roadmap for entrepreneurship - a resource for facs teachers 2013 nc cte summer conference guiding...


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Roadmap for Entrepreneurship - A Resource for FACS Teachers

2013 NC CTE Summer Conference

Guiding Experiential Experiences in Entrepreneurship Preparation

July, 25, 2013

Horace C. [email protected]

1120 Balmoral DriveCary, NC 27511

919 – 467 - 9933

Secretary-Treasurer for The Consortium For Entrepreneurship Education

Former Consultant for Marketing Education and Regional Coordinator for CTE – NC DPI

Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education

www.entre-ed.orgNational Organization bringing Educational Agencies

and Leaders Together To Build the Field of Entrepreneurship Education

Consortium for Entrepreneurship EducationBelieves

• All Career Clusters have entrepreneurial opportunities in the careers. It depends on how the person wants to work!

• Entrepreneurship is a great context for learning key academic skills and those being advanced by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills as essential for the future workforce.

• All Career Clusters have entrepreneurial opportunities in the careers. It depends on how the person wants to work!

Can entrepreneurship and innovation skills be taught?

No, but it can be learned!

©2011 Charter Partners Institute

Keys to Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Student directed (student led, teacher as Guide) Idea or problem Team

Idea or issue student is passionate about

Push to innovate

Guide and reinforce through innovation process

Let rewards be internal because of the student’s passion for their entrepreneurial venture

© 2011 Charter Partners Institute





The Changing State of the U. S. Economy

• Unemployment in the United States is still at a 26-year high (7.6 % in June 2013), as businesses continue to seek to survive (24.5% for Teens)

(Creeping down from 9.9% in May 2010) (NC nearly 9%)

• The majority of job losses have occurred in large companies, with the highest share among firms with 1000 or more employees

• Individual entrepreneurs have been the fastest growing segment during the current recession

The Changing State of the Economy

• Small businesses are the foundation of the American economy. The Small Business Administration (SBA) currently reports that of the 27+ million businesses in America,

• 21+ million have no employees except the owner, and

• another 4 million have 5 employees or fewer.

The Changing State of the Economy

• In 2008 (latest year of available census data) of all the business firms in the USA 48% of them have less than four workers, and

• 71% of all the business firms have fewer than 20 workers.

• Just 5% have more than 50 employees• Just 2% of all business firms have over 100


• Graduates will enter a small business, entrepreneurial economy.

USA is Small Business Economy

• 75% of businesses have no employees

• 89% of US businesses have 5 or fewer employees - (25+ Million of the 27+ Million total business in the USA)

• 52% of small businesses are home based

• In 2008 Small Business Tax Returns represented more than 93% of all business tax returns

• Many entrepreneurs file business taxes as part of their personal taxes. (Sub-chapter S business)

Small Businesses Throughout Our Economy

• 12.9 Million Small Businesses (72%) concentrated in:– Professional scientific, technical and management

services– Finance– Insurance and Real Estate– Wholesale and Retail Trade– Construction– Other Services

• Services sector is generally more localized and better suited for small business model

“Democratic Entrepreneurship” -Central Competitive Advantage

• “For the United States to survive and continue its economic and political leadership in the world, we must see entrepreneurship as our central competitive advantage. Nothing else can give us the necessary leverage to remain an economic superpower. “

Carl Schramm, Economist & Former President of the Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City

Partnership for 21st Century Life Skills

• Leadership• Ethics• Accountability• Adaptability• Personal Productivity• Personal Responsibility• People Skills• Self Direction• Social Responsibility (May also be known as Executive Function Skills) (Developed wonderfully in Entrepreneurship development programs)

Life Skills

• How do you see your FACS courses developing these Life Skills?

Nudge your neighbor• Pick one of the specific skills and talk with your

neighbor about how it is developed in FACS.

• Does/would your focus on Entrepreneurship help enhance acquisition of these skills?

• If so how?

Partnership for 21st Century Thinking and Learning Skills

• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills• Creativity and Innovation Skills• Communication and Information Skills• Collaboration Skills• Contextual Learning Skills• Information and Media Literacy Skills (Sometimes referred to as the 4 C’s)

Thinking and Learning Skills

• How do you see your courses developing these Thinking and Learning Skills?

