please pray for the sick in our parish st. colman`s with st. paul`s … · 1 day ago · please...

St. Colman`s with St. Paul`s Parish— Cosham & Paulsgrove ( Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth- Reg Charity No : 246871 ) The Presbytery, St. Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth PO6 2JJ. Tel: 023 9237 6151, E-mail: [email protected] Fr.Innaiah Maddineni, Parish Priest, St.Paul`s Catholic School, Bourne Rd, Portsmouth PO6 4JD , Tel: 023 9237 5488 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK : Please pray for the sick in our parish here at St.Colman`s with St.Paul`s- Theresa Kelleher, Frances ODonnell, Judy Dibley, Angela Day, , Nora Bryant, Verena Wright, Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De Battisa, Chelsie Whibley, Joe and Pat Charlton , James Maguire and John Cox. Marriage Care Volunteers needed: Could it be you? The har- vest is rich but the labourers are fewBroken relationships are ex- tremely painful and can affect the wider family and friends. Mar- riage Care is a Catholic organisation providing marriage prepara- tion and relationship counselling support for couples across Eng- land and Wales. Our Portsmouth centre is looking for someone with experience of team management to support our current Head of Centre working with our local team in delivering vital relationship support services. If you want to be part of a friendly team making a real difference in your community, please enquire. For more information you can visit us at: Keep in contact : Please keep in contact with other parishioners, especially those who may be liv- ing alone or who are physical isolating, especially if they do not have access to the internet . Please let Father Innaiah know with parishioner name and number so that he will be able to make contact. The world typically sees the Catholic Church as a vast, complex, global organisation. More than a few Catholics also think of the Church that way. The entirety of modern Catholic history, however, has been pointing the Church in another direction and ask- ing the Church to think of itself in a different way. In a Spirit-led and Spirit-guided movement of evangeli- cal renewal, the Catholic Church has been and is being called to be radically Christocentric and evangelical. The Church is being summoned to put every facet of its organised life at the service of the Gospel, the procla- mation of the Kingdom of God among us, and the offer of friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the reason for the Churchs existence. All authentic Catholic reform is the return to the Churches originating formgiven it by Christ himself. At the centre of that formis the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.(George Weigel, The Next Pope). EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—02.08.2020 Saturday 1st August 6.00pm, People of the Parish Sunday 2nd August Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am, Winifred Cummings R.I.P Sunday 2nd August Mass at St.Paul`s at 11am,People of the Parish Sunday 2nd August Mass at St.Colman`s at 6.00pm, Marin Joy R.I.P Monday 3rd Mass at at 9.15am Tuesday 4th Mass at at 9.15am Wednesday 5th Mass ,Germaine Ward R.I.P (Fr.Innaiah celebrate Mass in Private) Thursday 6th Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am Friday 7th Mass at St.Colman`s celebrated in Private Saturday 8th Mass at 9.15am, Mary Greene R.I.P NINETEETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 09.08.2020 Saturday 8th August Mass at St.Colman`s at 6pm Sunday 9th August Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am,Aldo Navato R.I.P,1st Anniversary Sunday 9th August Mass at St.Paul`s at 11am Sunday 9th August Mass at St.Colman`s at 6pm ————————————————————————————————————————— ATTENDANCE AT MASS : There is no Sunday obligaon - You can aend Mass in church any day . Masses using Sunday liturgy will be celebrated , No booking is required, at present, to aend any day - Only 20 people can aend mass. At all Masses the one-metre rule will be in force - Hygiene and sanising protocols are as usual. Please follow the direcons of the stewards . Do not aend Mass if you are feeling unwell or displaying any flu-like symptoms . Thank you for your support. Please be safe and help others safe. Please inform Fr.Innaiah if you would like to have a visit at home.

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Page 1: Please pray for the sick in our parish St. Colman`s with St. Paul`s … · 1 day ago · Please pray for the sick in our parish - Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy Dibley,

St. Colman`s with St. Paul`s Parish— Cosham & Paulsgrove

( Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth- Reg Charity No : 246871 )

The Presbytery, St. Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth PO6 2JJ. Tel: 023 9237 6151, E-mail: [email protected]

Fr.Innaiah Maddineni, Parish Priest, St.Paul`s Catholic School, Bourne Rd, Portsmouth PO6 4JD , Tel: 023 9237 5488

Don’t forget you can sign up to receiving the week-ly newsletter electronically by dropping an e-mail:

[email protected]

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK : Please pray for the sick in our parish here at

St.Colman`s with St.Paul`s- Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy Dibley,

Angela Day, , Nora Bryant, Verena Wright, Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De

Battisa, Chelsie Whibley, Joe and Pat Charlton , James

Maguire and John Cox.

