richmond planet.(richmond, va)...

St'\ Sill st fa SATURDAY, - AUU. 17.1*95 LDNESBURG CASE. SHALL WE SAVE THE IHNOOENT? How Much Will You Give to Defray the Expense of Counsel ? The following amounts have been subscribed by the persons named to de¬ fray the expense of counsel to save the two lenoeent women. Mary Abernathy and Pokey Barnes from death on tnt* gallows and to release from the Peni¬ tentiary, the innocent woman, Mary Barnes. If you could see their pitiable condition, » week's wages would be yielded np at once and much more would be forthcoming. We designate what has |been subscribed under the head of not paid. Of course the amount oaid is plainly stated. TPAlD PAID. J.H. Smith, $ 150 Richard L. Eights, $ Thomas D. Dixon, SO Charles P. Johnson, 1 Ot) Prof. Issac H. Smith, Newberne, N. C., 2 00 John Onesty, lui John B. Harris, 5 00 George W. Bragg, 1 00 William KU is, Jr , I tm Dr. George A. Thompson, 1 00 l>r. 8. H. Dismond, 500 John R. Chiles, 2 00 J. W. Johnson, 1 00 John Adams, 1 00 R. J. Bass, 50 James Wilder, 25 Benjamin Harris, 50 Ben j. Jackson, 50 wife, 60 G. B Jackson, Esq. 5 00 Christopher Wilkerson. 50 " " wife 60 J. G. Smith, (church col.)' 1 00 First Baptist Church, 25 02 Jesse Scruggs, 60 William Tennant, 6 00 R. T. Hill, 1 00 Miss Lena V. Isham, 2 00 44 Florence " 8 00 M Mabel Holmes, 2 00 E. J. Crane. 2 00 Kichard Carter, rn 00 D. J. Chsvers, 50 Dr. Chas. B. Jackson, 26 Dr. R. Emmet Jones. 5 00 H..I. Moore, 2 00 D.W.Johnson, 50 m a wife. 50 Dr. H. H. Sargeant, 1 00 Andrew 8torrs, 26 G. W. Lewis, 1 (io William Monroe, 100 W.I.Johnson, 5 00 1>. J. Farrar, IO William Custalo, 5 00 A. D. Price, 1 00 R. H.Thurston, 50 P. - 500 Miss Julia A. Holmes, 101 Dr. H L. Harris, njamin P. Yandervall. SOO Prof. I). W. Ds\ 100 George Williams, Jr., 1 00 Robert Johnson, 10 Prof. Wm. A. Mitchell, 1 00 Randolph Marks, Jr., Jack Finney, 1 00 Mrs R. D. Bowser, 6 Ot .1. E. Jones, 1>. 1). and wife 5 0 Lewis Hall, 280 Thomas H, Lewis. 2 00 Mr. and Mrs. I,. E Morton, 1.0 Scranton, Pa. Rev. Daniel Tucker, and wife, 1 C Washington, D. C. Rev. R. Wells, 2 5 " " " wife, SI Etl. Clay, 60 Henry C. Hunter, I Rev. Frank Davis 1 00 W.H.Johnson, IC Bethlehem Baptist Church, Rev. Branch Jackson, solicitor. Buck Spottswood, I John G. Smith 1 Elizabeth Jackson '. Branch Jackson, | James Gate wood. ] Rebecca Jones, I John Henry Jones, ] Kate Drew, 1 Granville Robinson, 1 ( Munford's Prayer Meeting J Wm. C Allen, ] Carle Naile, I EL B. Moore, ( George Ransome, Miscellaneous donators, 3* Total, 71 It- Third St. A. M. E. Church, 6.: Miss Martha E Coots, Andrew Aaron son, 1 Alfred Coota, 11 Edward R. Carter, 1 C. H. Wormley, Miss Martha W allace, 1 Miss Mary Ann Thompson, 1 Stephen Reid, St. Martha's Council, I. O. St. Luke, 15. A. Hayes, 2 Dr. Sarah G. Jones, 1 Elijah Berkley, Fulton, Rev. Evans Payne, 3 E. A. Wasnihgton, 1 50 Wm H. Owens Ch Col. 1 2nd Baptist Church, 13 Dr. John H. Holmes, l Mrs R C. Carr, Miss Willy A. Carr, M. R. Wallace 1 00 Jack Hayes, 1 oo Wm. Monroe, 1 00 Henry Clay Joseph Burrell 2 00 W. H. Johnson, Baynesville, Va. rt. E. Lee, Baynesville, Vs. Milton Belfield, ^ J. M. Marden, Miles Debbress, 2 00 Spencer Lee, 50 wife 50 Maj J. B. Johnson, 2 00 Tohmas Hewin, Womans' League, S William Lee, 1 00 Miss Mattie E Carr, Fairfield Conn., 100 Sisters Union R**lit*f Club, Mrs. M. F Bierne, Solicitor. St. Phillips'Church, Cash, Alice Thomas, W. W. Benjamin, Susan Williams, Sarah Lipscomb, M. Marks, Mrs. M. F. Bierne, Peter B. Shorts, 100 Jordan Lodge, I. O. G. S., Sons of Elijah, S. H. Munford's Prayer Meeting Chas. Robinson and wife, 60 Miss C. V. Dyer, 5 00 Charity Lodge, 25, A. F.M, 5 00 Invincible Lodge, 2874, G. U. 0.,0. F., OmOERS INSTALLED. At the regular meeting of Blooi Lily Lodge, No 15 the following eera were installed for Grand C cellor Mitchell by his deputy, Sir sie Scruggs ; V. M. Gwathney, C cellor Commander; Johnson Yo Vice Chancellor ; Granville Flen Prelate; Robert Johnson, Mast*? Exchequer; Isaiah Christian, Ke of Records <fc Seal; John Scott, Mi at Arma; C Tate, Past Chance Attendants; Robert Jordan, Rf Turner, W. H. Thoast, John Clark FROM BTATIHTOH. His Leg Broken.Passes Away. .ia \ \., August 13 .Mr r please allow e iu your pa- Ktir several weeks we have had ere warm wt*ather on both man 1 beast. Monday we had a small of rain which was much ac- I im oh th di About two weald em Walter Miller tiered), was seriously injured while work on Central A\ ernie by a rock liing on his leg Harry Thompson (colored), got his g broken unloading Umber from a August 1st a grand union pic-nic aa celebrated *>y a number of Bap- st Sunday Schools They were led a the Peoples Band from Ebenezer to Lt. Zion and halted until those that .vatted their arrival were in line, and isrched to Aates woods where the ay could not have been more joy fully ;>ent on such an occasion. The band ave them good music, and they were iven until they wanted no more Mr. William Bullett, age 80 eparted this life on the loth inst. I is funeral took place from the Augus- a 8t. M. E. church Sunday. Rev. M. S'.Clair officiated. He had been in the mployment of Mr Andrew Bolden for if teen years, and seem to them as if te had l>een one of their own family md could not have been more highly ipoken of. Be recently became a nember Of the King Hiram Ltnlge No. L463. King Hiram Sons anti House :»old of Ruth were out in full dress re¬ galia. The Moral offerings were beau¬ tiful and expensive. The persons that were present saem to have been more than a thousand. He leaves a sister and many friends to mourn their loss. On the 12th inst , a little boy was thrown from a mule. He was the son of a prominent shoemaker Scott Madison. For a while he was lifeless. No serious injuries followed. A. E. Boi.okn. e o c a Ai tl 0 o 0 «o >a io fi fi L6 LS N BO 00 00 00 lo Ot) oo 26 00 25 9(1 SB 26 MAN0HESTEB LETTER. Rev. Daniel Webster Davis of Rich¬ mond filled the pulpit of the First Bap- hurch on last Sunday morning. He preached an eloquent sermon Dr A. Binga was absent from the city on Sunday. Mrs. Mary J. Newman (nee Ran¬ dolph) has left the city for the North The little "Gleaners" raised some¬ thing over seventy dollars on their Penny cards. Much praise is given them. Mrs. Lucy Moon, who was reported to be very ill a few days ago is conva¬ lescing, Mrs. Anderson's funeral took place at the First Baptist Church at 3:3C o'clock last Sunday. Mr. Brown is very sick at his resi¬ dence on the Turnpike, near Hull S Misses Ida M. Binga anti Mary J Morton spent this week in Powhatan Ya. Miss Rosa Gaines left the city last Tuesday for Philadelphia. Rev. Russell of Lawrenceville Ya. preached a very able sermon on thi 4th inst, at tba Episcopal Church Excellent music was rendered by a se lent number led by Mr. R. A. John son. The Episcopal Sunday School wil give their pic-nic at Wallace's Farm iilwiit a quarter of a mile the othe side of Major Walkers' Holly Springs A grand time is expected. lt lias been rumored that two of ou distinguished lovers have bean mad deacons of the Episcopal Church Wonder is it true ? If so. we wish tbs they will perform that duty. nt out walking Sunda anti when she returned home ht motlier spanked her well, ^hs alam ed the neighbors with those hideoi cry of "O lortlv." A certain "baby" was awful stu when she heard that he was gone wall ir>£ on last Sunday Eve . with anothe rtlin Hughes left tin* eil Sunday night for Washington to aper a few wei Mrs. M. K. Hickman and little Wi lie Harris celebrated their birthda; on last Tuesday night. Mr. John Norman was in our eil this week on account of the death his father. Mrs. N. G Robinson and Miss M. ] Washington were on the sick list la Sunday. Ea.mos. 50 25 25 50 100 3 (K) 1 30 10 1 00 60 100 10 1 00 5 00 6 00 27 10 00 nmg ofii- han- Jes- h an¬ ion*, »ng, r of eper ister llor; dr rt Virginia Seminary. - --v $1,500 muat be raised at once. WI will aid this institution? We desi 150 persons who will give give $10 each to aid the work. As the nam are sent in they will be published : AMOUNTS: Rev. W. F. Graham, $10 :. H. Bolling, 10 The Pi.ankt, 10 Prof. G. W. Hayes, 10 Rev. J. H. Holmes, 10 Rev. A. Gordon, 10 Mr. Ch P. Inge, 10 " G. W. Bragg, 10 '* M. B. Jones, 10 Rev. J. H. Presley, 10 Mrs. Mary Rice Hayes, 10 H. L. Jackson, 10 J. E. Byrd, 10 J. C. Farley, 10 Rev. D. Webster Davis, 10 Dr. J. E. Jones, 10 Mrs. R. K. Jones, 10 Ree. Evans Payne, 10 Winston H. Edmunds, 10 R. T. Hill, 10 Rev. L M Luke.D. 1)., 10 m W.H. White, 10 " Z. D Lewis, IC " Richard Spiller, IC M H. L. Berco. 