policy paper 2013-14

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Today, as we enter the 13th year of the 21st century, the nation of India is very much on the threshold of a quantum change. While, on one hand the nation is still has age old problems of inadequate supply to our citizens of food, drinking water, clothing, housing, medical facilities and in turn a growing corruption; on the other hand, the huge knowledge pool of scientists, software engineers and other technically talented persons have given India the possibility of being a very powerful nation on this Gods earth. It is imperative, that we bring forth political changes and formulate bold national and international policies that will enable India to alleviate the problems of the majority of our people and pave the way to being a strong, independent and forceful nation.

The issues facing the nation in this new century can be broadly categorized as follows:1. Basic amenities for the People.2. Social discipline and crime.3. Government and institutional corruption.4. International policy.5. De-centralization of the government organizations.6. Immigration and illegal migrations.

The above areas of concern have to be addressed in the form of long term policies and with a strong will and desire to surmount the practical difficulties in achieving the objectives; the prime objective being the transformation of India into an independent, self- sustained economic global power.Basic Amenities for the People:The recent assembly polls in various States have shown; the issues that are affecting the people (the electorate) are that of food, drinking water, education and employment. The reality is that most of the rural areas and many urban areas of India do not have the basic facilities that are required to bring about an economic revolution that will uplift the social conditions of the people. A real requirement in India is that of 6-lane tarmac roads that connect cities to the smallest of the towns. Roads are not only required, but are necessary for the smooth transition of goods and services to each and every town in India, thereby allowing for a rise in the economic turnover. A well-built and properly maintained road system will bring in the other infrastructure of power generation stations and industries, thereby leading to job opportunities and rising economic standards.

Properly maintained road infrastructure will give rise to investments in both the industrial and farming sector, help in the rapid movement of food, water and medical facilities, upgrade the efficiency of the Public Distribution System and make the people aware of the interest of the government in their well being. The project of building roads will also help the unemployed (especially those who are still illiterate) to get steady jobs, and allow their next generation access to educational facilities.

Such an envisaged road network will allow for increased and equitable distribution of raw materials and also increase market competition of consumer goods, thereby leading to reduced prices and improved product quality; a quantitative increase in industrial production to feed the demand that will be created by increased consumer spending; improved transportation of facilities and services to all areas, thereby increasing the levels of literacy through an easier access to educational institutions and education material, as well as ensuring faster deployment of police and troops in times of social and natural crisis. The investment in road building will also help in attracting foreign direct investment into the country. Companies in foreign countries cite this lack of infrastructure as a major reason that prevents them from long-term investment into India. The cost of road building can be outsourced to FDI (similar to the Golden quadrangle project) as well as to private Indian construction companies on a BOOT basis, while the balance could be sourced out of government investments at state and district levels.

Social Discipline and Crime:The issue of the lack of social discipline and the growing criminal tendencies cannot be ignored any longer. The growing criminal activity is a direct result of socio-economic-political factors and can be attributed to a succession of weak governments and an even weaker and inappropriate legal structure. Criminality is on the rise, simply because the mechanism of law and order and prosecution of crime is both inadequate and slow in its process.

This problem can only be tackled by a complete overhaul of our legal system and its mechanisms. While legal luminaries in India could give much better advice on the changes required in our legal system, the basic requirement is

making the courts more people friendly and efficient. It is strongly believed that a jury system will not only ensure a fair trial for the accused, but will also ease the strain that is put upon the judges as they singularly tackle an ever increasing work load.A social code of conduct is required on an immediate basis that not only prescribes the way that the individuals should conduct themselves in public places, but would also emphasize the manner in which social groups have to conduct themselves as a whole. This code of conduct, strictly enforced, will definitely reduce the social crimes that afflict the majority of our people today. This will not, in any form or manner, impinge upon the individuals right to privacy, but will help in streamlining social interaction amongst the people. Social code of conduct would cover the areas of noise pollution, cleanliness in the streets and in municipal wards, ease of removal of garbage, prohibit the misuse of public areas as open air urinals and latrines, prohibit the use of public areas as spittoons, and allow for a smooth and easier use of public facilities like footpaths and foot bridges. The removal of footpath vendors would be a prime concern towards a better and safer use of footpaths, as would be the redesigning of the public facilities for use by handicapped persons.Most of the social issues in our nation today can be attributed to a weak mechanism for prosecution of crime. Criminality has been glorified as a medium of social change, but this in fact has proven (by recent events all over the nation) to be precursor in organized crime involving all strata of society and the bureaucracy. The perception amongst the general population is that much of the criminal activity is unchallenged by the government; thereby reinforcing in the mind of both the people and the criminals, that the rule of the law is weak and impotent.

