rockaway · » d by rev. toy...

ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest WeekU n A- A , ^ ^ V*^ = = _ _ _ _ _ _ Weekl > ' Our Aim "A better community in which to live" '<O(:K\\VAV.N.J..III IKS | )AVIN1AV24I elyn Greene Bride Of Frank Holland THE LATE PAUL ! Reside at Elycroft BU8I- BOOK- prettiest weddings to nnckaway In many KSaturday after- In the mansion of n"her. wealthy hoc , Dover road, when gfi Greene, well known Jo "he younger set of Rock- *".« united In marriageto olland *on of Mr. and Mrs. Sand also of Rockaway. 25 attended by about 76 » dby Rev. toy Smith, of Sparta, per- , mend of the bride, was the IShonor at the wedding and TA Uthrop. of Netcong, and Winifred Cooke. of Hamburg, brtde maldn. The best man was ,S Holland, of Rockaway. k.r of the eroom. K d e was attired in a gown of »»tln white satin turbln and , accessories lo match. She car- —iCorttinucd on Page S) Human Fly lil il "Mike." Pin 1,1. yiiuili fly. muy never cjimljtv class steeple link but k'HH the folks Mi.inl that "Mike" is one jtjj that darlnii prolc-unii wllllnR lo try and n take It on the dun wiih plalnlnK. Wiih (iiiii-i -.Hula "Mike" demonstrated I,,, incn- ny ability in M,,I< ],,|t v hneh'- last Sunday HIKIII on ih<- Natn,ii:,| Bank building While his plMVini,!!-.. spellbound on the KI'UUIK "MfKe" scampered iron, cape to fin- escape wi' grace of a skilled in-, robat he slipped . . . nn<l in, audi,-,,,.,. share the one opinion thut M.k>- fell at least twenty-five (i-i-i Th. asplrlnK aerial arti-' WHS unin- jured with the exieptlon of ii slight bruise on one knee. Amn - acle, his pals di-ilmc. a he wasn't killed t),,-- i,r,.,] n. I-I- SM IV' IJ.-IHW n- .•- ihe Then Treasurer John C. Chewey Files Quarterly Report! Lists in Detail Borough Finances Covering Up! to March 3 1 , 1 9 M - B a l a n c e s in | All Budget Accounts I .'i i f.l i' '..i.ii in '•li '•! Km k,.-,..,- "••''• Vi\ 1!..204 :n Movies in Health Education Program Shown In Knckiiuut Si h.i.ils Kveljn C Schmidt (,iw Health Talks •JIlV Movies have played iii, .ii,|n..t,in< part In the health ed'i.aiion piori,i:n Rockaway, i 0 ^ the Morns f.'nuntv Tuebrnii.,'-r- Associatlon dimmi the pa.' 1 ' u.-.-k. Throimh the cnuriew ol tin Cil- Rate Company. Mis.s Evelyn C ikBidsforNew Rockaway Library Schmidt has Kiven health <alk and shown appropriate tnotioi pi. t u n ' In the Rockaway .School In the elemental v school- Horn. Run Bill" has ben 'howii Bill, u jseventh (trade pupil liom one ol lhe public schools in (.'hicauo. take the 'leadlnR part He Has chosen be- M ,,,-), Icause he I.s an A-l health boy i.Mi n> Addition to Municipal Build- perfect teeth The laci tha> all ol to-it Lone Felt Neceiflty, .thechildren in the movie iin- n ni- It In Staled ' ar school children. rathei than pn.- fesslona! actors add. 1 , int.-resi !., the (ith Dlanx lor Rockaway's and brine the m.' oi ui anaddition to the municipal,health habits clo.s.-i to the lives ,,i ' approved by the Common .the children. Bdi" local building contractors Bill Is a typical "cant b. bother- no* being given an opportunity ed" boy. As a result of hi.s mdii- limit bids for the Job, It was an- 'ference in school work laps nnd his need today by a member of the general tone is Inn His sole ;,m- Miil Illed In'll T.i ,i -.:' r .lulu. C Ch.-A'y las' vii ,k and n;iil .,' a lei'-nl I -!||!|. (,I lhe ' nllllii'il; Colin- . il bv C'oiii'i-ilinuii William II T y,\ i hainiiiin of finane.. Tin- ii-p.ii i ; i N , ,.i'(l lhut $23,543 14 ,li :f):u !:IM had l,.-en collected iip i,, Mn Mil- ve,n 1 he il.-liuo.iiei,! '.•••. b-- '•• .0 - i- I'l'.'-li III 'he ll-pnrt ii' lolid'A' I'llM \VA li Win $1 on I'.ui; si nn- v.rr, $'Jfl(i 1M2H U3:!|| 11128. *•)!.!! L'fi i!i'!'i viol f,fi u:ii $DKJ4'J. ri:ii! ili; 1,1;; i: 1 \»y,i. .'. u Ms::. l ' . . i ! i | i|, hi - 1 1 j r. '!•• f. l.-i--.:.: " I I I . 1 . I ' m ! . n.-l ll- ' . ( I ."i • i I 1,','e V.'tiOO ciiiilal ai;d i n - ' b. I.I! Sill - 4'ltl !;iv I,-,(.|IIIC in,'.: 5,4U 4 O0 "n i-' ., Mil' I Illi'e $1,00 'Ail!' 1 l)..!i(!' $ 1 0 1 ;'.'," '..liil ilKt InO 111' ' •" : l.i," n,i 1,'nnieii abo'., '.• ;r. ,M:(] ;.I ' A|,l ll i, -|i'- !.,!;,! d'-b 1 i> ci ", 5Hid ;,.'ill TlLi'ill'-l (.'In «'-i ,il Ml:- piil' '"I !i.- I' P"!' 'M '|i,ll I I I M e .ill'.', i- l h e s i - . ' i I c. -, I'd ,i |.-A months in'i ,iirii.,ii/<'il a leddiil loan i.l MOO 000 !"i Ili'- .-nu- ll lie',on nl .i u* v." '.in:'..; V " u . l Ilni. far v.e h.i'.i- snlil l],•• |..\.ii,- iii.-nl -572 0 0 0 in 'i-wi-i bond- Fii'ines in lhe lann.i ;»•' "'.in 1 a- lollu-A.s (,'um ii 1 in bal- ance. Jan 1 11»:HVI 702 8(1 i,,,;.iii'e :n ui:i4. $b.278:i(i I»:H ...-- .'.11,1 lol'll leceipt I'i'.i liil 4!) bill- ii Marih 31 1034. $lf)f)54fi5.! ,i|)Hal aee.iuiit blilanee Jan 1 1934. biiliiiic- Man h 31 1934. j Tm.-.l a.-cuunt balunce. Jan.: t..\- : Hi. :. M.i: h SI in.: i 'i, Mn S.Mid Ml' i-ii n n l «,r>C.(; 7J 1 IM4 f-JV'2'JI). balance March 31. 11134 $B0! II. F.ll;. ri'er.i v Relief blll- iirn. Jiiiniiiry 1 11)34 $3 69. balance Miirili 31 1!)34 S.I 6 9 . Dependency ', ri-iH balaiii-e .hill 1 1934. $4 80. IMI.UKI- Man h 31 1934 S4 W W.i'.-r I depiu'meiii. balance J.u, 1 1034. SI lH'.'U'.l balance Miinli 31 1934. - «[>•».". 04 1 U.ll-tali'lim 1 mil, s unhide lln- biil- ; ill.. . 'if $!)00 mi a l#-•-• L'imil l note. &IJ0IM t,i\ ic.-nui- note and ,n,uiher t;tx 11-\ i nm- m,ie of $: •i A, , ,„,(. ,.| $2 1100 b.:..! $6 MO $1 900. $1 ',00 on :.. i • iiiipn,-.i-ini-lit' (!) 500 mi file ,I|,,,,II,IIII- M.fiOn fur ilr.-it Tiink. .1 $1 fiCMj fur th'- l-'erronc piuperlv. Special Order II wii.-. earlv Sunday niornmi.'. Mute' a local milkman »'ho de- sires that his name be. withheld flum publication, when he waK hiKhly amused by a note contain- ing written instructions and plac- ed under an empty milk bottle on (he porch ol one ol his cus- loniei 's homes Allhouuh it was M-UI-CI-IJ 1 day- break themilkman was surprised to observe that apparently the in- niales of the house hud not yet retired. A radio was playinK and indication.-, were that a party was in protmss . . extending over from Saturday nmhl. This fact was proven when the milkman, notieinii a nole placed under the bottle, unfolded the sami- and read as follows: "IiPBVf" us one quart of rye, a pint ol Min. two boltles ol Kinder ale and a pinl ol milk." It is unnecessary to '.tnte that the milkman onlv carried in slock the latter part ol therather sur- prisint! order. 2 ^ i J. C. Oswald Lectures On Seventh Day VV,11- i b«, m e $:( ' 00(1 ill id Sl'iMO 13al,ii.-CC-. in ijudi Mai. ll .11 11134 »i 1 i!)0 $62 000. $20 - 1 ' ;icc()iii;l . In l:i ll.'.liP'i ;il; oil Ad- ihd executive $2 f)27 20. .i- °. -• wii. n ' -Mid colleclioli i,l tiixe:-. SI ::'.! 12 i reels and KHIIJHKI- $3.- 9:i:i !lf) $1,707.99- file. $1,062: b'.ai'l i,l In-iiltli $12. r i. pool emcr- eeiii -. reliil. $500. Illinium Mr 44.. r ,llli80. elect ion purpose'. $400:, lne puljiif libiiirj. $. r )5447. old lownj li.iil S(id immoriiil purpose:- $100. lin piin;. $1 600 6H. ri,iiiiiii:eiii $[>! - Wl fn.iii,". $245.54 mn (liam i• !.:.•: .WOOD Planning For New Race Course xUtlon. bnew building will be tar super-. team. One day the .school nu:.-.e and tothe present quarters now oc-^sehool dentisl interest him in th" by the library in both spa-'value of a uood • ehewirw machine" _j« and appearance, It will be He turns over a new leal The tian'.- itnicted an an addition to the old formed Bill noes ihrouch a day. on uj and of brick material to the screen, seinnu th. health Man- Tllf pf.ssibllllv [it ii lieu illll'.mn- b;i. iiic. c, l)*-iiH r i un.stmi 1. d m till.. 'l-'-t.(,l, i,l NewJi !Se,\ -A.I: t.M-n loiimlalinn this nmiinim ulien ,iu- ther.ti.- iiif(,rm:ilioii renned bv '.In- Ho. kii-A:iy Renird 'tal.-d ihiil Colo- \iiri.ty ;i j iii i >..i Hint fttr liice tiark pinpi,si> It n planned to install Large ( r.nid Heard I'opnlar Kvam-e- Msl al Odd FellotvH Hall Sunday N'itht N.\er belore in the hi.story ol the world has there been such interest in the sabbath question as there is toduv" declared EvanKelist J S. Os- wald to a eiipueiiy audience assem- ""'''•, bled ut the Odd Fellows Temple here I'jnn-'' I|1S| K«-«i'l«y niKht. Despite the ad- 1 verse weather conditions. Mr. Os- wald spoke to lhe largest crowd yet lo attend one ol his lectures in Kockuwny winch he has conducted $.1.'iO h v - ' d i i n n i ! the pa." evenil weeks. Every inailable .seal in lhe hall was occu- pied nnd many interested listeners stood throughout the discussion. Mr Oswald's tulk, "Sunday ln the New Testament" was illustrated with a nou-I device which he had made especially for the lecture. •While it i.s clear to sill and free- ly admitted by all that the Old Test. tlllon is lo be on tin- school bay-ball ,„..,, Piult ,„..„ Ulrk( .,.. -. Hil | Unl . 1(l ,,,| Mile Ttiwi-.'h.ti wouki be i ',ni|il' lily lebuijt tu feature many jittnict.nri.' 1 . incliidniK ;i lace Hack of one mil. The triick. l' is '.aid. will be so con- stiuctetl thai 1' ni.iy be used fi lime ;wiir,niiiii! pool in the center of • ament teaches the observance of the lhe Hack mid use Ihe biuldnik at the seventh day ol the week us the Snb- liark fin ("nccssioii-s, 'bath." stated Mr. Oswald, "It Is of- Colonial Park. It appears, is an ten claimed that the New Testament ideal siii |oi .ml] mi attnutioii as introduces another day. the first day planned due in the fact that it may ,,f Ihe week, as Ihe Christian Sab- lie i,i.sily leached from the new Stute bmi, Theeudence which i.s sub- HiKhw.iy. No 10. which will carry mittcd lo .substantiate this claim was considerable Irallle ufter completed, clearly examined. The lirst day of 'IIn- D.AiT Speedway, a race course t|, (. week is mentioned only nine r iiutoiniibile or hor.'.i racint;. nhirh cuine into the .sportlim picture. n mes in the entire Bible. Once in Jhthemunicipal building as near dard which the Moni'. County Tu- MUI-IIMO«II nnd Dmri iiitrrest- it i.s two years at,,, but since then has'ihe old Testament and eight times Ulthemunicipal building y Murnsio«ii and poulble. The entrance will beof \ berculosis Association sets lor all understood, have ldi It hild H t d btt d lo shan- .suspended operations clue lo financial. ]n the New Testament. The best poulble. The entrance will \ understood, have niraiiKcd h p p mill type doors leading Into n children. His report card i.s better ,[„. nnani'ial expense of leniodelnm dilliculties. has been described Liquor License Fee Remains At $400 NKW I,KI:NKE MIST BI: I>RO- ( I ItKI) HV JII.V I. I Ml—Hilt- NETT'S Un.lMiS KliAD AT MKKTINfi Sewer Discussed SPECIAL KKSHION OK (Ol'NCII. 1IKI.D I ANT NKillT AT MUNIC- IPAL HI II,DIN<; VERMEl'LE LETTKit KKAD The license fee of $400 to sell al- coholic beverancs in Hockiiway will remain in lorce. It wa.s agreed last niliht by the Common Council al it special meeting, and annual licenses must be had byJuly 1. 