s the washington e · 2017. 12. 25. · creased a rem 2sf to 3m mteecs were at ascertate know mea...

A PAPER OF QUALITY THE WASHINGTON LARGEST MORNING D I CIRCULATION NO 829 WASHINGTON D C WEDNESpAY JANUARY 13 1909 TWO CENTS o I E L D 0 S If pAGES S c 7 t i 1 Second Explosion in Branch Mine Shaft Declared Safe Before Shift Went to Work AN OPEN LAMP IGNITES GAS Disaster Believed to Have Been Caused by Foreigners Carrying Unprotected Light Into Mine Only Two Weeks Ago an Killed Fifty Workmen and Debris Had Just Been Cleared Away for EesumBtion of Work NEARLY 3411 ENTOMBED 75AREDEAD i Explo- sion Hantii gtoH W Y u Jan 12 Another explosion occurred today la tbe Lick Branch Owl BriME ewiwd by tile Poca hoatas C asellGateJ CoHteriBS Cewpaa- jrt Switchback Norfolk and Weik ern Railroad Between sixty sbty lives were lest The mater of kWed way be largely in- creased a rem 2Sf to 3M mteecs were at ascertate know mea survtvoi This is time second explosion fat this in time last two weeks la the Scat tf ty persons were IJMud The cause of the Is sot yet known The number of deed net be mown for several days paid by the car to which miners attach a tag oa which MB num- ber car pat to tile hippie for imaplag time clerk la for K TJatfer tilts systew the pleas tics ac ability of the urine number of wren wo for the In- to fc the It was stated that the was ex- amined eariy to4sjr before tbe BW shift went to work sad that it was reported to be perfectly sale I ever soon after the work was begun the eptostan occurred with a Met that stay far exceed that of the December ex t work at time and it Me set yet The sders w e are this ciIulIe time tamer uea work wha they It tIMtr wIleR tile ex pIoMa occurred Majority Are The K tile were to wrk at the spina wine swine spite 0 t hew i aid the been bait ahme ac- cident array and siren sad wmen gives smart piets sad whw std oa daIs g American a orky s Iner va0ms engaged with a few fa dgtmers- a i its y ¬ ¬ The H tee officials refuse to give definite tel that nay have not death Fresh air Isfeetag forced Sato the shaft Blame Open Lamp the blame oa some of the foreigners who have entered with an open temp It was knows that there was a small quantity of gas in the raise last sight and it is considered probable that this may have suddenly increased after the steers be- gan to work and that it was ignited by ao open lamp State Inopoctor PhHIipe Inspected eral condition was good Mine inspectors are now Investigating the exptestea A specie tram with physicians and mIRe oSclals has been seat to the scene from BlueSeM Switchback the scene of the explosion is a small village ia McDowell County In the center of the great flat top coed fields Railroad Estimate of Dead Special to ISo msKsgteQ Herald Roanoke Va Jan llThe latest received at the and West- ern Railway headQuarters here tonight from the LJek Branch mine disaster is that not less than seventyfive lives have been lost but possibly th maaber will reach m Aa even lot miners were from Colambus Ohto to Lick Branch over the Norfolk and Western rod WEDS WATER CART Oklahomans Wrapped In Legal TIe to Fight Demon Rum Guthrie Okte Jan 12A resolution de- claring the water wagon in Oklahoma to be a common carrier was introduced In the Oklahoma house totdy by Rep resentative Durant Democrat It passed with a whoop and was sent to the sea ate for concurrence The resolution de a by way K the taB which woe mat aged While time ogideIs cannot now same cause for the explssion mlaers place Mine this mtae In August and tOUlMl tile gen deamm a 7 ad- vices Norfolk ship- ped ¬ ¬ ¬ demands that the Statewide prohibition law shall have the moral support of the entire citizenship of the State STUDENT LOSES MIND Runs Through Street Without Shoes Overwork or Hazing the Cause Baltimore Md Jan 12 Demented either by overwork or hazing Sansei Serkin o Yonkers X Y a medical stu dent at the University of Maryland ran coatless and without any shoes on his feet two naBes from the eastern sec- tion of the town Sorkin who had been visiting time home of Xr and Mrs Max Sefeei began talking at random He was to Me down and rest hut to a few minutes Jumped up and finally rushed in- to the street in his stocking feet and without coat or hat Half an hour later be was found wandering by the police near Pine street and taken to the station house where the young mans relatives hastily summoned from Yonkers found hlmthis afternoon Seaboard Florida Handsomest and quickest train In ida service Solid Pullman electriclight ed throughout Office ua axe of the dares picnic r over sudd per- suaded b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEW PRESIDENT i fire fv the next WEATHER FORECAST- For the District of Columbia Delaware acid fair and holder today fair wkh moderate nortberr winds be comwg vari c TELLS STORY OF GRIME Saipea YaH a r PennsylvanI tJl Stranger U Term vym M ski of thte- t a wttnesc to a r v lust July near 2 j ta hi which a j rf it tile of- Keeaor age has be mfi3- 0m Lass W- iew to tile and M ployed at t Atuc murder fe M i aa MAfr lfl Sire was eat when the teat week the t secrecy ay r wroth time dx the Simi ete s the place wte v aad show the r buried a sine ehexgea- ioni her silt ted to go to body was I P GtDE POI IIJigtor busUi58 man Olle tt the Chamber et I rear 7 temperature Pretty art ar r lf York pretty i city l x W1 Harry ws 1- f K tI K rte a t of t Gi tI AL c trl gist Ord M1 mtr e bed W1 SWIfl Havtag port c BeE t r as tai M WILLUM ar R d M rrland Tomorrow rising Pe s La- a aiietpl abe tragedy straagec w Y home rem > tr oe yoms timo sm v Id atagpiee Ians aes firma a mm- oiattaailrg t bates rein tide a res- us know iwas ama y rater r e etmadlt wee e WAI The motive She d G4 I IK JXAS Frozen to Death on Tex Jan K southern part ef tile State last and extended 209 miles into Mexico Many thousands of acres of growing vegetables IB the Lower RIo Grande Valley territory were damaged aad aaany farms suffered total losses The frost is believed to have destroyed groves of orange trees Much st eriag is reported antoag the poorer people partfceiariy the Mexicans who are wholly unprepared for whiter weather The buzzard which has been raging for two days in Northwest Texas has caused the death of great numbers of cattle upon the ranges HOME ON 101 RANCH BURNS Many Famous Men Entertained Oklahoma White House Buss Okla Jan m ranch headquarters known all over the South west as the White House becaese of the famous then who have been enter- tained there as guests of Miller Brothers prairie gale The only fire fighters avail- able were Indians and cowboys employed on the ranch and the btdkHng was de- stroyed the loss being estimated at 3SOGO President McKInley President Roose WHMaat J Bryan aad many ethers have been at the house Deea man as 1te big R heavy haRL The the eaH tk e r Ute erne Is true era y w time young aYOhneru Great Xum1Jel r ct Range Austin e cold spell wl set to The went below the reeiiug pl In the extreme night for many at 12The was burned last night during a heavy velt a to rob- bery abaft is 3 and airosss Me 1rmg on boMew f la ttsi by COLD W fortyeight hears age showe- us abstemet tspetature ¬ ¬ = Perkins Is Reelected Sacramento Cal Jan 11 United States Senator George C Perkins was today by the State legislature He received votes of aM the fortynine Republicans in the senate and fiftysix of the sixty Republican assemblymen A fight was made again Perkins by the XJacotnRooeeveit but it proved a fizzle The Democrats gave their com pnnsentary vot to J O of