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r^as-11 ALL NEWS OF NEWARK SPORTS AND ATHLETICS CONNIE MACK ON STILL NIINT FOR NEW PLATERS Said to Have His Eye on Jack Meyers, an Indian Catcher, of Toledo. DETROIT, Mich., June 16.—Connie Mack. Arab-like, folded his tent and silently Stole out of this burg yesterday. Just where the long fox has gone no one knows, and the players are all wondering whether or not there will be a wholesale shakeup, ttades and sales galore when the elongated gentleman returns. Mack took Traveling Secretary Joe Ohles along with him, and while they were seen to take a train bound for Toledo, it is known that tiiat city was not the destination of Connie’s road secretary. Without even the formality of saying good-by to his demoralized band of ball tossers, McGlllacuddy beat a hasty re- treat at an early morning hour and the secretary took a walk shortly after Connie's disappearance, both being later seen at the station boarding tho same train. MACK AFTER YOUNG CATCHER. TOLEDO, O., June 16.—Connie Mack spent yesterday in Toledo looking for championship material, and in the afternoon witnessed the game between Toledo and St. Paul. Mack was partic- ularly impressed with the work of Jack Meyers, (he Indian catcher, and at the conclusion of the game he made a proposition to Manager Tim Flood for the Indian. Mack is desirous of trading for Mey- ers, but it is understood that lie Is will- ing to pay cash. If necessary, to get pos- session of the clever man who played a brilliant game yesterday. Flood said last evening that Mack could buy Mey- ers, if he paid the price, but that he wouldn't consider a trade. BROWNS BUY NEW BALL PARK. ST. LOUIS. June 16.—-Sportsman Park, the. ten years lease of which to the American League Baseball Com- pany for the Browns' use has three years to run. was deeded yesterday afternoon to that company in the name of Arthur H. Kusky. President Hedges announced an additional pur- \ chase of the Solari strip adjoining, \ which will be annexed to the park, \ making it 456 by 500 tfeet. Hedges said ^ for the next season a larger pavilion l of steel and concrete will be erected, ( giving the park a seating capacity of l 35,000. The transfer of the property to- day ends the fued, the Solari tract owners having for years refused to sell it. and balls knocked into it invariably disappearing. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF EXCISE COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF NEWARK City Hull. June 13, inns. The following 1* the lint of names, residences end places of business cf persons making ap- plication t" this board for the granting of licenses t-i sell spirituous, vinous, malt, or brewed liquors and not heretofore published ac- cording to law, to wit: Name. Place of Business. Residence. R ETA Hr—NEW API* LI CATION S. Jacqur- L-vis, 25 Springfield av Newark st. MorrL Stern. 451 Mulberry st.Same place WHOI.ESA I,E— RENEWAL. \Vm. Mayer & Co., 476 Broad Ft.. 101 Summit at. R ETA T L—R E NE WA LS. Philip Kemper, lilt Prince st.Same place Edward Stieffcl, 203-205 Market st. 148 Roseyllle av. Morris Rosenberg. 66 Prince st.Same place Michael J Owen. 6-4.1 Market st-Same place V. iv- Doyie 83 High st.Same place JMw. Ftrouse, 17 William st. .63 W. Kinney st. Ln n Steals. 15-27 Belmont av. .15 Belmont av. Morris Michelson. 1415 Springfield av.Same place I>oX!cola Papnrozzl. 230 Academy st.Same place Fred V Roland. 50 Howard st.Same place John J McDonald. 15s High st... Same place Henry Folh. 421 Bergen st .Same place Wilhelm Erhard. f»20 Bergen st.Same place Gesomlna Torlucclo, 37 Drift st ...Same place Anton Stanislowaltis, 113 Adams st. .Same place E'/.w. Grocger. 216 Ferry st. ...Same place Rudolph Tioyda, 267 Ferry st.Same place Thomas F. Dunn, 242 Warren st-59 South st. Michael J. Kennedy. 502 Frellnghuysen nv.. Same place BOTTLERS' LICENSE—RENEWALS. Btlefel Bottling Co.. 21-25 North 9th st. 148 Roseville av. Joan Saalmuller. 601 South 11th st. .Same place Edwm Adam. 42 Avenue I,.Same place Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company. 67-59 Belmont av..75 Belmont nv. Wm. Heurlng. 235 Hawthorne av... .Same place Union Brawing Co., 415-417 Morris av. 333 Springfield av. NEW APPLICATION—BOTTLERS’ LICENSE Marco Men id no. 6 Cutler «=t.Same place RETAIL- DOUBLE TRANSFER. Chs FenHllo. 122 8th nv...Same plnce Patrick Leavens, 421 Broad nt.60 8th av. RICHARD MILLER. President pro tem. JAMES F. CONNELLY, City Clerk._ SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET OPENING. BONYKAMPER AVENUE AND HAWKINS STREET SEWERS, AND MAGNOLIA STREET PAVING. Notice Is hereby given that the Commission- ers heretofore appointed by the Mayor of the city of Newark, to make an estimate anil as- eesament upon all the owners of all the lands and real estate in the city of Newark, pecu- liarly benefited by any local improvement In the said elf'’, in proportion as nearly as mny be to the advantage each was deemed to have acquired, have made an estimate and assess- ment of benefits conferred upon all the owners of all the lands and real estate in the city of Newark peculiarly benefited by each ‘of the following improvements in said city, namely: The opening of SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET, from a point 83.75 feet south of the southerly ; line of Sixteenth avenue to a point 90 feet aojth of the same. The construction of a sewer in BONYKAMPER AVENUE, between Christie street and Hawkins street, with branch in 'HAWKINS STREET. between Bonykamper avenue and Brlnsmaid place. The pav.n* of MAGNOLIA STREET. from Springfield avenue to Falrview avenue, and hive filed their reports of said assessments fer heneflts In the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the county of Ess»x. and that the fudge of said court has fixed Saturday. he twentieth day of Tune. 1908. at 10 o’clock jn the forenoon, in the Circuit Court room at the Court House In the oity of Newark, as the time and place of hearing any oblections that mav be made to the said ossesments Dated .Tune 15, 1908. 1 a FRANCIS CHILD. JR.. 1*15-51 _City Attorney. NOTICE OF INTENTION—Board of Street and Water Commissioners. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Pr, -d of Strait and Water Commissioners of S," -“l,v of Newark, at a mating held the eleventh day of May. IMS. and approved a the Mavor of the city of Newark on the twelfth day of May. WH. public notice h»rebv given that it Is the Inten- tion of the Boar-1 of Street end Water Com- missioners of the city of Newark, under and bv virtue of provisions of 'he act entitled. •An art to revise and amend the charter of the"clty of Newark." approved March 11. 