rockaway"pay dirt" the...

are justly proud] tw0 things —our I s u and our News- both are as-I sets ROCKAWAY RECORD II It's News, Ads., or {Job l'rlntlnir, phone' Ituckiivuiy 2HU we an; always triad to serve yon IVOL XL No. 35 ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 7,1929 Sl.OQ PER YEAR •Sirloin Steak, lb. American Finest 1 eas "SUUA" TEA RED LABEL Vi lb. 24c— % lb. 47c 45c ILegs of Veal, lb. iRump of Veal, lb. (Bottom Round Roast, lb. 35c 39c [Chuck Roast, lb. [Pork Loin, whole or half lb. [Forequarter of Lamb, lb. Fresh Shad, lb. - 28c 25c 35c A Full Line of Fresh Fish and Vegetables Hagan's Cash Markets IMAIN ST. [MAIN ROAD TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. MT. TABOR, N. J. Head Of University 1 4 Turn to God" Zoology Department Boy K«coniiiienile<| letfe Prni>nfii>rx Col. "Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt" in an iron pan and separating.the I sand from the tiny gold Hakes, Tliey seldom found chunks or nuggets of gold, but by patient work [the number of single grains increased until the miner liad a fortune. A steady accumulation of small sums is a sure method of fortune building. Start saving your nickels and dimes in a savings account now and use the money for investment later. ' --—- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rockaway, N. J. i»n» w w »iTTt.iniimmi III I Capital 9125,000 Surplus $400,000 National Union Bank 1 Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings De- partment paying i% compounded quarterly on balances of $5.00 and over and 2/% on Checking Accounts on nil amounts in excess of $500.00. Member Federal Reserve Bank Safe Deposit Boxes ' $5.00 per annum and up Capital $125,000 r P lns * m > m !'•" w Prof. Joseph Hall Bodiue, ut the University of Pennsylvania, will suc- ceed Prof. Wilbur W. Swingle as head i or the university zoology department, j according to a statement released by j Dean George F. Kay, of the college of i liberal arts. ProfesBor Bodlne'a ap- i polntment follows the resignation of 1 Professor Swingle. | Professor Bodine was born at hake , Hopatcong, N. J., Sept. IS, 1895, and I Is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. (111- : bert Bodine, of Itockaway, He took | his bachelor of arts degree at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in MB and his degree of doctor of philosophy from the same school in 1920. Upon receiving the latter degree lie was .made an assistant professor or zool- ogy at the University of Pennsylvau- i lu. He was recently made u rull pro- j fesHor. ; "Professoi- Hoillne was strongly ! recommended to the university by j outstanding zoologists," declared Dean Kay, "such as Prof. George H. Parker, of Harvard University, Prof. KOBK Harrison, of Yal« University, Prof. K, ; 0. Conklin, of Princeton University, I and Prof. C. K. McClung, of the ITnl- 1 vcrsity of Pennsylvania." . One recommendation sent to Dean , Kay stated:, "Considering Hint Pro- ; tensor Bodine is but S3 years of age his achievements are remarkable." [ The special research Investigations | of Professor Bodine have been In con- I nection with general and insect phyx- | lology. During the last 10 years he | has published more than 20 pupem dealing with his zoological rosearch. I An equal nutnlicr of reports have been | published during the lam, 10 years by : studentR studying in his laboratories. I Hla articles have appeared in the publications or the Academy of Na- tural Sciences of Philadelphia, In the Journal of Experimental Zoology, in I the Journal of (ieneral Physiology, the Biological Bulletins. Tim, j Journals of proceedings Issued by the ] National Academy, of Sciences and by ' the society for experimental biology I and medicine, have also contained ar- tides by Professor Bodine. '' He is a member of (he American I Association of the Societies of Zoo- r loglsts, of the National Physiological I Society, and of the Physiological So- I clety of Philadelphia. j Professor Bodine will assume 111." duties In Iowa City. Sept. 1, 11129. o . St. Or Ilia's Five Win St. Cecilia's basket lull I hoys added another victim to their list Friday night, the American Legion team (if, Wharton, being the losers by a score of 29-27. Charles Reese, center of St., Cecil- ia's, was held in four points In the • first half, but broke loose In the sec- ond half, scoring ten points, for a tie. Oravec shot a basket from the center of the floor In the last minute of play, winning the game. Watt, of Wharton I was the outstanding player of the | Legion, scoring twelve points, nock- away has won seventeen out of eight- i een games played. j Meetings, March 17 A. SinIlli Will Be lu Kurli-way From Hurcli 17 to March SI The Wonders Sheriff Nominee May Of Anthracite Be Denville Man Known In Picture.. At HI. (>cllln'« I r'reil S. Njcrs Announces Ulnnx-H A» Hull (uinUdatf Dr. Arthur J. Smith was born at Bury ltobinsou, Quebec, Canada, In 186f>, but Iran American, his parents, citizens of Vermont, were only tem- When the boys' Biittleborp he porarily In Canada. parents returned to discovered (hat the Y. M. O. A. had taken over a saloon properly once one of the worst dives In Vermont. It. WHS HUCII a vile place the lioy was curious to see the Inside of It. Here he Biiw the Y secretary at work. The The resident« of Korkaway are cor- dially invited (o be ihe gut'Bts of Jos- eph M. and Charles A. Reese at the showing of "The Wonders of Anthra- cite" at the SI. Cecilia's Auditorium, Church Street, Itockaway, on Monday evening, March 11th, at eight o'clock. You will enjoy this educational pic- ture of actual nil minutes showing, ll Is an Interesting, dramatic screen presentation of the story of Lehlgh Coal and constitutes u condensed ntpn became Interested In young! "tory of anthracite from the creation Sfcltli and that was the beginning of! hy nature or the crude coal, to the IllB Y. M. C. A. work. , Mr. Smith was with the Chicago Y when Hilly Sunday, baseball player liesnl the gospel message on the street and followed the speaker to the Pacific Harden Mission and there gave up his drinking habits and evil ways. Under Harry Munroo, Hilly loading or the finished products Into cars thai carry It on Its way to the homes of America. II Is an educutlonal picturi' of tin- lone Interest, geographically present- ing Ihe workings of cosmic forces In thi' formative ages of the earth, pass- Ing on to significant historical events encouraged to give his testimony.) and concluding with, the Impressive Thin lie did In a simple way. At this time Hilly Jollied the Y, M. C. A. Mr. Smith and his associate.!* decided to try him on the Y platform u.t one of the Sunday evening meet- ings. A divinity student was sched- uled lor a ID minute talk nnil Mr. Sunday was to follow with testimony je.lliitK of the change that had cntne ' over his life. The the miracle took place in u perfect torrent nf words I anil with nil of thu vividness of his later duy sermons Hlfiy talked for an hour nnil a half. Men were held by his oralory and swayerHby his Illus- vlew of modern, scientific colliery 'op- erations. It Is frequently relieved hy scenes of human action and human Interest. From the period when coal wns In the making. Showing The gliiul creatures that ronmeil the enilh In prehistoric times. How aiillinicllc wns made a million years ago. What the great glaciers did to till' ni'lKlmil noal-bods. The episode of the old gunsmith anil the Indian. Tho discovery nf unlhraelti', re-enact- ed by Hoy Scouts. "Coul-Hri'alier (loir"- "Separating chunks of rock trillions, they wopt with his pathos, j from coal. The most thrilling plc- Hniih'd with his humor Just us thoy | tu're ever made or an actual mine lmvi.- been doing for years. The Y blast. How the safety or unthrnclle Hecrclarics were diimhl'ounilol, they mlnoi's Is guarded. How high grade had expected Ibe usual testimony, In- anthracite is prepiiretl for market, stead they heurd n wonderful presi'n-' How It is Inspected for purity, qual- ity and uniformity. "The wonders or Anthraclle" will lie shown on Monduy afternoon at tht> High School Auditorium, to Ihe local I lu announcing hiii cuuiliducy (or i Hit uomlualloli of Sheriff ul tho Juus | pruiuirliM. II would setnii Fred a. My- | era, of Dcnville has u Just claim an j the Republican party of Morris Couu- i ty for that honor. Kor ninny .yean he- i liuti'.represented DciivHlc Township ag | Its County Comnilttui'iiiun, and hla. j untiring work In every campaign ham I brought victory In a largis meusure to» I the party candidates, This has beem ! no idle tusk since it Involves holding: | the purty together, getting the voters i lo Ihe polls, urn! selecting good men | and women to help do the work. Mr. | Myers has Indeed given generously of his time mill money In advancing the i bust Interests of his party not only l« ' lorul but lii County administration. HIH years of loyal servlco should | therefor he recognized by members of his parly throughout the county. Mr. Myers has never held political office. For the past fifteen years he hus been a mimibcr of the Dunville Township Hoard of Kducutlon. and Is at present the President, He. has beea greatly Interested in the development of Dcuvllle, never fulling to lake- part, In nil civic affaire. He Is pos- sessed or a good business training, having been employed by the Lacka- wuiiiiii Kiilhoud Co. In Important pos- itions and mail« good. There Is no> doubt whatever, If nominated unit elected Sheriff, he would perform the- duties of the. office as good us liny man who ever held that position. The Mil me accurate, prompt, courtous and efficient service that has characteriz- ed him In whatever he has undertak- en would be given lo thu duties of hla office. school children. tatimi of (iml, love and an iiwel'ul rc- cllal of the results of spurning His love. 'I'llIK IS only one of the dramatic In- cidents of Dr. Arthur .1. Smith's busy and eventful life. He has been an nssoclnle of Dr. Chapman and Dr. Mills. Paul or or the First Presbyter- ian Church, of Savannah, (!a. Dr. Smith is being brought to Hock- away by the Methodist anl Presby- terian Churches for two weeks of Special Meetings, beginning March 17 and continuing lo March 31. There will be meetings every night except Saturday. Tho evening meetings in the Presbyterian Church, the after-; 01)]y tw( , nty . t , lrej , I)erB01]fl noon meetings in Metliollst Church. There will bo extra musical features. Will Meet Again March 13th Drnvlllr Mcelbitf I'oKtponed. Went her Cunilltlnii 1'reTented Many From At- tenrilinr. T« Be Held \ e x t {Cornerstone Of New i Synagogue Laid i "~~ - { Hlir Altcnilnnce At Ceremony In Mor- I rlNtown Hllllani K. ynnHlprr Owlng ,„ |np ,„„, weathe| . con , mlon otten(le( , | ,„„ mM|ng ,,„„„,, , )y ^ Coromunlly j p,,,.,,,,',,,,, 0 , ub ,„„, Moni)l)y n|ght ,„ i the President poslponed It until Wed- j m<|Mlay ev( , 1)|llg March i 3(n Those present talked things over i Those present talked things over The death or William K. VanRlpcr,, B]|( , mn]|) , 1||euR r m m n K tlle flltnre 4**IBT Minimi l*tf\«hl*<a nidi nnftllMlliMl Cf %t t% ' thirty-seven years old, occurred Sun (lay nt his home, 33'.6 West Clinton street, Dover, of pneumonia. Tho fun- eral was held Tuesday afternoon nt 0. n. Smith & Son's funeral home, 1 Bak- er nvonue. at 3 p. m. Rev. E. O. Wil- son, pastor of First llaptist Church, officiated and Interment wns made In Locust HIM Cemetery. Hesidos his wife, .Mrs. Ktllth Vanlllper (nee Olm- Hleaill, six children survive: also his father. William VnnRlper, of Dover and formerly, of Hockaway. U E OPENED THE BAG " 0_#the oW E*kread.) _^ terrible havoc/ Property damage from windstorm, runs into the millions each year. It is like lightning, striking where least ex- pected. Why not protect yourself against financial loss.' SEE THIS AGENCY E.J. MATTHEWS &SONS 40 W. MAIN STREET HOCKAWAY, 3f. J. Annoiinceilieiii A Correrllon religions development of Denville i wore given. i New member* are expected nt the 1 Sunday morning session of tho C. C. , C. and HIP Sunday evening service ; will be conducted by young people. It i Is to be held nt tho home of Mrs. Ncl- j He Dlckcrson, seventh house in on the j Fox Hill Road. i Mr. A. D. Meyers In his sermon last *Snnilny evening. "Crucifying Christ" made everyone Ihlnk and realize how j fur short of roul ChrlBtlnim nil men i are. That ho made a (loop impression ' is putting It mildly. Invitation We wish lo niinininie Mini uc nrc able (o Mujtply all deinundN for milk and crenni. Our lunre accredited herd is producintr an abundant supply. 35t4 BEAVKR BROOK DAIKV An Item In lust week's Record re- fering lo a dance under the auspices . of Pocahonias Lodge, should have read: A dance will he held on Thurs-1 The .Christian Communlly Club, of day evening. March 34th, instead or i Dcnvllle, invlteB the followinK to at- March 7th. Tickets nrc now on sale tend a special im-etiiift to be hold on Wednesday evenhiR, March 13th, at Hie home or M. V. Hunt, Orchard St., by meinbei'H. Turn - To - God Led DR. ARTHUR J. SMITH MARCH 17th-MARCH 31st in the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches Rockaway, N. J. at S o'clock fihnrp, T.hi> Denvllle Civic Association. The Friendly Club, of Denville. Tim Welfare Organisations of Mem- tiers of and contributors to the Don* vllle M. E. Church opposed to the pro- posed Dulldlng plun. Sunday School teachers not now en- gaged. I'orsons who <i( present are without church homes. Next Sunday evening's service at the home of .Mrs. Nellie Dickerson, seventh house on Fox Hill Road, o vn-^..™. S*turjlay .SIRM Bniifes . .. OIIIICIIIK will im hold every Satur- day ovcnliiK, hoglnnliiE Saturday, March tub, in the Hercules Club, nt Kenvili, N. ,1. Chester Ulancluiril'H I I.tikelnnd Orchestra will furnish the ! music. There will be old fashioned j rin well nH modern dancing. The ad- mission to the dances hus been plac- ed at a nominal sum so as to make. It possible fnr nil lo attend, A ch:ii'R(i of one dollar per couple, fitly cents for extra lady. The cornerstone of the new Jewish Center anil House of Israel on Speed- well avenue. Morristown, was laid at four o'clock Sundny with appropriate ceremonies anil In the presence ot about five hundred people. The honor of placing the lornerstono wns ac- corded by tho Hoard ot Directors to Morris Kpsleiu, the President, who in turn presented thn trowel to David P. Sulny, u member of tho Board of Di- rectors and one of Its oldest umt Htminchcst workers, lu the corner j stone were placed soniu old coins, rec- I orils of the House of Israel, Including ! II copy ol' Its history, a copy of The Dully Record and a copy of tho New York Times. As the trowel WUH pre- sented to Mr. Sulny, ho was also pre- scnlcil with n llic-mombor»hlp card in the local llrlck l.uyors, Masons unit I'lnstercrs I'ulon, Local 21, of Morris- town, sinned by Domitiick Monaco, Secretary and Frederick Hiindolll, President. .Music for th« occasion was furnlah- uil by the Hoy mid lilrl Scout troops umlcr ihe illrt'ClInn of Mia. Doru New- t murk. . I The dedication service was given by I Kabul SlKiier, of Munhultun ilcach, N. Y., foi'ini'ily of Morristown, Tlu< principal address of the utter- noon wus given by Jonah S. Goldstein, of Now York, Down Town Chairman of Iho 1'nlteil I'nlexllue Appeal, ^hi> gave a stirring talk on "Tolurancc." Following Ilu> ilediciitlon service, tht're was a banquet nt •Washington Mall In thu evening at 0:30 o'clock. Mr, Epstein wns Ihe tniistmuater and nuiilc an eloquent pleu for additional funds for the new Center. About $lfi,0uu was pledged In addition to tho $41,000 which wus pledged at tho lian- i|iiot UiHt year. Kabbl Signer wim thn main Hpeaker nt tin) banquet. I'lTMbvlcrlnnH Ainilii Hold l.eail Thv I'rcHliyturlon biiwllng toum by virtue of their throe gaino victory aver. Ihe MctlioillalH pu Tuesdny night, hold flrsl pluci' in thu local tourna- ment by tho clnsu margin of one game' unil will have to fight luivil to keon> this lead when they meet thu Hutchem tonuirrow night. A vory exciting anil fuel garni' Is expected, The standing of the learns to ilati> Is aa follows: Team .Won Lost Prusbyterlans in 17 imifhoM an i s llmikers .21 118 MotluiillstH 19 ;)»

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

are justly proud]t w 0 things —our I

su and our News-both are as-Isets ROCKAWAY RECORD II It's News, Ads., or

{Job l'rlntlnir, phone'Ituckiivuiy 2HU wean; always triad to

serve yon


•Sirloin Steak, lb.

American Finest1 eas



Vi lb. 24c— % lb. 47c

45cILegs of Veal, lb.iRump of Veal, lb.

(Bottom Round Roast, lb.


[Chuck Roast, lb.[Pork Loin, whole or half lb.

[Forequarter of Lamb, lb.

Fresh Shad, lb. -



A Full Line of Fresh Fish and Vegetables

Hagan's Cash MarketsIMAIN ST.




Head Of University 14Turn to God"Zoology Department

Boy K«coniiiienile<|letfe Prni>nfii>rx

Col .

"Pay Dirt"The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering

[the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt" in an iron pan and separating.theI sand from the tiny gold Hakes,

Tliey seldom found chunks or nuggets of gold, but by patient work[the number of single grains increased until the miner liad a fortune.

A steady accumulation of small sums is a sure method of fortunebuilding. Start saving your nickels and dimes in a savings accountnow and use the money for investment later. ' • - - — -


i » n » w w » i T T t . i n i i m m i I I I I

Capital 9125,000 Surplus $400,000

National Union Bank1 Dover, N. J.

Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings De-partment paying i% compounded quarterly on balancesof $5.00 and over and 2/% on Checking Accounts on nilamounts in excess of $500.00.

