s. trezevant charleston...fe,bfe-blood, heat pep..' v * note the foot ball schedule ior beg...

fe, - BLOOD, HEAT PEP. .' Bfe . V * Note the Foot ball Schedule ior Beg There is much new blood in th vv line-up this season, and the Pep i already at blood heat. Note again that the first game,-, welcome.jjame, is Oct. / 9th, Wit Haines ofj Augusta, trained by thti \ most eHicient Coach Prof. Tutt. - Take due notice »of the classic gam on Benedict's gridiron Oct. 10, More house vs. Benediet-.Thq. result of th game at Morehouse 1924. Was Mor< house 0, Benedict 0. Both teams at "chewing the bit" to break the t] Oct. 15. Hundreds of out of tow » people have sent word to the con mittee to plan for them parking spac aruTTeservft FP&Jb*. : . Watch the papers: for further pal trculars. ' ~ The Cbach, Prof. Smith, says >i is uloased with the Jirtiori <»f hiv i*w»i PresidenU-^Antistlol, dimply smile '. . when he aces* the.fellow* lining u] Foot bajl Schedule for Benedict T92." Oct. 9.Haines Sfchool at Benedict. Oct. 16.Morehouse College at Beta diet. a Oct- .23.-Johnson C. Smith at Chai lotte... '4.. OeU.29.A4ten.University at .Stat .1 ^ Fair. " Nov. 13.Morris College at Count _r Fair. . Nov- 20.Pai'iie College at Augusta . Nov. 26.Claflin University-at tBeiv * diet. '^GLAFLIN'S SQUAD CALLE " TO PRACTICE ON -OPEN' -JNG DAY. - _ Orangeburg. §ept. 20.On 111 opening day, Sept. 16, Cl'atlin1 Panthers were called tp praetii1 . by Coach.Preston. Kyi-t-he en men were .in togs ready to bejji the grind of the season whe Gkftin is expected.to have hi banner year. Many.of.la^ _ . year's "C" men"were, in tli fgroup. The schedule this year is t L_be Jiard. when Claflin must met the most- formidable teams c the Georgia-Carolina Confere'nc > gs well as other teams outsid the conference.'Already -the team, with » fe of tho.old regulars.miunim shows promise. The spirit run high and everything gives ew : :.dence that.the South Carolin . ~Cla|isie to be played on Thank; Day- between Claflin an Beneclietis-tobe'hai'fr f o ug h t. ~ BOOKER WASHInTtTO^THF ATHLETIC NEW! * a Hit 'em high! hit 'em low! : Go get 'em -Booker Wasbmg-fti Hi! , Everybody in Columbia rooting for you to win-.. - Booker Wash ingt ton Ilig School's foot ball team is nc\ except ibFa-7small handful c last year's men.practiein hard every afterrtoon on th school grounds. With only fot letter men of last gear's squai j Coach^ Madden^ has ajtmiej tC .. ing to pick his team because a of the boys are fighting hard t land-" a berth on the varsit team* When^he is asked about -h' team his reply is this: "M tions not words)." Columbia goirig to feel proud oT Til .J younger sons thi& year.r TTght fast'"baek-nc'ldJIiatSZffQa in the State. As I watched tf team in ' the'ir "scrimmaged FT first of the season, I noticed th<r the boys worked like a flash ( lightning and pulled off a pla called the CorneH-shift, thz takes a keen eye to find the bal ' The Tornadoes. Ends.Adams and Manigaul Tackles -Friday.and Mncqt Guards.Wraggs amP'Qpby, Centers.Reeder and Chees< borough. Half-backs.Capt. Whittake and Washington. Ilalf-backs^Koon and Cheek Guards.Woodard and Perr Quarterns.Means and Harpe Full-backs-.Calwry & Horn Tackles.Starks and Bates , , Ends.^-Salmon and Roberts. Y I Gerald Roberts, Reporter. in- - T ^ ' \ T JOEY WILLIAMS fJEAT CHICK KANSAS. (By The Associated Negro Press.) 8 Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept.Joey Williams, who upset the dope a a few weeks ago by beating A1 h . " little stories of ; of our preach ^ .BY REV. I. t iP Allen 1'niVersify^ opened last l~ week with a fine class of stiT^lentn. I vioitod.the school on ,. the second day and was sur til i .fn .C-i»>4a liviueo.sen w lw\*« 1 / i 4. 'VVl IV OVV- L lit; ICPi KU 11U111UV.I t 'e that was present at the opening, :1- and the indications are that the * attendance will be as-large.this year or larger than last year, i: Dr. D. II. Sims, the president, [of Allen is a-11 smiles and much (encouraged at the future outlook of the. school. Bis.hop \V. \V. linrkel I ' wa% oir^Tlnr grnrt'ndholdimr a couhcil with some of jhis ministers. 'I was very anx-r y ions to see -tlie Bishop but <Iid not because of his engagement. On Thursday morning~Tirrose^ jat 4 o'clock to get "a little bite" 'and catch the first street car, so ^'as to ca-tch the 6 o'clock-train 'over the Southern road for jt 'haijleston.. The street car, was iduc at 45:d0, but it was 5 mini - p 0 utes late. 4 And when we reach! s ed the transfer station, it was ILiO.