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  • 8/2/2019 Pt Translator Japonez


    Hi Chris,

    these are for the japanese translator. :


    Weare in Brasov let`s go into a city tour.DIRECTION :From your hotel you must arrive into the Council Square or PiataSfatului.

    1 )Co u n c il S qu a r e : Square has been created in the medieval old town as a place of fair andgatherings or festive exercises.Here were the most important medieval town institutions such asCity Hall or house Council. Under the Council Square exists holes for food which wasaccidentally discovered into the `50-s, which was used nby the people from the medieval cityto preserve their food in case of siege.

    DIRECTION: After that you arrived into the square please position yourself intothe closest corner to the Black Church standing to your left side to the church.Fom that posit ion wi l l start the presentation of the entire square and to thesurroundings.

    2 )Co u n c i l Ho u se : It is the first time mentioned in a document dated in 23 december1420which show that over the furrier guild situated in the middle of the square is being built atower of surveillance. Following entries appear on the Council House in 1503 when the buildingis named in the documents PRAETORIUM city, and in 1515 were the authorities, paid 50 florinsfor the construction of the tower at the Council House. In 1520 the clock from the towerbecame the second clock of the city after the one of the Black Church.

    Between 1525-1528 has rebuilt the roof that had four little towers similar to those of the St.Ecaterina Gate. In 1608 and 1682 tower was struck by the lightning that caused the fire andthe 1662 earthquake led to the downfall of two-thirds of the tower.

    After the great fire of 21 April 1689 the building became subject to extensive works ofrestauration. The most important repairing work, took place between 1774 -1778 when the roofof the tower was done in baroc style.

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    After restoration, furriers guild received two spaces at the ground floor, and at the beginningof the Nineteenth Century were built many small rooms on the the floor, as a result of theincreasing number of officials.

    In the XVIII-th century, on the gallery which surrounding the tower a trumpet is singingdifferent songs every hour. This has been banned in 1727 at the request of General Langelot-military commander of Brasov because the sound of trumpet bother the generals parrot.

    Baron Schramm, following a military commander, as revenge against the mayor ordered thedumping of garbage in the square next to the Council House that the garbage came to thewindows. On November 26 in 1902 the town hall has decided to start the demolishion of themonument but the reaction of public opinion and a newspaper KRONSTADER ZEITUNG stoppedthe Application of this project.In front of the House Council exists the coat of arms of Brasovrepresenting a Crown laid on some roots.

    DIRECTION: next objective you can observe it right in front of you. It is a bluehouse.

    3. MURESENILOR HOUSE This museum was founded in 1968 as a result of the donation made by Jacob Muresianu and isdedicated to the memory of the family members with an important contribution in cultural lifeand politics.

    Iacob Muresianu (1812 - 1887) editor and owner of the first political newspaper written inRomanian language Transylvanian Gazette , founder of a school, member of the Romanian


    Andrei Muresianu-poet of Revolution in 1848 and the current lyrics of the romanian anthem.

    Dr. Aurel Muresianu (1847-1909) a remarkable politician, a founding member of the RomanianNational Party- the first professional journalist in Transilvania.

    Elena Muresianu (1864-1924) and Traian Muresianu (1864 - 1901)-artists-graduates of theacademies of Belle Arts in Vienna and Munchen.

    Iacob Muresianu jr. (1857-1917)-a graduate of the Leipzig Conservatory, classical musicRomanian denominations.

    At a political level were present either as initiators or as participants in actions organized by theRomanian people to obtain civil rights or political actions that were necessary steps inachieving national ideal - the Unitary National Romanian State.