• Do you focus on Entrepreneurship helping to enhance acquisition of these skills?– If so how?

• How do you focus on Written Skills Development?– What type of things do your students write?

• Pick one of the specific skills and share with a different neighbor how it is developed and how your focus on writing. Nudge another neighbor

Get your Mind in Gear

• What is the name of the time piece with the most moving parts?

• Let us hear from you when you think you have isolated the time piece!

Hour Glass

Employers have a high need for training programs delivering completers with these applied skills

Applied Skill Sets % Of Employers Desiring

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving – 92%Ethical/Social Responsibility – 71%Professionalism/Work Ethic – 70%Creativity/Innovation – 69%Lifelong Learning/Self-Direction – 64%

Source: The Ill-Prepared U. S. Workforce, 2009, The Conference Board

Duff’s Delivery

Career Ready Practices of The Common Career Technical Core

• Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.

• Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.• Attend to personal health and financial well-being.• Communicate clearly and effectively and with

reason.• Consider the environmental, social and economic

impacts of decisions.• Demonstrate creativity and innovation.

Career Ready Practices (Continued)

of The Common Career Technical Core• Employ valid and reliable research strategies.• Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and

persevere in solving them.• Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective

management.• Plan education and career paths aligned to personal

goals.• Use technology to enhance productivity.• Work productively in teams while using cultural global


Career Ready Challenges• Which of these practices do you have the most

success with in your FACS courses?

• Which of these practices do you have the greatest challenge with in your FACS courses?

• Will the integration of an entrepreneurial mindset into your courses assist your students in being better prepared for these Career Ready Practices?

Mind Extender

• Some letters on the screen.


• Take out ten letters from this group of sixteen letters to find the six letter word that remains

• Raise your hand when you have it

Mind Extender

• Some letters on the screen.


Take out ten letters from this group of sixteen letters to find the six letter word that remains


Can this entrepreneurial development model be implemented in any of your



WHY Should American Youth

In a 2012 SURVEY of Career Technical Education State Directors,

80% of the states said that "Entrepreneurship skills are extremely

important to the future."

However, for the most part, these state leaders have not taken major steps to include

entrepreneurship education in the curriculum.

Qualities of Good ProjectsThe Six A’s

• Authenticity• Academic Rigor• Applied Learning• Active Exploration• Adult Connections• Assessment Practices Courtesy of the Buck Institute

• Roadmap uses these qualities!

Entrepreneurship Education

Business Creative

(1) Learn about business

(2) Acquire financial literacy Personal perspective Business perspective Demonstrate skills

(3) Develop self discipline Planning time Setting and achieving goals

(1) Practice business

(2) Develop leadership skills Initiative Innovation Visioning

(3) Stimulate entrepreneurship New ways to achieve Develop skills

©2011 Charter Partners Institute

Roadmap For Entrepreneurship• Teachers who want to infuse entrepreneurship into

their courses need assistance• Students who are entrepreneurial need assistance,

direction, and freedom to explore their dreams• Teachers and students need assistance from

community resources and mentors to assist in entrepreneurial venture development

• Communities need ways to develop and retain talented youth in their communities for economic success

NC Food Science Teachers Piloted the Roadmap For Entrepreneurship

Education two school years ago

Takes students through a sequence that teachers can integrate and guide through their curriculum

Helps teachers who have a standard curriculum to deliver by allowing their students to go deeper into the entrepreneurial concepts

Connects Students and Community Resources and Mentors.

Questions Guide Learning Teachers can use the questions at the 7 Mile

Markers in the Roadmap for Entrepreneurship in any way, at any grade level, in any class where they are guiding entrepreneurial thinking

Takes advantage of fact that entrepreneurship is high interest for over 70% of high school students

There are “Plus” questions in addition to the required questions at each Mile Marker to allow for students going deeper into the concepts

Students Document Important Things for Themselves

Students are challenged to focus on their personal goals

Students engage fully on things of importance to them

Students can write questions, findings, and things that need to be discovered down in the Entrepreneurship Journal

Students learn to document the planning steps they need to accomplish in order to succeed!

