resurrection catholic church catholic church your church and the church of the family mass schedule...

R esurrection C atholic Church Y our C hurch and the C hurch of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 8:00 am (exc 1 st Friday) Thu 7 pm 1st Friday Adoration 6 pm and Mass 7 pm Confessions Saturday 3pm 6819 Krycul Ave Riverview 33578 (813) 677-2175 FAX: 671-7844 [email protected] Pastor, Rev. Eugeniusz Gancarz Month-pray for deceased

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Page 1: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

Resurrection Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family

Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español


Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 8:00 am (exc 1st Friday)

Thu 7 pm

1st Friday Adoration 6 pm and Mass 7 pm

Confessions Saturday 3pm

6819 Krycul Ave Riverview 33578 (813) 677-2175

FAX: 671-7844 [email protected] Pastor, Rev. Eugeniusz Gancarz

Month-pray for deceased

Page 2: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm


DIALOGO MATRIMONIAL MDS Invita a todos los matrimonios o parejas al próximo dialogo matrimonial a realizarse el Diciembre 2-4. Comienza el viernes a las 6:30 PM y termina el domingo a las 5:00 PM. El costo es $175.00 y esto incluye la estadía de dos noches en el hotel, comidas, refrigerios. Es un fin de semana que brinda a las parejas la oportunidad para compartir y reflexionar en una atmósfera completamente privada y fuera del alcance de las tensiones y distracciones de la vida diaria. Para más información llamar a Ramon o Ines (813) 326-6389. Los invitamos todos los miércoles a las 7:30pm en el salón de conferencias.

Cuestionario Católico

1. ¿El úl mo domingo en el calendario litúrgico es: A) el úl mo domingo del año calendario B) Solemnidad de Navidad C) Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia D) Solemnidad de Cristo Rey

2. ¿Cuántos santos han sido declarados Doctores de la Iglesia? A) Cuatro B) Doce C) Treinta y tres D) Setenta y dos

3. ¿ Quién dijo “ Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre” A) Isabel B) San Gabriel Arcángel C) David D) San Miguel Arcángel

¿Conoces acerca de la iglesia Católica? ¿Sabes defender tu fe?

La hermandad del Señor de los Milagros


El 3ro y 4to Lunes de Mes Abierto a toda la comunidad

Parish Staff Pastor Fr Eugeniusz Gancarz

Deacon Pedro Leon Monica Fernandez-Stearns, Heather Paskert, Al Larson, Tina Ver Pault, Domingo Esteva

Music Director Helen McLeary

Resurrection Early Childhood [email protected]

Director Ivonne Roldan-Cortes Gloria Figueroa, Inés Rodríguez

Saturnina Serra Medina

F B R Clases 7pm Bautismo 11:30am Lun, 14 de Nov Sáb, 19 de Nov Lun, 12 de Dic- Sáb, 17 de Dic

Entrenamiento Mandatorio para todos los Ministros

Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión

Noviembre 12– 9:00am-12:00pm

FESTIVIDADES NUESTRA SEñORA DE GUADALUPE 2016 Diciembre 10 6:00 pm Cena-Baile: B & G Club Boletos : Individual: $15.00/ Pareja: $25.00/ Familia : $30.00 Diciembre 11 7:00 pm Rosario Diciembre 12 5:00 am Mañanitas (con Mariachi) 6:00 am Santa Misa 7:00 am Tradicional & delicioso desayuno 6:30 pm Presentación de la obra Apariciones 7:00 pm Misa 8:00 pm Grupo de Danza Soldados de Cristo

6 de Noviembre MDS MDS MDS Grupo 1 MDS

13 de Noviembre Domingo Rivera Nilda Davila Nancy Lamberty Agradecer Grupo 2 Ana Montoya

Angel Cabral

20 de Noviembre Carlos Huertas Dora Farfan Margarita Esteva Bendecir Grupo 3 Maribel Cardenas

Icella Bohn

27 de Noviembre Jose Farfan Octavio Garcia Gregorio Muñoz Adorar Grupo 4 Maria Teresa Ovalles

