reply to pre-bid queries - jkspdc pre-bid queries... · reply to pre-bid queries project name :-...

REPLY TO PRE-BID QUERIES PROJECT NAME :- Investigation, Design & Construction of 178m longSteel Bridge for Class 50R loading as per IRC 6:2000, over River Chenab, at Ch: 2700m Right Bank Portal Road (Sidhu Village), of External Access Road to Sawalkote Hydro-electric Project with approaches, including approach road of length 300m approximately leading to Diversion Tunnel (Tulsein Nallah) Sr. no. AS PER TENDER DOCUMENT CLARIFICATION SOUGHT Comments of JKSPDC Pre-Bid Deliberations Final changes in Tender Document by JKSPDC Volume Clause description 1 Part A- ITB SBD- 7 of 153 (Cl.1) The Scope of work genenerally includes following a)Investigations, which will include topographical, Geotechnical as well as Geophysical investigations required for designing of the Bridge Requesting to provide the Geophysical data and Geological information/ bore logs, details at pier and abutment locations on both sides of river. In absence of any geotechnical information, it is not possible to design the foundations. EPC Contractor to conduct their own investigations, which will include topographical, Geotechnical as well as Geophysical investigations required for designing of the Bridge JKSPDC conveyed that it has not conducted any investigations, so the Bidders are required to conduct their own investigations for design purposes. No Change proposed. 2 Part A- ITB SBD- 47 of 153 (Cl. 14.2) The Contractor shall appoint a proof check consultant (the “Proof Consultant”) after proposing to the Owner a panel of three names of qualified and experienced firms from whom the Owner may choose one to be the Proof Consultant. We presume that the cost of "Proof Consultant" will be borne by the JKSPDC. The Cost of Proof Consultant is incidental to the designing cost of the Contractor and as such will not be borne by JKSPDC. JKSPDC conveyed that the cost of Proof Consultant is to be borne by the Bidders. No Change proposed. 3 Part A- GCC - SBD-49 of 153 (Cl. 14.4) Maintenance of 2.7km of right bank portal road during Construction Period. Considering landslides, effect of monsoon etc, it is not possible to estimate the quantum and likely cost of maintenance. We request client to keep provisional sum / separate BOQ payable items for maintenance. No separate BoQ / Provisional sum proposed in the EPC tender as such Maintenance of 2.7km of right bank portal road during Construction Period shall be scope of the Contractor. 1. Bidders sought for inclusion of a set of BoQ items required for day-to-day maintenance of 2.7KM Right Bank Portal Road as the same cannot be envisaged at present. 2. JKSPDC conveyed that this being an EPC Contract, a separate BoQ cannot be included. 3. However, it was agreed that JKSPDC will provide access on RBP at the date of start of contract and secondly permanent structures if any required will be within the scope of JKSPDC. Changes proposed:- 1. To insert clause 14.4.2. of GCC as under: JKSPDC will provide free access to RBP on the date of start of contract. Permanent structures if any required as deemed necessary by Owner's Engineer for stabilization of RBP road during contract period will be within the scope of JKSPDC. All temporary measures including dry masonry work, crate work etc .shall be within the scope of EPC contractor without any financial liability to

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REPLY TO PRE-BID QUERIES PROJECT NAME :- Investigation, Design & Construction of 178m longSteel Bridge for Class 50R loading as per IRC –6:2000, over River Chenab, at Ch: 2700m Right Bank Portal Road (Sidhu Village), of

External Access Road to Sawalkote Hydro-electric Project with approaches, including approach road of length 300m approximately leading to Diversion Tunnel (Tulsein Nallah)




Comments of JKSPDC

Pre-Bid Deliberations Final changes in Tender

Document by JKSPDC Volume Clause description

1 Part A-


7 of 153


The Scope of work genenerally

includes following

a)Investigations, which will

include topographical,

Geotechnical as well as

Geophysical investigations

required for designing of the


Requesting to provide the Geophysical data and

Geological information/ bore logs, details at pier

and abutment locations on both sides of river. In

absence of any geotechnical information, it is not

possible to design the foundations.

