promotional campaign - deadpool


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Page 2: Promotional campaign - Deadpool


• The marketing of Deadpool was set across multiple social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and interestingly Tinder. The release dates of the film was widely spread across Ryan Reynolds and also X-men star Hugh Jackman social medias.

• Tinder (the popular dating app) was used ironically in the marketing of Deadpool. It is funny as it gives the character a realistic personality. It is also funny as it was released near Valentines day.

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• The marketing of Deadpool was very different from any other film as it used a more funny take on advertising

• As you can see from these billboards a comical aspect has been given this is a good way to both advertise the film but also to represent the type of film or type of comedy in it.

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• One way in which the cast were used to help the marketing of the film was by the cast and character Deadpool attending Comic Con San Diego 2015. By doing this it showed that the creators had listened to the fans and made the film “how it should be made”.

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12 DAYS OF DEADPOOL• In December 2015, Fox launched a viral marketing campaign

titled "The 12 days of Deadpool", which consisted of one website posting new info about the film each day, with the finale of a new trailer released on Christmas Day. This was a great piece of marketing as it created lots of hype for the film as lots of people were speaking about it.

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•  Ryan Reynolds was always the actor of that whom it seemed only right to play Deadpool, this was due to his huge support for the film to get greenlit. It seemed important to star Reynolds as Deadpool as he had brought so much attention to the film franchise.

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• 3 trailers were released for Deadpool. There are 2 official trailers which show the concept and then a red band trailer which shows how the film will actually be. These trailers created a lot of excitement for the film, especially the red band trailer as it showed the fans that character was being represented the way he is in the comic books, which was important as in previous films Dead pool wasn’t portrayed how the character should have been.

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• The creators of Deadpool worked along side cancer charity's and created two adverts for checking for breast cancer. This worked as brilliant for marketing as it shows of the character once again but also is bringing attention to something important.

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• Deadpool the character appeared on many TV shows as advertisement for the film. In one scene from a very popular chat show in America called Conan we see A interview between Conan and Ryan Reynolds and then we see a clip of Deadpool giving Conan a massage while making comical references. Doing this allowed people who had not heard of Deadpool hear about it.