Member Federal Reserve Bank

Safe Deposit Boxes' $5.00 per annum and up

Capital $125,000 S«rP l n s *m>m

! ' • "


Prof. Joseph Hall Bodiue, ut theUniversity of Pennsylvania, will suc-ceed Prof. Wilbur W. Swingle as head

i or the university zoology department,j according to a statement released byj Dean George F. Kay, of the college ofi liberal arts. ProfesBor Bodlne'a ap-i polntment follows the resignation of1 Professor Swingle.| Professor Bodine was born at hake, Hopatcong, N. J., Sept. IS, 1895, andI Is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. (111-: bert Bodine, of Itockaway, He took| his bachelor of arts degree at the Uni-

versity of Pennsylvania in M B andhis degree of doctor of philosophyfrom the same school in 1920. Uponreceiving the latter degree lie was.made an assistant professor or zool-ogy at the University of Pennsylvau-

i lu. He was recently made u rull pro-j fesHor. ;

"Professoi- Hoillne was strongly! recommended to the university byj outstanding zoologists," declared Dean

Kay, "such as Prof. George H. Parker,of Harvard University, Prof. KOBKHarrison, of Yal« University, Prof. K,

; 0. Conklin, of Princeton University,I and Prof. C. K. McClung, of the ITnl-1 vcrsity of Pennsylvania.". One recommendation sent to Dean, Kay stated:, "Considering Hint Pro-; tensor Bodine is but S3 years of age

his achievements are remarkable."[ The special research Investigations| of Professor Bodine have been In con-I nection with general and insect phyx-| lology. During the last 10 years he| has published more than 20 pupem

dealing with his zoological rosearch.I An equal nutnlicr of reports have been| published during the lam, 10 years by: studentR studying in his laboratories.I Hla articles have appeared in the

publications or the Academy of Na-tural Sciences of Philadelphia, In theJournal of Experimental Zoology, in

I the Journal of (ieneral Physiology, the Biological Bulletins. Tim,j Journals of proceedings Issued by the] National Academy, of Sciences and by' the society for experimental biologyI and medicine, have also contained ar-• tides by Professor Bodine.'' He is a member of (he AmericanI Association of the Societies of Zoo-r loglsts, of the National PhysiologicalI Society, and of the Physiological So-I clety of Philadelphia.j Professor Bodine will assume 111."

duties In Iowa City. Sept. 1, 11129.

o .

St. O r Ilia's Five W i n

St. Cecilia's basket lull I hoys addedanother victim to their list Fridaynight, the American Legion team (if,Wharton, being the losers by a scoreof 29-27.

Charles Reese, center of St., Cecil-ia's, was held in four points In the •first half, but broke loose In the sec-ond half, scoring ten points, for a tie.Oravec shot a basket from the centerof the floor In the last minute of play,winning the game. Watt, of Wharton Iwas the outstanding player of the |Legion, scoring twelve points, nock-away has won seventeen out of eight- ieen games played. j

Meetings, March 17A. SinIlli Will Be lu Kurli-way From

Hurcli 17 to March SI

The Wonders Sheriff Nominee MayOf Anthracite Be Denville Man

Known In Picture.. At HI. (>cllln'« I r'reil S. Njcrs Announces Ulnnx-H A»Hull (uinUdatf

Dr. Arthur J. Smith was born atBury ltobinsou, Quebec, Canada, In186f>, but Iran American, his parents,citizens of Vermont, were only tem-

When the boys'Biittleborp he

porarily In Canada.parents returned todiscovered (hat the Y. M. O. A. hadtaken over a saloon properly onceone of the worst dives In Vermont.It. WHS HUCII a vile place the lioy wascurious to see the Inside of It. Herehe Biiw the Y secretary at work. The

The resident« of Korkaway are cor-dially invited (o be ihe gut'Bts of Jos-eph M. and Charles A. Reese at theshowing of "The Wonders of Anthra-cite" at the SI. Cecilia's Auditorium,Church Street, Itockaway, on Mondayevening, March 11th, at eight o'clock.You will enjoy this educational pic-ture of actual nil minutes showing,ll Is an Interesting, dramatic screenpresentation of the story of LehlghCoal and constitutes u condensed

ntpn became Interested In young! "tory of anthracite from the creationSfcltli and that was the beginning of! hy nature or the crude coal, to theIllB Y. M. C. A. work., Mr. Smith was with the Chicago Ywhen Hilly Sunday, baseball playerliesnl the gospel message on thestreet and followed the speaker to thePacific Harden Mission and theregave up his drinking habits and evilways. Under Harry Munroo, Hilly

loading or the finished products Intocars thai carry It on Its way to thehomes of America.

II Is an educutlonal picturi' of tin-lone Interest, geographically present-ing Ihe workings of cosmic forces Inthi' formative ages of the earth, pass-Ing on to significant historical events

encouraged to give his testimony.) and concluding with, the ImpressiveThin lie did In a simple way.

At this time Hilly Jollied the Y, M.C. A. Mr. Smith and his associate.!*decided to try him on the Y platformu.t one of the Sunday evening meet-ings. A divinity student was sched-uled lor a ID minute talk nnil Mr.Sunday was to follow with testimonyje.lliitK of the change that had cntne 'over his life. The the miracle tookplace in u perfect torrent nf words Ianil with nil of thu vividness of hislater duy sermons Hlfiy talked for anhour nnil a half. Men were held byhis oralory and swayerHby his Illus-

vlew of modern, scientific colliery 'op-erations. It Is frequently relieved hyscenes of human action and humanInterest.

From the period when coal wns Inthe making. Showing —

The gliiul creatures that ronmeilthe enilh In prehistoric times. Howaiillinicllc wns made a million yearsago. What the great glaciers did totill' ni'lKlmil noal-bods. The episodeof the old gunsmith anil the Indian.Tho discovery nf unlhraelti', re-enact-ed by Hoy Scouts. "Coul-Hri'alier(loir"- "Separating chunks of rock

trillions, they wopt with his pathos, j from coal. The most thrilling plc-Hniih'd with his humor Just us thoy | tu're ever made or an actual minelmvi.- been doing for years. The Y blast. How the safety or unthrnclleHecrclarics were diimhl'ounilol, they mlnoi's Is guarded. How high gradehad expected Ibe usual testimony, In- anthracite is prepiiretl for market,stead they heurd n wonderful presi'n-' How It is Inspected for purity, qual-

ity and uniformity."The wonders or Anthraclle" will

lie shown on Monduy afternoon at tht>High School Auditorium, to Ihe local

I lu announcing hiii cuuiliducy (ori Hit uomlualloli of Sheriff ul tho Juus| pruiuirliM. II would setnii Fred a. My-| era, of Dcnville has u Just claim anj the Republican party of Morris Couu-i ty for that honor. Kor ninny .yean he-i liuti'.represented DciivHlc Township ag| Its County Comnilttui'iiiun, and hla.j untiring work In every campaign hamI brought victory In a largis meusure to»I the party candidates, This has beem! no idle tusk since it Involves holding:| the purty together, getting the votersi lo Ihe polls, urn! selecting good men| and women to help do the work. Mr.| Myers has Indeed given generously of

his time mill money In advancing thei bust Interests of his party not only l«' lorul but lii County administration.

HIH years of loyal servlco should| therefor he recognized by membersof his parly throughout the county.

Mr. Myers has never held politicaloffice. For the past fifteen years hehus been a mimibcr of the DunvilleTownship Hoard of Kducutlon. and Isat present the President, He. has beeagreatly Interested in the developmentof Dcuvllle, never fulling to lake-part, In nil civic affaire. He Is pos-sessed or a good business training,having been employed by the Lacka-wuiiiiii Kiilhoud Co. In Important pos-itions and mail« good. There Is no>doubt whatever, If nominated unitelected Sheriff, he would perform the-duties of the. office as good us linyman who ever held that position. TheMil me accurate, prompt, courtous andefficient service that has characteriz-ed him In whatever he has undertak-en would be given lo thu duties of hlaoffice.

school children.

tatimi of (iml, love and an iiwel'ul rc-cllal of the results of spurning Hislove.

'I'llIK IS only one of the dramatic In-cidents of Dr. Arthur .1. Smith's busyand eventful life. He has been annssoclnle of Dr. Chapman and Dr.Mills. Paul or or the First Presbyter-ian Church, of Savannah, (!a.

Dr. Smith is being brought to Hock-away by the Methodist anl Presby-terian Churches for two weeks ofSpecial Meetings, beginning March17 and continuing lo March 31. Therewill be meetings every night exceptSaturday. Tho evening meetings in

the Presbyterian Church, the after-; 0 1 ) ] y t w ( , n t y . t , l r e j , I ) erB01] f l

noon meetings in Metliollst Church.There will bo extra musical features.

Will Meet AgainMarch 13th

Drnvlllr Mcelbitf I'oKtponed. Went herCunilltlnii 1'reTented Many From At-tenrilinr. T« Be Held \ e x t

{Cornerstone Of Newi Synagogue Laidi " ~ ~ -

{ Hlir Altcnilnnce At Ceremony In Mor-I rlNtown

Hllllani K. ynnHlprr

Owlng ,„ |np ,„„, weathe|. con,mlonotten(le(,| ,„„ mM||ng ,,„„„,, ,)y Coromunlly

j p,,,.,,,,',,,,, 0,ub ,„„, Moni)l)y n|ght ,„i the President poslponed It until Wed-j m<|Mlay ev(,1)|llg March i 3 ( n

Those present talked things overi Those present talked things overThe death or William K. VanRlpcr,, B ] | ( , m n ] | ) , 1 | | e u R r m m n K t l l e f l l t n r e4**IBT M i n i m i l*tf\«hl*<a n id i n n f t l l M l l i M l Cf %t t% 'thirty-seven years old, occurred Sun

(lay nt his home, 33'.6 West Clintonstreet, Dover, of pneumonia. Tho fun-eral was held Tuesday afternoon nt 0.n. Smith & Son's funeral home, 1 Bak-er nvonue. at 3 p. m. Rev. E. O. Wil-son, pastor of First llaptist Church,officiated and Interment wns made InLocust HIM Cemetery. Hesidos hiswife, .Mrs. Ktllth Vanlllper (nee Olm-Hleaill, six children survive: also hisfather. William VnnRlper, of Doverand formerly, of Hockaway.


" 0_#the oW E*kread.)

_ ^

terrible havoc/Property damage from windstorm, runs into the millionseach year. It is like lightning, striking where least ex-pected. Why not protect yourself against financial loss.'




A Correrllon

religions development of Denvillei wore given.i New member* are expected nt the1 Sunday morning session of tho C. C., C. and HIP Sunday evening service; will be conducted by young people. Iti Is to be held nt tho home of Mrs. Ncl-j He Dlckcrson, seventh house in on thej Fox Hill Road.i Mr. A. D. Meyers In his sermon last*Snnilny evening. "Crucifying Christ"

made everyone Ihlnk and realize howj fur short of roul ChrlBtlnim nil meni are. That ho made a (loop impression' is putting It mildly.


We wish lo niinininie Mini u c nrcable (o Mujtply all deinundN for milkand crenni. Our lunre accredited herdis producintr an abundant supply.35t4 BEAVKR BROOK DAIKV

An Item In lust week's Record re-fering lo a dance under the auspices .of Pocahonias Lodge, should haveread: A dance will he held on Thurs-1 The .Christian Communlly Club, ofday evening. March 34th, instead or i Dcnvllle, invlteB the followinK to at-March 7th. Tickets nrc now on sale tend a special im-etiiift to be hold on

Wednesday evenhiR, March 13th, atHie home or M. V. Hunt, Orchard St.,

by meinbei'H.

Turn - To - God



MARCH 17th-MARCH 31stin the

Methodist and Presbyterian Churches

Rockaway, N. J.

at S o'clock fihnrp,T.hi> Denvllle Civic Association.The Friendly Club, of Denville.Tim Welfare Organisations of Mem-

tiers of and contributors to the Don*vllle M. E. Church opposed to the pro-posed Dulldlng plun.

Sunday School teachers not now en-gaged.

I'orsons who <i( present are withoutchurch homes.

Next Sunday evening's service atthe home of .Mrs. Nellie Dickerson,seventh house on Fox Hill Road,

ovn- ..™. S*turjlay .SIRM Bniifes . ..

OIIIICIIIK will im hold every Satur-day ovcnliiK, hoglnnliiE Saturday,March tub, in the Hercules Club, ntKenvili, N. ,1. Chester Ulancluiril'H

I I.tikelnnd Orchestra will furnish the! music. There will be old fashionedj rin well nH modern dancing. The ad-

mission to the dances hus been plac-ed at a nominal sum so as to make. Itpossible fnr nil lo attend, A ch:ii'R(iof one dollar per couple, fitly centsfor extra lady.

The cornerstone of the new JewishCenter anil House of Israel on Speed-well avenue. Morristown, was laid atfour o'clock Sundny with appropriateceremonies anil In the presence ot •about five hundred people. The honorof placing the lornerstono wns ac-corded by tho Hoard ot Directors toMorris Kpsleiu, the President, who inturn presented thn trowel to David P.Sulny, u member of tho Board of Di-rectors and one of Its oldest umtHtminchcst workers, lu the corner

j stone were placed soniu old coins, rec-I orils of the House of Israel, Including! II copy ol' Its history, a copy of The

Dully Record and a copy of tho NewYork Times. As the trowel WUH pre-sented to Mr. Sulny, ho was also pre-scnlcil with n llic-mombor»hlp card inthe local llrlck l.uyors, Masons unitI'lnstercrs I'ulon, Local 21, of Morris-town, sinned by Domitiick Monaco,Secretary and Frederick Hiindolll,President.

.Music for th« occasion was furnlah-uil by the Hoy mid lilrl Scout troopsumlcr ihe illrt'ClInn of Mia. Doru New-

t murk. .I The dedication service was given byI Kabul SlKiier, of Munhultun ilcach, N.

Y., foi'ini'ily of Morristown,Tlu< principal address of the utter-

noon wus given by Jonah S. Goldstein,of Now York, Down Town Chairmanof Iho 1'nlteil I'nlexllue Appeal, ^hi>gave a stirring talk on "Tolurancc."

Following Ilu> ilediciitlon service,tht're was a banquet nt •WashingtonMall In thu evening at 0:30 o'clock.Mr, Epstein wns Ihe tniistmuater andnuiilc an eloquent pleu for additionalfunds for the new Center. About$lfi,0uu was pledged In addition to tho$41,000 which wus pledged at tho lian-i|iiot UiHt year.

Kabbl Signer wim thn main Hpeakernt tin) banquet.

I'lTMbvlcrlnnH Ainilii Hold l.eail

Thv I'rcHliyturlon biiwllng toum byvirtue of their throe gaino victoryaver. Ihe MctlioillalH pu Tuesdny night,hold flrsl pluci' in thu local tourna-ment by tho clnsu margin of one game'unil will have to fight luivil to keon>this lead when they meet thu Hutchemtonuirrow night. A vory exciting anilfuel garni' Is expected,

The standing of the learns to ilati>Is aa follows:Team .Won LostPrusbyterlans in 17imifhoM an i sllmikers .21 118MotluiillstH 19 ;)»

Page 2: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

H O l K A W i V H V. I ' D *


The EleventhHour

lin >-:iii| I UIIN CUT piil l i; I" tinv«"

* wrJilinvV ri'imli'il IHT uli-n- lli|i


Vi l .liiiiif uux unly Hiillliij; fnr H

ici l i i in VIMUK; mini In iixk her In I'l1

M* lil'fiiri' MI.UIIK ".Vl'K" |il'<llll|lllv,

AVIlN I .Illllt'.V i l n l n u t k l l O W WIIK H u l l

. R1IPJI1I»\ iturKi'i' hud <-imw to r)h> IMIII-MI*

IIIKL iiTuhr firmly cli'irritilni'il tu |n'i>

Ihf* )iojit'i]-fi(r (|iirhtl(in WIUMI llif.v

KlionM IIHVB rfdirncci from tln> piny

'to which hi> win Inking her. A HIT,

jliowi'vrr, IMMIIB i>hllk'i'il l» »nlt »<> IIIIIU

for .Tnnry In [ml HIM linlxlilni; tmnlir i

(to tln> gown xhf uiinfril |ii wt>iir Hint

,1)16 riirlulii IIIIIJ iM'cn TIIIMI'II Im 11" HII

hour vtlii-n l iny c<>t lhcn>, Slic|i WHI

|ln no innixj to he HI MIIIIIIMIIJII, It WHK

'one Ililnii In Imr .tnne.v, imltp nnoflii-r

to l)i' nniliilili' luwnril'her pet full In;:.

Yd Slii'p illil KMk III-I- lu many lilin

A few owning* In I I'l'. Jlf IIIKI AIIIMII

• tlie nfli'iniion I'IIIJIIIJ; II'IIIIIH wlili IHT

ilinO luiil In-ill loki'il by Amu MurstnrH

,lo dltini'i', SnyJni; Kiuiilliy In her mil

.on I ho purili In Hi'' iniiuiiliiilit, II swl-

lien ri'iillziilhin MUHII' IIIIM uf wlnii mi

<>nf mining ii• f-• • wllrh phi' WIIN.

"1'nrllnj!." In- I'lirwl fnlll i liupuUlvi'-

ly. "I luvo iiini'i' ihim I inn t i l l .

Mnrry me, .Tinn-y. S;iy 'yii.'" I

Anil .IMIK'.V shyly niliM'i'd fln> I l l l l i ' I


lips mi lime !T l u * WMihl i r i j . ' i l u y \\i\t* net wlx t i m n i t M [

plicilil lirniiixi' .Imii'.v wntili'il In lie

iniirrli'il In the f:ill, Kiii'llii'i'iniiri', I-IH'

wnll!• il to lio IIIIIITII'II )JJ IIK> Ilille

;('(Minlry I'hnrrli i't Smiili'ixvllli' wlicrc«lu> Inul vpi'in HII iiiiiny luip|i,v Him-

.inoi'N und whi-ri* h)w luiil lii'^t uti-'t

jWicp. I t nifiiiil n Inn/,' ilrlvi" diiwiifrom Iho r'lly Inuiii1, dnt wlnit waxthnl. iK't'iii'ilIni; in .liini'V. wlii'ii <i>m-

ijnmMl with the riiniiini'i' <>( Ihi' Oilnt:?Tlli ' lr ciii.'iil.'i'iiM'iit |ii'ilIMI WIIK MIII>

of nilnnlril iih'iiNiiri' inul |mln. I'lcn^-ilire, when llioy ivi'iv Inai'llicr, |ilcnlrk-

'Ing, Hlifi|i|iliii;, or iilli'lidlni; pltiy, con-

<'orl or (Intifi1, I'nln. wlii-n .Innoy linfl

left Ki'ini'ihliii; imill I hi' I'lcM'tilii luiuv

.lind, us n ri'wili, WIIN \MIIII mil, Im-x-

^cufialily inU1, nr, tin lu nut* Hint niHf,:f«llcil In Khun u11 nl nil, li'iivinu Slirp] t » <-'Ool hlH III'I'IH I n d i ' l l u l U ' l y u t l l i «

• d o o r n f Ni<; i n u i c r i 1mlI » l d i l n - r III'

( l i n d l i i i r r l r i l f r o m i m l i i i | i n r l i i i i t l » l « l -

lj rAn nit tifU'riniMh *'f tlitit itcctiHtitni

'Hllpp Ii ml nxHiiiril .liim-y Hint If Him

[WUII IHIC UI Hie wi'ddlni.' In- wniilil

'walk out ill* I hi- I'lmrrli vtlili ihc HIIIIII

iof lionor mid novi'i' KM lunU.

