saint mary -...

saint mary of the annunciation Living God’s Word Pray Luke’s version of the Our Father, then pray Mat- thew’s version (Matthew 6:9–13). Linger over each phrase as you say them. Take one of these phrases with you throughout the day and repeat it when you have a chance, like a mantra. Let it dwell in your heart. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Prayer has always been part of the Christian heritage. The book of Psalms long ago became the prayer book of the church, along with some hymns and canticles from other books of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Among the most beautiful prayers we have are the Mag- nificat of Mary, the Benedictus of Zechariah, and the Nunc Dimittis of Simeon, all in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:46– 55; 1:68–79; 2:29–32). Most importantly, Jesus prayed. Think about that for a moment. Jesus, the Son of God, the Word made flesh, the only begotten Son, prayed. We know that he went off by himself to pray. He did this before some of the most im- portant moments in his ministry, like before he chose those who would be with him. But it is safe to assume that he did it as a habit. Reflecting on God’s Word JULY 28 2013 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME J. S. Paluch Co. So when one of the disciples asked him to teach them to pray and Jesus responded with the Our Father, it de- serves our attention. This prayer reveals the heart of Je- sus, and tells us how we should speak to the Father. The prayer has two parts: blessing the Father and calling for his presence in the world, then turning to God for our basic needs of food, forgiveness, and fidelity. The parables that follow call us to persevere and persist in prayer because God is a Father who will give us his life -blood, in this case, the Holy Spirit, to all who ask. Con- tinue to knock, continue to ask. God will respond. —James A. Wallace, C.SS.R. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights re- served.

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Page 1: saint mary -… · Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles


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Living God’s Word Pray Luke’s version of the Our Father, then pray Mat-thew’s version (Matthew 6:9–13). Linger over each phrase as you say them. Take one of these phrases with you throughout the day and repeat it when you have a chance, like a mantra. Let it dwell in your heart.

Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Prayer has always been part of the Christian heritage. The book of Psalms long ago became the prayer book of the church, along with some hymns and canticles from other books of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Among the most beautiful prayers we have are the Mag-nificat of Mary, the Benedictus of Zechariah, and the Nunc Dimittis of Simeon, all in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:46–55; 1:68–79; 2:29–32). Most importantly, Jesus prayed. Think about that for a moment. Jesus, the Son of God, the Word made flesh, the only begotten Son, prayed. We know that he went off by himself to pray. He did this before some of the most im-portant moments in his ministry, like before he chose those who would be with him. But it is safe to assume that he did it as a habit.

Reflecting on God’s Word

JULY 28 2013




J. S. Paluch Co.

So when one of the disciples asked him to teach them to pray and Jesus responded with the Our Father, it de-serves our attention. This prayer reveals the heart of Je-sus, and tells us how we should speak to the Father. The prayer has two parts: blessing the Father and calling for his presence in the world, then turning to God for our basic needs of food, forgiveness, and fidelity. The parables that follow call us to persevere and persist in prayer because God is a Father who will give us his life-blood, in this case, the Holy Spirit, to all who ask. Con-tinue to knock, continue to ask. God will respond. —James A. Wallace, C.SS.R. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights re-served.

Page 2: saint mary -… · Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles

Week Ahead Sunday, July 28

9:30AM Liturgy of the Word for Children

Monday, July 29

8:00AM Mass

8:30AM Pray the Rosary

Tuesday, July 30

8:00AM Mass

8:30AM Pray the Rosary

7:15PM Lectio Davina Bible Study

Wednesday, July 31

8:00AM Mass

8:30AM Pray the Rosary

Thursday, August 1

8:00AM Mass

8:30AM Pray the Rosary

6:00PM Journey Night

Friday, August 2

8:00AM First Friday Mass in Little Church

8:30AM Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet after Mass

Saturday, August 3 7:00AM Men’s Cursillo Meeting

5:00PM Liturgy of the Word for Children

Sunday, August 4

9:30AM Liturgy of the Word for Children

Mass Intentions Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles Lacey Tuesday, July 30, Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:00AM Donald Schweinberg req. The Schweinberg Family Wednesday, July 31, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest 8:00AM Mike & Sherry Schmidt req. The Gene Schmidt Family †Fr. Patrick J. O’Malley req. Helen Hintz Thursday, August 1, Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:00AM †Connie Vallee req. John Kroll Friday, August 2 8:00AM †Les Geary req. The Gene Schmidt Family Saturday, August 3

