christmas, f. a. -...

^á^^ Of t M tsaeh.r, io thia U«w*. We-e^bi*«, ip hal». possesses tnt oUsl «apeeUttes a* » teacher, »nd, bu b*»D «tt«ecMf«i » marked degree ia that eoonexten. .. * r''Äy .' \ 't , 'i. ^'ti..»><¿>- ' i- ¿saT* Our mdfjrt«r* referred io the announce¬ ment, ia pro»«, mud poetry of Mr. Jtímxrj» N. SPAM«. He in rite« the Hob and tba phar, to »lilt bil «tore, M he ls »roll preparad to eau. to their wanta, herin« i-eedved a large , ead wall snorted stock cf Grocorles and Family Sappllea. Alto a variety of Toy« And Ooo feo tl one ry for the Hdldeye, ' - j { r-?*»e>t»i f*~ A poetleal writer ha« adrea ibo mystery that Caldwell'« RooU »pd Shoes, eaanot be ex. celled in quality and price. Bead the poetleal advertisement ia to-day '«paper, .end give him a call, and Judge for yourselves. His Shoes aro o { the best quality, «od «old at reasonable prices. D«Uuqeut Tax Payer» Will observe the notion of Mr. T. J. Cog HI. AW, County Treasurer, In thia. ISafté, and pay up. saood Illings ait n«ye»vlll«. Be sore to read the advertisement of Ur. J F. BLsan. nf Msy^Tnio, io tbib Isawe. He has a floe variety, »nd awong all the rest, a host of goods things for Christmas. Wo ¿eke pleasure In commending this establishment to liberal patronage. _ ..-.» .«.«a».»-;- Stone Sc ivxurray»« «Ureas «nd Trained. Aiilm«|a Combined, Will exhibit hore on Friday, the 9th last. They have received favorable notices from the press wherever they, have exhibited and have eleotrifled Immense audiences by their intrepidity and skill. Sale* Day. Many people were in town on Monday last, ead mueb real estate changed hands. Tba following tracts of the Cololough Kata to were sold at the priées earned s Trae) No. ], 737 «eres, sold at $5 00. Tract No. S, 868 aeres, sold at $8 60. Treat No. 4, 360 aeres, sold at $2 60. Tract No. 6, 686 acres, sold at $6 00. Traet Ne. Ö, 608 aerea, sold et (6 00. Tract No. 7, 623 aerea, sold at $6 00. 842 aores, sold at te* 00. mr ««onie. At a regular Communication of Claremont Lodge, No,, di, A.VFV M.'. held Thursday December 1, 1870, tb« following officers were elected far the ensuing Masonic year« Bro. T. V. WALCH,..W. M. W. J. PRINGLE.S. W. JOS. M. WILDER,.J. W. R. W. DURANT.Tressurer. M. C. WILLIS .Secretary. W. H. OIRARDKAU.S. D. R. M. JONES.M.J. D. A. M. CORBETT, I Steward.- D. B0BKRT8ON, Jötewaras E. C. GREEN, ) J. H. TERRY, V... .Charity Committee. R. W. DURANT, j ' At a Regular Communication of Sumter Lodge No. 120, A.*. F.*. M.*. held Monday evening December 5th, tho following offlcors were elected for the enauing Manaonio year t Bro. J. B. ROACH, (re-elected). \V.'. M.* Sro. M.G. RYTTBNBERO.8.-. W\ rei J. 8. TOUCHBERBY,.J.". W.\ Bro. B. R. NASH.Treasurer. Bro. W. H. CUTTINO, P.*. M.'.Secretary. Bro. T. M. DaLOKMB, P.-. M.*.....S.% D.- Bro. 0. F. BULTMAN,....-J.*. D. . If you want to buy Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Bags, 8atoheIs, Collars, Harnea, Chains, Riding-brldlea, Martingales, Whips, Spurs, Curry-combs, Horse brushes, Feather- brushes, Axle-grease, Oil, Leather, Saddlery Hardware, and all Goods kept in a first class Ssddlery Establishment, call at J. S. Tofu AW A Co.'«., No. 8 South Front St. Wilmington, N. O The Rural Carolinian Por December Filled with in lei eating and Instructive reading matter, abd beautifully illustrated, this favorite Southern agricultural magasine is once more wsloome to our desk. Its eontenls are more varied and yet of more uniform value and inter¬ est thsn, porhaps, any other magasine of a simi¬ lar dais. We notice in this numbera valuable communication from Bolivia, another from Eng- land, and on acknowledgment of courtesies ro" ceived from the British Cotton Agentin the Bast Indies, all showing that the Magasine ie read and appreciated in those far dictant auatters of th« globe. Its immediate home interest is how¬ ever, its principal attraction, and Its accurate in¬ formation in regard totbe agricultural affairs of the Southern United States, and its speelal de votlon to these, is the cause of its importance to the foreign reader. From Virginia to Texas and Arkansas its subscribers and voluntary contri¬ butors keep if well posted, while its editor and his able corps of assistants display the greatest tact, as well the moat extenaive information, in their varioua departments. The Rural ls entirely worthy of the wonderful succès ss which it has aohleved, and we think that lt ahrnld be in the banda of every farmer in the South. We want each others' coop«ration, and to obtain this it Is necessary to know what we are eaoh doing, and this can only be accomplished bv all reading and all contributing their information to such a periodical as The Rural Carolinian. Our modern courso of living begets a condi¬ tion of the body that reoalres occasional relief. The system becomes enfolded, deranged, dogged, aud lahore In lt« track. The mind sympathizes with lt, and both sink or ore depresaod together, To restore tbe vital enérgica, purge the system- «leane the Mood-take Ayer's Pill«. (Glasgow Ky.).Fr«« Press._t ' "No «en despise physic so muoh as physicians, because no men so thoroughly understand how little lt caa parform," waa the saying of a man reputed by thé world to be wise. Whether this he true, or not, lt is an Indisputable feet that the uso of the "Old Carolina Pitiers" Is a sure remedy for dyspepsia, and tbo train of diseases incident to living In A malarious el.uftSte. Winsman's Oryst«lli«dfWorm Candy never fall« I KuooEisruL SootHteaa ENTKRPHIHK.-Of many new Southern enterprises which have bren un¬ dertaken slnoe. the war,, dene have met with greeter or more deserved «ocoe s s than tb« door,, saab and hilad manufactory af Mr. P. P. Toalo, in Chatlsiten, 8/ C. By bard work, indomitable energy end liberal adv«ftl»Ing, Mr. Tosje ha« In three yeera outstripped all composion and *^Jlt^B_<^?Mg«»tst>iT^ Dec No u»>«*°«-^r*/) «ot irish to Inform yon, reader, that Dr. Won&rful,**$g$, other men, bas discovered a remedy that earea all diseases of mind, body or estate, and ls designed to mah» oar sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to whioh Heaven itself shall he but a side show, but we do wish te inform you that Dr. Sage'* Catarrh Remedy baa cured thoeaands of tire* of Catarrh la lu worst forms and «lagen, And the proprietor will pey ted* for a eaac or this loath- seme disease whioh he cannot cere. It may be procured of druggists er hy mell for sixty senti, from R. V. Piero* M. D,,; Loffoio, fi. YT A psmphlel sent/rep. ';iU" *A$&\¥¡¡lK '8uivnvQ*-$« Val« itf TARN BY TUE BALK-6l,96e. íer bw.ihV jj intew Yong s^frwy ttfewgfj ' COTTON »»i. ' ' ; - J- GOLD 1U|. "V v-I-r <? ? ..