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    Supplimentary: 4. Also to the other side of the street in front of you on the hill,you can se a demicircular , white tower. It is the White Tower, a part from thedefending system of the city situated outside of the northern walls, having themission of surveillance and in case of siege to capture between to firs the enemytrops which attack the city.5. The entire east side of the square situated on your right side, it was at theend of the XIX-een century used by the people from Brasov to walk and meettheir friends, and by the recently married womans to take a walk with their newhusband to announce that they`re now married womans.DIRECTION: Now will go to the Black Church6. The Black ChurchBuilt between 1383-1477s, is the abbey of the parish community honterus owned by theRomanian Lutheran Church and the most impressive gothic church between Wien andIstambul.Its name is The Black Church because it burned when the Great Fire from1689occurred.,remaining for a long time a ruin blackened by smoke. Before of the present churchbuilding, there was discovered by digging ,another small church built in the XIII Century on theplace of this church and even a nuns monastry, called S a i n t C a t h e r i n e . ( keep that inmind !) Situated at the South- East extremity of the Westearn World and in the meantime inthe sphere of influence of the Catholic Church,the vicar Thomas Sander thought to built animpressive church not only to impress the strangers who visite the market but to draw them toCatholicism. So, in 1383s the construction of the building began under the protection of

    VIRGIN MARY. In 1385 appeared the first letter of indulgence of the Strigoniu bishop, followedby that of the Pope Bonifaciu the IXth and other letters in 1422,1450,1475,i516. These lettersof indulgence were forgiving the sins and church punishments for those who contribute to thebuilding of the church. Till 1421 the church continues to be built but in this year the building ofthe church is intrerrupted by the Tartars ivasion. Because of the Tartar and Turkish attacks, alittle money are collected but the building of the church wasnt abandoned. An importantcontribution had Ioan of Hunedoara and his son Matei Corvin who donated money or madefrescos as that we can see over the South Gate. The church building is finished in1477s afterone hundred years from its beginning.

    Till in the middle of the XVIth century the church was owned to the Roman-Catholic religion butduring the introducing of the religious reform in Transilvania ( in October 1542), has held in thechurch the first Lutheran religious ceremony in German language replacing the Latinlanguage .In spring of 1544s the great pedagogist and humanist Johanns Honterus the onewho wrote the Book of the reform was elected as the first Lutheran vicar (1498-1549) and theRomano-catholic altars an icons were removed.

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    In 1602-1603s during The Great Plague were burried here many hundred of dead persons.Thechurch burned during The Great Fire in 21st of April 1689 first the roof which has crasheddestroying a part of the pulpit,organ,lectern and carpets.The big bells melted because of thehigh heat and fell destroying the tower watch too;.,remained intact only the font from 1472sand the church treasure.But all these things were recovered fast and in 1691s was celebratedthe first religious ceremony in the church.

    VISITING THE EXTERIOR of the abbey Starting with the front side of the main entrance ofthe church we start going on the right. We ll arrive in the front of the Johannes Honterusmemorial of which we have already spoken. The great humanist of Brasov is dressed in clothesof his period and shows with the right hand finger towards the school founded by him in 1540s,where now it exist a german high school called Johannes Honterus.

    In the left hand de keeps a book on which files is written: the Book of the reform. and theschool regulation- the most important of his works. On the sides of the socle we ca see two iron

    plates which represents on the left side Honterus working in his printingshop and on the rightside Honterus as priest vicar of the Black Church giving the last rites to a dying person.

    In front of the statue is the school founded by the german humanist which is called after hisname and in which the courses are taught in German language. On the same side of the churchwe can observe 3 limes planted in 1869 dedicated as follows: the one next to the statue toHonterus, the second to Luther and the last to Melanchtom. Continuing the exterior tour wellarrive in front of a small gate which at first was the priests entrance to the church choir.

    The door is guarded by to statues which in a traditional way are defending the portal: on theleft Joan the Baptist and on the right Archangel Michael, then Jacob the Apostle represented as

    a pilgrim and a bishop with his mitre and crutch. The next statue represents a priest probablyThomas Sender who began the church building. On the right side is the Evanghelist Luke whois recognized by his symbol - the ox - represented on his shield with the emblem, staying downat his legs. The statues from the east part of the choir represent Apostole Paul with a swordand a bible, then Jesus Christ and Apostole Peter with a key and a Bible. On the next buttress isthe statue of Virgin Mary with Jessus the child On th shild elying at her legs we can see theold coat of arms of Brasov - the crown. Virgin Mary looks directly to the Council House beingnot only the church protector, but of the hole city. On the right buttress is John theEvanghelist. The following two buttresses are without statues, because they were covered withthe new part of the vestry demolated in 1938 as an atypical and disrespectful view.

