segerstrom high school senior project · 6 important dates and deadlines for senior project...

1 Segerstrom High School Senior Project 2014 – 2015

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Page 1: Segerstrom High School Senior Project · 6 IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES FOR SENIOR PROJECT Pursuant to Santa Ana Unified School District graduation requirements, all senior students


Segerstrom High School

Senior Project

2014 – 2015

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Table of Contents

Letter to Seniors……………………………………………………………….... 5

Important Dates and Deadlines for Senior Project……………………………… 6

Career Research Paper Template…………………………………………………7

Senior Project Internship Parameters…………………………………………… 9

Letter to Request Internship……………………………………………………. 11

Senior Project Internship Proposal and Approval Form………………………… 13

Senior Project Liability Release/Commitment Form……………………………. 15

Medical Emergency Release/Transportation Plan………………………………. 16

Internship Hour Verification Form……………………………………………... 17

Internship Supervisor Evaluation……………………………………………….. 18

Letter of Introduction and Resume………………………………………………19

Senior Project Portfolio…………………………………………………………. 20

Senior Project Presentation………………………………………………………21

Portfolio Rubric………………………………………………………………… 23

Presentation and Interview Rubric……………………………………………….24

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Segerstrom High School

“A Fundamental School” SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Duncan McCulloch, Principal

2301 W. MacArthur, Santa Ana, CA 92704, (714) 241-5000, Fax (714) 241-5099

Dear Senior: As part of your final year here at Segerstrom High School, you are required to complete a Senior Project. The purpose of the Senior Project is to give you the opportunity to explore and experience a career field of your choice. The Senior Project process gives you a chance to choose your area of study, combine your knowledge and skills from various disciplines, and utilize your talents in a productive manner. You will select a career which you would like to explore in more detail. This career should be something you are interested in, whether it is an area of academic interest, a hobby you enjoy, or a skill you would like to develop. This means you can pursue a large variety of careers: medicine, law, business, engineering, graphic arts, teaching, automotive repair, computer science, culinary arts, construction, landscaping, electrical repair, plumbing, performing arts, etc. You will conduct research into this career field first, and then you will shadow a professional in the field and prepare a presentation to share your experiences with a panel of teachers, administrators, and community members. At the completion of the project, all seniors will have completed the following: ● A 4 - 5 page research paper on your chosen career field ● A 10-hour internship experience related to the research paper topic of study ● A well-organized portfolio that includes all related forms and assignments from the

experience ● A 5-minute presentation that uses technology to share your internship experience and

findings with a panel of teachers, administrators, and community members. Your Senior Project experience will involve true exploration. You will select a topic of your choice, build foundational knowledge by using primary and secondary sources, and write a research paper demonstrating your knowledge of your chosen career field. You will then complete an internship that allows you to further explore your research. The last facet of this learning journey is to give a formal presentation of your findings in front of a panel of adults. It is time to show what you know, what you can do, and experience a taste of life after high school. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and explore a new area. Take full advantage of this opportunity to experience something important to your future. Please feel free to contact your teachers or administrators at any point with questions and concerns. Everyone on this campus is here to support and help you through this process. Good luck and have fun!

Mr. Duncan McCulloch Principal

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Pursuant to Santa Ana Unified School District graduation requirements, all senior students must complete a Senior Project in order to earn a diploma and graduate from their high school. It is crucial for students to stay on track to complete the project. All students must meet the following deadlines. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in consequences that may include lower project score, loss of senior privileges, additional coursework, and/or failure to graduate. Students are responsible for holding onto copies of these assignments for inclusion in the final portfolio. We strongly recommend keeping all documents in a presentation folder that can be turned in on May 20.

Item Submit To Due Date

Career Research Paper Gov/Econ November 21

Internship Proposal and Approval Form

Gov/Econ December 4

Liability Release Form Gov/Econ December 4

Internship Hour Verification Form and Evaluation

English April 16

Letter of Introduction and Resume

English April 30

Portfolio and Presentation English May 20

Presentation and Interview Assigned Panel June 2 & June 3

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Career Research Paper Template Go to,, or to start your research. You may use other sources as well. You will be researching one career of your own personal interest.

Name of career:

Job outlook: (What does the demand for this job look like in the future? How quickly is demand expected to grow? How many people work in this profession? (At least 5 sentences, 2-3 paragraphs preferred)

Salary/Wages: (You may cut and paste a screenshot of the distribution graph from What would be your approximate monthly income? Biweekly? Weekly? (1 page)

Job skills required (at least 5 sentences):

Education (at least 5 sentences):

Main duties/Job Description (At least 5 bulleted points or sentences):

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Where can you find training for this career? List the name of any colleges/post-secondary institutions you can find that would be able to prepare you for this career (at least 3 bulleted schools, program information):

Informational Video: Go to, and find an informational video about your career choice. Cut and paste the website address/url, and summarize key points that the video covers (1 page)

Website address: _________________________________________________ Summary:

Rubric for research paper template: 4 – Student followed directions for all sections and addressed all questions 3 – Student followed directions for most sections and addressed most questions 2 – Student followed directions for few sections and addressed some questions

Research Paper Prompt: After completing the template above, write a 4-5 page research paper on the career of your choice. Be sure to include information on the job outlook, salary, and required education for this career. Describe the job skills required as well as the main duties for someone employed in this career. Cite all your sources using MLA format.