-MffÁ^H LATEST QUOTATIONS OF SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN. CI1ART,B8T0N» & QH A, C . K AU F MAN Banker <fe Broker, No 26 .ffroa«* /SW*. NOV. 36, 1870. STAT« BBCDHITIM-South Carolina, old, 86@ °°@71UeW' 71;®~ d°' r**Uid ,tock» °< lnt CITT 8BOOBITIBB-Augusta, Qa: Bonds, -@ 76; Gbairlaatoo, 8. C. Stook, (ex qr int) do, Fire Loan Bunda, - @66; Columbia, 8. C Beads, -@60. RAILROAD Beana-Blaé Ridge, (first mortgage) -<<fc60; Charleaton and Savannah, -@9o Charlotte, Columbia »nd Augusta, -@8S¡ Choraw «oJ Darlington, -82; Greenville end Columbia, (lat mort) - @86; do, (State guar¬ antee) 05@-; Northeastern,-©87; Sevan, nab and Charleston, ( let mort) -78; do,(State guarantee) -@69; South Carolina, -@73; de, 69 ; Spartanburg and Union, -@66. RAILROAD STOCKS-Charlotte, Columbia and Angdata,-@40; Oreen vlllo and Columbia. - (5)2 ; Northeasters, @ ÎG; Savannah and Charlea, ton, -@36; South Carolina, (whola abares) @ il ; do, (halfdo) - @19J. Exe H A HOB, Ac-New York Sight, 4 off par : Gold, llOfailS; Stirer, ICS.® abura CAROLINA BANK DILLB. .Bank of Charleaton.".., *Bank of Newberry...... Bank of Camden................80 Bank vf Georgetown.07 Bank of South Carolina. 8 Bank of Cheater. 8 Bank of Hamburg .,"......7 Bank of State of d. C. prior to 1R6M.........46 Bank of State of 8.0. iaaue 1861 and 1862 30 . Pl an tere' and Mechanics' Rank ofCharles- ton..,. .People's Bank of Charleston....,-,... "Union Bank of Charleston., .Southwestern R R Bank of Charleston, - (old).- .Southwestern R R Bank of Charleston, - (new) ........ ....- Farmers' and Bxohange Bank of Charles- ton. 2 Exchange Bank of Columbia.......7 Merchants' Bank of Cheraw. 8 Plantera'Bank of Fairfield .6 State of South Carolina Billa Receivable...95. City of Charleston Change Bills.96. .Bills marked thoa (») are being redeemed at the Bank Countera of each. Jan 12 ly SP KCl AL NOTICES. Pain is suppôt ed io be the lot of us poor mor¬ tals, aa inevitable aa death itself and liable at any time to come upon ua. Therefore it ia im¬ portant that remedial agenta ahould be at band to bo used on an emergency, when the seminal principle lodged in the system shall develnpe itaelf, and wo feel the excruciating agoniea of pain, or tho depressing influence of disease.- Sueh a remedial agent exists in the PAIN KILLBB, whose fame baa made the circuit of the globe.- Amid the eternal Ieee of the porlor regions or beneath the intolerable and burning ann of the tropics, its virtues are known and appreoiated. Under all latitudes, from the one extreme to the other, suffering humanity has found relief from many of ita illa by Ita use. The wide and broad area over whioh thia medicine baa spread, »nests ita value and poteney. From a small beginning, the Pain Killer has puahed gradually along, making ita own highway, solely by Its virtues. Suob unexamp'vl aucveaa and popularity baa brought others into the field, who have attempted, un dor similarity of name, to usurp the confidence of the people and turn it to their own selfishness and dishonesty, but their efforts have proved fruitless, while the Pain Killer is still growing in public favor._ Deo. Tba Great Pictorial Annual, Hoatotter'a United Stairs Almanac for 1871, for distribution grutiê, throughout tba United States, and all civilised countries of the Western Hemis¬ phere, will be published about the first of January, and all who wish to understand the true philoso¬ phy of health ahould read and ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admir¬ able medical treatise on the causes, proven Hon and eure of n great variety of di souses, lt embraces a large amount of information interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the tuiner, the farmer, tlje planter, and prufeasional man; and the calcu¬ lations have been made for auoh meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a correct and comprehensivo NATIONAL CALBNBKB. The natara, uaea, and extraordinary sanitary effects of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonio and alterative of more than half of the Chris¬ tian world, are fully set forth in Ita pages, whieb are also Interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for the household and farm, hu¬ morous anecdotes and other instructive and amus¬ ing reading matter, original and selected. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and may be hud f»r tho ns*/ny. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostet ter A Smith, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by ínaifto any person who cannot procure one In bia neighbor* hood. The bitters are sold in every etty, town and v¡Ungo, and are extensively used throughout the entire civilixed world. li rr ore ofYouth, A GENTLEMAN who Buttered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the offsets of youthful indlsorition, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free ta all who need it the reeeipe and direction for making the aim- pie remedy by which he waa eured. Suffers wishing lo profit by the advertiser's experience can do 80 by addressing, tn perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar Street, New.York! Dee 7-ly _; narriage Outde-Kvery One Mia Own Doctor* A privat» instructor for married persons or those about to be married, both male and fe* male, In everything concerning the physiology and relations of our sexual system, and 1,10 pro¬ duction and prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never-befnre given in tba English language, by WM; YOUNG, M. D.- Thia la really a valuable and Interesting work. It ls written in plain language for the general reader, gad it illustrated w ¡th nntnoroua en¬ gravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having tba least Impediment to married life, ahould read this book.. It discloses secrets that avery one sbould ba acquainted with ; still (t ls a book that must be looked ap aod not lie about the bottai. It «hil be sent to any addrsas on receipt of 66 tents - Address Da. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 ßprnoo Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. No v 23 6m .??I""1 t. H ? tl To t onaura pt. vee. , | The advertiser, having been permanen tl y eured oftbat dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, la anxious to make known to bia fellow sufferers the moans of dare. To all Who desire lt, be will send a cony of the prescription used (tree of charge), with the direction* for preparing and using the sans, whieh they will find a sure eur«for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, to. Parties wishing the prescription will please address ,> ., fl Ref. RD WARD A. WILSON. 166 South Second Street, Williamsburg, N. V. Dea 7-1¿ :\." *V .?.»..>..:" .".v> ?..>:/,>'....!