;rlr drags and medicines!nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1862-07-30/ed-1/seq-3.pdf ·...

-.JS" •^^S^^^'^mym^^ watwy^f^yiS^j! com»nflg$j l'urs«i| W ! tti»ttc6;i|ii s 8iii«Wif!i»l DWfjct CoramitmlftillS i ' i '«t.ifojtii.i'ot»> ,lara, yoste^Wi? *«>^*fl*' tttj^HMlijf tiio-ioath ftegtaMi-traWc^ft SIMPS! to proinoS ^#n^'f«'1tlfc«ffB|#SPsf wiis ei ijttlt oijon^OBiio pf. tfee s ^ m ! | ^ M | k a „lso of ^Uorl)W.ml«t)n1i^iU«imi#'tp infl Franklin county, ffiostof wfibi^SSifc«Wfc assorablGa Iroto jwitrfotio motiv^qi'len<l their iflfltftlhcltofdoyiw.nieMla HrhDroby. moncoflW bo,Biise.ailj(jwi^wl, JHIMI compe- tontly officer: $&< ,. •• * '• Tko flret bwlnosj before i% cpmmlttoo won—who atoll ComuiBti.a tlio wglinontt Tlio tooiubofa from Ogdembnqjh onJuilS. F. Jndd for Colonel, or rattiw kborod to put off.,tte.(iUOtt l pi^..w^ft%f *r*on this point, Imi th^.#^|j''tir^|jf.;fBBt '&$ thoso trc-jnjio. " i i ^ p ^ p f ffi6.,&r#jr»". and olio ftp Eranlillii : cp!iti^r, tlinttomo Immoaiato notion W'ai itt(jvjt»ule. : 'lie dl* ctission UionbocmndenrnMl. Thercflttltwaa tlu) ptwsago of a resolution dwlgnatiog.'ClSTit. N, M. jCJarfeqf t^|lfl|»X8t<ii;'CJo'.i,Jn>iflii> 16th Bgglmorit;Bii eiiittfifo mjftr to'*#>- mnnd as Odlonoljtjiatlio ba detiwhed (h>»ij tliitt rogimojaji;B^ 'J'bopthorbuBlnoaJot ftocommitteowM soonaiBpoBodof/iYhonitailjottniedwitUUitJ large croMfQ.tW.Vwtty Of 'i$» cilflR*. vrlicro town commlttocs wore toeommended to bo api)olnt«il to set in conjnnction with too Senatorial OoinmltteerWd wnwaH^ cruiting.olIiceK) wore dcsigMtod, tmo'flg !ftom^re,J^6' v Aw4'^JtS > oJid«in)I(.4- Norris, at Qoiwnj Amf»'Mxksff$, ot w«i Stooktiolm, and 6tWr»: TTieminatat oftho committee mooting were Botre«d, although called for, but the rosnlt of iU «ctl6n was a6tforthinafew rwintefl«>&.vigorous re- marks ftora Hon. -WvAi Wheeler, Tho meoting thun adjournedeabject to tlie call of tlio chairman. ' - Tho result, wo are CO'rteiti, la entirely «*t- isfactoiy to at loast two-tbirds of this coon* ty, and ail of our noighboB \a FraDklin. KecrnitiDg wJPl«ow-go'bajH8B(y, K»eiy patriot will fool it a pieaBuro to aid lo r»i»- ing men'for s6 gotot,.bravo tod competeat a commander as.wo are. iaformod C»pt. Cur- tis most certainly. i*v TChere^;wili of COOTM be no difficdltyin.mfiibg'wnipnient) but lot ua-oil toko hold and see how 5»(ci'y and wcS4t can bo done. >'. Recruiting For tne 106th regiment in Oswegatchie and snrronriding towns is going on" finely, tho number enrolled having already reachod be- tween five'and BIS nnhdred men. The peo- ple in that port of tne connty deserve great- credit for the Energy theyexhibiitfitrespond- ingtothe •President's CHtll. Franklin, too, responds nobly.. Nearlyfiftywar meeting* havealreardybeenheld.andothersare ap- pointed. In'ibis respect it is well to emu- late their, examplo, and labor "with a zeal which will insure success. The Advance' learns that the house of' Hon. W. A. "Wheeler and the house of Mr. Skinner, of Jfalone, were broken into Sunday night last, and every thing in the shape'' of jgy^ver ware, watches, &c., taken. The ted, but ho sufficient proof has Reports from Sarrise^|[^pi^0y^fli|i Gen. Halleck has ordered' "Bgwef'i*/.: rear, muskets to the front." Wo shall bo rejoiced if the spade and- shovel campaign has come to an end. So far it hasn't paid remarkably well. * Martin Van Baren's funeral took place At Kinderhook, in this State, on. Monday last.' An honored statesman anil upright man has, gone to his rest.- ' ''''-'•''.' ?••**—'-. .' * News and Other Items. ThejNeW; Stamp Law. WASHIXOTON, 25. , Mr, Bonoholl.oftho committee on intor- nal rovonuo, with tho approval of the Seore- W'.'Of"tho Treasury, In order that the b '«trof Congress of Jdly7tdmny bo carried Into offoct mora epoodlly, to-day flnbmlttcd <tbo followlDg propofltlons for too cotisldeia- ^ottofthoPostltoter Oonerol, who has •conildored and adopted thorn: ' , Iftf lljfttiho Post Office JDepartmont furnlnhtheTroasury Oopirtment with such iiOfltoftestatnps as way be needed for enrronoy, that Departniont payuig the Poet Ofllco DoMrtmeot the cost thereof. 2d. That tho arrangemont shall ceoso at tho option of cither Department or when the Treasury Department Is prepared to Uiuo Its own stamps'a* currcnoy.- . 3d. - That tlfp stamps bo so prepared thstthoy may be easily distinguished from tho ordinary post office stamps, ' 4th. Tiaf ttanjpt bo" redeoniea by the! ry Department oa contemplated by; Eof Jniy-lth. . &f& Said stamps to bo received by the p6ft offlco^for postage, and exchangeable forlatt^af ^f p^ltoary postatte stomns. ;-Thlwillbo iifflWmio effect. >ropo- SalswittborocdivodOllthoCtti of August •for finishing stoops, for internal rovonao, and after the 30th of Jniy designs of sbamps may bo seen at the Department of tho Itt- Gon. MoClelian s a y » ^ ^ ii< war that whst ho doessai npon as prophesy. Thd csmeonboardasteamer^^f, , the condition of rel(tood|»ri»oaers,- *her,i!ii oneoftben.-obMrted- tbMiCwif'"^"' - ' ' gjtwallj and come ,back«ftf| d mond; to which Gen. McdeUtn responds -^i!ben yoo wfll havo to\1$mMijr wto) SPECIAL NOHOES. Dentistry! JIEi^^B JL/Jnsi received A lugo oowniippty of QTfWtKiUEAtmFUl. AJIJIFWIAJ. iffiim, ^**iIXxirbli!U loiortod on the llari BuUxr BOM slvft «Dcb untvenol tMgtasslim. Or, N, win put up nliolo, or partlAl BCU of iboia m a mpcrittr »l)rli), U prtca 1mocr than axr, (darlug tlio Sniuiutul IrualilflS anialag from tho BabelllonO Tlimw WUUIIOK D(mtljlfJ"ol any kind srIU plauu glva m m ^jcatl. AH Work w u r a o t a l . OFWOK on MAUKET STBS*T, OPPOSITE P. 0. Pouidain, July 23,18&- 20 ]y .-^. ^ Spring and Summer Goods. r». PECK "YTTOULD announce to tho Indira of Potadimr Uut TT ho Italian tctunusa from Now York wlthaUrgo a n d apltJDdtd M i o r t m o n t o M l I i l l f i i e i r y awMB,ot the latent myle and m«t dcslrabro qunluy, connfrtipg of ovory artfoio to bf^ fouod in amimneryBtx>xp. fkttse call and examine Potsdam, April, 29,1302. 3M? Hollow a y »• PIUa.^-Ttio "Uoalcd torm" IB frcqqootly prmlactlvo of tmpjeasnat ctraaequenc** to many peruana. t>vSfmtcry,DinioijsBC»,Afiiait«of tho Rtomaou, afck tttaidacho anil debility, on often the Bcourgca ut tho Bonimflf. They aro ipeMlly snbdaod by a«hort course of IUOM cathartic medicine*. Bold evfirywhcri*. SPECIAL N^S.; ; I^^P O. M. WholwiilK and KuUill Btater Iri *^B8J»SBtf»«WHM^ WMaliMJl, ialllJiMliio, E ,.« KDrarPlremcji'i MEDICINES, PAI OILS & DYE-Sfl POTSDAM, N. Y.* mm' ' tr»o>: Hi goods wor*not only tmij« fir toil, bat auApftlddoffo for tbSrh, getting Urge dlscoanu tn- itwfat psylng Onarwt on auk bUl», uoreby rambling bin to defy oMnpollMon—will bo undersold by no one. flood! jntrrWtea to Slvo porfoot MtWteUop or moner rctuildcd. HirJlclim MnpUal vltb Uedlelncs at mull Idfiiccfrom Now VOTt cart. ..Merchants In Uiu ri clnity'wlidllosWroplcnlib' tbolr Btodc In bis Hue of goodt «011 do well to giro blm a call and exaraloeqaal- f»y. and prtca bclbro porohasJjig, Among-ttie many artlclea to bo Coond ID tils nlore, plouo note tho following, viz: , 'PAINTS,'" Dry *BtI Groaaad In OH. Brooklyn White Load, Hamilton " Gaigwafr " KBW York City" Ontario " Grenada "' Flotextco White. American and Chinese VcrmUUnn, White Zinc, Yellow Ochre, Eng. Venetian Red Chrome Yellow, Chrome &Pnrls Or PrnsBlan Btoo, Coach DropBUuck. Dt. aad Haw %*> DAMUAWUHSEEBOn,. Tuunra' oil, Neafa-FoolOll, OllvoOn. Keroseae OS, Sroira Japan. Ocacb Varnlsb. StmntoreVarDish Domar Varnudt. All .civilians; newspaper included, hr^el^ncipellei of Gen. McOlellan's army. conespendants I from flte lines It is estimated thai frohl 15,000to_20,- 000 balea of cottony of"good etiaplo.wiU be sent to market from Dlinbl%_ the present year. ' T ""-": ' ; I t is reported, fromjevomLgonrces,-that on the arrival of Gen. ffallooltat the head- qnartera at Harrison's landing, the Army of the Potomac was ordered .-to lay aside theirpickaxe3andBhovels,all farther digging beingrsjaipehdecl. . Benuregord is enjoying a Dt of sickness, with bis family, at TBladon Sringi, Ala. Richmond papers say that wben he retorna the country of. Seccssia'will feel renewed confidence in its fortniies. on's) te- i , V epi isubitance being—ty the Union forces had not fought --> well the Eobels wo'nld hive had a great victory. .„ ^Vhicbis, vory likely.. The camiidUesbMl kinds iri 1 tho Western Department (lato Halle^k's) Bin'ce it wont iMWofield,ar»,statedat 63,' 600, of which 40,000 are chsi^ea to death and absence from sicltness; and 18,000 to variona tytffii&ffilm^^ \.. Gen: Po|ohaa ioke^^tf oWcrpnttink a peremptory stOp'to. tho_ bustaosa ofguarding private property, l^yil or Rebel. Ho ad- voncea the refreshing-bit of common sense that soldiers are omployod'to fight tho ene- my and hottoprotect, their henroosts. Richmond papors of the 2 H a r o wJo!cin* over the arrangoment for tha oxchaoge of prisoners as an Bcknowle^entof,the qua- |natfonahV#tK^»l*aSel^iii&M States Govemnehb-4|nWla|rtha|'.A ore by it raised to the wnmtMWpUige?- onts, which.is.bnt:eno»removo'frwv«*l<fid«. tliat Stonewall Jackson Is at or near Gor- dohSArllld, with'i.?orca;0f 3j,00f>'ffi6n ( rnM his intontlonis to broak'onr.po«-ond make . adasb."dVt,Vaffinit6ni ^i*tofforceMri Olelhtn to Icaxetho porunsqla. Gon. Ewell eomniandste'o'fTOlrWn*^ The Bohbl'fpp^t'fiWyil of Sefe> Pinoaialuatissaodi-Itclsimithofcspture. and:fQnrrerimontalcoldrai«nUi. : andcamp eiolpage. iihoy- o4.int!i«l#;#*bmj.# JuOrbftt &ad, 6a a ctttoptovthStihpXWon loss oxceodod tO.OQO. '•./.' "^_ •t'W.reMttsi 06i><lu"topo iro that the , „ . ,.„.„ .... v Jit geott beh*. vlof to ns^Ifciji'lin ntnaHDg fact that wo, •w)iilo.ongnpiin|w%ore?foOdiog not only onrdMMtftlpMtBWMWi -, Spirits Turpentine, Burning Fluid, and CaAphene. Palnl* Vamish, and Whito-Wasb Brushes. X full and cotnpleto Assortment of Drugs-and Medicine?, TogeUiw sritb all tbo'pbpnlar Pafcnf Hedicina now In fenoralnso. ' VHndow and Picture Glass, All suns. Qbw Cut to order. DYE-STUFFS. ta p e a l svarlety, soch as Logwood, Redwood, Cam- wood, Fnalle, i!adilorV«addor,auo Vitriol, Copporsui, 'Hum, Indigo, to. to. Coloring receipts grails. GROCERIES Brown, Crush', and Pnlveriod Sugars, Green and Black Ten, Saleratoi, Btarcb, Pepper, Sptee, Olnger^ Ntttmsxa, Ouala,atace,Ctov«8,Curranta, Citron, Oocoa, Chocolate, to. WINES &LIQUOKS. t t j t . and raudolleraled far Bedlctoal purposes, Kerog«n^d» i ruldiampil,Wletll,CllInaioys, Globes andSUades, Fino Cut andlSmoklng Tobacco, Bndlf and Segara. Paxfnmery and Fancy Goods- . Toilet aoapa, W d c i a , Pomadra. Hair Oil, Holf, ,tdolb,.N»UrSl(*!i, Hat and aaving Brushes, and a Iniilvarletyor . ? Bird Cages. lers.Truacs. Shoatcorbraces, India Knbbcr Olssa W l H t a l l o Syrineos, Blacklns, Shoo tad Scrub- blng.DrustiM, Bird Seed, JlA-rorlng Extracu, cloUtes Pins, andlolsor arliolti wblen time nor apace will let me enamerate. Remember the Goods aro nought and will bo nold. ftoV's Brsio Stew, West side. Itar- totSL,Potsdam,*!. Y., la tho nlaco to buy Cheap,. 'Cheap. OaUandscoforyonrsoJrcs. - C. M. PECK. Juno.lSSJ. «Jy __— ,«>.