sabbath necron codex 0 5 _2

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  • 8/8/2019 Sabbath Necron Codex 0 5 _2


    Sabbath Necron Codex 0.5Included is the update to the Necron codex with rules that are currently being decided

    upon by the Sabbath group, final version should be 1.0

    General Rules:

    Phase Out- Phase out has been changed to as follows: When the number of

    points associated with a single Necron Army is reduced to 25% of the points

    spent on models with the Necron special rule, the army is removed from

    play. This occurs at the beginning of the Necron players turn immediately

    following their Will Be Back rolls. In a game of Annihilation this rule is


    For example: if an army consisting of 30 Necron Warriors (with Disruption

    Fields), The Harvester, a Monolith, and a 3 man squad of Tomb Spyders

    (with Bonded Exoskeleton), (1250 points exactly), would have 790 points

    delegated to Necrons and as such would phase out if reduced to less then

    198 pts of Necrons. ((I this example this would mean as long as the

    Harvester survives, the army does not phase out))

    Well Be Back- Any Necron that is reduced to 0 wounds or would otherwise

    be removed as a casualty remains on the tabletop and is laid on its side to

    show that its damaged. Damaged Necrons ignore the normal coherency

    rules and cannot be attack in anyway they are seen as just more battle field


    At the start of a Necron players turn, his/her damaged Necrons may self-

    repair. Roll a D6 for every Necron capable of self-repair. On a roll of 1-3,

    remove the model as normal. On a roll of 4-6 the Necron is repaired and

    stands back up with 1 Wound remaining.

    A Necron cannot self repair if it was destroyed by a close combat weapon

    that allows no Armor saves or any weapon whose Strength is twice the

    Toughness of the Necron concerned. This can be over-ridden by the

    Resurrection Orb or Enhanced Power Core (See Necron Armory).

    Additionally, the self-repair ability only works if the wounded Necron is

    within 6 of another model of the same name, although not necessarily of

    the same unit.

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    Models with the USR: Eternal Warrior may make a WBB roll, regardless of

    the method in which they are killed (unless specified otherwise).

    The Repaired Necron will immediately be placed with its original unit. If the

    entire unit is wiped out, those who pass their WBB rolls will create the

    New Unit where they last fell. Once the repaired Necron joins or forms its

    unit it will continue to move and fight as normal. If its unit is involved in

    close combat at the time it self-repairs, the Necron will join the close combat

    and may not initiate new multi-assaults nor does it count as charging.

    Necron Lords- Necron lords do not have to have another model within 6 in

    order to self repair. If they self-repair, they will stand up with 1 Wound, not

    their full 3. If the Lords last wound is lost to a close combat weapon that

    allows no armor save or any weapon whose Strength is twice the Toughness

    of the Necron/Destroyer Lord then it cannot self-repair unless it has aResurrection Orb or Enhanced Power Core, or if another Necron Lord within

    6 inches has a Resurrection Orb. If several attacks hit simultaneously assume

    that attacks that do not allow self-repair strike before ahead of those that do.

    Tomb Spyders- If a Necron cannot self-repair because no model of the same

    type is within 6, it may still self-repair if there is a Tomb Spyder within


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    Necron Armory

    Vehicle Upgrades:

    Power Matrix:

    The Power Matrix functions as follows:It may not be destroyed with a Weapon destroyed result and may still

    function as normal if shaken or stunned.

    A Vehicle may use its Matrix in one of the following ways during the

    controlling players turn.

    1. In the shooting phase it may discharge its energy in the form of aParticle Whip (Once per game for Obelisk)

    2. In the Movement phase it may use its portal to allow entire NecronUnits (Units with the Necron special rule) to phase out (even if inclose combat) and re-enter play by re-immerging from the portal as if

    disembarking from the access point. They must be within 18 inches

    of the Monolith or 9 inches of the Obelisk (depending on which is

    used) and any models who failed their "We'll be back" rolls at the start

    of the turn may reroll once they emerge from the portal. If you intend

    to use the portal this way during a turn then leave the models that

    failed to self-repair on their sides until the end of the Movement


    Living Metal: Negates the additional effects of Melta, Lance, Chain Fists,

    Thunder-hammers, Rending, Monstrous Creatures and any other abilities

    which ADD to the roll for PENETRATION (Not Strength, for instance,

    Talos Claws still gain their benefits to a Vehicle with Living Metal as their

    abilities apply to the STRENGTH of the attack).

    You may have your opponent reroll the highest D6 when firing Ordinance.

