ridge nl spring 2013theridgeatwrenwoodhoa.com/.../ridge_nl_spring_2013.pdf · 2013-12-09 ·...

Spring 2013 Issue 1 2013 HOA BOARD ELECTIONS HELD TIME TO PAY YOUR ANNUAL DUES HOA BOARD ELECTIONS: At our annual meeting on Monday, February 25 th elections were held and the results are as follows: President-elect is Tom McNutt, Vice President is Cary Glay. Dennis Mortemore remains as Secretary and Dave Francis remains as Treasurer. Other HOA annual meeting news is on the following pages. Board Members: President: Tom McNutt 8020 Winding Ridge 419-740-2214 (H) V. President: Cary Glay 7930 Enchanted Circle Treasurer: Dave Francis 4236 Back Ridge Way Secretary: Dennis Mortemore 8115 Winding Ridge All Board members may be reached at: [email protected] the official email address for The Ridge at Wrenwood HOA HOA DUES: The 2013 HOA fee is due by March 31, 2013. Please submit your payment to Dave Francis, HOA Treasurer. HOA fees will remain the same in 2013 as they were in 2012, $300 per lot. Please make sure you mail it or drop it off on or before March 31. Dave Francis HOA Treasurer Walking Trail Update: In 2013 we are planning to refurbish the walking trail. We are again soliciting bids in Q1 2013 for the work that needs to be done. Details of the situation are on the Inside This Issue: Tree Lawn Trees: Do you have the required trees planted on your property? Speed & Safety: Trying to control speeding in The Ridge THE RIDGE NEWSLETTER AT UPDATED EMAIL ADDRESSES NEEDED FOR ALL LOTS. PLEASE SEE INSIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION

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Page 1: Ridge NL SPRING 2013theridgeatwrenwoodhoa.com/.../Ridge_NL_SPRING_2013.pdf · 2013-12-09 · 2013’HOA’BOARD’ELECTIONS’HELD’ TIME’TOPAY’YOUR’ANNUAL’DUES’ 1 HOA


Spring  2013  Issue  1  



HOA BOARD ELECTIONS: At our annual meeting on Monday, February 25th elections were held and the results are as follows: President-elect is Tom McNutt, Vice President is Cary Glay. Dennis Mortemore remains as Secretary and Dave Francis remains as Treasurer. Other HOA annual meeting news is on the following pages.


Board Members: President: Tom McNutt 8020 Winding Ridge 419-740-2214 (H) V. President: Cary Glay 7930 Enchanted Circle Treasurer: Dave Francis 4236 Back Ridge Way Secretary: Dennis Mortemore 8115 Winding Ridge All Board members may be reached at: [email protected] the official email address for The Ridge at Wrenwood HOA


HOA DUES: The 2013 HOA fee is due by March 31, 2013. Please submit your payment to Dave Francis, HOA Treasurer. HOA fees will remain the same in 2013 as they were in 2012, $300 per lot. Please make sure you mail it or drop it off on or before March 31.

Dave Francis HOA Treasurer Walking Trail Update: In 2013 we are planning to refurbish the walking trail. We are again soliciting bids in Q1 2013 for the work that needs to be done. Details of the situation are on the

Inside  This  Issue:  Tree  Lawn  Trees:    Do  you  have  the  required  trees  planted  on  

your  property?    Speed  &  Safety:    Trying  to  control  speeding  in  The  Ridge  




Page 2: Ridge NL SPRING 2013theridgeatwrenwoodhoa.com/.../Ridge_NL_SPRING_2013.pdf · 2013-12-09 · 2013’HOA’BOARD’ELECTIONS’HELD’ TIME’TOPAY’YOUR’ANNUAL’DUES’ 1 HOA