EPC Contractor to conduct their own investigations,

which will include topographical, Geotechnical as

well as Geophysical investigations required for

designing of the Bridge

JKSPDC conveyed that it has

not conducted any

investigations, so the Bidders are

required to conduct their own

investigations for design


No Change proposed.

2 Part A-


47 of 153

(Cl. 14.2)

The Contractor shall appoint a

proof check consultant (the “Proof

Consultant”) after proposing to the

Owner a panel of three names of

qualified and experienced firms

from whom the Owner may

choose one to be the Proof


We presume that the cost of "Proof Consultant"

will be borne by the JKSPDC.

The Cost of Proof Consultant is incidental to the

designing cost of the Contractor and as such will not

be borne by JKSPDC.

JKSPDC conveyed that the cost

of Proof Consultant is to be

borne by the Bidders.

No Change proposed.

3 Part A-


SBD-49 of


(Cl. 14.4)

Maintenance of 2.7km of right

bank portal road during

Construction Period.

Considering landslides, effect of monsoon etc, it

is not possible to estimate the quantum and likely

cost of maintenance. We request client to keep

provisional sum / separate BOQ payable items for


No separate BoQ / Provisional sum proposed in the

EPC tender as such Maintenance of 2.7km of right

bank portal road during Construction Period shall be

scope of the Contractor.

1. Bidders sought for inclusion

of a set of BoQ items required

for day-to-day maintenance of

2.7KM Right Bank Portal Road

as the same cannot be envisaged

at present.

2. JKSPDC conveyed that this

being an EPC Contract, a

separate BoQ cannot be


3. However, it was agreed that

JKSPDC will provide access on

RBP at the date of start of

contract and secondly permanent

structures if any required will be

within the scope of JKSPDC.

Changes proposed:-

1. To insert clause 14.4.2. of

GCC as under:

JKSPDC will provide

free access to RBP on the

date of start of contract.

Permanent structures if any

required as deemed

necessary by Owner's

Engineer for stabilization of

RBP road during contract

period will be within the

scope of JKSPDC. All

temporary measures

including dry masonry work,

crate work etc .shall be

within the scope of EPC

contractor without any

financial liability to


4 Cont.Data

82 of 153

Cl. 22

Interest on Mobilization Advance We presume that the base rate of J&K bank to be

considered shall be 28 days prior to bid

submission. Please confirm

Base rate of J&K Bank will be taken as 28 days prior

to bid submission.

1. Bidders recorded their

apprehensions regarding interest

on mobilization advance by

stating that it will not facilitate

the contractors.

2. It was requested by Bidders

that mobilization advance should

be advanced in full at the start

and secondly the recovery

should be effected in 12 equal

installments each month from

the start itself.

No Change proposed

5 Cont.Data

85 of 153

Ann-II Cl.


Base date for escalation :

……….for the month 28 days

preceding the date of opening of


We presume that the base date for all indices will

be 28 days prior to the date of opening of

technical bid. Please confirm

Base date for escalation will be 28 days prior to date

of opening of technical Bid.

Bidders conveyed that base date

for escalation will be 28 days

prior to date of opening of

technical Bid.

Base date for escalation will

be 28 days prior to date of

opening of technical Bid..

6 Cont. Data

87 of


The following percentage will

govern the price adjustment for the

entire contract1. Labour – P1

25%2. Cement - Pc 5%3. Steel -

Ps 5%4. Structural Steel 15%5.

POL - Pf 5%6. Plant &

Machinery Spares - Pp 5%7. Other

Materials - Pm 45%Total -100%

Considering the structural steel component of the

work request JKPSDC to keep the % component

for structural steel to 40% & for other material


No change proposed in the percentage. The

percentage of various components are linked to the

stage payment schedule.

1. Bidders asked for increase the

percentage of structural steel for

escalation purposes

.2. JKSPDC agreed for review of

the same.

After reviewing the

percentages that will govern

the price adjustments the

same have been changed.

Changes proposed:- Cont.