    Continuing the way around the church, on the North side, the first gate arriving to, is theGOLDEN GATE, being in the past the portal with the most interesting sculptural work. On theinner arch of the portal can be seen consoles which seems to be supports for the CrucifixionScene. On the buttress the nave there werwe three statues which are today sheltered inside thechurch: a bent youngster ,a kneeling woman, a lion and an eagle.

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    Supplimentary: the bent youngster it stil l exist up there and it have a nicelegend which it said that the kis was working for a craftsmen to the constructionof the church, and because he became much skilled thatn his master wasthrouwn from the roof and died. His master was hanged by the neck and thestatue in memory of the child it is stil l there.

    INSIDE THE ABBEY Entering the church we are amazed by its impressive size and by theGothic Shrine, carved in wood, embrossed with a beautiful picture representing The Sermon onthe Mountain. Towards the shrin can be observed the grids of the central hitting put intooperation in 1973s. Arriving to the pulpit side we can observe that it is supported by Mosesstatue with the sheets of the God Commandments..At the top of it are carved four little statuesof the Biblical Evanghelists, and on the column which supportes the pulpit can be found a bas-relief representing the lamb killing the dragon-meanning Jessus victory over evil. Opposite thepulpit stays a stone column which has at one superior end the coat of arms of Brasov (thecrawn on roots) and Mathyas Corvin of Hungary coat of arms. Near this column there were the

    pew of the noblemen of the town and near the pulpit the benches for teachers. From this placeturning to the entrance we can see the impressive Bucholz Organ installed in the last years ofthe XIXth Century, one of the biggest in the South East of Europe with its 4000 tubes.Continuing the church exploration towards the Shrine we can observe on its margin the 4evangelists and on its superior part Peter and Paul. Also in front of the altar exists the fontwhich is the single object which escape from the great fire from 1689.

    On the right side as we are looking to the Altar , we find the pew of the Camperters Guild withtheir distinct signs:the square,the compass and the plane, all rounded by a circle andremembering of the Masonic Symbols. Near the Carpenters pew, towards the south side of thechurch we can see the unique fresco from the church which was saved to destruction in the

    time of the religious reform. The fresco have in its center Virgin Mary and Jessus Christ as achild. On the left is Saint Catherine having near tools of torture(a sword and a wheel),(on theleft because in that direction was than nuns monastery called Saint Catherine, and later will beThe Saint Catherine Gate ) and on the right Saint Barbara with a tower in her hand.The toweris the place where the beautiful Barbara was imprisoned by his father and saved by his lover.

    Going back towards the church well pass near the pews of the different Guilds.These signswere found normally on the church balcony ,but after the Great Fire in 1689 they were movedon the floor. On the both sides of the main entrance are two rooms which have on their wallstombstones which existed once into the church.The Archeologists identified over 300 gravesinto the church, most of them dug on the Great Plague Period in the XVIth Century. The roomon the left of the entrance presents a lot of pictures about the church ,and in the second room

    we can see a small exhibition dedicated to Honterians works so as a lot of Transilvanias mapsand the maps of the three Romanian States of the XVIth Century.

    DIRECTION: Living the Black Church, will found on the side of the higschoolfrom the Council Square a small streetcalled Johannes Gott which it is going to

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    another one, larger and well circulated. To the other side of the street, a littlebit on the right will found the next objective on our visit.

    7. THE STRING (ROPE) STREET -Designed first as a linking corridor for the firemen,between the Stag Street and the Schei Gate street ,is nowadays a special attraction point inBrasov. The street has the length of 80 meters and the width of 111cm being as the scale armsof a man.

    It is one of the narrowest streets in the South East of Europe ,the walls that edge it bein thoseof the houses in the neighbourhood.

    DIRECTION: After that point, on the main street will go to our left side( standing to the back on the Rope street ) to the Schei gate named like thisafter the name of the Romanian neighbourhood of Brasov which was an exteriorone. Crossing under the gate will turn on the right on the alee to the nextobjectiveSupplimentary: The Romanians was lived outside of the medieval city becausethey was considered by the germans and hungarians a tolerated nation ( eventhat they was a majority in their own country ) without social or political rights.