^—' ' IV C««B«»»ptI»e»^-Tho AdverUlor, hsvlng MsnrestqrWtohBllhlo a few week* by a very •lupl««aH4y,»niTtia»tni nSored several years -wiUia-MTaiahif^-^aol'lMJ.aod that dread dlieue, 'CoiiiniiWoi-SiaaMioua tomatli knoirn to his follow tnBsrers the raaaniof enre. toall stho dtslrt It, b. will stnd a copy of the ^rt^lS»!o«S|«|ai (ike of charge,) with tho dlrec tiensrarprtbtitniandnalng the aamo, which they 'wilt Sod a Bare Core for Ooninmption, Asthma, JU%CSHII,*& *ieoni»ohJMtof the advotuser to •alaTltBi'ln«*AierIpU«it, to. honoflt tho affllctod, •OdMlreaJ tnlbrmitlon which ho conceives to bo ln- ;i>iS|i6^-|liitie hope* oYery luIToreif win try his -r$W*i&»iUw|lt«iit them nothing, and may prove :*M«(ilng, ->\ -, •• V ,, t Parties wlrtlng thdjiresorlpHon will please address • HSV. HnWARD A. WILSON, «Sm '"Brnllaiib'tttJh, Kings Connl^.Jf.^ if •"." Tf^lr.-'' •&sfo,^^iy&..^B 4 D'tSsr. perform ofttilon In it „,ww.»4MlsfticUoa,-^ ... Sopl»M«tm>»iiilfM(diiJ"a»«B«Mtle*»)*- wlltdo%eivto,ctiuad«amw,ep.eimtnr. Being,; *wSlj,ffrM'»watt"^'»HP B P''«?.^ . „.tlr«Topsrttl6ns wsHsnt«dWh»tt«onlMd. jtlfla 1st tMta.lM8rt«4many. Wnit or p t e l a l thj IMlffiiiiteBiUery, Xtlsuld totakotUonv.Wit "™fi",0>¥«i)iiiltrylt. , ' . _ lej^SiRieast.end ofithe hr ldn>,.Mt» Urn- A. H - ^jajJ.riH^'V'fei'——r~~ ho obtalnod,ottho Sloward. lu tho Obllogii •min thp,vlllflgo,>r »a,as per week, toclod; Vng'wiianlps^ Thoeo who,'ohooso can obtain rooiusand . Board c pipr. board thoiMsetvesjtt a choanor roto. r. ,. *, . L»,iLBtOKB3, Socrelary. CrmRli, K..y»,.'jtnly «8th,.18|!l, 62 ow Planing WWIlmberM; PAJVD Ml>AH»,'-N»*8li*IhT, W» *. A QOQB Assomiiiiartor 4 wfjft or tarniofnir^ building purposes for sale, planed or unploncd, f-; dt wholosnlo or retail. - I SXLZff S R E D D ' fiBil^mbOT for flnlshlng Insldo norkt«onatontly oa MBS. WBSTCOVT IrJpAS .returned fromvJJ ow ??*$§ plonod and. fflrSa.WtttinW, all of Vblott. will bo sold dnWp«Ssh'(ii! ojBWVod crodll. t?laitt>>ir lrla,tcrill«> m& Sawing done _ _ _ and would respectfully call lift*- MtentloJi of the Ladies to her exten- »1»0 aasortment or Hllllncry. ^ Sttowlemobbtlrtod'a now oud -^ajai»16 bfocosa for Cleansing and " fresj»jftitows, Hrifc.Wi ^bftSlfesiKithal.a'ho jfts employod a coro(»tentr«^.Hiucdr,»nillii3'rocolvojI from Mnm' Demorcst , .th , *liftst(ityp,fo>; LaatesJ, Children's and Mlaies' preaacst'anll IS now prepared to'do Dress-Malt. TngTiTSlI ItSKrahOhos. Siamplngjof EmbroideryIrom new and elegant'patterns. Rooms ta$tuuBOn>a Store, formerly twcupini iiy Frank, Potsdam, lft T. B amTuiA tuporlor mnnnor. * ", <#o,B.SWASt,Prop'r. CBQQJgpSBY & JETIBNITUEE. ANOTHER » fiEW FIRM! ,!iojcijjff>!jjjr TIIB rtBtn ,' . . . BOSjiisiV'B. ' BWV A PAin Of Beautifal Balmoral Boots From a alee amtortmpot for IMltv, CJeutU'men aijd ChUdreD.at BONmiVS. BUY YOUR CUIADREN iisra&co., ;rlr j|t»4; purclrasM Hie ™«re Pt.mli ut '^tttiure and Crockery UU-ly belKlgliig lo W. H. P1ER80X, au.1 wing coa .idutly making , Additions Thereto, Int il the altfiilinii (»f,lli.lr fnemt* ami tlif |>uliHc | KfiirrttUy t<» the Bftme. Tliey iiacj! ou tiaiitl a Choice Selection of GROCERIES aOri vuriim* ittlttrr atttali-a nrc&tstuy Uit family twe, wlitcb Uti'-y will «t*ll Very clicfl'i fur cauh. Something to Protect their Feet, BONNEV'S. BUY A SUIT OF ClOTIIING "•""• " BTora Hatt to Boots TJiat are" fashionable, Andnl aottslactlon, at PLACE TO BUY iMiythtag In tbo line of B»U, I *& Boots t Shofs, Ctofo- v "itff.aiii Fnrnteulng Goods, k - »'|$.-«j;"). nfiM BONNI«r>S. LLAJJEOUS. GOODS^!! unllcj rk'tr* A. M. SMITH fjffe»ll : tne attention of the public u, bis Iresb *V^ «enfffMamKV< i , r o j : , u uwu^ wurcu m uunv c x t w s t w . a ^ wWplete than osnal. Among which may 'Vaa^'iSMraneew. atJ^St&s' « t X K T W t e T o f dejaasrtJsoldV. or t t S . CIUBT. auch as may bo ibtlMea to amy or allUa «*ore wM*. weU lo can at tlietr office to Potsdam, N. v. or adntessf them by letter. Potsuam. July 30, 1862. NOTICE:. W HEBKA.4, my wife Oarlndy Crosaman. has left my t**l and board without cause or pStrfO- catlon, 1 lujrwby give notice forbidding any person har- boring or Irnstlug the aald Ctarloda, in a n y maimer on my account, as I i,haU not pay any debts or claims of her cnetrartine. ABSEB CBOSMAK. July 2SU>, 1S02. I 3w s£Cadoo,<jsa«WJ«ra»S()|»iScts.,aildeitra80 rls. tifH. ficodSatlnetOl.eJtra cheap, 30 els. u. CO off Sheriff's Proclamation. 9TATK OF KKW YOBK, Cmmiy of St. lawuatce. T HE un4e?T9igned, Sheriff of aaid Cotmty, to cooCor- mily U> a preempt to hjtn fai thia bcrbalrt dtreetetf »nd delivered, by this, ht» proctunatiK), reqnin* all persons, boond to «pp*»r at a Owmty Ctoort and Obarl of BesRtnus to bo held at tbo Court Ratrse, in Guitoo, lu wi4 for tutd Oacnty.oo UJO 26U» Jay or AnjVJtiext, at 10 o'clock in tha C>mMion,by «cagnt- 0^p^^y^,^Mppe*x t.wrta, ami the antler- }&9^m^imMi^^mWm any recognl- WmWW s tiSwmm '&-'&$ pmmc*& the »aw^ Orort.of wlwliarr latwaay Ir^hUlCOaKaearAinioa- tkra.orUwriDainiaatkrQor any rx^itM,« W t n ^ , (^ retort* such recognizance, to^atettloo as*! exKrnlaatidn to the m\d Court, at tbe oi*eaing tlM*eof, oo tbo first day of t u sitting. . _ . SlgOTii al the SborUT'l Office, on th« SSrd day of July, 1M2. i ui umesTo OIAUEEBUK, &&&. Index to Home Admtlseaftciis. for the convenience of <mr readers wbo may wish to refer to tbe loom! advertisement* tppuring in tliU p»- per,we giro tbo (ollowiog Index. j advertttera represent most of tbe business men In this place. ATTOBSEYa J3*Tt & lapoan. A. X. Parker, K. ft H. Orary, W. H. Wallace S. E Gordon. ACADEMIES. SU iAwrcBCO. R I). Bobcrte, BOOTS H SROf&. J. & Iiird, G. W. Bonney, BILUUSm. Wm. Steruns. BOOKS & STATIOXKBY. Soclcy ft Brown. BOABDQTO IIOCSE. K. D. Moor*. CROCRKRY. Dinning & Co., \f, K. Gordon,. CLOTHIXO. A. U. Smith. UKNTisntv. w. w. Beat, J. a Nichols, 0. W. Melotte. DOOItS, SASH & miKW. (ko. B. Stran, SBVBGtSm. a-«. vo&t "tJahar t H i i u e h e r , a. ltamphrfly. DRY GOOES. Union Store, CSMTwnter, Sbaw & O. A. U. Smith, OROCERIER. ' I>. Turner, U. n. Brown & Co. MISOELI BrownftCb. W. Umere k Gb. A. a Hoses, ^. K-Gordoo. BAEOWARE. Walkins t Leet, K WUslnson. ^, t OarlldtftVtnpnson- HOTKLS, American, J. H. Woolley, SL UwreocQ, B. B. Uoti, i 1 BABNESS SHOP?. ' James Lemon. ; INSUUAAtt^L 1 W. L. Knowles, H. N. Redway, Geo. C. Cblpman. JEVSHELRV. . B.F.Welch, : W. a Shaw. 1 UVEEV. Geo. B.Swan, John lieu, Etavis & Chapman. 'UACHDnsrr. H. Goulding. 1HLLIKEBY. Mrs. A. H. Wextcotl. P. Peclc, PUVtildANH. C C. Bates, ^ PHOTOGBAPHEB. . C.W. Van AMIS*. P.UCTKRftOLA7.1KIL A.WHgM. BEAL ESTATE. D. L. Cllrfcsop, a 0. IHppan, a B. Gordon. Rnowtes ft Loet. ' TAILORING. E.Snenard, A. U. Smith. .ANEOUS. %i CAS&IMERES, stylo for Rent's business suits Milt MTXTURE9, rawerta't gr«*» i«i» nomeroos colors. Beady-Made Clothing. In addition to my ordinary stock I am prepared to at-" fisr **City Made" Garments which wilt bo sold at prices. tOwdelY competition. la tlie Custom Department I have Increased tUciillica for^.Eoafctes nice garmenta, each a* improved nty te of cutting, Jo^raeymaa tailora, nice iiuching mjtcbaw, Jtc. It h my 't»mwse sa to ore this PAiTOCOLAR BRASCH, that ft WIU. BE « D TC>- KONE to IbiB County. Summer Goods m laree variety for Men and Boy's wear, from 15 lo 50 eta. I » t l a e t u r t l e s D e p a v r t m e n t ^ Ftease notice, Braehal-ong Snawbi, $ortr> $12.00 for $8,00 to 910,00. and other gbawis in proportion OoodPrmta 10 toilets., extra 12!i- IMains apd OiaJllM 14 to 18 aod 22. Bebages, Uobalr 15 lo25- Wbite Goods, mch as Cambria?, Jicmwiu, Un?a, L*ceaT lAwna, Knalina Jcrx. Hoiery, Gloves, Emdkercbicls, "Rible-^prpasla. Ttr». ellnj,Brown and Bleached Fide Cotton, 10 l , u> li^t exta,15eta. The «Uie of tbe eonntry reqoirea nboM fredils, prompt pay and Creqocnt settiemeata. The interest of ' tho pirr;baser, as veil as that of tbe txHer demands thefllwerraitceof this rote. GHOCEBIES. Black TeaB,. tji to To els. Grtwa Ttaa, nl-rc, $1-1015' HCSSV .$£lctp very faarai ^^ A.M.ianTH^. HEAL THE JSICK. St. Lawrence University. fflK PALL TERM COJIMBKCES OK WEDNESDAY, AtJOBST »T«»a, ISOll, and continues thirteen weefcn. BtsnwvtoBs. Kcv. J . S . t . e c , A . M . , Principal and Professor el Mr. JTolinW^ C l w p p , Professor or Uathemallcs. Bin. H i B , t e e , Toieticr of Drawing and Palntmg. Mlaa Delist D. I l O d a b i n s , Tv-nclior of Music. S TUDENTS orbolh Boxes can enter tho Academical or Colleglalo Department, anditursootfio SclentlBo oourso ofBtudy nlono, or tho Sc'Mlllo and- Clasilcal combined, aauiey may choose. They can cntor any class (br which thoy.aro-Ottod. A now and splendid .Chemical and Philosophical Ap- paratus, has been pllrchajtoa tor tho use of tho School, which will ho used In connection with tho delivery of Lcoturea on the Sciences by the Prolvsflors. A Library of 7,000 volumes Is owned by tho Institu- tion, to which tho studoota havo access free of chnrgo. J TUITION. Qraimon QigllshtBronchos.: Higher " ' " . • Latin, Grecli, Frenoh and Gorman.. tlollcgteto Deportment ..V-.-MOO 600 ...«8to 800 -.WOO UeaSeeee»ara>oi«irais>a-o/Z)r.I L.S0VZX* Co. traaw tae/aee ef eadt Be*. BrerydirtnHns^newEtetlmoDyof tho triumphant cgtctfrom tec u«o of "SPORE'S FILIA" What better evtdeBce cam be given of tho aOPfcatlOBrrr of a Bntae- dial Agent than that ALL TOEWOBLDusoitt Itfean mwn»tIon^lefacaha*'^rnJfi^PrlXS''giveotUer Baltataetloa tban any Pills now befbre the pobllc^-Of the proof of this asaertionv.every Dmggist or Agent who sells thrcm will testify. We might cite tho alllicted to many cases wbere COKES bar© been effected by their CM, were it neces- sary bore, bat fl» this purpose we refer them tOKttnr Cnxiuant.wbichcanbefoBnd with onr Agents men- tioned below... a JI. TOTTLB, Auburn, K. T-, General Ag»t(ror New-fork and Michigan. • ' '* •—• lor sale by a M.Pack, Usher It Batcher ,S Hnmnh- rey.Poudam. L. Etawinslow.J. a Galei H. Smith asen,Canton. JohnBlndge,0gdessbnrgh. JVgLUe&ey Waddlngton. U. W. Scars, Vatfrld, and hy all deal e n in Medicines. 13 ly OLD FRIENDS ly TOK BIGHT PLACB. H e t f s Sugar Wed Pills, The best family Cathar lie In the WORIJO, used twenty years by -• EIVBIHIXJONS oV rrasoNS; > ilwaj-6 give sallsfaitltm: contain nothmgityarioal natronnedVhy thePfMoT oal Poyalolans InthoTW- lOrfjelcgantly coated Willi sugar. Large Bozca 25 cents: S boxes U. Full airccttons with oaob $ox. Warranted suptftoetbalrt Pjllbefore the puhllov HEWlKKiSS^^^ PLAStEHS. eurotoBra hoars, r i t o and ^eaxicKs of the breast, side and baclc, andRheumille.conirjlatota In an er —- thori period of ttoo,. Spread on heautirul white •kln.lielrturesTirdKlitbowcai^Mnolnwiivenirecfl and each owe, w(W~.>M«is*u~s«a«u»is.i.i. »•- yHwIclr«cSlgari. _ „ _ „ _ acid by druggists and mcrclumls tnall parts or'-Uie' Cnlted Btatea^€aiiadas-and-8outh^Atnorlca. and mo^ In tbe Furniture Department . . Will be found Sofaa, BuxcaTJj,. Chain, Tablet, What- Hoti, Beady-Hade CofHiu, 4c. &c. In tbo matter of OF2d>CKt=:RY Will be fennd all necessary articles for nouso-keeplng ALSO, Itampt, Itrnterni, Glae« Ware, Stone Ware, 4c- -,,>A large assortment of Patent Preserve Jars on band and on tbo way. Please call at our store In Picrson'a Block, next door to the Printing Office, before purchasing. B. I*. pEJONG, f ' P. D. OORRIE. Potadam, Bay'90,1882. NTOTIOIE:. 1 am closing op my bnaincsa in Potsdam. and persons having unsettled accounts, will much oblige by settling the aamo immediately. 