rockaway… · jjectmber...

ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly Our Aim "A better community in which to live 1 ' VI, N«- Y..Y l,, KSDAV, Uftjh.MKKK 7. I9.W $1.00 PER YEAR cts Co Forward" Cry of Citizens Favoring Municipal Sewer Plan lit 70 Prominent Citizens Joseph F. T U «ie \y e u Anyway Folks-vote An ° ther {edged to Support Plan, SubraitsAl ^ er ' *- Monday Night ICTION^TUESDAY, DEC. 12 m K*»ttim Frujrrt fMl.t.'rl i,i It,': !',t ;> referendum J-A tit f.'/clAtn h>'t<: fhiR W)i#t. MitmtiifM •«. Uit puhll- ':<;!.)«, i.'< Iht fioelrfcafry Kwwr) this •tee): Hi %*fiir:h h* f/atltws i.hft ffta- •illll: 111, tht: l a rf.UWripiii V»:x , . . itK <;iir duly w> our municipality t o >:o to t h e polls next Tii'-nday arifl vole either yes or no on th'' two ret'erf'tidums. pertaining In Ibis sewer proposition. Not only will we show onrW'IV'H good citizens-, hy casiing our ballot next Tuesday hut perhaps 'Iwfioii will furnish nH all with a niiieh desired outlet for Borne of this excessive steam we have been blowing off lately in expressing our opinions either for or against Ibis iriiiniripal fteweriHK system. No matter your opinion, friend, he a (400(1 c i t i z e n and vote at this special election. The Kockaway Record does not feel that there is any item Uican and Democratic Leaders Unite Ef- forts In Common Cause pa- n IK ch with a > a' mM-tin« and <-xr>r«,f their p > <* mttung ^na ixpreM intir that of favoring; the open would force this oltuar.wn of a mujjkipal : upon us, at a tim« wh«n we art t/iTif. of ihrw: ty/hit-.v. tin: petition* ,,f importance regarding this; sevw-r '|ticstion that tor ,wx m th* ***•« project.. The r , r ,. vl , (1|My rr , Mltioll( . ( | ,|urinjr the Hv.-kanay f'jti-.ntn, nH'V/>. willing to ' . . ut* .'•, «,lumi« it, prating both imin *' ' hft f()lkH ' wl " >tl|( - r " 1H ' Md«s <;t s»r,y nmm>*T>'- w w/ntrovmy '"" otherwise, are well ;ir-qriai«N-d hy tin that might ariw: in th* community on the rrmiiicipiil KCV.IT, w«rr muM'.-ip»l affair*, punk Mr. We are for it, notwithstanding v,h;it criticism ina\ I "Just a Small Fry" Taxpayer But He Is Going to Vote "Yes" Next Tuesday Rockaway, Ti. J., December 5, 1933. Editor. Rockaway Record, Rockaway, N. J. Dear Editor: I don't know whether this letter will land in the waste paper basket not !)<•(•]) or not but just tht same I am taking in it's- col- ain of ;-alt (hani and ' tint- v il )j our on .. i in °" r (lir( ''"°"' " tt " JJectmber Sth. i6M.\ m ' :tl w " rkiri K a t a salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee) ilia! 2~A) , J|fiH | -...„ - - . . tin^ in ;i , here this winter with; practically assured of the loan from mWii , A Ww ^w'm™&' 1 payroll of approximately $-1,000 per week, including skilled jedml iundt. over .seventy ; the government and ready topr<*«d M m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ywjf : ^ ^ %mM m m m v . UnHm ,^ h erc »1| winter. It is our e,,,,- that these, men would axtiin he able to pay (heir rent turn the landlord would again he in a position to pay xpaycrs. gathered at an in- j hte speech by bitterly criticism-,; sefsion at the municipal j those circulating petition* calling for last Monday night and euc-1 a referendum election for, what he formed an enthusiastic or- j described, a* unfair tactics in ob- p '' »ig <A tht municipal Mrww. I amun- i . , . ,, . .... ,, ible to w* why anyertift, who reads* flfil <ax<!i * an(l '"'' " ntir< ' nninif:ipali»y would re;ip equal hcneiil. your pt-r»wut»v# arfiumtnu, and sessi "• ^ f'«r belief that, approximately $2.50 per year for a tax- if the 4 ue*tli>n. should fall t/< no to th« poll* and vote so strongly recommend. mt Itttt wl But 1 1 payer owning the average fifty foot front would not b cio. e«(t»iv« prie.e f o r a xanKary newer . . . a safeguard to the health of me I cannot find one objection of hlH family and other* . . . in place of the unsanitary and de- plorable eesmpool conditions in our municipality. AH patriotic citizens we believe; we are "doin^ our part" by availing ourselves of this free grant of $r,2,000 from the Feder- al government arid the extended loan at four per cent interest, functions of which.! taining eignatures, cttd, will result in a victory j "The circulators of these petition*," ecial referendum election on i he declared, "do not dare to com*: out ct next Tuesday. December'in the open andrepeat some of the "" j" 1 j accusations they made to tmtut of li "" uM ing, presided over by! the P*^ «" "««• I***"*"- *<»> «*»- lan John J. Lusardl, who is rman of the sewer commlt- le Common Council, brought: "They got people to jsigi: that pe- ' ^v,. t)mp | y ^.ned a p^Hioti. noi .... . m of public senti- lotion who arc not even citizen* of wM . { by ^ ^ circulated. make 1 * ram whifb has t *"'' ri approved by our President, a s a way out of thc plan to sewer this country," tht sneaker continued, tb; ,, twphaUC , ^jr,,, th* Council to igh that was far greater than "and others signed who own no ,, m , tlj ,. r// .,, p i,. Mt opportunity to vote .hoped for or anticipated by Property, and stiJJ and all the p*u- r , /( . , /r a( , a j,,,. ( ,.j,,. JJJOOOO bond )=-.- optimistic supporters of the.tion deliberately etatts, W';, the un- m ,,^ ,, ln ^ l m ,, lin; . -„. mortice on on since it was first intro- ' der£i«r»«d property vxmth of the ,. v ,. ry iMm lt , thft }•,,,,, m u. tu-.r.nuy.i: writini! you for the purirff.'ic hi expression my views on this :,i:wcr quest ion which I am in favor til vei.v muni. First allow me to eonpralulate you on your splendid HI- iirtielc:; iibout. the sewcr. They were ,-jl -nifly well written and most lnterest- inr. Aij(i before I continue I am ask- inf you to withhold my name from publication because I am only a member of the "small fry" class when it comes to paying taxes but I do pay a small tax on my home just the same. Really, Mr. Editor, I have studied can-fully every possible objection to tlii.s sewer question, but for the life your greatest battle," bw ol, wh« hav 'a liltl« thl!jjcin«, dinct itv. wave of oratory at thft mM\m. j no pa .y m ,. T , (H | O start for three years, and support ing the pro- red by our President as a \ our economic difficulties . . . depression if you prefer. We stand convinced thai witli/n five yen's the Slate Board of Health, if we fail to avail ourselves* of this opportunity of j a municipal pewer system at honest hnrgain prices, i borough," But I shall describe th':;/: .,,,. ,.,.,. kuaii ,. r ,.„.,. ,, t t h ( . p,, : t llr , : , will come in here and install a sewer for us at their own price out three months ago. an impressive and con- men by merely sayitiK what our Lord ym v ,. r/UI , m j y Ulitl thal . OT . arc , address by Councilman Lu- » ald wh c-n he was dying on th« cross. by thls !MnpU . rlm ,., l: -, ;r)( i ( . 3 vf )r inK ho then took occasion to!"Father forgive them for they know U) KU>p , h( . (im , >rf ,(, r(;flP , lvt . s ,.,. p , for those circu- ;"<* what they do." Hoekaway tm taktn In a number of | „,„.,, ai , lhorit y . , . ! ) l l t W ( . kn()W , )Cttcr now atid we will pay for it arid like it. When people say this can- not take place they are misinformed. Acquaint yourselves witn , )|( , .,,, trior j,y o f ,he Slate Hoard of Health. We doubted contempt Truthfully, and our statement is supported by many of the petitions, making a special "But after all these two mer, were y,Mf.." i A . . , on the sewer project neces- jable to check a project that wa*. Our present lndftbt«dn«« some- <|(|( r a n ( ( mfwt pron , ineI)( f . i(ii!Cn f, of o u r borough, we are for an added expense to thc |sanctioned by the better clement oil (Continued on Pa|{fc 4) instead of appearing at pub- \ this community and approved by th« . ~ V L I rigs on ordinances and ex-[largest taxpayers. ™*^}™J^ HlOCMJd JJCllOOl their opinion "like a man" irmed it, an immediate re- ras received from many of with their followers on that petition were able to deny to the poor worts- ing man in thi* community the op-: 'ho In brief talks m'ani-1 portunity to again make a decent liv-: Allflifl ISSUCS PflOBf proposition because It represents our first progressive step forward in many years. Sanitation in any municipality, we contend, conies before any other poHftible civic advancement or undertaking. So friends we arc going to the polls and vote YES on both I of t.hofM! referendums Tuesday. And by the way we might men- iost vividly their loyalty and! ing. They denied to the poor people MlnarH ortle U Editor-in-Chief I . . ' ' ke vote on both queg tions. ion which they intend to put, of this community the opportunity of ihf * menher | » " " , ' Nn1 ,, ra)lv w , hnnp thilt the n roD osition 8 Publication ;; ,. , ; . . ... ,. . The Hllwmla School "Reflector," fathers ol these children the right , m \*Mon tamed tub month by to earn a dollar in money imwad oi m students of the trhool, wax re-, hf p t donV think the people of Rockaway are going wncll I have taken I Santa Claus into their homes on dents U)t , h( . m ,, nt h of Movcmtwr. ' of calling this Christmas in a happy and contented MarK aret Ostle if. thr: edltor-ln-chlcf er for a two-fold their followers may be happy In thc (l{ tht , mw , an( j her umlttanM art- Myrtle Hyitul Marearrt Kelly, Mar- behalf of the project at the | being able to spend the corainB t Tuesday. Christmas in ahappy and eont«iwd : his address, Councilman | manner, they denied th« unemployed !M in part: irtue of being a member of •t committee as appointed by or and Council I have taken ponsitijlity % topjethei . . . _ First to so organize as to!fact that thty ca " make P au P* rs 'ictory at thc polk on De-! us all. place this community on I 12, on this sewer project, i Dole system, make neidWfl of tonefct Sam0 , , | 8emb*;r, t« bring your attention to i men. but they forget we arc Amerl- An ( , djUjr)ill , r n which decent progressive j e a n s . . . they forget we want to work _ itandtoK people of this com-1 for a living . . . and that we do not Ryo|j) m c(({hlh . mil . Rtu( ](mt, exprcwlmi: ' ' " " "' " the feature «f the November Isfitie <>t ih« "jWflwtor." It reads s>* f»H"W»: I fclCCt L a S O e r S O n Our w:hwl ((round h;i» been >•"-' I Thi» is important. Naturally we hope that the propositions will hoth be carried by a substantial vote. If they are lost . . . tt'e.ll it simply ineanH that the months of hard work given this municipality by our Mayor and Common Council will be for that is worthy of consideration. I nm ashamed to tell you some of the things I was told by those circulating petitions. Thank God 1 had enough sense not to heed such absolutely unfounded and false arguments that they u. ed to obtain signatures. The way I see the thing is this: Sooner or later, probably in less than five years, the State Board of Health [will compel this borough to give up is cesspools and install a municipal icwer system. This will cost us much more than it will to do It now and then where is the money coming from. Very .simple. Instead of re- ceiving a free government grant of 30 per cent of the cost and the re- mainder of the money in a long term loan at 4 per cent we will have to borrow money at thc banks at 6 per cent and like it. I say this with all due respect to the banks for they are in business to make money Just like the rest of us. How any person can vote against this sewer project with this fact in their minds is something I cannot understand. And 1 can also see the patriotic (Continued on Page 4) ing el«e, will aftatire every man in Rockaway a job this winter and the «afe-guardlng of the future liealth of our community. We need that sewer! Tlie unemployed need work! We are * 1 ..^?: m ' V KoM ' mV - and i paying tnxe* in order to make thin loan possible! Other mun- •Our Schooli ''-Ipalltifta ' liiv(; received it, HO why not get ours! Let's go for- are now facing. We have!desire thc Dole system. Look at that lallengcd and to meet that petition and <*c for yourself If th'.' v-'e ol this community must majority of decent representative . . and it s cesspools! Mrs. Edith Decker Feted By Lodge Rebehahs Honor Her on Being Elected Warden of the State Assembly ! Fred S. Friend and on which we shall either I people in this community are found vn ,,,. li af ., vm a i-xpi-m-.f. to the tax- | victory or go down in utter among its pages. paytrii. Tin; member-, of the Board j ' "Are the decent honest arid pro- (/f Education iipent a f/r«il (Jcal of KlUoH people of this community lh ,. ]r llmr . B liumU,i'. ar.rl ...upcrvis'.InK; 1934 Grid Captain Died Last Monday round by these pe-'t h <; d t are the facts in the case? J gross!vc Mayor and Council when ap- ! willing to be on the sewer question ap- Union circulator;''" the tptaKM • committee to investigate'in conclusion. :»t. That committee, after The subManc- of '.th' r i : xi>rwM<>- h investigation, rendered a; voiced at the m<euni; were. the- governing body, which j H. R- Watson, prudent of tn - Mlmously accepted and the Llondale Bleach, Uyc &rim'- "'"•-• « steps were taken. A public!"! am heartily in favor of tile .^•>. [ '*a5 called in order to dis-jlt means c.i,:sM<.r.Mr :•> ••<'•• '-'-•••- ( PWJect .so that the council munity. At the UoiKlak- •«« ( ««Wed in its future actions, water w a t o any cmUm n. * h 'Wing was WPII 9 riv»iM nevertheless I am eertalnlv m '••• ii Was 2S Y< . ars (|f At , e _ nis wi d»w, | Two (Children anil Parents' | Survive in its future actions. was v/ell advertised W citizen was asked to at- j ot this ;•''- express opinions. We had, » attended that meeting who j County, Votrd Most Valuable Mayer on 1!)?,3 !•.. They did not r«-j fiv- any pay for I! Th'-.V did it b(- r M >!.<: they v/ere int'-reMed in the,hard worklm: linesman on Rocka-1 Fr( . (] s Fn( , n( , 2R ()f Rock!uv . iy y.'>T, a»d I'lrl", ; wi '- v " i(!h Sch "" I-! ; f " othil " (1(iv '- n died Monday at the Dover Genera! ••Uo you think It );. vr-ur duty to this M-awm. was clecU-d Captain of, , Iospj|ill wh( , r( , h( , h|(t] - h(lf , n t]lk( , n <<,y It or do yw thlnl: :.:- I think'', the 1I.M niund at. a special rneelinc )hf , (Jay pn , vk)US jn , hf whnh!lm nm . ••I think It 1.'-. ourduiy toketp it.hdd la.M. Friday at the M-hool., , ; , n|mi : ( , Thf ( , u ,sc of death was r,:,A an-i cl<:a., and nof. wilfully /!(.- Krhmldt and Thompson were a l « . ! sa|d Ul h ., V( , bral pnmmmin . \h\nV' Th'' b«.y. ! ; an: iifilnr; to norni;,;it<(l I'll- t h e l".idcirhiijj i.f Hie ;,r<-ful and not ' ffrnb r >n th'- t'-fim r.-"::f y'-ar but at thc fi:ia] vrjt- irii' Ui u.": tiifr infi Cu'person cirif-rferl thc v.innci'. ;iV- 'Die 1 / aic no' (uiiiptd Kllloll 'Whiteyi WinKel. captain vi, ili'ui, " <-'.i-i7'.rie co- of the "Xi eleven, wns honored by hi'. i-.m. Ui: J -r-i y<.ii' Mrs. Edith Decker was honored at a reception Riven by Rockaway Re- beJtah Lodge, No. 86, in Three Links Temple last Friday evening when over 300 members, including many from all sections of the state, as- sembled at thc hall to extend their congratulations to Mrs. Deckel- for having been elected in October tothe office of Warden to the Rebekah. Slate Assembly. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Mis. Decker received several gifts from her lodnc associates including flowers. Entertainment was enjoyed (luriiip the earlier part ol the evening lifter which refreshments were served. OutstandinR ainoiiK thc guests at- Kii(lii)!' the reception were Mrs. Helen M. V.;:::;i liner, president of the Rebekah S!;;!'j A. L ::-;embly and her Edwin On. Deputy Clerk of Morn-; resident of f^jekav/ay ,iV(-- ',,pr'rat'-j'':uid 'l'"' ;; '"'' di-Mtoy ttiiiiF'H I'-nm mat("i who voted h i m t h e most '"•yi-''-h-ill't»'- al/l" "' l:"l' our piny-! valuable player on the team. lie wa. 1 ; Mi'. Friend is survived hy his widov,. Mrs. Kl];i Friend: nnc ?:on. Ernest Krienrl: one daughter, Marion , tIllI ol ommK Ll . wis Mycrhufl, Friend", his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,,,,.,„„, miii , U :r. mid associate ofHcers.' KUL'SIS included grand masters. KJIICM I-'iif-ml, all of nockawny. Hf, O |, )t| . (Jislinmiished ali.o lruves n brothci 1 . George Friend. p;1; t p,- cs i ( | ( .nt.s p ; i f | o/ Mt. \V)\n\ nnri one sislcr. Mrs. and four disiric! dej>t:i,y presidents I toward thc com- e plan, L |ttle did they '""certain men who were f m ^ouKh to attend that anyway.' j Oscar John/son, moident of the Rockaway Chamb.-r jrfjCommercc: (Continued on Page t) (:<:v:nth and eiftfith ant/leu nf the tthciol combine in producing the "tie- flector" each month durliif! thc year when In «ewilon. prfictioilly all of whom will be ellpjble ] next year, arc of thc opinion that thc MMeleven will be one of the best in Its cln«; In the county. Brnzll'!. tobacco crop the past year was approximately set at 200,000,000 pounds. Mrs. Irene Gieschcl, Mrs. Ruth Rob- shaw. Mrs. Louise Beatty and Mrs. Edith Druns.

