welcome to the yis connected learning community

Connected Learning Community Welcome to the YIS

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2012 Edition of the Yokohama International School Connected Learning Community Handbook.


Page 1: Welcome to the YIS Connected Learning Community

ConnectedLearning Community

Welcome to the YISYOKOHAMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL258 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0862 T. 045.622.0084 F. 045.621.0379 http://www.yis.ac.jp

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Page 3: Welcome to the YIS Connected Learning Community


This handbook aims to provide YIS students and parents with comprehensive information about the Connected Learning Community, focusing on policies, guidelines and practical information about using school-issued individual laptop computers. Additional information and guidance is available online at http://help.yis.ac.jp and the IT Department is available to answer questions and provide further assistance.

The new logo for the CLC is the Japanese word Kizuna, representing the connections that are an essential part of the CLC. This work of Japanese calligraphy was done by award-winning calligrapher Kumiko Nakabayashi.

© 2012-13 Yokohama International School

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Table of ContentsAbout the Connected Learning Community

5 Connected Learning Community Vision6 Technology Use at YIS

Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines9 Introduction9 Being a Responsible User10 Being Prepared to Learn11 Keeping Health and Balance in Mind11 Ethical and Respectful Use12 Common Expectations14 Protecting Your Identity and Personal Information14 Sharing Work Online15 Student Email Guidelines16 Community Awareness17 Responsibilities of Using School Computers18 Monitored Use and Misconduct18 Disciplinary Process

Using Your Laptop20 Laptop Distribution and Return21 Account Ownership23 Coverage and Care27 CLC Resources28 Tips for Ergonomic Use

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Using Your Laptop (continued)28 Productivity29 Online Help30 Backing Up & Recovering Files30 Connecting to the Internet from Home

Frequently Asked Questions32 Information about the Program34 Laptop Features and Functionality35 Warranty and Insurance Information37 Using the Laptop at Home39 Using the Laptop at School

Appendices – Agreements and Forms42 Responsible Use Agreement for Middle and High School Students (Grades 6 - 12)43 Responsible Use Agreement for Upper Elementary Students (Grades 3 – 5)45 Laptop Acceptance Form for Grades 6 through 1249 Laptop Acceptance Form for Grade 5

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About the Connected Learning Community

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About the Connected Learning Community 7

About the Connected Learning CommunityConnected Learning Community VisionOur Connected Learning Community leverages advanced technologies and progressive teaching approaches to enhance student learning, promote collaboration and facilitate the creation and sharing of knowledge locally and globally.

Attitudes and BehaviorsOur community will be characterized by inquisitive, discerning, open-minded, and self-directed learners who use technology in a balanced and responsible manner.

Learning EnvironmentUbiquitous access to technology tools and resources will enhance our learning environment, expanding horizons beyond the physical classroom. This will empower YIS learners to access information, collaborate, and exchange ideas within the YIS community and around the world.

Actions and DecisionsOur actions and decisions will demonstrate responsible digital citizenship, reflect our school values and create a positive online presence.

Educational ExperiencesEducational experiences will be authentic, imaginative, and provide for different learning paces and styles. Learners will be encouraged to become independent and enterprising in order to meet the challenges of a constantly changing world.

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8 About the Connected Learning Community


Our Connected Learning Community will provide a sense of identity and belonging that will enrich our overall school community and connect us with others around the globe.

Technology Use at YISTechnology is an integral part of teaching and learning at YIS. Mobile devices are regularly used within and outside of the classroom environment to enhance student learning experiences by allowing students to demonstrate their understanding in new and creative ways, as well as to connect, collaborate and create with other learners around the world.

Given the extensive resources available at YIS, students will use technology to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways, including:

•Collaborating and creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations and websites using Google Apps for Education.

•Developing an electronic portfolio on the YIS Learning Hub blogging portal.•Creating unique and dynamic multimedia projects through the use of Apple’s iLife Suite

and Adobe Creative Suite.•Connecting and collaborating with others students within and outside of YIS through the

use of educational social networking.•Developing applications, programs or educational games. •Sharing, collaborating, and presenting their learning through VoiceThread. •Publishing their creative works on our online photo and video galleries.

Students are encouraged to share finished works in a variety of online spaces in order to build a positive online presence and to present their learning to both a local and global audience. As a natural component of sharing online, students will build a deep understanding of digital citizenship, online safety and responsible online behavior.

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About the Connected Learning Community 9

As new technology tools become available, students and teachers will have the opportunity to evaluate their effectiveness toward our learning goals and school vision. YIS will continue to support innovative and creative uses of technology for teaching and learning.

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Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

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Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines 11

Responsible Use Policy and GuidelinesIntroductionYIS is equipped with a variety of computers, mobile devices, software and wireless access available to all students. Our Connected Learning Community (CLC) leverages advanced technologies and progressive teaching approaches to enhance student learning and facilitate collaboration, creation and sharing of knowledge locally and globally.

Being a Responsible UserIn order to promote responsible digital citizenship and use of information technology (IT), students are expected to adhere to the following rules and guidelines. These obligations are also spelled out in the Responsible Use Agreement that each student and his/her parent or guardian must sign in order to use school-provided laptop computers and other IT equipment (see appendices).

The use of information technology at YIS is focused on educational purposes. However, as these devices can also be used for personal and recreational purposes, it is important that students are aware of the expectations for the use of technology at school. In some cases, students’ behavior is guided by clearly articulated expectations. In other cases, they must make wise decisions about their own behavior dictated by a sense of good citizenship and as a responsible member of the YIS community. Students should be aware that these expectations apply to any device used at YIS, even those not provided by the school, such as mobile phones.