Marriage Care Volunteers needed: Could it be you? ‘The har-

vest is rich but the labourers are few’ Broken relationships are ex-

tremely painful and can affect the wider family and friends. Mar-

riage Care is a Catholic organisation providing marriage prepara-

tion and relationship counselling support for couples across Eng-

land and Wales. Our Portsmouth centre is looking for someone

with experience of team management to support our current Head of Centre working

with our local team in delivering vital relationship support services. If you want to be

part of a friendly team making a real difference in your community, please enquire. For

more information you can visit us at:

Keep in contact : Please keep in contact with other parishioners, especially those who may be liv-ing alone or who are physical isolating, especially if they do not have access to the internet . Please let Father Innaiah know with parishioner name and number so that he will be able to make contact.

“The world typically sees the Catholic Church as a vast, complex, global organisation. More than a few Catholics also think of the Church that way.

The entirety of modern Catholic history, however, has been pointing the Church in another direction and ask-ing the Church to think of itself in a different way.

In a Spirit-led and Spirit-guided movement of evangeli-cal renewal, the Catholic Church has been and is being called to be radically Christocentric and evangelical. The Church is being summoned to put every facet of its organised life at the service of the Gospel, the procla-mation of the Kingdom of God among us, and the offer of friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the

reason for the Church’s existence.

All authentic Catholic reform is the return to the Churches originating ‘form’ given it by Christ himself. At the centre of that ‘form’ is the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.” (George Weigel, The Next Pope).


Saturday 1st August 6.00pm, People of the Parish

Sunday 2nd August Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am, Winifred Cummings R.I.P

Sunday 2nd August Mass at St.Paul`s at 11am,People of the Parish

Sunday 2nd August Mass at St.Colman`s at 6.00pm, Marin Joy R.I.P

Monday 3rd Mass at at 9.15am

Tuesday 4th Mass at at 9.15am

Wednesday 5th Mass ,Germaine Ward R.I.P

(Fr.Innaiah celebrate Mass in Private)

Thursday 6th Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am

Friday 7th Mass at St.Colman`s celebrated in Private

Saturday 8th Mass at 9.15am, Mary Greene R.I.P


Saturday 8th August Mass at St.Colman`s at 6pm

Sunday 9th August Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am,Aldo Navato R.I.P,1st Anniversary

Sunday 9th August Mass at St.Paul`s at 11am

Sunday 9th August Mass at St.Colman`s at 6pm


ATTENDANCE AT MASS : There is no Sunday obligation - You can attend Mass in church any

day . Masses using Sunday liturgy will be celebrated , No booking is required, at present, to attend any day

- Only 20 people can attend mass. At all Masses the one-metre rule will be in force - Hygiene and sanitising

protocols are as usual. Please follow the directions of the stewards . Do not attend Mass if you are feeling

unwell or displaying any flu-like symptoms . Thank you for your support. Please be safe and help others

safe. Please inform Fr.Innaiah if you would like to have a visit at home.

Page 2: Please pray for the sick in our parish St. Colman`s with St. Paul`s … · 1 day ago · Please pray for the sick in our parish - Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy Dibley,

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray for the sick in our parish -

Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy Dibley, Angela Day, Rosemary Fitzgerald, Nora Bryant, Verena Wright, Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De Battisa, Chelsie

Whibley, Joe Charlton & James Maguire Jo-seph Maguire and John Cox.

Parish News Letter : Parish News Letter is available on website, email ONLY. On

Sundays and during the week , when you are around you may collect your copy from

the Presbytery if you need one.

OFFERTORY COLLECTION : There will be no offertory collection at the Private

Prayer/Masses until all restrictions are lifted. A collection basket is provided for your do-

nations at the exist. To donate directly into the Parish Account– details below: You can

make a payment online (or in branch) to PRCDTR PORTSMOUTH St COLMAN, Sort

code 309304, Account number 00884554. It is important that you add a reference eg

'offertory donation'. All cheques for the Parish should be addressed as: PRCDTR

PORTSMOUTH St COLMAN. Thank you and May Good Lord continue to support us.