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)

ROCKAWAY RECORDMorris County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to live1'

VI, N«- Y..Y l,, KSDAV, Uftjh.MKKK 7. I9.W $1.00 PER YEAR

cts Co Forward" Cry of CitizensFavoring Municipal Sewer Plan

lit 70 Prominent Citizens Joseph F. TU«ie \ y e u Anyway Fo lks -vo te An° ther

{edged to Support Plan, SubraitsAl^er ' *-Monday Night


m K*»ttim


fMl.t.'rl i,i It,':

!',t ;> referendumJ-A tit

f.'/clAtn h>'t<: fhiR

W)i#t. MitmtiifM •«. Uit puhll-':<;!.)«, i.'< Iht fioelrfcafry Kwwr) this•tee): Hi %*fiir:h h* f/atltws i.hft ffta-

•illll: 111, tht: la rf.UWripiii

V»:x , . . itK <;iir duly w> our mun ic ipa l i t y to >:o to the polls

next Tii'-nday arifl vole e i t h e r yes o r no on t h ' ' two ret 'erf ' t idums.

p e r t a i n i n g In Ibis sewer p ropos i t i on . Not only will we show

onrW'IV'H good citizens-, hy cas i i ng our ballot next Tuesday hut

p e r h a p s ' I w f i o i i will furnish nH all with a niiieh desired

out le t for Borne of th i s excess ive s t e am we have been b lowing

off la te ly in exp re s s ing o u r o p i n i o n s e i t h e r for or aga ins t Ibis

iri i iniripal fteweriHK sys tem. No m a t t e r y o u r op in ion , fr iend,

he a (400(1 ci t izen and vote at t h i s special e lec t ion.

T h e Kockaway Record does not feel that t h e r e is any item

Uican and Democratic Leaders Unite Ef-forts In Common Cause


n IK ch wi th a

> a' mM-tin« and <-xr>r«,f theirp > <* mttung ^na ixpreM intirthat of favoring; the open would force this oltuar.wn

of a mujjkipal : upon us, at a tim« wh«n we art

t/iTif. of ihrw: ty/hit-.v. tin: petition* ,,f i m p o r t a n c e r e g a r d i n g this; sevw-r ' | t icst ion thattor , w x m th* ***•« project.. The r , r , . v l , ( 1 | M y r r , M l t i o l l ( . ( | , |urinjr t heHv.-kanay f'jti-.ntn, nH'V/>. willing to ' . .ut* .'•, «,lumi« it, p r a t i n g both i m i n * ' ' h f t f ( ) l k H ' w l " > t l | ( - r " 1H 'Md«s <;t s»r,y nmm>*T>'- w w/ntrovmy '"" o t h e r w i s e , a r e well ;ir-qriai«N-d hy tinthat might ariw: in th* community on t h e rrmiiicipiil KCV.IT,w«rr muM'.-ip»l affair*, p u n k Mr. W e a re for it, n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g v,h;it c r i t ic i sm ina \ I

"Just a Small Fry" Taxpayer ButHe Is Going to Vote "Yes"

Next Tuesday

Rockaway, Ti. J.,December 5, 1933.

Editor. Rockaway Record,Rockaway, N. J.

Dear Editor:I don't know whether this letter

will land in the waste paper basketnot !)<•(•]) or not but just tht same I am taking

in it's- col-

ain of ;-alt

(hani and

' tint- v il )j our on

.. i in °"r ( l i r ( ' '"°"' "tt"JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w " r k i r i K a t a sa la ry of .",0 CCMIS per hour , resu

per cent. V\'e fee) ilia! 2~A)

, „ J | f i H | -...„ - - . . t in^ in ;i, here this winter with; practically assured of the loan from mWii ,A Ww^w'm™&' 1 payro l l of a p p r o x i m a t e l y $-1,000 per week, inc lud ing skil ledjedml iundt. over .seventy ; the government and ready to pr<*«d M m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y w j f : ^ ^ %mM m m m v . UnHm,^ h e r c »1| winter . It is o u r e,,,,-

t h a t these, men would axtiin he able to pay (heir rent

t u r n t h e l and lo rd would aga in he in a posi t ion to payxpaycrs. gathered at an in- j hte speech by bitterly criticism-,;sefsion at the municipal j those circulating petition* calling forlast Monday night and euc-1 a referendum election for, what heformed an enthusiastic or- j described, a* unfair tactics in ob- p''

»ig <A tht municipal Mrww. I am un- i . , . ,, . . . . . , ,ible to w* why anyertift, who reads* f l f i l <ax<! i* a n ( l ' " ' ' " n t i r < ' nninif:ipali»y would re;ip equal hcneiil.your pt-r»wut»v# arfiumtnu, and sessi "• f'«r belief that, approximately $2.50 per year for a tax-

if the 4ue*tli>n. shouldfall t/< no to th« poll* and vote

so strongly recommend.t« mt Itttt wl

But 1


payer owning the average fifty foot front would not b


e«(t»iv« prie.e f o r a xanKary newer . . . a safeguard to the health of me I cannot find one objection

of hlH family and other* . . . in place of the unsanitary and de-

plorable eesmpool conditions in our municipality.

AH patriotic citizens we believe; we are "doin^ our part" by

availing ourselves of this free grant of $r,2,000 from the Feder-

al government arid the extended loan at four per cent interest,

functions of which.! taining eignatures,cttd, will result in a victory j "The circulators of these petition*,"ecial referendum election on i he declared, "do not dare to com*: outct next Tuesday. December' in the open and repeat some of the "" j " 1

j accusations they made to tmtut of l i " " u M

ing, presided over b y ! t h e P * ^ «" "««• I***"*"- *<»> «*»-

lan John J. Lusardl, who isrman of the sewer commlt-le Common Council, brought: "They got people to jsigi: that pe- ' ^ v , . t ) m p | y ^ .ned a p^Hioti. noi • . . . . .

m of public senti- lotion who arc not even citizen* of wM.{ b y ^ ^ circulated. make1 * r a m w h i f b h a s t*"''r i app roved by our President, a s a way out ofthc plan to sewer this country," th t sneaker continued, t b ; , , t w p h a U C , ^ j r , , , th* Council to

igh that was far greater than " a n d others signed who own no , , m , t l j , . r / /.,,pi,. Mt opportunity to vote.hoped for or anticipated by Property, and stiJJ and all the p*u- r,/(. , / r a ( , a j , , , . ( ,.j,,. JJJOOOO bond )=-.-optimistic supporters of the . t ion deliberately etatts, W';, the un- m,,^ ,,ln^l m,,lin;. -„. mortice on

on since it was first intro- ' der£i«r»«d property vxmth of the ,.v,.ry iMm l t, t h f t }•,,,,,mu. tu-.r.nuy.i:

writini! you for thepurirff.'ic hi expression my views onthis :,i:wcr quest ion which I am infavor til vei.v muni. First allow meto eonpralulate you on your splendid

HI- iirtielc:; iibout. the sewcr. They were,-jl -nifly well written and most lnterest-

inr. Aij(i before I continue I am ask-inf you to withhold my namefrom publication because I am onlya member of the "small fry" classwhen it comes to paying taxes but Ido pay a small tax on my home justthe same.

Really, Mr. Editor, I have studiedcan-fully every possible objection totlii.s sewer question, but for the life

your greatest battle,"bw ol, wh« hav

'a liltl« thl!jjcin«, dinct

itv. wave of oratory at thft mM\m. j n o pa.ym,.T,(H | O start for three years, and support ing the pro-

red by our President as a \

our economic difficulties . . . depression if you prefer.

We stand convinced thai witli/n five yen's the Slate Board

of Health, if we fail to avail ourselves* of this opportunity of j

a municipal pewer system at honest hnrgain prices,

i borough," But I shall describe th':;/: .,,,. ,.,.,. kuaii,.r ,.„.,. ,,t t h ( . p,,:tllr,:,will come in here and install a sewer for us at their own price

out three months impressive and con- men by merely sayitiK what our Lord y m v , . r / UI,mjy Ulitl t h a l . OT. a r c ,

address by Councilman Lu- » a l d whc-n he was dying on th« cross. b y t h l s !MnpU. rlm,.,l: -,;r)(i(.3vf)rinKho then took occasion to!"Father forgive them for they know U) KU>p , h ( . ( i m ,>rf,(,r(;flP,lvt. s,.,.p,

for those circu- ;"<* what they do." Hoekaway tm taktn In a number of | „,„.,, a i , l h o r i t y . , . ! ) l l t W ( . k n ( ) W , ) C t t c r n o w

atid we will pay for it arid like it. When people say this can-not take place they are misinformed. Acquaint yourselves

w i t n , ) | ( , . , , , t r i o rj ,y of ,he Slate Hoard of Health. We doubted

contemptTruthfully, and our statement is supported by many of thepetitions, making a special "But after all these two mer, were y,Mf.." i A . . ,

on the sewer project neces- jable to check a project that wa*. Our present lndftbt«dn«« i» some- < | ( | ( r a n ( ( m f w t p r o n , i n e I ) ( f.i(ii!Cnf, o f o u r borough, we a re foran added expense to thc |sanctioned by the better clement oil (Continued on Pa|{fc 4)instead of appearing at pub- \ this community and approved by th« . ~ V L Irigs on ordinances and ex-[largest taxpayers. ™*^}™J^ HlOCMJd JJCllOOltheir opinion "like a man"irmed it, an immediate re-ras received from many of

with their followers on that petitionwere able to deny to the poor worts-ing man in thi* community the op-:

'ho In brief talks m'ani-1 portunity to again make a decent liv-:

Allflifl ISSUCS PflOBf

proposition because It represents our first progressive stepforward in many years.

Sanitation in any municipality, we contend, conies beforeany other poHftible civic advancement or undertaking.

So friends we arc going to the polls and vote YES on bothI of t.hofM! referendums Tuesday. And by the way we might men-

iost vividly their loyalty and! ing. They denied to the poor people MlnarH ortle U Editor-in-Chief I . . ' ' k e v o t e o n b o t h q u e g t i ons .ion which they intend to put, of this community the opportunity of „ ihf *menher | » " " , ' N n 1 , , r a ) l v w , hnnp t h i l t t h e n r o Dosition8


;; , . , ;. . . . . ,. . The Hllwmla School "Reflector,"fathers ol these children the right , m\*Mon tamed t u b month byto earn a dollar in money imwad oi m students of the trhool, wax re-, hf p t d o n V t h i n k t h e p e o p l e o f Rockaway are going

wncll I have taken I Santa Claus into their homes on d e n t s U)t , h ( . m , , n t h of Movcmtwr.' of calling this Christmas in a happy and contented M a r Karet Ostle if. thr: edltor-ln-chlcfer for a two-fold their followers may be happy In thc (l{ t h t , m w , a n ( j her umlttanM art-

Myrtle Hyitul Marearrt Kelly, Mar-

behalf of the project at the | being able to spend the corainBt Tuesday. Christmas in ahappy and eont«iwd: his address, Councilman | manner, they denied th« unemployed!M in part:

irtue of being a member of•t committee as appointed byor and Council I have takenponsitijlity% topjethei . . . _

First to so organize as to!fact t h a t t h t y c a " m a k e P a u P* r s

'ictory at thc polk on De-! us all. place this community on I12, on this sewer project, i Dole system, make neidWfl of tonefct S a m 0 , , | 8emb*;r,

t« bring your attention to i men. but they forget we arc Amerl- A n ( ,d j U j r ) i l l ,r

n which decent progressive j e a n s . . . they forget we want to work _itandtoK people of this com-1 for a living . . . and that we do not R y o | j ) m c ( ( { h l h . m i l . Rtu(](mt, l« e x p r c w l m i :

' ' " " " ' " the feature «f the November Isfitie <>tih« "jWflwtor." It reads s>* f»H"W»: I fclCCt L a S O e r S O n

Our w:hwl ((round h;i» been >•"-'

I Thi» is important. Naturally we hope that the propositionswill hoth be carried by a substantial vote. If they are lost . . .tt'e.ll it simply ineanH that the months of hard work given thismunicipality by our Mayor and Common Council will be for

that is worthy of consideration. Inm ashamed to tell you some of thethings I was told by those circulatingpetitions. Thank God 1 had enoughsense not to heed such absolutelyunfounded and false arguments thatthey u. ed to obtain signatures.

The way I see the thing is this:Sooner or later, probably in less thanfive years, the State Board of Health

[will compel this borough to give upis cesspools and install a municipalicwer system. This will cost us muchmore than it will to do It now andthen where is the money comingfrom. Very .simple. Instead of re-ceiving a free government grant of30 per cent of the cost and the re-mainder of the money in a long termloan at 4 per cent we will have toborrow money at thc banks at 6 percent and like it. I say this with alldue respect to the banks for theyare in business to make money Justlike the rest of us. How any personcan vote against this sewer projectwith this fact in their minds issomething I cannot understand.

And 1 can also see the patriotic(Continued on Page 4)

ing el«e, will aftatire every man in Rockaway a job this winterand the «afe-guardlng of the future liealth of our community.

We need that sewer! Tlie unemployed need work! We are* 1 . . ^ ? : m ' V KoM'mV- a n d i paying tnxe* in order to make thin loan possible! Other mun-

•Our Schooli ''-Ipalltifta ' l i i v ( ; received it, HO why not get ours! Let's go for-

are now facing. We have!desire thc Dole system. Look at thatlallengcd and to meet that petition and <*c for yourself If th'.'

v-'e ol this community must majority of decent representative

. . and it s cesspools!

