rockaway · rockaway record tuesday...

I •»•»•« ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which to live" [XI.VII, No. 1 ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 5,1934 or Sportsmen Enjoy Field Day TIC MJ*T WAS HELD LABT mjRDAV AT BITE Or OLD |fAL BASIN-MANY ENTEB Were Awarded BOYS HAVE BEOI8TEB- [tflTII THE ORGANIZATION NSOHED BY THE MCAL 1,0. t'. A. M. gilt the fact that the ther- xx hovered around 100 degrees ' zero last Saturday about 20 | from ten to fourteen yean, d at the old canal ba»ln site Impute In the first Held meet [here In a number of yean. The r was rtaged by the Junior tnnen and In the absence of members of the committee, [schilling was In charge of the i throughout the afternoon and •vised the entire meet. . three-legged race proved ng when one team became g I up and each boy blamed the Adjourn Case Until Next Monday Night HOWARD SHAWGER PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO DISORDERLY CON- DUCT—BALFH E. 8HANER Hlg ATTORNEY Mabie Hears Case SHAWGER CHARGED WITH DRIV- ING CAR THRU BARRICADES BLOCKING STREET WHERE SEWER IS BEING BUILT Arraigned before Police Recorder Leflerta Mable last Monday night on charge of violation of disorderly conduct In borough ordinance, Howard Shawger, through his at- torney Ralph E. Shaner. of Morris- town, entered a plea of not guilty with the result that the hearing was adjourned, by mutual consent, until next Monday night. Shawger Is charged with driving his automobile through three or four barricades placed In the road to pre- vent motorists from entering where j sewer construction Is Fire Department To Elect New Officers ANNUAL ELECTION WILL TAKE PLACE TONIGHT AND OFFI- CERS ASSUME DUTIES WED- NESDAY, AUGUST 1 McNeiifor Chief GEORGE CHEWEY RETIRING- GALLAGHER TO SUCCEED Mc- NEIL AS FIRST ASSISTANT CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT underway, " o rth7"mi' B fort'uner"The"'lad» ;breakln8 the " lobe oI red lanlcm - [ aroused to the extent of "mixing i a damaging several sections of llthouKh their leg) were securely Mwer P"*- wnl "™ Waller8 ' nl « ht [tofiether. They parted friends watchman for the R. and R. Con- er Four fishing outfits were' rtruction Company stated in his com- » prizes and league buttons P' a ">t that Bhawger had committed warded to everyone who par- th) « violation at about 10:25 last Sat- •d In the meet, alAay nlgnt - Hc witnessed the act. 'fishing rod was the prize for,he said, and after obtaining the num- i •t home run made during a ) * * ° ( Shawger's car he had the de-| *-inninc baseball game. The extended to seven Innings | no one managed to rap out a , Shattuck, • branch of secretary of the the Consolidated fendant arrested. Witnesses Walters stated, will testify against Shawger If necessary. Attorney Shaner told the court [ that he wanted it recorded that he j was making a special appearance I iei). presented Mr. Schilling i Jor Shawger and he cited three rea-j (o leaeuc baseballs to be used! 50 "* ln defense of the accused. First,; boys in future games. work with the youngsters by the Boys' Welfare Com he said, there was no place desig-i 1,inated ln the complaint as to the' ' location of the alleged violation. | : of the local Jr, O. V. A. M. II. Nn. i»5. At the present time m have signed the pledge cards "good sportsmen". LA. Spends Much In Buying Food Month of May 121,561 In- anil Families Were Helped In State 'Special to Rockaway Record) DM of every »100 of the $2,722,448 Uch the State Emergency Belief bnlnlMraiion dispensed In aid of jmta during May, the cost of food, [hiding milk, represented $81.23. « money went for help to 128,561 Miles and Individuals, totalling I.JW persons. The expenditure for Ik averaged $7.04 and for other Ik Mippllea. $74.19. [ft* administration lays heavy 'Continued on Page 4) The annual election of officers of the Rockaway Fire Department will take place tonight in the department headquarters at the Municipal build- ing. The newly elected officers will officially accept office Wednesday, August 1, at noon. The by-laws of the department, which were subject to considerable controversy and discussion a year ago .now provide that officers ol the tmenl will automatically be elevated to the next highest position in rank at each annual election. Fire Chief George 8. Chewey told the Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec- tion In the by-laws provides that a chief of the department may be re- tained for another year by a two- thirds vote of the department mem- bers. With the retirement of Chief Chewey from office. Firm Assistant Chief Robert McNeil will be placed at the head of the department, and Second Assistant Chief George Gal- lagher will succeed McNeil. The Third Assistant Chief of the depart- ment will be selected from the ranks. During his term as chief ol the local department. Chewey hah been described as a "hard working leader (Continued on Page i) Township School Costs Reduced EXPENSE OF EDUCATING PUPILS HAS BEEN GREATLY REDUCED DURING PAST THREE YEARS Meeting Held Monday IN 1932 IT COST 186.43 TO EDU- CATE EACH PUPIL AS COM- PARED TO $6«.O5 FOR CURRENT YEAR A noticeable decline in the expense of educating the children of Rocka- way Township during the past three years wae signified last Monday night in a report read by C. Winfield Hall, district clerk, at the regular meeting of the Rockaway Township Board of Education. In 1932, the report stated, the cost of educating each pupil ln the town- ship, both locally and those trans- ported to receiving schools, was ; $86.43 and in 1933 the cost was $84.32 For the current school year the Cost of educating each pupil was $66.05. This cost Includes everything but bonds and Interest on invest- ment, the report stated. In 1934 there were 606 students educated in j the town.ihlp, 194 sent outside divided 'as follows, 146 In high schools and :48 in grammar schools, making a total of 800 children receiving their education at the expense of the township taxpayers for 1934. It is the largest number In the history of the municipality. The township board of education closes its year with a cash balance of $5,070.93 ln its current account and Ml.43 in its expense account. Appropriations from the state of $12,874.80 are due the township but have not as yet been received. The total amount paid for transportation for the year was $5,874.85. Secondly, he stated, Shawger was not, charged with violating any specific and third, the defendant wsn ~(Continued on Page Si Plan Party poop No 22, Boy Scout* of Amer- J, will sponsor a card party ln the Fellowc hall next Saturday t. July 7. The public in invited "tend this party and help the °°P <o defray the expenses of its mplnr trip this summer. Popular Ices will prevail. Th 8<7,uu. during the past two Ms. have been working hard to win surariMit f und , ^ w Jor * campinK trip to Upper Long- W « Milton. N. J. The land on »a> thr flouts will camp must be w ><» in the form of a lease and ^ *'" al«o be necessary to fur- » »e Kcouu, with food which they re ""able to supply themselves. Watch for 'Em Similar to other sections of Morris County. Rockaway. it in reported by police, finds itself jwamped with a wave of counter- feit ten dollar bills. The bills, of the Alexander Hamilton photo- graph, may be detected by the er- ror ln not listing the proper serial letter. Otherwise they appear per- fectly genuine so much so that unsuspecting merchants have cashed the bills when tendered to them by police officers who after- wards explained to the merchant that the bill was counterfeit and how it could be detected if other ilmilar bills made their appear- ance. Car Smash, Many "Cracker" Burns, Feature July 4th, Here Tipsy Driver Will Be Arraigned Tonight Before Recorder Mabie. Dealers Report Brisk Sale of Fireworks During Day. Rockaway Wins From Stirling, 5 to 4 Over S0O Fan* Witnessed Exciting Battle at Liberty Field Ynler- day Afternoon | Before a crowd of over 500 excited j baseball enthusiastic*, the Rockaway ,A. C. yesterday continued to fortify : their hold on first position in the : Inter-County League by defeat™ j Stirling at Liberty Field by a 5 to .4 score. The visitors "cored in the firM frame only to be tied by Rockaway In the second. There w»f no more {Continued on Page Si Ian For Track And Swim Meets Under E.R.A. Leisure Time rca) to Rockaway Record i annual Morris County track Wmming meet* and a tennis wmt were planned recently at J * °> 'he four municipal "Wound supervisors together with "*' and district leisure time su- 1 « «>eE R- A. Rules, 2 <*d weight and age classifl- !™» "I" be agreed upon at an- meeting to be held ln Morrto- tomorrow. I*** WM awarded the track and "* m«t which will be held on Bat- rjv, August 4, and Morristown the F*« meet « t for August 12 at r™«n Pool. Model aeroplane F* were scheduled for Dover to K " * Madtoon, probably on Wed- r»V. Angurt is. Hnata m the : One car accident, numerous chil- dren receiving minor burns from fire crackers, a number of individual dis- plays of fireworks, and a baseball game in the afternoon a I Liberty i Field with the Rockaway A C. win- ning over Sterling in the Inter- County League, was Rockaway's tribute to the 158th arjiiversary of the signine of the Declaration of Independence yesterday. Local dealers reported latf last Inittht that although the tale of fire- works was slow and uncertain during the earlier part of the day business brramc brisk towards evening with i the result that sales records equalled those ol last year and jn some in- Manres were much better. Unofficial reports »TO- (urrtnt Mhrciwhout the day of children re- ceiving burns from exploding firt- crwkrrs and bombs but no fctnous arridt'iit wa* reported. One young- Mcr. Ernest CaRamore. Hm of Mr. ami Mrs. Benjamin Cafamore. of Main street, was painfully burned on Ihr back when one of hi* playmalfs. after hchtin(! a firecracker, dropped it down the bark of the latl> thirt when- it exploded causing a deep burn between the boys shoulders. A nrl named Soloskie waf reported an havinc been burned by a fire cracker under the same nrcumstancef. What mieht have proved a wnous (tfrident was prevented )h Main Mreet earlj r* the afltrnoor. when a man rJj.w overed a boy aJout four vi ;irs cit a?e liKhtinc a four inch fire- ira'ke: H" took the explosive away f:orn I hi lad and notified hii parent? Morris County public park tennis tournaments will be held Aucust 25 Dover being granted the boys 'under fifteen i and Juniors mnder 18 singles and Madison the Mens and women's singles and the men' T i nr /-i n r\ A.' double., Birthday in the wnm< That s What We Call...Cooperation tournaments to be determined as of * « * • _ I which ended the youngsters Spirit of 76" for the day. Al about 11:15 p. m. a man giv- , ing his name as "Mike" Wasco. of •Ml Hope, was driving his automobile : on State Highway No. 6, and when near the intersection leading to Den- vjlle struck another machine driven by Julius Wilkes. 1479 Dayhill Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. Wasco hit the other car a glancing blow on the right rear fender and according to Wilkes the Wasco machine did not stop. Aroused at Waeco's action in failing to ctop, ( Wilkes immediately gave chase to the other machine on Main street through the business section of the borough. Wasco. witnesses declare, made a fast turn to go up Wall street hill and as he did so he collided bead on with an ice truck owned and operated by Arthur Till, well known local ice dealer. Mr. Till wai driv- ing hi£ truck down the hill at the time at a very low fpc^l which, ac- cording to witnesses probably pre- vented a fatal acciri'T.t The Wasco machine was badly damaged and to was the truck. Chief of Police Alfred Ranck and Patrolman Andrew Chipko investi- gated the accident. Wasco. his nose streaming blood, insisted that Wilkes had struck him during an argument over the accident. Wilkes denied this. After the crash with (he Till truck Wasco started walking rapidly up the road pursued by Wilkes who caught him and accused him o! try- ing to run away. Wasco was taken by the police to 'Conliniud on Paqc 4i $1.50 PER YE*R Sheriff Win. N. Beach George E. Schofield Replies To Board An Old Subscriber EXPLAINS HIS POSITION IN THE RENEWED SUBSCRIPTION TO DISMISSAL OF WARDEN BEAT- ROCKAWAY RECORD THIS TIE AT THE JAIL SEVERAL WEEK—HAS BEEN A STEADY WEEKS AGO. READER SINCE 1888 Asks Cooperation Resides With His Son SAVS AFTER YEAR'S TRIAL HE IS MR. SCHOFIELD WILL BE U JUDGE OF BEATTIE AS LACK- YEARS OF AGE NEXT OCTO- ING QUALIFICATIONS AS WAR- BER—FATHER OF FIVE CHIL- DEN OR EVEN KEEPER. DREN 'Special to Rockaway Recordi Sheriff William N. Beach in reply to a communication received by him from the Board of Freeholders of Morris County, regarding the dismis- sal of Oeorge A. Beattle as warden of the county Jail several weeks ago. today submitted the following letter to the county board: Clerk of The Board of Chosen Freeholders of Morris County. Morristown. N. J. My dear Mr. Hosking: In answer to your very courteous communication of June 27th 1934. 1 would say: in regard to the first par- agraph thereof, that I have been in- formed by my attorney, who is in Europe and will not return until Sep- tember, that I have a year in which to decide whether to appeal from the decision of the Honorable Mr Justice Bodine concerning the dismissal of Oeorge A. Beattie as warden of the Morris County Jail. You state in the second paragraph of your letter. The thought, as ex- pressed at the meeting in connection with this matter, is that if the Coun- ty must pay Mr. Beattie for his ser- vices over the period that he is not on duty because of his removal he should be put to work as soon at possible in order that the taxpayers may receive some return for the ex- penditure of his salary" In answer to thiB I would say that ~ 'Continued from Page 31 Again The Dogs The biting of a small child last week by a dog afflicted with rabies has prompted the local Board of Health to adopt stern measures ln checking the dangerous malady before it gains any marked prog- ress among other dogs in the com- munity. Afi a result the Board of Health demands that all dogs be confined to a leash in the future. If found running at large the animals will be shot by any police officer or dog warden. "I want to renew my subscription to the Rockaway Record." stated Oeorge E. Schofield upon his visit to this office last Tuesday morning. True enough, of course, such words fall upon the ears of any weekly newspaper publisher as music of the sweetest refrain but the request of Mr. Schofleld's — well - that was of double significance—for it so hop- pens that Mr. Schofield. both ln his opinion and our own, Is one of the oldest subscribers to the Rockaway Record. He purchased the first issue of the Rockaway Record published In 1888 and has never missed a copy since that date. Mr. Schofield. who makes his home with his son, Edward Schofield. ln White Meadow avenue, is well known in Rockaway where he has been a resident for the past 70 years. He will be 84 years of age next October. His brother, Thaddeous Schofield. the only remaining veteran of the Civil War from this vicinity, is 89 years old. George Schoffleld. who has seer. Rockaway grow from a few scattered houses to its present size. Is the father of five children Edward Scho- field with whom he lives: Marion Schofield, Charles Schofield, all of Rockaway. A daughter. Jennie, lives in Brooklyn, and another daughter. Ruth, resides in Bridgeport, Conn Mr. Schofields wife cli.J smral years ago Camp Morris Is Filled to Capacity Older Boys' Section of Y. M. C. A. Camp Will Open Saturday, July 7lh TownShip Students Will Again Come To Rockaway Supervising Principal (has L. Curtis States in Utter Tlut News Storie* to Contrary Were Not Correct The Morris County Y M. C. A. Camp at Mount Olive, N. J . is com- pletely filled with Junior Campers from all sections of Morris County. For the first time in the history of the Boys' Camp it was necessary to use the tenant house on the property lo provide ample space for the ap- plicants. The Junior Campers will i Continued on Page 5) New Workers Branding news reports stating that the Rockaway Board of Edu- cation would aik Rockaway Town- ship to educate their children else- where than m the local schools" as incorrect reporting. Supervising Principal Charles L Curtis last Mon- day night in a letter to the Rocka- way Township Board of Education I told that body that township students j would again be able to attend local | schools this Fall. Curtis stated in his ilctler that Denville will be asked to i Continued on Page 5i Two new workers Joined the staff of the Morrid County Children's Home on July 1 to fill vacancies left by the resignation of Miss Bess Ste- vens and Miss Kathryri Danahee Miss Adelaide Zitiello. who i' a graduate of Cleveland College and received her social work trammi; at the School of Applied and Social Science. Western Reserve University comes to the Children's Home from the Cleveland Children's Bureau where she has had an opportunity to deal with children in institutions, ir. their own homes and in foster homes She is a member of the Association of Social Worker*. Miss Elaine Hannay. who has had social caff work expenenre. both in thf family field and with children, is a graduate of Dennison University Granville. Ohio, and of the Sew York Sehool of Social Work. Up Goes The Price Of Milk To 16 Cents Per Quart December 31. 1933. Flayer" hoWinc membership In tennis clubs o'h<r than the Y. M. C. A. are barred Fifteen playgrounds are now m operation in Morris County or will be when Dodge Field opens this month under the Madison Recreation Com- mission. Fourteen of these are usinp one or more E R A trained play- ground workers. Leisure time work- er* are also being used in connection (Continued on Page La k : Tuexlay afternoon a police „„(.. deified that it was too warm to tx hiiai-hei with a chain to the bide of his Place of abode 'dog houseJ to Ihc animal managed to pry the hook tree which was holding the .-Main and then wandeVfc upon Maip street •drawing behind him the chain, about ten feet in length, which remained all ached to. his collar, A. man; dis- covered the dog and read the num- ber on the hcenw. He then checked with the records of the Board of Health and returned the animal to its owner with no questions asked ' and everybody was happy again The !dog—sure—it was Padge. owned by j Councilman E. Arthur Lynch—the I man—sure—it was A. M. Jagger, treasurer of the Board of Health. Such cooperation is well worth men- tioning. Once ap.:n r.ld John Q. Public i takes it on the (hin with the raise of one cent in the price of Grade A and iGrade B milk, which bcame effective July 1. The mse was imperative ' throurh the ruling of the Stale Milk [Control Board. Under the ne 1 * price system Grade A milk will eott sixteen cents a quart while the price ol Grade B will become fourteen rent.s a j quart. j The board claims that the'cost of milk production has risen 25 per cent :durine the part year and it has de- termined that bevtnly-five per cent j of the one cent increase will be pass- jed on to the producer while the re- maining quarter cent will belong to the distributor. In making this statement the Board contended far- mers will a tTo p*-r cr.t in- crease in production coM.» for June as compared *ith May. while '.he dealer hii* bf'-n forced u> pay hiah'/r wanes under NRA. The pr-rieral inerea>c in the. pt !•:«• of milk is expected to increase the demand for the Grade B product and it is likely that considerable of such grade will be JOW in Rwkaway whe.'" consumers are just about "all caush' up" payinir th' 1 extra hieh price for milk It i* sa:d that lh> state bo,: I is planning a rhanee in policy which would permit producers and dealer^ to establish their own market prices to fit local (o-.tlitions Such a pro- cedure, it appears, would be more convenient to all municipalities than the present plan of milk control. mE&ammmsamsst

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

I •»•»•«

ROCKAWAY RECORDMorris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which to live"


or SportsmenEnjoy Field Day




1,0. t'. A. M.

gilt the fact that the ther-xx hovered around 100 degrees' zero last Saturday about 20

| from ten to fourteen yean,d at the old canal ba»ln siteImpute In the first Held meet

[here In a number of yean. Ther was rtaged by the Juniortnnen and In the absence of

members of the committee,[schilling was In charge of the

i throughout the afternoon and•vised the entire meet. .

three-legged race provedng when one team became

gI up and each boy blamed the

Adjourn Case UntilNext Monday Night




Arraigned before Police RecorderLeflerta Mable last Monday night on

charge ofviolation of

disorderly conduct Inborough ordinance,

Howard Shawger, through his at-torney Ralph E. Shaner. of Morris-town, entered a plea of not guiltywith the result that the hearing wasadjourned, by mutual consent, untilnext Monday night.