Spoken In Ji'xl, Ihi' IIIITIII. linnmlit

vJatify Hope In (4'tu'H. "It wim Iho ultl

't'lenni>i''a fni i l l : " HIIC IHIIII'MH'II,

"I'll wnrnint \ni i dlilu'l tnkv ynur

I milt Iliori' ilnlll vr'wii'iilny iirii'i'iinnii! "

; n'torll'd Slii'ii.

" I took It IIIIM innrnlnt,''" illlnpliMl

I Jon^y, "Add how cuiHtl I wi'nv itty!cont on NUCII a «iiinii)i'iy diiyV"

ArgtinuMit Hi' |iriitf»t wi>ri' of IHtli!

uvnll. Shi'p, In whiiin mi nppnliiliiii'iit

H o HUH't \\ Hum WIIH u s Hiu-rrtt im lilrt

( nnnio on n nutf, cinild ri>rj;lvi! .liinoy' but nut Muilcrxtimd lit*r.

I'Mfiiriiiniiii'ly, one of tin1 I'levfiilli

hour ili'liiyK of IIIH Uiinti'U rnnri-rnpil

tin) scnilhi/; mil nr ilie IIIVIIIIIIIIIIK, All

uunt «( tin" IIIMIIV'H ii'ii'lvi'il In1)1 llolli'i!

'of tliv iiniiHiidhi^r wi'ildlnt; of her nliu-i*

lliri'C tlii\» nflci1 tin* rvwil.

•Slicp. wiin Inul liii'iicd nvi-r In .Iimi'y

n lmMli'ulmiH u«i of IIIH iiwn frli-mlx

null ri'lnllviK, gii\i> no inure IliniiKlu,

to t lie niHlti'i'.

Tim weddliiK iluy pi'iiM.>il "no of

tliiwo ik'U>i'liililt! Klfm uf nut linn) when

n crisp mitl liiMivy IIIIIK eolorn til I v\-

. tl'UCO,

Shop WIIH Hliiylnn wllli IIIH COIIHIIII

lint Jnnpy wrnt lo ilrlvi> down from llii>

id ly wllli Aunt .Miii'Kui'et nnil I'ni'li'

John, tvlio wn» to iilvi> lii'i' nwii.v. Tin'

lioiir win piirpiwly curly—t'lovim

o'clock—tlmt \\\\> lirldp mil] /.'mom

might ni lr l i I he onn nililihty triiln Unit

ntupntM] at Snmli'i'M Ule.

SIlep run) IIIH IICH f limn were en fly

at the clinri'li, inul wlille Sliep HIM lu

no wny Iho fiorvniiH lirlili'/trnom of

i eomtc notion Hie iimiiifiitH KiM'ini'il !o

ilrlig niilieiinihly us he will tod In the

inlnlxl PV'H KIIHI.V.

Ten inlniilim hi elo vim-live nil nut OH

U>! A ti'iiililo preiiimiHIon Ntiiiek

Wiop. .luney WHS /folllK to Tlv'e iip topiodlit Son II nil In; lulu.

A nip (iliirlleil him. COIIHIII I'rrd,the liext nnin, KOIIIK In tlie iloor, foum)the »tntlun iniisler'N liny lennluK In:-Blllo lll« l)!l'.VI'!«! Wllli II '.VI'llOW I'll-velope In IIIM hninl. "I'nr Mr, Hnrker,"lie snlil. . "Tlioy lohl inn Im WIIH lioru,"

.Shop ilpiii'd Die cnvelii|ie open, drmvtint tlic eniloMlliT, rend It wllli il hiVd(lint xrow wlillo, crumpled It Into uTvnil mill reiii'lieil for IIIH hut.

Cousin l'Yeil picked It up lind, utShop's HIIVIIKO IINKI'lll, N'llli II.

'"i'errlhly Hurry. C'lin'l imihi* MmwoilOInK In 11 me. June,"

J.lkn a nnin In n dri'iim Shop KII'IKIOout tin; Mlilo doni' unil Oonu Hie pullini thn dimrli clock Hlnrled lo clilnioelovi'u, llv dhl nut nee tlio miiomuliModrnw up In frnnt of Hie church nrlienr COIIHIII Knvl niniilim hcliliiil him,hut ho luriii'il ut it touch on his HIIDUI-dor.


Fred iKini'Holjr, ".Iiiiu-y Is hem]"A leltt'p forwiii'ili-il to Shcj) on his

. lionnj'ihoon from yiiop'* Kfciit-iiunt•Juno mmlo tlilti/jn I'lwir. "Your Invl-

. tntlon nniHt hnvn been doluyod In Ilioinnll. Ic cniiio In ilnin for inu to wlroI could not bo |ireHi-nl. I urn

"ft oilKlit to cure mo," Knit] .limeyoontriteiy. Hut ono dauhta If it illd,









THt PUBtK. TRXMPLtD DOWN *<*>» n O B T H O f b«Of





7 ° AV0ipW*OPPI«




REG'LAR FELLERS Jimmie Can't Understand That By GENE BYRNES

First National BankMorristown, New jersey

; CHAHtRltBI) 1805

Resources pver $7,500 )00

Banking In All Its Branches

ltolivrt K. Uurkfi lawyer.


II. M. M«rcliitnt, M«r«biui(.

K, Hnlmon. Lawyer.

Ward Campbell, Ylc»>Pr<iui' .MnrrlN (o, Hi»Jnnii Bank.

Hfiiry (017, Vlce-l>r»»ldfntunil Cn«hl«r.

II. nurd Kord, I'rexldenl.

Arthur A. MnmhTH, HnJj,Anicrlciiii 'J'el, A Tel. Co.

I). II. MrAlpIn,

'1'lKiinuN W. Htr*f>t«r, 1'hnlr-mnn, Sims 1'elrolenm Corp.


Selh ThiHintx Clock Co.

HnruM H. Vun NntU,I.uinlirr and Coal.



Telephones. . . . wherever you Need them

#. Telephone service should be the most

convenient thing in yourhouse — and can be, withmodern telephone equipment

1 4


home add tremendously to livingcomfort... small wonder peopleeverywhere arc using themthroughout their homes. Easilynnd with little cost, real tele-phone convenience is assured.Day and night the service is al-ways right at hand.

We will gladly show you howyour home can be made thor-oughly modern in its telephoneconvenience. Call our BusinessOffice today.

New Jersey Bell Telephone CompanyA »i» Inn liuilimltn Iwtnl hi Nulaiul Rimmi

(*riUNU WATER(lie PureMt Spring Water

produced. Tufcen from » RolllnirSpring. More nUmiilatlng and re-frenhliiij than uther wntert. A trialwill convince you.

(JKOItOE F. TONKIN, TelephuM Ki Hvckaway


N Carp«ut«r and BollderKatlmutcs Olven

rel. 18 P. 0. Bos t«9JoliblnK « Specialty

B0CKA1TAT. if. 3.


SIX-SIXTYNo oxpert knowledge of engineering In neededto appreciate the exceptional value and pro-gressive deftlgn of this uttractivo Six, Simplyread the specifications:

Continental Hoil Seal Atotur . , . ijuiet I,-lli'Ucl . , .Mwarlng crttitkuhaJt . . . Morse Hllfiit liming chain. . . Holinnlflo Invar ntrul [ilHtonH , . . fori'dd fcoillubrlcnilni) . . , four-whocl llonillx lirukuH . . .aliock IIIIHOI'IKTH . . , loll inrh wliaollmm) . . . longKeml-elllptlc mirlngu . . , quiet roomy IKHIIOH . . .moillnh iipholmcry . . . uji-lo-duto IIDCH unil colorw. . . chromium plated oriiuincnliil nttiiiRH . . .• pcr-li'i't liuluHfo throughout.

A demonstration will reveal lt» remarkable a oceleratloii', speed, power, fluxlblllty, comfort anduaso of handling.

Duruit Six "66" De luxe Four-door Sudan4-Forward Speed*

The PuiiMinnr SI>IJHII--#7W)



A N D K O U %T I 1 K n U l t A n i . l t O U R A N T K O U I I - F O R . T V . . . . A K O U I l W I T H A N iJUPHKHBIVIt HE

W U K A N T M O T O R S , I N C . L A N S I N G , M I C I I M 1 A N«»n,,.t Motor n,m,«.«, „, (•„„,„,.„„,, Oakland, Vti-nwuk MMorn •* ( U ^ M i , I-" - «**


J. H. Blanchard & Co.Mnnuracturom Of


with or without hnndlimAll Klmln of Eiigo Tools nnd U w n

Mowers 81m rpencil

Union St. phon. jlnitkanay }«

"Wordii In Ink Mnke I>«o]il« Think"


Hunt OtmUm of Old (!OMIMIII)'H

Lehigh and PlymouthRed Ash Goal

Tol. 2I« anil 43(1 «(»chinvi»yPUOMPT DKLIVERI13S

Page 3: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

MAItCH 7, 1929K O V, K A W A Y H E ( <) it D



Kindling aFlame





X history, wicrLd und profum.-,» Is nn more fnloreatlng figure

i Hint of King Holoihnn. Wlae lie-I Hie other rulpra of bin time, his

liltillon nli'elcliPH over from HIPI of the old Teafnment Into HIP '

hiNirlhed by I lie writer* of |j CMitliin ern nnd ho Manda na;|t,v(ie of magnificence iiud wisdom. Imi will llnd much In interest you

lie Hlory of llnlhshehn, Ihe ,

|liw of Solomon.i most InlercNtlng event lu Solo-

!'« life la recorded In Flint icings. !clinplcr, heglnuliiK with Ihe llflh i

Hnniewhnl condensed It rends

In (illii'ini Hip l.nril uppemed toiniiin , . . unit (tod Mild, 'ask .it I aliall give I her' Ami Nnlnmna

.. . . 'Thou hunt inude Thy Int klau Instead of Pnvld myr. nnil ' am Inn H lltlle child 'IOW not how to go oul or coin"

(live therefore Thy Herv- ,an tiiiilersliinillnu liourl Io .IndueIIIMIMIO, tlmt I tuny discern he :

Komi and hud, for who IN ableidje thla Thy HO groat a people?' ,• Anil Ond aald unto him, 'lietliou hnal nuked tliln H.lng, and

nut nuked for thyself nor ImaiI for tli.vself long life, nelthet

rlclicn for thyself, riotHie life ol thine cnemlc*

Uphold I hnve done, necordluuliy wonli; In, I have given thee ne nnil undpratundlng hoar . ,I Imve nlao given I hop, that which

II liliat not naked, liolli rlchea, IIIKIOT, tm tluil there (dinll not ho any

Ilko unto thee'.'"

lie Ki'i'iit irouble with the 'mostin I* Hint we luck an iniilernliiiiillifiirt. Parent* do not tiavo «nTitiinillug heart In the considern ef their children and childrent It regarding their parents,oar public nlllclulu could tiiivo'ao

eritnnillng henrt when they conf tho prohloini of tho people how:li mnro wlgely liiey would govern' I'll) heads of nnllona could havrtrutnnillng henrla how coni|iletelyfnciilly would lake, tho plncen ol

l?' nnd bnlllellehlK, bloodshed andInicllou, | n the solution of the

lirohlemi,1'P aliould all cultlvnto n viewpointilile oiiraelvca. , ,

elllalineaa, envy and covetnuanpmi««ponaiblo for more evil than all•Iher human eharaetorlatlca.!'• golden rule has In all age» been-bail* «r religion. Cnn/ticlua wrotel«wn before the Chrlxllun era he-

Mnlioinineil mnde It a part ofpfcpel. nnd aa far linck na theretrace of any code for human con-"I'o unto others a* you would

ilnno by" hna been n foundnllun

l« Hi.- underatondliiB hoart Hinttbllaliff, t|ie Imila for that reel-•"» «f action. II In the under-»0ln» heart that lella us when we•Wit our neighbor on nn equnllly» ouraclvca nnd made dtA'nllnw-

'<"• whatever dlfferenco Hiorew> In wealth,, In poalllnn, In In-

ijenco and In opportunity.'• Pray for a good many iliinin • •»"t need, Wo toek for what we* W|"ild he hleaalnga, not knowing' *o aiu butler off without them.T ''w of u« have, and how manyW of im , ( , ( . | , ( 0 ( m v P i t | , , , | |,iiniil

of life, that uencrotm nltlltido ofJ. Hiat clarity of vlalnn and III''» "f thought which coiiHlltuten»«ng which aolomon asked nbnvo? " "ilnga nud which choice re-,™ w tlinroiiBh commendation.! ' . • • l l°rt nrwyor. enilly loarneil

•jnickly anld: "(Ilvo me, 0 Lord,heart."

A nilllftlnne mitt IIIK iHumni hi'iirtAl'n Urlvi-li riHlnil nnil IOIIIMI;

if IIn-y IIIIVK iM'llilnir PIM. I,, urlnil'1'lluv irniNi tiii'innt'lvi'n lii> mi.uiul


jV/ wlm me tho MIHICBI* * • • |ii'ii|ilf In tlie world iiend helpofli'ti In |i!niiiiliin nil'iilH. 'j'u JIILVCI In-ill wliojemitnc, iillriicilvc, iiiul illthe miiiie tliiji- ei'oiioiiili'iil nn to OIIO'Mllli'omv, ID not Hie ciiHlcxt tlilui; In I I I"world,

With AIIIIIII clilldri'ii, 11"' locills IIIIINIIn* NIIII[IIC lilll wholi'Noliii1, T I I IK ruleulll work for l lnw In tliu fiiinlly wlmlire iiged.

Notii'lsldiiK Noiip*, crciini of vevctnliln or mixed vcKelnhlc nniips lire ul-wnys Ki'i'd. Yiiuim ehlldreii mid oldpfoplft Hli»iild luive food Hint In eus.tnf illiiPHtlun

Aellvi! iiiliilm are nlile to dlucst vnrliiiiH ciiiiililiintloiis of fin II la, hut with(diMilrpu the loan coliiplU'iiled food l»tll-xli- - - "

Citatarrt*. Jimki'lai rli'P mill tnplocnfor piuldliiit" will lie ensy of prefinnil Ion anil lire not \»i\wt mi Hie illKTOtlon. KITKII fnili». drh'd frnlls,linked iipplen mid prune" uru nil 'h*

H'unrrmlit i

\ X T H K N the ilnnr liml i-lnspd behind* ' I In- riMriMiiiiii fiirm of llelenu

iM'ihy, her cului; uurulllud puroun-"III.V Slill HllKtTl'lJ III Hl6 stlldttl. I tI'liniL'i'il her riinious imi^li; liiasler.

Smrie or HIP more lucid spullerlngsili'lni'lied thcmselvoH from the rliuoHfind Tnrmpd Into Hie sfmhlnncp of (hutniKhiK In I lie MiiNtpr'H mind.

"UlurlouH orgiin—lueclimilciil im HwonUi'ii doll—jjludul—no wuriutli—no iiidhliij,' Inn i>«{ulHl(i-ly toned vocaltinirds IIHWI with i-iniiliiiis liilellls;eiicennd iriiHlcrty feclioliiiie. l!uh! I.Ike'II llower ivltiiuiit Mi'Piil I Hentitlfulfnre with no hrnlin helilnd It—-thnt'jwlmt her volep In like."

On nnd on the M U D U T ruK«!iI."If I were u .vnuiiKer imui I'd put

HOIMI' Hi,' lulu Unit Mini' If I htid lulirciik her henrt Io do It. I'd nhowht'r whli'li I* the KIVIUIM- power—In-lellert or love."

A lire nuiHt lip klndlpd. I.OVP andPUNHIOU miiKl Tuter mid cntntu Imvocin I Inn Kiiperh eiilin of Ueleun'a voice.Tln> Mnmer ileeliled.Hint IIIK mloplpdcon, .1 Mil CurKluki1, wn» Ihi' iiiqn toklnille the lire.

'I'loil ynliiiK uiiiiit wllli Ills miiKiilH-I'eiil votce mid Hie i>li,v»li|iie nud lienr-ins of n (Irpolc -(rod cnuld hrlnif roostmiy-woman to liln feet. He WHS OIII>

; of thosK' I'lii'liiniil.e or iiurortiimite mi'iiI whom women adore. Tin- Muster hnd

liroiiulir him up from poverly-Nli'lcken1 lio.vhond nud plni'i'd him nmmie thei Ki'eiit iiperallc luirlliini's of ibe day,

Tlmt eveiiluj;, while they were Ntnolt-1 lot' Ilielr iifler-dliiiier C'IKIII- In till'

Nliullii, Hie .MIINICI' hroni'hed his Nidi-' Jeel.

".Hm—I hnvt'iil' iiKki'il imiliy liltiI favors of you- hnve IV"

"It's lieeli nil the oilier way round,dint." renpondeil Jim wniioly,,Hie deep

I I'i'Kiii'd lie lield fcir Hie Muster .shillinglu his e.ves. "You've iloni1 everythingIn Hie for IUP-—I'VPryihllil! Kooti,"

"And now I'm KOIIIK to link you todo yoini'lliliiK Uood lor me— lull It'stnnstly for Ilir giiod of n not her.". TheMaster iiniised it uiouii'iil. "I wantyou to lireiik « womnn's liPnr.t."

" I I I H I ! " 'I'hi'ii I I Klai'tled silencefollowed. A -Ili-nr.- hi whli-li ,llm triedto si' a ,|oki> iinderlylUK HIP Mas-Icr's worils and I'oiind none. "Kill ihnl—what fot'V Isn't It II hit cruel—tobreak a heiirl - "

"Onlliuirlly—.vex." Interrupted HIP.Muster. "In this ease It menus theproilili'ltiK of a sei/oiul I 'nt l t -a Kl'cillsliiuer. I him' a pupil wllli a niiiK-nlMceiil nriiiiii In her Hiriinl—KIOI-IOUN

| pnwrr- line raiiKo. Hill SIIM »III«M withher liniln. Thi'i'e'" no warmth, It's

: a filial luck and ,M>II know Ii. She'sL'nl Io learn whnl love Is- -sulTerliiB. if

Fig Omeltt.Cut mnull IIBS Into pieces nnd »te«

I hem In a llIHe SIIUM r and mi<ngi> .lulee •until tender. Heat HIP yolks of four i

"Hut what alioilt iiftei'WRrdsV'"AriiTwiil'ils! Hah! What does It

nmoiiiil to'/ What does liiimnn suffer-lue nieilti If we pill a secnuit I'alll onthe iiperallr stage'/ A soul plowlutfUs way to eti ul liclishls - Hull's wlmt

vtfK until thick, iiddlu)! one InhleHpoonful ol water fm each ecu; f ' I I IIn Ihe DtllTl.v I ten whiles and i>oinInto a well hilltered omelet pun. ( ' innwith HIP lilts nnd when well coolied onthe lioltolu, fold and serve wllh thesirup.