44 tf W. H. PIEBSOX. GROCERIES. DRIED PEACHES! AT OJtIM ONE BHUilNG PEE LB., AT BBOWN & CO.'S. lt^bs»,pf Ctood Sugar for One I>oll»r, AT BEOWN 6 CO.'S. HUMPHBBYS COLUMN. DRUG STORE 20 TONS OF NEW &00DS Received this week, and for sole Cheap at >lesale or Retail, by BROWN It. CO. WflS«L ^ "" St'on|j^tetftthreptnotstl^ >1tta\ . ' i j t a v g t C S l a s t c r s j i r * . bo obtained h y ^ h n g for them, h; " DR. TJ.IT. their full name; "TICKftCO. Albany, N. T. Sjld by all druggists In Potsdam and dealers In med*' oluefovervwhoro. 24 l v In Town and County Notice. TO T H B DYING P t D U C . Psixow Crmolxs: ' When they toll yon that NELSON McCUEN.ls dead, Just say. to that stranger that ho Is mistaken for On and After- April Ut, I shall shoo horses lu tho following mannor: ronoasn. 3 v. oaEoit. : « E 5 i " . — :. ' ?' ,„ Ono Horse, now shoes, 80 ots tl 00; fj|p|Bftfaot t|mt ot nvjr Sjtore on Markefl St., PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, L-EIVIONS, BANANAS, COCOA NUTS. CANDIES, SARDINES. FIGS, RAISINS, ALMONDS, ENGLISH WAIANUTS, FILBERTS, BRAZfL NUTS, SPAMSI OLIVES, FREKCH OLIVES, TMA, SUGAR/ M©UAS?ES, SALT, SMOKED HALIBDT, ' For Bale by M. H. BROWN & CO. MtiDBOn's Block, Market St, Potsdam, N. Y. . Important Proclamation. I n consideration of tlio many glorioni and a^lficant successes which havo recontly at- tended our arms in this memorable conflict with the enemies of onr country, restoring confidence to the people, and in view of the scarcity of the almighty dollar, I have deem- ed it advisable to issue this my proclama- tion, in Which I would enjoin apon the pub- lift the necessity of purchasing all articles of consumption at the place and npon the terms which will best conduce to their individual interests. I have also deemed it advisable for my own interests as well, to apprise them TooandSot, UK" H6J»SotShoes,... 8 " . * .'(OthexSmitJitng lu proportlo'n. • .Wo areiholind to ptrtJ '4o«Bthtf*nelllon.-'-'i ' ^ v •'" ,_/§) SoottYPotndam, April 1st, 1802. 38-lJ.f ©RINK Morgan, -Arnold & Oo.'s Partridg'e, may be as good a stock -of ivifions as are. on sale in ouldbo useloBS to name Oh' my sttteit ia compoBed. * |^JBjnbrac*es»well-se- iftoinsjiicBrbythe ounce r '0k<? tii«T)$^l. I do not propose, tas.etaose goods clieaper than my brs,||vt shall bold thorn at prices ac- cbraipg.to, thoir value, which I have tho van- ity io prosumo will prove beneficial to all p'fiohtfsera. \ " ^ O ' S o V Bign which I have recently caus- od to bo erootod, muat not bo considered in ajipjaranceaa a sample of any artiolos I keep. '^aMelf^B^ofls with great care, always '^^itif &a^lb#thajnMlketafford8; whereas with my taste, and will FOR SALE AND TO RENT. WINDOW LIGHTS! Glass that you can s?e Through S French Plate Glass of all Sizes! Drags and Medicines! Suspenders, Supporter^ &c. WINES & LIQUORS DYES AND DYE WOODS ! PATENT MEDICINES! Duponco's Golden Pills! Homoeopathic Medicines ! Boots and Herbs, Fitch's Female Supporter*, .J OILS, PAINTS AM) VARNISHES, Green and Black Teas, BIRD CAGES Y«ry Cheap, and of an entirely new style. At HUMPHREY'S. ,, Eeal Estate for Sale. TKS adbsSriber ofiera for sale at LOW P£U- ( 1 6 an&mi TEN YEAB8' CUEPIT, ifdesired, tue^ollowiag property in Potsdam Village: The large Stone MANSION HOUSE, On the Farm of D. L. CLAJIKSON, Esq,, with or without the grounds adjacent. Also, the following lots on Market Street: 1 adjoining E. Crary's, ttU rods. 1 " B. Batohelder, 0 x 14 rods. 1 " C. Cos's, 6 x 14 or 6 x 31 rods. 1 (with house) formerly contracted to Dr. Goodrioh, 6 x 18 rods. 2 North of the latter, each 0 x 14 or 0 % 31 rods. & " " do > each 5 x 14 or 6 jr. 81 rods. The above specified dimensions do not in- olado any portion of the Street These lots are very conveniently located, and are acces- sible by a good Sagged walk. Apply to ' H. M. STORY, Agent. Also, for sale, Borne very eligible Lots on -Pleasant Street. Nov. 0,1860. 27 6m Humphrey's Charm. A Certain Cure for Cojighs! rr NEVER FAHS 111 Humphrey's Charm cures all coughs,Colds, Ac., with ease amr certainty. It nerer/ailf when properly per- severed 13 and taken according to directions. This weH-knoim remedy is compounded according to striot pharmaeeatlcal science, and In accordance with tbe highest rules of therapentlcs. HimPBBErSCBABMC&BESI HUMPHBEY'SCHABM CUBES II HOWHREV'S CHABM CUBES 111 Try It and yoo will proire its efficacy, a HUMPHREY", sobs proprietor, Potsdam, N. V, Beware of base coun- terfeits 1 See roy name upon the lar>et, Horse Medicines. _ " l3 ** !I Swa*fcy«H- fcor alt Diseases of tke Hone. Hanjptirey»Congh ami Heave Powders for aQ dis- eases of4he tliro«t«nd langr. This remedy Is really a specific fn rases djfOrjDjr,b. Cold, or any other affection ofthesfrpaassges. IU cases of long standing they most be persevered in for some time, even although no apparent benefit ts derived from their use at first. corrorriOBr POWDERS. For parliyiog the Blood, especially in Spring and for the general improvement of the Horse. These Pow- ders give a good appearance and'glossy coat wben gtv- enregrilarly, anil are iinraluable*to dealers and horse BIi^CttESll»^OILS!! HmztphreyB only tree aildgraninB<M-Ki^Ii3h;Black OQa. for Blngboae. Spavin, WindgaU, old Hnrtsand Ernlse3^,Spriuns, Oinotm or bwJmations*fcc.Jtc Be- ware of imitations I The only true ard genuine Black Oils are made by CbomiHt and Fharmaceatlst. Potsdam, N. Y. GOKDOIf. ~T" W. K. GORDON HAS REC'D A LARGE SUPPLY OP CRObKERY I GOSSBTINO EJ PART OF FoQ Set* of the best WHITE WABE, BLUE EDGED PLATES, Common Tea Cups and Saucers, Common Chambers, CHEAP BOWLS; C51ie»p»JPit<3liers. ALSO GLASS CONES FOR KEROSENE LAMPS, •% Lamp Chimneys of all- Sizes, TUMBLERS AND GOBLETS, STONE CHUENBv Butter Jars, JUGS OF ALL SIZES. POIBDAU.JCNS 4,1862. - TO RENT! -*sa A One large &oom In t b e cellar of tlio stone store corner of Mortcetand Raymond Sts. Also, tbe 2d and 3d story of tho ihree-story build log on Raymond St.,known as the printing office building. Also, the Store formerly occupied by McGlynn as a tobacco iactory, on Main St. near llarkot. Possession of each gtvenj immediately. Also, tho House West of tho printing-offlco building on Raymond St., about four rods from Market St poa session given first of May. For terms apply at t h e office of Dart lc Tappaii. Dated Potsdam, April 14,1862. 38tf CHAS. 0. TAPPAX. Large Dairy Farm for Sale, AXD— A Small Dairy Farm for Sale or T o Xj©t. M R Z E N A S C L A B J E C oflerB for sale bis borne farm on which be resides, situated one mile East of Potsdam village, and containing over 800 acres. On it are one large, fine two story dwelling bouse, with suitable outbuildings, a good farm house, with Cheese house,Barns,&c. -iOcowe^fanniDgtoolsaniimachlnea, sugar woods and a never (ailing stream of water. The farm will bo sold with or without the personal proper- ty, and the whole or any part of tho purchase money may be paid down, or if satisfactorily secured, remain on interest as long as the purchaser, may desire. Also, for sale or to let. the Phineas Austin farm sit- uated about 2 mites East of Potsdam villngo, contain- ing 141 acres, and is well watered. 20 cows and some Qmniag tools and property may be had with the farm. Possession given immediately. Apply to S. B. GOBDOW. Potsdam, April 15,1862. Farm for Sale. A N UNIMPROVED FARM containing 100 acres, lying in tho town of Fine, St. Iiiwrence Co., being in a good neighborhood, on a good rood, near a good school good mills, good factories, Arc. It is wet! watered with brook and springs, being good land, well timbered jond a good chance for a new beginner. H e "above (arm will be sold cheap, (with good title.) A small part of the purchase money- will be required down, the remainder can remain under contract for a large number of years, payable in annual installments. For further particulars inquire of 8. B. GORDON, P o t s - dam, or of L. A. PHILIPS at Colton. June 10,1862. 46 tf For Sale. T IE STORE on Market Street, now occupied by Wat- kins & Lect. Also, pews Nos. 19, 21 and 65 in tbe Presbyterian House.of Worship in this village. Enquire of H. L. KNOWLES or C. \V. LEET, Executors of W. W. Goulding, deceased. Jane 0,18S2. ' 46 tf Valuable Timfc ROR SALE! I S ECTION No. 14, North half of Hollywood, 3t. Law- rence County, lying about 12 miles from Colton village, and consisting of 630 acr«s, to bo sold in one lot or In parcels. There is on this section a large amount of pine, spruce and oak timber, with consider- able cedar, and cherry; most of the land when cleared will be valuable for fanning purposes. Price $1,50 per acre". Enquire of A. X. i'ARKKR, 503w Potsdam, N. Y. FarmforSale. r IE old and valaahlo Farm at "West Potsdam. known S3 the F. W. SMITH Farm, 13 now ofTere.1 Tor sale on reasonable terms. Upon said farm aro good build toga and choice fruit trees or all Kinds. Sa!d.fann con tains ahont 70 acres of land, and Is well watered. Apply UtiMOS BLOOD, at West Potsdam, or S. D FOBBES, Clayton, JeHerson, Co. N. Y. 52w4« DRY GOODS, &c. [,&c. A. B. MOSES, Whokialo and Hotail Grocer. BUTLER'S DIVISION NEW SUPPLIES. Div. 357 Is now supplied with a fresh lot of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROC K EH V, GLASS WABE, GEESE PBATHEKS, Some things in tbe Hardware line, and other things too nmnerons to mention. Tho above wcro-bought for Cash and will bo sold for tho samo at LOW PBICES! NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES SUMMER DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS and SACKS OF THE LATEST PATTFJ1NS, AND A LARGE STOCK OP HOOP SKIRTS At very LOW PRICES just received at CARPENTER, SHAW & C0.'S. TV. O. SHAW W ILL continue the Ropatring of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, &&,, and will keep constantly on hand a large assortmcut of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, tine Silver Ware, and the best quality of American Silver Plated Ware. Tablo and Pocket Cutlery, Fishing Tackles, Specta- cles, Optical Glasses, &*., tc. ( Don'tJhrget the place. Port's New Block, One Poor North ofthe Amerlcao Hotel. ^ ^ E. W. aiRPIiNTER, I. E, SHAW, W. C. SHAW. Potsdam, Juno 4,1882. 3 7 l y MISCELLANEOUS. St. Lawrence Academy. fTlho fall term of 14 weeks wilt commence on Monday MEDICAL. 11th of August, under the following FACULTYi R W. PLUMB, D. D. t Principal, and" PfrsftsKor or the •s. 'rolessnr nf Mathematics and other unges. H.Pro Anclont I-ingun) MR. C. aCHl'KCH, English branches. MR. ALpEN G. FAYILT.K, PmCoHPor of Music, ( m s t n i - montal and vocal. MISS1IARY J. KNOW1.E3, Preceptress'. Competent teachers will be employed in French, Drawing and Painting. Mr. Church has, for several years pas| a (Wed with great acceptance, tho*ofljco of School Comml83lonor in tho second district or the com.ty„and wJHbe; ablo to afford special laclllttfes to those who aro wishing to prepare for teaching* It> is expected a teachers' class will bo fbrmod, and from ten to twonty gratuitous t«-* Itions given, for which amplication should, If practica- ble, bo made before tho beginning of tho tcrfti. Mr. Church will also take charge of tho boarding hOuso. wh_cro good board ami accommodations will be fumlshedht a reasonable rate, and whoro paronte may safely placo their children, with tho assurance thai, in reapQct to contforis, behavior and moral*, they will, at all trows, bo carefully watched over and enrod for as members of tho family. The institution has a good library of about 1#00 vols., accessible to the students, and also a vory ox* tensive chomlcal oc0 philosophical apparatus, with tho use of whioh a sorles of weekly lectures will bo glvon, lllustratWo of tho several subjects embraced in those slences. ''Tuition at the samo rates an heretofore charged. . 