Shawger Is charged with drivinghis automobile through three or fourbarricades placed In the road to pre-vent motorists from entering where jsewer construction Is

Fire Department ToElect New Officers





"orth7"mi'Bfort'uner"The"'lad»;breakln8 t h e "lobe oI • red l a n l c m-[ aroused to the extent of "mixing i ™a damaging several sections ofllthouKh their leg) were securely M w e r P"*- w n l " ™ W a l l e r 8 ' n l « h t

[tofiether. They parted friends watchman for the R. and R. Con-er Four fishing outfits were' rtruction Company stated in his com-» prizes and league buttons P'a">t that Bhawger had committedwarded to everyone who par- t h )« violation at about 10:25 last Sat-•d In the meet, alAay n l g n t - H c witnessed the act.'fishing rod was the prize for,he said, and after obtaining the num- i•t home run made during a ) * * ° ( Shawger's car he had the de-|

*-inninc baseball game. Theextended to seven Innings

| no one managed to rap out a

, Shattuck,• branch of

secretary of thethe Consolidated

fendant arrested. Witnesses Waltersstated, will testify against ShawgerIf necessary.

Attorney Shaner told the court [that he wanted it recorded that he jwas making a special appearance I

iei). presented Mr. Schilling i J o r Shawger and he cited three rea-j(o leaeuc baseballs to be used!50"* l n defense of the accused. First,;boys in future with the youngsters

by the Boys' Welfare Com

he said, there was no place desig-i1,inated ln the complaint as to the'

' location of the alleged violation. |

: of the local Jr, O. V. A. M.II. Nn. i»5. At the present time

m have signed the pledge cards"good sportsmen".

LA. Spends MuchIn Buying Food

Month of May 121,561 In-anil Families Were

Helped In State

'Special to Rockaway Record)DM of every »100 of the $2,722,448Uch the State Emergency BeliefbnlnlMraiion dispensed In aid ofjmta during May, the cost of food,[hiding milk, represented $81.23.« money went for help to 128,561Miles and Individuals, totallingI.JW persons. The expenditure forIk averaged $7.04 and for otherIk Mippllea. $74.19.[ft* administration lays heavy

'Continued on Page 4)

The annual election of officers ofthe Rockaway Fire Department willtake place tonight in the departmentheadquarters at the Municipal build-ing. The newly elected officers willofficially accept office Wednesday,August 1, at noon.

The by-laws of the department,which were subject to considerablecontroversy and discussion a yearago .now provide that officers ol the

tmenl will automatically beelevated to the next highest positionin rank at each annual election.Fire Chief George 8. Chewey told theRockaway Record Tuesday that hewould not again serve as chief of thedepartment for another year. A sec-tion In the by-laws provides that achief of the department may be re-tained for another year by a two-thirds vote of the department mem-bers.

With the retirement of ChiefChewey from office. Firm AssistantChief Robert McNeil will be placedat the head of the department, andSecond Assistant Chief George Gal-lagher will succeed McNeil. TheThird Assistant Chief of the depart-ment will be selected from the ranks.

During his term as chief ol thelocal department. Chewey hah beendescribed as a "hard working leader

(Continued on Page i)

Township SchoolCosts Reduced


Meeting Held MondayIN 1932 IT COST 186.43 TO EDU-


A noticeable decline in the expenseof educating the children of Rocka-way Township during the past threeyears wae signified last Monday nightin a report read by C. Winfield Hall,district clerk, at the regular meetingof the Rockaway Township Board ofEducation.

In 1932, the report stated, the costof educating each pupil ln the town-ship, both locally and those trans-ported to receiving schools, was

; $86.43 and in 1933 the cost was$84.32 For the current school yearthe Cost of educating each pupil was$66.05. This cost Includes everythingbut bonds and Interest on invest-ment, the report stated. In 1934there were 606 students educated in

j the town.ihlp, 194 sent outside divided'as follows, 146 In high schools and:48 in grammar schools, making atotal of 800 children receiving theireducation at the expense of thetownship taxpayers for 1934. It isthe largest number In the history ofthe municipality.

The township board of educationcloses its year with a cash balanceof $5,070.93 ln its current accountand Ml.43 in its expense account.Appropriations from the state of$12,874.80 are due the township buthave not as yet been received. Thetotal amount paid for transportationfor the year was $5,874.85.

Secondly, he stated, Shawger was not,charged with violating any specific

and third, the defendant wsn

~(Continued on Page Si

Plan Partypoop No 22, Boy Scout* of Amer-J, will sponsor a card party ln the

Fellowc hall next Saturdayt. July 7. The public in invited

"tend this party and help the°°P <o defray the expenses of itsmplnr trip this summer. PopularIces will prevail.Th 8<7,uu. during the past twoMs. have been working hard towin surariMit fund, ^ w J o r

* campinK trip to Upper Long-W « Milton. N. J. The land on»a> thr flouts will camp must bew ><» in the form of a lease and^ *'" al«o be necessary to fur-» »e Kcouu, with food which they

re ""able to supply themselves.

Watch for 'EmSimilar to other sections of

Morris County. Rockaway. it inreported by police, finds itselfjwamped with a wave of counter-feit ten dollar bills. The bills, ofthe Alexander Hamilton photo-graph, may be detected by the er-ror ln not listing the proper serialletter. Otherwise they appear per-fectly genuine so much so thatunsuspecting merchants havecashed the bills when tendered tothem by police officers who after-wards explained to the merchantthat the bill was counterfeit andhow it could be detected if otherilmilar bills made their appear-ance.

Car Smash, Many "Cracker"Burns, Feature July 4th, Here

Tipsy Driver Will Be Arraigned Tonight BeforeRecorder Mabie. Dealers Report Brisk

Sale of Fireworks During Day.

Rockaway Wins FromStirling, 5 to 4

Over S0O Fan* Witnessed ExcitingBattle at Liberty Field Ynler-

day Afternoon

| Before a crowd of over 500 excitedj baseball enthusiastic*, the Rockaway,A. C. yesterday continued to fortify: their hold on first position in the: Inter-County League by defeat™j Stirling at Liberty Field by a 5 to.4 score.

The visitors "cored in the firMframe only to be tied by RockawayIn the second. There w»f no more

{Continued on Page Si

Ian For Track And Swim MeetsUnder E.R.A. Leisure Time

rca) to Rockaway Record iannual Morris County track

Wmming meet* and a tennisw m t were planned recently at

J * °> 'he four municipal"Wound supervisors together with"*' and district leisure time su-

1 « «>eE R- A. Rules,2 <*d weight and age classifl-!™» "I" be agreed upon at an-*» meeting to be held ln Morrto-

tomorrow.I*** WM awarded the track and"* m«t which will be held on Bat-rjv, August 4, and Morristown theF * « meet « t for August 12 atr™«n Pool. Model aeroplaneF * were scheduled for Dover toK "* Madtoon, probably on Wed-r»V. Angurt is. Hnata m the

: One car accident, numerous chil-dren receiving minor burns from firecrackers, a number of individual dis-plays of fireworks, and a baseballgame in the afternoon a I Liberty

i Field with the Rockaway A C. win-ning over Sterling in the Inter-County League, was Rockaway'stribute to the 158th arjiiversary ofthe signine of the Declaration ofIndependence yesterday.

Local dealers reported latf lastInittht that although the tale of fire-works was slow and uncertain duringthe earlier part of the day businessbrramc brisk towards evening with

i the result that sales records equalledthose ol last year and jn some in-Manres were much better.

Unofficial reports »TO- (urrtntMhrciwhout the day of children re-ceiving burns from exploding firt-crwkrrs and bombs but no fctnousarridt'iit wa* reported. One young-Mcr. Ernest CaRamore. Hm of Mr.ami Mrs. Benjamin Cafamore. ofMain street, was painfully burned onIhr back when one of hi* playmalfs.after hchtin(! a firecracker, droppedit down the bark of the latl> thirtwhen- it exploded causing a deepburn between the boys shoulders. Anrl named Soloskie waf reported anhavinc been burned by a fire crackerunder the same nrcumstancef.

What mieht have proved a wnous(tfrident was prevented )h MainMreet earlj r* the afltrnoor. when aman rJj.w overed a boy aJout fourvi ;irs cit a?e liKhtinc a four inch fire-ira'ke: H" took the explosive awayf:orn I hi lad and notified hii parent?

Morris County public park tennistournaments will be held Aucust 25Dover being granted the boys 'underfifteen i and Juniors mnder 18 •singles and Madison the Mens andwomen's singles and the men' - « T i n r /-i n r\ A.'

double., Birthday in the wnm< T h a t s W h a t W e Cal l . . .Cooperat iontournaments to be determined as of * « * • _

I which ended the youngsters Spiritof 76" for the day.

Al about 11:15 p. m. a man giv-, ing his name as "Mike" Wasco. of•Ml Hope, was driving his automobile:on State Highway No. 6, and whennear the intersection leading to Den-vjlle struck another machine drivenby Julius Wilkes. 1479 Dayhill Place,Brooklyn. N. Y. Wasco hit the othercar a glancing blow on the right rearfender and according to Wilkes theWasco machine did not stop. Arousedat Waeco's action in failing to ctop,

(Wilkes immediately gave chase tothe other machine on Main streetthrough the business section of theborough. Wasco. witnesses declare,made a fast turn to go up Wall streethill and as he did so he collided beadon with an ice truck owned andoperated by Arthur Till, well knownlocal ice dealer. Mr. Till wai driv-ing hi£ truck down the hill at thetime at a very low fpc^l which, ac-cording to witnesses probably pre-vented a fatal acciri'T.t The Wascomachine was badly damaged and towas the truck.

Chief of Police Alfred Ranck andPatrolman Andrew Chipko investi-gated the accident. Wasco. his nosestreaming blood, insisted that Wilkeshad struck him during an argumentover the accident. Wilkes denied this.After the crash with (he Till truckWasco started walking rapidly upthe road pursued by Wilkes whocaught him and accused him o! try-ing to run away.

Wasco was taken by the police to

'Conliniud on Paqc 4i

$1.50 PER YE*R

Sheriff Win. N. Beach George E. SchofieldReplies To Board An Old Subscriber




'Special to Rockaway RecordiSheriff William N. Beach in reply

to a communication received by himfrom the Board of Freeholders ofMorris County, regarding the dismis-sal of Oeorge A. Beattle as wardenof the county Jail several weeks submitted the following letterto the county board:Clerk of The Board of Chosen

Freeholders of Morris County.Morristown. N. J.My dear Mr. Hosking:

In answer to your very courteouscommunication of June 27th 1934. 1would say: in regard to the first par-agraph thereof, that I have been in-formed by my attorney, who is inEurope and will not return until Sep-tember, that I have a year in whichto decide whether to appeal from thedecision of the Honorable Mr JusticeBodine concerning the dismissal ofOeorge A. Beattie as warden of theMorris County Jail.

You state in the second paragraphof your letter. The thought, as ex-pressed at the meeting in connectionwith this matter, is that if the Coun-ty must pay Mr. Beattie for his ser-vices over the period that he is noton duty because of his removal heshould be put to work as soon atpossible in order that the taxpayersmay receive some return for the ex-penditure of his salary"

In answer to thiB I would say that~ 'Continued from Page 31

Again The DogsThe biting of a small child last

week by a dog afflicted with rabieshas prompted the local Board ofHealth to adopt stern measures lnchecking the dangerous maladybefore it gains any marked prog-ress among other dogs in the com-munity. Afi a result the Board ofHealth demands that all dogs beconfined to a leash in the future.If found running at large theanimals will be shot by any policeofficer or dog warden.

"I want to renew my subscriptionto the Rockaway Record." statedOeorge E. Schofield upon his visitto this office last Tuesday morning.

True enough, of course, such wordsfall upon the ears of any weeklynewspaper publisher as music of thesweetest refrain but the request ofMr. Schofleld's — well - that was ofdouble significance—for it so hop-pens that Mr. Schofield. both ln hisopinion and our own, Is one of theoldest subscribers to the RockawayRecord. He purchased the first issueof the Rockaway Record publishedIn 1888 and has never missed a copysince that date.

Mr. Schofield. who makes his homewith his son, Edward Schofield. lnWhite Meadow avenue, is well knownin Rockaway where he has been aresident for the past 70 years. Hewill be 84 years of age next October.His brother, Thaddeous Schofield. theonly remaining veteran of the CivilWar from this vicinity, is 89 yearsold.

George Schoffleld. who has seer.Rockaway grow from a few scatteredhouses to its present size. Is thefather of five children Edward Scho-field with whom he lives: MarionSchofield, Charles Schofield, all ofRockaway. A daughter. Jennie, livesin Brooklyn, and another daughter.Ruth, resides in Bridgeport, ConnMr. Schofields wife cli.J smralyears ago

Camp Morris IsFilled to Capacity

Older Boys' Section of Y. M. C. A.Camp Will Open Saturday,

July 7lh

TownShip StudentsWill Again Come

To RockawaySupervising Principal (has L. Curtis

States in Utter Tlut NewsStorie* to Contrary Were

Not Correct

The Morris County Y M. C. A.Camp at Mount Olive, N. J . is com-pletely filled with Junior Campersfrom all sections of Morris County.For the first time in the history ofthe Boys' Camp it was necessary touse the tenant house on the propertylo provide ample space for the ap-plicants. The Junior Campers will

i Continued on Page 5)

New Workers

Branding news reports statingthat the Rockaway Board of Edu-

cation would aik Rockaway Town-ship to educate their children else-where than m the local schools" asincorrect reporting. SupervisingPrincipal Charles L Curtis last Mon-day night in a letter to the Rocka-way Township Board of Education

I told that body that township studentsj would again be able to attend local| schools this Fall. Curtis stated in hisilctler that Denville will be asked to

i Continued on Page 5i

Two new workers Joined the staffof the Morrid County Children'sHome on July 1 to fill vacancies leftby the resignation of Miss Bess Ste-vens and Miss Kathryri Danahee

Miss Adelaide Zitiello. who i' agraduate of Cleveland College andreceived her social work trammi; atthe School of Applied and SocialScience. Western Reserve Universitycomes to the Children's Home fromthe Cleveland Children's Bureauwhere she has had an opportunity todeal with children in institutions, ir.their own homes and in foster homesShe is a member of the of Social Worker*. MissElaine Hannay. who has had socialcaff work expenenre. both in thffamily field and with children, is agraduate of Dennison UniversityGranville. Ohio, and of the Sew YorkSehool of Social Work.

Up Goes The Price Of MilkTo 16 Cents Per Quart

December 31. 1933. Flayer" hoWincmembership In tennis clubs o'h<rthan the Y. M. C. A. are barred

Fifteen playgrounds are now moperation in Morris County or will bewhen Dodge Field opens this monthunder the Madison Recreation Com-mission. Fourteen of these are usinpone or more E R A trained play-ground workers. Leisure time work-er* are also being used in connection

(Continued on Page

Lak: Tuexlay afternoon a police„„(.. deified that it was too warm totx hiiai-hei with a chain to the bideof his Place of abode 'dog houseJ toIhc animal managed to pry the hooktree which was holding the .-Mainand then wandeVfc upon Maip street

•drawing behind him the chain, aboutten feet in length, which remainedall ached to. his collar, A. man; dis-covered the dog and read the num-

ber on the hcenw. He then checkedwith the records of the Board ofHealth and returned the animal toits owner with no questions asked

' and everybody was happy again The!dog—sure—it was Padge. owned byj Councilman E. Arthur Lynch—theI man—sure—it was A. M. Jagger,treasurer of the Board of Health.Such cooperation is well worth men-tioning.

• Once ap.:n r.ld John Q. Publici takes it on the (hin with the raise of• one cent in the price of Grade A andiGrade B milk, which bcame effectiveJuly 1. The mse was imperative

' throurh the ruling of the Stale Milk[Control Board. Under the ne1* pricesystem Grade A milk will eott sixteencents a quart while the price olGrade B will become fourteen rent.s a

j quart.j The board claims that the'cost ofmilk production has risen 25 per cent

:durine the part year and it has de-termined that bevtnly-five per cent

j of the one cent increase will be pass-jed on to the producer while the re-maining quarter cent will belong tothe distributor. In making thisstatement the Board contended far-

mers will a tTo p*-r cr.t in-crease in production coM.» for Juneas compared *ith May. while '.hedealer hii* bf'-n forced u> pay hiah'/rwanes under NRA.

The pr-rieral inerea>c in the. pt !•:«•of milk is expected to increase thedemand for the Grade B product andit is likely that considerable of suchgrade will be JOW in Rwkaway whe.'"consumers are just about "all caush'up" payinir th'1 extra hieh price formilk It i* sa:d that lh> state bo,: Iis planning a rhanee in policy whichwould permit producers and dealer^to establish their own market pricesto fit local (o-.tlitions Such a pro-cedure, it appears, would be moreconvenient to all municipalities thanthe present plan of milk control.


Page 2: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

C K U V A T I t E C O K U


Bt-nd us your news itemstach week, we want " N E W S



P«K". will 1 ^

Plane LikelyAt Denville

Proportion to Have One There Be-fore Builneii Men'ii


A proportion to put a plane onKImball Field for commercial andfcighl-seeing purposes has been sub-mitted to the aviation committee olthe Denvllle Buklncss Men's Associa-tion. The association at present lainterested In an emergency landingfield to be located here and the newproposal will be given further con-sideration.

Tentative agreement has beenreached with the owner of the prop-i-rty known as Klmbell Field forrental, the arrangement) having beenmade with Intention of creating anemergency landing field here. TheDepartment of Commerce and theState Aviation.Commission will beconsulted an to availability for fundsfor Improving the field at this time

DENVILLE NOTES New CountryMr«. Frank Vrceland. of Mapli-

wood, Hpcnt the pant week-end ulIndian Lake.

Club Opening

Wrt AlibiAt New > ork Slrwul

$1,035 CashFor Recount

l l . t v n c

mil l . i n l ' Mi:-

GolfersInvited free ti. B»«ka»»> ^'J.,,,,;,,,,,,. Vouleiulcrs M Ihr mlr

fur Hay"ulmli me Kurtlirr Counting ol Votes Monday,

Miss Anne Oitbornc of Portland invisiting Minn Pauline Robert*, ofMorrln uvenuc.

IItlver Olrbratlnn for

Two Uayn

In celebratlnii "I H"1 I""'"'1"'"1

complellon of Us new club hmisc <>»'Mrs. John D, Berry, of Maplewood. b o l i r ( 1 ,,f iruslees ul tin- lti»kii««J

Is spending the summer at her home R ) v r r country Club lias voted lu ex-In East Shore drive. tend Invlliillon/i •« visiiinu inKn* l»

— I play for I wo clays. Hiiluriiny. July 'Joseph P. McOlnlty and family are u n ( i Sunday. July «• Ml "" ''"P'"""1

M II..'Ill

Mill!- I


nlliec cliiini|il"ii ' " ' • l l l l s

IIIIIIO''! »i ;"' ' " '

II". lhe MI cell

July »th, Depends onRoach's Action

run tier recount of votes In theThe third Republican Prlrnery election for


lnl when

',,,,,,,,,,,,, f,,,,n .i.r i-n ..I I»,H»'=«» M " "

New rnfhMot will .tart Monday, July* Rh

v , , l k Y ( , r k , M -« - i - "P<-» i '=«»-T i

M"" l lt>W ». provided that M W « * Roach,d d M U | th

». provdTin. Warner „, Dover, defeated cudMaU |or the

limniiiutlon. put» up »I,O3G.7B in CMtlAlibi is mi cxrrpliMi111,,' picl'iic. uhidi Ii, ,»i hi'iiili'd iiy Hiihurd Hai incline*". M , , o r . t 0 that time.