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12 Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

Being Prepared to Learn

Being a good digital citizen and a responsible member of the YIS community means students come to school prepared to learn.

Students that are part of the CLC must bring their computer to school each day:

•In operating condition.•In a carrying case that meets the school’s requirements.•With sufficient storage available for school use. •With the battery fully charged.

In addition, to ensure smooth operation of their computers, it is expected that students:

•Employ careful battery management techniques to ensure that they can get through the school day and participate fully.

•Care for and transport their laptop responsibly.•Regularly perform software updates.•Regularly restart their laptop.•Regularly backup their laptop.•Implement a file management system.•Use designated folder architecture and file naming protocols as defined by their teachers.

It is expected that students will use their laptops for a number of years. Taking care of your laptop will help ensure that it remains functional for the duration it is issued to you.

Use at school should be limited to installed or online programs that are directly connected to school-related activities. Recreational games, non-academic use of social networking sites or other activities that disrupt studies, peers or classes are not permitted during the school day.

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Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines 13

Keeping Health and Balance in Mind

The CLC is meant to be a positive, enriching resource to enhance learning and creativity. However, it is recognized that computers, mobile devices and other technologies can sometimes have a disruptive effect on a person's behavior and well-being. Proper usage of technology should never cause pain, fatigue or other physical or mental ailments.

Additionally, while technology can be an engaging way to spend time, it can take up time that could be better used for studying or working with friends. Instead of watching videos and surfing the web, reading a good book or talking with friends and teachers may be a better choice. Physical activity and movement are also excellent alternatives to the static posture that using devices often requires. Activities such as light exercise and stretching help to re-oxygenate the brain and re-stimulate a positive mindset, a great method to use in times of stress. Students should find a comfort zone that strikes a healthy balance between online and offline activity.

In order to support student development of healthy and balanced habits, laptop use during “free times” like lunch and recess is limited to designated areas.

Ethical and Respectful UseResponsible citizenship means practicing good ethical behavior, whether online or offline. Students are encouraged to model good digital citizenship by making sure their actions and choices do not disrupt the learning environment for themselves or others, just like in the classroom.

At a minimum, students are expected to:

•Obey all intellectual property rules and copyright laws.•Ensure that conversations, actions or activities do not inflame, agitate, or offend others.

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14 Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

•Report abuse or other actions that may offend others.•Cite any and all use of websites, books, media, etc.•Abide by Fair Use, Copyright and Creative Commons guidelines.•Adhere to the YIS Student Email Guidelines.•Avoid prohibited activities, as listed below.

For example, students should not:

•Use hacking strategies and/or malicious software.•Engage in cyberbullying behavior or actions that may offend or harm others.•Flame, bully, harass or stalk other people online.•Enter other people's private online spaces or areas.•Attempt to access or modify files or accounts of others.•Share or use others’ accounts or passwords.•Use tools to bypass network restrictions.•View or install inappropriate content.•Copy or remove school-provided software.•Engage in any illegal activities, such as possessing or sharing pirated software.•Use peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing software, such as LimeWire or BitTorrent, which can

be used to download illegal content and jeopardize Internet access for all members of the YIS community.

Common Expectations1. Respect Yourself. I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online

names that are appropriate. I will consider the information and images that I post online. I will consider what personal information about my life, experiences, experimentation or relationships I post. I will not be obscene.

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Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines 15

2. Protect Yourself. I will ensure that the information, images and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me. I will protect passwords, accounts and resources.

3. Respect Others. I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to flame, bully, harass or stalk other people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites, I will not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate. I will not abuse my rights of access, and I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas.

4. Protect Others. I will protect others by reporting abuse, not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications, and not visiting sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate.

5. Respect Intellectual property. I will request permission to use resources. I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media, etc. I will validate information. I will use and abide by the fair use rules.

6. Protect Intellectual Property. I will request to use the software and media others produce. I will use free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software. I will purchase, license and register all software. I will purchase my music and media, and refrain from distributing these in a manner that violates their licenses. I will act with integrity.

Adapted from Andrew Churches, Educational Origami: http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Digital+Citizen+AUA

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16 Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

Protecting Your Identity and Personal InformationOnce your information is on the Internet, there is nothing to stop it from being replicated, shared and distributed widely without your control, both now and into the future. Therefore, safeguarding personal information is extremely important.

Personal information extends beyond names, phone numbers, student ID numbers and addresses, to things such as usernames, passwords and physical location. As such, it is important that students treat their own and others’ personal details with great care. Students should never share user accounts or passwords even with their friends. Personal information should always be kept private.

Sharing Work OnlineStudents will document and share their academic growth over the course of the year by creating and maintaining an electronic portfolio blog on the Learning Hub (http://blogs.yis.ac.jp). In addition to providing a clearly documented record of their learning, these blogs help them build a positive online presence and develop a deeper understanding of how they can collaborate, create, share and communicate online. Student blogs are used as a personal reflection of individual learning and a way to communicate and connect with students in other classes here at YIS, as well as partner classes in other schools around the world.

Whether their blogs are on the Learning Hub or in other collaborative online spaces, students sharing their work should act safely by keeping personal information private. Students are expected to treat online spaces as classroom spaces. Language, images or content that is inappropriate for class is not appropriate online.

When sharing online, in both academic and social spaces, students should ask themselves whether their actions would offend, surprise, or shock their current or future:

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•Classmates. •Teachers. •Friends.•Family.•Employers.•Clients.•Business partners.

If the answer to even one of these is “yes,” students should refrain from publishing their content.

Students sharing their work online may receive feedback or automated responses that are inappropriate for academic purposes. Regardless of the nature or source of the feedback, students should respond ethically and responsibly (or not at all).