Mrs. Edith DeckerFeted By Lodge

Rebehahs Honor Her on BeingElected Warden of the State


! Fred S. Friendand on which we shall either I people in this community are found vn,,,.li a f ., vma i-xpi-m-.f. to the tax- |victory or go down in utter among its pages. paytrii. Tin; member-, of the Board j

' "Are the decent honest arid p r o - ( / f Education iipent a f/r«il (Jcal of KlUoHpeople of this community l h , . ] r l l m r . BliumU,i'. ar.rl ...upcrvis'.InK;

1934 Grid Captain Died Last Monday

round by these pe-'th<;d

t are the facts in the case? J gross!vcMayor and Council when ap- ! willing to be

on the sewer question ap- Union circulator;''" the tptaKM• committee to investigate'in conclusion.:»t. That committee, after The subManc- of '.th' r i:xi>rwM<>-h investigation, rendered a ; voiced at the m<euni; were.the- governing body, which j H. R- Watson, p r u d e n t of tn -

Mlmously accepted and the Llondale Bleach, Uyc & rim'- " ' " • - •« steps were taken. A publ ic!"! am heartily in favor of tile . ^ • > .['*a5 called in order to d i s - j l t means c.i,:sM<.r.Mr :•> ••<'•• '-'-•••-( PWJect .so that the council munity. At the UoiKlak- •«« •(««Wed in its future actions, water w a t o any cmUm n. * h'Wing was WPII 9 r i v » i M nevertheless I am eertalnlv m '•••

i i

W a s 2 S Y < . a r s ( | f At,e_nis wid»w,

| Two (Children anil Parents'| Survive

in its future actions.was v/ell advertised

W citizen was asked to at- j ot this ;•''-express opinions. We had ,

» attended that meeting who j County,

Votrd Most ValuableMayer on 1!)?,3

!•.. They did not r«-jf i v - any pay for I! Th'-.V did it b(-rM>!.<: they v/ere int'-reMed in the,hard worklm: linesman on Rocka-1 F r ( . ( ] s F n ( , n ( , 2R ()f R o c k ! u v . i y

y.'>T, a»d I'lrl", ;wi '-v " i ( ! h S c h"" I - ! ; f " o t h i l " (1 ( iv '-n died Monday at the Dover Genera!••Uo you think It );. vr-ur duty to this M-awm. was clecU-d Captain of, , I o s p j | i l l w h ( , r ( , h ( , h |( t]- h ( l f ,n t ] l k ( , n

<<,y It or do yw thlnl: :.:- I think' ' , the 1I.M niund at. a special rneelinc ) h f , ( J a y p n , v k ) U S j n , h f w h n h ! l m n m .••I think It 1.'-. ourdu iy t o k e t p i t . hdd la.M. Friday at the M-hool., , ; ,n |mi: ( , T h f ( ,u ,sc of death was

r,:,A an-i cl<:a., and nof. wilfully /!(.- Krhmldt and Thompson were a l « . ! s a | d Ul h.,V(, b r a l pnmmmin.\h\nV' T h ' ' b«.y.!; a n : iifilnr; t o norni;,;it<(l I'll- t he l".idcirhiijj i.f Hie

;,r<-ful and not ' ffrnb r>n th'- t'-fim r.-"::f y'-ar but a t thc fi:ia] vrjt-

irii' Ui u.": tiifr infi Cu'person cirif-rferl thc v.innci'.

;iV- 'Die1/ a i c n o ' ( u i i i p t d Kllloll ' W h i t e y i WinKel. c a p t a in

vi, i l i ' u i , " <-'.i-i7'.rie co- of the "Xi eleven, wns honored by hi'.


Ui:J -r-i y<. i i '

Mrs. Edith Decker was honored ata reception Riven by Rockaway Re-beJtah Lodge, No. 86, in Three LinksTemple last Friday evening whenover 300 members, including manyfrom all sections of the state, as-sembled at thc hall to extend theircongratulations to Mrs. Deckel- forhaving been elected in October to theoffice of Warden to the Rebekah.Slate Assembly.

The hall was beautifully decoratedfor the occasion.

Mis. Decker received several giftsfrom her lodnc associates includingflowers. Entertainment was enjoyed(luriiip the earlier part ol the eveninglifter which refreshments wereserved.

OutstandinR ainoiiK thc guests at-Kii(lii)!' the reception were Mrs.Helen M. V.;:::;i liner, president of theRebekah S!;;!'j A.L::-;embly and her

Edwin On. Deputy Clerk of Morn-;r e s i d e n t of f ^ j e k a v / a y ,iV(--

' , , p r ' r a t ' - j ' ' : u id ' l ' " ' ; ; ' " ' ' d i - M t o y ttiiiiF'H I ' - nm m a t ( " i w h o v o t e d h i m t h e m o s t'"•yi-''-h-ill't»'- al/l" " ' l : " l ' our piny-! valuable player on the team. lie wa.1;

Mi'. Friend is survived hy hiswidov,. Mrs. Kl];i Friend: nnc ?:on.Ernest Krienrl: one daughter, Marion , t I l l I o l ommK L l . w i s Mycrhufl,Friend", his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,,,,.,„„, miii,U:r. mid associate ofHcers.'

KUL'SIS included

grand masters.

KJIICM I-'iif-ml, all of nockawny. Hf ,O | , ) t | . (Jislinmiishedali.o lruves n brothci1. George Friend. p;1; t p,-csi(|(.nt.s p ;i f |o/ Mt. \V)\n\ nnri one sislcr. Mrs. and four disiric! dej>t:i,y presidents


toward thc com-e plan, L|ttle did they

'""certain men who werefm ^ouKh to attend that

anyway.'j Oscar John/son, moident of the

Rockaway Chamb.-r jrfjCommercc:(Continued on Page t)

(:<:v:nth and eiftfith ant/leu nf thetthciol combine in producing the "tie-flector" each month durliif! thc year

when In «ewilon.

prfictioilly all of whom will be ellpjble ]next year, arc of thc opinion thatthc MM eleven will be one of thebest in Its cln«; In the county.

Brnzll'!. tobacco crop the past yearwas approximately set at 200,000,000pounds.

Mrs. Irene Gieschcl, Mrs. Ruth Rob-shaw. Mrs. Louise Beatty and Mrs.Edith Druns.

Page 2: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)


DENVILLEMJ and Mrs. John Thomas of

Ceda: Lake entertained over Thanks-givirr: the Misses Josephine andElizabeth Headley of Morristown, atidMrs. Bertha Ruckstan oi Dover.

Mi. and Mrs. Harry V. Drowns ofPocono road spent Thanksgiving withtheir son-in-law and daughter. Mr.and Mrs. Earl Eldridge of Westbury.L. I.

Mr. and Mrs..Robert Illingsworthand two daughters, and the former'smother. Mrs. Robert Illingsworth, ST.,of Diamond Spring road, were theThanksgiving Day guests of Mr. andMrs. Robert Veghte of Newark.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Fiedler of Eliz-abeth were the recent guests of Mr.and Mrs. George M. Fiedler of LakeArrowhead.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Illingsworthand daughter spent the holiday with

Fire DestroysCountry Club

350,000 Loss Monday Night As Rock-away River Club Is


Edward Noonan 165th AnniversaryForStateY.M.C.A.

Fire of an unknown origin com-pletely destroyed the building of theRockaway River Country Club, lo-cated on Pocono road Monday night.Charred walls were all that was leftof the one-story frame structurewhich housed one of the best knownand oldest golf clubs in north Jersey.Officials of the club Tuesday esti-mated the damage as $60,000, a goodportion of which is covered by in-surance.

The blaze was discovered at about6:30 p. m. by Jacob Powell who runsa general store in Denville, Althoughhe lives almost a mile from the scene

I Edward Noonan. 60, of Dickersonj road, of the Mt. Tabor section ofDenville, was fatally injured whenstruck by a hit-and-run driver at 9o'clock Monday night, on Mainstreet near the Imperial Field.

He was discovered lying alongsidethe road by F. Morton of MorrisPlains, who immediately notified Pa-trolman Thompson and then rushedhim to the Dover General Hospital,where it was found that he suffereda skull fracture, lacerations of thescalp and internal injuries. Anhour after admittance to the hos-pital, he succumbed. He was first un-identified as he carried no papersto reveal his identity but through theefforts of Chief Benjamin Kinsey, itwas discovered who he was.

Coroner Franklyn Schulcr wascalled and issued a burial permit.


from the roof of the structure. Heimmediately turned in the alarm.Pile Chief William Keelfe and his

Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Bockoven of j men rushed to the club but on theirMorristown. ' | arrival found tin- buildmi! a seething

mass of flames- Calls for liclp wereat once sent to Mountain Lakes. Mt.

of the fire he noticed flames shooting j chief Kinsey and State Police of theNetcong substation are in charge of

The Misses Catherine and NellieRowe of Myers avenue are at CollegePoint, L. I,, for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Colville ofBoonton has as their holiday gui-MsMr. and Mrs. William Tanner ofIndian Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Hiniy C. Luuen a;iddaughter. Dorothy, of DiamondSpring Park, were the holiday inieMsof Mr. and Mrs. Gu.stav Koven. Sr.,of Jersey City, at a Thankspivintrfamily dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry ofDiamond Spring Park expect to leavethis week for Maplewood where theywill spend ihe winter.

Tabor . KoekitWuy ;ind

Ihe investigation.

Although I he fire]to save any oi tile

oil weref rophie;';

Found Guilty of StealingEggs; Sent to Jail

James King. 24. and Erskine Walsh,Keren! 33, both of Mt. Hope area wen; ar-

rested by Chief of Police BenjaminKinsey and Deteeliv

„»»• Box Will BeConttrtnc* Went-


(Special to Rockaway Record>The sixty-fifth anniversary of con-

tinuous service with boy» of New Jer-sey will be celebrated by the YoungMen's Christian Associations of NewJersey at the Annual State OlderBoys' Conference to be held in Pat-erson, December 8-9-10,

It was at the third annual conven-tion held at Jersey City, 1869, thatDr S. R. Forman reported that "TheJersey City Association had organized

word with boys and accomplishedgood among them."

These early leaders with vision be-lieved that if the association was towork with men it should begin wheremanhood begins which is in the earlyteens. Several associations expertmented with gymnasium classes, thenin 1876 the Madison Association con-ducted a boys' meeting with gratify-ing results. In the early '80s SumnerF. Dudley of Orange, ri manufacturerof surgical instruments, became in-

unitble.wliiclilthe Slate Police wh™ thi-y were

stood on the mantel in the ballroomthey were able1 to rescue some of thefurniture and equipment, in tile lockerloom:, in the back of the building.Chief KrefU' oidemi three vf lli.5 mento stand by all night.

found guilty of stealing ten dozeneggs and a number of ciik-kc-ns fromthe home of Howard Shaufier ofFranklin road. It is said that bothconfessed to the crime and so werecommitted to the Morrihtown jail.

According tu Major Earl Henry ofMountain Lakes, secretary of the ^ 'club, some insurance on the buildinghad been dropped due to the finan-cial condition of the present day,thus leaving Ihe building only par- held a special meeting Monday totially covered. It is believed that the1 decide upon the awarding of a coal

Contract atDenville Awarded

The Denville Board of Education

structure will be rebuilt in time forhe golf season in the early sprinc

Mrs. Horace Noyes of White Plains.N. Y., is spending this week with herson-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. Robert Folley of Rainbow Lakes.

Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Campbell ofLake Arrowhead spent the Thanks-giving holiday with relatives in EastOrange.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Moses ofRiver Road motored to Scranton tospend Thanksgiving with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Max Reid.

Mrs. Flora McDonald of Glen Ridgewas a recent guest at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Kenneth Gorry of Lake Ar-rowhead.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saul andfamily of Indian Lake motored toPhiladelphia recently where theyvisited friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keeler ofRainbow Lakes were the recent guestsof Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hahn of Tea-neck.

! DENVILLE COMMUNITY" CHURCHJoseph M. Blessing, Pastor

Sunday: The Church School willmeet at 9:45 a. m., in the depart-ment rooms. The morning worshipwill be held at 11 a. m. The pastorwill preach the second of his seriesof Advent Sermons. The topic iortoday is "The Preparation of theGospel of Peace."

The Epworth League and BibleForum will meet at 7 p. m.

International Bible Sunday will beobserved in the evening, when theEpworth League will take charge ofthe church service. Dr. Blessing willpreach on "The Immortal Rock andthe Quest of the Ages."

Monday: The Children's Choir willhold its rehearsal at the home of Mrs.S, C. Morris, at Indian L 'ce, at 3:30.

Tuesday: A special meeting of theWomen's Missionary Societies willbe held at the home of Mrs. T. F.Dudley, of 12 Merrie Trail, IndianLake.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morrison ofIndian Lake entertained over theholiday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Zipfel andson of Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.

Howard Lee of Rainbow Lakes mo-tored to Philadelphia two weeks agowhere he attended the Army andNavy football game.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Horscfleld ofFranklin road spent Thanksgivingwith the latter's parents, Mr. andMrs. C. J. McCoy at Cliffside Park.

At the annual election of the LakeArrowhead Club last Saturday nightthe following trustees were chosen:Charles M. Anderson, Fred Dexter,and Daniel T. Campbell.

Mrs. Ida VanGiesen and son o{Richwood Terrace spent the holidayswith relatives at Rutherford.

Mr. and Mrs. August Rabke anddaughter of Irvington were the recentguests of the latter's brother and sis-ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Her-man of Boonton road.

. Mr. and Mrs. George Rockerfellerof Lake Arrowhead spent Thanks-giving with Mr. and Mrs. CharlesDietz of Bloomfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Gould anddaughter of Diamond Spring Parkwere the recent guests of Mr. andMrs. Howard Byles of Belleville.

Mrs. W. A. Minty and daughterGrace of Lake Arrowhead spent theholiday with relatives in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Geyer and Mr.and Mrs. Henry C. Thiele and twosons were the holiday guests of Mr.and Mrs. Henry Thiele of Newark.

Laugh and the world laughs withypu—weep and you weep alone—butnot at a movie.

Reserve a copy of our Christmasissue next Thursday at your news-dealer.'


Church school classes for all agesSunday morning at 9:30.

Sunday morning worship serviceat 10:45. Rev. Noah C. Game preach-ing. Soloist, Mrs. Elsie Cobb.

Sunday evening worship service at7:45. Rev. Gause will occupy the pul-pit. Miss Edith Cook will be thesoloist at this service.

Tuesday evening, Dec. 12, theLadies' Auxiliary will be entertainedby Mrs. Alfred Siegel at her homeat Cedar Lake.

Thursday evening, Dec. 14, anotherhostess supper will be served in thehall from 6 to 8 p. m.

A fine meeting was enjoyed at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Emmons R.Freeman Tuesday evening.

In Chancery of New Jersey.BETWEEN Millburn Investment

Co., a corporation, Complainant, andSarah E, McWalters. Defendant.

Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged prem-ises.

Returnable Jan. 2nd, A. D., 1934.HARRY SILVERSTEIN,

Solicitor.By virtue of the above stated writ

of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shallexpose for sale at Public Vendue atthe Court House in Morristown, N. J.,on Tuesday, the 2ndi day of Januarynext A. I)., 1934 or on the adjourneddate thereafter, between the hours of1ZM. and 5 o'clock P. M., that is tosay at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ofsaid day.

All the following tract or parcel ofland and premises hereinafter partic-ularly described, situate, lying andbeing in the Township of Denville, inhe County of Morris and State of

New Jersey, as follows:Being Lot A-33 on Book "C" on

map entitled "Map of Lake Arrow-head, Denville, Mt. Lakes, MorrisCounty, New Jersey," surveyed April1828 by Arthur a. Brohmer, Survey-or, Boonton, New Jersey,

The approximate amount due onthis execution is $2,746.56 besidesSheriff's execution fees.