HeMfs ter Burton to Be Elected Today Ohio Jan 12Theodore Burton of Cleveland was today elected United States Senator Olio by the Wy sitting separately Tomorrow the election will be completed by the in join session resulted in the com plete Republican strength going to Bur ton and the Democratic strength going to former Gov James E When given the formal election tomorrow Bur ton will deliver aa address Conan Doyle Scrionaly ni London Jan 12A bulletin on dltkw of Sir Arthur Centa Doyle today said he Sassed a restless sad painful nit The lumens author underwent an operation oa January 10 for an Internal affection Davis Cot from house and senate of the general The action today con re- elected assem as- sembly time Executives CourseinErowiis tille Case Denounced Large Audience of Spectators and Senators Present Ohioan In Lengths Speech Calls the President A Shock to Decency and Attracts Attention of III Gel leagues by Declaring that Contin- gent Fund Money Was Looted from Treasury to Pay Secret Agents Before gaWocfes atOll with hundreds of spectators and n aW presence of nearly all his SonatorhU colleagues Senator Forakec delivered a sueech in the Senate yesterday eoncaram the Brownsville episode whisk was devoted jseiily al- most oattrely to time presentation of evi- dence to show that the private detectives employed to pet coafeestoas from some of the iwsro soNIa dtocbarsed without front the United I States Infantry had been gvttty of w fel perjury and anbomattai of perjury lery sat Mrs welter and her daughters Mrs Watawrhjht and Mtes Ferakarr Mrs Depew and other vcoHfaMMt wo- of the Scial ctrde were present In the afplaaiaae gallery woe a fish repraeenta tIeR fmm the diptomatte corps At the outset there were that Mr Forakers coUeaeuac took little later Tf atOi went on aad jvtdueod affidavit aft oodarimj dtae liven had sworn tehMiy the Senators be- gan to up sad take satin Before he had eonciuuad Mr Ftoakar MIl time attautma f the entire San rte and it we tpHMit from what was said by Senators arwrd that many of his eaHmgues bettered he had made out aa exceedingly atroog rose earl had die creed the reports of the sleuths em- ployed by the admtafetratton Senators Attracted Jueakers remarka ali Usetdji the attention af lawyara in the I argument to show that the funds to pray the governments private fur endeavoring to ran down hud been takeR UlegUr trout priation placed at the disposal of tbe aster f GAIN SC RS RO SVElT- I i BRilDED j i honor lit tIM front row l time Senators gal the DB as tM Ohio dId flat the A pert of liar e used hire guilty 0 time Brownsville shooting an Secretary or Wv In JMI Just the ORAKER DETECTIVES f Tie mtytth kti one eat h prooaeim nit else c I P SO AasJeY0t5d tD rt- h de- tectives apps ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ outbreak of the Philippine insurrection Mr Foraker contended that under a specific law OH the subject which he read the use of this aaaey by the War Department Lad been revoked automatic- ally two years after the money became available He also read a statute enacted hi JSm and atm ia force that prohibited in any government or by any off- icer of the District of Columbia and coatendjgd that hi view of this statute there had been a dear violation of the Use of Secret Service At out point hi his speeds Senator For aker dlgreoacd and made attack upon the PresWeaTiMffleg of the Secret Service which made a profound taapreeefon on the Senators He had Just read from the correspond- ence of one of thedtoebarged soldiers the story of the efforts of a government de- tective to secure possession of one of the Senators letters Mr President said Mr Foraker lay lug aside his manuscript and speaking with deliberation I never wrote a letter left my mothers knee that the world may not read or to which any per son may not give the widest publicity I say this without gratification I nay have written letters as other men have done in which I used language that ia view of subsequent developments might require correction But none of them has been of a that required any lying dodging or on my part tb of private detectives service law sad of public stun I characternot one employment a misuse funds an mis- representation ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Senator commented upon the use of secret government agents to spy upon Senators and private citizens He that every honest man ought to resent such atrocious conduct shame upon it the Senator He declared that men to the public serv- ice were being hounded by detectives- at the Presidents orders which he char acterized as unprecedented When Senator Foraker invited the of the Senate te the affidavits he was prepared to read be told his col- leagues he had the original affidavits on his desk where any Senator may see de- clared about att- ention ¬ ¬ them is so ranch misrepresenta- tion Investive abroad about this mat- ter that I have taken nothing for grant edGrowing more serious the Senator de- clared A time will come when certain men will no longer deal lightly in in vective They wilt occupy a position where they may be called to account like other private citizens for unwarranted assaults of this kind Senators and gallery spectators leaned forward to hear better when Mr Foraker read affidavits to show that the detectives employed by the government had given false accounts of the information fur nmhed to them by former members of the Twentyfifth Infantry One affidavit was particularly striking It was made by G C Arnold a Georgia rherlff who was present when Boyd Conyers a former soldier bad been examined by Herbert J Browne who with William G Baldwin of Roanoke Va made contracts with the government to run down the men re sponsible for the Brownsville affray Sheriff Arnold to whose high standing Senator Clay of Georgia testified yes terday expressed himself as horrified over Brownes report as to Conyers al- leged disclosures and asserted that Con yers had made o confession or given any warrant for the report submitted by Browne In the course of Ms remarks Mr For aker asserted thAt fraudulent Imperson Continued on PafiTe 4 Coluaia 8 share ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ INVENTOR HELD FOR ESBJITRY Charles F Acker a Millionaire So ciety Man Faces Charges Ledcport N Y Jaa feChariee F Asks society of skew York sad head of tho mammoth Acker indicted by the grand Joey today OB a charge of perjury and three tadfetmeata for guuardl nation of perjury It is said the indictments were secured on complaint of Dr Carl Qoidundth end Joseph Weber of Em oatheRuhr Germany inventors and capitalists who deist that Adter attempted to steal from them patents on a pro SMC to sec- t from old onus a prongs which it te said bus made the Germane wealthy Representatives Confident Inaugural Bill Will Pass House Prscesee of was wILL TIS pSr DJNG nlde sire man Company l14uprac balk ¬ Measure Will Be Called Up for Roll Call Vote on Sext DistrIct Day The f tile P acting as a committee of the bill introduced by Ropracmtathfe Smith of XfcfaSsaa day by Representative Smith of trict Committee and many other mem hers of Congress The bill win he shed that many of those who opposed It in the committee will either fall to vote and go on record or vote iu favor of its passage Chairman Smith at first contemplated calling up the bM by unanimous consent of the members of the House but he does not believe he would be successful in this attempt Therefore he has decided to wait until the day set aside for District