Angel Cabral

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Tit 1:1-9; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 17:1-6 Martes: Tit 2:1-8, 11-14; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Jueves: Flm 7-20; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: 2 Jn 4-9; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lc 17:26-37 Sábado: 3 Jn 5-8; Sal 112 (111):1-6; Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Mal 3:19-20a; Sal 98 (97):5-9; 2 Tes 3:7-12; Lc 21:5-19

Page 3: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

Catholic IQ

1. The last Sunday on the Liturgical Calendar is A) the last Sunday of the calendar year B) Solemnity of Christmas C) Feast of the Holy Family D) Solemnity of Christ the King

2. How many saints have been declared Doctors of the Church? A) Four B) Twelve C) Thirty-three D) Seventy-two

3. Who said, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”? A) Elizabeth B) St Gabriel the Archangel C) David D) St Michael the Archangel

T -S S O T

Liturgy Workshop As always your parish needs

Lectors, EEMs and Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) Vatican II has called for full and active participation in the

mass. These ministries provide parishioners the opportunity to participate more fully in our Eucharistic celebrations. If you

enjoy meeting and talking with people. please prayerfully con-sider how rewarding it can be.

Workshop is scheduled for Sat, Nov 12 9 am – noon and is preparation for anyone who wishes to begin, or continue, in

these ministries. Y ou may sign up in the vestibule, contact of-fice or for additional info, contact Kathy (Lector) at 813-992-8695 or Fran (Minister of Hospitality) at 813-300-9954. For

those participating, commissioning will be at the mass you at-tend on November 12-13.

Parish Liturgy Workshop Sat, Nov 12

9:00 am—noon

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Na onal Voca on Awareness Week Daylight Saving Time ends Tuesday: Elec on Day Wednesday: The Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica Thursday: St. Leo the Great Friday: St. Mar n of Tours; Veterans Day; Remembrance Day (Canada) Saturday: St. Josaphat

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-9; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19

Page 4: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

Special Thanks to

Ms Gail Pessoa and

1st Communion team Ms Lydia, Ms Lauri,

Ms Yesenia And 1st Communion CLASS

For a wonderful presentation of saints

at the 10 30 Mass on October 30

Your Tithe and Offerings Sunday, October 30, 2016 Mass me collec on env a 2016 A P A Forward in Faith 4:30 pm $ 1,554.05 51 124 Goal $ 69,852.00 Goal $ 337,873.00 8:00 am $ 2,263.51 42 141 Pledged $ 64,883.00 Pledged $148,376.00 10:30 am $ 2,565.77 58 390 Paid $ 58,822.80 Paid $ 79,537.46 12:30 pm $ 1,825.50 69 312 # of Pledges 232 Food Pantry $3,100 Total $ 8,208.83 234 967 School Assessment $ 252.00 All Souls (to date) $600.00

