parenting syles in relation

1 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION Rationale “Just to give birth to a child is one thing – to be a mother is totally different. Any woman can give birth to a child; that’s a very simple phenomenon. But to be a mother needs great art, needs great understanding.(Osho, 2011) There is no doubt that one of the most crucial relationships in human dynamics is the relationship between a mother and her child. Secure attachment of the infant to his mother or her surrogate is crucial to normal growth and development and an integral part of a child’s ability to develop a sense of mastery, identity and self-worth. According to Copeland and Harbaugh(2004) Mercer stated that Women who have a positive sense of their own maternal competency in early parenthood feel more comfortable with performing infant skills and interpreting their infant's cues. Perceived maternal competency has been shown to facilitate maternal role attainment and to promote positive infant nurturing and development. Promoting maternal

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  • 1





    Just to give birth to a child is one thing to be a

    mother is totally different. Any woman can give birth to a

    child; thats a very simple phenomenon. But to be a mother

    needs great art, needs great understanding. (Osho, 2011)

    There is no doubt that one of the most crucial

    relationships in human dynamics is the relationship between

    a mother and her child. Secure attachment of the infant to

    his mother or her surrogate is crucial to normal growth and

    development and an integral part of a childs ability to

    develop a sense of mastery, identity and self-worth.

    According to Copeland and Harbaugh(2004) Mercer stated

    that Women who have a positive sense of their own maternal

    competency in early parenthood feel more comfortable with

    performing infant skills and interpreting their infant's

    cues. Perceived maternal competency has been shown to

    facilitate maternal role attainment and to promote positive

    infant nurturing and development. Promoting maternal

  • 2

    competency and maternal role attainment is a premier aim of

    perinatal educators.

    According to UNICEF (2004), Philippines more mothers

    in the urban areas go to prenatal check ups compared to

    women in the rural areas and 8 out of 10 births in rural

    areas are delivered outside a health facility.

    Maternal mortality offers a litmus test of the status

    of women, their access to health care and the adequacy of

    the health care system in responding to their needs. As

    primary caregivers, mothers are crucial to infant survival

    and the childs optimal development. But in order for them

    to become effective in this role, their rights too have to

    be addressed.

    This indeed has become a vicious cycle. Malnourished

    pregnant women give birth to underweight infants. Mothers

    who are iodine-deficient suffer frequent miscarriages,

    still births, and early infant deaths. Babies who survive

    will most likely be born deformed and mentally challenged.

    Women are crucial to guarding childrens health and

    nutrition. Ill health in women often translates to not

    being able to properly take care of the children. (UNICEF,


  • 3

    Furthermore, significant number of Filipino women lack

    access to qualified reproductive health services. Over half

    of births in the country occurred at home, and a third of

    them were assisted by traditional birth attendants. Poor

    women are greatly disadvantaged with around 75 percent of

    the poorest quintile have no access to skilled birth

    attendants compared to only 20 percent of the richest

    quintile. (UNDP, 2013)

    Studies on maternal competence comparing urban and

    rural areas would be beneficial as we would know which area

    to focus on. It would also be apparent on which area, more

    education is needed to be taught.

    Considering the above phenomenon and the researchers

    actual experience as student during duty in the rural and

    urban areas, it has motivated the researcher to conduct a

    study on the maternal role attainment and competence of

    primiparous mothers in the rural and urban areas in early


    Theoretical Background

    This study is anchored mainly on Ramona Mercers

    theory of Maternal Role Attainment. According to

  • 4

    Figure 1: Theoretical Conceptual Framework of the Study


    Ramona Mercers theory of

    Maternal Role


    Reva Rubins Transition to



    Legal Basis:

    Republic Act 10354 Sec. 2 and

    3 (Responsible

    Parenthood Act)

    Primiparous Mothers of Cogon District, Tagbilaran

    City and Maribojoc, Bohol

    Demograpic Profile:



    Marital Status

    Place of Residence

    Maternal Role

    Attainment in terms of:


    Self confidence

    Infant Health Status

    Mother-Father relationship

    Maternal Competency in

    terms of:




    Proposed Enhanced Maternal Education Program

  • 5

    Mercer (2004) the Maternal Role Attainment Theory is

    defined as an interaction and developmental process

    occurring over time, in which the mother becomes attached

    to her infant, acquires competence in the care-taking tasks

    involved in the role, and expresses pleasure and

    gratification in the role.