60 6w E. W. PLUMB. T HE FOLLOWING RKMK- DI153 am ottered to Hit* public as the bOBt, m o s t \tov feet, whlob modlt;al scieuri' can attbrd. AVKR'S CATIIAII no PiLLshavc boon prrtiJan"! with tho utmost skill which the mu'tUcal prolesslon of tlil.i age posrieBscd,aiidLbvireflcct eliows Uwy have virtup^ Wblcli riurpauB any comb Inn llim i»f muiliciiiu Uithertu known. Oilier prnpuruliont do more ur loua m>od bin tbts cures such itungenm:. Complaints, Kl) qillck itllti ri" Surely, as to prqvtj an flllfii oy and a power to uprm'i diseaso beyond any limn; which men havo known b< fbro. By roinnvlng the ob structions of tbo In if rim I jorgans and Klimulating tliem into healthy actioo, the. runovato the lbutitaititi of llfo and vigor—health courst"; anew ihruughTtho body, and tho sli-k man is well again. Thoy are adapted to disease, and diseaso only, for wheu takon by ono lo health they produco but little effect. This ts tho perfection of medicine. It fs an LigoDiBilc to dlseiise, and no moro. Tender children iy take them with Impunity. U they are sIt'll thej will cure them, If they ar*> well lln'y will.ii> ilivin harm. Give thorn to some patient who has been pn>*tr:ilt-.l With bilious complail)t: see his lieut-up, U tier tut; form straighten with strength again; see his long-lost a\>\»- return; see his clammy features blossom into tiealth. Uivo them to some sull'eror whose foul buxM bos Inirat out In scrofula till his skill ig^overed With ruiri-s who stands, or sits, or lies iu anguish. He but boun drcischcfl msidc and out with every potion which Ingenuity could suggest. Give him theso PILLS ana mark tho elfect. BCO tbe scabs fall from his body, SUM tho new, fair skiu that has grown under them; ace tin* late leper that is clean. Give them to him whose an gry humors have planted rheumatism in his jolntsana boues; meVffhim,'and bo Bcreeches with pain; ho Urn lias been soaked through overy muscle orhls body wllh linlmouts and salves; givo him these PJLLS. to purlfv bin blood: they may not cure him. for, alas! there are cases which no mortal power can reach; but m a r k . In- walka with crutches uow, and uow ho walks alone; they have cured blm. Give them to the lean, sour, haggard dyspeptic, whoso gnawing stomach has lon^ ago eaten ovory smile from hH face and every muwli- from his body. See his appetite return, and with n his health; see tho new man. See her that was rndlent with health and loveliness blasted and too early wilh erlnakaway; want of exerciso, or mental anguish, or some lurking disease, has doranged tho Internal organ-; of digestion, assimilation er secretion, till they d<< Ikeir office ill. Her blood is vitiated, her health U~ • gone. Give her these Pnxs lo stimulaw the vital pni. clple into renewed vfgor, to cast out tlie obstruction-, and infuse a new vitality into the blood. Now.look again—the roses blossom on her cheek, and when- lately sorrow sat joy bursts from every feature. So.- tho sweet infant wasted with worms. Its wan. sickh features tell you without disguise, and painfully dir- . ttnet, that they ore eating its life away, its pinched up nose and ears, and restless slceplngs, tell thodreml ful truth in' languago that every mother knows. (j\\ •* It the PILLS in largo doses to sweep those- vilo parasitic from the body. Now turn again and s'eo t h e ruddt bloom of cMJdhood. Is It nothing to do theso things ' Nay, ore they not tho marvel of this age? And y i they aro done arouud you every day. Have you tho less serious symptoms of these diatom pers, they are the easier cured. Jaundice, Costive ness, Headache, Sjdeache. Heartburn, Foul Stomach, Nausea, Pain In the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of app.- tite, King'B Evil, Neuralgia, Gout, and kindred com plaints all arise from the derangements which thes.* PILLS rapidly cure. Take- them perservlngly, and uu dor the counsel of a good Physician Ifyou can; ifnoi, take tljem judiciously by such advlso as we give you, and tl)e distressing, dangerous diseases they cure, which afflict so many millions of the human race, ar>> cast out like the devils of old—they must burrow m the brutes and In the sea. Price 26 cents per box—."• boxes for SI. Through a trial of many years and through every nntljn of civilized men, Avsn's CHERRY PECTORAL ha-t beeu-found to afford more relief and to cure more rases of pulmonary disease than any other remedy known to mamciml. Cases of apparently settled Consumption have been cured by it, and thousands ofsuflerors wh» were deemed beyond tho reach ofbuman aid have been restored to their friends and usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyment of life, by this all-powerful ontidm.- to diseases (if iho lungs ami throaty Ilere a cold ha.I settled on the lungs The dry, hacking cough, tb-» glassy eye, and the pale, thin features of him who wn.i lately lusty and strong, whisper to all but him Co.\ scwnoN He tries every thing, but tlu? disease l-t gnawing at his vitals, and shows its fatal symptom** more and more overall his frame. He is taking the CHEKRV PECTORAL now; it has stopped his «pugh an.l made his breathing easy; his sleep is sound at night. his appetite returns, and with it his .strength Tl.- dart which pierced his side Is broken. Scarcely am neighborhood can be fpuud which lias net sonie linnx trophy like-this to shadow forth the virtues whit b have won for the CHERRY Psr-roaAL an iniperfshnii! renown. But its usefulness docs not end here. Saj, It accomplishes moreSby privations than cure. T!i.« countless colds an£ coughs which It cures are the seed which would have ripened into a dreadful harvest ot iacuraBle diseases, lnftuenza, Croup, BronchitL*<, Hoarseness, Pleurisy. Whooping Cough and all Irnm uons of the throat and lungs are easily cured by th» CHERRY PECTORAL ii taken in season. E\-ery fainili" Bbonld h a v e it by them, and they will find it an Inval uablo protection from the insidious prowler which ohi ries off the parent sheep from a Hock, the darling lamb from many a home. Authenticated evidence of these facts, with du>'„ tions for the treatment of eat h complaint, may befouii I in Ayer'3 American Almanac, of which we publi=ii three millions, and scatter them broadcast over th« earth, in order that the sick everywhere may ha\.* before them the>_ Information it contains. Druggist-. and dealers m medicine generally havo them for di-. tribution gratis, and aleo for sale theso remedies, pre- pared by DH. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analyticnl Chemist, Lowell, Muss. Sold by all the Druggists m Pots,dam, and all Dealer-. ,n Medicine everywhere. '20 ly FRIENDS & RELATIVES. Brave Soldiers and Sailors 1! m Call ill and I,uy year go«tlran'<ri*y G)r them vbere — •--- --m,^ . »»> - i -•+•- •-— tocrTiihihellreoatofyon. Tr>l ,._, y«qi» r ™ -,- lh«r« Hi no banterlnj; l i d at th'd end oftho year ihoro Vrlll be no larje store debts" Springfield Fire and Marine SPMNGFIBLU MASSAflHtfSETm Capitol .... ^.f.... .-,.,.-.• i.8200,000. '•' AsaetB .»1Z,086^3. North American. Insurance Company , , _ 6 f IliirtfonljOortoeHonl. ouhtoofW.'.,.:,...,.; $8«o,6oo.- AotnO^»e¥eBhltai WOdJWO, ^llotca Ismied ithtl losses adjusted* by GKO.-C. CIin»MAN, HOLLOWM'S PILLS AND OINTMENT!] -< A Lis who have Friends and Relatives in the Armi or Navy, should take espccicl care, that they be? amply supplied with tkese Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected t< provide themselves with them, no better present am bo sent .hem by thoir friends. They have proved t< bo tho Soldier's nevor-taiting-friend in tho hour of need Coughs and Colds affecting Troops, Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by u= ing these admirable medicines, and by paying propci attention to the Directions which are attaphed to encl\ Pot or Box. Sick Headache and Want of Appetite Incidental to Soldiers. Those feelings wh(ph so sadden us, usually artBe fn-m trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or ent ing and drinking whatever is unwholesomo, thus dis- turbing tbo healthful action of tho liver and stomach, Theso organs must be releavcd, ifyoudesiroto be well. The Pills, taken according to tbo printed instruction--, will quickly produce a healthy actfonria both liver and stomach, and as a natural consequence" a clear bead nn<i good appetite. - * ^ -' ' * Weakness and Debility Induced by Over Fatigue, Will soon Disappear by tho use' of these iu valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additionn strength. Never let the Bowels bo confined or uaduh acted upon. It may seem strange that Hollo way \i Pills should be rcccommended for Dysentorj' and J'ms, many persons supposing that thoy would Increase th>- relaxation. This Is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus remove, all tlio acrid humors from tho system. Tills medicine will glvo tone and vigor to the whole organic system how ever deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter of course. Nothing will stop tho relation ofth.j Bowels so sure as this famous medicine. f Volunteers Attention! Indescretion ol Yonth. Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings, can wiili cetainty bo radically cured If the Pills aro taken night and morning, and tho Ointment bo freely used as stai ed in the printed netructions. If treated in any othei manner they dry up In one part to break o u t In anoth er, whereas this Ointment will remove tljo hnmoi i ftom tho system and leave the putlent a, vlgcrous ana hoalthy man. It will require a litlle perseverance Hi bad cases to infiurc a lasting cure. For Wounds either occasioned by Uu* Bayonet, Saber or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises, , To wlilch.cvorv Soldlor and Sailor Is liable, there an. no mndjeines so safe, sure and convonlent ok Hollow ay's Pills and Ointment. Tho poor wounded and al most dying suScror might havo his wounds dressed Immediately, If ho would only provldo himself, wllh thiB matchless Ointment which should be thrust lul.i- tho wound and smeared all round it, then covered with a piece of linen from his Knapsack and compressed 1th a handkerchief. Taking night and morning Qoi Pills, to cool tho system and prevent inOnmraatTon. Evory Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should* be provided with these valuable Remedies. CA UTION'. —None arc genuine unless the words, 'HOLLOWAY, NEW YORK AND Loxbox," aro discernible as a Water-mqrk la ovory leaf oftho book of direction' around each pot or box, the samo maybe plainly seen by holding tbo leaf to the light. A nandsomo reward will be given to any one rendering such information o=* may lead to tlie*dettctionofany party or partiescouu terfoftlng tho medicines or vending tho samo, knowing "-im to bo spurious. *.*Sold at tho mariuiuctorv of Professor Holloway ) Maiden Lahb", Now York, and by all respectable Druggists-and Doalors in Medlctno, throughout tho clv- lllzod world, in hosos at 20 cdnts, 62 cents and $1 each flfff-Tlioro IB couB.dcYablo saving by taking the larger •zes.v N. B.—D.i^ct(ons (br tho guidanco of patiouta In ey iry case at$ fluTxed Weaoli box. 2§ ly oh w m T)/ Tv

