phase1 and phase 2 ppt

RFID BASED SUPERMARKET QUEUE PREVENTION AND AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR physically challenged people Submitted by, Parvathi s j -4PS13SCE11 CSE Dept Mtech (CE) Guided By, Nagrathna Asst prof CSE Dept

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Submitted by, Parvathi s j -4PS13SCE11 CSE Dept Mtech (CE) P.E.S.C.E

Guided By,Nagrathna Asst prof CSE Dept P.E.S.C.E

1IntroductionObjectivesExisting System Drawbacks of Existing SystemProposed SystemAdvantages of proposed systemSoftware and hardware Requirement SpecificationWorking of the system


2Introduction The commercial use of RFID has been growing rapidly all over the world

Everywhere retailers are increasingly embedding RFID technology into their supermarket products in order to improve the customers shopping experience, customer support and develop new services for customers

RFID is a technology that uses radio waves to track, capture, identify and transfer data efficiently and without human intervention

Item level development of RFID technology would also allow for quick checkout aisles that scan all products at once and thus eliminates queues which are negative aspect of supermarket shopping

ObjectivesThe main objectives is to provide an automated and time saving system for the world of retail

The designed smart cart is capable of generating a bill from the cart itself.

Providing flexible and customer friendly shopping experience.

Providing security mechanism for theft control.

Design cart which eliminates the effort of self packaging, make the best use of cart storage space.

Existing SystemThe technology currently used in checkout counters are barcodes:

Developed in 1970s

Stores that own a barcode reader can process barcodes and imprint it on the products.

Most important factor involved barcode scanning is product should be in line of sight(LOS)of the reader in order to get the barcode imprinted on the product scanned

5Drawbacks of Existing SystemBarcode scanners need a direct line of sight to the barcode to be able to readIn order to read barcodes the scanner needs to be quite closerBarcodes have no read or write capabilities ; they do not contain any information such as expiry date etc.They are very labour intensiveBarcode have less security than RFIDBarcodes are more easily damaged Waiting in a line to get your items scanned for checkout.

Proposed System

RFID technology offers a solution to the above mentioned problemHear the design of smart cart uses RFID technology for shopping and payment And we uses microcontroller for peripheral interfacing and inventory management.RFID-based system gathers data about a certain object without touching it or seeing it and forwards the information to a host computer. The data on the tag include a pointer to the central database within an RFID systemRFID-Readers are able to establish a channel of communication, read the tags and trace the movement of these objects within the coverage area.

Software Requirements:For computer interface: C# .NetFor microcontroller programming language: embedded CFor compiler design :microCFlash programmer:pickit2

Hardware Requirements:MicrocontrollerLCDRF card readerRF tran receiverRF moduleRequirement Specification9System architecture

Working of the system

EEPROM1EEPROM2Shopping mobile cart is equipped with a RFID reader, a RFID antenna and an embeddedcomputer system.

A LCD touch screen is mounted at the front of the cart and acts as a user interface console thatfacilitates and monitors customer operations.

When a product is dropped into the cart, the carts RFID readerwill be able to identify the profile of each product via its RFID and display product information on a LCD touch screen. It will carry data on items in the cart with their prices.

At the check-out point, shopping cart systemtransmits the list of products and total cost to the cashier using wireless technology.

The carts mobile agent communicates with the back-end RFID application via the wireless supermarket network.

The cart has two RFID devices: a product tag reader for items in the cart and a cart tag.

Whenever the customer is located near the final check-out point, RFID reader that is close to that area would read the data of the cart, launch a mobile agent to the back-end system and return back with a listprice of those items. The returned list is then compared with one generated by the cart mobile agent

System design


U6 RF moduleU5 Tag readerU4 &U3 signal converterU 1 microcontroller U2 power supply


1 MICROCONTROLLER: Here we use PIC18F46K22. which is a family of Harvard architecture abbreviation of PIC is peripheral interface microcontroller

2 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR: Oscillator ensures the harmonic and synchronous operation of all circuit with in a microcontroller It is basically used for frequency stabilization

3 POWER SUPPLY: Power supply is an electronic device that supplies electrical energy to an electrical load

4 LCD: LCD displays the information that is product name cost etc

LCD1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Control pins of lcd to MCU port pinsVCC8bit data bus of LCD to MCU portRFID TAGS : Tags are of two types: Passive RFID tags for products-Passive RFID tags are attached to the products and are scanned by the reader attached to the cart.

RFID READER : RFID reader consists of an RF module that acts as a transmitter and receiver of radio frequency signal. RFID data can be read through the human body, clothing and non-metallic material RF Module :1) Tran receiver module

Work flow of the system

yesNOSTEPS IN WORK FLOWStep1: StartStep2: Initialize SystemStep3: Search for RFIDStep4: Check RFID tagStep5: Read related data from memoryStep6: Display data on LCDStep7: Add item cost as items are addedStep8: When upload key is pressed send data to the counterStep9: Print the BillStep10: StopAddition of Products to the stock and product are registered

Product Registration form

Addition of product to the cart

Billing Section

Cart connected to the serverCustomer finished shopping and pressed stop button Authentication and transfer of data take placeDebit the amountBilled amount is correct or notCart unlocks Refer to the billing counterThank you for shoppingNOYESCart unlock mechanismCustomer finished shoppingCustomers pressed stop buttonInformation is send to serverBased on verification server press ok buttonSignal goes to microcontrollerMotor driverDc generated motorCart unlocksimplementation

Code Snippet// initialization of all variables ,flags ,files ,libraries is donesbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISA2_bit;sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISA1_bit;sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISA0_bit;...// function for inturruptvoid interrupt () { if (PIR1.RC1IF==1) { txt = UART1_Read(); if(l