matters When the vote of the whole committee was taken onday nearly an of the Republican members had left the Capitol and nearly every Democrat present voted against the bill In view of this fact Chairman Smith believes be will have no trouble in obtaining the we of the bufid inng hero Oce IIdkt for we lte- iay the 8Ct1eaeC tile House to fJIIIIRG to time Tills was time opinion exprersd yester theDIe for vote by rsll droll oa tile next District q In the House and it Is next Inwgmat ba4 will granted Congress desphe whole a rove ingural up a be- lieved ¬ ¬ SCANDAL IN CUMBERLAND Dismissal of Water Superintendent Is Recommended by Council Special to The TOcbfagfe BeaK Cumberland Md Jan 32 city council tonight without a dissenting voice adopted the report of the commit tee appointed to investigate the sale of the old Johnson Ice house and declares That the best interests of tile city will be served by the dismissal of Water Su perintendent Sell and the water board is requested to act accordingly It Is further requested that the city at- torney proceed against Sell Bros Com- pany former Mayer King and Joseph L Sell and collect for the material that was taken from the old Jonason ice house Mr Sell said tonight that he had em ployed an attorney and would have a complete defense His friends intimate that politics is behind the move against him Favors Statewide Prohibition Nashville Tuna Jan 11 The this afternoon voted in favor of State prohibition bill The senate at 2198 oclock took up for oeaeWoraikm the bill which provides that it shall take effect july 1 Children and Self Mankate Mina Jan 12 James York a quarry worker cut the throats of four of his children and then committed sui cide by hanging himself by a smell wire Furniture Auction The Mendelsohn sale of rich mahogany furniture In shapes and styles as used by our forefathers with plate fire place garnishments mirrors prints cu rios c will be sold at auction at the Sloan Galleries 1W7 G St commencing this morning at 11 oclock at 3 and the same hours tomorrow and Fri day See catalogue for further particu lars Rooms comfortably heated anti seats provISed for senate next Rills 1lf n The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TO TIMAN Attorney General Explains Talk with Senator LO LITIGATION IS BEGUN In an Official Statement Given Out Yesterday Afternoon the Cabinet Officer Tells of the Relation Be tween Himself and the Car linian in Preparing Resolution ofikfel statement yesterday afternoon Attorney General Bonaparte explains We pouUtoa hi the QUERY In Ores BONAPARTE REPLIES South an lama ¬ Metes referred to in Senator TBhuaaa speech OB Monday Speaking of the resolution which he prepared for the South CaroHuma alter a eoaversfctwa with htm on time question Mr Bonaparte smote He told mo he wished information to the status of the lands embraced hi these Oregon grants because be had heard 90 much complamt t the conduct of the corporations etefcntog them during repeat journey through States of tho Pactac Slope He criticised with great severity the policy or granting the public domain to such corporations and mentioned that oa grant of this character be had saM te certain of Me colleagues You mar well give thorn what they want sow you have given them pretty ranch everything else Land of Value He said according to my recollection that time lands had become of great value and many persons wished to purchase them and added that he would have been glad to do so himself if he could liMIt he never told me on Me part with an arrangement j to acquire some pi that he intended exported even at that time to maKe say such purchase As stated by him Ilk reason for mak- ing these inquiries was that he might better discharge his public duties and I was totally ignorant until I documents transmitted by the President Ids some Ia land word of IQ oC these nor de- sired saw the as occasion dWeseehmg a propound as a con- nection lands ¬ to Senator Hale that Senator TIll the time of his conversation with me bed any private Interest whether actual or in expectation in connection with the subject of our conversation I gave him a full statement of the information which had been collected by the department ae the result of a protracted investigation made by Messrs Townsend and SJcBfcUr as special counsel and which had con tinued during a considerable part of the preceding year I told him also that we deemed it advisable to obtain Congressional action in the form of a resolution empowering the Attorney General to claim a forfeiture of and that I felt some apprehension lest such action should be opposed by the large interests which it would affect Senator Tillmaa then offered to intro duce a resolution on the subject if I would prepare one and I did prepare such a resolution which was introduced by hint and subsequently adopted this Interview I explained to him that it would bo impracticable to comer the corporations claiming these lands to sell any particular portion of them to any particular person although of course if the government could establish- a forfeiture of right under the grant the lands might become afterwards open to entry on the same terms as any other portion of the public domain or coarse if it was at the time his purpose to obtain some part of the lands in question through arrangements with Messrs Reeder A Watkins or otherwise this forfeiture might tend to premote his individual interest but I bad no reason to credit him with any such and I dealt with him throughout as asking the information and advice I could give only that he might fulfill his duty as a public officer Taking notice of that part of the Till man speech in which it is asked whether- or not the Attorney General has been or dered to obey the law ordering suit to be instituted against these snipe Oregon lands Mr Bonaparte atatcs On September 4 1S9S suit was brought by the United States of America in the Circuit Court or the United States for the at ela- nds J Dur- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ of Oregon against the Oregon and CamTormu Railroad Company tile Southern Paejae Company Ute Union tee Stephen T Gage individually send as trustee and a large number of indi- vidual defendants The purpose of tills suit is m sub force a forfeiture of the public tends claimed by the raflroads under Mr Her rhnaas control by virtue of the original grant to the Oregon and California RaM Xt has been brought in accordance with time directions of the Joint resolution to which Senator Tfttman refers was in- stituted as soon as practicable after Ute passage of tile said resolution and the fact of Its Institution has been pubttshed and could have been verified by any one through inquiry at this department for more then tour months Mystery of Death in Drugged Wine on Stage Grows Deeper Five Bottles Are Sent to the State Chemist of Maryland to Make Analysis Mary 3id Ja 22A jaejaast was held tide afternoon Into the death of Charles Lesley Pippin tie young under- taker who died Sunday after drinking a by the Methodist church States Attor aey Elmer Deea at the meat de- clared that time victim had been mur- dered that it had been meant to murder others and that there existed in the case one of the strangest criminal plots knows Arsenic it is declared was found m great quantities in bottles used at tbe entertainment By a vote of seven to lye aa open verdict was rendered by tbe Jury impanelled ia the case and time priv- ilege of holding a postmortem examina- tion of the body was arbitrarily