Panthers @ Bucs Sun, Jan 1 1 PM on FOX

1st prize: 2 Bucs TICKETS-inc parking 2nd prize: $75 gi cert Texas Roadhouse


held before Christmas

4:30 5th 12th 19th 26th

Commentator T Ver Pault L Carlson B Churchill K Samuelsen

Lectors B San Juan M Groulx

J Churchill T VerPault

H Cotter L Carlson

K Nason R Carlson

Altar Servers S McLeary M McLeary A Valentin

J Beavers P Swetland

S McLeary M McLeary

N Franklin S Franklin P Swetland

EEMs B Churchill J Churchill R Blanton L Carlson R Carlson

J Samuelsen M Cronin

J Samuelsen M Cronin R Carlson K Nason

B San Juan L Beavers

K Samuelsen

T VerPault A Andras C Batista R Blanton M Groulx F Nason

J Churchill

J Samuelsen M Cronin F Nason

B San Juan B Churchill T VerPault M Groulx

8:00 6th 13th 20th 27th

Commentator M Bridges E Interiano D Interiano M Ware

Lectors M Rios B Rios

P Gross R Franklin

D Mitchell J Bridges

K Tibbits D Tibbits

Altar Servers A Francis Al Francis

K Rios K Rios

S Franklin R Espinosa J Espinosa

N Franklin A Valentin

B Diaz A Diaz

J Beavers R Espinosa J Espinosa

EEMs D Mitchell M Ritter J Ritter

M Ware A Franklin D Interiano

T Pachla J Ritter J Laina

P Gross L Beavers M Morone

10:30 6th 13th 20th 27th

Commentator E Skube M Roe Teen T Banda-Cruz

Lectors N Acosta M Moglia

1st Communion Teens MI Espinosa K Skube

Altar Servers Y Robles A Lopez I Cain

I Mendoza

H Arens F Arens N Arens

R Velasco

J Jose I Cain

I Mendoza I Werham

H Arens F Arens N Arens J Jose

EEMs A Acosta G Bastien

MI Espinosa V Hernandez K Hotaling

M Roe H Roe E Jose

K Skube Y Sequeira S Sequeira

R Lozada MI Espinosa

N Acosta H Roe

R Velasco P Lukose K

Skube G Pessoa

Y Sequeira S Sequeira

E Skube T Banda –Cruz

N Acosta K Skube M Moglia

MI Espinosa H Roe

K Hotaling V Hernandez

G Bastien E Jose

M Roe E Jose

M Moglia V Hernandez

E Skube G Pessoa N Acosta A Acosta

Y Sequeira S Sequeira

Page 5: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

Feast of Flowers The Feast of Flowers is rapidly approaching.

This year we will celebrate the Feast of Flowers from Dec 7 to Dec 11.

The Feast of Flowers provides us the opportunity to remember family members and friends who have gone

before us to be with the Lord. You are invited to submit a list of names using the form in the Parish

Bulle n from Nov 20 through Dec 4.

Wednesday Night

Adult Bible Study A meline of Salva on


Beginning Wed, Nov 9

7pm in the white house

To register contact Alex

(813) 956-3709

Our Prayer Request Eileen Peabody, Lynda Scott, Michael and Lilly Kick, Delores & Suggie Moore, Lionel Bolduc, Kara Tibbits, Baby Miranda, Ann Huth, Raquel Corbie, Matt Birmingham, Aunt Dixie, Terry & Karen Ritter, Eunice Luevano, Mauricio Moreno, Florence De Croix, Diane Wilson Allen, Adelina Acevedo, Maria Meza, Ruth Marchese, Mary Sanderson, Katrina Schubert, Billy Boyd, Carol and Korey Dismus, Maria Capastrani, Elizabeth McLeary, Dawn Atkinson, Chris Falconio, Candida Santiago, William Jones, Minerva Martinez, Dolores & Bill Montgomery, Carmen Baco, Patricia Gordon, Daniel Pagan, Sylvia Aquino, Oscar Johnson, Graciela Paredes, Viñas, Hannah Marie Lewis, Peyton Elizabeth Hughes, Debbie Rivera, David Maysonet, Marcelino Rosado, Felicita Mejia, Jose Daniel Rocha, Ernie & Nellie Primo, Ruth and Sandra Klein, Fr Lorden, Mary Shepard & Tina Kilburne, Bridget Garczynski, Ashley Simon, Scott Schneider, Luis Morales, Margaret Midulla, Ed & Geri Murray, Sean Sebastan, Nicole Woolsey, Debbie Kauffman, Juanita & Michael San Juan, Jessica Beavers, Alicia Flores, Carol & Alex Bahl, Bobby & Christine Mancini, Mindy Reeves, Elizabeth Bañuelos, Toni Bonaly, Oscar & Dinorah, Peggy McCourtney, Carmen Felicia, Miguel Gomez, Bobby Wolf, Randy Fuqua, Elena Garriga, Paula Gonzalez, Margo Santana, Victor Torres, Josefina Lizama, Lydia Maysonet, Pency Owen, Jaxon Morales, Kate Engman, Brianna McAnally, Richard Pitt, Bart Temple, Nancy A, Dorothy Devito, Humberto Felisola, Luis Ibarra, Joan Keller, Brook Locke, Nick Dawson, Donna Anloague, Aydeo D, Mason Barker, Barbara Schnurman, Ana Lugo, Mr Hyzy, Paula Galache de Toro, Nellie Ingram, Jack Sanchez, LuAnn Colman, Tom Tobin, Luis Safe, Ethan Hillenbrand, Steve Vergara, Maria Simon, Wendy Trombetti, Judith Halley, Olga Ramirez, Rafael Alexis De Gracia, Gutierrez Family, Zeneda Lidarralde, Larry Sopcik, Joanie Ostrowski, Alba Colon, Mike Stanco, Charlotte Bowen, Ani Alvarez, Alvin Mulford, Feliciano-Herrera Family, Isabel Mary Giddings, Valentina Bisono, Sheryl Geletka, Terry Garrett, Michael Nicholson, Suzanne Lowe, Phillis Shimberg, Stefan Ramirez, Trevor Rodriguez, Stephanie & Kiara Carrico, Rey Seijo, Elizabeth McGucken, Roxane Alverez, Mildred Hiott, Larry Daly, Jerry Parker, Fran Teitelbaum, Roger Groulx and Rick Litner, Natividad Nepomuceno; Jaime Vazquez Alonso, Jorge Vazquez Peñaloza , infirmed, hospitalized, homebound, imprisoned, victims of sexual abuse, those in assisted living facilities, those with addictions, soldiers, first responders, helpless, those looking for employment, those who have lost hope, During November pray for the souls in purgatory