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Page 1: ;rlr Drags and Medicines!nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1862-07-30/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · -.JS" •^^S^^^'^mym^^ watwy^f^yiS^j! com»nflg$j l'urs«i| W!tti»ttc6;i|ii s8iii«Wif!i»l


•^^S^^^'^mym^^ watwy^f^yiS^j!

com»nflg$j l 'u rs« i | W!tti»ttc6;i|iis8iii«Wif!i»l DWfjct

CoramitmlftillS i'i'«t.ifojtii.i'ot»>

,lara, yoste^Wi? *«>^*fl*' tttj^HMlijf tiio-ioath ftegtaMi-traWc^ft SIMPS! to proinoS ^#n^ ' f« '1 t l fc«ffB|#SPsf wiis ei ijttlt oijon OBiio pf. tfee s^m! |^M|ka „lso of ^Uorl)W.ml«t)n1i^iU«imi#'tp infl Franklin county, ffiostof wfibi^SSifc«Wfc assorablGa Iroto jwitrfotio motiv^qi'len<l their iflfltftlhcltofdoyiw.nieMla HrhDroby. moncoflW bo,Biise.ailj(jwi wl, JHIMI compe-tontly officer:$&<,. •• * '•

Tko flret bwlnosj before i% cpmmlttoo won—who atoll ComuiBti.a tlio wglinontt Tlio tooiubofa from Ogdembnqjh onJuilS. F. Jndd for Colonel, or rattiw kborod to put off.,tte.(iUOtt lpi^..w^ft%f *r*on this point, Imi th^.#^|j''tir^|jf.;fBBt '&$ thoso trc-jnjio. " i i ^ p ^ p f ffi6.,&r#jr»". and olio ftp Eranlillii :cp!iti^r, tlinttomo Immoaiato notion W'ai itt(jvjt»ule.: ' l i e d l* ctission UionbocmndenrnMl. Thercflttltwaa tlu) ptwsago of a resolution dwlgnatiog.'ClSTit. N, M. jCJarfeqf t |lfl|»X8t<ii;'CJo'.i,Jn>iflii> 16th Bgglmorit;Bii eiiittfifo mjftr to'*#>-mnnd as Odlonoljtjiatlio ba detiwhed (h>»ij tliitt rogimojaji;B^

'J'bopthorbuBlnoaJot ftocommitteowM soonaiBpoBodof/iYhonitailjottniedwitUUitJ large croMfQ.tW.Vwtty Of 'i$» cilflR*. vrlicro town commlttocs wore toeommended to bo api)olnt«il to set in conjnnction with too Senatorial OoinmltteerWd wnwaH^ cruiting.olIiceK) wore dcsigMtod, tmo'flg !ftom^re,J^6'vAw4'^JtS>oJid«in)I(.4-Norris, at Qoiwnj Amf»'Mxksff$, ot w « i Stooktiolm, and 6tWr»: TTieminatat oftho committee mooting were Botre«d, although called for, but the rosnlt of iU «ctl6n was a6tforthinafew rwintefl«>&.vigorous re­marks ftora Hon. -WvAi Wheeler, Tho meoting thun adjournedeabject to tlie call of tlio chairman. ' -

Tho result, wo are CO'rteiti, la entirely «*t-isfactoiy to at loast two-tbirds of this coon* ty, and ail of our noighboB \a FraDklin. KecrnitiDg wJPl«ow-go'bajH8B(y, K»eiy patriot will fool it a pieaBuro to aid lo r»i»-ing men'for s6 gotot,.bravo tod competeat a commander as.wo are. iaformod C»pt. Cur­tis most certainly. i*v TChere^;wili of COOTM be no difficdltyin.mfiibg'wnipnient) but lot ua-oil toko hold and see how 5»(ci'y and wcS4t can bo done. >'. R e c r u i t i n g

For tne 106th regiment in Oswegatchie and snrronriding towns is going on" finely, tho number enrolled having already reachod be­tween five'and BIS nnhdred men. The peo­ple in that port of tne connty deserve great-credit for the Energy theyexhibiit fit respond­ing to the •President's CHtll. Franklin, too, responds nobly.. Nearly fifty war meeting* havealreardybeenheld.andothersare ap­pointed. In'ibis respect it is well to emu­late their, examplo, and labor "with a zeal which will insure success.

The Advance' learns that the house of' Hon. W. A. "Wheeler and the house of Mr. Skinner, of Jfalone, were broken into Sunday night last, and every thing in the shape'' of

jgy ver ware, watches, &c., taken. The ted, but ho sufficient proof has

Reports from Sarr ise^ | [^pi^0y^fl i | i Gen. Halleck has ordered' "Bgwef'i*/.: rear, muskets to the front." Wo shall bo rejoiced if the spade and- shovel campaign has come to an end. So far it hasn't paid remarkably well. *

Martin Van Baren's funeral took place At Kinderhook, in this State, on. Monday last.' An honored statesman anil upright man has, gone to his rest.-

' ''''-'•''.' ?••**—'-. . '

* N e w s a n d O t h e r I t e m s .

ThejNeW; S t a m p L a w .

WASHIXOTON, 25. , Mr, Bonoholl.oftho committee on intor-nal rovonuo, with tho approval of the Seore-W'.'Of"tho Treasury, In order that the

b'«trof Congress of Jdly7tdmny bo carried Into offoct mora epoodlly, to-day flnbmlttcd <tbo followlDg propofltlons for too cotisldeia-^ottofthoPostltoter Oonerol, who has •conildored and adopted thorn: ' ,

Iftf lljfttiho Post Office JDepartmont furnlnhtheTroasury Oopirtment with such iiOfltoftestatnps as way be needed for enrronoy, that Departniont payuig the Poet Ofllco DoMrtmeot the cost thereof.

2d. That tho arrangemont shall ceoso at tho option of cither Department or when the Treasury Department Is prepared to Uiuo Its own stamps'a* currcnoy.-. 3d. - That tlfp stamps bo so prepared thstthoy may be easily distinguished from tho ordinary post office stamps, ' 4th. Tiaf ttanjpt bo" redeoniea by the!

ry Department oa contemplated by; Eof Jniy-lth.

. &f& Said stamps to bo received by the p6f t offlco for postage, and exchangeable forlatt^af ^f p^ltoary postatte stomns. ;-Thlwillbo iifflWmio effect. >ropo-SalswittborocdivodOllthoCtti of August •for finishing stoops, for internal rovonao, and after the 30th of Jniy designs of sbamps may bo seen at the Department of tho Itt-

Gon. MoClelian s a y » ^ ^ i i <

war that whst ho doessai npon as prophesy. Thd csmeonboardasteamer^^f, , the condition of rel(tood|»ri»oaers,- *her,i!ii oneoftben.-obMrted- tbMiCwif'"^"'-' ' gjtwallj and come ,back«f t f | d mond; to which Gen. McdeUtn responds -^i!ben yoo wfll havo to\1$mMijr wto)


Dentistry! J I E i ^ ^ B JL/Jnsi received A lugo oowniippty of QTfWtKiUEAtmFUl. AJIJIFWIAJ. iffiim, ^** i IXx irb l i !U loiortod on the llari BuUxr

BOM slvft «Dcb untvenol tMgtasslim. Or, N, win put up nliolo, or partlAl BCU of iboia

m a mpcrittr »l)rli), U prtca 1mocr than axr, (darlug tlio Sniuiutul IrualilflS anialag from tho BabelllonO Tlimw WUUIIOK D(mtljlfJ"ol any kind srIU plauu glva m m ^jcatl. AH Work w u r a o t a l .

OFWOK on MAUKET STBS*T, OPPOSITE P . 0. Pouidain, July 2 3 , 1 8 & - 20 ]y

. - ^ . ^

Spring and Summer Goods. r». P E C K

"YTTOULD announce to tho Indira of Potad im r Uut TT ho Italian tctunusa from Now York wl thaUrgo

and apltJDdtd Miortmont o M l I i l l f i i e i r y awMB,ot the latent myle and m « t dcslrabro qunluy, connfrtipg of ovory artfoio to bf fouod in amimneryBtx>xp. fkttse call and examine

Potsdam, April, 29,1302. 3M?

H o l l o w a y »• PIUa.^-Ttio "Uoalcd torm" IB frcqqootly prmlactlvo of tmpjeasnat ctraaequenc** to many peruana. t>vSfmtcry,DinioijsBC»,Afiiait«of tho Rtomaou, afck tttaidacho anil debility, o n often the Bcourgca ut tho Bonimflf. They aro ipeMlly snbdaod by a«hort course of IUOM cathartic medicine*. Bold evfirywhcri*.

SPECIAL N ^ S . ; ; I ^ ^ P

O. M. WholwiilK and KuUill Btater Iri

*^B8J»SBtf»«WHM^ WMaliMJl,

ialllJiMliio, E ,.« KDrarPlremcji'i



POTSDAM, N. Y.* mm' '

tr»o>: H i goods wor*not only tmij« fir toil, bat auApftlddoffo for tbSrh, getting Urge dlscoanu tn-itwfat psylng Onarwt on auk bUl», uoreby rambling bin to defy oMnpollMon—will bo undersold by no one. flood! jntrrWtea to Slvo porfoot MtWteUop or moner rctuildcd. HirJlclim MnpUal vltb Uedlelncs at mull Idfiiccfrom Now VOTt cart. ..Merchants In Uiu ri clnity'wlidllosWroplcnlib' tbolr Btodc In bis Hue of goodt «011 do well to giro blm a call and exaraloeqaal-f»y. and prtca bclbro porohasJjig,

Among-ttie many artlclea to bo Coond ID tils nlore, plouo note tho following, viz:

,'PAINTS,'" D r y *BtI Groaaad In O H .

Brooklyn White Load, Hamilton " Gaigwafr " KBW York City" Ontario " Grenada " ' Flotextco White. American and Chinese VcrmUUnn,

White Zinc, Yellow Ochre, Eng. Venetian Red Chrome Yellow, Chrome &Pnrls Or PrnsBlan Btoo, Coach DropBUuck. Dt. aad Haw %*>

D A M U A W U H S E E B O n , .

Tuunra' o i l , Neafa-FoolOll,

Ol lvoOn. Keroseae OS, Sroira Japan.

Ocacb Varnlsb. StmntoreVarDish Domar Varnudt.

All .civilians; newspaper included, hr^el^ncipellei of Gen. McOlellan's army.

conespendants I from flte lines

It is estimated thai frohl 15,000to_20,-000 balea of cottony of "good etiaplo.wiU be sent to market from Dlinbl%_ the present year. ' T ""-": ';

It is reported, fromjevomLgonrces,-that on the arrival of Gen. ffallooltat the head-qnartera at Harrison's landing, the Army of the Potomac was ordered .-to lay aside theirpickaxe3andBhovels,all farther digging beingrsjaipehdecl. .

Benuregord is enjoying a Dt of sickness, with bis family, at TBladon Sringi, Ala. Richmond papers say that wben he retorna the country of. Seccssia'will feel renewed confidence in its fortniies.

on's) te-i , V epi

isubitance being—ty the Union forces had not fought --> well the Eobels wo'nld hive had a great victory. .„ Vhicbis, vory likely..

The camiidUesbMl kinds iri1

tho Western Department (lato Halle^k's) Bin'ce it wont iMWo field, ar»,statedat 63,' 600, of which 40,000 are chsi^ea to death and absence from sicltness; and 18,000 to variona tytffii&ffilm^^ \ . .

Gen: Po|ohaa ioke^^tf oWcrpnttink a peremptory stOp'to. tho_ bustaosa ofguarding private property, l^yil or Rebel. Ho ad-voncea the refreshing-bit of common sense that soldiers are omployod'to fight tho ene­my and hot to protect, their henroosts.

Richmond papors of the 2Haro wJo!cin* over the arrangoment for tha oxchaoge of prisoners as an Bcknowle^entof,the qua-| n a t f o n a h V # t K ^ » l * a S e l ^ i i i & M States Govemnehb-4|nWla|r tha | ' .A ore by it raised to the wnmtMWpUige?-onts, which.is.bnt:eno»removo'frwv«*l<fid«.

tliat Stonewall Jackson Is at or near Gor-dohSArllld, with'i.?orca;0f 3j,00f>'ffi6n(rnM his intontlonis to broak'onr.po«-ond make

. adasb."dVt,Vaffinit6ni ^i*tofforceMri Olelhtn to Icaxetho porunsqla. Gon. Ewell eomniandste'o'fTOlrWn*^

The B o h b l ' f p p ^ t ' f i W y i l of Sefe> Pinoaialuatissaodi-Itclsimithofcspture.

and:fQnrrerimontalcoldrai«nUi.:andcamp eiolpage. iihoy- o4. int! i«l#;#*bmj.# JuOrbftt &ad, 6a a ctttoptovthStihpXWon loss oxceodod tO.OQO. ' • . / . ' "^_

•t'W.reMttsi 06i><lu"topo iro that the

, „ . , . „ . „ . . . . vJ i t geott beh*. vlof to ns^Ifciji'lin ntnaHDg fact that wo,

•w)iilo.ongnpiin|w%ore?foOdiog not only onrdMMtftlpMtBWMWi • -,

Spirits Turpentine, Burning Fluid,

and CaAphene.

Palnl* Vamish, and Whito-Wasb Brushes.

X full and cotnpleto Assortment of

Drugs-and Medicine?, TogeUiw sritb all tbo'pbpnlar Pafcnf Hedicina now In fenoralnso. '

VHndow and Picture Glass, All suns . Q b w Cut to order.

DYE-STUFFS. t a p e a l svarlety, soch a s Logwood, Redwood, Cam­wood, Fnalle, i!adilorV«addor,auo Vitriol, Copporsui,

'Hum, Indigo, t o . t o . Coloring receipts grails.

GROCERIES Brown, Crush', and Pnlver iod Sugars, Green and

Black T e n , Saleratoi, Btarcb, Pepper, Sptee, Olnger^ Ntttmsxa, Ouala,atace,Ctov«8,Curranta, Citron, Oocoa, Chocolate, t o .

WINES &LIQUOKS. t t j t . and raudolleraled far Bedlctoal purposes,

Kerog«n^d» iruldiampil,Wletll ,CllInaioys, Globes andSUades, Fino Cut andlSmoklng Tobacco, Bndlf and Segara.