Identity as if it is your website - your logo and colorsSecure pass word protected student log in Student and Teacher chat roomsRoadmap to Entrepreneurship questions/guideIndividual Electronic Entrepreneurship JournalLink to National Content Standards Covered in RoadmapEntrepreneurship DictionaryTeacher Training videosAssessment Rubric

Components of Roadmap Website

The Site Coordinator Module is the first Module in a set up - $100 Annual Subscription

Can be a LEA or a School or an individual teacher

Additional teachers are added at a cost of $50 for each Annual Subscription

No cost for individual students they operate under their individual teacher

Cost of Roadmap Website

Recognize Opportunity

Objective: This mile marker addresses idea generation, creative brainstorming, and identifying what students believe might be a viable opportunity for them to create a business.

Required Questions: 1. What are you passionate about? 2. What problems have you seen through personal experience?3. What product or service could you create?4. What problem are you solving?5. Is there demand for your product or service?

Take two of the skills or hobbies you have and write them in the top box(s). In the boxes below, list possible business opportunities you might create with these skills or

hobbies – (Like an organization chart)

Evaluate Opportunity Objective: This mile marker tasks people with addressing the marketable value their idea would generate.

Required Questions:1.Take a second look at your chosen opportunity. Is it viable?2.Does it satisfy an unmet need?3.Who would be willing to buy it and what price would they pay?4.Can you meet the market demand, if demand meets your expectations?5.What are the problems of taking this product or service to scale?

Problem solving

• Define the problem – What is wrong?• How can we discover some solutions?• How can we change? – In how many ways

could this be done?• What is the preferred solution(s)?• How can we test the preferred solution(s)?• How will we know when we have the best

possible solution for right now?

Instructional Reflection

• How do you understand the concept of “target market”?

• Do you think students can get beyond themselves as a target customer?

• Pilots found that students don’t easily focus on the buyer as someone who may be very different from themselves.

Test Feasibility

Objective: This mile marker asks people to address the logistics, and to understand the feasibility of executing their ideas.

Required Questions:1.What’s included in the test of your product or service?2.Where will you find materials and labor for your product or service?3.Can you make a prototype for your product or service? 4. What are the total costs of making your prototype and samples (include labor) ?5.Can you get testimonials for your product or service? 6.Where would you go to test the feasibility of your product or service?7.Is there evidence or data supporting the long-term viability of your idea?

Instructional Reflection

• How did you arrive at projected costs of a product or service?

• How did you think of prototypes?

• How do you help students focus on packaging?

Access Needed Information

Objective: This mile marker is designed to encourage individual and group searches of information that would improve their entrepreneurial idea. Required Questions:1.What information do you need to solve your problem?2.What resources are available? (i.e. newspapers, library references, Internet research)3.What industry information do you need such as state and local regulations, target market numbers, costs of components, available suppliers, etc.4.How can you effectively analyze this information and turn it into something useful to aid in your business.

Instructional Reflection

• Is this Mile Marker one that students will find they are very comfortable with because of the information searches they do daily?

• What are ways to get students to focus on a broad variety of information sources?

Establish Community Outreach

Objective: Students should recognize the information, knowledge, people and skills that exist in their community and network in order to utilize them.

Required Questions:1.Where can you find people with needed expertise?2.Who do you know who has business experience, or who can connect you with people who do?3.Are there organizations or individuals in the community who could help you arrange financing for your business?4.What community organizations or outside groups can you become a member of to help further develop your entrepreneurial venture?

Instructional Reflection

• How will your students best approach networking in their community in order to optimize what they can learn from this Mile Marker?

• What are ways to get students prepared to seek out those in the community who have knowledge or get to know someone with knowledge that is useful to them?

Gain Marketplace Experience

Objective: Students test their businesses in order to understand how their idea holds up in a real marketplace.

Required Questions:1.How are you going to test your business idea? (i.e. work with real customers?)2.What do you have to do to prepare to get the idea out in the marketplace?3.What problems did you encounter in testing your idea?4.Are there things you would do differently if you had it to do again?

Instructional Reflection

• Will students understand how to get their concept tested with real customers in this Mile Marker?

• What are ways to get students to focus on getting a very realistic market test of their concept?

Choose Future Directions

Objective: This mile marker asks students to consider what they will do in the future. Students should analyze the roadmap experience, consider what they will do in the future and how their business might grow.