refused Time family of are foremost in the exerts to prevent inquiry into the case It leaked out today that Pippin was about to be married within a short time Time States attorney reached here early this morning He left tonight taking him Ave bottles in which the doped was held at various times asserting be would not press the case until the chemist bad completed an analysis BRANDEGEE THE VICTOR 1 Senator Gets ISO to 111 for Dine Trust and as to declare eII INQUEST OVER POISON VICTIM bottle of wine at a play Company individually and road a poisoned give Notes urn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ lepreesntatlve Hill Hartford Conn Jan 12 United States Senator Frank B Brandegee was selected by the Republican caucus of the general assembly this afternoon to succeed him- self in tbe Senate for a full term of six years Mr Brandegee has been serving a term of four years which was the unex ptred period of Ute term of the late Sen- ator Orville H Platt There were 237 votes in the caucus which is the number of those eligible to vote Mr Brandegee received and Representative Hill UL While disap- pointed of course that their man felled of Ute Mr Hills friends were nevertheless ranch gratified that he made so good a showing The election by the general assembly will take place next week The Democratic minority wiN hold their caucus Thursday afternoon upon the ad- journment of for the day STEICBUNG WILL BE SPEAKER Foreman Wins Over Sutherland for Senate Presidency Sfwcfai t TV WaaUnstea BeaM Charleston W Vfe Jan liJ H StrfckHag of Tyler County was elected by the Republican caucus of toe house for speaker tonight by acclamation J Foreman of Grant County was named by the senate Republican caucus for President of time senate on the first ballot receiving sixteen votes and seven Merritt T Cooke Wins Ssedil te The Waahisstea Herald Norfolk Va Jan 12 Merritt T Cooke was tonight elected president of the Eas- iness Mens Association of Norfolk over WDIard R Cook to succeed T Ander son The election was one of the ever held in the association Finest Flowers ror Table Decorations See Blackstone 1 and sty 126 noD L W nativa the legislature Suther- land warm- est no- r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Call Upon Commissioners to Effect a Remedy PRESSURE TOO IS LOW Lights Go Out Making Danger from Explosions Constant Instance Cited in Communication from Takoma Park Association Tending to Show a Deplorable as Well a an Alarming Condition of Affairs in that Part of City Con Echoes of the drastic exposure of presence of deadly carbon monoxide la the gas supply of the Washington Gas light Company are being heard In measure by the District So deep has been the impression made by the recent report of the Bureau of Chemistry on the causes of the Bremer man tragedy that public Inquiry and agi- tation refuse to abate In any degree Pub c sentiment Is aroused to a high pitch and la rapidly crystaittzlng Into determination to bring the gas monopoly to its knees Commissioner Macfarfand yesterday to his colleagues that Con- gress bo asked to enact a law which will require a pressure of at least one foot at all periods of the day and night This was the result of a deer and statement of grievances from t a Takoma Park Citizens Association The communication front this association is about as scathing an arraignment of the policy of the Washington Gaslight Company as has ever been seen in the District of Columbia Gives Graphic Evidence- A personal communication front a citi- zen of Langdon Is graphic evidence of the eject produced upon the public mind by the Bremerman tragedy This says I am at work in Ute evenings and the recent tragedies from gas poison cause ate a greet deal of worry as I fear I shall find my family the same way as the Bremeonaas Commissioner Macfarfaad as referred to the Corporation Counsel the interpret- ation of the word In the char- ter of the Washington Gaslight Com- pany If the presence of carbon roooox We possible a laws to remedy present condition of af fairs The letters from the Takom Park Citi- zens Association fellows Jn part Tacoma Park D X January 9 Zits The Honorable Commissioners of the District of CoHubbte The citizens of Tacoma Park are vitally interested in the recently proposed legislation concerning the presence of carbon monoxide ta iyuratoaUag gas Tbe committee on gas and lighting of the Citizens Association beg to present ae following report of complaints re- garding the gas situation in tills suburb f Xot Enough Gas For more than a year the people of Takoraa Park have been troubled with an tasusfcieat amount of gas for both cooking and illuminating purposes the Quantity being so lax that on very occasions the gas lights ia both minating jets have become extinguished This has been the case particularly be- tween the hours of and 7 in the even- ing and T and S in the morning and tve have been especially troubled in having our gas go out since the month of Oc- tober The following is a Quotation from a letter received One evening owing to the failure to remember that I had two jets lighted when the gas failed one in my furnace room was not turned off Fortunately I discovered the odor of gas and detected- it the next morning without a light Had the furnace been lighted there would certainly have been an explosion that would have wrecked the house During DEADLY MONOXIDE URM CITIZENS greas Urged to Make Law Ute a citi- zen nuisance gas can be held f1 nuisance It in way Js byes under the present fre- quent Ute gas IR the ordinary illu i New the In- creasing Com- missioners recommended em- phatic a ovens sad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ the latter part of October me out In all parts of my house repeatedly In the evening Another citizen writes M The gas lights In the room and oven have repeatedly gone out while being used this to the great danger of concerned for It frequently happened that one light or one burner would go out while another did not Had It not had immediate attention It would have automatically set off an explosion These cases are not Isolated onevbut are frequent In Takoma Park Complaints have also been entered concerning the larger size of bills under the regime of low gas pressure and a serious viola don of the street light regulations noticed viz That up to about S oclock in the evening the street are so poorly lighted afford Tittle protection This Is of course to the low gas pressure The Lights Went Out Sow gentlemen when it Is realized that on the very evening preceding the fire which destroyed the BHss Electrical School the gas pressure was so low in Takoma Park that the gas lights are known to nave gone out and that on many occasions the lights did actually become extinguished in the iJites school itself before tile fire One can easily see that we are living in danger of having our own homes likewise destroyed by fireThe danger to lire however is not the most serious one to which we are We are fully aware of the facts brought out by the recent investigation regarding the Bremerman fatality We realize fully that when cur ut and the leakage of the gas is there Is constant danger to health arid even to life Itself The Washington City gas contains 99 per cent of carbon mo oxide a gas whicji is so deadly thjat whea a guinea pig is exposed to an at- ntospliere containing 1 per cent of monoxide for fifteen minutes it collapses went been s due unnoticed Coetiaxed 6 every- one has tamps they sub- jected c sa FO CalLw