Paxfnmery a n d Fancy Goods-. Toilet aoapa, Wdcia, Pomadra. Hair Oil, Holf,

,tdolb,.N»UrSl(*!i, Hat and aaving Brushes, and a Iniilvarletyor • . ?

Bird Cages. lers .Truacs. Shoatcorbraces, India Knbbcr

Olssa W l H t a l l o Syrineos, Blacklns, Shoo tad Scrub-blng.DrustiM, Bird Seed, JlA-rorlng Extracu , cloUtes Pins, a n d l o l s o r arliolti wblen time nor apace will let me enamerate. Remember the Goods aro nought and will bo nold. ftoV's Brsio Stew, West side. Itar-totSL,Potsdam,*!. Y. , la tho nlaco to buy Cheap,. 'Cheap. OaUandscoforyonrsoJrcs. -

C. M. PECK. Juno.lSSJ. « J y

__— ,«>.^—' ' I V C««B«»»ptI»e»^-Tho AdverUlor, hsvlng

MsnrestqrWtohBllhlo a few week* by a very •lupl««aH4y,»niTtia»tni nSored several years -wiUia-MTaiahif^-^aol'lMJ.aod that dread dlieue, 'CoiiiniiWoi-SiaaMioua tomatli knoirn to his follow tnBsrers the raaaniof enre.

toall stho dtslrt It, b . will stnd a copy of the ^rt^lS»!o«S|«|ai (ike of charge,) with tho dlrec tiensrarprtbtitniandnalng the aamo, which they 'wilt Sod a Bare Core for Ooninmption, Asthma, J U % C S H I I , * & *ieoni»ohJMtof the advotuser to •alaTltBi'ln«*AierIpU«it, to. honoflt tho affllctod, •OdMlreaJ tnlbrmitlon which ho conceives to bo ln-;i>iS|i6^-|l i itie hope* oYery luIToreif win try his -r$W*i&»iUw|lt«iit them nothing, and may prove :*M«(ilng, ->\ -, •• V ,, t

Parties wlrt lng thdjiresorlpHon wi l l please address • H S V . HnWARD A . WILSON, •

« S m '"Brnllaiib'tttJh, Kings C o n n l ^ . J f . ^ • i f •"." Tf^lr.-—'— '

•&s fo ,^^ iy&. .^B 4 D'tSsr. perform ofttilon In it

„,ww.»4MlsfticUoa,-^ ... „ Sopl»M«tm>»iiilfM(diiJ"a»«B«Mtle*»)*-

wlltdo%eivto,ctiuad«amw,ep.eimtnr. Being,;

* w S l j , f f r M ' » w a t t " ^ ' » H P B P ' ' « ? . ^

. „.tlr«Topsrttl6ns wsHsnt«dWh»tt«onlMd. jtlfla 1st tMta.lM8rt«4many. Wnit or p t e l a l thj

IMlffiiiiteBiUery, Xtlsuld totakotUonv.Wit "™fi",0>¥«i)iiiltrylt. , ' . _

lej^SiRieast.end ofithe hr ldn>,.Mt» Urn- A. H

- ^ j a j J . r i H ^ ' V ' f e i ' — — r ~ ~

ho obtalnod,ottho Sloward. lu tho Obllogii •min thp,vlllflgo,>r »a,as per week, toclod;

Vng'wiianlps Thoeo who,'ohooso can obtain rooiusand

. Board c

pipr. board thoiMsetvesjtt a choanor roto.

r. ,. *, . L»,iLBtOKB3, Socrelary. CrmRli, K..y»,.'jtnly «8th,.18|!l, 62 ow

Planing WWIlmberM; PAJVD Ml>AH»,'-N»*8li*IhT, W» * .

AQOQB Assomiiiiartor 4 wfjft or tarniofnir^ building purposes for sale, planed o r unploncd, f-;

dt wholosnlo or retail. - I SXLZff S R E D D '

fiBil^mbOT for flnlshlng Insldo norkt«onatontly oa


IrJpAS .returned fromvJJow ??*$§

plonod and.

fflrSa.WtttinW, all of Vblott. will bo sold dnWp«Ssh'(ii! ojBWVod crodll.

t?laitt>>ir lrla,tcrill«> m& S a w i n g done

_ _ _ and would respectfully call lift*-MtentloJi of the Ladies to her exten-»1»0 aasortment or Hllllncry.

^ Sttowlemobbtlrtod'a now oud -^ajai»16 bfocosa for Cleansing and

• " fresj»jftitows, Hrifc.Wi ^bftSlfesiKithal.a'ho jfts employod a

coro(»tentr«^.Hiucdr,»nillii3'rocolvojI from Mnm' Demorcst ,.th,*liftst(ityp,fo>; LaatesJ, Children's and Mlaies' preaacst'anll IS now prepared to'do Dress-Malt. TngTiTSlI ItSKrahOhos. Siamplngjof EmbroideryIrom new and elegant'patterns.

Rooms ta$tuuBOn>a Store, formerly twcupini iiy Frank, Potsdam, lft T.

B amTuiA tuporlor mnnnor. * ", <#o,B.SWASt,Prop'r.




,!iojcijjff>!jjjr TIIB rtBtn

, ' . . . BOSjiisiV'B.

' BWV A P A i n

Of Beautifal Balmoral Boots From a alee amtortmpot for IMltv, CJeutU'men aijd ChUdreD.at BONmiVS.


iisra&co., ;rlr j|t»4 ;purclrasM Hie ™«re Pt.mli ut

'^ t t t iure and Crockery UU-ly belKlgliig lo W. H. P1ER80X, au.1 wing coa .idutly making

, Additions Thereto , Int il • the altfiilinii (»f,lli.lr fnemt* ami tlif |>uliHc

| KfiirrttUy t<» the Bftme. Tliey iiacj! ou tiaiitl a

C h o i c e S e l e c t i o n o f

G R O C E R I E S aOri vuriim* ittlttrr atttali-a nrc&tstuy Uit family twe, wlitcb Uti'-y will «t*ll Very clicfl'i fur cauh.

Something to Protect their Feet, BONNEV'S.

B U Y A S U I T O F C l O T I I I N G

"•""• " BTora Hatt to Boot s

TJiat are" fashionable, Andnl aottslactlon, at

PLACE TO BUY iMiythtag In tbo line of

B»U, I*& Boots t Shofs, Ctofo-v "itff.aiii Fnrnteulng Goods, k -

» ' | $ . - « j ; " ) . nfiM BONNI«r>S.





A. M. SMITH fjffe»ll:tne attention of the public u, bis Iresb

*V^ «enfffMamKV< i , ro j : ,u u w u ^ wurcu m uunv cxtwstw.a^ wWplete than osnal. Among which may

'Vaa^'iSMraneew. atJ^St&s' « t X K T W t e T o f dejaasrtJsoldV. or

t t S . CIUBT.

auch as may bo ibtlMea to amy or allUa «*ore w M * . weU lo can at tlietr office to Potsdam, N. v . or adntessf them by letter.

Potsuam. July 30, 1862.

NOTICE:. WHEBKA.4, my wife Oar lndy Crosaman. has left

my t**l and board without cause or pStrfO-catlon, 1 lujrwby give notice forbidding any person har­boring or Irnst lug the aald Ctarloda, in a n y maimer on m y account, as I i,haU not pay any debts or claims of h e r cne t rar t ine .

ABSEB CBOSMAK. July 2SU>, 1S02. I 3w

s£Cadoo,<jsa«WJ«ra»S() |» iSc ts . , a i lde i t ra80 r l s . tifH. f icodSat lnetOl .eJ t ra cheap, 30 els. u. CO off

Sheriff's Proclamation. }« 9TATK OF KKW YOBK,

Cmmiy of St. lawuatce.

THE un4e?T9igned, Sheriff of aaid Cotmty, to cooCor-mily U> a preempt to hjtn fai thia bcrbalrt dtreetetf

»nd delivered, by th i s , ht» proctunatiK), r e q n i n * all persons, boond to «pp*»r a t a Owmty Ctoort and Obarl of BesRtnus to bo he ld a t tbo Cour t Ratrse, in Guitoo, lu wi4 for tutd Oacnty .oo UJO 26U» Jay or AnjVJtiext, a t 10 o'clock in tha C>mMion,by « c a g n t -

0^p^^y^,^Mppe*x t . w r t a , a m i t h e antler-

}&9^m^imMi^^mWm any recognl-WmWWstiSwmm '&-'&$ pmmc*& the »aw^ Orort.of w l w l i a r r l a t w a a y Ir^hUlCOaKaearAinioa-tkra.orUwriDainiaatkrQor any rx^i tM,« W t n ^ , (^ retort* such recognizance, to^atettloo as*! exKrnlaatidn to the m\d Court, at tbe oi*eaing tlM*eof, o o tbo first day of t u sitting. . _ .

SlgOTii a l the SborUT'l Office, on t h « SSrd day of J u l y , 1M2.

i ui umesTo OIAUEEBUK, &&&.

Index to Home Admtlseaftciis. for the convenience of <mr readers wbo m a y wish to

refer to tbe loom! advertisement* tppur ing in tliU p»-per ,we giro tbo (ollowiog Index. j n » advertttera represent most of tbe business men In this place.

ATTOBSEYa J3*Tt & lapoan. A. X. Parker, K. ft H. Orary, W. H. Wallace S. E Gordon.


R I). Bobcrte,

BOOTS H SROf&. J. & Iiird, G. W. Bonney,

BILUUSm. Wm. Steruns.

BOOKS & STATIOXKBY. Soclcy ft Brown.


CROCRKRY. Dinning & Co., \f, K. Gordon,.

CLOTHIXO. A. U. Smith.

UKNTisntv. w . w. Beat, J. a Nichols, 0 . W. Melotte.

DOOItS, SASH & miKW. ( k o . B. Stran,

SBVBGtSm. a-«. vo&t

"tJahar tHi iueher , a. ltamphrfly.

DRY GOOES. Union Store, CSMTwnter, Sbaw & O. A. U. Smith,

OROCERIER. ' I>. Turner, U. n. Brown & Co.


Brown ft Cb. W. Umere k Gb. A. a Hoses, ^ . K-Gordoo.

BAEOWARE. Walkins t L e e t , K WUslnson. ,

t Oarlldt ft Vtnpnson-

HOTKLS, American, J. H . Woolley, S L UwreocQ, B. B. Uoti,


1 BABNESS SHOP?. ' James Lemon.

; INSUUAAtt^L 1 W. L. Knowles,

H. N. Redway, Geo. C. Cblpman.

JEVSHELRV. . B.F.Welch, : W. a Shaw.

1 UVEEV. Geo. B.Swan, John l i eu , Etavis & Chapman.

'UACHDnsrr. H. Goulding.

1HLLIKEBY. Mrs. A. H. Wextcotl. P. Peclc,

PUVtildANH. C C. Bates,



BEAL ESTATE. D. L. Cllrfcsop, a 0 . IHppan, a B. Gordon. Rnowtes ft Loet.

' TAILORING. E.Snenard, A. U. Smith.


%i CAS&IMERES, stylo for Rent's business suits

M i l t M T X T U R E 9 , rawerta't gr«*» i«i» nomeroos colors.

Beady-Made Clothing. In addition t o my ordinary stock I am prepared to at-" fisr **City Made" Garments which wilt bo sold at prices. tOwdelY competition.

l a tlie Custom Department I have Increased tUciillica for^.Eoafctes nice garmenta , each a* improved nty te of cutting, Jo^raeymaa tai lora, nice i i u c h i n g mjtcbaw, Jtc. It h m y ' t»mwse sa to

o r e th i s PAiTOCOLAR BRASCH, that ft W I U . BE « D TC>- KONE to IbiB County.

Summer Goods m laree var ie ty for Men and Boy's wear , from 15 lo 50 eta.

I » t l a e t u r t l e s D e p a v r t m e n t ^

Ftease not ice , Braehal-ong Snawbi, $ortr> $12.00 for $8,00 to 910,00. and o ther gbawis in proportion

O o o d P r m t a 10 t o i l e t s . , extra 12!i- IMains apd OiaJllM 14 t o 18 aod 22. Bebages, Uobalr 15 lo25-Wbite Goods , m c h a s Cambria?, J i c m w i u , U n ? a , L*ceaT l A w n a , Knalina Jcrx.

Ho ie ry , Gloves, Emdkercbic ls , "Rible-^prpasla. Ttr». e l l n j , B rown and Bleached Fide Cotton, 10 l , u> li^t e x t a , 1 5 e t a .

The « U i e of tbe eonntry reqoirea nboM f r ed i l s , p rompt pay and Creqocnt settiemeata. The interest of

' t h o p i r r ; base r , a s v e i l a s that of t b e txHer demands thefllwerraitceof this rote.

• G H O C E B I E S .

Black TeaB,. tji to To els. Grtwa Ttaa, nl-rc, $1-1015' HCSSV .$£lctp very faarai

^ ^ A.M.ianTH^.


St. Lawrence University. fflK PALL TERM COJIMBKCES OK

W E D N E S D A Y , AtJOBST »T«»a, ISOll, and continues thirteen weefcn.

BtsnwvtoBs. K c v . J . S . t .ec , A . M . , Principal and Professor el

Mr. JTolinW^ Clwpp, Professor or Uathemallcs. B i n . Hi B , t e e , Toieticr of Drawing and Palntmg. Mlaa Del ist D . I lOdabins , Tv-nclior of Music.

STUDENTS orbolh Boxes can enter tho Academical or Colleglalo Department, anditursootfio SclentlBo

oourso ofBtudy nlono, or tho Sc'Mlllo and- Clasilcal combined, aauiey may choose. They can cntor any class (br which thoy.aro-Ottod.

A now and splendid .Chemical and Philosophical Ap­paratus, has been pllrchajtoa tor tho use of tho School, which will ho used In connection with tho delivery of Lcoturea on the Sciences by the Prolvsflors.

A Library of 7,000 volumes Is owned by tho Institu­tion, to which tho studoota havo access free of chnrgo.