Lowell Ann Uwnnk Helen a i l u r c m e Court Justice Joseph L

i i i l » a > i l l 4vrti Klrrel. nn Tuesday d l l U . .h

spending the summer at their rest- f o r green fees. Privilege lu pliiv Uur- t.,111|j(ll,., , m d jit-m y O'Neill, will B o d , n t , ) K n c ( | a new order festerdtnee In East Shore road. m g the two open days will be granlfd'^ v|, | K )1|(, .,,. w , |h « preview ,,I1V providing for fees and directing

— - - upon application to member* ul th'' s h l l V i l l l l , ,,i ,|,,, N V Bit and Theatre t n B l , h f rCcount be resumed on thatMr. and Mrs. John Lloyd and C |U D o r through addressing Hie club

family of Arlington, will spend the d l m . ( The (t|Ub house, which » »week-end at Indian Lake. destroyed by Ore last Urreinbei IK

being replaced. The locker roomJohn McLaughlln and family, of Which m completed was opened with

Newark, arc spending several days a l | f l t U n K ceremony week before last.their cottage In Highland Trail, • " " « i

— ' Green HonoredMrs. R. H. Rellly and daughter.' V i i / v n n v


tils oilier Th(, col l t, up i,, ,ia le j,»ve been put'•"'at I6351J and Justice Bodlne di-

ms- m.u.a i r f t t t n e maximuh dally ex-* V l " k f o r Penlte during further recount be 1100

rhe |400 more to be put up, for four additional days of

ml win and cuncerns lhe unusual tabulation of votes,Ini'iidship of AljlKiul ArclHley. a ] f l t n ( , nevi o t i e t i t n e County E1«C-

r v r l l l l l l ' Jlll.V J» l '• '

MOIies H t l l i l « l i U» f '

III.1-! h l l l l l l

it i )• andp

Hie pint mid ehuracli-rs In •Midnight a ,jayAlibi" The kimy u luid in u whimsi- p r o v l d M

h l


Dorothy, of Jersey City, are spend- iVndered William H. wealthy old Ne* Yorker, for Lance l | o n B o a r d | , directed to lit fromm» th. «l Indian Lake A dlnmr was irnomu ^ ^ ^ mvmm. w h ( , | ] g ^ ^ flftllj| ftn ^ ^ , o n g M ,

.as being put on the spot than n had been meeting. The $100mi. m,u ...... „.,..»•„ . . v — . * . _ «„,.., . , ,„ P l r ( , Department by by nvai gunnsters. sought refuge in d t t n y , h a | | cover the County Election

•of Indian Lake, will return this week; £ * ^ ^ " J ^ l o n las. ihr Ard...* -nanMon How the gang-

ing the summer at Indian Lake ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ WQmMi

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crudge. of tand I" Main street Io the Den- when I,. •

and clerk., plui ad'Mrs. K. Morrison nas Deen ap- ,— • • • - — - • -pointed general chairman of the r f t c r »P«Wln« five weeks In Europe members of the organization last inc/iruswy IHUIIM..H . . « - . . „ „ . . . » uoara memoers niiu tsw™, mu» • » -

' Prlduy night. Mr. O w n was prc-^ier gels out M Im trouble, luid how mlwrmi fXpensei that may develop,Community Club Day to be held here | rhiirles~Ilrewer and daugh-' Mtei l with a Bold budge and an »ti..i.. on Thi. H=« miti i<ib« ih» nio/M-1 Mrs, cnaries Brewer ano uaugn-

in* nm,:i;ur ivoi-hi-s a successfulJuly 30. This day will take the place j """• *..•»•.«» »»,....*. _,.„ „ _ . . . .cif aeparatc presidents' days which. ^ *»<*• of Jersey City and Indian l l v e membership m the organization m m lunon. thanu

i i _ . . . W | j | K(t|| j u | y j j o r H t r |p t 0 by Chief Robert Ellnworih. who wa» effort)., i« one of Imi Introduced by former chief William Mtirlen ever l» mu-have heretofore been held Individ-1 Lake,

In MIHH Atdsley'K

I lie nnwl unusualIi the nereei! The

ually by the various woman's clubs iof the lakes. Miss Carlota Cole, rep-'resenting Cedar Lake, was appointedsecretary: Mrs. Raymond Ponds, of

E. Keeffe. 8r . who acted an toast- juniul HI rand News Kvents and nelecl-

Mrs. Anna Rommel and Mls» An-na Rommel, of East Orange, arc vis-

Rock Ridge will serve as treasurer:Mrs. Porter Hlgby. of Arrowhead, lsi(halrman of the program; Mrs. i , _ , . . _ .,Prank acmmel. of Eslling Lake. l s | M™. Claude H. Miller, of Lake!™day night In M l


Elme, H. King. pr.-M-nl assembly

chairman of the house committee;.Mrs. John Murphy, of Indian Lake. ] Mt'ed DeCouzen «twill handle the menu and hospitality:' Wednesday of last week.Mrs. 8. Midi has charge of publicity.The allalr will consist of a luncheonand entertainment.

cil ihorl subjects will complele theThe feHllvlties were Interrupted ilmnd piugnini loi the coming week

Itlng Mrs. Anna Selbcrt at her home:«*''" l h l ' 'mergency squad was call- —on lhe West 8hore road. l c d '•" l ) l ( l r('"n"' "' Omm- Crumm.

__^_ , of Madison, who was drowned hintLake E l ""' "• *'•<«• <•"•"•'" '"*'•""»>• • p r ( ) V l u c all

! inan uiid Kepublmin cuiididalr f o r l . i , , , ,Arrowhead, was the guest of Mrs.. « " • . H,,,a,,,r »-». lhe p.,,,r.p.l speaker ^thC t r U h t '

luncheon on M a i T i e d ,„ ,h(, ,,u)v „„.,„„,, „, „,, U(,m,t'nwnklnp KrpublK'aii Club which

of Thcr- wan held la*l Monday nlghl'l'tv orMni/ation has planiied

ll wits ordered that the district elec-(Kiii board*, when called in, shall notreceive any compensation.

Custody of the ballot boxes IsKlvcn to the County Clerk.

Judging from what a ChicagoJudne Mild, about an Insull invest-ment irusl. the stock buyers had to

and all

Dover Man GetsAward oil

Afslnst Bus Firm InDam««fs over


One verdict for theDover resident, and ,'endants, Mendham KWt

given by juries in tn< Morrii'Supreme Court Fridayhe second week ol trig

A Jury which trlrd trie*Charles and Manic NtmOranges, against Dean Stge |,Mendham mayor, und tillJames 8mlth, iavt a judgicause for action. The caitbefore Court Judge Rum v~j

nee.The Nellls and Harry Belloii]

Bedminster, were badly hurt l«collision of a machine driven brford with one operated by Broitthe Valley road. Stirling, iary, 1933. Both driventhat the other was

In Judge Albert, an award of t7S0 « u ifor John J. KeeJey, of Dover, i_the Knauss Bus Company ui 1ion DeVlro, bus driver, of ]Keeley's auto ran Into a but en 0tober 12 lost on ^nue, Just al the

Oranit iNc«»

Orange city lines. ll wasthat the bua driver backed Ichine out of a side street Into amain road In (rout of Xceley'i iThe defense wa>, t liat Keelty iguilty of contributory nt»llj<oa||that It was a clear night, 11street and there were three nil IIon the rear of the bun.


j Mls» Marie M. FralschMiss Bllllc Boyd, of Pranklln roitfl.,mont rowl. wax marrleel liixt Balm

Indian Lake, will begin a two weeks' d a y nj^ht \,, David W. Cook. Jr.. win card parly lor lhe nmht of July 0'vacation tomorrow, Miss Boyd plans of Mr. and Mrs David W. Cook. Hr.. at I lie home ul Ur and Mm Wi to spend several days at Buck Hill. ( )f Rkhwood Place nev. Hubert Can- Ooulil Ui Ooulil is the KepublicanKails. Pa. jper Lintner. pastor of lhe Methodist candldnte f'ii the Ivwi yeai term on

Church, officiated at the ceremony the township cummlllecThe second annual luncheon andbridge given on Wednesday by the Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of East | which was held In the rw lory of lheBoard of Directors of the Woman's.Orange, entertained their The couple will mule InClub of Denvllle. last week, was a and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Denvllle.rreater success than that held lasl German, of East Orange, over the I - — •year. The affair took place at the. past week-end. TYftlHIirP Hllf l f Jithome of Mrs. A. St-lden Walker and' I * • * ' " < " " * ' »•""«• « ldespite the unwilled weather about • John W. Kent, who Is a member of 1 B e f t r S n O Islfl i ld Pflfk160 women attended. The annual1 the Department of Labor, and Mrs.. o ssisu l a i nelection of officers and directors of | Kent, and her daughter, Madeline.

opened their summer home at IndianLake Trading Post for thelast Saturday.


Church school classes for all ages

Zoo Experts Sty HumansGive Disease to Animals ;

Aiiln • iii"«l IIIIVIKIII to iicrlliiiiiil'/.tIo our nenilif-r runilillorin, snys s jarller In Hie riiilii<|el|,hlu lleronl, are .Did hoollng ni'iiikc)*, tlii> orang' |'iiitnng, North Afrl'im sml Inillan iliir'lu. I'rnetleallj nil i.llien ber'ime 'scrusloiiu-rj io Nr.rfli Aroerlran ell- ,mnlos cornimratlre); easily. Th« .hut MnrritilfH of Iliese ore tlif enmcls,iplilrh reset) the plae« where the; eat

] activity has been centered around snow— when tlief ciiri g« It—ami »n-• the thought of making this a family '«•• "•(*». wlilfh frMjiienily «r« founflplcnlr resort where the. children ly'"* l n "" ' *"'"* " "" «l'l" i r"" l l» •»•would have every upportunlty to en- ^i"*,'1;. '"'J'"." T ^ " ''!"'!"'.

"Keep the. children happy" ha» »1-

w a y > thc paramount idea withrhe club will be held in October.


A move to organize the life saving ifacilities of the lake area has beenjinaugurated and a meeting of public;tafety heads has been called for this jevening at 7:30 at the Talking It IOver Club rooms in Fireside Tavern. IIncluded in the Invitations sent out |by Howard Lee. head of the life sav-ing corps at Rainbow Lakes, and

corns aw officials of Dennlle Par-I 8 u n d a 5 r n w ' n g worship service at I July 13th. A massive cave ha* been P'i"»» si1) «il<i» nre rwt directlycorps, are officials of Denvllle, Par | I 0 ; 4 J ^ N o a h c QaMe w U , K . : m | i M w ) l h g ^ ^ ^ „,,„ ,„ pf(M WfIl l | | |,r t) |)( nt))ff | 0

Nearly HOT

jOy themselves.Sunday morning at 9:30. If you are j This season Manager Kraimnot now attending a church schoolyou arc Invited to Join one of our


cllmntlzed after s tingle vlnter Iotlill cllmtta.

Contrary to a s'unewliat popularplanned an extensive pro«ram /or t,e||(f, pntum^nli In not prevalentthe kiddles, the feature of which will srnwij uiniagerlo snlmnls. In fact. It

claiwies. Competent ttachern are In j be a 'Treasure Hunt" to be held on Is nl/out it* least common of snlinsl

hTZZ^LTT"uJeT>Um t h e ^ ChlUrm'« *"»°"^ in It, center. This e l**"^^ '"""'»«• •"'"•" '• •«na Rocitaway. m e r e are iflKes m i M W l J tttl , , h , M , ^ . . *hnr,,m ! . , , . ^ _. - . . mM, »M to » ]>rk ot ir " » " l ' <"



' ^ S i h T J ^ L t l n . of th, I ^ . ™ 1 f ' W n V C dO"ar*••""•"• """ '"'"""• »'(.n..,no,,,,l«. |.r,.g1il. .»d; Monthly meeting of the Ladies , a I w ) & cmTinm Koo6 , o r l t (. tr^m „„„,, „„„, , , , t {U l t | | ( n f l | ( i

.Auxiliary will be held Monday t v e - l ^ a a n d r W ( , , o n l b e v a r ) o U ) | ^ „,„,„,, w, | (, ^ ^ ^ M ,! n l n * ' •"*'* 9t"- Members are urged, | n the park. Every child presenting "'"»< onl*IlirTSl,l« healii, reserre, ,.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert John Nleder.j^ a lU;n<1- PTtends are invited a n d a COUpon properly filled out will be w" P"1"'"' "'". ""1 unl«« lmp*rll«d* e l c o m e 0 - germs, willof South Orange, and their children,I""" * wtKamea- permuted to fill a bucket with this '"' _ . .

Carolyn Charles and Donald are' T h t C n u r e " School will have Its. mon<ry-beartng sand and everythlni; """"* "" l"l|"'f"n"« l l lm*« " fr<x>visiting Mrs. Nclder's parent*. Mr.!8"1"131 t*™"*" some time this , o u n d ) n thn Mn(i w ) | | M ( m ^ ^ l*«ter d,et and r«r«.and Mr/i. William A. Bambrldge. of I month. Exact dat« will be published c n ) M -p,,, caw w ) ) | ^ fmn ^East 8horc road, Indian Lake. | l a l C T *iembet* <* t t M church school betW(,m t h f „„„,.„ „, g d g . . .

lw l" «*, t " " W « « > ' r * »* eharee on every PrWay evening during JulySPEND WEEK-END IA nominal charge will be made to a w l A u i ( m t "'

Inon-members.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shreve. of: The trustees.


churchUasimgs-on-lhc-Hudson. spent the land deacon* and deaconesses of thepa«t week-end as the guest of Mr. i church enjoyed the evening of Julyand Mrs. William M. Schalll. of ,3rd at Camp Indawood*.Pocono road. , The pet show held Thursday. June'and story^ will

_.- ** _.. . _ 28. in Ford's Hal), was quite a sue-!see tmATTENDS COLNCH jet, , w ( t h boys and girb and men pallfuj

Rrv. Robert Caspar Llntner. pan-, a r u l w o m c n of trie community wholor of the Dcnville Community, u^e ppu rttntr entering their petMethodist Church, attended a meet- • tor «,hibilion or coming to view

, to supply a great number of chll-commilUe arm W | t n tj,,. , a n d anii KlfUvll furlinlsm,

China Always Called the

Land of Many ReligionsT h r u rellgl"»i »re

<h« C1>ln«*F s i InniKliiliism

l,u talk t ""'

Sad<Jeit wordi of tongue or pen —

it might bare Wo...Really HOT


t the boy kaJ remembered io

put more coal on the fire

be Inchild gets a heaping

of his treasure chest. I" r " f M "

lK*ri«n—Con-snil Tanlsm.wing how th« jn Is OlrldM |« hulk of lli« |'MlilMi, wtill*

[»rs'1lc« all[hr^/'ligiws, »i,i,h art nut Inroro-

<•<! In Oiln»

ing of the Warri-n County Young tjjeePeoples'

by others. It is estl-'that well over 100 persons;

may & o b t a l n W! ,„ , h . ilorn*


* tbe Anil haJ been oprnrJ

as hour sooner.

• tbe fire baJn'l gone out!

tbe laundry had1 not u»ti

up all Inc not water.

if you naJ KaJ an Auto-

malic Ga«Water better it

surely would bare bcrn

bot when you wanted it-

Tbi (oil ii iHgl't'My Did sayi, "I <«than a pottage it«inl<for tvtry hot ball)'.''


Judge* were Mr. Robert IIHngsworth;.„, DenvHte. Dr. Edwin Bet* of New-J j W I Mr. H«,ry M. Hedden. of al,J j W m , al, JZ

; Morris PUins. Each one showing »lht. h«,u t l f u , Junepet was given a prto Th ludWord has b«fn received twrre of' pet was given a priz*. The fudges

the death of Police Chief Benjamin j awarded first priu to the following.Xlnwy'i sUtCT. Mrs. Anna Wester- • decision being made on appearancevelt. of Irvington. at one time a rest- 'only: Dog. MiM Ruth McKlnney. ofdent of Dover She w u 93 years of' Hlnchman avenue; cat. Mrs. Robertage. Ford. Denvllle Center: Bird. Mis* Ida— • • ,M. Doremus. Diamond Spring road:

, Powl. MiM Louisa Freeman. Morris'avenue; Reptile, Mr. 8 R. Sofleld.1 Orchard street; Aquatic, Mrs. W. C.iClark. Orchard street: miscellaneous'clan. Master Ralph Ford of DenvllleCenter, for hi* entry of a mother

'rabbit and three baby rabblU. ManyI fine pedigreed dogs and cau wereshown. The success of the show was

I due to all tho*« who helped with the

. , J U U I , rjnwitifl riinni in Hint country. Hoprogressive m«-chanU In Dover. >'»• T«ol«m. «l,l.l, nntwlnlwi th« In-,„, »,.. nevtrm 8tan- lr(x''"'""ri *' Bixl'lliisro, and which

, . ' . . „ , wan orljlrmllr a o>ir« [ihlKwiiihr, butand other Kxt« , f c W , ,„ rlll,J^ ',ialtm'«,7 c w e .his famr/us dance „ , , , , r/ has Illil* ont-

wsrd thirw, rn-ni{ In anrnlur wot-ship, wiilrh in frfflctlre<J rrt-rjwher*

ballroom.; tlirrmgtmiit th« Mmritrj snd had thssanetlnn cf fv,fifn'-lii«.

"T\itt* ire M'/liarnmHsriS Inpri/tlnei! ol Oil no, mil ftih tn,

I* most nominal with '"""'•" »'«r" » * " » n

and all f"1*1""11 "ti'«'»*r vmtt Z)

yes, a

• dancing still prevails on Mon-an<l Thursday e^eninits. Mrmiisty

bargain nlte, admltsinn

for 3 cenfs

ut a bufei AIan lot MtwW.

Ma Ull, Te Ml—INo 6mm T» CM

Dt-km, 6—4 Dnt Sun-23t

'• "Gift Nit«" Is-with twenty-five

t'iTtier* Ii a

are now being In- u>st n,nrpreparation for Moonlight rnnnt nM

bathing which will start as soon a*This special U-

malee ttw bathing

y p i r imAm) 4"gs art mil i^riiiI h ttt Urn

st rej-

work and all those who shoved theiraa well as those who patronized,

mm Rowe, HOHTKKM

I*« Catherine Rowe. of Myers



zm ) ) | | , ^

ln . , , ,1 , , , ,


Really Hot Waterwith gas, costs youno more than lukewarm water withold fashionedmanual methods.





Page 3: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

a t o o i o

IhmOarEkfyWer Sheriff Win^N. BeachPajlL"

havTi. « Tf ; ° r



the counties of this state having apopulation of less than 128,000 In-habitants shall have the custody,

posltion to be the sole Judge of hisentire lack of qualifications as war-den or even keeper.

rule, keeping and charge of the! I. therefore would ask you Sir. to

° 0 U n t y Ja" ' a n d ot a11 Pr '»H'nlorm your Honorable Body that I!

Williiiin Matthew li quite 111.* Day occur, next

K —L ni | Ihi- ice houuM In this

arc Ml'1'1-

L w. C Timbrcll l« juflterlng1 ievcrf ruld.

L, new machinery ha» been! to ihr Liundale Works.

g 1100 wiw ra'1""1 l n t n e M E 'Ch on Sunday for missions.

\m insiHi »" «n"n« married letL t four wwldlmi Invitations.

„„ F. Timkin nan resigned hisIon •t-th'1 Liundnlc Works.

ur pcrfKiMx Joined the M. on Bunduv morning on pro-

loud "I pmiplc from thiswi' i'i f"" Murrln on Satur-

ten Uwi'-j I'li'l *"" ttre "UlngLuitc I". iJiiliv.npli1 ihc Ice man,

^ P H n l r m your Honorable Body that IP U t to t h e r e l n ' a n d BhaI1 te 'MI»™n»te 'or!ask it's cooperaUon with me In hav-

Pen»e- whether the conduct of any keeper whom he" '" p u t t o worl< l n l t n e | » h a 1 1 BPP°»>t 'or the same;" (P. L.