    8. SAINT CATHERINA`s GATE As you remember from the Black Church, we are now infront of the Saint Catherine Gate the single medieval gate which it is still standing. As you cansee, around the main tower exist another 4 touretts which symbolize the medieval right of thetown to pronounce the death penalty.

    Above the main entrance it is the coat of arms of Brasov, the same which exist above theentrance in the Council House and inside of the Black Church. The Coat of Arms it represents acrown standing on routs. The Crown it is the symbol that the city does not pay taxes to theHungarian Crown, which was the protector of Transylvania in that moment, and the routes itwas representing the main villages and other settlements around Brasov.

    DIRECTION: From Saint Catherin Gate we are going back to the Schei Gate, willcross over the street having the Schei Gate on our left side and will continue onthe alee which goes to the Tampa mountain, having on the left the stadium fromthe High School Sports. At the first intersection we turn left having on our rightthe tennis fields and then will turn again on the first alee on the right going toour next objective.

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    9. WEAVERS BASTION-In the South West corner of the Medieval City of Brasov is theWEAVERS BASTION. It has an irregular hexagon shape (36-40m) its suface being of 1600square meters.The walls have a 12-17 m height ,and its thickness is of 4 m on its base.It iscertified at the begining of 1522 year.

    DIRECTION: Living the weavers bastion we are going back on the main street tocontinouing our ascension to the foot of the mountain. Having on this way youwill have in your left side the tennis fields and the bastion, until l the momentwhere arriving near the forest will see on your left side the renovated walls ofthe city from the southern part. You will continue your walk forward and if youwant you can visit the towers situated near the walls where you will findexhibiton of art and the entrance free. Are good observation points of the wallsand of the city. After that you will pass the ice skate ring you will arrive on aalees intersection and I advise you to elect the descending one because in thisway you will be able to see the next objective.

    10.ThE FUNARSs BASTION-(or ropers) is the first bastion documentary mentioned inBrasov in 1416. Having a hexagonal shape,the bastion had initial 10-12 meters in its height andhas holes for shuting.The flat springs of brick,wich traces are seen today too,were builtlater..The Bastion suffered because of the fire in 1461 and 1689, the last caused seriousdamages of the architecture. Rebuilt,The Funars Bastion was used as a storage.The housewhich can be seen today too,,has been built in 1794 by the guilde which owned thefortification. In1894 the bastion was sold with 2000 florins,a very important amount of money.It was renovated in 2006.

    DIRECTION: From the Funars Bastion you continue to walk along the medievalwalls to the next objective

    11. THE CLOTHIER BASTION-located in the South East corner of Brasov fortifications , thisbastion has a circular form with a diameter of 16 m and a height of the walls of 20,has 4 floorsof galleries for defenders. The bastion was mentioned in 1521-1522 and was first given to theGoldmen Guild for defending.Later thanks to the good economical situation of the DrapersGuild,the bastion was deferred to this guild.


    You can choose between three guided toursinside of the castle.

    1. Ground Floor with the ceremonial rooms, kings office, music roomand weapon collection.

    2. Full Tour ground floor+first floor (royal and imperial apartments)3. Full Tour + attic rooms

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    Built between 1875-1914, the Peles castle it was the summer residence of theromanian royal family. It was built by the orders of the king Carol I, the first king ofour country. He was born and raised in Germany and because of that the influenceof the german arquitecture and style it is very preasent inside the castle. Will find

    joined together different style of arquitecture, and all the objects from inside madein workshop from Austria, Germany, France and Italy. In that times the castle itwas a very modern one for its time because here existing running water, electricity,elevator,central vacuum cleaner imperial bedrooms, and organ. It is a beautifulcombination of modernity with style and many piece of art.

    When the king Carol was come for the first time in Sinaia he was impressed by thisplaces and he decided to bought a big place from the bushes. The place it wassituated in a splendid area close to the Peles river. The name Peles, came probablyfrom the Romanian word plesuv (bold). Transformed from plesuv - pelesuv peles the name is reffering to the bold pick of the mountains ( without trees andvegetation) from the neighborhood.