11)31 Dealer* will iiriiin he required to advertise (hell inleiiiion.s to apply for a heettsi* and observe practically all other reg- ulations which were necessary in ob- taininn their llrsl license. Considerable discussion look place (in Ihe h(|Uor silualion II) the bur- Guxh especially as to (he posslbllllv of .imilmi.' (hi- iiuinber of licenses In be issued. Council finally decided. In view of the theory that there would probably be less licenses isi.ued in July than the number now in exis- tance in Kockaway. that no limn would be fixed. There are ten licenses in force ul the present lime. T«» ruliiiKs |rom U Frederick Burnett Commissioner of Alcoholic BcvcriiKe Contrnl. were read at Ihe meeliiiK by Borouvh Clerk James B. May. which, idlllout'h directed lo Dvnvllle Town- ship, provi'd also of interest lo lh" bnrnui'h at Ihe present lime. Keci'iitly. by Cuuncil acllon. Chlel ol Police Karick was notified to In- .'iiucl nil li(|iior dealers, whose bai- looms Men- not visible from Ihi- sln-ef. to ri-inexly the condition wllh- in five days Commissioner Burnett'* iiilini! on (his matter was not In har- mony with the idea which he Bald, was "not practical" and cited several reasons lor his decision. Commis- sioner Burnett also ruled Ilia! n<- niiinicipalily had a nnht to refusi- Drum Corps Fund Reaches High Mark With Money Received Liut Year Or- ganization Now Hits £475.(JO in I'niform Fund The BUKIC nnd Drum Corps of Hockden Pofl. No 175. American Le- gion, announced today that the uni- form fund had reached a new hlRh mule of colored stone. The read- he walks, nets and looks better and mom section of the new library of course he helps his school win be conaldcrably larger than the an Important ball Kiime mil reading room, and will meae- ' "Keep Rmihnp" is the dental film •bout 25 by 38 feet. A work room shown in the hii;h schonls. Whv we dio provided In the speclflcatlons have teeth, how they work, ho* they htnew library. The reading room are built, whal happens if they an- te old libra, y will be turned over neglected, and whal to do In keep (tu borouBh for Its own disposal. g ound teeth are emphasized in an 'Intere/iUnK mannei to make the pu- pils "mouth conscious" Miss Schmidts talks add interest to the movies by applying the Ren- 'In iiik The uroiind at Colonial Park. oriK- inaily intended as an umuM'iiienl i-iiu-r but abandoned due to flruin- i ml reverses is ol the sand and gravi.1 by wayto arrive at the truth or falsity J^k ,T'$il'i7o 'rhi"'t\w'"lw'luiK reditors hoidinw cliiinis anainsi the I of the claim lor Sunday sacredness i,n donations received durini! the past attraction a.', a "lest cause.' The' ls l0 examine closely every text ln lwov ,. lirs llp , 0 dut( , Th( , dl . |v( , fot located at Ihe' 'fl'i, !!,''ThJ'^!.T t ,'l'L*,,','','Iw',i R1 l Iund(i ** condu< ' l<ld *>y this paper rrw.n inn,,, durliiR the past few weeks has aUc new library In Rockaway has n i long felt necessity. Increased nmage during the past few years made It extremely difficult for ptnent library to function In Its mptd quartern. It Is understood In the event the library assocla- thould. at some time in the fu- (, have other quarters donated to ers! problems In the specific uroup Miss Schmidt is a pioneer indental health education Fifteen yeais ato she started the dental program ol the I Massachusetts Department "f Publn A Nr« Illsh School In Itorkauav I Not a Fantastic Dream—Present School Italod 8S Per ( tnt Dover Speedway is located a, the % TxJvTTmrtMed. United Oi;ll.s. Kliite Hmhway. No. 6. | -The flr . st tlmP the , lrst d a y of bn... m0 ., .raufvinii — ) the week is mentioned mjhe New ( o n ,,,i,^ i lht: V 1033 Freeholder Griffith Rockaway Record Hibernia Baby Parade Prize Money Mtlburn > I>-nville P. O S of A Oold Piece Drawini! Interest School Failures Are Hibernia Students Will j Costly, Article States Visit New York City!™':; Tour Will Include Statue of Liberty, Bronx Zoo. Museum and Ihr Aquarium Testament is Matt. 28-1. This verse is the Introduction of the account | ol the resurrection of Chirst, and ins the historical record that _ raised on the first day of 'the week. This ven>e was not writ- jten to Kive any Information about ' a chanpe Inthe Sabbath, but to give 'Contirued < n n and they decide to vacate the' nitlpal building location, the bor- Ji till reimburse the association IU expenditures on the new ad- m. iMPree Public Library of Rocka- "lithe outerowth of a book club, lor many years It has been . at the Common Council Mpal building. |nR department nppar.-iitlv na wwlong a«oconsiderable dis-lno outwardly ilfi-c- ..n Mv H TO took plnce among the trustees R. construetion cnmi>any ". ' bulldini! a new library on. on. Pa . build, i They Carry On Controversy cvir lhe miir... ipa ,._ _ sewer, both within the ranks ol 'in ta two small rooms at theiCommon Council anrl Mi>- i-ni'-.i 1 .'-' 1 ' Tin II. A e.ii fi.ijr.fl ii i.phv I iiiii:udiinl vho has bonuh' : ,i,".il v.tiri h.i 1 tested it ;ir, li'fiicl'ir-- (111" |,,,I be IT I'ni i- Noi d'.i he bi rnnnrm' expenses II;. ph:ln' '-in- f i» t)' Well "hi p:.. .... Inch hlit le.'-'.llls lll.stlfv the ' Only t|-,. baiTiiin-li.inl.r ivp.-nf n:.:.'l II,,-A. •h' r.rtr itreet at a site donated for Wse by Mr. and Mrs Joseph nitle. Eventually, however, this "PMfed t f th i ih have shown iap:d |H"c:'-- work duriiu: th>- i>-.--' ' * • * this wrltine ma.n h.i'' '" out o f t h e picture with i In a portion ".' M'I 1 " ' ' «nUt that the trustees turned street, abo-..- |-i,mk.-r :'•' •Mention t o t h e present plan; street nnd Kell.-i a'.'i'-!• •'•;• Wing an addition to the munic- nectlnB main n <•-••'••<• ibUlldlng. 'DoilKlas mad Hi!''-"l -' i: telUrtcd it U not e x p e c t e d t h a t s e c t i o n s of lM.-k.i-A..-. .IM '•:.• •ontof building the new library 'street, ami Hi i :• i.^' any great amount of : ly. owner .1 '!• '•• 'J™., 11 not unlikely but what Ktruction Cmri'ii. "JMIng will be ready f o r o c - himself ns v..;. ]••• *"> *l« Fall. prourcss nl th. •'• •••*• It is m i h keen anticipation that t ih. p'.ipii: al Hibi rnm fichool. R o c k - , iixay Town.'.hip. are lookniu foiwanl In in \ l Kati.lday. May 26 Yes sll I lhe Ixivs and nils ;,ie i-nme. tu visit N'-w Yolk City nn th.'ii onasion and' :]ie nia'-'irity of lh' p;ntv will be en- I'lVllu: their Ihillal tlnnpse (,f t h e bii' tn'.vn" .iiifl they miend to see ilniii.'.s of lniMi iin mti rest nn.. and .-(I'll :i'l"llill hill ill' Tll'ilii-i- T pniiiipal of 'he schrj.)] -A ill b e III eh,i!|-e n l I lie . vpi-d!!;n:i v.hi'h 'Ail! I'-.r.e Ilib'-ililii ,i! H ii ll: 111 ii public .'el \ ice p;us- , I:I-< : b'i- Tin p.u'.v -vill I'n tu New V ,rk via lh. H.'iland Tiiiinel a n d r c - 'i;rn ..'.ei tin \V,i-huii!t.iii Undue 'In- statin- nf I.ibi fty Hi. MuM-imi .if Nil- I..I Ml'" Ul-'.li.\ Z.inl'ie.- 'Coiifinucd on I'anc 4i NOTICE ! Here's the $ 10.00 1.0O 5.0O 10.00 5.00 207.27 1.70 1934 Donations previously acknowledged (icvernor A. Harry Moore Friend Friend Friend A Friend Friend A Friend A friend A Friend A Frnnd A Friend A I'mlid Th. v -Aill ' 11: il II il ( Th H:i:|i : I* 1 ' CM' •kii.e ( hr. lri'l i" V.u.di iii::iik M.ili .1. ' '",dents will maki : Wililers .hlllie 1 - ii',1'. Wu'idriiw Wil- .-. KaMiimnl U"'l- H,.rdi->-. (.'liri'tii.e iineis W:!h-- l.i-.i Sn- \V.: LVI: Wllilel.- Election Will Feature Two Battles 5it-iik.i I. Hi'-hn K'-li M.I; •I.'i.-- K.i--. Km !(, .... Il,.ik. .v J o,;>---ii li.-.ii-n.' I'.!,.-AI. .ii <: h M-i:y .e Wi.'lI M , t: i William Cainp- j HiakHv •d Winters. Alli. rt Mil- Unka.s Mil- I-IIII: Ar.i,. |,li M.-rrn'k k AI.I. IKK. (IWMUS AI.I. OWNEIl.H Of DOCK MALE AND FEMA1.K AKK MEHEBY NO- A TIFIED THAT AI.I. I)(K>K IN THE BOKOMiH OF KOCKAWAY ML'HT A Friend BK REfilSTEHFI) ANDI.IfENSFIJ A Fll'-nd ON OH BEFC3KE THE l!)ih DAY O F A JUNE. 1034 All persons failnu- l.i .1', '.> -A:11 b. 'tibie't in i>< n;. 1T v a 1 pi'•-. id.' 1 m DltDINANCK Fee lor U-.I half ol vear is fifty e. i,i' Thei.-iili. r $100 per yeiii Dors niiiv be leer lend mid hciiM-d al the Office i.f Mi'- l. tin v. ;il 2W W. Mam sli-I-I-I A metal ';ii: will In- fiii'in-.h"d ' 'A'.I'll by <!()*' si, ll' el|.-ed We rcspei tfullv ask your '',,,p.-r:i- tion in ihi;. iuid th. i-nf o r . ' M i ' n i <>! lh. olh.-i si-i-iimi.s of th'- tliv ordi- nal.i 1 .-. U,cal cor.di'i'iii' have iniuli- tin-- Mo.naiiM. i,.-.'-.siiry IIKI.I' I S 'I O M r Dm k I'ltOTECT YlltJH UOO. W H'r Itayiiinin The Board of Health of lhe Wm Handli y ftoniueh of lt<ickii»a>. 1), :...::.• K;, 11 y Ilv Hi' S'-i i. liirv WM II CHANK '•-• -:.'l T'.'nl numbered A Kmml . A Fiii-nd ill! A Frni.d A I'li'-u.l Fin nd Km nd b. A A A l-'tn ml Mi;- Em'.l" man II (-..mill .lulu, y-n II'V $211.47 5.00 2.0O 1.00 1.00 1.00 .S5 .ftO .50 2ft 2. r > 2. r > .2.S .2r> .2f7 .20 l.i 10 .50 25 10 .')') .50 50 r >0 1.00 1.00 5 00 $475.0d i'apiiii-!ik not iiiii-eawili. . ihe p remits of May 15. lndl- Both M'f •>••• 'Rockaway will experience plainly Mi' 1 contests at the election this following in ' " choosing of candidates the result' ••: Ice that will over-shadow other limul ' wy campaign Intensity that n cniiMdciabl w i-rented l n t n e racp for port in 111. "ate. or national political his Denv«M' ?i ^Publicans have m-nlnatcd "I'mond L Mott and Plre S- Chewey fnr the two nny t-:iini:•:-' rm.i bl>rlh -i- The Demncrats Hockawav '••• "wilnatrd Councilman John J. vi. is pm ••>' •• to. iu ln " re-election. This ns the I""",- it.. a wee cornered fight at the thirds U* I- > :i1 Veteran political ob- Anotlur ;i «»• opinion that thn He m t1 "' " unusually close unless be assured •: H7J^ cn happens between now Repubhcii Nl Dllrt,(*" >k " prior to election nemncrat. ..:. hf.»n, "? ln|! the tWe ot bnt " Cnrl >'"" """ '"""' of one or two of the the off ire .'•'' 'Anything might hap- Beam an'! •'' " '" the general opln- _„, bv ,, ];.i, I.. I. To Hear Sermon Bertrand Island Opens For The Season, May 26 .1 No He, I:..;- ' .'• r. H. <; M.'iini M I." I ia> I!, N J v i a: nl: '.n :.r 'I l.i I 1 •..:-. (lav . 1' : IK'p.iin: r.'i-ri- !• land I :ik. N.irMi i-.-nli-i 1 . pii'cnr 1,-enlli si a:.'I: "n'iiila Tl!'-.-. a:i. r 'li.' t':i:r. ^.H -A ;ni- II..- .jx- M.iv lull hiit dois .-.'..rythim: ,! Howlilir iin'l Ar- •' :,ild.!:'..'!• to Hi" k.:i A r>c,ndini' '.1.1 i.inv Iliivi- 111-- •ill'.! !,• i,' Ml \l Manicd i i-IK S 1Oli Al'ltII. .-.• . il: of Ap:il Ihi-ri , ::... ..:!i..- line. l;ri.i.;c myiicurditis ',1 ciji.t WM ' i i.- 1 . 1 . . ' i l l . ii. ict.s and rheumjtic !i..irr;aee uji.s r. ported ! srsirl'.-ttntt -AILS the vx- nnin. II LHANE. Ki'Vi-.lnu. ami Mi- -..-ililiil i '• '•••' '- ! •'••'• hlfh'Aav. I " i: • '• ' ' ' ' laii'.'-M and rm••-• !>' i'-i'.l Manv cliiini'-s II.'IM- I.' the numerous ridini' 'I' will lii'-ii.-i mnre ihrills in Ml. iil'-asur.' .".kii lion will lie i h " II , novelty !"i -•Fun in 111- ,1 pIl'HIO- i.) -.i.-i'oi:. i-.j-.'-iii'-n 1 biiMiinc •I M- -.a!- 1.1,in rn l.ik. HI' ll |)!(-s> • i folk.'' entirely I feature anil l.-iiii h . A!i inno.a- :,' v n . "'.'i ••>•• Hi'- vuiiiiy-i- Dink" "'-ill I)' remodeled with an add'-i! of 11 iiie' man. h : i- A-1'.l ])| .IllM'l bllll- iil 111! -.e;,- ,..:,thcr p.-r- -. r.-,iin.'l h:. a'lillt.-ll ol il iiiv 1 ' il": - -.ible. ••! 'I 1 ' lla'.'- been .liiid-. pn • -• tl pi'.ili'in 1.-:. beci 'I-1 f Till [A crals unopposnl.

