advertising and promotion assignment

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Advertising is the act of informing others about the offerings of the organisation. The importance of the advertising and promotion is beyond the scope of description in the present business world. It is commonly known fact that without informing others if anyone opens a huge business organisation no one will go there (Lacerda, et al., 2006). There are many steps and parties in the promotion and advertising of the organisation. The agents are the third parties who does many works to make the smooth planning of the organisation. They provide higher services and lower costs for cost drivers are related here. If more and more agents are involved in the business process, there is a threat to the community. The brand image is a major concern of the organisation. Keeping all the parties happy is better.


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I confirm that no part of this coursework, except where clearly quoted and referenced, has been copied from material belonging to any other person e.g. from a book, handout, another student. I am aware that it is a breach of ABI regulations to copy the work of another without clear acknowledgement and that attempting to do so will render me liable to disciplinary proceedings.

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Table of Contents


Part A...........................................................................................................2

Task 1........................................................................................................2

Communication Process applicable to Advertising and Promotion.........2

Implications of AIDA model....................................................................4

Task 2........................................................................................................5

Working Procedures with Advertising Agency........................................5

Task 3..........................................................................................................6

Functions of Advertising Agencies............................................................6

i. Talent Management:........................................................................6

ii. Customer based and Customised Production:.................................6

iii. Research:.........................................................................................6

iv. Delivery Planning:............................................................................6

v. Feedback Analysis:..........................................................................6

Task 4..........................................................................................................7

Assessment of Advertising Standards Authority Roles and Promotion Regulation.................................................................................................7

Task 5..........................................................................................................9

Current trends in advertisements and promotion.....................................9

Mobile Marketing....................................................................................9

Interactive Banner Ads...........................................................................9

Native Advertising..................................................................................9

Database Marketing...............................................................................9

Visual marketing....................................................................................9

Task 6........................................................................................................10


The way branding helps a business or product be strengthened...........10

Task 7........................................................................................................12

Creative aspects of an advertisement....................................................12




The creative process............................................................................12

The creative person.............................................................................13i

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The creative situation..........................................................................13

Johnson baby Lotion................................................................................13

Task 8........................................................................................................14

Different types of below the line promotional techniques......................14

Door to door selling..............................................................................14



Promotional Pricing..............................................................................15


Loyalty programs.................................................................................15

Part B.........................................................................................................16

Promotional Plan for Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd......................................16



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Introduction:Advertising is the act of informing others about the offerings of the organisation. The

importance of the advertising and promotion is beyond the scope of description in the present

business world. It is commonly known fact that without informing others if anyone opens a

huge business organisation no one will go there (Lacerda, et al., 2006). There are many steps

and parties in the promotion and advertising of the organisation. The agents are the third

parties who does many works to make the smooth planning of the organisation. They provide

higher services and lower costs for cost drivers are related here. If more and more agents are

involved in the business process, there is a threat to the community. The brand image is a

major concern of the organisation. Keeping all the parties happy is better.

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Part A

Task 1

Communication Process applicable to Advertising and Promotion

Communication is the transfer of intended messages to the intended receiver. This is the

general concept of communication from the basic understanding of the communication

process. Picton et al (2001), Wells et al (2000), Doyle (1998), Kotler (2003) Smith et al

(1997) have made a wide research on the marketing communication process of the business

organisation. If the summary taken by combining all the steps involved in the process of

marketing and advertising communication, the following processes are involved:

Sender Encoding Message Media Receiver Decoding Response Feedback

Figure: Communication Process

Along with this steps, the noise is everywhere in the communication process. The process is

explained below:

i. Sender: The intended message is designed and initiated by a party called sender. This party

sends the message to the other parties involved. This party is the first party of the is

sends receiving cycle.

ii. Encoding: The sender encodes the data to be sent. She designs the messages in such a form as

only the intended party can decode that. The messages can be even encoded with the

use of any other software.

iii. Message:This is the core component in the communication process. This consists the main part.

The data is set as verbal, non-verbal, visual, audio, symbolic or any other form as

required. Generally, the biggest and important chatting question. The messages are

reviewing the past as to get some idea and instructions to improve the situations.

