school dland - amazon web services€¦ · please start saving your aluminum cans for the 10th...

A Message from the Principal Dates to Remember: Mar. 30 - Apr. 3 - No school. Classes resume on Wednesday, Apr. 4 Apr. 17 - Band & Choir Concert 6:30 pm . 5th & 6th grade art show before and after concert Apr. 20 - 11:20 am release Woodland Intermediate School KIMBERLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Volume 10, Issue 7 March 28, 2018 The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, an- cestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student program and activities. Dear Woodland Families, Third quarter report cards will be available soon. Families can find directions in this newsletter on how to access information about their child’s growth. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) if you have any ques- tions about your son’s/daughter’s progress. Report cards can be accessed by families on March 29th. The State of Wisconsin’s annual assessment, the Forward Exam, is sched- uled for the week of April 16th. Students will be testing on Monday through Thursday during the week with no assessments given on Friday, April 20th. Woodland students were challenged this week to make a difference and find ways to give back to their community. Our annual UNLESS Kickoff Night and PVC Derby was held Monday after school and was well attended by students in grades four through six. Students had the opportunity to vote on PVC der- by cars in best of show, watched the final race competitions and participated in a variety of games and activities. The afternoon concluded with a mes- sage from our guest speaker, Jim Spierings, who is a cancer survivor and leads our community’s Rock Cancer event. Jim spoke about giving back to others in their time of need and the value of making a difference. He praised our students in attendance and UNLESS Core 40 leaders for their efforts to make change. A big thank you goes out to our student leaders, the PVC Der- by Team and the staff and families who assisted with the event.

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A Message from the Principal

Dates to Remember:

Mar. 30 - Apr. 3 - No school. Classes resume on Wednesday, Apr. 4

Apr. 17 - Band & Choir Concert 6:30 pm . 5th & 6th grade art show before and after concert

Apr. 20 - 11:20 am release


























Volume 10, Issue 7

March 28, 2018

The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate

on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, an-

cestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status,

sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status,

change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental,

emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in

any of its student program and activities.

Dear Woodland Families,

Third quarter report cards will be available soon. Families can find directions in this newsletter on how to access information about their child’s growth. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) if you have any ques-tions about your son’s/daughter’s progress. Report cards can be accessed by families on March 29th. The State of Wisconsin’s annual assessment, the Forward Exam, is sched-uled for the week of April 16th. Students will be testing on Monday through Thursday during the week with no assessments given on Friday, April 20th.

Woodland students were challenged this week to make a difference and find ways to give back to their community. Our annual UNLESS Kickoff Night and PVC Derby was held Monday after school and was well attended by students in grades four through six. Students had the opportunity to vote on PVC der-by cars in best of show, watched the final race competitions and participated in a variety of games and activities. The afternoon concluded with a mes-sage from our guest speaker, Jim Spierings, who is a cancer survivor and leads our community’s Rock Cancer event. Jim spoke about giving back to others in their time of need and the value of making a difference. He praised our students in attendance and UNLESS Core 40 leaders for their efforts to make change. A big thank you goes out to our student leaders, the PVC Der-by Team and the staff and families who assisted with the event.

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Last week fifth and sixth grade students participated in our spring climate survey. By overwhelm-ing margins students shared that they feel safe (96%), are free from bullying (98%), have some-one they can connect with at home or school (100%), and are included by peers (94%). In most areas our school-wide data has shown improvement from the fall to the spring and we’re pleased to know we continue to move in the right direction. That said, ensuring each student feels safe, is supported and experiences a sense of belonging is a priority for our team at Woodland and we’ll continue to work to meet the social and emotional needs of all of our our children.

The close of March brings the end of the third quarter and Spring Break for our students and staff. It has been a busy seven months and we are looking forward to continuing the momentum as we head into April and May! I hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable break.


Dave Lamers


Principal’s Message Cont.

3rd Quarter Report Cards

Third quarter report cards will be available to view on Infinite Campus after 5:00 pm on Thursday, March 29th. Please note that when reviewing your student’s report card, teacher comments do not show up in the portal when looking at the main Grades screen. They do, however, if you access the Reports screen. From there, you can generate a report card in pdf format that will have all the comments. If you need to set up your parent portal account in Infinite Campus, please click here.

Woodland Wolves

DARE TO C.A.R.E. by…

Not bullying others.

Helping students who are bullied.

Including students who are left out.

Telling an adult at school and an adult at home when we know someone is being bullied.

Please remind your child to DARE TO Care And Respect Everyone.

We ask that you join us in our efforts to remove bullying from the

lives of our students by contacting us if your son or daughter tells

you about bullying taking place.