-minutes to 6r the- leaving (* time of the train, I saw at y once tha-t I could not reacn tne n-station in time on the street 11 car, for there was no Union Sta'1* tion cay' tit sight..As I sluud on ^.^-Kv\ .'.l\ATiiil/lrwn/l *-*/-v4- I UU LV/illtl UC » HUC1 UlTf 11UIT' ie knowing V what to do, I saw a] white man.eoming,. driving a ° "Jitney." and I motioned him to.., '' him if he would take ftie to^the ° ,Unio'n station. He, looked ^air 0 me for a moment, and said': "If -;you will take that flag off my u ehgine box and hand it to me, I, will IhRe yd 11." I did SM, and lie |_s said, "Get in," aiid I hopped in. L~1 told him we had only 7 minutes tT and he turned uii the gas, and *r put me to the station in 5 miiP ,iLtos.. _J paid him 15 cents and hastened to the train, and when jl was seated in t he car ITntribd^ 3. ed at my watch, it was just 2 :minutes of leaving time. I just "made it. After I got seated in " lht> train. I began to think, why 1 did that white man asked me ls to take that flag off the engine fof his Jitney. And I supposed h that ho didn't want, the other whit.- folks to <pp *hiin framing ;i" ^ colored man .so he^made his Jit-1 g ney to appear, as an ordinary ie transfer.~ ir When the Jitney incident htook place, I was on my way^to .y.tteruk the Charleston -District^ worth League Institute and La.V dies. Aid 'Society. .1 was in'structed by the Rev. .A. ft. How-, ^ ard, the district superintendent -y -of the Charleston district M. E.-- Cluirch, to get ofTat Dorchester, 1S which is a- "flag'station" station r between Branchville and Sum. frrrerville'.' "There were cars there " to meet the delegates but just 8 as fgotoff Mr. --E. ^ 1 rorrrOretdyrtHe; drove -up--wit-hie his fine car, and took me out to Ie the church. The local name of the church-is St, Daniel on the >f Holly Hill charge, and the Rev.. y W. J. Gupple, is pastor.7 It is d way in the country, hut the peo' pie were prepared Jo care for all I the delegates and visitors. It in a section of the country T- uln'io the people own their own 'homes,-and, judging from the 2- way they fed the delegates and visitors, they are nvifig well * Rev. Howard, the district superintendent, has his district J well organjzed, and delegates y from all thoso nrcnnizatinns nr :r auxiliaries made excellent re7- i The Charleston district, under- the leadership ot" ritevT I Howard, has been the leading $ district' in the South Carolina * " I . , * f v ,; T" 7- Jt*. (dt ^ferBha 1 V. -tv . L'y--" yr - L TBE FALMET -Gordon, white, add who was to fight again last Monday night, tn.it i'oi.ail injury.ui Gordun,which prevented the match, scored an easy victory over Chick Kansas, white, who acted as substitute for Gordon. ACHIEVEMENT 1ERS AND TEACHERS E. LOWERY conference. But the other _iiUtricts are coming up, end are rnmpHing wil-i him. ^ During the convention several interesting sermnrm - \vtm» [preached and papers were read. Some of the papers because Their snperTor excellence. WfTO ordered printed in the Charleston District M. E. -Church Bullet an The outstanding event of the session of the convention was the visit ef I B TPindolph of Clallin University.,"He came on Friday night bringing with him J.lie famous "Cla-flin Quartet." They charmed the -large audience with their sweet nlusie, and the President held Them spell- bound with hislmrning ekmuence. These people far out in t lie country, never heard the like in all their lives. These are some of the things he said: "The outlook for the year ts -very- bright. -We feel that we are going to have a full is strong..The outlook is that we ark going to have a larger college gra<Uniting class than we have had in the.history x>f the -school. Repairs, will be going on during the whole of the school yea-r, Our laboratories arc among the hest^. Our library is t he very best, We feel here that Ofctflin leads. The plant is.- Worth $rlOO,^00 . The Endowment is- §131,000. The Attimni is. busy working up a $10,000 contribution for the -giirlmi-mm.t U tnnu- |||i(; mem- oi ino aitunni who nax already $1,000 in subscriptions. "I anT i-ii)< lh.