5:00PM †Larry Boyd req. Ellen Boyd, His Wife †Paul Obenauf req. Marion Grinnell †Carol Ford req. The Tom Powell Family Sunday, July 28 7:30AM For the Parishioners of St. Mary of the Annunciation 9:30AM †Kevin Ouimet req. The Ouimet Family †Sophia Kirn req. Jim Kirn & Family †Beth Schellert req. Bonnie Schellert, Her Daughter †Michael Schellert req. Bonnie Schellert †Fr. Patrick J. O’Malley req. Ed & Dolores Leuthner 11:30AM †Denis Donnellan of County Clare Ireland req. Justine Donnellan †Alfred & Dorothy Regner req. The Regner Family †Carol Ford req. Tom & Jane Finerty

Mass Times

5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM

Lectors E. Moser R. Machak

L. Zyzda E. DeSalvo

M. Arata D. Kennebeck

B. Ouimet K. Crotty

Eucharistic Ministers

Deacon D. Prezell C. Papak T. Powell J. Powell P. Biel M. Teehan R. Heinzinger

Deacon M. Stramich L. Zucco K. Aspegren S. Ratajczak M. Sikorski L. Bosshart P. Tekampe M. Te-kampe

Deacon B. Consdorf I. Kennebeck J. Philbin L.M. Davis K. Pann-hausen R. Fisher J. Fisher J. Rutledge M. Rutledge A. Truesdale

Deacon M. Crutcher J. Ranchero Z. DelaCruz L. DelaCruz E. McPherson D.Ceglarek A. Ellis J. Ferrigan

Liturgical Ministers: August 3 & 4, 2013

Stewardship Report

Sunday Collection July 21, 2013 $ 19,783.98

Budgeted Weekly Collection $ 20,600.00

Difference $ (816.02)

Current Fiscal Year-to-Date* $ 79,291.75

Budgeted Sunday Collections To-Date $ 82,400.00

Difference $ (3,108.25)

*Note: YTD amount reflects updates by bank to postings and adjustments.

All who suffer illness, especially those whose names are written in the parish Book of Prayers, those recently added to the list of the sick,

Dale Miller

and for those who have recently died:

Fr. Patrick J. O’Malley, Martha Reget Josephine Zaleski and Jeanne M. Reget


Page 3: saint mary -… · Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles

Parish Survey, Part XI A few months ago we conducted a parish survey so that we could get a better sense of parishion-ers’ spiritual needs and their perception of not only what St. Mary has to offer but what they might have to offer as well. The survey was not intended to be a performance review of the pastoral staff and the leaders of various ministries so much as it was intended to convey a sense that we are all responsible for the life of the parish. And so it is as much a survey of parishioners’ understanding of and engagement in the mission of the parish.

The results of our Parish Survey provide a good foundation for our planning and visioning for our 150th anniversary. During our sesquicentennial year we want to be thankful for our past, but more importantly, we must prayerfully consider where the Lord is leading us in the future. Our survey helps to stir our imagination and revitalize our efforts to be a strong and effective Catholic parish.

Each week we will publish one or two of the survey questions and the results with a brief com-mentary. The average score is indicated after each statement. The scoring was a 1 to 5 scale with 1 meaning “strongly disagree” and 5 meaning “strong agree.”

We hope that this way of reporting will be instructive and also a way of inviting greater engage-ment in the life of the parish. As you read the results and commentaries on the survey in the weeks to come and have addi-tional ideas or would like to become more involved, please let us know. The various committees organized for our sesqui-centennial are always looking for volunteers.

