educational philosophy topic 2


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Philosophia- Philo: love

- Sophia: knowledge- Philosophy: love for knowledge or wisdom

Philosophers: those who have a love for



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SOCRATES“… knowledge which

encompasses truth.

… contains metaphysics, logic, rhetoric,

ethics, economics, politics and aesthetics.

(382SM- 322SM)

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PLATO“… only through

knowledge can man attain the real truth.”

(427SM- 348SM)

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“… knowledge about the physical


(870SM- 950SM)

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Thinking thoroughly

Characteristics: systematic, rational,


Free from the bonds of tradition

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Thinking logically and sequentially

Thinking to the finest detail and solving the problem with full


Not being confined to several aspects only

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Can we say that all questions are philosophical questions?

What is classified as philosophy?

Who philosophises?

Is there a difference between a common man who philosophises and a philosopher?

What is the difference?

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Metaphysics (ontology): speculative, cause-and-effect relationship

E.g: What is truth? What is mankind?

Logic: differentiates between valid and

confusing ideasE.g: What is good

reasoning? Not so good reasoning?

Axiology: ethics and aesthetics

E.g: What is goodness? What is beauty?

Epistomology: knowledge and beliefsE.g: What is knowledge? What are the

sources of knowledge?

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Dictionary of Education


John Dewey(1859- 1952)

Prof. Hassan Langgulung


Dr. Yusuf al-Qardawi (1980)

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e-ducere- To lead out

A comprehensive process to develop an individual’s abilities and behaviour.

A social process which provides opportunities for the individual to acquire social skills for

personal development.

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•Education is a process to elevate man’s status.

•School is seen as a special environment which is the same as the social environment.

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•Education encompasses our whole being- physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.

•Its purpose is to prepare man to face the world which is continually faced with good and bad, sweetness and bitterness.

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Education is a process of changing the cultural values of each individual through: teaching, training,


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Western Educationists

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) John Milton (1608-1674)

The purpose of education is to live an honest, pure and

respectful life.

A complete education enables a man to act in a just and considerate manner at all

times and in all places.

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Eastern EducationistsConfucius

(551- 479BC)Rabindrananth Tagore

(1861- 1941)

Education nurtures good behaviour in man through good manners, consideration, respect for our

elders, love of those younger than us and loyalty to love for King and


Education is to produce good thinkers and achievers in all aspects of life:

physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual. An educated person is ready to serve

society and country at all times.

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Islamic Educationists

Al-Ghazali (1058- 1111 C.E) Mohd Qatb

Education is a process which produces a holistic and balanced individual. It also aims to develop

fully the intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual potentials

of the individual.Education encompasses the intellect and physical domains, as

well as character formation characterized by bravery and

respect for others.

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Socialization process

Social integration

Social placement

Cultural development



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Al-Kindi•Consists of 3 aspects:•Physics•Mathematics•Attributes of God.

Al-Farabi•Can be seen from 2 angles:•Theory – knowledge about existing things. •Practice – things that exist in action.

Ibn Sina•Categorized into 2 types of knowledge:•Revelation of God delivered through messengers•The hereafter.

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“ … a continuous process that nurtures the natural potentials of human beings from the intellectual, behavioral, spiritual and physical aspects in an integrated and balanced manner so as to produce righteous human beings who will bring goodness to this world and hereafter ”

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• Abdul Halim El-Muhammady, 1993:

“ … the purpose of education is to produce righteous individuals who are willing to take on the responsibility of the Caliphs (successors of Prophet Muhammad) entrusted by Allah to lead us to happiness in this world and in the next”.

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• Abd Halim Hj. Mat Diah, 1989:

“ Islamic education is a process for all under the purposeful guidance of educators who will shape Muslims

based on the teachings of Islam”.

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AIMS1) To inculcate a noble character;2) To educate the soul to be refined and perfect;3) To teach students to do good, respectful and

noble deeds;4) To train students to be courteous and be

good human beings;5) To inculcate cleanliness, purity and sincerity

as well as noble practices in students.

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To shape and develop human beings to

become acknowledge, faithful and

trustworthy righteous and noble Muslim.

To produce human beings who are

obedient to Allah, live in peace and harmony in society and so enjoy

tranquility and protection in the


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Muslim faith education


Character-building education



Life education(Al-nafsiyah)

Mental education


Social education


Sex education(Al-jinisiyah)

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The Islamic philosophy of education will encompass the different fields of Islamic

education• The Islamic creed which contains 6 articles of

faith namely• Ibadah which is used in 3 meanings: 1.

worship and adoration; 2. obedience and submission; 3. service and subjection.