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Faces in the Crowd

In an effort to recognize students who are going above and beyond what is ex-pected of them at Woodland Intermediate, “Faces in the Crowd” has been estab-lished. Once a month students are nominated by their classroom teacher or spe-cials teacher and one student is chosen from each class. March “Faces in the Crowd” are: Chase Emenecker nominated by Mr. Calmes, Lizzie Lamine nomi-nated by Mrs. Gelhar, Kinley Killian nominated by Mrs. Mueller, Owen Lazotte nominated by Mrs. Wesoloski, and Wally Tews nominated by Mr. Lamers . Con-gratulations to each of you for being a positive role model at Woodland Intermedi-ate School!

Chase Emenecker Lizzie Lamine Kinley Killian Owen Lezotte

Forward Exam

Wally Tews

The Forward exam is coming up! Here are a few reminders as we pre-pare for the test. Thank you in advance for your help!

Testing will take place during the week of April 16th. As in the past, we ask that families try to avoid testing times for appointments, vacations, etc. as the missed test will then need to be made up dur-ing one of our make-up times. Make-up tests will be administered during the week of April 23rd and the week of April 30th.

Phones, smartwatches and any other personal electronic devices cannot be used by anyone (students or staff) in the testing environment. If possible, students should leave them at home on testing days. Teachers will be asking students to put any devices in their backpacks during testing.

Please help your children do their best by having them get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.

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If anyone has items that they would like to donate to Mr. Calmes for use in his art classes, please bring them into the office. If you are not sure if we will use particular items, please contact Mr. Calmes. We are always looking for people to donate items from home or work. Thank you!

Art Room Donations

The 5th & 6th grade bands and the after school choir will be performing on Tuesday, April 17th at 6:30 pm in the Woodland gym. There will also be an art show in the caf-eteria before and after the concert. Please come to enjoy some wonderful music and take some time to admire the incredible works of art created by our Woodland students.

Music Notes...

The Kimberly Area School District is accepting registrations for 4K/5K for the 2018/2019 school year. Click here to access the online registration forms. Please contact Jodi Neuber at [email protected] if you have any questions.

4K/5K Registration

Fun Run T-shirt Design Contest

The fun run T-shirt design contest is on! Please see the attached flyer for more details. Paper copies were sent home with students this week. Please make sure to remind your child to put their name and grade/teacher on the back of their entry before handing it in. May the best Wolf win!

We receive many worthwhile requests to be included in our news-letters and weekly notes. Since we can-not possibly include them all here, please remember to go to the District website frequently and check out the Community Events. There are more great oppor-

tunities and activities listed there.

Community Events

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Open Enrollment

The timeline for submitting open enrollment applications is February 5, 2018 to April 30, 2018 at 4:00 pm. A link to the open enrollment application will be available on the Kimberly Area School District website,, beginning Feb-ruary 5th. To obtain more information about open enrollment, please contact Jen Bixler at 423-4166.

UNLESS Can Drive

Please start saving your aluminum cans for the 10th annual Woodland Can Drive to be held the week of April 30th - May 5th. Look for more information to come. Thanks for your support!

Lost & Found

The lost and found bins are overflowing. Please have your stu-dent(s) check for any lost items before they leave for spring break. All items not claimed will be donated to a local clothes closet over break.

A reminder to parents that all attendance must go through the Main

Office in advance. Please send a note with your child, call the of-

fice at 730-0924, option 2, to speak to a secretary, or leave a mes-

sage on our attendance line. The office will then update your stu-

dent’s attendance in Infinite Campus. You may inform teachers if

you so choose, however, the Main Office should be the initial con-

tact to avoid any unexcused absences. You are able to leave a

message at any time outside of our normal office hours (3:15 PM-7:00 AM).


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Woodland Intermediate Specials Newsletter

Volume #9 Issue #7

Physical Education

5th and 6th grade P.E.

The 5th & 6th grade students

are finishing up Badminton. The

students are working together in

teams. The teams consist of two

students. The teams are playing

in a ladder tournament, the

object of the tournament is to

get to the top of the ladder and

stay there.

The next unit we will Floor

Hockey. Safety will be the main

focus in this unit.

Don't forget to check out the

students testing scores, they all

have them in their Chromebook.

We have tested two times so far

this year. The students will be

testing again in April.