Data 87 of 153Ann.II


1.Labour-P1 25%

2.Cement-Pc 05%

3.Steel –Ps 05%

4.Structural Steel 15%

5.POL-Pf 05%


Spares- 05%

7.OtherMaterialsPm 45%


1.Labour-P1 25%

2.Cement-Pc 05%

3.Steel –Ps 05%

4.Structural Steel 20%

5.POL-Pf 05%


Spares- 05%

7.OtherMaterialsPm 35%

7 Cont. Data

89 of 153

Sch. A

(cl. 1.14


In case of increase /decrease in

Length of approach and or bridge,

the contract price shall be adjusted

on pro rata basis as per Schedule


Please specify the battery limit (Abutment to

Abutment) with AUTOCAD drawing)

As the final design of the bridge will be based on the

investigations conducted by EPC contractor & the

deck level shall be the guiding factor.

Bidders asked for Battery Limit

(Abutment to Abutment) but it

was conveyed that the final clear

total span of the bridge will be as

per the investigations conducted

by the EPC Contractor.

To Insert:-

Section V Tech. Spec. para 5

the type/length of bridge will

be based on the

investigations conducted by

EPC contractor with

condition i.e., all

components of

superstructure be above El.

586.20m.( maximum water

level upstream coffer dam).

8 Tentative




The dimensions/ technical notes shown in the

drawing are not clearly visible. Requesting

JKSPDC to issue a PDF copy or AUTOCAD

copy of drawing

PDF copy of drawing shall be provided. PDF copy of Drawing provided. Will be uploaded along with

amendments on official

website of JKSPDC.

Further request JKSPDC to issue the Project

Layout Drawing(AUTOCAD drawing with

contours) showing the location of proposed

bridge ,approach roads, Adit location &

Diversion Tunnel

Shall be provided. Shall be provided Tentative layout showing the

location of bridge site,

approaches & road upto

Tulsein nallah shall be

uploaded on official website


Also request JKSPDC to provide length of

approaches to Abutments A1 & A2 and drawing

showing start & end chainages showing battery

limit & scope of work

Same as para 7 above. Same as para 7 above. Tentative layout showing the

location of bridge site,

approaches & road upto

Tulsein nallah shall be

uploaded on official website

of JKSPDC Final

road/approach lengths shall

be as per the investigations

conducted by the EPC


9 Snow load Please confirm if snow loading is to be

considered in the bridge design, If yes, please

specify the load to be considered

Refer IRC:6 for Snow load, the snow loads may be

based on actual observation or past records in the

particular area or local practice.

Bidders asked to refer IRC-6 and

procure meteorological data

from CWC about the area for

designing purposes.

No Change proposed.

Refer Section V of contract


10 Plan and Profile drawing Please provide plan and profile drawing [ in

Autocad] for the entire project length [ ie

approaches+ steel bridge+ 300m road] showing

existing ground levels, formation levels, width of

right of way etc

PDF copy of drawing (GAD tentative) shall be


Same as para 7 above. Tentative layout showing the

location of bridge site,

approaches & road upto

Tulsein nallah shall be

uploaded on official website


11 GCC 47 of

153 Cl.

14.2.4 (c)

within 30 (thirty) days of the

receipt of the Drawings, the

Owner’s Engineer shall review the

same and convey its observations

to the Contractor with particular

reference to their conformity or

otherwise with the Scope of the

Project and the Specifications and

Standards. The Contractor shall

not be obliged to await the

observations of the Owner’s

Engineer on the Drawings

submitted pursuant hereto beyond

the said period of 30 (thirty) days

and may begin or continue Works

at its own discretion and risk;

It is requested to clarify the said Clauses of

"Design and Drawings"It is requested to consider

that,1. Owner's Engineer shall review the

drawings within 30 days from the submission of

the same. Contractor shall do the Works as per

the confirmation given by the Engineer. Any

delay by the Engineer more than 30 days shall

attract compensation of time and cost incurred by

the Contractor.2. Contractor should construct the

Works after the Engineer's review only.