    Walking on the alley to the main entrance in to the tour of Peles Castle, will seefirst a building, built in the same old style as the castle itself. It is a restaurant nowand on the porch exists two old cannons which are the same types as those use bythe Romanian army in the independence war between 1877-1878 in the north ofBulgaria where our army was covered of glory in the battles from Rahova, Grivita,Pleven, or Smardan.

    Arriving finally in to the yard of the castle, will observe much better the splendidarchitecture and going to the ticket office will discover surprisingly 2 beautifulfrescoes representing knights and images from the XVII-een century.

    Entering inside of the castle leading by the guide will enter first in to the Hall ofHonour. The room was built on the place of a inner yard, in 1911. At the foot ofthe stairs exists two busts of the king Carol I and his queen, Elisabeth. Climbing thestairs, will arrive in to a place where usually the king

    waiting for his guests, on the top of the stairs. Looking up, will see a mobile ceilingwhich is open electric or manual from the war to peace. I mean from a statue whichrepresent a man to a sword, (the war) to another one, which represent an angel toa tromphet ( peace). On the walls, close to the ceiling we have many picturesrepresenting medieval castles. Are not pictures painted but, inlaid wood. Differentpieces of wood glued together. On the next level, are many small picture madefrom alabaster representing biblical images or stories for childrens. On the right andleft side of the stairs exists 2 statues which are representing 2 of the ancestors ofKing Carol I-st. The one from the right have just half from his beard and around hisneck hanged a chain with a lock. The man it was one of the most trustable andcapables officers of Carol Quintul and he initiate a real fashion for the next treegenerations in his family with the beard a the neck chain with a lock.

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    Because the king it was a passionate collectionar he had many collections but theonly one which resisted here in to the Peles Castle is the weapon collection.

    The weapon collection room was decorated between 1903-1906 in a spacedecorated in to the style of the german newrenaissance. On the left is a showcasewhere we can admire a copy after the original crown of the king. The crown wasmade from steel obtain from a Turkish cannon captured in to the independencewar. Around of the crown are many badges and knights orders received by theking. One of them have the neck chain decorated with swastikas.

    No my friends, our king was`nt a nazi even he was a german. Swastika it is a very

    old symbol derived from the Sanskrit word svastika meaning any lucky orauspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denotegood luck

    Continouing the tour of Peles Castle downstairs will see closely all the 4000 orientaland occidental weapons from the XIV-een and XVII-een century. The ceiling ismade from oakwood, and have coat of arms of noble families from Romania andGermany. Under a chandelier will be able to see the Romanian Royal family coat ofarms and his motto : Nihil Sine Deo which is mean in latin Nothing withoutGod . In the room exists armours from the XV-XVI-een century and a completemaximilian armour for horse and knight. Inside of room exists a fake fire placebecause from the beginning this castle had central heating system. Above the fireplace is a bronze carving representing a scene from the Nicopol cruciade ( 1396)

    where participate an ancestor of the king. Below of the carving is a executionarysword for german nobiles. The sword have engraved on the blade this words :

    where it will rise above your head God will gave you eternal life

    The next room is dedicated to the oriental, weapons. On the walls we have Turkishweapons, japans weapons and inside of a showcase, arabic weapons covered withgreen snake skin, or a weapon half dagger, half pistol. The door which make theconnection with the next room, have two different sides: one of them it is fit to theoriental weapon room and the other one to the next one which is the waiting roomfor the king office.

    The king office it is decorated in the Heynmann workshop from Hamburg in 1883 ingerman new-renaissance style. On the windows exists stained glass made in theXVII-een century which representing the coat of arms of the swiss regions.

    Entering in the king office will be connected in this Peles Castel tour to thepersonality of the king. Kings office is very elegant and sober. On the left side inthe room is the office of the king. In front of his office is a small statue of his fatherKarl Anton of Hohhenzolern. Above of his table on the wall exist a portret of kingsmother. Also in front of the table is a audience desk where the king was standing to
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    have the possibility to cut the conversation. Next to the audience desk is a cornerfor long and private discussions.