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Post on 04-Feb-2021




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  • ROCKAWAY RECORDMorris County's Newsiest WeekU n A- „ A , ̂ ^ V * ^= = _ _ _ _ _ _ W e e k l> ' Our Aim "A better community in which to live"

    ' ci " , 5Hid •

    ;,.'ill T l L i ' i l l ' - l (.'In «'-i ,ilMl:- piil ' '"I ! i .- I' P"!' 'M' | i , l l I I I M e . i l l ' . ' , i - l h e s i - . ' i I c . - , I l . i i i . e e'd ,i | . - A m o n t h s i n ' i , i i r i i . , i i /< ' i la l e d d i i l l o a n i.l MOO 000 !" i Ili '- . - nu -

    ll l i e ' , o n nl .i u* v." ' . i n : ' . . ; V " u . lI l n i . f a r v.e h.i ' . i- snlil l ] , •• | . . \ . i i , -iii.-nl -572 000 in 'i-wi-i b o n d -

    F i i ' i n e s in l h e l a n n . i ;»•' " ' . in 1 •p . i d a- lollu-A.s ( , ' u m ii1 in b a l -a n c e . J a n 1 11»:H VI 702 8(1 i , , , ; . i i i ' e

    :n ui:i4. $b.278:i(i I»:H ...--.'.11,1 lol'll leceipt I'i'.i liil 4!) bill-

    ii M a r i h 31 1034. $lf)f)54fi5.!,i|)Hal aee.iuiit blilanee J an 1 1934.

    biiliiiic- M a n h 31 1934. jTm.-.l a.-cuunt balunce. Jan.:

    t..\- : Hi .:. M.i: h SI• i n . : i ' i , Mn S.Mid

    Ml' i-ii n n l «,r>C.(; 7J

    1 IM4 f-JV'2'JI). b a l a n c e M a r c h 3 1 .11134 $B0! I I . F.ll;. ri 'er.i v Relief bll l-i i rn. J i i ini i i ry 1 11)34 $3 69 . b a l a n c eMiir i l i 31 1!)34 S.I 6 9 . D e p e n d e n c y

    ', r i - iH balaiii-e .hill 1 1934. $4 80.I M I . U K I - M a n h 31 1934 S4 W W.i ' . - r

    I d e p i u ' m e i i i . b a l a n c e J . u , 1 1034.SI lH'.'U'.l b a l a n c e M i i n l i 31 1934.

    - «[>•».". 041 U. l l - t a l i ' l im 1 mi l , s u n h i d e lln- biil-; ill.. . 'if $!)00 mi a • l#-•-• L'imil l n o t e .

    &IJ0IM t , i \ i c . - n u i - n o t e a n d , n , u i h e rt;tx 11-\ i nm- m , i e of $:•i A, , ,„ ,( . ,.| $2 1100b . : . . ! $6 MO $1 900. $1 ',00 on

    :.. i • ii i ipn,-.i-ini-lit ' (!) 500 mi f i le, I | , , , , I I , I I I I - M.fiOn fur i l r . - i t T i ink .

    .1 $1 fiCMj fur th'- l-'erronc p iuper lv .

    Special OrderII wii.-. earlv Sunday niornmi.'.

    Mute' a local milkman »'ho de-sires that his name be. withheldflum publication, when he waKhiKhly amused by a note contain-ing written instructions and plac-ed under an empty milk bottleon (he porch ol one ol his cus-loniei 's homes

    Allhouuh it was M-UI-CI-IJ1 day-break the milkman was surprisedto observe that apparently the in-niales of the house hud not yetretired. A radio was playinK andindication.-, were that a party wasin protmss . . extending overfrom Saturday nmhl. This factwas proven when the milkman,notieinii a nole placed under thebottle, unfolded the sami- andread as follows:

    "IiPBVf" us one quart of rye, apint ol Min. two boltles ol Kinderale and a pinl ol milk."

    It is unnecessary to '.tnte thatthe milkman onlv carried in slockthe latter part ol the rather sur-prisint! order.

    2 ^ i J. C. Oswald LecturesOn Seventh Day

    VV,11- i b«, m e $:( '00(1 ill id S l ' i M O

    13al,ii.-CC-. in ijudi

    M a i . ll .11 11134 »i 1

    i!)0 $62 000. $20 -

    1 ' ; i c c ( ) i i i ; l •

    . Inl : i l l . ' . l i P ' i ; i l ;

    oilA d -

    i h d e x e c u t i v e $2 f)27 2 0 ..i- ° . -• wii. n ' -Mid c o l l e c l i o l i i,l t i ixe:- .SI :: ' .! 12 i r e e l s a n d KHIIJHKI- $ 3 . -9:i:i !lf) p o i . e e $1 ,707 .99 - f i l e . $ 1 , 0 6 2 :b ' . a i ' l i,l In-ii l t l i $12. ri. p o o l e m c r -eeiii -. r e l i i l . $ 5 0 0 . I l l i n i u m M r44..r,llli80. elect ion purpose'. $400:,l n e puljiif l i b i i i r j . $. r)5447. old l o w n j

    li.iil S(id im mori i i l purpose:- $100 .

    lin p i in ; . $1 600 6H. ri , i i i i i i i :eii i $[>! -

    Wl fn . i i i , " . $245.54 m n

    ( l i am i• !.: .•: .WOOD

    Planning For New Race Course

    xUtlon.bnew building will be tar super-. team. One day the .school nu:.-.e andtothe present quarters now oc-^sehool dentisl interest him in th"

    by the library in both spa-'value of a uood • ehewirw machine"_j« and appearance, It will be He turns over a new leal The tian'.-itnicted an an addition to the old formed Bill noes ihrouch a day. onuj and of brick material to the screen, seinnu th. health Man-

    T l l f p f . s s i b l l l l v [it ii l i e u i l l l l ' . m n -

    b ; i . i i i c . c , u r . s e l )*- i iH r i u n . s t m i 1. d m

    t i l l . . ' l - ' - t . ( , l , i , l N e w J i ! S e , \ - A . I : t . M - n

    l o i im la l i nn t h i s n m i i n i m u l i e n ,iu-ther. t i . - iiif(,rm:ilioii r e n n e d bv '.In-Ho. kii-A:iy R e n i r d ' t a l . -d ihiil Colo-

    \ i i r i . t y ; i j i i i i > . . i H i n t f t t r l i i c e t i a r k

    pinpi,si> It n planned to install

    Large ( r.nid Heard I'opnlar Kvam-e-Msl al Odd FellotvH Hall

    Sunday N'itht

    N.\er belore in the hi.story ol theworld has there been such interestin the sabbath question as there istoduv" declared EvanKelist J S. Os-wald to a eiipueiiy audience assem-

    ""' ' ' • , bled ut the Odd Fellows Temple hereI'jnn-''I|1S| K«-«i'l«y niKht. Despite the ad-

    1 verse weather conditions. Mr. Os-wald spoke to lhe largest crowd yetlo attend one ol his lectures inKockuwny winch he has conducted

    $.1.'iO hv-'diinni! the pa." evenil weeks. Everyinailable .seal in lhe hall was occu-pied nnd many interested listenersstood throughout the discussion.

    Mr Oswald's tulk, "Sunday ln theNew Testament" was illustrated witha nou-I device which he had madeespecially for the lecture.

    •While it i.s clear to sill and free-ly admitted by all that the Old Test.

    t l l l o n is lo be on tin- school bay-ball , „ . . , , P i u l t ,„. .„ U l r k ( . , . . -. H i l | U n l . 1 ( l , , , |

    Mile Ttiwi-.'h.ti wouki be i ',ni|il' lilylebuijt tu feature many jittnict.nri.'1.incliidniK ;i lace Hack of one mil.The triick. l' is '.aid. will be so con-stiuctetl thai 1' ni.iy be used fi

    lime ;wiir,niiiii! pool in the center of • ament teaches the observance of thelhe Hack mid use Ihe biuldnik at the seventh day ol the week us the Snb-liark fin ("nccssioii-s, 'bath." stated Mr. Oswald, "It Is of-

    Colonial Park. It appears, is an • ten claimed that the New Testamentideal siii |oi .ml] mi attnutioii as introduces another day. the first dayplanned due in the fact that it may ,,f Ihe week, as Ihe Christian Sab-lie i,i.sily leached from the new Stute bmi, The eudence which i.s sub-HiKhw.iy. No 10. which will carry mittcd lo .substantiate this claim wasconsiderable Irallle ufter completed, clearly examined. The lirst day of

    'IIn- D.AiT Speedway, a race course t|,(. week is mentioned only niner iiutoiniibile or hor.'.i racint;. nhirh cuine into the .sportlim picture. nmes in the entire Bible. Once in

    Jhthemunicipal building as near dard which the Moni'. County Tu- MUI-IIMO«II nnd Dmri iiitrrest- it i.s two years at,,, but since then h a s ' i h e o ld Testament and eight timesUlthemunicipal building y Murnsio«ii andpoulble. The entrance will be of \ berculosis Association sets lor all understood, have

    l d i I t hild H t d b t td lo shan- .suspended operations clue lo financial. ] n the New Testament. The bestpoulble. The e n t r a n c e w i l l \ understood, have niraiiKcd h p p

    mill type doors leading Into n children. His report card i.s better ,[„. nnani'ial expense of leniodelnm dilliculties. has been described

    Liquor License FeeRemains At $400


    Sewer DiscussedSPECIAL KKSHION OK (Ol'NCII.


    bulldini! a new library o n . on. Pa . build, i

    They Carry OnCont rover sy c v i r lhe miir... ipa

    , . _ _ sewer , both within the ranks ol 'inta two smal l r o o m s a t t h e i C o m m o n Council anrl Mi>- i-ni'-.i1.'-'1'

    • TinII. A e.ii

    f i . i j r . f l i i


    iiiii:udiinl vho has bonuh': ,i,".il v.tiri h.i1 tested it ;ir,

    li'fiicl'ir-- (111" |,,,I beIT I'ni i- Noi d'.i he bi

    r n n n r m ' e x p e n s e s I I ; . p h : l n ''-in- fi» t)' Wel l "hi p : . .

