richard tucker

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Richard Tucker


    Its amazing what one picture can do! - Richard Tucker

    Growing up in a Christian home I always had an awareness of overseas mission. Some of my relatives had

    even been missionaries. However, I dont know that I ever consciously thought I would end up being one. I

    had all sorts of other plans for being a microbiologist or an electronic engineer.

    When I was about 16 I really sold out for God. It wasnt enough for me to be the son of Christian parents.

    This had to mean something for me. I got baptised. The subsequent years were very formative especially

    my time at Imperial College in London where I studied Physics. It was whilst I was there that God got my

    attention for world mission.

    I thought that during my first outrageously long summer break I ought to do something worthy and

    started looking into going to France with OM to do street work. But it didnt grab me. However, one

    reasonably ordinary evening at the CU, a guy from AIM was speaking and he brought along a pile of

    magazines from World Horizons. My room mate and I picked one up and were transfixed by a picture ofsome guys sitting on top of an old Bedford army truck roaring through the desert amidst billows of sand.

    It looked brilliant fun. Forget doing something worthy! How cool would a four-week overland trip to the

    deserts of North Africa be?!!

    So four of us from Imperial signed up for the trip. We went over to Llanelli for a preparation weekend.

    World Horizons in those days was in its infancy. Mechanics fixing up trucks. People praying in money to

    buy buildings. Nights out on the beach. Being amongst such a vibrant, faith-filled group of people was


    The trip itself was no picnic and definitely not for the faint hearted! Four weeks in the back of an old army

    truck with a group of smelly students suffering from the trots is not a package holiday. But once we hit

    North Africa it was all worthwhile. That first night sleeping out under the stars listening to the insects was

    magical. I had never experienced such a different culture. The place looked different, it tasted different (I

    love spicy North African food), it sounded different and it certainly smelled different! Something about it

    got under my skin. There is no substitute for experiencing something at first hand.

  • 8/13/2019 Richard Tucker


    A few days later we hiked up into the Atlas Mountains to

    sleep out under the stars. We perched on a ledge high up

    above the valley below. As the sun set we could see the lights

    of the Berber villages below beginning to come on one by

    one. As darkness descended the stars above were awesome.

    What an incredible universe! As we sat down together the

    trip leader began to speak. I remember him talking about

    the hold that Islam had on the people around about us and

    the challenge of bringing the Good News to them. Each one

    of these lights you can see in the valley below represents a

    Muslim who has never heard about Jesus. And who will go

    and tell them? In the darkness I knew that God was speaking

    to me. Who would go, if I wouldnt? Several days later sitting

    on the side of a very hot, dry wadi (valley) I remember

    writing in my diary: If God wants me to come to North Africa

    to plant churches, I will do it. And that was it. From thatmoment on I knew that I was coming back to North Africa.

    And I did. Not once but many times.

    I kept in contact with World Horizons after I got home and often went to Llanelli, enjoying the madcap

    atmosphere of reckless faith. The next year I recruited some others from Imperial to form a team. We

    travelled back to North Africa in another truck and spent days trekking up a river valley praying and

    trying to share our faith in awful French! I dont know if any of them learnt anything but we learnt an

    amazing amount about faith. Faith for food, faith for transport, even faith for a place to sleep!

    Over the next few years I got involved in leading many small teams out to North Africa from colleges andmy church. God did some wonderful things and we even saw a few people get saved which was brilliant.

    However, it was eight years after that first short term trip until I finally moved to North Africa.

    God had a lot to do in me before I was ready to go. I needed to re-establish strong links with my home

    church and get leadership experience. I also got married and together we did a years course in church

    planting based on Cyprus. It seemed like a long time to wait but God knows best and it was worth the wait.

    When we finally moved out to North Africa it wasnt with World Horizons but with Frontiers (not New

    Frontiers as some of you are thinking)! Although we were being sent out by our church as a church project,

  • 8/13/2019 Richard Tucker


    When we finally moved out to North Africa it

    wasnt with World Horizons but with Frontiers

    (not New Frontiers as some of you are thinking)!

    Although we were being sent out by our

    church as a church project, we knew that weneeded the experience of others to help us if

    we were going to survive in a hostile, Islamic

    environment. Frontiers in common with

    other agencies, has a wealth of experience in

    supporting people in some of the most difficult

    places on earth.

    We spent ten years living in North Africa and

    although there were hard times we never

    regretted our decision to move there and raiseour daughter there. I worked as an English

    language teacher. During that time we were

    privileged to see a lot of fruit as we worked

    with many others for people to come to faith

    and churches to be planted. Today the church in North Africa is still small but it is growing and in some parts is

    thriving. Certainly a different situation to the one I first encountered over 20 years ago. And to think that I have

    played just a small part in that is amazing.

    At the moment we are back in the UK and are leading a church in the southwest of England in addition to

    having a leadership role in Frontiers. We still have a passion for Muslims and world mission. We pray that we

    will never lose that. Looking back at that first taste of mission in North Africa its strange to think that it all came

    from picking up a magazine from a CU bookstall! It s funny how God works and speaks.

    So next time you pick up some literature - beware! It could be the start of an incredible journey into Gods plan

    for your life.



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