Going into Hospital? Going into Hospital? If you or one of your family is going in-

to hospital please ensure that the Catholic Chaplaincy at the hospital is informed so

that the inpatient can receive appropriate care. At the moment, access to patients in

hospital is restricted and the chaplain may be the only person outside the strictly medi-

cal staff who can be in contact and who can supply the consolation of sacramental and

pastoral care to relieve busy ward staff. Your relative will then receive regular visits from

Fr Daniel, Fr Rob or Fr Phil during their stay. You can also keep in touch with the occa-

sional phone call to the ward but please be conscious of the workload of staff at this

hectic period for front line health personnel. To contact the chaplain’s office call 02392

286408 (or through the main switchboard 02392 286000). You can also email at chap-

[email protected]

THANKS TO STEWARDS : I want to personally say a huge thank you to all those

involved with the reopening of both our parish churches and responded to my call for

help in doing this. The truth is we would not be having any public masses if these peo-

ple had not stepped forward to help with the organization of it all.

Huge amounts of work has gone on behind the scenes to do this,

from rearranging the churches, completing risk assessments, train-

ing stewards up, organizing rotas etc etc. Thank you! Pease let me

know if you are able to help with this. We have 20 stewards at

St.Colman`s and 10 stewards at St.Paul`s. Jenny Taylor at

St.Colman`s and Rhona at St.Paul`s co-ordianting the list of Stew-

ards at each mass.

The Month of August: The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The veneration of the Heart of Mary is analogous to the worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are, however, differences in this analogy as devotion to the heart of Jesus is especially directed to the "divine heart" as overflowing with love for humanity. In the devotion to Mary, howev-er, the attraction is the love of her heart for Jesus and for God. More details can be found in


Historically, devotion to the Heart of Mary grew up in par-allel, but at a lesser intensity than that of devotion to the Heart of Jesus, only starting to become more prominent during the time of St John Eudes. John Eudes was born in 1601 in Normandy, France. He entered the Congregation of the Oratory of France, founded in 1611 by Cardinal de Berulle and was ordained to the priesthood on December 20, 1625. St. John brought people to love Christ and the Virgin Mary by speaking tirelessly about their Heart, the sign of the love God shows for us and the communion to which we are called. To offer them liturgical worship, he composed Masses and Offices in their honor and had the first Feast of the Holy Heart of Mary celebrated on February 8, 1648, at Autun (France,) and the Feast of the Heart of Jesus celebrated on October 20, 1672.He died on August 19, 1680 and was canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 31, 1925. Nevertheless, it was not until after the Apparitions at Rue du Bac concerning the "Miraculous Medal" made to Catherine Labouré in 1830, and the establishment of a society dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the Church of Our Lady of Vic-tories in Paris in 1836, that this particular devotion became really well known. The main difference between the devotions to the hearts of Jesus and Mary is that the one concerned with Jesus emphasizes his divine heart as being full of love for man-kind, but with this love for the most part being ignored or rejected, while devotion to Mary's heart is essentially concerned with the love that her heart has for Jesus, for God. Therefore, it is not an end in itself, so the love of her heart is meant to be a model for the way we should love God. The fact that her heart is immaculate, that is sinless, means that she is the only fully human person who is able to really love God in the way that he should be loved. Honoring Mary's Immaculate Heart is really just another way of honoring Mary as the person who was chosen to be the Mother of God, recognizing her extraordinary holi-ness and the immense love she bestowed on Jesus as his mother, the person who was called to share in and co-operate in his redemptive sufferings. The aim of the devotion is to unite mankind to God through Mary's heart, and this process involves the ideas of consecration and reparation. A person is consecrated to Mary's Immaculate Heart as a way of being completely devoted to God. This involves a total gift of self, something only ultimately possible with reference to God; but Mary is our intermediary in this process of consecration. Because of the strong analogy between Jesus and Mary, the consecration to Mary's Immaculate Heart is closely linked to the consecration to Jesus' Sacred Heart, alt-hough it is subordinate and dependent on it. That is, although the act of consecration is ultimately addressed to God, it is an act that is made through Mary.