Servidores 6-Nov 13-Nov 20-Nov 27-Nov

Juan Colon serve Luis Colon serve Alexander Lukas Alexander Maximus Cardenas Eder serve Cintron Francisco serve Cintron Miguel serve Freire Brian serve Freire Tiffany serve Robles Yamilet serve Soto Ariana serve Soto Lorena serve Diego Negron serve Then Nicole serve Lozada Stephany Lopez Axel Tejeda Antonio Manuel


Valen n Andrew serve Vera Camila serve Isabel Wernham Zapata Veronica serve

Page 6: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

Special Weekly Memorials & Inten ons Sanctuary candle $20/wk Wine & hosts $25/wk

For Donna and Dave Farrugia on their 47th wedding anniversary Intenciones semanales

Vela del santuario: $20 por semana Vino y hos as $25 por semana Por Donna y Dave Farrugia en su 47 aniversario


P O Class 7pm Baptism 10:30 am

Mon, Nov 14 Sat, Nov 19

Mon, Dec 12 Sat, Dec 17

El rosario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se hará todos los días 12 de cada mes a las

7pm junto a la Ermita Rosary after daily morning mass & the first Wednesday 11:00 am

Knights of Columbus a world-wide fraternal organiza on These Catholic men meet 7PM on

the 2nd Monday. Grand Knight, Dave Farrugia 813 951-1898

Membership, Fran Nason 641-9109 Congratula ons to the

Family of the Month for November: Nasons Knight of the Month for November: Bill Churchill

Saturday 4:30 pm For the deceased members of +Trejo and Pallicke families by Belinda and Dan Sobucki

Sunday 8:00 am For the eternal rest of +James and Grace Goode

10:30 am For the eternal rest of +Justina Mar tinez by Rosendo and Andrea

12:30 pm Por los almas del purgator io de par te de la familia Rivera

Monday 8:00am Resurrection Community

Tuesday 8:00am For the eternal rest of +Clare and Simon Dufour by their daughter , Bernadette Maitre

Wednesday 8:00am For the eternal rest of +Josephine Larusso by Ar lene Cadigan Thursday 7:00 pm Por Enrique Rivera en su cumpleaños por su esposa Lourdes

Friday 8:00am For the eternal rest of +Michael S. Murawski by his loving sisters

St Anthony Food Pantry Thank you so much for your tremendous generosity–we are now beginning to gear up for Thanksgiving. On our wish list for the Thanksgiving baskets are:

Canned green beans Gravy

Can cream of mushroom soup canned fruit

Stuffing mix cake mix

Jiffy corn meal mix jello

Canned corn Box of mashed potatoes

Canned cranberry sauce Canned sweet potatoes

Catholic IQ Answers Cuestionario Católico Respuestas 1. D 2. C 3. A

Welcome! To those here for the 1st time &

new parishioners

¡Bienvenidos! a los nuevos feligreses

registrados y a todos aquellos que nos visitan por primera vez

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Martes: Día de las Elecciones Miércoles: La Dedicación de la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán Jueves: San León Magno Viernes: San Mar n de Tours; Día de los Veteranos; Día Memorial Sábado: San Josafat

Page 7: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

“Service As It Should Be”Kevin M. Talbert Mark C. Vargo, Sr.




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Page 8: Resurrection Catholic Church Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the family Mass Schedule Sat Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am Misa en Español 12:30pm

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