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When selecting an internship for your Senior Project, you must adhere to the following requirements. Internships that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be approved. • All experiences must be a minimum of 10 unpaid hours, which are to be completed between

July 2014 and April 2015.

• Internships completed in the summer that relate to your career focus must be approved by your Gov/Econ teacher. All forms and requirements must still be completed for these internships.

• Current employment is not to be used for your experience. Field experience at a new location is necessary.

• No student may intern with a Segerstrom High School staff member.

• Internship hours must be completed outside of the school day.

• No student may intern with a member of their immediate or extended family.

• All internships must be approved by students’ Gov/Econ teachers prior to beginning the internship hours.

• No internship changes after the proposal has been approved.

• Your supervisor at the internship must complete an evaluation of your performance.

• Your supervisor at the internship must complete a verification form for your ten hours.

• All internships must be completed by April 16.

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Segerstrom High School

“A Fundamental School” SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Duncan McCulloch, Principal

2301 W. MacArthur, Santa Ana, CA 92704, (714) 241-5000, Fax (714) 241-5099

Dear Community Member, As part of their senior year English and Government/Economics classes, students at Segerstrom High School are required to complete a Senior Project. The purpose of this project is to give students the opportunity to explore and experience a career field of their choice. Please consider allowing students to shadow a professional in your organization and assist with tasks that give them a sense of what it is like to work in your field. The student will be required to complete ten hours of unpaid service. Students and parents will sign liability forms, which we will provide you a copy of. The student’s experience is dependent upon your site as well as the Site Supervisor’s guidance and direction. The Site Supervisor responsibilities include: ● Helping to nurture the student’s skills (communication, time-management, teaming,

problem solving, technology use); ● Supervising and guiding the student throughout the internship; ● Providing the student with relevant, appropriate, and safe tasks as well as opportunities

for observing and shadowing, ensuring that experiences are meaningful rather than trivial;

● Sharing any pertinent knowledge and experience with the student; ● Contacting the school with any concerns; ● Monitoring the student’s time log; ● Formally evaluating the student at the end of the internship.

It is a requirement that students not complete their internships with family members. Please help us ensure that this guideline is followed.

We are excited about this opportunity to build connections between the school and community and allow our seniors to get a hands-on experience in a career field that interests them. We genuinely hope this is a positive and meaningful experience for you and for our students, and we greatly appreciate your time and efforts in working with our students. Thank you,

Duncan McCulloch Principal

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Segerstrom High School Senior Project Internship Proposal and Approval Form

Student Name: __________________________________ Teacher: ___________________

This internship connects to my research on ________________________ because . . . (write a minimum of 3 sentences)

__________ (student initials) I understand that falsifying any information about this internship is considered plagiarism, forgery, and/or academic dishonesty and will result in consequences.

Provide Company/Organization Information

Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Supervisor First and Last Name: __________________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________________________

I agree to guide and support the above-named student as he or she completes his or her internship at my business/organization. I realize that the student must shadow a professional within the organization in order to better assess it as a possible career path. I understand that the student must complete 10 unpaid hours of service and that I will be responsible for verifying this completion. I will complete an evaluation of the student’s experience and behavior at the end of his or her internship. Supervisor Name (Printed): __________________________________________________ Supervisor Signature: _______________________________________________________ __________ (initial) I am not immediate or extended family of the student below. Student Name (Printed) : _______________________________________________________ Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________________ My internship has been approved by ________________________________ on __________.

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Segerstrom High School Senior Project Liability Release/Commitment Form

Student Name: __________________________________ Teacher: __________________ I understand that failure to perform any part of the Senior Project will have a severe impact on the grades earned in my English and Gov/Econ classes as well as my participation in senior activities and commencement exercises.

Please initial _________/_________ Student Parent I fully understand that the selection of the internship is a decision made independently of Segerstrom High School’s staff and administration and while it requires time and effort outside of the classroom, it is meant to benefit the student when done responsibly.