Images or videos of students, or their work, may be published or utilized in various electronic resources, including the school website and other online platforms, as well as in print media, including teaching and school promotional materials. If a student’s work is shared, only the first name and grade level will be included as credit.

Student Email GuidelinesStudents from grades 3 - 12 have a YIS email address. Email communication between students and teachers should use only this address.

The following guidelines should be followed.

•You can talk to a person directly, you don’t always have to use an email.•Responsible use of email is expected of all students. Using email to bully, intimidate or

harm other users are serious offenses.

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18 Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

•Consider the tone. Remember when you send an email the recipient cannot see your facial expressions and cannot hear your voice. Does your email sound polite to the person receiving it? If you feel upset don’t hit send, wait a while!

•The email subject should be brief and an accurate indication of the contents of the email.•Only send email to the recipients who need to know the information in the email. For

example, if you need to email another student you should not email all students. Email to large groups and “reply all” will rarely be used.

•Forwarding emails to recipients who were not included in the original email (unless the original sender approves) is not polite.

•Check your email regularly. “I didn’t check my email” is not a valid excuse for missing an important message.

•When you create your password, make the password a combination of numbers and letters. Make it something you WILL remember.

Facts about YIS student email accounts:

•Your user name is the last 2 digits of your graduation year followed by your last name and your first name initial. For example, if you are Shohei Brown who graduates in 2014, your address will be [email protected].

•If you lose your email password, you may ask the IT Department to reset it. The IT Department will create a temporary password for you that is “YIS” followed by your student ID number (e.g., YIS12345). The IT Department will only reset your password if you request so in person with your student ID card.

•Google limits total attachment size to 25MB.

Community AwarenessAll students are members of the greater YIS community and have a social obligation to protect shared resources and respect the people and the space around them.

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As such, students are expected to:

•Be aware of other students or teachers working nearby.•Listen to audio with headphones in public spaces.•Be mindful of activities that consume excessive bandwidth.•Take care of school equipment, such as cameras.

Students should keep in mind that individual teachers will have different protocols for classroom use of IT and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of these and adhere to them.

Students are expected to submit requests for help to the YIS Help Desk at [email protected].

Responsibilities of Using School ComputersStudents are responsible for the proper care and maintenance of school-owned laptop computers and other IT equipment that they use. For students who are issued individual laptops as part of the Connected Learning Community, these obligations are detailed in the Laptop Acceptance Form and the Responsible Use Agreement that each student and their parent or guardian must sign (see appendices). They include performing all software updates, being responsible for data (including backups), leaving school-defined settings and software as installed, and being careful not to void the warranty by bringing the laptop to an unauthorized service center or disassembling the computer.

Students should also take careful steps to protect their laptops from damage or theft. This means carrying it only when the lid is closed, using a carrying case when moving between classes, and never having open drinks nearby while using the laptop. When not in use, the laptop must be securely locked in the student’s locker or other locked storage area, or kept within sight. It must never be left unattended in open areas, even for a few minutes.

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20 Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

Shared ComputersIn addition to individual laptop computers issued as part of the CLC, shared laptop computers are available for general student use. Students are responsible for the safekeeping of their own data files and should use personal storage devices or their individual or shared folders on the server. Personal files on shared computers are automatically erased each time they restart as part of an on-going maintenance routine. YIS takes no responsibility for files lost on these shared computers.

Monitored Use and MisconductWhen there are concerns that devices are being used inappropriately, teachers or IT Department staff may monitor student use. Similarly, student use of the school network is monitored on a regular basis. YIS reserves the right to inspect school-issued computers and electronic media and to carry out appropriate disciplinary action. In addition, random laptop check-ups will be performed throughout the school year, as described in the Responsible Use Agreement. YIS does not take responsibility for personal media or information transmitted to a third party by a student, nor does it take responsibility for any repercussions that may occur from said action (e.g., posting photos on a social networking website).

Disciplinary ProcessIf the Responsible Use Policy is not followed, and disciplinary actions are necessary, the process will follow the standard procedures outlined in the student handbook.

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Responsible Use Policy and Guidelines

Using Your Laptop

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22 Using Your Laptop

Using Your LaptopLaptop Distribution and Return

Laptop AcceptancePrior to receiving a CLC laptop, you and a parent or guardian must agree to and sign the Laptop Acceptance Form (see appendices).

SoftwareThe school will provide basic licenced software for all CLC computers, including Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite, among others. Additional software may be subsequently installed for specific course requirements. Software needs will vary depending on the class and you will be provided licensed software as required. This software is licensed for YIS students and may be removed when you leave YIS.

Students will be requested to install updates as needed throughout the year. You can add licenced software to your computer as long as it does not interfere with the software updates and software necessary for educational purposes.

In addition, you may be required to return your laptop once a year to YIS for re-imaging. Before handing in your computer for imaging, you must backup all user data on the laptop.

Returning or Purchasing Your LaptopStudents in grades 6 and 9 are required to return their laptops at the end of the school year, and will not have a CLC laptop during the summer. Upon return, the laptop will be inspected for damage. You may be asked to contribute to any repair costs incurred. You will receive a new laptop at the beginning of the following school year.

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Using Your LaptopUsing Your Laptop 23

Students leaving YIS will have the opportunity to purchase their laptops. In the event that you purchase the laptop you will be required to temporarily submit it for removal of school-licensed software. Much of the software on each laptop is licensed specifically to YIS and therefore must be restricted to the use of current YIS students. If you take the option of purchasing the laptop, you will pay for the residual value of the laptop as defined by the school. Any remaining warranty remains with the laptop.

Collection and Inspection by SchoolYIS reserves the right to collect and examine school-issued laptops at any time for the purpose of assuring compliance with school rules and guidelines. The school may also monitor laptop and Internet use at school to ensure compliance. Computers may be re-imaged if found not to be in compliance.