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Page 1: S THE WASHINGTON E · 2017. 12. 25. · creased a rem 2Sf to 3M mteecs were at ascertate know mea survtvoi This is time second explosion fat this in time last two weeks la the Scat











c 7



Second Explosion in

Branch Mine

Shaft Declared Safe Before Shift

Went to Work


Disaster Believed to Have Been

Caused by Foreigners Carrying

Unprotected Light Into Mine

Only Two Weeks Ago an

Killed Fifty Workmen and

Debris Had Just Been Cleared

Away for EesumBtion of Work






Hantii gtoH W Y u Jan 12 Anotherexplosion occurred today la tbe LickBranch Owl BriME ewiwd by tile Pocahoatas C asellGateJ CoHteriBS Cewpaa-jrt Switchback Norfolk and Weikern Railroad

Between sixty sbty lives were lestThe mater of kWed way be largely in-

creased a rem 2Sf to 3M mteecs were at

ascertate know mea survtvoiThis is time second explosion fat thisin time last two weeks la the Scat tftypersons were IJMud The cause of the

Is sot yet known The number ofdeed net be mown for several days

paid by the car to whichminers attach a tag oa which MB num-

bercar pat to tile hippie for imaplag time

clerk lafor K TJatfer tilts systew the

pleas tics acability of the urinenumber of wren wo

for the In-

to fc the

It was stated that the was ex-

amined eariy to4sjr before tbe BW shiftwent to work sad that it was reported tobe perfectly sale Iever soon after the work was begunthe eptostan occurred with a Met that stayfar exceed that of the December ex

twork at time and it Me set yet

The sders w

e are this

ciIulIe time tamer ueawork

wha they It tIMtr

wIleR tile expIoMa occurred

Majority AreThe K tile were

to wrk at the spinawine


spite 0t hew

i aid

the beenbait




and siren sad wmen


piets sad whwstd

oa daIsg

Americana orky s Iner va0ms


with a few fa dgtmers-a i its




The H tee officials refuse to givedefinite tel that nay have not deathFresh air Isfeetag forced Sato the shaft

Blame Open Lamp

the blame oa some of the foreigners whohave entered with an open temp It wasknows that there was a small quantityof gas in the raise last sight and it isconsidered probable that this may havesuddenly increased after the steers be-gan to work and that it was ignited by aoopen lamp

State Inopoctor PhHIipe Inspected

eral condition was good Mine inspectorsare now Investigating the exptestea Aspecie tram with physicians and mIReoSclals has been seat to the scene fromBlueSeM

Switchback the scene of the explosionis a small village ia McDowell County Inthe center of the great flat top coed fields

Railroad Estimate of DeadSpecial to ISo msKsgteQ Herald

Roanoke Va Jan llThe latestreceived at the and West-

ern Railway headQuarters here tonightfrom the LJek Branch mine disaster isthat not less than seventyfive lives havebeen lost but possibly th maaber willreach m Aa even lot miners were

from Colambus Ohto to Lick Branchover the Norfolk and Western rod


Oklahomans Wrapped In Legal TIeto Fight Demon Rum

Guthrie Okte Jan 12A resolution de-claring the water wagon in Oklahomato be a common carrier was introducedIn the Oklahoma house totdy by Representative Durant Democrat It passedwith a whoop and was sent to the seaate for concurrence The resolution de


by way K the taB which woe mataged

While time ogideIs cannot now samecause for the explssion mlaers place

Minethis mtae In August and tOUlMl tile gen




ad-vices Norfolk





demands that the Statewide prohibitionlaw shall have the moral support of theentire citizenship of the State


Runs Through Street Without ShoesOverwork or Hazing the Cause

Baltimore Md Jan 12 Dementedeither by overwork or hazing SanseiSerkin o Yonkers X Y a medical student at the University of Maryland rancoatless and without any shoes on hisfeet two naBes from the eastern sec-

tion of the townSorkin who had been visiting time home

of Xr and Mrs Max Sefeeibegan talking at random He was

to Me down and rest hut to a fewminutes Jumped up and finally rushed in-to the street in his stocking feet andwithout coat or hat Half an hour laterbe was found wandering by the policenear Pine street and taken to the stationhouse where the young mans relativeshastily summoned from Yonkers foundhlmthis afternoon

Seaboard FloridaHandsomest and quickest train In

ida service Solid Pullman electriclighted throughout Office ua axe

of thedares picnic











fire fv the next


For the District of ColumbiaDelaware acid fairand holder todayfair wkhmoderate nortberr winds becomwg vari c


Saipea YaH a

r PennsylvanItJl StrangerU Term

vym M ski of thte-

t a wttnesc to ar v lust July near2 j ta hi which aj rf it tile of-

Keeaorage has be mfi3-

0m Lass W-

iew to tileand Mployed at t Atucmurder fe M i

aa MAfrlfl

Sire was eatwhen the

teat week the

t secrecy ay rwroth time dx

the Simi ete s

the place wte vaad show the rburied

a sine ehexgea-

ioni her siltted to go to

body was

I P GtDEPOI IIJigtor busUi58 man Olle tt

the Chamber et I rear



Pretty artar r lf

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city l xW1

Harry ws 1-

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gist Ord M1

mtr ebed W1 SWIfl

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M rrlandTomorrow


Pe s La-a

aiietpl abetragedy

straagec w Y homerem

> tr oe yomstimo


Id atagpieeIans

aesfirma a mm-

oiattaailrg t

bates rein tideares-us

know iwasama y

rater re




The motiveShe d G4

I IK JXASFrozen to

Death onTex Jan K

southern part ef tile State lastand extended 209 miles into Mexico

Many thousands of acres of growingvegetables IB the Lower RIo GrandeValley territory were damaged aad aaanyfarms suffered total losses The frost isbelieved to have destroyed grovesof orange trees

Much st eriag is reported antoag thepoorer people partfceiariy the Mexicanswho are wholly unprepared for whiterweather The buzzard which has beenraging for two days in Northwest Texashas caused the death of great numbersof cattle upon the ranges


Many Famous Men EntertainedOklahoma White House

Buss Okla Jan m ranchheadquarters known all over the Southwest as the White House becaese ofthe famous then who have been enter-tained there as guests of Miller Brothers

prairie gale The only fire fighters avail-able were Indians and cowboys employedon the ranch and the btdkHng was de-stroyed the loss being estimated at3SOGO

