regional command southwest - august 6, 2011 roundup

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  • 8/4/2019 Regional Command Southwest - August 6, 2011 Roundup



    Royal Military P olice train Afghan Local Police in Lashkar Gah

    CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan Forty-six members of the Afghan

    National Security Forces received diplomas, July 28, after completing

    training at Joint Sustainment Academy Southwest, Camp Leatherneck,

    Helmand province.(more)By MC1 Gino Flores, Regional Command Southwest

    Afghan farmers trade poppy seeds for wheat seeds

    NAWA, Afghanistan - The change of agriculture in Afghanistan is

    steadily steering away from the illegal crops which fund insurgent

    forces year after year. Civil Affairs Team 3, which is supporting the

    Afghan government, plans to continue providing wheat as an

    alternative to growing poppy and cannabis in Afghanistans Nawa

    District to drive the country into future.(more)

    By Cpl Marco Mancha, 2ndMarine Division

    Coming of age through war: Lance Cpl. Ernest Prempeh

    CAMP HANSON, Afghanistan Life, for the most part, is gray.

    The passing moments are not unpleasant, nor are they

    particularly remarkable -- just a colorless blur of regularity and


    By Cpl. James Clark, Regimental Combat Team 1

    Weekly Report, August 6, 2011

    The following content summarizes a weeks worth of activity from Regional Command Southwest, commanded by Maj. Gen. John Toolan and coveringHelmand and Nimroz Provinces, Afghanistan. The content was created by Marine Corps Combat Correspondents, Combat Camera and personnel with UKmedia operations under Task Force Helmand. Feel free to forward our stories to family, friends and loved ones supporting those who are deployed.

    Featured Stories
  • 8/4/2019 Regional Command Southwest - August 6, 2011 Roundup



    Senior US M arine aviator in Afghanistan receives second star

    CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan -- The commanding general of 2nd

    Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) pinned on his second star in a ceremony at

    Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, Aug. 2.(more) (video)

    By 2ndMarine Aircraft Wing (Forward) Team

    JCS Chairman visits Sangin Marines

    FORWARD OPERATING BASE JACKSON, Afghanistan - Chairman of theJoint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen visited the Marines and sailors of

    1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, at Forward Operating Base Jackson,

    July 30.(more)

    Admiral Mullen visits Camp Leatherneck B-roll.(video)

    By Cpl. Benjamin Crilly, Regimental Combat Team 8

    Afghan soldiers blaze ahead with support from US Marines

    FORWARD OPERATING BASE DELARAM II, Afghanistan - Marines with

    Marine Wing Support Squadron 272 turned up the heat for new Afghan

    National Army firefighters during the final evaluation of a basic firefighting

    course at Forward Operating Base Delaram II, Afghanistan, July 26.


    By Cpl. Samantha Arrington, 2ndMarine Aircraft Wing (Forward)

    Marine, Mullah partnership mak es progress in counterinsurgency


    GARMSIR DISTRICT, Afghanistan In hopes of countering insurgent

    ideology and improving local infrastructure, coalition forces have recently

    begun engaging local religious leaders to rally support for coalition forces

    and developmental projects in the district.(more)

    By Cpl. Colby Brown, Regimental Combat Team 1
  • 8/4/2019 Regional Command Southwest - August 6, 2011 Roundup



    3/4 M arines take, return fire near Gereshk, Afghanistan

    PATROL BASE KAKAR, Afghanistan - In the low lands of Gereshk, Afghanistan,

    the Marines of Company K, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, know they are being

    watched by the insurgency. (more)

    By Staff Sgt. Ryan Smith, Regimental Combat Team 8

    Hobo's back to work after surviving Taliban attack

    A two-year-old black Labrador military search dog is back on the

    Helmand front line sniffing out improvised explosive devices (IEDs) after

    having recovered from serious injuries sustained during a battle with


    A Military Operations News Article

    New Boomerang device helps troops return Taliban fire

    A state-of-the-art new shot detection system called Boomerang IIIhas been introduced in patrol bases and checkpoints on the front line

    of Helmand province to alert troops immediately to the source of

    incoming fire.(more)

    An Equipment and Logistics News Article

    Combat M edic Assistant Course Final Exercise

    Camp leatherneck, Afghanistan - Multimedia package and story of the

    new Combat Medic Assistant Course at the Joint Sustainment Academy

    Southwest aboard Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, Afghanistan.

    Photos of the final exercise with audio of Petty Officer 2nd Class

    Michael Shoener, an instructor at JSAS and native of North Kingston,R.I. (multimedia)(story)

    ByCpl. Bryan Nygaard, Regional Command Southwest
  • 8/4/2019 Regional Command Southwest - August 6, 2011 Roundup



    Marines increase water production, distribution in Musa Qala



    purification systems continue to take the place of bottled water,

    increasing the expeditionary capability of troops in Afghanistan.(more)

    By Lance Cpl. Bruno Bego, 2ndMarine Logistics Group

    EOD Conducts Controlled DetsCamp Leatherneck, Afghanistan - B-roll of Marines and Sailors with

    Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 2nd Marine Logistics Group

    (Forward) conduct controlled detonations to dispose of nearly 25,000

    pounds of unserviceable ammunition Aug 4th 2011.(video)

    By Lance Cpl. Bruno Bego, 2ndMarine Logistics Group

    Alpha Battery brings Steel Rain to Helmand

    FIRE BASE SAENZ, Afghanistan - An infantry squad leader can

    exercise a few options when engaged by insurgents. He couldassault through the attack, while weighing the possibility of losing

    one of his Marines in the crossfire, or he can use one of the many

    assets available to him and call for artillery support.(more)

    By Sgt. Earnest Barnes, 2ndMarine Division

    Texas battalions good neighbor policy helps keep

    Helmand base secure

    CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan Marines and sailors with the

    Houston-based Lone Star Battalion, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine

    Regiment, have been conducting security and counterinsurgency

    operations in the vicinity of the Camp Leatherneck-Camp Bastion

    complex since deploying to Afghanistan in January.(more)

    By Staff Sgt. Jeremy Ross, Regional Command Southwest
  • 8/4/2019 Regional Command Southwest - August 6, 2011 Roundup



    For additional stories from RC(SW) visit:

    Regional Command Southwest

    2nd Marine Division



    2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

    2nd Marin e Logistics Group

    Task Force Helmand

    Task Force Helmand on Facebook

    Task Force Belleau Wood on Facebook


    Nimroz provincial, district governors meet for first time


    Nimroz provincial, district, military, and police officials met here

    for the first time to discuss their current concerns and plan how to

    resolve future challenges facing the province.(more)

    By MC1 Kurt Wesseling, Regional Command Southwest

    Royal Engineers complete construction of Afghan Local Police

    station in Helmand capital

    PATROL BASE BOLAN-T, Afghanistan - Royal Engineers with 59

    Commando Squadron completed construction of an Afghan Local Police

    station in the Helmand provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, July 26.(more)

    By MC2 Jonathan Chandler, Regional Command Southwest

    Latin roots help Carlos Company M arines succeed in


    CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan Through the course of the

    recent Iraq wars, and now in Afghanistan, Company C, 1st

    Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, has literally grown up together,

    using their experiences from back home to unite and strengthen

    them on the battlefield.(more)

    By Cpl. Adam Leyendecker, Regional Command Southwest!/pages/II-MHG/146733508710100!/pages/II-MHG/146733508710100!/pages/II-MHG/146733508710100