script lit

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Script Lit


    Scene 1

    Setting: Coffee Shop

    Kenneth: Oh my God

    (taps man sitting on table alone)

    Joey: (turns around) KEN!!!

    (they hug)

    K: How have you been, old friend?

    J: I cant believe you called me old friend, old friend.

    K: Well we are in our fifties now

    J: That is true Wow after all this time.

    K: Ive never seen you here before. What made you decide to drop on by?

    J: Well, my wife and I just moved here.

    K: Youre married now?! Well, that figures That girlfriend of yours was really hot. Haha! (nudges Joey)

    J: Hahaha! Oh my God. Ive havent thought about that person in the longest time.

    K: Ohh so you married someone else then. Wow. We have lost touch.

    J: Dont get all sentimental on me. Hahaha! Come , come, sit with me here.

    (pulls a chair and sits)

    K: Thank you. So how long have you and your wife been at it?

    J: About 20 years now.

    K: Impossible You?! Joey?! 20 years?! Thats just downright ridiculous!

    J: Think what you like hahaha!

    K: I always thought long lasting relationships were beyond you!

    J: Well, I met someone special

    K: NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE. Hey! I think I remember you talking about her years before! Yeah! Ages

    ago! What was her name again?

    J: Actually, you never-

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    K: -Shh!!! It was Helen!

    J: Actually things between her and I never worked out

    K: Really? I sort of remember you being insane about her. You even mentioned that she was the 100%


    J: (sighs) Yes. I did call her that. And for a time I believed it but I married someone else, my wife, Beth.

    K: WellTell me all about it! Youve kept everyone you knew in the dark about it for years. Might as well

    tell your old friend about it now.

    J: Its an old story also a long one.

    K: I have time.

    J: (pauses) It all started during my freshman year in college

    (Fades out)

    Scene 2

    (Class has just finished for the night. Joey says goodbye to his friends as he walks back towards his

    condo. He then finds someone looking out at the moon. He is stunned by her beauty. Stopped dead on

    his tracks. He cannot help trying to talk to her. He felt like he needed to. He trips over and she notices


    Helen: (looking at him) Hello.

    Joey: Oh. Uh. Hi. Uhm. Yeah. Uhm. Hi. (Grins)

    H: Yeah (continues looking at the sky)

    J: (sighs) right sorry I bothered you miss. Ill leave you now.

    H: (calls back) Hey! Where do you think youre headed? Sit here with me!

    J: ..what?

    H: Hurry! You have to see this!

    J: Uhhhhokay

    H: Hurry!

    (Joey sits beside her.)

    J: Alright What is it were looking at exactly?

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    H: Wait for it

    (They see a huge meteor shower)

    J: Woahhhhhh.

    H: You dont regret sitting next to me now? (smiles at Joey)

    J: Oh course(looks at her)not

    H: Im Helen.

    J: Nice to meet you, Helen.

    H: Is it really?

    J: Yes it is

    (They move in close together and the light slowly fades out. The light comes back in and theyre in the

    middle of an engaging conversation. Already theyre holding hands.)

    J and H: (Laughing over something that was said)

    H: Hey do you believe in aliens?

    J: Sure. Because when you look up at night, you imagine how big the universe is. It is so huge that I

    refuse to believe that there are only stars, planets and other lifeless matter. In fact it transcends belief.

    Life out there is inevitable.

    (Helen looks up)

    H: So incredibly huge that there has to be something else out there... something else beyond

    J: Yeah

    (he tries to lean in for a kiss but Helen moves away from it)

    H: Do you ever think there is something else beyond everything? Maybe there's some sort of magic

    behind stuff that happens. What about us? What are we really? A flash in the pan? Momentary passion?


    J: Nothing? How can we be nothing?

    H: Ive had relationships before. And they all ended. The guy always leaves when he gets tired of my

    mannerisms or personality

    J: I wont.

    H: Thats what they used to say as well

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    J: Listen. I love you.

    H: You know I love you too but I want to be sure. What if that love is too early to be? Its so soon for me

    to be this in love with anyone. Ive never been this happy with anyone else in my life. Theres a rhythm

    in my step. People have been noticing. Im always so happy. Because of you

    J: And how can that be a wrong thing?