President McKInley President RooseWHMaat J Bryan aad many ethers

have been at the house

Deeaman as 1te

big R heavyhaRL

The theeaH tk e r Ute erneIs true era y w timeyoung aYOhneru

Great Xum1Jel r

ct RangeAustin e cold spellwl set to

The wentbelow the reeiiug pl In the extreme





was burned last night during a heavy


a to rob-bery

abaft is 3 and

airosss Me 1rmg onboMew f

la ttsi by


fortyeight hears age showe-us abstemet tspetature




Perkins Is ReelectedSacramento Cal Jan 11 United States

Senator George C Perkins wastoday by the State legislature

He received votes of aM the fortynineRepublicans in the senate and fiftysixof the sixty Republican assemblymen Afight was made again Perkins by theXJacotnRooeeveit but it proveda fizzle The Democrats gave their compnnsentary vot to J O of HeMfster

Burton to Be Elected TodayOhio Jan 12Theodore

Burton of Cleveland was today electedUnited States Senator Olio by theWy sitting separately Tomorrow theelection will be completed by the

in join sessionresulted in the complete Republican strength going to Burton and the Democratic strength going toformer Gov James E Whengiven the formal election tomorrow Burton will deliver aa address

Conan Doyle Scrionaly niLondon Jan 12A bulletin on

dltkw of Sir Arthur Centa Doyle todaysaid he Sassed a restless sad painfulnit The lumens author underwent anoperation oa January 10 for an Internalaffection



fromhouse and senate of the general

The action today






Executives CourseinErowiis

tille Case Denounced

Large Audience of Spectators

and Senators Present

Ohioan In Lengths Speech Calls thePresident A Shock to Decencyand Attracts Attention of III Gel

leagues by Declaring that Contin-

gent Fund Money Was Looted fromTreasury to Pay Secret Agents

Before gaWocfes atOll with hundreds ofspectators and n aW presence of nearlyall his SonatorhU colleagues SenatorForakec delivered a sueech in the Senateyesterday eoncaram the Brownsvilleepisode whisk was devoted jseiily al-

most oattrely to time presentation of evi-

dence to show that the private detectivesemployed to pet coafeestoas from some ofthe iwsro soNIa dtocbarsed without

front the United

IStates Infantry had been gvttty of w felperjury and anbomattai of perjury

lery sat Mrs welter and her daughtersMrs Watawrhjht and Mtes Ferakarr

Mrs Depew and other vcoHfaMMt wo-

of the Scial ctrde were present In theafplaaiaae gallery woe a fish repraeentatIeR fmm the diptomatte corps

At the outset there were thatMr Forakers coUeaeuac took little later

Tf atOi went on aad jvtdueod affidavit

aft oodarimj dtaeliven had sworn tehMiy the Senators be-

gan to up sad take satinBefore he had eonciuuad Mr Ftoakar

MIl time attautma f the entire Sanrte and it we tpHMit from what wassaid by Senators arwrd that many ofhis eaHmgues bettered he had made outaa exceedingly atroog rose earl had diecreed the reports of the sleuths em-

ployed by the admtafetrattonSenators Attracted

Jueakers remarka aliUsetdji the attention af lawyara in the

I argument to show that the fundsto pray the governments private

fur endeavoring to ran down

hud been takeR UlegUr troutpriation placed at the disposal of tbe










lit tIM front row l time Senators gal

the DB as tM Ohio

dId flat the

A pert of liar



hire guilty 0 time Brownsville shootingan

Secretary or Wv In JMI Just the




Tie mtytth

kti one

eat h prooaeim



c I P SO AasJeY0t5d tD rt-









outbreak of the Philippine insurrectionMr Foraker contended that under a

specific law OH the subject which heread the use of this aaaey by the WarDepartment Lad been revoked automatic-ally two years after the money becameavailable He also read a statute enactedhi JSm and atm ia force that prohibited

inany government or by any off-icer of the District of Columbia andcoatendjgd that hi view of this statutethere had been a dear violation of the

Use of Secret ServiceAt out point hi his speeds Senator For

aker dlgreoacd and made attack uponthe PresWeaTiMffleg of the Secret Servicewhich made a profound taapreeefon on theSenators

He had Just read from the correspond-ence of one of thedtoebarged soldiers thestory of the efforts of a government de-tective to secure possession of one of theSenators letters

Mr President said Mr Foraker laylug aside his manuscript and speakingwith deliberation I never wrote a letter

left my mothers knee that theworld may not read or to which any person may not give the widest publicity Isay this without gratification

I nay have written letters as othermen have done in which I used languagethat ia view of subsequent developmentsmight require correction But none ofthem has been of athat required any lying dodging or

on my part

tb of private detectivesservice

law sad of public

stun I

characternot one


a misuse funds








Senator commented upon the use ofsecret government agents to spy uponSenators and private citizens He

that every honest man ought toresent such atrocious conduct

shame upon it the SenatorHe declared that men to the public serv-ice were being hounded by detectives-at the Presidents orders which he characterized as unprecedented

When Senator Foraker invited theof the Senate te the affidavits he

was prepared to read be told his col-leagues he had the original affidavits onhis desk where any Senator may see






them is so ranch misrepresenta-tion Investive abroad about this mat-ter that I have taken nothing for grantedGrowing more serious the Senator de-clared A time will come when certainmen will no longer deal lightly in invective They wilt occupy a positionwhere they may be called to account likeother private citizens for unwarrantedassaults of this kind

Senators and gallery spectators leanedforward to hear better when Mr Forakerread affidavits to show that the detectivesemployed by the government had givenfalse accounts of the information furnmhed to them by former members of theTwentyfifth Infantry One affidavit wasparticularly striking It was made by GC Arnold a Georgia rherlff who waspresent when Boyd Conyers a formersoldier bad been examined by Herbert JBrowne who with William G Baldwinof Roanoke Va made contracts withthe government to run down the men responsible for the Brownsville affray

Sheriff Arnold to whose high standingSenator Clay of Georgia testified yesterday expressed himself as horrifiedover Brownes report as to Conyers al-leged disclosures and asserted that Conyers had made o confession or givenany warrant for the report submitted byBrowne

In the course of Ms remarks Mr Foraker asserted thAt fraudulent Imperson

Continued on PafiTe 4 Coluaia 8

share ¬










Charles F Acker a Millionaire Society Man Faces Charges

Ledcport N Y Jaa feChariee FAsks society of skewYork sad head of tho mammoth Acker

indicted by the grand Joey today OB acharge of perjury and three tadfetmeatafor guuardl nation of perjury

It is said the indictments were securedon complaint of Dr Carl Qoidundth endJoseph Weber of Em oatheRuhrGermany inventors and capitalists whodeist that Adter attempted to stealfrom them patents on a pro SMC to sec-t from old onus a prongs which it tesaid bus made the Germane wealthy