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iv. Media:The sender choose a suitable and effective media to communicate. However, several

medium can be used in a single communication effort to make it successful. The

media can be of various types. Some of the popular mediums are –air, email,

electronic data transfer, TV commercials, radio signals, fm radio, letter, written

documents and so on and so forth.

v. Receiver:The party intended to get the message is known as receiver. When this party receives

the data, it is said, message has entered the right place. The receiver is in the end point

of the sender receiver point. The communication of the messages ends after coming to

this point.

vi. Decoding:After getting the encoded message, the receiver decodes or interprets the messages

sent to her. This means that to understand the meaning the receiver has to decode


vii. Response:When the receiver reacts to the message, it is a response to the communication. This

can be either positive or negative. The positive response is that the customer buys the

product. The from other contexts the responses are very much critical.

viii. Feedback:This is the review or end of the item how successful has been the total communication

. The people are studying this to get the full meaning.

ix. Noise: The distractions and loss of data or misinterpretation due to various facts and

incidents are called as noise. They can occur at any point of communication.

Implications of AIDA modelThe model that creates attention, interest, desire and action is generally known as an AIDA

model in the marketing communication. This model has a great influence over the advertising

process of the organisation. By following up the model organisation can catch the attention

of the customer (receiver), build an interest in her mind, make her to get (desire) the product

or services, and bring her to the delivery of service point to fulfill her desire (action). So it is

quite easy to get the magic of AIDA model (Clemente, 2002).

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For example, a company wants to sell certain types of books to the certain customer group. It

offered them at a cheaper price (attention), and many customers came to buy those books

(interest grown, desire created and influenced to make actions) (Behm, 2009).

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Task 2Working Procedures with Advertising AgencyAdvertising agencies are the intermediaries to deliver the offer, messages, bring attention,

make brand value and overall communicate as a medium to deliver these. As a result, the

working procedures with advertising agency, now-a-days, is considered as a part of strategic

decision making and implementation (Hameroff, 1998). The critical examination of the

procedures has given the following insights:

i. Flexibility:Making ads are not easy works. It takes time and needs lots of ideas. Company may

want to reach a certain state, but has to be flexible in attaining that. Quality talks at

the end of the day.

ii. Technical Aspects:Making and communicating via advertisements are totally technology dependent. The

combination of right colour, taste, symbols are highly technical. Company has to

understand these aspects.

iii. Understanding the Scenario:Taste and preferences of people change very quickly. Business has to understand and

respond accordingly. So, it has to understand the whole scenario.

iv. Openness:Sharing vital information and needs are very much needed to the agencies. This helps

to make better output.

v. Consistency:Company has to keep consistency in its works. Otherwise, it creates low brand loyalty

and sustainability.

These are the major aspects of working with advertising agencies. Following these steps,

company can make and deliver sustainable and highly profitable products.

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Task 3Functions of Advertising AgenciesThe advertising agencies are called and treated as a strategic partner of the organisation. They

perform major roles in communicating with the respective parties. The functions and roles

played by the agencies are extensively wide (Mohan, 1989). The major ones are:

i. Talent Management:Making advertisements require a substantial amount of brain work and technical supports.

Thus, to maintain the skilled and talented employees, agencies try to provide sustainability

and recruit new talented human resources to maintain the flow of talented workers.

ii. Customer based and Customised Production:The receiver of messages in an advertisement is the customer. Thus, to serve them the

focus should be given on them and have to customised as per their major segments.

iii. Research:To know the current market conditions, trends, feasibilities, demands extensive

research is done to be well informed about the customers’ needs, wants, tastes and


iv. Delivery Planning:Agency has to select the mode and means of communication. In distributing proper

information, choice of proper resources and medium is necessary.

v. Feedback Analysis:Searching for authentic feedbacks and improvement suggestions are top rated job in

advertising. The positive response or negative response are most important part of the

feedback analysis. This provides with future improvement benefits.