The long distance telephone booth w,0 * x t r " c e n l o f e xP e n» e - whether the conduct of any keeper whom heh u been removed from Ooodalc'H " " " " - '•• - • * - - • • -drug store to Gerard'» drug moreMeMagea will be delivered n, u n y

part of Rockaway.

lB County jail o r not; becauseIIIH «alary for the year 1Q34 was bud-

1900, p. 474, C. P. p. 2961 Par. 28.);unless said Sheriff takes advantage

A number of young people tuok udelgh ride to Morrlslown on Satur-day and visited at Washington'sheadquarters.

While Horace B. Beam, employedIn the repair section ut the LlondaleWorks, was utandlng on a high lad-der a few days ago. It slipped und hefell through It a distance ol abouttwenty feet. He wan very fortunateIn eacaplng with no more serious in-Jury than bruises and contusions.

The new (Ire company badiu-M fur-nlahed by our popular Jeweler. EmilStumpf. are ready for distributionThey are very neat In cleiiuii andapeak well for Mr. Stump! as a dealer

j In that line of goods.

At the coming township electionthere an- to be elected a committee-man In the place of C. C. DeHarl.

tand an assessor In place or Juhu'Flnnegan, Jr., who wu» appointed]laat year by the commltl'-c OWIIIK toa tic vote.


About twenty inemttei-i

ing the Morris County Jail run In adisciplinary manner and with insti-tutional economy, thereby easing thetaxpayer's burden.

h not been , , mt I „ /,?',

. of Par. 30 on p. 28S2 which allows \ Before closing I also wish lo cellable Board of Chosen Freeholders ] by written notice to direct the Board to the attention of the Board thatmid no one has been appointed or [of Chosen Freeholders of auch coun- only one point In the case pending

u do the work which he'ty to take and have the custody, rule, has been decided iappealable ofto have done. There j keeping and charge of County Jail.course. No thought, or attention, or"'•* ""'" " """, "A | or Jails, etc, By Par, 29 on p. 28S1 argument has been given to the basic

" as c, P. "when the sheriff of the Coun- charges, which will, If necessury. beof ty shall take the custody, rule keep- preferred against Mr Beattle as pro-

„ ,_r- ' mg and charge of the County Jail vlded by law; and until every phasesonal charge of the Jail for the last or Jails within such county the au-' of the matter Is legally settled I dofive months I find the ofllce, or posl- thorlty of the Board of Chosen Free- not Intend to nlion, or Job of a wurden for the Mor-, holders of said County to appoint a den.rls County Jail absolutely unneces- jailer, warden or keeper of suchHiiry und truly that l» "a woeful waste county Jail or Jails shall be suspend-Dl County funds." ed so long as such sheriff shall keep

In the third and last paragraph the custody thereof, and the prlson-you Mute. "We believe that you will ers therein;"aim-,- this Is only fair and we T h l B ,„„, , m e l o 8 a y t h a l , n v l e w

reinstate him as war-

Respectfully yours.WILLIAM N. BEACH.Sheriff of Morris County


J mo maun me wj any uiui in viewwaul you to believe that that Is our o f l n c p r o v l 8 l o n s 0 , t h e 5 t a tute mak- "only purpose In bringing this mat- „ t n c „„„, , , reHpOnHlble and liable o f

ler to your attention." If your only , , , ,, of >intention Is us staled. I must refer f o r a " n"PPen'n«» '" l n e C o u n ' y Jal l ; 8th.your Honorable Board to the follow- a n d ' having given Beattle over a The Oolden Text Is: "The breadiiiK statute, "The sheriff In each of year's trial, that. I only, am In a'of Ood Is he which cometh down

•SACRAMENT" will be the subjectthe Lesson-Sermon in all ChurchesChrist, Scientist, on Sunday, July

,„.! ImrciUKh cleCtloniV A D O U l l w e n l 1 ' '"''HiUi'l, nl tin-t mniiary to other r e - , w h l l e Meadow Club met m then' .Club house lit WhIU- Meuduv. nu

..Monday evening und enjoyed Ihciii-te Riirlei.'*.''- Kir»- Department, >*lvm P1^1"" w h w A" ''luboruf

N d ,,.„ ,,,,,lm meeting on »"PP" «'»" l'reimri-,1 l,y Can-n-i ».,vrnday i-vi'iiihi'

of Morrlnlown.

rram F i f n i . n i a m i M i s s E d i t h ' J o h n F l c h l e r . « h » h:i< f . i i i n ' f l t in-

(in« I ' l i i fv i i ,i Hlf'luh r i d e l o S t i c k l e f a r m n e a r h i ' i f fm .' .-• j.»1

lion mi . s . i ' .ml . iv y e a r s , wi l l v i i f i i l c 11n- » • <ni Hi>.

j f irst of April a n d m o w in I n . h ' n w

hf,|.f in n-i.Mii in o u r n e x t I s s u e <>» U n i o n . t i r e d . II.- wi l l •»• s u i n f f i .

omiiiK if. IO-AII »f a n e w I n d u s - 'Ml o n t h e f a r m b y u M r H u l l , ol :-: u -

nuabliOiiiK-tii i «"< C o u n t y .

nhi'iill'- "f Owirnc E. B u n -

harduai" •-'»< k was adjourned

Fridiiv iii Mi u clix-k.

rank Fox Mi . Idward Pox. and

m M I) H.MII hiivc lust pur-

led ihf fiitHuiKi iiii..i-r».

order to nil ihi-ir Ire l iouw at

E FOK'I H'IIIH had men om-

rd ai h.'i i««<! all day Sunday,

mr WIKKHM. oi HUH place, and

Alw iv-an. nf iji'iivillc, enjoyed

null ndi- v, fi.)Dtiiijn nn Saturday.

T h e f irst fit iif-xl n i f i i i i h W i l l i a m

H . Oooc l i i l i ' wi l l ( l i M o n i l i i i i f I n . ilniK

b u s i n e s s in t h i s p l a n - u n d wi l l mov-f

the contents of hlx siorc ut I>m. |

On Hiindny. Mr >in<) Mi- N-i.ih

iPrecmun mil fur » i l fmh mlf

Whllr on ihiMr way I heir slcmli be-

came rauuhl In » HHHU bunk Fni-

tunately another MciKh cam'' itl'iim

at the time and brought M i . Knf-

man home Afler ifpiuiniK tin- hui-

ncss and Kcttine the MHxh in n m -

nlng nrder Mi Frf-inun f<>I 1'J-JI«-fl


uralav ifiii.|i|i-ii.(i i in- f i f th y e a r O n M o n d a y a f t e r n o o n l>i-t«.<-<:i 4

''• fil Jt'". T . A. R e e v e s a n d 0 o ' c l o c k , a I n m e n n m b e i o l >M"

thf I'ri-Oji'ifii,,!, c h u r c h . H e y o u i m f r i e n d s of E d * H r d . "111 ut Mi

ichtil w i iwitf ipihite w r m o n for a " d M f » F r a n k Ffix. a s s e m b l e d ui

i-aMiiti In llif n inr i i lng , h l a h o m i - In h o n o r of Ins - . txlh b n i l i -

d a y . T h e l i t t l e fo lkn e n l ' i v f d Ihi - in-

C'himiaii Kiirleavnr fioclcty of wlw* I m n i i - n s e l y a n d IIKIKIIIK IJV

urn C l n i c h h a d a s p c - I h e l r h a p p l n e w th'-y wisln- ' l M i O ' i

proiiram ui ih f , , y i v i c e o n 8 u n - ' r ' 0 X w o u l d h a v e a b ir ihf l - iv in. i t i -

t i m e s In t h e c o u r s e of ;i ve :u

n Prlday I-.I;,H,V i,.,, rouplcs c n -

« »hKti ml.- in Morrlstown

M f/i, Mi :. ,|.,ii formerly of

h l«(al hfrlifuv* ihm month—iln» bii'hdav Hii.iiiday. Pcbru-12 and birthday,t»l. Mjtuarv Ul,t\

from u-re wmt to Mor-P on Tufwuv and attended ap « of th<- (;.,<n,iy w. c . T. V..

*H Cruta/lf l)ny "

>'WHi-iMKia.,, .nornlnn Prcitl-T l l m M«" "I Point Comfort>ta jw p h „ rmie B K

8' »W1 W.l|liim HHiier, left forr Pl"i<l l'ir ;• day's outing at" Comfort

" " • " " " • • P c b r U a r y

« •

" "' th l* Pto«. Pro-m,lkl.t l n l n e , r | o d w

,|| b* „ p r o ( ( r a m o f

ujn^ntai music, also"'I'-'IMK of ice cream

-mtxT. of the organ-^ Pr^nt . There

k !"r"' p l p e « flnd t0-

•«"''J »f.-l a good time w

A n u m b e r nf t h e Vfiiinw -ft i 'ml

f r l r n d s nf Mi.w M a i i f I W : i l . h m>-'

a t h e r h o m e o n M i n n M I C H n n K n -

d a y e v e n l n e List Hhc a u s i i r - I I T I P -

l e n t of m a n y use fu l mfI =. T h f ' .•mm'

p e o p l e'd i h f i i u ' K i ^ v n t i

K l i m o i a n d HiMri l ln i i i i . i l unil wif . i l

m u s i c , a n d :il a 1 ;i11- IKHII tlf-.i.i11 'I

for t h e i r r e a p e d U T h o m e * ;• fiI-I••!•»-

prfrssinic t h r m H r l v c s a s hiivini4 spf-ni

a d e l i g h t f u l f v e n u m und u i . l n m :

t h e i r y o u n g hnst lc ts m a n v h»i>|iv !•••

turns of the orciuilon.

Below Is In the list of the n.imci ofthose pupil* of the Rookawiiv schoolswhose regular attciidaiuc und indus-try have placed them at the tn-ad fittheir respective clasws for thf whnnlmonth Just passed; together with thepercentage of each: Francis HiicklcHarry Brltton, Daisy WlKglns. Wil-lard Banghart. Mabel Htnut, EdwardBlanchard. Blossom Kayharl. KidiclHelllngs. Mlllard VanDini EdithMcOrath. Thomas ShawKcr. AdihaPox, John Chewey. Florence Lu.igfiLeo Hart, Mows Sandcrx. Ada Brit-ton, Mary McDonald, Arthur John-son, Stephen Chewey. Thinsii Kifi •nan, Evelyn Kflly, Arnlm Avi>-.Harry Searle and Helen HcibfH

Printing of the quality you expect is donety experienced and capable workmen—are the only kind in our employ.

PERSONAL BRUSH of thousandsOF DENTISTSNow available at your

druggist• Compact bruihing rtosd.• Sturdy bn»)l»«.• Rigid Natural handla.

The ideal tooth brush formodtrn brushing methods.

Mat* This YOURToo* trash


tram heaven, and gTVeth life unto theworld" 'John 6 33>.

1 Among the citations which com-prise the Lesson-Sermon Is the fol-

1 lowing from the Bible: "Behold. Istand ut the door, and knock: If anyman hear my voice, und open thadoor. I will come In to him, and willsup with him. and he with me"'Revelation 3:20>.

The Lesson-Sermon also Include*the following passage from the Chris-tian Science textbook. "Science andHealth with Key to the Scriptures'by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus estab-lished his church and maintained hismission on a spiritual foundation ofChrlat-healiiiK. He tuunht his fol-lowers that his religion had a divinePrinciple, which would cast out errorand heal both the sick and the sin-ning. He claimed no Intelligence,action, nor life separate from OodDespite the persecution this broughtupon him. he used his divine powerto save men both bodily und spiritu-ally" 1 p. 136'.

The Rockaway Record is strictly aunion priming establishment oper-ating under the national code of re-covery for printers

Subscribe for the Rockuway Rec-ord. $1 50 pur yt-iir und worth it



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to chanfm without1 nut"" C'tmfi/iro Chevrnlot'a low delivered pticet

0 M.A.C. torms. -A General Motors Valueand •«!/



% hen (ilicvmli'l announrcil priro

rf'ilut'tiunrt ftrvrral vwi'krt ago, tfiin*-

lliin({ important lia|i|X'ni'il , . . Horni'lliinj; of \ i t a l ni i i -

rrrn l o every 1MI)IT of u Imv-priri'f! m r : thnnttt't

ult'ftpiti intn tltr mt>\l Jutunibli' price jnmtion it !iat

rnjoyt'il in n {tin^ timu!

]{i'<Jurtii>iirt amounting to an murli an $.~>0—the mmt \uh-

tlanliitl priri' ruti annnunrrd in the Iwr-priiv jirld i/in

ymr— i lro | i |M-i l ( ' l n \ r u l c l '•< ham- ( i r i n - I n u n r w l i m l i ^ u r c

o f $ WI.'I. J i i » l l o i f i p a n 1 l l i in p r i i r — i f i m p a r i ' u n » > l i . -v -

ru l i ' l p r i f f — w i l l i t l i f i i e o f f i l l i c r c u r ^ . T I H ' I I • f n r i i | i j r o

h l i u t \ o n pri fur *\iiil W M I | r a y ! I II.T«*"It In' n o t j i i f ' t l i o a

i n ) o u r i n i i i i j ^ h i c l i r a r l o I m y , m i r e v m i l o .

( l l i c v r ' i l i l o f f e r * | i i i ( i ' i i | i ' i l K n i f - \ i i n , n - , i inl n i l n - r t .Ju

l i f t ! ( I l i e v r o l r l i i lfini' 11 ; f a I i« l irr I m t h ! \ i l ' l tli<' • j n n

l l i in f f appl i i ' -* l<» ra l i l i ' - i ' f in l roIU' i l l i r a k r ^ . \ -K f r j i m ' ,

HliiM-k-|>ri«if f t l w r i n " , u m l UK lior«i p o w r r . t a l t f - i u - l n ' i i i i ,

f i x -< \ l i i n l . r i i i ^ i n i - . ( J i i ' n - o l r l p.\\ri ym Jur i n , in - |Va-

lurrn—Jnr l i n e r i | n a l i l y — a jar I w i l i - r i i i inn- f-ir i l i - | u - m l -

a l i i l i l y . Vf' l 11n- ( i r i f f >>f i l l .1 I h.-•. r-,:.' I —I J I : l.«, .1

i^ I I I H I T t h a n t h u t f>f a n y i>t)i*T r*i\ u r . *<( < •mr~<\ jny

r i j ; l i l i n t in ' H o r l i l .

«:i11:v Hui.y.r M O T O K I . D . , D I . I I M I I . M K . I I

E. ARTHUR LYNCHTelephone 133 Economy Oarage Rockaway, N. J.

Page 4: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion


Rockaway Recordi • -I'd Pout OHIce. Hocku«av N J .



OSCAR PEKH, Mjna«ln« EditorIIOHHII! H. KINNKV, Loral Kdltof

Telephone ronnrrtlonii:OITIre 220 431-M Dover




Thfre i* no dcnylnn the fact thatKluruiK hiiHdliifht.s on uutumoblleKan- responsible for a Inrtie percen-taKf' of ai:c iclonl.s occurrlnK at niKht.A <ar, driven lit a speed oJ forty andfifty miles por hour. Illuminatedwith KlarlnK headllnhts and operat1ed by a discourteous driver who ap-parently hn.s no fear for his own,safely und less for that of the other!fellow. i» a danieerous hazard on any |road u( niKht. We believe that a Iuniform hcadlliilit should be adopted !for every type of automobile and the |failure ol the car driver to control.this liiihl. to dim it for instance. |when another car is approaching •Miuuld muke him libel to Immediate1 and severe punishment. Inihi.s munner und no other can thewild niKht driver" be kept within.

th<- bounds of reason and the alarm -inn iiumbiT of fatal nmht accidentsbe eliminated.

ERA Spends \•fiintiinirfl Frmn Pniir h

sr j »••- - o n t i l e use ul 111 j JK I - . JJ I 'C | J I1J>

l u r l i i iDili i 'S w i t h c h i l d r e n A i l m l i i l s -

i r , i ' w i n o d i i i a K t e a r i h u l :i|)i)ie< l a l i o n

of 'III.-, l l e m Ml rllel I , n n l I J Iupc l l ; ,

( | i u - l u | i n l in i h e pu l j l i e "I I a n : ' 1 T h i s

a p p i i - h i - i i > i u n ih f i i i i i ided m i ' h i '

\h '»u in i> 11m1 ( i u n n i i i i p i ' m i i o n of t h e

C r . ;1 W i n k . Arl l i l l l l l . s l rs i l l ' i l i . w h e n

'•hi i.i \Wiu n - i ' i v i - d r a s h l u r K O V I T I I -

ihi i.1 -Aulk U ' h l o i l ' h i 1 l i- l l i ' l list •,

' l i i i-'-tn-i;il m i l .i i inplMiii ' .I m i l k in

' i i ' i . i i i- i lrnitp*'1! m ;i iipMiiMv i i u -

lili- ilir.l'i-

MIIIHMI ;ilul III .l|N|l|iui;il ruff roll-'

m i . , rl J i n : , i l l i 'ni- l i $ 1 0 0 ' H i . ' Sli7.->

i i n . m i u p u l i'l " : i l o i p l i V M n a i i s

M I ' , i n - 111 i - e n i s I m i i i i - i l i i -a l s u p p l i f .

%1 !/:s f o r h o ' . p i l a l i / a l i o i i m i d I S ••«-!it.

Uii . r n i r r In- n l l i i - r l i r . l i t i i l l n i r .

I ' m . I I H I I M u l i In- i l l H i a i i . I m

p - i i i S l i O l * . i , - , | » -n i I n - . n l i " , In

(•••I,' • l o r v . i ' .mi l I m l i l Kui - I i n v o l v e d

,i I I J - I u l $1 !)(> T o . s u p p l y I ' l o i l i i i iL '

M - i j i j i i i i l ( h i - i 'H |> i ' i i d iMi r i . f»l %21~ I n

, u ) i i i i m l i I ' I N I c i - n l - ; w i - n l f 'i |- iii-M--,-

, , i r . ) I H I I , I - I M I I I 1 n r l i r l i - . i i i u l 5 7 l e i i l ,

( M I u t l n - r i 4 ' l i i - ( " I.-,iM F H i r u m y f u e l -

e x p i - i i v u.".t • $2 :1 .10 M i l " I e a c h $ 1 0 0

T i n - I ' l l l o J I 7 I 7 in M a r c h mil l

SI) IS in Apri l U i i i i n i ! Hi.- w.,inii

i v c a i h c r Hi.- . u l n i i i i i s l n i i n i i i .-.upplw"

f u r ! o l i l v l o l c o u k n m

Car Smash•('oillfiilli'rf F rom Pour />

,i ]OI-;I] phvslc ia l i ;lll(l fh.'ti lit i;iluli'-(lbefore I'oliei' lleiiiKl.-l I,i-IIell.sMatin- on ;i c h a r t . - of ( J r u i m : whil '-mtox ic i i l ed T h e h,-':nniK wa-, pos l -IKiiKii imli l liiiimlit T h e B i o o k l y nill H I T I old Chief Km ick tl iul In- d id

nol des i re to press ;i[iv c h a r g eitt'lillisl W;isco bill ( lespilc Ihl.s Ihe111rili will V)C compel led In f.tce Ihe

( l i n i n g u.hile in loxic i i ied CIUUKI- 'in l o u r i th i s evpninit

T h e ball ijanie al I.l l jeiH Field v.•;̂ .̂v n ' n e v . i d iiv ;, cnm-d i s l i m a i e d aliiljuiii MID It.-w l:.n: i.i un l i mil bv av i , n - u[ ft Ui 4 Tht- t'.itine uvi1

loo. ' . lv iilayi'il in s p n l , tint Ih is wai-ol l -e i bv s o m e ol Ihe fine ,I fleltlllll'a n d ba.s.- i i inmiu? liy bulli i i-am^ I-VI-I•*|l|ies-.ed ul l.ilji-l-IV K H I I I

R . s . i r K palruui / j - i l In Koi k;iv,',iv-

in- ovei (he Kour ih niclud.'fl A:.bury

r .uk Bert rand I .land al Lake l l o -pii'iom.' A i lan l l c f.'lH ali.l Ihe I'o-

OH, FOR THE LIFE OF A 8AIL0R— Bottled btor and beautiful glrlt•vldtntly comlltund > major por-tion of tht tnttrtilnment for thtt*thrtt m«mb«ri of Uncle Sam'slighting flirt wh«n they enjoyed•here le«v« in New York City re-cently. Thli eextette of merry-m»k-eri gathtrad at the Paradita raitau-rant when tht tUet cam» tn toquanch their thlrat with the bottledbeverage

YALE HONORS F. O.-Protufent A n ^Y»la Univtraity, Present ftoo»«velt, »nnPrealdent Conant, of Harvard, outtid<Woolaay Hall, wherjin th« Njtion'< ChielExecutive recnvcd hit honofify <i«i'ttfrom the Conn»cticut achool.