Rlct With Banini i .Kcnsoti cold holleil rice.with melted

liulter, Hiu crnled rind of a lemonmid two liealeti euus nud atieur letiiHlc, cook until the vun* lire act. pucliInto a hollered horder mold and lii'ci'worm ten niliiuies. Turn mil cnreliillt |Hint till the center wllh sliced hnnitnnx jIMur over uny fruit. Juice, or n slni, jllnvorcd wllh lemon.

Apple Fluff.finite a tan apple 'and mix wllh

miuiir Io Rwpelen. mid u KIKHI IU oliiriiliKO or lenioii nliil heal wllh i>dover healer, nddliiu otic unbenteeeui: while. When MI I IT mill uhle '<-sliitnl nloiie, heap In sherhel CIIIH, K»Itilull w ltd I I cherry or n hit ul ln'ljihiIcily and aervp. <'r nerve wllh nhulled chilled citsliinl for a auuee.

Another prcliy desseil nmde Hi

It menus.",11m iniflerstnnd. for lie had thai

priceless nil'! of sympathy, .last wlmtthe Miisler wanted, lie liecnu Io herdIds forces In order Io throw Ids allInto the enuipiilKU.

The opera seusoii wim In full HWIIIKIn Ni u York NO lluit (.'arslake was

i hiipplty domiciled with the. Musi or.The meetlnu, therefore, helweeli

j Helena lierliy and Hie Idol of Ihe. operatic world was soon accomplished.! Obsoruiiit llniuuli the two men! were, they still liiMeil to HCP the flumeI that looped Ililo Iheileplhs of Helt'na's' calm trreen itrn.v eyes when she anw

the man slaiidlna hexlib' her.Miisler luthe studio mid iiualu when slm fell herhiiiiil Ki-lpped In that of ('nislnktf., As>be wltlnlren her tinners from Idsclasp Ihe ullmmer of a mnllc Hasheducross her lips. ' '

"I nuve walled ImiB and—pallelitl.V— r»r Ibis pleiisure," ahe snld very

i folil.v. "1-1 - " Tl a Hllh' i|»l>1 broke the ipilet of her voice, "I have

Imped I'm1 idhs for Just one littleMini;—lu-ie In IhN Ntuillo with Just mv

I neloved Mnsrer and—me—lor niidl-

- enee." "xwlft hrenth.Millie wnv. \» Ihls: Tul.e niie-hnll ol ' The Muster curnfld a swift hrenth.

a I'IIISN i.f any IP'WI Jelly, Ihe whin- ! Ills henrl poiimled In IIIH lireast wll'iof mi eua. helil louelher II wl'l sheer Joy. lie knew tlmt hl«.(ili'l ori l l n n ^ » ^ < ^ _ B s t | fc.l|hl|«i»»lnii

l Ti l l n n »

Serve wllh creiim or wllh custnnla sauce,

the great voice had heen living


What Does Your ChildWant to Know


CAN TREES BAT?All thlngi th«t grow niad food to «at

T r t t i fl«« tMt* from th» «lr,And. rain, and earth, In quantlllia

To m«k» <h«m Br««» «nd »«!•••Ifiilivrlulil \

shtime n* she should i • ••u- face Io fae'>wllh .Mm ('arslake. p l» Ihe KrPnlhfiirl or llelenu 1' ,i lny Mil" won-derful 'Ililnu called hi\e. hidden andshielded fipm Ihe eye* of the world.

The Master could have wept leiirsof Joy, Mislead-he look quickly at liUsou. Cilisluke was sluliilloi; as If sliddeiily the ll)iht had Bom- out or theworld. The Master uuileislood. l-ur»-hike win. MtlTerliiK Intensely from theknowledup liuit he had pledged hisword to break Hie heart of lleleiin.• Anil while Ills two crcatest of nilpupils Mood looklnc lido that IlKhtHim they hail found In one nnolher' Ihe Mauler went ipilckly over In

hK plum I Koflly. lovingly pluyedIhe opeiiliiu' bail, of the ltnmii'olc. lieturned then to llelenu and .11 m.

"I'ome, my il i iu*." he urned themout of Ihul spell, "lets' he(!lu wllh nduel." As they moved toward thepiano the Muster mulled. He knewa t'reiit nuwlcal irenl was before himeven us II would Hoou he hefiire-thewhole of Ihe iiiusk-ul world.

And with the very opening notes lieknew Unit Helena Uerhy'H video couldnever imnhi lick warmth, for the littleHumes from a kindling lire, were eventhen wnrnilag It and forcing • richglow through the full •ml rounded





New weaves, new patterns, new coloring effects;the new hard and soft finish fabrics; the new Tattersallvest. To see these suits is to know that this sale makesit possible for one to dress well at low cost.



Dover »"-

Store Honri:WetkUj* a. mo* p. i

HiM a. m. 10 p. m.

L'Oth YIOAH Ol'1

Don't ForgetThe Boy Scout Drive!

Page 4: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

Rockaway RecordWittered I'nsl off ice . Hot l .uwiiy. N. .1.

a s Set otul C lans MalU'V

AX INDKHKNDK.Vr WKKKIAIssued Every Thursday

CWAK 1'KKR. I'reHirient-MuuaRWSin.VHY COIXIXS. Editor

Tplt'pilon*1 Cotmcd intli*Oflice 2211—Kot'kawuy—Muuxt- 2D;>

Ki-n IHiverOf ike: Main Street, K<"knway, N. J


< hnnilier «f Commerce

Tlie regular monthly meeting anddinner of the Rockawa$ Chamber ofCommerce convened at the RoekawayHouse on Main St.. Wednesday nightof last week. There was n good attendance. Mrs. David Flohter Is tolie congratulated on the excellentdinner and manner tn which it •»served. All who participated give hirpraise for same. After the socialhour, business transaction followedSix directors were elected for thet*rm of two yearn. Those elected areas "follows: William Gerard. EdwinMatjthews. Joseph II. Jackson. SUvieOdlerno. .1. Oscar Johnson. Max Kurz-mon.

The Chamber of Commerce has andIs working for the betterment of theBoro and vicinity. It had a commit-tee appointed on Claims, relative todamage caused by the Lake Denmarkexplosion. The committee made atrip to Washington. D. (.'., and haveused their Influence with influentialcitizens thruout the State, also withour representatives In Congress andU. S. Semite for the full amount ofclaims.

The Chamber has received coni-rmunlcatton from the First NationalBank, granting permission by theBoard of Directors, for to erect anaviation sign on the roof of the Bnnkbuilding with the words, Rocknway,New Jersey.

The Chamber voted to give a checko£ $32.00 to help defray the expenseof the High School Football dinner.

The Chamber has done other thingsthat have not as yet appeared In thePress: A committee has been ap-pointed on factory sites, etc. TheMarch meeting and dinner will beheld at the Rovkaway Houne the sameWednesday evening of this mouth.

The Board of Directors convened atthe Rockaway House, Friday eveningand organized. Those that were elect-ed as officers are as follows:

President. Edward Dolnrid: Vlce-

It It < K .1 \\ A V H K ( O H »

IUKI.U THK.WHI: w r t s Announcement

Presidcnt, Floyd Hiler; Treasurer,William Gerard; Secretary, Wlllard

-M, Apgar.The retiring President. John .1.

t*ill has done much to make theChamber of Commerce a success andretires from office with the apprecia-tion of all members.


A KjiU'iHlitl five a,f VitUtlfVlllf hilland a film masterpiece. "The Port of i I lu'ffln aimoumi' iu>Mlf a* u i.uMissing (iirls." are at the Maker : l l i r U u l ! f l"' ""-• nomination ol Slu-i ilTheatre today. Friday ami Sanmlsiy. " " l l u ' Hepiil.ticiiii ticket In the cm

The tlieim* of "The Port of MlHsing i '"« J l "> 0 primary eleclion. I am(ilrln" is th« waywardni;HB«tilie mod- j ' "8 " ' '» »' ""* ™n<'iliilion uf a Ietn girl, why girls leave home and ,• uumJier of friend* who feel I bavthe pitfalls that b...«.| ih.-ir path. It I the aliiltly anil experience «K a 1msteaches u wholesome lesson and is I "U S 8 """» to f l " Hie "UU» in a mainone the less <-ntertaliiiiiK because it I ner crertlmble to all its requirementis. propaganda. Jt definitely estab- • ' »»' now xervlug my fj/th term ilislies the fact that it (s better busl- three years each as a member of tluess for a girl to buliave herself than [ Penvllle Township Committee, iin

1 b chairman for the past fi>uI have ulso had the honor <

[it is for her to drift down the path-1 »"v«wuy of pleasure. One thing U\at It yearsstresses is that when a girl does leave being elected President of the Countliqnte it Is tbe parents' fault. Oespite ' B™*"' of Agriculture for the. see-on.the fact that the perils that besetgirls are set forth realistically, thepicture dot's not lack good taste; anddespite the fact that It teaches a les-son, it Is not p'-eae.hy.

A" amazing picture. "Sunrise,"plays next Monday, Tuesday anil Wed-nesday. It i» tremendous in it* pow-er, no engrossing in Its dramatic sig-nificance, that It stands alone as anexample of the art of motion pictures.The locale Is anywhere, the charac-ters are downright human, and thetime element is strictly modern. Thestory'of "Sunrise" Is a nightmarish —fantastic and yet disturbingly real.It moves from srlm tragedy to delir-ious farce, and back again, with theutmost ease. It tells of a stolid peas- jant whose simple scheme ot life Is ut-•erly disrupted by a girl from the city. I

She persuades him to take his humble jput leu t wife for a boat ride, with the iidea thnt he is to return alone. What jhappens on that boat ride forms thesubstance of this extraordinary pic-ture, and there is enough substance<> supply a hundred, or ten thousandnovles of the usual type. 'Janet Gay>or aud George O'Hrleu have the letul-ng roles.

K. H. Sparnon Is endeavoring to-all previous efforts In the

lynchronlzation of this picture, hav-ing made many special arrangementssolely for the occasion, including thetheme song, "Sunrise and You." Hewill personally conduct an augment-

llme and am now serving as Much. Ithese offices I have endeavored (<perform the duties to the very foes'of my ability, and 1 am pleased tthink my efforts have been appreelated and successful because of hear-Ing repealed expressions of satlafactlon.

If the voters of Morris County cansee their way clear to give me the!support In the June prlmarlwi for thnomination of Sheriff I shall greatlyappreciate the favor, and if I ghoulbe so fortunate as to be nominatedand elected I will devote my wholtime to the performance of tbe dutiesof Sheriff.



DtRvlllf. N. i.

ed orchestra, assuringmusic loving nitrons.


trerit tor

J-:|)ivorth #

(Jronp liii#iillj

The Group Rally of the Kpworth.eagues of Morris County was held

Friday e.venlng, March 1st, In theGrace Methodist Episcopal Church atDover. Miss Mary Brtanl. of Mill-

Sealed proposals will be receivedby the Township Committee of theTownship of Denvllle, New Jersey, at8 o'clock p. m. at Township Hall, overPost Office, on the 20th day of March1929, for the furnishing ot material*only, by individual manufacturers ofwater pipes and fittings in connec-tion with the. Installation of a watersupply distribution system. Propos-als will be considered for all Itemsunder one proposal or any separateitem may be considered. Estimatedquantities: 11,000 lineal feet of 6 Inchpipe, unit price per foot; 2.80O linealreet of 4 inch pipe, unit price perfoot; 5 tons fittings, price per pound

Specifications and list of tlie fit-tings may be Iiuil from the TownshipClerk at Denvllle, N. J. upon appli-cation together with the proposalform lo Ue used In making the bid.

The Township Committee herebyreserves and has the tight to -reject

brook the newly elected (iroup Lead-1 a n v- o r M i,|,la 01. t 0 accept the oneer resigned, anil being unable to se- j mat in its judgment wi l l l i e for thecure n successor It was voted to. leavethe affairs of the group In the hands

best Interest of the Township.The right lo diminish or Increase

.Horrls I mint} "V" Campers' ReunionAt Kockaniiy

Harold Crnmpton. for four years acamper at Taylor aud for the pasttwo years at Camp Morris, invited theRockawuy and Dover Oamp Morrisfellows to his home last Friday even-ing. Movies of the Camp were shown.Fred Bitters was elected Big Chief forthe evening and the following pro-gram around the campflre. Oampsongs were nuug aud resounded thruthe house. Several of the old camp-ers told some of tbe funny experiencesat Camp Morris. "Dlaekle," CampMorris Swimming Director for thelast two years, gave a short talk. HeIs now attending Springfield Y. M. C.A. College and could not resist aweekend at home to meet the oldCamp Morris fellows. Another visit-or who was also given u big hand was"Swede" Svenson, one of Blackle'aright hand men and a leader last year.Another leader present was OgdenCollins, of Rocknway. Directors Mor-rison and Jaoohy gu've short talks andfinally Mr. Morrison made the an-nouncements for this coming year.The campers were certainly delightedto see "Blackle" and gave. him onegrand how-how when he entered theroom.

Those present were Ernest Junker-man, Irvln House, Leonard House,Roderick Kennedy, Ernest Hller,Stanley Andrews, Taylor Nichols,Floyd H. Jackson, Horace P. Hller,Edward H. Hller, Harold E. Cramp-ton, Frederick Beach, Harold May,Alfred O. JobnBon, George W. Hill.Ogden Collins. John Frederick Clark,Jack Bradley, Frederick Bitters,'Rich-ard Hoaglnnd, Nick Drury, PhilipHusaa, Malcolm Radell, and PeterSteel.

This year the Morris County JuniorY. M. C. A. Camp will open on Juno21 and close July 4. The Senior Campwill open July 4 and run for fourweeks, closing August 1.

oFuneral services were held this af-

ternoon at his late home In Whartonfor Jacob C. VanGullder, 84 years old.Death.followed a stroke otMonday. Burial was made in Ever-green Cemetery, Morrlstown. Mr.Van Guilder was engaged In the sew-ing machine business for many years.

if the past group leaders, who were j quantities to the extent of fiftyto form an association to carry on the f | l p r cenU s h u n | ) e „ p a r t 0-f t n e ,,,,,work, pep up the group anil secure u ' m a O l . ( o r l h e furnishing of the abovenew leader. The association Is com-1 materials.poseil of David M. Matthews and Wai- A surety bond satisfactory to theter H. Paynter. of Rockawuy, George | Township Committee and In the fullHicks, of Dover. Verner Erlckson, of j amount of the contract will be re-Flanders and .Miss Mary Brlant, of j quired to he furulshed as a guaranteeMlllbrook.

Mr. Clement Eynou,; of ii satisfactory performance of the

president of j work.Paterson District, of Rutherford audHarry Reeves, of I'aasaic, presidentof the New York Area were presentaud talked on the leagues program forthe year and league Institutes. Ashort program was given by the FirstM. B. Church Chapter of Dover. Thefollowing leagues were represented:Dover, Millbrook, Flanders, Ml. Hope,Rockaway anil Wharton. Refresh-ments were served by the members otthe Grace Church Chapter,

Denvllle Park Continue* Its HiillillmrActivity

The generally- accepted custom,heretofore, was to lesBen building uc-UvitleB during 'the winter months.For the past several years this cus-tom has : been ignored, especially soin localities that displayed a demandfor residences or business buildings./ DtfrinrJthS year 1928 considerable

Interest was displayed In Denvllle,with the result that unusual activitywas showri throughout the year, andcontinued activity was 'the order atDenvllle Parti., where a number ofnew, fully improved homes wereerected' during tills winter.

The plans at Denvllle Park for thecoming spring include regradlng ofthe, streets, installation of additionaldrainage and construction of concretesidewalks. About twenty-five newhouses were b\ii It at Denvllle Parklast year. , More than a 100 lota wereBold and many new homes will beerected thereon th% coming year.

Aged Man Fount! Ttt»A

The body of 9niltli Rtker, of Sparta,was found Thursday afternoon, alongthe Central Railroad tracks on SpartaMountain, near Morris Lake. Mr. Rlk-er, who was seventy-four years old,left the home ot his' son, Jesse, Sun-day, to''vlsit his brother William, nearSparta. .Thursday, the son learnedthat his father had not arrived at thehome of his brother, and began asearch. Apoplexy was given as thecause of death. . i

Mrs. Haliey Beatty, of RockawayAvenue, gave o dinner party to sev-eral of h»r friends at h

A certified check for the amount often per cent (10':J ) of the proposal,made payable to the order of theTownship Treasurer must be depos-ited by each bidder and accompanyhis hid as a guarantee that In fainthe contrnct 1» awarded to him, hewill, within ten days thereafter exe-cute such contract and furnish hisbond. i

Bids must he sealed and addressedto the Township Committed Denvllle,New Jersey, and plainly marked onthe outBldc of the envelope "Proposaltor furnlHhlng water pipe and fit-tings."

CAIyVIN LAWRENCE,Chairman of Township Committee

DAVID SOFIELD,Clerk of the Township.

Honors Avlutors

The Lakehurst,.- N. .1. memorialchapel, to be erectejf'by the New Jer-sey American LegloV'ln' commemora-tion of those whose Hires are lost Inaeronautical pursuits, is aaaurea withthe passage by the Senate of a bill In-troduced In the House of Representa-tives by Congressman Charles A, Wol-verton of Oamden. N. J.

The Bill provides that the Secretaryof the Navy Is authorized to allow theNew Jersey Logjon to construct thechapel, and upon Its completion, ac-cept It from the American Legion asan unconditional gift to the UnitedStates.

The Lakehurst Chapel Is heartilyapproved by former Secretary of thoNavy Wilbur, who declared that the"future cost of the government for itscare and maintenance will be llghter-tlmn-alr-illsusters.

The chapel will commemorate allfatalities from aircraft accidents.

New Pout Office Mt Dover ltec»ni.mended tn

Secretary Mellon and PostmasterGeneral New has Included a new PostOffice at Dover to cost »100,000 in theeighteen federal building projects inNew Jersey, Involving, an estimatedcost ot «,7«5,000, whlcVthey recom-mended to CongrcM lsat week.