Suggestions for improving the current situation are as follows:a) The immediate deployment of Bio-metric Citizens Identity Cards.b) Upgrading of the police and law enforcement departments with modern machinery to track and investigate crime and persons associated with criminal activities.c)Sharing of information of criminals amongst city, state and central law enforcement agencies on a real time basis to ensure a free flow of information for prevention of crime.d) A stronger and affirmative legal structure that allows for a faster prosecution of criminals.e) A hard labor based punishment policy for criminals that allow the society to utilize the physical and mental talents of convicted criminals.f) The re-introduction of corporal punishment for those guilty of social crimes.g) A provision under law to appropriate and sell assets of economic and serious crime offenders, in order to confiscate illegal earning and return them to the government treasury, which in turn will self-finance the criminal prosecution efforts.h) The restoration of the death penalty for heinous crimes such as pre-meditated murder, kidnapping, rape, armed robbery and narcotics trafficking.It has been proved in societies around the globe and over periods of time that a successful and strong nation is always the result of the strength of character and discipline among its individual citizens.Government and institutional corruption:Recent disclosures in the media have made a huge impact on the people, regarding the growing corruption among the government officials and the bureaucracy and the connection of the bureaucracy (especially the police) to organized crime. Middle class population is fast joining the disgruntled ranks of the population that are now feeling anti government sentiments; and if the issues are not tackled on an urgent basis this resentment might well turn into a issue of civil rioting and physical attacks on government institutions; as can be seen by the fact that there are already attacks on offices of block development officers and other unarmed civil service offices. The lack of a strong legal system, compounded with a lack of moral authority has given rise to organized political-criminal activities. Socio-economic-political issues have already contributed to the ever-growing organizations like the Naxalites and the Maoist rebels that have taken to armed rebellion. The nation cannot afford a civil rebellion from its middle class, since that will invariably lead to a civil war. There are those who might think of this scenario as extreme and implausible should look at the various failed African and Balkan states that were once a shining example of democratic nations with a wealth of natural resources and human talents; yet today are in the grips of a protracted civil war. The rise of local and regional political parties has always been considered to be a strong point of a vibrant democracy. However, the freedom of political action has been misused by political parties with extreme vision, who exist solely because the bigger parties with a national agenda have not been able to take their ideas to the People in a manner that convinces them of the responsibility of the party ideals. This lack of communications leave a vacuum that is quickly filled with a regional party with a narrow agenda based on self survival and short term options. While the functionality of a regional political party is debatable; the success of such organizations and indeed their growing popularity is a grim reminder of the failure of the national parties to consolidate on their stature and their status as national leaders.

One of the prime reasons of the failure of the national parties across the all areas of the nation is the nexus of criminal elements of the bureaucracy working jointly with the criminal elements of the local parties for partisan monetary gain, at the cost of the exchequer. The cost of the damage that such a government has cost to the specific state and also to the country in financial terms is still being calculated. But, much larger and long term is the cost in terms of credibility and stature that is now associated with the nation as a whole. Such criminal enterprises flourish, specifically because the law of the land is weak in application, as also for the fact that the centralization of the bureaucratic hierarchy prohibits scrutiny from the people of the activities of the government functionaries. One way to reduce this corruption and criminal nexus would be to decentralize the functioning of the bureaucracy all the way down to the Panchayat levels. Decentralization would also have to include the segregation of the central bureaucracy from the state and local government bureaucracy, making each an independent autonomy not dependent on the State or Central government for local issues.

