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Page 1: RHP TRAINING CENTRErhptraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PREMIUM-OFF-SEASO… · prepared for a successful summer of off season training. Weeks 1-2 of the off-ice workouts are




Page 2: RHP TRAINING CENTRErhptraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PREMIUM-OFF-SEASO… · prepared for a successful summer of off season training. Weeks 1-2 of the off-ice workouts are

Table of Contents

Program Overview 2 Description 2 Goals For The Program 4

Off-Ice Training Component 5 1st Period- Adaptation 5 2nd Period - Compensation 6 3rd Period - Strength Phase 7 Overtime - Power Phase 8

On-Ice Training Component 9 Skill Testing 9

Program Summary 12

Training Schedule 12 Peewee Girls 12 Peewee Boys 12 Bantam Girls 13 Bantam Boys 13 Midget Girls 13 Midget Boys 13


Page 3: RHP TRAINING CENTRErhptraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PREMIUM-OFF-SEASO… · prepared for a successful summer of off season training. Weeks 1-2 of the off-ice workouts are

Program Overview

Description The Premium Development Program is an off-season hockey training program that is specifically designed to give athletes everything they need and more to be ready for their upcoming season.

The program consists of two parts: an Off-Ice Physical Training component and an On-Ice Skill Development component. This program is the ideal opportunity for any athlete to become more skilled, mobile, strong and faster than ever before.

The program will be offered to female and male players in PeeWee, Bantam and Midget currently participating at the Competitive Level. Both components are modified to fit each groups specific needs.

The off-ice training has been broken up into four components: Adaptation, Compensation, Strength Phase, and Power Phase. Designed in a way so that the player develops in the proper areas at the right time throughout the summer. This will ensure the athlete is prepared to get the most out of each phase week after week.

The Bantam and Midget category will be tested using off-ice tools and methods that national-level and professional athletes are measured by. Initially, athletes’ movements will be evaluated using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the Y Balance Test which are both standard tools used by the NHL, NFL, MLB and NBA. Athletes in the Pee-Wee division will be introduced to the FMS and Y Balance Test over the course of the program.

Performance will be evaluated using tests that prove where the athletes currently stand. Athletes will be made aware how they compare against standards set by some of the world’s top teams.

The on-ice component will focus on testing and the development of the athlete’s individual skillset. Tests will be held during their first and last ice sessions using Hockey Canada’s National Skills Standard & Testing Program.


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Tests include Forehand/Backhand Passing, Weave Agility Skate, Shooting Accuracy, Figure ‘8’ Stickhandling, Transition – Agility Skate, and a Forward/Backward – Speed Skate.

The results of the first test will give each player an indication of where they stand and what opportunities they have for improvement. Throughout the summer, we will work on fundamental hockey skills providing players with an opportunity to improve their skills.

After the end of the program, the same testing will be used to determine the player’s progress during the program. Combined with the physical training component of the Premium Development Program, it is an ideal situation for maximum results leading into next season.


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Goals For The Program This is our vision, and the goals each participant will work towards achieving:

○ To Develop ■ Strength, speed and explosive players ■ Anaerobic conditioning ■ Increased resistance to injuries ■ On ice individual skills ■ Commitment to a goal ■ Passion for the game as well as for development and self


○ To Raise Awareness and to Educate ■ Each participants awareness of their skill and physical ability and to

track, improve and celebrate their improvement ■ The rewards from being disciplined and committed to a process ■ Best practices and techniques for lifting and training ■ The importance of mobility and how it helps recovery between or

after games ■ Training strategies that participants will benefit from for the rest of

their life

○ To Promote Healthy Lifestyles ■ With nutrition tracking and nutritional advice ■ Access to Athletic Therapist, Certified Nutritionist and Sports


○ To Deliver A Positive Experience and ■ Provide each athlete with the best instruction available ■ Ensure everyone gets equal attention and opportunity ■ Inspire each player to grow their passion and love for the game


Page 6: RHP TRAINING CENTRErhptraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PREMIUM-OFF-SEASO… · prepared for a successful summer of off season training. Weeks 1-2 of the off-ice workouts are