    It is also as defined a process of binding in or being

    attached to the child and Maternal Role Identity or seeing

    oneself in the role and having a sense of comfort about it.

    Rubin (1967)

    To Mercer (1995 in Parrat and Fahy, 2011), developing

    the maternal role was a specifically cognitive process and

    therefore dependent on the womans ability to problem-

    solve, gather information, communicate effectively, project

    into the future, and establish trusting relationships that

    were nurturing.

    Mercer, May, Ferketich and De Joseph(1986 in Parrat

    and Fahy, 2011) describe self-esteem as an individuals

    perception of how others view one and self-acceptance of

    the perception. Mercer (1986) outlines self-concept, or

    self-regard, as The overall perception of self that

    includes self-satisfaction, self-acceptance, self-esteem,

    and congruence or discrepancy between self and ideal self.

  • 6

    Mercer selected both maternal and infant variables for

    her studies on the basis of her review of the literature

    and findings of researchers in several disciplines. She

    found that many factor may have a direct or indirect

    influence on the maternal role. Maternal factors in

    Mercers research included age at first birth, birth

    experience, early separation from the infant, social

    stress, social support, personality traits, self-concept,

    childrearing attitudes, and health. She included the infant

    variables of temperament, appearance, responsiveness,

    health status and ability to give cues. Alligood and Tomey


    Mercers model of Maternal Role attainment was placed

    within Brofenbrenners nested circles of the microsystem,

    mesosystem, and macrosystem. The microsystem is the

    immediate environment in which maternal role attainment

    occurs. It includes factors such as family functioning,

    mother-father relationships, social support, economic

    status, family values, and stressors. The variables

    contained within this immediate environment interact with

    one or more of the other variables in affecting the

    transition to motherhood.

  • 7

    The microsystem is the most influential on maternal

    role attainment. In 1995, Mercer expanded her earlier

    concepts and model to emphasize the importance of the

    father in role attainment, stating that he helps diffuse

    tension deceloping within the mother-infant dyad. Maternal

    role attainment is achieved through the interactions of

    father, mother, and infant.

    The mesosystem encompasses, influences, and interats

    with persons in the microsystem. Mesosystem interactions

    may influence what happens to the developing materal role

    and the child. The mesosystem includes day care, school,

    work, setting, places of worship, and other entities within

    the immediate community.

    The macrosystem refers to the general prototypes

    existing in a particular culture or transmitted cultural

    consistencies. The macrosystem includes the social,

    political, and cultural influences on the other two

    systems. The health care environment and the curreny health

    care system policies that affect maternal role attainment

    originate in this system. National laws regarding women and

    children and health priorities that influence maternal role

    attainment are within the macrosystem. Alligood and Tomey

    (2010 p.588)

  • 8

    From a theoretical perspective, maternal competence

    is a component of the maternal role and is embedded within

    the microsystem of the mother. Maternal role attainment is

    a process in which the mother achieves competence in the

    role and integrates the mothering behaviors into her

    established role set, so that she is comfortable with her

    identity as a mother Mercer (1985 in Copeland and

    Harbaugh, 2004)

    According to Copeland and Harbaugh (2004), Bullock and

    Pridham stated that successfully obtaining infant care-

    taking skills and being able to read infant cues are

    important to the development of maternal competence.

    Through interaction with the infant, the mother's self-

    confidence is influenced by the infant's responsiveness to

    her care-taking skills. Learning how to read and respond to

    her baby's cues, such as how to soothe a crying infant,

    facilitate the mother's maternal competence. Furthermore,

    mothers who report more maternal competence report more

    positive feelings about their infant.

    To Rubin the maternal identity was fundamental to a

    womans feminine identity. Rubin considered the maternal

    identity as a womans sense of comfort about where she

    has been and where she is going. Achieving the maternal

  • 9

    identity involved a series of developmental tasks

    accompanied by cognitive changes that reorient the self

    through pregnancy During this reorientation process Rubin

    said that womens energy for the world around them

    reduces and they turn inward. This altered conscious

    state was, to Rubin, a change in cognitive style.