22. My parish adequately shares important information through a variety of communications mate-rial.

Total score: 3.9 Effective communications are always difficult to achieve and always a two-sided relationship. A parish can provide ade-quate, clear and frequent information, but parishioners have the responsibility of accessing the information. The parish staff is well aware that only a small percent of parishioners read the weekly printed bulletin. Each week the bulletin is posted on the parish website. Because we cannot presume parishioners are reading the bulletin or accessing the parish website, we often resort to making a few announcements at Mass that are of a more immediate or pressing nature. We know that too many announcements can be annoying. So how can we communicate better? Would an email system or tweet work to our advantage? Is the information posted on the narthex kiosk of any value? How can we encourage parishioners to read the bulletin in print or electronically? Should a volunteer be available at an information desk after all Masses to respond to in-quiries? And what do we do about the fact that some parishioners do not come to Mass every Sunday and may miss both the bulletin and any spoken announcements? There is another question at stake here which was not in the survey. What kind of information do parishioners look for? Would more educational pieces be of interest? Are new parishioners looking for something different than long standing members? We need to further explore the communications issue and would welcome your ideas, insights and recommen-dations. 23. I feel like the multiple responsibilities in my life make it difficult for me to be active in my faith.

Total score: 2.4 It is interesting to note that less than half of the respondents felt that their multiple responsibilities kept them from being more active in their faith. Recall that question #20 indicated with a 3.4 response that parishioners would do more, if asked. Being active, of course, doesn’t necessarily imply volunteering at the parish. One can be very active in promoting the faith, engaging in works of charity, cultivating a strong prayer life, etc. But question #23 does seem to leave some room for a stronger and wider engagement in the mission of the church. How do we increase the number of parishioners who are ac-tively engaged in the parish? What kind of activities or offerings would parishioners welcome to become more active in their faith? The pastoral staff may be unnecessarily hesitant in inviting parishioners to become more actively engaged. Is there a pool of potential lay leaders we haven’t tapped? As with communications, getting involved is a two way street. Don’t wait to be asked. It’s hard for the staff to know your interests, assess your gifts and your desire to serve, if we haven’t had the opportunity to get to know you. Let us know your interests and availability so that together we can help you to be-come more engaged in the life of the parish.

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F isch–ing Lines by Deacon Howard Fischer

This week’s first reading from the Book of Genesis is one of my favorite episodes in Scripture. The story picks up essen-

tially where last weekend’s passage left off. The three visitors, after partaking of Abraham’s hospitality and leaving him with a ridiculous-sounding promise (Sarah, in her late 60s and long past menopause, will conceive and bear a son within the next year!),

now depart on the next part of their mission: a fact-finding trip to Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham is left with God, whom he engages in a lengthy (and quite humorous) give-and-take, back-and-forth negotia-tion. “Will you sweep away the innocent with the guilty? Suppose there were fifty innocent people in the city. Would you wipe out the whole place rather than spare it for the sake of the fifty innocent peo-ple? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to make the innocent die with the guilty so that the innocent and the guilty would be treated alike!” Although he knows he is being sweet-talked, God replies, “OK, if I find 50 innocent people I’ll spare the place.” Not satisfied, Abraham continues to push the issue and to test the limits, much as children do with their parents. “I know it’s pre-tentious of me to keep asking, but what if there are only 45 innocent people?” To which God replies, “Alright already! If there are 45, I won’t destroy the city!” The bargaining continues for several more rounds. 40? 30? 20? 10? Each time, God says he will relent for the sake of the innocent. Author Joel Schorn writes, “Abraham is not bartering to spare the two cities. He wants to find out just how just and forgiving God is and doesn’t let up until he’s sure God would spare an entire town for the sake of only ten innocent people. This great mercy shows up as well in the epistle, where we hear that God has ‘forgiven us all our transgressions,’ and in the gospel where Jesus teaches that ‘everyone who asks, receives.’” The problem is that we are all citizens of Sodom and Gomor-rah and in need of forgiveness. But we either fail to recognize our need or are too proud to ask for help. Scripture scholar Alice Camille writes:

Asking for help is a curiously difficult thing to do. Once we’re no longer kids, we take a distinct pride in being self-sufficient…We joke about being unable to ask for directions while hopelessly lost. We allow debt to grow over our heads but refuse to call the financial counselor. Our marriages chill to the point of freezing but we don’t seek the assistance of Retrouvaille. We’re lonely but won’t leave the house. We know we’re drinking too much but won’t visit AA. We’re un-well but won’t see a doctor. We sin and don’t go to Confes-sion. Pride keeps us from taking a single step out of the misery in which we find ourselves mired. So we can understand how the folks in Sodom and Gomorrah got in way over their heads and didn’t have the sense to cry for mercy. Abraham, who didn’t even live in those cities, was the only person willing to make the case for their pardon, for the sake of the innocent. Abraham, how-ever, never asked for fewer than ten innocents. He relied on the goodness of others too much, and so two cities wound up in ruins. If only someone in Sodom had been asking, too! Ask, Jesus says, and you will receive. The problem lies in that too many of us refuse to ask. Pride won’t allow us to admit there’s a problem or that it’s our problem and not someone else’s. Pride won’t take the risk of appearing weak, foolish, or wrong—yet mortality ensures that we’re frail, lack-ing in knowledge, and error-prone. We deny our nature when we deny these things, and we put ourselves in jeop-ardy—and the people we care about most in jeopardy, too—when we refuse to ask for the help we need. Don’t settle for a snake when what you really need is a fish.

Knowing that the Lord will never refuse a sincere request for mercy, may we swallow our sinful pride and seek God’s help which we so desperately need so that we may truly live by the words we pray: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” If you wish to contact me, please leave a note in the Parish Office or send an email to [email protected].

Sesquicentennial Tour of Italy 2014 One of the highlights of our Sesquicentennial Celebration that begins in October 2013 and concludes in October 2014 is a tour to Italy that includes Rome, Florence, Assisi, Siena, and the places associated with the life of Blessed Pier Gior-gio Frassati. We will visit Turin where the body of Blessed Pier Giorgio is venerated and travel to Pollone, the Frassati

family’s summer residence. Fr. Ron Lewinski will lead the classical Italy tour that is scheduled for June 8 to 19, 2014. Our Sesquicenten-nial tour will be educational, spiritual and utterly delightful as we relax in the hills of northern Italy, explore the treasures of ancient cities and enjoy the local cuisine. This tour promises to be a truly memorable event. You will find brochures for the Italy Tour in the narthex kiosk.

SECRETARY NEEDED Santa Maria del Popolo School is looking for a school secretary. This candidate must be a happy person who:

• loves children • is bilingual (English/Spanish) • has excellent oral and written communication skills • has strong computer skills (particularly Word, Publisher, and Ex-

cel) • can multi-task in a fast paced office environment • and knowledge of PowerSchool is a plus If you are interested in this position, please email your resume to the principal, Pat Strang, at [email protected]

Page 5: saint mary -… · Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles

ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL SUMMER REP As our 2013 Summer REP ends, it is with many thanks to all who attended our two week summer session and special thanks to the

catechists who brought Faith in Action alive to their students. The students learned that putting our faith into action is not always easy, but it is what Jesus calls us to do. The students said “yes” to being Christ’s disciples when they collected food for the Fremont Township Food Pantry, they said “yes” when they spent a very hot day weeding gardens, spreading mulch and har-vesting produce at Smart Farm in Barrington. The produce was donated to Fremont’s Food Pantry. Our students said “yes” when they collected backpacks and school supplies to donate to Catholic Charities, when they shared their time with prayer buddies and helped open Morning Prayer with songs.