    .... I n c h hl i t le.'-'.llls l l l .stlfv t he '.-.siOnly t|-,. b a i T i i i n - l i . i n l . r ivp . -nf n:.:. 'l

    II, ,-A.•h' r.rtr

    itreet at a site donated forW s e by Mr. and Mrs Josephnitle. Eventually, however, this"PMfed t f th i i h

    h a v e s h o w n i a p : d | H " c : ' - -w o r k d u r i i u : th>- i>-.--' ' * • *t h i s w r l t i n e m a . n h . i ' ' ' "

    out o f t h e p i c t u r e w i t h i In a p o r t i o n ".' M ' I 1 " ' '«nUt tha t t h e t r u s t e e s t u r n e d s t r e e t , abo- . . - | - i , m k . - r : '• '

    • M e n t i o n to t h e p r e s e n t p l a n ; s t r e e t n n d Kell . - i a'.'i'-!• •'•;•W i n g an a d d i t i o n t o t h e m u n i c - n e c t l n B m a i n n We rcspei tfullv ask your ' ' , , ,p.-r:i-tion in ihi; . iuid th . i-nf o r . 'Mi ' n i !lh. olh.-i si-i-iimi.s of th'- tliv o rd i -nal.i1.-.

    U,cal cor.di ' i ' i i i ' have iniuli- tin--Mo.naiiM. i,.-.'-.siiry IIKI.I' I S 'I O M r Dm kI ' l tOTECT YlltJH UOO. W H'r Itayiiinin

    T h e Board of Heal th of l he Wm Handli yf toniueh of lt. 1), :...::.• K;, 11 y

    Ilv Hi' S'-i i . liirvWM II CHANK '•-• -:.'l T ' . 'n l

    numbered A Kmml. A Fiii-nd

    ill! A Frni.dA I'li'-u.l

    Fin ndKm nd

    b.AAA l-'tn mlMi;- Em'.l" manII (-..mill.lulu, y-n I I 'V






    1.001.005 00


    i ' ap i i i i - ! ik

    not iiiii-eawili.

    . ihe

    p remits of May 15. lndl- Both M'f •>•••'Rockaway will experience plainly Mi'1contests at the election this following in '

    " choosing of candidates the result' ••:Ice that will over-shadow other limul '

    wy campaign Intensity that n cniiMdciablw i-rented l n t n e r a c p f o r port in 111.

    "ate. or national political his Denv«M'

    ?i ^Publicans have m-nlnatcd"I'mond L Mott and Plre

    • S- Chewey fnr the two nny t-:iini:•:-' •rm.i bl>rlh-i- The Demncrats Hockawav '•••"wilnatrd Councilman John J. vi. is pm ••>' ••

    to. iu ln" re-election. This ns the I""",-it..a wee cornered fight at the thirds U* I- >:i1

    Veteran political ob- Anotlur ;i«»• opinion that thn He m t1"' "unusually close unless be assured •:

    H7J^ c n happens between now RepubhciiNl Dllrt,(*">k" p r i o r t o election nemncrat. . . : .

    hf.»n, " ? l n | ! t h e tWe o t b n t " Cnrl>'"" " " "'"""' of one or two of the the off ire .'•''

    'Anything might hap- Beam an'! •''" '" the general opln- _„, b v ,, ];.i,

    I.. I.To Hear Sermon

    Bertrand Island Opens ForThe Season, May 26

    .1 N o H e ,

    I : . . ; - '.'• r.

    H . c,ndini ''.1.1 i.inv Iliivi- 111--•ill'.!

    !,• i,'

    Ml \l

    Manicdi i - I K S 1 O l i A l ' l t I I .

    .-.• . i l : of A p : i l Ih i - r i, • : : . . . . . : ! i . . - l i n e .

    l;ri.i.;c myiicurditis

    ' ,1 c i j i . t


    ' i i . - 1 . 1 . . ' i l l . i i .

    i c t . s and rheumjtic!i..irr;aee uji.s r. ported

    ! srsirl'.-ttntt -AILS the vx-nnin.II LHANE. Ki'Vi-.lnu.

    a m i M i -

    - . . - i l i l i i l i '• • '•••' ' - ! •'••'•

    h l f h ' A a v . I " i: • '• ' ' ' 'laii ' . ' -M a n d rm••-• !>' i ' - i ' . l

    M a n v c l i i i n i ' - s I I . ' IM- I.'t h e n u m e r o u s r i d in i ' 'I 'will lii'-ii.-i m n r e i h r i l l si n Ml. i i l ' - a su r . ' . " . k i il i on will lie i h " II

    , n o v e l t y ! " i- •Fun i n 111-

    ,1 pIl'HIO-i.) -.i.-i'oi:.i-.j-.'-iii'-n1 •

    biiMiinc•I M - -.a!-


    l.ik.H I '


    | )!(-s> • i


    I feature

    anil l.-iiii h .A!i i nno . a -

    :,' v n . "'.'i ••>••Hi'- vuiiiiy-i-

    Dink" "'-ill I)'remodeled with an add'-i!

    of 11 i i ie ' l .an.eal man . h : i -



    bll l l -iil 111! -.e;,-,..:,thcr p.-r--. r . - , i in . ' l h : .a ' l i l l t . - l l o l

    il i i i v 1 ' i l " : -- . i b l e . ••! 'I

    1 ' lla'.'- been.liiid-. pn •

    -• tl pi'.ili'in1.-:. beci 'I-1

    f Till [A

    crals unopposnl.

  • • n n n A W A V R E C O U P

    Send in your nrwi Ilcnneach wwk, we wnntthnn.


    Denville TownshipHeld Illegal

    D Frcdi'ilrk Biirnrll. Comnilulnnrrof the DrpnrtnifiH nf Alrohollc Con-trol, linn ruled I hut n rrnolulloii ofthe Drnvillr Towmhlp fummillrr InrMuiini lo Brunt liquor lirrtinc* whirrt»Xf» ut not paid l» not propni Tlu>imolutlon piiMnt April 4 Hutf» Unitno IIITDM- ahull br IMUMI to rontlurtthr »»]r of nlrnhnllr brvrritiio* linlruthr unplirnnt »hull »hnw ihni ilir luxIpvlefl by the (nunnhlp »hull \ui\ebeen pnlrl in full

    In ii Iritrr lo Ihr TV«i)»l>ip Com-nilttn- Bmni'lt ndititl

    I urn m lifiirty nyniputhy with 'hejwturiil di-nirr o( your T.miuhip Com-mltlrr to we rwry proprr mrim» lo[orfr Ihr piD-nirtit of tiinn in yournninuipnlity Thr qiiriUnii brfmrmf h i m r m i» not chr worthlnrM rtthe mnlivr but whnhrr thr l»»r irunt* Tin1 ii.nlulu'ii (1oi-» not Mil-pone Ihr nbo\r rondillnii to uiTi'in-ulwh tin' ubifctf nl 111' Control ArtiBl'l- l!ll Nrltlirr lli> inlrrriii in mill' ikfTulrn inlhrrthiiii puunnti'Mi of loi'ul buainmii hudbroiliinl into brinu Ihr btuilnrw iniMt'nuroup Clink dnlitrrd thr town nothirer rnounh for both urmmi/iitlniin"

    If II miiiii-i plan it Mierriuful II:• ihmiuht ihr bumnrw mrn » urnupMill br in.ulr ,i pull of Ihr Clumberworkinii inilrprndriiily from thr urn-M i l l I I I . ,UP

    A " i i t n . h o n 111,11 I h r ( . ' l u m b e ri - - ' l ! ' l lb l | l r M Il i r d r | l | r l « l Illllk Illlll•o i ip fund •'( i l i f I ' n r r n i . T n u h r iA»»i-. 1,1'lnn »,i» m i n i cull .. | o r d r rby I'l.i 1 k .11 111'- r i . " i i , i l> ihi i l I l i rl i l L j ! l» l l i l l . l t l ) i t l l I l l i c i t I l l l i l t h i l l H i ).1 J 11>• .11 h , i « n r i L H T I I n i . u l r b y i h rb i i ' W p 1 ..1 t i n - c ' h . n n b i i

    I ' l l ' 1 ' h . i n i b r l , , | | l r M i | l | ! | O I I H i -. i p ' 1 - . l I h r I 'rt ' I >'t . - i l L p r u l l o n f l . i l l l! l n l l , i > i r . i - » M n . » A U I K ' I . I ' I I . I . i n I h rI I ' . , . " U ' I p . . 1 . M i l I I I . " U D ' l . s . l i r• . » ! . • ..'. ' . l i e 1 1 . ' l . 1 1 , i i i u f I l i r U ' V l l l

    T h f i i ' . . i i ' i - r " f .111 i n f . i n i . i t i . i nI) •. ' l ! '• IX l u i . l ' r v l . 1 ' I h r l . , v l - | | I I I ; -' , I •* . ,» 1 ! , . , . . . r i | A l l i l ! t c l | i p t M i l li j . - 1 . . . u ! i '. M i i t : t - Mi in Hie ninllifthni Anliby. iiiu-liiim fuf Uwivllw.unlkrd two mi'ii In MKVMHUM Ilirif» n r iwo mil. liowrwr. imd Mir ltf*lmull illovc n hot linn lo Mi'Cllldylo rnil HID Kiuiif. Anhuy nil tick oulihrrr mid Miililulilll. on I lie lliulltullor thr vimtum. fiinnrd four Anlibyuitvr Huff bium on bitlln mid Muni-iik'ln l*u Kirrliuldi'l l'tn\ #, Myfl'Nihrrw thr flr»l bull lo opru thr vunir

    Thr box »rorrIJKNVIU-li

    W Mrrkrr. ifApmtl' CMi'L'uiily. 3bViinUiiynr. IfC Mrrkrr. ifEhlril 1bAihby. pHyiiffkrr wUr. kl'l 21)

    A Jitllll I'lilllltlllH't' In nitwlilrf Ilir1lutvinnbiliiy »f wwiiiw |j frntritl IIIKIIwhiinl »u» iipiiinni''«t lii«i Mtmniiynliillt lit u HI'MIIIII uf tlif Buiml uiICiliiniiiiin imd Ih*1 Tiiwimhlp Coin-millet1 11 IK romwwd of PwgldvntOMIIW I) VnnOnlMl, »f the Uoiii'd,Hiipmlidiiii Principal Wlllliim B,UiiU'iiuiHl mill I>nvul Clilltltlw, Di'V-iubri

    k . •-iu

    W'.ilfM..:.:., 1 i'

    C u i r v l i ; i s , i ' .i '>l , i ' l i . i I ' . i M H k P . .

    Miw H.Kln' ri.i• Iri'i't 1- I |):i'Mill l l ' . ' p l ' . ' l

    l . '


    I'i.n '•

    " I ( i i . h a i iI ) " ' - ' ' ! ( I ' l l

    "I I t i ' hi : i l i f ' - l . i -

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    M l . u . d M i - I t I I l ' i c l ' i n k ' . fI n k ' - A i i ' . - * l i ' - . i ( l I i . » i . i - i i » ' l i ' - n K U ' 1 - 1

    M r - H T K i l ' - •,! l l ' i i - k l n i d I I I

    in.NVII.Ll I'N'DKNOMIN'.U'ltlS'.U.( III HOI

    Ail > ' - I - . : , I • In I.I 111 ih.- P 1) « .,[A null

    c h u i i i i " h . i ' i i II .IAM-< fur .ill t i i ' 1 .Ki imlnv i imii i i i iu nl II 'JO If yuil i l l . 'i>,.' 1,.,v. ;i 1' 1-:i:) 11 ii-' 11 i h u n ' l i M'hunlyuii n r r u n i u - i l in j i . in mil" of UIIIllll.-»i^ C'.llipi-I'111 I ' l l l Ili'ln I l lf III. l i . i i u i ' Kxii-imiiiii nf t h « i n i i n l r i p i i l w i i l e r

    H11ml.1v i in i i i i inu w u r a h i p n r r v i r r in "V» ' I - I I I I " Unl i in H r h n d l ttimID it> Hi'iinmi mid f.prrml mumi' "I""1 I'1"' M'Hifiny nluhi ui

    Aiimiiil M'-muriul Uuy Hi-rvici- HI "•("•inn "f I he n««rd nf Eil I"! Dmf-i wnh..i; ' h r Hrxiyinii rml

    Miii.iniity i IK Drhvillr.mid H"ik.r ' . iv ii-itma ofC'iMiiity Lcimilf will inrn't nl Kurku•A.H III 11 IHIUW Ullllle

    Plan Improvements

    Mr ar.d Mn JKIIII HI-II'IMHOIIJi-rwy Citv -pi-nt ih'1 piuii 'A"'.'k-<ill Ihdr hoiiii' 'in Frunklin road

    Mr mid Mri. H ' l i i y C h r i mj i - rwy City *\>n,i tin' pant su'i-k-rndnl t h ' i r Miiiiiiii'i hunie nl C'.'dui' Luke

    kt l r i i 1'oM. NA i i i ' i i r i i n U K I I . I I . will uMim lit t h i sv.nuhip K-ivu-e other inviu-d or- Hun will twcivi-11,000 frmn Hi* mulemuii/utioii mint, will b» WuBliinaion U) *» iwd for Intprovltie ihr whoul(.*u.m|j No 11» I'tiirlutlc Order Holm of pl"»« '"id upwlflcitllfms for InntullnAineiicii Buy Hcotit Troop* ll»» f » hcntln* nynlern iind oth

    V.'U inr niwti-d lo bmh of ilirw improvrniMit" will \# prepnrrd litnf •uir»lil|) in-rvu'r» "li- prwhl tlnit*. iihd It l» rxprrUuld The unnual Meinorlul Day dinner '" ''"'•''' " " w o r l ( '''iini'leieri noon

    nj |j,. .i-rvcd from S to 8 o'clock p "'"*r ""' "WnXnt. of theh h h h l l h ttrm

    MINI r"i nni-i'" Klxlit'-r ofotreft. (rhtritulnrd 11 brldKf club fromMouiiiiun Liik'.x l"»t Wi-diii-«luynmhl

    m in the church hall on Muy 30th u>rm-M'"" by memb«r» of the Ludlcn' Auxiliary. Mon.-'* of Mr ithd Mr» O*oM Fl'-dlei. ut La)i d " ' a ) l w * n t l l > ' "> thereby land and premit-s hr uarti-

    a motor trip to dJ*t'*,rP,*d ttr)() r ( ' r n l " n i ' unchnnned" wilarly d-wrlbed tituate lyinn andv ton beins in the Townnhifi of fVnville in

    " County of Morrin mid Hint* nlTh- Home and Mmionary

    T 0

    Milton year old

    thl» afernoon

    Through th« cjurleny of 8t. Pet*r»Church, Morrtttown. and IU frlendn.there will be an opportunity for tho&etn thi* vicinity to hear the famoiuLondon Cholrl»t«r* in an EvemionKRecital next. Monday evening, May28th. in 81. Peter* Church, Morr)»-town. at 8 o'clock. Ju*t ut It In iftvenIn the Bavoy Chapel, London.