  The  Ridge  Newsletter                         2  

Update  on  Safety  and  Speed  Concerns  within  

The  Ridge  

On  Tuesday,  February  19th,  board  members  Tom  McNutt  and  Dennis  Mortemore  attended  the  Monclova  Trustee  meeting.    Tom  presented  the  case  regarding  safety  concerns  with  the  speed  of  traffic  within  The  Ridge.    Signed  petitions  were  shared  with  the  Township  Administrator  and  trustees.    Discussion  of  the  issue  followed  and  we  were  advised  that  due  to  regulations  in  the  Ohio  Revised  Code  there  were  hurdles  in  getting  stop  signs  placed.    Harold  Grimm,  Administrator,  has  suggested  a  request  for  a  traffic  study  on  Winding  Ridge.    The  request  will  be  presented  to  the  township  trustees  for  approval.    The  study  will  provide  valuable  traffic  data  on  the  number  of  vehicles  and  associated  speeds.  

Increased  presence  of  the  Sheriff  will  result  in  citations  issued  to  those  violating  the  25  MPH  limit.    The  speed  monitor  trailer  will  also  be  scheduled  for  our  neighborhood.    Pay  attention  to  your  speed.    Keep  our  residents  safe  and  avoid  a  ticket!  

At  our  annual  meeting  Jeff  Lohse,  Assistant  County  Engineer,  spoke  about  safety  regulations  and  the  challenges  we  face  in  getting  stop  signs  in  our  development.    Jeff  provided  documents  to  help  us  understand  the  issues.  The  board  will  continue  to  investigate  other  options.  


Discussion  was  held  by  the  board  

at  the  annual  meeting  regarding  

the  violation  of  the  deed  

restriction  requiring  two  (2)  trees  

planted  between  the  road  and  

sidewalk  (tree  lawn)  on  each  lot.    

It  has  been  noted  twice  in  past  

newsletters  that  the  board  desires  

all  homeowners  to  comply  with  

this  requirement.    It  was  agreed  

by  all  attendees  that  all  

homeowners  not  complying  must  

do  so  by  mid-­‐May  2013.    We  

would  like  the  homeowners  

needing  to  comply  to  notify  the  

board  of  their  intention  by  April  

15,  2013.    If  homeowners  in  

violation  of  this  requirement  fail  

to  comply,  the  board  will  contract  

a  landscape  company  to  plant  the  


needed  trees  and  bill  the  

homeowner.    Planting  will  take  

place  in  May.    We  are  soliciting  

quotes  for  the  number  of  trees    

needed  and  the  cost  to  plant  


All  board  members  and  attendees  

agreed  to  this  enforcement  

approach.    We  ask  for  those  

homeowners  not  in  compliance  to  

let  us  know  you  intentions,  if  you  

plan  on  installing  the  trees  or  

want  the  HOA  to  have  it  done  for  

you.    We  feel  if  we  do  it  through  a  

group  buy  it  will  be  more  cost  

effective.    Please  email  your  

intentions  to  

[email protected]  so  the  

board  and  Landscape  Committee  

can  plan  accordingly.  

Non-­‐Compliance  of  Required  Tree  Deed  Restrictions    

Page 3: Ridge NL SPRING 2013theridgeatwrenwoodhoa.com/.../Ridge_NL_SPRING_2013.pdf · 2013-12-09 · 2013’HOA’BOARD’ELECTIONS’HELD’ TIME’TOPAY’YOUR’ANNUAL’DUES’ 1 HOA

TheThe  The  Ridge  Newsletter                         3  

Lighting  The  Ridge  Entrance  

At  the  annual  meeting  the  board  

and  attending  residents  discussed  

the  state  of  the  lighting  at  the  

development’s  entrance.    It  was  

agreed  by  all  that  bids  be  solicited  

to  upgrade  the  lighting  for  the  sign  

and  trees  along  the  entrance  on  

Winding  Ridge,  both  sides  of  the  

street.    A  decision  will  be  made  

based  on  the  quotes  received  and  

funds  available.    There  was  also  

discussion  on  holiday  lighting.    


