perril over perros and their lovers

Perril Over Perros And Their Lovers Samson Dawit <[email protected]> Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 8:12 PM To: Samson Dawit <[email protected]>, Samson Dawit <[email protected]> Peril Over Perros And Their Lovers (Based On A True Story) Samson David Part 1 It was my dream to finish school and start my life. Ah, a life in which I finished school and a good life at that. A nice house with a wife and kids was a topic worthy of daydreams on a lonely afternoon or a few and those few days I would think about my nice life with school finished and in a nice house with a wife. I would picture a nice bed and a nice breakfast and a crystal clear glass of lemonade and a crystal clear glass of sweet iced tea oh yes two crystal glasses with two refreshing drinks and both glasses would make the beautiful clinking sound of crystal clear glasses with drinks and ice like the clinking sound of the ball in the aluminum spray paint canisters. Maybe a wife who would make me eggs bacon and toast while I lived as an educated painter and writer or a philanthropist. I would have a kid or kids and the kids would be keep themselves busy playing with our videogames or with the pet dog although I am now rather repulsed by dogs. But anyways that was mostly a daydream of yesteryear especially after seeing how an entire town could be destroyed by people for the ones they loved and their best friend. I hope this topic is not too churlish but I would like to explain how my journey from childhood to adulthood has brought me to narrating to you (the reader) and how I would not be around speaking to you today if it were not for a few lucky breaks during our battle with the canines and their lovers, after all, they carried out their onslaught of attacks on my town such as their doggie blitzkrieg. I lived my early years in a small peaceful town. There was a stream which led to a river and all the children would play together. Our town was very harmonious. I always loved how everyone got along because I would sometimes watch the news that my parents had turned on in the living room and see such sad events and I didn’t want where I lived to have any events similar to those terrible events that I would see on the news. They really made me sad. Here, people were familiar with one another’s languages very similar to the miracle at the gathering in Acts. (1) Hot days were spent at the swimming pool and licking ice cream cones and snowy days were spent building snowmen in the fields of the frozen terrain and having snowball fights as well as sledding and we would also shovel entrances and snow off of the cars that needed to take people to their places of employment or jobs for short. My name is Thomas or Tom for short as my friends used to call me. I was not very familiar with the concept of entire towns being taken over in the modern

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This book is like a civil rights autobiography and is based on a true story about some real and some fictional events that took place in a place where I used to reside. A place where people used to thrive! God Bless You All! God Bless America!


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Perril Over Perros And Their Lovers

Samson Dawit <[email protected]> Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 8:12 PM To: Samson Dawit <[email protected]>, Samson Dawit <[email protected]>

Peril Over Perros And Their Lovers

(Based On A True Story)

Samson David

Part 1

It was my dream to finish school and start my life. Ah, a life in which I finished school and a good life at that. A nice house with a wife and kids was a topic worthy of daydreams on a lonely afternoon or a few and those few days I would think about my nice life with school finished and in a nice house with a wife. I would picture a nice bed and a nice breakfast and a crystal clear glass of lemonade and a crystal clear glass of sweet iced tea oh yes two crystal glasses with two refreshing drinks and both glasses would make the beautiful clinking sound of crystal clear glasses with drinks and ice like the clinking sound of the ball in the aluminum spray paint canisters. Maybe a wife who would make me eggs bacon and toast while I lived as an educated painter and writer or a philanthropist. I would have a kid or kids and the kids would be keep themselves busy playing with our videogames or with the pet dog although I am now rather repulsed by dogs. But anyways that was mostly a daydream of yesteryear especially after seeing how an entire town could be destroyed by people for the ones they loved and their best friend. I hope this topic is not too churlish but I would like to explain how my journey from childhood to adulthood has brought me to narrating to you (the reader) and how I would not be around speaking to you today if it were not for a few lucky breaks during our battle with the canines and their lovers, after all, they carried out their onslaught of attacks on my town such as their doggie blitzkrieg.

I lived my early years in a small peaceful town. There was a stream which led to a river and all the children would play together. Our town was very harmonious. I always loved how everyone got along because I would sometimes watch the news that my parents had turned on in the living room and see such sad events and I didn’t want where I lived to have any events similar to those terrible events that I would see on the news. They really made me sad. Here, people were familiar with one another’s languages very similar to the miracle at the gathering in Acts. (1) Hot days were spent at the swimming pool and licking ice cream cones and snowy days were spent building snowmen in the fields of the frozen terrain and having snowball fights as well as sledding and we would also shovel entrances and snow off of the cars that needed to take people to their places of employment or jobs for short. My name is Thomas or Tom for short as my friends used to call me. I was not very familiar with the concept of entire towns being taken over in the modern

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world that we live in. In the land of the free and the home of the brave might I add! Human rights were being violated for dogs. I was not yet the age of getting married when the events of this story took place. I was in my teens. My neighbors were from all different corners of the globe and there were parades filled with vivacious liveliness and aesthetic loveliness that celebrated different cultures. There was something very special about having people from all different parts of the world living together. You could tell that something like this had never been done before much like a town having something being done like this within its borders and then being destroyed had never been done before either. People got to learn about one another’s cultures. The most vivid portions of my photographic memory’s recollection remind me that the times were similar to a volume of National Geographic morphed and mutated into the contexts of living in a perfect town then mingled into one article. The town was some concoction and the town was known for being extremely interesting. I was super interested in the events of the town. Sometimes I would be right at the forefront of the events and would act like I was some host of television show and sometimes I would just position myself in the very rear of all of the attractions and just observe what was going on. I would laugh because certain people and scenarios would crack me up by being just so darn funny and I felt really happy at these times. Sometimes I would even feel overjoyed and positive energy flows would generate and consume my entire body from my nerves to my organs to tingling outside of my body. I guess the town would make a great date full of drinks and interesting conversation and this would be very desirable because it’s not always easy to find such a perfect spot to take a girl out to that would seem so peaceful and romantic at the same time. Not to burst any bubbles but our town must have been quite naïve to think our small paradise would last forever.

Down the straight and upon the crest of a hill, where there were oak trees and planted tulip bulbs, lived a town of pooch loving, mutt walking hermits. I heard they all migrated from out of town. They seemed very secretive like they had something to hide and they never bothered to join in any of our town events so we did not know much about their group of people. This behavior just added to their mystery. It was always, “No, sorry, gotta’ take the dog to the vet” this, or, “Maybe another time, me and the pet are going out for a toss of the Frisbee” that. I dislike the fact that I must bring up race but like Mark Twain and many others mentioned the term Negro in their works to signify and denote a group of people, I will now attempt to mention the term out-of-towners to signify and denote a group of people. A group of people who stood out to us just like the groups of Negros must have stood out to the Whites when this country was still forming or maybe even from those times up until this day! The Whites and Negroes constantly claiming that they have a different genetic makeup is something that comes to mind when I start thinking about this subject. I guess you could say that the out-of-towners were of the genetic make-up opposite of townies (if there even is such a physical law in

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biology that states certain types of humans are at the opposite end of the genetic spectrum from others. We will have to check with the National Institute of Health or one of the many universities that our world has come to view as reputable.) Out-of-towner was a majority of the racial make-up of the group of migrants practically because being from out of town could be more significant than race especially in a town where every single race on the face of the Earth was living in and present. One should consider out-of-towner a different race because those out-of-towners definitely acted and behaved very different from the people who lived in our town. They would focus on their dogs much more than on town activities. Some people wondered what was so important about these dogs but I could tell that they were handsome and obedient, the ideal characteristic for their species. These were special dogs although the people and their dogs would act secretly. Mystery and strange behavior was always apparent when observing the out-of-towners. I would sometimes have dreams about these people and their dogs. The dreams were as real as reality at certain times and at certain times I could feel the wetness of the dogs’ noses and smell their breath, the teeth were razor sharp and I could feel the love between the humans from the secret base and their dog companions. It was infectious and it would flow to my body. From out of town is where they were from and now they lived down the straight and upon the crest of a hill.

Down the street from down the straight and upon the crescent of a hill, on the valley opposite our town’s valley, lay the dog lovers’ secret base that was equipped with enough firepower and nuclear arsenal to blow our planet up tenfold if anyone were to mess with mans’ best friend. Bombs hundreds of times stronger than the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan during World War Two that led the Allied Forces to victory over the evils of the Axis Of Evil. The people from the secret bases presence came to the people of our town in a dearth that exploded in our psyches. When I tell you that these people loved their mutts, I am telling the truth! It seemed like the out-of-towners were there to serve their dogs. I wondered if the dogs had evolved and were now manipulating humans to carry out their master plans like a group of evil mad scientist dogs. An evil mad scientist that you would find in the movies comes to my minds vivid mental image portion when thinking about how the dogs were possibly able to manipulate the functioning and cognitive reasoning in the brains of the out-of-towner humans. I will have to refer to Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung to see if these occurrences and phenomena are actually possible. If this secret base were set up with ulterior motives as the intention other than for man, created in the image of God to protect dog, we were oblivious. I believe I was once told that this group believed in an ancient Alaskan religion that believed that the human race were the descendants of Dogs so to not treat dogs as equals would be a disgrace to God the creator. I on the other hand believed that humans evolved from primates and the whole dog evolution story sounded a little suspicious and somewhat bogus to me. Everyone was enjoying the bliss that we were living in until we found out that it was mere

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ignorance that shocking day we heard the decree from the out of town, dog loving clan via their secret base. This revelation really Bogged us down! The actions of the secret base and their dogs were cold-blooded. This took place in the days before the descendant of the sultan Shahriar from Arabian Nights (2) who vowed to marry a different virgin every night. The decree stated that our town must be evacuated within a fortnights passing or the troops would be brought in with trained canine infantry as backup. The ultimatum had thus been stated. The only vindication was that there was a top secret mission that needed to be carried out. All of us townspeople soon started being treated as dregs that were not worthy to be a part of society. The treatment was probably much worse than the treatment of most dogs.