18B7. and supp'ements thereto, and the act creating the Board of Street nod Water Commissioners Of*the city Of Newark, approved March 28. ftai and other public laws of the State of vi-w Jersey, to order and cause the vacation of N MARION STREET. from Verona avenue to the proposed northerly UnTof Montclair avenue, as the same la now ta d «UI *"'> sh0''n "" " maP a Vo office of the Chief Engineer, and being No. 1CSuch neraora as may object thereto are re. Quested to present their objections In wilting qutsieu W > Board, at the office of the ftaart of fBreet and Water Commissioners. City Hail Newark, on or before the expiration of •Vad«ndaoi° iWf Street end water Commissioners rt th. c1*>h^£e£d ) ) Chief Engineer. Newark, N. J.. June 12. 1906. Jel3-5t YALE AND HARVARD VARSITY EIGHTS WHO WILL FACE I EACH OTHER ON JUNE 25 IN ANNUAL ROWING STRUGGLE STKOKK, SAHGEM’i NO. 7. C U-. A.N RICHARDS, NO. BACON, NO. 3. WARTEL, NO. 4. CUNT, NO. 3. SRV- ^T^—»—l^———■————-——————-—- —- ______________ No. 2 on Crimson’s Crew De- clared Ineligible by Faculty. Morgan Also Dropped. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 16.—The indefinite .suspension of Sidney W.« Fish. No. 2 on the Harvard 'varsity crew, ami Charles C. Morgan, jr., of the Harvard four-oared crew, both of New York, forcing them to suspend rowing for the remainder of the year, and thus making both Ineligible to compete in the annual race with Yale, was announced by the administrative board of Harvard University today after a meeting last night in Cam- bridge. Tlie men were suspended for an al- leged violation of a college rule for- bidding the removal of books or pam- phlets from certain libraries connected with the university. The suspension of Fish, who is one of the veteran oarsmen of the varsity crew, leaving a vacancy hard to fill, will weaken considerably the Harvard eight. YANKEES’ LONDON HOTEL CHOSEN. Manager Matthew P. Halpln of the I American Olympic team announced I yesterday that he had made arrange- ments for the team during the visit to London for the Olympic games to stay in the Morton Square Hotel. The re- turn of the men has not been decided upon, hut they will leave London either on Juiy*29 or August 1. KENILWORTH MEET OEF. I BUFFALO, N. Y„ June 16.—At a ! meeting of the stockholders of the Buf- falo Racing Association last night, it, was decided to abandon the running| meeting scheduled to begin at Kenil- worth Park on June 23. No action was, taken in regard to the grand circuit meeting BASEBALL TODAY CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Wiedenmayer’s Park NEWARK vs. MONTREAL Gam* Called 4 P. M. TSmHm PRIZE CUPS TROPHY CUPS Wp carry a full line in Sterling Silver, Silver Plato and the Benutiful French Bronze. Prices $1.50 to $100.00 FI EL U I> A Y M 13 D ALS Designs aud Kstimates Upon Request. at HOLT’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JEWELERS. Broad, cor. Academy fel., opp. Post Office RAILROADS. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Corrected to May 25, 1908. FOR NEW YORK. Trains leave Broad and Ferry Street Station*: 5 15. 6:60, 6:20, 6:40. ~;00, 7:15. 7:30, 7:45, S.'X). 8:15. 8:30. 8:45. 9:00. 9:16, 9:3'), 9:15, i0:00. 10:20. 10:40. 11:00. 11:20. 11:40 a. m.; 12:00 n ; 12:30. 1 00 1 30. 2.00. 2:30, 2:00, 6:30. 4:00. 4.30, 6.C3, 5:30, 5:50, 0:10. 6:20. 6:30, 6:45. 7:00. 7:10, 7:30. 7:65, 8:30. S:55. 9:55. 10:40, 11:20 p. m.; 12:01 night: 1:60 n. m. Sundays. 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:25, 9:00. 9:25. 10:00, 10:30. 11:00, *1:30 a. m.; 32:00 n ; 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00. 2:30. 3:00, 3:30. 4:00, 4:30, 5:00. 5:25, 6:00, 6:30. 7:00. 8-00. 8:25. 8:55, 9:25. 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 p. m.; 12: J1 n>.; 1:50 a. m. For Elizabeth and Plainfield, 6’12, 6.60, 7:55, g-35. 9:48, 11:30 a. m.; 12:56, 1:16. 1:65, 2:35. 3:35, 4:25. 4:32. 5:20. 5:38. 6:13. 7:45, 8:45, 9:30. 11:50, p. m. Sundays. 7:10. 9:0?Y. 9:65, 10:55, 11:55 a in.; 12:55. 1:55. 2:45. 3:65, 4:55, 5:30, 6:45. 7:35. g.40, 9:15. 10:45 p. in. For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and } Maueh Chunk (6:50 to Easton), b:S5 a. m.; 1:15, 4:32. <6:38 to Easton) p. m. Sundays, 12:65. 4:55. 5:30 p. m. 1 For W ilkesba.i re and Scranton, 8:36 a. m.; 4:32 p. m. Sundays, 4:65 p. m. For Perth Amboy, 6:12. 7:55. 9:48 a. m.; 1:15, 1-55. 3:35. 4:25. 5:38, 6:13. 8:45. 11:50 p. m. Sun- days. 7:10, 9:05 a. m.; 3:55, 8:40 p. m. For Red Rank. Long Branch, Asbury Tark, etc.. 8:85 (9:48 Red Bank only). 11:30 a. m.; 1:15, (3:36 R*d Bank only), 4:25, 6:38, 6:13, 8:45. 11.50 p. m. Sundays, except Asbury Park (7:10 Red Bank only). 9:05. (9:65 to Red Bank only) i. m.. (1:15 Red Bank only). 3:55. 8:40 p. m. For T«akewood. 9:48 a. m. (12:50 Saturdays only). 1:15. 3:35. Sundays. 7:10. 9:56 a. in.; 1:55 p. m. For Atlantic City, 9:48 a. m.: (12:50 Satnr- flays only). 3:35 p. m. Sundays, 9:55 a. m.; 1:56 p. m. For Trenton and Philadelphia. 6.12. 7:55, 8:36. 9:48. 11:30 a, m.; **12:50. 1:16, 3:35. 4:25. 6:38, ••6-13, 7:45. 8:45. 11:50 p. m. Sundays. 7:10, a 05. 9:55. 10:65. 11:55 a. m.; 12:55, 1:55, 2:45, < K;S **4:65. 5:80, **6:45. 7:35, 8:40, 9:15, 10:45 p. m. For Baltimoro and Washington. 7:56. 9:48, n -30 a. m.; 1:16, 3:35, 5:38, 6:13 p. m. Sundays, 7:10. 9-55. 11:55 a. m.; 1:55, 2:55, 5:80, «;45 p. m. ••Philadelphia only. * Telephone 5300. I hk » »■ < **• Hi'Al yiK«KKv i.lilJiW *)!,□{ NO. 7. IDE* NO. 0. HOWE: NO. 5. DL'NKLEs NO. 4. HUNT: NO. 3, RICE* NO. 2, PEYTON* ROW, ADCIIIM.OSSj COYSWAIN, HAND. HEAD OFFICE BOY DEIS A POKE And Now He Wants to Know What Philosophy Is. BY HEAD OFFICE BOY. SAY. B< >SS, I was standing on the Four Corners yesterday watching the rain drops hit the ground, and I felt sorry for the rain, because sidewalks have no feeling and Piuvius gets many a jolt on such days as yes- terday was. As I say, 1 was stand- ing because it ooked very well -——-had I been sitting. Well, along conies a young lady, a cliarmihg miss, and she poked me in the ribs. 1 turned around and the lady looked at me. “Pardon me, please, lit- tle boy,” said tho miss, "I thought you were my friend's brother.” What could t say hut say nothing, and T wouldn't have minded this at all but what do you think, that fellow that T have been joshing all the time drove by In his business wagon and lie gavfe tne the merry ha-ha. Wait, I'll get. even. You know, of course, we didn't lose yesterday. The rain prevented the Montreal* from getting a heating, how- ever. I met Torn Hughes getting off a enr this morning, and he said: “Here! Did we win yesterday?" asked 1 lie hig Kidder, and I said "your from the Bronx and you think you are smart, don't you?" and he said. “Well, I read Iho Smart Set;” whatever he meant by that I don't know. I heard two men talking about the philosophy of base- ball. Will you tell us what that means. What league is phil in and where did he ever make any hig blaze in the baseball? By answering this for me you will confer a favor on me and keep peace In the family, for my sister says that tills baseball thing Is getting me ike tho front showcase of a fruit store: nitty. I guess, she means. PITCHER !)