PBETTIE8T-From amonj r2 500 Oirle employed in the Thomp.onnational reitau'.ni •*•<""• M ; » r'°"n"

KuUnj, t9. ol Chicjgo, naibeen telected queen olthe"" penonnei at t ̂ «Wcrld'l fi>r. Jonn RThonpion, Jr.. prelldent olthe company, preeenteoher mtK the Venul 0(Milo awa'd, a handioi'ieitat<je:ie. l"r beauiy, COJ'te«y


. H. J- I[jorruto*

"rBIDAV - SATURDAY — Z - 7 - »:15 — Continuum!,.







SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY - 2 - 1 - 11:00


at til» 1

I Fellow



tin. Net, patler



•SALLY T U F -VER8OM, titter

' of the miningAgnei C. Tufver-son, wht dlup-peared shortlyafter htr mar-riage to "Cap-tain" Ivan Po-derzaj.

RIO8 TWINS—Lionel Riot(albino) anil Daniel Riola n twini, three and onehalf years of age. Theirparent! a re Mexicans.They are Identical Iwlmalthough Lionel has whitehair, a fair completion andpinkish eyei, while DanielIs typically Latin withblack tyei and black hair.

1W W —^™™—W !• • • , •DPI.

CHORINES are luppoied to te laiy bone, when .-comet to doting window, on cold mormngt, turning or^he heat. Charlene Tucker, ute of Bioaoway'i Vamtieijand Follies, it no enception, Hcie ihe l t ln t n , ltlf

iglrl'i boudoir of the Frigidaire a-r conditioned houie atJA Century of Progren. The bu'.itir,. on tht bed tablecontrol the Ffi(|id»lre air ccndit..ner that tuppliet hi . lor cold; open or CIOK the Hiding dot:.- cinen nr c mthe windowtj »nd-belie« or , . u t_ , J l t e „, ,c-er ,r,<bed to more comfy pocitioni.


.he you sure your property is a<U''iitat(lyand properly insured? We will be ;'/a</ tnhelp you.

E. J. Matthews & SonsMain Street Phone 146 Kockaway

Indian! Kve Beet Wayfor Using Rabbit Skim

T I H T " i i r i ' « I I U I I I I I I T ' i f » n y » I n

u l i i i - l i a r . i l i l i i l « l : i r , l , h i n U i - l u u i y I n '

l l i . n l r . 1.1)1 l | | \ | i i - r | i - l l l ' i ' i | III I I " !

: i r t h i - i - l l l i . i l I t J I . - I > I III I I I ' ' l " H s '

r m t <>i i)^>' H i ' ' t t i ' - i l i i f l t l i u l I ' . i la-r t

H i e l " i i ^ i - - l : I I I I | r < ' i ( ' l i r ' ' i H n ' m i M t

- M n - . I I n * In H i v . II | i i i ' i " l l I J I I I I I I I I

i i i » - t l i ' i i | . ' - n - ' - ' u - ' i i i i ^ i ' i H » r i ' i - r i n l l i « '

l i H i - i ' l l N ' - « « .

• H i . 1.1.11,4 u r i ' i : i l . . ' n I r ' i i n t i n ;

.-•frl|I,..i tl.H Ml'll I I I" N-I|;il I.'|4,'<I |" IIXn l i - l i : i l t I H r i i l . l i i - , 1 " i ' T t i n - n l i . i l i - u f

r)•• - i l . - l i H I ' I . ' u l u l i - II l» i r i " » h . l ! e -

r . . r i . ' Mi. , - l i i n l i . ' i - ' . i n . - 4 f u l l y ' I r y II I it

i - ' i l , I n - n . - i r l m i ; u l I In- l » , l l f I l i f

> . l i l l i n i ' l i - u l U h ^ ft «'*«litliiUMUH K t r i p

n u t "I H i " r ' i r . i n : I I I I - I I u l < l . ' . U ' l ' l l i l !

I I P I I I I I ' I .-ilnl I I P H I I H I M l i l i l i l l H i " r " r

In n i l . T i n ' m r i [ i I l i i l i l i i . n l " In H i i ' n

. 1 1 . 1 , 1 , , . , I . _ ' " l i l l > . j m i l II i - m n n n l i l ,

; i l i ' l l u i * l i . i | i n t ' i :i i n n I ' T r n ] i " M l l l l

I I . " li^r llnfTi-'l out 'in nil - i ' l ." . .

I I , " l i ' - i l I l i ' l i 1^ I n n r . l k i ' ,i » , | , i i | i ' l l

f r . i i n . ; w i ' l i I1*- h i r , i ( ; -H I I H U " I | l o l l i«

.• ' li . ' i ' i f " r i n i i i ^ IKHI--* l i i u - j i n l t i p ' ' I ' l l -

I IT i'T Hi" Ir iin.- Hi lnl "t 'liefur Hii|i i i (h'Mi :ill:i,-ln->l In " i i " i-ur-HIT "T Hi" ft:iID.- ,ifn| Hi" lur «lrlpl« imlli'il Hir.Mi-l, Hi.' |IUI|IH n! slriliK, I, l i l i l" I,} |ir,,|>ili'4 I I " ' "V " "T I I " '

Fire Department CENT-A-WORDContinued From Puoi'

and a mosl eltlrii*itt (lii-maii ' liv Insbrothi-r mi'mbri'.s Hi- Mas a .ipli-ijilulrecord fur allt'Mdali'-i' al Ili'-i ai.dIns iibilny al dircclini; tin- lip- I F U -ITS Is ITC-OKlilzcil bv I'Vi'i-yun1' a s . o -nai i 'd with the dciianmi-i i l M<-Ni-il.a nii'iribifi' <*( thi* d'-pa-tni'-h'. loryears, will, according to hi* fiii-nd->in the di'lJarlm'-iif, prnvi- liims'-lflul ly luiiabli' D\ li-adnm itn- '•ruatu-zat ion

Hill Kl VI

: l M. i | . •• .. , i.

lu l l KK\ I ~\

Hill Kt.VI k

<• i. .. - 'Inn.

"I 1 II 111-.J. I, N .1

"xl rnw, ny hfi.-k,

Plans For Track'Con (III II erf FT Dm Poor !>

u-nh ihrcp Kwimmmu twiiils. KiwutusPool and Bnm-n'.s Poml in 1>IV.-I ;iiidBunihiini Pool in Mdni.slowii Madi-siin Omthatn. Mnrristown mid Dovni•;have thi-irowti munlripal lilajKrmind |

' and rrrrcatlotml nuprrvlvirs |iaid by |town lund.H und ri-sponsiblc to the1(X.-IIJ Park Committee of thi- B.iard Iof AltlmmMi. j

8p<'<tal • tii'lpinn Urwhrn" m inodrl I;wroplanr«, handicraft, story Idl ing. '.««immlni(. munic and dramaUm arc1

also iuiMstinK the fifteen playgrounds, imclmllnK thowr operated under ER A supervision In Whartoti. B«on-|ton and Morris Plains. Rural rccrca-'tlonal proitrams arc bt'lnn sponsored |In Jellernon Township, and in Rock- '•away. Deiivllle. Whippany. Butlernnd Mt. Olive areas. Volunteer lifesavine corps are brtni! formed to aidin protectinB the Kwlmmlnii centers,in Succaxunna. Lincoln Park and jthrouiihout the county l

The human milk fed to the fam-!ous Dionnc babies every few hours |has the protection of a modern re- jI rlseralor which was rushed as a ,Rift to the little farmhouse In the |Canadian north wood* shortly after |the five tiny baby glrl» were born,according to a report received thisweek by Ihe Jersey Central Powerand LIKIH Company.

•.irin;;. | . . rI In- fur In li«>|ii-'l H U T rIn- iiri'viinn rnwof Uir luii'i* in H Hlrnllar UI'UHHT IIIMI

Ilii^ U i-'Mititiil''i| ittilll Iti<* friilne tnIllli-I ui i l i a (li' iiicxli of fur.

'I'llii lmi^'.|> uiivrll fur IIM'lill Idilii-n »iiiii-ii»'i| bi'twi-i'ii Jnyi'm of out-Inic ll'itiiii-l or uny niluT '(tiililrii; ma-Ii-rl;il ,-IIMI UI>- ri-i-illiiij: bbmki-t [>r<>l>-nbly caiiuiit l>i' lii'iiii-n fur wnrfiith.

England Had Queen WhoNever Visited Country

Dili* '|iii'i*ii nf t-̂ ri-rflHiifJ wlio wan ui*v-er In KiiKlnnil wan QIIIM-'I Ilcrctiijarla,wire of Itlclnird the l.lon lli*nrti<<l. Intbe rii ir l l ' l l IUi*luinl li-ri KMJIIIII.I totnki* imrt In Mtt> ttiin) rninuili*. IV*r-eliKiiriu, I In- IIIIIIIIIIIIT "! Snlli-li'i VI 'ifN-ivnrn*. WIIH limuiilit tn Inm ti>- IllsniiitliiT F.lf-itinr wliil-. hr ami lil-iIrnopn WIT*- H-iiiti-riii^ In MIIIIIIITUItiily, uii'J tin* iniirri;!*;!' lunk jilare IDO'pnifi on .Miiy VI, l l i t l . Ijiter iJur-Iritc the name vt-«r tlm MUPI'D JM1TU>I1the Ulnc at Arre on MM- romit of I'ul-

Doriliit Hli-iianl's llniiriwMiiufiit onDie fontlnent. I'-wengnrla lived tn Italyand r'rniiri". t'poii 111" n-lemie earlyIn Di l l he pn-renJM t« KnKlgni], butretnnlneti tli<*re Wn than two montha,aflpr wlili-li he left for til* for el en do-minion) nrul never rrturneil. It l« mildlie met liln wlfp only once aguln. wiinetime In 1 lilTi. They became e-itranged,and the *|iiei-nfit Inter yeam were epentchiefly at l-eJlnnn In Frnnce, wheretth« dl«l ntiout \'Sf\, without ever liar-In-f set foot on Kngllah will.

Itlchanrn death oedirred In 1199 asrennlt of n wound received while be-sieging the cmttte oC

Business DirectoryJOSKPH DONOilUO C;H(). H. WIIITUAM

Moving Truckine ,.TELEPHONE 00 , .„„„ , , ( ) ^ r )f

DAY AND NIGHT KKKVICK l.lrrnvd Kmt»alrrir*rit it mr

Kr-lUrN .1 le, s. 4,

I N D I A N Sni iNf; VX'ATI.H

K'/i", 1'ZI''1""1 "" '"'"""•:'"»» Atw,lutirly no ,-xri..-N«.. connected

<.K.m«;K r. T O N K I NTHrphone Z73 IUHk**Ar

f*l«hrr Cjn Hive You 20^ un inrPr^wnlManuel Itatfi un Vitui

AITIIMOI1II.K INSt.lUVCKThl» Ii in A No. I Kim k Cumpint

(no l l jbill lrlEixmob1. l l a u (11.00 te\i 20T( net lur lint Vear'i In .u ian i t

Fisher Insurance AgencyJl Wall Bt. Tel. W> Rockavrar. N t •

with the u.v: uf our Modi-rnFuniral Home

M(H)Si-.IIKM) Twi-.HN

1-llillT <IRV I1OO.M1TranMl or Prr-nanr-nt


BUCK.«M.«. S t .



Whr Mot Call at



in< (;wd. - outline TWKU Shop St. Residence 268 W. Main »tTel. JM-W UOCKAWAV, H, -i j Telephone 555 Hocluway

— _ .. i - —Prlft —

Insured DepositsDeposits up to $5,000.00 in this hunk arc insured

by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the

manner and to the extent provided under tlie tc

of the Banking Act of 1933 and as amended.



Tallorlnc In All llranrhn atNew Lo* prlrct



WASHERS UHPAIRED J. H. Bukxa*» L I""* ' ««illarlare,, of





Call Dover 982GEORGE PEER



Vor the Man Who IsPaying for a Home

Metroptfitan Mortsafe

Redemption Iiuarancc

l» a liLAHANTKR that, .hmild henm li>e to compltu the mymenu"n hit name, hit (amll; trill receiveat once an amnont ol moner <aBI-rlenl U, pa, 0 » tht morl(a(c. Than,hl l l l rfhl« , «„« In a home„ « In a homeol tl« own that l< u l e Irom lore-rloture.

If HE Uvr.* (or ten rean and ha.l<*Jrt up hli parnuntt, hl< homel« rnorttajf-lrre and h« remalntnfa lire Ininraner pollr, thai he marrontlnne in lwe«. Further Inlotma-<l«n Irom

HOWARD PEDRICKT«l. DOTCT 280 Do»er, N. i .




FOR RKNTAt Elycrofl Farmv-lloiwi'l

six rooms and hath, allproven-tents, and a «ntgarage.

House with wvrn roonw. «

ImproTMnenti. On ( ohli »ti

Rockawny, N. J.

A two family hon«*. 1 »P

•nenl of 7 rooms, wA tht »<"*|

of 5 rooms with a I car I

located on East >M'"

Rockaway, N. J.

Two flato in thr KBalldimc. West MainRockawar, N. J., "'t*1 'menu and two, I rar

A six room noun-- at

PUIns, N. J.. with impr*"!


AU the above proprrlia Hfood condition

Rockaway Building]& Loan Ass'n

Georfe E. Flsber.

are getting better every day.

Advertisen have .our paper to a sure raw'Don't take our word for itjvlnce younelf with an rnext week. -

Page 5: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

Ay, JULY »• »34

?PENING!$. Harrington wa» a caller

r.jorrlstown last Tuesday

.-hall Henderson, Jr., of Dover,

a visitor in

rth ol July.

Rockaway over the

sun of Mr. and M M .

I Hoyi. of Elycroft, to

II ai hl» home.

Boy1 hold a cardnight in theSaturday

I Fellow* Hall.

tlomey BulphTshaner , of Mor-

,»„. m* in Rockaway lart Mon-

night on business.

in Buth fichlegal, of Irvlngton,

'yesterday with her parents,

and MIH Oeorge Downs.

tr, NelDt Benson of Union St.,

, patient in the Methodtot Epls-

,1 Hospital- Brooklyn, N. Y.

j , e re«ular Meeting of the Re-al, LodKf will be h e l d l n t h e

Temple. Friday night,t Fellow



DOVER I the rectory of the Sacred Heart,Church by tho Rev. Daniel J. Brady.

— The couple were attended by theJ. Vreelund of North, bride's muter, Miss Katherlne Ralney,in visiting hfi- cousin, und Edward Masker, of Went Orange.Price, at Warohouiic Upon their return from a week's trip

Bergen stiee

Mrs Sarah a

Point, Conn., for sevcrul week to Atlantic city, Mr. und Mrs. Pal-.mor will icHlde In Newark In tholr

Mr. and Mrs. Wllllum K Rule of newly fumlnh«d apartment, whereLosey street aru Biilerlalnlnii Mrs.'the iiruum In employed by the Pub-Qrace Seeley and daUKhtBr, Mury, of i lit Hervicc CorporationBloomfleld. !

• ' Mix Harry A. Armltage, wife of

Miss Marian Kevllt of Centrul uve- AlUnrman Harry A. Armltuge Is en-nue, Is spendlnn several weulu wiih ) o y l " 1 1 u vacation at Cupc Cod.Miss Alice William* on Kaoooii Is-land, Lake HoputconK. M l H h El"'ul) t' th Uohn of Richards

-avenue In ultendtng the Century ofPrmn'M F u l r « Chicago.Rev. and Mrs, Theoduru Andrews

of the St. John's Episcopal R ^ j Mrs Etaboth Blundoll of

sailed yesterday for Mexico wlier, dolph avenue Is entertaining

l ^they will attend a summer »chuul.


Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Blanchard;

of 27 East Blackwell street arc the'

Bunting und noun. Herbert;.)r.. und llujund. of Punnnylvanlu.

1.. It. Jucobux was Installedproud parenU of a daughter born'dent ul ihc weekly luncheon of the

Rockaway Wins<Continued From Page 1i

scoring until the sixth Inning whenRockaway hammered two runs acrossthe plole tu break the deadlock. Thovisitors, however, got going In theirhalf of the seventh and grabbed throecounters before the A. C's couldcheck tholr attack, ln the oluhth Inn-Ing a walk and a couple singles re-sulted In what proved to be the win-ning run for Rockaway.

Polonlskl and Hrltz was the batteryfor the local1 and for Stirling Manc-


Red Wings TakeSingacA. A.

The Ml. Hope Rud Wlnim ri'lr-brated Fourth of July with u victoryover the S i i i i w A. A by a wore ol14 to 6. Tim gitmo WHS played at thoMt. Hope Fluid. The box scour


A. Vundiiihool. cC. Morun. mM. Dobimcy, 3bP. Muiiui. Ib

lovlch pitched and Malro worked bn-'H James,

hind the plate. Roukawuy rapped o u t j ° Salko. cfsix hits, one less than registered b y (

M Siilko. |)Stirling. The A. C's mudo two mis- j W. Jamos, Ifplays during the game and Stirling 8 - Bally, if

booted three chanues. \ A. Lake. IfAlthough the (tamo ut times WUH'M Chlpku, rf

loosely played there was sulllcliuit


e;ift445 .5ISGDI

Saturday at home, The younu miss

has been named Oeraldlnc Ann. Mrs.Rotury Club on Monduy:

Baker, vice-president; Robert Wood

sensational fielding and base runinnuby both clubs to keep the funs keyed

Henry O. Ul u n l | ( 1 ) 1 ) ( u . h u f t , x c m , m m U

For Rockaway the out-tundlnu feu


ul)Dlulaclmo. if A

MacKinnon at second und "Andy" .Kullck. !!b

Kluslck who covered the keystone Donato. Ill)

Kaplan, HH

Blanchard waa tormeriy Mi»» Alice! hull Hoerelury, and Arthur T. Pa-1 lu , . ( , o f t h ( , K t t m ( , „ „ l w o m M m jstuhn'k. If

queue, treasurer.^ i double plays eimlneeied by "Boots" [Constantino,

Camp Morris'Cimltiiunl From Pave li 'bun. Mllotead, u newcomer to the

occupy Camp Morris until July 7th ! ranks, made his bow at first base!Duncan, i-fwhi-ii Ihc older bayn over VI years uf und turned In a brand ol fast base-, Levltsky. II)urn- will iiiki' possession. An dime- ball that won the plaudits of the Cullcn, If-pmeiili, me lieinn mnde however lu uc- "peiiuiiiiH. The umpiring, according ^chruedcr. rf-pcoiiimoduie UIOM' Junior Campers to Ihc rival maiingrrs, was very F'rllz. p

in reiuiiin lor a IOIIHH per

Peterson of Morrlslowu.