Dated December 4, 1033.WILLIAM N. BEACH,

Sheriff.Advertised in The Banner and The

Rockaway Record.P. F.—$13.44 23-t4


A football game between formerand present high school students atImperial Field last Friday afternooncame to a sudden conclusion whenJohn Bradley of Rockaway, one ofthe players, suffered a gash of sev-eral inches in his head in scrimmage.Several stitches were put in thewound by Dr. A. O. Hubert of Rock-away.

ELECT RABOLDFranck C. Rabold, of Indian Lake,

was advanced from the vice-presi-dency to president of the RepublicanClub of Denville which held itsmeeting Monday evening at the OldSchool building.

An attempt to place A. SeldenWalker, recently defeated candidate,for re-election to the Township Com-mittee, waa to no avail when Mr.Walker announced his refusal torun, stating that he was more In-terested in the harmony of the clubthan in the office.


Fourteen women workers of theDenville-Mt. Tabor Chapter of theAmerican Red Cross are making amembership canvass of the two com-munities, They expect to completea drive for new members by Christ-mas.

contract for 50 tons of pea coal. Asthere was only one estimate sub-mitted, that of Oscar Iiussa at aprice of $8.!)!> per ton, the board de-cided to a' 1 the contract to him.



In Chancery of New Jersey.BETWEEN The Prospect-Watses-

sing Building and Loan Association,of East Orange, Complainant andLouis G. Wittstock, Jr., and PerineM. Wittstock, his wife, et als., De-fendants.

Fi. fa for sale of mortgaged prem-ises.

Returnable Feb. 23, A. D., 1934.ANDREW J. WHINERY,

Solicitor.By virtue of the above stated writ

of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shallexpose for sale at Public Vendue atthe Court House in Morristown, N. J.,on Tuesday, the 26th day of Decem-ber next, A. D., 1933, or on the ad-journed dates thereafter, between thehours of 12M. and 5 o'clock P. M.,that is to say at 2 o'clock P. M., thatis to say at 2 o'clock in the after-noon of sard day.

All the following tract or parcel ofland and premises hereinafter par-ticularly described, situate, lying andbeing in the Township of Denville inthe County of Morris and State ofNew Jersey.

BEGINNING at a point in thesoutheasterly line of Myer3 Avenue,distant therein one hundred feetnortherly from Edgewood Road:thence <1) running along said line ofMyers Avenue, north thirty degreesforty five minutes east fifty feet;thence (2) south fifty nine degreestwelve minutes east one hundred andflfty feet; thence (3) south thirtydegrees forty five minutes west fiftyfeet; thence (4) north fifty ninedegrees twelve minutes West onehundred and fifty feet to the pointand place of Beginning.

Being known and designated as lotNo. 3 on Block G. on map entitledDenville Park, property of Fred

Myers at Denville, N. J., surveyed

X r y Z 4 b ? a M t l d l

I tei ested and championed the causeof boyhood at Htate Conventions un-til dually (In:, bran'.-ti of work v

j officially recognized and in 1886 the1 fir.-it .State Hoy/;' Work Committeewan appointed, composed of Mr. Dud-ley, Henry A. Cozzwi:-. Newark; Jo-seph N. Miixficld, Plainfield, and thefollowing year William D. Murray,Plainfield, .succeeded Mr. Maxficlij.

In 1885 Mr. Dudley oi ijanized thelir.'jl Association boys' camp for Nt-wYork and New Jersey hoys which wascalled the Boys' Camp Society untilbis death in 1887 when the name waschanged to Camp Dudley.

Work with boys then began tocatch the attention of outstandingbusiness men like Charles T, Kil-borne, East Orange; Henry S, ParkPatersoji, and others, and an increas-

j ing interest was taken in this divisionof the membership which led to par-lor conferences and other meetingsto promote this phase of work.

In 1801 the first Boys' Conferencewas held at Plainfield with forty-fivedelegates which proved so successfulthat it was decided to make it anannual gathering. These conferenceswere great factors in stimulating In-terest and resulted in state commlt-teemen being invited to visit Boardsof Directors, to discuss ways andmeans of doing this work,

In these pioneering days, thework was carried on by volunteerswhich led to a few men consecratingtheir lives to this new vocation andin 1900 four men were employed a«boys' work secretaries In this statebeing located at Newark, Orange,Paterson and Trenton. At this timeJersey City, Madison,, Montclalr,MorrlBtown, Newark, New Brunswick,Orange, Passaic, Paterson, Plainfield,Somerville, Summit and Trenton hadregularly organized boys' depart-ments.

The Older Boys' Conference thisyear commemorates another import-ant event, for this is the first timethe gathering has been entertainedin the "Silk City" since 1900 and Mr.Park, chairman of the program com-mittee, referring to this conferencestated: "To some of the older lead-ers, the Paterson Conferences of 1000may be recalled as introducing a newepoch in the Boys' Work of ourstate. It was prophetically dedicatedto "The Coming Man" and was at-tended by 177 delegates from thir-teen associations. At that time thetotal membership of boys was 1,283.This marked the beginning of a newventure in the field of statewide su-pervision and leadership, supplement-Ing the work so largely promoted bylaymen."

Mr. Park further stated: "EdgarM. Robinson, then Boys' Work Sec-retary of the International Commit-tee, inspired an advanced step bychallenging the state executive com-mittee to add to its staff a secretaryfor boys' work to give adequate su-pervision to this promising andrapidly growing field. Accordingly atthe close of the farewell service, StateChairman Kilborne invited CharlesB. Scott, local Boys' Work Secretaryof Newark, to accept this new andhitherto untried field. The last thir-ty-three years have recorded con-stant and notable progress. Today,27,075 boys are enrolled in city, ruraland railroad associations In NewJersey which includes Hf-Y CIub3,Employed Boys' Brotherhood andother similar groups."

Included in the selected list ofrepresentatives of the Morris CountyY. M. C. A. who will attend the an-niversary at Paterson next week areEdward Hiler, Horace Hiler andEverett Young of the RockawayHl-Y.

XZn,N.?:The approximate amount due on

this execution is $4,394,29 besidesSheriff's execution fees.

Dated November 27, 1033WILLIAM N. BEACH,

... i, Sheriff.Advertised in The Banner and The

Rockaway Record.P. P.—$20.18.

Tell your news dealer to nave youa copy of our special Christmas edi-tion, off the press next Thursday,December 14.

Be sure to tell your newsdealer tosave you a copy of our ChriBtma. Is-sue next week.

\ffimOitnMarch 17, 1881

Lewi* Hall u> 6kk.


Lizzie Crane i* quitt ill.

Wilson 1* very 111.

Lucy Hal) is on the Kick list.

George Davis Is on the sick list. Mt

Mrs. E. Kinney i. on the sick

Paul Arnold is laid up with a cold,I rahut. gi, u

Josephine Sanders is the victim of;. ™*' *""•*«« Iron, ,the mump*. | ' " " n U M «

Hazel RIggott U suffering from the

Mrs. Carrie Smith has been visiting i

jMrs. William Fox spent Wednes-1'

day last in Dover.

b < r r r i l a tot two d»n

day last in Dover. j „ ,!, Mf»lf:rlte»'nondPud(fl(

Tillie Mott, who ha* been quite 111, ' M ' . " I ™ " ' >mA *«*?is improving. | " Uk" Hopa^

^ t ' ' ' ' k

:" f ' l t a

f/l 3

s improving

George Poppa spent Sunday with

Mlnnif Crane is confined to herhome with la grippe.

Martha Dalrymple is visiting her \ **"""* M' C"th</ '" " ^ **'friends at Butca/sunna.

Mm. David Earls in islowly Itnprov- j Vlll<'' '* w r " J l u l l r ' " *«* mv" J Mrs . ~~~Harmcjnd Stark 1B 111 with pneu-


James Atno has been ill with lagrippe.

Aaron Mills spent Sunday in Hl-bcrnia.

Alice Mott spent Thursday In New-ark.

Delia Blanchard is suffering withsore eyes.

Sadie Johnton has been quite illwith the chills.

Mrs. H. Wilson Is suffering fromla grippe.

l»vl»mi)K her parent,,«,.«,Harry Courtney of Hiteu.

Mm. Alltt Dtlanej o(visiting her son and datgifegjMr. and Mm. Thoirau oj ftj«j

William T. LdgMon, the n

painter and decorator ot AIits havInK a new cottage emtt\

Edward Lynch la istory double dwelling lovtiibrick, on a lotstreet property.

Rev. Fatht-rnard's Church at Mt, ir#,<«plate, int publication ti t 'ispaper within the ntar lite.

Edward Mott spent Tuc/sday atHigh Bridge and Asbury.

Mr:i, Crumpton Is Mil !fi'«4In thr: rcMdi-nct ol ta ics i

j daughter-in-law, Mr. Mil KitEdward Jenkins visited at Mt, E , crampton of Maple ma.

Hope part of last week.

MIBH Sallie Paillment >,! «is spending a week with ho Min-law and ulster, Mt. and to IHam Russell at Yonkm.

Sidney Nichols in the guest of hisbrother John here.

Chrlssle Taylor of Newark is visit-ing Mrs. William H, Mott.

Delia Blanchard spent last Tues-day with friends a t Dover.

John Banghart has been confinedto his home by sickness.

Emily Struble from High Bridgehas been visiting friends here.

Etta O'Donnell of Morristown invisiting friends in this place.

Joseph Hart, twelve y«i <Hlof Yock Hart of Hlberala w flin the face under the kit (Jillbaseball Saturday, In Udangerous appearance, tte Hisaid to be healing.

David C. Bern of Hoa|ta!Wwho has been elected a del**the Presbytery of MorrH»nitB

IntendH to attend the fcrt*convention at Denver, ftM'

Soviet Russia exported nearly$35,000,000 worth of sawed lumberin 1931.

Life Is worth living if only for itstaking of chances.

Palestine is a growing factor Inthe world's citrus fruit industry.

Tell your newsdealer lo«"copy of our chrUtnw * • 'week.

No secrets to carry

guard Ifi freedom.

Telling the truth can &<*•'trouble ai; wt-H as telling B*


Morris CountySavings Bank


The ONLY Savings Bank mMornV

A MUTUAL Savings Bank

We have no stock-holdcrs except our«

positors. All earnings belong to them, * '

is the meaning of a MUTUAL Saving

Interest Dividends Payable Quarterly


Assets Over


Page 3: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)

t, mi


lanta Arrives in Toytown, Saturdayre's a thrill in giving and recieving

UNDIESof the better kind!

Another very

acceptable j>ift

2.19Pure silks, withbeautiful laces.



88ca pair

STOCKINGSYou'll »in the -approval of any lull if youfive her "G'rowntex" stockings for Christmas.They're inexpensive enough for that depletedpocketbook. They wear very well becausethey 'are made with a iieel within (lie heel.Sheer and service weights. I'ure silk, lullfMhioned. Sizes «'•• tu lOW. Ml ni-iv wintercolon.

// it's a Bagyou think she'll want

We can nhow you asmart collection of


1.98 .95

Ue h one of thote littleIJofti that is so Important to the«uco(SH of a lady'K costume. Andthese bags are the important onesof the new season. Fine calf.Rouen and grained leathers. Beau-llful suedes and antelopes. VelvetRiDlf bag*. Underarm and pouchstyles.

// you're going togive her an

UMBRELLAmake It one that she'll be proudto danfle from her fingers.

Pure silk. 16 ribs. Beau-tiful assortment of han-dles. Beds, bines, rreenn,blacks, browns.

3.95The minute he spies

our name in the gift box

you couldn't

help but select something swell!

p«nc Silk Ticsp'*skin Gloves

Broadcloth Shirts, 1.55

Flannel BathrobesS u ^ e Zipper Jacket

PajamasBe't and Buckle Sets

55c, 1.00,1.50

2.45 and 3.45

2 for 3.00

4.95 and 6.50


1.15 to 2.98

1.00 to 2.98

Listen to rjur


Saturday Afternoon

at 2 o'clock

And every afternoon


(,'ntil Christmas

F R E EGift Boxes

Delivery Service

Little Sisters

and Big Sisters

fall for these

7.50Ski Suits. Or if you prefer,Snow Suits And whethersister is ten years old ortwenty years old, we havethem to fit her. She'll pre-fer this style because it istwo-l>icce. Made of heavycorduroy warmly lined, lied,brown, blue, preen.

Separate ski pants of alighter weight corduroy, 2.98.

What young fellow

wouldn't like to get

a Zipper Jacket?

2.98 and 3.95They're as warm as toastbecause they're made of all-wool coat materials. Zipperguaranteed. Navy, maroon.Sizes 8 to IK.

Jolly Old Santawill blow in at 10 A. M.


North Pole, Arctic Circle,December 1, 1033.

Dear Boys and Girl*:

Just as soon a» I flniith this letter, and mail It, I'm tolrii to hop Intomy sleigh and leave the North Pole. I've had a wonderful time up heresince hut Christmas, makinr loads and loads of brand new Uiy» and dollsand fame*. I ret all excited every time I think how nice they are, Batyou'll be seeing them soon, because I'll arrive In Toylown, at The Crown:8. Friedland & Co., Saturday morning, December B, at 10 o'clock.

Well, I nmsl get going, or I'll be late.

Bee you Saturday,SANTA.

GANGWAYWe're coming lickety split on thesenew toys Santa brought from theNorth Pole

TOYTOWN—Downstairs Section

LAMPSthat look many dol-lar* more than theirprices indicateFLOOR LAMPSBases 3.!M to 11.95Silk and Parchment

Shades 1.20 to 4 Ml

BRIIKJH LAMPSBUSCH 2.4» to 7,«5Silk and l'ar<litnint

(Shades 59c to 3.4(1

Gifts that add new sparkle to the Home

P fT W T I? R '"""ll" Nlll"ln" *'"

38-42 W. Blackwell St.

. 25TH YEAR 01

Phone Dover 92

lit these low prices,

Cnndv Dishes I.I!)Sandwich Trays I ..111Ice Tubs 2.IMMiiyonaimc Kctfi 1.7(1Console Nets ZM mid ::,7!iWell and Tree Platter Z.UTea iind Cullcc Hets with Trays 7.!ir>

Cocktail Hets with Trays 4,»H to 11.45

Kugar and (;rrams with Tray K.7II

Vrgetable Illdhes, covered 1,4« to IM


Page 4: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)


Rockaway Record : Let's Go Forward | Jos. TurtleE.-.'.rrvtt 1"J-: onux. Bock»*»y. N. J . a>


'Continued irora Page 1> (Continued From Page I '



Telephone Connection*:OIH« 220 C»-M Do«r

UBitt: MAIN ST.. « » « . » « • , N. J.



Mayor John Roach of Doverhonored last night when over

•I am certainly in favor of this sewer! thing over $100,000 and after talkingland I do not believe that the clear; to several men. quite as progressive'thinking people of this community -as the leaders in this movement, they'•will let these men stop our progress." I think it unwise to more than double

Silas Hiler. of Jackson Lumber that amount at one stroke, and lorCompany: "It is the time right now. one improvement only. I feel wr-it u, a step forward." tain that a bin majority, of those

Hugh Haddow: "I! is beyond my 1 who have signed thus petition., are ascomprehension how any clear think- deeply interested m the health and

Urn person can oppose this sewer 'happiness of our people, as you. oriplan. It is the most constructive move'. any others, who favor the building ol1 in the past 20 years." ' the sewer, and I know that we are: Edward Doland. jeweler. "I « ) " • « *> a l l l i n e t u W o l l r s n a r e

highly in favor of it." the additional taxes, forNumerous others, prominent in the struaion of a newer.


