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Running Head: STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Table of Contents 1 Introduction.................................................1 2 Emerging challenges that human resource practioners face in meeting the diverse needs of the contemporary workforce........1 3 Conclusion...................................................5 4 References...................................................5

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strategic human resource management



Table of Contents1Introduction12Emerging challenges that human resource practioners face in meeting the diverse needs of the contemporary workforce13Conclusion54References5

IntroductionThe rises in technology and transformations in the business setting have increased the significance of human resources in the contemporary world. In most cases, human resource management is a process of bringing individuals and organization together to make things easy and simple in achieving the goal of each other. Therefore, this implies that the main responsibility of human resource manager is moving from that of a defender and screener to the function of an organizer and change instrument (Miler, 2014). Emerging challenges that human resource practioners face in meeting the diverse needs of the contemporary workforceIt is noted that the major challenges facing human resources occurs from this elevation of human resource practices to a central strategic function. The demands of the current trades are continuously progressing, and with it, human resource managers have to move with the developments and act as the enactment upsurge in the number of organizations that have internationalized their activities. The concentration of the current human resource manager is on strategic workforces maintenance and improvement of talents. Human resource proficient will be teachers, analysts, advisers as well as succession organizers to assist inspire organization`s workforce and their devotion. Human resource executive also has to endorse and contest for standards, morals, principles, as well as devoutness inside their system of government, particularly in the organization of workforce assortment. Altering and corresponding to errands together with lessening workers have put a problem on human resource sections as they fight to transform with the eras. The speedily changing business setting results into the face of several challenges and these challenges will remain to evolve for years to come. An emerging challenge to human resource practitioners includes succession planning. It has to be recognized that succession planning is a key instrument for guaranteeing long lasting organizational enhancements. Nevertheless, the main challenge for a significant number of organizations is concerned with how to affect a well-made changeover of workforces without distracting organizational stability (Kandula, 2006). Therefore, corporation managers need the current information concerning how to make important decisions in order to meet both short term and long-term needs of the workforce. For instance, recognizing preparation needs and obligating the capitals to meet them are some of the primary challenges of progression preparation. It is thus recommended that, before human resource managers can put together a suitable succession plan, they are required to take a good look at the demographics of their workforce. Demographical drifts outline the transformations in demographics in populaces with time and can offer administrations with understanding into arrays and notify them of the forthcoming arrangement of its staff (Diane, 2004). It is recognized that for a few departments and companies, these changes in workforce demographics are creating exceptional risk features. The most apparent factor is that individuals have long lifespan. This is a risk factor because the aging workforces come with very different organizational challenges. For instance, it may result into possible output loss, which implies lower production of the workers and retirement threats, implying loss of the worker. In most cases, age and productivity may depend on a personal worker and their job responsibilities. Some workers may still be very productive in their late years, whereas others may demonstrate a reduction in productivity because of the decreased energy levels and increased health problems (Tracey, 2003). It is argued that the way these likelihoods perform will define the sum of workforces that corporations will require to attract.Another emerging challenge that is being faced by the human resource practitioner includes understanding the subtleties of employee`s qualifications. It is noted that as the definition of work continues to evolve, the range of skills that workers require have not necessarily been offered by customary edifying structures. Studies report that the present cut off between the expertise nurtured by education and those they truly require will signify a very substantial hindrance in future. Therefore, this makes it difficult for human resource practitioners to evaluate interviewee`s testimonials suitably. To make even things more difficult, there is deficiency of normalization in schooling, particularly in an international setting. As corporations enlarge and hire beyond boundaries, the necessity for human resource to analyze employment credentials and prudently becomes even more imperative. Major disparities exist between various regions and institutions in individual nations, as well as between states. The capability to comprehend these differences will enable human resource practitioners to make more knowledgeable employment decisions. Accordingly, through teamwork with other tasks of the organization, human resource practitioner can upsurge its understanding of credentials and skills set to guarantee employed workers are able of implementing their responsibilities. It is noted that through such understanding, the human resource will be able to also meet the diverse needs of their workers. Studies also reveal that reduction in population because of lower birth rates, together with stagnant educational reform, have prompted a significant number of organizations to fear future skills, especially in some tasks (Hugh, 2003). It is revealed that problematic recruitment challenges by a considerable border, relate to practical tasks, and to the strategy and corporate development function. It is true that through such employment challenges that makes it hard for human resource practitioners not to be in a position to meet the diverse needs of the workforce. This is because some workers with lower or limited qualifications are not able to handle some tasks and may be difficult for human resource to know the right job to assign to such people. Strategic idea and the capability to handle involvedness were regarded as the most difficult abilities to discover amongst high-ranking managers, apparently also the reason why strategic responsibilities are considered so challenging to fill (Bogardus, 2006). A good number of organizations are currently struggling to recruit those with the seemingly erratic ability to lead them through a changeable and competitive outside setting. For positions on the bottom line of the association, directors are mainly disconcerted by an absence of lenient abilities, including ingenuity, compliance, as well as good interactive communication.It is also challenging to manage the risks of global operations, despite their clear benefits and growing significance. It is realized that managing remote cross border groups has management challenges that the corporate world is still learning to handle. There are a good number of real-world problems in managing a computer-generated group. A case in point is that all associates must feel comfortable using all the different communication technologies. Accordingly, differences in time are also a problem that can make it hard for the organizational coordination. It is noted that social relationship may be not as smoother without head-on communication (Alan, 2011). Accordingly, regular societal connections are more demanding to cultivate when individuals only meet through online means. This makes constructing a setting of reliance and support more challenging, leading to unvarying misapprehensions. When disagreements do occur, the less often contact makes them harder to resolve. A recent study discovered that it is ethnic and dialectal variances that extant by far-off the most persistent challenge for virtual group managers. Differences in culture seem in a wide range of attitudes and values, greatly increasing the potential for a breakdown in team cohesiveness (Banfield, 2012). Such alterations span an extensive variety of areas involving approaches toward consultant, collaboration and working hours. Cultural and language misapprehensions, both within and with potential customers can be very expensive. A significant number of organizations confess that communication misconceptions have stood in the way of human resource practitioners to achieve or meet the diverse needs of the workforce, thus even leading to huge losses for their organizations. It is noted that teamwork is very vital to the performance of an organization that it cannot be ignored and left to individual managers. They may require support and direction on the way to manage a precise diverse decision-making task from the ones they have encountered with customary located groups. Additionally, enough monetary resources will have to be allocated to the information and technology infrastructure, which is such a crucial component in the proper operation of an international team. Therefore, in order for human resource practitioners to meet the diverse needs of their workforce, they have to accept leadership training in areas such as how to guarantee mutual trust and clear communication within its organization. this is because it is only through clear communication that the human resources will be able to understand the areas that need to be attended to, as well as areas that need improvements. It is good to know that workers have their own personal needs that need to be attended to on an individual level.