Miss Marlon A. Mulz and MissRoberta Stetves arc iittendum the41st annual session of the New Jer-sey School of Methods lor ChurchWorkers at Blair Academy, Blairs-

town, Tor ten days. They urc repre-sentatives of the First M. E. Church

lr and Mi1" Horace U Beach of i School.Plulnw. Illinois arc guests of | . . .

nd Mrs .lumes Hargreaves of. Master Franklin llannock of Houih

il strert. Orange Is spending u week with hisgrandparents, Mr. and Miv Mux

lr and Mrs William L. Mills and | H e | l B 1 . o t B o u t h m i n i l l Ki,,.c.,.

nlly. ol Wall street, spent yester-; . . .

ihr home Mrs. Mill's sister' Funeral services were held iln-,

Ultt Mohawk, jallernoon ul the home ut her KOII-

ln-law und daughter, Mi. and Mi*

Mrs Bfarli BciV'le has returned to Edward T. HUSM-II, 'is Mupli' avi'iiui',

in Arlington Heights, Mass. lor Mrs. llatlie 13. Touipkin.s, (17, wile

Ifrvlstinit Mrs E. E Beach In East or Theodore W.'rompkins ol Mum-.

East Main si reel. Plums. Mix '1'ompkiii.i died Monday

. - - 'night in thi; Miinoiiul IIU.,IJII,I1 MOI-

r and Mrs Charles Sherm. of ristown, alter an operuiiuii loi mulr

orru avenue Oenvllle. announce appendicitis. Ueceuwd »a* u lunin-i

c birth ul a wm. born at the Dover resident, and ii-Mded in HCKUI niiei'i

meral Hospilal, Saturday morn- before going i» Monis I'lmn.s iu niiike

__ _ _ _ F'rllz.

whn wish to ri'iiiuin lor a lunnei per- mitKailory. '

lud thuii I WII weeks. The riwslndluii ' Al Di'tivlllc, the "Clvli'n" wi'le tuki.'li|li.sf II, hi ill open fur Senior Camp und uvci1 by Ihc Ufiimrdnvlllc teuin by u H c o r c by

ft III 4 Sl'OI'l'

jmufl local merchant,

i» been in InilinK health for the C e m e l c | . y B t . s

.,t few nwks und will probably

>vf nhorilv l'ir an extended vaca-


j her home. Hev. Miimui'l BIIIIIOIIKIIthe Grace M K Chinch olliiMland burial

K numbiT of persons from here

*nt the I'vciilnK of July 4th. at

[rtrand Island Lake Hopatcong.

litre they i-nloyed a display of flre-


i made in LOCUM Hill

iilc.s he! husband, mill

MTH. Ba.sselt. she i.s MJI\-iveil l>y an-

other daiifihti'i1. Mrs Helen T Am-

broiie ol Morris Plains, und a son, Roy

D. Tompkins. of Kasf O'aime

Morns County Ijuys In the 7lh made

oi l imhn ulio wish to al t i i id lire

urui'rt tu renihiei ul once. Aliplleu-

linn liliink.'i limy be «ecurcil Irnin

County Y" lleudciuurlers, l.i'KluliI'liHT. Uuvel. N. J .

In lulduion lo Ihi' rciuilur round

ol euliipiiiK uctlvllleu hili'h us Illklnii,

.swiiiiiiiini'. lioiilnm. cunipflres, e t c .

Ihi' lads ul Cunip Murrih are eiiuui'.i-d

in nil unuMiul cnill and iiuture JJIO-

Klalll each Ini'l limp Ijilwi'l'll 10 111 III

11 :ill A u,ilk iiionnd the eunip be-

tween these hours \Miuld leveal boyh

i-iikiiKi'd in lii.tkliiM. leather bi l ls ,

purses, book covers, e i r . in leutreh-

n a i l bows and arrows in Ihr unl ie ry

hlinp modi-l hoal.s mid bird houses

in ill'- r a i p e n t i v shn|i brace In-, und

h:imniered i-opjn i nay.s in the a:

mi'tal moiip, and a larke Kroup ot

buys eoiihlnietuiu model airpliiiah in

one i-iid of I lie spacious IJ I IOX Kosi*

Lodf.e The Camp IOK cabin Is b- llm

Curlyon and wife and his

hter-m-lau1. firare Wearln, of

fharton. and mere. Lol» Carylon.

nd cou*in. Wavne Orr. are at As-

urj' Park

Mr and Mis Noah Rawllnfjs were

menu the KU(»II at a card party

the honw ol Mr. and Mm. Oeorne

Ha»tln(f« of Main street. Denvllle,

n Tuesday cvenim

Mr and MIA Ralph P. Forbes, of

all River. Ma.w .spent the Fourth

I July in Roekaway visiting friends

nd relatives They were accompan-

htrc by iheir daughter. Peggy,

nd wn. Ralph Jr.

Oilbert Bodine. Rr.. accompanied

1 hii dauiihter Mrs. Mabel Shen-

of Franklin avenue, are vl»-

liw Mr. BfKlinc s «on and daughter-

i-law. Dr. and Mm. Joseph Bodine

I thfir home a' Iowa City, Iowa.

funeral nervier for William Hed-'• tt- who died Saturday at t h e ,

« General Hospital, were held'W Tuesday afiernoon at the Whlt-*» Funeral Home. Burial wasMe in the Presbyterian cemetery.«• Heddy « survived by his wifeM 'out children. ;

Mf- and Mrs LoRoy B, Collins, of

u.M'd lot it tiiillire hut und u luriteMrs CliiirJi-.s Oiekei.sun und dawdi - ^j-unp ul buyi mi- ulj.vii lied in eul-

ter. Munijii. Mr und Mrs C C Con- i,.,-im MUi muiiiiiiiiK vmiuii.s kinds

n a y of Ninth Sussex s i rer l . iiremn- ,,l .••|ie<-|ini-ii» unUei the hiipi-iVIMHII ol

panletl by Mr und Mrs. William c.iil{ j i i i u | vv Hnyilei. Hie c-uinp

Ward mid fuiiiily ul (."lintoii .streei j j ;t 11 ji-;t li -.1

a r t Kpendinu the week ;il Budd Lake y\ni ••y" Cumv r ounded llll.v

Vfurs An (i

J a i l 111ty year i uv.n -vn-li Jelsey

buys illlll Ihell' |e;nlel lullllded III'-

f lrs l Y M ( ' A C a m p D u r u m t in -

p ; i s l h u l l " e n i i n y i- i i i ' i - i bn.Vh a n d

VM'l* W l l l l I o l i s e e i i l t e d l i i i ' l i il 11(1 w u -

I l l i ' l l h a v e e x p a n d e d t i n s MIIIIIIHI

i - a l l i p I d e a I l l i l l l t i l l s w ; i l i n e r 4 .0011

, h o y s m i d l i i i l n w i l l b e e n r u l l r d i n

d A s M i i l a t l u l i C a l i n i - i t h l u i l i i j i u i l l I i n -

S t l l l e

II In ,i 1,11 I I V l l o l l l t h e l l r s l Y "

it C a l l i p V i l l l l t 'AU t e l l l s I l l l l l .1 l e w I ' l i l k . -

• i u r n I I I I - I I M I - I l o C a m p M u i i r , s n i h I K

•e J I L ' a c - n - i u l h e a i i i i l u l u u u d e i i l a n d

l i d I t . p l l ' . . i l e l a k e I U I I K I . H i l l d l l l l l l K

Mm, Cecil B. DeMllle. wife of the

mollun picture producer, i.s reniper-

atlliK I" thi" Dover TJiMieral llospiial

followlnu a sunnnil openitiun

Miss Murjoi-.e Hinllli ul Nuitli Hu.s

sex street is ut Camp Wi-imia Wash

hiKton. Me., where for Hcvual yi-ai

»ho has been one of the dm-ctuis u

the camp.

Miss Eleanor Kiiinev daiit'liN-i

Mr. and Mrs .lohn It.iinev. ol VJi

Clinton s i r ed , w s uinied in inmiia

In Arthur Palmer, son uf Mr

Mrs. Arthurton avenue.

I ' i l l l l l i - I . Hi

Saturdayul I'IIM

moi linn'

n n i d ' i o i i ' l i . i p i ' 1 loi.'

. d u n s a l l l l e l n l u i l l l l

< alnn


acrompanled by the la t - '"""lather. Mr. Clemens, and Mr.!™ Mr*, s. v. D. Collins and family, i

Cedar Orove. vuitcd In Rockaway I™<rday Th.; two Mr. Collins' have'i bro lher» here. Raymond, Ogdenlr "Ml P. Harold.

» *lcken dinner will be given by

T k Z 0 " P l : r r o w a n d ° t n e r » l o r

* «owit of the Mt. Zlon BaptUt

™c"- ^ e r . Thursday, July 12.

J°» 5 to 8:ao p. m., on ̂ i a w nA- 8. Oram. 93 Main street.

will be free.w n l be (Hied ttnd d e i i v e r e < i

• of rain.

Adjourn Caselined From Page J)

iel of Police Alfred Rar-0 1 Into custody, and lodged

Norh" h O U t a com'Aaint- «ar-•t^. l n i t "en seen "the thing

i ^ ^ Shaner and Recorderhtn nZ,r'etl. UD°n an adjournment

»«t Monday night due to the,.°<1 a n d unsattafactory

the court room. TheMonday night will takemunicipal building.



IJ . . . . . 111111 luiuinnnininminnmmmim

^^whowoold" darned rebel Ki t hadn't

L,. Snook"The Ideal Market"



2 lbs. forhiii I'xiiili.



LcgsoKJcnuincI AMI* l h

Short Forcquartcr uf I.AMHRIB I A M B CHOI'S Ib.Smal l lx -an l 'OKklOlNSPRIMK RIB ROAST Ih.COCOANl TCOOKIKSFall Ix-af (JRAI'H Jl'H:KSalted or Roasted I'KAM ISSTUFFKI) OI.IV'KS B<;»It-Fall Leaf Sliced BKKI'"- -»»r

(Jrecnc'iiAjw't Jelly <;UIH Dn.pPcterman's Soda (AH I'lavors-Good Luck Pie Filling '>k^-_TEL.,163 -R7)CKAWAV,N.J. g




13 thIS

UNLUCKYF O R S O M E "Rut not for the



I..ike llfipaUonn. N. i.

FridayE V E N I N G

Julyl3thBetHcrn H and II o'rlwk

The BigTreasure

Huntwill lake plMr


CIIKST Fl'1.1. '()


will he opened


I'ndrr 12 year* nl « f

COME EARLYBefore .the Chiwl Is Kmplled

A. A.

lied WlllKi.








M m in i



















II 14



ooo114' 1


Township Students'Cwillinii'd Fniin Vuur U

e n i l I h e l t I n l l l n l i h l t l i l i ' l i l i i I n i i t h e r

M ' h i i n U h i l l t h a t h r e x p e i ' l * I H I

e l n i i i K i ' i I n l l i e l i m k i i w i i v n m i i i i K h

Hill! klll'kllWUV TliUII»lll|l IMIllletKni'kliWliV Wlih llilnrtliell Insl A'eek

thiil ll» ii|i|illenliiiii fur I'WA IIIIHIN.tu liullil li IMU' M'liinil h'Ulne 1111(1 been(lelilld mill Illlh lluikev |l lllllli'lllliveIII elirllltl Hllldehl enriilllnetil I l l l i

I'IIIIIIIIK l<ltri III mili'i iii I'Hiinmile

the en,W(|e(l nililllllull'i u! Hi' lellu

Him eiiwdThe lI'llllKlnilllllliili rullle lu Hie

M.inellil M'IMI'II linn Ill-ell entelilleilI I I nil iilllllllilllll e II \ I- |H1|]|1M ulin IIHWIllive lu w.llk 'I ' l l ' . niillK' lll'.liilire hi

I In- lehmil Hume Mine IIKU piirrlilall|ipe;i|eil belme the liinuil nlxl ii'tkeil

I1 >:• • Hie ehuliue he iniule ninie ehll-llli'll hull tu Hulk IIIIHIIIII il ••'•!' :DUIllleiileil wllll I'llttlei'liitkl'K

The I » I I mill ii hull mile Hun Im

Il'ee IIIIIIM|IIII'I lilluii WIIH (llHi'llMned lit

I III IMITIIIIK Illlll II *«" Illilll 'lllellI h i i l | i i i | i l l i I I V I I I I I n e m l u l l . m l M i l '

I l i e I l l i l l l U ' l l l l l l l l i e I l ' l l l i H | l l i f t e ( l l l l l l -

I I I U I n I I I - X I l e l l l l K I M H i e K l i u l e s

' I I I I l l i l l l h I W I I I l l l l e x

C l i m l i " ! I f I . n i n e i i U ; I ; I i i w i i n l e d

I h e e i i l i l l l i e t I I I | t i | l III II N i ' W l l ' i ' i l

I I I t h e M l r l e i i m i l i l w l l u i i l III II r u m

u f ^ 1 1 I I 1 ) 0 M i n o r I ' l ' l u l l H w e r e l i l l -

i l i i i i r / . e d f i n t h e M l l l u p e M ' I I I I I I I m i l l

I I I M I I II I l l h e l l i l i i H i I l i m l l i n n e t W i l l

h e l i i N | i i i - l r i l A i l K i m l 2 i l I l l l l n l u l l i l -

H i m $ T I .'i'l w e i e i i i i l i - i i ' i l p i m l h v H i e

I j U l l l ' l

H .. i ; i l l i ' | - i l l l l n u l i

u i i i l i i s l u n i l » h v t i n -

l i i ' l ' , i i . ' 1 <• i n • -- . i m l H i

;i liivilliili >'eniinenl (in-

enifi in . the

i h a l don i

I t u u i e l l ' l l hi

•»l u l t in H e

l i k e I l l l l l l u l l


l l l f l e l e l l

i II III l i v e




• - K - - - HALLE ROY


Jl'LV 8 - I)


• 10


1 8 7 4 193 4

SIXTY YEARS OF SERVICEIT m t »r.KM \ y\n r wi, CIUIM TIIK. IHVH MXTV t r i m Ann WIIKMH I D I I / I N K » » » T i l I ' H K H K N T T I M M M » \ V T I I I 1 I K II I V C

I ' l l t N I I M I » I S < K I«TI I l l - T M « < l l l : T K I I M I N . I ' f H I N T u « r i ( t f . l l l l » . M » I N - (

I'Ml.TK.IIMlM V I N I i H IIV M » l l . l » * t I O N V C M I A T \ H IT M H K S M I I I C . T i l l M I ' . l l l l . V

K U N I I i « v o i n t i ) w o » r r « W I T H v n r n I M H I I M H I K . I I I I t v r i i v 11 v n i i f ,\NII TIIK IIIIIIK II Mlll.H) MACK Til VIII


AH»etN()vcr$]7,IMH),IHM),IM)A l l l l / . | , . , . l l . I I I . n u l l V < P m t l l l r l l I I I I l i n h l t l l t i l " I I ' l l

If it happened in London:You read about it in the London MailBut if it occurred in Rockaway:

It was in The Rockaway RecordAll the local news—All the time I

Page 6: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

Mushby All Stars ! Red Wings LoseDivide in 2 Games; To Paterson Nine

After being mined out hint Wud-nusduy night, Mushuys All Blurs outaolng i

Bernardsville TrimsRockaway 4 to 3 in

14-Inning GameOladpirk and A. ("» Now Tied for

Flrnl Plane In Inler-CountvLeague

BttttllnM throimh u red-hot sun tor „ _ _nioro than throe hours and u half lusl | Huwevcr the bin dllli-rcncf wu» In i A home run by Hand in the cliis-Saturday uftrrnoon al Liberty Field, ihi- hits as Hickory Hill only had 1,11111 innlnii win responsible for thrnocknwuy nnd Bermildiivllle singed |m. The bin feature of this name Palerson tcuin's triumph

u nip nnd luck bailie for fourteen wll» n home run by Uzun. j PATEI18ON A CImihiBs, the Iticnls IIWIIIK by Ihe close! Last Monday night Muahby's All!score of 4 to ;i It wan without doubt stnr« imaln played al Mt. Hope.'C'rushuiik. ss(ine of the best (mines of ball ever Tcnbo runilnhliiK the opposition thlsJH Wellens. 3b-pNtiiKed In llnckaway. mid the fun«' time The Rockaway leum wim not,J. Burns.who witnessed Ihe evenl will curry | m j furluiiuli' Mils time, us they were

seamlrrorThe Ml Hope Red Wliim mid U"1

Pateinoii A. C. incl lw.1 Hiilurduy ill

on Thursday nliiht and noritho Mt Hope rielrf nnd u rmulurdown I he Hickory Hill Mine by u "Pier El»ht" brawl ensued with thewore of I I to X Both pitcher* were'visitor* WIIIIIIMK by .Hluiilim II iiliilhwell up In the Hi like-out rolumii." ImitiiH rully to nip Hie IIIUIII1 l» uDeDoncy having I I and Wusku 10. wore of 14 to 13

It In their mi'iiiory for yeiim tn come.HOC'KAWAY

buck by a It to 4 score. Thin miulcI heir lolul no fur for Ihe NOUKOII

MacKinnon,Jayne. cfKluniek. IbVlUUllTIIIIII'lt.

Ki'Uler. s.iHUlllVIIII. m11 I I I / . If

rl l l l l l lM. I




Min i In


Himd. IfRublskl. II)Stuluuik. cfMooiiey. lib•' victories nnd H defeuls. Hrlc. who

II van Hie Martini! pitcher for Hocka- C'ocliriini0 u-ny. wa» very wild and was lill free- Wellens. pill)0 Ir In lli>' two Imiliiiis thai he hinted2 on Ihe iinnind

II Tiuilulil iTIiurnduy Miwhbys All' HKU WINOS1 HI HIS will pln.v ul wlih I he I .in 1I) Mriit'lllr MIHIMIMII I ITIX riit'lilKlilliu Hi'


l.i 4J -.'I

IIIliirknmii. ,!liCniiui'i'. ilHIII I I I I . II)

Miller. :iliCuri'lUn. rHiickMniui. |)


h in. 11

n ll 21 72 l.!

Uachl.siHnlko I'Cnvi'll. •.*DnniHiik. ill)

Mlt'lll)!' IllIllllv. 2hPuiiko. ifWiih. II

iill rf

(' v.' M . Boljlnyec, lf-e! Dnlioiiry. |l-;illF Moi'iin. II)

I I I .fumes. ;H,.2\>1 A Viindi-ll I. e-

EYES HAVE IT i Eyei »i'«Ipeculty of Thumai Lpretidem 01piny. A net• 1 .ICN'ICM1 to000,000 * o m i

.ndi to e/o Ii

liny bo

il lurvfyJPP'O""

1 on t i n,.

W1IH.1me C• h 0 * l.ildymlije.

tiO(J 0


" 1 J .Uflt-

hoH -

^ ; -

I I K ' K O H V

' llV II I

Ill'll U'llIKiI'illl'lMIII A

Hiimmiii v


200 14

!.-J 4 I:. 4J I I I

Henri- by Ini i l imH

i i n r k n w i i y ; o i n o o ooiHHio on

t i i ' i -n i iK iMi i i r 111 noon o^oonii 111

Hiininiiii.v Tun l.ii... hli« Ki-pl. 1Iliirkiiuiii. Ciiechlo ' 2 i . Hlnilih'. Mi l -li'i. slnlrii liimi'H H I I I I I I I . ('riinirtKliiKlrk. Hiillhiin. HIIL'IUII Hliuhli'.ilinilili- IIIHV'I Iliirksirnm In HI I I I I I I .

Hiilklilllli In llii I..MI 1 In HI I I I I I I l i l l 1111liilJ.cs I ti' 11 III I < I' \ I Hi' I.I. Korkiiun'.III. si ruck mil II v Minns :i. Iliu k •

Mruin II, Inrii"! mi I111IIH o n Mnills:i. nil II11.VC1 :!. nit linrk'itrum 7. H'lldlillchm Iliirksliniii ;• pnHHi-il hullr'aci-hlii. lill liv piii tin liv Hayes' I I I I I M I I I I . h\ I In il< 'il 11.111 1 H I I I I IV I I I I 1.