    Thu choir hae been Klvlntf recllaUIn all the larite cathedraU of Canadaand United State*, and »alU torhome the flrnt of June.

    R«iervallonii for x a u can be madethroiiKh Burnett Andrcwi, the Choir-nuuter. and organltt of St. PeUrn, __________


    Mr» Edwin H. Stratford, ot Dia-mond Spring Pork, entertained at abridge party but Saturday. °

    by pupili of Hamuel Ap-pletaum, weifkno-w CTneert viollnwla r ) d K " " ^ . »' Orllflth AudlWrlum,Newark. Leww will gradual* thisye«r from the Denville Public Schoolavid will appear in the Senior en-nemble. g group of 2S adult viollnlou.who will play exeerpu from Mozartand Beethoven.

    y n r eW l U l l m < T


    The Bumhine Commitu* of mm-)»t*r»' wiven of the Newark Conler-Mice met lac.t Tucuday at the homeot Mm M A Johntton of IndianLake.

    ? ? h !; ^ . l ' d r * ( J' * ' * • t n * " c e ' ^ ' Worth »nii«tMjti d«-*"**,. , l*

  • MAV 84, Ul*


    M V I I I I I I

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    / ' , ,u hliiinl HuUJI'llliy nl H U M wi ld M , , I I,, I l i i i t i i |,,,iki,. i i , , .ih,I | Hi,, , , V,

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    I Minim lrl

    11,-,I-.,, nFli'ii I I n- ult nf f"l l i it.,|,l) ' ••! k,..., • • • • -.-•. I . I.|iM|ii.rl)' At "A l i ' i i l , i r> ..f | ' I . , I # I I . • • - • ,.. ' I - . . • i i ., , I , i |A^ni ' l i i l l ' . i . In I I i ,", i i , ' i l . i ln ' .Mi-.,- l i " " M.'i.1" n i l ' f ., I.I I,ITlir i i - l i i iu ' ,,f II,. ' I,,11'

    I I I ' I ' I .K I H n M l l . l . l l l l ' l . , , , i , n ' l , , . . < . , i , . . I,l l U W N W A I I I l iivi't I>I,.,, I " i, I ,< ' •'. H, , ,M' . - .> ... ; ..,.,ffitil li'.'ll,

    •i. I I T I . I I i n 1 1 \ n i I M i - - I , , .i „ • , . . i.I I O W . N W M i l l i n i ' i i'i -i

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    I | S M ; l l - I l l l i l l I I T I . I I I I M I s I I I I I I I ' . . , ,i i ' h ' l m l i i t i ' I , M I i , I . I I W ' . V \ \ i ' | i „ i • - , » • . i - • i • '

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    II . i I I I ' .wiv; -I ill u I - I I I \ I . I . I ill 11 i I I I ,.l i r u - l ' . - . l L u c k i i i . ' l f " . i " « , ' • • • ;

    W i l l I i m . i i ' f , " " . •• i . i . . i . , i , . . . " " • • • ' , i( l u l l I n I.I l | , . " I I | . r , I " ' I A ' I , ' | ' I M . . , l , | . . . , . ^

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    i n M l n i i l I I K i l , . r n l i c l n , I I , , . n r h , l , < . , ' , , ,1 \ - . - , i . , . , . - , , i ..! ,, - - . . ,,.'If 4 u n i | , I " W i ' l U . A t w i i . u l & i " . I n . l . !0 | . - « | . . . . \ . . - ' . S r

    ' I , . • ' i .

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    OllhP' I I | M ( " l n i, , linivillp I'nnd.

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    . .. . ..Hniiii f lu 'hiihi!,". liin i,|,nunus |,. II fmil vuu huvi' bulll a new mid belter one,Wlnli IM tin' in,' ic11• I-. liii wllli

    KM, . I,, i, v im in |,",ili| im


    mid Kullft' Mi'Kln-i i t i i i iJs

    ' l i ' I , ' I ' I - " , , I r . ' I l l l l l l l ' ' V i ; I l l l l l' I ' , , ' 1 h i l | l - I ' , , | , l l u l l v I I I ' , ' l l ' l l l l


    wTlh Mi Wl.llforrt liiri'." I,.' I, I,.. 1,1 . . ' I ,

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    m m * i w l i h hi . w

    Corln Hi»nni Him'iM ' ' II •• ,

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    imnflnlll PiillM.'l1 !"'» »»"'!-

    11,, ,1,,II., ' I.,-,,', in, .-.;:

    mii|iii*ii,| ii. ., i. -,,.!„ • -.1 i,-,Uwttd M l l l i ' i . lute nf t n l » I ' l l" '1 ' - f n i M i i i , ,,,, it.,i , i , i . .,,.. ]

    Jof Brimklyn. N. Y., np«nl Hun- „ ,„.,(il with hl» |i»r«iiU here. „„,,,, v

    Hr» S II Hiinden him rclunii'ili h mk moUi.'i

    .,,.'MI.' |,iI,, i ...i


    i •i i, i ' . i l l " i

    • I . I i,- .,:i

    S II Hiinden him•tier viHiiiim hi>r m.k

    III Pi'iiimylvuiilu

    Our p,i|nil,ii Mnyor mill T IIIhulaiid Inii'iiil Minn In nui'lul i. !"U'( m i l Old I'lilnl Comlorl. V»

    Imlmnliii Mortlnf, of lliiniiil,,ntormwiv nf Him iiliK'i1. him n VITV »l< k

    iWhn In ll'il l'X|ll'('tpd 1(1 IIVI-

    I Wrlvhi llrn.'n'« hiil'dwiirr nlorrfim much lnivliipr iipiii'iiniiii,' 'I|II''

    Nlir< I 1 , In III ' . , — All


    Rockaway RecordEntered Punt Olllrp, Rockaway. N. J.,


    \ J. C. Oswald Taxes Due Countyi Total $152,418

    OSC'tK |i|:i:il. M.IIIUIIIIIJ KdllurIIIINsK. II KIS.MV IIHJI Mll«r

    Tclrlilullli* nt i n l I " .1 | I "I I .il-

    l.ipM .'ir-l ' U l l i T i i i . . I r m u • n \ . i -t l n l l .- r . t : 1 i d ) t : . ' r i , p , . , i : : i l . r . i : ! >

    h n l l l M - I r u l . n . i l l i ' l l I . | I " A

    t l i r u i i u h M l . ' i p i n k i h ' l i ' :•. ' . \ , i n l o ' , i

    . ' H i u l r . i h m : : : i t » - : - l i . n l U r r t i

    • i i ' i i c l i i ' i l f . i - : i ' ! U ' i l IJV : , ; I J , ! ) I i l u r i d *

    n i l t h i 1 I j l l t ! ' . - I I ' L • ( ) ! i r u l I I l i - ^ r

    l i l l l n l J i 1 : •• ' . I ! ' H i l l Z . U i i i ' l w i u . l>

    J J 4 t W . I . I I I ! ! n ' I ; : : . ! ' . - . . i ' ' i . ' : !

    A U

    tContinued From Paor !•Ih7 lacU ronrrrnmK thi1 ri'suncc-linn.

    An examination of Mark 16:1:18 9. Luke 24:1 . 'l.ilki1 23 52-56 i-s-

    ;Uibllshes Ihi1 Sabbath »r seventhdu>' as tin- day lollowitu thr |JII -P-ii'iilinii M'iiibli'd bill il tlm'sI'.ol s i l Ihrv l lele a-ssrlllbleri (or ilItl.riiill'- M-M HI1 lli>l" UTtf thev Its-rtiiblfil ' ' i i"li'bi.'Hi' Ih r Lord's n .--

    ii:rer(ioii nni I ̂ i n iu iy inn l r I hi' wwClin-iii i i i Sabbiith T h r v were II*-MHllllnl tii"i'llllM lor fl'llt dl Illl'

    n i ' k a u i i t / X n m n i M u i i l r l p a l i t l r s

    T h a i l l a v i - I 'a ld ( o i m l v T u n i n

    F u l l ( | i t o I l i t c

    H u t N I J S P H I 1 ttilh I h i 1 M ' I I I I

    ' i . u i i i p l i A r l - 2 0 7 rililIIH-1 Iv M . i l r s 1 ' i i l n i '11I.I< I ' . u i i h f i i i .i s i m d . o t u i ' i i t n i M ' i - •" ' " t " 1 c r:i i i ' m i d ^ p u k ' - i n t i i i . i i t u l i r n r r u n t i lI l l l r i l l l l l h l '

    TlH'li' i- 11" ilmilll (IliU t11!-- )).>>-MIL'I' i nil'.nil- Ihi1 li'i-iinl "I ,i iv-l l | ' l" l l - I l lCll l l l l ! "II I l l f flCM tlilV (if

    tlii- u i i ' k A n d in Huh H I- uiiiriiii'.tin II i» t h r m i l y p i i s smi i ' i n t l i rR.l;l'- u l i i i l i cnntiui i>. .such a r r i - d.itiil I"! . I I I - C "I Hi;.- it i.s w n r t l i y

    t u t l y

    Tin: onitiwNcr

    ' - I ,

    m i l

    . \ I I I > : I ' . : I . I . ' • • .1) : " l , c i u l l i : i ! . '

    . i ( l < i | ) l i i < : . I).'. M'.i I !

    H i . l l r l l I llh-iultl •»• fiimpliiiii'iiti'cl lurhi'i-dinu llii1 VIIIIT of tin- d"i! o w n e r su h u d e m a n d e d ' h r l iver,*' [ fr bri r e ! m e d So il look* Irkf evervui'.c a t H l c d i n !hc tax q u e s t i o n T h rdun o r d i n a n c e , in i t - u n ' i a l pi.ijios,-uf r iddinu t h e i>iru;hih nf -Ir.iy mi l -mal.s. i i a noud l ln i in 1' -hmilci h ,r i-been done lonu a « o and i' :• the iJn">ul all c i t i zens to a-'.niy

    Memorial Day Wednesday May30 1934

    Reduced FeesAccordinK to an amendment to be

    added to the original don ordinancefor Rockaway. a gesture of the localboard of Health, the license or vet-istration fee for dogs either male orfemale. will be one dollar each Theordinance in its original form hadmentioned a lee oi $2.00 lor a maledon and $3 00 for a female dog Vig-osous protest vexed, however by dogowners at a hearing on the ordin-ance co:,wived :he health officialsthat it A'/JM b* practical to reducethe fee u:.d in vj domn t:x thrnale dog

    _, ' T". , •

    For Your information

    Tln'i'c is IIII dI h.-ll! lureltnu1,,| 'hrii- uere many lights in the

    li iyr! ihiiinbe: where thev uere^.iilii'icil 'oveihi'j and Paul wasIi'.nlv I'l drpall nil Ihe IllolToll1 '

    Nnw arriii'dinu In HIP Bible:>i k'Hiiiiu nl I lie day- lln'ie is bill'i.i- iv.vlit to thr l i f t duv nt the

    week mid thai is Saturday niiilit.iiul n i l Sunday nwhl as inansvsup->'•!• .nxl bi'lii-vr loday The firstif.ii ol the week nf the Biljlr beams••i hen I lie sun .sel.s fiatuid.iy niuhlnirl enrl- wInn the sim sets on 8un-

    i!:iv iiiuhl Ood mark.'' l l v d,i" from•iii-et tu .sun.sel — the evenliuv and

    the ninrmnE were the fust dav—!i',n: i wii unto even -h.ill VI-.I cele-br.iti1 vmir Sabbath Lv. 22 22 IIIheii'lni-e follows thai this niretmi!"Inch Paul conducted at Trnas. be-itiir hi'lil cliiiinu the ninhl nf the iir»ld:iv of Hie week, was held on whati- known a» Su/urdiiy Tlmi Is.this meelinir was a first dav meet-mv but not a Sunday mpetlnu. forour Sunday is not Ihe same as theBible fust clay Sunday beina IromSaturday niuht at midniKht untilSundav niKhl nl inld-nnzht. and theBiblr fir-si day is from Saturdayniuht nl -unset to Sunday night atsunset Hence, the verse affords nocombfort to ihose who cite it asI>r»n[ that the Apostles kept Sunday

    The e ichth lime the first dayof the ft-ofk is meiuiored In Ihe NewTestament is l Corinthians 16 1-4This passase has been made the bas-i- 'if ihe claim that Ihe early Chris-Han chinches were accustomed tohold their services on the first dayof the v.eek and take up a collectionHI these weeklv ineetinKs But thtpa.ji.saKP Itself .says no such thm«Thev '.veie not io put their mft into.i public rollpction but to lay it Instore' at home: and when Paul cameI his was to be nathered and sent toJeru-alem for the relief of thesaints' there who were sufferingwant There is no evidence at all,tn this pasjaKe ol Sunday sacred-ness, or that the early churches heldweekly meetmss on the first day olthe week. In fact, the evidence allpoints in the other direction Acts13 14-18. 13:42-44. 16:11-13: 17:1-31 8 4 5 II . will show that the Apos-Mes observed the Bible Sabbath a n d .n f ihe Sunday of tradition. Inother words the proof of Saturdayobservance over a meeting on thefirst, day of the week is 83 to one

    In conclusion Mr. Oswald read anumber of quotations [rom Protes-tant and Catholic authors.