Contractors  will  be  contacted  over  

the  summer  months  for  proposals  

and  quotes  for  this  project.    Input  

on  design  and  content  from  the  

homeowners  is  welcome  as  many  

have  commented  on  how  other  

local  developments  have  

improved  their  entrance  lighting  

in  general  and  at  the  December  

holiday  time.    

Annual  Meeting  Financial  Review  

Financials  for  the  HOA  from  2012  

were  discussed  along  with  

projections  for  2013.    Budgeted  

2012  revenues  and  expenditures  

versus  2012  actuals  were  

reviewed.    Based  on  the  actual,  

the  HOA  ended  2012  with  a  

positive  cash  balance  of  $12,014.    

This  is  in  spite  of  the  extraordinary  

expenses  we  incurred  over  the  last  

18  months  for  the  repair  and  

maintenance  of  both  pumps  in  the  

sewer  lift  station.  


In  2013  our  larger  anticipated  

expenses  will  be  for  the  walking  

trail  maintenance  and  upgrade  of  

the  entrance  landscape  lighting.    

Anyone  wishing  a  copy  of  the  

financial  report  should  contact  

Dave  Francis  by  email  and  he  

would  be  more  than  happy  to  send  

it  to  you.      

Walking  Trail  Update  

Just  so  everyone  is  aware,  we  will  be  doing  trail  maintenance  in  the  spring.    Those  

residents  that  have  property  adjacent  to  the  trail  will  soon  see  surveyors  and  

survey  stakes  marking  the  trail.    We  need  to  make  sure  we  have  a  complete  

delineation  of  the  trail  in  order  to  perform  the  needed  maintenance.    We  will  be  

getting  quotes  on  the  needed  work  in  April  and  starting  soon  after.    We  expect  

the  work  to  be  completed  by  early  June  at  the  latest.    The  trail  is  a  requirement  in  

our  development  and  the  HOA  is  responsible  to  maintain  it.    Our  goal  is  to  have  a  

trail  that  is  safe,  functional  and  scenic.    If  you  have  any  questions  regarding  the  

trail  please  contact  any  one  of  the  HOA  board  officers  directly.    

Page 4: Ridge NL SPRING 2013theridgeatwrenwoodhoa.com/.../Ridge_NL_SPRING_2013.pdf · 2013-12-09 · 2013’HOA’BOARD’ELECTIONS’HELD’ TIME’TOPAY’YOUR’ANNUAL’DUES’ 1 HOA




The  Ridge  Newsletter   4  

Odds  &  Ends  

Empty  Lot  Maintenance  –  Due  to  the  complaints  of  nearby  homeowners,  

the  board  is  requesting  that  all  empty  lot  owners  clean  up  their  lots  of  litter  

and  mow  their  lots  a  minimum  of  once  a  month.    Many  homeowners  that  

are  next  to  these  lots  would  appreciate  your  help  in  addressing  this  request.    

If  the  owner  fails  to  comply,  the  HOA  will  contract  the  work  and  bill  the  lot  

owner  accordingly.    Failure  to  pay  will  result  in  a  lien  against  the  property.    

Thank  you  for  your  help  in  complying  with  this  request.    Your  neighbors  will  

appreciate  this  as  well  as  it  will  keep  our  neighborhood  as  one  of  the  premier  

developments  in  the  township  and  the  county.  


Need  Your  Updated  Email  Address!!!  –  Help  us  keep  our  expenses  down  by  

providing  us  one  email  address  for  each  address  in  our  neighborhood.    We  

will  soon  be  sending  out  newsletters  and  announcements  via  email  to  save  

on  postage  and  paper.    If  you  don’t  have  an  email  address  on  our  list  you  will  

not  know  what  is  going  on.    

Even  if  you  have  sent  an  

email  address  in  before,  send  

it  again.    We  want  to  make  

sure  our  2013  contact  list  is    


Send  an  email  to  

[email protected]    and  

include  your  name(s),  street  

address,  and  the  email  

address  you  want  the  Ridge  

info  sent  to.