pitch evaluation lo5

andidate name: Carmel Seager andidate number: 4127 entre number: 64135

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Candidate name: Carmel SeagerCandidate number: 4127Centre number: 64135



3 Magazine pages

4 Production Plan

5 Budget summary

6 Profit/ loss breakdown

7 Marketing

8 Growth Plan

9 Target Audience

Magazine pagesThis is my final front cover and double page spread, I chose to follow the layout of Q magazine as well as add other stereotypical magazine features into the layout of my magazine pages.

Front coverFeatures that went well within the front cover were the mast head and the barcode layout. This is because the barcode section included all the important details and helped to expand the brand identity as by putting the logo in the barcode section along with the publisher logo.The mast head was a good feature of my magazine because the strapline was suitable and stood out within the mast head. It was also a good feature because it was simple and effective.

The main improvement that could be made to my front cover is the headline as I feel that it is not appropriate for the magazine. This is because it isn’t as professional looking as the rest of the magazine. To improve it I would place them differently, with different effects.

Double page spreadA feature that went well within my double page spread is the layout of the page this is because I believe it looks professional looking as well as appealing. The differentiation between the questions and answers also helps make the text easier to read for the reader. Another feature that went well is the headline and stand first, this is because they are clear and stand out compared to rest of the text which also helps to break up the page.

A feature that could be improved is the captions of the images as they didn’t fit the picture entirely and did not really suit the page layout. To improve this I would blend the caption into the page and fit them into the picture properly.

Production planThis is my production plan, for this plan I have looked at the different processes that will be happening on specific days throughout the month of production.

Good featuresThe good features of this production plan are the details included and the realistic approach. This is because a lot of detail has been added to each of the days including specific content that will be collected, made or edited. The other good feature of realistic approach is shown within each day. This is because it is very realistic that the production of the magazine can be achieved in a month. It is also realistic because each section of content has more than one day to be collected and edited.

Improvements that could be madeThe improvement that could be made is more detail into the image plan, as the plan doesn’t explain all the images that will be taken and planned.

Another improvement that could be made to the plan is more details into other features such as the competition and prize. This is because a production plan should explain everything that happens within the production.

Budget summaryFor my budget summary I decided to look at all the different costs and income that the business will receive. Within the budget summary there are many sections that have been considered.

Job roles and salariesThe job roles and salaries section looks at the staff I would need for my magazine and their annual salary. This is good for my budget summary as I made sure to include everyone and make realistic salaries. An improvement that I would make to this section of my budget summary is adding the total amount of each type of person there will be.

Marketing costsThe marketing costs section is to look at the different types of marketing that will be used to promote the magazine. This helps me to look at the extra costs going out of the business. A good feature of this is it explain what each cost is for.

Advertising ratesI collected my advertising rates from Q magazine. This was good for my magazine as my main competitor is Q so if I have similar advertising rates to them then that will mean I will have successfully compete against them.

Start up costsThe start up costs are part of my budget summary as it helps me to add up all the costs that will occur when running the business. This is a one off cost as it will help me to set up the business for the first year before gaining any profits from sales. This was good because it meant I looked into all the costs in depth and did appropriate research.

Printing and distribution costsThe printing and distribution costs will depend on the amount of magazine and sales that are made, this was good because it helped me to show the publisher that the costs will always be appropriate.

Promotion at music festivalsThis is in a separate section to marketing in my budget summary because this is only a seasonal type of promotion compared to other types that will be carried out throughout the year. This was good because it was realistic costs that the business will be able to achieve. But it was also good because it meant that the business had many different types of marketing/ promotion.

IncomeThe section of income for my budget summary was good because I took in all accounts of income that my magazine will be able to achieve. I also left gaps in this section for the budget summary but added them later on when looking at the income and loss of the magazine. This helped me to keep the budget summary realistic.

Profit/ loss breakdownIn my pitch I also presented the publisher a profit and loss breakdown, this helped me to show how the money of the business was coming in and going out.

OutgoingsFor the outgoings section of my profit and loss breakdown I calculated how many people I would be hiring, I then added up all their salaries and put the final number in the salaries per annum section. This was effective because it helped the publisher to see how much the business was spending on salaries.In the outgoing section there was also the total marketing per month, office costs and the printing/ distribution costs. I then added these all together and calculated how much the total cost would be per annum. This helped me to work out the profit for the 1st year later on in this section of the pitch.

IncomeFor this income section of the profit and loss breakdown I looked at all the money that will be coming into the business, this included advertising, subscriptions and sales. I then also converted these like in the outcome section to the total cost per annum.

ProfitOnce I had completed all these sections I could work out the profit for the 1st year. I think this was effective because by showing the publisher that there will be a big amount of profit in the first year it helped me to show them that it will be a successful magazine if all my calculations were correct.


MarketingIn my pitch I explained all the different types of media platforms that I was going to use to market my magazine. There were many different advertising and promotion techniques that I have planned to use.

From receiving feedback about my pitch I have decided to continue to use these different types of marketing as I have come to the conclusion that they would be successful.

Advertising of the magazineI chose many different types of advertising for the magazine, this will help me to gain a wider audience for my magazine as the target audience will be able to see the magazine all around their normal lifestyle. The types of advertising that I have chosen are MTV, YouTube, V Festival and the back of magazines, these types of advertisements should attract my audience to the magazine because it will be advertised on specific media platforms that will appeal to my audience.

Media promotionMy magazine will also be on four main media platforms these include Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and a website. Each of these platforms will have different content. By having different content on each account it means that the audience will follow each account to try and gain as much information as possible.