Account Ownership

Computer AccountsComputers are distributed as new, without users pre-configured, but with software pre-installed. Students are given administrative rights on their laptop. If parents wish to use parental controls (see next section), they alone should have the administrative account password.

Parental ControlsParental controls are available to disable or limit certain functions. This requires that parents hold administrative rights to the laptop. However, parents should bear in mind that as the holder of the administrative account, they would be required to enter the password whenever there are required software updates, as well as for installation of new software. As such, parental involvement in the management of student laptops could

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24 Using Your Laptop

interfere with the student's ability to effectively use the laptop to its full potential at school and at home. See the Frequently Asked Questions for further discussion of this issue.

Further details on Apple’s Parental Controls can be found here…


Passwords Students will create their own passwords. A strong password is important because any individual password that is compromised can have adverse consequences. You may wish to use the same password for all school accounts. You are responsible for remembering your own password. You may wish to use a tool, such as 1Password, to help keep track of your various passwords.

We recommend choosing a password that:

•Is easy to remember.•Is not an obvious choice, such as your birthday, pet, or friend’s name.•Has at least eight characters. •Includes a mixture of characters (letters, numbers, & % # etc.) For example:


Random words can make very strong passwords. For example: correcthorsebatterystaple1

Additionally, it is generally good practice to change your password once per semester, as older passwords – those that have been used more often – are generally easier to discover than those that have been newly changed.

It is extremely important that you do not lose your password, as resetting user passwords may result in the loss of data.

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Using Your LaptopUsing Your Laptop 25

Coverage and Care

For a complete description of family, student and school responsibilities regarding coverage and care of the laptop, please see the Responsible Use Agreement and Laptop Acceptance Form (see appendices).

Security and ControlStudents are responsible for the security of their laptops at all times. Laptops should never be left unattended or taken into environments that may prove harmful. We recommend that you password protect your computer.

To keep laptops in the best working condition, you need to ensure that it is physically undamaged. Even small dents in the casing can render certain essential components of the computer unusable. See the “Caring for Your Laptop” section for useful tips on how to take care of your laptop.

All students must keep their computers in the school-provided case or a case that meets the standards established by YIS. While no decals or stickers may be applied to the laptop itself, you may decorate your laptop case to differentiate it from other students’ cases, provided that any stickers or other markings are not be offensive to others. You may not remove identifying inventory tags affixed to the computer by the IT Department.

Appropriate Cases & TransportationKeeping laptops in the school-provided carrying case will help protect against most minor bumps and jolts; however, when the laptop is in a backpack or bag, it is important to ensure that there is no adverse pressure applied to it. Laptops do not function well after having been bumped around, and screens will break if enough pressure is applied to them.

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26 Using Your Laptop

You should try to ensure that there are not too many other objects in the carrying case alongside the laptop. Small, loose objects (such as paper clips or coins) could accidentally get stuck in openings in the laptop if carried alongside it inside the backpack. Magnetic objects will harm the functionality of the laptop and should be kept at a distance. It is expected that you keep your laptop within the school-provided case at all times, even when in use.

If you wish to purchase your own case, it must be designed so that the laptop can be used while in the case.

Caring for Your Laptop

A laptop will serve as a learning device for many years if treated well. You are expected to have your laptop in full-functioning order for every class every day at YIS. For this reason, it is vital that you exercise care at all times to keep your laptop functioning properly. There are several fundamental ways to retain the functionality of the laptop.

Always carry your laptop safely.

Whenever you move your laptop, close the case and hold it carefully.

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Never carry your laptop with the lid open.When the lid is open, bumps and impacts can cause damage to a hard drive that is still spinning. This means extra movement is more likely to cause data loss and hardware damage when the lid is open.

Keep laptops away from liquids and food. Don't eat or drink while using the computer as crumbs that may fall into the keyboard can remain there, eventually affecting keys.

Don't use your laptop as a folder.You should not carry papers, books, pencils or any other items inside your laptop. Doing so can cause physical damage to your laptop.

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28 Using Your Laptop

Avoid overcrowding your laptop.Don't try to squeeze your laptop into small spaces, such as an overcrowded backpack or locker, as it may cause damage to the screen or warp the case. There are many backpack-type bags that can safely carry a laptop as well as several other books and other items.

Always keep your computer in a carrying case.Your laptop will come with a case. However, if you decide to purchase your own case, it must be designed so that you can use your laptop while in the case. Here is a good example.

Keep your laptop clean.To clean your laptop, shut it down and unplug the power adapter first.

Use a damp, soft cloth to clean the laptop's exterior. Do not apply any liquid directly on the laptop. You may use cleaners that contain no alcohol or ammonia. However, it is recommended to purchase cleaning spray for computers.

The keyboard may gather lint and dirt underneath the keys. Using either a mini-vacuum or air spray can help remove unwanted debris.

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Using Your LaptopUsing Your Laptop 29

Don't insert inappropriate objects into any openings in your laptop. Objects that are stuck into the case or ports can easily damage internal components and ports of the computer. Further, magnetic objects can cause havoc on electronic devices.

Avoid Heat and HumidityTry to keep your laptop away from extreme temperature changes, especially with high levels of humidity, as too much moisture can damage your computer.

Be patient with your laptop.It may occasionally take a few seconds for your laptop to "think." Pounding on the keys or the computer can damage the laptop, ultimately slowing the process, and negatively impact the long-term functionality of the computer. Your laptop can offer you great access to a variety of information, but it will only cooperate if you treat it well.

CLC ResourcesStudents are given a number of accounts to access various resources provided by YIS. Personal login details (user name and temporary password) will be given out in a separate document during orientation.

