project report on obstacle avoiding robot

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  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot


    Project Report on



    Submitted by

    Roll No.0 AMIT CHA!RABORT"

    Roll No.# SUHAIB C P

    Roll No.$$ SHI%ILBABU A

    Roll No.$& PRANAV P V

    Under the guidance of

    Pro'. HEMA!UMAR



    %ANUAR" +0,$


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot



    Autonomous robots are used everywhere nowadays and robotics is also gaining popularity all

    around the world. This motivated us to make an autonomous robot that can avoid obstacle

    from its path and do a specific task like pick and place object.

    There are many kind of autonomous robot present nowadays and the technique for making it

    autonomous and the ability of obstacle avoidance comes from various methods. Already

    existing methods different types of autonomous robots -

    1. rogrammable

    !. "on-programmable

    #. Adaptive

    $. %ntelligent

    &ur robotic autonomous arm will be a programmable type which will follow a particular path

    and if there are any changes required in the path then program should be changed. The

    autonomous arm will also be able to detect any obstacle in its path and move accordingly

    such that the obstacle is avoided and the arm reaches its final destination. The robot is made

    mobile with the help of dc motors. The movement of the arm is provided by servo motors.

    All these motors are controlled by Arduino board. %t controls these motors according to the

    input program.


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot



    'obotics has achieved its greatest success to date in the world of industrial

    manufacturing. 'obot arms( or manipulators( comprise a ! billion dollar industry. )olted at

    its shoulder to a specific position in the assembly line( the robot arm can move with great

    speed and accuracy to perform repetitive tasks such as spot welding and painting.. %n the

    electronics industry( manipulators place surface-mounted components with superhuman

    precision( making the portable telephone and laptop computer possible.

    *et( for all of their successes( these commercial robots suffer from a fundamental

    disadvantage+ lack of mobility. A fixed manipulator has a limited range of motion that

    depends on where it is bolted down. %n contrast( a mobile robot would be able to travel

    throughout the manufacturing plant( flexibly applying its talents wherever it is most effective.

    The autonomous robot is a robot that performs behaviors or tasks with a high degree

    of autonomy( which is particularly desirable in fields such as space exploration( household

    maintenance ,such as cleaning( waste water treatment and delivering goods and services.

    ome modern factory robots are /autonomous/ within the strict confines of their direct

    environment. %t may not be that every degree of freedom exists in their surrounding

    environment( but the factory robot0s workplace is challenging and can often contain chaotic(

    unpredicted variables. The exact orientation and position of the next object of work and ,in

    the more advanced factories even the type of object and the required task must be

    determined. This can vary unpredictably ,at least from the robot0s point of view.

    The main aim of this project is to make an autonomous robotic arm that will not only

    perform the job of picking and placing the object but also detect and avoid any obstacle in its


    #. MODEL*

    The microcontroller used for making the robot arm is Arduino uno AT23A #!4p. This

    microcontroller has 1$ input5output pins and can used to control the servo motors and dc

    motors used in the robot. The robotic arm is autonomous and it means that the robot will


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot


    always follow a particular path. %f any changes are required in the path of the robot then the

    program should be accordingly changed. 6our dc plastic gear motors are used along with four

    servo motors. The motion is provided with the four dc motors attached with compatible

    wheels. The obstacle avoidance characteristic of the robot comes from the ultrasonic sensors

    attached to it. %t will enable the robot to detect and avoid any obstacle in its apth. Two sets of

    motor drivers are used to provide an interface between microcontroller and motors. The

    power source of the robot is dc batteries which will be mounted on it. The end effector of the

    robotic arm will be a gripper that will be used to pick and place objects.

    (-. #.,* Bloc/ -1r12 o' 13tono2o34 ro5ot-c 1r2

    A61nt1e4 o' 13tono2o34 ro5ot-c 1r2*

    a The robot is autonomous i.e.( the robot need not be controlled by a human and can

    perform task once it is switched on.

    b The robot can detect and avoid any obstacle in its path and can choose a new path

    such that it can avoid the obstacle as well as reach its final destination.

    c The robot can pick and place object because of this end effector which is made in

    such a way that it enables picking and placing objects.

    L-2-t1t-on4 o' 13tono2o34 ro5ot-c 1r2*


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot


    a The path taken is according to the program and if any changes are needed in the path

    taken then the program has to be changed and that may take time.

    b ince the robot contains a lot of weight on it the overall speed of the robot is less.

    c The object that has to be picked should be in the specific range. %f the position of the

    object changes then the gripper might not be able to lift the object.

    7. SCOPE*

    6amiliari7ation with Arduino uno microcontroller should be done and program should be

    designed. 6or construction of the robotic arm the main components like Arduino board and at

    least one dc plastic gear motor and servo motor should be purchased and program should be

    designed and tested on them.

    Co2ponent4 Re83-re*

    The components required are as follows-

    1. Arduino 8no #!4p

    !. $xervo motors

    #. 9: batteries

    $. !x8ltrasonic sensors

    ;. $x9: plastic gear motors

    . ?ires etc.


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot


    E9pecte Re43lt*

    The expected result of the project is an autonomous robot which will be able to detect and

    avoid any obstacle in its path and also perform a task of picking and placing objects.

    (-3re 7.,* E9pecte 13tono2o34 ro5ot


    1. This robot can be used where human intervention is not required or not possible.

    !. This robot can be used in fields such as space exploration( household maintenance ,such

    as cleaning( waste water treatment and delivering goods and services.

    #. @arge si7ed autonomous robots can lift very heavy objects continuously which wouldnt

    be possible by humans.

    $. This robot can be used in harsh and risky conditions like automobile assembling and

    chemical industries(


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot


    . Wor/ Pl1n*

    $. Concl34-on*

    1. The objective of this project is of the creation of an autonomous robotic arm that will also

    choose a clear path by avoiding obstacles.

    !. %t can be used in areas when human interference is not possible.

    #. %t can be used in applications which includes ha7ardous and5or risky to humans.


  • 7/23/2019 Project Report On obstacle avoiding robot