1 & 2. No compensation of time and cost proposed in

the tender against clause 14.2.4 as the clauses of the

same have been calligraphed in detail taking all

options into consideration.

1. Bidders asked for removing of

word " risk" from GCC Clause

14.2.4.(c). 2. It was conveyed by

JKSPDC that under this clause

the contractor has been given

advantage of starting the work

without approval of Owner's

Engineer on the drawings after

30 days of submission.

However, it is to be noted that as

the designs of the project is

within the scope of contractor as

such he is responsible for the

correctness of the design and any

risks thereof.

No Change proposed.

12 GCC 48 of


Cl. 14.2.4


no review and/or observation of

the Owner’s Engineer and/or its

failure to review and/or convey its

observations on any Drawings

shall relieve the Contractor of its

obligations and liabilities under

this Agreement in any manner nor

shall the Owner’s Engineer or the

Owner be liable for the same in

any manner; and if errors,

omissions, ambiguities,

inconsistencies, inadequacies or

other Defects are found in the

Drawings, they and the

construction works shall be

corrected at the Contractor's cost,

notwithstanding any review under

this Clause 14;

13 GCC 51 of


Cl. 20.1

Anything of historical or other

interest or of significant value

unexpectedly discovered on the

Site is the property of the Owner.

The contractor is to notify the

Engineer of such discoveries and

carry out the Engineer's

It is requested to consider the compensation of

time and cost, if any, incurred to the Contractor

due to this event.

Shall be dealt as per the standing laws. Bidders agreed that the same

shall be dealt as per the standing


T0 insert para 2 to cl.20.1 of


The discoveries if any will be

dealt as per the standing

laws of Arc logical Deptt./

J&K Govt. on the matter.

Any delay on this account

instructions for dealing with them. shall be covered under

Force Majeure clause of

contract agreement. .

14 GCC 51 of


Cl. 21

The Owner shall give possession

of all parts of the Site to the


It is requested to furnish the details and time of

handing over the possession of Site to the


In case any delay in handing over, time and cost

incurred by the Contractor shall be compensated

by the Owner.

Land shall be made available in time. JKSPDC retreated that land shall

be made available in time.

No change proposed.

15 GCC 62 of


Cl. (c)

In case an IPC relates to a month

which is within 30 (thirty) months

from the Base Date, no price

adjustment shall be applicable.

It is requested to clarify the Clause. It is highly


Query does not pertain to this NIT. N/A Queries does not pertain to

this NIT

16 GCC 62 of


Cl. 34.9.1

Subject to the conditions laid

down in the tender document,

Adjustments of payments will be

payable only for any delay /

change in scope of work

attributable to the Owner and

further subject to a cumulative

ceiling limit of 20% of the

Contract Price.

It is requested to consider the removal of the

ceiling limit.

No change proposed in the ceiling limit of escalation. JKSPDC conveyed that no

change in ceiling limit is


Changes Proposed:-

As under *****

*****Amendment to clause GCC clause 34.9.1 ( 62 of 153)


34.9.1 Subject to the conditions laid down in the tender document, Adjustments of

payments will be payable only for any delay / change in scope of work attributable to

the Owner and further subject to a cumulative ceiling limit of 20% of the Contract Price.

READ:- Clause 34.9.1 Subject to the conditions laid down in

the tender document, Adjustments of payments will be

payable only for any delay / change in scope of work

attributable to the owner and further subject to a

cumulative ceiling limit of 20% of the Contract Price.

The ceiling limit of 20% includes price adjustments

under clause 34.8 GCC (Price adjustment for the

Works ).

17 SCC 74 of

153 Cl. 3.2

The Arbitration shall be governed

under the provisions of J & K

Arbitration & Condition Act


It is understood that J & K Arbitration &

Conciliation Act 1997.Please confirm.

Topographical error should read as J&K Arbitration

& Conciliation Act-1997.