Required Questions:1.What went better or worse than expected when you exposed your business to market forces?2.How do you feel about becoming an entrepreneur in the future?3.From this experience would you choose to continue to develop this idea as a future business? Why or why not?4.If you have decided that you do not have an affinity to entrepreneurship how can you use what you learned from this experience?5.What other experiences will advance your knowledge so that you can take your entrepreneurial venture to the next level?6.How did it feel to take a chance on creating your own wealth?7.What are the top things you have learned using the mile markers to better help you move forward?

Instructional Reflection

• How can we help students with the Mile Marker seven as they think about “next steps” as they move toward their independent entrepreneurial effort to become self- sufficient?

• What are better ways to get students to focus on their long-term future?

Outcomes Grow with the Student

Students organize their “learnings”/discoveries / conclusions in a digital

Student Entrepreneur Journal

Journal organizes information that can progress with student as they advance through the Life-Long Learning Model

Student comprehension is enhanced as they focus on what they desire to know in order to be self-sufficient

Signals of Success

Learners take ownership of the learning Become self directed learners Develop passion for an entrepreneurial concept Involve mentors in their projects

Stop looking up answers and start innovating Seek more answers to questions as they evolve Find different ways to create business opportunities

• Entrepreneurial competence become a motivating force

© 2011 Charter Partners Institute

Benefits of an Open ChallengeLearning Approach

Highly engaging

Students learn about themselves

Students develop confidence to initiate and lead

Students think differently (innovative)

Students absorb the entrepreneurship and innovation process

Students experience personal rewards of learning© 2011 Charter Partners Institute


There is no right or wrong way to plug the “Roadmap” Entrepreneurial experiences into the curriculum.

The “roadmap experiences” seem to be a great fit to the new national common core standards as students have to zero in and concentrate on a concept.

Teachers and students become comfortable with learning from mistakes as they create and advance an entrepreneurial venture.

The “roadmap experience” requires students to use higher order thinking.

Student centered processes for the classroom allow students to think like an entrepreneur, gain problem solving skills, and enhance their writing skills.

The “roadmap experience” can help students organize their senior project that is often a graduation requirement.

Roadmap For Entrepreneurship Resources

Website that allows you to see information about the new website

(would need a password to log in and use)

A PowerPoint about the Roadmap Product

Far too many young people are inadequately prepared to be successful in the workplace.

Perceptions of Employers on Essential Academic Skills of New Employees

CTE Teacher Preparation Project

From High School Level

From College Level

Deficiently prepared in the most important skills: oral and written communication, professionalism or work ethic, and critical thinking or problem solving

Better prepared, with lower levels of deficiency on the most important skills, but too few are excelling.

Only one-quarter of are excellent in many of the most important skills.More than one-quarter are perceived to be deficiently prepared in written communication.

Source: 2006 Conference Board Survey of Employers

What is required to bridge the “gap” between education and workforce preparation?

– Graduates can do the following:• Manages transitions;• Are clear and effective in communication skills;• Demonstrates critical thinking and problem solving;• Works productively in teams and independently;• Effectively uses technology;• Sets goals and plan;• Makes ethical decisions and is socially responsible.

Question:Do I teach for

today . . .. . . or for my

students’ futures?

If I make it m

ore relevant,

what will they need?





Create Your Own “Roadmap” Community website with a Franchise Agreement TODAY!

Contact Horace Robertson - 919-349-2302 - [email protected]

Can become an electronic mentor for individual students

Can know that the students are focusing on appropriate questions for aspiring entrepreneurs

Can guide teachers as to additional questions for a specific mile marker (Teacher can add as needed)

Graduates have an entrepreneurial mind-set as they enter the workplaces of the USA

Business Benefits of Roadmap Website

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Are there things about which we have talked that need clarification?

What questions may we respond to ?

What are your inputs/comments?

Nails• N ever • A ssume • I mpossibilities• L earn • S trategies

• Pick any nail from the group of 15 and balance the remaining on the one that you picked

• No glue, tape, string, etc, may be used

Glad to serve as a resource for you!

[email protected]

Horace C. Robertson1120 Balmoral Drive

Cary, NC 27511919 – 467 - 9933

Secretary-Treasurer for The Consortium For Entrepreneurship Education