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Task 4Assessment of Advertising Standards Authority Roles and Promotion Regulation

The Advertising Standards Authority or ASA is the independent regulatory body in UK. This

wing of the government looks after the ads made and displayed in the UK. This regulatory

body check for the compliance issues and other aspects of ads. This includes the checking of

quality of works and processes to be accomplished, child issues, sexual harassments and so

on and so forth. The fundamental roles played by the Advertising Standards Authority are as


Formulation of Regulations:

Advertising Standards Authority tries to keep updated their rules and regulations with time

and needs of the customers. They also keep updated the existing regulations to reflect the on-

going needs, and practices of the field.

Separate Regulations:

Advertising Standards Authority has separate regulations for broadcast and non-broadcast

advertisements. The mode of regulation for the non-broadcast advertisements are self-

regulated system. However, the broadcast advertisements are co-regulated from the operation


Changes in Advertisements:

Advertising Standards Authority has the sole power to revise, delete, update, and ban the

produced advertisements.

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The Advertising Standards Authority regulates the advertisements in three stages. Firstly,

before the launch of the advertisement, it has to be checked by many members of the agency.

In this stage, people those who do not comply with the international standards are not

permitted to set free the car. After this stage, the selection and analysis programs are watched

in to keep it assured that the regulations comply with the advertisements. And for the past

ones, the non-compliant ads are fined and even abolished from the market.

To illustrate, let us assume that a toothpaste company has made an advertisement for its

toothpaste. As per the Advertising Standards Authority rules and regulations. The

advertisement must have the characteristics containing truth, harmless, not overstated, over

praised and realistic. The scrutiny of the toothpaste has shown that the advertisement

promised more than that she could afford as the salient features. Then the Advertising

Standards Authority will amend the advertisement, or if it is not possible, the advertisement

should be obsolete. As a result, promotion is regulated on each item and if any irregularities

are found proper steps are taken. This is how the advertisement is regulated.

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Task 5Current trends in advertisements and promotionThe new business world is totally different from the past. It is very much new in concept

rather than the old ones. So, there is a huge change is being noticed in the advertisement and

promotion area of the business (Wilkes, et al., 1992). People are using new and different

techniques in advertisement to promote their business. The current trends in advertisements

and promotion are discussed below-

Mobile MarketingMobile marketing is considered one of the most famous and popular techniques of

advertisements and promotions. This concept was being discussed earlier but now it is being

used very commonly. A lot of famous companies are giving advertisements in the mobile. It

is now being considered one of the trickiest ways of promotion.

Interactive Banner AdsAn interactive banner ad in the internet is a way of advertisement. A lot of remarkable

companies including Uniliver, Walmart etc. place their banner ad in the popular websites. It

gives them a lot of new customers.

Native Advertising It is a very tricky way of advertisement. In this method the company places its ad within a

content that the reader reads. So, the reader gets an idea about the company while reading

his/her required content. It is now being used worldwide as a powerful way of promotion.

Database Marketing In this technique information related to customer are organized in the database. Then this

information is used for marketing and advertisement.

Visual marketing This is the way of using images or pictures in the advertisement. People who are popular are

used for the advertisement. This type of advertisements and promotional activities get a huge

response from customers.

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Task 6BrandingBranding is the promise that a company or firm makes to the customer. Customers

differentiate between products through brand. It states the expectation of the customers from

the firm. It sets the platform for a particular firm to get a competitive advantage. Through

branding a business firm can tell their customer that what types of differences they actually

have from their competitors (Helen, 2003). The branding is actually divided into three parts.

They are-

Who is the company?

What it wants to be?

What the people perceive the company to be?

There are some certain steps that are followed in the branding process. They are as follows-

Designing a nice and attractive logo.

Putting down the brand massage.

Integrating the brand.

Development of a tagline.

Creation of a voice for company suiting branding.

Maintaining the consistency.

The way branding helps a business or product be strengthenedBranding has now been a great way of promotion of business. So, it is used a strong strategy

for the betterment and development of the business and product. A business or product

having a good brand image or brand values gets a lot of push rather than the low brand image

holding businesses (Hasanali, et al., 2005). There are some examples that may be considered

for the understanding-

Supposes a company has a great brand image in the market. They have a huge customer base.