ConclusionIn conclusion, it is realized that the intensifications in expertise and revolutions in the business situation have increased the significance of human resources in the contemporary world. The research noted that human resource management is a process of getting individuals and business together to make things easy and simple in accomplishing the objective of each other. Therefore, this suggests that the main obligation of human resource manager is moving from that of a guardian and evaluator to the function of an organizer and modification instrument. Accordingly, the study found out that there are various emerging challenges that are making the human resource practitioners not to successfully meet the diverse needs of their workforce. For example, such challenges contain understanding the subtleties of employee`s qualifications. It is noted that as the definition of work continues to evolve, the range of skills that workers require have not necessarily been offered by customary edifying structures. Studies report that the present cut off between the expertise nurtured by education and those they truly require will signify a very substantial hindrance in future. Therefore, this makes it difficult for human resource practitioners to evaluate interviewee`s testimonials suitably.

ReferencesAlan, P. (2011).Human Resource Management. Chicago: Cengage Learning. Banfield, P. (2012).Introduction to Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Bogardus, M. (2006).Human Resources JumpStart. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.Diane, A. (2004).Fundamentals of Human Resources Management: EBook Edition. Boston, CA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.Hugh, S. (2003). Implementing Best Practices in Human Resources Management. Canada: CCH Canadian Limited.Kandula, R. (2006). Human Resource Management And Organization Development - Practitioner Readings. New York, NY: ICFAI Books.Miller, D. (2014).Meeting the Challenges of Human Resource Management: A Communications Perspective: A Communication Perspective. New York, NY: Routledge.Tracey, R. (2003).The Human Resources Glossary, Third Edition: The Complete Desk Reference for HR Executives, Managers, and Practitioners. Boston, CA: CRC Press.