Changes proposed:- Clause

3.2 of SCC (1st Line) For :-

The Arbitration shall be

governed under the

provisions of J&K

Arbitration & Condition

Act-1997.Read:- The

Arbitration shall be

governed under the

provisions of J&K

Arbitration & Conciliation


18 Cont. Data

81 of 153

Cl. 3

03 calendar years from the date of


It is requested consider the reduction in DLP,

since three years is a very long period.

No change proposed in DLP period. JKSPDC conveyed that no

change proposed in DLP.

No Change proposed.

19 Cont. Data

82 of 153

Cl. 14

The site possession dates shall be:

as intimated in by the authorized

representative of the Employer.

It is requested to furnish the details of the site

possession dates.

Possession date shall be intimated by the

representative of Employer after award of Contract.

JKSPDC conveyed that the date

shall be intimated by the

representative of Employer after

award of Contract.

No Change proposed.

20 i) Experience of

having successfully or

substantially completed similar

works during last 7 years ending

last day of month previous to the

one in which applications are

invited should be either of the

following: -

a. Three similar completed works

costing not less than the amount

equal to 40% of the advertised



b. Two similar completed works

costing not less than the amount

equal to 50% of the advertised



c. One similar completed work

costing not less than the amount

equal to 80% of the advertised


i) Experience of having successfully

or substantially completed similar works

(Comprising of super-structure and / or sub-

structure) during last 7 years ending last day of

month previous to the one in which applications

are invited should be either of the following: -

a. Three similar completed works costing not less

than the amount equal to 40% of the advertised



b. Two similar completed works costing not less

than the amount equal to 50% of the advertised



c. One similar completed work costing not less

than the amount equal to 80% of the advertised


To be discussed in Pre-Bid meeting. To be reviewed after taking

views of higher authorities

regarding the proposed changes.

No change proposed for 20


The works may have been

executed by the Applicant as

prime contractor or as a member

of joint venture or sub-contractor.

As sub-contractor, he should have

acquired the experience of

execution of all major items of

works under the proposed contract.

In case a project has been executed

by a joint venture, weightage

towards experience of the project

would be given to each joint

venture in proportion to their

participation in the joint venture.

The works may have been executed by the

Applicant as prime contractor or as a member of

joint venture or sub-contractor. As sub-

contractor, he should have acquired the

experience of execution of all major items of

works under the proposed contract. In case a

project has been executed by a joint venture,

weightage towards experience of the project

would be given to each joint venture in

proportion to their participation in the joint


Substantially completed work

means those works which are least

90% completed as on the date of

submission (i.e. gross value of

work done up to the last date of

submission is 90% or more of the

original contract price) and

continuing satisfactorily. For

these, a certificate from the

employer shall be submitted along

with the application incorporating

clearly the name of the work.

Contract value, billing amount,

date of commencement of work,

satisfactory performance of the

Contractor and any other relevant


Substantially completed work means those works

which are least 90% completed as on the date of

submission (i.e. gross value of work done up to

the last date of submission is 90% or more of the

original contract price) and continuing

satisfactorily. For these, a certificate from the

employer shall be submitted along with the

application incorporating clearly the name of the

work. Contract value, billing amount, date of

commencement of work, satisfactory

performance of the Contractor and any other

relevant information.

iii) At least launching and erection

of one steel truss type

superstructure of 80m span over

river on higher piers by launching

from one end without any

intermediate supports.

iii) At least launching and erection of one steel

truss type superstructure of 80m 40m span over

river on higher piers by launching from one end

without any intermediate supports.

Changes Proposed:

Part A- ITB SBD-7 of 153

(Cl.4.4.3-iii )


At least launching and

erection of one steel truss

type superstructure of 80m

span over river on higher

piers by launching from one

end without any intermediate


READ:- At least launching

and erection of one steel

truss type superstructure

over river on higher piers by

launching from one end

without any intermediate


iv) Foundations of one bridge in

river bed having bouldery or rocky

strata in similar hilly terrain.

iv) Foundations of one bridge in river bed having

bouldery or rocky strata in similar hilly terrain.