The following are some of the resources issued at the school level.

•YIS Google Apps and Gmail: Email, documents, calendar, etc.•YIS Server & Printing: For printing and the YIS server•YIS Learning Hub: Student and teacher blogs•YIS Veracross: Grade reports, schedules and other information•YIS Backblaze: Automatic laptop backup

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30 Using Your Laptop

Tips for Ergonomic Use

In order to avoid Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), the following suggestions are recommended by the National Health Service (UK):

•Look away from the screen every 20 minutes and focus on an object at least 20 feet (6 meters) away for at least 20 seconds. This is commonly referred to as the 20/20/20 rule.

•Take a 10-minute break every hour. Short 5-minute breaks in which you roll your neck, wrists, and ankles or walk around a little bit allow the joints that received any undue stress to relax and prepare themselves for further pressure.

•Use your laptop on a stable surface where there is support for your arms, and not on your lap.•Adopt good sitting posture with lower back support. Do not hunch your back.•Get into good habits before the aching starts. Neck, shoulder and back problems gradually

build up over time.

The main and most important way to avoid RSI from excessive laptop use is to simply vary your tasks.

Additional Information can be found at http://www.apple.com/about/ergonomics

ProductivityDeveloping and utilizing a personal productivity strategy on your laptop can help ensure that your laptop is working for you (and not the other way around!). There are many tools, applications and websites that can help you develop a strategy that works for you. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

•Add deadlines and due dates in your Google Calendar and include automatic reminders to be sent to your phone, iOS device or email.

•Subscribe to teacher blogs in your Google RSS Reader so you get all of the new information as soon as it’s posted.

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•Create simple documents, spreadsheets and presentations in Google Apps so they’re automatically backed up and you can access them from anywhere.

•Manage and organize websites in a social bookmarking service so that you can easily find them any time.

•Keep your files organized into clearly labeled folders.•Keep your desktop clear of files and folders - use the Documents folder instead.•Consider using online storage, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, for easy access to your

files from anywhere.•Consider using a notetaking application, like Evernote, to easily manage, search and

organize files like PDFs and photos of your notes.

Online HelpA wide range of tutorials and other other advice for students is available on the IT Department’s online “Help@YIS” resource at http://help.yis.ac.jp

New to Mac?If you are new to the Mac, Apple has a very good collection collection of introductory videos. These may be helpful for both students and parents.

General Mac Introduction http://www.apple.com/findouthow/mac

Photo Editing http://www.apple.com/findouthow/photos

Video Editing http://www.apple.com/findouthow/movies

Making Music http://www.apple.com/findouthow/music

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Using iWork (Apple’s version of Microsoft Office) http://www.apple.com/findouthow/iwork

Backing Up & Recovering FilesYIS provides a secure, automatic, online backup service to students called Backblaze. To backup with Backblaze, you must be connected to the Internet. The link below contains the steps required to install Backblaze. Once installed, any files created or modified on your computer are automatically backed up to the Internet. Backblaze will even keep a copy of deleted files for 30 days, often allowing you to retrieve files accidentally removed from your computer. All students are required to install Backblaze. Instructions to install Backblaze are available in the “Backup” section at http://help.yis.ac.jp

Recovering Files Using BackblazeYou can recover your files from any computer, at any time, using a web browser such as Firefox. For detailed information on how to recover files using Backblaze, go to http://help.yis.ac.jp and print out “Backblaze File Recovery Instructions.”

Connecting to the Internet from HomeThe paperwork you received from your Internet service provider should contain login and password information required to configure your computer for Internet access. Please have this paperwork ready before continuing. The following video demonstrates the steps you will need to take in order to configure your computer. You may need to use another computer to watch this video if you currently have no network access from your CLC computer.


You may also download and print out for convenient reference a step by step tutorial available at http://help.yis.ac.jp

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Frequently Asked Questions

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34 Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked QuestionsInformation about the Program

What grades will receive a laptop computer to take home?Grades 6 - 12 will receive school-issued laptops. Some of these will be new computers and others will be laptops used at school in previous years.

Will I have to pay for the laptop?The cost of the laptop, software, and support is included in the tuition fee.

How many years will the student use the same laptop before it is replaced?We carefully manage our computer resources so that they are reliable, fully functional and best support technology integration. In general, students will use the same laptop for up to three years, after which we will replace the laptop with a laptop less than 3 years old. Grade 6 students may use laptops up to 4 years old. Laptops that are retired from the Connected Learning Community (CLC) program in the secondary section and still have a useful life will be used in other grades at YIS.

When my children leave the school, can they take their laptop with them?Yes. You can choose to buy the laptop at a rate that is discounted (depreciated) according to the age of the laptop. Any remaining warranty will continue with the laptop. Software that is licensed to YIS will be removed before the ownership of the laptop is transferred to the family. Our license allows us to leave Microsoft Office on the laptop, but it will not be able to be upgraded to the next version or reinstalled after the laptop becomes the property of the family.

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Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions 35

What if my child already has a laptop?A key objective of the CLC is to enable all students to have ready and consistent access to a common set of software, hardware and network resources. It is therefore very important that the learning experience is not negatively impacted by variations in hardware or software. With a school-provided laptop we can control the standard specification and software so that learning is optimized. Purchasing in volume, we are also able to secure high-spec laptops and needed software at a much more reasonable price than families would be able to do individually.

Why has the school selected Apple computers instead of Windows machines?YIS selected the Apple computer platform primarily because of its superior reliability and simplicity of use. In addition, Apple has dedicated itself to serving the worldwide education community. Over the years we have found the Apple laptops to be very reliable with a useful life of at least 4 years. This has also led to lower operating costs for the school.