Mr. Weyers (ext. 2660)


6th Grade Computer


Sixth graders began their

Information Literacy unit, also known as Internet Research. We teach students to use the strategy FSER when trying to find

information online. Focus, Strategize, Evaluate and Use Responsibly. Each step is important in order to find good

quality information, especially when we know that not everything online is reliable. Focusing is

coming up with a very specific topic and deciding what the keywords will be. For example, instead of just searching for

France, we need to decide what specifically about France we want to learn, such as French food or major French cities, etc.

Strategizing is deciding what tool to use to find the information. We can choose between search engines such as Google or Bing,

and subscription databases such as BadgerLink. Evaluating your results means we evaluate whether or not the source we find is

credible. We look for a reputable author, the date the information was created and updated, and whether or not the information

matches with what we already know or with what we've read on different websites. Using responsibly means we record the

information in our own words and cite the source. For more information about Information Literacy, please visit my website.

Mrs. Berndt (ext. 2625)

World Studies

5th Grade World Studies

Students in World Studies are continuing their Japanese unit, with focus on the values of the Japanese culture, such as nature, environment, respect and responsibility, etc. As we continue the unit, students are also working on an ongoing project to memorize the locations of 24 different countries around the world. We are calling these our “focus countries,” and students spend the first 5 minutes of each class practicing their locations in Quizlet. When they feel they are ready, students complete a “check” to see if they have them mastered. Several students have already memorized these locations, but the majority are still working on them. Their scores visible in Infinite Campus but are not averaged into their grades. Students are welcome to practice these locations at home, but it is not required. Please contact me if you have any questions about this ongoing project.

Mrs. Berndt (ext. 2625)

Spring Concert/Art Show Information:

The Arts: Visual and Musical Arts are very important to the success of our Woodland Intermediate School students. The Arts enhance the student’s personal, emotional, social and intellectual development to become a quality member in today’s world. Please come and immerse yourselves in the art and music of the Woodland Intermediate students. You will be able to view the wonderful art before and after the concert. Students are encouraged to enter a program cover design for a chance to have their artwork featured for the event. Please see a previous email that came home via an email for details. The 5th and 6th grade bands and intermural choir will be performing their Spring Concert on Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 at 6:30 pm in the Woodland gymnasium. Choir (non-band) students will meet in the 6th grade pod at 6:20. ***Students are asked to wear nice clothes for the evening performance. No wind pants or jeans, and no t-shirts with writing. Choir and Band or Woodland t-shirts would be appropriate for the afternoon performance for the school.

We look forward to sharing the arts with you.

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Healthy Living 6

th Grade

Healthy Living-6

The past couple of weeks has been a lot

of “bringing things to a close” with

showcasing goals and performing conflict

resolution skits. (Including Academy


As we close out 3rd quarter and begin

4th quarter, classes are learning about the

Developmental Assets. Developmental

Assets are traits that researchers at the Search

Institute have found will help kids to be

“happy, healthy and successful”. There are

40 of these traits and many relate to topics

we have already addressed this year, like

self-esteem, goal setting and peaceful conflict

resolution. Among these assets are those

that we don’t have a great deal of control

over (external assets) and those that we do

control (internal assets). Because they are

developmental, we know that we can do

things, or as students get older, they can do

things to foster these assets. I feel very

strongly that these assets lay a solid

foundation for young people to become

physically, mentally and socially healthy.

Looking to the future and setting and

achieving goals are traits that will help your

son/daughter become happy and successful.

If you want to know more about the

developmental assets here is a link.



As always, if you have any questions,

concerns, please contact me.

Mrs. Curtis (ext. 2864)

5th Grade Art

The students have created a watercolor painting inspired by an image they have chosen. The image they selected had personal meaning to them. The 5th graders will learn how to free draw their picture onto watercolor paper using a few techniques that help them place their image on the paper correctly. The students have learned different watercolor techniques: wet on dry, dry on dry, wet on wet, wash, value scale, crayons, colored pencils, salt, masking tape, sponge and rubber cement. The 5th graders used these

techniques to help them paint a realistic watercolor painting. After their painting is finished they will use their Chromebook and the students go onto our Google classroom and fill out the check-off sheet (self-assessment). After the finish the check-off sheet the students make a name tag for their painting, add a frame to the painting and then the paintings will be hung up in the hallways.

The Elements of art we have covered are:

Color, Line, Form, Shape, Space, Texture and Value.

Mr. Calmes (ext. 2321)


Woodland Band Notes

The 5th and 6th grade bands and

intramural choir will be performing

their Spring Concert on Tuesday,

April 17th, 2018 at 6:30 pm in the

Woodland gymnasium. Choir (non-

band) students will meet in the 6th

grade pod at 6:20.

Students are asked to wear nice

clothes for the evening

performance. No wind pants or

jeans, and no t-shirts with writing.