Changes Proposed:

Part A- ITB SBD-7 of 153

(Cl.4.4.3-iv )

FOR:- Foundations of one

bridge in river bed having

bouldery or rocky strata in

similar hilly terrain.


Foundations of one similar

type of bridge in river bed.


1. Time of completion i.e. 18 months should

be from the date of vetting of Design/Drawings

by the Dept. since the job includes investigation

& Design, so at least 3 months shall be given for

Investigation & Design of the bridge.

1. To be discussed in Pre-Bid meeting

The issue was discussed at

length in the Pre-Bid Meeting

wherein the proposed bidders

emphasized that this being an

EPC contract and all

investigations to be conducted

by the Contractor in absence of

any data provided by JKSPDC

which will take tangible time.

Further as the bridge is on

mighty Chenab, at least two lean

seasons (Winter) are required for

completion of the project.

The query of bidders were

deliberated in house and it was

decided that the time of

completion of 18 months was


No Changes Proposed:-

2. Stage payment of sub-structure shall be as:

In this work supply & fixing of bridge bearings is

also included be excluded from sub-structure


.2. To be discussed.

Bidders wanted sub-structure

payments to be delinked from

installation of bearings. JKSPDC

agreed to this.

Changes proposed:-

Contract Date- Schedule-C

(Contract Price Weightages)

A- (A) Steel Bridge (Stage of

Payment) –Sub-Head


FOR:- On completion of

abutments, piers upto the

abutment/pier cap including

supply/fixing of bearings.

READ:- On completion of

abutments, piers upto the

abutment/pier cap.


Contract Date- Schedule-C

(Contract Price Weightages)

B- (A) Steel Bridge (Stage of

Payment) –Sub-Head Super


C- To Insert:-

Bearing supply/fixing part

of Super Structure payment.

3. Regarding payment of super-structure,

intermediate payment should be allowed in pro

rata basis in case of procurement, fabrication &


3. Intermediate stage payment for super structure

may be considered on Pro rata Basis in case of part

procurement/fabrication/erection /launching subject

to the approval of Owner Engg.

After deliberations on the issue

JKSPDC agreed for amendments

to the tender document subject to

the condition that minimum

amount of bill is 2% of the

contract amount. Further the

maximum number of bills per

month is restricted to one.

Bidders represented for further

breakup for items of work of

approaches and road work in

schedule – C clause 1.2 para- 2

& 3 for streamlining the

payments after completion of

individual items of work.

JKSPDC agreed to review the


Changes proposed:-

Contract Date- Schedule-C

(Contract Price Weightages)

D- (A) Steel Bridge (Payment

Procedure) – Sub-Head

Super Structure.

E- To insert:- Intermediate

stage payment on Pro rata

Basis in case of part


ction /launching subject to

the approval of Owner


F- To insert: GCC clause

34.7.1 (d) – The number of

bills per month is restricted

to one. Further the bill will

qualify for payment only if

the amount of bill is more

than 2% (two percent) of

the contract amount.

G- To insert:- Clause 1.2

para-2 :=

H- 1. Earthwork upto top of

the sub-grade ------ 2%

I- 2. Granular work (soling in

two layers)

J- 1st Layer 300mm…2%

K- 2nd

Layer 150mm..1.4%

L- To insert:- Clause 1.2

para-3 :=

M- 1. Earthwork upto top of

the sub-grade ------ 2%

N- 2. Granular work (soling in

two layers)

O- 1st Layer 300mm…2%

P- 2nd

Layer 150mm..1%

Q- 3. Drainage …1%

R- 4. Permanent structures.1.6%

4. Moreover procurement place should be

bidder's fabrication yard. Payment on

procurement should be made when the steel for

super-structure is procured at fabrication yard of

the bidder.

4. Subject to the condition that fabrication yard is

approved by the owner's Engg.

T0 insert

Clause 34.4.1 of GCC

Clause 34.4.1 Stage payment

for Procurement component

of Structural Steel can be

made only after its checking

at Fabrication Yard of the

contactor, approved by

owner’s Engineer.


