revised 2013 tuscarora council commissioner's college registration

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Page 1: Revised 2013 Tuscarora Council Commissioner's College Registration

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2013 Tuscarora Councii

Co{fege O f Commiss ioner Science

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The Tuscarora Council's College of Commis ioner Science is aone-day training course

offered to all adult volunteer members of the BSA th t would like to begin or further their edu-

cation in the commissioner position. Commissioner ositions within asingle council consist ofthree main levels: Council, District, and Unit. The C uncil and District Commissioners also

have Assistant Commissioner positions associated at their levels.

The overall Commissioner Education Progr , regardless of level, is composed of three

degree tracks: Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate. T Bachelors degree must be completed be-

fore theMasters can be started, and the same for Ma ters prior to Doctorate, respectfully. The

level of education and difficulty throughout these thr ecourses will gradually increase, ending

with a final Doctorial project.

To beadmitted into the Tuscarora Council's College of Commissioner Science, the fol-

lowing pre-requisites must be completed:

• Youth Prot ction

• This Is Sco ting

• Unit Commissio~~r Fast Start

• UVTS v~eoAll of these can be found and taken by creating an aorcountat

Commissioner Awards mdRecognition

Similar to other programs for adult leadershi positions, the Commissioner Program has

several knots, patches, and plaques to recognize vol teer dedication. Listen below are brief

descriptions of Commissioner Recognition along wit an image of the recognition item:

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Distinguished Commissioner Service ward. Primary Award is aplaque. This award is

presented to Unit, Assistant District, District, Assistant Council, and Council Commis-

sioners whom have served actively as registered commissioner for at least five years,

have completed the Commissioner trai ing courses, received the Arrowhead Honor

Award, and whose units/District/Coun il has achieved a level of quality through the

BSA's Quality UnitlDistrictiCouncil p ogram.

Commissioner Award of Excellence . Unit Service. This award was developed as ana-

tionwide effort to engage Scouting vol nteers and professional Scouters to work together

in focusing on unit retention. Any regi tered commissioner who isproviding direct unit

service is eligible to earn the Commiss oner Award of Excellence inUnit Service.

Doctorate of Commissioner Science A ard. This knot is available to any currently active

commissioner at any position by comp eting the attached requirements. Approval is ad-

ministered by the local council throu the Council Commissioner and the Council Direc-tor ofField Service.

Commissioner Arrowhead Honor. Thi award is earned through the completion of

two main requirements, each with asu set of requirements. The two main require-

ments areBSA Basic Leader Training nd alist of 8Commissioner projects outlinedby the Council.

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Bachelo •.sDe •.ee e ui•.el:ll.eDts

Thisinitialprogramwill educate partiC~antsonthebasics ofcommssionerscience andget themfamliarwiththeprogra ingeneral. Thiscoursewill provide

thefoundationforfuturecourses tobuildupo andbecomemoredetailed. The

agenda ofthisdegree track consistsofthemantopics listedbelow:

• Introductiontocom~ssioner Science• OnlineCharte Renewal

• TheCommssioner &TheDistrict

• UnitVisitation

• Practical SolutionstoCommonUnitNeeds

• Commssioner Priorities• Health&Safety

• ServicetoNewUnits

• Commssioner/Professional Relationships

• UnitLeader TrainingContinuum

• Outdoor Ethics&TheCommssioner

• EffectiveRou dtables

Theseclasses aredivided intoBCStrack and C5-Advanced track. Therearea

total of 12classes offered. TheBachelorsofC mmssioner Scienceispresented af-

ter 7 ofthese 12are completed.

Maste•.sDe •.ee e ui•.el1.1.eDts

Once7BCSclasses havebeen complet dandtheBachelorsofComms-

sioner Sciencehasbeen presented, partiCiPa~s maybegin enrollment intheMas-tersprogram. Thoughtherearefewer topics t antheBCStrack, thepointslistedbelowaretaught inmoredetail andaremean tosupplement theprevious courses:

• UnitFin ce

• NoLapse/NoDropCommtment

• Commssioner ifesaving

• Webelos toSco tTransition• Understanding SScouting

• JTEQualityUni Program

Thereareatotal of6classes offeredontheM Strack. TheMastersofComms-

sioner Scienceispresented afterALL 6MCS lasses are completed along with

one additional DeS class. Thistotals14clas scompleted overall, 6MCSand8


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Docto •ate De •ee ui •ean.entsThisisthefinal,andmostin-depthdegr etrack ofcommssioner education.