** ri ... STOINTD ât MITHRA Y The O0II0B8U8 of Exhibitions f Neto Designs L Amuse I ,, ****1«m Ttl^ifaeaHwg «Mit » FRESH SENSATION FOR 1870. WILL EXHIBIT IN .. f Sumter, Friday Deoember 9th. EXTRA ATTRACTION I Har SohroTs Trained Wild Baaste t will baex- blbitad conjointly with the Circus Performances, without additional charge. Harr 8obroff, tb« Great Lion Hunter, will enter the Den of Lions : giving an exciting and Thrilling Performance with these Ferocious animals of the Forrest, ex* amplifying the immense poteney that Man wields over the Brute Creation. Tko OpuUm Resource! of Superb Cent rai lizat ion of Arenle Talent« To delight and amóse are of a abarse ter quite uaw tn this oountry The Exhibitions this sc son will ba enriched »ad adorned by Performers Inimitable io their speelalrobas t and the splendor of the Entertainments will be enhanced by «vary accessory requisite to make them elegant in style and finish, and magnificent in their general obaraoter. The great variety of celebrated Performers In this Troupe is potent to sustain the elevated standard of excellence acquired by this popular! Circos. A perusal of the annexed list of famous Actors will serve of palpable evidences to confirm the promise, that the attained eminence and conspic¬ uous superiority of Stone A Hurray's Circus will be amply maintained this season. Behold the Attractions I EXHIBITIONS WILL BB GIVEN AFTER. NOON ANO NIGHT, Commencing at.S and 7) o,clock. Doors open ono hour provious. Admission.76 cts. Children unde4 10 years........60 eta. GRAND STREBTrAGENT! Precoded by the Elegant Band Chariot, contain, lng Prof. 0. P. Perry's famed Orchestra, Drawn by Sixteen Horses I Managed by the great Maitre du Cheval, Mons. J. li. Paul. This rare sight will bo olrcum vested with too many wonders to be minutely described in the limits of a news* paper advertisement t therefore, the reader ls refer ed to the Parade itself for particulars. The second frc« Exhibition will be a marvelous display of human intrepidity. UP IN THE AIR I By the daring Funambulist, Madelle Jeanette Blister, who will Walk from the Ground to the Apex of Circus Pavillion, and return, on a Slender rYlroI Thia startling Gratuitous Per¬ formance of Consummate Dering will toke place at 1 o'clock, P. M., and the unique nature of the Feat cannot fail to command the attention of the eltisensof this vicinity. For details of these Dual Sensations, see the! varions Pictorial Descriptive Bills and Pro¬ grammes. THE GREAT JAMES E. COOKE, The Equestrian Miracle, and Champion Horse¬ man of the World, who will exhibit for tho first season in America his marvelous feats of Equi¬ tation oa SIX NAKED HORSES 1 In addition to his other accomplishments of] brilliant equestrianism. ' M'LLE CARLOTTA DE BERGE, Confessedly the most daring, dashing, and finished Equestrienne in the world. M'LLE JEANETTE ELL8LER, astonishing and beautiful Tight Rope Danseuse. MISS EMILY COOKE, elegant English Manege Equestrienne The The LB JEUNE UÜRT, World renowned Bare Back Hurd«! Rider.- Best in America. MR. TOM BARRY, The famons Hibernian Clown, his first appear* ance lo A menea. MR. DEN STONE, The popular American Clown and Faa Generator' THE SNOW BROTHERS, (Benjamin, William, and Alfred,) the anparalb ..oled Equilibrists and Acrobats. MR. WILLIAM DUCROW, The intrepid Peformer on Corde Volante, and his INFANTILE 80N, QBORGfB, The bravest Juvenllo Equestrian in existence* MR. CHARLES BLISS, The acknowledged Champion Tumbler of the World. MR. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, The Paragon of Somersault Equestrians. SIO. COLUMBUS, The surprising Contortionist, whose strange flexibility of body and timbs bat won for him the title of "The Boneless Man." MASTER, GEORGS COOKE, The Art ist io and .Graceful Prinolpal Rider. MR. EUGENE LEACH, The remarkably skillful and fearless Gymnast.*] MU. R. LAMONT, Th« gifted Exponent of Panorattc ?. Exercises. ; MR. GEORGE ADAMS, Remarkable Scenic Protean Character and Puooy Clown. M R. THOMAS, MURRAY, Tho versatlio Pantomimic Won dor. 1 ... MR. J. BATÜ1ÍRLHR, < The Modsl, Athlete, ' The «Uv« .:9*UisA by such subordinate aids as will he ftjaired ta gi«« eclat to the varied sots. Jj liR. JOHN II. MURRAY, The unequaled Eqneitrlon tyreataj» will per. son al ly io per in tend the ' Rr/tertainrtents, a gear. characteristics of refinement «nd pwuty In their representation. Peo7 , 1 ..J "' .. -A ï a IN QUARTS AND PINTS, i),!;!' {.'..... »»....> .lt': > .> *yi , . .* »1 For sale at the same pr j ce as before the war in France. _-ALSO- A Fine American Champagne, "STAR" JBRAJNTD. -AND- A GENERALI ASSORTMENT OF Imported and Domestic LIQUORS, Of All Kinds. ITOIi SALE LOW -AT- PLilTERS' WAllHÖÜSl Sumter, S. G. Nov_ CHRISTMAS, -AT- F. A. Folsom's Store. JUST RECEIVED AND CONSTANTLY COMING IN NEW AND HANDSOME GOODS FOR TOYS! TOYS !! TOYS!!! OF ALL KINDS. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS, IN CHINA, &c, &c. ^ I INT E3 AL.BU M & , NEW STYLES. Candy, Fruits, Nuts, &c, In Great Variety, too Numerous to Name. Everybody, remember, when Fine Things, Pretty Things» Sweet Things, and Cheap Things are needed, Call at F. A. FOLSOM'S. P. S.-By all means ash to see the "Contraband Kater?1 Nov 23 PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. Pictures ! Pictures ! I Pictures ! ! PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, AMBROTYPE8, AJTD PORCELAIN PICTURES. Theta Pletoree an now taten at th« Baratar Qallefy» ta) ell alee* and atylea-np to Ufa ala*. Recent Improvement* have been brought Into requisition, and the undersigned feels onnfldeet that he can produce aa "orfeot and well finished Picuree at oatt be obtained ID tba State. Copying from Old Likenesses, a«d the original lineárnoste of the ptetere fully reproduced. J. I). WILDER. Oil ff .«'. Change of Business. The undoralgnod have this day bought out tho Interest of Mr. A. HAUSER, In the Tin business, arid are proctored to cm.lum tho IMHO In all Ita branches, auch as KOOFJNU, (JUT J KRING AC, Ac. We hnpe by striot attention to business to merit a liberal sim ru of patronage T. C. SCAFPE A Ce. A CAttD* Haring sold out roy stock Ao. to Messrs. C. T. 8CAFFK A Co., I eherfol ly commend them tn the publio, nnd solloit for them tho pitronago of tba people of Sumter and country generally. My books aro in the hands of Mr. T. 0. SüÄFFE, who ls authorized to make settloutoDt for nie. Those Ihdeblexl to ma »III fdease make payment to him forthwith. i ¿ A, HAOSE* ITov tf HU Stock coo«l.ts of almost erwry r*tkl* I* thett UM, ri«: ,,\ . ; ' 1 . SOïAMlDK-BOARDS, BOOK , W*nàroU#, Extention Tablas, Vj Jareaa», Wtob-Btands, i>i>?'iiC. . Hiing Ml Eeetriag ChsSra, *T mw «M J Cribe, Cradle«.Traadle» C*U«jpe BtátUÚ» j -ud.Mall*ipili, » : c .. JITS* RÄCtÖSVTOK SOB« moro of tho»» CUBAP COTXAOH 8BT8» Meet Safes, Window Sa«*»e %*d, WtJJ Papering-rall IOKVWHÍÍ ~ * J. E. Suar60i Main Street, opposite. Express Offioe}\ Entrance from 8ufr CM« on Malo Street to FURNITURE ROOMS. J. D. CRAIG, M ANUP A O TU RB R, -DEALER IN-¡- Furniture ft Upholsterer! COR. MAIN AND CANAL ST8. SUMTER, S. 0. RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends sad pt« troos that be baa now on band a supply of BED ROOM AND COTTAGE SETTS, of Tanoni styles. CANE AND WOOD SKAT CHAIRS. BED-STEADS, TABLE8. BUREAUS, CRIBS, Ao., Ac, all of whioh he offen for salo at prices to tait the time*. FURNITURE made to order, in any atyie aad at abort notioe. Manufacturing, Repairing aad Upholster» done ptomptty and ia a neat and workmanlike manner. Mattresses made to order, and old Mattresses renovated. Chain reseated with oana and made BS good as new. Pieture Frames of all alxea, Rosa Wood, Gilt, and plain mouldings, made to order, and Look¬ ing classes set in frames, and for salo.' FU N BRA. Li S promptly attended to in Town or Country, and Mctalio, Mahogany, Walnut, or Common Coffins furniibed aa required, at short notioe. Oct 26"_8m MISS E. D. BRITTON WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE her friends, and particularly tba ladies of Sumter and «omma- nity to call and examina Her Rich and Beautiful Stock] Fall Millinery and Fancy Goods. Having «elected her goods personally, aad with great care, in the New York and Baltimore markets, sbe feels confident of pleasing all, both as regards quality, style and prise. Aa «seal, there are roany novelties for the season, .MISS BRITTON is supplied with a FIRST CLASS MILLINER and a DRESS MAKER, from Baltimore, who are well qualified for the business. The fashions procured in New York. Ladios, eal! and have your Dresses and Hats roado in tho latest styles. Pnpor patterns of Dresses, Sacques and other articles of dress may be had. At the Now Store next to J. T. SOLOMONS Sept 28_ "SOUTH CAROLINA Central Rail Hoad Go« CHARLESTON, S. C., Od ober 13, 1870. 