0 I

con-,il isMayor John Roach of Dover was, uusniymiavorui u. ,,,n,n n a sewer where U Is'

ered at a testimonial dinner as a'munity. proudly went on record in d ' ; ^ n a * ' > U I m ' ^ " " " ' ' b e ^ e d imeans of showing then appreciation;acclaiming themselves as heartily in street, »here it »ill not w. mt .

^ M • ' _ v « j ¥ t \ *• L: f"> tTA £* V 4£ !1 V &

Special Notice!Printed entirely in red and green

ink at.d with an increased circula-tion of 2.000 copies, the RockawayRecord on Thursday inext week)December 14. will publish its an-nual Christmas edition. Thosecontributing news fyems to thepaper must have the same in ouroffice not later than Tuesdaynight, December 12, at 6 p. m., inorder to assure publication. Ar-ticles received later than that datewill probably have to be omittedfrom the paper due to lack ofspace All advertising copy mustbe in our office not later thanWednesday night. December 13. at6 p. m. Thanking you for yourcooperation.

of the prowess and accomplishment favor ,of the sewering project. Poll- ! o r some years.iica! affiliation.-, were thrown to the I attended the public meeting, witnwinds when committees were ap-, many others who have signed this


In the city government underefficient and capable direction _. . , ., , ,, ,v, ,„,„ • -Mayor Roach We feel that this trio- Pointed from all three voting dist. c's last petition, and listened with inter-. __me was justly deserved by Mayor in the borough with instructions to est to Dr. Lusardl's very fine repoit.jRoach. He his proven himself a man organize the Republican and Demo- and fully understand all of the con-.with only the interests ofclosest to his heart. In our opinion to o).he has kept free from any effort to"play politics" since he has been inoffice. The people demonstrated theirfaith in Mayor Koach when they re-


India's population is nearly cor-at 350.000.000.


Dover cratir committecmen in each district | dilions, but do not feel that a B ^ - ! A , , L e g a , V o t e r s o f t h e Boroughopinion to operate as one'unit in winning aough of our size, should burden itself - R o d £ a u . a y .

given, pursuant «

called him for another term last No-

o g rf R o c k a w a y :

victory at the polls Tuesday. Leaders, with a bond issue of $150,000 when; N o t t e J s h e r e b y gof both parties agreed to lend their a much smaller amount would sewer i l o a resolution duly P"-1*™ ;i™support ,o this plan, the streets, which we a,l admit should ] a d o p t ^ on c e m ^ l s , . 193^ to

••Speakini! of the unemployed.'" have the sewer. ; Q U g h o f Rnckaway, that on Tins-Mayor William Gerard told the meet-. A g a j n M r Editor. I know we are I day. the 12th day of Denintxr.




Also Adolphe Menjou in "The Worst VVoma




HOOPLASecond Feature at 8::i(i — "LASS J

THUKS - IK1. - DOI I'.l.i ITATCRE KhQrtvT-MOONLIGHT and I'KETZMLS" - "^ VllltDAls i

cririrxxzxxnxixrxrxrxrrtiixrxrmrxA g a j n M r E .vember by a tremendous "I might mention that il is cost- ^ d e ( l p ! y i n t e r e s t f , d i n the

i h h in b t 31000 th toWe hope he continues with his supine us about 31,000 per month too f ( h ( , u n e m p l o y M | a s

toperb leadership and that he is given1 feed them at the present time. For, Kmup a m l

the cooperation of his municipality : November it cost more than J950 a n d | ( h e j r r e l j e f b u t w e a l s o n a v e m rmnci. , . which, indeed, he deserves. • the prospects are that it will cost t n e tr)rifty hard-working small home

- - - — •• — j$1,000 in December. They say t h a t | o w n e r w h 0 will be compelled cas Dr.CARD OF THANKS t h e , t a t c l s p a y i n B t n j s but don't : L u i j a r c n s t a t e d a t the meeting to

forget we are paying the state. , c o n n f c c t w i t n t h e sewer. no matterWe desire to .ake this opportunity | T n e s c w e r w j l l g r e a t l y reduce thi*! h o w s a n ) t a r y h l s conditiOn may be.

of thanking our friends and neigh- .figure spent on unemployment." ; a t a c o s [ o f lrom s m to $200 at thebors for their kindness and sympathy ' -We're going forward." a promi- i l e a s t

in our recent hour of bereavement, neM c j t i z t n u p o r l leaving the meet-; j h a v . e h e a r d Mayor Ger-ird com-the death of Fred S. Friend beloved | i n g l a s t M o n d a y n l g h t t o l d t h e R ^ . | n t M | m a n y t l m c 5 / r t c a l l

husband and father. Especially do we : a w a y RCcor(i, -and that should be the : monlh!i t,y m e n w n o know the condi-extend our appreciation to the pall-. c r y o f t n e v o t e r s b e , ^ , , n o w and: U o n ol Q t h e r municipalities, of thebearers at the funeral. Rev. Eldred; t n c s p c c i a l e l e c t l o n n e x t T u e s d a y . , , n e ^ ^ condMon o f o u r B o r .C. Kuizenga, and George B. Whi t - i r e a d t h a t p e t n i o n a n d j c a n truth- o u g n b u t : have d o u b t if they willham. for their services. Also do we | f u l l y s a y t n a t j p a y m o r e t a x e s t n e n , ^ t h e ^ ^ . ^ w h e n m ,thank Mrs. Edith Decker, The beau-, a n y t n r e c n a m e s o n t h e ^ ^ ^ t b u t ; m o r e t h a n d o u b , e o u r n t i n d e b t .tiful floral olferirws received at our;! a m f o r t n i s w e t b u s j n c s s . . _ :]einms_ D u r i n g t n e v e r y flne a d d r e s s

home were greatly appreciated and | w i t h o u t l t o u r municipality will never, G o v c r n o r M o o r e g a v e m s o reCently.all persons donating cars for ihe'^vmcer h e s a i d , n e w a s n e a r t s i c k a n d t i r edfuneral are assured of our sincere; o t h e r s , l e a v i n g > n e b u l l d i n g f o v e r . l f h a v j n g m e n c o m j n g f r o m m a n y


t n a n k s - .,Mrs. Fred Friend and Family.

, a i n g > e b u l l d i n g f o v e r

!heard the remark, and also voiced ) t o w n sayine Governor

any other ociock m the evenini!. an election1

be taxed for;si-ill be held m the Korounh 'si Hock-away, m the Coi:nly ot Mcji-ri.-.. .Si.alijof New Jersey, tor tiu- pm pose ol ;ireferendum on the fullowiiii' iiropo.-.i-tion:

".Shall iiii ordinance ot the'yes Mayor and Council of the

Borough of Kockaway. en-titled 'An Ordinance Au-thoriziiu: the Construction,Operation and Maintenanceof a Sanitary Sewerage Sys-tem within the Boroup.h ofRockaway, in the County ofMorris, Slate of New Jersey.Appropriating Two HundredThousand Dollars i$200,-000.00 Therefor and Pro-viding for the Levying of As-sessment on the PropertySpecially Benefltted Thereby'duly and finally passed andadopted November 9th, 1933,and duly published aftersaid final passage and adop-tion on November 1G. 1933,

we can't I be ratified?"

Said election will be held at the

Charles Edison IsFor Prosperity Plan

Is Vice-President of Slale RecoveryBoard — trues ,


) t ot n e o p i n l o n t h a t . . W e > r e g o i n g f o r . | p a y ^ ^ ^ ^ t ( a c h e r s w e ^

ward" should be adopted as a c a m - j m e e t the interest o nour bonds, what {oi!?™f P'ances,:

naiwn Uoo-jn 7t io iiiroitr fhat •«/ . ! , . _ , _ . , . .,_ ..... _ . . , . . District No. 1 —slogan. It is likely that s t ick- j s h a U w e do." This alone should make

bear this sloganelection day.

;from now until [

Prosperity h;the corner for

^ Ix-en !U]oiw time,

aruumiand it is

Russell Miller's, | Garage. Stickle avenue, 100 feet offers and other election advertising will; u s conservative about plunging into Union street. District comprises all

north and northeast of the centerline of the following streets: MottPlace from Rockaway River to Mapleavenue thence an air line to the cen-ter of Academy street to Boroughlimits.

District No. 2—Old Town Hall, cor-ner Wail and Church streets. District

| But. Mr. Editor, if the Council feels. [that they should accept this great

A n o t h e r ( c i t i z e n iofier from tne G° v e r n m e n t .w n v not,as I have said before, construct thesewer, where it is actually necessary.

still just mound the corner, .so thethine to do is to BO after it.

' 'Continued on Page 1 >

side tjf this proposition. The UnitedState:, ;;uvernment is asking us tocooperate in this economic recovery

That is the policy of Charles Edi- program which includes this loanson, president of Thomas A. Edison, i from the government that meansInc., and vice-chairman of the New work for our unemployed. What areJersey State Recovery Board Mr/these people opposing the sewerEdison has been requested by Col. j anyway? Are they American citizensJ. Lester Eisner, chairman of the j first and radical politicians after-board, to organize communities thru- i wards? It begins to look like it at)out New Jersey on a "prosperity that.

and use the balance of the money j c o m p r i s c s a l l w c s t a n d southwest offor other needed improvements. j the above described Rockaway River,

We have heard for some time the j Mott Place and Academy street,need for a larger reservoir, and pos-' District No. 3 — Cunco Brothers

plan" based on the eight-point plan | So I say build the sewer and givenow operating so successfully in I our unemployed a job. Let's do aNewark. He, Mr. Edison, is starting' little hard thinking on this proposi-this week with the county of Essex, i tion and for once in the life of ourlargest in the state, with the view of j community get together and pull forsetting it up with a complete or-J something that means much to allganization of communities, as an of us. The whole thing, after all, hasexample for other counties to follow, j [ts funny angles

The first step was to Ret together j p o r instance I happened to be inthe mayors and township chairmen j o n e o f the well known gatheringof the county at a dinner conference I place,, reCently and I listened to aat his home in Llewellyn Park, to ex- ] h e a ted argument on the proposition

The fellow that was fovirinc it hap-pens to be a borough official and aido our nan toward m:ikinr> nnria r ( l Th f l l i! m a K l n t o u l

sibly a greater water supply, whichwould be appreciated, also improvedstreets, and possibly a little moreroom for our public library.

Finally, Mr. Editor, try and dispelfrom your mind, the thought that

; we are going to try and engage in a"bitter fight" and that all goodwill,

co-operation and brotherly love, isi to be cast aside for Christmas, be-cause some of our citizens have madethis very reasonable request of theCouncil.

I have known the good progressiveand non-progressive people of Rock-away, much longer than you have,and can assure you that we are apeace loving people, instead of bitterfighters, and when the majority de-cide a question, we. the non-progres-sive ones, will fully co-operate and

Store, East Main street, District com-prises all East of Rockaway River.

Notice is hereby given that the Dis-trict Boards in and for the Boroughof Rockaway will meet in the placeshereinabove designated on Tuesday,the 12th day of December, A. D.1933 for the purpose of conductingthe election aforesaid.

WITNESS my hand this first dayof December, A, D. 1933.

JAS. B. MAY,Clerk of the Borough of Rockaway.


plain the eight-point plan and showJust how it can bring real benefits toany community which puts it into j lartrr taxnavpr Thn fpllmu nnmtmoT" I" ' T " """* '"„ , . A , i « '<"(.« taxpayer, tne fellow opposing ough a better pace n wh ch to live.effect under proper methods of or-. it, w h o l s v e r y m u c n l n prominenceganization. in Rockaway especially when there

There are some 500 local NRA com-mittees in the state, In addition tothe ,many local women's organiza-

is a chance to agitate, does not paya cent of taxes, never did or. judgingfrom the past, probably never will.!

Motfs PontiacsScore Two Wins

tions functioning in the buying cam-! And furthermore he doesn't evenpaign. All these have received com-1 work and wouldn't take a job if itmunications from Mr. Edison or from was offered to him on a platter. Can l n B t n e

y t n c " o l d Master's" bowl-Kockaway Pontiacs scored

Mrs. John R. Phillips of East Orange,head of the women's division of thestate NRA, explaining the eight-pointplan and the benefits that will accruefrom its state-wide application. Theywill cooperate with the municipalheads of the various communities incarrying out the plan.

"New Jersey has done so well forthe NRA thus far," says Col. Eisner,"that I am confident of the successof the new movement. Each com-munity which enters Into it whole-heartedly will be doing something ofreal benefit to Itself. Mr, Edison hasthought best not to call for actionuntil the wide-spread activities ofcommunity chests were out of theway."

you beat It? He was arguing against! tw° g r e a l "ictories last night at thethe sewer . . . telling the largest tax-payers in Rockaway that they werenot entitled to advance or progressand if I recall correctly this sameperson has been preaching com-munity advancement on the street


"Doc" Mott made the statementtoday that the Moose Head team ofwhich he In captain, lost to thoSllvie Butchers due to the fact thatthe Moose Heads star bowlers werecalled to fight the fire at DenvllleMonday night. O. K. Doc, but 811-vlc Jr. stated they would have wonif the missing bowlers had been pres-ent.

British Columbia has establishedcompulsory automobile Insurance.

NOW Is the time to BUY.

Royal Arcanum alleys in Dover. Itwas a Dover City League game andthe victims were Cook's Laundry. ThePontiacs should have won the threcgames but the "Old Master" sloweddown in the third frame and the

corners ever since I first made h i s i ! a u n d r y b o y s m<>PPed up.!acquaintance. Such instances are in-!

deed humorous to say the least. Butit all goes to show who it is that are,in the majority of cases, opposingthis wonderful step forward for ourmunicipality.

So Mr. Klnney I again congratu-late the Rockaway Record for itssplendid support of this noble issue.I have heard you cussed, compli-mented, cussed, and again compli-mented but right now I am compli-menting you and your paper because

COOK'S LAUNDRYReinhardtPichter ..BoehnMessengerJones

P. Green

you think the same as I do . thatit Is time, as you expressed in one ofyour editorials, "to forget this don'tdo this and don't do that crowd." In-deed I agree with you most heartily.

I hope you will publish my letterbut whether you do or not I have hadan opportunity to express my honestopinion of this sewer question andlike every hard thinking citizen I amgoing to the polls Tuesday and vote

as I should vote "yes" on bothquestions.

Yours for advarirement,"SUBSCRIBER."






882 976

"Old Master" Mott 184N. Norman ....R. BuchananH. Green




001 949 905

Daughters of LibertyTo Hold Card Party

A card party will be held by theDaughters of Lberty Lodge No. »9 ofRockaway in their lodge rooms.Thursday evening, Dec, 14, for thebenefit of the lodge. Refreshmentswill be served after the card party.Depression admission will prevail. Themeeting will take place at 7:30.

To All Legal Voters of the Boroughof Rockaway:

Notice is hereby given, pursuantto a resolution duly passed andadopted on December 1st, 1933, bythe Mayor and Council of the Bor-ough of Rockaway, that on Tues-day, the 12th day of December,1933. between the hours of seveno'clock in the morning and eighto'clock in the evening, an electionwill be held in the Borough of Rock-away, in the County of Morris, Stateof New Jersey, for the purpose of areferendum on the following proposi-tion:i i | "Shall an ordinance of the

:yes! Mayor and Council of the! i I Borough of Rockaway. en-j — , j-titlcd 'An Ordinance Au-1 ; „ ' thorizing the Issuance of

, " T w o Hundred Thousand1 ^Dollars '$200,000.00) Per-

manent Sewer Bonds of theBorough of Rockaway, in theCounty of Morris, State ofNew Jersey, to Finance theCost of the ImprovementsSpecially Assessed AgainstProperty Specially Bene-fitted' duly and finally pass-ed and adopted on November9th, 1933 and duly publishedafter said final passage andadoption on November 16th,1933, be ratified?"