Our two weeks culminated with a lively closing Mass and the challenge to continue saying “yes” to Jesus in all that they do. St. Mary has some of the best and most dedicated catechists in

our Archdiocese and I pray that the rest of their summer is restful and

peaceful and that they know they are

truly Christ’s disciples. With a grateful heart, Sue Matousek

2013 Sharing Parish Ministry “Pulpit Exchange”

I’m sure you can tell by the above Rebus Puzzle that the Sharing Par-ish Ministry here at St. Mary of the Annunciation is beginning to plan for the Pulpit Exchange between our parish and Most Blessed Trinity in Waukegan, IL. Father Ron Lewinski will be celebrating Mass at Most Blessed Trinity on Sunday, September 1, at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Wouldn’t it be great if we could “pack the house,” (the house of God that is) at Most Blessed Trinity on September 1st to show how much we support our pastor and the Sharing Parish Ministry. We’ll all sit in a group to show our solidarity and support for our Pastor and parish. See for directions to MBT. If you’ll be available to attend that special Eucharistic Celebra-tion, please give Deacon Gary Kupsak or his wife Barb a call at (847) 726-2553 or contact them at [email protected] so that we can get a count as to how many of our parishioners may be at that Mass. Some light refreshments will be served after the Mass. In addition, Father Jacque Beltran, Pastor of Most Blessed Trinity Par-ish, will be at St. Mary of the Annunciation on Sunday, August 25, 2013 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass to celebrate the Eucharist, meet the members of our parish and give us his thoughts on the importance of our Sharing Parish relationship. Even though you may regularly go to another Mass, wouldn’t you please consider going to the 9:30 Mass on 8/25 and say hello to the Pastor from our Sharing Parish? There will be some light refreshments and time to Say “hello” to Father Beltran after the Mass. Please be willing to open your arms to Fr. Jacque and be there to meet this delightful priest. Contact Deacon Gary at the above numbers if you have any ques-tions.

+ + + X

New Kiosk for Great Catholic Resources!

Be sure to check out the new kiosk in the parish narthex. The new double-sided kiosk now holds even more great Catholic CDs, books and other

fantastic resources. It’s a great way to renew excitement for your faith and find materials to

share with friends and family.

Two sides full of great resources!

Featured CD for August

“The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality”

by Matthew Kelly

Have you ever felt disillusioned about your faith and filled with doubt? Matthew Kelly will take you on the adventure of a lifetime designed to help revitalize your spiritual life. Bold, practical, and inspiring, he will help you rediscover the true meaning of life as ex-pressed in the seven pillars of authentic Catholic spirituality. Feature CDs can be found at the wooden kiosk in the narthex. Please remember a $3 donation per CD is suggested to allow

the parish to continue the program and offer new material.

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Parish Outreach – Reaching Out The Catholic Charities Veterans Employment Program of Lake County provides a critical link between local businesses and the men and women (including spouses) who dedicated themselves to the service of our country. Our Veterans Employment Program re-

cruits, screens and places qualified candidates throughout the Lake County area into businesses and organizations who have opened their hiring needs to our program. In addition, we conduct follow-up with our clients and employers for purposes of ensuring job retention.

These services are offered at no cost to the service members/spouses or the employers.

The benefits of hiring our clients include:

• Proven Leadership • Dependability

• Mission Focused • Team Players • Able to get the job done

The Catholic Charities Veterans Employment Program looks forward to serving our past and present military and employers in the Lake County Community. For information, please contact: ROBERT SOLAVA, Job Developer Veterans Employment Program 671 5 Lewis Ave Waukegan, IL 60085 Phone: (847) 782-4219 [email protected]

SHARING PARISH MINISTRY A CALL TO SHARE How many times have you told your children, “You must share your toys, snacks, etc…?” We have learned from little on that “sharing” in all its various forms is