    Transition was conceptualized as involving internal

    cognitive processes that limited a womans power to

    whatever orientated her to becoming mother. Rubin did

    perceive that bodily aspects of childbearing impacted on

    reorientation, but the process itself was definitively a

    cognitive reorientation. The reorienting self was theorized

    by Rubin only as an ego. Rubins concept of ego had three

    parts: the ideal image, the self image, and the body image.

    She also identified that a childbearing womans ideal image

    and body image were vulnerable to loss. For example, Rubin

    noted that for some women the turn inward was a worrying

    separation from their past accomplishments and future

    aspirations. The primary role of the maternity nurse was to

    provide ego maintenance and support so that the

    vulnerable childbearing woman could still achieve the

    maternal identity. Parrat and Fahy (2009)

  • 10

    Republic Act 10354 Section 2 and 3 states that The

    State recognizes and guarantees the human rights of all

    persons including their right to equality and

    nondiscrimination of these rights, the right to sustainable

    human development, the right to health which includes

    reproductive health, the right to education and

    information, and the right to choose and make decisions for

    themselves in accordance with their religious convictions,

    ethics, cultural beliefs, and the demands of responsible


    Pursuant to the declaration of State policies under

    Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution,

    it is the duty of the State to protect and strengthen the

    family as a basic autonomous social institution and equally

    protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn

    from conception. The State shall protect and promote the

    right to health of women especially mothers in particular

    and of the people in general and instill health

    consciousness among them. The family is the natural and

    fundamental unit of society. The State shall likewise

    protect and advance the right of families in particular and

    the people in general to a balanced and healthful

    environment in accord with the rhythm and harmony of

  • 11

    nature. The State also recognizes and guarantees the

    promotion and equal protection of the welfare and rights of

    children, the youth, and the unborn.

    Moreover, the State recognizes and guarantees the

    promotion of gender equality, gender equity, women

    empowerment and dignity as a health and human rights

    concern and as a social responsibility. The advancement and

    protection of womens human rights shall be central to the

    efforts of the State to address reproductive health care.

    The State recognizes marriage as an inviolable social

    institution and the foundation of the family which in turn

    is the foundation of the nation. Pursuant thereto, the

    State shall defend:

    (a) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance

    with their religious convictions and the demands of

    responsible parenthood;

    (b) The right of children to assistance, including proper

    care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms

    of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other

    conditions prejudicial to their development;

  • 12

    (c) The right of the family to a family living wage and

    income; and

    (d) The right of families or family associations to

    participate in the planning and implementation of policies

    and programs.

    The State likewise guarantees universal access to

    medically-safe, non-abortifacient, effective, legal,

    affordable, and quality reproductive health care services,

    methods, devices, supplies which do not prevent the

    implantation of a fertilized ovum as determined by the Food

    and Drug Administration (FDA) and relevant information and

    education thereon according to the priority needs of women,

    children and other underprivileged sectors, giving

    preferential access to those identified through the

    National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction

    (NHTS-PR) and other government measures of identifying

    marginalization, who shall be voluntary beneficiaries of

    reproductive health care, services and supplies for free.

    The State shall eradicate discriminatory practices,

    laws and policies that infringe on a persons exercise of

    reproductive health rights.

  • 13

    The State shall also promote openness to

    life; Provided, That parents bring forth to the world only

    those children whom they can raise in a truly humane way.