10 " H. W. Childs, 10 Little Chapel, Gloucester, 5 Rising Valley, 5 Union Zion, 5 First Baptist S. S , Gloucester, 6 Robins Neck, Gloucester, 5 Jerusalem S S , Norfolk, Va , 5 Hon.T. C Walker, fj Rappahannock8. S Convention, lOfi S. W. Robinson, j A. D. Price, I S. N. Yass, A. M., I Banister Association $lli R. N. Jackson, Lynchburg, Ya. Rev. R. T. Coleman, Rev. J. B. Smith, ] Rev. W. W Gaines, 1 Warwick Spencer, 1 Who will be the next? Send amounts to Prof. G. W. Hates, President Virginia Semina Lynchburg, Virginia Seminary. The Mattaponi Association gives Virginia Seminary $60 in cash pledges at its next sitting $500 wit! a dissenting voice. Miss Lucy Garrett. Mrs. Burrell of Bedford, Rev. E. C Thompson of Bumpass The Shiloh Association, ll Rocklish Association Valley Association, cash 2 What will the Norfolk Union, ri kiah, Bethany, Cornerstone, Waj Blue Ridge, Cherrystone, Stain River and others do ? Minist. cons and laymen's Union of Willi burg, Va , i>5.00. The Brothers and Sisters' Grand I A Benevolent Institution orgai in the city of Danville, Va., in 1! doing a grand work among th* Keople second only to that of '.eformers. A Alexander, th er of the order is the right man i right place and is guiding the Um tion to success. The first lodge posed of 12 memliers has continu grow until there are nearly four dred branch unions extending five states with a membership off p t»r sal tli? ne ( sa er T le ttl li* ¦maanssasnwwsnsWaWawms th property to the amount ol ADMISSION »B AS1> BKNfcVlTH So person is admitted into the un- i unless he or she is of good moral r and if by chance an iii > admitted, he is Ht once uni* dollar and fifty cents j sitiatioa but to teepine full j t t*r the order, *.ne must ad-j the Degree 1.«h1^** an*l pay the ,,r the ti Three dollars en in case ol ie attendant physieiei Beete Sing the only proof that the ease de¬ tain!- ce. The city bank is the Treasury and ll monev is paid out by Un- chi officials. The ti rand I mon ,: promise only but d«>es care f>r its Bick, relieve its distressed, bury tB tlead, and yive a death bench rn upon which this union is simple that even a child .an understand it There is nomyste- . invisible brotherhood th i round the corner anti enriches it«*eli tpon the order Unlike sonic other. nstitotionsnow Lhexietenee theTJn-|°l tn show a cry dollar ulti- nately goes. No assessments whereby oi Bec OS tin* unwary. Medo-' ersian laws by which one tuan a with the austerity of a Russian Monarch. The work of the Union has grown to such proportions that where tis hen lore one grand lodge has done all the business ol the order. Supreme Grand alexander is now instituting md Lodges. A few nights ago. ho organized the State Grand Lodge of Virginia with the following as o*mecrs : State Grand Master W. P. Palmer, Vice-Grand Master, Doctor Smith, Grand Master, I vart. Grand Secretary, A. H. Bland, Asst. Secretary, Mrs. M. li Cunningham. W. M Robinson, State Keeper, Mr**. Fannie Jeffress. State Chaplain. K 1) Ingram, State Deputy, Grand Mistress Kliza Logan, Vice Grand Mistress, Sal¬ lie Clarke, Fast Grand Mistress, M. A. Smith- The Supreme Grand Lodge will hold ita Annual meeting in Greensboro, C , in August-'next and delegates from every subordinate union will lie pres¬ ent. Any person or persons desiring information with a view of establish¬ ing the order in their midst will do well to address State Grand Master. W. F. Falmer or A. H. Bland, Grand .tary, Danville. Ya. -Mr. G. K. Pollock has fitted up an attractive garden at his place of business, corner 3rd and Baker str where ice-creem.cake. s*xla water and other refreshments will be served in first class style. Call and see him TO THE PUBLIC A Ory for Aid. HnitMONO, Ya., Aug. 1, lSf»5 The cases of Mary Abernathy, Fokey Barnes under sentence of death andi Mary Barnes Io the penitentiary will cost much money. We must have that amount All must help. We need the money now. The ladies can render great ser¬ vice by organizing clubs. Societies and lodges can send donations Church es can raise collections. We must have the money in order to save life. Our call must not be in vain. All sums sent will be published in the kt. Will you help ? Signed, John Mitchell, Jr. NOTICE. Office OoRRBSPOsniNO Sec'y, ) Va. IUit. Stati: S S. Convkntios, .* 408^ W. IH val St., Riciisiosn, Va. ) For delegates and representatives* to the 26th annual session of Um gii)ia Baptist State Sunday School Convention, reduced rates have been granted by the following lines : Chesa- Eeake <k Ohio ; Richmond, Fredericks- urg A Potomac; Baltimore & Ohio Potomac, Fredericksburg & Piedmont Norfolk and Western, Stint hern am Atlantic and Danville Rail-road: Application made for others. Send names of delegates as soon a electee. For information, address W. P Kees, Cor. Sec'y. Jy 20, 5t 00 oo 00 00 (X) CKJ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on Ot) 00 00 00 ,00 00 00 00 00 >00 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 0 00 ooo ooo all li i the and bout 100 1 00 500 DO 00 OOOO la-e¬ land iton, Dea- ams- taion. lored True >u nil¬ li the rtitn- com- ed to turn¬ over ibout -In order to aecommmlate tin large crowds going on the special ex cursioii to Fauquier and New Hop Churches on the 3rd Sunday, August 15 fine coaches have been ordered Train leaves Fighth Street Station a 8 o'clock Sunday morning. Kure t Irwin, 65 cents, 1'emberton, $1 further information, Apply to I Williams, Jr., 20 W. Leigh St., city. Will Pay from $5.00 to $10.00 per Daj Agents wanted for the Virgin! State Belie! Association, male and ft male, for the city of Richmond and a the cities and towns for states of Vii ginia, North Carulinia, South Care lina, Maryland and the District of C* lu tn bi a Applj to N J. Lewis, Sec'y, 2ll'.