Volunteer firemen Meei

A iw-i-tlliK ('! llii- North Jer>-«'y Veilunlet-r Klrrm.'ir« AHwK'iiitiioi washeld in Odd FulluwB Hull. Main alrei-t.Wi'ducKday eveiilng. Several huiul-rc volunteer firemen ailendi''!. com-ing Irani Morris. PnsHHlc anil Ksm-xCounties. The object i>r Ihe Associa-tion Is l» forwurd « plan whereby allVolunteer fire uopurtuii.-iilM of tin-State will be iypresentfil In <>»>' largeurKiini/utldii. I'roinlnent speakerswere present. The meeting wan lo heheld in the firemen's loom In themunicipal building but wan changedto Odd Fellows because more i1'"'1"was needed. The firemen reel verygrateful to the Odd Feltnws fov theuse of Ihe hall.

"Word* In Ink Make 1'eople Think"

WANT COLUMNI'OK REST--New six room bouse,

all Improvements, from April 1st; al-so six room apui'tincnt, electric lightand borough water, for Immediate oc-cupancy. Inquire of Harvey Hiler,

3 Main street, Knckuwny. ,'lt>t2

FOR MALI: -Hatching Eggs andBaby Chicks. Wthlte Leghorn, Ban-onStrain, A. H. Clark. Fox Hill Road,Mt. Tabor, N. .1. Phone Rockaway103-W. .Ilitjl

SIMiKK HEtVIN*.' MACHINE!*—*3monthly imrtallinenlH. Sei-ond-humlmachines. $10 anil up. Repair allmake of machines. Singer SewingMachine Co., Booliton. Tel. 972. !)5t4

F:iHI.MJSTHE~rA Sherwln-Wll-liams Paint. Used on your walls orwood work gives a hard, durable,washable finish—with an eggshellgloss. Kaslest of all paints to apply,lartley's Paint Store, 52 N. Sussexit., Dover. 3«tf

FOR RENT—Apartment over Inl-and's Jewelry Store, after March IB.Inquire at Doland's Jewelry Store, tt

iu\<ai,<nv ton SAI.K or IIKVT-Slx rooms and bath, all improvementswith large attic and cellnr, near D. L.& W. Station, Bus Lines and the newState Highway. I.. C. Decker, Ci. Bo-linc, Jr.. Agent. Hillside Ave., Hock-iway. N. J. Also will sell with this,itlu>r properties. Price reasonable.


Robert Parliament, of Mt, Hope,wish to state that I will nut be re-sponsible tor any hills contracted bymy wife, as she has left my bed andImanl, and taken her clothes and furn-shlngs from my houso during my ab-lehcc.!•»••! ROBERT PARLIAMENT



U Will Notice That EAST-.BR Comes Early This

Tear. Come In ahead of timemd get your New Spring Suit

Made-to-Order'hie choice of beautiful goods

it keen and modest prices andlashloned to your own liking.

If you are going to wear your)ld suit, come in and let us'lean and press it.


Rockaway, N. J.rte specialize in French Dry

Cleaning and DyingPhone 420 Rockaway

THE BEST MEA'The Only Kind It Pay You To BuyThe Only Kind It Pays Us To Sell

New Zealand 1929 Milk-Fed SpringUThe 1'inileenevt it nil t'ltitiir of Limit) <li-)i«>n)s ,,,, | ( , ^

llmne-tli Kre^h 1,8nib lit till* ««"»xon Itr* >ery lienty In » V k 'IMiiiliriillv one >enr old. r'or (III* renson t i t reiMniiniiiid V* - **'llttll Milk-Fed SpriUjf Uuiib.

On-lnir <o In* HWIMIWH In , \e» Zealand Muir dlrccM, „,,»!• are iiltlr U> MI|>I>I> our patron* tvllh Ifcfli Mllii.| ,.,i s

iililih tire small in nine uml most delldoiiH due to their HIl'tKKindly note our tspeclul prices to Introduce this Hfjj " "


Legs of Spring Lamb to Ii lb, uvcragn)

Short Forequarters of Lamb, lb.Rib Lamb Chops, lb. - .

Rolled Boneless Pot Roast, lb.PRIME RIB ROAST, lb. - .Smoked CALI HAMS, lb.Fresh-Killed Chickens, lb.

(Km' (tolling, Saluds nnd Handwlche.s)


FRYING CHICKENS, lb. -Ct to :i'/2 lit. nvernee)

44cflFancy Dry-Picked Young Hen

Turkeys, lb. - - - -

CLOVERBLOOM BUTTER IK WiVt lb. prims I U t V l |

Lenten Fish SpecialsAcquaint ymirseU wUh what "NATIONAl," Mnrkcls linre h« nuprii

In their l'l«h DrpurtnienlN! A ininplete UNMti-tiiieul of Ilie FinestQn|.My rresli Caught Kl»h emi IMI obtiilncd.fnwh every tliij nl onr itintt.els tlnrliifr (lie I.eulvii Sci

The fflllonliw Menit nre feiilured as I,KM'K\ KISIII«Ir Ihlx

Fancy Fresh Buck Shad, lb.God, to boil, lb.Fresh Fish Fillet, lb. - . 29c

NATIONAL BEEF CO.Jt<>tiill«rN olf Quality Meals slnni 1888"

Tel. 122 RockawajHMain St

Be Sure To See

The Wonders of AnthraciteAn Educational Film At

St. Cecilia's Auditorium, Church St.8 o'clock

Monday Evening, March llth, 1929 •

ROCKAWAY LEHIGH GOAL CO.l'lione Itockawity 408

We sell "Old Company's Lehigh"

Our Cent-a-words will sell it for you

Extraordinary OfferingLadies' Rayon

Silk UndiesChemise, Princess Slips, Dulesco Vestsand Bloomers, Brassier Combinations

and Teddies

)>' m««« p i r o o f B l lpBi l n w h I t e> b l a c k o r i"18'018hl

Bloomer leg cuff knee, open leg chemise and l>ier combinations. Special Clustered rayon silk

and bloonten. Regularly sold for *.l.»f»

«r n, , - OUTLETW. BlackweU St, Dover I

Page 5: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

MARCH 7, in»

ockaway RecordliSDAY, MAIK'll 7. 1

Local Briefs

„ - ; : ; ;in

M-lt l t

Kir.- or unknown origin nwej<t sev-eral frame IMJIIIIIHK* on WashingtonHired, MmTiMown, Tuesday IIIKIII.Tilt; loss In I'Dtliuali-il t» |H. about

,. ni abandon our educationHt-lmnl house door. We Imve to

fp 11 mi through life."—Calvtn Conl-

narit'H ii. i'WPi hcKin, jnn|i|.,.toi<of Oftivillf. reports u large numberof children ill will) tlii. measles. Tlmrearc ii few ( . l l ( eH ( l { ,.|i|,-keH pox.

William A. Hegarty, of Morrlsinwn,bus been U|i|>o1nt«d a member of the I

n,,. Rw-kawny Social Service have I Morris Couhty Boafd of Registry and'finished a hand embroidered ; Klection, replacing William <!. Batten !

IK for the Blind Dnhles Home, at |<>' Hover. ' !

mitilt ~ f Illshop (leorge W. Dnvenport. of[•resident . Coolllge lit to write \ l'"aston, Maryland, will visit St. John's„.!• lrallng magazines, namely, j Episcopal Ohnrch at Dover, on March

e r,)«ini>IHilH»n, LadieR' Homo j SMh «nrt St. Paul's Church at Morrisnnd the American. j Plains, on March Mih.

jv,,ry day one hears men boasting j The Noedleeruft Society wan enter-H|H''«(l of their oars. It Is rfhly talned Friday ntternoon hy Mrs. Kr-

i Khri 'y . Kr

they l>nve l l H Homebody that win Khoriila, of Itorkaway.' The nextl l th d jof how slowly they drive.

RlKht Reverend Monalgnor Eu-DCs, Burke, Jr., the son of Mr, and•i-Kugene S. Burke, of Morrlstbwn,

rlveil I New York last week on the4 8tuv l.tnev Pennland, from Cher-urg ami Antwerp. Monsignor Burkethe'lieiid of D'e American CollegeRonii'.

The will of Frank Sllvey, ot Whar-jp, has been filed In the Surrogate's>loe ut MorrlmoWB. Mr. Sllvey gavei daughter, Mary Jane Gallugher,I [or life utwl on her death $l,B00

n grand-daughter and theue IO four grand-sona. Ilin

lind-iluughter, May Whltehead, lapxwutrlx.

Annouiici'iiieiit has been imide ofi nwrrluge Sunday night of Missateth Mae Brush, of Central Val

meeting will MR with Mm. HhlllpTeare, or Cedar Lake, March 14.

Itockawny Hlgfli School Banket Ballteam lout to* Boonton hurt Friday onthe hitter's courts. The score wi»s 42to 29. in a previous meeting or tlieneteams Boonton won hy a score, of 31to 16.

The Kauouse hutldlng, 12-14 NorthSussex street, Dover, one of Dover'soldest landmarks has been purchasedhy Hanin.n I). Moller. The buildinghas been In the Kutumse family since1801. Mr. Moller will remodel thebuilding und convert it liito moresand offices. *

Frederick Matthews, H»II of Mr. andMrs, itdwln ,1. Matthews, has tiuiiliriudlu all the tests conducted by the SlateHoard or Pharmacy, nnd has beengranted u certificate to practice utt u

v.. and James Henry Ileatty, | registered pharmaclKt. Mr. MutUicwHjDcnvtlle. The ceremony was per-|med ut thi' parsonage or the Meth-Ist Episcopal Church by the pastor,

|v. fj. I,. Hunt. The coupleike their home In Denvlllc.


lias for several years been clerkingpart of his time In the Ucrard DruitStore.

Kulliond detective Thomas Thorn-! hill last week arrested three men forjsleeping In rnllniud I-were arraigned before

VH. The menPolice Judge


ialey VlsUe, 77, president of HIEItroijolltnn Life Insurance CompanyI a director In many financial andistrlnl enterprises, died suddenlyday. from n heart attack. Mr.

(ke van a resident o( nernardsvllle.i was n member of: the. Somerset

! and (lame Club of BernavdnvHleI the Morris County Golf Club.

> llootiton High School debatinglm« displayed remarkable abilityTbotli the affirmative ami-negative

ma defeating their opponents, theJe, Butler at Boonton,"and the other,|wtmii at Newton, on Friday even-j o t lust week on the question, "Re-ived, That the Installment plan orring l« detrimental to the best In-i8ts of the American people."

, son arrived at the home of Mr.Mrs. John Mathet), of Pnmntoli

|kes, Monday, while President Her-I Hoover was being sworn into of-

lle has boon named Herbertlover Matties. Another son, War-j he died. Mr. Hulmcs was 01 years of ji Harding- Mntlies, 8, was born as

(Jnrdner, charged with disorderly con-uct, and Win. Smith was sentenced toten days In the county Jail, (leorgeRobinson thirty days uud sentenceWHS suspended on ICilwai'il Hnugluud.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Beiim anilson, U'ulluuo, have; returned to theirhome on the Roi'lmwuy road,upending several mouths withtlves In Lot. Angeles, California. Theday after arriving home, Mr.was Ifken 111 with appendicitiswas taken to Dover tliMieinl llospltnland operated on, He Is getting alongnicely.

Frederick HulmeK. or Itockawny.who passed away lust week at hishome on Juckson uvenue WUH formany years a resident of Hlbernla.He worked In the mines for inunyyears and while thus employed con-tracted miner's nstlmia from which


Kx-Preslilent Warren Hard-age. He leaves two brothers andthree ulsters.

was taking the oath ot office, j j(r. Antonio Luaurtli has greatly[is Is 'Indeed an unusual happening. | improved his bullillns <"> Mala street !

tut Thursday night, the Bunkersiand added Io the appea mince of the!n gnttin away from the league- \ street with a new rront and large j

show wludowa. This Is not only antifc Butchers who were tied forplace with the Presbyterians.

I »o lining, they put the Butcherst gnine behind, but did not discour-(them. Tomorrow night, the Pres-

meet the Butchers againI the Hutchers will try to regain

ht nlnrc and atone for the last de-ft or three straight by the Presby-


>vev is again chnmplou of the|cknwimiin Bowling League. For(aecoud year lu a row tlie Dover-i Imve won the pennant, this time

| a margin of live games. Tho race> still In doubt Thursday night hut

soon sewed up nnd Dover by|tlng three straight from Tapkaow,

i Mnrrlstown was trouncing Mll-In the odd finished welt to theSecond place went to ahentl ot Uoonton In

I plaee.

nk C. Bayley, president of the' class of the Theological Sem-' or Drew University, Is rapidly

Into prominence, a* a mile'» hair nnd two mle runner. Since

1st, ho has won five goldl»l» nnd a silver loving cup, wln-I two national and Intercollegiate

and finishing second In two,ilnl in,two others. On Wednes-

f evening of last week at the 1,02ndArmory he finished first in

Jmtle ami a half. handicap race, ile-" : Ei|io Purie] of Finland.

number of persons In BoontonMountain bakes have been

[Wiled by a fake canvasser pur-t Ui'ruprcBent the Literary Dl-He was a prepoBsosslng youngtahnthg to be a college student.

1 «' hl» victims becoming susplc-> wroto'to the oKicc of the mnga-»"tl w«s Informed that they had

of the name given nndthey had received numer-

of fake solicitors">« uurter various names. It is

hopod that tbeie crooked tac-IJ™ the sollci, ir will be broadcast-

<-ummuultlei, an that when>»t8 to fleec* other people the

2 * « l be, notified «nd place him

improvement to the building but alsoa great nsslst to Ktlwurtl 11. Hngun.who conducts u meut market and gen-eral provision store us It.enables himto display more of Ills goods beforethe public.

Three more Inw students Imve filedtheir notices of Intention for admis-sion to the bar at the May Term oftlie Supreme Court, In Hie CountyClerk's Office nt Monislown. So furthere are ten who seek to qualify aslawyers. Kdinund A. Hays, of Morris-1town, Clifford A. Johnson, of Hover;and William H. H. Kly, son of the luteSeth Kly. of the Dover road, are thethree now nddltlons.

County Clerk K. Hertrnm Molt, ofMorrlstown Is tho recipient of « beau-tiful gold clgnrette lighter for use onhis desk. It Is suitably engraved onone side, "In recognition of his splen-did leadership In conducting the mostsuccessful ..Republican Campaign InNew Jersey nt the Presidential. Klec-tion. November 6, 1128." On the re-verse side Is a photo of PresidentHoover and the slogan ot the cam-paign, "Who But Hoover."

John VanKIrk, or Sparta, won theweekly shoot of the I-nke Mohawk Hodnnd Oun Club hold Baturdny nfter-noon. VnnKlrk shattered thirty-sevenout ot a possible forty birds. OoorgeHughes, of Lake Mohawk W«H seiomlwith thirty-five: James VnnKIrk wasthird with twenty-five and tleorgeDecker fourth with twenty-threebirds. Kdwln Drake, of Sparta, andHarry W, Wllduauorrof Gust Orange,were tied for fifth position with twen-ty-two birds.

Articles of Incorporation ol' HIP |Dorman Oil Company of Whnrton, h»s ,been filed at the County Clerk's or-1flee, Morrletown. The Dorman Oil;Company will carry on a general nilliulsness nl Whnrton with (leorgo Al-vln Ilormau, ot Hawthorne, agent undprincipal stockholder. His wife Mary

The Prexbyturlun Hunduy HihoolTtaiiliers uiaeting will conveue to-night ut 8 oVIurk, m the Ilium! of Mrs.Kmma Htone on Hill St. All offiisrsand teachers are requested to alteiid.

Thomas K. Edwuriia. of Kill itvuhut),HoVBi-. liuu I»B«I elected Kxaltod itul-<ir o[ Dover U)tlgo. B. I1, o. E. ] | e 1«u lutiri'd druggist, and was once pres-ident of. the New Jersey Phuriiiucent-Ical Annoclatloii.


uiiughlur Dyutliy, ot tbc Tabor rottd,Uouvllle, left lust nl«Hl for Ontario,Cuuaila, where they were called 1maccount of the serious illness of Mr,TruHcott's -mother.

The trial of Dr. Willluui J.nmus, ofDover uiiU Lous VulJey, cliarged withciiinlnul piucllBe In connection withthe death of a nurse formerly employ-til In a privnti! hospital ut MorristownIs Hcheiluk'tl for next Tuesday.

Kdward, threc-yuor old sou of Mr.und Mrs. Kdwarii Fan1, ut ICuat Main,utruut, Is recovering from an oporn-turn at Dover Ceneral IlimplUil forniuxtoldx. If his Improvement con-tinues he will be able to return homem the end of the week,

Among those who attended the ln-HUgratlon of President Hoover onMonday were several hundred fromMorris County, Thono from Hooka-wuy were H. W. Mutchler, l<. A.Strait, Kilwunl Davey, John II. Mil-ler and his son Melville, Iniiiiinn <".Smith, Rdward Copelmid, nnd FrankCarusn.

Mrs. HUKIIII Kelly, of Lincoln aven-ue, has returned to her home from aNewark hospital, where she has beenfor several weokB. She hail been op-crated, on for throat trouble of ser-ious nature, und has been » great, butmust putlcut sufferer. Now I hut sheis at her home ugalu ami apparentlymuch improved, her neighbors andfrlondn nre rejoicing,

A woman's bowling club hnve i on -siiloruhlo sport on Monday aftcrnoonaat the bowling alleys. The averagescore 1R very low—way down to uhoutforty. One woman howled IIS, almostn humlri'ri. 8hi> threw the ball at thepins and of COUI'HC they hud to fall,Most of the women throw the hall Intin' iilleys. It's grout fun to wniclitlmin and It would hike a good Judgoto determine whether it really WUH uhowling match or a tulkliig match.

A curd parly will lid given Friday.March 15th, lor the bcnel'll ol' TroopNo, 17, Hoy Scouts of America underthe uuuplces of Boy Scout P. T. Coni-mlttoe, at the home of Samuel ('. Mor-ris, Itidiuu Lake, ut 2:M in the uftcr-uoiin und s:no I1, M In Hie evening.There will lie progressive gumes, mu-sic, refreshments and prizes. Thepublic is cordlully Invited to holp thisworthy cause. Admission IUIK beenpluccil nl tlie nomlniil price of flrlycents.

An order for lOU.Uuu tree KeuillliiKsto he used lu reforesting u porilon ol'Ibi.' Knst Orange municipal watershedIn Klorliaui Purk, Morris County, hasbeen jiliued with the State Forester'soffice, of the New Jersey Hepui'tmeitlof Conservation und Development hythe KnHt Orange Water Compiiny. Thespecies consl»l of red pine, whilepine, Scotch pine nnd Norway spruce,ail of which were grown In tho StoleForest Nursery maintained and oper-ati>d nt Wushlngton Crossing Parkhy the department.