What will happen when the laptop needs to be replaced?When a student’s laptop is to be replaced, the old laptop will be returned to the school at the beginning of the summer holiday in June, and a newer laptop will be provided in August. Of course, the laptops are under warranty, so if any repairs are required during the school year a replacement laptop can be issued while the repair is made.

Are there guidelines that describe the school’s expectations for the student?Before the student receives a laptop a “Responsible Use Policy” will be explained and then a usage agreement signed by the student and a parent or guardian. It is important that our Connected Learning Community is seen as a partnership between YIS, our students and their parents, and that all partners understand the common expectations.

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36 Frequently Asked Questions

Will students have to bring their laptops to school every day?There is an expectation that students take their computers home every night and bring them to school, fully charged, every day. On occasion, they may leave the laptop locked in their locker overnight if they have an after-school activity for which they will not be able to keep the laptop in a secure location and from which they will not be returning to school that day.

Laptop Features and Functionality

What kind of laptops will the students receive?Students will receive an Apple MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. A carrying case will be provided, but if you are buying your own carrying case it is important to buy a case which meets our laptop carrying case requirements (listed within the Caring for Your Laptop section).

What software will be included with the laptop?The licensed software will include: Microsoft Office, iWork productivity suite, Inspiration mind mapping software, Adobe Creative Suite, Autograph math software and Logger Pro science software. Additional software may be subsequently installed for specific course requirements.

Will the student be able to type in different languages?Yes, the laptop can be used to type in different languages, such as Japanese.

What accessories will come with the laptop?The laptop will come with a power supply for charging. We will also provide a carrying case for the computer. The case will help to protect the laptop. Other accessories will need to be purchased by the family.

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Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions 37

What happens if I want to purchase my own laptop case?The school-provided laptop case is designed so that the laptop does not need to be taken out of the case when it is being used. You can buy your own case but it must also allow the laptop to be used without taking it out of the case. If you are buying your own case please “think green” and return the school-provided case to us for reuse or recycling.

Can students personalize their laptops?No stickers or other personalization will be allowed on the laptop itself. The school will have a bar-code on the laptop for inventory control. Students may personalize the carrying case that comes with the laptop.

Warranty and Insurance Information

What if the laptop is accidentally damaged?If the laptop is accidentally damaged the family will be responsible for paying 30,000 yen towards the repair cost. The first time the laptop is damaged the school will pay the remaining amount. If the laptop is accidentally damaged a second time the family will be responsible for 100% of the repair cost. The cost of the repair for damage is typically from around 50,000 yen up to the full replacement cost of the machine.

What if the laptop is lost?If you can’t find your laptop the family will be responsible for paying 50,000 yen towards the replacement cost. The first time the laptop is lost the school will pay the remaining amount. If the laptop is lost a second time the family will be responsible for 100% of the replacement cost. The cost of replacement would typically be 120,000 yen. If you lose the power supply that comes with your laptop you will be asked to pay 100% of the replacement cost for the power supply.

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What happens if the laptop is stolen?If your laptop is stolen while you are away from school you must report the theft to the police and obtain a report from them. With a police report, your liability will be 30,000 yen. Without a police report your liability is 100% of the replacement cost. The cost of replacement would typically be 120,000 yen.

What about theft or loss on campus?When you are not using your laptop you are responsible for keeping it locked in your locker or in the lockable area in the gym. It should not be left unattended in a classroom, the library or other open area. Should the laptop go missing from any location on campus other than your locker or the lockable area in the gym, your liability is 100% of the replacement cost.

What if I drop my laptop or spill water on the keyboard by accident?When you damage your laptop accidentally the computer’s warranty cannot be used to fix the computer. You will be responsible for contributing 30,000 yen towards the cost of repair or replacement. If you have previously damaged your computer you will be asked to pay for the whole repair cost. Even one small drop of any liquid inside the computer will permanently damage it. Most accidents happen when a laptop is not in its protective case or when the user is eating or drinking when using the laptop. With careful use, the laptop will give many years of reliable operation.

Can I buy insurance for the laptop?It is not necessary for you to buy insurance for the laptop as YIS has limited the family’s liability for damage, loss, or theft.

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Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions 39

What happens if the laptop needs repair?

If there is a problem, we will arrange to have the laptop repaired. We will provide another laptop for you to use during the repair process.

What if the laptop needs to be repaired and it is a school holiday?Laptops will have a warranty with worldwide coverage, so you can phone AppleCare and arrange for the laptop to be repaired or you can take the laptop to any Apple Store and they will arrange for the laptop to be repaired. Please note that the AppleCare Protection Plan will only cover manufacturer’s defects; it will not cover any damage that you cause, such as from dropping the laptop or spilling a drink on the keyboard. If you choose to have a laptop repaired by Apple while on holiday, YIS will not reimburse you for any associated costs.

Who will determine whether damage is accidental or covered under warranty?YIS staff can make this determination but will ultimately defer to the judgment of AppleCare Service & Support or an Apple Authorized Service Provider.

Using the Laptop at Home

How will the laptop connect to the Internet at home?At home the most convenient way to connect to the Internet is by using a wireless network. You could also use a cable to connect to the Internet. In this case, you would need to use an Ethernet (LAN) cable.

Will students be able to put additional software on the laptop?Students will have full control over their laptops and can install their own software. By looking in the “Applications” folder a parent will be able to see exactly what has been installed. Installation of software must comply with our responsible use policy, and the

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school reserves the right to check a student’s laptop – and any network enabled device – at any time to confirm that it is in compliance with this policy.

What should I do at home to ensure that my child is using the laptop in the way intended?You need to talk openly with your child about your expectations in regard to where, when, how long, and for what activities the laptop is used. These conversations are very important and if held regularly could focus on learning and be a very positive experience. Students will be using their laptops for a variety of interesting projects. Ask them to show you some of the cool things they are doing.

