rusia 1905

Rusia 1905

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Rusia 1905. Tsar Nicholas II. Perang Rusia-Jepang 1904-1905. Bloody Sunday : Revolusi 1905. Protocols oleh : Prof. Sergei Nilus. a manuscript that exposed … the course and development of the secret Jewish Freemasonic conspiracy, which would bring this wicked world to its inevitable end. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Tsar Nicholas II

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Perang Rusia-Jepang 1904-1905

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Bloody Sunday : Revolusi 1905

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Protocolsoleh :

Prof. Sergei Nilus

a manuscript that exposed … the course and development of the secret Jewish Freemasonic conspiracy, which would bring

this wicked world to its inevitable end

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the term refers to the organized massacre of Jews

1881 : Setelah terbunuhnya Tsar Alexander II oleh kaum revolusioner

1903 : Di kota Bessarabian

1905 : Setelah Revolusi yang gagal

1917 : Dalam Perang Sipil pasca Revolusi

1938 : Di Jerman, setelah terbunuhnya seorang diplomat Jerman oleh seorang Yahudi

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Tahun 1921 buku Protocols

Nilus diterjemahkan

ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Victor E.

Mersden dengan judul :

The Protocols of The Learned

Elders of Zion

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Henry Ford

"The only statement I care to

make about the PROTOCOLS is

that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen

years old, and they have fitted the

world situation up to this time. THEY

FIT IT NOW.“(New York

WORLD, February 17th, 1921)

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London Times,August 16, 1921

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Tahun 1930-an Hitler muncul

sebagai diktator

Jerman. Ia menerapkan

kebijakan rasial, terutama

terhadap orang-orang


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. . . To what extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of

the Wise Men of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the

Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic . . . Anyone who examines

the historical development of the last hundred years from the standpoint of this

book will at once understand the screaming of the Jewish press. For once this book has become the common property of a

people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken (Mein Kampf

Chapter XI: Nation and Race, 307-308).

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Tahun 1945, Hitler kalah dalam Perang Dunia II.

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Orang-orang Yahudi sebagai “korban terbesar” politik rasialis Hitler mendapat simpati dunia.

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Tahun 1948, tiga tahun setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II, negara

Israel diproklamasikan di tanah Palestina

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Apa sebenarnya isi Protocol of Zion?

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Prof. Sergei Nilus :

a manuscript that exposed … the course and development of the secret Jewish Freemasonic conspiracy, which would bring this wicked world to its inevitable end

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• Introduction• Who are the Elders?

• Protocol 1 -  The Basic Doctrine• Protocol 2 - Economic Wars

• Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest• Protocol 4 - Materialism Replace Religion• Protocol 5 - Despotism and Modernism

• Protocol 6 - Take-Over Technique• Protocol 7 - World-Wide Wars

• Protocol 8 - Provisional Government• Protocol 9 - Re-education

• Protocol 10 - Preparing for Power• Protocol 11 - The Totalitarian State

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• Protocol 12 - Control of the Press• Protocol 13 - Distractions

• Protocol 14 - Assault on Religion• Protocol 15 - Ruthless Suppression

• Protocol 16 - Brainwashing• Protocol 17 - Abuse of Authority

• Protocol 18 - Arrest of Opponents• Protocol 19 - Rulers and People• Protocol 20 - Financial Program• Protocol 21 - Loans and Credit

• Protocol 22 - Power of Gold• Protocol 23 - Instilling Obedience

• Protocol 24 - Qualities of the Ruler

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Benarkah dokumen ini dibuat oleh orang-orang Yahudi?

Tidak Benar !!! Benar !!!

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Tidak Benar : PZ merupakan jiplakan

Maurice Joly(Dialogue aux Enfers

entre Machiavel et


Napoleon III


Polisi Rahasia Rusia

Hermann Goedsche(Seorang antisemit Jerman)



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Benar : Banyak kecocokan antara PZ dan peristiwa-peristiwa dunia

Protocol of Zion 1905

- Perang Dunia

- Lembaga Internasional

- Penyatuan mata uang

Peristiwa Penting

PD I 1914-1919

PBB 1945

Euro 1990-an (+ dominasi dollar)

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Tuhan telah menganugerahkan kepada kita, Umat-Nya yang Terpilih, karunia penyebaran, dan hal ini, yang tampak dalam pandangan semua orang sebagai kelemahan kita, telah

menyatukan semua kekuatan kita, yang sekarang membawa kita kepada ambang

kekuasaan di seluruh dunia (PZ XI)

