promotion and advertising


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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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Which is good for your company promoting or advertising?

First let us put some light on both the terms and how they are affecting any business.

▪ Advertisement basically is a means of communication with the public through any possible media while spreading its message. While advertising, the process includes the third person known as ad agency who acts as a mediator in spreading awareness about the company.

▪ Promoting is slightly different from advertising. While promoting about your company, you also encourage and motivate your employees for putting their effort in boosting company’s growth.

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Why advertising is good for your company?

You might be wondering whether spending money on advertising is good for your business or not. Then let me tell, it is a positive move towards the development. Without advertising your business growth might move slightly slow as you are not able to reach ideal customers to aware them about you. Advertising helps you fetch more customers while drawing their attention.

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Why promotion is good for your company?

Advertising sometime cost huge amount and some businesses are not ready to afford the cost so there we have the method of promotion. Business promoting needs to be analyzed for attaining good results. As promotion not only includes the informal way by using banner and other ways but also includes the manpower to come up with plans to stimulate your business.

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What to choose?

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Promotion within the organization

▪ Promotion is better than advertising, for all, from a small business to a larger one.

▪ It is a part of advertising as one needs to do promotion as well even after circulating ads of their company.

▪ Takes care of company’s employees. ▪ Company can use products to give a positive feedback

to workers.

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Promotion within customers

▪ Promotion is done by keeping the customers response in mind.

▪ It helps to make them to be connected with the company and maintain a long-term relation.

▪ Promotional products will not only let you promote about yourself but will also show a kind gesture of yours towards your customers

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▪ offers range of products for promoting so that corporations can purchase for their employees and workforce.  They provide customized power banks, mobile accessories, USB drives, apparel, bags, backpacks, etc. They also provide office accessories such as personal diary, dairy planner, calendars, calculators, clocks, with engraving your company’s or your brand name.

▪ For more such information you can visit our website:Custom shape blogs

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