    Next Sunday nleht Evangelist Os-wald will consider the number '868"—:n his lecture— The Seal of Oodand th'

    Miii'ii-lnvrii . M a y '24n i t MiiLMltf for 1IH2 mid \'XUIn Ilii' i i i i i n l i «"'-'ii' i r p o i l i ' d yes ' le i -

    by il.ii in Ihr Board nf F r r e l i o l d r i s li>i'sl I' l i i inH Tiv i imirrr P u l l * ;l

    l 'riiu.muiK'k TIIWIIKIIOI "»''"• $ 1 ( l "' l'1

    m; l'i:cj iind Mini' Hill Jl.flOO A l n l n l |nf SI40 1111 44 i> due fur li'llH 1 lo inthril l mill l inn' Dlher inuuit-ip;ilil••—I lit- i l r l i i iq i i en l s m e Dmintoii SJ:I.-

    7.-i2 B o u i l l o n T(iu-ii»l)i|t SITII i . Dri i -i l l l e . SL'ML'4. .Iflli'i'Miil Timn.s l i ipsr.'Hllli . Mine Hill 8B.:i4J "N.-iiniii-. ' ,4880. Ml Dhvr . »«.44J i'.u -i | i | ) .u:i •T i m Hil t - Tn« i i ! .h i | i SS1J: loi ill-lii.itinn.s Io Ihe Court House anilloted In reel-He bids June 20 lot the« oik i-.l imii led In ios| } 10.000

    Neu iiuarti'i'.s for the UIMIKI .JHI.%

    hiulil be lifi'ftwiiry furl«i.v mi ••IIKIIIHT • "

    lake lull's iiiwl ifnidi's mi Ihi' Job nnd-n iiilenil In o'her ileiim on Iheui-i •' sewer iiiKpectorsilniii" I'lic and uiadr work. or. Iniiiliei woiils eiminei'i'iim dutiesCi.inr iiiiiintain.s that by u.sinu In-p,i tins ini ibis work Venni'Ule iviw

    i:illMlir Hie bol'olli:ll lu pny (loul)l'lol ;i suiele xTVIrr V'erilli'llle his act mil in UMIII: ln«piTliTsseil Ihe belief lluit theiiboir nienliniied niatler.s "were in-ioii-i'i|Ui'iitiiil in. fin us the m u r esewer piujecl wa« concerned and thailie fell ii.sstiird Ihut Vermeulr was ninn:i «tin would work with the bor-i,i,.:li .it>tl uoiiiil al i iuys be uil l ins toiln In- part and cooperate."

    School Failures•I'tmtinurd From Pane / i

    JHtmSDAV !

    PLAYHOUSEW(0E RANGE SOUND-n^Mt/IKI. - SAT. — DOt III I. | | \ 11 Kl~.

    Ladies I'ree Cake '/,•„,.LIONEL ATWII.I. In


    KATlltDWContinuousIroni 13:30

    I S I { K JONKK ta 'o\|K i

    " H OH TINGCi\ m I n t C 0 H P"


    On Me:;. ,K.J.\ Dav W«l.v-s.T.ll'l nni nn>l ariytlilni; whichwonl'l eniiliiili I I" reslKliiiife to eor-roslnii.—\\'iiy Che State Board of m nUr high whool.Kl''" th A general spreadliiK out of our i

    The clerk was instructed to notify classes would assist much in cuttlnn Iihe Slate Highway Cominlsmon that down pupil failure and would, there-.the board ha* no funds to Improve fore, in the end. be economical Ia road in Hacklebarney Park


    C/INCKR- Any one nullerlnil wlih Cuncer. ran lie rfllfved lP»lnlf»ii no Cutllnt Ad-

    drpnii P O Bux 120 Banking Rldlte. N J46-U)


    IHIl UK FOR HALE- Six room* aleamhem bath In good repair 13.000 Oeo Efl«her_ iwwit. Rockaway N J

    KO1I ItKN'T - Hlrpplim room. Male adultp r e f d L t d I i i i t y f buslnewIflte nlyRorXawa}-. N

    FOn HBNT - Six room houno bath iindall inipruvemrnu. on Hlbernla Ave . Den-,• llle Tuwnnhlp For Information call Dover M1100-M Large Harden 46-11'

    ,refrrrrd Located In vicinity of buslneiw *tenon Price »2.W per wee* Apply by;ntfr only Box J J . Rockuway Record..


    Old Company's Lehigh and Blue Cool Rest

    for Long Burning



    Ton$11. SO


    KWHKAT 8.25

    Advance 25c a Ton on


    PEAKopper's Coke

    Coal JOc on Coke —




    June 1st

    Strait & Freeman Coal CompanyROCKAWAV. S. J.

    Telephone*: 316 and 12



    OPENS for the SEASON

    Sat. May 26thReplete With New Features




    Mon. EveningsCommenclnc Jane 4th

    Admiarion to \f\B A L L R O O M ' "

    No Chorfc for Dandna;ALL

    RIDES 5c

    Thurs. EveningsCommenclm June 14th

    AdmiMion to ftljB A L L R O O M * C O C

    No Charge for Danclni

    25 or 'r'zcAwarded


    Are yon sure your property is adequatelyand properly insured I' We will br flail IDhelp you.

    E. J. Matthews & SonsMain Street Phone 146 Rockaway

    We are pleased to aiinoiniee tliul

    DEPOSITSin this bank

    ARE INSUREDby the


    in the manner and to the extent provided under Ihr lrrn» ofthe Banklnr Act of nn

    First National BankHt EOCKAWAY r i m w «Hava Z" M V̂


    Qxklight.wbitt and flaky

    Will You Have anIncome a t Age 65?

    LOOK about among youracquaintances at Age 65.and we how many ofthem are dependent on friends,relatives or the public for aliving.

    But you need not be. You candecide now what income youwill have at Age 65, and makesure of getting It.

    An Old Afe Income Policy inthe Metropolitan Life Insur-ance Company will protectyour family In event of yourdeath in the meantime. Theplan will be explained to youby

    HOWARD PEDRICKTel. Dover 2M Dorer, N. J.


    A wise statesman is one who pos-sesses the gift of seeing Into dayafter tomorrow.

    FOR RENTAt Elyrrofl I .irmv-llouw »'

    nil room* anil lulh >" '••

  • I.lliir " ' Councll-Hl'""" wil11 r t"p t" 'U ; d

    VMW. vivr.

    A Mr* J"I>'1 U u ' y W l r e ' C

    ,•»""", IM-IUU. Lake. They

    * S l»""» """HI"lJ"'-

    ihc !'•' ' wi'fof East-ctid ul

    pill*Lusimli of •

    limed over the pum,i,.,'.s |jarent», Mr. |

    rfaum-l Sedano were•hi iiitendlnd a per-|,i i in' benefit of thei! .1 Ihut

    IN6ULL NOW IN J A I L - O - V . J . Ohn Inability to t j , . .e kuO /. j u.i.-lh« former utii itie , r».i j ( .... ,._ , , r ' |fln«d to a ce i m o ...,,,, *

    V. T H E . W I L D' W A V C i • - Surt,

    trii» cute n j - r b t

    ariv «I" '"• h ( ' l d l n T h r e t ' l™IP'TIH-.'I»V ••venlnu. May.Zi. will IJI- Played- Prizes


    seph Hams.IT of Kocka-,for the pantus much Im- ,

    condition "I ••jmi lumber «!•-•, t o has been H

    •;>. isri-P"'1'1

    tinn-' Buckalew and

    Barton Jean, of Eastt have been

    THE XdAV T«»lFor Golf Dillo —Ooll balls withtheir cortl prop-erly ctnltrtd ro'la n d rJ r I v f•traight; h t o l iand ihcis corn#from Imperfectlycentered ti a 111.Operator in theAcuohnet golf billfactory inspectingball centeri onthe x-ray machineIn the New Bedford, Maee., fac-lory.

    Jean,Miltlnu Mr. of East Main

    , Wednesdnv May 23, au, Yvonne Lorraln. at thelOeneral Hwpnal. to Mr. andmm Lwhu-ap. of Rockaway.fnoiber and i»!»nl are doing

    W I L L JEFFRIES THK'iW THE!BULL?—Jim JcHrici r « n l c ' l tht rir.j 'With i fttrange opponent. The formerheavyweight char*p t c n i njmtdSteer in novel content preparatory isrodeo on hit ranch al Bwbank, C.nThe Iteer with bo*mg giovet onhornft, i» no rnean opponent.

    HARflV RICHMAof frtage, ecreen ,ind ,̂who bi-i-adr..itti ever/ Wtdntltja/ night over a nationwide hook.up, hkti to donchef't cottume and puttearound the kitchen. He beI moil men like tocook when given > chance

    , wel»b Sinners of Plymouth,;Spay their aunual visit to the i

    M E Church on Sunday ;June 3. al 10:45 a. m. An •

    Or, a extended to the public !

    b Engleman cashier of the \Bank, is attending t h e ,of the New Jersey Bank-

    u.tlon at Atlantic City, as a |of the Morns County Bank- ,


    to! against unauthorized pop- ,mat untied Wednesday from ;lmn» of Forenm Wars head-• bj' Commander Brldlemanwtun with the annual Buddy

    now under way to raiseIt* relief work j

    (older and Mrs. William C. IdMl freedom, accompaniedind Mr*. James Andrews ofPern, left loday for Rich- .Ta.. and Wahhlngton, D. 8.

    iki Washington Mr. Spargo andtlsnt will i iik i- up matters ofj

    FEEDING A C I T YD A I L Y ! - Plani tofeed a city of a.OOi

    |dally have been madeb y t h e J o h n RThompson tyitem m jipecttcular ctructufeI t the Woriri't Fair mChicago. The accom.motfatlont have beenprovided in two ihip.

    |lhaped reitaurantt.ea.landing out into a lagoon, connected by amammoth grandstand,giving a view of inopen-air theatre, thelargest fountain in theworld and the mghtiifireworks

    M r . t M i i i ' h . i V •'••< •••• •

    L . I . , W < l h i l V I ' l - k - ' 1 . ' ! .a w a y l a s t H u ' u i d ; . ' . • l:>

    f r l e n d u a n d i•-!:»• :•-•—

    B A K E RI I I ! U S . • N < | . 2 I ' . K i I I I I S

    Ruth Chatter.on in "Journal of Crime"and Svlvia Sidney and Cary (iranl in


    (hi llh Siller

    5 BIG TIME ACTS MVaudevilles(til lilt .SiS I \ , . . M O V - I I I S , M X ' ) 2 7 • > * • 21)

    Richard DIX - Irene DINNK in

    11 kvuruliou I )-.i> i W a,\in\ M) •

    iiv • ' I l n i r s t l i i \ -

    . I I I I I L I

    Whippfl, Like Greyhound,Only Smaller in Stature

    ( ' . ' •


    11. :.

    rtrvh of the Newark office ofta* Owners' Loan Corporation

    opened in the Boon ton Na-Bank Bmldinu for the con-ol the home owners of Mor-

    n representative of thewill be present several

    wek at the Boonton office.

    lanual meeuiiK of the share-pof the Denvilli- Building andloation will be held at the

    ••( the association In Mainltavllle .on June 13. for the

    t tlectiiiK oHlcern, It has- by Hamuel R. Van

    M secretar. of the aRSocia-

    , H R Klnney wereMirt last Saturday at tend-to-~ll lame between the Cln-

    K ~ » and the New YorkI « l« National League. Mrs.Tttudent diamond fan. en-

    """""•' acquaintance with

    i Ham.