Can certain aspects of laptop use be controlled by the parent?It is possible for parents to use the Parental Control system preference to control some aspects of the laptop’s use. For example you can set and control a time that the laptop automatically turns off. However, we believe these controls should be used only as a last resort. The conversations you have at home about your expectations should mean that the use of Parental Controls is not necessary. When you use the parental controls the parent becomes the administrator of the laptop. Becoming the administrator of the laptop will prevent the student from installing software and updating applications. When a teacher asks students to install or register needed software during the school day the student will not be able to do this.

Will parents be able to access student work online?Our online presence for students and teachers can be found on the YIS Learning Hub. There you will find information about your child’s classes, and links to your child’s digital presence. Students are encouraged to have personal blogs on the Learning Hub and to highlight their work.

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What about class websites?All teacher (as well as student) blogs can be found on the YIS Learning Hub.

Using the Laptop at School

Will students have a secure place to keep their laptop at school?Yes, all students have lockable lockers. In addition, there is a secure place at the gym for students to keep their laptops. Students who have an after-school activity, and who do not return to school after the activity, will need to take their laptops with them and be responsible for their safety. If they cannot do so, they may leave their laptops locked in their lockers overnight.

Will students be able to charge their laptops at school?One of the benefits of using Apple computers is that they have a very long battery life. We expect students to bring their laptops to school everyday with 100% charge. Under normal conditions the battery’s charge will be sufficient to last for a whole day.

Will students be able to use laptops during break times?We are conscious that a balanced school day includes time when students do not use their laptops . There will be times, for example recess, when there will be no laptop use allowed. In addition there will be places such as the cafeteria where we will usually not allow laptop usage.

How will students store their data? Can they use the server?Students will store their data on their laptops. In addition, all students have school email accounts that use Google Apps. Documents can be created, stored and shared with Google Apps. Students will also have server space that they can access from anywhere.

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42 Frequently Asked Questions

What should students do about backing up their data?YIS provides an online backup solution for every student, called Backblaze. This service backs up the laptop’s documents continually to a remote server in the US whenever it is connected to the Internet. It will be the student’s responsibility to register for the backup service and install the simple software package. This backup solution has proven itself to be a lifesaver to many students and staff members. If the hard drive fails the student will be responsible for contacting the company in the U.S. and arranging for the data to be sent by mail on a new hard drive (there are also other options) and for the associated shipping cost.

Why does YIS use Google for email?At YIS we moved to Google for our email because of the integration with other Google Apps such as documents and sites, and because of the collaboration this integration makes possible. YIS Google Accounts are available from anywhere at any time. Although we use Google as the engine that drives our email, we do not use GMail. We have our own customized, private Google domain that cannot be accessed by non-YIS Google users.

Will all of the students’ work be done on a computer?No. Technology is used as a tool for learning. Teachers and students will use the laptops if it is the best tool for the learning taking place on that day, or in that unit of work.

How will students’ social skills be affected by the constant interaction with the computer versus face-to-face contact?In the classroom there are times when students learn individually and there are times when students work in collaborative groups. This will remain the case whether laptops are used or not. During break times the use of computers will be limited so that there is a balance between computer use and active interaction with peers.

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Appendices – Agreements and Forms

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44 Appendices – Agreements and Forms

Appendices – Agreements and FormsResponsible Use Agreement for Middle and High School Students (Grades 6 - 12)As part of my learning experiences at YIS, I will be using a school-issued laptop computer, the Internet and other information technology (IT) to gather knowledge, learn collabora-tively and share my work online. My parents and I will read, discuss and agree to the YIS Responsible Use Policy.

•I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the YIS Responsible Use Policy and Laptop Acceptance Form.

•I understand that violations of the YIS Responsible Use Policy and this Responsible Use Agreement will be subject to YIS disciplinary processes and procedures.

•I am aware that these rules and guidelines apply to any IT device used at YIS.•I will follow the advice, instructions and rules that are set by my teachers with respect to

using my laptop and other IT equipment and not allow technology to disrupt my studies or classes.

Student Name: Grade:

Student Signature: Date:

Parent Signature:

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Responsible Use Agreement for Upper Elementary Students (Grades 3 – 5)As part of my learning experiences at YIS, I will be using computers, the Internet and other information technology (IT) at school to gather knowledge, learn collaboratively, and share my work online. I promise to be a good digital citizen by following these rules:

•My parents and I will read, discuss and sign this Responsible Use Agreement.•I will use YIS computers and other IT equipment for schoolwork and with a supervising

adult’s permission.•I will only go online or use the Internet at school for schoolwork, and when a supervising

adult gives permission and is present.•I will follow the rules that are set by the teacher and not allow technology to disrupt my

studies or classes. I will not play games, use social networking sites or engage in activities that disrupt my studies, my peers or my classes.

•If I am unsure about when and/or how I may use computers and other IT equipment or go online, I will ask a supervising adult.

•I will not use the Internet, email, or any IT equipment to be mean, rude, or unkind to other people.

•I will protect my password and respect the privacy of others’ passwords.•If I find anything on a computer or other IT device that upsets me, or makes me

uncomfortable or things I know are not acceptable at our school, I will: » Close the computer/device and not show others. » Tell a supervising adult straight away.

•I will not put personal identifying information online at school. Personal identifying information includes: » Full name » Address » Email address » Phone numbers

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•I will be respectful and thoughtful when sharing my work or commenting on other students’ work in online learning spaces. If I receive a comment that makes me feel uncomfortable or is not respectful, I will tell my teacher right away. I will not respond to the comment.