J TUITION. Qraimon QigllshtBronchos.: Higher " ' " . • Latin, Grecli, Frenoh and Gorman.. tlollcgteto Deportment

. . V - . - M O O 6 0 0

...«8to 800 -.WOO

UeaSeeee»ara>oi«irais>a-o/Z)r.I L.S0VZX* Co. traaw tae/aee ef eadt Be*.

BrerydirtnHns^newEtetlmoDyof tho triumphant cgtctfrom tec u«o of "SPORE'S FILIA" What better evtdeBce cam be given of tho aOPfcatlOBrrr of a Bntae-dial Agent than that ALL TOEWOBLDusoitt Itfean mwn»tIon^lefacaha*'^rnJfi^PrlXS''giveotUer Baltataetloa tban any Pills now befbre the pobllc^-Of the proof of this asaertionv.every Dmggist or Agent who sells thrcm will testify.

We might cite tho alllicted to many cases wbere COKES bar© been effected by their CM, were it neces­sary bore, bat fl» this purpose we refer them tOKttnr Cnxiuant.wbichcanbefoBnd with onr Agents men­tioned below...

a JI. TOTTLB, Auburn, K. T-, General Ag»t(ror New-fork and Michigan. • ' '* •—•

lor sale by a M.Pack, Usher It Batcher ,S Hnmnh-rey.Poudam. L. Etawinslow.J. a Galei H. Smith asen,Canton. JohnBlndge,0gdessbnrgh. JVgLUe&ey Waddlngton. U. W. Scars, Vatfrld, and hy all deal e n in Medicines. 13 l y


H e t f s Sugar Wed Pills, The bes t family Cathar

lie In t h e WORIJO, used twenty years by -•

E I V B I H I X J O N S oV rrasoNS; >

ilwaj-6 g ive sallsfaitltm: contain nothmgityar ioal natronnedVhy thePfMoT oal Poyalolans InthoTW-lOrfjelcgantly coated Willi sugar. Large Bozca 25 cents: S boxes U . Full airccttons with oaob $ o x . Warranted suptftoetbalrt Pjllbefore the puhllov

HEWlKKiSS^^^ PLAStEHS. euro to Bra hoars, r i t o and ^eaxicKs of the breast, side and baclc, andRheumille.conirjlatota In an er — -thori period of ttoo,. Spread on heautirul white •kln.lielrturesTirdKlitbowcai^Mnolnwiivenirecfl and each owe, w(W~.>M«is*u~s«a«u»is.i.i. »•-

yHwIclr«cSlgari. _ „ _ „ _ acid by druggists and mcrclumls tnall parts or'-Uie' Cnlted Btatea^€aiiadas-and-8outh^Atnorlca. and mo^

I n t b e F u r n i t u r e D e p a r t m e n t

. . Will be found

Sofaa, BuxcaTJj,. Cha in , Table t , W h a t -

H o t i , Beady-Hade CofHiu, 4 c . &c.

In tbo matter of

OF2d>CKt=:RY Will be fennd all necessary articles for nouso-keeplng

ALSO, Itampt, Itrnterni, Glae« Ware, Stone

Ware, 4c--,,>A large assortment of

Patent Preserve Jars on band and on tbo way.

Please call at our store In Picrson'a Block, next door to the Printing Office, before purchasing.

B. I*. pEJONG, f ' P. D. OORRIE. Potadam, Bay'90,1882.

NTOTIOIE:. 1 am closing op my bnaincsa in Potsdam. and persons

hav ing unsettled accounts, will much oblige by settling the aamo immediately. 44 tf W. H. PIEBSOX.





lt^bs»,pf Ctood Sugar for

O n e I > o l l » r ,





Received this week, and for sole Cheap at

>lesale or Retail, by


WflS«L ^ "" St'on|j^tetftthreptnotstl^

>1tta\ . ' i j tavgtCSlastcrsj ir*.

bo obtained h y ^ h n g for them, h; " DR. TJ.IT. ™

their full name; "TICK ft CO.

Albany, N. T . Sjld by all druggists In Potsdam and dealers In med*'

oluefovervwhoro. 24 l v In

Town and County Notice. TO T H B DYING P t D U C .

Psixow Crmolxs: ' When they toll yon that NELSON McCUEN.ls

dead, Just say. to that stranger that ho Is mistaken for O n a n d After- A p r i l U t ,

I shall shoo horses lu tho following mannor: ronoasn. 3 v. oaEoit. : « E 5 i " . — :. ' ? ' , „

Ono Horse, now shoes, 80 ots t l 00; fj|p|Bftfaot t|mt o t nvjr Sjtore o n Markefl St. ,










TMA, SUGAR/ M © U A S ? E S ,


' For Bale by

M. H. BROWN & CO. MtiDBOn's Block, Market S t , Potsdam, N. Y.

. Important Proclamation. I n consideration of tlio many glorioni and

a^lficant successes which havo recontly at­tended our arms in this memorable conflict with the enemies of onr country, restoring confidence to the people, and in view of the scarcity of the almighty dollar, I have deem­ed it advisable to issue this my proclama­tion, in Which I would enjoin apon the pub-lift the necessity of purchasing all articles of consumption at the place and npon the terms which will best conduce to their individual interests. I have also deemed it advisable for my own interests as well, to apprise them

TooandSot, U K " H6J»SotShoes,... 8 " . * .'(OthexSmitJitng lu proportlo'n. • .Wo areiholind to ptrtJ

'4o«Bthtf*nelllon.-'-'i ' ^ v • ' " ,_/§) SoottYPotndam, April 1st, 1802. 38-lJ.f

©RINK Morgan, -Arnold & Oo.'s

Partridg'e, may be as good a stock -of

ivifions as are. on sale in ouldbo useloBS to name

Oh' my sttteit ia compoBed. * |^JBjnbrac*es»well-se-

iftoinsjiicBrbythe ounce

r '0k<? tii«T)$^l. I do not propose, tas.etaose goods clieaper than my

brs,| |vt shall bold thorn at prices ac-cbraipg.to, thoir value, which I have tho van­ity i o prosumo will prove beneficial to all p'fiohtfsera. • \ " ^ O ' S o V Bign which I have recently caus-od t o bo erootod, muat not bo considered in ajipjaranceaa a sample of any artiolos I keep. ' ^ a M e l f ^ B ^ o f l s with great care, always ' ^ ^ i t i f &a^lb#thajnMlketafford8; whereas

with my taste, and will


WINDOW LIGHTS! Glass that you can s?e Through S

F r e n c h P l a t e G l a s s o f a l l S i z e s !

Drags and Medicines!

Suspenders, Supporter^ &c.



PATENT MEDICINES! Duponco's Golden Pills!

Homoeopathic Medicines ! Boots and Herbs, Fitch's Female Supporter*, .J


Green and Black Teas,

BIRD CAGES Y«ry Cheap, and of an entirely new sty le .


, , Eeal Estate for Sale. TKS adbsSriber ofiera for sale at LOW P£U-

( 1 6 an&mi T E N YEAB8' CUEPIT, ifdesired,

tue^ollowiag property in Potsdam Village:

The large Stone

MANSION HOUSE, On the Farm of D. L. CLAJIKSON, Esq,, with

or without the grounds adjacent.

Also, the following lots on Market Street:

1 adjoining E. Crary's, t t U rods.

1 " B. Batohelder, 0 x 14 rods.

1 " C. Cos's, 6 x 14 or 6 x 31 rods. 1 (with house) formerly contracted to Dr.

Goodrioh, 6 x 18 rods.

2 North of the latter, each 0 x 14 or 0 % 31

rods. & " " do > each 5 x 14 or 6 jr.

81 rods. The above specified dimensions do not in -

olado any portion of the Street These lots are very conveniently located, and are acces­sible by a good Sagged walk. Apply to

' H. M. STORY, Agent. Also, for sale, Borne very eligible Lots on

-Pleasant Street.

Nov. 0 ,1860. 27 6m

Humphrey's Charm. A C e r t a i n C u r e for C o j i g h s !


Humphrey's Charm cures all coughs,Colds, Ac., with ease amr certainty. It nerer/ailf when properly per­severed 13 and taken according to directions. This weH-knoim remedy is compounded according to striot pharmaeeatlcal science, and In accordance with tbe highest rules of therapentlcs. HimPBBErSCBABMC&BESI HUMPHBEY'SCHABM

CUBES II HOWHREV'S CHABM CUBES 111 Try It and yoo will proire its efficacy, a HUMPHREY", sobs proprietor, Potsdam, N. V, Beware of base coun­terfeits 1 See roy name upon the lar>et,

Horse Medicines.

_ "l3**!ISwa*fcy«H-

fcor alt Diseases of tke H o n e . Hanjptirey»Congh ami Heave Powders for aQ dis­

eases of4he tliro«t«nd langr. This remedy Is really a specific fn rases djfOrjDjr,b. Cold, or any other affection ofthesfrpaassges . IU cases of long standing they most be persevered in for some time, even although no apparent benefit ts derived from their use at first.

corrorriOBr P O W D E R S . For parliyiog the Blood, especially in Spring and for the general improvement of the Horse. These Pow­ders give a good appearance and'glossy coat wben gtv-enregrilarly, anil are iinraluable*to dealers and horse

BIi^CttESll»^OILS!! HmztphreyB only tree aildgraninB<M-Ki^Ii3h;Black

OQa. for Blngboae. Spavin, WindgaU, old Hnrtsand Ernlse3^,Spriuns, Oinotm or bwJmations* fcc. Jtc Be­ware of imitations I The only true ard genuine Black Oils are made b y

CbomiHt and Fharmaceatlst. Potsdam, N. Y.

GOKDOIf. ~ T "



FoQ Set* of the best WHITE WABE,

BLUE EDGED PLATES, Common Tea Cups and Saucers,

Common Chambers,

C H E A P B O W L S ; C51ie»p»JPit<3liers.



KEROSENE LAMPS, •% L a m p Chimneys of all- Sizes,


STONE CHUENBv Butter Jars,


T O R E N T ! -*sa A One large &oom In tbe cellar of tlio stone s t o r e

corner of Mortcetand Raymond Sts. Also, tbe 2d and 3d s tory of tho ihree-story build log

on Raymond S t . ,known as t h e printing office building. Also, the S tore formerly occupied b y McGlynn as a

tobacco i ac to ry , on Main St. near l l a rko t . Possession of each gtvenj immediately. Also, tho House West of tho printing-offlco bui lding

on Raymond S t . , about four rods from Market St poa session given first of May.

For te rms apply a t t h e office of Dar t lc Tappaii. Dated Potsdam, April 14,1862.

38tf CHAS. 0 . TAPPAX.

Large Dairy Farm for Sale, —AXD—

A S m a l l D a i r y F a r m f o r Sa le o r

T o X j © t .

MR Z E N A S C L A B J E C oflerB for sale bis borne farm on which be resides, s i tuated one mile Eas t

of Potsdam village, and containing over 800 acres. On it are one large, fine two story dwelling bouse, w i t h suitable outbuildings, a good farm house , with Cheese house ,Barns ,&c. -iOcowe^fanniDgtoolsaniimachlnea, sugar woods and a never (ailing s t r e a m of water. The farm will bo sold with or without t h e personal proper­t y , and the whole or any p a r t of tho purchase money m a y be paid down, or if satisfactorily secured, r ema in o n interest a s long as t h e purchaser, m a y desire.

Also, for sa le or to le t . the Phineas Austin farm sit­uated about 2 mites East of Potsdam villngo, contain­ing 141 acres , and is well watered. 20 cows and s o m e Qmniag tools and property may be had with the farm. Possession g iven immediately.

Apply to S. B. GOBDOW. Potsdam, Apri l 15,1862.

Farm for Sale. AN UNIMPROVED FARM containing 100 acres, ly ing

in tho town of F ine , St . I i iwrence Co., being in a good neighborhood, on a good rood, near a good school good mills, good factories, Arc. It is wet! watered w i t h brook and spr ings , being good land, well timbered jond a good chance for a new beginner.

H e "above (a rm will be sold cheap, (with good t i t l e . ) A small pa r t of the purchase money- will be requi red down, the remainder can remain under contract for a large number of years , payable in annual installments. For further par t iculars inquire of 8. B. GORDON, Po t s ­dam, or of L. A. PHILIPS a t Colton.

June 10,1862. 46 tf

For Sale. TIE STORE on Market Street , now occupied by Wat-

kins & Lect. Also, pews Nos. 19, 21 and 65 in tbe Presbyterian

House.of Worship in this village. Enquire of H. L. KNOWLES or C. \V. LEET,

Executors of W. W. Goulding, deceased. Jane 0,18S2. ' 46 tf

Valuable Timfc R O R S A L E ! I SECTION No. 14, North half of Hollywood, 3t. Law-

rence County, lying about 12 miles from Colton village, and consisting of 630 acr«s , to bo sold in one lot or In parcels. There is on this section a large amount of pine , spruce and oak t imber , with consider­able cedar, and cherry; most of the land when cleared will be valuable for fanning purposes. Price $ 1 , 5 0 per acre". Enquire of A. X. i'ARKKR,

503w Potsdam, N. Y.

Farm for Sale. rIE old and valaahlo Farm at "West Potsdam. known

S3 the F. W. SMITH Farm, 13 now ofTere.1 Tor sale on reasonable terms. Upon said farm aro good build toga and choice fruit trees or all Kinds. Sa!d.fann con tains ahont 70 acres of land, and Is well watered.

Apply UtiMOS BLOOD, at West Potsdam, or S. D FOBBES, Clayton, JeHerson, Co. N. Y. 52w4«



A. B. MOSES, Whokialo and Hotail Grocer.



Div. 357

Is now supplied with a fresh lot of





Some things in tbe Hardware line, and other things too nmnerons to mention.

Tho above wcro-bought for Cash and will bo sold for tho samo at






HOOP SKIRTS At very LOW PRICES just received at


TV. O. S H A W WILL continue the Ropatring of Watches, Clocks.