Said election will be held at thefollowing places:

District No. 1 — Russell Miller'sGarage. Stickle avenue, 100 feet oflUnion street. District comprises allnorth and northeast of the centerline of the following streets: MottPlace from Rockaway River to Mapleavenue thence an air line to the cen-ter of Academy street to Boroughlimits.

District No. 2—Old Town Hall, cor-ner Wall and Church streets. Districtcomprises all west and southwest ofthe above described Rockaway River,Mott Place and Academy street

District No. 3 — Cuneo BrothersStore, East Main street, District com-prises all East of Rockaway River.

Notice is hereby given that the Dis-trict Boards in and for the Boroughof Rockaway will meet In the placeshereinabove designated - on Tuesday,'he 12th day of December, A. D.l»J3 for the purpose of conductingthe election aforesaid.

WITNESS my hand this first dayof December, A. D. 1933.

„, , . JA8. B. MAY.Clerk of the Borough of Rockawfty.

"Your easy chair will be twice as comfort-'able if you know that it and all the rest of yourHome Furnishings arc fullv protected byI N S U R A N C E .

Overcome financial loss by lire and waterwith a policy in a sound stock insurance com-pany. M A Y WH H E L P Y O l ?

E. J. Matthews & SonsMain Street Phone H6 Rockanai1

Join Our

1934 Christmas ClubNow Open

For Membership

First National BankIN ROCKAWAY J^TIPUUU. m i i « > NEW JEESEI

Coal Prices are Advancing


PocohontasEgg StoveChestnutPea


STRAIT & FREEMAN COAL CftTelephones: 216 and 12

CENT-A-WORDFOR RENT —- At Elycroft, Rockowoy.

N. J., n 0 room dwelling, with nil im-provements, including garage. Apply Rock-away Building and Loan ABB'n. 17-tf

FOR SALE—Bedroom furniture, practi-cally as good as new. 33 Elm St., Rocka-way, N. J.



Page 5: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)



r U. will meet_,t,JIje next Wednesday

! FIBfcTwith ; Etdred C K\L/.'--.

Church street at 3 ' Sunday momms? f*iThe subject: 'Ti,>-! Palled, and the God

condition" of Mrs. Mary Buffi Fails."m n s t , w t who ha* been ill

week is reported as much



•a.'- 11 a. m.'-am Trial

Here's Some Help For HousewifeIn Selecting Best Canned Food*

Homemakcra Must Now Learn Label* And Standard*,Say* Mr. W. W, Oley, Market* Official

By FRED W. JACKSONDirector, Division of Consumer InformationDepartment of AgricurUir*, Trenton. N, ./.



orgei-Me-Not Club held ayesterday at the home of

a r y whitford, Flagge street,, the members enjoyed a pleas-


, condition of William Robshaw.| s u e e i , who ha« been ill for

t-eeks. was reported yester-b slightly improved.

Bockaway Rebekah Lodge will/card party in Tbree Links, ,,«..>:! Wednesday, Dec, 13. Re-eLt, v.ili IJ<? served.

Samuel Burr of Portland,

II1(.ftl oi her brother, Fred!ivho Jii-d last Monday.

Evening j*rvic* at 7:30, Subject"The Christian Worfcw." Th'r pastorwill preach.

Christian Endeavor Hoc*-'.-/ willmeet at 6:30. The Seriioi Oroup willjourney to F>rinc?v>ti t^ ft<*a/ thpWestminster Choir. The i'rari'-r y.isrutsto announce (ha1 the yjii/jg peoplewill leave the church at 2 orio'.l'..

December 11: We have alvayj,thou"ht that two Buiicayi wi';uld U:devoted to the Christina:, mzwatM,*.On December 17th there will b» spe-cial Christmas music and the pastorwill preach u n ' t h e subject. WhyJesus Cairie to Earth."

December 21lh: Si«c:ai Chrr>',«nai>service. Subject: "Follwiwf the SUu•"The Sunday School program and <;r>-tertammeut ivifJ be given m the eve-ning, -x

December 31 i t -Subject : "Facim!the New Year." Iii the evening aunion service in the Meihodiwt

pariv <*''" ^ f1^ Sa tu r - | church . We are especially privileged9. at the home of Mrs. C.jto have with us at this time one o!any. Rockaway avenue. I the sreat preachers of America, Drdiif and 50(1 w i l 1 bl- P ' ay e d- Lynn Harold Hounh.

January 7th: Communion .v.-rvktland reception of new members. For

JJ1D foo iuwm t i n Here »re mor»ttuuj 20) kind* of cant>«4 good*

(.reHabl*' Tbt«t include S7 r»rt»-tUsi ol »«-<-iiM<*, M frtjIU, 31 fl*h.22 meai« v,<\ us \t-usK CO is^eahia.

Tut wttUtiillir of u, rnnuf kludsof fowl in mm, •jtitdwjxi iij a greatDumbei of '!iftVi>.i»t u,uiv<w\t*. basUIWJ'i'rB'JOIsably |MJ U» tiife OtlfUjfOQOf bwi»<!WSV«r* wh« OftftU b a f t DOtrijM'r r/, i l l u,c:j, i/, dlitlrjXTilthbetween ^Wd) fjtialJtji and Indiffer-ent •j'Jalit)', Tb« dlfll/ruitle* t t»looufnrit tbe hou>«wif« v«ra aptlypolntfj on* r*«entlr t>r Mr. W. W.Oley. '.'liief nt tim Unnan of Mir-keu, S'e* if.nt-.j Detiartmern ofAj?rt'''i!t(ir<:, In an a^dreu* beforetbe C«ll«g« Wuuieo'i Club of Tre»-toa

Cfnfuilng LjtMllMr Oley sbr/wed (tat oit« of tb«

diflic'ilii'« art»M fro* tbe fa/rt ifiittiie lit;<ls at [,r'.-«eul iu,e<l on ciun*<! (C'XJ'IJ ar's B«t partlcularlj In-toniMivK. Only iKKattoanUj dothey tell more tban tl)e Del weight,o t l g

ctinumla aod

Martwto Specialist


W. W. OLE/

i more definite

and Mrs. Leland Smith and

fen iibvu returned to Rock away j e vfeek'of"prayer7the"n"rrt' i « k ir.

ting a vjst to Northern NewThey viiitcd relatives in Syra- j t h o r ,'fand spent a short limp

I Mr Sm:ih's sister, Mrs. Maefciald, v.ho resides in Gouver-

r York, where she is engagedicliint1- scliuol. Friends were also

upon in Potsdam, N. Y.[i n luin trip was made.



January. Dr. E. J. Gordon, the au-the books called "Quiet

Talks" will be in Dover for a seriesof meetings, and all the churches of,

or net rol'Jtnc,tbe Draw) oar.': Ho»ev«:r, Mr. Ole7 *£<) »UtricIardKent oil W »'.v«, Uii-r«j are irradni Learn The«e Itemst*nn» on Mi..-: earn which e s p i a l - ' I'Midlrit; iho ro'jro gtr.'-nil use ofIf In the c r ' • of fnii'*, :<rovtd«- tmll-ithe official Ki-artJjs, Mr ou.-y hae ad-catlQQ a/ ''i the O'isUty. 'IIi<*«|tlafcd corisiirrif:n: to confirm*; to ^ur-term! ap IV.ey, Choice gnd KUD'|ciiM» brands oi carmen poodsdard, VegMablfe* art (r*r*|»i«-«illjr I which tin?*; previously t'!v-n Katla-graded bf tbe terron fancy, Eitrai faction, lift alto sui;cft2t<;d that tlieStandard and Standard

Tbe»e term*. tio*<;v<;r, sr<- rela-t)»t »nd d*r»«r.d on tbe etar/dard*.

jfaotl?.i:Wlfs tjfi familiar with the fokcan &H<:ti and contciifg;

the vicinity included in the DoverLarger Parish will unite for thesemeetings. I


Many o",<-lal« are no

dard .re[>uutlon> of Use



I'lcnlc No. 1

Av.Net Weight

« ox.


We listened to a very fine program!last Sunday afternoon by the com-'bined choirs of the Memorial Presby- ',terian Church of Dover; the Churchof the Messiah of Paterson, and themembers of the Dover Larger Parish

urn ill Presbyterian Church j Choral Society, in the Memorialiillfd to its capacity last Presbyterian Church at Dover, This,

ltd noon when an aug- same group will render Handel'sloir of eighty voices rend-j "Messiah" on the evening of Decem-

tf<* wtabltehrn'jnt of rnor<;' V.Mi' vr.iAft bailed u»oii sucb No. 1 Tallt««Ui tha' coruiumerii can readily No. 2Identify <jualltj product* dad be No, V/,certain itii.-y are getilns; wtia1. thuy No. 2»r« psylne, for. At pre»«»iit, Mr. Olejr•aid, !"-, UcreaiMd rolume of NewJersey produce U Ix-lnj [mrchanedbT caonen on a grade bants, Tbey,In turn, will then be in ponHlon topack In definite (Trade* arid label

11 07.IC OJ.

20 02,2% oz.23 07,

of alzes and con-




A k n o w M c e of alzen and contenU of virioun elzed cans la rjt-t lmble In comparing the yalue ofcanned pendocts edpeclally whenmerfthanu place greater emphanlson frfic^ than on nnv other factor.

] i litful song service. T h e

isted of the memt>ers of t he

ber 28th in the First Methodist1

Church at Dover. ;of tlie Church of the Messiah I The King's Daughter!) will meet inPatason, The Dover Larger ' the church parlors tomorrow aft*r-Choral Society and the mem-j noon at 3:30.

il the choir of the Presbyterian | Prayer service Wednesday evening:h. During the Christmas holi-1 at 7:30.

similar festival will be given. I The Choir will sing every Sunday! inonmiP! and Mr. Hart will practice

members of the Dover Teach-1 with tilt young people every Kuiidaynight.ftssociation are rehearsing for

[play entitled "Things That1 uhich they will give in the

ISchool auditorium, Friday eve-December 15th.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Clll'KCHWarren P. Shten, Minister

r Mildred Fallon of Matawanicluded a vUit to Miss Doris

I Central avenue.

: Stella Edwards and brotheri have returned from a visit

Mr aunt, Mrs. F. X. DonnellyJtimore.

I and Mrs. Walter C. Brown ofkaway road have returnedvisit with Mr. and Mrs. Eos-

Briggs at oneonta, N. Y.

Sunday: Church School at 10o'clock. Morning worship at 11, Ser-mon: "The Light Shincth in Dark-ness." Senior Young Peoples' Groupat 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30.

Monday: High School Young Peo-ples Group at 7:30 at the parsonage,

Wednesday: Mid-week devotionalservice at 7:30,

Thursday: The Senior Young Peo-ples Group will hold a party at theparsonage.


Awarded CustodyHorace O Birih nl HiiWft Morris

street was given temiwrary custodyot his 22-mointe old ton, William F.Birch. 2nd, •/e;tirrd;.y by Vice Chan-cellor Bu.-in m habeas corpu.-; pro-ceedings brought by Mr;., Mary Y.\\/.-alj'rth Bl.'cti o! Knu.if.wr.iu. Th'f'•our' rule'j that Ux mo'.her might.visit the clnW freely Ir. re;.i;.tm;-; Mr;.Birch';: plea, Samuel C. Mi-ynnMi.counsel for Mr. B:rch. terrnerj heras "a modern Kirl, who lifn-Mi'i likehouw;work. but llke«: to f.Hioke and goU) partic-K,'' Her COIJIIJ1.':!, Elmer Kingdenied neglect on her part. Thecouple eloped about, three years ii«o,aepuraUnn last year. The child hasbeen living alternately with bothparents since their reparation.

n Hcinl has resumed his studies| St. Joseph School, Holy Trin-

:e. in Alabama, after spend-wcek-end. with his parents,

Hid Mrs. George Hcinl ofipson avenue.


i services were held yester-nuon at 2 o'clock for Mrs.

£E. Powers from their residence,Morris street, with the

• Howard P. Glasiter, pastor of|etcong Baptist Church officiat-

1 interment was made In the• Hill Cemetery. Besides her

d. she is survived by one son,1 L. Powers, and one sister,ah F. Hill of the Franklin I

Mrs, Daniel Burdge, Jr.,; Proud parents of a son born• Dover General Hospital last

N - Mrs. Burdge was formerlyyl Hartley, daughter of Mr.. Herbert Hartley.

j Michael Colvln of Dover hasthe practice of Dr. A, E.

. dentist, of Boonton.

* Ettaa Jenkins of the New Jcr-ol' for Women, spent the^ n g holiday and week-end,ner Parents. Mr. and Mrs, Ed-

c * of East McFarlan

Mrs. George Peer andase avenue spent Thanks-

»'Ui Mr. Peer's brother-in-2 f ter. Mr. a n d Mrs. Carl'"8 o' Towando, Pa

ls the time to BUY.2eal»nd haTolii7

r*™ 30,000,000 sheep.

the time to BUY.


Annual Week of PrayerThe ensuing week, December 9-16,

is observed rjy Seventh Day Advcn-tists throughout the world as a spe- 'cia! time of seeking God.

Services will be held in the Rock-away Church each evening at 8 p. m.Special readings and testimony meet-.ings with a large attendance are ex-pected.

F. E. Thurwood of Trenton. N, J.,'Field Secretary, will speak SabbathDecember 9th.

The Sabbath School will .study"Temperance in All Things."


"GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN"will be the subject of the Lesson-Ser-mon in all Churches of Christ. Scien-tist, on Sunday, December 10.

The Golden Text i.s: "Tlie eternalGod is thy refuge, and underneathare the everlasting arms" ' Deuteron-omy 33:27).

Among the citations A'hich com-prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol-lowing from (he bible O God. thouart my God; early will I .'•'"* thec;my soul thirtieth for (ric<-. my fleshlongeth for thee in a dry and thirstyland, where no wate ns; Becausethou hast been my hell), therefore Inthe shadow of thy nines will 1 re-joice" 'Psalms 03:1.71.

The Lesson-Sermon also includesthe following passage from the Chris-tian Science texlbook. "Science andHealth with Key I othc Scriptures"

Au*trliin» believe In bcailtlfjin?Ibeir >j)uli»u>'» tt'lih attractive si.'iit»«t». Tbe ulsri of a bear, and »bare little ciiwld IK near Mcrkenvtcin,AUKtrln. The Ixrar In *ymb«ll<1 nlDie place mild for bear litiniin'/,and cupid I" pulnilng In U>» dlrec-tlun of tbe neil town. On a' woodenpillar KUptmrtlnK Ihc nlfn or" carvedIte name* of nil tl»' famous bear*»laln In Ibe vicinity *incc IWI.1. nndtbe record KIKJUX tliat Jlciken«ti!ln'»nimrod* bad lli<-lr bull year In 1COT,wltli 17 "buren" iifronrileil for,—De-troll S<'»'»


The trnubl" with most peoplei?.rj't, a lack of f;ommon son.sf:but a tendency tn put. off driingthe thirif;; they know to bev/l.v.

We H'igK'.*! you stop yourM-ar-srazinK, your dreams ofsuccess, and instead that youactually open a thrift accountand start actively to savemoney.

Our institution offers thesafest possible conditions torthe inveatmenl of savings andthe largest returns or dividendsIn keeping with safety to prin-cipal.

Rockaway Building& Loan Ass'n

George E. Usher. Secretary

by Mary Baker Eddy:of

•The historyChristianity furnishes sublime

proofs of the .supporting influenceand protecting power bestowed onman by his heavenly Father, omni-potent Mind, who gives man faithand understanding whereby U> de-fend himself, not only from tempta-tion, but from bodily suffering" 'p .387).