    On the right side of the room it is on the walls two pictures. The first one representthe quuen Elisabeth with the daughter of the royal family which was died t 5 yearsold by scarlet fever. The next one represent the king Carol dressed into the uniformof the Romanian Army. Close to the door to next room we have another fake fireplace which have above it the coat of arms of Romania before 1918.

    The next room is the castle library. As any royal library have a secret stairs on theright side in a showcase where 4 books are aranged on the horizontal not vertical.Exists books in many languages as french, english, german, romanian, from manydomains as medicine, military tactics, biology, poetry. In the middle of the roomexists a letter box painted by the queen Elisabeth. The queen was a protector of thearts and a very succesfull writer under the pen name Carmen Sylva which it meansin latin The Forest Song. Now, will leaving the library and will enter in to a hall.Here, on the left, it is a room where was decided the participation of Romania to

    the Great War (WW 1) in august 1916. On the same hall you will see a big piece offurniture. It is not a closet as you can believe but a music box. Continouing thePeles Castle tour will enter in the music room of the queen. Here we have on thewalls pictures painted by a friend of the queen the american Dora Hitz andrepresent in order from the right to the left, The Spring , the summer, the fall, alonely lady, the muse of music, and a princess kidnaped by the pirates which areplaying dices for her. Exists on a easel a portret of the queen dressed into atraditioonal romanian suite. Also the stained glass windows representing imagesfrom the romanian fairy tales, and the piano is the original one used by the queen.These room was used by the queen for cultural evenings inviting here personalitysof the romanian culture as the poet Vasile Alecsandri or the composer George

    Enescu which was the teacher of Yehudi Menuhin. Living this room will pass trougha door made from bronze in the workshops Luigi Magni from Rome.This room is thefirst ballroom of the castle. The 2 thrones was never used by the king and queenand the rugs from the foot of each throne was made in India from silk and each rughave almost 500 nodes on square cm. The all room is decorated in the italiannewrenaissance style. The fireplace made from Paunazio marble have to thesuperior part reductions after Michelangelo Buonaroti. The ceiling is made from limewood, gold plated, and have in the center a painting , copy after Georgio Vasari.This painting can be seen in to the big miror from the wall. The chandeliers aremade from coloured Murano glass. The next hall from our Peles castle Tour, iscalled the hall of mirrors because the mirrors from here are the biggest from all thecastle. The legend said that this mirrors was brought straight from Venice Italy, by

    the sea untill Giurgiu on the Danube near Bucharest and from there untill here atPeles Castle, by a cart with oxes. The next room on the right side is the diningroom prepared for lunch. All the dishes are original from the XIX-een century.

    Another spectacular room from the Peles Castle is the moorish room decorated in amoor style. Chandeliers in a minaret shape, a rug made in oriental style and on thewalls oriental weapons from the collection of the king. On the other side of theroom it is a piece of marble whicyh have to the superior part 5 houls. Trough that

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    halls was flowed and even now can flowes the water of the river Peles as the tearson a chick, reason to name this fountain the crying fountain. This room is also theroom where was kept the body of the dead king before to be transportated toCurtea de Arges where is the royal necropolis of the romanian royal family.

    Now, trough a small hall decorated in a french style will visit the last room wich isthe turkish room having even a narghile. When the doors of these room are closingfrom inside you can read on them some arabic words written on the 2 doors : inthe name of Mahomed the allmighty .

    Now will going to the theater room and will observe that all the trip was one aroundof the hall of honour. Now in the fron of the hall which is going to the theater roomis the highest mirror from the castle having 5 meters high. The thatre room ispainted by the famous austrian painter Gustav Klimt and it is also the place wherewas watch the first romanian movie ever about the independence war. Receintlythe famous romanian director Nae Caramfil made a movie about this firts romanianmovie.

    Optional you van continue the tour in the Peles Castle to the next floor.