But unfortunately they have a problem in their technical side. They cannot satisfy their

customers due to the technical failure. Even in this case the business may not lose customers

due to the popularity because of the brand image among the consumers.

Consider another case. A product is very much popular among customers. Due to some

problems one of the shipments of this product is not up to the standard. But even in this case

the customers may not react rudely because of the brand image.

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Task 7Creative aspects of an advertisementCreativity is a very important matter in case of good advertising. As we all know that in

today’s business world a creative advertisement is very necessary to hold a strong position in

the market. So, if anyone wants to hold a very remarkable position among the competitors

then the advertising must be creative enough to attract the customers (Lee & Johnson, 2013).

There are three different stages of creativity in advertising. These three stages are very

important for an advertisement to be creative. They are given below-

CreateIt means to do something new or generate a new idea. It is the very early stage of the

creativity process in case of advertisement.

CreationThis the second stage after the first stage. After creating or generating a new idea, it must be

executed. In this stage the idea generated in the earlier stage is executed. Te idea generated in

the “create” stage gets a reality in this stage.

CreativeCreative is the stage where people see the same things but thinks differently. For being a

creative person it is important to interpret things differently rather than the general people.

The creativity of an advertisement depends on a number of factors. There are mainly three

aspects of an advertisement for being considered creative. These three worldwide accepted

aspects are treated importantly among the business persons of the whole world. A person in

charge of making a creative advertisement has to think over these aspects very deeply. The

aspects of a creative advertisement are discussed below-

The creative processThe creative process s is the first aspects of an advertisement to be considered as creative. It

means most attention is received, the highest focus is given on the mechanism and the phases

included in the process are a result of creative act.

The creative personCreative person is at the central of the creativity process. He/she has the responsibility to

make a good or attractive advertisement. It is the personality trait that leads to the creation of

a creative advertisement.

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The creative situationUnder this situation all the characteristics and phases of creativity are considered to be

workable and executable. That means the creativity should not be just written down in pages.

It should be in such a way that it can be executed very easily in a realistic way.

Johnson baby LotionJohnson baby lotion is one of the best and most popular brands of baby lotions around the

world. It has been considered a famous product for the babies for a long time period. It uses

all the aspects and characteristics of a creative advertisement. Johnson makes advertisements

in such a way that touches the mothers of babies who are the most worried persons for the

babies. So, they targeted the right person. They have maintained all the aspects including the

creative process, creative person and creative situation. Their advertisement attracts

thousands of people all over the world. That is why it is considered one of the most famous

brands of baby lotion.

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Task 8Different types of below the line promotional techniquesBelow the line promotional techniques are very popular in the modern business world. It is

very useful where there is urgency for building a strong customer relationship. It is also very

effective in the case of cost reduction. There are some popular techniques of below the line

promotional techniques. They are discussed below-

Door to door sellingIt is one of the most popular techniques of below the line promotional techniques. In this

technique a sales person goes door to door to sell the products of the company. In this method

usually daily needed things are sold directly to the customers.

CouponsThis is another way of promoting goods and services. In this technique customers are

attracted by a cost saving benefit. They are given some kinds of coupons that provide them

with some attractive cost saving offers. There are some techniques for providing coupons to

the customers-

Free-Standing Inserts



Product Display



RebatesRebates are also used as a popular technique for below the line promotion. It is like coupons.

It actually lowers the final cost of the customers to be made. It helps the customer to get

benefit at a lower cost. There are some similarities between rebates and coupons but there are

also some differences. Rebates are handed to the customers after the purchasing and it cannot

be used immediately. That means it cannot save cost immediately after the purchasing.

Promotional PricingPromotional pricing is a popular way to promote goods in the short run. It means to cut down

the price to sell more goods within a short time. The price is reduced only for a short period

to create an extra attraction among the customers.

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Trade-InTrade in is the process by which the customer can his/her older products. It provides the

customer the chance to reduce the price in exchange of the older product. It has been a

popular idea of below the line promotional activities.