Many people fled our town, some without even saying their goodbyes. Families were split up in the frenzy with groups on either side of the stream not having a chance to meet at any particular rendezvous location. Our emotions had clogged into still, solid opaque balls within us. (3). A feeling of powerlessness had come and gone through our insides. There were some who decided to stick around and fight for their turf. I was really surprised by and admired their bravery. The outcome was a small massacre and a few people died in a fire where the flames could be seen lighting up the nights sky from miles away. There were also explosions in this tragedy. Mangled sometimes charred cadavers and separated ligaments were laying unburied, scattered on the ground. Chunks of body parts were laying in a haphazard fashion on cobblestone. Blood, gore, grime, ash, flesh and all other types of gruesome images were right there at my feet. I tried to look up into the night’s sky. I felt paralyzed but after looking for a source of light out of the sky’s darkness, what I found was a blood red bloodshot harvest moon that looked like it was covered with the ruby red and dark red blood of our townspeople. The moon was dim and almost the opposite hue of the morning’s Sun that is very bright and lights up the entire blue sky full of pigment of the morning. Even though the Sun gives the Moon its light, the bloodshot redness did not give the slightest clue that the Sun illuminates the Moon. The harvest of our towns people’s bodies were now the meals of the dogs. I didn’t feel angry at the dogs, no, I felt pity and empathy for the dogs because this man who was created in the image of God who possibly like God was watching over these dogs thought that the dogs were being used like Ivan Ivanovich Pavlov’s dogs that is to say that the dogs were being used as a psychological experiment. Maslow on the other hand would have known that these dogs had a hierarchy of needs that included Love and attention. Sigmund Freud after viewing the terrible treatment of the dogs would have felt that the dogs needed psychoanalytical therapy and he would have felt that their treatment was such a fraud! Oh my gosh, oh the dogs were in a bog but I thought as I saw the bodies rot and as the dogs would eat the bods (bodies). Couldn’t the secret base have fed the dogs veggie burgers instead because those events left negative engrams in my mind’s memory band and I could not use my minds analyzer to

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figure out what good was in these events only I didn’t display any aberrations because I believed in God! God bless all dogs and men, men who like the Bible says were created in the image of God. The town was now ignominious since these evil secret base operatives and their dogs started residing in it. Other of the townspeople were imprisoned for looting tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of electronics but the secret base had a special brigade unit set up to punish any that would not cooperate. I thought to myself that this was not exactly a move that showed our towns people were of the utmost intelligence and that made me kinda embarrassed but I hid my emotions and kept praying for a way out of the madness. It was truly madness that included a massacre. A massacre, punishment and imprisonment were some of the negative events that ensued following the arrival of the out-of-towners who operated out of a secret base. It was easy to see the wagging of the chain and wrecking ball and to hear the growling noise of the buildings being demolished on one side of the stream.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the stream, doggie doors were being installed on all doors of residences. Those of us who hid in town and remained for the purpose of surveying what was taking place had noticed truckloads of dog bones, water bowls, play gear and toys and tantalizing dog biscuits being transported into these units. Anyone who was found medaling in the secret affairs of the secret base of the dog-loving out-of-towners was put into a prison. Our town’s leader was found not breathing and later pronounced deceased. It was such a shame. The leader was a really great guy and these events and these types of events were so tragic. It really made me mad to think about how something so terrible could be done to a man so nice. The doctors who performed the autopsy said that the leader suffered a heart attack but we all knew the secret base carried out this killing because our towns leader stood up to those secretive pals of pooches and the decree coming from their secret base. Their clan reminded me of the racist KKK only their acronym should have been OOT for out of town or DOG for dog. Through their fair speeches yet hideous actions, one of the bases’ goals was to have people fear them yet admire and praise them just like in Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince. They always had a smile on their face yet when it was time for them to attack, the dog loving clan always attacked from the rear a la the doggie style ‘Art Of War’ attack. This attack is found in ‘The Art Of War’ by Sun Tzu. The place was now a terra incognita that is to say an unknown land.

New buildings were being erected on one side of the stream in our town. Construction was taking place so fast that buildings were being put up faster than AutoCAD architecture software for computers could process or so it seemed anyways. The noise was so distracting that it hindered my and a friends ability to practice hitting a fastball or nailing a twenty five foot jump shot on the basketball court. I absolutely loved playing sports. Soccer, football, basketball, baseball, swimming, tennis, rollerblading and just about every other sport that you could

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think of were some of my pastimes including bowling, billiards and darts. I would play and practice everyday. I had dreams of being a professional athlete one day so that I could represent the paradise like town that I lived in and go on to win championships. Sometimes when I was alone and would practice sports to get better, I would vision myself as the star player on a championship team and would make the buzzer beater last scoring point that would send my team to the championship victory at the last second. On the other side of the stream, secret installations were being fabricated into the refurbished living quarters of the former residents of our town. For two years straight, this strange behavior went on without a single sight or sound from the townspeople that lived atop the hill. Only secret base vehicles were spotted driving to and from our town. Some of us suspected that the secret base vehicles were the vehicles of the townspeople who lived at the top of the hill. Later, civilian automobiles could be seen parked at the newly completed construction sites. There were cars, trucks and vans with out of town license plates and secret base decals stuck to their windshields. The automobiles were spotless. They looked detailed and well taken care of. They must have operated with precision in every single thing that they ever did. New out-of-towners moved in at the new buildings, people sympathetic of doggie loving as well. Just as we thought we had seen it all and figured out the secret base was put in place as an instrument for gentrification and bestiality although this was forbidden in many of the major religions including Christianity which happened to be the main religion of the area, the next phase in the secret bases’ plan is what had us in shock and flabbergasted.

On one side of the stream in our town were the out-of-towners who had just moved into the neighborhood. Many of whom were women. I had heard that a lot of these women were hot but I knew that I must remain as religious as possible in order to avoid this ordeal of originality never before seen that is to say that the secret base was so original in their plotting that I admired their plans. Like a Prometheus, they had elaborate blueprints in stealth. They would spy and why, well the answer is to achieve their goal of having dogs who were pampered to be more than golf ball fetching tools of human beings, no, they wanted these pampered pooches to live in apartments made for man who was created in the image of God except these apartments would be used for DOGS! Bark, yell, charge, roll over in joy oh ye dogs for unto you has been given the residence of man that was created in the image of God now received by dog. This is the lords doing and oh how it is marvelous in our eyes! This is the day that the lord has made for us let us rejoice and be glad in it! (The ‘us’ being dog and man created in the image of God and both in the presence of God because let us (both the reader and writer) not forget that what God has put together let not man (nor dog) put asunder. This reminded me of the story of some of my uncles who had married a woman from a different country while their countrymen were away at war fighting the threat of communism in the Fareast. I thought I might have a chance to find a wife for myself

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if the country were at war against dog haters in far reaches of our planet. I was now fifteen years older than when I was a child playing and joining in parades. On the other side of the stream to our bewilderment lived a niche of self-sufficient dogs who had become hermits themselves. Yes, dogs, living in their own condos, without a human for master, blessed by God to be living in apartments created for man who was created in the image of God. The dogs apartments were blessed with all kinds of luxuries such as: Heating, air conditioning, television and radio were all controlled by a dogs’ bark. I really thought that these inventions were nifty and there were all kinds of dogs as a matter of fact. So many dogs that when one would observe these pooches they would be in for the thrill of a lifetime and it was like winning a prize and would motivate a persons life! These were just some of the types of dogs that inhabited the futuristic kennel like residences that were put up:

Brittany, Pointer, German Shorthaired, German Shepherd, German White-haired, Irish Setter, Irish Water Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel, Doberman Pinscher, Poodle, Pit-bull, Bull Terrier, Chihuahua, Australian Cattle Dog, Alaskan Malamute, Newfoundland, Manchester Terrier, the type of dog that Buck the dog was, they type of dog that Lassie was and many other dogs who were united living in peace and harmony amongst themselves in new residences. These dogs had wet noses, sharp teeth, could bark loud, run fast, jump, swim, roll over, play dead, growl and many other skills. It really made me feel so emotionally good, warm, moist, happy, fuzzy, joyful measure and beyond superfluous and surfeit a real surety, exuberant, exhilarated, exasperated, unfeigned, salubrious, amiable, amicable, fervent with zeal, halcyon, and all this while feeling dogmatic about dog living in the apartment residences made for man who was created in the image of God to be in the presence of God and you know what, it kinda made me want to join paws with the canines and join in prayer together. Oh how I am lothe to forget how these events took place and the fact that there was an intrinsically, inherently good and kind nature about this beasts who were also mans best friend at the same time!