()WI) FOR FORDHAM TEAM. WORCESTER, Mass,, June ltf.—It was announced here yesterday that Pitcher James Dowd, of the Holy Cross Learn, will become a student at Ford- barn College next, fall and try for the oaseball team in the spring. Tills spring Dowd pitched in two games against Vale, and won both contests. UTICA GETS PITCHER POLCHOW. WILESBARRE, Pa., June 10.—Presl- lent Farrell of the New York State League yesterday awarded Pitcher polehow, who was recently released by ■Scranton, to the Utica Club. Wilkes- mrre claimed him, but Farrell decided hat Utica's claim was received first. LIGHT HARNESS TURFMAN DEAD. ERIE, Pa., June 16.—Theodore F. 1 ijoble, president of the Lake Erie trot- ing circuit, died yesterday in Battle : 'reek. Mich. He was 61 years old, and vent to Michigan for his health. ♦"+ ♦♦♦♦4M4 4 ♦♦4»44444 »♦ ♦♦♦ 44444 44 4 4 44444 444444 44 I ON GRANDSTAND AND j I BLEACHERS ! 4 44444444444444444444444444-444444444444444444444444444 FRANK DODD, the fish market king, caught a big sticker the other day who wagered against the Tigers. See Frank. POLICE COMMISSIONER HARRI- DAN is a devotee of the game, and why not? Doesn't he admire clubs? FIRE CHIEF ASTLEY ought to shine as a player.' He lias many a put-out to his credit, not speaking of the many runs he has made. CHIEF JUSTICE GUMMERE Is an- other fan. Why not leave close de- cisions to him? CAPTAIN OF DETECTIVES CAR- ROLL thinks Josh DeVore would make a clever thief because he does so much base stealing. DAN HUNT was so full of joy Sat- urday that it was overflowing. Come again, Dan, you cheer us up a bit. FRED E. OEHRINO, clerk in the Second Precinct Court, while keeping score Saturday, wrote behind a Tiger's name, who made an error, "thirty days.” Fred has the habit. CHIEF CORBITT is wearing a Teddy Roosevelt hat. Why not? The chief is always with the Tigers. I IN THE AMATEUR RANKS ! f*f‘H"H,,l:Mf"H'kH,fi,f"f,lMH,'H"f,H''f,f'l,,4MH,,H"f,H,‘H"H'‘H,*H,,lnW"f'I'‘H'‘l,‘H^ Jim Devine, the Lincoln first base- man, had twenty putouts in ten innings In Sunday's game against Silver Lake. The Washington A. A. seem to ap- preciate the fact that colored teams are good drawing cards. They have another on for Sunday. Brewer, the Vailsburg catcher, is a very speedy boy. Not only can he catch, but he can hit hard and often. Patsy Scanlon is delivering the goods at second for Roseville. Patsy fcot his early training with the Essex A. C. when that team flourished, and could hand them all a walloping. George Cowan, the Orange boy, is putting up a great article behind the bat for Richmond In the Virginia League. Sunday must have been a day for old-timers. Just think ol’ it—Boutlllier, Rochelle and Hitehenor. And they all pitched great games, too. CHAMPION POLE VAULTER WILL NOT GO TO LONDON Dray, Sure Point=Winner, Not to Accompany Olympic Team. XEW YORK, June 16.—While hundreds of athletes are bemoaning their lpss a: not having "made" the Olympic team which will represent America at the London Stadium next month, a world’s champion, one of the first to bo picked by the American committee, lias satd that lie will not accept the honor and will not compete. Me is W. !i. Dray, of Yale I nivorsity, a champion with whom athletes, or the whole world are familiar In fact, his feats in the pole vault have for more than a year been viewed with wonder. For two years ho has held the world's record and the inter- collegiate championship. At tltc intercollegiate meet in 1907 he hurled himself into the air the’unpre- cedented distance of 12 feet 5>/i inches, and established a mark that remained untouched until he himself, nearly a year later, added another inch to It. At tlie Olympic tryouts ho was de- feated by Gilbert, one of his classmates, and stripped of the record and title. Spurred on by disappointment. Dray j trained and practised as he never had J before, with the result that on Satur- day, at a meet at Danbury, Conn., he j cleared the bay at 12 feet 9% inches. So ! much higher Is this than any vault ever recorded that Dray announced imntedl- j airly after his vault that he was con- tent to rest on In's laurels and allow Gilbert. Nelson. Cooke and the other prominent vaulters to beat the foreign- ers when America meets tho world next month. While Dray is probably sincere in his desire to refrain from competing, those who know him best say that when the time comes for the American pole vaulters to line up in the London Sta- ditlm. Dray will be one of the first on the Held. His patriotism, they say, will compel him to strive for the success of his country. ILLNESS MAY POSTPONE BOUT. NEW YORK, Juno 16.—Whether Matty Baldwin and Abe Attell meet in (he ring of the Grand Athletic Union Monday night depends upon the condi- tion of Baldwin's little child. The Bos- ton boxer had begun training at New Dorp to make the 124 pounds required by Attell when news came that his boy was ill. He immediately notified Manager Sig. Rosenfeld, of the club, and said that if the child grew worse he would ask to have the bout postponed. Then he left for Boston. Last night his friend, Dr. Creamer, received a wire that there was no change yet for the worse and ! that Baldwin would return Thursday, j FERTSCH TO HELP WILMINGTON. READING, Pa.. June 16.—Edward Fertseh, the Reading twirler. who was with Lancaster until a. week ago, will assist the Wilmington Tri-State team, two of their twirler:: being on the sick list at present. Fertseh was doing great work for Lancaster, hut was releast d so as to get the team within the regular; Tri-State salary limit. THREE LEAGUE RACES AT A GLANCE EASTERN LEAGUE. W.L.Po.l W.L.T’o. Buffalo .25 17 .505!Providence ..21 20 .512 laltimore ...22 17 664lNewark .21 23 .177 'oronto .19 17 .528 Rochester ...19 23 .452 Tontreal ...22 21 .512(Jersey City..14 25 .359 All games scheduled yesterday in the Eastern League were postponed on account f rain. Games Todny, lontreal at -tfBwark. Roc |e dir at Jersey City. Toronto at Baltimore. Buffalo at Providence. NATIONAL LEAGIE. 