1111R FIFTH INSTALMENT OF FIVE) . DOI.LAHS PER SHARE, will be payable) on If th Deco m ber proximo. In Charleston-at tho Offioe of the Campan j, No. 10 Broad street. In Sumter-To Mojnr J OS KPH JOHNSON. In Clarendon-To Dr. JOHN I. INORAM. WM. H. PERONNEAU, Treasaror. Nov 19_' "SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE North i:asicrn Railroad Company CHARLESTON, S. C., Aug 16, 1870. |*A|»jsaa>ai _ _M riiHK ATTENTION OF THE PUH- 1 LIC is respectfully called to the folio win« REDUCED RATES of FREIGHT between Charleston and Simians on the WILMINGTON and MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, te go Into operation on tho 20ih August. To Suirior-1st class, $l.'i>; 2nd class, 90c.:| 3rd class, 80c; 4tb class, bbc. Alli o)nas. S5o. To Mnyofvllln, Lynchburg, Timroonevtl'e, Mar'» Blurt, Po Dee, Marion-1st class, $1.10 ; 2nd class, «Oe; 3rd class, 78c.j 4tb eins , AOo ; 6lh class, 80c. In order to sh..w tho extent of this Redaction, (be following OM) RATES aro Appended : To Sumter-Isl class, 9180; 2nd class, 91.40; 3rd class, 91.20 \ 4th elais, 76o ; 5th class. 47c. To Ma.vosville. Lynchburg. TimmmsvPle. Mar's Bluff, Po Dee. Marion-1st elass, $..70;' 2nd el»',, 91.40 ; 3rd class, $1.15; 4th class, 70c; Alli class, 46c S. S. SOLOMONS, Sup't. Aug 24-If PHEINSBERGER, HOOK SELLER, STATIONJSRI «Imik Book M amt rectum1* UR A VU Pianos, Organs, Molodeons, Guitars, Violins, Chroinos, Ac. At New York uni Baltimore Pi it« Sept 14-_WILMINGTON. N. C. va, NIC HOIi ZI s LAND SUItVEVOR ARD .-, ti ^4,1 CIVIL ENGINEER,' RKSPEnrKUliLt solicits the further tronhgo of ibo vonjaiunitr «acrally. A^resf¡rTenrlís| .. j, . Fcpt Ant p. A y VOL. xx WEDN DEVOTED TO LITER i 'iv P*RPÜM*TI*, sa'Arts,' VOTÍ.Í9''^MÉ V Boaaaeivw Pen>, »> ?, tfl ..-li , Shaving Croata *ad Rraskei, Af? Jfalr Brush**, \-.,.< - {afoul Brurtite, . Tovth und NaH Brushes. .. - All at Mctv'A IMtKSURIl'TIOMri.;. a PHKPARBD CAREFULLY AT ALT. Il0\t|tjti9 _By_I. A. albK.jUtjH? SS T~HE BEST V^'TaHHal jíV. Cloves. Cliin^mr-v, /"/j ii i n Sr r, »a c* ' M .__At sir Ann N's i) rufijM 3; 1 KKUOSIKK ÔÏL, Lump*, DurParp; ClilmW^Ä ] Wick». Ao.. _At MftKAORK'g^J ^ LAL MB and FltKSII SUPPLY OlF '^^M I GA It DEX S ICE Dr» .'.v|,n _Pot uni« by MclvAaH>(V^;^MM MlLLlill^ ALMANAC fur 1670 V .-läK^H A FINE SEGAR ". ^v|M F«b 16 ^ A t M e K A GDNtiL- jB9 .TO- rV4 Cor. Main & Liberty-Sts. J. F. W. DeLORME I Bega to notify lus many friends tfttfiVs customers, that he lins added to his completo stock of -j Drugs, . CHEMIC A Ii S V -AMD- FAHGY ARTICLES, A FULL ASSORTMENT Q% PAINTS, \ ' ; OILS, ;/. * DYE STUFFS AND GL:ê$jjÀ Avklog a continuation of pnst pn.trpungio, wi.ich ha will do all in his powor to doservo, ho toiletta an examination of Iii« STOCK AND I'RICBS. J. P. W. D'LOUMK, Cor. Main nn«l Liberly-Strvoi, m Sept Cl_. HuWr, *. <V"; JU ST RECEIVE I) AFINE LOT OK COLOATF/d Fr>.MÍLY.V SOAPS, and for xslo cliit>t|i, . ¡J By J. F. \V. I>, L( RM.?:. \i ALSO . % A frcil» lot «.f L \ ND RB lll'S ONION S if) T V ¿\_ n b i io omi red. Ry j. F. W. IVI.OîtMi:. CM IÍ-_ _ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, IOB Tun »avooi». sj a Tho reputation thia ex> ^ccilent medicino enjofk, i la derived from Its CHI CS, « A ninny ol' which oro truly j; ? marvel lons # In vol eva to w caaea of Scrofulous dla- V if 1 A/Ji case, whore tho system f I ra seemed saturated \vitji AwfiA al m^tm corruption, have boon ^SKir nitrified and cured bj it. ^ 1* ^t¿i Borolaloitaaa*ecilön4sn>d _-^ro&l£&x*C\ (liaorders.whielt wt\bufa wKffíVrWnmw1^' private«! hy thc R ero in-, lons ^.ontaininntlnn until' they were painfully afflicting, hftvo been radically cured in auch grent nuinlicvs in nlinohl evovy MH-.. tion of thc conni ry, Mint thc public hcnicely ncod to bo inforraotl orita vUttios or tues. .scrofulous poison la ono «if tho most deetrnc- tlve cncirilcs of our race. Often, tM<- tun-can mid . nnfolt tenant of (bc organism uanoi nilnc+lhcr <..</«*.. etitutH>n,andt^vite{<tnoattnehorenlccT)lii.gor-|a- Ul diseases* without exciting a RtiBpinion of l*t Brcícnce, Agnin. it scents to lirt-vd mfe«fiuMe . irou?iiont tho body, nnd then, on pome ruriii alito occasion, rapidly dcvolop Into ono or other nf Ita '<> hjdeoua forniH, either on thc aurfaro or among the Vitals. In the latter, tnbcicles may bo Miitdunly doponltcd in tho lung* o. heart, or tm IM rs fonñea . in tho liver, or it show:. Its presence by CnfptinnM Bn tho skin, or foul ulcerations on aoino nari utajé io body. Hence tho occasional te;o of fi lectio bf this fi<ii Att]>n> Uhr is advisable, even when ho active symptoms of duiense appear. rei>ous nf. flinted with tho following «' pneiflllv. And Immediate relier, nud, nt Icnvrlh, cure, hy Uto i ttSfl Of this KA HS 11' A lt 11, J. A : Xt. AiUha- nn'$ Fire, llonn or J!*fféi¡H-tái, Ti tter, Snit - itheum, Soatd Head, lHnàt4'vrm, Soi e Vyrfi, ßfiro Bnrê, and other eruptions of vliiblc to tin J * 0# Berottiluu» dlsoa.-e. Also livtht» moro con- cealed forms, aa 2)i/*pcp*ta, l>roj>tv, itcttrt pu*mst, Vits, Kpiin>*!/, Neurnf{jU%t and the varions Ulceran» auoctions of tho muboulur and nenrons wyt.teni«. RyphUi» or Vfincrenl attd Mernu rial J>lat- 44UC» aro cured hy it. thotiKh a long time rc- Quired for Rnhdnlng tnerid ouftlniito milindie« l>y '' any medicino, Hut, long-continued tue of tilla-' tnenlcinO will enre rho complaint, f.étitoti'hteú , Or White$t Uterine Ule>eratton», and Jcntalo MHieaâM, aro commonly soon relieved mid tiitl- mutely bured by lia purifying und invigorating effect, Minnie direct lons for roch euee nro found In our Almanac, supplied gratis. Xliiwntatitnn and Gout, when ennsw) hy a<x<nmn)atioiis of ex« tran eons mattera hi tho blood, yield quickly to lt, §8alBO-JHt'** ComplainU, Torpidity, t'ojtf/r/t- Uo%,or Inflammation of thc lAvt r, uniJ.'o«/t>- mipe. when .arising, aa they often do, from tho Jnakllng poisons th the hlAoil. This NAitx tr r A JUL), A la a great restorer for tho^ltrenplh: .od viaor of the system. Those v. ho are I.<in-' fw|4 and lAoitoe», n^tnondt-nt, sie+nt,**. 1 nwmwwi "in iiiiii in monmir i euri tuxj con« tmelna evidence of ita ros to inti ve powvr m-on " PREPARED <Pt toa. JT. C AYBIt 4k CO., ï»w«H. Maiaa.« V Practical an ff AttnlvtUnt Chemiêt», SOLD BY ALL DRVUOI8T8 EVBRYWIIEUH. Im. A- J. u]lla>h et n. , . , r. . WOR lt I N 1 I V J m L-» Vi Vtiil»»-'»^- F ¡»AHÜt',MM i IHM' »/. Ul MM.Vt J!>tl| , \H »rsa MV*, g.. ht ,. r!».V-\bt. i