Please initial _________/_________ Student Parent I understand that this project will require additional time on the part of the student and acknowledge that the ultimate responsibility for the completion of this project is placed upon the student. It is expected that the student will meet all deadlines and guidelines presented in this packet. Please initial _________/_________ Student Parent Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________ (Students of legal age may not sign for themselves.) Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________

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Participant:_________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity: ________________ Address of Activity:______________________________________ Date(s) of Activity:___________________________________________________________________________

By my signature below, I hereby acknowledge that this activity is voluntary as part of the Santa Ana Unified School District ___________________________________club/ program. I understand that this activity could cause serious illness and/or injury, and I assume all risks for any such illness and/or injury. I am aware that the District assumes no responsibility and no District coverage for medical treatment or liability is provided in connection with this activity.

The undersigned hereby voluntarily releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes any and all actions or causes of action for personal injury, bodily injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to him/herself arising in any way whatsoever as a result of engaging in said activity or any activities incidental thereto wherever or however the same may occur and for whatever period said activities may continue. The undersigned does for him/herself, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby release, waive discharge and relinquish any action or causes of action, aforesaid, which may hereafter arise for him/herself and for his/her estate, and agrees that under no circumstances will he/she or his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns prosecute, present any claim for personal injury, bodily injury, property damage or wrongful death against the District or any of its officers, agents, servants, or employees for any of said causes of action, whether the same shall arise by the negligence of any of said persons, or otherwise.

The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/she knowingly and voluntarily assumes all risks of bodily injury, as stated, and expressly acknowledges their intention, by executing this instrument, to exempt and relieve the District, its officers, agents, and employees, from any liability for personal injury, bodily injury, property damage or wrongful death that may arise out of or in any way be connected with the above-described activity. I have read the foregoing and have voluntarily signed this agreement. I am aware of the potential risks involved in this activity and I am fully aware of the legal consequences of signing this instrument. I further acknowledge that the District does not provide liability insurance for this program, nor does the District provide medical coverage for participants in this activity.

Health or special needs: Check as appropriate. Participant has no special health needs the staff should be aware of, and no medication is required.

Participant has a special need, and instructions are attached. Number of attached pages:______.


In the event of illness or injury, I do hereby consent to whatever x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical or dental diagnosis, treatment, emergency transportation, and hospital care considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician, surgeon, or dentist and performed under the supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital or facility furnishing medical or dental services. ________________________________________________ Participant Signature _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Name (Please Print) Date Phone Number ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Street Address City State Zip Code :

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Segerstrom High School Internship Hour Verification Form

Directions: As you participate in your internship, keep track of hours you have worked each day and have your supervisor sign to verify your hours.

Date Hours Supervisor Signature


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Student Name : ________________________________ English Teacher: _______________ Supervisor Contact Information

Supervisor Name: _____________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________

As this student’s supervisor, please verify this student’s performance in his/her internship with your business/organization. Since the time spent on the internship phase of the assignment has been out of class and away from the school site, verification of the student’s efforts is necessary. We know your time is valuable and ask for as much commentary as you can provide. Please answer the following questions to help us evaluate his/her project.

Criteria Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations

Does Not Meet Expectations Comments

Expresses interest in learning about the career/field

Acts responsibly and is dependable

Cooperates with employees

Demonstrates professionalism in dress and behavior

Keeps a positive attitude

Manages time effectively

Additional Comments: Would you be willing to have another Segerstrom student intern at your organization in future years? Yes __________ No __________

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

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The first item in your senior portfolio will be a letter of introduction to your evaluator and interviewers. Your letter will give readers an idea of how your values and experiences (particularly your experiences at Segerstrom and in your internship) have shaped you into a young adult who is ready for new responsibilities, like attending college and/or joining the workforce. You will highlight your internship research and experience, as well as your career and educational goals. Specific directions for writing this letter, as well as student letterhead you can use are available on the school website.


Many of you already completed a resume for college applications; however, some of you have not, and all of you must revise your resume to be up-to-date and professional. Your resume should include your career objective or educational focus, educational background, volunteer and/or work experience (including your internship experience), extracurricular activities, and special skills (if applicable). There are multiple sample resumes on the school website if you need a model, and these formats need to be followed exactly (i.e., spacing, length, organization, etc.).

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The Senior Project Portfolio is an organized presentation folder documenting your internship experience. Compile your portfolio progressively to avoid the last minute stress of racing around trying to find pieces of work you completed months ago. Remember, your portfolio will give the panel a first impression of you and your efforts. Your portfolio needs to be organized in the order listed below.

! Cover Page

o Include your name, ID#, English teacher name and period, Gov/Econ teacher name, and current school-appropriate photo of self.

! Letter of Introduction

! Resume

! Career Research Paper

! Internship Proposal and Approval Form

! Internship Hour Verification Form

! Supervisor Evaluation

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The final part of your senior project will be a video, Prezi, or PowerPoint presentation that addresses your career research paper and internship experience. The final product must be a video, Prezi, or PowerPoint and not any other form of presentation. You will be responsible for submitting your presentation to your English teacher and bringing a copy of the presentation to your interview. This presentation must be 4-6 minutes in length.