    (They still take the higher of the two results)

    Vehicles with Living Metal may ignore a Vehicle Destroyed result on a D6

    roll of 6. (you may NEVER reroll a failed result)

    Vehicles with Living Metal never count as scoring, nor do any embarked

    units (if they are still embarked at the end of the game.)

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    Ranged Weapons:

    Weapon Range Strength AP Type

    Gauss Flayer 24" 4 5 Rapid Fire/GaussGauss Blaster 24" 5 4 Assault 2/Gauss

    Gauss Cannon 36" 6 4 Heavy 3/Gauss

    Heavy Gauss Cannon 36" 9 2 Heavy 1/ Gauss

    Gauss Flux Arc 12" 5 4 Special**/Gauss

    Particle Whip 24" 9 3* Heavy 1/Large Blast

    Staff of Light


    12" 5




    Assault 3

    Assault 1/Melta.

    Gauss Torrents 60" 9 1 Heavy 2/Twin-Linked/Lance

    Death Scythes 12" 5 3 Assault 3/Twin-Linked

    * The Particle Whip has an AP value of 1 directly under the hole and always hits vehicles at full strength

    even if partially hit. You do not subtract BS from the scatter roll and the blast will ALWAYS scatter, use

    the largest arrow on the TARGET facing of the scatter die to determine the direction in which the blast


    **The gauss flux arc is fired in the beginning movement phase. Each Weapon Destroyed reduces the

    total number of shots fired by -1 per result. When this number has reached -6, the Gauss Flux Arc is

    considered destroyed.

    Gauss weapons-

    Against any model with a Toughness characteristic, any roll to wound of 6automatically causes a wound regardless of Toughness. Saving throws apply

    as normal.

    Against any model with AV, any roll of 6 on the Armor Penetration roll

    counts as AT LEAST a glance. If the hit would normally penetrate the

    vehicle armor, apply the penetrating hit instead of the glance.

    Gauss Weapons receive +1 on the Vehicle Damage Table.

    Staff of Light-The staff of light is treated as a power-weapon.

    Close Combat Weapons

    Warscythe- Warscythes are made from the same living metal as the hulls of

    Necron ships and the Ctan necrodermis. There are not saving throws of any

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    sort (including invulnerable saves) allowed against Warscythes and when

    attacking vehicles 2d6+ Strength is rolled for armor penetration.


    Only Necron/Destroyer Lords may select items from the Wargear list below(except for Disruption Fields, Bonded Exoskeletons, and Enhanced Power

    Cores, which are available to several unit types).

    Item Points

    Chronometron 15

    Disruption Field Varied

    Gaze of Flame 15

    Lightning Field 25

    Nightmare Shroud 30

    Phase Shifter 30

    Phylactery 25

    Resurrection Orb 40

    Solar Pulse 35

    Veil of Darkness 60

    Bonded Exoskeleton Varied

    Enhanced Power Core Varied

    Chronometron- A Lord with a Chronometron, and any unit it has joined,

    rolls and extra die (and discards the lowest) when determining its Fall Back,

    Run, Slow and Purposeful and Consolidation rolls.

    Disruption Field- Melee attacks made by a model with Disruption Fields

    gains the Universal Special Rule: Rending

    Gaze of Flame- Models belonging to units which charge into close combat

    with a Lord with Gaze of flame gain no bonus attacks for charging. Otherbonuses for charging (Such as Furious Charge) are still applied. Enemy

    models in close combat with a Lord with Gaze of Flame suffer a -1

    Leadership penalty, in addition to any other modifiers.

    Lightning Field- For every wound inflicted on a Lord with a lightning field

    (and any unit he has joined) a single Strength 3 hit (with no AP) will be

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    struck back to the unit who caused the wound (Independent Characters are

    treated SEPERATELY for this rule). These extra to-wound rolls are resolved

    at Initiative 0 (Meaning, they will always occur after all other combat has


    Nightmare Shroud (One per army)- A Lord with a Nightmare Shroud

    (And any unit it is joined to) gain the Infiltrate special rule (However, they

    DO NOT gain the ability to outflank). In addition, the Nightmare Shroud

    may be activated in the Shooting phase instead of firing a weapon. Every

    enemy unit with a model within 12 of the Necron lord must take a Moral

    Check. Units that fail must Fall Back. Units that would never fall back are

    immune to the Nightmare Shroud.

    Phase Shifter- A Lord with a Phase Shifter gains a 4+ invulnerable Saving

    throw and the Hit and Run special rule. He may also move an additional 6inches in the assault phase as if he were a Jet-Pack troop. The Hit and Run

    and 6 Inch movement are not conferred to any unit that he joins.