    In the XII century and before it, the pass of Bran was one of the most important commercial roads. Tothe other side, the importance of this pass which was used by the Cuman`s riders ( a turk population the

    old turks which was given the name of the small river and from the river take their names the fortressand the medieval village Turcu from the neighbourhood) can`t be unseen by the Teutonic Knights

    brought here by the hungarian king Andrew the II in 1211 for the defence of Barsa Land ( Brasov

    County from today )by the atacks of the pegans I mean the cuman`s. Those was left other names in the

    area as it is Tohan from the turkish dogan=hawk.

    The old name of River of the Turk, show us that from here was the old way of the cumans to enter inTransylvania. At the beginning of the XIII-een century the Teutonic Knights on thyeir truly name

    The Knights of the Hospital of Saint Mary from Accra having their High Commander to venice wascome in to the Barsa Land ( the old name of the Brasov County from today ) It was`nt come the entire

    order, but a small group. During at the time when their high commander hermann von salza was on the

    Saint Land, those settled in to the Barsa land was ruled by the crusaider Theodoryc, which in may 7-th

    1212, obtain an important fiscal privilage from the king. Because the rock where it will be built theBran Castle was called before to 1377 the name of Thydric`s rock ( lapide Tydrici) it is very possible

    that from his order was built here a wood fortification, maybe one of the 5 citadells of the TeutonicKnights in Transylvania.

    The citadell from Bran, was built because of the war of Ludovic I the hungarian king between 1375-

    1377 with his neighbours from the south and east. More is a direct result of the fights from the summerof 1377 against the ruller of Romanian Country* Radu the I-st. In 1366, the romanian nobles from

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    Transylvania which refused to change their old orthodox religion in to the Catholic one, was rejectedfrom the local parliaments and the islamics baschir`s called by the romanians bozgor and others, was

    forced to became catholics disappearing in the hungarian population. From 1365 Ludovic the I startingthe offensive for the imponing of the protection of Romanian Country against Vlaicu (1364-

    1376/1377). The hungarian king reeinforce all the border citadells in 1370 the citadell from Talmaciu

    on the Olt Valley, in 1371-1372 reeinforce Orsova to the west part of Romanian Country and in 1374

    prepare for battle the Timis county in to the same west part. It was very clear that the hungarian kingwas prpared the ataque against the Romanian Country.

    But in 1375 all the opponents of Ludovic the I from the Balkans until Lithuania was rise together

    against him. At June 7-th 1377 it was a final battle between Ludovic the I-st and Radu the I-st ( rullerof Romanian Country) and to its end the hungarian king is defeated, because otherwise he continued

    his campaign in to the Romanian Country and in the documents write after that battlle he would notspoke that in to the future the Romanian Country will be in his possesion. Besides, the chronicle from

    Padova spoke about the ataques of Radu`s knights against the person of the king to kill him which isvery similar to the ataques of the knights of Basarab I in the famous battle from november 1330.

    Ludovic will not forget this battle. After he ennobles some officers which fights next to him in that

    battle the king started parleys with the shopkeepers from Brasov for the construction of a fortress toclose the pass from the Thydric`s rock and having in the same time purposes as a customs.

    The parleys between the king representant the austrian Johann von Scharfenek, which was in the sametime the chatelaine of the castel from Talmaciu ( on the Olt Valley) takes some months. Finally, at

    November 19-th 1377 5 months after the battle against Radu the I-st, from his favourit castel at Zvolen Slovakia the king gives a document which ordered to the people from Brasov to built using their own

    money the new citadell from Bran. Instead, Brasov has confirmed its old libertys, and the oldpossesions, and the king promise that he will move the customs near the new citadell from Bran, and to

    lett off the royal taxes from the city, but only after the conquer of Romanian Country. The king keephis right to name the chatelaine of the hew citadell from any nation he will want to thing which

    dissatisfy very much of the people from Brasov. The construction was took a lot of time since 1380. Atseptember 29-th in that year the people from Brasov obtain the royal right to have a chatelaine from

    their city. The Turk citadell ( Bran ) continued to remain in the property of the hungarian king. Theeffort of the people from Brasov will have an effect after a century when the Bran citadell will be

    return to them by the king in exchange to a debt.