M W,i'.k,i p•I I'Virhik 1

.'(I (Irnn.e I

M l.l/un 2liI'' Knpiik >


V. I 'n .p i ' i

WllllllllK pll i ' l i l - l

IHIihrr Iliivr.

'I'lini' nl (limn

I I . i . U . I i l l . H l l l l

n l l d O l n . m i r l

i l I n i l l l .. 4 . r i 1 1





H i i l l l r l l l l l . s M i l l l l l i ' V ,

I In lift. M Hnlkn. Viinderhoof. I I . WH-iluulili- iiliivi Cni.Hhank In

•V tn Ituhi.skl. vvlnnliiK iJllchcr.Wellens; lnshm pitcher. A. Vunder-Ininl.

Umpire U Mnnui



Mis iiiiitni-inii'i'il !,in|., niH ,.,,inlii'li' III n inn kilometre llinlnl-piniil

•| illlilM|iluns||||) riue ill Ihe Nil'l'-'.Vi'lMllniliir Hiinilny nliih Tills ulll1)1' 'III' InlMii'st nice ill Ihe Hi'iisnti ;iinlwill hrinii loKi'lher Clerard Di-lialcI''I,IIICU (li'iir«elli. 'film Idimi!

'' 1'ian/ Driilliern. Alfrcil I ,il ••>! rn.-i" .mil Churlry . I IWKIT

" , The sreund fenluie Hunilav nu/lii" will lir ;l lilii'-mlle Illllli'll lace In hi-" ilecilled I lie be.il11 lirlHi'i'u Cleorue


, - - ' ! *Counten OlgA Albiniig'iiar«pl«c. j , , , i e , D ,"J"

of the C.tici Strvlci f*<j*y " " ' " " I Rtdio Hour

Spnnlih «.,!•.,ir.o i om ilrtrtlo'i l i f» i . k novvn ,lt

p o p u l m v . , < . i i , , i , . 8 h | | | , ,I i s t a I c n i , t( imguiil,ipiaking ,ind tinging !n

Frinth, ii.H.jn tni ^I l lh, AS ncii ill hir nltitiSpaniih

N n A. BABV-BubyUciiii ^.th "Blue EjiQlt"iiyn light In the middie of hor forehead—Hme I i Roee.Car.i" e n celebrated(!"' of Piititon,Pj


oi mignu*


the rlt.nn,:• po^l on I he <J.,in.o,i{J.

He't i .d f i r rnOam o' t h ,g ' « 4 1 Souther,. Ccm"l |no« , anil C h < • I 1 %Scr'tnet G ' jn t . A dr• ee"d,int nl the llninn

Dull' pUr Hie outlirm




v e n . n y

• * '


UnrkilWn v(IlililimrkHlllllllH

Mnl'l IMlnwnDi'hvllleFill lilll»

llrinnriliivilli'Mnrrln I'lnin.

Cininlv 1(II I

















I T777777444444444444:I:I:I

Niiliirda.v'H Hemillnfill IHIIH 17. MiilllHlnun .'HIirHiii! III. llenvlllc I(Iliiillmck 11. Mmrl'i I'luiiin 'iHi'llllllllwlllr 4. Ki.rkimiiy 2.

(Ininm (Vent MiilurdavMnrrlAUiwn al. HtlrllimHcrniirdNvlllc ul Morris I'luhmFar 11111M al Olmlimrk

Um'lliiwiiy ul Ui'liHllc

• K n i i i i k i -

M r D m i k l " .

• L a k e . 2 \ i

; l l n h l n v e c .

' H I a r k . i f

I l . l h i l c r i i i i u

. N u v n k . u s


I ) _

I I D m p r i i i l h i u i l e p n i l i n r i i i | , m n p

0 | i r i l I n r u r i i l s h t h e ( i i u i h l v 1 1 I m i r k

• l ' i l i l c n . s e I h e m o s t . s k c p l l i n l I t i d l v u l -

I I U l l l I . I I I l l l s f u r . V i i U l s e l f .

,, K c l i d r l r k . . I l ) 2 1 1 1 )

0 H r c a l l o l l i I I I : i I -.; u

n H l l l l l H l l l . I I I l | n 0

( | P r l c l u k i f I 1 1 1 , 1 ,

,, W a s k n . p 1 0 I I 1 1

A v i a l i n n D i ,

I J l n p l i e W i l l i n n i


When Teeth WOBBLEIt miiy he loo lul« for your denllit l« WIVI« llicm uMom«of the li«mn< which lioliU Icclh In ll»ir »oiki'l« wl«itlmnlv have hcen ilciilroyed. P' lrm hi'iillliy (junnlMjIIIIK I he lei-ih provide protection ugulimt infcillon anddrslriii'lion of llio underlying loolh nupporling UMIM*

V'Cl |>riifciisloiiul odvlco l>cforc Iroiili]

<o-o|H>rnii< with your»IMIII»( in Nirlvlntf forfliMin Uum-dlrlpped Teotb

Tibeiam Find Cold inRiver'i Clltloring Sand j


**' MXJ OlOWBLL 3 o r

woirrH vix>ra oAfjrMj?1 "OHB CiPCoir

1'iir In lhii ii|i|(er reailien of I lip ClilnIl«ln KI I I I I I ) Oliver nf llnlilen Niimhl.Jllio VmiflKii nmi Vellnw rlvem, Imirci.NMlhlfi tit eiiinini'rre, unlit mingle* Iwllli Ihe Muiila of ||,,, rhiT lu'ila, n« |Mrilliiii In a wilier In Hie KIIMMIII City !Nliif. Hut In «r| l| ihe Mlilin inn I I !firm iinmi mii.ilu,, n l 0 'j 111• • 11• [i iirmy. |III Tlhel ihpm In n |irnverli wlilrh IK.Ill effei'l, "Tlliel inu-l ri-mnln nn Tllirl 'l». Hlmll I IHTI I he Inlien liny of HIP 'prmliiclii iif TIIICI'M mill, 'llhel will limit j•"ini'llilnil of Im ini,.u,.|,| permiiinllly. 'Our In ml in I,,, T||,,.|,m,, |,ei < I... wnrlil '•tny npnrl,"

'i'llielium mlie KI.IIIII nf NIK jrn|i] nml,dnrlnji Hip |HM ihiiiimiinl ymrn, linve

,/imilo InlrlcnlHy curved nrnniiiciili fur '<hn I m la I I,mini, H I I I W ulnru uf tronit .

.Ur» njipn.«lni[il|.ii |lm| of I ho malt •pnwerful luiilnn rnjuli. llul Ihey will(nkn only I In. "urunii Tin tier" or "grnnii-lnollier" IKIKKPIM, n« |he.v lean HiVnlliiK DIP KIII,I H I I I I i|iiiilillr» »f life.They •di l l IT llii. i,miill pnrllcli'« nf|oli|, nfler liikliiu HIP Inwr, illmiKllio river*, "In icmn up," niimlilerliiKtlm pnrlleleii "cliililrpn."

Turi|iiiiliieii IIIMMIMII, mino la eiportnil, (inly yuU hlilen, ynli wmil nmlliorm nre nenl In ihlnn In nMurn furtli« ilre«» nf HID Clilnem, lea crop,Mil It'll Iliu Tllii'laim prefer to llio floor(|ii/illlle«, Nlllm, tun, nre, Inipiirti'il, Iliaflnoitl for lhii I in In I Ijiniu'ii rcHtinanU,pnramml mid Miiln rnheii; and pnnsrIn Mi'copliililc for Imrlur.

.Nojipih Milk


t O I L O P u e J




Page 7: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

V, JULY 5. >M«



lllbrrnla, N. J.ockawau Moori Cartel-

lor TomuhtP olkau-av-

Trimmi* held Iti openingu i amurday. The orchestra

lor i)id-fa«hlon and modern

BI1d Mi» Ames Chamberlln,[, of Jersey City, are living In

'mmci liomc »t HibernU,

loffrouii. « go""*1 merchantmla. nift with an accident onj to RucRaway. Hoffman col-th Blmi'i Eghbert. ox Marcel-GOIIIMIOI) caused the two v«hl-!o to the opposite ildei of theid eacli Hiito landed on thet bank.

Wbernla M. E, Church willannual buby pared the Utht. The prlw« 'h'« * • «be coimidoriLbly better than

{. The nrNt and grand prlwt Biivvi loving cup. There willout other prliees for the dif.division! nnd costumes. The

Fife and Drum Corps willall the music. Everyone l»

ay, July 8. the congregation!Hlbcrriui and Marcella

it will meet at the GirlsCamp HuilMinla, at 10:30 »

will be held In one

:ilii, I. rtiphcr of Madison hashomr on llir Boy Scout prop-Icxl w k he will become thellrcctor Im two weeks.

and Mr» Richard Slate andof Schmicetiuly. N. Y., spentck-end at I he home of her, Mm. Punil of Hlbernla.

Madeline Cliurney of Ogdens-i vliitlim ui the home of herlaronls. Mr. and Mrs, A. Yur-

td Cuilmnri' has Joined thei men. He hut decided to beelty lalesmun and li seenni on all the neighbors' doors

md Mn. Martin Konelck areand parent* of an eight pound

Oforcc Yuresko of Mt, Hope• ipendlng a few weeks at theol her mother In New YorkHer daughter and son are

nytnt her.

A. I Romanak held a picnici Hlbernla Runday School d a nfond last Monday. There wereilxty children. PcrmlMlon fore of the pond wai granted byflip director, Mr. Eaton. Allt tho water nnd laughed atfit. Refreshments were after-Mrvrf,

It. Hope Red wings wereby the Palerson A. C. last

V by i ncorp of g.4.

iiy, Father Hcwctson look histo Bin Pond, They spent the

day there.

Unora Simmons took a group"en to Oreen Pond last Mon-key met with difficulty when'"> «fu«od to run, 80 they0"«l the nuto and hiked to"ond,

v«r«h, the local butcher of'«, *enl deep sea Ashing last'• "Id he Kct sick, aik him?

*« was Lescrandall, Bill Run-n Bus Lyons last Saturday'bet they w r r c flBh|ng u p t h e

iHwt know if t h e y g o t a n y1 Ho know that they were

I** KFIHTTN^T York la visit-Uibu und family of Hi-

Dobo and Walter*«» murrled Prlday at LowerZL ™- Junes officiated.

l« the daughter of Mrs.<>' MiiidlDtown. N, J. Mr.

T "' C"ptaln and M ». A reception

^ h ° m B Of lh0hru the P o c o n o ' »t

wi lh ""Olotown. Ml«

«« illu. r ° c "" e n t ot many

•***. anTMIw Agnes Bayerg » « f t N. j , , vlilted Mr.

7 at. Dernard'1 church with

a bell. It was givon In honor ol herfather and mother. It WOK blew.cuSunday mum. Father -rrncry WU1.Riven apodal permission tu p'rrformthe ad .

The ladles of the Hlberniu M. EChurch held a sewing clrrle m thebasement of the church liwt Tues-day.

Mias Marie A, Mooney of Mt HopiIs entertaining at a brldne Batui-davnight.

Mr. Joseph O'Brien, non of MisPatrick O'Brien, of Mt Hope, ar-rived Sunday trom Detroit. MichMr, Arthur Bcrthlannp accompaniedhim.

E O C K A W A T E 1 0 0 B D

ThomasJoseph .StephenCharlesOeorge .MichaelAndrewJohnFrank .

LeskoNovak .SemberJumboKelly .Smerlka .DudakCarr .Tatka .


46 18 12

A. C.ab

48 10 10Score by Innings:A. C. 100 024 300-10Yuresko 000 300 064-12

Home run—John Yurrnko; three-base hit -Ed Lenko.

The Odd* Are AKHIML ThemI hope you took my lip in the IIIHI

Issue of this paper. JUKI tnkc a lookat the renultlnu score. We nlnrtedour game with Andrew pitching buthe was quite nervous and nnturullya little wild, so he was replaced byThomas, who finished the name. Heallowed ten hits.

The A. C's started Tatka In thebox. He pitched a good mime butbecame fatigued and was replacedby Smerlka who finished the name.Talk a allowed fourteen hits andSmerlka four hits. Although therewas plenty of hitting on both side*and plenty of errors, the fans seemedto be very satisfied.

We certainly pulled a fast one onhe A. C's by procrastinating until

the last few innlnos then we let noand bang, our score went up. Imag-ine Johnny hitting a home run. IIwas the longest drive on the field ac-cording to record. (Call me a pro-

arlcator If you nuw the name.

A card party was held at SI Ber-nard's Hall last Friday.

Mr, and Mrs. William Apuar olfersey City recently returned from ntrip to the Five Finger Lakes nndNiagara Falls. This week they wellspend at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Rhoda of Hlbernla. ThenMr. Apgar will attend a summer *en-slon at N. Y. U.

Scout NewsCamp Hudnonla Is owned and oper-

ated by the Hudson County OlrlScout Camp Association of HudsonCounty, This association In a holdlnticompany of the Jersey City Counrilof Olrl Scouts, Inc. The ramp Is fivemiles from Rockaway, and one milefrom the town of Hlbernln. and com-prises 164 acres, There are neenm-mcdotlons for 180 Olrl Scouts.

There Is a main bulldlnn rontaln-Ing a dlnlnu and recreational hull,shoppe, kllfhen, serving room nndpantry, There Is an emergency hon-pltal, dormitories, or five sleepingablns and three cotlaKcn. Campers

have cots of Iron frame steel springnnd comfortable mattresses and pil-lows.

The camp Is directly tinder theupervlslon Of the N, 3. Statr Boardif Health. Splendid facilities areirovldcd for swimming, with pnrtlc-

ular attention to bciilnncrs. An A K.Crosn life saving Instructor nndexaminer, with an assistant l» incharge and a corps of Junior lifesavers arc on hand during swImminMperiods. A registered trained nurse

permanently on duty and n reliableihyslclan within call.

The safety of the Scouts rirr cov-ered In every way nnd at all linn1*they arc under the supervision ofhe camp chief. Mrs, Wanner, nnd18 counnelors. The opening dntr nfcamp was June 30th and the rloMnndate will be Sept, 1st.

There Is a beautiful legend enn-icctcd with Camp Hudsonln. The

camp Is a loom, The activities thewarp and woof. The life. The lifeand characters, the patterns. Thedirector i» the guide, tho counnel<>n>the shuttles, the campers nre ll»'weaver*, while the mess hall In throld mill, The first cabin la known wweavers of yarn and l» made up of

Klrls from 13 to 18 years. The secondcubln ure the gypsy weavers, agotj 14IIHCI 15. The third cabin are the In-tllun wruvern. aum 13 und 14. Thefomlh cabin are the Bird weavers."«'•» 12 »nd 13. The fifth cabin arethe Hpuior Luce wcavom. ages 10uncl 11 The slxlh cabin are the LlbbyBi'uvers. line* m. n w , j 18 .

Any reidslervd ncout In eligible to'iy in Ciimp Hudnonia. and a hear-

ty welcome und BOIIH awaits any per-Nun interested in the lilrls and theui'ttuniKation for n belter womanhood

The Morrlhlown group at CampAmes. HlbeinlH. eonsiuls of 4ft boysu week. Cump is in session for threewri'k*. HCOUIN from Morrlstown,Murrls Plains and Mt. Tabor areHlglble to cume during this time.Cump opened June 18 and will closeJuly 7 Each cnbln it led by an adultcounselor, all of these men beingvolunteers The Coop ailmore beingthe only paid person In the camp.

Director of the camp is "ChiefEaton, second master of Troop 60Morristown. He Is also president ofthe Scout TfRchers Association ofthe same town Dr. Crandell fromOrey Stone Piirk In the camp doctor

Scout aollvltles Inke most of thetime. Thin Includes passing the tests,Scout craft, etc. A clasi In Juniorlife »avln« Instruction Is being di-rected by Harry Adams, Jr, andHenry WliiKht. Twelve boys pausedthe life saving test last week, beingput to tests by Mr. Perry. Red Crossexaminer from Dover. Another largegroup IK ulso working thin week.

When (amp closes about 92 boyswill have hud a part In camp activity,

Whittler, the Poet, W«tStrong for Anti-SUvery

J. fl. Vt'lillller, (lie Qnnlier piiel, willliorn on his father's farm nenr Haver-Mil, Mam., on Iiceeinlier 17, 1807.There van a rnmninn opinion In thosednj» In New Knulnnd Mint childrenneeded tu pim* Ihrdiiiih • toiinlicnlng[iroeess to Insure their slreniitli lateron. However well founded Unit opin-ion may hnve been for gpnirnl clrcum-stnnres, Wlillller, In Inter yonM,maintained lluil It eertnlnly dlil notsuit III* ense, CIIIIIIIIIIK Unit to It heowed his di'llnili' lienllli, iilltioii«li Itmimt he allowed Hint tils lire wns nottcrloiisly uliiirlened thvreliy, for l;»lived Into his elfhl.v llfth yi?ur

Il« wan eilncnteil rmllmcntall; nthomo, nhllo lie worked on the furroand at n ilioeinnker's bench, until whenseventeen yenrs old, ho went to thellavarlilll ncmlrmy fur Iwo tcrmi, Atnineteen ho (cut some pocinn, Biiony-moutly, to a newsimper edited b; thntfervid obolltlonlst Wllllmn Llnyd Gar-rison, which led to tin acqunliilnnco-ship with nnd the subsequent friend-ship of Hint Infliienllnl writer,

Young Wlilltlcr hecamo s ferventadvocate of the nntl-mnvery principlesof the wnrm lieiirli'O nhulllloiilsti whoworked for the emnnclfinllnn of theslaves. lilt poems culm- ri'dhot fromhi* henrt, nml in nn editor of scrcmlnewspapers ho did such fond servicefor tho anil slavery rninpnlgii, thnt In18110 ho was nppolnted sreretnry ofthe United gluten Anil Hlnver? noclely,end later, eilllor of the Important1'cnniylvnnln Krceiiinn ut Philadel-phia—Monlreul llernld.

Cultivation of Crape*Is An Ancient Industry

The culllvnllon of grapes Is one ofthe oldost ngrlculturnl punulls knownto man. ICipiorers penetrating th*Innermost drpthi of th« touibs of in-dent Egypt have found grapo itonesor seeds rery similar to the type oflecri now preraletil, snys rathtloderMagazine. Among the Greeks In thedays of Homer vine culllvnllon wnssn ancient art. llnly, In Vlrglfs llmo,had nlrcnily In I (I clnlm (o helnn theworld's foremost grnpcgrowlng coun-try. Mnny of the methnda of cultiva-tion einplojed In llnlj toddy vnry butlittle from thouc descrllieil tiy nn-dent Ili'tnnti writer*, renelrnllnii stillfurllier, even pnst tlm ilnnn of ourknown history, iirnpe stones have beenfound nmnng reninlns of Hwlsn nndllnllnn liikp-dwelllngn, showing Hintculllvriilnii of Ilia vine wns not tin-known to prelilnlorlc num.

There nro about 40 known species ofgrnpea Iml Hie Inrgest niiinhcr urenative In I he North American con-tinent. Uef Krlesnn, Nor*e navigatorwlin Is helliveil lo hn the lint of theOld Vt'orhl to I'i'iiclrntc Hio unknown•ens to Hie ri'iixt of North America,left *vrltlnc» In which his dldcovcrywns rnlli'it Vlnelnnd, from the nbun-dance "f »ll"l Krnpe* found, The grupeIndustry of the ennlern Dulled Billieshns him iloilnpeil from nnllvespecies, suili n« the fox Brnpe, sum-mer pnuio nml iniiKinillne propc. withlh« well kiidwn vnrlely tciipprrniuig.