Suatu perlindungan yang besar yang Tuhan telah karuniakan dalam kehidupan orang-orang Yahudi adalah bahwa Tuhan

telah menyebarkan kaum ini di seluruh dunia. (Jewish

Guardian, 8 Oktober 1920)

Chaim Weizmann

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Walter Rathenau

Tiga ratus orang, yang masing-masing

saling mengenal, mengatur nasib benua

Eropa, dan mereka memilih penerus

mereka dari golongan mereka. (Wiener Freie Presse, 24 Desember


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Benjamin Disraeli

Dunia diatur oleh kumpulan orang yang sangat berbeda dari

apa yang dibayangkan oleh mereka yang tidak

berada di balik layar. Dan orang-orang

tersebut semuanya adalah Yahudi.

(Coningsby )

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Kasus Palestina

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….Tentu saja kita dan bukan orang lain yang harus memimpin kegiatan-

kegiatan Freemasonry, karena kita tahu ke mana kita menuju. Kita

mengetahui tujuan akhir dari segala bentuk kegiatan, sementara orang-

orang goyim tidak mengetahui sama sekali…. (PZ XV, 5)

PZ, Yahudi, dan Freemasonry

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What is Freemasonry?

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Freemasonry is the larges secret

society in the world

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Data-Data Umum Ttg Freemasonry• Berdiri pada awal abad ke-18• Memiliki keanggotaan rahasia dan elitis• Para pemimpinnya menganut Luciferianisme• Mengadopsi beberapa ritus kuno, diantaranya

Cabalisme yang berasal dari ajaran Yahudi• Menggunakan hierarki keorganisasian yang rumit• Menggunakan piramid dengan mata di tengahnya

sebagai simbol• Markasnya biasa disebut “Lodge”• Sekarang mempunyai sekitar 6 juta anggota, ¾-nya

ada di Amerika

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Anggota-Anggota Freemasonry

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Masonic Temple & Lodge

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Supreme Council and Library

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Pangkat-Pangkat Freemasonry

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Bintang Penanda Derajat

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Fremason’s Initiaton, 18th century

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Albert Pike

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Freemason’s Initiation

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Freemasonry & Knight Templar

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Jacque de Molay

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Simbol Utama : Ocult Trinity

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Simbol Utama : Mason Eye

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Zion National Park & Zion Lodge

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Sir Sandford Fleming creator of first Canadian stamp and (1827-1915) standard time.

Earl de Gray Governor General

Lord Stanley Governor General

British Columbia Lieutenant-Governors Thomas McInnes

Sir Francis S. Barnard

Edward Prior

Walter C. Nichol

Robert R. Bruce

W. C. Woodward

Clarence Wallace

John Nicholson

Walter S. Owen

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Sir Arthur W. Currie Commander Canadian Forces W.W.I. Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2: 1898/08/03

David Oppenheimer Vancouver Mayor.

Major James Skitt Matthews City of Vancouver Archivist. Western Gate Lodge No. 48, a. 1917/05/14. r. 1910/05/23

Bishop Acton W. Sillitoe, first Bishop of New Westminster. Cascade Lodge No. 12 a. 1889/05/14. Union Lodge No. 9: a.1886/04/05. Lodge of Honour 526, UGLA.

Ernie Winch politician, labour activist

Gerald G. McGeer senator, mayor of Vancouver

Fred "Cyclone" Taylor Hockey Hall of Fame. i. Civil Service Lodge No. 148, Ottawa, r. Plantagenent Lodge No. 65, Aug. 27, 1913 [6]

Arthur Delamont Vancouver Boys Band founder

Thomas G. Norris Supreme Court judge

Victor Dryer Supreme Court Judge

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Nat Bailey founder of White Spot restaurants

Robert Butchart owner of Butchart Gardens, Victoria

Robert James Cromie founder Vancouver Sun newspaper(1887-1936)Hewitt Bostock founder Vancouver Province newspaper

Gordon Gibson Sr. lumberman

J.H. Bloedell, partner BC forestry company MacMillan Bloedell

Alfred Wallace founder Burrard shipyards

Charles Woodward founder of Woodward stores

Austin C. Taylor sportsman, businessman

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Alexander Eiffel designer of the Eiffel Tower [15] George McManus (1884-1954), i.1908, Dirigo Lodge No. 30, NY [15]

Alphonse Mucha, i. 1898, Paris, founder of Czech Freemasonry [5]