    Phylactery- When a Lord with Phylactery is reduced to 0 Wounds and

    attempts its Self-repair roll at the start of the controlling players turn, instead

    of using the normal rules, use the following table to see what happens.

    D6 Result

    1-3 The Model is removed as a casualty as normal.

    4 The Lord stands up with 1 Wound5 The Lord stands up with 2 Wounds

    6 The Lord stands up with 3 Wounds

    Resurrection Orb- A Lord with a Resurrection Orb allows himself and all

    Necrons within 6 inches of him to attempt their Well Be Back rolls

    regardless of the method used to kill them.

    Solar Pulse(One per army, One use only)-

    The Solar Pulse may be used at the beginning of its controlling players turn.

    Place a marker anywhere on the battlefield. Until the controlling players

    next turn, any Non-Necron models within 12 of the marker may not shoot

    nor be shot at. They may move, run, assault and do other actions as normal

    from inside of the Pulse (besides Psychic Shooting Attacks). Only the Lords

    controlling players units may shoot at units inside of the Solar Pulse.

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    Units that would normally ignore the rules for night fighting (Ignore, not

    double the distance) may shoot from inside the pulse but cannot shoot INTO

    a pulse.

    In addition, if the night-fighting rules are in play during the turn the Lord

    uses this ability, the controlling players forces ignore night-fighting rules

    for the turn.

    Veil of Darkness (One per 1500 points)- A Lord can use a Veil of

    Darkness at the start of its Movement phase instead of moving normally.

    The Lord, any unit that has joined it, and up to one unit of Necrons (I.E not

    Tomb Spyders, Monoliths, Obelisks, or Scarab Swarms) within 6s of it are

    removed from the tabletop and both are then immediately placed together

    anywhere on the tabletop (The other unit MUST be within 6 inches of the

    Lord) using the Deep Strike rules. The Veil may be used even if enemymodels are in base contact with the Lord or any of the Necrons that move

    with him (the enemy models are left behind and may make a consolidation

    move). *Note: The Fleshripper (while he may be in essence, an upgraded

    Flayed one) can NEVER be relocated with a Veil of darkness, if his unit is

    selected, the unit of Flayed ones is relocated as normal while The

    Fleshripper remains behind.

    Bonded Exoskeleton- A model with Bonded Exoskeleton has an Armor

    Save of 2+ instead of its normal Armor Save.

    Enhanced Power Core- A model with Enhanced Power Cores adds +1 to

    its invulnerable save, if it would normally have no invulnerable save, it has a

    6+ instead.

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    HQThe Harvester:

    Pts WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    The Harvester 250 7 4 6(10 6 3 6 4 10 2+(5+)

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Number: 1 Harvester. The Harvester Counts as a Necron Lord in terms of

    WBB eligibility.



    Lightning Field

    Res Orb

    Enhanced Reactor CoreBonded Exoskeleton


    Special Rules:

    Scythe Mastery: The Harvester receives an additional D6 attacks while

    charging (instead of the usual +1attack). Reroll any roll of 1 for this factor

    (You may reroll this die as many times as possible if multiple 1s occur, the

    Harvester will never have less then +2 attacks on the charge). The Harvesterwill ALWAYS gain this bonus D6 for charging (or Counter attack)

    regardless of any other units Wargear or special rules.

    Eternal Warrior: As The Harvester has the Universal Special Rule: Eternal


    Counter Attack: The Harvester has the Counter Attack Universal Special

    Rule. If he successfully gains a Counter-Attack, he will use his Scythe

    Mastery rules(+1d6) instead of the usual +1 attack granted by counter attack.

    Independent Character: The Harvester follows the same rules for being an

    Independent Character as other Necron Lords.

    The Hunger: If a Necron Model fails its WBB roll (Or would not normally

    get one) within 24 inches of the Harvester, he may attempt to "Harvest" the

    parts of the fallen Necron. On a D6 roll of 4+, the fallen Necron is removed

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    and The Harvester may increase his wounds characteristic by +1 (up to a

    maximum of +8). Models that are harvested CANNOT be revived via a

    Resurrection Orb or Power Matrix. For every turn in which the Harvester

    does not feed, he suffers a wound on a D6 roll of 1-3.

    Gift of the Night Bringer: The Harvester has a special ability in which he

    may place 1 Solar Pulse markers on the battle field at any one time. The

    marker may remain in play for the entirety of the game. For every turn in

    which Harvester has a Solar Pulse in play at the end of a turn, he takes a

    wound (no saves of any kind allowed). He also will take a wound very time

    he places a marker. If the Harvester is killed in this manner (either at the

    beginning or end of the turn via GotNB) he is immediately removed from

    play as a Casualty, no WBB roll is allowed.