NEW PLAYHOUSE"Taxi" Taxi " "Ye*, Tuxl I:!" Tin-

<iei;ri;|>» liriiuil«liuii.|- ,,f Andy Hinithand IIJH fimilly or uiuven rhililrmi -knoi-kH lu Ihi! motor anil luimthH nthome HH u uruvjtlvr AIIKUB IK a fluttire tlicti, ilk,, u rainbow In u Siutchmint -iiii iiiiilerworhi gitug-T; u $motip--it Hufu rohliitry -purloiiieil pearls—police yullnu popptiiiHg HIM oldcal)—Ami) IM iryppud, doulile-cniHsedand kiitu-ki'ii over by a pal, tlii-n vic-tory* with rlppltm, wavcK, IIIIIOWH ofIn lighter thru It all. 'Tax 1,1.1" Inshowing at tho I'iuyhoUHc today andtomorrow with Chester Coiiklln asAndy, Don't mlxK tt. Friday Nile IHSliver Mite.

Astride Ills fumoux jtony, "Hags",and swinging a wicked Hllngshot Ilu/.zBarton, ltl year old Western star, willgallop Into the Playhouse on Satur-day In bin latest roltsine "Orphan ofthe HoKe." Filled with notion, beautyand chlvulry the ploture Is said tosurpu«n anything HUM IIUH ever done.With the story «ot In the days of '40when Indian warfurn wits rnmiiflnt—well, see Buzz Barton nt his bent. TheKiddles' Stunt Party anil "Tarsan theMighty" will lie the extru ntlrnctloimfor I In1 mnltnee on Saturday. Comeand sen the fun. Monday uud Tueti-ilay. the double fidiliic (lays lirlngVetev II. Kyno'ii story "Tlie Man InHoMiInx" with I.ihi Luc nnd Jolin llnr-ron In the leading roles, also HootOlbsoii In "The Danger Itldei'. In"The Man III Hobbles" there Is funiiplenly. The lioiinymoonerK conichome to their apartment built for twound tlud rive lu-lawK instnlled ami thebunlnoHH going to smash becnune oftheir Inlerrcrcncc, In "The DangerKiller," Hoot became II notoriouscriminal overnlKht to win the love ofii girl he IIIMI never met, Ifool, whohas a record of dnrlng IIPO.IH andtlirlllliiK KlunlH for Hie screen In re-ported to have made "The HungerRider" one of his inosl iinlerUilningproductions. Tiiemlay Nile Is ChinaNile.

Wednesday. Thursday and Krlday,lirlngii to the singe, the real Peai'lloHBrowning, lu person, In n nkoteh ofilunclhK und Hinging. This perform-aw.v will he In vonjunnilim with "TimNight Bird" wilh Kcglutilil Di'tmy. UPfought iiii-n—mid leaiiid WOIIIIUI. Hutlifter the littlest girl wrapped hersulfaround his hcni't Im gave up IIIHchiim|ilonslil|i anil did his biiltlluK a,thome There will lie im silver nextweek.on ticcouut of I'vuches liolnshere,

P LANT HiivlngH und you willreap HIICCOHH und Inilepciid-

U>«ct». 1'MrHt dtttermlnn that youWill HUVC, t l lCll Wl l tc l l HIUl CUt

HO that you fan HUVC.

.1. I"'red Hull)mi

.1 Freil Itutiyon. a former chief ofthe Mori'lKlown Fire Dupurtmonl, diedat tho homo of his son-in-law anildaughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew M,Lee, SticciiHuimn. Monduy. He andhis wife were spenillug tho winterwith the Lees. Death was due to In-juries suffered In u fall some timeago.

Mr. Kunyon was sixty-three yearnold. He retlrddsomo lime ugo froma book and stationery IIUHIUOHS InMorrtHtown, having succeeded hlHfather. Hie late John It.. Runynn. Formany yenm lie was an organist Infloveral MorrUtown churches. HoWIIH n member of Morristown Lodge,No. 188, F. and A. M.: K'nlghtH ofPytlilas, Hoyal Arcanum, Rlks, Mod-ern Woodman , and Washington As-ooclatlon.

Resides lil» wife uml Mrs, Leo he laHurvlved by anotlior daughter, Mm.Ksthcr It. Kcitlgur, of Morris Plains,Hnil xoveu grandchildren.

NATHAN JAGGERCarpenter Contractor

A Ml'Kt 1AI.TYPhone Itiirkiiuii) .liKI-IVDKNVIIJ.K, N. .1.

M ,"

l stoM , hiiB three slmros, P«ter F. Smith,ot"llnwthorno. und JOB. B. Oowson, ol'Whnrton. buvo one share ouch. Theauthorised Htock Issue IH 1,000 Hhuresot'JIOO pur value ouch,


Sold » )IiChtirii CONI Co.

Uock*w«y, N. J.

RockawayBuilding & Loan

Association(too. K.



Any K«m ox pert will tellyou that, And it IH in thoMOcold luonthH thut you ap-preciate liow near ooal IHto i\ precious stone. Justnow there is nioru obnifortin ooal than in (UamondH.Try our "black diamonds"and you will find thatwhat we Hay IH true. Wehave all kinds anil ourprices are right.

Lewis A. StraitPhone 13 or 2->V

PFhik they last



After the safe this PYREX Casserolewill be sold at the regular price.

SJJh."u r ," t o c k '•"" w c "re offering No,6«-1 Qt. Roundc A o . <-""s<:r<ll<:" a t tl"» "inisual bargain. NKVKR BH-K W b h a v e you hail tlie o|i|Kirtiiiiity of buying thin PVRI'XOMh at auch a price.

PyRRXOvenwaiehiikf»licttcr,alwaysloiikslikeiiew—andvou m»y serve fu, t | in the same I'VKKX dish 11, winch tr winbaked. Learn the sutisfiii tion ol linking m PYRF.X Ovenware.

Remember this Supply is Limited

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.15 E. Blackwell St., Dover Tel. 947

Open Saturday Evenings

Sporting GoodsSkating Outfits, Hockey Sticks and Pucks

Subscriptions to Magazines TakenROCKAWAY NEWS COMPANY

Open Nights until 9 o'clock

Newsdealers Phone 54 Rockaway







i If


1929 Crosley RadioA Coupon with Every Admission Ticket

Tlu> More Coupons the Better Yoiir ChanceH

K. 11. Spurnon ami Ills Orchestra nt All Performances

SAM CIARDIMain Street, nvnr I'lrst NatUniHl Rank

Cleaning and PressingOur work Is done thorough and clothes made to look new

We UIBO dye nrty kind of garment and do mendingWo cover Buttons with cloth to match garments

Telephone RockaiMjr 481

Page 6: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

SIX ___

"HV J.ftVIMU » 0 1 "Hv KnHn Krunfc

Front ii iorning till night,

I work with (Might

To tnitUi* ii Htc ii hHjtjiy toy, \

Kor >'•». ni> Invlug )»«>> ^

I inn not houif In thi> morning.To fIT. *(•»• >OU Kil III Hclldol.

To wnvi1 giimi-by *ir KVIH'I you at noon.My loving lM.y.

1 l ow numii . . K • • •. . .Llfc'x KTt'iilrM Juy,, . ' - . - '

V-luiti lift' IIIUHII 1* -iil.iycil hy you. .

My luviiig l>oy.

Jii/.z from you' i c irniiiiionc,

Dogs Called Uncleanby Biblical Writers i

Mali? people him1 u riVclili'.l prr|n- >;



Hjltw me fnrtriM ni> hunt dally tfl»l>9.My lovlttK hoy.

My (aie In gutting wilukli*!.Mall1 IK turning Itrgy,

Sljuil Is (lulug \iuarty lull, <l''<u- you, my lining hoy.

JVty arniH an* RiMtlng *iri'd,Itoily growing old,

I nr-p<l NUHH1 recreation for ymir hiikf.My loving hoy.

Mf tUtihen un' getting Hlmhhy.Hltni'n lire wimrlng t It In.

Wliui inn' I ir I liavrii'i anyAH IOIIK an I lutvi1 my loving hoy.

My |ioiki"in me fiiijit>..fli'art rilli'il ulllt iirl.l.',

Yen niukc nn; frfl l ike a mill ion

ilollar Mil.

.My IOVIIIK hoy.

I forget my dully KorruWf*.

All 1 know IK joy.

When I lii'iir m.v Homiy nuking,

".Muilier," am i tin1 lovitiK hoy? !

htt fur HK tu rt'giii'tl tin' MI!I< of 11 d<»u ia» (uMlilwty Kinful. Hup rltlerly jA'ltinan, say?! Hie I'allitiniler Mus::u.i!>e, \severely ruudiMnnctl a nuiu vim en- ,gii^eil In tli*' |iii~i;h-**i of rulilns .-.hrp-Iwrd dtvs tor tin* market, Sliclinmdci rt« b!i«!np«* a» sinful nnd Ilir"t»»Mt i) iiftilnsi in'r I'hnrrh accept- !Ing conlrllJUiiiMii of hia. "tslnleil" Jtu»ury, 1

Tin* origin of I his I'rtjuilk'c 1« uoj jknown for certain. It may I"' lia»e<t jon tin* oM rMirjilc Scriptural Icmli 'Ings. IVntprmiomy S3:1S unys In 'part: "i'hou Shalt not brlog . . .1Hi" |>rl<*> nt it .l.'i; Into the limne ofllie turd lliy Uud for nuy vow.'' Sl.inycuiiiincnlnlMis. luceullug "dog" hereIn (he literal sense, atflte Hint MowndfclHrcd doss iinrli-nn nnd prohibitedtrrtftV in tlii-iu.

Others tnkp a illftVrom view of thepastagtv They .say thai "due" hero | "'*"does not refer to the animal, hut to aptTsim who Im* prostituted liliwwlr hy•'Oininllllii; any nbniuluiinle acllou.'i'lils oiilnlon receive* some confirm*'*tlun from the content. espt-riHllj1 (lit*preeeiilnK verne. In Patentlne Hie tlrtjjwas looked upon with loiithlng 11 mlavcraloii, as llllh.v iimf unclean. Thismil 111:11 Is mentioned In HIP" morelimn forty times nud, wlili few excep-tions, It Is inentlniiril vvllh coiileinpl,to remark oltliiT Ii- voracious In-ulllU'la. lu llciri-iichi or its loalh-

A SyntheticLover


) ritdil.i

Telephone Type* WhoDeterve No Quarter

The type wlio always upoun up witha Icnglliy HnnyUls of the weather—

type who IH forever repeating.i f


No Law Afaiiiit ThinkingEven very xtnnll (jlrl* have IlieJr

•Otiirreld and folUiwhiK one of themthis mile iilr! laint- home lu lift moth-e r limcli Mcrclned over their little dlf-fltully.

"Molher, Mary I.OII I* a ml," (lieone lllMi1 Klri HHIII. iirohalilv echo-Ing a term slie liail heard older peopleuse.

"0|i you nin»ln't any ntirh things,"her niolhiT reprimanded, "you mustn't• a y tliiujc Hl«! tliut nbout your little,playmate*. I.OIH of IIIIH'H we maythink things Hint we shntililn't say."

"Well, then, 1 tliluk Mary !.<•« Ix ncat," was I he reply.

Old traveler nays Ihut an ele|iliaiit

when old KOI-H on 11 high (HIT unitcommits suicide, hut It I* doubtful Ifany consldernhle ntimher of llienihurl themselves from cliffs In !hi»manner. It appear* lo be true. Imw-ever, that the herds of wild elejiluiuNImve their own niitiiral cemeteries IntHe swamps or jungles, to which Ihcold and weak crawl lo die. Home oftbese places are known to the unlivesof Africa nnd fire valuable .,<«ircnsof Ivory. Oilier wild nnlmnls nrc MHII]to adopt tills practice of going toparticular spots to die.

"What's Unit?"—1 tit- type who ulwiiysgels cut off—Iim type who spenks sluugunge Hint resembles a cotulilns-tton of Unkluiu 11111I Norwegian— thetype wlio ulwiiy.f culls tli» wrong niiiu-her—Ihc lypc who Invariably gels abusy wire—llie type who Jollies theoperator—the type wim curse* the op-erator— tile ijpe who always has toborrow u nlrkel— the type who wriith-fully bangs the ln-truinfiii ou the lloor—the type who mukea believe thnt heU Ike butler—the t.M>e who, to llie ac-conipnnliiicnt i*f a CIUMIIIUK Jitzz hnnil.nnnounces lo hli »piiii<>e thai he Is lieI11R detained nt Hie oftlct—llie typewim merely repest* the word "yes"throughout the conversntlnii—the typewho. JtHt nrotiiid the corner, stulTn ahandkerchief In the mouthpiece undpreleinls Hint he In hundreds of milesnwuy . . . the type who inlls upat three o'rlock In the morning to re-port that ho has been arrested—(hetype who stmloiw himself In a boothfor 0110 solid hour—the type wlio be-gins the conversation with "Cues* whothis In"—the type who apeaks In slow whlMper . . . the {};•<• who. Inllie middle of the conversation sud-denly says, "Uood-liy"—the typ« whonever says "(lood-by."—Kansas City

SubitituUi for ColdTerliapn all thv wurld Nn'l

•ling for Kulcl and silver, but It la onlybecauae those precious metals arui'lknown In aonte of (lie oiit-nf-llio-vvn}•poll—and even there a •ubstllute lafound,

In the South Sea Isliinils, for Infltance, porpolae Ici'tli HII-UIIK arounda aatlrc'a head Indicate his wealth, re-counts the Kami Jouriiiil. On theIsluml of Vtip I In' rk'h tmtii Is known*y the number of carl wheel gtoneapiled In front of his hut. In the lOustIndlea and throughout a large part ofAfrica bead* and "hells are used formoney, and In Die Polar rciflona, whereHilling la the chief source of liveli-hood, llahliookg are a principal mediumof exchange.

Sigai Long In U «The history of signs goi'S back to

ancient Uffypt nnd reachca America byway of Clreece, Home, Italy, Krancu,Germany ami Knglnnd.

Inns were among the llrsl Industriesto avail lliemBClves of'signs, Homeleaning off with a ninth awltiKliifi hefore the tavern ilnnr. rrmii It CMIIIHthe adage "flood wine neoiln tur lumh."Tito crons was used for OhiNllaii way-fareit and Ilia tun und moon furpagan travelers.

Some Warlike Female*Who Fought Own Battle!

j Jinny innrrleil men SIUIUTI Hie truth ;of tin* legend of Hie Auuizmis, a raceof warlike, women who once overrunKitropf, ventured IIM far u* India undAfrli'n ami founded colonies In Axln

I Minor. 1'iilrl.v niillienilc history r«-I forils tluit In l.'ilii tin evplorer, Irnti-I eexio tie Orelliiiin, milking Mix way

from I'erii to llie Allnnllc through theI IU'IIKIIS, WII.I tnlil of a tribe of wurrlorI women who lived upurt from Hit) men.I l ie proceeded on his Journey nnd up-

proiu'hed llu; neighborhood nt the June*Holt of Hie Miulcni und Munitionrivers, nnd suddenly found himself oppimcd liy H group of warlike womenwho were gnlhered on the banks nudwere leudlng Iim men in what mighthave been 11 buttle, hud the explorergiven them 11 ny excuse for It.

Ili'ltn convinced thut he had fallenon the renowned Amur.ona, Orellnniict'oaa-vsumined some of the natives,who continued his belief. The womeniippraml .lo be rcry lull, robust, fairof complexion, with Ions hair twisted

.over their heads and skins of wildheiiats wound around their loins. Theycarried liows und arrows with wlildilliey (iicceeded In killing mnny of theexplorer's parly.

It In mi III to buve been fur these,fair but ferocious enemies that Orel-liinu numud the river Amar.on.

The Morris CountySavings Bank

South Street corner DeHart StreetM0RRIST0WN, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY





National and State Dankn and Truat Companies art NOT SavingsBanks, and Bavlngs or Thrift Depositors In such Institutions h«T«NOT th* «pacl«l protectloo uf tha Snvtnga Dank- Laws ol Ih* BUMof Ntw Jtrsay. . .

I'lTI F, n.MSY••typp" clri'UK In the li'iiat.

theli»«« there was »n very ilvep «i^U•alli of It ill her blood that the nigh! |whli-h wline<soil Hie triifilc. denillmi'in jof llw Hardcnl'tirx perfonue™' trim •look awny IMMII lu-r pnrcuu 1» <"»'jswful iiiomi'iil.

The nil Amertran show was alreailyIt*, winter iiiiHrtem. MHrtnuie rVlUeHebrrt, who lia'd known "llie Klunilloduu, pri'MjiiT double bareback act." |e»i-r aline l>«l»y wa« 1 child, and who |had 'lived more limn one wlnler In tin*Minny lin.-k room of Ihelr cottage Intho All AIIII'IIIU'K home town, threwup both nrmi nm1 shrieked when ItohSloan. ho«« of the paint shop, lirousht

errlble news Into the wardrobelofi. Theu she grabbed her hot. toredown two IIIKIII.I of slepa, raced themil re 'J<»> ynriln of trackage ande x e n l w ifround In I he bnck Rule,hailed a pnwilh! tiixl nnd In six niln-

1 ntps wns at Unisys hoardln(t house,liolclln;.' the grief-Mrlelieu orjilmn In

i her nriiisi.

When Hie first ilrendful days werelover nnd PnUy iiiine to facing the' future a klnli'Hs iirphnn. It "was only |; her own Inherent HPIMC of Justice thnt; pretenied the Iinrd-working wardrobe'• H'liiuini from tiiklni; iipnii herself the I' pbue of hoili fiiHier und niolhcr mill 1i maintaining I'ulsy Ihrouirli ber Until j

Tear oT si'' "Hut I'm not going to do Hint,"

argued 1'aisy. "Iin not going loNClllHll. 1'tU UOillg lO W.irlj.

Ami lo Ililx arraiiuenient MndiiniKellii' win eveuliinlly ('"inpelled toiieiiulesit*. Hut she had l er wayIIIMMII one thing. "If you're going toeiim jour own living. Iiaisy." sheKiild. "j.Mi're ciimliig iiito my loft."

And that's lunv it tame thnt I'ulsylleui|ii'll came lo he earning her livingsHUililiii.' viirliolureil Jewels In hugediwigiiK on tnnmniolh elephant blan-kets of black velvet. And Palsy's Jobwax tt very responsible one.

Tor. he tt known thnt the bushel"nf iftns employed hy a big circus inbedizening the trappings of Its benstsare m< ordlnnry fiibririiHoiiM of gta*8.They ure t nt I y \vnlhetlc Jewels andco .t 11 pni-k of money.