3V.L.Pe.j W.L.Pe. Chicago .3*1 16 .652!Philadelphia 21 22 .466 Pittsburg ...27 20 .57i|Boston .22 26.456 Cincinnati ..26 20 .5651 St. T.ouis _22 30 .423 New York. 24 23 .5111 Brooklyn _16 31.340 Yesterday's Results. Pittsburg. 5: Boston, 3. Ail other scheduled contests postponed because of rain. Games Today. Cincinnati at New York. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Pitta,>urg at Boston. Chicago at Philadelphia. AMEKKAN LEAGUE. W.L.Po.J W.L.Pe. j Chicago —MO 20 .fiOOjPhiladelphia 26 .480 Cleveland .,20 22 .560 New York...23 26 .160 St. Louis... .20 23 .558.' Boston .2s* 30 .141 Detroit .26 24 .520| Washington 18 32.86)1 Yesterday’* JRcnuK*. Chicago, 2; New York. J Cleveland. 2. Washington. 1. St. Louis, 10; Boston, 0. Game* Today. New York at Chicago. Boston at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. YALE IN FINAL CLASH TODAY As Each College Team Has Won One (iame Fur Will Fly This Afternoon. NEW YORK. June 16.—Yale and Princeton will meet on the diamond at the Polo Grounds this afternoon in a fight for the intercollegiate baseball championship. With the credit of a victory each the game today will break the tie and de- cide which will take the coveted trophy. In the first game of the series at Princeton the Tigers just managed to nose out the Ell players after a hard contest. Saturday, in New Haven, when the two clashed, Yale won a signal triumph, knocking two of the best Princeton pitchers out of the box and winning by a score of 8 to 2. ,- —-— | MEDICAL. Qnlek cllmntlc changes try strong constitutions and cause, among othei evils, nasal catarrh, a troublesome and I Offensive disease. Sneezing, snuffling, and difficult breathing, and the foul dis- charge into the throat.—all are ended by Ely’s Cream Balm. This honest remedy contains no cocaine, mercury, jio.r other j harmful Ingredient. The worst cases I yield to treatment In a short time. All druggists, 50c. If you prefer to use an atomizer, ask j for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the good qualities of the solid form of this j remedy and will rid you of catarrh or | hay fever. No cocaine to breed a Uread- i ful habit. No mercury to dry out the | secretion. Price. 75c. with spraying tube. All druggists, or mailed by Ely I Bros., 50 Warren Street, New York. DOCTOR Mandeville SPECIALIST 673 BROAD ST. Over Childs' Restaurant NEWARK, N.I. All Male and Female Diseases I euro all forms of Nervous Debility, Im» potency. Vital Weakness, Varicocele, Incom- plete Development. Unnatural Drains. Dls- eaflfs of the Heart. Kidneys, Stomach, Liver and Bladder, BloorL and Skin, Chronic Bron- chitis. Asthma. Consumption and ALL FE- MALE DISEASES, no matter what the cause. Strict confidence will bo observed. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m. and « to 8 n m Offi e closed all day Tuesdays. Saturdays and Sundays. Every Woman islnrerested and should know about the wonderful MARVEl Whirling Spray The new Va*lnnl Hyrini;*. injee tion an'! Suction. Best—-Saf 1 est Most Convenient. ; IttIraut. t> Instantly Aik roor r>rr.,-^Ut fbr ft If he cannot supply the Ilf/iltVKfj, accept no other, but send stamp for illustrated book— wuiert. It. gives full particulars and directions in- valuable to ladies. !*l A ItVIi’l, ( O.i -4 4 0. NT., M. W 'ii '>ltK. | Local agent. Est. H. H. Thompson,169 Market at. Persian lerve Essence, RESTORES VITALITY—Have cured aa .ds of casts of Nervous Debility and In- somnia They cleai- the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion perfect and Impart a magnetic vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses stopped permanently. $].0Q per box: « boxes, guaranteed to cure or refund money. & Mailed sealed Book free. Persian Med. Co.. 135 Arch St., Philadelphia. Sold in Newark only at Menk’s Drug Store. 106 Mar- ket street. HERZOG IOW A REGULAR MEMBER OF THE GIANTS McGraw Puts Bridwell on the Bench—Wants Some New Pitchers. .2 In hi.s effort to strengthen his team Manager McGraw, of the Giants, hai made at. important switch in his line up and promises further changes Herzog, the young infielder, who playei on the Harrisburg Tlf state Leagui team last season, has been assigned ti the shortstop spot, in place of A1 Brid well, who will lie sold or traded. Herzog has hatted and fielded ex ceilently in the games he has played f<* New York, and McGraw found that hi needed his services every day, McGray is now negotiating with St. Loui3 for I pitcher. He wants either Karger o; Raymond. McCloskeyoffered him Sallee for Brid well or Herzog, but McGraw declined Now tlie Giants' manager is trying t' arrange a three-cornered deal with St Louis and Cincinnati. McGraw want Hans Robert, who was offered to St Louis, but the deal was stopped whet Hans told President Herrman that h would not play in the Mound City. Lobert is willing to play under Me Graw, but it is hardly possible tlia Cincinnati would part with his services at this time, as he has greatly lmprovei in his work since the proposed trad' with Kt. Louis was dropped. WINNER OF THIS BOUT MAY MEET KETCHEL new YORK. Junj 16.—The six round bout between Jim Harry, of Chi cago, and Sam Langford, of Boston scheduled to take place Friday eveninj at the Fairmount Athletic Club. 137tl street and Third avenue, is considers! the most important match held in thi; | city in some time. The winner of thi I bout will probably be matched by Jin i < 'offroth to fight Stanley Ketchel in Sai | Francisco in the later part of July. Barry is training faithfully in Strat ford. Conn., and ills friends say tha lie will surely put Langford awaj Langford is getting in shape in Bostor and feels Just as confident he will han it to Barry. The Livingston Juniors (Wanted th I.ittletons by a score of 26 to 10 Sundm Any 12-yenr-old teams wishing games wit the Livingstons should send challenges i Michael Cohen, 362 Fairmount avenue. | SUMMER SUGGESTIONS. | 4 Next to the* house Itself your if 4 porch and its furniture greet the if eyes of visitors and passersby m 4 first. Are the chairs, settees, 4 4 swinging seats, etc., bright and 4 4 attractive in a new coat of paint? 4 4 Why not? Little reason when wo 4" 4 sell high grade ready-mixed 4 4 paints of many shades so reason- 4 4 able as to the cost. | J. J. HOCKENJOS COn I f 829 Broad St., Newark, N. J. | Ssex Co. Brewing Co; RKEWKKS OP HIGH-GRADE LAGER BEER. 63 to 85 Clifton Ave. 1- D, ’Phone 317-nn. Newark 814