Christopher Wren, Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London

Commerce and industry

André Citroen, founder Citröen Motor Car Co, Lodge La Philosophie Positive, Paris [15]

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, i. Oct. 24, 1802: Emulation Lodge No. 12, London [15]

James Rothschild, (Nathan's brother) [15]

Explorers Roald Amundsen [14]

Sir Richard Burton i. Hope Lodge, Kurrachee, Scinde, India [5]

Richard E. Byrd (1888-1957), i.Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington DC [15]

William Clark (1770-1838), Saint Lewis Lodge No. 111, PA [5]

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Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809), i. Jan. 29, 1797, Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44, Va. [5]

Cpt. James Cook [undocumented]

Matthew Henson, Celestial Lodge No. 3 of New York, PHA [21]

Charles Lindbergh r.1926, Keystone No. 243 MO [15]

Robert E. Peary (1856-1920), Kane Lodge No. 454, NY [15]

Robert F. Scott (1868-1912), Drury Lane Lodge 2127, London [14]

Sir Ernest H. Shackelton (1874-1922) [5] Human Rights John Brown abolitionist [15]

Jean-Henri Dunant (1828-1910), Red Cross founder [5], [15]

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Sir Winston Churchill

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Edward Gibbon, historian, i. Dec. 19, 1774, Lodge of Friendship No. 3

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe i. June 23, 1780, Lodge Amalia, Weimer [AQC]

Alexander Pope (1688-1744), Lodge No. 16, London

Aleksander Pushkin (1799-1837), i.1821, Lodge Ovid, Kischinev [15]

Voltaire i. April 7, 1778, Lodge of the Nine Sisters, Paris [5] Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) i.1875, Apollo Lodge No. 357, Oxford [15]

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• Lord Cornwallis (1864-1935), Deputy Grand Master, UGLE 1926-1935 [5]

Lord Kitchener•

Lord Mountbatten•

Lord Nelson •

Duke of Wellington, i. December 7, 1790, • Lodge at Trim No. 494, Meath, Ireland • Medicine

Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin. [15]•

Edward Jenner (1749-1823), physician, discoverer of smallpox vaccine.

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• Johann Christian Bach•

Ludwig van Beethoven•

Wolfgang Mozart •

Jean Julius Sibelius (1865-1957) [15]•

Arthur Sullivan • Religion and philosophy

Geoffrey Fisher (1887-1972), 99th Archbishop of Canterbury (1945-1972) [20]•

Sports Avery Brundage, International Olympic President (1952-72)

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James Watt (1736-1819) inventor of the steam engine. i. 1763.

Steve Wozniak, Co-founder of Apple Computers, Charity Lodge No. 362, Campbell, CA Statecraft

Aga Khan III (1877-1957) initiated 1951 [15]

Sveinn Bjornsson (d. 1952) First president of Iceland, Grand Master, GL Iceland [15]

Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Jerusalem Lodge No. 44 [15]

Simon Bolivar, i. Cadiz, Spain, Founder Lodge Order and Liberty No. 2, Peru [14]

Edward VII, King of England [11]

Marquis de Lafayette

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David Kalakaua (1836-1891) King of Hawaii, 1874-91. Lodge Le Progress de l'Oceanie No. 124, 1859

King Kamehameha IV (1834-1863) Lodge Le Progress de l'Oceanie No. 124, 1857

King Kamehameha V (1830-1872) Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, 1853 [15]

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), Grand Master, Grand Orient of Italy [15], [5]

Lord Minto, Governor General of India

Napoleon Bonaparte [AQC 1914]

Sir Lynden O. Pindling, Prime Minister of the Bahamas [21]

Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore, r. July 5, 1813, Lodge De Vriendschap

Jose Rizal (d. 1896/12/30) i. Acacia Lodge 9, Spain [14]

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Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American printer i.1731, St. John's Lodge, Philadelphia, PA

William F. Cody (1846-1917), r. Platte Valley Lodge No. 15, Nebraska [15]

David Crockett (1786-1836), [15]

Kit Carson, (1809/12/24-1868/04/23) Montezuma Lodge 109, Taos, New Mexico [15], [14]

Sam Houston (1793-1863), i.1817, Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Nashville TN [15]

Paul Revere (1735-1818), 1794-97, Grand Master, Massachusetts [15]

George Washington

John Glenn, Concord Lodge No.688 Concord, O

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Thomas Bradley, mayor of Los Angeles

Robert J. Dole, senator. i. 1955/04/19, Russell Lodge No. 177, Kansas) [14]