Loyalty programsLoyalty programs are mainly customer rewarding system. It gives the chance for the

customer to get reward for frequent purchasing. Customers who purchase product at a very

short distance are very important for the company. They need to satisfy, hold and attract

them. So, they sometimes use this technique to attract customers.

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Part BPromotional Plan for Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


Increase market share by 15% and increase profitability by 10% within next 8 months.

Brief History of the Company:

The company was established in 1986 and after that it is doing business well with honour and

dignity. This company is the largest pharmaceuticals company. The DCC plc is the mother

company for the Kent as it has been acquired by a single private university.

Target market:

The hospitals are the good place to do business for the medicine companies. Establishing

good relationship is a necessary to do well. Making people informed about the various


Customer Pattern:

Customers get medicine after visiting with the doctor. The sales and procurement data for

past days will enable it to choose from a wide perspective and visionary activities.

Market Overview:

The market in the UK is almost in perfect categories. The price differentiation is very much

negligible. What the customer manager picks up can be by reflection of the competition not

only in terms of other factors as well. People get lesser gas. The security issue for the market

is missing from the supplier to the other retailers.

Industry Overview:

The medicine industry is a very good established industry in UK. People buy medicine by the

submission of the report by the physician.

Strategies to Attract:

To achieve the sale as we have, we cannot go further. Thus, we need to know about the

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marketing and promotional activities to be done. To get the attention of the physicians the

quality of the product is expected. Company can build a good relationship with them to get

more prescription.

Operational Strategy:

Company will launch 4 new products in the market for children. Another medicine that works

to help the injured people. This has very much effectiveness in its operational time.

Promotional Strategy:

It is better to increase the number of member. The company can promote that the different

types of promotional activities.


To make the promotional work and the campaign a good, higher serve a lot communication to

make it a reality. The projected budget is:

To make the current campaign successful the following costs are to be incurred:

Item Amount (in pound)

Employee Salary 600

Advertising and Legal Expenses 4000

Manufacture Related Expenses 2500

Aggregate costing is much higher than these individual classes.

Media Plan

To execute our planning we will use all types of media like TV ad, radio ad, bill boards, and

sign board ad. The samples will be distributed to the doctors for their personal uses and

testing of the medicines. Giving some samples to the general people is a way of direct

advertising. However, we are trying to focus on the strategy of using our own doctor to

provide with free treatments to the patients.

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Advertising Role

The role of advertising is very much crucial in the progress of the business. Without proper

advertising and promotion no business can prosper and sustain in the long run. Advertising

helps to generate more revenue and create a positive brand image in the market and in the

mind of the customers. The customers can know well of the company. They will consider to

have medicines of the company they heard of as good company. So the importance of

advertising in the development and improvement of the company is immense.

Integral Promotion Plan

In order to perform an integral promotion planning the company needs to consider the overall

situations of the company as to get the full exposure. The formulation of cross functional

team and cross sectional team is very much necessary to ensure the mobility of the

promotional plan to execute.

Cost Effective Techniques

The cost effective techniques for making the success of our company is having different

issues. To follow the cost effective techniques, the trade-off between cost, benefits, feasibility

and some other related variables are to be considered. The distribution of free sample, giving

ad to the fm radio. The FM radio is very much cheaper way to communicate the young

generation. The build of some health care programs where the specialised teachers will be

taking classes. The medical teachers and the specialised doctors will conduct the program.

This is very much cost effective, efficient in terms of large scale production and fruitful.


The Key Performance Indicator or the KPI is the best tool to judge the effectiveness of the

machine. The planning has been done and after each two day here after two hours, or two

weeks, the performance of the employees can be traces by the ERP solutions.

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Conclusion:To inform, promotional activities are very much popular. The marketing has been very much

cleaned space to read the newspaper. The selection of mode of pain has gone through the

remuneration of higher profit and higher responsiveness. The loyalty program, TC

commercials, discount –all these are for specific purpose. The purpose has not been awarded

with full concentration and effort. The preparation of the budget is very much nice. So it is to

be declared that the cost of the organisation that the items with low volatility or they ran stock

out. This has much more communication. What was found was that those people at this time

was held responsible for the incidence and works.

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