Aftercompletion oftheDCScourses, particip ntsshouldbeabletogivethehighest

qualityofcommssioner service totheir assig edunits, district, andcouncil mem-

bership. AswiththeMCS,theDCScourse cannotbegin until theprevious level re-

quirements havebeen completed. Thetopics overed intheDoctorateprogramarecentered around amainproject thatmust ecompleted toearn thisdegree:

• SelectingAThesis esearch Topic

• DevelopingThesis~utline/Report

• Thesis/Project rorkshop• Preventing Comms ioner Burnout

AlongwithcompletionoftheBachelorsandMastersofCommssioner Sci-

ence, there areother requirements needed tobeawarded theDoctorateofCom-

mssioner ScienceAward.A final 10classes (i additiontowhatwascompleted for

BCSandMCS)mustbecompleted, alongwiththe5DCSclasses. Thefinalstep of

earning theDCSisthecompletionofaDoctor. I Commssioner Projectthathasbeen approved by theDeanandStaffAdvisoroftheCollegeofCommssioner Sci-


Fo•Mo•e Inf •an.ationThereareseveral resources forComm sioner Serviceinformationandmate-

rials availablebyphone, online, email, and in office.Check outthedetails listed

belowtofindoutmoreabout Commssioner S rvice, howtoget started, andhowto

register forthenextCollegeofCommssione Science:

• /Commssioners/training .aspx

• urce/Commssioners.aspx

• ContactTuscaroraCommssione StaffAdvisorRyanRobertsAtryan.roberts@scouting. 9or (919)734-1714

• ContactTuscaroraCouncil C mmssioner SteveMoore


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T U ~ A R O R A C O L L E G E O F O M M I ~ O N E R m C E

May 18th, 2013

Johnston Community College

Smithfield, NC8:00 am - 4:30 pm$15.00 per participant ($20 after May 10th)Includes lunch, materials, and recognition

The Tuscarora Commissioners' College will consist of the following program tracks:

When -

Where -

Time -Cost -

1. Bachelor of Commissioner Science (8CS)

2. Masters of Commissioner Science (MCS)

3. Doctor of Commissioner Science (DCS)

Why Should I Attend?

Learning is a lifetime activity. As commissioners, we must continually adjust our skills to provide a more valuableservice to our units, district and council. Therefore, commission1ers should view learning as an important part of

their Scouting lives - every month, every year. Persons partici ating at our college typically enjoy the fellowship,fun and education offered in a concise course of study that one may build upon each year as you gain experience

in your commissioner position(s). This event also provides an 0 portunity to network with other volunteers andprofessional leaders (perhaps the most valuable resource that ne can have/use throughout the program year).

Where is Johnston Community College?This event will be held on the main campus of J CC located in Imithfield, NC right beside the intersection of Hwy 70

Business and 1-95. Check-in and the initial welcome will be held!in the Health Building. There will be signs to lead

you to this location from the main entrance of the campus. The laddress for the main entrance is:

245 Colleg ~Rd.

Smithfield, NC

(919)934-31 51Overnight accommodations are available just minutes from J CC in Smithfield. To make reservations call:

The Sleep Inn Super 8 Hotel

207 N. Equity Dr. 735 lndustrlal Park Dr.

919-209-2360 919-989-898~

For more information about the Tuscarora Commissiconer College, please contact Ryan Robertsat 919-734-1714 or at [email protected].

2013 Tuscarora Council College of COI1~missionerScience Registration

Name: ~------------.-----------------

Address: ~-------------------------------

ZIP:- - - - - - - - - - ~- - - -

City: _

Phone (h): _ Phone (c): + _

E-mail: ---! _

District: _ Council _

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BCS- BCS- MCS- DCS-Time Unit Advanced Masters of Doctorate of

Commissioner - Unit Commissioner - Commissioner Commissioner.: . Science - Science-

8:00 am Registration Registration Registration Registration

8CS 101 - Intro to 8CS 111- Health MCS 301- No9:00 am Commissioner & Safety Lapse/No Drop

Science Commitment

8CS 102 - Charter 8CS 113 - Service to I MCS 302 - Unit DCS 601 +60210:00 Renewal Online New Units Finance Selecting a thesis/am research topic

11:00 8CS 103- 8CS 114 - Good MCS 303 +304 DCS 603-

am Commissioner & the Commissioner/Profess Commissioner Developing thesisDistrict ional Relationships Lifesavinq outline/report

12:00 Lunch


8CS 104 - Unit 8CS 212 - The Unit MCS 307 - Webelos DCS 604-12:45 Visitation Leader Training to Scout Transition Thesis/Projectpm Continuum Workshop

8CS 105 - Practical 8CS 213 - Outdoor MCS 430- DCS 610-1:45 pm Solutions to Common Ethics and the Understanding LOS Preventing

Unit Needs Commissioner Scouting CommissionerBurnout

8CS 106- 8CS 108 - Effective MCS 413 - J ourney to

2:45pm Commissioner Roundtables Excellence QualityPriorities Unit Program

3:45- Degrees Awarded Degrees Awarded Degrees Awarded Degrees Awarded4:30

.: . Youth Protection Training is aprerequh ~teto the Bachelors Program

.: . YPT and Unit Commssioner Fast Start ~deos count as 1of the 7 BCS

degree class requirements if completer prior to enrollment. These videos,

combined with 6 registered BCS classe S, can earn aBCS degree inone


2013 Schedule ~f Classes(please circle the courses thjt youwant to attend)