public speaking chapter 5

PUBLIC SPEAKING By: 1.Conny Asnggraini 2.Nolawati 3.Selsi Pebri Weni 4.Steffy Pratiwi SEKOLAH TINGGI KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN YDB Lubuk Alung

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Page 1: public speaking Chapter 5

PUBLIC SPEAKINGBy:1.Conny Asnggraini2.Nolawati3.Selsi Pebri Weni4.Steffy Pratiwi


YDB Lubuk Alung

Page 2: public speaking Chapter 5

Preparing the Content of Your Speech

1.Organizing Your Speech a.Introduction b.Body c.Conclusion

2.Planning the body There are four steps to follow as you plan the body of Your Speech ; a.Decide on the main that will support or clarify

your central idea. b.Write these main points as complete sentences. c.Arrange the central idea and main points in a logical organizational

pattern. d.Add appropriate supporting material to clarify and reinforce your

central idea and main points.

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3.Body of Speech 1.The prices are reasonable. a.Testimony b.Statistics/Comparison c.Example d.Visual Aid/comparison 2.The food is excellent. a.It is top quality @.Testimony b.Explanation b.It is well prepared @.Comparison/testimony b.Example/testimony

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3.The surrounding are neat and clean @.The eating area is spotless

1.Explanation 2.Example b.The kitchen is immaculate

1.Testimony/comparison 2.Explanation

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4.Transitions Following are a number of suggestions for providing

coherence to your speech: a.Use transitional words : also,again,etc b.Use enumerative signposts: first,second,third..etc c.Repeat key words d.Conclude your discussion of one point by introducing the next point. e.Begin your discussion of a new point with a

reference to the point you just finished discussing.

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