Off-Ice Training Component

1st Period- Adaptation Weeks 1-2 After the season is over, it’s important to have the proper recovery time in order to be prepared for a successful summer of off season training. Weeks 1-2 of the off-ice workouts are specifically designed to ease the player back into training by adapting the player from being inactive into a training program. The period begins with a very important Combine Testing day to assess their current performance. From there they will be assessed using the Functional Movement Screen and given a custom mobility program that they are to do on their own time. Our coaches will be using this period to educate and introduce the players to basic movements that will be the basis of their strength and conditioning and will set the framework for the rest of the off-season program. Players will be taught basic footwork drills and proper landing mechanics for explosive power to provide a great base to improve on power training in later periods. In addition to the off-ice training education, the program goes one step further by teaching players the importance of their nutrition. To help reinforce this message and in an attempt to create good habits for the players, players will also be introduced to their own personal nutrition and conditioning logbook. The logbok will be a requirement for them to have completed upon every training session. For example, the player’s logbooks for Monday and Tuesday must be completed for the Wednesday training session and their daily logs for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be completed for Mondays session. The Nutrition tracking will begin the first week of the program will continue to the end of the program. This logbook will help the player and the coach in giving a clear picture of the athletes commitment to their performance training and of their development throughout the summer.


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2nd Period - Compensation Weeks 3-5 This period begins in the third week of the training program and is designed to ensure and prepare players for the next period - the strength phase. During this phase, players will perform exercises that will aid them in reducing the imbalances that may of occured over the course of the season. This will ensure full recovery and further reduce the likelihood of injuries over the next season. Players will also begin to perform conditioning on their own as it will be outlined as part of the program in thier player handbook which they will receive on the initiation night. At this time, players will begin to fill in their Conditioning Tracker as advised during the initiation meeting. They will also continue to complete their Nutrition Tracker as required. Players will continue to perform the daily mobility training. They will be reassessed July 4th to provide them with an up to date mobility program. In addition, the footwork drills will begin to become more complex. Jumping, hopping and bounds over obstacles to progress their power.


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3rd Period - Strength Phase Weeks 4-6 By the second week of July we will begin a period of strength based training for the players. The stronger the player becomes, the better prepared they will be for the final period. Furthermore, strength reduces the risk of injuries during the season. The conditioning program will change in the second week to prepare them for interval training and to begin to build less on general capacity and make a change towards the beginning of shift endurance. Both nutrition and conditioning trackers will still need to be filled, as they are vital parts to the success of the player.

During this period, the player will be lifting more and more as preparation for the 4th week of July, where 1 rep maximum training will occur. Testing to ensure the player is improving their mobility and recovery, along with combine testing to show areas that the athlete has made improvements in. Footwork drills will start to include resistance with partners and bands, while the Explosive Power Training level of difficulty will be increased.


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Overtime - Power Phase Weeks 7-9 Overtime is the final period of the off-ice training and will begin the last of week July. In this phase, all of the athlete’s accumulated work will come together in time for them to become the best conditioned the athletes have ever been. This period’s focus is to build maximum power while improving the players speed. Ultimately the goal is to have our athletes move a determined optimal weight progressively faster. In addition, the aim is for players to maintain this newly developed level of power over a longer period of time with shorter rest periods. This will prepare the player for the coming season and be at their max endurance. Nutrition and Conditioning Trackers will be filled as they have been during the other periods. Upon exit, the player will keep the nutrition tracker as a guide on suggestions for what they should and should not be eating during the hockey season. Exit testing will be provided for the player to show the improvement.