International Image:In all international circles the image of India is that of a weak, corrupt and backward nation without a strong leadership. Regardless of who was in power, over the last 20 years our nation has reinforced its image as that of a loose confederation of warring tribes rather than of a Unified and strong single country. This image of being a weak nation has invited terrorism and violence on an unprecedented scale since 1947.

The only way that India can change its image internationally is by changing itself internally. For that India needs to: Develop strong leadership at all levels to include 2nd generation leadership.Upgrade its armed forces to 110% of the current armed strength off its closest rival China. Refuse any and all technical and financial aid from foreign countries.Allow local industries to develop technology for all requirements of the Nation, including that of its armed forces.

e) Stop purchasing second and third hand technology from the West.

Todays reality is that India is a beggar nation. Our Prime Minister begs for technology and the Finance Minister for money. Corruption has become a way of life rather than an exception. This needs to change if India has to progress.As conflicts around the Asian sub-continent and Africa gathers intensity, India can play a dominant role is providing aid to the average people in these conflict areas by supplying them with essential food, medications, hospital equipment and clean drinking water. All these items are readily available in India and can be easily transported to the conflict areas. India can improve its image if it projects its power beyond its neighboring boundaries. A strong military might that backs up a stronger humanitarian force will make all Indians proud of their heritage, culture and the nation.

De-centralization of the government organizations.India is a political and social mess as a direct result of centralization of the government. Small minded people in Delhi who have never lived in the outer areas of the country decide on a uniform policy for a nation that has inside its boundaries a variety of cultures and languages. The central governments role has to be restricted to that of making the policy and then monitoring its deployment downwards to each district, town & village inside India.The real execution of the Government policy is best carried out by State and local governments who understand the cultural and social requirements of the people. The district governments and village Panchayats can play a positive role in development if correctly guided by the Central & State Governments.Development has to be ensured by using the old 5- Years Plan methods. This worked well in the 1960s and 70s. It can work again. By law it must be insured and ensured that political parties or new Governments cannot change a 5 year plan and all citizens must be required by law to follow the guide lines of the 5- years plan(s) to assure the nation that progress will be achieved per the set goals. Those who oppose the plans or attempt to modify it should face harsh punishment.

It is the Duty of every Government to listen to the needs of its people and to formulate policies that helps the people lead a safe and comfortable life in all strata of society and across all cultural boundaries.

Immigration and illegal migrations:India is facing a gigantic law and order problem that is largely contributed for by the illegal migrations from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the African nations. Illegal migrants from Bangladesh are the biggest problem. Narcotics trafficking, kidnapping, rapes, murder and attacks against the Indian nation can be directly attributed to the nationals of the above countries.The Indian government does not have a policy to address the issue of this illegal immigration. Further; the problem is made worse by illegal migrants being used as cheap labor by Indians in their houses and factories. Unless the government enacts laws that prosecute Indians who employ illegal migrants; the nation of India will always be at risk of over population, disease and crime.How can this problem be resolved?a) By introducing Bio-metric citizens ID cards for all Indian nationals over the age of 11. This has to be mandatory.b) Illegal migrants to be punished by strict laws that enforce them to work in hard labor camps.c) Indian nationals who employ illegal labor to be punished with punitive fines.d) Politicians & bureaucrats who help politicians into registering these illegal migrants into vote banks should face capital punishment for subverting the integrity of our Nation.e) Re-introduce the death penalty for Treason. All actions; by Indian nationals that subvert the integrity and unity of the Nation of India to be punished. Such nationals convicted of treason to be hanged in public.