This was all carried out by the secret bases’ zoology division to evolve the way species live or so they had us believe. They had a separate initiative to get primates to be the pen pals of humans through the use of computers and instant messengers. The primate plan was taking place ten miles to the north at the National Zoo. The dogs in our neighborhood were so sophisticated that they only wore denim on casual Fridays and shopped at dog treat boutiques at the shopping mall across the way from the secret base. Our town had turned from a friendly town in which it was a great place to raise children in into an unusual Dante’s Devine Comedy-esque scene where dogs in designer petticoats and Prada penny loafers were ruling the town and where out-of-towners were invading to fight innocent people for the dog cause which was probably to have dogs living in the residences of human beings and being able to utilize all of the appliances and equipment that humans utilize on a daily basis. The innocent people were being

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tormented like in the Isle of Dis. Peril was caused by perros (4) and their lovers. The place look like it had been hit by a comet, asteroid and meteor all at the same time! The out-of-towner people would sip on their trendy bottles of cactus grass juice to stay energized during the tumultuous expedition. (Both dog and their lover would sip).

Those of us who remained in the town did what we could to survive among the out-of-towners and sophisticated dog groups who were headquartered at the secret base on the other side of the hills valley. I took a job at the local dog biscuit delivery service. This was a new service that was put in place to accommodate the new influx of high profile dog clientele that had relocated into our neighborhood and to put it quite frankly, took over our entire town. The secret base would hear no complaints or protest out of me because I knew just how dangerous such actions and behaviors could be. Just look at some of the other protesters who rioted against the secret base. Their bodies were blown up or destroyed in fire and the remaining flesh that made it out of the fire was devoured by the dogs of the secret base! I worked alongside the internationally recognized ‘worlds’ fastest doggie biscuit maker’ who drove a luxury car to deliver doggie biscuits and cactus juice to our sophisticated clients. Our manager’s name was Albert. He ran his business in a scientific manner. Albert had all sorts of calculations and diagrams and he felt that his business should be operated with precision. There were no room for mistakes at this dog biscuit delivery service. They would not accept deliveries from drivers in dinged up cars, only Ferraris and other supercar type vehicles with a V12 engine would suffice. The hordes of hounds bore a striking resemblance to Disney’s character Pluto and they were into reading Plato and about his ideas on a Republic or so it seemed by their sophisticated facades. Maybe they were still stuck in the time of Plato because we were already living in what my namesake Thomas Hobbes coined the term Utopian Society. It seemed like the out-of-towners were into topics such as the welfare of the state but their hidden intensions were only one thing. Causing destruction and taking over our town. The second cousin of my coworker and acclaimed worlds’ fastest dog biscuit maker became jealous of our business’s success and learned it was due to the secret bases plan plus an influx of canine sophistication into our neighborhood. The enraged second cousin of the worlds’ fastest doggie biscuit maker and descendant of Sultan Shariar of Arabian Nights lore decided to gather a group of cat lovers and destroy the secret base in the name of felines. Destruction in the form of shrapnel could be seen raining like cats and dogs around and the secret base and it was damaged but more and more out-of-towners and their dog counterparts migrated down from the hill and into our neighborhood. While I was making a decent living buttering the pans used to bake the doggie biscuits and making a few biscuits (dollars) myself, I decided to take a job as an engraver of silver dog necklaces and human keepsakes. This company was a sister company of the place where I was already working at and Albert was a co-manager. Albert was one of the nicest people that I had ever met and I knew that the only

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reason that he was a strict manager was because he could not afford to keep his job if there were mistakes. His strictness trickled down from the corporate headquarters because the corporate higher ups were strict and always breathing down Albert’s back. I kind of felt sorry for him because he was always trying to do his job properly and without mistake. Albert had a special set up where we could make human biscuits to snack on and eat during our lunch break and at company meetings where we would receive pay and be on the clock to sit and listen to the manager’s lectures on why it was so important to not mistakes and to use the formulas and diagrams to get everything precise. He was a real Einstein or at least I thought so because of his first name being Albert. I packed my bags and headed south ten miles to reside near the engraving factory since I knew I was very talented in art and creating objects. Engraving was great and I was now working and making a living by manufacturing items for the new influx of dogs in our area and direct vicinity. There was a point in time while I was working by making doggie biscuits and engraving doggie tags that I had some free time to myself. My manager Albert would give me days off periodically and boy did I enjoy those days off. I was a free spirit who liked to spend my time doing hobbies and playing. I also liked to relax and enjoy beautiful scenery. Sometimes I would spend those days off from my job by returning to or near my old town. I would reminisce all bout all of the good times that I used to have there. I would sit by the town’s creek that leads to the –River and I would sit there and watch the currents flow. I thought water and currents were beautiful. The superfluous nonstop waves were very calming to my senses. The currents would move more swiftly after it had rained and I thought about how currents moved in one direction just like time only moves in one direction and that one direction is straight into the future and I was now in the future watching different currents from the same creek that I had known all of my life only my friends and neighbors were no longer here and many had been massacred and devoured by dogs that were being pampered by living in our neighborhood and a disrespect was done to their bodies which is not proper for any human being but none the less the currents were still flowing in one direction like time flows in one direction and that direction is straight into the future and the currents would flow more rapidly and the waves would be higher and the water would be deeper just like emotions would be deeper after a rain storm but then again things always get better as time moves into the future and the sky clears up after a rain storm just like after a tragedy only when it rains and thunderstorms the next time it is like the tragedy reoccurs just like the flashbacks of the destruction of my town would reappear in my mind and everything would seem dark but the blue sky would return and would cheer me up and I would feel better soon. I would sit or sometimes stand when I was not feeling lazy on my days off and would observe all sorts of dogs roaming all around and there was much barking some of which was loud all around the town when I would return to visit and sit by the creek and reminisce on the history of my life and the good and joyous times that I spent in it and oh how wonderful that those great times were. I will always be grateful to God

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for the peaceful days that allowed me to reflect on all of my blessings. Even while flashbacks would occur like a rainstorm that is full of lightning and loud thunder and by the way the thunder was much like the loud barking of the dogs and the rain was like raining cats and dogs or maybe just raining dogs and the currents of the creek would become more rapid just like my emotions would start raging, I still appreciated all of the beauty that I had experienced in this once great town that was now a spectacle but at least I was able to reminisce on how really fun and great those times were. You could tell that the town had been changed and changed into a spectacle might I add. Things just seemed different and not just from how this town was but also different from any town that I had ever seen before. I spent the rest of my time at my place of my employment which was ten miles to the south making doggie biscuits and engraving doggie tags with my manager being a scientific sort of man named Albert. None of my new neighbors believed my story about the dogs living as humans and the out-of-towners except for one blind woman. This woman stopped what she was doing to lay hands on me and pray and speak in tongues to keep evil spirits away. By the way I loved prayer and I loved to pray. In my bedroom at my residence there used to be all types of iconography of the Lord Jesus and of the Virgin Mary as well as small statues of them and of certain disciples and saints such as the bald head statue of Saint Paul and of the Archangel Michael standing over Satan like in the scene from Revelation in the Holy Bible. I also had pop music albums such as Michael Jackson who was the most famous person in the world while I was growing up. I remember how people would play his music through loud speakers at town events and children and some of the adults would try to master all of his dance moves. This woman who I had came across had glassy eyes and oh and her hands were wrinkled and curved and you could see her veins popping out and her hands would shake for no apparent reason. Maybe it was a form of Parkinson’s disease. That shaking was definitely something! She said an invasion of this nature (the invasion by the Secret Base and by the dogs) is a bad sign emanating from the depths of the spirit world and it takes prayer and fasting to get rid of this kind. I kind of agreed with the woman and she almost moved me enough by her speech to become one of her spiritual followers had she been some sort of guru or diviner that was looking to start some sort of cult or religious group. She was always with her Seeing Eye dog.

Everything was going alright until one day things took a turn for the worse when while working at the engraving factory, I must have been tired from staying up the previous night assessing what was going on. I couldn’t get to sleep because so many thoughts were racing through my mind and because of the fact that misspelled one of the dogs’ names on a tag because an officer told me how an infuriated dog reported me to the new out of town people at the secret base. They put my name on a search warrant and the authorities came into the factory with guns pointed at my head and fingers on the triggers. Before I knew it, I was cuffed and in the back seat of a cruiser. Half an hour later and I found myself in a cell with no food,

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clothing or forms of communication. The cell was cold, dark and dreary and shivers ran all through my body. I was frightened that I may never make it out of the facility in which my cell was located. I remembered what had happened to other of my townspeople who had gotten on the bad side of the operatives of the secret base and I became even more frightened as my body shivered from the cold and from the fear of knowing that these may be my last moments. “Is all this for a simple mistake?” I questioned the guard I received no response from the gun toting heavyweight. There were other people in cells as well. I didn’t say one word to these people because I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself while I was being detained. I was actually quite terrified since I knew how the secret base operatives could do something so evil as to destroy an entire town. Some of the people in the cells looked to be in pretty bad shape like they had been locked in a cell for quite a while. Most of the people that were being held in cells were older than me. You cold tell because their beards had grown and there were grey hairs and most of them were men although there were some young adults and women being held in cells as well. This meant that the secret base was willing to put anyone in a cell that the felt were a determent to their town, their dogs and their overall goals. I hoped that I would not end up like the others who were in cells in bad shape and I did not end up like them. It must have been those times when I was in the cell and kept quiet and to myself and would remember all of those religious relics that I kept at my old residence and closed my eyes and prayed. I remembered the old woman who prayed with me and I tried her technique of speaking in tongues and a miracle must have occurred because I was released a week later with no shower and only a few meals on the condition that I would be required to do community service for a week straight in the freezing cold. I quit my job, did my community service that consisted of light mopping, dusting and wiping glass clean and spotless using Windex, and looked for a place to relocate, away from any four legged creatures and their companions. The community service was actually easy. It was a light workout that I found to be boring. Little did I know that I was one of the most watched and surveillanced individuals after this ordeal. Secret base cars with tinted windows would pull up and observe my behavior. I made sure not to break any rules or act suspiciously.

