rics general advice

General advice Do not try to answer all the questions in sequence Answer first what you think you know, then try to come baclk Answer ALL questions. Ric schematized study as 1st Ganong Chapter, then Ettinger correspondent material, then Reviews. Exercises acidbase (respiratory v metabolic etc all of them gonna be mixed at the end) they might as definitions (, what is ph, what is the definition of respiratory v metabolic etc,what is anion gap, what is weak anion, etc) They also might ask differences between cats and dogs in terms of compensating disorders (cats have renal differences in excretion of stuff). What kind of fluid would u like to give to this dog. Ric did DiBartola for acidbase: Recommended Chapter 9 to 13 (acid base). He recommends focusing on definitions Maybe 34 questions in total (?) genetics (all you need is in the paper Ric gave us) Ettinger Vol. 1 = ETTINGER IS FOR PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Section 1 completely useless except Ch 46 (definitions might come in the exam). Ch 7 positive + negative predictive value calculation etc; Definition of sens and specificity. Section 2 Hyperthermia v Fever. Thermal regulation. Ignore skin. Eventually hepatocutaneous syndrome. Eventually the edema chapter (Ric did not seem very excited about it). PArt about Physics: Caquexia is important (read JVIM caquexia review!!! stuff about mechanisms: such as nuclear factor beta). All the general parts of Section 2 are complementary to book 2, but they like to ask question from definitions and stuff of this section. Acute vision loss, urinary (PU/PD), gastro intestinal (vomiting JSAP + JFSM reviews on pathophysiology in dogs and cats). Proteinuria (hematuria impact on proteinura). Neurologic: Bladder is important (enervation, how the receptors are distributed from the bladder (beta) to the neck (alpha)= BSAVA manual helps). Ch 52 pretty important. Section 3 Not important. Eventually blood pressure bits but dont waste time. Section 4 Acidbase (Ch 124), O2 delivery FiO2 (what is FiO2; which method is better) Section 5 Toxicology (we dont care about tropical stuff = only EU stuff)

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General advice for general medicine exam


Page 1: Rics General Advice

General advice

Do not try to answer all the questions in sequence Answer first what you think you know, then try to come baclk Answer ALL questions. Ric schematized study as 1st Ganong Chapter, then Ettinger correspondent material,

then Reviews. Exercises

acid­base (respiratory v metabolic etc all of them gonna be mixed at the end) they might as definitions (, what is ph, what is the definition of respiratory v

metabolic etc,what is anion gap, what is weak anion, etc) They also might ask differences between cats and dogs in terms of compensating disorders (cats have renal differences in excretion of stuff). What kind of fluid would u like to give to this dog.

Ric did DiBartola for acid­base: Recommended Chapter 9 to 13 (acid base). He recommends focusing on definitions

Maybe 3­4 questions in total (?) genetics (all you need is in the paper Ric gave us)


Section 1 completely useless except Ch 4­6 (definitions might come in the exam). Ch 7 positive + negative predictive value calculation etc; Definition of sens and specificity.

Section 2 Hyperthermia v Fever. Thermal regulation. Ignore skin. Eventually hepatocutaneous syndrome. Eventually the edema

chapter (Ric did not seem very excited about it). PArt about Physics: Caquexia is important (read JVIM caquexia review!!! stuff

about mechanisms: such as nuclear factor beta). All the general parts of Section 2 are complementary to book 2, but they like to

ask question from definitions and stuff of this section. Acute vision loss, urinary (PU/PD), gastro intestinal (vomiting JSAP + JFSM reviews on pathophysiology in dogs and cats). Proteinuria (hematuria impact on proteinura).

Neurologic: Bladder is important (enervation, how the receptors are distributed from the bladder (beta) to the neck (alpha)= BSAVA manual helps). Ch 52 pretty important.

Section 3 Not important. Eventually blood pressure bits but dont waste time. Section 4 Acid­base (Ch 124), O2 delivery FiO2 (what is FiO2; which method is better) Section 5 Toxicology (we dont care about tropical stuff = only EU stuff)

Page 2: Rics General Advice

Section 6 Blood pressure (Hypertension pathophysiology is important) = Ch 151. JVIM Portal hypertension review and also a review on systemic hypertension (look in folders)

Section 7 Anti­fungal or anti­bacterial (where do they work? ex Prostate or CNS!). Glucocorticoid Ch 157 is important (how do steroids exert their effect)

Section 8 Not important, except how to calculate RER. Ch about nutrition and bone. Immunology and nutrition (review JVIM, talks about IBD, is important! Tall like receptor, how is this involved in IBD).

Section 9 This is important. Blood groups. Transfusions and reactions. Coombs tests (what is it looking for. Are we using it for IMTP = No, but why). Crossmatching. What is the meaning of each test.

Section 10 There will not be a lot of questions but they will be there. You need to decide if you just do the main diseases or if you do all of them. (Viruses, does it have envelope, is it RNA or DNA). Ric read only the most important diseases (he did not read fungal disease for exemples). Pneumocystis cystis carinii (CD4 and CD8) = there was a question if a dog would have the disease again after having it once = answer is no). Prevalence of diseases. What screening tests to do. FEV and FIV. They also like CD4 and CD8 bullshit.

Section 11 Forget about it. Ettinger Vol. 2 = Respiratory and Cardio as the most important chapters.

Drugs for the heart Anti­arrhythmics and classifications Gastro intestinal disease important. Endocrine disorders. How to test cushings disease. Which steroids are short or long

acting. Hyperaldosteronism in cats is in a review, which should be read. Pheochromocytoma is important in the Ettinger, due to therapy before potential surgery. T4 and free T4 bullshit, TSH (specificity of diagnosis; cats versus dogs).

Reproduction Focus on drugs and cytology. Raskin Cytology book recommended read. Cancer Paraneoplastic syndrome. Drugs like pamidronate. Maybe drug classes for

chemotherapy. Neurolocalization is very important. Schematics are the most important. How this

related to clinical signs. Where are the different centers (cardiac and respiratory for example). Vision pathway is important. Central and peripheral vestibular signs. Horner syndrome. Ignore specific diseases like GME. FOCUS ON KNOWING HOW TO NEUROLOCALIZE. For example question: sub­tentorial pathways: which CN. The CN 2,3 8 will be in questions for sure. Facial paralysis. BSAVA Manual chapter.


70% of the questions were from Ganong = Ganong has to drive your study Read as much as you can.

Page 3: Rics General Advice

No reproduction hormones. No Neurophysiology except for maybe very basic reading about the types of fibers and neuron structure. Different pathways in animals.

Section 1 Molecular physiology. K is x inside and outside the cell for example. Section 2 Respiratory physiology: WEST. Hemoglobin dissociation curve. On Ric`s CD there is an excel file about disease v gene causing disease v recessive or

whatever. Electrolyte imbalances classification and causes of: Ch in Ettinger + Ganong. Interleukines in Ganong is important. How ACE­i work (aferent v efferent), also amlodipine HEart pressure versus volume overload. Coagulation classic pathways extrinsic v intrinsic (HEmatology book if time is enough,

otherwise ganong should be enough). Remember in cats which factor causes alterations in aPTT (factor 12)

PAthways of gastric acid production for exaple Know what hormones do

NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THERAPY, except how common drugs might work (ex biphosphonates! There is a stupid question about the enzime that metabolizes azathioprime = TPMT = There is a JSAP review about immunesuppressive agents that talks about this)