Choir and Band or Woodland t-shirts

would be appropriate for the

afternoon performance for the


March your calendars-

Spring Concert and Art show

April 17, 2018

Concert begins at 6:30 P.M.

Ms. Shimek (ext. 2621)

Mrs. Carpenter (ext. 2654)

MUSIC As quarter three comes to an end, we will be

wrapping up the keyboarding unit. The

students have come a long way and have

become much more independent piano players.

The sixth grade students have especially taken

off in their skills. They should be very proud of

their successes. Fifth grade students have made

great improvements since the first few weeks


During the 4th quarter students of the 6th

grade will learn about the elements of music,

learn what to listen for in classical music, and

gain an overview of music history. It is an

opportunity to understand music that students

don’t hear every day and draw comparisons to

popular music. 5th grade students will return

to singing and reading music of America’s folk

traditions as well as other cultures.

Choir Rehearsals

The Woodland Chorus members are learning new

songs for the Spring Concert. It is important that

students are at rehearsal. Students may not miss more

than 2 rehearsals because they will not learn the music

in time for the concert. Please help your student

follow this expectation. Those who are in a second

intramural need to be present at choir for a minimum

of 25 minutes. On March 27th as well as April 5th

and 12th, all choir students will rehearse together

from 2:50-3:55. This is so the boys and the girls can

rehearse together. There will be no choir rehearsal on

March 29th or April 10th. If you have any concern

with this please call Mrs. Been at (920)730-0924 or

[email protected]. Our performance is on

April 17th at 6:30. We will rehearse during

recess/lunch that day instead of after school. We will

have an ice cream party on Thursday, April 26th

during lunch and recess to celebrate the year. The

final performance will be a trip to Sunrise to sing for

the students there. More information, including the

date and time will come later.

Mrs. Been (ext. 2647)


The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual

orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student program and activities.

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Fun Run T-shirt Design Contest! 

How would you like to design the t-shirt for next fall’s 

Woodland Fun Run? Well here’s your chance! 

Contest Rules: 

● Draw your design on a blank page, put your name and homeroom teacher on the back and hand it in by Friday,April 6. (Make

sure to hand it in on time since no late entries will be accepted.)

● Make sure your design is in black and white. Colors will NOT show

up when the t-shirts are printed. (Hint: It’s nice to have the year

of the run on the shirt - 2018 - and some mention of the Woodland

Fun Run.)

● The Fun Run Committee will narrow the designs down to one design

per grade. On Wednesday, April 25 you will be able to vote on

your favorite design at lunch time.

● The winner of the design contest will be announced during morning

announcements on Friday, April 27.

Name _________________________ Grade/Teacher _________________ 

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Save the Date: New Student Orientation at JRG

● Next year’s 7th gradersand their parents areinvited to join us at J.R.Gerritts for a chance tolearn more about ourgreat school and take aninformal tour. Many of our 7th grade teachers will also bein attendance.

Date: Thursday, May 3rd ● Enter the building through the gym doors (located off the

south parking lot near the football stadium), the staff lotdoors (north side of building in back of the school) or theJohn Street doors.

● Due to a home track meet and soccer games that evening,parking for parents attending orientation will be availablein the staff lot in the back of the building. Enter this lot onthe north side of the school near the railroad tracks.

Time: 6:00-7:15 pm ● Join us in the large gym at 6:00 p.m. for a presentation

about life at JRG. After the presentation feel free to take aself-guided tour of the school.

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● WI DNR Boater Safety Classes, March, April and May, various dates and locations offering 

● Babysitting Certification Class offered for ages 10 and older, April 2, 2018 (Spring Break) 

● Super Science Saturday - a FREE event at Woodland Elementary 9:30 a.m., April 7, 2018 

● Pollyanna presented by the Papermaker Players April 12, 13, 14, 2018 ● YMCA Kids Fun Night, April 28, 2018 ● Girls Intro to Hockey at Fox River Girls Hockey Club, April and May 2018 ● YMCA Camp Nan A Bo Sho Summer 2018 Camp Offerings  ● 2018 Baseball/Softball/Tee Ball Registration for Combined Locks Rec. Dept. ● 2018 Baseball Registration and Information for Kimberly Park and Rec. 