It is important that you recognize the importance of professionalism in this assignment. This is not a presentation that will be made to your class, so there is no need to impress your classmates with hilarity. Instead, your focus should be on creating a visual representation of your research and your internship experience that will be viewed by teachers and members of the community. As a result, you must adhere to the school dress code, and your behavior and content must be appropriate. Any presentations that are deemed inappropriate will result in a grade of zero for the entire project.

The presentation should be broken down into the following parts (this is the order we expect to see them addressed):

● Introduction – Introduce yourself and your project to the interview panel. Explain what interested you about the career you researched and interned in.

● Career Research – You will summarize the findings of the research you completed in Government/Economics about your potential career choice. In other words, you will be presenting to the panel some of the following information about your chosen career: educational requirements (what SPECIFIC schooling is required in this profession), professional responsibilities, salary, employment outlook, and opportunities. Be sure to explain whether or not the career area explored will be a viable option to support the lifestyle you want and where you want to live in the future, etc.

● Internship Experience – Share with your interview panel what your internship experience was like. This should be an extensive discussion of the details of your internship and should answer the following questions: Where was the internship done? What were your responsibilities? What surprised you about the experience? What did you learn about your career, yourself, etc. from participating in this internship experience? Your presentation must include photos, products, and/or artifacts that help the audience better understand the career you chose to intern in, what a day in the life in that career looks like, how employees dressed, what your responsibilities were, etc. Please note: this is not an opportunity for you to evaluate the business and/or people with whom you interned. It is inappropriate and unprofessional to offer your personal comments about those who helped to facilitate your internship experience.

● Final Thoughts – Conclude your presentation with some sort of final impressions that wrap up your presentation in a thoughtful and impactful manner. You may want to tell the panel not only what you learned about this process, but also whether or not you want to continue to pursue this career option and how you plan to use what you’ve learned from this project as you move on to college and beyond.

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Student Name ______________________________________________ ID# _________________

English Teacher ____________________________________________ Period _______________


Senior Project Rubric

Portfolio Points Possible

Points Earned

Timeliness: On time-75 points, late-35 points, missing-0 points 75 Organization: All items provided in the order required. 25

Presentation Points Possible

Points Earned


Introduction: 25 • Provides information on student, career topic and internship

Career Research: 150 • Demonstrates clear and thorough understanding of chosen career field (includes

prerequisites – education and skills, job description, salary, and outlook)

Internship Experience: 150

• Provides clear and thorough discussion of internship experience (includes location, responsibilities, and knowledge gained)

• Demonstrates reflection on internship experience (elements that were unexpected, changes in perspective, desire to continue pursuing this field in the future, etc.)

Final Thoughts: 25 • Concludes presentation in a thoughtful and clear manner


Multimedia: • PowerPoints and Prezis includes neatly formatted text and images; audio and

visual quality of any videos are appropriate; all presentations include both images and text


Professionalism: • PowerPoints and Prezis use appropriate, professional fonts (e.g. not comic sans)

and conventions. In videos, dress and etiquette are appropriate.


Total Points 600

� Automatic Fail – Maximum 450 points possible on resubmission Items that result in an automatic fail: use of any profanity, vulgarity, alcohol/drug references, violent or sexual images, or other inappropriate content; unviewable presentations; falsified information.

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Segerstrom H.S. “A Fundamental School”

Student  Name      

Student  ID  Number      

Evaluator’s  Name    

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation of Interview and Project Overall,  student  presentation  demonstrates  evidence  of:   Excellent  (4)   Good  (3)   Fair  (2)   Poor  (1)   Notes:  Effective  communication  skills   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐  Thorough  college  and  career  research   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Meaningful  involvement  in  career  based  internship   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Thoughtful  reflection  on  internship  and  career  exploration   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Effective  use  of  multi-­‐media  for  communication  and  research   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Professionalism   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Appropriate  use  of  time  (4-­‐6  minutes  in  length)   ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐  Throughout  the  interview  process,  the  student    Demonstrates  the  ability  to  think  critically  about  internship  experience   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Connects  internship  experience  with  future  plans   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Thoughtfully  and  professionally  responds  to  questions   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Presents  a  professional  appearance  and  demeanor   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

Communicates  ideas  clearly  and  with  apparent  sincerity   ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐  

Overall  impression  of  interview  candidate,  portfolio,  and  presentation   ☐   ☐   ☐   ☐    

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments:

Senior Project Interview - Panel Member Evaluation

CIRCLE English teacher: CIRCLE period:

Mrs. Altamirano Mrs. Hargrave 1 2 3

Mr. Castanha Mrs. Harkins 4 5 6

Ms. Handley Mr. Merkovsky