privacy in the digital era


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Post on 24-Jul-2015




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The more our lives become digital, the more our personal data travels. We share everything, through browsing, purchases, social activities and all the services we subscribe to.


“The Internet’s not written in pencil, […] it’s written in ink”

*Watch the video :

The Social Network*

At a time when privacy is increasingly fleeting, we want to regain control and we are demanding new rights to protect ourselves.



Chapter 1

Reason n°1


Technologies, always more evolved and invisible, follow us everywhere. Beyond our digital activities, we track everything, including our bodies’ functions. We know EVERYTHING about ourselves and others.

Between 2000 and 2010, computers’ ability to recognize people in photos improved by 3 orders of magnitude

TEDTalk Juin 2013 «Why Privacy Matters » par Alessandro Acquisti, economist

« With the rise of sensors, biometrics, drones & more, it’s getting almost impossible to remain off the grid. Anonymity is becoming elusive. […] As we move further into the digital age, we’re starting to both fear and resent technology »

JWT– Trends 2014�Watch the video :


44% of people are less inclined to shop in a place

they know they are tracked « Shoppers reject in-store tracking by retailers »,

Opinion Lab, March 2014 Read the article :

Reason n°2


Edward Snowden’s revelations about PRISM raised the fears of state surveillance. A question is now on our minds: if tech giants collaborate with governments, what else are they doing with our data? With the proliferation of hacking scandals, fears are getting stronger and generate tensions around the notion of privacy.

3 ILLUSTRATIONS In the few months following the PRISM scandal, American « cloud » companies suffered a loss estimated around 35 billions of dollars on their sales.

The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation Read the article :

Christian Fredrikson, F-Secure CEO in the french hebdo Le Point Read the article :

« Today, on our market, it’s an asset not to be American! Clients are mostly interested by the products, but professionnals are more sensitive to who owns the data, and where »

41% of French people declare that on social networks, nothing

can re-establish their trust (not privacy policies, nor technical

guarantees, nor reputation, …) « Baromètre 2013 de la confiance des français dans le numérique », February 2013

Read the article :

Reason n°3


“ Right to transparency, right to oblivion, right to know and understand privacy policies: we are getting organised, in order not to lose control over our private lives. We demand more power, against governments and tech giants, who are using us as products, selling our data.


75% of people think it’s useful to know what brands make of their data.

« Identité : CATCH ME IF YOU CAN ! A quel « je » joue le consommateur ? » AACC, livre blanc oct. 2013

Read the article :

« While we’ve concentrated on the growth in size of our networks, even if it means leaking large quantities of data, we now favour their quality and their security »

Smartphone users are ready to pay 5$ on average for an

app that would guarantee their privacy

American study of the Economics Dpt of Colorado University (End of 2013) Read the article:


Chapter 2

POPULAR MOVEMENTS Because we don’t really know what states and companies make of our personal data, a movement of discontent is growing. We are getting organised and we are claiming our right to anonymity and privacy.

RIGHT TO OBLIVION IN EUROPE After years of trial, a Spanish citizen won against Google : the recognition and application of his right to oblivion, thanks to a ruling of the European Court of Justice. From now on, any European citizen will be able to ask web giants to get rid of internet pages concerning their lives, if they can harm their interests.

THE « STOP WATCHING US » PETITION An « anti-NSA » movement was organized in the USA after the PRISM scandal. Speaking out against the start of massive state surveillance, many organisations, from all political bonds and from a wide range of activities (Mozilla, Upworthy, Greepeace, etc.), associated with the movement to act for the protection of privacy.

SUSPICIOUS FACEBOOK Stigmatised as the bad guy of the web, exploiting our data for business and advertising, we don’t trust Facebook anymore. With every new purchase of the company, our doubts grow bigger.

WHEN ART BECOMES OUR MASK The control over our privacy is becoming a subject for artistic research. As technologies are getting closer to the « Minority Report » utopia, Adam Harbey, an American artist, worked to create a series of tools to protect us from intrusions. Technology takes a new turn and now serves to hide us, rather than to reveal us.

In February, a few days after Facebook acquired Whatsapp, 4,95 millions users downloaded and started to use Telegram, a competitor app, publicly engaged for the protection of privacy.

CV Dazzle : make up and hair styles to counter facial recognition softwares.

Stealth Wear : anti-drones clothes (hiding individuals’ thermic print)

* **

A few day after purchasing Oculus Rift, Facebook was the center of Twitter conversations, multiplied by 45**. Thousands of internet users were disappointed and expressed their doubts about Facebook’s intentions.