\ n v It happened thnt Ju"l nt thetime when Daisy heenine n senm-Ktrpss to elpphnm<<, camel* nnd Arab.hnrgi>r. these highly essential gem*IKHI bi'come very bnt'illo get and ex-Ireinely high lu price. They poutthntixaitds where formerly they hadcost hundreds, but Imtsm-.icli a» It»•»« now nssured no oilier elmiswould be nble to rival the niagnlfl-renro of Hie 11 America's Trappingsne\t aeiisoti—for I'.nnch Trout, IheAiui'rlin's pureliailns agent, haddenned out Ihe market—It wns re-cardeil ns excellent hiiMineHa.

Miidniue I'elliv, in n departmenthead, was n highly tripled Hiid re-s[M,n«||,le executlvH, us well us anartSt. All Hie store of cunning fahrl-eiiied Jewels wns left In her care, and«.'- kept, along with n fortune inr-o4lly stuffs, In a great Mrnlig boxIII the loft.

Now there were n dozen girls ntwork In the wiinlrobe loft. Itut ofeleven of the dozen l,oh Sloiin, thepaint s..op foreuiiiu. hud no eyes illnil. Iluli, from Ihe ihly of bis firstciili'hlni: n Klliupsp of Daisy, ndoredlier. lie inlghl Imve won het^ butIherp cninc to Ihe i|iiarlcrs .Hi>l at111 tit lime 11 winsome .ynilli mimed ,loeTnggni'l. Joe hadn't been In evi-dence 11 week before he linil dlsenvereil ttatsy and -Inld Keluo lo her.

Hut there was one thing about JoeTaggarl Hint often sent Hnls.v'sllioiighlK flying In sternly old I'.oli. Itwas when, now and Ihen. she caught.Toe lookjug nl her nut of Ihe cnnierof his eyes. Poll bud never done Hint.Anil It made DIIIH.V ntieiisy.

Then came Ihe night. They hadbeen to- the, "movies." .foe hud pre-tended lo he going to kiss nud bndpulled n bnmlkprehlef from lib* over-(•lint pocket to wipe bU lip* In mockprcpniaHoH^ All piny, for Palsy nev-er let .Toe kiss her, you know. Hutwhen he had gone Onlay found, onlite Hour of Hie hallway, n Idler with,out an envelope. Words In It caughttier eye. Tills Is what abe rend:

"Joe—For the love of Mike, him-much longer In It going lo take youto pull Hint trick? Yon sny Ihe girl'sn Rlmp? Well, get busy with her andeo|i Ihe gooiju. Mac's frothing nt lliemotilli because Ids tinsel room l« heldup walling for them sparki You'll bplosing the thoiiannd nud your pick-ings with Hits Nhnw tf yon don't get awrlgglo on you. Get going.

"BliANKY.""I brought It to y<ti, nnb," mild

Daisy to Hlonn Hie Drat thing nestninriilng, "because I thought ««me.body ought to know,"

"I'm glnd you did," said nob "Kellca would hnvc ntnde an aw-ful noise. And wo nuiiit Ueep HIIH

f i l let for ynur sRke. I'm Rorry, Illilegli-l I You liked him a lot, didn't you?II'N Ion Imd to Imvo him turn out tol>e here, Just to Meal H lot of wnrfl.robe JewelH for Mcdnlre. I'll tnkn Ililsto the boss, nnd I'm sure he'll just(dino him away quietly."

Ttuln.v looked up Into llu* kind, deeplyroncenieil p,ven of the mini fur n longinoinent. "Itoh," she. iisked Irrelevnnl-ly, "you're eleven yenrs older than 1um, nren't you I If you wore elevenlitlhdred, do yon suppose you'd kn.nvnnVtldngi" 'I'hen she turned andwalked back to His wardrobe stainnnd Unit, wondering, couldn't see bermull*, but fallowed utr , . '

ew Gas Ranges for Old!!Now Until March 25th Only

What woman does not yearn for a Modern Kitchen —Its color, its freshness, the utility of modern appliances?Here is a chance— ritil March 25th—to turn in your oldgas r a n ^ and get a new one—nothing offered that was onHie market until January—the very latest in beauty andutility—meaning much! Come and see! Ten per cent->f new purchase price allowed on old ranges—untilMarch 25th.

J , Smouthtup, No. 1442 (picture shownherewith). When a large amount °fcooking is done, select this sije; -ex-tremely handsome; white and grayenamel, top -O'/i" x -tOJ-i". Super Vul-can burners; two ovens. Price $184.

%. Quality, No. 1837, full enamel 45"cabinet ranc/r with oven heat regulatorand service drawer; oven 16" x 18",broiler, shell, etc. Price $75.

J . Royal Regent, No. 1122, best low pricerange on market, enamel linings andservice drawer; lioltless front (con-cealed). Price $57.

4 , Kst.-de. No. 2862, enamel ranRe 4\%"wide with l(>" hake oven. With orwithout "Therm-Kstitte" oven heal con-trol. Price $04.

J , Oriole, No. 034. Has every modern gasrange improvement, smart lines, sani-tary finish, lung lite, heat control.Price $85.

JERSEY CENTRAE zzrDn^A/ipr ami Liaht Co. An

Other* atPrice*

Peace on Earth Beliefof an Old French Race

The Basques of the I'yranees sectlouof France ure on old race which basoutlived the Human empire, tile Darku;es. feudalism nnd monarchy. Theynre thrifty, liurd-worklng fannera nndllMhermen with a simple system ofvery local democratic self-government.They are strong, simple, warm-heart-ed, physically sound und comely, andabove all life-loving. While oilierrueci) and social organisations aroundthem have risen nud fallen, they barenever had a king, a tyrant, an aris-tocracy or a revolution. They teamto be very religious, and although theyare hot-blooded and Impulsive, (lie;huvu never taken n single aggressivestep against it neighbor In warfare.—Kay P. Hendrlx.


HOI*ATCON(i 1,1 NK—2 & 72 'Xcwnik, Muplcwood, Mlllbnrn,

('luitluini, MUIIIMOII, Convfint Stu*lion, Morrlstonn, Morris I'lnlns,Mt. Tubor, IH'iivillc, Dover, MineHill, Kcnvll, HiicciiHiinnn, liOxlKi-WIKMI, liiindliiK, NetconK, Stun-hope, C'riiiitK'iiy l<»kv, Andovcr,Newton,

Bu>» I n n Mnln nnd Wall St»^—

For KenvllWceU «ny8 nn<J Suturflays: (1:06

A, M., 0:,16 A. M., and every 30 minutesuntil 10:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M.(llo'il I'. At. Went liovtr), (!£:!>;>Dover only).

Sundays: 7:00 A, &!., nn* every »0minutes until 10:00 1*. M. and 11:00I'.AI. (11:61 KM. WoHt Dover), (12:05A. M. IioVtM1 only >.

For LandingAVock dayN and Htiturd'Ays: 6:00

A, M., 0:30 A. M.. and every hour untilll:3« V. M. and 11:00 P.M.

Hiiiiday»: ?:.1O A. M.. und every houruntil 0:80 1*. M. nnd 11:06 P. M.

Fur IVfltcanK and NU»ko»«. ' Week tluys untl Huttirdnys: 6:00A.M., (1:30, 7:30, 8:90, 10:30, 11:30A.M., !:!!« P.M., S::i0, 4:110, 6:3$, 7:16,S;;iu. fl:;i(i, ll:lili P . M .

Suiidiiys: 7:90 A.M., 8:30, 10:S0.11:30 A. M., 1:911 P. M.. 3:90, 4:30, 6:30,7:30, 8:311, 8:90, 11:00 P.M.

Far KewtonWuolt days, Saturdays nnd Bundnys!

«:30 A. M.j 11:110 A.M., 8:30 P.M., S:3«I1, M., 8:116 P.M.

For MorrlntnivnWeek days and Saturdays: 6:S0

A. M., 0:S4 A. M., U:."4 A. M., 7:09, 7:84,7:M, 8:09. S:U A.M., nnd every' 5«mlnutvH until 0:r>4 P.M.: then evoryhuur until »:r>4 P.M. and 11:24 P.M.(7:24 P.M., 8:94 P.M., 9:14 P.M. Mt.Tubor only).

Sundays: 0:IH A. M.. 6:54 A. M., nndcvory hour until 10:64 A.M.; then(ivory 30 mlnuti'H until 0:64 P.M., nnd(very hour until 0:64 P.M. and 11:241'. M. (7:24 P. M., 8:24 P. M., 9:84 P. M,Ml. Tubor only),

For NewarkWtelt days nnd Saturdays: 6:54

A. M. and every hour until 0:84 P. M.Sundny: 0:64 A. M. und ovory hour

until 0:04 P.M.

WHARTON BUB MM3—10Ifctvcr «ml W^irton.

lluNr« l « i « litinkiiwnana Station—Woolt duyu! &:t8 A. M., and ovory

90- nilmili'H until 6:48 p. M;.Hiiturdnyii: 0:18 A. M., and every 30

mluuten until 11:48 p, i i .

BUSES FOR HIREPublic Seryict D« luxt b*M$ 'afford a tpltnJid mtant ot carry-ing ftrliti Id llf ttaihoTt, moult-Hint, thtatrt, or lo alhltlic oroilier (vraM. They art iitat forpicnict, oulingi, or loun.

Phonu MonlUown U09


ii3ifiiiB<iMkSiii V

Tires for the new Fordare specially madeto give long wear

WHEN the new Ford was de-signed, it was Immediatelyapparent that a new tinswould nave to be made tomatch the car's perform-ance. It was distinctly a newproblem, for here was a carwith quicker acceleration,greater speed and morebraking efficiency than anycar of similar size or weight.

So that every Ford ownermight be assured of maxi-mum tire mileage at the low-est cost, the Ford 'MotorCompany devoted manymonths to research andexperiment in conjunc-tion with the leading tiremanufacturers.

As a result, certain defi-nite specifications were de-veloped for tires for the newFord. These specify cords ofcertain strength and texture,a large volume of tread and

, side-wall rubber, sturdy non-skid design, and reinforcedplies for protection againstbruise breaks—al l thestrong features of construc-tion formerly consideredfor only the largest tires.

Great care also was takento secure the best ridlngqual-ities in connection .with thetransverse springsand the HoudallU•hock absorbers.

Though the Ford tires «•designated as 30 x 450,they have the resiliency atwair space of much largertires because of the dropcenter rim of the Bteel-»H»wheels.

For best results, the tinton the new Ford should bekept inflated to an air pr»•ure of 35 pounds «««cheeked regularly to insurethis pressure all the tine.This is important. Low to-flatten breaks down the side-walls of a tire. By cansisjoverheating, it also destroythe rubber that acts as asinsulation, with consequentseparation of the cord.

At the end of each 50Wmiles, when you have U»front wheels packed w»gre. .e , l t isagoo. |plMj;have the wheel alichecked. This willpremature wear.

When punctures com*)11

they will with any lire« 7*will find the Ford deal*

to make repairs quickat small cost. See him, «*•for replacements. »"«•you will be sure of g««*»tins built specially f»'{"

Ford car accord!*!to definite Foi*specification!.


GEO. B. WHITHAM• Embalmer

nnd Funeral DirectorCareful service «nd prompt attention

given to all calls, day or night.• T«L BoeJtaway 7& > . >.

, FaaeraJ Parlois—M»la street ' «•

Rook Drlllo AiiomoDileJtfU w n Mowers Sliarpcnwl .

1IAVIO HAIITBlacks!""!1

Gonornl HcpalrlngTelephone lloe«»*W

Aall kinds of tools srounu «<•«,


Page 7: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"

MABCH 7, 1929

. . . J im Daeoration Day

All iiiinual Decoration dny, In both• nun' imd deed, is observed by lowerltuk"i ' river Indians. Hftteii families I| f hidiaiis from NulnUi und other \ll- jIf n s HM't lit Koj'uruk, Alaska, to ful-fill -I il'i|¥|'r custom, that «f <>ri-(-tiiiS




over the graves of tliose whpiist yew.

[•iir .-iiHH'i'8 of I lie old graves werein H fri'sh coat of highly colored[lit .Mirny *'f the unique nuiusoims a'''-1 constructed with skill nml

windows, floors and rugali'Ii'S sisvli us were used lij

jciirli'H ones. Food und rlrinkrctii'Witd " " ' I ' y«*»r during tlie

rtlnli-li following Decoration day.Ever*' western Ainskun lntlluo tribeg Kiimr different method of protect-j die spirits of departed ones.

;arc, l|;iv<

other itlie del


Noticeice i« hereby given that the fol-

lowing nrdinance was Introduced andI <>n I'"1"1 reading at a regular

CieellnK »f "»• Township Committeebf tin; Township of Denvllle, held onFebniiiry (i, 1929, and was duly not-ced t'oi' final pannage at a meeting to

l e liehl i» K o'clock p. m. in the Town-tl,i], H,ill in Bald Township, on .Match

m'J, a'"1 ° Public liearing heldjltereoii at which time and place saidfcrdinance wan passed, approved midEitopted on t i n a l reading and passage.

Hv order of the Township rointnlt-[ce of Uii- TowritShip Of Dehville.






RIGHTS THEREIN| WHEREAS, the Township Commit -

of Hit' Township of Denville. in[he County of Morris, did on March

1924, approve for filing a certainmp enllilrd "Denvllle Park, Proper-( of Kreil S. Myers, at Denville. Mor-

Co., New Jerney", surveyed Jan.,[924, by ('. O. Martindale, Kng'r.,

nton. \'. J., upon which said mapiere were laid down and HIIOWU,mong OIIHTH, two certain street* des-

ated a» "Glen Road" and "(iiird-!»r'-Road" respectively; and| WHK1U0AS, said map was duly ft I -I in the Morris County Clerk's Officei April 7, 1924, as Map No. 634: and-

[WHEREAS, Denville Park Kstatos,ic, the preser* owner of the land

Ipon which the BtreetB designated usIGlen Road" and Gardner'-Uoad" us|loesald are located has requested1 the Townsiiip Committee the vaca-

Jon of certain portions of said streetsinown as "Olen Hflad" and "(lard-ltr'-Road", as hereinafter mentioned,)nd the release and extinguishmentI the public rights therein; and

| It appearing that said streets have, been accepted or opened as puh-

: streets: and

lit further appearing that the pub-ic interests will be better sewed bypleasing said lands from such deili-bllon:[NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR-1AINED, by the Township Commil-

! of the Township of Denville, in! County of Morris, that the publichts in and to the portions of tlie

Kreets known and designated as[Glen Road" and "Gardner'-Road" on

above mentioned map which do|ot conform to or fofm a part of thelisting Ktreets as laid down and des-

Jiated as "Glen Road" and "(iaid-ler'-Roail" on a certain map entitledTRevlsei! Map of Denville Park, Prop-irty of Denville Park Estates, Inc.,mvllle Tp., Morris Co., N. J.", re-

j Feb., 1928, by C. O. Martindale,Ing'r, Itoonton, N. J., and approved»r tiUnp lijr this Committee on Marchf, 192S, be and the same are herebypleased and entirely extinguished,»d that said portions of said streets(and the same are hereby vacated.

I This Ordinance shall take effect asIrovldeil by law. w

|Approveil and adopted this 6lh day'[March, 1929.




Instant Aidwhen Some-one is Hurt—Y9« always haTe a "doctor"bandy when you have'a-FIRST.« » KIT within reach. Con-tains: iodine, plaster, gauze,spirits of ammonia and otherrequisites for the . effectivetreatment of cuts, burns and

Flnteld Kit


Jour Kit now—Sold only ill


Tht new twenty-story Headquarters Building of the New Jersey BellTelephone Company In Newark. It will be occupied by almost 3,000 menand women engaged In directing and planning for a telephone eystem to

keep pace with New Jersey's rapid growth.

Unique Dinner, Building Dedication,Mark Telephone Fiftieth Anniversary

New State Headquarters Structure Symbolizes Rapid Growthof State, Which State Chamber of Commerce

Dinner Fosters.

OutHlumliUK nmiinn bnlldliiK enn-Hlrurllon projects In the Stale thisyenf is the Slatv Headmiiirters Biiilii-IiiK of tliu New Jerse> Bull TelephoneCompany, oppoxlte Washington l'nrkIs Newark, which Is to be formallyopened Anvil 4.

Appropriately enough, Hie hi'iiutifultwenty-story stviutiiie wlili-li sym-boli/.PH the important part the tele-phone pliivs In the life o! the peopleof New Jersey Imlay, comtnencps Us

Imposing Entrance to NewBuilding.

I'areer of sorvlre In lite liftleth annl-veiBary year of the telephone In (heSinle. Halt a century also, when thetelephone came Into use nlmosl slmiil-Inneoiisly in halt n dozen New Jerseycities, there were no telephone build-lng*r only hired rooms. There wasno telephone coniniiinlcnlloii hot weencnmmiinllies. Telephone service, suchas It was, was limited and expensive.

The new Headquarters Hiilldlntr. so

lias tlie lndt|.slry Kniwii, Is to houseHlniOKl :t.mill jieople wiiose sole effortsare to direct nn«l plan for the greatsl!ite«M(> B.V.HIem Unit now eiinta undRervcH almost everyone, wllhont limit,and fninpuriilivel.v iiiexpensivuly.

A nlaiewlile dinner, uniiiue In thelilRtory of .lie Kliile, will murk the (or-niiil iipenliiK of the building April 4.Seven dinner ]iii'etlti|t.s In nix ollleH —Newuili, Ciiinden, ruli-mon, AtlanticCity, Jerney ('fly mid Trenton—will becomiccti'd with each other by u tele-phone win' hookup and a loud-speak-hiK public nddrerts sysiem. Tlie New-Jersey Heil Telephone ('oinpany andthe Stuie Chamber of Commerce, holborgani/ntions interested In tlie de-velopment of New Jersey, are jointlyholding tlie statewide dinner to fosterli)li'n>»t In n Ki'enter Now Jersey, Bitchus Hit' new telephone building syiivbollzcs.

The iiro^nun i>t' tile occasion will hcboiird slmultHneously al each meetingplace Aver the telephone inlercon-lu'ctiou, iind. the principal programwill ri'iich all the meetings from thecentral nii'ftliiK In thi> niidllorlum ofthe new IIciidqitnriers Hullding.

'Die lIciiliiiiiirlei'M HulldlnK Is thesanu' "Aincriciui verlicnl'1 style nfiirchitfcUii't' which )uis iransfornit'dmany city skylines into vast-forests ufmajestic towers. It combines bcnulyand sltniilicily of- IIPNIKII with practi-cability of service.