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Post on 09-Aug-2019




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Page 1: CHRISTMAS, F. A. -^á^^ Of t M tsaeh.r, io thia U«w*. We-e^bi*«, ip hal». possessestntoUsl«apeeUttesa*

^á^^ Of tMtsaeh.r, io thia U«w*. We-e^bi*«, ip hal».

possesses tnt oUsl «apeeUttes a* » teacher, »nd,bu b*»D «tt«ecMf«i U» » marked degree ia thateoonexten. ..

* r''Äy .' \ 't, 'i. ^'ti..»><¿>- '


¿saT* Our mdfjrt«r* referred io the announce¬

ment, ia pro»«, mud poetry of Mr. Jtímxrj» N.SPAM«. He in rite« the Hob and tba phar, to»lilt bil «tore, M he ls »roll preparad to eau. totheir wanta, herin« i-eedved a large , ead wallsnorted stock cf Grocorles and Family Sappllea.Alto a variety ofToy« And Ooo feo tlone ry for theHdldeye, '

- j {r-?*»e>t»i

f*~ A poetleal writer ha« adrea ibo mysterythat Caldwell'« RooU »pd Shoes, eaanot be ex.

celled in quality and price. Bead the poetlealadvertisement ia to-day '«paper, .end give him a

call, and Judge for yourselves. His Shoes aro o {the best quality, «od «old at reasonable prices.

D«Uuqeut Tax Payer»Will observe the notion of Mr. T. J. Cog HI.AW,County Treasurer, In thia. ISafté, and pay up.

saood Illings ait n«ye»vlll«.Be sore to read the advertisement of Ur. J F.

BLsan. nf Msy^Tnio, io tbib Isawe. He has a

floe variety, »nd awong all the rest, a host ofgoods things for Christmas. Wo ¿eke pleasureIn commending this establishment to liberalpatronage.

_..-.» .«.«a».»-;-

Stone Sc ivxurray»« «Ureas «nd Trained.Aiilm«|a Combined,

Will exhibit hore on Friday, the 9th last. Theyhave received favorable notices from the presswherever they,haveexhibited and have eleotrifledImmense audiences by their intrepidity and skill.

Sale* Day.Many people were in town on Monday last,

ead mueb real estate changed hands. Tbafollowing tracts of the Cololough Kata to were

sold at the priées earned s

Trae) No. ], 737 «eres, sold at $5 00.Tract No. S, 868 aeres, sold at $8 60.Treat No. 4, 360 aeres, sold at $2 60.Tract No. 6, 686 acres, sold at $6 00.Traet Ne. Ö, 608 aerea, sold et (6 00.Tract No. 7, 623 aerea, sold at $6 00.

842 aores, sold at te* 00.

mr««onie.At a regular Communication of Claremont

Lodge, No,, di, A.VFV M.'. held ThursdayDecember 1, 1870, tb« following officers were

elected far the ensuing Masonic year«Bro. T. V. WALCH,..W. M.W. J. PRINGLE.S. W.JOS. M. WILDER,.J. W.R. W. DURANT.Tressurer.M. C. WILLIS .Secretary.W. H. OIRARDKAU.S. D.R. M. JONES.M.J. D.A. M. CORBETT, I Steward.-D. B0BKRT8ON, JötewarasE. C. GREEN, )J. H. TERRY, V... .Charity Committee.R. W. DURANT, j '

At a Regular Communication of Sumter LodgeNo. 120, A.*. F.*. M.*. held Monday eveningDecember 5th, tho following offlcors were electedfor the enauing Manaonio year t

Bro. J. B. ROACH, (re-elected). \V.'. M.*

Sro. M.G. RYTTBNBERO.8.-. W\rei J. 8. TOUCHBERBY,.J.". W.\

Bro. B. R. NASH.Treasurer.Bro. W. H. CUTTINO, P.*. M.'.Secretary.Bro. T. M. DaLOKMB, P.-. M.*.....S.% D.-Bro. 0. F. BULTMAN,....-J.*. D. .

If you want to buy Harness, Saddles,Trunks, Valises, Bags, 8atoheIs, Collars, Harnea,Chains, Riding-brldlea, Martingales, Whips,Spurs, Curry-combs, Horse brushes, Feather-brushes, Axle-grease, Oil, Leather, SaddleryHardware, and all Goods kept in a first classSsddlery Establishment, call at J. S. Tofu AW ACo.'«., No. 8 South Front St. Wilmington, N. O

The Rural Carolinian Por DecemberFilled with in lei eating and Instructive readingmatter, abd beautifully illustrated, this favoriteSouthern agricultural magasine is once more

wsloome to our desk. Its eontenls are more

varied and yet of more uniform value and inter¬est thsn, porhaps, any other magasine ofa simi¬lar dais. We notice in this numbera valuablecommunication from Bolivia, another from Eng-land, and on acknowledgment of courtesies ro"

ceived from the British Cotton Agentin the BastIndies, all showing that the Magasine ie readand appreciated in those far dictant auatters ofth« globe. Its immediate home interest is how¬ever, its principal attraction, and Its accurate in¬formation in regard totbe agricultural affairs ofthe Southern United States, and its speelal devotlon to these, is the cause of its importance tothe foreign reader. From Virginia to Texas andArkansas its subscribers and voluntary contri¬butors keep if well posted, while its editor andhis able corps of assistants display the greatesttact, as well a« the moat extenaive information,in their varioua departments. The Rural lsentirely worthy of the wonderful succès ss whichit has aohleved, and we think that lt ahrnld bein the banda of every farmer in the South. Wewant each others' coop«ration, and to obtainthis it Is necessary to know what we are eaohdoing, and this can only be accomplished bv allreading and all contributing their information tosuch a periodical as The Rural Carolinian.

Our modern courso of living begets a condi¬tion of the body that reoalres occasional relief.The system becomes enfolded, deranged, dogged,aud lahore In lt« track. The mind sympathizeswith lt, and both sink or ore depresaod together,To restore tbe vital enérgica, purge the system-«leane the Mood-take Ayer's Pill«. (GlasgowKy.).Fr«« Press._t


"No «en despise physic so muoh as physicians,because no men so thoroughly understand howlittle lt caa parform," waa the saying of a man

reputed by thé world to be wise. Whether thishe true, or not, lt is an Indisputable feet that theuso of the "Old Carolina Pitiers" Is a sure remedyfor dyspepsia, and tbo train of diseases incidentto living In A malarious el.uftSte.

Winsman's Oryst«lli«dfWorm Candy never fall« I

KuooEisruL SootHteaa ENTKRPHIHK.-Ofmanynew Southern enterprises which have bren un¬dertaken slnoe. the war,, dene have met withgreeter or more deserved «ocoe s s than tb« door,,saab and hilad manufactory af Mr. P. P. Toalo,in Chatlsiten, 8/ C. By bard work, indomitableenergy end liberal adv«ftl»Ing, Mr. Tosje ha«In three yeera outstripped all composion and

*^Jlt^B_<^?Mg«»tst>iT^ DecNo u»>«*°«-^r*/) «ot irish to Inform yon,

reader, that Dr. Won&rful,**$g$, other men,bas discovered a remedy that earea all diseasesof mind, body or estate, and ls designed to mah»oar sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, towhioh Heaven itself shall he but a side show,but wedo wish te inform you that Dr. Sage'*Catarrh Remedy baa cured thoeaands of tire* ofCatarrh la lu worst forms and «lagen, And theproprietor will pey ted* for a eaac or this loath-seme disease whioh he cannot cere. It may beprocured of druggists er hy mell for sixty senti,from R. V. Piero* M. D,,; Loffoio, fi. YT Apsmphlel sent/rep.


*A$&\¥¡¡lK '8uivnvQ*-$« Val« itfTARN BY TUE BALK-6l,96e. íer bw.ihV

jj intew Yong s^frwy ttfewgfj '

COTTON »»i. ''

; - J-GOLD 1U|. "V



A,C .KAU FMANBanker <fe Broker, No 26 .ffroa«* /SW*.