> N Sixth Street, Richmond, Va Aug 17 lt. Look out for the Working Son ol Hope, twenty-second an¬ nual grand EXCURSION irora Richmond to Chalottesville and Beaver Dat .GIVEN BY- 7 he Working Son of ll oj Sunday Morning, Aug IS, '95 Train leaves C. & O. Depot at o'clock a. m. Leaves Charlottes vi at 6 o'clock p m. Parties going on this Excursion w have an opportunity to attend the pi tracted meetings at Beaver Dam, Fr erick's Hall and Louisa CH T Committee will spare no pains to ma this the best of the season. Our ic experience at railroading commer us to the public Arrangements v* be made for white people liefres ments in abundance at City Prices Fare for the Round Trip : $1 Way passengers from Richmo tl 00; Way Passengers after leav Richmond for Charlottesville, $1 from Tolersville, 75 cents; Louisa cents; Gordonsville, 25 cents; Cl dren under ten years, half-price. Committee.J H Harper, Jai Shelton, E F. Lightfoot, J H Si ens. Hanover; J W. Jackson, M Lightfoot, Manager; .1 II Golem tant; Archie B Hawkins, tary; Thomas M. Crump, Robert J* son. Wellington B. Han & Co., I uneral Directors & Embalme 719 If. 2nd St , Richmond, ?a Caskets of all descriptions, and a r for bodies when the family has convenient place. Call anti set our latest style Oak Gea¬ ke. Our motto is t<> ru it the public Resident 11*01 St Jam. 8 mo ft.17 8_TtTKDAT, AllgUtt 17, 1-S6. HIE OSSIBHITY distributing thousands and thou- uls of dollars' worth of of merchan- le in the torpid month of August is a w inspiration of success. ;>ur own experience in the neces- ry accomplishment of moving this :oek applies to wholesale deal- s and manufacturers as well. HE PEOPLES' STORE nds the up-to-date facilities for all unload, and benefit is for all the pub- c that have access to the great house r. HE Cohen / COMPANY i CARPETS and other Hoiisefur- lishings from the great anti worthy .tock of DI MH'K CO., is on sale.up¬ wards of twelve thousand dollars worth at about one half usual cost. FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, RUUS, and DRUGGETS' are ready on sale to-day such selling as will l>e has seldom oc¬ curred before in the month of August. Floor Oil-cloih at l'J'.c s yard. Floor Oil-Cloth at 20? Floor Oi I-Cloth up to 35? that usual¬ ly sells up to 60? Linoleum for 25? a yard Linoleum for 33? Linoleum up to 50? a yard that us¬ ually sells up to $1 a yard Hand made India Rugs and Drug¬ gets from 25c each to $12 50. The usu ul price is from 60? to $29 other Rugs such as Wilton Velvets, Persian, Smyrnas, and Ingrain Druggests, for one half and one third of customary price (Oil-cloths on Third Floor.) Fan sale to-day All the .lapenese and Vienna Fans that were up to BOf will be 25c All the Fans that were marked up to $150 will be 75? All the Kans that were up to 2.r>c will be i As Cotton Gooda arc sold to¬ day. 5,000 yards Yard-Wide French Per¬ cales, that usually sell for for 5C Scotch lawns that sold readily for ALL THK FOLLOWING FOB m%f A \ A RD TO-DAY. Leas Striped Dimities, thal were 16- Black Ground Organdies, that were Colored Dress Ducks, that were snch Piques that wen 14 Ginghams that wera i-l> ami 16 Furniture Crettones, that wen* 16 Shirting (lieviotts, that frere 10? Bleached Cottons that were B Pillow Case Cotton that was ¦fid-colored Chambrays, thai Wi 25? Any of the above for 6J4? a yard There are besides. 21 and I9f Sateens and printed Cash¬ mere for 4 ' Silkolincs that were matle to sell for 16-3 for 23.,? 12)*,? Shaker Flannels for -\\f l0c Canton Flannels for 5? Every aisleway leads to a bargain. From il to ll o'clock: USO dozen Fast Black Ilernis- dorfDyc, Ladies' Hose, Highest ldc, sold in any house in the United States lor 25c. a pahr, 2 pairs tor 29c..only 1 pai s to a customer. BOOKS. 1,800 Paper-Bound Books, popular t les, were 10?, for 5 now *hez.Macaria, by Augusta Evans, durably bound, 50? value for UV each rocket Dictionaries, linen backs, 7? 1,000 boxes 15? paper for 10? box 1,900 Pads, 800 leaves, H* vain.* foi 5c. Style Paper Dolls, little dari inga, four dresses and four hats 25c value, for 15c From 9:30 to 11:30 500 pounds of French Mixec Candy, 25c value lor 6c a poun< SPECIAL HOUSEFURNISH- ING SALE. GOO dooen Real Carlsbad China Cup and Saucers, regular price $1 98 dozen, at 8c a pair 19-inch Extra Large meat Dishes would lie cheap at 75c for 22c Decorated Baking Dishes at 15c froi 35c 300 dozen Highly-Polished. Thi Pressed, Star-Cut Bottoms, s 2-..c each From Dto ll o'clock Hotel Goblets, full size, nicely po ished, extra strong, at 3c each, ui ual price 98c per dozen From 8 to 10 o'clock 2 Hoop Painted Wooden Bucket sell everywhere at 15c for 5c Gas Stoves, Dc 450 Gas Stoves, just the thing f sick rooms, at 9c ..trie Stove polish, 3c a package 10-Qnart Extra Heavy Tin Dai Buckets, with patent polish* handle, value 20c for Bc Wire Potato Mashers, wooden ha oles, at lc 1,000 Fruit or Jelly Strainers, tx retinned at 4c Our 75c Spring Window-Screei made of best wire-cloth, at 2 LS ll )e s ii** ill ro¬ od he ike ng ids ill sh- .25 nd, ing 00; 50 Mi¬ nes ov- T. ian, ;re- ohn 'IS Cuspadores, 7c loo pairs Nicely-Painted Cuspadoi at 14c a pair TN ot mt no reet. The Cohen Cc Notice. All parties having business with 1 State Grand Lodge, No 6, I. O. of S <fc D. of S. will communicate w the Grand Secretary at Mandi est Va , that due consideration will given it. Respectfully, <l Wu Moon, Grand Sec'j Box 61, Manchester, -There is none cheaper than trip to Washington, Monday, Aua 19,1895. HOW MANY IN A BICYCLE? THE DISSECTED KEATING. S. GOOD THING TO GUESS ON )ON'T GUESS -ON- luality DON'T GUESS -ON- Strength iDON'T GUESS -ON- Speed BUY The KEATING Buy thewbeel that has proved to possess QUAL¬ ITY, SPEED and STRENGTH. Our free Catalogue will prove our statements. .J Holyoke, Mass. Keating. .RAND EXCURSION HamptoN M>AY NIGHT, AUG 25TH. The Excursionists will have an ex- .ellent opportunity to visit OLD POINT, SOLDIERS' HOME and other K>intB 01 interest. The Norfolk and battalion Bands will play for a prize it the Soldiers' Home in Hampton, There a concert given by tho Band on Monday night. Fare, round trip, $1.00. ^i^Train leaves C. Sc O Depot, 16th and Rrond St., at 10:30 Sunday night, returning leaves Hampton, at >>n Monday night. We go rain or shine. No liquors al¬ lowed on the train. Committee.Peter Singleton. Chair¬ man ; Thomas Smith, asst. Chairman ; James A. W. Jackson. Sec'y; VT. T. Moody. Don't forget the date, August 26, '95. From the Mountains to the Seashore. .THI-RH WILL HU A- Grand Excursion from Covington, Clifton Forge, Lexington, Lynch¬ burg, Scottsville, Bremo, Arvonia and all Way Stations down the James River to Richmond, Old Point, Hampton, Nor¬ folk, Saturday Night, Sept. 7. Train arrives in Richmond. Sunday morning, September 8th at 7 o'etoek; arrives at Old Point at ll a. m.; ar¬ rives at Norfolk at 12 o'clock. Per¬ sons in Richmond, Hampton ami Nor¬ folk desiring to accomodate excur¬ sionists will pleas*' meet them at the train or boat For further informa¬ tion apply to Geo. Williams, Jr., 20 W. Leigh St., Richmond, Va. A CLEAR COMPLEXION I am ME sit fai ria vei liv an M. .tf an rn* te: C L< wi m si) ul .u ar SI .li >. the G ith ;er, be Va. the ;ust AND- Straight Hair Guaranteed. OSLINE. 2KNOWLEDGED AS BEING SUPERIOR AS IT lt the only preparation that is now on the mar¬ ket that will make crooked hair straight. I guarantee Osllne to be perfectly harmless, and that there is nothing superior to it for preserv¬ ing the hair. Do you want straight hair t Do you want your hair put into a condition 'hat will enable you to put it up and prepare it fur any occasion? If you do, order a bottle of Osline, as this preparation will give satisfaction. Full instructions as to how tc straighten and care for the hair sent with each bottle. Price 60 cents per jar, or three jars for $1.26. VALLARIS tEAUTIFIES THE HAIR ANI CLEANSES THE SCALP It is the greatest tonic that has ever been dis¬ covered for growing the hair. VAL.IjAR.IS will restore the hair back on the temples ; wi ll make a thin growth heavy; restore the nair to its natural color and give it an elegant black, glossy appearance. Will stop the hair from falling out intwodays. If you wantnicehair you should order a bottle of this wonderful tonic Nothing to equal it has ever been known before. Try this and you will never get any other. Price 60 cents per bottle, or three for $1.26. FACE BLEACH THIS BLEACH CREATES A LOVELY COMPLEXION. Freckles, Pimples, Black-heads, Liver Spots, and all blemishes are removed from the face by SIMMS'FAOB BLEAOH. Tanned, Sun¬ burnt, Sallow aud Muddy Skin is bleached and given a clear, transparent complexion. The skin is bleached from one to three shades brighter in one week by this superior prepar¬ ation. There is nothing to equal lt in beautify¬ ing the faee. Price 60 cents per bottle, or three bottles for tl M. All goods reduced to 60 cents each, or three bottles, each of a different preparation, for $1*26 or three of the same preparation for $1.86. Send money by registered letter or postal mon¬ ey order. Xtoeorlptlve Circular* Serat Free. Address JAS. S. 8IMMf, Dermatologist, Seoond k Green Sta. Louisville, Ky. p. O. Box 561. Agents Wanted. Write for Terms. . Mention this paper when you -Special accommodating for ladie witoont escorts on the trip to Washing to Washington, August 19, 1895. 