-il tin"' Tilln-1ii" will raise the 810,000 this year. The, . conference is supposed to raise $00,000 more tor the endowment. This \'vri! i/TVi"us- Slurry 000. There-pr-no-school in our system that is mure favorably situated than (lalljn is today." .President fcnidojph and his parfc"were inert,y a delegation thn-t Tilled two ears at Itarleyville and escorted to the seat of the convent ion. After the ex+>rciv;(»v; o\'r>>'fi f*\ -?+>>** -rt'i n-n r»i. viteri to the convention hotel on the church grounds, and treated to a sumplami* .simper. They were giyunran 1Station. Sunday was a great day -and the sermons, were line. The. cmwil Avas. immense, ^ I will leave here on Monday morning 1'or Sawaivhah, Ga., to attend the Great Area Council, which is made up of three States .South Carolina, Georgia and -Florida. Bishop K. G. Richardson will-prtnndf. Greenwood "News.7 ~ llTiao-penplv m Gr *«» wood-have -hcawjexaur; in fact we are getting showers <TalK\ Alt. Pisgah A 7 M.r E. church, of which the Kev. Geo. A. Singleton- is pastor, had a grand time fm last Sunday; the Pastor having preached two glorious sermons. 'Sunday night we had with lis I)r. \\. IE. llilyard and a few other mere hers of the faculty-of Brewer Normal.-- We are expecting to have with us on Sunday night, Och-44-h-,- the Glee Club from Brewer. Dr. Hilyard will speak for us and Mr, Tfiom"Hs Newberry, director of agrlculture -at Brewer Normal will sing his favorite song on Sunday^ Let us, all he present and give these people a warm reeep- uon. Mrs. Essie. Spivey left on Thursday for New York, after f i T . A TO LEADEK ~T. having spent six weeks with her wi daughter, Mrs. Corrie Hunt, ,oe\ a j ^-Byrd street. .. The many friends,of Mr. and ari Mrs. D. C. Kenedy, of "Due West ris regret to hear'of the .death of their mother, Marella Hawthorne we Mrs. Hawthorne was a native of inj Abbeville and when she died, she tio I ' 4was 88 years old," « The Dime Club will meet at its jthe home of Mrs. Rosa Johnson^jdfiJ 821 Baptist street, Friday even- in} ;ing, Oct. 2nd. There will he soi songs Iiv the.Club,.Scripture th< Reading by Mrs. Alice Washing- on ton. Solo Mrs. W. P. Williams, rej Remarks Mrs. Emma Lee. Reci- pa tation Mrs. Emily Evans. Solo ^ei Mrs. Janie M. Evans. Recita- bo lion Miss Sadie Washington, ed _5iio.il talk by the. President, -sU Mwx I.ngrnnm ITVi I The menu: Chicken, ^rishjthi ^Potato- Salad,' Pickles, Ice Tea, Fo Cake and Preserves. of | Weston Chapel has just closed tin .its series of- meetings. The coi Rev. T. H. iJroa'dus preached a'an strong seVmon, on Friday nignt and the Pastor the Rev.' W. F. is Rice, preached en Sunday night,, mi taking for his subject: "Our er. Lamps are gone out." j. All the .churches and ..7 their tw members of Greenwood are cor- nn dially invited to attend the meet IBu ing at Trinity M. E. 'church. On ca] Sunday the Pastor; the-RuvvMv'nu A. Connelly was out of the city wj but the Rev. -Z. B. Brooks_took charge and carried things along.' The revival started Sunday, j Sept. 27th. We are hoping to -Lohave with-us. the kev. JN. o.' . Smith, pastor of Wesley M. E.! ..church, ..of Columbia, S. C. on | rn.. 1 « " *' 1 " i uu.suay. - new Miii.tn is a .j. strong preacher and any' one that lets him leave Greenwood vv ^ Off S0UTH S YSTE^LI!W A Y Z Corrected February 20th, 1925. Arrival ami departure of passenger trains at Columbia, S. C. Cor-] Arrive No. Between No.. Depart. his rectod to -December 21, 1924. ^ 1 Qffi 10:05 a 31 N,'""Y.-Augusta 31 JU!lb tt ; 14J 4:20 p., 32 Aqgusta-N. Y. 32 4*:40p| 1:30 p. 27 ;Charleston-Cin. 27 1:45 p . 4:50 p.28 Cin.-Charleston 28.4:55 p 10:40 p 10 Columbia-Cin. -9 7:05 g _ 5:35 a- 21 -Xy)lunrbin"Jack. J23 10:55 p 10:00 p 20 Columbia-Aug. 19 ?:00 ai-Sp< 11:30 a.14.Columbia'Sav. 13.2:1 O p | 9:25 p 5 Columbia-Char. 4 5:40aI 0:45 a 3 Columbia-.Char. 6 2:40 p! 1-0:25 p 11 .Columbia-Chas. 12 7:10a . .1:45 p.g* Columbia-Spar. 14:.25 p-j ^ -fu..o j) jo vrumninra-ureen.-id 0:00 a j£. 2:05.p 18 Columbia-Green. 17 2:10 p 2: 5:40 p 1 £3 Cola.-Rock Hi'l 114 6:15 a 6: Nflk: 31 m»l'^32r~ATi|;uata-special: Pullmans ami timing cars..-. j Nos. 27 ami 28. Carolina special; Pullman' and dining cars.. Xos. 9 and in, 2.'!, ,24, Land of the j Sky special; Pullmans and dining cars, High rlnss roaches all trains.^ De- Ho -laudable .service. Schedule figures 0 published us information only and not) guaranteed:" ' ' ! 