• Competence• Leadership

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• Ibnu Rushd (520-595 Hijrah)• He put many new and good ideas not only in the field

of philosophy but also in medicine and Islamic legislation.• His great works:– Kulliyah fit-Thibb – 16 volumes in general medicine.– Foundations of Philosophy (Malbadil Falsafah)

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• Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)– Produced more than 400 literary works in theology

(study of religion), philosophy, science and sufism (a mystic tradition within Islam)

– His great works:• Ihya al-Ulum al-Din – a broad field of Islamic science,

jurisprudence, logic and sufism.

• Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)– Major contribution was in the History of Philosophy

and sociology. – Write about the history of the world.– His great works:

• Universal History• Summary of the result (religion)

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• Al-Farabi (870-950 AD)– Major contribution was in Philosophy, logic and

sociology. – His great works:• Kitab al-ihsa al ‘ulum- explains the classification

and principles of basic science. • Kitab al-Musiqa – a book on music.

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Principles :

• Human beings can be good if they are willing to change. This change happens as a result of contact with the teacher, regardless whether he is prophet, sifu or tok guru.

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• One’s attitudes towards life is a determinant for attaining happiness. For example : According to the teachings of Buddha, of we live only to chase after material things, it is almost impossible for us to attain happiness.

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• Human beings learn by observing their natural surrounding . Simply, this means that if w engage in self-reflection, two possibilities will occur. Either we will be thankful to God for the blessings bestowed upon us or we will be ready to repent for our wrongdoings.

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• Every human being wants to be obtain Enlightenment and attain Nirvana . All the roads in life lead to that direction. When we have become wise, automatically, we will do good and avoid doing wrong.

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Views of Eastern philosophers

Confucius (551-479 SM) Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

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• Life history– Born in 551 SM in Qufu, Shandong Province.– He was from a poor family but he was a diligent

student when he was young.– At the age of 20, he was offered the post as junior

official in the Imperial Place.– Later, he became a judge in Chung-Tu, then Grand

Secretary of Justice and finally as Chief Minister.– He had travelled far to spread his teachings in

various fields include philosophy, music, administration and ethnics.

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• At the prime of his career as the Great Teacher, he had close to 3000 followers including 72 who were excellent scholars.

• The teachings of Confucius is a separate school known as Confucian School.

• The influence of this teachings lasted for two thousands years.

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• Confucius died in 479 SM at the age of 73. • His followers wrote down all the conversation

they had with the great teacher as a sign of remembrance.

• They collected all answers to questions, various types of problems and daily life situations and it is known as Confucius Analects.

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Confucius’ Philosophy of Education

Concept of education. Education is for all, irrespective of socioeconomic or social status.

Goals of education. To produce an able individual (ziancai) with good moral values.

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• Curriculum. Focus on the subjects below :Moral Education- Some of the values emphasized

include respect for parents (xiao), respect for elders ( ti), deligence (min), loyalty (zhong), thrift (jian), give-and-take (rang), wisdom (zhi), and bravery (yong).

Six books of Confucius encompassing philosophy, politics, economics and culture.

Music.Poetry.Literature. History.Code of good behaviour.

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• Role of the teacher. – As a skilled facilitator and disseminator of

knowledge. – For this purpose, a teacher has to show

commitment and responsibility for tasks assigned to him.

– Besides, it is also important for him to know and understand his pupils in order to maximize these potentials and abilities.

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• Life’s history– He was born in Kalkota, India in 1861.– He was from a rich Brahmin family.– At first , he was interested to become lawyer.

However, his ambition was not realized.– In 1901, Tagore set up school in Santiniketan

which later became university in1921.– Although some of Tagore’s works were translated

into English.– These included books and essays about

philosophy, religion ,education and so on.

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Rabindranath Tagore’s Philosophy of Education

• Concept of education. A process to prepare human beings to live their own lives.

• Goals of education. Produce holistic individuals through interaction and integration with the environment.

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• Role of teacher. As a facilitator as well as catalyst to initiate pupils’ discussion and generate good and creative ideas amongst pupils.

• Curriculum. Stresses knowledge and physical activities. Some of the subjects recommend include following :– Music – Arts– Literature– Drama and Dance– History– Environmental Studies

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Implication towards educational development in Malaysia

• Islamic philosophyMore applicable to everyday life and expand the

curriculum to reflect teaching of Islam as a way of life.Islamic Philosophy tends to mould education in the

entire of situation. Islamic philosophy of education shape one’s attitude,

character and moral of the students.Train, change and educate Muslim students based in

Islamic views.

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Eastern philosophy

• The teachers are fully responsible in performing the effective lessons.

• The culture emphasizes on conformity, which stifles creative thinking.

• Students are more disciplined and have higher morality, as they often conform to rules and religious teaching. Hence, conformity is good for morality.