Defense PolicyThe armed forces are severely under equipped and are short off able bodied officers and troops per the real requirements. Most forward deployed regiments do not have the required supplies and equipment on time or in required quantities. The ThalSena is working today mostly on the courage off its troops and little else. VayuSena and NavSena are no better. In the VayuSena, 60% of the equipment is out dated or under repairs. 80% of the submarines of the NavSena are un- serviceable and the single aircraft carrier is undergoing repairs most off the time. The responsibility of this whole situation lies only and only with the Prime Minister and his cabinet. In case of an all- out war, the chances of India getting severely beaten and defeated are more than 70%. That is the reality, whether we Indians believe it or not.How can this be resolved?Arms & equipment manufacturing has to be opened to the private sector industry of India. The politicians and bureaucrats must realize and accept that Indian citizens are as loyal and in most cases more loyal than the people in power. DRDO should be pulled out of manufacturing and should be restricted only to inspections and quality control off purchased equipment.The government will permit and allow private sector to produce all the requirements of the armed forces; including fighter aircraft and helicopters, nuclear powered air craft carriers and submarines, battle tanks, and other heavy equipment.Light and non lethal equipment (uniforms, battle kits, special purpose shoes, other ancillary equipment will be permitted for manufacture by small to medium industries).The Government must plan to have at least seven (7) Carrier Groups for the NavSena, along with support craft. This is necessary for not only a fully functional blue water navy, but also for the projection of power, globally.VayuSena will have equipment and personnel that is 110% of the strength of our nearest economic rival, China; as projected till 2015.ThalSena will be upgraded to triple the current strength. Specific regiments will be trained and equipped for foreign deployment in events of non state sponsored acts of war against our country. These special regiments will have multilingual speaking officers and personnel, an uptodate intelligence services backbone, modern field equipment for communications and navigation and constant & consistent training for any foreseen scenario in any part of the world.Tat- Rakshak will be upgraded to double its current strength to allow the NavSena flexibility to be globally deployed.

Foreign Policy:The current foreign policy can be defined in one single word: nonexistent. The foreign affairs ministry seems both confused and without motivation to deal with any situations that are arising daily; most of them in relation to Pakistan. It is known by the whole world that Pakistan is the biggest exporter of terrorist in the world as off today. There is full evidence of Pakistan based training camps on both its borders, their North eastern border has training camps for Taliban for the fighting against NATO forces in Afghanistan and the South western border training camps for the fight against India. The existent

of these camps is both well proven and undeniable. The response of the foreign affairs bureaucracy to these events is lacking in courage and vision. Their current response appears both childish and cowardly.

What needs to be done?It must be impressed upon the United Nations to have Pakistan declared as a Terrorist State. This is nothing new at the U.N. Previously the U.N. has declared other states such as North Korea, Iran and Iraq (under the Saddam administration) as terrorist states. The U.N. approved the blockade of Iraq from 1991 till 2003. In a similar fashion, our foreign ministry must pressure the U.N. to approve the total blockade of Pakistan till it closes down all terror training camps and hands over all the wanted terrorists to the International Court in The Hague.International policy is a matter of perception. A nation that is perceived as strong and capable of bold action is respected; a nation that is perceived as weak and corrupt is ignored.

HUM LOG. (We the People)In essence, the country needs a change in its leadership, its bureaucracy and its polity. All this can be achieved only with the complete and constant participation of the People. The people have to reject the old and weak leaders that are dominating the political scenario and push ahead young and vibrant leaders to lead our country. Get rid of these old men who claim that they can carry the weight of the nation and are incapable of carrying the weight of their own bodies without assistance.

What can each citizen do to ensure a Young, Strong and Vibrant Leadership?Every person has to ensure that they have a Voter ID card that is valid for the next election.Each person has to further ensure that their name actually exists on the Voter lists for their constituency. This has to be done at least two weeks in advance of the election.If the names of voters do not exist on the voter lists, an immediate appeal should be made in the nearest Court of Law to force the election commission employees to rectify the situation. Voting is a Right that cannot be denied to any citizen by any government.Each person MUST VOTE on the day of voting. This is the one day that the citizens have the power to change everything in the nation. DO NOT MISS THIS CHANCE.

Vote for the best candidate.Say NO to the old men.BE BOLD, BE COURAGEOUS, BE HINDUSTANIThanks for taking the time to read this article. Please pass it on to as many other young people as you can. The future belongs to the Young and Bold. Be restless in your ambitions and dreams, and never compromise. Remember that the politicians will never gift you, your rights as citizens. You have to constantly agitate to ensure that the Government listens to your voice and acts on your demands! Demand and Ensure that should be the duty of every national.JAI HIND, VIJAYI BHUVA!