the way we are able to most positively get through life. The sharing of our time, talents and resources is most certainly part of who we are as faithful Catholics. The “Sharing Parish Ministry” here at St. Mary of the Annunciation has been relatively dormant over the last year or so, and we’re hoping to change that. Our “Sharing Parish” is Most Blessed Trinity in Waukegan. We are presently embarking on a “Mission” that is certainly a part of the Sesquicentennial celebra-tion, and will exist for years beyond, to once again begin sharing our time and talents with the parishioners of Most Blessed Trinity and them with us. Some of the projects being discussed are pulpit ex-changes with our pastors, assisting at each of our parishes’ sum-mer/fall celebrations, choir exchange, parish tours, Spanish lan-guage classes, teaching computer skills, assisting at their food pan-try, soup kitchen, immigration center and women’s shelter, conduct-ing a bicycle roundup, and many yet to be determine projects where the parishioners from our parish and their parish can join hands and learn about how we all practice our faith and life experiences is di-verse cultures. We really need your help! If you would willing to give of your time and talents to help develop this re-emerging ministry, or would like to find out more information about what the “Sharing Parish Ministry” is all about, please contact Deacon Gary Kupsak at (847) 726-2553 or at [email protected]. Experience the joy of sharing. Give of yourself and receive what others who love their neighbors as they love themselves have to offer.

Treasures from Our Tradition Apart from the period from Thanksgiving through Christmas, the summer is a favored time for family reunions. We trace family trees and recall our origins. Worship has a family tree as well, and the way we celebrate today has been influenced by various styles and customs through the centuries. We are Western Christians of the Latin Rite. By far, we are the most numerous Western Christians, but there are other ritual families as well. The Archdiocese of Milan in Italy follows the Ambrosian Rite, Toledo in Spain preserves the Mozarabic Rite and the Arab language, and Lyons in France is home to the Gallican Rite. Other liturgical families, such as the Celtic in Ireland and the Sarum in England, faded away after the Reformation. Until recent times, mem-bers of some ancient religious orders such as Carmelites and Trap-pists followed a pattern of Mass that varied slightly from the plan ob-served in Latin Rite parishes. Isn’t the Catholic Church the same everywhere? Not at all. It never has been! The existence of so many liturgical families in the West reminds us that unity, not uniformity, is what the Church seeks to achieve among her children. We are united in faith, but wonderfully diverse in rituals, ceremonies, languages, customs, and spirituality.

—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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The Ministry of Care If your loved one or friend is homebound or recovering from illness and would like a minister of care to visit and bring Holy Communion, please call the parish office, 847-223-0010 or Dolores Leuthner, 847-949-4534.

An Interactive Poverty Awareness Program Shatter the myths around poverty, learn the facts, inspire service and empower advocacy! Join us to reflect

on how we can make a difference in our parish and surrounding com-munity. Just Neighbors Revised Meeting Dates: Wednesday evenings Sept 11-Oct 9 in the parish meeting rooms from 6-8:30 pm RSVP Brittany Doucette [email protected]

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Friday, August 9, 2013 The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adora-tion in the Eucharistic Chapel on Friday, August 9,

from after the 8:30 morning Mass until 10:00 PM. A variety of spiritual books are available to assist your meditation. The sign-up book is in the narthex. If you sign up but are unable to attend, please call the parish office, 847-223-0010, or Gretchen O’Connor, 224-545-1712, so we may schedule another adorer and always have a person present. Even if you don’t sign up, you are welcome to come for a visit with our Lord present in the Holy Eucharist.

Theology on Tap Final Sessions Don’t miss the last sessions of Theology on Tap, 2013! Each is from 7:00 to 9:00pm and open to all young

adults ages 18-39. For more information about these and other events, visit • Sunday, July 28 at Fatman Pizza Pub, Gurnee (pizza & volleyball start at 5:30): “What They Didn't Tell You in Sex Ed: The Biology of the Theology of the Body” (Victoria Thorn) • Tuesday, July 30 at St. Mary of Vernon: “Authentic Masculinity & Femininity: What Venus, Mars, and JPII Have in Common” (Margaret Motto) The finale is Sunday, August 11: young-adult Mass with Bishop Ras-sas, 1pm at St. Patrick, Wadsworth, followed by a celebration at Fat-man: $5 for sand volleyball, all-you-can-eat pizza and pop, and more!

Pray the Daily Rosary Please join other parishioners in the Eucharistic Chapel following the 8:00 AM Mass Monday through Thursday.

Friday recitations of the Rosary are varied, but usually follow this for-mula: 1st Friday Rosary in the little church; 2nd & 3rd Fridays no Ro-sary; 4th Friday in the Eucharistic Chapel.

