personal educational philosophy final


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Personal Educational Philosophy Based on Education for Adult and Alternative Learners in Multimedia Programs

By Leah Sciabarrasi

#Sciabarrasi, Leah Professor Skowronski

EDU 670 25 February 2008

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#Sciabarrasi, Leah

Professor Skowronski EDU 670

25 February 2008

Personal Educational Philosophy Based on Education for Adult and Alternative Learners in Multimedia Programs Leah Sciabarrasi Purpose of Education I am currently going for a Masters in Educational Computing. I graduated with a BFA from the University at Buffalo. My concentration was in Photography. At the time, I was unsure in pursuing my education any further because I didn’t feel a Masters in Fine Art would aid me in any great way. I formed my own business and continued to get seasonal or odd jobs to make up for a consistent income. I took an interest in everything multimedia, but I could never find the right job that would allow me to utilize all my knowledge and skills. I then got an opportunity of a lifetime, teaching at a local Institute in the Multimedia and CAD departments. This position allowed me to share my knowledge with the faculty and students and also allowed me to progress in my comprehension of various programs. I realized that since this was something I wanted to do, I would have to continue my education in order to move on to the University level. After scouting different programs at various local schools, I decided on Buffalo State’s Educational Computing program.

Personal Beliefs and Reflections Concerning Education “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela 1. Education should always be relevant to one’s life and should always aid to their present or future in some way. 2. Education should reach all the senses. 3. Education is different for each individual. The different path each student takes should be recognized and celebrated. 4. It should always be considered that each individual has different talents and abilities and within reason they should perhaps be graded within their own abilities. 5. Academic success should be recognized and celebrated. 6. Each student should be treated equally and recognized individually. Everyone has the right to pursue being successful. 7. Everyone should work together to promote environment and universe awareness. 8. Each person is responsible for themselves and how their actions affect others and themselves. 9. A desire for knowledge and the awareness of this desire directly affects one’s life. If a student has not realized or does not have this desire, it can not be forced upon them. 10. It is the job of the student to react to the instruction and it is the role of the educator to always be persistent in their instruction. 11. Eye contact makes everyone feel like a human being. 12. Communication should happen freely among all parties. 13. Success breeds success and it becomes addictive. 14. Knowledge of geography, current events, spelling and grammar are crucial. Reading helps the knowledge of all four and more. 15. Technology should be integrated but never overused. 16. The classroom is full of students. It is up to the educator to identify each individual.

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17. Time must be spent outside of class researching, meeting with and reaching out to each student. 18. Instructors should always have a hand out. It is up to the student to reach back. 19. Students should develop an appreciation and awareness for social skills in and out of the classroom. 20. Students should develop a global awareness of all the events and happenings of our world. Learning Environment and Learning Process 1. Student participation is interactive. 2. Students learn through their own exploration. 3. Assessment is based on student’s performances of tasks that cover the objectives. 4. Fair and consistent school and behavior policies should always be maintained. 5. Create a positive learning environment for questions and feedback. Students’ Role in Education 1. Students are expected to act appropriately, respectfully and come to class ready to learn. 2. Students have the responsibility to behave in a way that does not disrupt the learning or instruction process. 3. Students are expected to willingly participate. 4. Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared. 5. Students are expected to pay attention at all times. 6. Students are to always avoid disruptive behavior during class time (cell phones, talking, noise, tardiness, etc.) Teaching Methods and Classroom Organization 1. There should be a consistent underlining structure to each class day so that students know what to expect. 2. Instructors should teach a well put together lesson in a cohesive manner. 3. Various learning procedures are encouraged and include demonstrations, brainstorming, group activities, group discussions, handouts, field trips and guest speakers facilitated by the instructor. 4. It is up to the instructor to demonstrate the daily lesson for the students. 5. It is up to the student to make sure that they are on task. 6. The instructor should attempt to reach every student by the end of the class day. Educational School of Thought I believe a simplified Bloom’s Taxonomy is the most effective in learning for Multimedia Students. Knowledge: Knowledge defines the actual instruction of the material usually through means of lecture or guided interpretation by the instructor. The instruction should touch base on the facts (who, what, where, when, how) and should cover not only the basics, but the needed details to help students retain the information. The student’s role in knowledge is to take notes and gather the information. Comprehension: Comprehension defines understanding the information. Various means of interpretation and translation should be conducted by the instructor. The means may include but are not limited to discussions and demonstrations. The student’s role in comprehension is to understand and interpret the information. Application: Application describes the use of the information. The instructor should facilitate an assignment that allows the student to apply their knowledge learned such as a lab assignment, group activity or handout. The student’s role in application is participation. Analysis: Analysis describes being able to identify the components. The instructor should reach out to each student and review their work done in class. The student’s role in Analysis is to analyze the work they produced and identify where they applied the knowledge in the day’s lesson. Synthesis: Synthesis describes drawing conclusions and ideas on one’s own. The instructor should assign a vague homework assignment that allows the students to connect the dots between assignment and final project. The student’s role in synthesis is to formulate a project of one’s own based on the knowledge of the day’s lesson. Evaluation: Evaluation is assessing the project developed during synthesis. The instructor should grade

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the project developed during the synthesis phase based on the objectives taught for the day providing feedback. The student’s role in Evaluation is to understand the critique. Lifelong Learning “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." John Cotton Dana I believe it is up to every educator to continue their education in their particular area of study as a way to further relate to the students and better prepare them for employment. I believe it is up to every student to understand the idea of lifelong learning in their particular chosen field and to identify updated resources. My education is not only continued by further schooling but also through various online and offline resources such as books, tutorials and lectures. Self Realization My knowledge of my true self began a long time ago and is still continuing today. I believe self evaluation is the most human thing a person can do and it should never stop. I have not only realized the person I am, but the person I want to be. My goals include always continuing to further my education, to help others at all costs and to try my hardest to do my best at any task. Career Goals I have never thought of myself as a ‘teacher’ though I have always loved the instruction process and the feeling I get when someone thanks me for teaching them something. I don’t think I am the best at technology, and I don’t believe the best in technology can be an educator. I take pride in finding a happy medium to the two and continuing to explore and understand that there will always be someone that I can learn from. My career goals include exploring different avenues of education, advancing the worldly concept of preparation for employment for multimedia students and helping to progress the concept of the multimedia art and career portfolios. Basic Objectives Needed To Be Met Before Entrance Into Society "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." -- Malcolm Forbes - 1. Goals for oneself 2. An understanding and performance of acceptable and respectable behavior including social skills 3. A desire to continue their education and better themselves 4. Basic reading, writing and grammar use 5. Completion and understanding of the objectives met during education Some of these views were borrowed from: Vestavia Hills Elementary East Educational Beliefs 2008 Barry J 2008 The Educational Beliefs of Dr. Michael Mitchell 2008 Engaging Learning Environments 2008 Stephen Gareau’s EDC601Syllabus