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15th Annual

Youth Track Championships Sponsored by the Kimberly Area Running Club (KARC)


KARC Youth Track Championships sponsored by:

Meet Date: Saturday, May 19, 2018 Time: 8:00 am – Registration (pre-registration preferred)

8:30 am – Field events begin - Long Jump, high jump and shot put

9:00 am – 100 meter dash All times after the 100 meter dash are approximate

9:45 am – Mile run 10:15 am – 400 meter run 10:40 am – 800 meter run 11:00 am – 200 meter dash

Entry Fee: $5 per Athlete (Includes t-shirt and up to 3 events)

Location: JR Gerritts Middle School Track, 545 S. John Street, Kimberly, WI 54136

Awards: T-shirt to all participants (size availability not guaranteed at meet for entries after 5/12/18)

Ribbons to all participants for each event Medals – Gold, Silver & Bronze per Event, per Age Group

More Info: Contact Luke Demerath at [email protected] for more information

2018 KARC Youth Track Championships Entry Form Athlete Name ________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________ Address ______________________________________ City ______________ State ____ Zip _________ Age on May 19 ______ Birthdate ____________ Boy or Girl E-mail address (only used for questions about your registration) ___________________________________ Shirt size: (circle one) Youth sizes (YSM 6-8) (YMD 10-12) (YLG 14-16) Adult sizes Adult S Adult M Size availability not guaranteed at meet for entries after 5/12/18

Participation and Consent Waiver: I grant permission for my child to participate in the 2018 KARC Youth Track Championships. I recognize that competing in the sport of Track and Field is potentially a dangerous activity. In acceptance of this entry, I for myself, my execution, administration and assigns, do hereby release any rights and claims for damages I may have against KARC and any and all sponsors and individuals involved with the presentation and conduct of the 2018 KARC Youth Track Championships. I verify that this applicant is physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in this competition. I grant permission to use any photo or record of this event for any purpose.

Pre-Register for Events (check 3 boxes maximum: 2 running, 1 field or 1 running, 2 field)

Signature (by parent or guardian) ________________________________________ Date ________________

Send: Entry Form, Signed Waiver and $5 per Athlete (make checks payable to KARC) to: KARC c/o Luke Demerath, 724 Apple Blossom Ct., Kimberly, WI 54136

Entries and Waivers are Allowed Day of the Meet – RSVP to: [email protected]

Age/Event 100 200 400 800 Mile LJ HJ SP

4 & Under N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 & 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A

7 & 8 N/A N/A N/A

9 & 10

11 & 12

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The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student programs and activities.

Start Here, Excel Here.

Our highly qualified teachers are early childhood experts whose goal is to engage our youngest students through play-based learning.

At the 4K Center for Literacy, students build a strong foundation to continue their studies in Kimberly.

Wrap around care options are also available.

We are accepting kindergarten registrations and open enrollment applications for next school year.

Help us spread the word to families you know!

Is your Minimaker ready to start here and excel here? Full-service 4K Center • Full-day 5K in Elementary Schools

Open enrollment applications accepted until April 30, 2018

Learn more about Registration and Open Enrollment: • (920) 788-7900




Kimberly Area School District

By learning through play in 4K, our students start here and excel here.

Now accepting kindergarten registrations for next school year!

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Join our team as a Sub! Do you enjoy working with children while maintaining a flexible work

schedule? Have you considered becoming a substitute teacher?

The Kimberly Area School District is seeking talented Substitute Teachers who want to join a team of

ambitious professionals who help all students succeed. Sometimes, our educators are away from

their classrooms for things like professional development or when they are ill. That’s when we need

talented individuals to continue providing a high-quality education to our students.


Current Wisconsin Educator License

-Or- a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited Institution of High Education, completion of Substitute Teacher Training and current Substitute Teacher Permit.

Have a Bachelor’s Degree but not a Substitute Teacher Permit? Contact us at (920) 788-7900 to learn more about pursuing training to obtain a Substitute Teacher Permit.

Substitute Teachers new to KASD are supported by helpful District

staff at each building. The District uses an online Substitute Teacher

System (AESOP) where you can view and customize subbing positions you are most interested in for

your subbing career. KASD offers a competitive daily pay rate for our substitute teachers.

Are you ready to join a team of talented professionals who help students become community, college

and career ready? Complete an application through WECAN (Wisconsin’s K-12 hiring website) by


Learn more about the Kimberly Area School District at

The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate against candidates on the basis of race, color, creed, marital status, sex (including transgender status, change of sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender transition, gender identity or sexual identity), pregnancy, ancestry, political belief or activity,

military or veteran’s status, arrest or conviction record, use or non-use of lawful products, religion, national origin, age, disability, or any other status protected

by law. Concerns or questions should be directed to the District’s Compliance Officer, the Director of Human Resources, at Kimberly Area School District, 425 S Washington Street, Combined Locks WI 54113. We are an equal opportunity employer.