6 City tick el- drtice, 1307. Main Street, | "jf^i C. J. COBB, C. T. A., [ S. II. McLEAN, D. P. A.! Telephone 6356. [^1^ I CO | School Opt Jj> Bishop W. W. y ^ A Co-eduealiunal Inatll Y Under the A uspices of t Offers the Folkr 'Y Arts and Sciences Y t Y Grammar School, Horn 414 ; and Tailoring. For further inforr '-S-. TT" I / thout hearing him will miss.i treat. ' c Miss *Lela and Mary Johnson "a b leaving on the 6th for Mor- * Colleger Sumter, r .r.t Mrs. Louise Devoe spenp the s !ek-end in Prosperity, attend- I ? the Woman's Aid Conveil-t n. 1 Brewer- Normal school, with a staff of colored teachers, un- i r_new administration is boom- £ I ' again. The singing of £ the rushing -to classf and T b ringing of the bell, causes e to think of old Brewer. The ?istration for this year sursses any registration of six ( ars back, at the opening. The arding department'that; start- with four boarders last year, irted with thirty this year. ev arn rnmpplled. to limit ] >ir acceptance -of applicants. rrthe first time^ in the history the school, the gridiron is getg hotter and- hotter for keen npetition. They arefopen to y High School in the state for challenged Coach Newberry^putting the boys through the 11, getting ready for any com- j ^ { Principal W. H. Hilyard, with] o members of the faculty, J (jjteia hurried trip to Columjj^and Charleston this week; lied at the office of The PaK &to Leader aTid^wererpfeased--' th-4he personnel of the office! ( ftiiss' Gei-aldme C. Gorum, of ckford, 111., arrived this week heacrthe department of Mus-1< Profession ice Hours: Telephones: < 30 A. M. to 2 P. M. Oflice 3536 1 U0 P. M. nr8-Pritf: r~««s.-6648 1 >r.- . E. Stepehenson 1 Physician and Surgeon .4. ' ' leases of women and Children -A Specialty , < ice: c^-. Residence: Ha ASHt'inhly Ul.. 1378 Onlr St j mMm.mmmamhmmh wiihm m Dr. L. M. DANTFT.S Physician and Surgeon scial Attention Given.Diseases of « Womem !1 Washington St. 2210 Hampton ice Phone: 6429 Res. Phone: 7165 ] 1 ice Hours: Telephones: (JO to 10:30 A. M. Oilice 3706 00 to 1:00 P. M. Res. 4692 30 to 4:00 P. M. 00 to 8:00 P. M. . ~ ' ( BR; J. G. STUART ' ice: Residence: _j >2 Main Street 1417 Pine Street ( COLUMBIA, S. C. iirs: _ Telephones: to 1,0- A. M Qtlice 305 ^ to 2 P. M. Residence 243 j] 8^. ^M. ( r. J. Douglas Williams PHYSICIAN & SURGEON >9 Nance St., Newberry, S. C. tiniv'f; LUMBIA, S. jns September Beckett, A. M., D. D., tution for the Training he African Methodist E winy bourses: . , Normal, Teacher Trai e Economies, Music, Pr nation a&cfressi Rev. I). H. Sims, A. 1 c at Brewer. She is a product >f Ithaca's Conservatory of MuRev. George SI Singleton, raster of Mt. Pisgah y.hnrch, poke at the Vesper service of Brewer Normal school,1 Sunday yeni 7:00 o'clock. He deivered, as usual, one of those ;oul stirring messages. He with ill the ministers of the city are ilways welcome. The Principal md Faculty "welcome the community to all Iheir services. P. C. WELLS. R3RR PHONR IMItr. ^hair Caneing and Upholstering Furniture Repairing and __ Mattress Renovating. W. S. TREZEVANT 1019 Harden St., Columbia, S. C. Arrivalland-Peparture of Traina ATLANTIC COASTLINE jrOMTMRlA a c l Effective September 21, 1924. o " X .. (All trains daily) (Union Station) -Arriva >:46 a. m. Wil.-New York 12:55 p. m. Sleeper to" Wilmington-" 5:25 p. m. Wil.-NetV York 10:50 p. m. Sleeper to' Wilmington 1:50 p. m. Charleston ll;36 a. m. Parlor C&r to Charleston ~ Columbia, .Newberry & Laurens It. K. 111:55 «. m. Lau.-Green c4T40 p. mT 1 4:20'p. m. Laurens dll:55 a. m. .Union Station daily; d.Gervias Sjt, station daily except 'Sunday. ' For information call at Union Station. Phone 0782. .; .. .al Cards 1. Dffice Hours: .*' Phone 8888 ' ) A. M. to 2 P. M. MV-M; 7 P. M. Sundays By Appointments. Dr. H.ji. Thompson Surgeon Dentist _.. ]rown and_Bri<tee Work a Specialty. A Pyorrhea Treated Successfully. ^asemhly St. Columbia, S. G a j| Dffice Hours: 10 to 12 M.; 2 to 6 P. ["elepliunes:.Office 5744; DR. M. A. EVANSDisease^-of. Women -A Specialty, jJ Graduate Nurses in Attendance. iMT^^ayloFBt^^^CoIumhia^r^l DR. H. H. COOPER « i *. * : V .* I Gold Crown and Bridge Work A fl Offl. Phone 6429 1126 Washington Mo" 9 A?m!' 1Qfflcs >4247 I to 2. P. M. _ Res. 8876 3 to 8 P. M. , Dr. W. D. Chappelle, Jr. ^fftcr: Resdence: .*. 2101 Gervais St. 1301 Pine St. Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 6 P. M. to 7 P. M. f)r..T. H. ftrmilwin 1119 Washington St. Columbia S. C. V 22,1925 | " Chancellor & of iSegro Youths. i ^ Episcopal Church. J ^ ning, High School, ^ -1 inting, Commercial J VfD. D., President. |