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On-Ice Training Component

Skill Testing Session 1 and 8 The purpose of skill testing is to raise each player’s awareness of their own skill and to illustrate the importance of skill development while establishing a system at RHP to measure and celebrate skills with our athletes. We will be conducting the following Hockey Canada skill tests: 1. Forehand/Backhand Passing 2. Weave Agility Skate with and without puck 3. Shooting Accuracy 4. Figure ‘8’ Stickhandling 5. Transition – Agility Skate with and without puck 6. Forward/Backward – Speed Skate - with and without puck You can view the attached document “Hockey Canada Testing” to see detailed instructions on the testing process. Each athlete will get one attempt at each skill test to determine their ranking. Their score will be used to rank their position amongst their group and eventually, to previous year program participants through the program’s evolution. Participants scores will also be used to compare to their competition across Canada. With access to Hockey Canada’s National Skills Standard & Testing Program Results Database we can review and compare each participant to Canada’s averages and best records for each age specific test results dating back to November 2004. See attached document “ Hockey Canada Test Results” to view Canada’s average and best records. Athletes and parents will receive a hard and electronic copy of their Individual Player Test Results for review once testing is completed.


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With this knowledge athletes will improve their skill awareness and have a realistic idea of where they stand, with their weaknesses and strengths presented to them. This will serve as great motivators for them. Athletes will be informed on what to focus on to improve their abilities providing them with the guidance needed to make their training feel worthwhile!


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Skill Development Practices Session 2- 7 On-ice sessions 2 through 7 will be used for skill development. The program’s testing was chosen in an attempt to cover a wide variety of key skills used in hockey. Each practice will focus on a specific skill which are listed below. Practices will be designed and modified to fit each groups specific needs and to improve each individual’s skill using age specific drills. At RHP, our staff take pride in making sure everyone gets the attention needed and extra help to reach their goals. Instructors do what they can do to ensure each and every participant gets the most of their time and enjoy their experience.

Skill Practices

1. Speed/skating 2. Edges/agility 3. Transitioning 4. Stickhandling 5. Shooting 6. Passing


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Program Summary For $675.00 + HST participants will receive:

● 24 Dryland sessions ● 8 Ice Time sessions ● Nutrition and Training Seminars ● A Parent program introduction meeting ● 10% discount on any RHP 10 pack of your choice; On Ice, Dry Land, or Blade. ● 1 RHP Dri Fit workout T-shirt, 1 Practice jersey & 1 RHP Hat (Valued at $100.00) ● 4 Complementary half hour semi private Blade sessions to be used before

September 2nd/2017 (Valued at $240.00) ● Access to a Facebook group chat with open communication to our Director of

Strength Troy Beauregard and Director of Player Development Michael MacDonald

Training Schedule

Peewee Girls Dryland Sessions: June: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm - 7pm July and August: Mondays from 6:30pm - 7:30pm & Wednesdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm Ice Time Sessions: July and August Mondays from 5pm - 6pm

Peewee Boys Dryland Sessions: June: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm - 8pm July and August: Mondays from 5:30pm - 6:30pm Wednesdays from 6:30pm - 7:30pm Ice Time Sessions: July and August: Wednesday from 5pm - 6pm


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Bantam Girls Dryland Sessions: June: Mondays and Wednesdays from 6pm - 7pm July and August: Tuesdays from 9:30am - 10:30am and Thursdays from 10:30am - 11:30am Ice Time Sessions: July and August: Thursdays from 9am - 10am

Bantam Boys

Dryland sessions: June: Mondays and Wednesdays from 7pm - 8pm July and August: Mondays from 10:30am - 11:30am and Wednesdays from 9:30am - 10:30am Ice Time Sessions: July and August: Mondays from 9am - 10am

Midget Girls

Dryland Sessions: June: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm - 9pm July and August: Mondays from 11:30am - 12:30pm and Wednesdays from 10:30am - 11:30am Ice Time Sessions: July and August: Wednesdays from 9am - 10am

Midget Boys

Dryland Sessions: June: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8pm - 9pm July and August: Tuesdays from 10:30am - 11:30am and Thursdays from 9:30am - 10:30am Ice Time Sessions: July and August: Tuesdays from 9am - 10am


Page 15: RHP TRAINING CENTRErhptraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PREMIUM-OFF-SEASO… · prepared for a successful summer of off season training. Weeks 1-2 of the off-ice workouts are