    SEC. 3. Guiding Principles for Implementation. This

    Act declares the following as guiding principles:

    (a) The right to make free and informed decisions, which is

    central to the exercise of any right, shall not be

    subjected to any form of coercion and must be fully

    guaranteed by the State, like the right itself;

    (b) Respect for protection and fulfillment of reproductive

    health and rights which seek to promote the rights and

    welfare of every person particularly couples, adult

    individuals, women and adolescents;

    (c) Since human resource is among the principal assets of

    the country, effective and quality reproductive health care

    services must be given primacy to ensure maternal and child

    health, the health of the unborn, safe delivery and birth

    of healthy children, and sound replacement rate, in line

    with the States duty to promote the right to health,

    responsible parenthood, social justice and full human


  • 14

    (d) The provision of ethical and medically safe, legal,

    accessible, affordable, non-abortifacient, effective and

    quality reproductive health care services and supplies is

    essential in the promotion of peoples right to health,

    especially those of women, the poor, and the marginalized,

    and shall be incorporated as a component of basic health


    (e) The State shall promote and provide information and

    access, without bias, to all methods of family planning,

    including effective natural and modern methods which have

    been proven medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient, and

    effective in accordance with scientific and evidence-based

    medical research standards such as those registered and

    approved by the FDA for the poor and marginalized as

    identified through the NHTS-PR and other government

    measures of identifying marginalization:Provided, That the

    State shall also provide funding support to promote modern

    natural methods of family planning, especially the Billings

    Ovulation Method, consistent with the needs of acceptors

    and their religious convictions;

    (f) The State shall promote programs that: (1) enable

    individuals and couples to have the number of children they

    desire with due consideration to the health, particularly

  • 15

    of women, and the resources available and affordable to

    them and in accordance with existing laws, public morals

    and their religious convictions: Provided, That no one

    shall be deprived, for economic reasons, of the rights to

    have children; (2) achieve equitable allocation and

    utilization of resources; (3) ensure effective partnership

    among national government, local government units (LGUs)

    and the private sector in the design, implementation,

    coordination, integration, monitoring and evaluation of

    people-centered programs to enhance the quality of life and

    environmental protection; (4) conduct studies to analyze

    demographic trends including demographic dividends from

    sound population policies towards sustainable human

    development in keeping with the principles of gender

    equality, protection of mothers and children, born and

    unborn and the promotion and protection of womens

    reproductive rights and health; and (5) conduct scientific

    studies to determine the safety and efficacy of alternative

    medicines and methods for reproductive health care


    (g) The provision of reproductive health care, information

    and supplies giving priority to poor beneficiaries as

    identified through the NHTS-PR and other government

  • 16

    measures of identifying marginalization must be the primary

    responsibility of the national government consistent with

    its obligation to respect, protect and promote the right to

    health and the right to life;

    (h) The State shall respect individuals preferences and

    choice of family planning methods that are in accordance

    with their religious convictions and cultural beliefs,

    taking into consideration the States obligations under

    various human rights instruments;

    (i) Active participation by nongovernment organizations

    (NGOs), womens and peoples organizations, civil society,

    faith-based organizations, the religious sector and

    communities is crucial to ensure that reproductive health

    and population and development policies, plans, and

    programs will address the priority needs of women, the

    poor, and the marginalized;

    (j) While this Act recognizes that abortion is illegal and

    punishable by law, the government shall ensure that all

    women needing care for post-abortive complications and all

    other complications arising from pregnancy, labor and

    delivery and related issues shall be treated and counseled

  • 17

    in a humane, nonjudgmental and compassionate manner in

    accordance with law and medical ethics;

    (k) Each family shall have the right to determine its ideal

    family size: Provided, however, That the State shall equip

    each parent with the necessary information on all aspects

    of family life, including reproductive health and

    responsible parenthood, in order to make that


    (l) There shall be no demographic or population targets and

    the mitigation, promotion and/or stabilization of the

    population growth rate is incidental to the advancement of

    reproductive health;

    (m) Gender equality and women empowerment are central

    elements of reproductive health and population and


    (n) The resources of the country must be made to serve the

    entire population, especially the poor, and allocations

    thereof must be adequate and effective: Provided, That the

    life of the unborn is protected;

    (o) Development is a multi-faceted process that calls for

    the harmonization and integration of policies, plans,

  • 18

    programs and projects that seek to uplift the quality of

    life of the people, more particularly the poor, the needy

    and the marginalized; and

    (p) That a comprehensive reproductive health program

    addresses the needs of people throughout their life cycle.

