battle report 40k tyranid vs necron

Stygies VIII Stygies VIII was located in then extreme north of the Nauanic sector of the Eastern fringe of the galaxy. It had been home to several outposts until the emergence of the Necron. Many attempts have been made my imperial forces to retake the world but to no avail, this however would turn out to by more luck than a disappointment. As the Tyranid hive fleets were heaving into the sector, and stygies VIII was in its sites. Name: Stygies VIII Location: Galactic north east Belligerence: Necron Planetary Type: Feral World Resources: 100 Notable features: Necron Augmentation facility Stygies VIII Space Docks [2 Dry-docks] Necron Host [2200pts] Tyranid Swarm [2050] 3 Monoliths 10 Immortals 20 Necron Warriors 6 Destroyers 2 Tomb Spyder 11 Scarab Swarms 1 Trygon 1 Harradan 3 Warriors 5 Genestealer 10 Gargoyles 14 Hormagaunt 26 Termagants Turn 1 Necron forces deployed half their strength on table, the rest ion reserve. 2 Monoliths held the flanks while infantry held the bastions. Tyranid forces came on the table centre, and advanced at once, the Harridan and gargoyles remained in reserve along with the Trygon. Tyranid creatures scuttled onwards and encountered a whithering fire from the gauss weapons of the Necron defenders losing 12 Gaunts, the Tyranids did not return fire, using speed to close on the enemy. Most of the shots were saved by the cover save from the craters and capillary towers as they advanced.

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Post on 08-Mar-2015




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Battle report from a warhammer 40k game


Page 1: Battle Report 40k Tyranid vs Necron

Stygies VIII

Stygies VIII was located in then extreme north of the Nauanic sector of the Eastern fringe of the galaxy. It had been home to several outposts until the emergence of the Necron. Many attempts have been made my imperial forces to retake the world but to no avail, this however would turn out to by more luck than a disappointment. As the Tyranid hive fleets were heaving into the sector, and stygies VIII was in its sites.

Name: Stygies VIIILocation: Galactic north east Belligerence: NecronPlanetary Type: Feral WorldResources: 100Notable features: Necron Augmentation facility

Stygies VIII Space Docks [2 Dry-docks]

Necron Host [2200pts] Tyranid Swarm [2050]3 Monoliths10 Immortals

20 Necron Warriors6 Destroyers

2 Tomb Spyder11 Scarab Swarms

1 Trygon1 Harradan 3 Warriors

5 Genestealer10 Gargoyles

14 Hormagaunt26 Termagants

Turn 1Necron forces deployed half their strength on table, the rest ion reserve. 2 Monoliths held the flanks while infantry held the bastions.

Tyranid forces came on the table centre, and advanced at once, the Harridan and gargoyles remained in reserve along with the Trygon.

Tyranid creatures scuttled onwards and encountered a whithering fire from the gauss weapons of the Necron defenders losing 12 Gaunts, the Tyranids did not return fire, using speed to close on the enemy. Most of the shots were saved by the cover save from the craters and capillary towers as they advanced.

Page 2: Battle Report 40k Tyranid vs Necron

Turn 2the few surviving Hormagaunts hit the neuron warriors, 2 warriors fell to their talons, but the counter attack saw 3 Gaunts fall.

The harridan made a deep strike along with the gargoyles, instead of shooting the harridan landed on the closest monolith and ripped into it, scoring 4 rolls of 6, ripping the monolith to broken shards, the gargoyles made short work of the scarabs defending it. The neurons themselves made a deep strike with their 3rd monolith, supported by immortals and destroyers, they deployed in good order but their fire had limited value.

8 Gaunts fell and 1 warrior to Necron fire, the return fire did little also, although the Zoanthrope managed a critical hit on the monolith making it immobile.

The lord did not shoot but moved forwards into an assault, killing 1 warrior, but took 2 wounds in return from a warrior.

Trygon attempted to breach the ice field and emerge but failed its roll and remained off table.

Turn 3The Trygon finally emerged, and concentrated its attacks on the Monolith, reducing its guns by 4. Tyranid forces perhaps made more confident by the emergence of the monster from the ice moved forwards and occupied the pyramid then made a sweeping advance around the monolith, but failed the speed to reach the destroyers this turn.

The destroyers opened fire causing 3 wounds on 1 Carnifex, and killing 2 more Gaunts, but disaster struck, the heavy destroyers targeted the Zoanthrope and missed, rolling 2 '1's and the misfire killed the Necron lord who had just attacked it.

Page 3: Battle Report 40k Tyranid vs Necron

Turn 4The Carnifex brook hit the destroyers killing 3, ripping them to shreds and scattering the metallic skin, while the Trygon made short work of the monolith, reducing its guns to -6, worse still the portal was now blocked by Gaunts, and with it been immobile the monolith was not nothing but a limp of inert metal.

At the bastion Necron warriors fell back not witrhing to get too close to the gaunts, as they were coming close to running too low on re-animated warriors.The immortals were all but wiped out by gaunt fire and chose to Teleport to the bastion to aid its defence, now all hopes pinned on the last monolith, but the Tyranids had no reason to let up their assault and concentrated their attacks in the last intact monolith.

The Harridan attacked the last monolith, slashing its proud features, ripping off its weaponry with talons of blade like steel. Genestealer killed the last 4 immortals and the gargoyles swarmed down, preventing reserves from been fielded.

At this point the turn ended, and the Necron's, battered and beaten teleported away from battle, all their defences over run and their fine structures, tombs and mastarbas that had stood for 60 million years began to melt away as acidic rain poured from the blackened sky.

Stygies VIII was lost, in less than 50 days its atmosphere had been sucked away, the ice of its vast oceans carved up and taken on board the hive ships in orbit. The Necron had been cleansed from this world, after all attempted by the Imperium had failed.

Hive fleet Hyrophant drifted silently into the black void of space, heaving towards the Tau Empire, and better fruit.