NOV. 36, 1870.STAT« BBCDHITIM-South Carolina, old, 86@

°°@71UeW' 71;®~ d°' r**Uid ,tock» °< lnt

CITT 8BOOBITIBB-Augusta, Qa: Bonds, -@76; Gbairlaatoo, 8. C. Stook, (ex qr int)do, Fire Loan Bunda, -@66; Columbia, 8. CBeads, [email protected] Beana-Blaé Ridge, (first mortgage)

-<<fc60; Charleaton and Savannah, -@9oCharlotte, Columbia »nd Augusta, -@8S¡Choraw «oJ Darlington, -82; Greenville endColumbia, (lat mort) -@86; do, (State guar¬antee) 05@-; Northeastern,-©87; Sevan,nab and Charleston, ( let mort) -78; do,(Stateguarantee) -@69; South Carolina, -@73; de,69 ; Spartanburg and Union, [email protected] STOCKS-Charlotte, Columbia and

Angdata,-@40; Oreen vlllo and Columbia. -

(5)2 ; Northeasters, @ ÎG; Savannah and Charlea,ton, -@36; South Carolina, (whola abares)@ il ; do, (halfdo) [email protected] HA HOB, Ac-New York Sight, 4 off par :

Gold, llOfailS; Stirer, ICS.®abura CAROLINA BANK DILLB.

.Bank ofCharleaton."..,*Bank of Newberry......Bank of Camden................80Bank vf Georgetown.07Bank of South Carolina. 8Bank of Cheater. 8Bank of Hamburg .,"......7Bank of State of d. C. prior to 1R6M.........46Bank of State of8.0. iaaue 1861 and 1862 30. Pl an tere' and Mechanics' Rank ofCharles-

ton..,..People's Bank of Charleston....,-,..."Union Bank of Charleston.,.Southwestern R R Bank of Charleston, -

(old).-.Southwestern R R Bank of Charleston, -

(new) ........ ....-Farmers' and Bxohange Bank of Charles-

ton. 2Exchange Bank of Columbia.......7Merchants' Bank of Cheraw. 8Plantera'Bank of Fairfield .6State of South Carolina Billa Receivable...95.City of Charleston Change Bills.96.

.Bills marked thoa (») are being redeemed atthe Bank Countera of each.Jan 12 ly


Pain is suppôt ed io be the lot of us poor mor¬

tals, aa inevitable aa death itself and liable atany time to come upon ua. Therefore it ia im¬portant that remedial agenta ahould be at bandto bo used on an emergency, when the seminalprinciple lodged in the system shall develnpeitaelf, and wo feel the excruciating agoniea ofpain, or tho depressing influence of disease.-Sueh a remedial agent exists in the PAIN KILLBB,whose fame baa made the circuit of the globe.-Amid the eternal Ieee of the porlor regions or

beneath the intolerable and burning ann of thetropics, its virtues are known and appreoiated.Under all latitudes, from the one extreme to theother, suffering humanity has found relief frommany of ita illa by Ita use. The wide and broadarea over whioh thia medicine baa spread, »nestsita value and poteney. From a small beginning,the Pain Killer has puahed gradually along,making ita own highway, solely by Its virtues.Suob unexamp'vl aucveaa and popularity baa

brought others into the field, who have attempted,un dor similarity of name, to usurp the confidenceof the people and turn it to their own selfishnessand dishonesty, but their efforts have provedfruitless, while the Pain Killer is still growingin public favor._ Deo.

Tba Great Pictorial Annual,

Hoatotter'a United Stairs Almanac for 1871, fordistribution grutiê, throughout tba United States,and all civilised countries of the Western Hemis¬phere, will be published about the first ofJanuary,and all who wish to understand the true philoso¬phy ofhealth ahould read and ponder the valuablesuggestions it contains. In addition to an admir¬able medical treatise on the causes, proven Honand eure of n great variety of di souses, lt embracesa large amount of information interesting to themerchant, the mechanic, the tuiner, the farmer,tlje planter, and prufeasional man; and the calcu¬lations have been made for auoh meridians andlatitudes as are most suitable for a correct andcomprehensivo NATIONAL CALBNBKB.The natara, uaea, and extraordinary sanitary

effects of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, the stapletonio and alterative of more than half of the Chris¬tian world, are fully set forth in Ita pages, whiebare also Interspersed with pictorial illustrations,valuable recipes for the household and farm, hu¬morous anecdotes and other instructive and amus¬

ing reading matter, original and selected. Amongthe Annuals to appear with the opening of theyear, this will be one of the most useful, andmay be hud f»r tho ns*/ny. The proprietors,Messrs. Hostet ter A Smith, on receipt of a twocent stamp, will forward a copy by ínaifto anyperson who cannot procure one In bia neighbor*hood. The bitters are sold in every etty, townand v¡Ungo, and are extensively used throughoutthe entire civilixed world.

li rrore ofYouth,A GENTLEMAN who Buttered for years from

Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all theoffsets of youthful indlsorition, will for the sakeof suffering humanity, send free ta all who needit the reeeipe and direction for making the aim-pie remedy by which he waa eured. Sufferswishing lo profit by the advertiser's experiencecan do 80 by addressing, tn perfect confidence.

JOHN B. OGDEN,No. 42 Cedar Street, New.York!

Dee 7-ly _;narriage Outde-Kvery One Mia Own

Doctor*A privat» instructor for married persons or

those about to be married, both male and fe*male, In everything concerning the physiologyand relations ofour sexual system, and 1,10 pro¬duction and prevention of offspring, includingall the new discoveries never-befnre given in tbaEnglish language, by WM; YOUNG, M. D.-Thia la really a valuable and Interesting work.It ls written in plain language for the generalreader, gad it illustrated w ¡th nntnoroua en¬

gravings. All young married people, or thosecontemplating marriage, and having tba leastImpediment to married life, ahould read thisbook.. It discloses secrets that avery one sbouldba acquainted with ; still (t ls a book that mustbe looked ap aod not lie about the bottai. It «hilbe sent to any addrsas on receipt of 66 tents-Address Da. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 ßprnooStreet, above Fourth, Philadelphia.No v 23 6m

.??I""1 t. H ? tlTo t onaura pt.vee. , |

The advertiser, having been permanen tly euredoftbat dread disease, Consumption, by a simpleremedy, la anxious to make known to bia fellowsufferers the moans of dare. To all Who desirelt, be will send a cony of the prescription used(tree of charge), with the direction* for preparingand using the sans, whieh they will find a sure

eur«for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, to.Parties wishing the prescription will please

address ,> ., flRef. RDWARD A. WILSON.

166 South Second Street, Williamsburg, N. V.Dea 7-1¿

:\." *V .?.»..>..:" .".v> ?..>:/,>'....!** ri ...

STOINTD ât MITHRAYThe O0II0B8U8 of Exhibitions f

Neto Designs L Amuse I,, ****1«mTtl^ifaeaHwg «Mit »


Sumter, FridayDeoember 9th.EXTRA ATTRACTION I

Har SohroTs Trained Wild Baaste t will baex-blbitad conjointly with the Circus Performances,without additional charge. Harr 8obroff, tb«Great Lion Hunter, will enter the Den of Lions :giving an exciting and Thrilling Performancewith these Ferocious animals of the Forrest, ex*amplifying the immense poteney that Man wieldsover the Brute Creation.

Tko OpuUm Resource! of SuperbCentrailizat ion of Arenle Talent«To delight and amóse are of a abarse ter quiteuaw tn this oountry The Exhibitions this scson will ba enriched »ad adorned by PerformersInimitable io theirspeelalrobas t and the splendorof the Entertainments will be enhanced by «varyaccessory requisite to make them elegant in styleand finish, and magnificent in their generalobaraoter.The great variety of celebrated Performers In

this Troupe is potent to sustain the elevatedstandard of excellence acquired by this popular!Circos.A perusal of the annexed list of famous Actors

will serve of palpable evidences to confirm thepromise, that the attained eminence and conspic¬uous superiority of Stone A Hurray's Circus willbe amply maintained this season. Behold theAttractions IEXHIBITIONS WILL BB GIVEN AFTER.

NOON ANO NIGHT,Commencingat.Sand 7) o,clock.Doors open ono hour provious.Admission.76 cts.Children unde4 10 years........60 eta.