Barry M. Goldwater, US senator. Arizona Lodge No. 2, Phoenix, May 12, 1931 (1930/04 [15])

Fiorello H. LaGuardia, New York mayor (b. 1882/12/11): i. 1913, Garibaldi Lodge 542, New York [14]

Thurgood Marshall, USA Supreme Court Judge, Coal Creek Lodge No. 88, Tulsa, Oklahoma PHA [21]

Joel R. Poinsett, USA Secretary of War, Master: Solomon's Lodge No. 1,

Charleston, introduced Freemasonry into Mexico, and the pointsetta to America

Carl B. Stokes, mayor of Cleveland

Andrew Young, mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

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John Jacob Astor, financier. W.M. Holland Lodge No.8 (1798) [15]

Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company r. Palestine Lodge 357, Detroit: 1894. [14]

King C. Gillette (1855-19032), inventor of the safety razer

Frank G. Hoover (1883-1954) Hoover vacuum, William McKinley Lodge No. 431, Ohio

Melvin Jones (b. 1880) Co-founder of Lions International, Garden City Lodge No. 141, Chicago, Ill. [15]

J.C. Penney, department store founder i.Wasatch Lodge No. 1, Salt Lake City [15]

Col. Harlan Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken

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Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's Restaurants, Sol. D. Bayless Lodge No 359, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Whitney M. Young, director of National Urban League

Education William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, Educator/Scholar and co-founder of the NAACP. i. Widow's Son Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Connecticut[14], [22]

Booker T. Washington (1859-1915), Grand Master, Massachusetts, PHA


Harry Houdini, i. Aug 21, 1923, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York


Mark Twain

Lew Wallace (1827-1905), author of Ben Hur, i.1850, Fountain Lodge No. 60, Covington, Indiana [15]

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George C. Marshall (Nobel Peace Prize 1953)

Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), 1936, Manila Lodge No. 1, Phillipines) [15]

Monument Creators James Hoban, White House architect Founder Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC [14]

James Smithson, founder Smithsonian Institute

Jazz Louis Armstrong, Montgomery Lodge No.18, NY PHA [14]

Nat "King" Cole, Thomas Waller Lodge No. 49, Los Angeles, CA PHA [15], [21]

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George Washington, i. 11/4/1752 Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Virginia

James Monroe, i. 11/9/1775 Williamsburgh Lodge No. 6, Virginia

Andrew Jackson, i. Harmony Lodge No. 1 Tennessee

James Knox Polk, r. 9/4/1820 Columbia Lodge No. 31, Tennessee

David Rice Atchison, "Ex-officio president": March 4, 1849.

member: Platte Lodge No. 56, Mo.

James Buchanan, r. 1/24/1817 Lodge No. 43, Pennsylvania

Andrew Johnson, i. 1851, Greenville Lodge No. 119, Tennessee

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James A. Garfield, r. 11/22/1864, Columbus Lodge No. 20, Ohio

Theodore Roosevelt, r. 4/24/1901, Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay

William Howard Taft, made a mason at sight 2/18/1909. affiliated Kilwinning Lodge 356, Ohio

Warren G. Harding, r. 8/13/1920, Marion Lodge No. 70, Ohio

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, r. 1911/11/28, Holland Lodge No. 8 New York

Harry S Truman i. 02/09/1909, r. 03/18/1909, Belton Lodge No. 450

Lyndon Baines Johnson, (EA) i. October 30, 1937, Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Texas

Gerald Ford, r. May 18, 1951, Columbia Lodge No. 3

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Amerika dan Freemasonry

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Benjamin Franklin

Di sana ada bahaya besar yang mengancam Amerika. Bahaya itu adalah orang-orang Yahudi. Di bumi mana pun

Yahudi itu berdiam, mereka selalu menurunkan tingkat moral, kejujuran dalam dunia komersial.... Jika orang-orang yahudi tidak disingkirkan dari Amerika…, maka dalam 100 tahun

mendatang mereka akan menguasai dan menghancurkan kita.... Dalam waktu 200 tahun mendatang, anak cucu kita nanti akan bekerja di ladang-ladang untuk

memberi makan pada orang-orang Yahudi itu. Aku ingatkan Anda sekalian. Kalau

Anda tidak menyingkirkan orang Yahudi dari dari Amerika untuk selamanya, maka

anak cucu dan cicit kalian akan memanggil-manggil nama kalian dari

liang-liang kubur kalian kelak....

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