Catholic Family Day

at Mundelein Seminary August 3, 9:00 AM–3:00 PM

1000 Maple Avenue, across the street from Carmel High School

• Mass at 9:00 AM • 5K Walk/Run around

the lake at 10:00AM • Ice Cream Vendor • Bring your own picnic


For more information, contact Robert

Bennett, Office of Parish Life and For-

mation, 312-534-8385.

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Session 1- Boys Basketball 9am-10:45 Session 2- Girls Basketball 11:00-12:45 Session 3– Girls Volleyball 4:00-6:00 pm

Transfiguration Parish Life Center 316 W. Mill St. Wauconda, IL 60084

$40.00 per session



WAUCONDA IL. 60084 or turn in during school hours


PH# 224-465-1072

STUDENT NAME ______________________________________


SESSION REQUEST (please circle) - ( 1 ) ( 2 ) (3)




EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME _______ __________________

EMERGENCY PH#_____________________________________

Lord Teach Me To Pray Deepen Your Prayer Life; Help Others Do The Same!

Are you a woman or man of prayer? Can you work with small groups?

Are you good at following simple directions?

On August 9—10, a “Facilitator Training—Retreat” for the Lord Teach Me To Pray prayer series will be conducted at Marytown Retreat & Conference Center in Libertyville, IL. It will be conducted in a retreat setting and discernment atmosphere. Come and discern if God is call-ing you to become a facilitator! Or, if you are simply interested in find-ing out more about Ignatian Prayer and the Lord, Teach Me To Pray (LTMTP) prayer series, you are also invited! The “Training-Retreat” begins Friday evening at 5:15 p.m. and ends Saturday at 4:00 p.m. For information and registration: Mrs. Carol Weiler at [email protected] or 504-439-5933; or Father Marty Gleeson, O.P. at [email protected] or 504-717-8770; or visit and click “Facilitator Training-Retreat.

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St. Mary School Certificate Program We will sell GIFT CARDS every weekend during May and only once a month during the summer. We will sell on the same weekends as Market Day; July 20/21 and August 10/11. Please plan ahead for wed-dings, graduations, vacations, parties, restaurants, and more. All cards are sold at face value and all profits go to our preK – 5 school. We also accept new orders for cards not listed here. Questions? Call Erin Gardner 847-471-8311.

Dominick’s $25, $100 Applebee’s $25 Jewel $25, $100 Culver’s $10 Walgreen’s $25 Panera $10

Walmart $25, $100 Philly G’s $25 Target $25, $100 Starbucks $10

Home Depot $25 i-tunes $15 Kohl’s $25 Land’s End $25 Bath & Body Works

$10 Wendy’s $10

Maintenance & Beautification Update Our campus maintenance and beautification plans continue to move ahead. Here is the current status of these efforts: School Front Porch: As we hope you have noticed, the major carpentry work on the new porch has recently been com-pleted. We now have the “finish work” to do: sealing the wood, re-installing the downspout, landscaping and lighting, etc. We intend to have all of these tasks done prior to the start of school. Little Church: The new landscaping was completed in

June with new plants, limestone outcroppings, paver walk, lighting and benches. We hope you will agree that the entrance plaza looks very beautiful and inviting. Some exterior painting and repairs to the Old Church remain.

Main Driveway: We are still working through the permit

process for our plan to widen the main driveway and add gravel shoulders. We hope to submit the final required documents this week. After a permit is issued, the paving work will be scheduled, probably for August.

Bell Tower: The concrete foundation for the bell tower

has been excavated and poured. We have also com-pleted some necessary concrete repairs around the new church as well. The foundry continues to finish our three new bells and to restore our historic 1867 bell. Fabrica-tion of the tower began last week. We hope to erect the tower around Labor Day so that all is ready for the bless-ing and dedication of the bells at the opening liturgy of our sesquicentennial on October 5th. Once the tower is up, we will do some landscaping and lighting around the base.

