sept 8, 2010 ft. sam houston, texas jbsa sustainable energy innovation center

Sept 8, 2010 FT. SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS JBSA Sustainable Energy Innovation Center

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Sept 8 , 2010 FT. SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS

JBSA Sustainable Energy

Innovation Center


Purpose of Meeting

Review the concept of a JBSA Sustainable Energy Innovation Center: mission, roles & operations

Include input and advice from stakeholders and participants

Determine follow-on actions


Background of Concept

JBSA Energy Workshop June 9 reviewed AF energy goals and objectives as well as current and proposed actions for JBSA.

JBSA’ s combined energy use makes JBSA CPS’s largest single customer and one of DOD largest energy users.

Community resources can contribute to help JBSA accelerate achievement of goals.

Improved communication can help define requirements and identify solutions to AF issues.

Concept of a focused Innovation Center/Information Clearinghouse suggested by attendees to support JBSA requirements.

Recent reviews and studies by groups such as Center for Naval Analysis (CNA) suggest formation of DOD Operational Innovation Center.


CNA Military Advisory Board

CNA is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) for the Navy and Marine Corps. The Center also provides research and analyses services to other military and government agencies to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of U.S. national defense efforts.

A recent report of the CNA Military Advisory Board explored role of DOD in supporting innovation and commercialization of renewable energy for national security and American competitiveness. Powering America’s Economy : Energy Innovation at the

Crossroads on National Security Challenges July 2010.


CNA Recommendations

U. S. Government should take bold and aggressive action to support clean energy technology innovation….

DOD and DOE should more closely align energy related research and development activities….

The DOD should partner with private sector innovators and establish an Operational Energy Innovation Center.

DOD should require widespread sharing of energy information in its research and development enterprise.

The DOD should include acquiring clean energy technologies as a priority in its installation acquisition strategy.


CNAOperational Energy Innovation Center

Receive input from all innovators even the smallest

Cultivate partnerships Collaborate with DOE Consider DOE Innovation Hub ModelCould be funded through a competitive

Operational Energy Innovation Fund



The challenges and opportunities for collaboration and innovation in sustainable energy for JBSA presented at the June 9 Workshop.

The results of the CNA report and other recent DOD directives and guidance.

San Antonio and Texas have a number of energy innovative organizations including the business, academic, research and local government activities available to support collaboration.



The San Antonio Community and JBSA should consider establishing a JBSA Sustainable Energy Innovation Center to meet the DOD challenges and take advantage of the funding and opportunity to capitalize on the new energy initiatives


JBSA Center Activities

Demonstrate solutions for achieving energy improvement goals for JBSA

Accelerate assessment and implementation of new technologies that foster JBSA energy goals

Provide clearinghouse for evaluating new technology and methods and their effectiveness and limitations

Maintain a searchable database of ideas, technologies and solutions for JBSA to accelerate adoption

Solutions will address all aspects of the efficient supply, storage, transmission, management and use of energy.

Focused on military installations. Lessons learned from the military and the community will be shared, which will leverage activities and accelerate adoption of the best available solutions


Innovation Center Connectivity



The JBSA Center would be a project of the DTI (Defense Transformation Institute), a single member LLC of the Texas Research and Technology Foundation.

The initial agreement would be by MOU between JBSA and DTI. Subsequent agreements could include Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, Partnership Intermediary Agreement or other agreement forms.

DTI would establish agreements with other local and national innovation collaborators by a variety of agreement forms.

DTI would establish an advisory board to provide guidance, oversight and advice to DTI and JBSA.

The JBSA Center would be governed by a management committee that will be made up of designees from JBSA and AETC leadership and DTI representatives to coordinate the scope of priorities and work to be performed.


Partners (partial listing)


LAFB, FSH, RAFB, Camp Bullis






State of TEXAS



JBSA / DTI Innovation Center


San Antonio Research Collaborators

Texas Center for Applied Technology(TCAT)/Texas Engineering Experiment Station -- TAMUS

UTSA Sustainable Energy Research Institute(SERI)

San Antonio Water SystemSouthwest Research InstituteCPS EnergyOthers

Community’s Sustainable Efforts14

• CoSA’s Mission Verde initiatives• MVC• TEES - Energy Regional Innovation Cluster• UTSA’ s SERI• SwRI• Alamo Colleges• CPS new solar project and windtricity• SAWS methane plant• Build San Antonio Green (BSAG)• Solar SA• Southwest Sustainability Alliance


Mission Verde Center


DTI Supporting Organizations

HQ AETCHQ Army Installation Management CommandAFCEEUSAAValeroRackspaceZachry HoldingsHEBTexas Military Preparedness CommissionState Agencies

Leveraging San Antonio OutcomesJBSA as the Innovation Center’s Partner


Value proposition for JBSA Access to internationally-known sustainability experts to

assist JBSA in its energy sustainability challenges Exposure to new R&DDD Provide and gain feedback in the R&DDD loop, thus

creating products/processes that have immediate impactValue proposition for San Antonio and

Innovation Center Actual deployment bed to insert new

technologies/processes Validation of new products/processes by measurement

and verification (quantitative, behavioral) Open forum to discuss sustainability, especially based

on lessons learned

Suggested Early Stage Work Plan18

• Hold series of working meetings with JBSA to learn requirements

• Set up clearinghouse and communications systems(web site ?)

• Develop the searchable database• Hold series of workshops• Bring lessons-learned to JBSA• Presentation of regional assets and ideas

(magazine)• Vendors showcase (sourced Nationally)


Create the Center in Phases

Formalize concept with JBSA/DTI MOU Utilize existing regional capabilities for a no-cost start

Leverage current regional assets for a quick start Mission Verde Center – Training/Demonstration/Evaluation

of sustainable technology, A&M’s Sustainable Urban Center for the Advancement of San Antonio (SU CASA)

UTSA’s Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute CPS Energy – Blue Wing Solar San Antonio Water Systems – Dos Rios Water Recycling

Center Biogas recycling Southwest Research Institute - Smart Grid

communication Build San Antonio Green (BSAG) – residential sustainable

building thru Builders Assn. Solar San Antonio San Antonio Clean Tech Forum


Input and Advice

Comments ??