3DSIMESS MEDIUM. Api JAI Rao 4R8. MARTH, the world renowned 1 highly celebrated business and test nicM reveals everything. No impo** ion. Can be consulted upon all af* rs of Life, Business, Love and Mar. Sb a specialty. Every mystery re¬ ed, also, of absent, deceased and ing friends. Removes all troubles d estrangements, challenges any sdium who cen exceed her in her irtling revelations of the past, present d future events of one s life. Re- amber, she will not for any price fiat- r you ; you may rest assured you will in facts without nonsense. She cae consulted upon all affairs of Life, ive,Courtship, Marriage, Friends etc., th description of future companion. ie is very accurate in describing mia. rig friends, enemies etc. Her advice >on sickness, change bf business, law- its, Journeys, contested wills, divorce id speculation is valuable and reliable, ie reads your destiny.good or bad; ie withholds nothing. MRS. MARTH tells your entire life. tat, present and a DEAD RANCE, has the power of any twe odiums you ever met. In tests she dis tour mother's full name before larriage, the names of all your family, leir ages and description, the name nd business of your present husband, ie name of the next, if you are to have ne, the name of the young man whe ow calls on you, the name kof your fu- jre husband, and the day, month and ear of your marriage, how many chil- ren you have or will have; whether you ra married or single; whether your resent sweetheart will be true to you nd if he will marry you ; if you have ne weetheart, she will tell you when you rill have, and his name, business and ate of acquaintance. ALL YOUR FUTURE will he told in an honest lear and plain manner and in a dead rance. Mothers should know the suc- css of their husbands and children, oung ladies should know everything ibout their sweethearts or intended msband. Do not keep company, mar- y or go into business until you know til, do not let silly religious scruples irevent your consulting. Madame is the only one in the world rho can tell you the FULL NAME of rour future husband, with ase and Late of marriage, and tolls whether the me you love ls true or false. There are some persons who believe .hat there is no truth to be gained (rom consulting a Medium, but such beliefs are contrary to the truth. It is Miry from the lack of discrimination that such a conclusion can be reached. lt'ls not every one who placards him¬ self or herself as a medium that cac stand a test of what he or she olaims. And a person of an enquiring mind may ask the reason why. lt is simply that these advisers do not take the trouble to study human nature. They db not spend their thoughts fer a me- ment with acquiring the art of phrenol¬ ogy and kindred branches that will have a toudeuey to make the pathway to the road of the business clear and devoid mt all obstacles. It is an undeniable fact that persons will esme for full knowledge of what they want to know, ana yet ie soon as they confront a Medium the* try their utmost endeavor to dispel from their minds what they know so aa to hear if it will be rehearsed by tbe Medium. To get the secret out of a fierson by 'pumping" in ne few < s the art used by many unprlne mediums, but te take held of and gain control of the mind t a matter of impossibility te mes theta. And yet this can fee dose by consul tin a MRS. MARTH tit* set lng mystery becomes a reeltsatlta. This subject has received ne Hmo at¬ tention by eminent men and evab'oel- b>ge professors. So it proves coneluen ly that although there are inti ^ our midst withToily toneeas.' the gates mt wisdom nevi eel been ed te the entire profession. It takes a great deal of study to be¬ come en aoeontpllthee medium and by a continuous and untiring effort, tbe ¦eV te the weil of apparently unfathom¬ able mysteries bas beeb procured by MRS. MARTS for the benoit of ba¬ ni**. ADVIO« BY ISTTXR. %\. Hettie from it a. a. km m. r. m. MRS. M. B MARTH. ol «cki Rep has for S; Ad Ed '! did 71 Hi WANTED.A few good industrious young men to carry a line of samples for a first-class tailoring establishment. Apply to 1720 E. Main St. WILLIAM H. THARPS, Tbe Painter 311 College St., Richmond, Va., (Near First Bapt. Church.) You can have all kinds of House Paint¬ ing and Calsomining done in first- class style. MMy Satisfaction guaranteed? Reference can be had from some of the leading citizens, t)6$h colored and white. Give me your patronage and I'll give you first-class work. LINCOLN FLATS, Nsw Yokk. & 263 W. 47th Street. Between Broadway A 8th Ave. Respectable Colored Families. Rent !rcm $3. a month. ily to W. R. Mason, Agent, 63 W. 34th St. or to «TORONTHE PREMISE. THE BEST "Advocate and Newspaper ic the North is HE GAZETTE, Cleveland, Ohio, lt is generally nowledged a leading race journal, ublican in politic*. THK GAZETTE been published regularly every wetk over twelve years. implc Copies Free. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. fear, $1.50: 6 Months. $1.00; Three Months, Only 50c. dross HON. H. C. SMITH, (Viamber Ohio Lsglrtatmf.) lier "The Garnette" 845 Superior St., CleYeland, Ohio. The Jeweler's Ofter. rhe highest price paid for pie* .monds or white atone by E. J. Crank, VSmM W. Broad St. ROBINSON & THOMAS, 12 E. Broad St., Richmond. Ya. stir cutting, shaving and shampooing. A*'- work strictly first-claus. Call on us. Satisfaction tsruaranteed., Re-Opening 09 E. BROAD 906 CAPITOL ST. BARGAINS IS taiture, lefrigerators, Sashing Machines, Dry Goods & General House f urnisbing Goods^ For Cash or Instalment call ind see K>9 E. Broad. £. WOODALL. H. H ROSENBURG, Fashionable Taite] 1720 East Main Street; RICHMOND, VA. Great Bargains Offered. PANTSOR SUITS Lcede oe ki Notice ;*t lowest Trices. Tams to < $12.50 and upwards. A FULL LINE Of Foreign end Domestic Wi at prieee that will astound you Money saved is money earned you will lind yours*-]: giving us a cull. A Perfect Pit ami Strictly First- Class Work Guaranteed. nd a postal card and *.; will call on you will; S full lin*-- of samples. Remember the plsc H. H. ROSENBURG, 1720 EAST MAIN ST. Bet. 17th and 18th Sta. MOJRGA.3V COX-I-KGIS ANNEX, LYNCHBURG, VA. FKEK BOOKS. BEST ACCOMMODATION. TOTAL COST. $8.50 TER MONTH, Includes Hoard, "Washing. Books. Tuition. Padgs#*ncils. and ever* requisite for School use. Building Heated by Steam, and Lighted l>y * B^st Instructors. Write for Catalogue. Session begins September huh, 1895. F. J. WAtSNER, A. M., li. D., ruEsiiiENT. Abpuns A*u(i pi usd0 -TA! j 9 mriu iCBpanaos P^oq ~v\\ ox SXNHSHHa 33iaox._«M *s*^>Hd raoi^og-^DO^j ;b aai'i ano ui^uiq^jMji .oolloo aad vzz$ 'A^siqAV ^H PK) -»«3A 1 dhiv^[ 4hoiib<) add sp*_}9 }B 9u\\\ BqA\B}B3 isag xoq s:p£ 'Sai^Drm ^oq«g .punod sjd-tj s^ijpf 'S-PCg i^iom 4s:poi 'saqsn-iji SinqqiUDg 'JBO^x Jad s:p^ *b pB3J*g iso*i sv"\i ib pJBq POOQ SJD/, }B S^B3JAJ lp^S ^ '°N[ *S^3C/^^ IB aBStlS pD}Bi;nUBJO rsai^iupads ano jo amos .VISLIOHIA UNOWH01H '.s}g jBiapaj ?g }si "J03 savDio s SHonJn 'mm 'SH1HH3QHOHNIJ i?v'U0SU0JB\/M9JpUV -NOW REIDY, rHE Dover Selection Ol SPIRITUAL SONGS and REVIVAL HYMNS ntypAG PRICE 75 CENTS EACH BY MAIL POSTPAID. W. H. ANDERSON, Publisher, 222 East Broad Street. / . . . Richmond, Va, t f