J ewe l ry , &&,, and will keep constantly on h a n d a large assortmcut of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, tine Silver Ware, and the best quality of

A m e r i c a n S i l v e r P l a t e d W a r e .

Tablo and Pocket Cutlery, Fishing Tackles, Specta­cles, Optical Glasses, &*., t c . (

Don' tJhrget the place. Port's New Block, One Poor North o f the Amerlcao Hotel. ^ ^

E. W. aiRPIiNTER, • I. E, SHAW,

W. C. SHAW. Potsdam, Juno 4,1882. 37 l y


St. Lawrence Academy. fTlho fall t e rm of 14 weeks wilt commence on Monday


11th of August, under the following

F A C U L T Y i R W. PLUMB, D. D . t Principal, and" PfrsftsKor or the

•s. 'rolessnr nf Mathematics and o t h e r

unges. H.Pro

Anclont I-ingun) MR. C. a C H l ' K C H ,

English branches. MR. ALpEN G. FAYILT.K, PmCoHPor of Music, ( m s t n i -

montal a n d vocal. MISS1IARY J . KNOW1.E3, Preceptress'.

Competent teachers will be employed in F r e n c h , Drawing and Painting.

Mr. Church has, for several y e a r s pas|a (Wed wi th great acceptance, tho*ofljco of School Comml83lonor in tho second dis t r ic t or the com.ty„and wJHbe ;ablo to afford special laclllttfes to those who aro wishing to prepare for teaching* It> is expected a teachers' class will bo fbrmod, and from t en to twonty gratuitous t«-* Itions given, for which amplication should, If pract ica­ble , bo m a d e before t h o beginning of tho tcrfti.

Mr. Church will also take charge of tho board ing hOuso. wh_cro good board ami accommodations will be fumlshedh t a reasonable rate, a n d whoro pa ron te may safely placo their children, w i t h tho assurance t h a i , in reapQct to contforis, behavior and moral*, t h e y will, a t all t rows, bo carefully watched over and enrod for as members of tho family.

The inst i tut ion has a good l ibrary of about 1 # 0 0 vols., accessible to the s tudents , and also a vory ox* tensive chomlcal oc0 philosophical apparatus, w i t h tho use of whioh a sorles of weekly lectures will bo glvon, lllustratWo of tho several subjects embraced in those slences. ' 'Tuition a t the samo rates an heretofore charged. . 60 6w E. W. PLUMB.

THE FOLLOWING RKMK-DI153 am ottered to Hit*

publ ic as the bOBt, most \tov feet, whlob modlt;al scieuri ' can attbrd. AVKR'S CATIIAII n o PiLLshavc boon prrtiJan"! wi th tho utmost skill which the mu'tUcal prolesslon of tlil.i age posrieBscd,aiidLbvireflcct eliows Uwy have virtup^ Wblcli riurpauB any comb Inn llim i»f muiliciiiu Uithertu known. Oilier prnpuruliont do more ur loua m>od bin tbts cures such itungenm:. Complaints, Kl) qillck itllti ri" Sure ly , as to prqvtj an flllfii oy and a power to uprm'i diseaso beyond any limn; which men havo known b< fbro. By roinnvlng the ob s t ruc t ions of tbo In if rim I jorgans and Klimulating tliem into healthy act ioo, the. runovato the lbutitaititi of llfo and vigor—health courst";

anew ihruughTtho body, and tho sli-k man is well again. Thoy are adapted to disease, and diseaso only, for wheu takon by ono lo health they produco bu t little effect. This ts tho perfection of medicine. It fs an LigoDiBilc to dlseiise, and no moro. Tender children

iy take t h e m with Impunity. U they are sIt'll thej will cure t h e m , If they ar*> well lln'y will.ii> ilivin n» harm.

Give thorn to some pat ient who has been pn>*tr:ilt-.l With bilious complail)t: see his lieut-up, U t ier tut; form straighten with strength again ; see his long-lost a\>\»-

re turn ; see his c l ammy features blossom into tiealth. Uivo them to some sull'eror whose foul buxM bos Inirat out In scrofula till his skill ig^overed With ruiri-s who stands, or s i ts , or lies iu anguish. He but boun drcischcfl msidc and out with every potion which Ingenuity could suggest. Give him theso PILLS ana mark tho elfect. BCO tbe scabs fall from his b o d y , SUM tho new, fair skiu that has grown under t h e m ; ace tin* late leper tha t is clean. Give them to him whose an gry humors have planted rheumatism in his jolntsana boues; meVffhim,'and bo Bcreeches with pa in ; ho Urn lias been soaked through overy muscle orhls body wllh linlmouts and salves; givo him these PJLLS. to purlfv bin blood: they may not cu re him. for, alas! there are cases which no mortal power can reach; bu t mark . In-walka with crutches uow, and uow ho w a l k s alone; they have cured blm. Give them to the lean , sour, haggard dyspeptic, whoso gnawing stomach has lon^ ago eaten ovory smile from hH face and eve ry muwli-from his body. See his appet i te return, and with n his health; see tho new man . See her that was rndlent with heal th and loveliness blasted and too ear ly wilh er lnakaway; want of exerciso , or mental anguish, or some lurking disease, has doranged tho Internal organ-; of digestion, assimilation er secretion, till they d<< Ikeir office ill. Her blood is vitiated, her health U~ • gone. Give her these Pnxs lo stimulaw the vital pni. clple into renewed vfgor, to cast out tlie obstruction-, and infuse a new vitality into the blood. Now.look again—the roses blossom on her cheek, and when-lately sorrow sat joy bu r s t s from every feature. So.-tho sweet infant wasted wi th worms. Its w a n . sickh features tell you without disguise, and painfully dir- . ttnet, t ha t they ore eating its life away, i t s pinched up nose and ears , and rest less slceplngs, tell thodreml ful t ruth in' languago tha t every mother knows. (j\\ •* It the PILLS in largo doses to sweep those- vilo parasitic from the body. Now t u r n again and s'eo the ruddt bloom of cMJdhood. Is It nothing to do theso things ' Nay, ore they not tho marve l of this age? And y i they aro done arouud you every day.

Have you tho less serious symptoms of these diatom pers, they a re the easier cured. Jaundice, Costive ness, Headache, Sjdeache. Heartburn, Foul Stomach, Nausea, Pain In the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of app.-tite, King'B Evil, Neuralgia, Gout, and k indred com plaints all arise from the derangements which thes.* PILLS rapidly cure. Take- them perservlngly, and uu dor the counsel of a good Physician Ifyou can ; ifnoi, take tljem judiciously b y such advlso as we give you, and tl)e distressing, dangerous diseases they cure, which afflict so many millions of the human race, ar>> cast out l ike the devils of old—they must burrow m the brutes and In the sea. Price 26 cents per box—."• boxes for S I .

Through a trial of many years and through every nntljn of civilized men, Avsn 's CHERRY PECTORAL ha-t beeu-found to afford more relief and to cure more rases of pulmonary disease than any other remedy known to mamciml. Cases of apparent ly settled Consumption have been cured by it, and thousands ofsuflerors wh» were deemed beyond tho reach ofbuman aid have been restored to their friends and usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyment of life, b y this all-powerful ontidm.-to diseases (if iho lungs ami throaty Ilere a cold ha.I settled on the lungs The d r y , hacking cough, tb-» glassy e y e , and the pale, th in features of h im who wn.i lately lus ty and strong, whisper to all but h im Co.\ s c w n o N He tries every thing, but tlu? disease l-t gnawing at his vitals, and shows its fatal symptom** more and more overa l l his frame. He is taking the CHEKRV PECTORAL now; it has stopped his «pugh an.l made his breathing easy; his sleep is sound at night. his appet i te returns, and with it his .strength Tl.-dart which pierced his side Is broken. Scarcely am neighborhood can be fpuud which lias net sonie l innx trophy like-this to shadow forth the vir tues whit b have won for the CHERRY Psr-roaAL an iniperfshnii! • renown. But its usefulness docs not end he re . S a j , It accomplishes moreSby privations than cu re . T!i.« countless colds an£ coughs which It cures a r e the seed which would have ripened into a dreadful harvest ot iacuraBle diseases, lnftuenza, Croup, BronchitL*<, Hoarseness, Pleurisy. Whooping Cough and all Irnm uons of the throat and lungs are easily cured by th» CHERRY PECTORAL ii taken in season. E\-ery fainili" Bbonld have it by them, and they will find it an Inval uablo protection from the insidious prowler which ohi ries off the parent sheep from a Hock, the darling lamb from many a home.

Authenticated evidence of these facts, w i th du>'„ tions for the treatment of eat h complaint, may befouii I in Ayer '3 American Almanac, of which w e publi=ii three millions, and scat ter them broadcast over th« earth, in order that the s ick everywhere may ha\.* before t h e m the>_ Information it contains. Druggist-. and dealers m medicine generally havo them for di-. tribution gra t i s , and aleo for sale theso remedies , pre­pared b y DH. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analyticnl Chemist, Lowell, Muss.

Sold by all the Druggists m Pots,dam, and all Dealer-. ,n Medicine everywhere. '20 ly


Brave Soldiers and Sailors 1!


Call ill and I,uy year go«tlran'<ri*y G)r them vbere — • - - - --m,^ . »»> - i -•+•- • -—

tocrTiihihellreoatofyon. Tr>l

, . _ , y « q i » — r ™ -,-lh«r« Hi n o banterlnj; l i d at th'd end o f t h o year ihoro Vrlll be no larje store debts"

Springfield Fire and Marine

S P M N G F I B L U M A S S A f l H t f S E T m Capitol.... ^.f.... .-,.,.-.• i.8200,000. '•' AsaetB .»1Z,086^3.

N o r t h A m e r i c a n . I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y , ,_6f IliirtfonljOortoeHonl.

ouhtoofW.'.,.:,...,.; $8«o,6oo.-AotnO^»e¥eBhltai WOdJWO,

^llotca Ismied ithtl losses adjusted* by GKO.-C. CIin»MAN,



ALis who have Friends and Relatives in the Armi or Navy , should t ake espccicl care, t h a t they be?

amply supplied with tkese Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected t< provide themselves with t h e m , no better present a m bo sent . hem by thoir friends. They have proved t< bo tho Soldier 's nevor-taiting-friend in tho hour of need

Coughs and Colds affecting Troops,

Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by u= ing these admirable medic ines , and by p a y i n g propci attention to the Directions which are at taphed to encl\ Pot or Box.

Sick Headache a n d W a n t of Appeti te Inc iden ta l to Soldiers.

Those feelings wh(ph so sadden us, usually artBe fn-m trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or ent ing and drinking whatever is unwholesomo, thus dis­turbing tbo healthful action of tho liver and stomach, Theso organs must be releavcd, i fyoudesiroto be well. The Pills, taken according to tbo printed instruction--, will quickly produce a hea l thy actfonria both liver and stomach, and as a natural consequence" a clear bead nn<i good appet i te . - * ^ -' ' *

W e a k n e s s a n d D e b i l i t y I n d u c e d by O v e r F a t i g u e ,

Will soon Disappear b y tho use' of these iu valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additionn strength. Never let the Bowels bo confined or uaduh acted upon . I t may seem strange tha t Hollo way \i Pills should be rcccommended for Dysentorj' and J 'ms , many persons supposing t h a t thoy would Increase th>-relaxation. This Is a g rea t mistake, for these Pills will correct t h e liver and s tomach and thus remove, all tlio acrid humors from tho sys tem. Tills medicine will glvo tone and vigor to the whole organic sys tem how ever deranged, while heal th and strength follow as a matter of course. Nothing will stop tho re la t ion ofth.j Bowels so sure as this famous medicine. f

V o l u n t e e r s A t t e n t i o n ! I n d e s c r e t i o n o l Y o n t h .

Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings, can wiili cetainty bo radically cured If the Pills aro taken night and morning, and tho Oin tment bo freely used as stai ed in the printed netruct ions . If treated in any othei manner they dry up In one par t to break ou t In anoth er, whereas this Ointment will remove tljo hnmoi i ftom tho sys tem and leave the putlent a, vlgcrous ana hoalthy man. I t will r equ i re a litlle perseverance Hi bad cases to infiurc a last ing cure.

F o r W o u n d s e i t h e r o c c a s i o n e d by Uu* B a y o n e t , S a b e r or the B u l l e t ,

S o r e s o r B r u i s e s , , To wlilch.cvorv Soldlor and Sailor Is l iable , there a n .

no mndjeines so safe, su re and convonlent ok Hollow ay's Pills and Ointment. Tho poor wounded and al most dy ing suScror m i g h t havo his wounds dressed Immediately, If ho would only provldo himself, wl lh thiB matchless Ointment which should be thrust lul.i-tho wound and smeared all round it, then covered with a piece of linen from h i s Knapsack and compressed

1th a handkerchief. Taking night and morning Qoi Pills, to cool tho sys t em and prevent inOnmraatTon. Evory Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should*

be provided with these valuable Remedies. CA UTION'. —None arc genuine unless the words ,

'HOLLOWAY, N E W YORK AND Loxbox," aro discernible as a Water-mqrk la ovory leaf oftho book of direction' around each pot or box, the samo m a y b e plainly seen by holding tbo leaf to t h e light. A nandsomo reward will be given to any one rendering such information o=* may lead to t l ie*det tc t ionofany party or par t iescouu terfoftlng tho medicines or vending tho s amo , knowing "-im to bo spurious.

*.*Sold a t tho mariuiuctorv of Professor Holloway ) Maiden Lahb", Now Y o r k , and by all respectable

Druggists-and Doalors in Medlctno, throughout tho clv-lllzod w o r l d , in hosos a t 20 cdnts, 62 cents a n d $1 each

flfff-Tlioro IB couB.dcYablo saving by taking the larger •zes.v

N. B.—D.i^ct(ons (br tho guidanco of patiouta In ey iry case at$ fluTxed W e a o l i box. 2§ ly oh w


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