    M r . » n d M i - . l " l r 11.-1..1- •:r e l u m e d i n H u n i i ' . n . i .:. 1 . - .a f t e r Hpf i i r l in i" H i " -A 1-1-k-. :.ii vs n r n m p r h i i n n - in F i . i i . f . i . : . : . . ' :vlllc.

    J o h n .J B f l i i u i - . " I W h i ." ' . :r e s t e d b y K i i i u - I ' u l : . - ..! M , - »;,s u b s t a t i o n t in i l i . . i . ' . • : •• •c o n d u r i a n d 1 Jn

    p r r s i ' n i i i i r l i i d i n i . ' !.• • : • • . ! ' • •a w a y . D i m - i B " " i '•'.-. •and New Ynik M ,w a s f u m b l i M !)•• '.',• i • • • ' •


    P l a n * fn i ' l i . >•:.•• •p r e s e n l e r l | j ' . i | | i :.' • '•'.S c h o o l 011 F111I i'. '•! •••I n K c o m p l e l l n l i < > : . . • •: ' • :o f t h f e v i - n i i i i ' ••^i.. r>* •••« o l o b y W i l l i . u i , M •••>• • • '• • • •T h r c o m m i t ' " ' .:• ' 1. •. •

    . K r a m C O I I M - I ' n l M L . I '•>m a n ; t . i n c l h (' !'• • '••P r l s k . G l a d ' . ' "11 •»: 1 . ' . . '•' • '••d c r s o n a n d M . i r . I'.i. • •

    Evelyn Greene, Bride

    1I . . . . . .


    p .

    I M i n i Us anil U (.1 I Mil.I

    ( . U t l l l . N I'l. I M S

    III til K1111I. M

    (,l SUN'S SIOKI-.U M.I. Mi l l I I


    Li. Snool"The idearMarket"

    ; UO.M.I KSS HAMS Ib.(/.iniplirc Miirslinr.illdWsl;iinc\ iTiiiiKftirtirs Ib.Sirloin and Kmind Steak Ih.

    ; I'rimc Kih Ih.: s I'oiinds si for! WOU'i SOU' Medium! I'illshur^'s Minilmis: W.WKD I'AI'KK 2 (orJ 1'iill Leaf Sliced lkx( Jar; I his Sum- II ill II, Clnscd All Day II ,dn,; MniKiriid Duv

    kIV- ;ISc :20c ;Me ;23cI V2Sc :2ScSc :


    ;* i i

    M . I 11 « I M 1 l « : i IH I M » N • 111I I I III l>

    I M , < i n M i l l I - i " ' ' i * » i "•••II I » t i l l II I I I I M I S I I - « l I I I ' I

    | | m l l t * l * I H !•> M

    I HI II l > * ">! \ I I I I I I I * S*.II t4I t l \ l I M I M M I N I I I I I M . * H i l l

    \ I I - I I I - I N - I I H I m l̂l HI i \I III 1 S | JM l> M t l ' l

    ii v


    Assets Over SI


    »fti.^"""""P w»l •* Pre»- flees fihe i i ' i ' i i ' i":1« l l ? m " m o n * ' » be cele- ness C o l l e t M' "

    i in .k • a t>0X luncheon'elated with tru- An.'-. •• ' • ;m t l w "vuth house. A t ' a n d TeN'UJ.U'l. ' ••

    ', there will bC'Ctty. as rAv>'» >''^ev. Harold O. Laboraionr--

    Mark's. Went Mr. and Mi " •• •to friend* ;ii A'-'••croft.

    DANCE |

    Outcrl. of Mor-over the week-home "Villa Po-

    Lakc. Among the , ,Mr*. William iCnnlwunl t

    I. Mr. BUliHcaith «ln-t«- I 'Heck, all '• yean. Ko|i«'»'inK

    Eileen I tor of thePeggy, Health ~"

    Movies in Health


    I "I

    I). I/.

    Be- at the -






    If it happened in London:You read about it in the London MailBut if it occurred in Rockaway:

    It was in The Rockaway RecordAll the local news — All the time


    In ChinKheld for (our yea:

  • Local ATHLETICS AbroadInter-County League Crowded Out They Beat Us

    •Morristnvi nOlndparkMorn ' PliiinsBernardsvillrDenvilleRmknwnyStlrllneFiir Hill."

    W 1l nnnI nnn


    Nnlurdar'n RmulUMum.-luun 12 F:il Hill* BRorkiiwnv 4 Brriiiirrtsvilli- :iOlndpiick 3 Mnrn- Plan;« 2Demille 1 HHiiine 0

    Thii RalurdatS'li-lina at MorrlslownMum* Plum." at BcnimcKv:!!.-Denville at Ho" dlftlnilty bill in Ihr M T -iind (ranir Hie Sussex a r u l l n y cutbtm> and Immmi'icd uii< four ruim

    r T in- was ni'l e»pe:e bi II::..:.!!amp riaht before it« dutinir.inrwd Si Mar. .

    lather the Mavor proceeded 'n net Hibrir.'..ib'.isv and do lhmi!.»

    After one man had Iwr. !h;i-Mi ST MARY'Pcuil at Ihe plate in the «;x:h :hree >ib :error* a double by Mi YUIIIIK who J Ruben*wan third basins I * u.« and a Kiiulr R Rivalby 8ullivan scored four r;ir.« Mum* D Kellylourhed for six hits during the frata* F Kiml)!.-vsw steady in Ihe pmrhen and tuin- E Tlerne;.id in a good job for the afternoon J KellyThe A r > up in date haie won one L Kimieyand lost one in the leanue race fur M Laverlvan average of 500. phi. IIIK them n; ,. K Ball

    bul in Ihr fourth they nicked tin•; .iiher IUII nil MrCabc M-ndlim Ihe0 MHIIW man lo the RIIOWITK Unwell0 entered Ihr box .mil all.mrd only mil'

    dnrxi two nminti» and


    h;l riuiinu 111Iw one runKork»«»> will .ii

    HA af ternoonThe IHIX wore


    .1 FliibclUK RovalQ KellyL. KlnncyF. Kinible.' KellyE TlrnineyM UivrrtyK Ball


    Yui i ' - k . .'bW;:-.Br: InMfCabf. p

    Ho«eli if!:..: i.l.imct T'.'






    ooo :

    lie a i l h three othei cl ib« f.nplace

    Her.' s the dope palsROCKAWAY

    ill) iHollow ay rf S 0C Oreen. rf 4 0Jayne lb 4 IKlUKick. usHntz (Youna 3b8ullivan IfH Oreen. 2 b

    olid K Fich'ei


    30 3MT HOPE AVE

    0 H Parks0 E Richards0 M fialal1 M Doboney0 D O'Brien0 W Struble0 M. Boblnyec0 E Moran

    E Cwniiihuh0


    .' KinAda.T.<Miller



    3b- Hard ford0 B Klwha0 Bunk .0 Hoey. p2 Hturdevani, lb001 Score by mninKir0 Rockaway

    — Suiutex




    TrowbndKi'WhitmorcSuyfordUIUA.HOOurdcneiEckei dHmiihBlIMX'l IEbnerBrow n

    30 9MINE HILL

    ab r5 0



    Loses First35 1 6 C

    Mine Hill A. C 000 000 010—1St. Mary's . . . 9 0 1 201 00'—9


    0 3 0 0 0 0 0—30 4 0 1 1 0 '—6


    J. Roberts . ..R. Royal ..D. Kelly ..L. KlnneyF. KlmbleT. KellyJ. KellyM. La vert yVanonskie .Tlerney



    ...,2. .2

    ; Mt. Hope WinsJ> The Mt. Hope Red Wins last Sun-u day won a nip and tuck battle from

    the Baker A. A. by a score of 14 to12 O Salko of the Red Wings ham-mered out a homer lo help his mate'scause The box score





    ab rLounsbury c(Farese. 2bBatson 'ibBaum rfCramer IfStruble uBaikman lbCarr.hio .i'hU' a (>-•*• da1i«-porlk hale it thai The government which bleaksy a boxu.8 arena will down constitutional barriers and

    ed '.ha- a lane- ui>iz'.'>:. Irorr. f>i,- be built In Denville. A few minor de- safeguards paves the way for Us owni ' i e •>' a'tTirt the tame tails \\ holdine up the projet.' overthrow.

    Co-operate with yDenllwt la utrlvlag for«-le»n iium-iirtpped Teeth


    Seven attractive looking races mecarded for the Uutley Velodromebicycle saucer for Sunday afternoonThe feature race will be a thlrty-nulemotor paced event which will IJI-IIIKtogether Franco Qeorgettt, Alfred Li-tourner. Oerard DebaeU, Tlno Reboliand Jackie Sheehan.

    Cecil Walker, nine times all-aroundchampion of America, who lost a hardfought Australian pursuit race i.,Torchy Peden. the Canadian «iuiitlast Sunday, has asked for u returnmatch and Manager Harry Mendelwill put Peden and Walker back onagain this Sunday afternoon.

    Ten crack teams will battle it outIn a two mile tandem race The proriders will also compete in u four-sevenths mile handicap with the Mm.-,on scratch and a miss and out Invita-tion event.

    The amateurs on Sunday will ridea miss und out open and a foui -sci -enths mile handicap. Manager Harry

    , Mendel is also planning a big card ofraces for next Wednesday nigh'Memorial Day.

    " • I M . I I - I . - H • „ . , . " • / u » « i i e * iol l ) . i . . . I - r , \ "

    V « the

    * •' n,| .M.H k ....• |> I,

    .I,,,. „

    ' '»•».« II :: Baker 'B>:

    Thompson "\ fell l>I : . : • • : ••...->(»«<

    MISTO.1 * Wleu

    !-,• • I . : . « i . d - I

    f..: • • I- • V - N ^ - i . I! IIII . * • • • ..: % ,1 ',r.I r I , n , . , , l l > . . . . . I I M I \ II II

    I " " " ' . " " • " , . , " ' ' - I " " , ' « < P, - • -'I. ii, ",»

    .,; , . i- . , .:./ T.n.-\ . •:

    M •I; • I

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    ' R/ / . . . I . . -

    I'.'- I

    a w l . /•••• .

    ' '

    - u .dI- . . . a . i:. -If C

    •• : . V T J*T'

    ;..-'•'! Apr;! 1''

    . • •!,'•! "t tW 9• . -an* tnrw ell• i Kilt Ml

    i . ' l IVi-l" * *

    • ;,.i, in t ». ,.l :,/ l.-m. i a -'T.I '-1

    t-,rr '••<

    !:". •'•r&J* rf

    , WA -r. V**

    REG'LAR FELLERS Jimmic Mixes His Phrase* By GENE BYRNES M:..\ '•••:^S

    ir. * - : -n r . ' •••••

    I \*"~«!•

  • jCty.-24.

    1(,ndBettv Will Be Unitedin Marriage|8fl At An Early Date i H i .

    - E O C « _ * W A T « . » ( O B

    The MarinesPAGE SEVEN


    , t Mr» W t t Marcel

    pl'""blng « > n t r a c t -

    mudi longermore care.

    M warn » • " • •Jgt to rin« tWcle»nin(! drivers ring your

    ft ...nine wurk requert,*rclem"™.... l h e L a J w L ^

    Fred Braun' s i.s thi- \-,,-,„,,' : '"i. " n d m c " l P " ' r s " ' Jr- O. U. A' "

    •nifty folding doctorsu y a Uwl ivt ikotiWhtv« for natural, any ,

    gripa-fraa action.

    No HU, la iwallowlMo Gum To C r W

    ' 13c-Any 6ood Orug Slora-]Jc

    1u Tuti Oily Tkt CHl Milt

    ?»ni^ ?»ni ihe La£ r « r t IB much the best.

    William Manning.

    OT from E Arthur Lynch,

    tty to Fred Brauns,wants to treat.

    Beaverbrook Dairv i l ' i . i , itC o m e s from tested m » , .T h i s dairy d o e s n l slide ;iio:O n w h a t the law ullnv.

    i There ' s nothing in rights and cvei

    '. time to repent ut '1

    '" t h r e e affidavit*.* •HI be made against

    ^ I n d i v i d u a l l y , under

    *fal ^ 1933- Tltal


    Tire PERSONAL BRUSH of thousands'OF DENTISTSNow available at your

    druggist• Compact brushing head.* Sturdy bristles.* Rigid Natural handle.

    The ideal tooth bruth formodern brushing methods.

    Moke This YOURPersonal Tooth Brush

    , Engineering tacts prove it.

    Experience in building

    | nearly ten million cars confirms it. And

    the record of over 3,000,000 Chevrolet Six

    owners removes any shadow of doubt

    about it: The only way to get real

    economy in a low-priced car ia to

    insist on SIX cylinders and OVER-

    HEAD valves.