THOUGHTFUL SHARING If we remain eager to share everything, we seek to better control the data we let slip into the digital world. We use simple strategies and new sharing tools to compose our private and public information.

SHARING MORE TO HIDE MORE Danah Boyd, American researcher on social networks, explains that teenagers protect their privacy by sharing just a tiny bit of information about themselves. The attention is focused on the few things they share and the rest is left alone. Their private life remains private this way. It’s nowadays a well known technique, and not only for teens.

JUNK EMAIL ADRESS Many e-mail services are only accessible online in exchange for personal data: we sometimes give them false information to avoid being tracked. At a time we have more and more email adresses per person (75% of French people have several*), we often use one for junk emails and sometimes using one of the many disposable email services available online**.

PRIVACY POLICIES Instead of giving up social networks, we just use them is more clever ways. Friends’ lists, privacy settings, restrictions: in 2013, 77% of people*** changed their privacy settings on Facebook. * ** ***

NEW TYPES OF NETWORKS When massive social platforms seem more and more suspicious, we prefer using new social networks, which seem to better protect our privacy.

Paid We can keep all our rights on our data and content, by paying a monthly subscription. (microblogging platform) and Pheed (Facebook equivalent) permit us to go on with our habits of social sharing without compromising the safety of our privacy.

Ephemeral Snapchat, Meatspace or Blink allow us to share anything with anybody, with the promise of leaving no trace behind: the contents are automatically destroyed after a few seconds to guarantee our right to oblivion.

Anonymous Whisper & Secret are two social apps allowing us to share content anonymously, to avoid leaving traces of our activities behind, especially when sharing intimate and personal content.

ALTERNATIVE TOOLS We are conscious the exploitation of our personal data is becoming abusive and we want to act. New solutions and alternatives exist to avoid tools like Google, to better protect ourselves.

KNOWING TO CONTROL BETTER Tools that are able to gather information on the traces we leave behind are multiplying, allowing us more power on managing our connexions.

Privowny is a service allowing us to follow our connections history and to gather a report of all the traces left online (what connection, what data and who uses them, etc.) on every website we come to visit.

Lightbeam is a plugin to be installed on our web browser, saving and illustrating our browsing history, to identify links and data leaks, usually invisible to the user. We can consult our connexion charts, analyse them and work on avoiding the diffusion of data.

ALTERNATIVE BROWSING To avoid using Google, we can turn to new solutions. DuckDuckGo, IxQuick or Qwant are new web browsers which keep our searches really private..

ADVERTISING BLOCKS Targeted advertising get criticized often about the (lack of) respect of personal data. A lot of applications, like « Adblock » are now available and widely used (more than 250M downloads and more than 20M daily users in April 2014 for AdBlock Plus*), in order to avoid the diffusion of pop up windows, banners and other invading advertising formats. *  

DIGITAL INVISIBILITY CLOAK If you are suspicious about technology, you might just as well seek to disappear entirely. We can choose extreme but efficient solutions, which are used more and more, to guarantee our complete anonymity. This way, we’ll be able to discuss, exchange and surf the web in a pitch black environment.

ALL-ENCRYPTED Military-graded encryption is becoming the new norm. Thanks to innovative products and services, we protect our communication from outsiders’ intrusions more efficiently.

The Blackphone : a smartphone created to protect the privacy of mobile users. Everything is encrypted and we can choose what we want and don’t want to share.

Encrypted e-mails : e-mail services like Dark Mail Alliance & offer a complete encryption of our email communications.

Wickr : this instant messaging app don’t stock any data on its servers and offers the users the possibility to precisely plan who can read their messages and for how long it will be available. They can also exchange anonymously. Moreover, the app is completely encrypted, with military graded security. How could users ask for more?

Obscure transactions We can now remain anonymous even when purchasing goods. The development of virtual encrypted money (Bitcoin, Litecoin, …) gives us the possibility to make transactions that are free of any traces. Some anonymous marketplaces go further. Often used for illegal sales, Silk Road 2.0 & Pirate’s Cove can lead the way for the development of new commerce platforms, anonymous for everybody.

Safer connections. Since our internet routers track us and our computers have IP addresses, anonymity is impossible. New tools are being developed to protect our online navigation and our localisation.