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Said to Have His Eye on Jack Meyers, an Indian Catcher,

of Toledo.

DETROIT, Mich., June 16.—Connie Mack. Arab-like, folded his tent and silently Stole out of this burg yesterday. Just where the long fox has gone no one knows, and the players are all wondering whether or not there will be a wholesale shakeup, ttades and sales galore when the elongated gentleman returns.

Mack took Traveling Secretary Joe Ohles along with him, and while they were seen to take a train bound for Toledo, it is known that tiiat city was not the destination of Connie’s road secretary.

Without even the formality of saying good-by to his demoralized band of ball tossers, McGlllacuddy beat a hasty re- treat at an early morning hour and the secretary took a walk shortly after Connie's disappearance, both being later seen at the station boarding tho same train.


spent yesterday in Toledo looking for championship material, and in the afternoon witnessed the game between Toledo and St. Paul. Mack was partic- ularly impressed with the work of Jack Meyers, (he Indian catcher, and at the conclusion of the game he made a

proposition to Manager Tim Flood for the Indian.

Mack is desirous of trading for Mey- ers, but it is understood that lie Is will- ing to pay cash. If necessary, to get pos- session of the clever man who played a brilliant game yesterday. Flood said last evening that Mack could buy Mey- ers, if he paid the price, but that he wouldn't consider a trade.


Park, the. ten years lease of which to the American League Baseball Com- pany for the Browns' use has three years to run. was deeded yesterday afternoon to that company in the name of Arthur H. Kusky. President Hedges announced an additional pur-

\ chase of the Solari strip adjoining, \ which will be annexed to the park, \ making it 456 by 500 tfeet. Hedges said

^ for the next season a larger pavilion l of steel and concrete will be erected, ( giving the park a seating capacity of l 35,000. The transfer of the property to-

day ends the fued, the Solari tract owners having for years refused to sell it. and balls knocked into it invariably disappearing.



OF NEWARK City Hull. June 13, inns.

The following 1* the lint of names, residences end places of business cf persons making ap- plication t" this board for the granting of licenses t-i sell spirituous, vinous, malt, or brewed liquors and not heretofore published ac-

cording to law, to wit: Name. Place of Business. Residence.

R ETA Hr—NEW API* LI CATION S. Jacqur- L-vis, 25 Springfield av — Newark st. MorrL Stern. 451 Mulberry st.Same place

WHOI.ESA I,E— RENEWAL. \Vm. Mayer & Co., 476 Broad Ft.. 101 Summit at.

R ETA T L—R E NE WA LS. Philip Kemper, lilt Prince st.Same place Edward Stieffcl, 203-205 Market st.

148 Roseyllle av. Morris Rosenberg. 66 Prince st.Same place Michael J Owen. 6-4.1 Market st-Same place V. iv- Doyie 83 High st.Same place JMw. Ftrouse, 17 William st. .63 W. Kinney st. Ln n Steals. 15-27 Belmont av. .15 Belmont av. Morris Michelson. 1415 Springfield av.Same place I>oX!cola Papnrozzl. 230 Academy st.Same place Fred V Roland. 50 Howard st.Same place John J McDonald. 15s High st... Same place Henry Folh. 421 Bergen st .Same place Wilhelm Erhard. f»20 Bergen st.Same place Gesomlna Torlucclo, 37 Drift st ...Same place Anton Stanislowaltis, 113 Adams st. .Same place E'/.w. Grocger. 216 Ferry st. ...Same place Rudolph Tioyda, 267 Ferry st.Same place Thomas F. Dunn, 242 Warren st-59 South st. Michael J. Kennedy. 502 Frellnghuysen nv..


Btlefel Bottling Co.. 21-25 North 9th st. 148 Roseville av.

Joan Saalmuller. 601 South 11th st. .Same place Edwm Adam. 42 Avenue I,.Same place Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company. 67-59

Belmont av..75 Belmont nv. Wm. Heurlng. 235 Hawthorne av... .Same place Union Brawing Co., 415-417 Morris av.

333 Springfield av. NEW APPLICATION—BOTTLERS’ LICENSE Marco Men id no. 6 Cutler «=t.Same place

RETAIL- DOUBLE TRANSFER. Chs FenHllo. 122 8th nv...Same plnce Patrick Leavens, 421 Broad nt.60 8th av.

RICHARD MILLER. President pro tem.




Notice Is hereby given that the Commission- ers heretofore appointed by the Mayor of the city of Newark, to make an estimate anil as-

eesament upon all the owners of all the lands and real estate in the city of Newark, pecu- liarly benefited by any local improvement In the said elf'’, in proportion as nearly as mny be to the advantage each was deemed to have acquired, have made an estimate and assess-

ment of benefits conferred upon all the owners

of all the lands and real estate in the city of Newark peculiarly benefited by each ‘of the following improvements in said city, namely:


from a point 83.75 feet south of the southerly ; line of Sixteenth avenue to a point 90 feet aojth of the same.

The construction of a sewer in BONYKAMPER AVENUE,

between Christie street and Hawkins street, with branch in

'HAWKINS STREET. between Bonykamper avenue and Brlnsmaid

place. The pav.n* of

MAGNOLIA STREET. from Springfield avenue to Falrview avenue,

and hive filed their reports of said assessments fer heneflts In the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the county of Ess»x. and that the fudge of said court has fixed Saturday. ♦ he twentieth day of Tune. 1908. at 10 o’clock jn the forenoon, in the Circuit Court room at

the Court House In the oity of Newark, as the time and place of hearing any oblections that mav be made to the said ossesments

Dated .Tune 15, 1908. 1 a FRANCIS CHILD. JR.. 1*15-51 _City Attorney.

NOTICE OF INTENTION—Board of Street and Water Commissioners.

Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the

Pr, -d of Strait and Water Commissioners of S," -“l,v of Newark, at a mating held the eleventh day of May. IMS. and approved a the Mavor of the city of Newark on

the twelfth day of May. WH. public notice h»rebv given that it Is the Inten-

tion of the Boar-1 of Street end Water Com- missioners of the city of Newark, under and

bv virtue of provisions of 'he act entitled. • •An art to revise and amend the charter of

the"clty of Newark." approved March 11. 18B7.

and supp'ements thereto, and the act creating the Board of Street nod Water Commissioners Of*the city Of Newark, approved March 28.

ftai and other public laws of the State of

vi-w Jersey, to order and cause the vacation of N MARION STREET. from Verona avenue to the proposed northerly

UnTof Montclair avenue, as the same la now

ta d «UI *"'> sh0''n "" " maP a Vo

office of the Chief Engineer, and being No.

1CSuch neraora as may object thereto are re.

Quested to present their objections In wilting qutsieu W >

Board, at the office of the

ftaart of fBreet and Water Commissioners. City

Hail Newark, on or before the expiration of

•Vad«ndaoi° iWf Street end

water Commissioners rt th. c1*>h^£e£d ) ) Chief Engineer.

Newark, N. J.. June 12. 1906. Jel3-5t



^T^—»—l^———■————-——————-—- —- ______________

No. 2 on Crimson’s Crew De- clared Ineligible by Faculty.

Morgan Also Dropped.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 16.—The indefinite .suspension of Sidney W.« Fish. No. 2 on the Harvard 'varsity crew, ami Charles C. Morgan, jr., of the Harvard four-oared crew, both of New York, forcing them to suspend rowing for the remainder of the year, and thus making both Ineligible to compete in the annual race with Yale, was announced by the administrative board of Harvard University today after a meeting last night in Cam-

bridge. Tlie men were suspended for an al-

leged violation of a college rule for-

bidding the removal of books or pam- phlets from certain libraries connected with the university.

The suspension of Fish, who is one of the veteran oarsmen of the varsity crew, leaving a vacancy hard to fill, will weaken considerably the Harvard eight.

YANKEES’ LONDON HOTEL CHOSEN. Manager Matthew P. Halpln of the

I American Olympic team announced I yesterday that he had made arrange-

ments for the team during the visit to

London for the Olympic games to stay in the Morton Square Hotel. The re-

turn of the men has not been decided upon, hut they will leave London either on Juiy*29 or August 1.


! meeting of the stockholders of the Buf- falo Racing Association last night, it, was decided to abandon the running| meeting scheduled to begin at Kenil- worth Park on June 23. No action was, taken in regard to the grand circuit meeting


CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Wiedenmayer’s Park

NEWARK vs. MONTREAL Gam* Called 4 P. M.


Wp carry a full line in Sterling Silver, Silver Plato and the Benutiful French Bronze.

Prices $1.50 to $100.00 FI EL U I> A Y M 13 D ALS Designs aud Kstimates Upon Request.


Broad, cor. Academy fel., opp. Post Office


NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Corrected to May 25, 1908.

FOR NEW YORK. Trains leave Broad and Ferry Street Station*:

5 15. 6:60, 6:20, 6:40. ~;00, 7:15. 7:30, 7:45, S.'X). 8:15. 8:30. 8:45. 9:00. 9:16, 9:3'), 9:15, i0:00. 10:20. 10:40. 11:00. 11:20. 11:40 a. m.; 12:00 n ; 12:30. 1 00 1 30. 2.00. 2:30, 2:00, 6:30. 4:00. 4.30, 6.C3, 5:30, 5:50, 0:10. 6:20. 6:30, 6:45. 7:00. 7:10, 7:30. 7:65, 8:30. S:55. 9:55. 10:40, 11:20 p. m.; 12:01 night: 1:60 n. m. Sundays. 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:25, 9:00. 9:25. 10:00, 10:30. 11:00, *1:30 a. m.; 32:00 n ; 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00. 2:30. 3:00, 3:30. 4:00, 4:30, 5:00. 5:25, 6:00, 6:30. 7:00. 8-00. 8:25. 8:55, 9:25. 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 p. m.; 12: J1 n>.; 1:50 a. m.

For Elizabeth and Plainfield, 6’12, 6.60, 7:55, g-35. 9:48, 11:30 a. m.; 12:56, 1:16. 1:65, 2:35. 3:35, 4:25. 4:32. 5:20. 5:38. 6:13. 7:45, 8:45, 9:30. 11:50, p. m. Sundays. 7:10. 9:0?Y. 9:65, 10:55, 11:55 a in.; 12:55. 1:55. 2:45. 3:65, 4:55, 5:30, 6:45. 7:35. g.40, 9:15. 10:45 p. in.

For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and } Maueh Chunk (6:50 to Easton), b:S5 a. m.;

1:15, 4:32. <6:38 to Easton) p. m. Sundays, 12:65. 4:55. 5:30 p. m. 1

For W ilkesba.i re and Scranton, 8:36 a. m.; 4:32 p. m. Sundays, 4:65 p. m.

For Perth Amboy, 6:12. 7:55. 9:48 a. m.; 1:15, 1-55. 3:35. 4:25. 5:38, 6:13. 8:45. 11:50 p. m. Sun- days. 7:10, 9:05 a. m.; 3:55, 8:40 p. m.

For Red Rank. Long Branch, Asbury Tark, etc.. 8:85 (9:48 Red Bank only). 11:30 a. m.;

1:15, (3:36 R*d Bank only), 4:25, 6:38, 6:13, 8:45. 11.50 p. m. Sundays, except Asbury Park (7:10 Red Bank only). 9:05. (9:65 to Red Bank only) i. m.. (1:15 Red Bank only). 3:55. 8:40 p. m.

For T«akewood. 9:48 a. m. (12:50 Saturdays only). 1:15. 3:35. Sundays. 7:10. 9:56 a. in.; 1:55 p. m.

For Atlantic City, 9:48 a. m.: (12:50 Satnr- flays only). 3:35 p. m. Sundays, 9:55 a. m.; 1:56 p. m.

For Trenton and Philadelphia. 6.12. 7:55, 8:36. 9:48. 11:30 a, m.; **12:50. 1:16, 3:35. 4:25. 6:38, ••6-13, 7:45. 8:45. 11:50 p. m. Sundays. 7:10, a 05. 9:55. 10:65. 11:55 a. m.; 12:55, 1:55, 2:45, < K;S **4:65. 5:80, **6:45. 7:35, 8:40, 9:15, 10:45 p. m.

For Baltimoro and Washington. 7:56. 9:48, n -30 a. m.; 1:16, 3:35, 5:38, 6:13 p. m. Sundays, 7:10. 9-55. 11:55 a. m.; 1:55, 2:55, 5:80, «;45 p. m.

••Philadelphia only. *

Telephone 5300.

I hk » »■ < **• Hi'Al yiK«KKv i.lilJiW *)!,□{ NO. 7. IDE* NO. 0. HOWE: NO. 5. DL'NKLEs NO. 4. HUNT: NO. 3, RICE* NO. 2, PEYTON* ROW, ADCIIIM.OSSj COYSWAIN, HAND.