When I finally returned to my town, near the stream, all of my neighbors, the ones who decided to stick around were now gone. Whether they were still alive, I knew not. The place was empty. Emptiness and eeriness was the feeling that I felt as I searched the town for new signs of life hiding somewhere and I also felt like I needed turn over a new leaf, I felt like I needed something to believe in but I kept these feelings within as I progressed through my life’s journey and I knew that life was progressing like the annual fall leaves change their colors then fall to the ground to give us a beautiful show in Earth’s tones and colors and that next year they will be waiting for us again and as I tried to find a new freedom in this progression much like the annual changing leaves that I no longer fully had. I

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peeked into the towns remaining abodes to investigate the mysterious disappearances and what I found going on inside was pure absurdity. The out-of-towners from one side of the stream and the dogs from the other side of the stream were living together as married couples, eating their biscuits and sipping on their cactus grass juice while the men went to war against the remaining descendants of the Sultan. The dogs became like Mr. Rochester to the women and the women became Jane (5) to the dogs that now lived in our town. They played dress up. Dogs were wearing designer dresses with pearls and makeup and the women were eating out of dog bowls and chewing on doggie bones! This appeared to me to be glamorous and animalistic at the same time! The secret bases plan was a success. The plan they devised was to kick out the people of our town and allow their group of dog lovers to inhabit the land. And what a success it was. There were dogs everywhere and the dogs were being pampered. The ladies finally had a faithful man who was interested in them and wanted to lick them constantly! I was tired of dogs. I had been attacked myself by more than one, two or a few. There were so many dogs after me at one point at another that there were enough to call them many. One day I finally became as curious as ever as to what was going on in the residences with the dogs that I attempted to peer into a window. A secret base vehicle pulled as I was watching a dog that was watching television. He seemed very entertained. He had that dog smile on his face and he would bark and dog sing along when melodies and songs would come on the television. The dog had a sweater on and was smoking a pipe and there was a bookshelf full of books across from where he was sitting. A window rolled down and a voice yelled, “Hey! Just what do you think you are doing? Aren’t you the boy that we detained?” Before he could finish his sentence I started running. I didn’t even look back to see how close that the secret base operatives were because I knew that even the slightest change in the way that I was running would affect my top sprinting speed. I was fast too. I would take turns and direction alterations including 90˚ and 180˚ direction shifts. I used to practice all types of track and field and cross training while I would play other sports and I hadn’t missed a step since my town was destroyed and taken over. I am talking about high jump, long jump, sprints and distance. I ran into the first wooded area that I could find since automobiles were not able to maneuver the wooded areas terrains. I kept running then hid behind a tree for a few minutes to catch my breath. You could hear me panting for the first minute but after that I had caught my breath. I was so alert and thinking of what I should do and how I should maneuver so that I wouldn’t get caught. I know that I had not done something very wrong like protest against the secret base but I knew how serious they were about people following their rules. After all this had transpired, I started and kept running as far away as I could from my town which had a stream and after departing, I thought that I would never look back and I also remembered that the best mode of transportation would be to take to sailing rather than traveling on foot. I reached the furthest ends of the creek that lined my neighborhood where the creek started running into a river. The water became much deeper and the

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current became swifter. Dogs with women was not exactly my cup of tea so I sailed on water instead of the rivers of tea that could fill a cup of a person who was into that kind of stuff!

Notes: (1) Acts of the Apostles in the Bible| (2) From the book Arabian Nights| (3) Taken from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand| (4) Perro means dog in the Spanish Language| (5) From the book Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Part 2

I first surveyed the land with my perfect vision, a lacyropia at that, twenty-twenty vision to be exact and I had realized that all hope was lost. The only way that hope could be regained would have to be through some sort of extraordinary phenomenon. The town was completely changed and changed for good might I add if I do say so myself. The changes were permanent like they were a tattoo or like they were written in the stones of the Sumerians that they chiseled in tablets. I also remembered what had happened at the massacre of my townspeople including the charred body parts, blood drenched pavements and limbs lying separated from torso and bodies and being devoured by hungry razor-sharp toothed dogs on the same pavement where children used to jump rope, play jax and foursquare and play hacky sack. I also remembered the seriousness of the operatives of the secret base and how they put me in a cell for a simple mistake. A mere typo at that! Luckily I was working for them by making doggie biscuits and engraving so they did not do to me what they did to other of my fellow townspeople. They released me and I remained on my best behavior but I made another mistake in the eyes of the secret base operatives by looking into the new residences that were occupied by dogs and I was spotted so I left. I did not want to get spotted again so I took what I had on me and feeling no good reason to stick around because I knew if I were to be caught, the penalties would be life threatening, I raced out of the town and began sailing. All of this commotion was so stressful that I felt in serious need of some yoga and meditation. Prayer was definitely something for me to consider taking up. I thought to myself, “Where are all of the saints and miracle workers now?” I decided once again not to take a risk by sticking around and waiting for a miracle but rather to leave at once. There was no time to spare. It was evident and clear that no one was to meddle in the secret affairs of the secret base and the out-of-towners. I decided to load my belongings on board of a small sail boat. There were a few spare sailboats docked at the creek in our town but were no longer in use. I climbed aboard and the next thing I knew was that I was sailing down creek. I darted away so fast that you could have mistaken my image for light moving FASTER than the speed of light. The current was swift so I only had little work to do while on board. My task was to keep the sailboat from colliding into some of the rocks around the edges of the creek. After a few hours of sailing had been accomplished and the sun was beginning to set, I realized that I had not packed any

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food on board for the voyage. Soon nightfall came and I had made it up to the -- River.

I happened to come across a small fishing boat so I decided to board and take a look around to see if anyone was present. I glanced at my piercing reflection in the water and smiled like I was a narcissus. Seeing my own image reminded me of just how beautiful that I was and lucky too. I was optimistic as returned my attention to the fishing boat. To my surprise, during my initial search of the deck of the fishing boat I did not find a single soul around. The boat seemed vacant. I finally arrived at a set of stairs which led to a lower level of the ship. After descending, I ended up at a door. The plaque on the door read ‘Captain’s Quarters’. There were no windows near the entrance that I was standing in front of so I decided to gently pry the door open by twisting the knob as stealth like as I could as to not make any noise whatsoever. The door opened with a slight creaking noise. I was trying my best to not make any noise but it was easy to tell that the hinges needed to be oiled. I got the door open enough to take a peek inside of the room and what I saw was an old man laying back on a recliner snoring. He had maps out on the table in front of him along with a compass and cartography equipment that I was unfamiliar with. There also was a flashlight, candles and nets in the room. It was a cozy little cabin and the bed was unoccupied.

-Knock-knock-knock. I tried to notify the sleeping man of my presence but he continued to snore away in his heavy slumber. I wondered what he was dreaming about. Hopefully a way for me to escape was in his dreams. I really felt like I needed to escape the secret base because I saw how dangerous they were and how really fatal that their dealings were in reality. You never know, he may just be very creative and have the perfect way to solve all of my problems. You don’t get to be the captain of your own ship without having some sort of creativity somewhere in your bowels. My hopes were high that the man would turn out to be hospitable and since his ship was the only one that I had spotted while I was sailing on the river, he was the only person that I could ask for assistance from since he was the only person nearby. In my situation of having no food I decided to take a risk. I entered the cabin and placed my hand on the sleeping man’s shoulder and began to shake it while repeating the words, “Excuse me sir, excuse me sir.” My voice gradually became louder in increments until the man awoke, startled to find a stranger standing so close to him. He immediately coughed and yelled, “Ahhhh! Who are you and why have you come here?” I opened my mouth and said, “I apologize, sir.” That was the only response that I could muster up because I was so nervous and my palms were sweating and I was hoping that the man would not do me any harm. I next said, “My name is Thomas sir and I have been sailing for hours. Unfortunately I have no food and this ship was the only sign of life I could find out here on the river.” were my next utterances. “Well you’re lucky I didn’t clock you on the head when you barged into my room unannounced and startled me like that, young man.

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What did you say your name was again?” he responded. I opened my mouth once more, glad that I was finally talking to someone and said, “Thomas, sir.” The man spoke back and said, “Ah, Thomas huh? What a good name you have there boy, a name from the Bible like one of the twelve disciples. Well they call me Arnold around here. Yep, Arnold’s the name and I’m in charge of this vessel and the fishing that happens on board of this vessel. I am as in charge as the electrons that make an eel electric. And I don’t just slither either I also sting if someone gets too close so you’re lucky to not have gotten electrocuted. Ha ha ha. Do I make myself clear to you young man? Won’t you please alert me before you come a rattlin’ on my shoulder so I don’t zap you next time.” “Yes sir” was my response before I was cut off Cap’n Arnold. “No need to keep calling me sir” he said in a friendly tone of voice. I could see the cap’n was getting used to my presence and he started taking a liking to me and he seemed happy to be entertaining a visitor. “Cap’n is just fine.” he added.