    SIX cylinders—no more!—because

    extra cylinders mean extra cost for gas,

    oi l , upkeep and parts. OVERHEAD

    valves-nothing e/se.'-for the same

    good reason that airplanes use them.

    And speedboats. And racing cars. They

    get the MOST power out of the LEAST

    gas. That's why overhead vatves are the

    choice of leaders—and champions.


    Compare Chevrolet's low delivered price* and

    Msy C.M.A.C. IITTTH. A Gener»' Motor* Value.

    and you'll.nevpr

    be satisfied with any

    other iow-prrttfi-car ,


    . . . and the


    is the mosteconomicalcar in the world






    Telephone I33

    E. ARTHUR LYNCHEconomy Garage Rockaway, N. J.


    Rockaway Day by Day

    I iiarec with you thin probablydoesn't amount to anything but It'sbeen titlc-klntt in my crop all day andfor some reason, search me I don'tknow why. I've Just not lo it'll youabout 11 Not with the ihouiihl ihutyou will be Intemard but II'« an eu*Hto open the column with lhl« n»anything elne.

    He was iiboul rlnhtri'ii years olage then and n letter received theother day made me Hunk back (o thetime he became tangled m » memof violation* of the roiwrvallunlaws that even Clarence Dnrrow him-self couldn't have drugged him outof. He had never committed acrime up to that lime and probnb-ly never has since. At leant he I* arespectable buHlnex man and hn«made not a little money. An belorestated lie »u» about eighteen yearsof age nnd wax residing on n farmin the Adirondack!. At » late hourone hot August itflernoon he decidedhe would go out In the woods andnhoot n deer m i called em moun-tain Iambs at that time of yeanand no sooner decided then he arm-ed himself with a shotgun belonging1o the owner of the farm and wentinto the wood*. He had not nonefar when he stepped out Into aclearing bordering n rond runningthrough the woods Directly ucroMthe road he spotted a deer. The ani-mal stood gazing at him calmly.Taking careful aim he let go withboth barrel* and hi» prey fell to theground. He was attempting to llflthe animal lo In* bark when fromout of the wood* stepped none otherthan his nibs, a game warden anda hard boiled baby at that. He a«k-td many questions and finally ar-rested my friend on the followingcharges, believe it or not-

    1—Hunting without a license.2—Killing a female idoei deer.3—Hunting out of season.4—Shoot Inn across the highway.5—Hunting with a dog. 'He had a

    hound with him which Is prohibitedup there in the Adirondack* If youare alter deep.

    6—Killing a deer with a «hot guninstead of rifle.

    No they didn't hang him but afterpleading guilty to all charges hepaid a fine that would put a crimpn any bankroll. As I said beforethis story probably doesn't amountto anything an far as you are con-cerned bu( keep reading maybe thisnightmare will get better later onLet us hope so anyway,

    No. my friend. 1 can »ei> no harmin a lady taking a glass of wine Ifshe so desires, fine is to be the Judgeof such things Timelf and not youor I The thing that gett me pal 1»to hear about this species that slide*In the backroom for a "nip" andthen trys to kid the re»t of the worldthat she wouldn't dream of such athing The open and above boardtype you can depend on and theirword means something but the otherelement . . well . . like lice theywill always be with us.

    I told you this column would getbetter as you went along didn't I?

    And by the way. my pilgrims. Idon't suppose you have been readlnjany of theae newspaper account!about Senator Warren T. Thayer, upin AlbBny N. Y.. who u on the car-pet during a senate Investigation ona charge of "official misconduct Inhis public utility affiliation*". Toyou thw may Interpret as meaningthat the brother senators In Albanyhave a suspicion, perhaps IU envy,that Thayer got something heshouldn't of got 'what grammarHorace, what grammar i out of hi»dealings with the power companiesAnyway the gentleman will be Judg.ed by his colleagues on June 19. andeither exonerated or expelled fromthe Senate. Thayer comes from alittle town In northern New Yorknamed Chateauggy 'pronounced*hat a . . gay. i Although thereare natives up there, no doubt, whoare stilj awaiting final return* onthe McKlnley election If you thinkthey don't know politics you'recrazy. When they elect up In thaicountry they stay put and only nome-thing like the Thayer Investigationwill make 'em budge an Inch. Andlncldently here's a nood story, trueat that, regarding the Chateaugaycountry, which Is located In theAdirondack*, not far from Malone.M. V.. and the Canadian border.A newpaper guy. either overloadedwith inspiration »plnts or entirelyexhausted of all possible news items,sat down one night and dashed offa yarn about some old trapper, notmentioning any names, who residingnot far from Chateaugay. uw?du> find It necessary to go out In themorning and with a club chase thebean off his cabin porch before hecould get to the lake to get a pallof water they were that plentiful.Just for flavor the story also statedthat the old trapper was often kepiawake night* by wildcats clawingthe shingles off the cabin roof. Thestory appeared in a small paper,caught the eye of a city editor andwas reprinted, not only by that edi-tor but by many city papers through-out the country. This is what hap-pened, believe It If you will. Manyreservations (or summer guest* wereimmediately canceled at two largehotels not far from ChaU-augay bycity folks who were planning tospend a few weeks In quietness inthe Adirondack*. The hotel ownersburned plenty and the paper immed-iately came out with flarlnir rrtrw-tions and said papers were forward-ed to those guest* who had conceledreservation* at the hotels. It wa>plenty of excitement you may takemy word for it and nobody Is in abetter position to make that state-ment than the Old Master himself.

    How is it, any better?

    this fellow lo the li'st Just to deter-inliii' If he really knows his bnwbal1or if he i« working on another's rep.m ut ion. Bo 1 slaps Eddie and «ny«'

    Eddie. I want to auk you four iqiii'ntloiiH about biutebnll " I

    "Shunt." he repllM."Fir»l I wiint lo know wlml br-

    canu1 of Johnny Siilveslon who wnswllh the OlunlK curlier In the year.Secondly where I* this iiuy Lefty,ODoul from; third, when' Is Urban-;«kle from ithc shortstop for the |Bunion Brnvvni nnd who do you think iwill win Ihe pciinnnl In the Amer-irun LenKUe?" |

    Without hesitation Eddie pipe*forth: I

    They sent Johnny Salveslon to.Tennessee." |

    ODoul comes from the const"."Perth Amboy produced Mr. Ur-'

    bnnakle".And Ihe Athletics look like the,

    dope". iYen . . . I'm convinced . . Eddie

    known hia triples nnd assist*. Therel* no doubt nboul I! brother nodoubt whatsoever. And while we nrron the nubjert of buitebull I luivr avery complimentary letter rewirdtnuMummer Hurry Green of the A C.'a.If ihe »nier of (lie mime will tend

    YOUR EYESMake sure that your own vision Is right. An eyesight exami-

    nation costs HUle, It may mean mueh (o you—much not only toyour comfort, efficiency and satisfaction, but In actual safetylo you, to those who ride with you, anil la those whom you meetwhile driving.

    . OPTOMETRIST H I ) , I ) ( ) I , , \ N I ) ROC'KAWAV, S. J.

    Court Tennis Not Sam*•« Lawn or Indoor G«m«

    Tlm n u n uf eourl IIMIIIII In hurledIn I lie m i n i of Ihr Mlilillii nuns, butIliert Is • Ilicury Unit II la I In1 offuhoulof sunn giuim i,)ii> IM| on Imrwliiiik. IDany event t in i|iri ttua i o i>u|>iilurIIIIODI tho uiilih'i (if Krone* thatCliurli'i V, In liMHi, comldari'd II nitc-esuury to p n u mi fillet aiinliisl tlieplaying of ii'iiuls In furls, Junl wliuttli» king of I runtu In Ihosv lines Imdagainst lennU )• nul di-iir, lircfiimif lie»us ID fuinl uf tliv BIIIIH' htimrlf thutho built l » o rourla r,ir hli prlvulv me.Tin edict n( Charles V ImJ mile

    DOVERMinn Elsie Bupplec of Washington

    spent ihe week-end with Mr. andMr*. John a. Tuylor of Prospect•Ireft,

    Dr. nnd Mrs. J. Howard Hulsart*ix-m the forepart of thNew Vork Clly,

    The strike of sixty-seven employ-em of ihr Dover Boiler Work* wansettled willsfaetory to both the em-ploypr nnd the employees Mondaymorning, when a conference wasn»'ld with Edwurd Bealty, represen-

    Hume omllled If he prefer*.

    I am anknii you brother wn> thatfi-IIim- burned up (his week when oneof hi« pals hid a new pair of >hoeiand *orkn which he hud broueh' Inton lonil restaurant It appears Iheboy WIUI on the verge of an Import-ant dale bul wnn unable lo clickwithout his new shoe* and io o'lifuai'd

    mill IIIHU K'lmia ft tlir Imliinr in-•1>» of IIIHII tmin.a, •)!)• lh* New

    York llcriild Trihunr. i h r gimira inn?Lr In Unit ihr) IIru |.:.ijed HHIIa Inill nnd riinpit'ta tind Hiv hnll Isbulled over a net, bul beyond tlmlclicy ill IT IT widely. Court H'linla Is anIndi'or (nine, uiu] Iliv dial uf u court

    11 an gmu Unit lln1 »|«irt I* limitedto I lid wiiillliy,

    The O|i|>onllo liolila good In Ihe COMof i'|uaiti lemili and m|iin»li nici|ii«ls.Tli« coal of Iiii-i>c guinea In ilmoat In-slKiilflcunl, If ouo belongs lo a club,and thai undoubtedly c*p 1 n 1»• whytliLT« aw so inn ii)1 colli'vo uii'ii and for-mer follegf men plnylng the «mn».Tho tames sr« pructk'ully unknownlo llioat who hut* not been lo col-lege. In Knglund Hi*/ bin? *f|iinshtennis and shickcn» 15 • d lh.Prime Rib Roant — Ib.

    Prices Efl«:tlv« sn>n «a' miuv

    the pattern house of 'heHoagland foundry burned . . . . ' -1-orcd lady was manager of that New.arlc ball team which appeared here 1last Sunday. They acted like a.crowd of porters on a day'* outing.'so »ay» "Ogg" Collins, the umpsWhat restaurant in Denvllle Is ad-vertised for sale In a New Vork paper •for 12.200 . . Bob Hale played oneof the quarterback potltlons on theVarsity at Lehigh during spring gridpractice . . . No one was surprisedto learn that the Orand Jury had'failed to indict those two Pederal -men facing alleged charges of ex-'

    P""* 'n>nt ^7*t sn">""1 ">**>•">"> »^>- ""1 unit of ill*Minii has tlilftMl aln\HiUfii Ui th"

    give you a tip.

    Plash: "Ed" 'Lynch Oarage> Dav.ey. Is making good In a big way ona bicycle. j

    No kidding, now. don't you thinkthis column is much better thanwhen you started reading the thing? j

    Dear Prlend J H.: I| That was a very good letter and,appreciated but you are not telling!

    I me anything In the least, I know •, about It from two years wipi-newr jCome up to the old shack some tlnvand 111 answer the questions youasked In your letter with pleasure.

    I Until then. I beg to remain: !Your Pal. '

    "The Old Master"

    ! "Ah!" she cried, "you have me Inyour power."

    "That reminds me," exclaimedJack Dalton of the Marines, "I havenot paid my light bill but I musthave bread first I"

    He got I t . . . for the curtain camedown with a roll!I happen to tee this guy Eddie

    Blanchard on the street last Mondaynight and says I to myself. 111 put, Pretty good column at that, her?

    four dnyi Morn s»r«-r« «arthr|M«k«*at 0 u« d« l/i Jura, K « J W I , the ma orparrots of th* cl!J showed it mi sndunusual rOU

    larlr g1"'" I" KnglaiKl to ih* w)m of lh* , ,/lit | , l u^ltllg Irtlth*f'»re tht*t! T»l


    nsifl«*l Sf mi rvrm ivprinji **»M,r , 1B tHutti. Tflwn rum 1 Mttnt Serins ,on lilflivTstliii ana irtmhi— "•—

    e r.Ttltpheiw tit


    ' Iv

    i id" "I 'Kit

    Thd"i»'s'«Mj"i«»"i 'SSik",

    ttilU lor Oiu V««f'« Inawsnct

    Fiiher Insurance Agency,'M Wall Si. T«l. tti HArkawar, It. i '

    tmr »'/«"•

    ti v m*i*'> •""*

    Tr'vot) W*XTST4TIONmr, T«V», TI>(I*CCO

    Whf NM Cull st

    A. MEYERSONSsortlni tiottt - rifttint TwIil*

    T«l W-W BACKAWAV, »• i

    WM. II. c_ (II II.DKB -


    Hh«p * KeaKlrwr V* * J L W

    t X R M I N O , DVKIMt, s t t K O i m O l . l M K t ' " 1 * * * 5 T

    JtUtrt; in 411 « » i i w N « a l » « " "' """*„%tw \*m VlUn ' 1 •"•'••«""""

    Rockaway Reliable Shop •""" """"-'JlZZitt >4h\.i, »T, T«1, n* «*»»»