    In a study on Parental Role Attainment with Medically

    Fragile Infants, Findings suggest that the development of

    the parental role with infants who are seriously ill during

    infancy encompasses a process of developing ones identity

    as a parent (maternal identity); establishing ones

    presence as reflected in physical closeness with the child

    (parental presence), and becoming competent in normal and

    illness related caregiving (parenting competence). Miles et

    al. (1998)

    Fotwe (2010) stated in the findings of his study that

    women residing in rural areas tend to receive less

    information on maternal health from community-based sources

    of information. As a result of the paucity of maternal

    health information, women resident in rural areas tend to

    score lower on maternal health literacy appraisal and,

    hence, exhibit lower levels of maternal health literacy.

  • 19

    The researcher wishes to determine the level of

    maternal role attainment and maternal competency of those

    primiparous mothers in the rural and urban areas as well as

    the differences. Moreover, as a nurse, the researcher also

    wishes to come up with a proposed enhanced maternal

    education program based on the result of the study in order

    to augment the level of knowledge among those mother in the

    rural or urban areas particularly in Cogon District,

    Tagbilaran City and Maribojoc, Bohol.

    Statement of the Problem

    The study aims to determine the maternal competencies

    of Primiparous mothers in the urban areas compared to rural

    areas in early parenthood.

    Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

    1. What are the respondents demographic profile in terms


    1.1 age

    1.2 income

    1.3 place of residence

    1.4 marital status

  • 20

    2. What are the differences in maternal role attainment

    between primiparous mothers in early parenthood in the

    rural and urban areas in terms of:

    2.1 Attachment

    2.2 Self confidence

    2.3 Infant health status

    2.4 Mother-Father relationship

    3. What are the differences in maternal competence between

    primiparous mothers in early parenthood in the rural and

    urban areas in terms of:

    2.1 Skill

    2.2 Knowledge

    2.3 Comfort

    3. Is there a significant difference in maternal role

    attainment between primiparous mothers in early parenthood

    in the rural and urban areas?

    4. Is there a significant difference in maternal competence

    between primiparous mothers in early parenthood in the

    rural and urban areas?

  • 21

    5. What program can be proposed based on the findings of

    the study?

    Statement of the Hypothesis

    The study seeks to test the null hypothesis that

    states: there is no significant difference in maternal role

    attainment and competence between primiparous mothers in

    early parenthood in the rural and urban areas.

    Significance of the Study

    The researcher believes that the study contains

    several information and valuable implications for the

    improvement of maternal and infant health status which will

    be very helpful to the promotion and maintenance of their

    optimal health as well as to the family. Besides, the

    findings generated in this study may be useful to the

    health care providers and other sectors in the community.

    In particular, the study will be helpful to the


  • 22

    Mothers. The result of this study will help them be

    more aware of their transition to motherhood which could

    somehow affect their health as well as their child.

    Family members. Knowing the importance of maternal

    role attainment and competence, the members of the family,

    particularly the spouse will participate in the delivery of

    health through giving their continued support in the

    physical, emotional and social aspects of the mother.

    Healthcare Providers. This material may prove helpful

    to them as a reference material in giving care to the

    mother. This may enable them to better understand

    individuals, and in turn, to provide holistic care.

    Community. Through this, the condition of the

    community may be improved by means of promoting the health

    of most delicate members in the society. This may assess

    the community whether it is functioning adequately or not

    and taking the right steps on how to improve the maternal

    health and to the great society as a whole.

    Scope and Limitation

    The study covered all the mothers aging 18-40 years

    old who had their first child within a year from delivery

  • 23

    in Cogon District, Tagbilaran City and Maribojoc, Bohol.

    The primary focus of the study is to determine if there is

    a difference in the maternal role attainment and maternal

    competence of primiparous mothers in the urban and rural


    The limitation of this study covers the accessibility,

    the collaboration, willingness to participate, and the

    honesty of our respondents in answering the questionnaires.

    The study will also be limited to the findings of

    those chosen as respondents of the study and the

    instruments being used


    Research Design

    This study will use descriptive research design, which

    is the most effective method used to describe an existing

    condition or a phenomenon and tends to explore a certain

    fact that influence the variables of the study, with the

    questionnaire as the major data gathering methodology.