His next move was to pull a chair up right next to the recliner that he had been sitting on and instructed me to have a seat while he prepared supper. The chair was made of leather and was comfortable. You could rock back and forth in it and I was able to rest my tired feet. My feet were tired from escaping and from the voyage. Feet can get tired for just about any reason sometimes if you are on them for long enough just like working in retail or in the food industry for eight hours a day. He still looked like he wasn’t finished with his sleep but he also seemed very hospitable. I peered out of the cabin window and the moon shone as brightly as I had ever seen it before. It was no longer blood red like the night when my town was destroyed but seemed pure and things had been a long while since the last time that I could relax in peace without fear of being detained. Detained by the Secret Base that is. Captain Arnold was on the other side of the cabin by now and he appeared to be stirring something. It was a ladle in a cooking pot and the contents of the pot were boiling away. After a few minutes of stirring, the cap’n poured two bowls of food though I couldn’t make out what kind. He then reached into a bag and brought out handfuls of oyster crackers. My mouth started watering and my stomach started rumbling and grumbling when I saw that the food was ready but he didn’t notice. Now that I was paying attention, I could really smell the aroma of the food and it smelled delicious! He then placed a spoon in each of the bowls and brought them over to where we were sitting. “Do you eat seafood, Thomas? Sorry I forgot to ask you that question before I prepared this meal.” The cap’n questioned me and apologized for not having questioned me sooner. I responded by saying, “Sure do.” You could see the smile on the captain’s face stretch out as his entire face lit up upon seeing me so happy to be receiving a meal. I looked in the bowl and found the contents to be clam chowder with crab meat and oyster crackers. I tried to refrain from consuming too much at a time but I was so hungry that after we dug into our meals there was no conversation to be heard. Only the slurping of our mouths devouring our bowlfuls of seafood chowder was

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making noise for the next half-hour. You could even hear our teeth grinding the pieces of seafood meat and our throats gulping the delicious food. The captain did not seem to mind the fact that I was eating so fast, as a matter of fact he seemed almost as famished as I was because he was practically keeping up with the speed with which I was eating at and there was no interruption in either of our consumptions. The chowder went from hot to warm and was delicious the entire meal and my hunger disappeared once our meals were finished. The cap’n took the bowls and left them in the small sink that he had in the kitchen portion of his chamber. You could tell that he planned to wash the dishes that we used at a later time. He now seemed fully awake from his nap. He then asked me why I had been sailing all alone with no provisions whatsoever and at night for that matter.

I began to explain to the captain the entire story of our town being taken over. I felt that it was a complete and utter tragedy. It was a tragedy much like any of the very sad stories of Greek antiquity. People slain in the streets and left there without a proper burial like the story of Antigone who wanted to burry her brother but a mean king would not allow her due to her brother getting in an argument with the king and therefore being found defiant. Although I didn’t have any brothers or sisters because I am an only child, I wanted to burry the people of the town but vicious dogs got to their bodies first and had a feast like they never had before! I could no longer keep what had happened bottled up inside like a ship in a bottle. The memories were too vivid and my tears began gathering around my eyes and my tear ducts were full. Next, tears ran down my cheeks as I said, “I was a student. The town in which I live is fifteen miles to the south of here. It was a wonderful town really but all of a sudden things took a turn for the worse. Our town was invaded by a secretive group who came from out of town and settled upon the crescent of a hill just down the way from our town. They destroyed the place and rebuilt it to suit their fancy. And they had some expensive taste for them and their companions. They didn’t care about the casualties that they were responsible for. A lot of lives were lost! I myself barley made it out alive. The only reason I was able to stick around was because I took jobs that involved making presents for dogs. The group who took over our town was in love with dogs, literally. Women married them and left their husbands for that very same objective. That is why they took over, to marry those things! The captain had a look of disbelief on his face and cut me off once more in an apprehensive voice that made him sound like he was anticipating being lied to, “Are you pulling my leg kid? Tell me why you are here or are you just out to play a trick on an old captain? Did someone send you? If so tell me right now. Or have you gone mad? Maybe that is it, maybe you have gone mad. Were you allergic to seafood and have forgotten to tell me before I served you that bowl. I hope it’s not my fault that you are speaking such fantastical words and we have just met. “Ah, such a tragedy, so young and already a madman.” he said. I interrupted by saying, “I’m not mad, captain! And I definitely am no fool either. This is a serious matter, not a laughing matter and the truth I tell you now. (1) Captain Arnold, I

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have the photographs to prove my story true. I’ll be right back.” The captain sat speechless.

I climbed up the stairs on my way back to the sail boat that I had fled my old town in. I thought to myself just how lucky that I was that this sail boat was sitting on the creek waterway when I needed to escape because without this boat being there I probably would have been caught by the secret base operatives and would no longer be here to be explaining to you just exactly what happened to my town. I was feeling quite a little bit mad that the captain would call me a liar. It was pretty insulting but I did not take the captains insinuations too seriously but rather made my way on to the boat where my digital camera was stowed. This boat was a sturdy boat and this boat just happened to save my life. My mission was to grab the camera with the photographs that I had taken before fleeing my former town. The Cap’n probably thought that I was making a run for it because my lie had been detected but my story was no tall or wagging tale. I got on my small boat, grabbed the bag with my belongings that were contained inside and headed back to Cap’n Arnold’s cabin.

“Back so quickly?” asked the captain upon seeing me walk back into the cabin. He had a look on his face like he was trying to disguise his looks that he thought that I was lying and therefore felt the need to somewhat interrogate me. I felt a lot better that the captain was now at least being a little considerate about questioning weather I was telling the truth or not thereby creating and insinuation that I was some sort of liar who could not tell the truth and would cry wolf for no reason thereby deeming me untrustworthy and that I now made it difficult to believe one of my stories should a real life emergency occur. By now Captain Arnold had finished washing the two bowls that were used to serve up the clam chowder with crab meat and oyster crackers that we had eaten for dinner. I still had that delicious taste of food in my mouth and there were bits and pieces of meat that were stuck in between my teeth. They were sitting on a drying rack next to the sink in the kitchen portion of his cabin. Drops of water were dripping in that area although I didn’t know exactly from where since I did not see the drops but heard them dripping onto a surface. I reached into my bag and pulled out my digital camera. Once turned on and set to ‘picture view mode’, I handed the camera over to Cap’n Arnold and said, “Look, see here, I told you our town was taken over by a bunch of dogs and their masters or better yet lovers from out-of-town and the amor that they share. That was what had gotten our town taken over. “You’re right kid!” exclaimed the captain before going on about the pictures and saying, “These photographs are mind blowing. I have never been witness to something as absurd as to dogs walking around after the fashion of pampered pooches living luxuriously in a brand new town. I still see the construction being put up in the background. What are they planning to do next, take cats for their mistresses? Ha ha.” He laughed and next said, “You must have been telling the truth after all. I believe you

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now Tony.” I corrected the captain and told him my name is Thomas not Tony but that was not the first time I had my name mixed up for Tony and at least the name Tony starts with the letter ‘T’. “You’ll have to forgive my forgetfulness. I am getting old and as you can see I sometimes get my ‘T’ names mixed up…Thomas just like the apostle. I won’t forget next time you tell me your name is Thomas. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice… well I guess at least I remembered there was a ‘T’ in the name. No need to feel shame, understood. Maybe we should do some investigating later on.” I felt that it was more important to remind the captain what my name was than to remind him that what was going on with the secret base and their dogs taking over my town was no laughing matter and of how dangerous things have gotten and that we ourselves might be in imminent danger.

After going on for about twenty minutes about what kind of sick group the out-of-towners must have been to take over a place so they could marry dogs and saying how he would rather live on the sea and marry a leg snatching whale before he ever married a dog, the captain showed me to a bed then sat back on his recliner and clapped to turn the lights on. I guess Captain Arnold had already deducted just how dangerous the secret base out-of-towners and their dogs were on his own and that there was no need for me to correct him about our situation being no laughing matter at all. …

Captain Arnold and I were now getting to know each other a lot better and we were both more comfortable with each other. You could see it and tell by the way our conversations were fluid, relaxed and we held nothing back. Our conversations were similar to the conversations between Socrates an Ion in Plato’s dialogue Ion and between Ion an Xuthus in Euripides’ play Ion. I learned all about how the cap’n got into fishing when he was a young man because he lived near the water and he stuck with it so he became the captain of a ship. Being on a ship reminded me of The Odyssey by Homer. I told him all about how I lived in a town that was now destroyed and that it used to be the perfect place to live. I told him about my younger days and how all of the towns children used to play and how everything was all so care free and he said this reminded him of his younger days before he started living and spending most of his time on the –River. We however were now in the same boat since I knew that the secret base operatives and their dogs were out to get people and Captain Arnold believed my story. After few short weeks into my stay on Captain Arnold’s fishing vessel there was a new guest who started staying with us. The first time that I met her was when she entered our boat. There were foot steps that I could hear then I overheard the captain’s voice speaking to a voice that was soft and was a woman’s. As they got closer to the cabin and interior of the ship I could hear the woman say, “Can I please use your phone, Captain?” Captain Arnold replied by saying, “Sure you can, Martha the phone is right this way.” She went into a small room next to where I slept at every night since I had been on Captain Arnold’s ship and closed the door behind her. I could hear her

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voice mumbling but I didn’t know about what. Captain Arnold came back in the room and said, “Thomas, we may just be in luck. There is a friend of mine here and I told her about your story and how your town was destroyed by people who seemed to be too attached to dogs. She said she heard about the story of the secret base from her cousin who knows somebody who may work with the people that operate out of the secret base.” I became really excited after hearing Captain Arnold’s words. I felt for the first time since the town that I used to live in was destroyed that there may be some sort of hope after all.