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Page 1: Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA)… · St'\ Sill st fa SATURDAY,-AUU.17.1*95 LDNESBURG CASE. SHALLWESAVETHEIHNOOENT?



SATURDAY, - AUU. 17.1*95


How Much Will You Give to Defray theExpense of Counsel ?

The following amounts have beensubscribed by the persons named to de¬fray the expense of counsel to save thetwo lenoeent women. Mary Abernathyand Pokey Barnes from death on tnt*gallows and to release from the Peni¬tentiary, the innocent woman, MaryBarnes. If you could see their pitiablecondition, » week's wages would beyielded np at once and much more

would be forthcoming. We designatewhat has |been subscribed under thehead of not paid. Of course theamount oaid is plainly stated.


J.H. Smith, $ 150Richard L. Eights, $Thomas D. Dixon, SOCharles P. Johnson, 1 Ot)Prof. Issac H. Smith,

Newberne, N. C., 2 00John Onesty, luiJohn B. Harris, 5 00George W. Bragg, 1 00William KU is, Jr , I tmDr. George A. Thompson, 1 00l>r. 8. H. Dismond, 5 00John R. Chiles, 2 00J. W. Johnson, 1 00John Adams, 1 00R. J. Bass, 50James Wilder, 25Benjamin Harris, 50Benj. Jackson, 50

wife, 60G. B Jackson, Esq. 5 00Christopher Wilkerson. 50

" " wife 60J. G. Smith, (church col.)' 1 00First Baptist Church, 25 02Jesse Scruggs, 60William Tennant, 6 00R. T. Hill, 1 00Miss Lena V. Isham, 2 00

44 Florence " 8 00M Mabel Holmes, 2 00

E. J. Crane. 2 00Kichard Carter, rn 00D. J. Chsvers, 50Dr. Chas. B. Jackson, 26Dr. R. Emmet Jones. 5 00H..I. Moore, 2 00D.W.Johnson, 50

m a wife. 50Dr. H. H. Sargeant, 1 00Andrew 8torrs, 26G. W. Lewis, 1 (ioWilliam Monroe, 100W.I.Johnson, 5 001>. J. Farrar, IOWilliam Custalo, 5 00A. D. Price, 1 00R. H.Thurston, 50P. - 500Miss Julia A. Holmes, 101Dr. H L. Harris,

njamin P. Yandervall. SOOProf. I). W. Ds\ 100George Williams, Jr., 1 00Robert Johnson, 10Prof. Wm. A. Mitchell, 1 00Randolph Marks, Jr.,Jack Finney, 1 00Mrs R. D. Bowser, 6 Ot.1. E. Jones, 1>. 1). and wife 5 0Lewis Hall, 280Thomas H, Lewis. 2 00Mr. and Mrs. I,. E Morton, 1.0

Scranton, Pa.Rev. Daniel Tucker, and wife, 1 C

Washington, D. C.Rev. R. Wells, 2 5" " " wife, SI

Etl. Clay, 60Henry C. Hunter, IRev. Frank Davis 1 00W.H.Johnson, ICBethlehem Baptist Church,

Rev. Branch Jackson, solicitor.Buck Spottswood, IJohn G. Smith 1Elizabeth Jackson '.Branch Jackson, |James Gatewood. ]Rebecca Jones, IJohn Henry Jones, ]Kate Drew, 1Granville Robinson, 1 (Munford's Prayer Meeting JWm. C Allen, ]Carle Naile, IEL B. Moore, (George Ransome,Miscellaneous donators, 3*

Total, 71


Third St. A. M. E. Church, 6.:Miss Martha E Coots,Andrew Aaronson, 1Alfred Coota, 11Edward R. Carter, 1C. H. Wormley,Miss Martha W allace, 1Miss Mary Ann Thompson, 1Stephen Reid,St. Martha's Council,

I. O. St. Luke, 15.A. Hayes, 2Dr. Sarah G. Jones, 1Elijah Berkley, Fulton,Rev. Evans Payne, 3E. A. Wasnihgton, 1 50Wm H. Owens Ch Col. 12nd Baptist Church, 13Dr. John H. Holmes, lMrs R C. Carr,Miss Willy A. Carr,M. R. Wallace 1 00Jack Hayes, 1 ooWm. Monroe, 1 00Henry ClayJoseph Burrell 2 00W. H. Johnson,

Baynesville, Va.rt. E. Lee, Baynesville, Vs.Milton Belfield, ^J. M. Marden,Miles Debbress, 2 00Spencer Lee, 50

wife 50Maj J. B. Johnson, 2 00Tohmas Hewin,Womans' League, SWilliam Lee, 1 00Miss Mattie E Carr,

Fairfield Conn., 100Sisters Union R**lit*f Club,

Mrs. M. F Bierne, Solicitor.St. Phillips'Church,Cash,Alice Thomas,W. W. Benjamin,Susan Williams,Sarah Lipscomb,M. Marks,Mrs. M. F. Bierne,Peter B. Shorts, 100Jordan Lodge, I. O. G. S.,Sons of Elijah,S. H. Munford's Prayer MeetingChas. Robinson and wife, 60Miss C. V. Dyer, 5 00Charity Lodge, 25, A. F.M, 5 00Invincible Lodge, 2874,

G. U. 0.,0. F.,


At the regular meeting of BlooiLily Lodge, No 15 the followingeera were installed for Grand Ccellor Mitchell by his deputy, Sirsie Scruggs ; V. M. Gwathney, Ccellor Commander; Johnson YoVice Chancellor ; Granville FlenPrelate; Robert Johnson, Mast*?Exchequer; Isaiah Christian, Keof Records <fc Seal; John Scott, Miat Arma; C Tate, Past ChanceAttendants; Robert Jordan, RfTurner, W. H. Thoast, John Clark


His Leg Broken.Passes Away.


\ \., August 13 .Mrr please allow e iu your pa-

Ktir several weeks we have hadere warm wt*ather on both man

1 beast. Monday we had a smallof rain which was much ac-


About two weald em Walter Millertiered), was seriously injured whilework on Central A\ ernie by a rockliing on his legHarry Thompson (colored), got hisg broken unloading Umber from a

August 1st a grand union pic-nicaa celebrated *>y a number of Bap-st Sunday Schools They were leda the Peoples Band from Ebenezer toLt. Zion and halted until those that.vatted their arrival were in line, andisrched to Aates woods where theay could not have been more joy fully;>ent on such an occasion. The bandave them good music, and they were

iven until they wanted no moreMr. William Bullett, age 80eparted this life on the loth inst.I is funeral took place from the Augus-a 8t. M. E. church Sunday. Rev. M.S'.Clair officiated. He had been in themployment of Mr Andrew Bolden forifteen years, and seem to them as ifte had l>een one of their own familymd could not have been more highlyipoken of. Be recently became a

nember Of the King Hiram Ltnlge No.L463. King Hiram Sons anti House:»old of Ruth were out in full dress re¬

galia. The Moral offerings were beau¬tiful and expensive. The persons thatwere present saem to have been more

than a thousand. He leaves a sisterand many friends to mourn their loss.On the 12th inst , a little boy was

thrown from a mule. He was the son ofa prominent shoemaker Scott Madison.For a while he was lifeless. No seriousinjuries followed.

A. E. Boi.okn.









MAN0HESTEB LETTER.Rev. Daniel Webster Davis of Rich¬

mond filled the pulpit of the First Bap-hurch on last Sunday morning.