    H: Because it happened so soon! And much to easily! Because the best things in life are ones that you

    work hard for. And things that you pursue. Things that come to easilyyou tire of quickly

    J: That will never happen-

    H: And I trust you

    (places hand on his cheek)

    But I have to be sure that this is real. I love you more than anything. I have to be sure. Im sorry. Butthis is for the best. Ive agreed to transfer to a university in another country-

    J: WHAT?!

    H: Please listen. I wont be back for years. If you truly love me. If you believe in what our love can do.

    Please. Please wait for me

    J: This is crazy

    H: It isnt! Please trust me!


    H: I have to go now. My flight is tomorrow. Everything is set. Im leaving.


    H: I didnt want you to get hurt. (eyes tearing) Goodbye

    (she kisses him on the cheek and goes offstage. Joey is left standing. Insert Joeys song)

    Act 2 Scene 1

    (Joey has just graduated and began work in some firm as a white collar employee)

    Joey: Hey could I have a copy of the Peterson report here.

    Ellen: (offstage) I got it right here. Be with you in a minute.

    (Joey keeps on working on his paper work and Ellen approaches the desk after a while)

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    Ellen: Heres the paper sir.

    Joey: Ah thank you. (Looks up and notices how pretty his coworker is) Uhm I dont think weve been

    properly introduced. (Stands up) Im Joseph. (Extends hand)

    Ellen: Nice to meet you, Joseph. Im Ellen. (shakes hand)

    Joey: Helen? (Doesnt let go of hand; looks a little creepy)

    E: UhhhhnoEllen No H.

    J: Oh. Pardon me. You just reminded me of someone I once knew (looks away into the distance; Joeys

    song plays quietly and fades)

    E: Sounds like a very interesting story

    J: It is actually Hey since quitting time is almost up Maybe we could hear about it over some dinner

    E: Maybe I could hear about it right now (sweeps office supplies off desk)


    E: Oh. Oops.

    J: What was that about!?

    E: I thought you were giving me a signal.

    J: YEAH! A signal for DINNER!

    E: Ohh Im so sorry. (Picks up paper in a friendly yet slightly seductive manner) Let me make it up to

    you. With dinner also. Haha.

    J: (Sighs) Guess theres no point in crying over spilled paper work

    E: Yay!

    (Lights fade out and in; theyre in bed)

    E: Oh JosephYou rocked my world

    J: Yeah I do that every week now.

    E: Mmmm yes baby (embraces him from behind) Baby when are you going to tell your parents

    about me?

    J: Uhm we arent kids anymore Helen. I dont think my parents need to know with whom I sleep with

    or how often I do it. (Lights cigarette)

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    E: Its Ellen. Not Helen. Stop calling me that. And it is important to me.

    J: Listen theyll know about it eventually okay? Just give it time.

    E: Give it time?! Weve been seeing each other for almost a year now and you still treat me like a dirty


    J: (smokes his cigarette) Could you stop. Youre making a fool of yourself.

    E: (tears up) Yeah? You think so? (storms off)

    J: Dont forget the Hudson report for Monday.

    (Ellen throws a document to Joey from offstage)

    J: (looks at torn document and keeps on smoking)

    (fade out)

    Act 2, Scene 2

    (Joey has been promoted to Executive Consultant to the President)

    (Rob enters)

    Rob: Joester!!!!

    Joey: Hello Rob (keeps on typing on laptop)

    Rob: Bro, youll never believe what I saw the other day. Your hot piece of ass secretary bending down to

    pick up a pencil. DUDUDUHDAYMMM (goes for a high five; is left hanging)

    Joey: Rob, if youre only going to talk about my secretarys ass then I have no time for you. (keeps on


    R: Hahaha of course. Well I also came to talk to you about what your dad told me.

    J: (still typing) What did he tell you?

    R: Well he told me to tell you that he wanted you to meet his business partners daughter for a lunch.

    He said he wanted you to get to know her.

    J: (stops typing) Jesus. (closes laptop) Why are you telling me this? Why not get to my hot piece of ass


    R: Well uhh

    J: Thats right. Youre an ass kisser Rob. Not a very good one too. You know ( takes glasses off and rubs

    eyes) I dont give a fuck if youre my cousin or not. I couldnt care less to be fucking honest. Youre of no

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    use to this company. And of no use to me as anything. When I do eventually inherit this company, be

    assured that you will be demoted to the lowest mailroom job available. If there is none available be

    assured that I will create such a position for you. You are useless, Robert. As an employee to this

    company. As a cousin. As a human being. Now. Get the fuck out of my face.

    R: (walks away silently)

    (fade out)