The front facade is of'lllimutOhio sandstone, irented in tile vertii-iilstyle with a di'ddi'dly classical focliim.Above Ibis and sot back a few feet toemphasize tho lower feature, are sim-ple, vertical piers of llBbt-coloved brickterminating-'in tin ornnmoiit'ul crestitiKof cast stone itt lhc> setback at theelshteenlli floor-level. The two out-slde "liayM in trout lire ctirriert up Inslone piers framing tylnff In the reu-tral portion of.brick. Above the eight-eenth flour tlie brick piers set backand rise aRiiln lo an ormimentnl termi-nal motive of suitable weight for themitps of the bnlldinp.

"Rhythmic Motion" is the decorative motif for the public buslnett offle.of latest type In the new State Headquarters Building ef the New

Jersey Bell Telephone Company.


Whoever Does Your

You get the creditfor It If It is good,and the criticism for it if it is poorlydone.

The discriminating customer or cli-ent knows of course that you did not dothe printing, but he does know that youare using it and by so doing placingyour stamp of approval upon it.

Correct printing costs no more thanpoor printing. Good stock, good work-manship and correct selection of typeare the necessary elements for GOODPRINTING.

Call us and we will submit samplesto suit your needs.


PRINTING• ••J « • •

Page 8: ROCKAWAY"Pay Dirt" The "Forty-Nlners" made their fortunes liy panning; gathering [the gold-bearing Band or "pay-dirt"



Dover thr work tn Thm place-Mrs Ci'orce Rodim und daughter

11 has made (,f i have returned lu tlu-ii limne in Day-ton, Ohio, after an extended visit withMrs. Kodrrcr's parents. Mr. aihj Mrs.Charles V*'. IHitmliue. in Har.dutithavenue.

Funeral Services fur, Mrs. KinUJohnson, were held from her . latehome in Klycrott Farina. Mondn> af-ternoon with JUv. F. ,? Huhach, offi-ciating and Intenncnt was marie inSuccas.uuna, Deceased was fifty-fiveyears old ami died Friday night fromheart trouble. Besides her hufhmul.two sons and one daughter survive.

Miss Helen Crampton. of this placespent the weeV *nd with Mtv and Mrs.Fred Hoffman. In High Bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Kussell King, of Mont-clalr. spent the week-end with Hieformer's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. JohnM. King, in Fairview avenue.

Mrs. Sanford VuhAtla. of NeleoiiK.spent several days last week withClarence K. I'uder and family in Har-vard street.

the I'UKsiKeirtPnt of Miss Sara Kuu, ofHackettsluwn and Irving Friedman,(if West liliirliwell street. The .miir-riage is to he in June.

MIHH Kathryn Sellers. of Hudsonstreet, lms returned from a visit withrelative* in Asbury I'ark.

Announcement lias been made -ofthe marriage of Miss Velum S. t'lil-leny, of Wharton, Hiid Arthur h, Val-entine, of KtMivil. Tlie ceremony wasperformed February 23 at Suceasunnaby Kev. Itulpli Davy.

Funeral services for Miss Mary A.Kichards ^ere held Sunday afternoonjfrom the home of her sister-in-law.Mrs. Blanche Kliiiunlx, tn Bank St.,•wh#re death occurred Thursday, fnl-lowing a long lilneHg of complica-tions. MIKSI RUIUIVIIH «a« a life-longresident of thin place aud la survivedhy 8 brother, Irenls Richards, of Phil-adelphia. Kev. h. H. Knight, pastorof Memorial Presbyterian Church of-ficiated and Interment was minfr InLocust Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Harry 11: (lagan, of MeKiulanutreet entertained a numlier of frieudHoa Saturday night In honor of herbirthday, also thut of her daughter,Mrs. Frank McOreh and her sister.Mra. Prank S. Hill. About thirty werepresent and spent an enjoyable even-ing.

Mrs. Will In in s. White entertainedthe member* of the Young Woman'sAuxiliary of the Klrut MethodistChurch at her home In Sanford streetMonday night at a covered dish lunch-eon, A business meeting followed.

Mrs. Wllllimi Drake Is confined toher home In West Kiul Heights by Ill-ness.

Hon Harold •'.. Hoffman, memberof Congress from the Third lUslrlctof New Jorsoy und « member of tileMilitary Affairs Committee. Wash-ington, V. ('., will address the Men'sFriendly Class In Memorial Presby-terian Church. Sunday morning lit9:45 o'clock.

Allen ('. Dlxon. of Sydney, Austral-la, has concluded a visit to Mrs, Kl-oanor A Palmer and fumlly anil hasleft for a tour of Central America andthe West Indies.

Mra. M. II. I'uiler, of Harvard street


Pre-Spring Opportunities

Both imittrliil mid hi bur i> «re Inwi-r duriiiK the » i i iu r tUuiiin in her linn's. >ei neither of Hu»>- two iintinriunt factors m-i'd lesMeiiin quality or skill.

Taking iidvania*;c til thosi1 lo rU'int'tita, several new huuset*. fui 1 >'Imiirpoved, have been erected ;ii llemllle Turk and are offered for•ale al prices lnvuli lower now i(tun those that will prevail Inter.

TheXM Uonu'it lontaiu from sis to eight rooms All luisv Kiirug<'».Lots average uotlbu. and the present prices ure $0,175 to tHA2h. DownimymeiHs, f'J5ft.i|i> to tl.O00.fW H.ilance easier than itnylnjc rent

••Ilie i.r.K.f ul' thV inidJlnu I* the eatlnir lherei>r

("Uitm-e* like llie ttluive hupiieii in few, very few places, one ofthe few is .• •

Fully liiipruveiiHOUSES

$6,175 upSrnuillf Park

l'litiueOpen Dally fntil 9:00 F. M.


All Lots


KestrlctedKusy Terms

DenvilleMr. Charles I.. Curvis, Supervising,Prim j pa 1 of the ilorough Schools, ut-,tended the meeting of the Nutionul j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph IV. Cisco, ofKducaUoiinl Association at Cleveland.' Klierdale I'urk, and Mr, and Mm.

, Joseph Moore, of Tabor, returned Bat-Class took charge urday from a number of weeks spent

morning, j In Florida. They made the trip byauto and report fairly good roads ex-

in (Jcorgia where they ran into

Sen Ices Kiir Siindji), Murrlirimri'li .

l O l l l ,


Ohio, last week.The Sophomore

of exercises on ..,..„....., ...„ „.Catherine Collins and Kathryn ("runs'played a piano ituet. "Camel Train"; j oeitfLowell Ileiliey |>lnyed a violin solo, i much mud."Flower SIIIIK." and Ida VanOrden KverylbiiiK IH.III readlneplayed a <urnel .solo. "Melody In F". vlile Turk to beginAlberta Di; kelson and Frames Shan- work ns KOOII an thelion took iHirt hi u "Mutter and j the ground..Mumble Sketch." . Mrs. M. M. Vroom, of Morris Ave.,

The Hoys' Hi-Y met on Monday j will entertain the W. C. T. V. at herniRhl lit the High School gym. j home Thursday of next week at x ,

The tiirls' HI-Y met on Monday ; o'clock. A business meeting will be |night ut the home of Helen Collins, held imil the annual election of oftl- jAfter the business meeting, the girls cers will take place. Mrs. S. H, Peer, jheld a discussion on the topic, "The Mrs. lva l.a»h and Mrs. Kate Sullivan

arc the members of the nominatingcommittee.

Tho ihlldren of Mr. and Mrs. Cun-ningham, of Thurmont, are confinedto their home with the measles. Al-bert Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.

State i j) Meyers, Sr.. of the Itockawity noadIs also confined jo his home with themeasles.

Future." jThe High School Orchestra is prac-1

tiling each Monday and Wednesday iIn the High School Auditorium, 1



at Den-lutive spilnn

. friist is out of

County Clerk K. Bertram Mott hasreceived a beautiful gold cigarette

is on an extended visit with relatives lighter for use on his desk. J B Cantwclt, MorrlsAown, are recentin Allamuohy. It was formally presented to l l l n l | purt-hasers of liomexltea ut-Denville

Miss Htuel Rusch anil Miss Marion at the testimonial dinner given himHulbert, ofUneoIn avenue, spent the -j as chairman of the State Republican

Martin Drown, of ICIizaheth, Mrs.Clndys Miller, of Dover, find .lames

j II. Cuntwell, MtirrlKtowii, are

week-end will! Mr. and Mrs. CcorgeKndahl. in Hrooklyu, N. Y.

A whist will he held by the Amer-ican Legion Auxiliary in the LegionHome next Wednesday evening. Thepublic is cordially Invited.

Mias Ktta Covert, of I'ark avenue,is apendiug a few days with her moth-er, lu Mount Freedom, who is confin-ed to her home with Illness.

Rev. Oilbert H.1 Johnson, pastor ofthe Gospel Tabernacle of the Christ-Ian and Missionary Alliance in Hud-son street, mid Mrs. Johnson willleave on Monday for Montreal. Can-ada, where they wlil take charge of

Committee in Trenton last month but jwas not engraved at that time undwas not delivered until Friday.

The lighter has engraved on it onone side: "Presented to E. B. Mott,

I chairman of the New Jersey Repub-lican State Committee at a testlmon-

Park.The condition of Mrs. F .S . VanOr-

den, who has been 111 for sometime,is still quite critical. Mrs. VanOrden,who Is 82 years of age. bus been veryactive up to her present Illness.

A meeting of the Friendly Club washeld at the home ot Miss Hazel Van-lerhoof, of Rlchwood Terrace, Tues-

Klectlon November 6, 1928."On the reverse side Is n photo of,

President Hoover und the slogan of ithe cumpaigu. "Who but Hoover."

Still Going Strong1.

Kurzman'sRemoval Sale

Our new store is rapidly nearing comple-tion and we will soon be moving. BefoVewe go we must

Close-Out all ourpresent stock

and will do so at Prices so Low, they willStartle you.

Suits for Men and Boysat One-Half

Former Price

inl dinner held in his honor at Tren- ( ) ny evc,n |,1(! p l a n s w e r e completedton, X. .1.. January H. 1929, In recog-; fm. | h e s , p a t r l c k . s p a r ty w n l t h w l ] 1

uitlon ot his splendid leadership in j b e h e l ( , S a t u r , i a v evening. March 1G,conducting the most successful Re-' | n ( h p p 0 g Qf A H a ] | o v c | . t h e

publican campaign in New Jersey. D l , n v l l | e P o s , o f f | ( , e Tickets for the

evening are now being sold by mem-bers of tho Club.

1). C. Bayles, Rockaway, has begunthe erection of a six room dwellingon Hlnclimtin Avenue, Denville Park.

Mr. and Mrs. James Duckelew andI baby daughter, of Chatham, were din-I tier guests Tuesday evening of theformer's patents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.Buckelew, of Itlehwood Terrace.

Mr. John H. Hall, of the Morris-town Road, spent Sunday on LongIsland with his daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolfo. of Hnrdman'sGarage, returned Sunday from a tripto Florida. While there (hey visitedMr. and Mr». William Hardman andMr. and Mrs. Albert Hardinan atYankeetown, Fla.

The Denville dun Club held a shootSunday. IClmer Vanderhoof, Denvillepost muster, -was high man breaking48 out of 50 rock

Mr. and Mrs. K. R. LeRoy, of Rich-wood Terrace, recently returned from

trip to Florida.Dr. Joseph Tattersall, brother of

Cieoige It. Tattersall, of Denville,died Wednesday, March 6th, at Pitts-burgh, Pa., ot pneumonia. He waswell-known In this Vicinity, havingmany friends at Tabor, DenviU andRoc.kaway.

Mr. George R. Tattersall 1& stop-ping In New York for a couple ofmonths. He in under treatment bya specialist for trouble with his leftleg.

Dover Furniture Company will open(heir new store with a complete stockof up-to-the-minute furniture at 6'East Blackwell Street, Dover, on orabout March 15th. The new companywill ho under the management o:Louis PttflBmonlck, who was formerlyassociated with the Dover Home Supply Company at the same address,Mr. Pasamonick has been Bervtng thpublic in Dover for the past eighteenyears anil will continue his policy o:honesty and Integrity In valuesreasonable prices.

Humlay l»:30 A. M. Church Bcliuul j111 charge of Klnicr Jones, Huperin-!teiulent. Chinch OicheHtra will leud jsinging. •

10:45 A. M. Morning Worship, liar-1I ry Doll will give Hie Junior sennmi.jI Illustrating on the blackboard. Tile'choir will render spBclnl music. The i

j minister will prettcb on "Approach- jIng Cod—The Way." j

I T P. M. Kpwortli League. Deviillon- 'i ul meetliiR in the Junior room. Pus-![tor,'Burl L. Hampton will lend thi>jI discussion.

" P .M. llllile Forum In the .cliurclt jIn charge of Mrs. Nellie Sorii'ld.

7:45 P. M. Kvening Worship. TheFiremen of Company No. 1, of Tabor,and Company No. 1, or lienvlllo willattend church in n body. A localquartette will render special music:.The pastor will speak on "The In-fluence of JCBIIB." The nHIIIII songservice will he lend by the choir undorchestra.

"Palm Hunduy", March UHli.10:45 A. M. Sermon, "Who Is This1;"

Reception of Prepitratory members,7:4!", P. M. Sermon. "Wlmt Shall It

He ?"Wednesday, Mnnh 27th. '7:4,"i I'. M. All Church night. 1'as-

lor in charg<>.Thurwlay, March 2Kth."Do this In Kcm«mhrunc.e of Me",

said Jesus. Holy Communion nt S ]>.At. around the table,

"(lood Friday". March 2»th.12-2 P. M. "The Seven Words of tiie

Cross". Uy seven mlnlstfrs of liteDover, Morrlstown Rroups.

"Easter Sunday", March 31st,8:00 A. M. Sunrise Sorvice. Cornet

solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple".10:45 A. M. "An Waster Message."7:45 P. M. Easter Program by the

Church School. Special music at. thervices, by Senior choir, Church

chool Orchestra and Soloists. Jun-v sermon each Sunday morning.Easter is the most joyous Christianstlval and nature itself retnindci us'• Immortality.This Is the season to make a gift.n expression of Love and Gratitude-

Ood."He Is Risen". Nay this Kanter-

!de bring you the realization of wluilhis means.


"Pride of Lake Land Centre'Quality Always- —Telephone ft|

Fresh Hams, Ib. - - - -Loin of Pork, small, Ib. - -Home-made all pork SausageLegs of Spring Lamb, Ib. -Shoulder of Spring Lamb, Ib.Breast of Spring Lamb, Ib. -Sirloin Steak, Ib.% - - - •Chuck Roast, Ib. . . .Rib Roast, Ib. - - - -Bacon,' 2 or whole strip, Ib. -Shoulder of Milk-Fed Veal. Ib.Rump of Milk-Fed Veal, Ib. -Fresh Pork Shoulders Ib. -Smoked Gala Hams. Ib. - -Regular Smoked Hams, Ib. -

:28c31b. for $i

• ,39t

• - -ft• • 15c

• - 45c

- 33c• - 32c

• 28c- - 3 5 c


. Fresh Fowl and Chickens a Specialty

Florida Oranges, doz. • • • . 29c I

Kurzman^sClothing and Footwear StoreMain St., Rockaway


Sold and Delivered at DentlUeBy Kocktway Leklgh Coal Co.

' Tel. Rockamy 408

nierlciiii 'I'o Olmorvv I'enlliAiinlv«rNiiry

Throughout the nation, the tenthirthday of the American Legion willio celebrated. The Parts caucus, held,larch 15 and 16, 1919, was little morenan an idea or dream. Today theAmerican Legion Is a healthy undmanly reality.

On Thursday, March 14th, a largemeeting will be held In the WilliamHedgeB Baker Post home, corner ofBank and Orchard streets, Dover, toinform evaj'y war tuteran in this com-munity of the activities of the oruun-zatlon; an entertainment will bo pro-

vided in addition to the routine Itust-ness.

Commander Reinert recently statedwhen speaking of the' work completedhus far, "In our ilrat decade the Leg-Ion has successfully fought the battledfor our disabled comrades, tor ourcomrades dependents and for all ex-service men, Every bit ot legislationon the statute books that benefits thesoldier, sailor or marine of the WorldWar was put there through AmoilcnnLegion effort. We of the Legion havetried to uphold all those iduals of pat-riotism and good citizenship whichtrue Americana from the Ilevolutlo*ary days to thin have rar.agnhed asthe bulwarks ot our liberty mid Inilopendence.

We have Included all ux-Horvliscmen, all orphans and widows In nurendeavor to benefit them. In the tenyears pnst wo have .linked nothing oithem for tho'benefit or our own Amerlean Legion, Those ten years haviproved our unselfish motives. Bvoryveteran In Dover and vicinity shouldenroll In this worthwhile activity andaialat tho Legion program."

Tonkin & Hoffman StorelGENERAL MERCHANDISE

Where Quality is the First ConsiderationOur A & II flutter COXIN 3 or U ceil IN m o w Hum tlicmwlHl

If you wnnt to fejilly enjoy quality, try II. M>\tli« Ninne.

Sugar, Ib. . . . , MtFancy large whole grain Rloe, Ib He—!l Hi. for SMCampbell'*) Soup, all varieties, canCampbell Beanm, can llf3 pa Jello or Royal De«H«rt for U;i pa Blue Knot Macaroni and Noodle* 'CrlBco, Ib JBeech Nut Coffee, sealed canBeech Nut Catsup, medimn •Monarch CatRup, largo bottlePeacheH and Pineapple, largOHt caiiH iRoyal Scarlet SeedleRB UUIBIIIH, large \w jTetleys Op Tea, U. Ib. pa *Formosa und Gunpowder Tea in bulk, Ib.

>. Prompt Free Delivery

Tel. 101 51HiberniaAve,j





S A T . MAT. & MVK ' .TAKSSAN—MAT. O N L Y - Kll>l>lh!B'

Buzz Barton in "Orphan of the SageCOMEDY RACING HMJOIl i!MON. & T U H 8 . D O U B L H 'FHATUHM—2:30— 7 &• S: 1T.



Hoot Gibson in "Danger Rider" JWBDNK8DAY, THURSDAY, FHTDAY, MAKOU HI H |fl

MAT. & EVK—3:20-7:00-0:00

Peaqhes Broivnings (In Person) on the stage

And Supporting CiiHtOn the Screen REGINALD DKNNY In



Tho MOITIH County Anaoi'lutlon oflniprovort Order of lied Jjtan and De-RI'OV of Pocuhontnn will lie ont«rtnin-ed on Monday (tvonlng, } «roh U, byMoliudcowlinglfi Tribe, Nc 210, It tll«Wlifwnni in tho Jr, O, U. A, M, Hall,MorrlR PIBIIIB. /

«„. .„ . . , • nrvll lv V. M""1''. • . . M I Montiny, Alinrli " • " • J J , !t h i r d ro l rb i l of, <!• I"1*" ''"


Inn In