He preached an eloquent sermon DrA. Binga was absent from the city on

Sunday.Mrs. Mary J. Newman (nee Ran¬

dolph) has left the city for the NorthThe little "Gleaners" raised some¬

thing over seventy dollars on theirPenny cards. Much praise is giventhem.Mrs. Lucy Moon, who was reported

to be very ill a few days ago is conva¬lescing,

Mrs. Anderson's funeral took placeat the First Baptist Church at 3:3Co'clock last Sunday.Mr. Brown is very sick at his resi¬

dence on the Turnpike, near Hull SMisses Ida M. Binga anti Mary J

Morton spent this week in PowhatanYa.Miss Rosa Gaines left the city last

Tuesday for Philadelphia.Rev. Russell of Lawrenceville Ya.

preached a very able sermon on thi4th inst, at tba Episcopal ChurchExcellent music was rendered by a se

lent number led by Mr. R. A. Johnson.The Episcopal Sunday School wil

give their pic-nic at Wallace's Farmiilwiit a quarter of a mile the otheside of Major Walkers' Holly SpringsA grand time is expected.

lt lias been rumored that two of ou

distinguished lovers have bean maddeacons of the Episcopal ChurchWonder is it true ? If so. we wish tbsthey will perform that duty.

nt out walking Sundaanti when she returned home htmotlier spanked her well, ^hs alamed the neighbors with those hideoicry of "O lortlv."A certain "baby" was awful stu

when she heard that he was gone wallir>£ on last Sunday Eve . with anothe

rtlin Hughes left tin* eilSunday night for Washington to apera few weiMrs. M. K. Hickman and little Wi

lie Harris celebrated their birthda;on last Tuesday night.Mr. John Norman was in our eil

this week on account of the deathhis father.

Mrs. N. G Robinson and Miss M. ]Washington were on the sick list laSunday. Ea.mos.




3 (K)

1 3010

1 0060


1 005 00

6 00


10 00

nmgofii-han-Jes-han¬ion*,»ng,r ofeperisterllor;dr rt

Virginia Seminary.- --v

$1,500 muat be raised at once. WIwill aid this institution? We desi150 persons who will give give $10each to aid the work. As the namare sent in they will be published :

AMOUNTS:Rev. W. F. Graham, $10

:. H. Bolling, 10The Pi.ankt, 10Prof. G. W. Hayes, 10Rev. J. H. Holmes, 10Rev. A. Gordon, 10Mr. Ch P. Inge, 10" G. W. Bragg, 10'* M. B. Jones, 10Rev. J. H. Presley, 10Mrs. Mary Rice Hayes, 10H. L. Jackson, 10J. E. Byrd, 10J. C. Farley, 10Rev. D. Webster Davis, 10Dr. J. E. Jones, 10Mrs. R. K. Jones, 10

Ree. Evans Payne, 10Winston H. Edmunds, 10R. T. Hill, 10Rev. L M Luke.D. 1)., 10m W.H. White, 10" Z. D Lewis, IC" Richard Spiller, ICM H. L. Berco. 10" H. W. Childs, 10

Little Chapel, Gloucester, 5Rising Valley, 5Union Zion, 5First Baptist S. S , Gloucester, 6Robins Neck, Gloucester, 5Jerusalem S S , Norfolk, Va , 5Hon.T. C Walker, fjRappahannock8. S Convention, lOfiS. W. Robinson, jA. D. Price, IS. N. Yass, A. M., IBanister Association $lliR. N. Jackson, Lynchburg, Ya.Rev. R. T. Coleman,Rev. J. B. Smith, ]Rev. W. W Gaines, 1Warwick Spencer, 1Who will be the next? Send

amounts toProf. G. W. Hates,

President Virginia SeminaLynchburg,

Virginia Seminary.The Mattaponi Association gives

Virginia Seminary $60 in cashpledges at its next sitting $500 wit!a dissenting voice.Miss Lucy Garrett.Mrs. Burrell of Bedford,Rev. E. C Thompson of BumpassThe Shiloh Association, llRocklish AssociationValley Association, cash 2What will the Norfolk Union, ri

kiah, Bethany, Cornerstone, WajBlue Ridge, Cherrystone, StainRiver and others do ? Minist.cons and laymen's Union of Williburg, Va , i>5.00.

The Brothers and Sisters' Grand I

A Benevolent Institution orgaiin the city of Danville, Va., in 1!doing a grand work among th*

Keople second only to that of'.eformers. A Alexander, th

er of the order is the right man iright place and is guiding the Umtion to success. The first lodgeposed of 12 memliers has continugrow until there are nearly fourdred branch unions extendingfive states with a membership off








th property to the amount ol

ADMISSION »B AS1> BKNfcVlTHSo person is admitted into the un-

i unless he or she is of good moralr and if by chance an iii

> admitted, he is Ht onceuni* dollar and fifty cents jsitiatioa but to teepine full j

t t*r the order, *.ne must ad-jthe Degree 1.«h1^** an*l pay the,,r the ti Three dollars

en in case olie attendant physieiei BeeteSing the only proof that the ease de¬tain!- ce.The city bank is the Treasury and

ll monev is paid out by Un- chiofficials. The ti rand I mon

,: promise only but d«>es care

f>r its Bick, relieve its distressed, burytB tlead, and yive a death bench

rn upon which this union issimple that even a child

.an understand it There is nomyste-. invisible brotherhood th

i round the corner anti enriches it«*eli

tpon the order Unlike sonic other.nstitotionsnow Lhexietenee theTJn-|°l

tn show a cry dollar ulti-nately goes. No assessments whereby

oi BecOS tin* unwary.Medo-' ersian laws by which one tuan

a with the austerity of a RussianMonarch.The work of the Union has grown to

such proportions that where tis henlore one grand lodge has done all thebusiness ol the order. Supreme Grand

alexander is now institutingmd Lodges. A few nights ago.

ho organized the State Grand Lodge ofVirginia with the following as o*mecrs :State Grand Master W. P. Palmer,Vice-Grand Master, Doctor Smith,

Grand Master, I vart.Grand Secretary, A. H. Bland, Asst.Secretary, Mrs. M. li Cunningham.W. M Robinson, State Keeper, Mr**.Fannie Jeffress. State Chaplain. K 1)Ingram, State Deputy, Grand MistressKliza Logan, Vice Grand Mistress, Sal¬lie Clarke, Fast Grand Mistress, M. A.Smith-The Supreme Grand Lodge will hold

ita Annual meeting in Greensboro,C , in August-'next and delegates fromevery subordinate union will lie pres¬ent. Any person or persons desiringinformation with a view of establish¬ing the order in their midst will dowell to address State Grand Master.W. F. Falmer or A. H. Bland, Grand

.tary, Danville. Ya.

-Mr. G. K. Pollock has fitted upan attractive garden at his place ofbusiness, corner 3rd and Baker strwhere ice-creem.cake. s*xla water andother refreshments will be served infirst class style. Call and see him


HnitMONO, Ya., Aug. 1, lSf»5The cases of Mary Abernathy, Fokey

Barnes under sentence of death andiMary Barnes Io the penitentiary willcost much money. We must havethat amountAll must help. We need the money

now. The ladies can render great ser¬vice by organizing clubs. Societiesand lodges can send donations Churches can raise collections. We musthave the money in order to save life.Our call must not be in vain. Allsums sent will be published in the

kt. Will you help ?Signed,John Mitchell, Jr.


Office OoRRBSPOsniNO Sec'y, )Va. IUit. Stati: S S. Convkntios, .*

408^ W. IH val St., Riciisiosn, Va. )For delegates and representatives*

to the 26th annual session of Umgii)ia Baptist State Sunday SchoolConvention, reduced rates have beengranted by the following lines : Chesa-

Eeake <k Ohio ; Richmond, Fredericks-urg A Potomac; Baltimore & OhioPotomac, Fredericksburg & PiedmontNorfolk and Western, Stint hern amAtlantic and Danville Rail-road:Application made for others.Send names of delegates as soon a

electee.For information, address

W. P Kees, Cor. Sec'y.Jy 20, 5t

00oo0000(X)CKJ000000000000000000000000000000000000onOt)000000,0000000000>003 005 00

5 005 000 00ooooooall


i theandbout

1001 00500DO 00



loredTrue>u nil¬li thertitn-com-

ed toturn¬overibout

-In order to aecommmlate tinlarge crowds going on the special excursioii to Fauquier and New HopChurches on the 3rd Sunday, August15 fine coaches have been orderedTrain leaves Fighth Street Station a

8 o'clock Sunday morning. Kure tIrwin, 65 cents, 1'emberton, $1further information, Apply to IWilliams, Jr., 20 W. Leigh St., city.