We are extremely grateful to the many people who so gener-ously have made donations to assist us with these projects. Without your gifts we would not have been able to even begin any of this work! As we are still in need of additional funding to complete the work that remains, especially with the widening of the driveway, we welcome donations of any size to help us with these projects. If you would like to contribute, simply mark a plain envelope with the project(s) of your choice (or just label for “Summer Projects” in general) and place your gift in the Sunday collection basket. Thank you again for your generos-ity!

Liturgical Ministry Formation For Teens Sunday, August 11, 2013

1:00PM to 4:00PM St. Francis de Sales

135 S. Buesching Road Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047

LITURGICAL MINISTRY FORMATION for teens begins with a general overview of the THEOLOGY OF MINISTRY, followed by separate training session for MINISTERS OF THE WORD and EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS. This FORMATION DAY is open to High School teens who have already received the sacrament of Confirmation or will be con-firmed during the coming year. OVERALL, the training will provide teens with a well grounded perspective of the meaning and purpose of liturgical minis-try, as well as a clear understanding of the significance of the call we receive at Baptism to serve as Jesus did. PLEASE TAKE NOTE, that while this formation time will generally prepare young people for service in the liturgical community, it will be necessary for each parish/school to follow up with training specific to their own worship space and procedures. This training is free of charge and sponsored by the Ministry Commission of Vicariate I Registration by Thursday, August 8, 2013 is appreciated Walk-ins are always welcome Questions or to register contact Cathy Chiarelli, 847-726-4842 or email:[email protected]

Page 10: saint mary -… · Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles
Page 11: saint mary -… · Monday, July 29, Saint Martha 8:00AM †Felix Dolan req. Liz Carroll & Charles

Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 4:00—4:40 PM, and by appointment

Baptisms Ordinarily during the Mass on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month and after the Mass on the other Sundays, outside of Lent. Parents are required to participate in a Baptismal Preparation class before scheduling a Baptism.

Adult Initiation Adults who wish to become Roman Catholics are enrolled in a formation process that includes prayer, dialogue, instruction, and introduction to the Church’s life and values, rituals and tradition. Call the parish office for more information.

Marriage St. Mary Parish rejoices with parishioners who are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Church requires at least four months’ time before the marriage for adequate preparation. A parish wedding information packet is available at the parish office.

Ministry of Care Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound, or hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. Call the parish office when a pastoral visit is desired. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered by the parish priest upon request.

New parishioners We welcome new members who wish to worship with us and support the parish’s work and mission. Please call the parish office to schedule a time to register. A complete listing of parish services and organizations is available at the parish office.


Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM

Weekday Monday—Friday

8:00 AM

PARISH NUMBER 847-223-0010

Parish Emergency

After Hours 847-813-7324

22333 W. Erhart Road •Mundelein, Illinois 60060 •WWW.STMARYFC.ORG Email: [email protected] Parish Fax number 847-223-5960 Pre K-5 School: 847-223-4021 Frassati Catholic Academy (Grades 6–8) 847-487-5600

Religious Education Program (REP) Emergency Number 847-239-2725

Rev. Ronald J. Lewinski Ext. 213 Pastor, Dean, Vicariate I-A

Rev. Nate Payne Ext. 212 Associate Pastor

Deacons Mike O’Malley, Gary Kupsak Robert Poletto

Mr. Fred Vipond Ext. 216 Director of Music & Liturgy

Ms. Patricia Strang Ext. 310 Principal, St. Mary School

Dr. Diane Vida 847-487-5600 Principal, Frassati Academy

Ms. Sue Matousek Ext. 218 Director of Religious Education

Mr. Ryan Rehkamp Ext. 230 Coordinator of Youth Ministry

Mr. Howard Fischer Ext. 215 Director of Parish Operations

Ms. Penny Elwood Ext. 217 Bookkeeper/Accountant

Ms. Victoria Hansen Ext. 200 Administrative Assistant

Mr. Richard Plage Ext. 210 Mr. William Zerwer Maintenance

Dustin Zubert Pastoral Council President

Trisha Zubert School Board President

Rev. James Presta Weekend Associates

Parish Staff