…Part missing about Martha entering the boat and trying to call her friend. Me making out with her ect…

New Chapter in Peril Over Perros And Their Lovers

(Don't Forget Chapter where lady walks in on legal pad)

New Chapter:

Then the lady Martha and I got into a conversation about mythology and myths and how she believed that myths were not true or real. She said that she thought the way that I was speaking to here was making me look so beautiful and that I was so beautiful and that I was so genius and that she believed in one God and not mythology and that One God should marry us. I thought to my self, “Man I am lucky, this girl must really like me!” I felt so overjoyed that I was sitting and talking with Martha because she mad me feel special but I tried to hold back the physical expressions and body language as I told her that I was so smart & genius because I knew calculus with its derivatives, integrals, curved lines, functions, limits, finding areas, x-y axis etc. acting as natural as possible and I thought to myself that some of those formulas and diagrams from my manager Albert must have rubbed off on me or something because I could tell that Martha was really buying what I was saying and so was I but I kept that quiet and that I believed in One God but mythology being false was definitely something to reconsider because there might be some weird outer space force that would prove it to be real and that it could influence horoscope and the way people were created, feel and behave. Let’s not forget about geometry and measuring three dimensional polygonal figures as well. The feeling in the room was real deep and spiritual. Martha and I gazed into each other’s eyes and there was an implied message that the conversation was so deep as we continued to converse with one another. Venus also known as Aphrodite was both a planet and in mythology as well as Apollo the Sun God or the Sun itself. I continued to say, "saying that mythology is completely false is like saying fortune and ability [virtu'] and the depending factors (that is to say that the factors that

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depend...) in acquisition or that the staff of Moses didn't prompt God to part the Red Sea and free the Hebrews from their Egyptian captors who spoke a funny language..."

...Well anyways I went on to say, "You are so beautiful (SEI BELLISIMA) that you are more beautiful than an Opal with a tourmaline and a marygold in October or a Citrine or Yellow Topaz with a chrysanthimum in November or a Blue Topaz and a pointsetta in December, Garnet with a carnation in January, Amethyst and violet in February, a Aquamarine and daffodil in March or a Diamond and pelephenises orchid in April, an Emerald and a beautiful lily in May or a Pearl and a rose in June or a Ruby and delphinium in July, a Peridot with a gladiolis in August or a Sapphire being the start or the ending or both in lucky September which relates the stars or astros to the lucky number seven and an aster which means star. Still I left out many beautiful gems and flowers such as corundum, chalcedony, amber and jade an flowers like the tulip, water lily, lotus or daisy. She then opened her eyes like a dog with bright blue eyes and a dark yet glistening tear began to fall from her eye to her cheek as she lay crying and repeating constantly just how sweet and rich like Bill gates that I was and as I lay licking (I was inspired to write this when I met Bill Gates at Howard University. The mood was so romantic like St. Valentine’s day and a big red heart shaped box of chocolates with all of the flowers, stuffed animals and all and or William Shakespeare’s plays such as Romeo and Juliet where the to were almost married but Tragedy would not allow the two lovers to be together or The Tempest where Ferdinand, King Alonzo’s son was able to be with Miranda, the Rightful Duke of Milan’s daughter through the help of the main characters such as Caliban, Antonio, Stephano, Trinculo, Ariel, Adrian, Francisco and Gonzalo the wise old counselor. The next morning we continued trying to figure out what we were going to do. Months had passed and we still had no plan as to what to do next. Luckily there were no signs of the secret base being anywhere near us. I felt that I needed some alone time since I had been around Captain Arnold and Martha for some time now. I felt kind of cluttered actually. I hand been staying close to them for safety but I was kind of a loaner at my heart and core. That was just how my personality was and I felt like I wasn’t properly feeding my heart, soul and core and my personality ever since the town that I was living in had been destroyed. I finally had and came up with just the idea! I told Captain Arnold ho I felt and he seemed like he understood. He asked me speaking, “Thomas, hey I got your name correct. Why don’t you take some time off for yourself by going fishing? Martha and I will stay here.” I agreed so Captain Arnold went and grabbed a fishing line and some bait. I was happy to see this and I was so excited that I would finally get some alone time. I promised to bring back the biggest fish that I could catch back for dinner. I boarded my boat and began sailing. I didn’t want to go too far so I didn’t sail more than a couple of thousand meters away from where Captain Arnold’s ship was. As soon as I got to my fishing location, I immediately felt relieved at having my own space. I threw out my line and bate and caught some bass, trout and albacore tuna.

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There were some large fish in the river since the river lead straight into the Atlantic Ocean. We were not too far from the Ocean at all. I decided to take a nap since the weather was so nice. I was planning to make my way back to Captain Arnold’s ship in the morning and I was planning to make this fishing trip a regular activity and occurrence so that I would have more free time to myself. As I was napping, there was a noise that woke me up. I could hear voices and a speed boat in the distance. It was dark and the sounds were getting closer. I heard dogs barking and guessed that the secret base was getting closer to my location. I jumped in the water and began swimming under the waters surface. It was so dark but I remembered in what direction Captain Arnold’s ship was located. After swimming for a couple of hundred meters, I peered up out of the water and took a break to catch my breath. I finally looked back at my boat and there was the secret bases boat parked right next to mine. The people had gotten off of their boat and were now on mine looking for clues to what they were looking for it seemed. They had flashlights so I went back under the water and continued to swim. I would take periodic breaks to regain my stamina and to rest my muscles by doggie paddling in the water and then I would dunk my head and body back down under the waters surface and continue doing the breast stroke until I needed another break. Luckily I was a great swimmer. I had learned to swim when I was a young child because my neighborhood also had swimming pools that we used to play in and do swimming activities before the town was destroyed. After some time, I made it back to Captain Arnold’s ship. The sun was just starting to rise in the east. I boarded the ship soaking wet and knocked on the captain’s door. A mixture of seeing the captain’s room and having just run into the operatives of the secret base had my mind picturing and going through flashbacks of the rooms in some of the buildings in my former town that I had been in right before the out-of-towners came and destroyed everything that we had and killed many of the people. I could remember the living rooms with their sofas and televisions and the bedrooms with the various decorations that people would use to liven up their living space. I even remembered the cribs that the little babies would sleep in when a family would create a newborn baby. Captain Arnold came to the door after about a minute and a half of no response. He looked at me kind of alarmed because I was soaking wet but he was too groggy to really become startled as he rubbed his eyes and stretched as he yawned. I immediately went up to him and told him, “Captain Arnold, hurry, we have to get out of here quickly. The secret base is in the area. They searched my boat looking for something so I had to swim all the way back from my fishing voyage.” The captain seemed to believe me and quickly woke up. He didn’t say much before starting his ship and heading for the other side of dry land. The land opposite of where the passage to my town and the secret base was. This was a lonely voyage. I was no Jason, our ship was no Argo and there were no Argonauts nor was there any golden fleece to search after. We were searching for safety and we felt that we really need it. By the time we got to dry land we were in a new state. We were in the state of Maryland.

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…Next is the part that I posted on my page about escaping, going to National Harbor, The G.L. hotel (Gaylord) and buying costumes then trying to make our way to the National Mall. It will need to be included right here.

The weather was so beautiful. It was the beginning of spring in March and the flowers were now out. A person that was outdoors could see daffodils, tulips, marigolds, violets, asters, lilies, carnations and even roses in bushes. There was a cool breeze in the air still since it was early March. This weather reminded me of the cool air and breezes that blew when I left my town and met Captain Arnold in the fall, October to be exact when the leaves were all colors of browns, oranges, yellows, greens and every other color that you could think of in one place or another and people first started bringing out the sweaters. I thought to myself that each season is beautiful in its own way yet shares similarities to one or two other seasons at the same time. Fall and spring are like twin brothers because people always feel that these two seasons have the best weather out of all the seasons and they debate on which one is the king of the seasons in terms of beautiful weather. I like the fall since that is when my birthday comes around but many feel that it is a tie. Summer is nice but can get too hot and winter is cool and relaxing but with those low temperatures and the wind constantly blowing people feel that the winter can get to be just too darn cold! You don’t hear about people loosing their lives from heat stroke or from hypothermia in the spring or in the fall so that is another reason why these two seasons are peoples favorites and that is a fact and not just opinion. Martha, the captain and I had dealt with the ordeal of trying to survive and withstanding a freezing winter. Just saying this reminds me of the story of the pilgrims who came to America and had to withstand the same ordeal of freezing winters while trying to survive. There were no Native Americans around now however since we were five hundred years into the future of when those pilgrims tried to survive those freezing frigid winters on the same exact land. They too had to fish and farm in order to have the food that their bodies needed in order to receive nourishment and remain healthy. The Captain taught me how to use boiling water to melt the snow and ice that hindered us from being able to get around in snow storms and through the occasional blizzards that our Mid Atlantic region sees every winter especially when the – River’s temperature would be so below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit that it would completely freeze over and become a solid block of ice. As Captain Arnold and Martha were window shopping from store to store, and as I followed them, we came across a costume store. I shouted out, “This is it!” I talked the two into buying costumes in order to avoid being spotted by the secret base’s people. They probably knew exactly what we

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looked like. They may have even gathered and acquired photograph and video footage of us at different locations and were now on our trail. I was so glad that Captain Arnold and Martha were pretty easy to talk my plan into because it seemed like they wanted to shop and I wasn’t in the mood for getting caught by the secret base and their dogs. Martha dressed up as a French maid while Captain Arnold and I debated over who should be the military general and who should be the scientologist. The scientologist outfit came with a lab coat and the packaging was decorated with calculations that reminded me of working with my previous manager, Albert who had diagrams posted in our workplace and who needed everything to be precise. I chose the latter since Arnold was already a captain and since he was older than me, I let him have his choice. I also took some enjoyment dressing up like my previous manager, Albert from the doggie biscuit and dog tag making facilities. I looked more like Elron Hubbard the creator of Dianetics the psychological and medical book that deals with a person being too stressed and the effects that the stress problem causes on the entire body including the psyche than Albert the manager as I saluted the Captain. Oops, I mean the captain turned military general.