GRAND STREBTrAGENT!Precoded by the Elegant Band Chariot, contain,lng Prof. 0. P. Perry's famed Orchestra, Drawnby Sixteen Horses I Managed by the greatMaitre du Cheval, Mons. J. li. Paul. This rare

sight will bo olrcum vested with too many wondersto be minutely described in the limits of a news*paper advertisement t therefore, the reader lsrefer ed to the Parade itself for particulars.The second frc« Exhibition will be a marvelous

display of human intrepidity.UP IN THE AIR I

By the daring Funambulist, Madelle JeanetteBlister, who will Walk from the Ground to theApex of Circus Pavillion, and return, on aSlender rYlroI Thia startling Gratuitous Per¬formance of Consummate Dering will toke placeat 1 o'clock, P. M., and the unique nature of theFeat cannot fail to command the attention ofthe eltisensof this vicinity.For details of these Dual Sensations, see the!

varions Pictorial Descriptive Bills and Pro¬grammes.

THE GREAT JAMES E. COOKE,The Equestrian Miracle, and Champion Horse¬man of the World, who will exhibit for tho firstseason in America his marvelous feats of Equi¬tation oa

SIX NAKED HORSES 1In addition to his other accomplishments of]brilliant equestrianism.

' M'LLE CARLOTTA DE BERGE,Confessedly the most daring, dashing, and

finished Equestrienne in the world.M'LLE JEANETTE ELL8LER,

astonishing and beautiful Tight RopeDanseuse.

MISS EMILY COOKE,elegant English Manege Equestrienne



LB JEUNE UÜRT,World renowned Bare Back Hurd«! Rider.-

Best in America.MR. TOM BARRY,

The famons Hibernian Clown, his first appear*ance lo Amenea.

MR. DEN STONE,The popular American Clown and Faa Generator'

THE SNOW BROTHERS,(Benjamin, William, and Alfred,) the anparalb

..oled Equilibrists and Acrobats.MR. WILLIAM DUCROW,

The intrepid Peformer on CordeVolante, and hisINFANTILE 80N, QBORGfB,

The bravest Juvenllo Equestrian in existence*MR. CHARLES BLISS,

The acknowledged Champion Tumbler of theWorld.

MR. WILLIAM FRANKLIN,The Paragon of Somersault Equestrians.

SIO. COLUMBUS,The surprising Contortionist, whose strangeflexibility of body and timbs bat won for himthe title of "The Boneless Man."

MASTER, GEORGS COOKE,The Art ist io and .Graceful Prinolpal Rider.

MR. EUGENE LEACH,The remarkably skillful and fearless Gymnast.*]

MU. R. LAMONT,Th« gifted Exponent of Panorattc ?. Exercises.

; MR. GEORGE ADAMS,Remarkable Scenic Protean Character and

Puooy Clown.M R. THOMAS, MURRAY,

Tho versatlio Pantomimic Won dor.1 ... MR. J. BATÜ1ÍRLHR, <

The Modsl, Athlete,' The«Uv« .:9*UisA by suchsubordinate aids as will he ftjaired ta gi«« eclatto the varied sots.

Jj liR. JOHN II. MURRAY,The unequaled Eqneitrlon tyreataj» will per.son al ly io per in tend the ' Rr/tertainrtents, a gear.

characteristics of refinement «nd pwuty In theirrepresentation.Peo7




.. -A


i),!;!' {.'..... »»....> .lt': > .> *yi, .


For sale at the same prjce as

before the war in France._-ALSO-

A Fine American Champagne,"STAR" JBRAJNTD.



Imported and Domestic

LIQUORS,Of All Kinds.


PLilTERS' WAllHÖÜSlSumter, S. G.



F. A. Folsom'sStore.





Candy, Fruits, Nuts, &c,In Great Variety, too Numerous to Name.

Everybody, remember, when

Fine Things, Pretty Things» Sweet Things, and

Cheap Things are needed, Call atF. A. FOLSOM'S.

P. S.-By all means ash to see the "Contraband Kater?1Nov 23

PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY.Pictures ! Pictures ! I Pictures ! !



PORCELAIN PICTURES.Theta Pletoree an now taten at th« Baratar

Qallefy» ta) ell alee* and atylea-np to Ufa ala*.Recent Improvement* have been brought Into

requisition, and the undersigned feels onnfldeetthat he can produce aa "orfeot and well finishedPicuree at oatt be obtained ID tba State.Copying from Old Likenesses, a«d the original

lineárnoste of the ptetere fully reproduced.J. I). WILDER.

Oil ff.«'.

Change of Business.The undoralgnod have this day bought out tho

Interest of Mr. A. HAUSER, In the Tin business,arid are proctored to cm.lum tho IMHO In all Itabranches, auch as KOOFJNU, (JUT J KRING AC,Ac.We hnpe by striot attention to business to merit

a liberal sim ru of patronageT. C. SCAFPE A Ce.

A CAttD*Haring sold out roy stock Ao. to Messrs. C. T.

8CAFFK A Co., I eherfol ly commend them tnthe publio, nnd solloit for them tho pitronago oftba people of Sumter and country generally. Mybooks aro in the hands of Mr. T. 0. SüÄFFE,who ls authorized to make settloutoDt for nie.Those Ihdeblexl to ma »III fdease make paymentto him forthwith.

i ¿ A, HAOSE*ITov \» tf

HU Stock coo«l.ts of almost erwry r*tkl* I* thettUM, ri«: ,,\ . ; '1

. SOïAMlDK-BOARDS, BOOK, W*nàroU#, Extention Tablas, VjJareaa», Wtob-Btands, i>i>?'iiC. .

Hiing Ml Eeetriag ChsSra, *Tmw«M JCribe, Cradle«.Traadle» C*U«jpe BtátUÚ» j-ud.Mall*ipili, » : c ..


Meet Safes, Window Sa«*»e %*d, WtJJPapering-rall IOKVWHÍÍ~

* J. E. Suar60iMain Street, opposite. Express Offioe}\Entrance from 8ufr CM« on Malo Street to




Furniture ft Upholsterer!COR. MAIN AND CANAL ST8.

SUMTER, S. 0.RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends sad pt«troos that be baa now on band a supply of



all of whioh he offen for salo at prices to tait thetime*.FURNITURE made to order, in any atyie aad

at abort notioe.Manufacturing, Repairing aad Upholster»

done ptomptty and ia a neat and workmanlikemanner.

Mattresses made to order, and old Mattressesrenovated.Chain reseated with oana and made BS good as

new.Pieture Frames of all alxea, Rosa Wood, Gilt,

and plain mouldings, made to order, and Look¬ing classes set in frames, and for salo.'


promptly attended to in Town or Country, andMctalio, Mahogany, Walnut, or Common Coffinsfurniibed aa required, at short notioe.

Oct 26"_8mMISS E. D. BRITTON

WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITEher friends, and particularly tba

ladies of Sumter and «omma-

nity to call and examina

Her Rich and Beautiful Stock]

Fall Millineryand Fancy Goods.

Having «elected her goods personally, aadwith great care, in the New York and Baltimoremarkets, sbe feels confident of pleasing all, bothas regards quality, style and prise. Aa «seal,there are roany novelties for the season,

.MISS BRITTON is supplied with a FIRSTCLASS MILLINER and a DRESS MAKER,from Baltimore, who are well qualified for thebusiness. The fashions procured in New York.

Ladios, eal! and have your Dresses and Hatsroado in tho latest styles.

Pnpor patterns of Dresses, Sacques and otherarticles of dress may be had.At the Now Store next to J. T. SOLOMONSSept 28_"SOUTH CAROLINA

Central Rail Hoad Go«

CHARLESTON, S. C., Od ober 13, 1870.


on If th Decom ber proximo.In Charleston-at tho Offioe of the Campan j,

No. 10 Broad street.In Sumter-To Mojnr J OSKPH JOHNSON.In Clarendon-To Dr. JOHN I. INORAM.