    The Deathscythes: The Deathscythes are a pair modified Warscythes thathave a built in Staves of light (Yes, this makes the Staff of Lights shot

    Twin Linked). Additionally, if The Harvester rolls a 6 on his Scythe

    Mastery Roll, all his attacks are resolved at Strength 10. The +1 attack from

    having Two Special close combat weapons is already included in his profile.

    The Fleshripper

    Pts WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    The Flesh Ripper 175 6 4 5 4 3 4 3 10 3+(6+)

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Number: 1 Fleshripper. The Fleshripper counts as an HQ choice but is

    treated as a Flayed One in name for eligibility for WBB. He does not gain

    the Preferred Unit special rules he confers to other Flayed ones.


    Rippers Claws

    Enhanced Power Core

    Special Rules:

    Leader of the Flayed Ones: If Fleshripper is taken, Flayed Ones count as

    your Preferred Unit and in addition to the usual bonuses gain the

    Preferred Enemy universal special rule. He may also purchase a Unit of

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    Flayed Ones as a Retinue (using their standard costs and rules). His Retinue

    does gain the benefits (and point costs) associated with the Preferred Unit

    rules choice. (They cost +5 points a model and come with an additional

    wound and EPCs)

    Rise Up!: Flayed ones arriving via deep strike only roll 1 die for scatter(as

    well as the scatter die). If the result of the one die is 4 or more, they do not


    Strike fear!: As long as Fleshripper remains on the board, Models within 12

    inches of a unit of Flayed ones (including Fleshripper) suffer a negative

    modifier to their leadership (for all purposes) equal to the number of Flayed

    Ones in range - the number of models in the effected unit (min -1 modifier).

    EX 10 strong Flayed Ones squad in range of 5 Terminators, the terminators

    are effective leadership 5 as long as they remain within 12 inches from theFlayed Ones. This also grants all Flayed Ones the "Preferred Enemy" special

    rule (including Fleshripper)

    Ripper's Claws: The Rippers Claws are special power weapons that rend on

    a 5+. Against vehicles they receive an additional D6 to Armor Penetration

    (instead of D3) if they happen to "Rend".

    Fearless: The Flesh ripper has the Universal Special Rule: Fearless.

    Independent Character: As Long as he has no Retinue, The Fleshripper is

    a Unique type of Independent Character that may only join units of Flayed

    Ones and only if no other Independent Character has joined the same Unit. If

    another independent character would join a Unit containing the Fleshripper,

    the Fleshripper is no longer a part of that unit. If he has a retinue, he gains

    these rules when his entire retinue has been removed as casualties.

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    The Harbinger:

    Pts WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    The Harbinger 225 4 6 5 6 4 4 4 10 2+(5+)

    Unit Type: Jet-Bike Infantry

    Number: 1 Harbinger. He counts as a Necron Lord in terms of WBB




    Resurrection Orb

    Bonded Exoskeleton

    Enhanced Power-Core

    Destroyer BodyDisruptor Fields

    Gauss torrents

    Power-Field Generator

    Special Rules

    Might of the Necrontyr: The Harbinger grants all Friendly units, within 24

    inches of him, with the "Necron" special rule: Feel No Pain. In addition,

    friendly units of Destroyers, Immortals, and heavy destroyers within 18inches of him may rerolled failed "to hit" rolls with their Gauss weaponry.

    Immortals are taken as Troops choices in armies that include The Harbinger.

    Eternal Warrior: The Harbinger has the Eternal Warrior Universal Special


    Feel No pain: The Might of the Necrontyr grants The Harbinger the Feel No

    Pain Universal Special rule.

    Fearless: The Harbinger has the Universal Special Rule: Fearless.

    Independent Character: The Harbinger follows the same rules for

    Independent Characters as a model with a Destroyer body.

    Power Field Generator: Harbinger removes the Phase out special rule for

    HIS forces in any game in which he is taken.

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    Gauss Torrents: The Gauss Torrents are an enhanced version of Heavy

    Gauss Cannons, in addition they function as a set of master-crafted power-

    weapons (the additional attack is included in his profile)

    Gift of the Deceiver: If the Harbinger begins his turn within 12 inches and

    in line of sight of an Enemy vehicle, he may take possession of the vehicle

    until the beginning of his next turn. Leave the Harbingers model where it

    was but otherwise, it is unaffected by any game-play while in possession.

    The vehicle uses the Harbingers WS, BS and Initiative as long as it remains

    possessed. Vehicles in close combat when The Harbinger leaves its shell

    may make a consolidation move (as well as any other models involved) as

    long as no other enemy model remain in its close combat. If a vehicle

    possessed by The Harbinger is destroyed while he is in possession, roll a D6

    and apply the following table.

