil lorltSoW'H li Li lit l<> Iti lill«'. "A Jour-

i,al oil i\)li/a'i"ti."' .V. > York' />'"'»'.I .'<?>'?Our finnie historians will elli loll tl.isi'lvosout ot lliirpcr'-s Wci'Uly loiij» atna xviii ors.:U"1 |iriiiter:'. iiiiil publisher;* aro turned i<'du-t.- A'- ic York- Uro>>{)(list.

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eoj./b'i /,.?/? /.. o. Itcljfw r.Cntit ll hiing, anoint iillbr illino-, ihl.1 \¡.ino-.Naturi' uf P.u-iiio-.. V|ii« i| ip| bi" 'li pi tili. I'i-biincial Sii\üiiiug th ul llutiug us (.'rialliid* i vcr

'Y O O , O O Oiriiu'ipul iniicbani.s, irt]

ia "«..lo- ".ni;.lillOtlil'lll - ¡li ol

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Ilillimuí - 'tiletlb'i - ¡il 'i^liui

Ihi'ir lerrlbUii-I. IÇS.. im II «' o", o -.. .... ^niTiiiio.-os bl' \ .rill .Vim in a ; and cinbi'a>lina ¡lu ni"-', i...,- .'-'iii iii loi iiiilt'i'ili .itiain-uhh abd lo i. --ai.« i" Ci i ¡i I ib- ¡hi' lio).-liant¡u a-' .alain at .i uíai-o. lin < apíiab I lao:;.tell aad I io j re,- i. .Iii of snob ol' ho .

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Now Railway Wowspàpor Pres;Witt, li i . i>>" lally UOSIJUUMI lo supply SOM S|MI|HMot"ni".!< i .lt'" «iiTol »I'..«II willi ll plain lilli s.M-vi.oal.liMMNTtNti MAI HIM ano .MI.' r.-.pai.l. "I 'loi";¡..i-,.. ,ion WtUtK nfevery licseriiuion. li omi li

'run... .li} !.> oiur mini ut .'i speed ul'Sti'i im | - i« >n¡...i |i vu ¡Uní li\ stèaiii ivlii Kbit" liiû-pir l.tïvK» periioitwiilioiil ri.liji'«ty jar» lt biíóii|ili»s .spaeCol' :> l-t! ivfiait, illili r.Úi l.«i iv.irkoií ill a room seven ll'Ot lil.nlW i iijlu. t ..\.-1. :> I'M poiunl .. l'iiéir Sbilíie i.iir»i

(.ft. Illllli'VrLand tíhntníg Maoliino,i lr i titi y Po.'*-, ls also a «'«»ivenleiit aml iluruMl'rllliiilj; Marilin.', rapal.lo .il' ilblnj; Hui inliik .».'; '«n i.iii.'v. Iii- itçsl^iieil tb rah I.liaml al a sp.v.l ofKso pr«' in,nr. Knelt ii)arhii|i' i«Vibrettttal, ami will II »I Aili io give i'iulr sall-in Hon.

\". .. iiiainiia.'inrv ultnosi livery arlieló r. .(inn .1 iiiKeller I'ri'fs. I.itlnniriipliir, or « ?.;.)>. r i ?titiPi luting ll«>«ik-Ulalling, i:i«-rttot\pinn íúul Üfl«'*' "?' i'lli.ií. .uni bimbil ..Hitit- .'...n|il.-l- iib' i'íb'li\Vi' tvotiM ivill idli'iition bi ..uv serlioiial -irriv il) pe lllo.'l.-, M. liai.i.'.tl l'al. nl billVi'i.«Hr;.-. N«-\\ Coillpbsltors, Slaiuls, CnIiilili s'?l ino, .;. -i.s'u-, ami all si/os, SiaiuliliDr liiilloys, l'au n:'Uot P.o.lkins, Printers' Knives, Ar., ulanli ri in j; uii.l I \ ¡.I'our ..wu impon.i lion, muí ina.I..'xpivssh Cor oui' Si'ivspapor iunl ('yluuU'i' PrininiV milito--.

i in .I. tail fliriii-iio.t. A iii-w Cat¬alogue, eohtniiting «.'lit- ami ilo.-rrlpti. of maninow mu.'lim.'-, ma l..-t' -In.wu in Hi.-ir Look, willlin-.'tion- i..i pnltin-.'. '..?>. working, Ar., anil ollu-iti-, lui inlVmnntinn, i ju roiliphîr.l ami ran Ur lia..',; nppliriilioU. li. Mi il-; .v ( it.-

Nrvv York, ami lioi-tbii. M:o-I * Oiil.ti-'n.-r- oi N.-w-papir- uro al lili.-m t.ia-, i di- ¡nil ri H-rnn ni, ilisplavoil ns nliove, Huritmn - ni lin n- Weekly Cap. r willi tills noil*, hut lioln Uh .ill. any lon. pow..ti- lo .Ir.uuury, IS'.-I, hui

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