...I felt as if I was the male version of the beautiful Antonia from Willa Cather's novel because Antonia moved from her town to the mid plains region of the United States. There were even deaths of people who I knew like there were lives lost of her loved ones like when they were traveling by sled in the extremely cold weather and of Mr. Shimerda. The cold air coming from Canada (one of the coldest places on our planet Earth) I know that the journey was tiring for Antonia. This reminded me of how there were many deaths and how there were gruesome body parts laying around once I returned to my town and how I tried to assess the damages and search for any signs of life. Unlike a funeral however, the bodies were left lying on the ground and the dogs of the secret base ate these bodies once they got the chance. These dogs were some of the most ferocious animals that you could find anywhere on God’s green Earth and they were so exhilarated to be eating the flesh of human beings as disgusting as this may sound. My overall journey which started in the town that I lived in and took me within a thirty mile radius around the region was tiring for me as well. I felt like I was Moses and that Martha and Captain Arnold were my people. I wanted to tell the Secret Base's leader to let my people go! I pictured Moses’ staff in my hand and plagues falling upon the Secret Base. I didn’t have any siblings so there was no Aaron or Miriam around or nearby to get in trouble by God and turn into a leper or to dry up any water source and the two sons of Aaron who were not supposed to touch the special objects of the temple that were sacred unto the Lord but disobeyed the command of God and were destroyed in an instant by flames. Recalling this scent too reminds me vividly of the horrors of our town being destroyed in flames and explosions and charred bodies laying on

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the cobblestone and pavement. We were the Israelites being freed cutting through the split Red Sea and trying to make it to the promised land only I didn't have time to spend forty years wandering in a desert and I was not about to be buried before I made it to our final destination only to have the Devil argue with God about my body and where it was buried and how it was buried like the body of Moses. This was not Mount Sinai or anywhere in Arabia and that Sultain Shariar stuff didn’t matter anymore either. I had fled through the Red Sea and escaped by escaping from the operatives of the secret base. Now it was just Martha, Captain Arnold and I journeying to the Nations Capital in order to inform the Federal Government of the wrong doing that was carried by out-of-towners that had their very own secret base just miles away. I started thinking and pondering to myself about the secret base. I also started reflecting on my life in my town before all of these secret base actions and workings started. All types of different emotions raced through my entire body. An image or video of a fun time that we had would race through my mind. I could feel my head start to ache and my vision would get blurry. I knew that I was having what medical experts, doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists alike would call flashbacks. I could feel my pulse start to race and I could tell that my glands were pumping adrenaline and all sorts of fluids through out my entire body. My stomach started to ache as well and that’s when I knew that I might never get over the ill effects of having witnessed an entire town being destroyed and people being killed and devoured. Another thought or image type of thing that really struck a chord with me and made me reflect was me wondering what would happen to all of the children who were from our town that escaped. Where the children would be placed if they lost a family member or a few in the massacre and how would they go on carrying out their lives was a major question in my head. New images would pop up in my head. I could see the children laughing and playing. I could see their parents and family members such as brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and any other type of family member including friends of the family that you could ever think of. People would make excuses just to be included in a family’s list of family members and everyone was standing around and watching in delight. I could even smell the food from cook outs and hear the words of the speeches that people would give around the picnic tables and gazebo tables as everyone was in such a great mood that people would become generous in their words and actions.

Captain Arnold was looking mighty fierce as a military general. He was so believable in his new uniform that I thought to myself that he must have been in the military at some point in his life. I stopped him from his traveling for a moment and I asked him, “Hey Captain Arnold, if you are the captain of a boat, where is your parrot? I know Captain Hook the enemy of Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle carries one on his ship. If the evil villain Captain Hook was allowed to carry a parrot shouldn’t the good guy that is to say Captain Arnold have one as well? Although he is a villain, he is a talented captain none the less.” I don’t know where this idea came from in my

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head, I guess it was just from a random synapse within the core of my brain but the subject of my thoughts just changed from Captain Arnold being in the military to Captain Arnold being similar to Captain Hook. Just then we were interrupted. There was a horse standing right next to us shaking his head and making horse noises with his mouth. The horse reminded me of Rocinante, the horse in Miguel Cervantes’ Don Quixote Del La Mancha which is one of my favorite novels or of the horse in Canterbury Tales. What had happened to the people of my town was more gruesome than the story of the forests being destroyed in The Canterbury Tales or than the true story of burning of the Archbishop of Canterbury by the way. I looked up some more and there was an officer sitting on top of the horse. At first I was startled because I thought that the officer was from the Secret Base but I then realized that this officer was no Secret Base officer but an officer hired by the federal government. We had trekked some of the way but we were starting to get tired especially Captain Arnold at his age. The captain started talking about something with the officer. They seemed to hit it off. It must have been about working for the government since Arnold was dressed as a military general and the officer was dressed as an officer. The next thing that I knew, Captain Arnold had mounted the horse. Were the two now trying to be knights riding off into the distance? It kind of seemed like it and images of the two previously listed books came into my mind once again. The officer had agreed to take him into town. Arnold then said, “Will you two be able to make it in to town without me? I better get there early before the Secret Base and the KGB looking guys start regrouping and coming after us.” I thought this was a great idea. Martha and I made eye contact and locked eyes and agreed that this idea would be fine. I had a feeling that the rest of our journey would be romantic and I was excited to spend more alone time with Martha. The last time that we were alone was on Captain Arnold’s ship and we made out passionately and fell in love. We kept our love a secret and told nobody. Not a single soul. Not even Captain Arnold. The officer and Captain Arnold waved goodbye to us and started riding into the distance. I estimated that it would probably take them both two hours from our part of Maryland to make it to Downtown Washington D.C. near the National Mall and The White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. After four minutes, we could no longer see them in the distance. It was just Martha and I. She was looking so beautiful and her hand was very soft as we agreed to hold hands. I was fumbling between holding her delicate hands (you know how nice and delicate women’s’ hands are much like when you get to hold the hand of a little baby only larger and thicker) and putting my arms around her shoulder. I could never figure out how to do both while walking with a girl and everything still being natural. I could however both kiss and rub on a woman while taking off her bra with my one free hand. After fumbling with these two positions for about half an hour I could tell that Martha had let her guard down so I decided to kiss her on her cheek and neck. She glanced up at me with a smile on her face and I was relieved that she didn’t mind. I was correct about my gut instinct feeling that this was going to be a romantic voyage for the rest of the way to the

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National Mall in Downtown Washington D.C. And it was. Another hour passed and I saw an alley. I had been smooching Martha and she was puckering up back. I asked her if she wanted to go in and have some fun. I was still a little nervous after asking her because she might say that I was acting awkward but as my heart raced, she looked up and agreed. I was so happy but I didn’t show much emotion because I wanted to play it cool. You know girls will notice the slightest form of excitement coming from a guy. Even from a guy dog I had learned from my ordeal with the secret base. I didn’t want to remain silent either because then she would think that I was ignoring her so I uttered out in my deep cool voice, “Alright, let’s do it then baby!” We went into the alley and made love! When we finally reached the National Mall in Washington D.C., there was a huge convention taking place at the National Air And Space Museum that is located on Independence Avenue. I loved being in the city and I loved how tour busses, public transportation and taxi cabs lined the streets. I had very fond memories of riding in the taxi cabs. The drivers who were employed as a cab driver were from all over the world especially East Africa in Washington D.C. and they would speak in their accents and keep their eyes on their meters to make sure that they were getting every single penny that they could out of you. One benefit of having cab drivers was that locals and tourists from the bars who would go out and get drunk at night would be able to get a ride home instead of drunk driving. The weather was so beautiful since we were in the beginning of the spring. There were flowers out everywhere and the leaves were starting to come back out on the trees. The name of the street named Independence Avenue reminded me of the theme of our country being freedom and I felt that I would be free from the attacks of the secret base once and for all because I made it to our destination where we were to inform government officials of the wrong doings of the secret base. The convention at the National Air And Space Museum was about Astro-Dog, a dog that could fly a rocket ship from a space station all the way to the moon all by himself. Astro-Dog was trained by NASA and many of the specific points of the convention were about the planning of Astro-Dog’s first mission to Mars. NASA was planning to make Astro-Dog the first dog to navigate a rocket ship to the Red Planet without the assistance of a human astronaut. I kind of regretted not buying the astronaut costume from while Captain Arnold, Martha and I were window shopping and eventually going into a costume store near the National Harbor in Maryland to purchase disguises now that I was at a location that had a convention based on an astronaut dog. I saw people wearing t-shirts with a dog in an astronaut suit silk screened on them and polo shirts with a scarlet letter ‘A’ beautifully and skillfully embroidered on the shirts and the people were walking around wanting to show off the shirts to one another along with other souvenirs from the gift shop and the National Air and Space Museum. They had a great gift shop there with a library on the top level, gifts such as mugs, t-shirts, pens, toys, freeze dried space ice cream that astronauts were known to eat, pendulums, model space craft and airplanes with war aviation memorabilia and downstairs you could find posters, many more toys and all sorts of things that make

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children say, “cool” and “awesome”. Thinking of the costumes at that shop that we bought our costumes at back in Maryland and buying disguises made me laugh at the entire ordeal. I guess I now thought things were funny since we were in safety now. I thought how hilarious it was that I took Captain Arnold on this wild journey from his fishing boat on the –River to almost being in trouble by a secret base that destroyed an entire town to allow dogs to live in the residences meant for humans to having him put on a military general costume and ride a horse with an officer all the way from Maryland to the National Mall in Washington D.C. Thinking about Captain Arnold reminded me that Martha and I were supposed to meet up with Captain Arnold once we reached the National Mall.