    Roll Effect

    1 The Harbinger is removed from play

    2-5 The Harbinger suffers a # of Perils of the Warp wounds equal to the


    6 The Harbinger is returned as normal

    Our Lord has Fallen!: If the Harbinger is to be defeated in combat (after

    failing his WBB roll), or removed from play for any other reason, all units inthe Harbingers Necron army must take a leadership test at -(8-turn#) (EX:

    On turn 5 they would take the test at -3 leadership). Vehicles and

    Independent characters are not affected; Fearless units ARE affected by this

    ability. Any model that fails its test is immediately removed from play, no

    saves of any kind are taken and the entire unit is removed (minus any

    independent characters of course). However, even though the Harbinger has

    died (and a good number of Cron's are probably off the board at this time)

    Harbinger's Power Field Generator rule still applies and as such, the army

    cannot be defeated by Phase Out. When the Harbinger has been removed as

    such, place an appropriate model when he was last standing, this is treated asan Additional objective and grants the Might of the Necrontyr special rule

    to friendly Necron models as normal. In a game of Kill Points, The

    Harbinger is worth D3+1 Kill points.

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    1+ Necron Lords:

    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD Sv



    100 4 4 5 5 3 4 3 10 3+

    SupremeLord +35 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 10 3+(6+)

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Number/Squad: You may include1-3 Necron Lords as a single HQ choice,

    they do not require coherency and operate independently. They are deployed

    as a single unit unless attached to another unit as per the Independent

    Character rules.

    Weapons: Staff of Light

    Options: A Necron Lord may take up to three separate options from the

    Wargear section of the Armory.

    Upgrades: The Necron lord may be upgraded to a Supreme lord at +35

    points and has the upgraded profile as well as the option of 1 additional

    option from the Wargear section of the armory (Supreme Lords may not take

    Destroyer Bodies). Any Lord(s) may also upgrade their Replace their Staff

    of Light for a Warscythe (With a built-in Gauss blaster) for +10 points, takeBonded Exoskeleton for +20 points, and/or take Enhanced Power Core for

    +15 points.

    If the Lord takes the Wargear Option Destroyer Body he gains +1 Wound

    and +1 Toughness and the following Upgrades and Unit type replace his old

    selections: _______________

    Unit Type Jet-Bike Infantry

    Upgrades: A Destroyer Lord may also replace its Staff of Light for a power-

    weapon w/built-in Gauss Cannon at +15 pts or a power-weapon w/built-inHeavy Gauss Cannon at +25 pts points, and may take Bonded Exoskeleton

    for +20 points, and/or take Enhanced Power Core for +15 points.

    Jet bike: The Destroyer Lord moves like a Jet bike and has the Relentless

    Universal Special Rule.


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    Character: The Necron Lord is an independent character that may not join

    units of: Wraiths, Tomb Spyders, Scarab Swarms, or Models with a

    destroyer body. If it has a destroyer body, it may only join other

    Units/Models with a Destroyer Body.

    Special Rules:

    Necron: The Necron lord follows the Necron special Rules.

    Fearless: Necron lords have the Fearless Universal Special rule.

    0-1 Preferred Unit

    You may include one unit of any non-vehicle type available to the Necron

    Army as an HQ slot for FOC purposes, in terms of scoring units theycount as their original FOC slot. In addition, the unit purchased this way

    costs and Additional 5 points per model and come with an additional wound

    and the Enhanced Power Core upgrade. All units (including the Preferred

    Unit) in the army with the same name may also choose to have +1 WS, +1

    BS, or +1 Attack.

    Only ONE unit may be selected this way, an army will NEVER consist of

    two Preferred Units. If a squad of Pariahs is taken this way, they do not

    count towards their normal rules of 1 Per lord/Spyder

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    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Pariah 36 4 4 5 5 1 3 1 10 3+

    Special: You may only include one squad of Pariahs for every Necron lord

    and/or Tomb Spyder in your list. They still take up a FOC slot as normal.

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Number/Squad: 4-10

    Weapons: Warscythe with built-in gauss blaster.

    Options: The entire squad may be given Bonded Exoskeletons at +20 pointsper model and/or Enhanced Power Cores at +25 points per model. Both

    upgrades require the entire squad to purchase them for them to be purchased

    at all. The squad may also purchase an Obelisk as a Dedicated Transport for

    50 points.

    Special Rules:

    Soulless: Any enemy unit with a model within 12 of a Pariah counts as

    having Leadership 7, unless it would normally be less then that.