Have ThatCopy for YourAdvertisement

for theChristmas Issuein our handson Tuesday


Kvrriing 15. ">.:, ana 40 Cents

IHi . SAT.




SI \ . - MON. - K HS.




; Li. Snoo: "The Ideal Market': IVimc Rib Roast, Ib,". Sirloin and Hound Koast, Ib.3 Pork Loins, Ib. 13ci I'ork Butts, Ib. 13c

Cali Hams, IbSpare Ribs, Ib.

'• Yz Ib, Daisee Orange I'cko TeaM 1 Ib. Duisee Mixed Teaj 1 lerco Special Coffee, Ib.3 Fall Ix-af Mustard (Jar)j WIIKATKNA« FRHK -- 1 package Clothespins with* 3 packages l.a France Powder» Octagon Soap Powder — 2 for; JELI.0 All flavors



i9c :25c :ioc :ioc :25c :25c :2k :ioc :2ic :

28c i9c :5c j

; TEL. 163 ROCKAWAY, N. J. ;

the &ast to See lord'sFirst Little Workshop

Illustration shows the original Ford workshop in Detroit. Inlet, thefirst Ford automobile.

In this little brick "structure Fordtoiled nlpht and (lay. Here fatalittle group of supporters met andconferred. Within its walls Fordused the simple tools of that perloljto fashion a motor car that, wlthlathree decades, was to become the,grandfather of more than twenty-^ono million motor vehicles.

To ford this building IB a sym-*bol. It typifies in a way hta ownInherent simplicity. It Is emblem-atic of tlie lack of assumption oftho motor magnate. It is a linkwith tho past, wltli the days whenhe worked with his hands, whenhe conducted his own experiments'hi engineering and when he saw,his ictfias tnkc concrete form be*cinsn he personally worked them!out In iron or steel or In wood.

Gltint welders will complete steelbodios, x-rays will permit visitors'lo see through cold steel, machineswill ferret, out noises and do allmanner of wonderful thinga duringtho Ford Exposition of Progress.1And amid this panorama of modern,mechanical Ingenuity the UtllejBagley Avenue building will stand)Just as it stood more than forty,years ngo, when Henry Ford wasforging tho first link la the Ford,chain o£ factories.*^" * """

Quaint Old Building WhereInventor Worked to BeShown at Exposition

of Progress

NEW VOUK:—Brick by brick anInconspicuous, otie-.itory buildingIs bHiifr moved from Detroit toNow York, where the variousbricks will be transported to 8thAvenuo and 15th Street, and Intotbe Tort Authority CommerceFiulldlnK. There, workmen willtake them and reconstruct a replicaof one of the country's most his-torlc structures — the little brickbuilding on BnRley Avenue, De-troit, wherein Henry Ford built thelirat Ford car.

To tho public, the brick building'nf Itagl*>y Avenuo will just be oneof the exhibits at the Ford Expo-sition of Progress, which opens onSaturday, December 9th and whichwill depict the history of the auto-mobile Industry and portray themanifold industrial ramificationsof this vast Industry. To HenryFord the structure bas nn appealnot poaaeaaed by evep_tliu inosl'mDoaliiK exhibits.

Page 6: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)

•IX J[W**DA¥

W a w a y Basketeers JAmatcur Tournament - ^Lose Close Game! At Madison Dee. 15 £»

1 he Sport News of Rockaway and Vicinity

St. Cecilia's BowlingLeague Scores

Rockaway BowlingLeague Scores

P KielyHandicap






November 27Team No 3

J. Kiely 12B 154J. Grant 135 118E. Cinder 143 129T. Chiarella ..145 209L. Smith 125 125

November 20IDEAL MAI KET

. Stromberg 154 142115 125112159

674 735Team No. 6

182153 J. Richards158 'W. Hoplern g ' L Snoolt125 jC Vanderhoof

_ _ _ i Handicap794!









Rosary Shrine

Last Monday evening in the cur-laui raising game ol the O. M, C. BU-amie the Rockaway A. C. 'formerCommunity Club' lost » do** gameu, the MorriBtown Pelican* to »score of 32-30. The game wiu playedon the Morristown High School court

927 The A. C's were severely handi-capped by lack of practice, the ma-jority of the players appearing onthe court /or the first time thin sea-»»• Nevertheless the Rockaway- b w


l8pecia. to Rockaway Record.Pilgrims to Ro»ary Shrine are to were in the running all t h , Una and

have the rare privelege of Jl.Uni.ix at all time* threatened to win theWith a little practice the loto Rev. William R. Bonniwell. O. P.. With a little practice the lo-

Vr. J. HewetsonT. BurrowsJ, MartinC. ReeseJ. Gallagher






113 1 ROCKAWAY POINT145 ;T. Carlyon120'A Conn2 i i F. Branftwln157 '. A. T i l l .

!R. Hller63 |

809 1


. 171107180




November 28Team No. 2

C. Cronlem 125 182J. Fapleck 142 136E. Kepler 171 171M. McCabe 140 111J. Ryan . 190 165


J. GrowncyO. CareyE. CorrellJ. MillerA. WolosinHandicap


Team No. 7










150 °- S l e i n

150 O. Collinsl j 9 C. Decker137.8. Chiappll f i 7 ' J . Rossi

J. Lu.sardi77^ HitndK-ap








166147110145 _ _ _135: on Sunday, Dec. 10, at the Pilgrim- cals should accomplish great things.28lane devotions in the afternoon at The Rockaway A, C in rated as

731 3:30. Father Bonniwell Is a well one of the highest flooring combina-' | i n o w I , pUipit orator, missionary, re- tions in the league and Is figured totreat-master, lecturer, and radio be a menace to the rest of the team*

158 speaker. In this sermon he is KoinK wilh championship aspirations,138 to show In his own clear and forcef ul! Edgar Best is at the head of the132 j nay the necessity of the Immaculate ! Rockaway A. C. this year as manager163 Conception and the bearing it has]and his charges expect to give him167 on us in our individual lives. A record > the cooperation he deserves.

attendance is anticipated.758 Special music has been arranifod ]

1 for this occasion. Mr. Gregory Me-' Pete GulaNab, baritone; Mr. Harold Gillose, O. Younn .tenor, and Mr;,. Mary Mooiicy. .HO- H. MacKinnon

16fi pruno, of New Providence, are 1,0 suin II MacKinnonunder (lie direction of Mr. .}nhn Oil- C. Wanders

135 j106 I110 s


154 Ion. S h r i n e u rnan i s i .1!)3! T h e Holy Hour ill Adorat ion v

154 be rond i l e l ed as usual lulilidif a '

93 o'clock

3J ' KoMii-.y Klirilic is four block:, fn

I the Su in in i t .slalion of I ho I ) . I.-790: W. Ji.'iilroiid,

;R .•ill 'M.

B (i.



5 1.5 0.2 00 00 0.1 01 0

; The Slutllig Ring on Prospect:street, Madison, today w«* selected! as the scene (or the Section 6, other-(wise Morris, Sussex, Warren auiHunltrdon counties eliminations of

'the Star-Eagle's Championship Brit! Amateur Boxing Tournament.

The Forum Club, local sponsors ofthe tournament trials, made the r«xu«ri -,switch from James Hall, where the 'inn*trials were originally scheduled. Town Baciii-l*;officials have condemned Janus Hall Angi-lo -as a flre hazard, according to the Al Hinn,Forum athletic committee. dn- M,,:

The first round of the Section Seliminations will be held at the Skat- ,.. 'ing Rink Friday night. Dec, IS, M , ' ' ' ' ' "a second show U necessary lo decide' ;"llM''the finals. It will be held on the a t " m l ' »Wednesday following, Dec. 20. From * "" 'the present number of entries, which y<"is 47, at least two shows will be r u , / ;

needed. /away It

Entries are coming in from every uemi-i:section of the four counties, and from w U;u«

" * • * •






u i l



Si.1 3 j 'Silvie Jr.106 T. Cuozzo

J. Sweeny774 765!

Nov. 29Team No. 1

O. Yuresko 170.J. Chiarella 151J. Cannon 143J. Chewey 162A. Chewey 125













114U3 D. Palmer1 7 8 | C . Quinn133 IG. Hritz

G. StalterDoc Mott


November 23MOOSE HEAD



751Team No. 5

683 741

Tv. HewetsonL. MooreJ. BurnsldeJ. Bolster .F. Klely







December 1Team No. 4

M. Ryan 114J. McDonald 166M. Beene 130P. Rodlmer 137J. Grow 177












146Hg A. Sickles185 T. Chiarella137 C. Bolster ...201 J- Bolster

J. Ryan767















724 670Team No. 8

Maloney3. McDonaldWrewmanJ. OXeary ....McKenna




... 55







High Score, T. ChiarellaHigh Average, P. Kiely












H. ConditA. LynchT. Williams ....

. ID. Anderson .T. KlelyMlckew Rowe

Mon., Dec. 11—Teams 2 and 3.Tue»., Dec. 12—Teams 6 and 7.Wed., Dec. 13—Teams 1 and 4,Frl., Dec. 15—Teams 5 and B,

County Safety Gomm.Issues a Letter

Inspection of Motor Vehicles Will BeExtended for Two

To All Authorized Inspection Stationsof the Morris County TrafficSafety Campalxn:

It hail been decided to extend forat least two weeks and possibly untilJanuary flrct, the time limit for In-spection of motor vehlclen,

We have heard nothing but thefinest reports from the garages thatarc coopcratlim in this splendidmovement, Thousands of cars in Mor-ris County now bear the approvedinspection stickere, Indicating thatthese cam are absolutely fit to bedriven on Morris County and otherhighways. The spirit of co-opcratlonthat hflB been shown by the publicis very gratifying to the committee,who Is dcvotlnK Its time to this cam-paign of the saving of life nnd prop-erty.

It is a fine example of good citizen-ship on the part of those Individualswho have cooperated to date.

The inspection work, accordingly,will be continued until you receivea notice to the contrary. Plenty olstickers arc available upon requestand we will ask that you continueto make your reports promptly.Within the next week or ten days,the police will start handing outwarning canto to all those cars thatdo not bear the Inspection stickers.

Thanking you for your coopera-tion, we are

Very truly youro,"Inspection Committee."






P. GreenAndy CheweyNate NormanR. BuchananH. Green




883 989


O. Stein .122 117J. Lusardl 101 117O. Collins ...C. Decker8. Chlappl ..

135 164133 125142 130

December 1PONTIACS

P. GreenN. NormanR. Buchanan .H. GreenDead Score








H. Condit 157 231A. Lynch 137 150M. ROWO 132 154D. Anderson 181 160



1 We would have liked to have i,ak<;'placed your new.1; item in this space j perry'but you failed to send it In. Call; Hiuen220 when you have company or arc I Murray

779 858

goinj! away.I .. ^.: For money saving values for! Christmas wait, for the advertise-ments in our special Christmas edl-

' tlon next week. It will save money.

















809 812


8. Carrier 211 199Silvle Sr 157 196Sllvle Jr 174 180J. Granda 179 173J. Swenty 197 172






918 920 811

MOOSE HEADNovember 28

L. Crandall 194C. Dunn ..G. HrltzD. PalmerDoc Mott

YEA. SiekteiJ. BolsterD. MoranJ. RyanJ. Kepler

























KeepYoungwiftjYour Childreni

you. If y-urw-rtlL.

/ ; y ««r«ii1iI. i-,|j,rt tali,,/ j . , ^ y

ia-Hi/.: you tlmt t

liy ii'-tnal in/mi, i8 Mini My, "It ln-l(» me," ('Antitl&lp y<ju tao. l>il<l|iy«ll(.l(ait

Christmas edi- Rockaway A c 4 5 10 u_30 |IW|RlflMil3|BI|ll«^Hilj|Mffl11 save money. p e l l c a n 8 s 8 6 1 3 _ 3 2 • l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

This is the year to get it for Her


t '




/,/ 'if



Table TopModels



W HAT grander gift can you givethan one that will make Her life

easier and happier every day for yearsto come?

No more "peeking" and guessing atbaked foods. No more smoky kitchens—but more tasty broiled steaks andchops and vegetables. No more shamedembarrassment when guests come intothe kitchen. No more tedious, tiresomelabor trying to keep rust and greasefrom an old stove that has out-lived itsusefulness. A Magic Chef will soonreturn its cost in better food,easier cooking, more leisure timefor the homemaker and a kitchenof which she'll be proud..


Magic Chef has the Magic Chef Auto-matic Top Lighter. Top burners lightthemselves without matches as gas isturned on. Magic Chef round headaluminum burners spread flame moreevenly — cook better. Won't clog orrust. Give any heat desired. SanitaryHigh Burner Tray fits snugly aroundburner heads, protecting burner armsand pipes from spattering fats and boil-overs. Drawer Type Broiler preventssmoking — keeps fats from catchingfire, makes broiling easy. Red WheelOven Regulator provides even baking

heat necessary for delicious pies.cakes and baked foods. Manyother features. You'll save onfuture prices by buying now,



Page 7: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)

LETRockaway Co Forwardote "YES" on Both Questions at the Pools Tuesday


NOMark an X as follows:

Why We Need Sewers Now

SANITATIONIt is an admitted fact that sooner or later this Borough will be compelled to install a sewering system inorder to comply with the requirements of the State Board of Health. There are existing unhealthy con-ditions in the Borough at the present time that the local Board of Health will have to correct at consid-erable cost. These deplorable conditions absolutely must be relieved immediately. It will cost usmoney to vote down this sewer project.

TO,FURNISH JOBSIt will place immediately to work 250 men at a minimum wage of 50 cents per hour, thus relieving thismunicipality of the burden of spending $1,000 per month for the care of the unemployed. A payroll of$4,500 per week will be created here all winter and the merchants, landlords, and you and I, will allreap equal benefits.

LOW COST OF CONSTRUCTIONOutright Gift from the Government of 30 per cent of the cost of material and labor amounting to ap-proximately $52,000.00. Low cost of Material: Four per cent interest instead of six per cent on Bonds:A thirty year period in which to pay: No payments until the third year, —are but a few of the manysavings to our pocketbooks if we do this work now. This offer on the part of the Government ex-pires December 31.

Rockaway Project - - Built By Rockaway Labor"Kill Depression, by Killing the Cesspool"

Page 8: ROCKAWAY… · JJectmber Sth. i6M.\m':tl w"rkiriK at salary of .",0 CCMIS per hour, resu per cent. V\'e fee)


Rockaziuy Day by Day

Fii ( of all iiiiiies >ou w;..m tu beture and si-nttk' (o the pulls nextTueiciav and vote on this municipalfcewe: question. If you are convincedthat you will be unable to hold backthe u-nrs when you see the cesspoolsof E Jckuwav forever discarded thenit is l;r-t that you vote to retain themin oi;:1 community. Good old cess-pook . . .what do you say lads letsget tcgcther and compose some sortof a cesspool Alma Mater and unitein the village square next Tuesday,remove our hats, and in solemn dutyto the old school of Advanced Scien-tific Research in pesspoolology singher praises loud and far. Naturallythese folks in Rockaway who are at-tempting to safe-guard the health ofour community, furnish work to theunemployed. get a municipal sewersystem that can be financed veryeasily by our taxppvprf. and accom-plish a forward step that meansprogress for Rorkaway. will be strict-ly ineligible to participate in iIn.',"pep" meetini; next Tuesday when\ve coiiBli-gate and live afram 'hosepood old days spciil at "Id C.Vu.poo!-nlog.v. For your convenience I haw-prepared a feu' lines thai we canmemorize Ijctvvccn now ;.-iiil wxlTuesday so we will all know our AlmaMaler when we \'i-\ ready lo bin.'fforth in lusty Unit"; oi praise foi oldCe.'ispoololouy . . . the school ijiat |)Utus where we are lociay. Tlitsc linesmay be Mini!, sain;, whistled or rruan-ed to llir lime of "My Boiinie Liesover the Ocean." Here they are:

'first verse'My cesspool—Oh! how I love you.My cesspool—you're the world to me.Without you my beautiful cesspool. !Life, indeed, a burden would be.

ichorus iDon't take! Don't take! Oh! don't j

take my cesspool from me. from meDon't take! Don't take! Oh! don't

don't take my cesspool from me. i1 second verse' i

My cesspool—we will protect you, iMy cesspool—we will always be true, jSo we will fight to uphold your t r a - '

ditions,•Our cesspools—we will always love

you.(repeat the chorus and then go

home and sober upi.

ndicss from any heirs or relativeswho nughi try and collect on ac-count uf said killing. And 800 sign-ed up!