After briefly walking around the National Air And Space Museum and learning so much about Astro-Dog and by the way, neither Martha or I looked out of place in our costumes because so many people were wearing different costumes that we probably would have stood out more in our regular clothes, that I said to Martha, “We better get going. Captain Arnold should be waiting for us since this is our rendezvous location.” Martha responded by saying, “You’re right my Thomas, we better get going. We wouldn’t want to keep Captain Arnold waiting.” The way that Martha spoke made me see her as being so beautiful that I really appreciated our time together. As we were walking out of the museum I noticed that I loved the smell of the museum. The time that Martha and I spent checking out Astro-Dog was one of the best dates that I could have ever imagined. It was very romantic. We stepped outside and looked all around for Captain Arnold but we could not find him. There were horses and mostly officers mounted on them but we couldn’t find the officer that escorted Captain Arnold to the National Mall. Finally, Martha and I sat on a bench. I asked her if she was hungry and she said yes and I was too since we had been traveling so I told her that I would get her some food and come right back. I got up off of the bench that we were sitting on and jogged over to a food kiosk that was located right next to a Ferris wheel that kids were sitting and playing on as the horses would move up and down and the music would be playing. The joy that was emanating from the children put a smile on my face. It made me so happy to see children having fun and it reminded me of the fun that I used to have when I was a child playing participating in those same type of fun activities. I ordered two hot dogs with ketchup, mustard, relish, sauerkraut, onions and tomatoes, two bags of potato chips and two large Coke-a-colas with ice cubes and straws. Just as I paid my money and received my food clenching our meals with both hands, I felt breathing down my neck and a creature yell. It sounded like it was laughing just as I had been laughing earlier while thinking about this ordeal and how I took Captain Arnold all around as well. I turned around and it was a horse! I looked up and saw Captain Arnold mounted and sitting on the horse. I almost dropped Martha’s and my meal because the horse startled me. Next I said, “Hey Captain Arnold, nice to see you. Martha and I were looking for you on the National Mall.” The captain replied by saying, “Hey Thomas. I got here much earlier and I didn’t think that I was

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going to find you guys so soon so I took a tour of the surround area. I even rode past the White House where the president lives. The officer took me to a government office where I reported just exactly what was going on and they said that the were sending government officials to close down that secret base no matter what it took even if it meant sending in the National Guard to defend our country.” I felt so relieved at Captain Arnold’s words and then I made my way back over to Martha and gave her the half the food that I had bought for her. The hot dogs were still warm when I passed over hers along with her chips and soda. We ate while Captain Arnold rode around the National Mall on his horse. Now that he stopped the horse was shaking and moving it’s hooves in different directions while standing in the same space. Captian Arnold’s body was doing 180 and 360 degree turns so he must have been getting dizzy although he was probably used to motion and commotion on the ocean from being the captain of a vessel. He rode from the Washington Monument to the United States Capitol and back in a matter of minutes. We were at world famous landmarks similar to Big Ben and Buckingham Palace in London or the Eifel Tower in Paris, the Coliseum in Rome or even The Great Wall of China. In our own country just five hundred miles to the north there was the Statue of Liberty in New York City but that is another story all together. The food was delicious. I could tell she was appreciating eating the food and I was too because we were both kind of hungry from our journey. By the time that Martha and I had finished our food we were in a great mood. It was fun watching all of the people who were there to look at the museum exhibitions and enjoy the weather in the Nation’s Capital. The smell of the museum wasn’t bad in my opinion either. People were playing Frisbee and throwing around footballs. Some people were walking their dogs. These were regular dogs. Not like the dogs that were living in the residences where my townspeople and I used to live with all of the technologies, luxuries and amenities that were meant for humans. No, the secret base and their operatives had taken things too far for the sake of changing the way dogs live and it was done at the expense of human beings and destroying human beings for dogs was just not right. TO BE CONTINUED SOON…

I changed my life around soon after. I stopped worrying about any secret affairs of the secret base. I stopped worrying about any dogs. I left my life in the hands of God who’s image I was created in. I applied for and was hired for a position at the Washington National Cathedral. I had learned a tip or two or a few from Captain Arnold and Martha. I was now starting my life as a religious man. I would prey and donate money in the main nave of the cathedral. I would also light candles of prayer for all of the lost souls and people who were victims of cruel experiments. Due to my belief in Jesus whom I believe is my lord and savior, I would do my work in quiet and solitude. On the days where I was the cashier, if the guests didn’t purchase any of the sandwiches that were brought over from a nice little trendy restaurant across the way, the cathedral and management would let us employees take some home and eat since the food was not available for public sale anymore, I

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really appreciated these delicious meals although I would fast and prey at times and I remained a celibate all of those years that I was employee although I felt that I was the owner of the whole entire architectural marvel and made so by God much like the quote in the Bible that says some eunuchs are made so by God. My job included sales, customer service, gift wrapping, grounds keeping and taking care of the flowers and fish. I was a florist at times, a tour guide at others because I would show people around the entire Cathedral when the tour guides were busy. They liked the way that I showed them gargoyles. I learned how to make gargoyles and sculptures as well. One day I was showing gargoyles to a group of young school children when a child with binoculars started barking like he was Buck the dog. I glanced up and asked him why he was barking at the Darth Vader gargoyle but he passed me his binoculars and to my surprise, there was a new gargoyle. A dog! Was this a symbolism of Darth Vader running a secret base and the dog his Pavlov’s dog experiment? I just let the young children go about glancing at the gargoyles while I went inside the cathedral and started praying. I said the words, “Glory be to the father, to the son and to the holy spirit.” I showed the sign of the crucifix and said Hail Mary! I could feel the grace of intercession because all of the engrams that were stored in my minds memory bank of dogs were brought back into my minds vivid imagery portion and synapses were flaring. Diagrams and measurements of 3-D polygonal images were moving in 360˚ rotations vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Saliva drips and growls were remembered but after I prayed a little more, I felt completely renewed and rejuvenated. I worked at this location for a little while and learned a lot of information. I read the Bible a few times and the Latin Vulgate translation by St.Jerome. I read various books on angels and angelic occurrences by medical doctors and theologians and various other sacred and theological texts both modern and historical such as the Nag Hammadi scriptures and the Dead Sea Scrolls that had codices that were kept in jars. Christmas season came and passed and I found myself as a devout Christian. I felt like I was the owner of the whole place because everyone that I came in contact with told me what a great job that I was doing! It must have been a blessing from having donated and prayed so much because as the saying goes, God never gives you something that you can’t handle especially pertaining to the secret base taking over my town and the dogs. I remembered how I worked as a barista making all sorts of smoothies and iced teas and was a cashier for all of these ritzier than Ritz Crackers type of people and how that landed me a job at a courthouse where I worked to get people less harsh or sentences or no sentence at all from the judge as I sat on the bench and watched the people mess up as they would try to state their case in criminal law court. I felt kinda crummy for the poor guys who thought being smart and bringing in science fair project like boards with their excuses for not paying tickets as they ran red lights was going to be a means of being released from any form of punishment and I prayed to the one true judge, God Almighty as I felt his presence of authority in the cathedral. Also, I prayed and thanked the Good Lord up above for having sent me captain Arnold and Martha because without them and

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our voyage from the _River to Maryland and having bought those costumes and Captain Arnold riding his horse to the national mall leaving Martha and I on a romantic date but cautious of the secret base’s spying on us none the less we made it to safety and I knew that I might not have had it not been for Cap’n Arnold and Martha and God’s good grace. It was a miracle that I made it from all of those evil works while the dogs were living in paradise and evil actions were going on. But I had Faith. Just like that song that goes something like, “You gotta have faith.” that always keeps peoples feet moving on the dance floor at events and bars and weddings and things of that nature. It got me to dance. I remembered the good times in my town when we all used to dance. My heart felt red with love passion like a red trapezoid and my heart said to my self, “Oh how you are majestic.” or like a red drink that uses sugar glucose C6H12O6. Human dancing is a pretty interesting when you think about it really. I like to think about skeletons dancing like on television and people are always much better when they are dancing or so it makes me feel. Another thing that gives me faith is sports. I prayed and thanked the Lord for letting me play and for my memories of playing sports. Playing sports is like dancing you know I used to tell myself and it is true because both are fun and relieve a lot of stress. That gave me faith as well. Well to have faith is a blessing a wise man once told me who was as wise as the old owl or as wise as the old turtle or as wise as old Cap’n Arnold and one must believe this to be a true statement because faith can save a whole lot of heartache and the Bible says so as well.

End or end of part one or to be continued. God bless you for reading this long and arduous voyage.