    Slow and Purposeful: Unless the squad of Pariahs take the Enhanced Power

    Core upgrade, they have the Universal Special Rule: Slow and Purposeful.

    Psychic Abomination: Any psyker within 6 of a Pariah at the start of their

    turn must take a Morale check or fall back, along with any squad they are

    leading. If the psyker is in close combat at the time and fails the Moral

    check, he will not fall back but will only hit on a 6 in the Assault phase for

    that turn.

    Fearless: Pariahs have the Universal Special Rule: Fearless.

    Necron: Pariahs follow the Necron special rules.


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    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Immortal 24 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10 3+

    Number: 5-10

    Weapons: Gauss Blaster

    Options: The entire squad may have disruption fields at +6 points per

    model. Up to 5 models may replace their Gauss Blasters with Gauss

    Cannons for +20 pts each. If the squad consists of 6 or more Immortals one

    may replace its Gauss Blaster for a Heavy Gauss Cannon for +25 points. The

    squad may purchase an Obelisk as a Dedicated Transport at +50 points.

    Special Rules:

    Necron: Immortals follow the Necron Special Rules

    Slow and Purposeful: Immortals have the Universal Special Rule: Slow

    and Purposeful.

    Tomb Spyders:Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD SV



    55 2 2 6 6 2 2 3 10 3+

    Unit Type: Monstrous Creature

    Number: You may include 1-3 Tomb Spyders as a single Elites choice.

    They operate independently during the game and are deployed separately

    unless attached to another unit as described in the Independent Character


    Weapons: Claws

    Options: Any/all member(s) may have one claw replaced with a particle

    projector equivalent to a Staff of Light (This will reduce the number of the

    Spyder's attacks by one). Any members of the squad may have a Bonded

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    Exoskeleton at + 15 points per Spyder and/or an Enhanced Power Core at

    +20 points per Spyder. Each Spyder may individually purchase an Obelisk

    at +50 points each as a Dedicated Transport.

    Special Rules:

    Hover: Tomb Spyders ignore Difficult and Dangerous terrain.

    Feel No Pain: Tomb Spyders have the Universal Special Rule: Feel No


    Monstrous Creature: A Tomb Spyder is a monstrous creature. Its attacks

    ignore Armor saves and it rolls 2D6 for Armor Penetration against vehicles.

    Fearless: Tomb Spyders have the Universal Special Rule: Fearless.

    Artificer: Each Controlling Player's turn, a Tomb Spyder that is not in close

    combat, or has not gone to ground, can expend energy to create a Scarab

    swarm. The swarm is placed in contact with the Spyder at the start of the

    Assault Phase. Roll D6 for each swarm produced. On a 1, the Spyder takes a

    wound. Each swarm produced will form a retinue for the Tomb Spyder for

    the remainder of the game.


    Repairing a Monolith: During the shooting phase, a Tomb Spyder may

    attempt to repair a damaged monolith within 2 inches. Roll one die for each

    attack the Spyder has.

    You may only choose one option per roll

    -On a 4+ Remove an Immobilized Result

    -On a 5+ Remove a Weapon Destroyed Result

    -If a Spyder receives 3 or more rolls of 6 in a single repair action, you may

    restore a wrecked monolith, the restored monolith enters exactly where it's

    wreck was located (Moving min required distance to not be within 1" of

    enemy models.) If the monolith cannot be restored (I.E 1" away from enemymodels) it is removed from play, arriving from reserves as normal on the

    subsequent turn.

    -A monolith that suffered an "Exlpodes" results can NEVER be repaired.

    -Tomb Spyders may not repair if involved in melee combat.

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    -Tomb Spyders may not "Run" and "Repair" in the same turn.

    -A Tomb Spyder that uses a Repair action cannot assault in the turn they use

    their repair.

    Oops!: For each a repair roll of 1, the Tomb Spyder suffers 1 wound.

    (Armor taken as normally)

    Independent Character: Each Tomb Spyder is an Independent Character

    that may only join other squads of Tomb Spyders and/or Scarab Swarms.

    Tomb Spyders with a retinue of Scarab Swarms may still join other units as

    described above. Tomb Spyders do not get the "Move Through Cover" USR

    normally conferred to Independent Characters.

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    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Warrior 16 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 10 3+

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Number: 10-20

    Weapons: Gauss Flayer

    Options: The entire squad may take Disruption Fields at +4 points per

    model. One Necron Warrior may replace his Gauss Flayer for a Staff of light

    or a Warscythe at +15 pts. The squad may take an Obelisk as a dedicated

    Transport at +50 points.