In case of fabrication yard

of the bidder being outside

the project area ,stage

payment on account of

procurement component of

structural steel shall be

made only after EPC

contractor submits bank

guarantee of equal amount

of the stage payment and

same shall be released on

Prorate basis when the

fabricated material is

brought to site of work.

5. Kindly refer the key list of persons to be

deployed at work site since it is bridge work &

confined in specific location, there is no need of 6

site engineers to be engaged at site & also being

turnkey basis job, quantity surveyor is not

permanently required at site.

5. To be discussed in pre-bid meeting.

Bidders emphasized that list of

key persons as per ITB clause

4.4.4 be reviewed. After

discussion JKSPDC agreed for

reducing the number of site

engineers required from 6 to 3.

Changes proposed:-

ITB Clause 4.4.4- Personnel


FOR:- Srl. No. 2 Site

Engineer – Number-06.

READ:- Srl. No. 2 Site

Engineer – Number-03.

6. List of key plant/equipment to be deployed

at site of work: key plant/equipment are required

as per necessity at site from time to time & there

is no need to demonstrate un-necessary key

plant/equipment which may remain idle at the site

of work.

6. The Contractor should own or should have

assured ownership to the key items of equipment, in

full working order as listed in clause 4.4.5 of ITB.

Bidders emphasized that list of

key plant and equipment as per

ITB Clause 4.4.5 be reviewed

and the minimum numbers

required be linked with as per

the approved methodology of the

contractor/as per site


Changes proposed:-

ITB clause 4.4.5 –

Equipment Capabilities-

TO INSERT- Against

minimum number in the

table (in addition to the

numbers mentioned) as per

the approved methodology of

the contractor/as per site

requirement, subject to the

approval of owners


Contractor to give an

undertaking about assured

ownership of the equipment

required and its further

deployment at the site of


22 The data available with the NIT and bid

Document is not adequate for submission of

realistic Bid. This needs carrying out and

collecting certain details from the site for which

more time is required. Therefore, request you to

kindly extend the pre-bid seek clarification end

date from 27.01.2014 by at least two weeks.

As pre bid date has not been changed, postponement

of bid submission date can be extended by one week

or so after discussing the same in pre-bid meeting.

After discussion on the issue it

was agreed no changes in the bid


No changes proposed.

23 The combined Bid for construction of Bridge

should be invited included approaches.

The NIT includes the cost of approaches on both

banks of the Chenab.

JKSPDC cleared the issue in

Pre-Bid Meeting.

No changes proposed.

24 ITB Schedule –C (Contract Price Weightages)-

Clause 1.2 – Proportion of contract price for different

stages of contraction of the Steel Bridge.

Srl. No.2 & 3 – Mentions “ including bituminous

surfacing”. Which should be deleted.

Agreed by JKSPDC. Changes Proposed.

ITB Schedule-C (Contract

Price Weightages):- Clause

1.2. Srl. No. 2&3 under

Stage for payment.

FOR:- (Sub-Base, Base,

Shoulder including

bituminous surfacing)

READ:- (Sub-Base, Base,



a) The geotechnical/geophysical investigation data,

river bed profile ,et’c which are required for

preliminary design of bridge sub structure are not

provided in the tender documents and are not

made available to us. We also could not visit the

project site due to present unfavorable weather

conditions and conduct preliminary investigation

for assessment of site conditions, which we plan

to conduct now. Hence we request you to kindly

extend the date of bid submission by at least Six

(6) weeks i.e. up to 11-04-2014 for the above.

This will help us design the bridge structures with

fair accuracy and prepare a competitive EPC bid

for submission.

Bid submission date

proposed to be extended

upto 12.03.2014.

b) As per clause 14.4 of Part A, SEC III, the

maintenance of 2.7 Km of Right Bank Portal road

during construction period is included in the

scope of EPC contractor. Since the area is prone

to landslides and quantum of maintenance

required is not predictable, we request you to

kindly consider the same to be executed on the

day works rate basis or a separate BOQ be

introduced to avoid conservative assessment of

this item.

Same as for s. no. 3 above.