WM. H. PERONNEAU, Treasaror.Nov 19_'"SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICENorth i:asicrn Railroad Company

CHARLESTON, S. C., Aug 16, 1870.|*A|»jsaa>ai__ M

riiHK ATTENTION OF THE PUH-1 LIC is respectfully called to the folio win«REDUCED RATES of FREIGHT betweenCharleston and Simians on the WILMINGTONand MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, te go Intooperation on tho 20ih August.To Suirior-1st class, $l.'i>; 2nd class, 90c.:|3rd class, 80c; 4tb class, bbc.

Alli o)nas. S5o.To Mnyofvllln, Lynchburg, Timroonevtl'e, Mar'»

Blurt, Po Dee, Marion-1st class, $1.10 ; 2ndclass, «Oe; 3rd class, 78c.j 4tbeins , AOo ; 6lh class, 80c.

In order to sh..w tho extent of this Redaction,(be following OM) RATES aro Appended :

To Sumter-Isl class, 9180; 2nd class, 91.40;3rd class, 91.20 \ 4th elais, 76o ;5th class. 47c.

To Ma.vosville. Lynchburg. TimmmsvPle. Mar'sBluff, Po Dee. Marion-1st elass, $..70;' 2nd

el»',, 91.40 ; 3rd class, $1.15; 4thclass, 70c; Alli class, 46c

S. S. SOLOMONS, Sup't.Aug 24-If



Pianos, Organs, Molodeons,Guitars, Violins,


At New York uni Baltimore Pi it«Sept 14-_WILMINGTON. N. C.


ARD .-, ti ^4,1CIVIL ENGINEER,'RKSPEnrKUliLt solicits the further

tronhgo of ibo vonjaiunitr «acrally.A^resf¡rTenrlís| .. j, .

Fcpt Ant p. A y


VOL. xx WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1S70. NO 46.Tlaneo Danaoa B< Doa» Perentie*.-Vir«.


i 'iv

P*RPÜM*TI*, sa'Arts,' VOTÍ.Í9''^MÉV Boaaaeivw Pen>, »> ?, tfl ..-li

, Shaving Croata *ad Rraskei, Af?Jfalr Brush**, \-.,.<-{afoul Brurtite, .

Tovth und NaH Brushes. ..- All at Mctv'A


_By_I. A. albK.jUtjH?SST~HE BEST V^'TaHHal

jíV. Cloves. Cliin^mr-v, /"/jii i n Sr r, »a c* ' M

.__At sir TÍ Ann N's i) rufijM 3; 1KKUOSIKK ÔÏL, Lump*, DurParp; ClilmW^Ä ]

Wick». Ao.. _At MftKAORK'g^J^ LALMB and FltKSII SUPPLY OlF '^^M I

GA ItDEX S ICE Dr» .'.v|,n_Pot uni« by MclvAaH>(V^;^MM

MlLLlill^ ALMANAC fur 1670 V .-läK^HA FINE SEGAR ". ^v|MF«b 16


A t M eK A GDNtiL- jB9

.TO- rV4Cor. Main & Liberty-Sts.

J. F. W. DeLORME IBega to notify lus many friends tfttfiVscustomers, that he lins added to his

completo stock of -j

Drugs, .




;OILS, ;/.



Avklog a continuation of pnst pn.trpungio,wi.ich ha will do all in his powor to doservo, ho

toiletta an examination of Iii« STOCK AND



Cor. Main nn«l Liberly-Strvoi, m

SeptCl_. HuWr, *. <V";


AFINE LOT OK COLOATF/d Fr>.MÍLY.VSOAPS, and for xslo cliit>t|i, . ¡J

By J. F. \V. I>, L( RM.?:. \iALSO . %

A frcil» lot «.f L \ NDRB lll'S ONION S if) TV¿\_ n b i io omi red.Ry j. F. W. IVI.OîtMi:.

CM IÍ-_ _Ayer's Sarsaparilla,IOB Tun »avooi». sj

a Tho reputation thia ex>^ccilent medicino enjofk,

i la derived from Its CHI CS, «A ninny ol' which oro truly j;? marvel lons # In vol eva tow caaea of Scrofulous dla-V

if 1 A/Ji case, whore tho system fI ra seemed saturated \vitji

AwfiA al m^tm corruption, have boon^SKir nitrified and cured bj it.^ 1* ^t¿i Borolaloitaaa*ecilön4sn>d_-^ro&l£&x*C\ (liaorders.whielt wt\bufawKffíVrWnmw1^' private«! hy thc Rero in-,lons ^.ontaininntlnn until'they were painfully afflicting, hftvo been radicallycured in auch grent nuinlicvs in nlinohl evovy MH-..tion of thc conni ry, Mint thc public hcnicely ncodto bo inforraotl orita vUttios or tues.

.scrofulous poison la ono «if tho most deetrnc-tlve cncirilcs of our race. Often, tM<- tun-can mid .nnfolt tenant of (bc organism uanoi nilnc+lhcr <..</«*..etitutH>n,andt^vite{<tnoattnehorenlccT)lii.gor-|a-Ul diseases* without exciting a RtiBpinion of l*t

Brcícnce, Agnin. it scents to lirt-vd mfe«fiuMe .

irou?iiont tho body, nnd then, on pome ruriii alitooccasion, rapidly dcvolop Into ono or other nf Ita '<>hjdeoua forniH, either on thc aurfaro or among theVitals. In the latter, tnbcicles may bo Miitdunlydoponltcd in tho lung* o. heart, or tm IM rs fonñea .

in tho liver, or it show:. Its presence by CnfptinnMBn tho skin, or foul ulcerations on aoino nari utajéio body. Hence tho occasional te;o of fi lectio

bf this fi<ii Att]>n> Uhr is advisable, even when hoactive symptoms of duiense appear. rei>ous nf.flinted with tho following «' pneiflllv.And Immediate relier, nud, nt Icnvrlh, cure, hy Uto ittSfl Of this KA HS 11' A lt 11, J. A : Xt. AiUha-nn'$ Fire, llonn or J!*fféi¡H-tái, Ti tter, Snit -

itheum, Soatd Head, lHnàt4'vrm, Soi e Vyrfi,ßfiro Bnrê, and other eruptions of vliiblc totinJ *

0# Berottiluu» dlsoa.-e. Also livtht» moro con-cealed forms, aa 2)i/*pcp*ta, l>roj>tv, itcttrtpu*mst, Vits, Kpiin>*!/, Neurnf{jU%t andthe varions Ulceran» auoctions of tho muboulurand nenrons wyt.teni«.RyphUi» or Vfincrenl attd Mernurial J>lat-

44UC» aro cured hy it. thotiKh a long time I« rc-Quired for Rnhdnlng tnerid ouftlniito milindie« l>y ''

any medicino, Hut, long-continued tue of tilla-'tnenlcinO will enre rho complaint, f.étitoti'hteú ,

Or White$t Uterine Ule>eratton», and JcntaloMHieaâM, aro commonly soon relieved mid tiitl-mutely bured by lia purifying und invigoratingeffect, Minnie direct lons for roch euee nro foundIn our Almanac, supplied gratis. Xliiwntatitnnand Gout, when ennsw) hy a<x<nmn)atioiis of ex«tran eons mattera hi tho blood, yield quickly to lt,§8alBO-JHt'** ComplainU, Torpidity, t'ojtf/r/t-Uo%,or Inflammation of thc lAvt r, uniJ.'o«/t>-mipe. when .arising, aa they often do, from thoJnakllng poisons th the hlAoil. This NAitx trr AJUL),A la a great restorer for tho^ltrenplh:.od viaor of the system. Those v. ho are I.<in-'fw|4 and lAoitoe», n^tnondt-nt, sie+nt,**.


nwmwwi "in iiiiii in monmir i euri tuxj con«tmelna evidence of ita ros to inti ve powvr m-on

" PREPARED <Pttoa. JT. C AYBIt 4k CO., ï»w«H. Maiaa.« V

Practical an ff AttnlvtUnt Chemiêt»,SOLD BY ALL DRVUOI8T8 EVBRYWIIEUH.Im. A- J. u]lla>h et n. , . , r. .

WOR 1» lt I N 1 I V J m L-» Vi Vtiil»»-'»^-F ¡»AHÜt',MM i IHM' »/. Ul MM.Vt J!>tl| ,\H »rsa MV*, g.. ht ,. r!».V-\bt. i