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Page 1: S. TREZEVANT Charleston...fe,Bfe-BLOOD, HEAT PEP..' V * Note the Foot ball Schedule ior Beg There is much new blood in th vv line-up this season, and the Pep i already at blood heat

fe, - BLOOD, HEAT PEP. .'Bfe . V*

Note the Foot ball Schedule ior Beg

There is much new blood in thvv line-up this season, and the Pep i

already at blood heat.Note again that the first game,-,

welcome.jjame, is Oct. / 9th, WitHaines ofj Augusta, trained by thti

\ most eHicient Coach Prof. Tutt.- Take due notice »of the classic gamon Benedict's gridiron Oct. 10, Morehouse vs. Benediet-.Thq. result of thgame at Morehouse 1924. Was Mor<house 0, Benedict 0. Both teams at

"chewing the bit" to break the t]Oct. 15. Hundreds of out of tow

» people have sent word to the con

mittee to plan for them parking spacaruTTeservft FP&Jb*. : .

Watch the papers: for further paltrculars. '~

TheCbach, Prof. Smith, says >iis uloased with the Jirtiori <»f hiv i*w»i

PresidenU-^Antistlol, dimply smile'.. when he aces* the.fellow* lining u]

Foot bajl Schedule for Benedict T92."Oct. 9.Haines Sfchool at Benedict.Oct. 16.Morehouse College at Beta

diet.a Oct- .23.-Johnson C. Smith at Chai

lotte... '4..OeU.29.A4ten.University at .Stat

.1 ^ Fair. "

Nov. 13.Morris College at Count_r Fair. .

Nov- 20.Pai'iie College at Augusta. Nov. 26.Claflin University-at tBeiv

* diet.




Orangeburg. §ept. 20.On 111opening day, Sept. 16, Cl'atlin1Panthers were called tp praetii1

. by Coach.Preston. Kyi-t-he en

men were .in togs ready to bejjithe grind of the season wheGkftin is expected.to have hibanner year. Many.of.la^

_. year's "C" men"were, in tli

fgroup.The schedule this year is t

L_be Jiard. when Claflin must metthe most- formidable teams c

the Georgia-Carolina Confere'nc> gs well as other teams outsidthe conference.'Already-the team, with » feof tho.old regulars.miunimshows promise. The spirit runhigh and everything gives ew

: :.dence that.the South Carolin. ~Cla|isie to be played on Thank;

Day- between Claflin an

Beneclietis-tobe'hai'frfough t.~



Hit 'em high! hit 'em low!: Go get 'em -Booker Wasbmg-fti

Hi! ,

Everybody in Columbiarooting for you to win-..

- Booker Wash ingt ton IligSchool's foot ball team is nc\except ibFa-7small handful c

last year's men.practieinhard every afterrtoon on thschool grounds. With only fotletter men of last gear's squai

j Coach^ Madden^ has ajtmiej tC.. ing to pick his team because a

of the boys are fighting hard tland-" a berth on the varsitteam*When^he is asked about -h'

team his reply is this: "M

tions not words)." Columbiagoirig to feel proud oT Til

.J younger sons thi& year.r

TTght fast'"baek-nc'ldJIiatSZffQain the State. As I watched tfteam in ' the'ir "scrimmaged FTfirst of the season, I noticed th<rthe boys worked like a flash (lightning and pulled off a placalled the CorneH-shift, thztakes a keen eye to find the bal

' The Tornadoes.Ends.Adams and ManigaulTackles -Friday.and MncqtGuards.Wraggs amP'Qpby,

Centers.Reeder and Chees<borough.

Half-backs.Capt. Whittakeand Washington.

Ilalf-backs^Koon and CheekGuards.Woodard and PerrQuarterns.Means and HarpeFull-backs-.Calwry & Horn

Tackles.Starks and Bates, , Ends.^-Salmon and Roberts.


I Gerald Roberts, Reporter.

in- -

T '̂ \ T


(By The Associated Negro Press.)8 Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept.JoeyWilliams, who upset the dope a

a few weeks ago by beating A1h .

" little stories of ;of our preach

^ .BY REV. I.

tiP Allen 1'niVersify^ opened lastl~ week with a fine class of stiT^lentn.I vioitod.the school on,. the second day and was sur

til i .fn .C-i»>4a liviueo.senw lw\*«1 / i 4. 'VVl IV OVV- L lit; ICPi KU 11U111UV.I

t'e that was present at the opening,:1- and the indications are that the* attendance will be as-large.thisyear or larger than last year,

i: Dr. D. II. Sims, the president,[of Allen is a-11 smiles and much(encouraged at the future outlookof the. school. Bis.hop \V. \V.linrkel I ' wa% oir^Tlnr grnrt'ndholdimra couhcil with some of

jhis ministers. 'I was very anx-ry ions to see -tlie Bishop but <Iid

not because of his engagement.On Thursday morning~Tirrose^

jat 4 o'clock to get "a little bite"'and catch the first street car, so

^'as to ca-tch the 6 o'clock-train'over the Southern road for

jt 'haijleston.. The street car, wasiduc at 45:d0, but it was 5 mini- p0 utes late. 4 And when we reach!