•I will be careful and will look after all our school IT equipment by: » Always closing the laptop lid before carrying it anywhere. » Carry it with both hands. » Being careful not to drop the computer/device. » Keeping food and drink away from equipment. » Telling a supervising adult right away if any equipment is damaged or not working.

Student Name: Class:

Student Signature: Date:

Parent Signature:

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Laptop Acceptance Form for Grades 6 through 12This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which a student may be issued a school-owned laptop computer, and the obligations that the student and his/her parent or guardian take on in accepting the computer. This agreement, as well as the Responsible Use Agreement, must be signed by the student and a parent or guardian in order for a laptop to be issued.


Student (Print Full Name):

Parent or Guardian (Print Full Name):

Yokohama International School (YIS) agrees to issue the following laptop computer to the above-named student for his/her school and personal use until such time as the computer is to be replaced or the student withdraws from the school. If the student leaves the school prior to the time when the laptop is scheduled for replacement, he/she may purchase the laptop from the school at a depreciated price to be set by the YIS IT Department.

In signing this form, the student and his/her parent or guardian acknowledge the following obligations to YIS in relation to the use and care of the laptop:

If The Laptop Is LostIf you (the student) can’t find your laptop, you or your parent/guardian are responsible for paying 50,000 yen towards the replacement cost. If the laptop is lost a second time you will be responsible for paying 100% of the replacement cost. If you lose any accessories (power adapter, Ethernet adapter), you will pay 100% of the replacement cost for each instance.

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If The Laptop Is StolenIf your laptop is stolen while you are away from school you must report the theft to the police and obtain a report from them. With a police report, your liability is 30,000 yen. Without a police report your liability is 100% of the replacement cost.

Theft Or Loss On CampusWhen you are not using your laptop you are responsible for keeping the laptop locked in your locker or in the lockable area in the gym. It should never be left unlocked or unattended in the school. Should the laptop go missing from any location on campus other than your locker or the lockable area in the gym, your liability is 100% of the replacement cost.

Damage To The LaptopWhen you damage your laptop accidentally the computer’s warranty cannot be used to fix the computer. You will be responsible for paying 30,000 yen towards the cost of repair or replacement. If you damage your computer a second time, you will be required to pay for 100% of the repair cost.

Repair Of The LaptopMacBook Pro and MacBook Air laptops (silver color) have worldwide AppleCare Protection Plan warranty coverage. You can arrange for repair through the YIS IT Department when school is in session, or directly with Apple if on holiday. MacBook laptops (white color) have no remaining warranty and need to be returned to YIS for repair. Please note that AppleCare Protection Plan will only cover manufacturer’s defects; it will not cover any

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damage that you cause, such as from dropping the laptop or spilling a drink on the keyboard. If you choose to have a laptop repaired by Apple while on holiday you should understand that YIS will not reimburse you for any associated costs.

Who Will Determine Whether Repair Is Caused By Accidental Damage?YIS IT Department staff can make this determination initially but must ultimately defer to the decision of AppleCare Service & Support or an Apple Authorized Service Provider.

InsuranceIt is not necessary for you to buy additional insurance for the laptop as YIS has limited the family’s liability for damage, loss, or theft.

Use Of The Laptop During The Summer BreakYou may be asked to return the laptop to YIS at the end of the school year in June, so that maintenance can be carried out, or so that the laptop can be replaced in August with another laptop.

Data And Software On The LaptopIt is your responsibility to back-up your data on the computer. You will be provided with software that you can install to perform data back-ups automatically whenever you are online. YIS is not responsible for recovering any lost data on your computer or for recovering any software that you have installed.

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Acknowledgement And AcceptanceWe understand and agree to the above obligations, terms and conditions for using the school-issued laptop computer. We have also read and signed the Responsible Use Agreement.

Student Signature:

Parent or Guardian Signature:

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Laptop Acceptance Form for Grade 5This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which a student may be issued a school-owned laptop computer, and the obligations that the student and his/her parent or guardian take on in accepting the computer. This agreement, as well as the Responsible Use Agreement, must be signed by the student and a parent or guardian in order for a laptop to be issued.


Student (Print Full Name):

Parent or Guardian (Print Full Name):

Yokohama International School (YIS) agrees to issue the following laptop computer to the above-named student for his/her school and personal use until such time as the computer is to be replaced or the student withdraws or graduates from the school. If the student leaves the school prior to the time when the laptop is scheduled for replacement, he/she may purchase the laptop from the school at a depreciated price to be set by the YIS IT Department.

In signing this form, the student and his/her parent or guardian acknowledge the following obligations to YIS in relation to the use and care of the laptop:

Theft Or Loss On CampusWhen you are not using your laptop you are responsible for keeping the laptop in its designated location in your classroom. It should never be left unattended elsewhere in the school. Should the laptop go missing from any location on campus other than your classroom, your liability is 100% of the replacement cost.

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Damage To The LaptopWhen you damage your laptop accidentally, you will be responsible for paying 30,000 yen towards the cost of repair or replacement. If you damage your computer a second time, you will be required to pay for 100% of the repair cost.

Data And Software On The LaptopIt is your responsibility to back-up your data on the computer. You will be provided with software that you can install to perform data back-ups automatically whenever you are online. YIS is not responsible for recovering any lost data on your computer.

Acknowledgement And AcceptanceWe understand and agree to the above obligations, terms and conditions for using the school-issued laptop computer. We have also read and signed the Responsible Use Agreement.

Student Signature:

Parent or Guardian Signature:

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Appendices – Agreements and Forms


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ConnectedLearning Community

Welcome to the YISYOKOHAMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL258 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0862 T. 045.622.0084 F. 045.621.0379 http://www.yis.ac.jp