Marketing overviewMarketing was one of my strongest types of research as I looked at many different ways to market my magazine and make it appeal to my specific target audience. I also made sure to choose the right details for each such as the times to advertise etc. Marketing is also one of the strongest sections of my pitch because by choosing many different types of marketing it helps me to compete better with the main competitor of the magazine ‘Q’.

Growth Plan

According to feedback my growth plan was one of the strongest points of my research. In my growth plan I decided to show how the target readership will grow every summer and end of the year. I thought this was possible as the summer will be when the highest increase of readership and sales occurs. This is because the summer is a big time for music as this is the time festivals occur, with my magazine being advertised and covering the storylines of the festivals I believe the readership will grow.

I believe that my 5 year growth plan is good because it goes into a lot of depth as to why the readership will grow. I have also explained everything that occurs during the plan and why. In my growth plan I have made the increase steady and realistic to make sure that all my research and predictions for the future are also realistic.

Whilst making my growth plan I kept looking at my main competitors readership to try and see how I can compete. I did this by looking at the location of their audience, so I could make my numbers appropriate for my location. As my magazine expands into different countries until it is global like Q then I predict my readership to be higher than Q’s. The reason my readership will be higher than Q’s is because I will advertise more than they do, this will bring in more readers as they become more aware of the magazine.

Target AudienceFrom looking at my feedback one of the points that the publisher said that could be improved was the audience section. This is because I didn’t add the reasoning behind the demographics chosen.

To improve I would add the explanations onto the presentation and also explain it properly to the audience. The reason that I did choose the demographics E and B was because people within the demographics of B can have creative design jobs.. This would be the suitable audience for my magazine as it strives to be original, creative and different to anything else that people could have seen on the shelves before. I also chose the demographic of E because the audience are of the age to 16-24 years old, so they could still be students within college or university.

Another improvement that could be made to my pitch is to explain the spending power of the target audience in more detail, this is because I only left it on the Prezi and did not explain it in enough detail for the publisher to understand. To improve this I would make sure to explain that the spending power of the audience is low to average because they would either be students with Saturday jobs or young people who have only just started working full time.

The spending power of the audience is low/ average because they will either be a student or just gone into the world of work, this would result in them having an average or low income. The audience will be willing to spend £3.50 for this monthly magazine because the free promotional content will draw them in. They will also be willing to spend £3.50 a month because they will receive a good amount of content for the money that they are spending as well as it is the average cost of a monthly magazine. So they will not expect a price of much difference, but it is also not as expensive as some monthly magazines which also help for the price to appeal to the audience.

Another improvement that could have been made is to explain the reason that the magazine is mixed gender, as I did explain it but not in too much detail. If I was to pitch again I would explain that the magazine will appeal to both genders with an approximate level gender audience. This will be shown in the magazine as it will contain advertisements targeted at mixed genders as well as a even amount of adverts for the female audience and male.

Overall, if I was to pitch again I would explain the target audience slide in more detail, to make sure that the publisher knew exactly all the content and details of the magazine.

Presentation of pitchOne of the main improvements I would make to my pitch is the presentation in which it was presented. This is because my Prezi was not fully suitable for the pitch as well as the way I presented towards the publisher.

Since pitching to the publisher and gaining some feedback I have made some improvements to my Prezi, this would help me to make sure that the whole audience understands the content and details of the magazine. It also helps to make my pitch visibly appealing for the audience. One of the improvements I made was to change the layout of the frames within my Prezi, this helped me to expand brand identity as well as make the layout clearer for the audience.

Another improvement that I made to my Prezi was the format of the font, this helped me to make the text clear for everyone in the room. It also helped me to make sure that my Prezi looked professional. I did this by making the headlines bolder and a green colour which helped me to expand brand identity. These headlines were also bigger and bolder to make sure that they could be read and highlighted what the content was about.

The final improvement that I made to my Prezi was adding zooming features to some of the content so that it was easier for the audience to read and see clearly. This zoom feature was added to a lot of the content so that the publisher couldfully understand the points that I was making. Some of the content that had a zoom effect added was the magazine pagesand the budget summary etc.

Additionally another improvement that I would make next time I presented would be to make more eye contact with the publisher and the other people in the room. This would help me to engage the audience and make my pitch professional. If I pitched again I would also make sure to speak louder and clearer because looking at the feedback I have noticed that a lot of people commented on not being able to understand or hear what I was saying.

ConclusionIn conclusion I believe my pitch was not too bad but had room for improvements which have been explored in this PowerPoint. The main improvement that I would make to my pitch would be to make sure to explain every aspect of the magazine and the production process in more detail. This would help me to make sure that everyone was clear on what my magazine was about and all the research that I have conducted.

Another improvement that I would make to my pitch is to change the layout of the Prezi, this is because it was not fully suitable for the pitch as people could not see all the content. I would improve this by making sure that there was a zooming feature on some of the content that had smaller writing. As well as making sure that the titles can be read, even from the back of the room as they were too small for some people to read.

On the other hand, I do believe that all the content that was in my pitch was at a good standard, this is because my research was strong. The most successful part of my pitch was the growth plan, as I received many good comments about it on my feedback. By having a good growth plan it helped me to show the publisher that I was positive on where I thought my magazine was heading and exactly how I wanted that to happen.

By evaluating my pitch I have come to the conclusion to improve my pitch I will make changes to my Prezi as this was one of the main improvements that needed to be made to my pitch.