Thinking the other day of themail carriers around about Christ-;mas time. It Rets rather tough go-ing for these lads at that with a Jheavy pack of letters and papers to 1drag around the borough. I wonder jif they ever receive any presents Ifrom those whom they have served ;during the year. I wonder if they;should happen to receive any pres-ents would they split with' the old:master. 'Ed. Bice and Bill Lightcap,please note). i

The old master, such as he is. willobserve a birthday next Saturday ifhe lives that lont,'. The folks up inthi' north country always rememberme on my birthday. This morning'smail bronchi a letter with a dollarfrom the uhvay,1, rnuemberinK moth-er As far back as 1 can recall she-has always snrn trie flutt doibr luievi-iy birthday. I love all money. . . but I lovi- this lone dollar 'Insveal lllMM' Ihus rver before. Othersdiiii'l forr.'i me <iii my birthdayeither. I have a short letter irommy biuihiT if-iuiini':Dear Brother:

(.'om:rat!ilatiijii,> on your birthdaySaluiday. We had a bit: storm uphere last wick and just aboutwrecked everything. Hope you havemany more {if [hem.

"Brother"No sir folks , . . the ones back

home don't forget.

Ray Collins happened to be walk-ing by a local gin mill last Tuesdaynight when he discovered a lone in-dividual sitting on a nearby fencewith his face buried in his hands. . . apparently he was in deep medi-tation. As Ray reached his side heinquired:

"What you waiting for brother?"The fellow looked up and then in

disgust replied: "I have been wait-ing here five hours for that dstate of Utah to vote!"

A TelegramDr. Raymond L. Mott.iBocka way's Bowilng Expert.i '?)Rockawuy, N. J.

Ktad your announcement la.1.'week, iStop' . Don't count yourchickens before they are hatched'Stopi. You couldn't even take usalter Bivinft >'«u a handicap.

• Silvie's Bowlers."

Some more: iBelieve it or not, Lei and Smith

on his recent trip into northwii New: York runs into the old master's papa

What three young men became;lost in their search Jor that "crazy,spot" in the Mt. Freedom road wherea fellow is going down hill when he ,is going up . . . The Borough receiv-ed nine applications for liquor licen-ses last Monday night Four nun-1dred dollars Is the shot boys . . ..What business proprietor clashedwith a salesman last week and then jburned when a bystander laughed I. . . The Rockaway Township Boardof Education recently received acomplaint from the parents of ayoung girl because the little one hadto walk so far lo school. Fear ofwildcats, of all reasons, prompted Hiecomplaint! . . . Speaking of wild ani-mals those beavers are Ani"". a [iii'utjob up near Mt Hope ockawuyliremen have been complimented for

thi-ir fine work iii Uiat lire in DITJ-

ville Monday nifrit.

Next will',: "A Christmas issue 'that will roll "em m the aisles."

Telephone Operator Saves

M oiniiri ami Son I'rom Hre

"A woman's HKOllizi-tl vole:canii: (inivciijiK over the wire Inlilt; Li'riiiia tcli-jthone ex<-li;ilil't\"Hi',- IVrtf'-li Kvenhlg Krcord ofOctober 'J.\ repoitH, "Kaspim; theword 'lire.' Miss Eleanor V. Gait-ley, chli-r night operator, waitedfor further information from thewoman, Mit none ciirnc."

Quick thinking and faft workon the operator's part located thosourt'O of tlie call within a fuwniinult'H; tin? polic:i: were railedami it nmtorcyclo jiolkemanreached (lie house, found It en-vi'loju-il in sunolte, and rescuedthe woman who had made thecall and fallen uneniinrinu!i fromsmoke, tonttlier with her alx-year-ohl son.

Prompt Hiiinmoning of the firedepailjnont also saved thf; bouse.

t E C O E P


Runs Fifty-two Financing In-ititutiom With Inve»tmentof Two Billion Dollar»—Thirty-nine Agricultural

AMERICA'S blgg*»< banker todayis tlii) Federal Government

willed Is now opcrallnr fifty-twoflrianeinK institution*, Bay* Pro-rcKsni John Haima at Columbia Onl-vereity In the American Hankers As-sociation Journal.

"Forty of these are owned entirelyby the Government," he Bays. "Iptwelve more Ilie Government ban al-ready a twothirdu Inlerent. Thirty-Bevcn are Intended to be permanent.Twenty-Ore of the permanent onesand fourteen ol the temporary oneBare agricultural.

'•The cuiiital stock held by theUnited States In tliene banks has apar vnlllo of *1,3MI,000,000. The Gov-ernments toial inveBlineiit Is near-ly $:,(iOli,00(P,(io(i. I[...-,niirres i.f I l iuicin»llltilloiifl<-x'-eed5S.WiiM»iO.(i(i(i. Inlidditlnli I lie (ioverillneni lias <!';•tailed MIIH ] \ i Hiri iH'er M'ty-nnttu,nY\y'AVt< it:i;jk*:

r ('!»(•! ,'Miiir tllif'M"Federal Hwrter.

'"J'Jje t',UVfi lllll' U! ;il..e r l l j H ] Y ; M b

•i.Dllll Ineal i i n ' i n i l l u r i l l lui.n nsMjela-

l imn. iv i i l i reiler.-i) i-iiarli-jv,. A l l l l i l i i

tnl :>- nu :\ivij'.ui! iif !h<- l i-l;i!i i)l i:i of

t i i e e n v o i n u i ' - u l i d t h t - ( \ v e ] v e J ' e d -

eiai Heserve bank;, itur 'if 11K: au-tlioriry reeently ; i v ! i to tin K( con-htnii'tlon I'iiuuii e C(,i|H)i,itioii to

t,iiy j i ie fe l t f f i ht^rj; in llMinnal ii.u<lf lute eiininieirinl l.aii l: i."

( :.,„•. ,lu!.il,. i, I ,ill,:.l For' J ] K ; J ' le . - i f ieut }jas e j i l r - r ed t h e

e o n ^ i l i d a i m i i (<t" th*j a i ; i i e u l t u r a l

<v<tl\t a ; ;el jeiej i ; J I ! ' I tji/: / ] ew ] r ; i r n i

C r e i l i t .A ' l in i : i i . . t r i i t ion , i-ay!i 1'ro-

fr-ffcor l i i i l i l ia, l/r; i-X]tn::HCH trie

(ion of Iliu aKi'ldilliit'iil /lnancltigaKHirle.'i ton iniicli inaelilnery liadLei-n ereated to adinlnlEter thetiniuidiiK InstitulHina "Which the(iovernlnelit either ownn ol' impor-vises.

"K?.iBtiiiK in;-! ituLloiiH repre^onl aconshleTable differentiation of IUIK>tlon and any consolidation shouldbe preceded by *i careful survey oftlut actual iieti^'itifB of the viirlouninstiliitiono," ho cont'inieH. "Theonly consolidation the Administra-tion haa announced is that of theagricultural credit agencies In theFarm Credit ^fJminl.'itratlon. As apermanent solution this arrange-merit is too closely bound up withpolitics."

But seriously friends you do wantto be sure and go to the polls andvote next Tuesday. No matter howyou feel about this sewer businessit is yaur duty to cast your ballot.Be sure to vote on both questions.

Flashes-Jack Epstein, it is reported, will

again be in business before long inthe block formerly occupied by theRockaway News store at the otherend of the bridge . . . Bruce Ayres,ye old lunch room man, is backat his former stand in Wall street.The folks are glad to welcome Bruceand his tasty dinners back to Rocka-way and he will probably enjoy thesame fine patronage that he exper-ienced two years ago. Welcomehome Bruce, all is forgiven . . , PeteLaw is back to work . . . What fire-man couldn't understand what madethat stone catch lire in George St.. . . A fellow is planning on storingaway his bootleg supply of fire watersince repeal has taken place, andthen in two years stage a party andserve nothing but the old stuff to hisgyests, the stuff they used to drinkand enjoy. It will kill 'em all, hesays . . . A cat has joined the Kinneyhousehold. No danger of kittens . . .Our Christmas issue next week willbe a "pip". I said "pip" . . . LsffertsMabie saw Notre Dame crush theArmy . . . I wonder how those broth-ers and sisters made out on theguardianship business last Sundaynight . . . I will take care of thatcontribution next week my goodfriend, Mr. T, F. B. . . . The mer-chants are showing considerable ar-tistic ability in the window decora-tions. They look good mates, theylook good.

Harvey S.Fire&tone, Jr.

"THE VOICE OF FIRESTONE" BACK ONAIR—Lawrence Tlbbett, left, and RichardCrooks, right, world-famous slnjers, to-gether with Harvey 8. Firestone, Jr., cen-ter, return to the air December 4th at 8:30P. M., E. 8. T , on a coa«tto-coait NBC-WEAF network.

MURDER MYSTERY_Dr. Ai.Ice Wynekoop and her «on,Earle Wynekoop, husband oithe dead woman, looking ovefnewspapers after the motherhad signed a confession.

WORLD'S RICH-EST GIRL—DorisDuke, Just past 21,has now Inheritedone-third of herestate, which Isestimated at $30,000,000. She aleobecomes a trusteeof Duke Univer-sity,

These petitions arc funny thingsat that. A fellow from LafayetteCollege tells a story about a profess-or at the institution who was lec-turing his class on the circulationof petitions and etc., and explain-ing that it was no difficulty to ob-tain signers on any petition no mat-ter for what purpose it was beingcirculated. To prove his point heprepared three or four petitions andfor the next few days a few studentsof the class made a campaign aroundEaston for signers. They succeededin obtaining 800 names. Skillfullyworded by the professor the peti-tions, apparently, had little if anymeaning to the signers . . . they justsigned and let it go at that. Thetrue meaning of the petition wasgiving authority for the actual kill-ing of every signer and waiving all

PROF. ALEXANDER KLEMIN, head ofthe famous Guggenheim School Of Aero-nautic at New York Unlver.lty, teatlngautomobile modela for nr^m »ow Tn

clarc! t ° h a y ' TH<1 p r o ' M 0 0 r ' w h 0 d=liao made all autot now in uoe outdated0

predlcio that round-nos.d ear. withsloping rears will shortly be common


THE MOVIE8 GO N.R.A.— BACKWARDS — /Two fair movie queens /on the beach at Holly. / Jwood, Calif, display. / /Ing the NRA amblem / L—on their backs. / 1

ARMY DEFEATS NAVY 12 TO 7—Here Isa tense moment during tho thrilling gridironclash between Army and Navy at FranklinField, Philadelphia, Pa., as a forward pass byBarries of Navy, waB Intercepted by Johnsonof Army, on the Generals' five-yard line, end-ing tho Middles' chances for a victory, ThoWest Pointer* won by a score of 12 to 7. More than s>v.ntu . i .thousand fang witnessed tho battle. "ventyelo

- —~MMM i rj, I SJIMM i m *V*i*Ji

POLICE CHIEF PRAI8E8 MO.TORCYCLE EFFICIENCY —James 8. Bolan, police commis-sioner of New York City, sayshis 400 motorcycle policemenhave been of great ImportanceIn railing the efficiency ot thoontlre police department, haveproved a vital force In fightingcrime and are Invaluable in con.trolling motorliad traffic


Tub ButterHis


Two Pounds

"tit Dog FoodW>ur Cans



178 MAIN ST., cor Beach St., Kockaway

Leo MAYONNAISE 16 oz m rLight Meat TUNA FISH ^"sizeLnion Blend COF1?EE — poundSliced BACON - T w o '/2-lb. packaiw - *Swiss Knight GRUYERK ClIHESK ^Pure J.ARD 3 lbs. from tub 25c Pra»,i • ^



2 pounds

L'co Jersey While Leghorn H(i(JS-dozenI -co Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles - o bTraymore Motor Oil 2j>al. can, i))c . '

6'Baker's COCOA Two'/,-lh cans '(;_RAPHJyLITS- 1>U. "Upton's Tens '/,.|l>. ,-,kj(. J%o c i ' A ( ; o . N s r ) A i > ( ( ; i a , , i . ' i z e , - ) (

OCTACON CLEANSER 2 cairLwCl . lT I lEETS- No. 2'/, ranNew .kimho MARROW ISlvVXS( !co I sincy U KM Two Mb, p|ifiS-Ddicious \:l(t BARS 2 poundsI 'co Evaporated Milk 3 tall cansI'co Malt Syrup (J lop flavored) or .*" |

Malt and I lops (Li^ht or I )ark I can 4JC|I Ico Tomato SAUCE 2 cansShamrock String ItEANS No. 2 canShamrock Bartletl PEARS \ o ?U CanCampbell's BEANS — CanAssorted Pure JELIJES H oz. jarPure SALAD OIL —10 OK. jii)«

Prices in effect from Dec. "Ill to DM. 13th inclusive

MEAT SPECIALSSmall CALA. HAMS — poundSmall LOIN of PORK - poundLegs • Rump • Loin VEAL poundROUND STEAK — poundROUND ROAST - poundFresh HAMBURG — poundPLATE MEAT — poundFRESH KILLED FOWL for

Fricaseeing — 3'/2 Ib. averageCHUCK STEAK - pound


ISc l



Trices Effective Friday anil Saturday

Business DirectoryJOSEPH DONOFRIO

Moving — TruckingTELEPHONE 60


INDIAN SPRING WATERAnalyzed as the purest Snrinff Waterproduced. Taken from a Bolllnr; Spring.More stimulating and refreshing thanother waters.

GEORGE F. TONKINTelephone 275 Rockatra;

Fisher Can Save You 20% on thePrescntManuel Rates on Vour

AUTOMOMLU INSURANCETbls Is an A No, 1 Stock Company,

(no liability)Example. Rate $41.00 less 20% net

132.50 lot One Vear's Insurance

Fisher Insurance Agency31 Wall St. Tel. 1G0 Itoiljaitay, N. J.






Brines »•«33 »Ml»UDcmlllt, N. I,

Ttl. Kabul •

FUNKRAL DtKKTORGustav Btobcr, Jr, Uoensel UK

licensed Ass'tFuneral HomeIS Kellar Avc.

Rcckaway, N. J.Tel. Itorkaivay «

Absolutely no expense connecldwith the use of our Modem

Funeral Home



PAR0.1OT!, » l




Wh; Not Call at

A. MEYERSONSporting Goods — Flshln; Tackle

Tel. 300-W IIOCKAWAY, N. J


Tailoring In All Dranclics atNew Low Prices

Rockaway Reliable Shop2? WALL BT. Tel. 420 Itocliaway

ROOMS FOR RENTWith or Withoui Board at the




Call Dover 982GEORGE PEER



Shop & Residence 2G8 W-Tclephonti 555



USD_ Jolililnsa Special'?-

" " " ' " " •nocKHWV, »'•

J. H. BLANCIIARD 1Manufacturers i

BOCKAWAY HAND » I A " B ' *With or Without llinfflisl f "Wi

Ml Kind, o(Movrrs


f "



Keep Vour Old '

THATCHERa Moderate Cosl, WITH orOUT Oil. Ill'KNEB.


Tclcplione 95

When You Need Job Printing —Think of the Rockaway