Drpo>*<! Kinffi( l inr l e s X, who rrigni'il frnin 182-1

to ihlio WIIH tlm jrmmiier brother oft /ni i s XVIII (i in I l .ouls XVI. l i e waslin'i«n ln-rore hl« neirs*liin n« ChnrlesI'lilllpi.c, '-"'iiit i i f /Arlo ls . A revnlu-linn III IK'fi leil. to III" nliilleiillon,Clmrle« n|.p"lntlng l.»ul« I'hlllppe.dnlir i.f (irl«-iiii<, l leutennnl general ofthe kli.K'I'iiii. l'""1" I'hllll'l'" w l l » l'r o -

rlnlmi-il kinf " few days Inter, l i enun ii iicni-iiilmil «'f Philippe, brotherof I , .ni i XIV. nml his molher wns ndpwrnilnti! "f l 'n l l l« X I V ' " " W(1"'Ilierefoie. n dlntmit n-lnllvc of t:iuirlesX nml lieli'iiF"! I" " lirnneh nf theImiiM- of ItMiirlion, The revolution of1B4N cmiH'il M" ntnllciillon nnd hastynit Itlu1 lil« predecessor, • from theroyiil piilnro culled the Tiillerlcs IDParis,



... serves you with food.

From other sources you ob-

tain the necessities of life such

as good water, living quarters,

transportation, entertainment,


. . . . and we are also ready to

serve you with ...


newspapers of Morris County

at the price of $1.50 per y e a r -

four cents a copy on the news-

stand ... and


at satisfactory prices strictly in

accordance with the national

recovery act and Union require-


May we serve you ?



Page 8: ROCKAWAY · Rockaway Record Tuesday that he would not again serve as chief of the department for another year. A sec-tion

Rock away Day by Day

Liml Friday. Hirluritny awl Him-Vi ly i.f Provldmii'i- MOW utiilliln fromany II you hiippcncil in cilwrvr u Hie Indium fur iibuul n hiinitrvd (lul-number of lorul bunliicM. mi<n iiei'i- IIIIH worth ul mild CIIIIIK n'iiil I I hullinn iinxloiinly behind Iri'CH mill (IKWII <|o/en IIIMIVIT nKliin Aft*')' Iliul I"'iilleyN mid I)!<•>i (Miiivirniiiii li.lcnlly reiiiineir in Hie Imr ittid 1 ilidn'l »<•<•in III-OIIIM of Iliicc or fnur on I lie him uui'lii

Urnet cuiiiiTB yuu were probably nl ! II'» funny how you Hi like u|iii low. to itndointuiid Jim! wlml wiik lU'iiunlhtuiK'M on n trip like Iliuliiolnii on. Allow mi', my pllurliiin, to iwijuelnlly whmi II'«noil of mi exiMir-eiillulHcn you ut oner 1 wim on n hlmi mid nil On1 folks iippciir uiixlminbrlnf vuciilloii In Donlon and HUMP lo O|>I>II U riiiivermiUnii We II IHIU'Ipuyn were my crodlturx luylnii odd*' lii'rn out five liourn Iji'fiiie 1 hurtof five to Hum' Iliul Ihi'y had iilioul viwli'd with iwu ft-lluwu from Albnnyin much rhuncr of reMlnii their war- who worn ilt.lnu to IhMUiii to visit mirind eyi'H on my hnudMinu. piufllr: old svhuol frlniiii, u womiui mid lifeniioln iu I'd hiivo utiindlnif I'm oil iliwiihter, rmildMiU of Jumiilrii, I, I.,far u bnii' at the Waldorf-Astoria, mid himdnd fur Boston lo meet

Yim, followers uf Dm utnln, your I old man of tin- fiimlly who wiwprodigy of the moment npenl HUIIIP <Iln<'h(iru»u from a hospital; fiiui uiiyn24 hour* rubblnu elbown with the' [com New Itahnlli', ului'loualy drunkRnvoreii, Urn Humwks, anil thf will proud of II, and uolnu to Bon-Adamt outfit to nay niithlnij uf till' Inn lo iinl drunker in know Ilie rcit-rrftlikllnn, Ji'lIiTiioiif., e n , wltli whom mill why; Iwu school mi I*, JUML outI happened lo mliiKli'durlnu my iiluy of hj«h, rimldPhU of Ulmilmmlon,in the city of Ijciinn and eruuknd • mid beiii'lUUiK by Ilie proinliti' olHrectfl. Ui'liiK mi old IIOKIOIIIIIM my- (heir fulhi'in lo piiy for n trip Inself I can Inilhfully nay ttint lh f , ih« bean t'Hy If Itioy iiraduuled;M I D I ' U in Iloiiloii lire no crooked Dial ihiei' kldii bi'lnu returned by NewIliMt Saturday I called an officer mill ( York lo IluMoii pollen for eocaplliKhad myhclf uiicnlml for followlnu (lie from a rvforniatoiy In MimuiirliuifuLUonly lo li'urn Dial niymlf wim me' Miiy 21), mid If you don'l think theyand not two other uuyn wen' eiijoylnu the Irlp you're waxy;

(Plush: Thin uuy look n woman unolhi'i fellow, who allowed he waxwith him lo notion anil he iiin'i hum old New Vork, pickled lo Diedeny II Kcl i nil", UHIIIK around rii|i|iinu mi uliile-

Now how did 1 nil In IV •inn" mum duuro and nifunniiiK Hie i,eni.I ride* the. bonl, me henrlick. Inn punu Iliul we were pulliiiu into C'lll-

old murlni'i' Ihul I inn. and Ihe lull, cimn, II newly uiiirrled llallan roupleI menu Die bonl, WIIK opemiiil hy who were Ihe tuibjecl of dlncunnlon;Ihe Colonliil linen. I'ernoiiiilly 1 n fellow mid mil from Yolikern whowould nol ndvlne my filinil* lo ndr did mil henllule to coinplnln (ilenlyIhe Colonliil llneit iinli-Mi I hey lire i,, n,,. | K-IKI wuller ovui lllo ciwt olwllllnu lo |my u liuik fur Ihelr din- n meal The fellow wound up byncr. OlherwlHe Ilie linen me nil <J uiriinlim Hie wnlli'l of belny n 1>|I-K , l)Ul Imidelilly I junl roillilnl Kel Imnei mill iirijllili him lo do Ilie rlulllwurined up to Ihe Ideu of bellevlnit I I I I I IK nud ulvc lilumelf up And m IIthill ilie Illlee-lilece nnhiHllll nil welll, Illy l)IOll|er», nil Illlerenllimthe lionl wnn food which, of loiline. propli' inure limn I run lernll liuinI wan nilppohMl lu believe, bring 11 memory.pioiHi'iiiier Ilonlon wio> Ju»l Hie nunn- ullll Die

On Ihe wuy down I niei a Kuy who Chiiinlier ul I'ommeiee Mill ijnlJy-mid he wnn adrift five Mourn in n houiiii/ ihe home uf I'nul Id-vcie. ihe,lifeboat buck In lil'iti In Ihe month old Hluie MUIIM'. Hie Untile ut |,I-K.of January off Ihe Mimniuliunem Invlun and Conriird. and Ilimki-i Millcoiul when Ihe nleninci he wu* rid- rrioiiuiiieiii Dn llnnion Cnmmmii.I I I « WIM riimmed by n freiuhui in id y,,u htm find Hie down uml outodeimillnhed I wouldnl huve bellevi-d hleepinn under inwnpiiprro, popularlyhim bill he wan Mill nhlverlnu nu I (|,,n,rlbeil nn Hoover Illmikeln1- IwoKUi-M he win. Kivlim me Ihe. klramhl yeaii. IIKU . . Tliu Houlh Mliillon himdii|*. Me IIIHO nald Ihul hln iinccnlnri, been remodeled , , . Uonton ni-wn-purchaned the land on which I hi' iiupem report IJIWIIICM on I ho tiiln


M U m . • « . . . n i n e , i i . . . » » » - » " ; ; • ' ; • ' / ' , " „ , . . i n .,,ur rMiforl. rtlN-l«.f» m.d M I W « I »'• ' " ,„,„,l »..«, U, thaw HIM, rllle with ...... ».'<l l« thtwlillr drlvlm.


I I I l | | r l i a e i u l l n l H ' l l M ' I ' l l l l M l l l m i l l ,

l i t e l i i ' i i i l i ' i ' l l I " " H I I I I ' 1 1 " ' " "'"

h n m n i i ' I l i e I I " 1 « l ' l i i ' l ' V " 1 1 W l 1 1

Hull I|H Mli^li"! '''11111111111= III I I I '

i xiieiii ' li'fi lii • >••••• urn dun i iw'i'iIi X iiiiiik= ' I " - I ' " 1 »liere Ihe limlV'v,i,.-. fhiuul iif'ei me i.nlv hud eitherhi" n Miovfll " I li'wheil IMII I I Ihe IK'IIIt imv iiiiilillui! iii i l ir mlU'ine l iuhlol Ilie pl ihni «u I l i a l " lloeion1

ItMilklllf IIWIIV 11 "111 HIV t i l l t ' l " !

yillll rxl l l inl le Illllllll-I " I Hi' MMI Will^Imiie ihroiii/li Ilie "III mull hu» anduiali ' in nl mini"") in f)ll Ih i ; cnl-iilnii Wi iluli i I'oiliHi nl .I'llvfj, Iliul milker |i iimiiily l iuti l in uii-ei l l l l l die klli'l ol liiv.t you like InI".Ill Illll V.ull'1 lllllllH II

Nov. lei a "••• ulll i l ''.'<• have II I I

* iu|i I'll --I i>r iiii In I I t I I ' nut f I ' I I I I

.I'lClpIl l ( " • 7.1," It iilll III Chl'IIL'"

Il i l l l l l l ' III Hie Will III I'll 11 f'lllelll/li

in '"1,111,1/ in ,l<ii I,-, hul l ' i I hull iinvI ' l l ," V'lll I l l l f l l l "illi|i>l|e I 'I 11 11 millIliul III'lull'-: V, lull '/i:i|'|e l|i|riklfll?l l l l" ' l l Alll'lliel 1,','r I'll-- IIII Ml

III |,,|, • , '. l||l Ulilhlr ||)|I V hlllllV

A i .0-1 'Hi'.- i||.ii Mi-: Hied ami' hi l i l i ' I I I I I I IMI I ft K in cifiil iililMiiiii'.'itii /('in,i hull', v..HIr& ii,

klm'., I!,II I'i ,n,i ilui.-ii'l IlllifceI l in " AM<-- I / • I v ,i I'M.--' Im Ins 'I'/i'

.I'.lih I' i l i ' w •• mi '..ii iiilnii' i ' i i i i " I l.i.-h'iap mui ihi Ml',

i i ' i i ' . l i|n ,i .-HI. WIIIIIIIU l.i|/|iiii.|i

" '. ' i ' I i ' *'-'ls ' I l in Ire ,i, | | , , .Imk'-ii l'"i|i|. ii,,,,, W. I I IM, I'mm

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I'llllv l.,lk''- HI,'I III'll|i 1,1 I'/ l||,</ |||,'

ll ', HIP I,i illi-.i III'- full's 'HI' "I Iliel.i': I ' I I I ' l . l l l l i ('mil's new illll

f ' l . l l , . I,.'.'- l i l l iveil uhil V.IlM III V'HIM I rlu A ''.'''I'lltiP I'' Ill 'he "IT-

Tlw l)lllldlliK» III Hie iem mi Itiw-< ' ii>v A r ,'i,'l H I' l i ' i . i i " " i r i ' i i i lIK I'Ullll'l) \>y Die HI III IJlik I ' l l ' ] ' I '!">' li.,-- l l 'Mi ' I I l i i r . ' 11"' (IP111-Inker'* Anoiiiliilliin uf llenve. ' M i ' ' ' " iln i.i'l iln.i iHii . f i .neui jnv1111*11 In Hii" furep.niuml ure Hieiiil/i-i* I I I U M I .' .«ei i imlv n|i in Hie une who

And tin- Morlitllnln me >lill <uiu-Uinu Ilie city tiivelliliienl Ilie

fine friiin New Yoilt l>i Itiniiin millret urn In HI DO, If yoti'ie mini it InnOilier Wine II In plellly IIKIM I lell

< you Ililo no you mny fiimliiiie Iheplann uf the preying vniliiin Hi uiwyou decide lo make Ilie HIM ANtuteroi.iu cobU you a diilliii on iln-Innkle and mure mi Ilie uulnlili' (leiIlll lllSUIe bllllelnliln mill I'lllnV I lielovely aliriimpliere of I I twi'iilliii* 1did mu1 I'm telling you nunieilniiii. . And in elrmnii. my milii.-, i= UieieIn nil I'lilloe In yn lo the iieli/hliornIII Ihe inoiiiint wllli Ihe l iu ik nlioin;ne having II woman mi thr ini> loiWhen nhe I'PtiKivi'il her (UnutilneKnew whuiv My Oiul Iwut mv wife1

'Ihe Ilimiun police tone liv Hiewny. have luuiiched an i-Kieimiveill He to rid Hie illy of eiline I' IcII WilMllelflll llil|ia of UI'll. Ulh pii'lice depiil'lllieiil unit when 11>' Vnlllll to Him the lleul nli lli<- I'MhKKlein II In Junl loo Imd fm liinMinuiilibblei I omtppeil a iilinln ul >l'cleiiii'tip ililllnif a Id'il ll'i * i * • • iMl'lllly M(|HHIe uml |le|e It Je


UK MAIN STHKKT, Canwr Be««h 81,


2 Ib7

(:H IS( X) Two Mb. Cans 35c - 3 Ib <1 Pie Plate FRBK

Shamrock SALAD DRKNNIN(jH o/.. iar 8c — 16 oz. jar 15c — 32 oz.

Lidht Meat Tuna Fiih — Two '/2a K|atI'iibal «r Hordtn'g Cheese — Two »/i -Ib.Selected (>lcarview Eggs — Dozeni c o C O F F K K - l b . CanS I I , V H H D U 8 T - 2 P k g » .Shamrock Toilet Tissue — 4 Roll*liiMunl Pofftum 4 oz, Can 22c - S07I c<» Stirdincs — Three l«lb. ovalten IM TTKK 1H0II or Print I — PoundI en Kvapnratcd MILK — i taJI can(mid IIUMI I'OWDKR — L«rf« Pkf,FAIItV MOAP — 9 Cake*I. . . »r Irtory CORN rLAKKg — Pa^kairI'd. Vtuiry APPLK SAUOK — 1 No. 2 CansOIIAI'K NI'TH — Pa«k«(«•I In I NIIOK i'OIJSIIEH I All ColOftl — KaihI en ItOO Vmm — 2 Camlen I'OKK iftn HMN8 — 3 t'an»old I ».hl..n(.il MTOMK OIIKKSK — PoundH(win,V.n in l-lb ctllophane ba»»_ Poundlei. ((»HN Ktiildi-n B»nlatn. — I No. 2 (unnlei. COCOA — 2 It. CanI en HjtHI'HKIIHIKN — I <». CanI en M\M MVKItP ILIfht or Dark I — Canln( lint COMHIN/tTION — Combination £ |HutiKhinc Hakrr* MKIIIDM KRIMPY'S - T»<> *.M, nt, S |

WceB In effpft from July 6th to Julv lHh lnclu»l«

MEATSSmoked Calu. HAMS — Ib. IfelHound STKAK or ROAST - Ib.Ircli IIAMBUIUJ-lb.l,e« of Spring LAMB - Ib. MShoulder of LAMB - I b .


Humpof VKAI.-lb.VKAI.CI TI.KT8 —Ib.l;rc»h I'OWL for FR1CASSEH Ib,l-'rcnh Rdasting CHICKENS - Ib.

Prices Effective Friday and Halurda

' H M V, T It O P () I, I T AN (4 T () It V.


S. FRIEDLAND & CO.Garden Hose"Holeproof

HosieryBeach Chair

Twrnlr IrH ol hot* with(uupllnn at both rndt. Nrw.frrth, prlmr rubber,

'Ihn mm' |il«l Icln* Hi'mil) <HA\ I Ml 1(1 Of niitrx-,thrt'tr tint* «llk %ttft hill I44I1-

In MNozzle 22c Takr It m*r In » IWMCI. eliajf and

four wmmtr •unnhlnr vlUmln*.i oiolrui tlun. With arm*,



by NemoflexMen's ".Manhallan"

Shorts-Shirtsfor a llmlUd tlrrw wnlf

Hu* ll.f nrw rttluttvr "l»uuUU<-KnHbmsh whirl. mafc«« muNo olhrr farmmit tun du mt uprrUtlv* * "bark flatlfiilni" tub lurtoo,Can br w»»lwil «« «fUn ** you Ilk*.

thia wHI-mMlr, thrr»-arm *prlnklrr U> ihr end ofn.ur l.o«/, and Irt It w»t«r fourlawn whllr you do •atnrthlmelw.

till. K,» „,„, Ulf „

Mystery of the Bow,


tni.'h titithii-r Irian your humble

rvi.iii Crime vp me Bome time and

r. 1,1 your natlftfactlon . . .

Wiic 11 (i T lh»l wan »rwiM>(l from

11 winnrt sleep s short time ago and

nKkeii if dr h«l purchased a doe 11-

IWtrrln Mnblr W88 In New

Yuri:'Monday . . . Is H m y fau l t b e -

the i im-ii'-rums keep you

I«il 11 -m frf-rur lo VOII that ftmutt* life i? full ,rf u-mptaUonti He

"<mec 11,11, it,, world without Wi,rt)( B( ( (iinst his will

u.e irip beiwpm is exceedinglyi"'kv f-he rule ,rf contraries Is one•it ihe fei,i.j|».R of the trip. When h«

« mile buy the WK Kifio want to Iki« him of,<l »hm he Is bl« the little |

kl« him. If he in pow, he la Imnni«rer. if he Is rich he Is

If he needs credit he can't11 K. 11 hi- IR prosperous everybody

id iii, him a lavor. If he Is inf,,r gnu in6 )f ft,, ) m . t |

it. ixillllis he |f> no eaoa ig h|« cow,. I

•'•/ If he nopsm Ktve to charity hejif he (|«PS he is doing It1

<••' » *hn*. If hi- is actually religious'"• i< « hymn-rii*. if he takes no in-"•""• in r»ii8i,rt, he is a hardened

» h" elves anection he Is a••"I' ^"i ini i , 1/ he cares for no one

^ If he dies youngM


Services durlm if

be held only m II o'clock.**

vices belriK liilten by tit l

arth of Chnilmm. or Mt. I

Homer of Hir/.lhorn. TWiml

exception of lhe first

August, when Ihf Bev

Binder will cl-brat* the «* l

munlon nl S and 8t 11 » * !

on the Sunday; Irom

When the reelor will »«H»|

charge, with smlcm « • » |

a. m.

" " " • ' " '"' "W tutf he missed hl'» cttll-»'« » mi »»vt, money you're a«'";«h. K tmi sp«,d II you're a>"*»•*. If y,m «rt it r m ; e g mHS\et,• V"n lUitn K r t it ym)<re „ ) m m &)


'he Cimtnot, Council pass al<> tm Monday ni«ht In-

chief Rancfc u, tom6 u p'•»'.'c.e»,t Councilmen for not at-

'"'"Ilnir (he inertm*?

flwr«mm hl» po«t«rltr,

Free I" lhe360 M>«l Illaflnrtll


OpfX D.ll. l"«" l » «i,'l »ni""'t 'Chfldtllin S ' l ' i ' - m«7 u

tOWlS Ut | i l l f ' l» ' " l

rmnr nnmiiotiT



Tak? fiollre. 'iw* •int«nd» lo »ppl> '" 7ell at thp Boroiii'i. "'Jersey, tor n Pi"'' v ' ^tlofl flcenw. f»r I"'""°«tat« Highway >'" 6

N. J

Objection*. I' , - , uimmediaK-ly m ••••['U*A \Mar, Borough ' "N. 1.

A heartne on ft" » ^will be.heM in tfi';.^ber«, Main slrwfThur«day, J«ly «•