Representatives Confident InauguralBill Will Pass House

Prscesee of was


nlde sire man

Company l14uprac balk


Measure Will Be Called Up for RollCall Vote on Sext DistrIct


The f tile P

acting as a committee of the

bill introduced by Ropracmtathfe Smithof XfcfaSsaa

day by Representative Smith oftrict Committee and many other memhers of Congress The bill win he shed

that many of those who opposed Itin the committee will either fall to voteand go on record or vote iu favor of itspassage

Chairman Smith at first contemplatedcalling up the bM by unanimous consentof the members of the House but he doesnot believe he would be successful in thisattempt Therefore he has decided towait until the day set aside forDistrict matters

When the vote of the whole committeewas taken onday nearly an of theRepublican members had left the Capitoland nearly every Democrat present votedagainst the bill In view of this factChairman Smith believes be will have notrouble in obtaining the we of the bufidinng

hero Oce IIdktfor we lte-iay the 8Ct1eaeC tileHouse

to fJIIIIRG to time

Tills was time opinion exprersd yestertheDIe

for vote by rsll droll oa tile nextDistrict q In the House and it Is


Inwgmat ba4 will grantedCongress desphe

whole a rove ingural

up abe-





Dismissal of Water SuperintendentIs Recommended by Council

Special to The TOcbfagfe BeaKCumberland Md Jan 32 city

council tonight without a dissentingvoice adopted the report of the committee appointed to investigate the sale ofthe old Johnson Ice house and declaresThat the best interests of tile city will

be served by the dismissal of Water Superintendent Sell and the water boardis requested to act accordingly

It Is further requested that the city at-torney proceed against Sell Bros Com-pany former Mayer King and Joseph LSell and collect for the material that wastaken from the old Jonason ice house

Mr Sell said tonight that he had employed an attorney and would have acomplete defense His friends intimatethat politics is behind the move againsthim

Favors Statewide ProhibitionNashville Tuna Jan 11 The

this afternoon voted in favor of Stateprohibition bill The senate at 2198oclock took up for oeaeWoraikm the billwhich provides that it shall take effectjuly 1

Children and SelfMankate Mina Jan 12 James York

a quarry worker cut the throats of fourof his children and then committed suicide by hanging himself by a smell wire

Furniture AuctionThe Mendelsohn sale of rich mahogany

furniture In shapes and styles as used byour forefathers with plate fireplace garnishments mirrors prints curios c will be sold at auction at theSloan Galleries 1W7 G St commencingthis morning at 11 oclock at 3and the same hours tomorrow and Friday See catalogue for further particulars Rooms comfortably heated anti seatsprovISed for




1lf n









Attorney General ExplainsTalk with Senator


In an Official Statement Given OutYesterday Afternoon the CabinetOfficer Tells of the Relation Between Himself and the Carlinian in Preparing Resolution

ofikfel statement yesterdayafternoon Attorney General Bonaparteexplains We pouUtoa hi the









Metes referred to in Senator TBhuaaaspeech OB Monday

Speaking of the resolution which heprepared for the South CaroHuma altera eoaversfctwa with htm on time questionMr Bonaparte smote He told mo hewished information to the status ofthe lands embraced hi these Oregon grantsbecause be had heard 90 much complamt

t the conduct of the corporationsetefcntog them during repeat journeythrough States of tho Pactac Slope Hecriticised with great severity the policyor granting the public domain to suchcorporations and mentioned that oa

grant of this character be had saM tecertain of Me colleagues You marwell give thorn what they want sow youhave given them pretty ranch everythingelse

Land of ValueHe said according to my recollection

that time lands had become of great valueand many persons wished to purchasethem and added that he would have beenglad to do so himself if he could liMIthe never told me

on Me part with an arrangement j

to acquire some pi

that he intended exported evenat that time to maKe say such

purchaseAs stated by him Ilk reason for mak-

ing these inquiries was that he mightbetter discharge his public duties andI was totally ignorant until Idocuments transmitted by the President


someIa land

word of IQoC these nor


saw the


occasion dWeseehmg a propound


a con-



to Senator Hale that Senator TIllthe time of his conversation with me bedany private Interest whether actual orin expectation in connection with thesubject of our conversation I gave hima full statement of the information whichhad been collected by the department aethe result of a protracted investigationmade by Messrs Townsend and SJcBfcUras special counsel and which had continued during a considerable part of thepreceding year I told him also thatwe deemed it advisable to obtainCongressional action in the form ofa resolution empowering the AttorneyGeneral to claim a forfeiture of

and that I felt some apprehensionlest such action should be opposed bythe large interests which it would affect

Senator Tillmaa then offered to introduce a resolution on the subject if Iwould prepare one and I did preparesuch a resolution which was introducedby hint and subsequently adopted

this Interview I explained to himthat it would bo impracticable to comerthe corporations claiming these lands tosell any particular portion of them toany particular person although ofcourse if the government could establish-a forfeiture of right under the grant thelands might become afterwards open toentry on the same terms as any otherportion of the public domain

or coarse if it was at the time hispurpose to obtain some part of the landsin question through arrangements withMessrs Reeder A Watkins or otherwisethis forfeiture might tend to premote hisindividual interest but I bad no reasonto credit him with any such andI dealt with him throughout as askingthe information and advice I could giveonly that he might fulfill his duty as apublic officer

Taking notice of that part of the Tillman speech in which it is asked whether-or not the Attorney General has been ordered to obey the law ordering suit to beinstituted against these snipe Oregonlands Mr Bonaparte atatcs

On September 4 1S9S suit was broughtby the United States of America in theCircuit Court or the United States for the








of Oregon against the Oregonand CamTormu Railroad Company tileSouthern Paejae Company Ute Union

tee Stephen T Gage individually sendas trustee and a large number of indi-vidual defendants The purpose of tillssuit is m subforce a forfeiture of the public tendsclaimed by the raflroads under Mr Herrhnaas control by virtue of the originalgrant to the Oregon and California RaM

Xt has been brought in accordance withtime directions of the Joint resolution towhich Senator Tfttman refers was in-

stituted as soon as practicable after Utepassage of tile said resolution and thefact of Its Institution has been pubttshedand could have been verified by any onethrough inquiry at this department formore then tour months

Mystery of Death in Drugged Wineon Stage Grows Deeper

Five Bottles Are Sent to the StateChemist of Maryland to Make


Mary 3id Ja 22A jaejaast washeld tide afternoon Into the death ofCharles Lesley Pippin tie young under-taker who died Sunday after drinking a

by the Methodist church States Attoraey Elmer Deea at the meat de-

clared that time victim had been mur-dered that it had been meant to murderothers and that there existed in the caseone of the strangest criminal plots knows