Will Pay from $5.00 to $10.00 per DajAgents wanted for the Virgin!

State Belie! Association, male and ftmale, for the city of Richmond and athe cities and towns for states of Viiginia, North Carulinia, South Carelina, Maryland and the District of C*lu tn bi a Applj to

N J. Lewis, Sec'y,2ll'.> N Sixth Street,

Richmond, VaAug 17 lt.

Look out for the Working Sonol Hope, twenty-second an¬nual grand EXCURSION

irora Richmond to

Chalottesvilleand Beaver Dat.GIVEN BY-

7 he Working Son of ll ojSunday Morning, Aug IS, '95

Train leaves C. & O. Depot ato'clock a. m. Leaves Charlottes viat 6 o'clock p m.

Parties going on this Excursion whave an opportunity to attend the pitracted meetings at Beaver Dam, Frerick's Hall and Louisa CH TCommittee will spare no pains to mathis the best of the season. Our icexperience at railroading commerus to the public Arrangements v*be made for white people liefresments in abundance at City PricesFare for the Round Trip : $1Way passengers from Richmo

tl 00; Way Passengers after leavRichmond for Charlottesville, $1from Tolersville, 75 cents; Louisacents; Gordonsville, 25 cents; Cldren under ten years, half-price.Committee.J H Harper, Jai

Shelton, E F. Lightfoot, J H Siens. Hanover; J W. Jackson, MLightfoot, Manager; .1 II Golem

tant; Archie B Hawkins,tary; Thomas M. Crump, Robert J*son.

Wellington B. Han& Co.,

I uneral Directors& Embalme

719 If. 2nd St , Richmond, ?aCaskets of all descriptions, and a r

for bodies when the family hasconvenient place. Call anti setour latest style Oak Gea¬ke. Our motto is t<>

ru it the publicResident 11*01 St Jam.8 mo ft.17

8_TtTKDAT, AllgUtt 17, 1-S6.


OSSIBHITYdistributing thousands and thou-uls of dollars' worth of of merchan-le in the torpid month of August is aw inspiration of success.

;>ur own experience in the neces-

ry accomplishment of moving this:oek applies to wholesale deal-

s and manufacturers as well.

HE PEOPLES' STOREnds the up-to-date facilities for allunload, and benefit is for all the pub-

c that have access to the great houser.




iCARPETS and other Hoiisefur-

lishings from the great anti worthy.tock of DI MH'K CO., is on sale.up¬wards of twelve thousand dollarsworth at about one half usual cost.FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, RUUS, and

DRUGGETS' are ready on sale to-daysuch selling as will l>e has seldom oc¬

curred before in the month of August.Floor Oil-cloih at l'J'.c s yard.Floor Oil-Cloth at 20?Floor Oi I-Cloth up to 35? that usual¬

ly sells up to 60?Linoleum for 25? a yardLinoleum for 33?Linoleum up to 50? a yard that us¬

ually sells up to $1 a yardHand made India Rugs and Drug¬

gets from 25c each to $12 50. Theusu ul price is from 60? to $29

other Rugs such as Wilton Velvets,Persian, Smyrnas, and IngrainDruggests, for one half and onethird of customary price

(Oil-cloths on Third Floor.)Fan sale to-day

All the .lapenese and Vienna Fansthat were up to BOf will be 25c

All the Fans that were marked up to$150 will be 75?

All the Kans that were up to 2.r>c willbe i

As Cotton Gooda arc sold to¬day.

5,000 yards Yard-Wide French Per¬cales, that usually sell forfor 5C

Scotch lawns that sold readily for


Leas Striped Dimities, thal were16-

Black Ground Organdies, that were

Colored Dress Ducks, that were

snch Piques that wen 14Ginghams that wera i-l> ami 16Furniture Crettones, that wen* 16Shirting (lieviotts, that frere 10?Bleached Cottons that were BPillow Case Cotton that was

¦fid-colored Chambrays, thai Wi25?

Any of the above for 6J4? a yardThere are besides.21 and I9f Sateens and printed Cash¬mere for 4 '

Silkolincs that were matle to sell for16-3 for 23.,?

12)*,? Shaker Flannels for -\\fl0c Canton Flannels for 5?

Every aisleway leads to a

bargain.From il to ll o'clock:USO dozen Fast Black Ilernis-

dorfDyc, Ladies' Hose, Highestldc, sold in any house in the

United States lor 25c. a pahr, 2pairs tor 29c..only 1 pai s to a


1,800 Paper-Bound Books, populart les, were 10?, for 5 now

*hez.Macaria, by Augusta Evans,durably bound, 50? value for UVeach

rocket Dictionaries, linen backs, 7?1,000 boxes 15? paper for 10? box1,900 Pads, 800 leaves, H* vain.* foi5c.

Style Paper Dolls, little dariinga, four dresses and four hats25c value, for 15c

From 9:30 to 11:30500 pounds of French Mixec

Candy, 25c value lor 6c a poun<SPECIAL HOUSEFURNISH-

ING SALE.GOOdooen Real Carlsbad China Cupand Saucers, regular price $1 98dozen, at 8c a pair

19-inch Extra Large meat Disheswould lie cheap at 75c for 22c

Decorated Baking Dishes at 15c froi35c

300 dozen Highly-Polished. ThiPressed, Star-Cut Bottoms, s2-..c each

From Dto ll o'clockHotel Goblets, full size, nicely po

ished, extra strong, at 3c each, uiual price 98c per dozen

From 8 to 10 o'clock2 Hoop Painted Wooden Bucket

sell everywhere at 15c for 5c

Gas Stoves, Dc450 Gas Stoves, just the thing f

sick rooms, at 9c..trie Stove polish, 3c a package

10-Qnart Extra Heavy Tin DaiBuckets, with patent polish*handle, value 20c for Bc

Wire Potato Mashers, wooden haoles, at lc

1,000 Fruit or Jelly Strainers, txretinned at 4c

Our 75c Spring Window-Screeimade of best wire-cloth, at 2












Cuspadores, 7cloo pairs Nicely-Painted Cuspadoiat 14c a pair


ot mt



The Cohen CcNotice.

All parties having business with 1State Grand Lodge, No 6, I. O. ofS <fc D. of S. will communicate wthe Grand Secretary at Mandi estVa , that due consideration willgiven it.

Respectfully,<l Wu Moon,

Grand Sec'jBox 61, Manchester,-There is none cheaper than

trip to Washington, Monday, Aua19,1895.








BUY The KEATINGBuy thewbeel that has

proved to possessQUAL¬ITY, SPEED and

STRENGTH.Our free Catalogue will

prove our statements.


Holyoke, Mass. Keating..RAND EXCURSION


The Excursionists will have an ex-.ellent opportunity to visit OLDPOINT, SOLDIERS' HOME and otherK>intB 01 interest. The Norfolk andbattalion Bands will play for a prizeit the Soldiers' Home in Hampton,There a concert given by tho

Band on Monday night. Fare, roundtrip, $1.00.^i^Train leaves C. Sc O Depot,

16th and Rrond St., at 10:30 Sundaynight, returning leaves Hampton, at

>>n Monday night.We go rain or shine. No liquors al¬

lowed on the train.Committee.Peter Singleton. Chair¬

man ; Thomas Smith, asst. Chairman ;James A. W. Jackson. Sec'y; VT. T.Moody.Don't forget the date, August 26, '95.

From the Mountains tothe Seashore.



from Covington, CliftonForge, Lexington, Lynch¬burg, Scottsville, Bremo,Arvonia and all WayStations down the JamesRiver to Richmond, OldPoint, Hampton, Nor¬folk,

Saturday Night, Sept. 7.Train arrives in Richmond. Sunday

morning, September 8th at 7 o'etoek;arrives at Old Point at ll a. m.; ar¬

rives at Norfolk at 12 o'clock. Per¬sons in Richmond, Hampton ami Nor¬folk desiring to accomodate excur¬sionists will pleas*' meet them at thetrain or boat For further informa¬tion apply to

Geo. Williams, Jr.,20 W. Leigh St., Richmond, Va.









Straight Hair Guaranteed.OSLINE.


lt the only preparation that is now on the mar¬ket that will make crooked hair straight. Iguarantee Osllne to be perfectly harmless, andthat there is nothing superior to it for preserv¬ing the hair. Do you want straight hair t Doyou want your hair put into a condition 'hatwill enable you to put it up and prepare it furany occasion? If you do, order a bottle ofOsline, as this preparation will give satisfaction.Full instructions as to how tc straighten andcare for the hair sent with each bottle. Price60 cents per jar, or three jars for $1.26.