    Special Rules:

    Necron: Warriors have the all the rules associated with the Necron Special


    Slow and Purposeful: Warriors have the Universal Special Rule: Slow and


    Flayed Ones:

    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD SV



    16 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Number/Squad: 4-10

    Weapons: Claws

    Options: The entire squad may have disruption fields at +2 pts per model.

    The entire squad may also purchase Enhanced Power Cores for +8 points per


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    Special Rules:

    Necron: Flayed Ones follow the Necron special rules.

    Infiltrators: Flayed Ones have the Universal Rule: Infiltrate

    Deep Strike: Flayed Ones may enter play be Deep Strike, regardless of the

    Mission rules. Flayed Ones may also assault the turn in which they arrive via


    Enhanced Power Cores:

    Terrifying Visage: Units in close combat with the Flayed Ones must take a

    Leadership test at the start of each round of combat. If they fail, then for thatround they may only hit the Flayed Ones on a roll of 6 regardless of WS or

    other Special Rules.

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    Fast Attack:


    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Wraiths 41 4 4 6 4 1 6 3 10 3+

    Number: 1-5

    Unit Type: Infantry

    Weapons: PowerClaws and barbed Tail

    Options: The entire squad may be given disruption fields at +4 pts per

    model. The squad may take an Obelisk as a Dedicated Transport at +50


    Special Rules:

    Necron: Wraiths follow the Necron Special Rules.

    Phase Walk: Wraiths have the ability to phase shift in and out of the

    material realm. To represent this, their armor save of 3+ is also an

    Invulnerable Save. They may also move as Jet-Bike infantry and ignore all

    terrain completely (but cannot end their move in Impassible terrain). They

    also gain the USR: Hit and Run, this is not conferred to any independentcharacters which join their unit.


    Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Destroyers 50 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10 3+

    Unit Type: Jet Bike Infantry

    Number: 3-5

    Weapons: Gauss Cannon

    Options: The entire squad may take Disruptor fields at +5 points a model

    and/or Bonded Exoskeletons for +15points a model. The squad may

    purchase an Obelisk as a Dedicated Transport for +50 points.

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    Scarab Swarms:

    Pts/Models WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Scarabs 12 2 0 3 3 3 2 3 10 5+

    Unit Type: Swarm

    Number: 3-10

    Weapons: None

    Options: The entire swarm may have disruption fields at +3 points per

    swarm base.

    Special Rules:

    Fearless: Scarab Swarms have the Universal Special Rule: Fearless.

    Deep Strike: Scarab Swarms may arrive via Deep Strike. They do not

    scatter if placed within 6" of a Tomb Spyder.

    Swarms: Scarab Swarms have the Swarm Universal Special Rule.

    Jet-Bike: Scarab Swarms moves like Jet-Bikes.


    Repairing a Tomb Spider:

    During the shooting phase, a Squad of scarab swarms may attempt to repair

    a damaged Tomb Spider. Roll one die for each swarm base in the squad.

    If a squad of Scarabs receives 2 or more rolls of 6 in a single repair action,

    you may restore one wound to the tomb spider.

    Tomb Spiders that are in Melee combat may not be repaired.

    -Scarabs may not repair if involved in melee combat.

    -Scarabs may not "Run" and "Repair" in the same turn.

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    -A squad of scarabs that uses a Repair action cannot assault (but can be

    assaulted) in the turn they use their repair (even if not all scarabs take a

    repair roll.

    Oops!: For each a repair roll of 1, the swarm base suffers 1 wound. (Armor

    taken as normally)

    Swarm of swarms!: A scarab swarm of at least 4 bases may choose to use

    this ability in the assault phase. Roll to hit as normal, of you have at least

    two successful hits, do not roll to wound. Instead declare that you will be

    using "Swarm of Swarms". One model (of your choosing) of the opposing

    assault must make a strength test. If it succeeds, every base in the scarab

    squad takes a wound (armor saves taken as normal) if they fail, they suffer a

    wound causing "instant death" (invul save only, no armor). Models with

    Eternal Warrior suffer D3 + (1 for every base after the required 4 scarabbases) wounds instead of the normal 1. EX: 5 man Scarab squad hitting

    Abbadon. He somehow fails his str test (rolled a 6?) so he takes D3+1

    wounds (taking only his invul save).

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    Heavy Support:Heavy Destroyers:

    Pts/Models WS BS S T W I A LD Sv

    Heavy Destroyers 65 4 4 4 5 2 2 1 10 3+

    Unit Type:

    Number: 1-3

    Weapons: Heavy Gauss Cannon

    Options: The entire squad can take Disruption Fields at +5 Points per

    model and/or Bonded Exoskeleton at + 15 points per model. They may also

    purchase an Obelisk as a Dedicated Transport at +50 pts.