The Tor Network : An « Onion router » keeping our online connections anonymous

Starkit & Safeplug Boxes that can be plugged to computers and routers to surf the web freely.

Disconnect A plug-in allowing us to use any web browser anonymously, without being localized

ANONYMITY’S GLORY Anonymity, on networks and on warious web platforms we use, is not always guaranteed. New solutions allow us to turn this around for good.


to share personal information with a brand

« Identité : CATCH ME IF YOU CAN ! A quel « je » joue le consommateur ? » AACC, livre blanc oct. 2013

61% of internet users would trade privacy for truly personalised offers.

ACCENTURE, November 2012 Read the article:

« I don’t like people tracking my location, but I want to know, ‘what are some nearby Italian restaurants that my friends have liked’ »

Auren Hoffman, CEO of Rapleaf in  


Chapter 3

Today, if companies focus only on volume and the accumulation of data, it is necessary that they change their approach. To

(re)establish a lasting relationship of trust with consumers, brands need to become clever with their personal data collection.



#1 PROMOTING TRANSPARENCY Brands need to be clear and explain what they make of personal data – this can be a way to allow them to rebuild a relationship of mutual trust with their consumers. From the first contact, it is crucial to explain and justify each question, each request of information.

GOOGLE Google produced a video to clearly explain the processes that would permit them to share personal information with governments. The brand attempts to re-establish trust with its users, giving details about the process and the different barriers they try to put to avoid revealing information. An interesting first initiative from the tech giant.

APPLE The brand published its first « Transparency Report » in

November 2013. Like Google, they detail and explain how they came to share data with governments. They also try to reassure consumers, telling their model is not based on the collection of

data and it will never be. Watch the video:

#2 INSISTING ON SECURITY At a time when most brands are developing connected objects, thinking about the internet security is more than crucial: 84% of French people see them as a progress and 60% want to use them for their personal security*. Thus, reassuring people about privacy and security will be the key to nurturing a new relationship with the ever more connected consumers.

ENCRYPTION RACE AT YAHOO After PRISM, Yahoo decided to encrypt everything. After making all connections HTTPS, the company has encrypted the totality of email accounts data since January 2014 and the data from its data centers since March 2014. At the beginning of April, the Chief of Security also announced the intention to encrypt the whole Yahoo platform. They are pushing security in their development, to re-establish trust from users.


« MYDATA » PROJECT From CRM, are we going towards VRM ? The consumer will soon be able to manage his relationships toward brands, rather than the contrary. In the UK, the « MYDATA » project is going in this direction. With the support of the government and many brands (HSBC, MasterCard, Google, T-Mobile,…), the program would allow consumers to keep a perfect track of what data is known by which brand. They could then control and keep a trace of what brands know about them.

#3 GIVE UP CONTROL To reassure consumers, brands have to transfer the control of the relationship from their hands to the consumers’. Allowing them to know what data they own, who uses it and what they do with it, will be an efficient means to avoid a doubt crisis towards brands.

FACEBOOK REINVENTS ITS CONNECTIONS During the F8 conference, Facebook announced two major changes to come regarding the management of personal data. Users will be able to precisely select which data they are willing to share and an anonymous FB login will be created to register on apps. The company is now clearly aware of the real need of reassuring the public and is looking for efficient answers, to preserve its hegemonic position on the web.

#4 BRING ADDED VALUE When brands ask for personal data, consumers expect them to use it in the most clever way possible, to receive relevant offers, with a real added-value. Brands have the capacity to be of a better service to their consumers and to respond to their needs, in a more than ever personalised way.

BURBERRY « CUSTOMER 360 » Pioneer of the luxury digital store, Burberry also developed an interesting customer experience. They offer their consumers the possibility to create a profile where they can define their preferences and their fashion phobias, as well as tracking their trials and purchases. Consulting their profiles, sales persons can advise them. A personal shopper who knows you better than anyone, at the moment you enter the door: this is a real extraordinary shopping experience.

IS THERE JUST ONE STEP BEFORE A PRISM  SCANDAL FOR BRANDS ? Brands can follow every move and action of the consumers, without them knowing. What will happen when they discover what their favourite brands are making of their data, without asking permission? The brands who will shine will be those that acted to protect the best interests of their consumers.

Presentation made by Paola Craveiro & Mathieu Genelle


CONTACT US Hélène Meinerad +33 (0)6 16 72 09 46 [email protected]

Mathieu Genelle +33 (0)6 19 76 11 95 mathieu.genelle@chemistry-agency