s ed the transfer station, it wasILiO.-minutes to 6r the- leaving(* time of the train, I saw aty once tha-t I could not reacn tnen-station in time on the street11 car, for there was no Union Sta'1*tion cay' tit sight..As I sluud on^.^-Kv\ .'.l\ATiiil/lrwn/l *-*/-v4-

I UU LV/illtl UC » HUC1 UlTf 11UIT'

ie knowingVwhat to do, I saw a]white man.eoming,. driving a

° "Jitney." and I motioned him to..,

'' him if he would take ftie to^the° ,Unio'n station. He, looked ^air0 me for a moment, and said': "If-;you will take that flag off myu ehgine box and hand it to me, I,

will IhRe yd 11." I did SM, and lie|_s said, "Get in," aiid I hopped in.L~1 told him we had only 7 minutestT and he turned uii the gas, and*r put me to the station in 5 miiP

,iLtos.. _J paid him 15 cents andhastened to the train, and when

jl was seated in t he car ITntribd^3. ed at my watch, it was just 2:minutes of leaving time. I just"made it. After I got seated in

" lht> train. I began to think, why1 did that white man asked me

ls to take that flag off the enginefof his Jitney. And I supposed

h that ho didn't want, the otherwhit.- folks to <pp *hiin framing ;i"

^ colored man .so he^made his Jit-1g ney to appear, as an ordinaryie transfer.~

irWhen the Jitney incidenthtook place, I was on my way^to

.y.tteruk the Charleston -District^

worth League Institute and La.Vdies. Aid 'Society. .1 was in'structedby the Rev. .A. ft. How-,^ ard, the district superintendent-y -of the Charleston district M. E.--Cluirch, to get ofTat Dorchester,1S which is a- "flag'station" stationr between Branchville and Sum.frrrerville'.' "There were cars there" to meet the delegates but just8 as fgotoff Mr. --E.^ 1 rorrrOretdyrtHe; drove -up--wit-hiehis fine car, and took me out toIe the church. The local name of

the church-is St, Daniel on the>f Holly Hill charge, and the Rev..y W. J. Gupple, is pastor.7 It isd way in the country, hut the peo'pie were preparedJo care for all

I the delegates and visitors. Itin a section of the country

T- uln'io the people own their own

'homes,-and, judging from the2- way they fed the delegates and

visitors, they are nvifig well* Rev. Howard, the district superintendent,has his districtJ well organjzed, and delegatesy from all thoso nrcnnizatinns nr

:r auxiliaries made excellent re7-iThe Charleston district,

under- the leadership ot" ritevTI Howard, has been the leading

$ district' in the South Carolina* " I



v ,; T" 7-Jt*. (dt ^ferBha 1

V. -tv . L'y--"


-Gordon, white, add who was tofight again last Monday night,tn.it i'oi.ail injury.ui Gordun,whichprevented the match,scored an easy victory overChick Kansas, white, who actedas substitute for Gordon.


conference. But the other _iiUtrictsare coming up, end arernmpHing wil-i him. ^

During the convention severalinteresting sermnrm - \vtm»

[preached and papers were read.Some of the papers because o£Their snperTor excellence. WfTOordered printed in the CharlestonDistrict M. E. -ChurchBulletanThe outstanding event of the

session of the convention was

the visit ef I B TPindolphof Clallin University.,"Hecame on Friday night bringingwith him J.lie famous "Cla-flinQuartet." They charmed the-large audience with their sweetnlusie, and the President heldThem spell- bound with hislmrningekmuence. These peoplefar out in t lie country, never

heard the like in all their lives.These are some of the things hesaid: "The outlook for theyear ts -very- bright. -We feelthat we are going to have a full

is strong..The outlook is thatwe ark going to have a largercollege gra<Uniting class than wehave had in the.history x>f the-school. Repairs, will be goingon during the whole of theschool yea-r, Our laboratoriesarc among the hest^. Our libraryis t he very best, Wefeel here that Ofctflin leads. Theplant is.- Worth $rlOO,^00. TheEndowment is- §131,000. TheAttimni is. busy working up a

$10,000 contribution for the-giirlmi-mm.t U tnnu- |||i(; mem-

oi ino aitunni who nax already$1,000 in subscriptions. "I anTi-ii)< lh.-il tin"' Tilln-1ii" will raisethe 810,000 this year. The,

.conference is supposed to raise$00,000 more tor the endowment.This \'vri! i/TVi"us- Slurry000. There-pr-no-school in our

system that is mure favorablysituated than (lalljn is today.".President fcnidojph and hisparfc"were inert,y a delegationthn-t Tilled two ears at Itarleyvilleand escorted to the seat ofthe convent ion. After the ex+>rciv;(»v;o\'r>>'fi f*\ -?+>>** -rt'i n-n r»i.

viteri to the convention hotel onthe church grounds, and treatedto a sumplami* .simper. Theywere giyunran 1Station. Sundaywas a great day -and thesermons, were line. The. cmwilAvas.immense, ^

I will leave here on Mondaymorning 1'or Sawaivhah, Ga., toattend the Great Area Council,which is made up of three States.South Carolina, Georgia and-Florida. Bishop K. G. Richardsonwill-prtnndf. Greenwood