It is the greatest tonic that has ever been dis¬covered for growing the hair. VAL.IjAR.ISwill restore the hair back on the temples ; wi llmake a thin growth heavy; restore the nair to itsnatural color and give itan elegant black, glossyappearance. Will stop the hair from falling out

intwodays. Ifyou wantnicehair you shouldorder a bottle of this wonderful tonic Nothingto equal it has ever been known before. Trythis and you will never get any other. Price 60cents per bottle, or three for $1.26.


LOVELY COMPLEXION.Freckles, Pimples, Black-heads, Liver Spots,

and all blemishes are removed from the face bySIMMS'FAOB BLEAOH. Tanned, Sun¬burnt, Sallow aud Muddy Skin is bleached andgiven a clear, transparent complexion. Theskin is bleached from one to three shadesbrighter in one week by this superior prepar¬ation. There is nothing to equal lt in beautify¬ing the faee. Price 60 cents per bottle, or threebottles for tlM.

All goods reduced to 60 cents each, or threebottles, each of a different preparation, for$1*26 or three of the same preparation for $1.86.Send money by registered letter or postal mon¬ey order.Xtoeorlptlve Circular* Serat Free.


JAS. S. 8IMMf,Dermatologist,

Seoond k Green Sta. Louisville, Ky.p. O. Box 561.

Agents Wanted.Write for Terms.

. Mention this paper when you

-Special accommodating for ladiewitoont escorts on the trip to Washingto Washington, August 19, 1895.




Rao4R8. MARTH, the world renowned1 highly celebrated business and testnicM reveals everything. No impo**ion. Can be consulted upon all af*rs of Life, Business, Love and Mar.

Sb a specialty. Every mystery re¬ed, also, of absent, deceased and

ing friends. Removes all troublesd estrangements, challenges anysdium who cen exceed her in herirtling revelations of the past, presentd future events of one s life. Re-amber, she will not for any price fiat-r you ; you may rest assured you willin facts without nonsense. She caeconsulted upon all affairs of Life,ive,Courtship, Marriage, Friends etc.,th description of future is very accurate in describing mia.rig friends, enemies etc. Her advice>on sickness, change bf business, law-its, Journeys, contested wills, divorceid speculation is valuable and reliable,ie reads your destiny.good or bad;ie withholds nothing.MRS. MARTH tells your entire life.tat, present and a DEADRANCE, has the power of any tweodiums you ever met. In tests shedis tour mother's full name beforelarriage, the names of all your family,leir ages and description, the namend business of your present husband,ie name of the next, if you are to havene, the name of the young man wheow calls on you, the name kof your fu-jre husband, and the day, month andear of your marriage, how many chil-ren you have or will have; whether youra married or single; whether yourresent sweetheart will be true to yound if he will marry you ; if you have neweetheart, she will tell you when yourill have, and his name, business andate of acquaintance. ALL YOURFUTURE will he told in an honestlear and plain manner and in a deadrance. Mothers should know the suc-css of their husbands and children,oung ladies should know everythingibout their sweethearts or intendedmsband. Do not keep company, mar-

y or go into business until you knowtil, do not let silly religious scruplesirevent your consulting.Madame is the only one in the world

rho can tell you the FULL NAME ofrour future husband, with ase andLate of marriage, and tolls whether theme you love ls true or false.There are some persons who believe

.hat there is no truth to be gained(rom consulting a Medium, but suchbeliefs are contrary to the truth. It isMiry from the lack of discriminationthat such a conclusion can be'ls not every one who placards him¬self or herself as a medium that cacstand a test of what he or she olaims.And a person of an enquiring mind

may ask the reason why. lt is simplythat these advisers do not take thetrouble to study human nature. Theydb not spend their thoughts fer a me-ment with acquiring the art of phrenol¬ogy and kindred branches that will havea toudeuey to make the pathway to theroad of the business clear and devoidmt all obstacles.

It is an undeniable fact that personswill esme for full knowledgeof what they want to know, ana yet iesoon as they confront a Medium the*try their utmost endeavor to dispelfrom their minds what they know so aato hear if it will be rehearsed by tbeMedium. To get the secret out of a

fierson by 'pumping" in ne few <

s the art used by many unprlnemediums, but te take held ofand gain control of the mind ta matter of impossibility te mestheta. And yet this can fee doseby consul tin a MRS. MARTH tit* setlng mystery becomes a reeltsatlta.This subject has received ne Hmo at¬

tention by eminent men and evab'oel-b>ge professors. So it proves coneluenly that although there are inti^our midst withToily toneeas.'the gates mt wisdom nevi eel beened te the entire profession.

It takes a great deal of study to be¬come en aoeontpllthee medium and bya continuous and untiring effort, tbe¦eV te the weil of apparently unfathom¬able mysteries bas beeb procured byMRS. MARTS for the benoit of ba¬

ni**.ADVIO« BY ISTTXR. %\.

Hettie from it a. a. km m. r. m.








WANTED.A few good industriousyoung men to carry a line of samplesfor a first-class tailoring establishment.Apply to 1720 E. Main St.


311 College St., Richmond, Va.,(Near First Bapt. Church.)

You can have all kinds of House Paint¬ing and Calsomining done in first-

class style. MMy Satisfactionguaranteed? Reference

can be had from some of the leadingcitizens, t)6$h colored and white.

Give me your patronage andI'll give you first-class



& 263 W. 47th Street.Between Broadway A 8th Ave.

Respectable Colored Families.

Rent !rcm $3. a month.ily to W. R. Mason, Agent,

63 W. 34th St. or to


THE BEST"Advocate and Newspaper ic the

North is

HE GAZETTE,Cleveland, Ohio, lt is generallynowledged a leading race journal,ublican in politic*. THK GAZETTEbeen published regularly every wetkover twelve years.

implc Copies Free.SUBSCRIPTION RATES.fear, $1.50: 6 Months. $1.00;Three Months, Only 50c.


HON. H. C. SMITH,(Viamber Ohio Lsglrtatmf.)

lier "The Garnette" 845 Superior St.,CleYeland, Ohio.

The Jeweler's Ofter.

rhe highest price paid for pie*.monds or white atone by

E. J. Crank,VSmM W. Broad St.


12 E. Broad St., Richmond. Ya.stir cutting, shaving and shampooing.A*'- work strictly first-claus. Call on

us. Satisfaction tsruaranteed.,

Re-Opening09 E. BROAD


taiture,lefrigerators,Sashing Machines,Dry Goods & General House

f urnisbing Goods^For Cash or Instalment call

ind seeK>9 E. Broad. £. WOODALL.


Fashionable Taite]1720 East Main Street;


Great Bargains Offered.PANTSOR SUITS

Lcede oe ki Notice ;*tlowest Trices. Tams to <

$12.50 and upwards.A FULL LINE

Of Foreign end Domestic Wiat prieee that will astound youMoney saved is money earnedyou will lind yours*-]:giving us a cull.

A Perfect Pit ami Strictly First-Class Work Guaranteed.nd a postal card and *.;

will call on you will; S full lin*-- ofsamples. Remember the plsc


Bet. 17th and 18th Sta.



Includes Hoard, "Washing. Books. Tuition. Padgs#*ncils. and ever* requisitefor School use. Building Heated by Steam, and Lighted l>y *

B^st Instructors. Write for Catalogue. Session begins September huh, 1895.

F. J. WAtSNER, A. M., li. D., ruEsiiiENT.

Abpuns A*u(ipi usd0 -TA! j 9 mriu iCBpanaos P^oq ~v\\ ox SXNHSHHa33iaox._«M *s*^>Hd raoi^og-^DO^j ;b aai'i ano ui^uiq^jMji

.oolloo aad vzz$'A^siqAV ^H PK) -»«3A 1

dhiv^[ 4hoiib<) add sp*_}9 }B 9u\\\BqA\B}B3 isag xoq s:p£ 'Sai^Drm ^oq«g

.punod sjd-tj s^ijpf 'S-PCg i^iom 4s:poi 'saqsn-ijiSinqqiUDg 'JBO^x Jad s:p^ *b pB3J*g iso*i sv"\i ib pJBq

POOQ SJD/, }B S^B3JAJ lp^S ^ '°N[ *S^3C/^^ IB aBStlS pD}Bi;nUBJOrsai^iupads ano jo amos


'.s}g jBiapaj ?g }si "J03savDio s SHonJn 'mm





W. H. ANDERSON, Publisher,222 East Broad Street. / . . . Richmond, Va,