And Now He Wants to Know What Philosophy



SAY. B< >SS, I was standing on the Four

Corners yesterday watching the rain drops hit the ground, and I felt sorry for the rain, because sidewalks have no feeling and Piuvius gets many a jolt on such days as yes- terday was. As I say, 1 was stand- ing because it

ooked very well -——-had I been sitting. Well, along conies a young lady, a

cliarmihg miss, and she poked me in the ribs. 1 turned around and the lady looked at me. “Pardon me, please, lit- tle boy,” said tho miss, "I thought you were my friend's brother.”

What could t say hut say nothing, and T wouldn't have minded this at all but what do you think, that fellow that T have been joshing all the time drove by In his business wagon and lie gavfe tne the merry ha-ha. Wait, I'll get. even.

You know, of course, we didn't lose yesterday. The rain prevented the Montreal* from getting a heating, how- ever. I met Torn Hughes getting off a

enr this morning, and he said: “Here! Did we win yesterday?" asked 1 lie hig Kidder, and I said "your from the Bronx and you think you are smart, don't you?" and he said. “Well, I read Iho Smart Set;” whatever he meant by that I don't know. I heard two men

talking about the philosophy of base- ball. Will you tell us what that means.

What league is phil in and where did he ever make any hig blaze in the baseball? By answering this for me

you will confer a favor on me and keep peace In the family, for my sister says that tills baseball thing Is getting me

ike tho front showcase of a fruit store: nitty. I guess, she means.


was announced here yesterday that Pitcher James Dowd, of the Holy Cross Learn, will become a student at Ford- barn College next, fall and try for the oaseball team in the spring. Tills spring Dowd pitched in two games against Vale, and won both contests.


lent Farrell of the New York State League yesterday awarded Pitcher polehow, who was recently released by ■Scranton, to the Utica Club. Wilkes- mrre claimed him, but Farrell decided hat Utica's claim was received first.


ijoble, president of the Lake Erie trot- ing circuit, died yesterday in Battle :

'reek. Mich. He was 61 years old, and vent to Michigan for his health.

♦ ♦"+ ♦♦♦♦4M4 4 ♦ ♦ ♦♦4»44444 »♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ 44444 44 4 4 44444 444444 44

I ON GRANDSTAND AND j I BLEACHERS ! ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 44444444444444444444444444-444444444444444444444444444

FRANK DODD, the fish market king, caught a big sticker the other day who wagered against the Tigers. See Frank.

POLICE COMMISSIONER HARRI- DAN is a devotee of the game, and why not? Doesn't he admire clubs?

FIRE CHIEF ASTLEY ought to shine as a player.' He lias many a put-out to his credit, not speaking of the many runs he has made.

CHIEF JUSTICE GUMMERE Is an- other fan. Why not leave close de- cisions to him?

CAPTAIN OF DETECTIVES CAR- ROLL thinks Josh DeVore would make a clever thief because he does so much base stealing.

DAN HUNT was so full of joy Sat- urday that it was overflowing. Come again, Dan, you cheer us up a bit.

FRED E. OEHRINO, clerk in the Second Precinct Court, while keeping score Saturday, wrote behind a Tiger's name, who made an error, "thirty days.” Fred has the habit.

CHIEF CORBITT is wearing a Teddy Roosevelt hat. Why not? The chief is always with the Tigers.

I IN THE AMATEUR RANKS ! f*f‘H"H,,l:Mf"H'kH,fi,f"f,lMH,'H"f,H''f,f'l,,4MH,,H"f,H,‘H"H'‘H,*H,,lnW"f'I'‘H'‘l,‘H^

Jim Devine, the Lincoln first base- man, had twenty putouts in ten innings In Sunday's game against Silver Lake.

The Washington A. A. seem to ap- preciate the fact that colored teams are good drawing cards. They have another on for Sunday.

Brewer, the Vailsburg catcher, is a

very speedy boy. Not only can he catch, but he can hit hard and often.

Patsy Scanlon is delivering the goods

at second for Roseville. Patsy fcot his early training with the Essex A. C. when that team flourished, and could hand them all a walloping.

George Cowan, the Orange boy, is putting up a great article behind the bat for Richmond In the Virginia League.

Sunday must have been a day for old-timers. Just think ol’ it—Boutlllier, Rochelle and Hitehenor. And they all pitched great games, too.


Dray, Sure Point=Winner, Not to

Accompany Olympic Team.

XEW YORK, June 16.—While hundreds of athletes are bemoaning their lpss a: not having "made" the Olympic team which will represent America at the London Stadium next month, a world’s champion, one of the first to bo picked by the American committee, lias satd that lie will not accept the honor and will not compete. Me is W. !i. Dray, of Yale I nivorsity, a champion with whom athletes, or the whole world are familiar

In fact, his feats in the pole vault have for more than a year been viewed with wonder. For two years ho has held the world's record and the inter- collegiate championship.

At tltc intercollegiate meet in 1907 he hurled himself into the air the’unpre- cedented distance of 12 feet 5>/i inches, and established a mark that remained untouched until he himself, nearly a

year later, added another inch to It. At tlie Olympic tryouts ho was de- feated by Gilbert, one of his classmates, and stripped of the record and title.

Spurred on by disappointment. Dray j trained and practised as he never had J before, with the result that on Satur- day, at a meet at Danbury, Conn., he j cleared the bay at 12 feet 9% inches. So ! much higher Is this than any vault ever recorded that Dray announced imntedl- j airly after his vault that he was con- tent to rest on In's laurels and allow

Gilbert. Nelson. Cooke and the other prominent vaulters to beat the foreign- ers when America meets tho world next month.

While Dray is probably sincere in his desire to refrain from competing, those who know him best say that when the time comes for the American pole vaulters to line up in the London Sta- ditlm. Dray will be one of the first on the Held. His patriotism, they say, will compel him to strive for the success of his country.


Matty Baldwin and Abe Attell meet in (he ring of the Grand Athletic Union Monday night depends upon the condi- tion of Baldwin's little child. The Bos- ton boxer had begun training at New Dorp to make the 124 pounds required by Attell when news came that his boy was ill.

He immediately notified Manager Sig. Rosenfeld, of the club, and said that if the child grew worse he would ask to have the bout postponed. Then he left for Boston. Last night his friend, Dr. Creamer, received a wire that there was no change yet for the worse and ! that Baldwin would return Thursday, j


Fertseh, the Reading twirler. who was

with Lancaster until a. week ago, will assist the Wilmington Tri-State team, two of their twirler:: being on the sick list at present. Fertseh was doing great work for Lancaster, hut was releast d so as to get the team within the regular; Tri-State salary limit.


W.L.Po.l W.L.T’o. Buffalo .25 17 .505!Providence ..21 20 .512 laltimore ...22 17 664lNewark .21 23 .177 'oronto .19 17 .528 Rochester ...19 23 .452 Tontreal ...22 21 .512(Jersey City..14 25 .359

All games scheduled yesterday in the Eastern League were postponed on account f rain.