"News.7 ~

llTiao-penplv m Gr *«»wood-have-hcawjexaur;

in fact we are getting showers<TalK\

Alt. Pisgah A7 M.r E. church,of which the Kev. Geo. A. Singleton-is pastor, had a grandtime fm last Sunday; the Pastorhaving preached two glorioussermons. 'Sunday night we hadwith lis I)r. \\. IE. llilyard anda few other mere hers of the faculty-ofBrewer Normal.-- We are

expecting to have with us on

Sunday night, Och-44-h-,- the GleeClub from Brewer. Dr. Hilyardwill speak for us and Mr, Tfiom"HsNewberry, director of agrlculture-at Brewer Normal willsing his favorite song on Sunday^Let us, all he present andgive these people a warm reeep-uon.

Mrs. Essie. Spivey left onThursday for New York, after

f i T. A


having spent six weeks with her widaughter, Mrs. Corrie Hunt, ,oe\ a j

^-Byrd street. ..

The many friends,of Mr. and ariMrs. D. C. Kenedy, of "Due West risregret to hear'of the .death oftheir mother, Marella Hawthorne weMrs. Hawthorne was a native of injAbbeville and when she died, she tioI '

4was 88 years old," «

The Dime Club will meet at itsjthe home of Mrs. Rosa Johnson^jdfiJ821 Baptist street, Friday even- in};ing, Oct. 2nd. There will he soisongs Iiv the.Club,.Scripture th<Reading by Mrs. Alice Washing- onton. Solo Mrs. W. P. Williams, rejRemarks Mrs. Emma Lee. Reci- patation Mrs. Emily Evans. Solo ^eiMrs. Janie M. Evans. Recita- bolion Miss Sadie Washington, ed

_5iio.il talk by the. President, -sUMwx I.ngrnnm ITVi

I The menu: Chicken, ^rishjthi^Potato- Salad,' Pickles, Ice Tea, FoCake and Preserves. of

| Weston Chapel has just closed tin.its series of- meetings. The coiRev. T. H. iJroa'dus preached a'anstrong seVmon, on Friday nigntand the Pastor the Rev.' W. F. isRice, preached en Sunday night,, mitaking for his subject: "Our er.Lamps are gone out."

j. All the .churches and ..7 their twmembers of Greenwood are cor- nndially invited to attend the meet IBuing at Trinity M. E. 'church. On ca]Sunday the Pastor; the-RuvvMv'nuA. Connelly was out of the city wjbut the Rev. -Z. B. Brooks_tookcharge and carried things along.'The revival started Sunday, jSept. 27th. We are hoping to -Lohavewith-us. the kev. JN. o.'.

Smith, pastor of Wesley M. E.!..church, ..of Columbia, S. C. on |rn.. 1 « " *' 1 "

i uu.suay. - new Miii.tn is a .j.strong preacher and any' onethat lets him leave Greenwood vv

^ Off


Corrected February 20th, 1925.Arrival ami departure of passengertrains at Columbia, S. C. Cor-]

Arrive No. Between No.. Depart. hisrectod to -December 21, 1924.


1 Qffi10:05 a 31 N,'""Y.-Augusta 31 JU!lb tt ; 14J4:20 p., 32 Aqgusta-N. Y. 32 4*:40p|1:30 p. 27 ;Charleston-Cin. 27 1:45 p .4:50 p.28 Cin.-Charleston 28.4:55 p10:40 p 10 Columbia-Cin. -9 7:05 g _

5:35 a- 21 -Xy)lunrbin"Jack. J23 10:55 p10:00 p 20 Columbia-Aug. 19 ?:00 ai-Sp<11:30 a.14.Columbia'Sav. 13.2:1O p |9:25 p 5 Columbia-Char. 4 5:40aI0:45 a 3 Columbia-.Char. 6 2:40 p!

1-0:25 p 11 .Columbia-Chas. 12 7:10a .

.1:45 p.g* Columbia-Spar. 14:.25 p-j^-fu..o j) jo vrumninra-ureen.-id 0:00 a j£.2:05.p 18 Columbia-Green. 17 2:10 p 2:5:40 p 1 £3 Cola.-Rock Hi'l 114 6:15 a 6:

Nflk: 31 m»l'^32r~ATi|;uata-special:Pullmans ami timing cars..-. j

Nos. 27 ami 28. Carolina special;Pullman' and dining cars..

Xos. 9 and in, 2.'!, ,24, Land of the jSky special; Pullmans and dining cars,

High rlnss roaches all trains.^ De- Ho-laudable .service. Schedule figures 0published us information only and not)guaranteed:" ' ' ! 6

City tick el- drtice, 1307. Main Street, | "jf^iC. J. COBB, C. T. A., [S. II. McLEAN, D. P. A.!