    Points FA SA RA BS

    Monolith 250 14 14 14 4

    Type: Tank, Skimmer, Transport

    Crew: None

    Wargear: Gauss Flux Arc (see below), Living metal.


    Transport Capacity: Up to 20 infantry models may be embarked on a

    Monolith. Unlike most transports, certain unit types other then infantry may

    be embarked in a Monolith (specifically Lords with a Destroyer body,

    Destroyers, and Heavy Destroyers.) these models take up 2 Transport

    Capacity per model

    Access/Firing Points: The monolith has 1 Access Point (The front portal)

    and 1 firing port (the Circular Window-Portal in the back).


    Special Rules:

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    Ponderous: Unlike normal vehicles the monolith may only safely move 6

    inches, if it wishes to move further then this, at the beginning of the

    movement phase (before fireing the Flux Projectors) roll a D6 and add the

    result to the total number of inches you may move that turn. On a roll of 6

    the monolith must make a dangerous terrain test regardless of where it

    moves (even if it does not move) on a roll of 1 the monolith does not move

    at all for the turn (but counts as moving at combat speed ONLY for the

    purposes of embarked models)

    Deep Strike: The Monolith may always be deployed using the Deep Strike

    rules. It does not Mishap if it lands on Impassible Terrain or other Models,

    instead its scatter is reduced to the minimum required to allow the Monolith

    to land.

    Monolith Wrecked: Units embarked on a Monolith that is "wrecked" suffer

    a str 5 ap 3 hit apon disembarking, they must disembark in a circle around

    the monolith(instead of at the access point), and are automatically pinned. If

    they cannot disembark (due to enemy within 1") they are removed as per

    normal rules.

    Monolith Explodes: Units embarked on a Monolith that "explodes" are

    automatically killed outright. Their corpses are placed in a circle around

    where the Monolith was (or in the area the Monolith was in) and they are

    allowed to take their "We'll be Back" roll at the beginning of their next turn.

    Guiding Matrix: The Monolith allows other Necron Units(besides other

    Monoliths!) who deep strike within 18inches of it to not scatter when


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    Dedicated TransportObelisk

    Points FA SA RA BS

    Obelisk 50 12 12 12 3

    Type: Immobile, Transport

    Crew: None

    Wargear: Twin-Linked Gauss Flayer,Living Metal.

    Transport: The Obelisk can hold up to 10 models or 1 Tomb Spyder.

    Models with Destroyer bodies count as two models in terms of Maximum

    Capacity. Necron Lords/Destroyer Lords attached to squads which purchasean Obelisk do not take up ANY of the troop capacity.

    Options: For an additional 25 pts an Obelisk may purchase a Power Matrix.

    An Obelisk can replace the Built-In Gauss flayer with a Twin-Linked Gauss

    Cannon for +25 points.

    Special Rules:

    Tomb World

    Obelisk Assault: At the beginning of the game, 1/2 (rounding up) of the

    total number of Obelisks you have in reserve must arrive via deep strike.

    The remaining Obelisks are rolled for as per reserve rules.

    The Obelisk:

    -After an Obelisk arrives via Obelisk Assault or at the beginning of your first

    turn, the troops inside the Obelisk must immediately disembark and the

    Obelisk can no longer be used as a transport.

    -If an Obelisk arrives via deep strike, if it were to land on Impassible Terrain

    or other Models, it reduces the scatter by the minimum distance required to

    safely land.

    -The Obelisk is Immobile and can never be moved, abilities such as

    "Grapple" do not affect the Obelisk as normal, instead, the Dreadnought may

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    be moved the 2d6 towards the Obelisk, following normal rules for

    "Grapple". It also already counts as having an "Immobilized" result on the

    Vehicle Damage Table.

    -If an Obelisk is destroyed before its contents are able to disembark,

    immediately remove all models that were embarked as casualties, no rolls of

    any kind may prevent these models from being removed.

    -Like the Monolith, the Obelisk can guide other troops (including other

    Obelisks AND Monoliths) with a Guidance Matrix. However, due to the

    weaker power core in the Obelisk, it can only guide units attempting to deep

    strike within 9".


    Change Log: 4/22/2010. Codex Written.

    4/27/2010. 0.5 Written, balance fixes to: Harvester, FOC,

    Obelisks, Solar Pulse, Disruption Fields, Gauss Weaponry, Living Metal

    and other various changes.

    Necrons Games Workshop. Used without Permission.

    Fandex Michael McCormick. 2010.