Games Todny, lontreal at -tfBwark.

Roc |e dir at Jersey City. Toronto at Baltimore.

Buffalo at Providence.


3V.L.Pe.j W.L.Pe. Chicago .3*1 16 .652!Philadelphia 21 22 .466 Pittsburg ...27 20 .57i|Boston .22 26.456 Cincinnati ..26 20 .5651 St. T.ouis _22 30 .423 New York. 24 23 .5111 Brooklyn _16 31.340

Yesterday's Results. Pittsburg. 5: Boston, 3.

Ail other scheduled contests postponed because of rain.

Games Today. Cincinnati at New York.

St. Louis at Brooklyn. Pitta,>urg at Boston.

Chicago at Philadelphia.


W.L.Po.J W.L.Pe. j Chicago —MO 20 .fiOOjPhiladelphia 26 .480 Cleveland .,20 22 .560 New York...23 26 .160 St. Louis... .20 23 .558.' Boston .2s* 30 .141 Detroit .26 24 .520| Washington 18 32.86)1

Yesterday’* JRcnuK*. Chicago, 2; New York. J

Cleveland. 2. Washington. 1. St. Louis, 10; Boston, 0.

Game* Today. New York at Chicago.

Boston at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Detroit.

Washington at Cleveland.


As Each College Team Has Won One (iame Fur Will Fly

This Afternoon.

NEW YORK. June 16.—Yale and Princeton will meet on the diamond at the Polo Grounds this afternoon in a

fight for the intercollegiate baseball

championship. With the credit of a victory each the

game today will break the tie and de- cide which will take the coveted trophy. In the first game of the series at Princeton the Tigers just managed to

nose out the Ell players after a hard contest. Saturday, in New Haven, when the two clashed, Yale won a signal triumph, knocking two of the best Princeton pitchers out of the box and winning by a score of 8 to 2. ,- —-—


Qnlek cllmntlc changes try strong constitutions and cause, among othei evils, nasal catarrh, a troublesome and

I Offensive disease. Sneezing, snuffling, and difficult breathing, and the foul dis- charge into the throat.—all are ended by Ely’s Cream Balm. This honest remedy contains no cocaine, mercury, jio.r other

j harmful Ingredient. The worst cases I yield to treatment In a short time. All druggists, 50c.

If you prefer to use an atomizer, ask j for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the good qualities of the solid form of this

j remedy and will rid you of catarrh or

| hay fever. No cocaine to breed a Uread- i ful habit. No mercury to dry out the

| secretion. Price. 75c. with spraying tube. All druggists, or mailed by Ely

I Bros., 50 Warren Street, New York.




Over Childs' Restaurant


All Male and Female Diseases I euro all forms of Nervous Debility, Im»

potency. Vital Weakness, Varicocele, Incom- plete Development. Unnatural Drains. Dls- eaflfs of the Heart. Kidneys, Stomach, Liver and Bladder, BloorL and Skin, Chronic Bron- chitis. Asthma. Consumption and ALL FE- MALE DISEASES, no matter what the cause. Strict confidence will bo observed.

CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m. and « to 8 n m

Offi e closed all day Tuesdays. Saturdays and Sundays.

Every Woman islnrerested and should know

about the wonderful MARVEl Whirling Spray

The new Va*lnnl Hyrini;*. injee tion an'! Suction. Best—-Saf 1

est Most Convenient. ; IttIraut. t> Instantly

Aik roor r>rr.,-^Ut fbr ft If he cannot supply the Ilf/iltVKfj, accept no other, but send stamp for illustrated book— wuiert. It. gives full particulars and directions in- valuable to ladies. !*l A ItVIi’l, ( O.i -4 4 0. NT., M. W 'ii '>ltK. | Local agent. Est. H. H. Thompson,169 Market at.

Persian lerve Essence, RESTORES VITALITY—Have cured

aa .ds of casts of Nervous Debility and In- somnia They cleai- the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion perfect and Impart a magnetic vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses stopped permanently. $].0Q per box: « boxes, guaranteed to cure or refund money. & Mailed sealed Book free. Persian Med. Co.. 135 Arch St., Philadelphia. Sold in Newark only at Menk’s Drug Store. 106 Mar- ket street.


OF THE GIANTS McGraw Puts Bridwell on the

Bench—Wants Some New Pitchers. .2

In hi.s effort to strengthen his team Manager McGraw, of the Giants, hai made at. important switch in his line up and promises further changes Herzog, the young infielder, who playei on the Harrisburg Tlf state Leagui team last season, has been assigned ti the shortstop spot, in place of A1 Brid well, who will lie sold or traded.

Herzog has hatted and fielded ex ceilently in the games he has played f<* New York, and McGraw found that hi needed his services every day, McGray is now negotiating with St. Loui3 for I pitcher. He wants either Karger o; Raymond.

McCloskeyoffered him Sallee for Brid well or Herzog, but McGraw declined Now tlie Giants' manager is trying t' arrange a three-cornered deal with St Louis and Cincinnati. McGraw want Hans Robert, who was offered to St Louis, but the deal was stopped whet Hans told President Herrman that h would not play in the Mound City.

Lobert is willing to play under Me Graw, but it is hardly possible tlia Cincinnati would part with his services at this time, as he has greatly lmprovei in his work since the proposed trad' with Kt. Louis was dropped.


new YORK. Junj 16.—The six round bout between Jim Harry, of Chi cago, and Sam Langford, of Boston scheduled to take place Friday eveninj at the Fairmount Athletic Club. 137tl street and Third avenue, is considers! the most important match held in thi;

| city in some time. The winner of thi I bout will probably be matched by Jin i < 'offroth to fight Stanley Ketchel in Sai | Francisco in the later part of July.

Barry is training faithfully in Strat ford. Conn., and ills friends say tha lie will surely put Langford awaj Langford is getting in shape in Bostor and feels Just as confident he will han it to Barry.

The Livingston Juniors (Wanted th I.ittletons by a score of 26 to 10 Sundm Any 12-yenr-old teams wishing games wit the Livingstons should send challenges i Michael Cohen, 362 Fairmount avenue.

| SUMMER SUGGESTIONS. | 4 Next to the* house Itself your if 4 porch and its furniture greet the if

eyes of visitors and passersby m 4 first. Are the chairs, settees, 4 4 swinging seats, etc., bright and 4 4 attractive in a new coat of paint? 4 4 Why not? Little reason when wo 4" 4 sell high grade ready-mixed 4 4 paints of many shades so reason- 4 4 able as to the cost.

| J. J. HOCKENJOS COn I f 829 Broad St., Newark, N. J. |

Ssex Co. Brewing Co; RKEWKKS OP

HIGH-GRADE LAGER BEER. 63 to 85 Clifton Ave.

1- D, ’Phone 317-nn. Newark 814