Telephone 6356. [^1^

I CO| School OptJj> Bishop W. W.

y^ A Co-eduealiunal InatllY Under the A uspices of t

Offers the Folkr'Y Arts and SciencesY tY Grammar School, Horn414

; and Tailoring.For further inforr


TT" I /

thout hearing him will miss.itreat. 'cMiss *Lela and Mary Johnson "ab leaving on the 6th for Mor- *

CollegerSumter, r .r.tMrs. Louise Devoe spenp the s

!ek-end in Prosperity, attend- I? the Woman's Aid Conveil-tn. 1Brewer- Normal school, with a

staff of colored teachers, un- i

r_new administration is boom- £

I' again. The singing of £

the rushing -to classf and Tb ringing of the bell, causese to think of old Brewer. The?istration for this year surssesany registration of six (ars back, at the opening. Thearding department'that; start-with four boarders last year,irted with thirty this year.ev arn rnmpplled. to limit ]>ir acceptance -of applicants.rrthe first time^ in the historythe school, the gridiron is getghotter and- hotter for keennpetition. They arefopen toy High School in the state forchallenged Coach Newberry^puttingthe boys through the11, getting ready for any com- j^ {Principal W. H. Hilyard, with]o members of the faculty, J

(jjteia hurried trip to Columjj^andCharleston this week;lied at the office of The PaK&to Leader aTid^wererpfeased--'th-4he personnel of the office! (

ftiiss' Gei-aldme C. Gorum, ofckford, 111., arrived this weekheacrthe department of Mus-1<

Professionice Hours: Telephones: <30 A. M. to 2 P. M. Oflice 3536 1U0 P. M. nr8-Pritf: r~««s.-6648 1

>r.- . E. Stepehenson 1

Physician and Surgeon.4.



leases of women and Children -ASpecialty , <

ice: c^-. Residence:Ha ASHt'inhly Ul.. 1378 Onlr St j

mMm.mmmamhmmh wiihm m

Dr. L. M. DANTFT.SPhysician and Surgeon

scial Attention Given.Diseases of« Womem!1 Washington St. 2210 Hamptonice Phone: 6429 Res. Phone: 7165 ]


ice Hours: Telephones:(JO to 10:30 A. M. Oilice 370600 to 1:00 P. M. Res. 469230 to 4:00 P. M.00 to 8:00 P. M. .

~ '



ice: Residence: _j>2 Main Street 1417 Pine Street (


iirs:_ Telephones:

to 1,0- A. M Qtlice 305 ^

to 2 P. M. Residence 243 j]8^. ^M. (

r. J. Douglas WilliamsPHYSICIAN & SURGEON

>9 Nance St., Newberry, S. C.

tiniv'f;LUMBIA, S.jns SeptemberBeckett, A. M., D. D.,

tution for the Traininghe African Methodist Ewiny bourses: .

, Normal, Teacher Traie Economies, Music, Pr

nation a&cfressiRev. I). H. Sims, A. 1

c at Brewer. She is a product>f Ithaca's Conservatory of MuRev.

George SI Singleton,raster of Mt. Pisgah y.hnrch,poke at the Vesper service ofBrewer Normal school,1 Sunday

yeningat7:00 o'clock. He deivered,as usual, one of those;oul stirring messages. He withill the ministers of the city are

ilways welcome. The Principalmd Faculty "welcome the communityto all Iheir services.



^hair Caneing and UpholsteringFurniture Repairing and

__ Mattress Renovating.W. S. TREZEVANT

1019 Harden St., Columbia, S. C.

Arrivalland-Peparture of Traina


Effective September 21, 1924.o " X

.. (All trains daily)(Union Station) -Arriva

>:46 a. m. Wil.-New York 12:55 p. m.

Sleeper to" Wilmington-"5:25 p. m. Wil.-NetV York 10:50 p. m.

Sleeper to' Wilmington1:50 p. m. Charleston ll;36 a. m.

Parlor C&r to Charleston~

Columbia, .Newberry & Laurens It. K.111:55 «. m. Lau.-Green c4T40 p. mT1 4:20'p. m. Laurens dll:55 a. m.

.Union Station daily; d.Gervias Sjt,station daily except 'Sunday.


For information call at Union Station.Phone 0782. .; .. .al

Cards 1.Dffice Hours: .*' Phone 8888 '

) A. M. to 2 P. M.MV-M; l» 7 P. M.

Sundays By Appointments.

Dr. H.ji. ThompsonSurgeon Dentist _..

]rown and_Bri<tee Work a Specialty. APyorrhea Treated Successfully.

^asemhly St. Columbia, S. Gaj|

Dffice Hours: 10 to 12 M.; 2 to 6 P.["elepliunes:.Office 5744;

DR. M.A.EVANSDisease^-of. Women -A Specialty, jJGraduate Nurses in Attendance.

iMT^^ayloFBt^^^CoIumhia^r^lDR. H. H. COOPER «

i *. * : V .* IGold Crown and Bridge Work A fl

Offl. Phone 6429 1126 Washington

Mo" 9 A?m!' 1Qfflcs >4247I to 2. P. M. _ Res. 88763 to 8 P. M.


Dr. W. D. Chappelle, Jr.^fftcr: Resdence: .*.2101 Gervais St. 1301 Pine St.

Office Hours:10 A. M. to 1 P. M.6 P. M. to 7 P. M.

f)r..T. H. ftrmilwin1119 Washington St. Columbia S. C. V

22,1925 | "

Chancellor &

of iSegro Youths. i ^Episcopal Church. J ^

ning, High School, ^ -1inting, Commercial J

VfD. D., President. |