Arsenic it is declared was found mgreat quantities in bottles used at tbeentertainment By a vote of seven tolye aa open verdict was rendered by tbeJury impanelled ia the case and time priv-ilege of holding a postmortem examina-tion of the body was arbitrarily refused

Time family of are foremost inthe exerts to prevent inquiry into thecase It leaked out today that Pippinwas about to be married within a shorttime

Time States attorney reached here earlythis morning He left tonight taking

him Ave bottles in which the dopedwas held at various times asserting

be would not press the case until thechemist bad completed an analysis


Senator Gets ISO to 111 for


Trust and as

to declare eII


bottle of wine at a play

Company individually



apoisoned give








lepreesntatlve HillHartford Conn Jan 12 United States

Senator Frank B Brandegee was selectedby the Republican caucus of the generalassembly this afternoon to succeed him-self in tbe Senate for a full term of sixyears Mr Brandegee has been serving aterm of four years which was the unexptred period of Ute term of the late Sen-ator Orville H Platt

There were 237 votes in the caucuswhich is the number of those eligible tovote Mr Brandegee received andRepresentative Hill UL While disap-pointed of course that their man felledof Ute Mr Hills friendswere nevertheless ranch gratified that hemade so good a showing The electionby the general assembly will take placenext week

The Democratic minority wiN hold theircaucus Thursday afternoon upon the ad-journment of for the day


Foreman Wins Over Sutherland forSenate Presidency

Sfwcfai t TV WaaUnstea BeaMCharleston W Vfe Jan liJ H

StrfckHag of Tyler County was electedby the Republican caucus of toe housefor speaker tonight by acclamation

J Foreman of Grant County wasnamed by the senate Republican caucusfor President of time senate on the firstballot receiving sixteen votes and


Merritt T Cooke WinsSsedil te The Waahisstea Herald

Norfolk Va Jan 12 Merritt T Cookewas tonight elected president of the Eas-iness Mens Association of Norfolk overWDIard R Cook to succeed T Anderson The election was one of the

ever held in the association

Finest Flowers ror Table DecorationsSee Blackstone 1 and sty






the legislature










Call Upon Commissioners toEffect a Remedy


Lights Go Out Making Dangerfrom Explosions Constant

Instance Cited in Communicationfrom Takoma Park AssociationTending to Show a Deplorable asWell a an Alarming Condition ofAffairs in that Part of City Con

Echoes of the drastic exposure ofpresence of deadly carbon monoxidela the gas supply of the Washington Gaslight Company are being heard In

measure by the District

So deep has been the impression madeby the recent report of the Bureau ofChemistry on the causes of the Bremerman tragedy that public Inquiry and agi-tation refuse to abate In any degreePub c sentiment Is aroused to a highpitch and la rapidly crystaittzlng Intodetermination to bring the gas monopolyto its knees

Commissioner Macfarfand yesterdayto his colleagues that Con-

gress bo asked to enact a law whichwill require a pressure of at least onefoot at all periods of the day and nightThis was the result of a deer and

statement of grievances from t aTakoma Park Citizens Association Thecommunication front this association isabout as scathing an arraignment of thepolicy of the Washington GaslightCompany as has ever been seen in theDistrict of Columbia

Gives Graphic Evidence-A personal communication front a citi-

zen of Langdon Is graphic evidence of theeject produced upon the public mindby the Bremerman tragedy This

says I am at work in Uteevenings and the recent tragedies fromgas poison cause ate a greet deal ofworry as I fear I shall find my familythe same way as the Bremeonaas

Commissioner Macfarfaad as referredto the Corporation Counsel the interpret-ation of the word In the char-ter of the Washington Gaslight Com-

pany If the presence of carbon rooooxWepossible alaws to remedy present condition of affairs

The letters from the Takom Park Citi-

zens Association fellows Jn partTacoma Park D X January 9 Zits

The Honorable Commissioners of theDistrict of CoHubbte

The citizens of Tacoma Park arevitally interested in the recently proposedlegislation concerning the presence ofcarbon monoxide ta iyuratoaUag gasTbe committee on gas and lighting ofthe Citizens Association beg to presentae following report of complaints re-

garding the gas situation in tills suburbf Xot Enough Gas

For more than a year the people ofTakoraa Park have been troubled withan tasusfcieat amount of gas for bothcooking and illuminating purposes theQuantity being so lax that on very

occasions the gas lights ia both

minating jets have become extinguishedThis has been the case particularly be-

tween the hours of and 7 in the even-ing and T and S in the morning and tvehave been especially troubled in havingour gas go out since the month of Oc-

toberThe following is a Quotation from a

letter receivedOne evening owing to the failure to

remember that I had two jets lightedwhen the gas failed one in my furnaceroom was not turned off Fortunately Idiscovered the odor of gas and detected-it the next morning without a light Hadthe furnace been lighted there wouldcertainly have been an explosion thatwould have wrecked the house During



greas Urged to Make Law





gas can be held f1 nuisance It inway Js byes under the present

fre-quentUte gas IR the ordinary illu





creasing Com-






ovens sad












the latter part of October meout In all parts of my house repeatedlyIn the evening

Another citizen writesM The gas lights In the room and oven

have repeatedly gone out while beingused this to the great danger of

concerned for It frequently happenedthat one light or one burner would goout while another did not Had It nothad immediate attention It would haveautomatically set off an explosion

These cases are not Isolated onevbutare frequent In Takoma Park Complaintshave also been entered concerning thelarger size of bills under the regime oflow gas pressure and a serious violadon of the street light regulations

noticed viz That up to aboutS oclock in the evening the streetare so poorly lighted afford Tittleprotection This Is of course tothe low gas pressure

The Lights Went OutSow gentlemen when it Is realized

that on the very evening preceding thefire which destroyed the BHss ElectricalSchool the gas pressure was so low inTakoma Park that the gas lights areknown to nave gone out and that onmany occasions the lights did actuallybecome extinguished in the iJites schoolitself before tile fire One can easilysee that we are living in danger of havingour own homes likewise destroyed by

fireThe danger to lire however is not themost serious one to which we are

We are fully aware of the factsbrought out by the recent investigationregarding the Bremerman fatality Werealize fully that when cur utand the leakage of the gas isthere Is constant danger to health arideven to life Itself The Washington Citygas contains 99 per cent of carbon mooxide a gas whicji is so deadly thjatwhea a guinea pig is exposed to an at-ntospliere containing 1 per cent ofmonoxide for fifteen minutes it collapses






Coetiaxed 6






sa FO CalLw