    The new citadell it was a perfect solution to block the valley. Today when you say Bran peopleunderstand ussually only the castle from the rock, high of 60 meters. Just a few of them will see 2

    ruined walls situated to a distance of 200 meters between them which closed the pass between theCitadell Hill and Magura Hill, making in these way an interior yard which together to the castle formed

    the Bran Citadell. To the 1380-1382, king Lodovicof Anjou, brought here crossbowmans fromScotland and highwaymans, to defend the castlle. In this place the soldiers of the Austro Hungarian

    Empire was stopped in 1690 the romanian army of Constantin Brancoveanu, forceing him to detourand defeat the austrian army to Zarnesti. The Bran Citadell kept his military purpose until the XIX-een

    century. On December 1st, 1920 the City Council of Brasov gave Queen Maria the Castle as adonation. This will be restored under Karel Liman`s direct guidance and it will become the Queen`s

    summer residence. The changes following the 1920 restoration did not affect the medieval aspect, butgave it special charm and comfort; thus electricity and running water were introduced and the rooms

    were remodeled and redecorated. For the first time in south-eastern Europe, the Castle had an elevator

    which was used by the Queen. A small lake was dug for around the Castle and a there is also a "tea

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    house" where the Queen served tea according to the English custom.The Bran Castle is situated on top of a rock which rises above the surroundings and it is bordered by an

    exterior wall, a dungeon, a gate tower and a round tower. The outer stone wall has firing vents andobservation points. The dungeon is situated in the north and had an observation role. One can see the

    original wall 57 metres high from the yard of the Castle.

    In 1948 the castle turned into a museum which has three departments.

    The first department - "The Castle", is the medieval history and art department which brings into lightthe original functions of the castle in the Middle Ages and from the royal residence period. Over 6000

    works are exhibited here, belonging to decorative art, plastic and folk art, weapons, period furniture.The collections are part of Queen Maria`s former collections (acquisitions or donations). The oldest

    piece of furniture is a table in the Gothic style from the 14th century. Other valuable pieces are thecanopy bed in the Italian Baroque style from the 18th century, a set of furniture in the neo-Rococo style

    from the 19th century and some rural pieces of painted furniture from the 18th century. One can alsoadmire an inestimable collection of ceramics, faience and china with works from Italy, Germany,

    Persia, Holland, England, Spain, France, China or even Romania. Among these, the tea set fromTalavera, Spain, a 17th - century Chinese tray belonging to the Tin dynasty, a 18`th century Italian

    amphora stand out.

    The Bran Castle has silver works from the 18th and 19th centuries, a collection of both Western andOriental carpets and tapestry, an excellent collection of wood-painted icons and a collection of

    weapons (rendering the evolution of Occidental and oriental weapons in the 15th - 18th centuries.

    The second department - "The Medieval Customs" - is dedicated to the presentation of the trade,

    transport and customs relations and to documents about the history of the Bran Castle. This departmentis situated at the ground floor of the central pavilion.

    The third department - "The Ethnography Museum" is situated in the courtyard and it presents the

    different types of peasant farms and hydraulic installations for wood processing and wool weaving.

    In the neighbourhood there is "Queen Maria`s Heart" Chapel where, according to the monarch`s lastwish, the casket containing her heart was deposited in 1940.

    The Legend

    The castle got its fame after Dracula`s legend written by Bram Stoker in 1897 and later on turned into a

    film by Francis Ford Coppola. The legend is based on the life of Voievode Vlad Tepes (son of Vlad

    Dracul) who had a murderous/bloody reputation. Known as the Turks` deadly enemy, Vlad Tepes ruledthe country tyrannically establishing dreadful punishments for all those he considered enemies: thieves,

    highwaymen, traitors, usurpers or foreign enemies. The most frequent punishment was the impaling.Due to his bloody reputation associated to his father`s name (Vlad Dracul) Vlad Tepes was nicknamed

    Dracula.In the neighbourhood of the Castle there are many artisan works, drinks and even food reminding of

    Dracula`s legend. Nowadays, there are people who still believe in Dracula and try to find out the truthabout him.