    Descriptive as it seems at describing the learning whether

    there is significance in the influence of parenting styles

  • 24

    in the academic achievement of 3rd year BSN students at the

    time of the study.

    Research Environment

    The location of this study for the urban area will be

    in Cogon District, Tagbilaran City. Located centrally in

    the city, Cogon overlooks Tagbilaran Bay to the west, to

    the south, it is bounded by Poblacion 2, to the east by

    Barangay Dampas and Dao and to the north by Barangay Booy.

    The total land area is 204.4508 hectares, with a

    population in 2007 of 17,266, the most in the city. It is

    generally believed that more than one-half of its present

    population are no longer native Cogonhanons.

    Furthermore, the rural area will be conducted in

    Maribojoc, Bohol. According to the 2010 census, it has a

    population of 20,491 people. The town has a land area of

    5,192 hectares (12,830 acres).

    Research Respondents

    The respondents of the study will be all the

    primiparous mothers within 1 year of early parenthood of

    Cogon District, Tagbilaran City and Maribojoc, Bohol.

  • 25

    From the list, the respondents will be drawn by

    stratified sampling data. Total number of respondents will

    be determined by the use of the formula:

    Sample Size by Cochran




    (1 )z p p



    Z = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level)

    p = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal

    (.5 used for sample size needed)

    c = confidence interval, expressed as decimal , acceptable

    margin of error for the proportion being estimated (degree

    of precision)

    (e.g., .04 = 4)

    Correction for Finite Population

    New ss = 1





    Where: pop = population size

  • 26

    Research Instrument

    A questionnaire that will be designed by the

    researcher will be used in gathering the data for the

    study. Questionnaires will be translated in vernacular and

    duly submitted for validation to the team of experts in

    designing research tools.

    It will b made up of 3 parts. Part 1, will deal with

    the demographic profile of the respondents. Part 2, will

    consist of the questions about the mothers maternal role

    attainment factors and Part 3 will be all about the

    maternal competence of these primiparous women. Open-ended

    items will also be provided for additional opinions and

    ideas from the respondents.

    The interview questionnaires will be distributed to

    all the participants and at the same time a one-on-one

    interview will be done with the mothers while answering the


    Research Procedures

    Gathering of Data. The researcher will sought

    permission from the Municipal Health Officer, the Public

    Health Nurses and to the Public Health Midwives to conduct

    a research before questionnaires distributed and interview

  • 27

    will be done to the participants. After asking permission,

    the questionnaires will be administered to the primiparous

    mothers. Sufficient time will be given to the participants

    to answer the interview questionnaires and will be

    collected after. Te data gathered will be then classified

    and tabulated to arrive at the numerical picture of the

    phenomenon under study.

    Treatment of Data. After the questionnaires will be

    retrieved, the data will be tallied and tabulated. The

    following statistical procedures will be used.

    1. For the respondents demographic profile:

    Simple Percentage

    P = f


    Where: P- Percentage

    - Summation

    f- Frequency

    N- Number of cases

    2. For differences in maternal role attainment between

    primiparous mothers in early parenthood in the rural

    and urban areas in terms of attachment, self

    confidence, infant health status, Mother-Father

    relationship and the differences in maternal

  • 28

    competence between primiparous mothers in early

    parenthood in the rural and urban areas in terms of

    skill, knowledge and comfort; Analysis f Variance

    (ANOVA) was used.

    Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

    F= Msb Msw

    Where: F- Frequency

    Msb- Mean Squares between groups

    Msw- Mean Squares within groups

    3. For the significant relationship between the maternal

    role attainment and maternal competence in early

    parenthood among rural and urban primiparous mothers

    the Chi Square was used.

    Chi Square formula:

    X2= (f1-f0)



    Where: X2- Chi Square

    - Summation

    f0- Observed frequency

    fe- Expected frequency

  • 29

    Definition of Terms

    For clearer understanding of the terms to be used in


    study, below are their meanings:

    Early Parenthood

    It means the time of birth of the child to one year



    Maternal Competency

    Is a component of the maternal role and is factored

    into skill/knowledge, valuing/comfort, infant feeding

    and infant responsiveness and mothers self-esteem.

    Maternal Role Attainment

    Is a process in which the mother achieves


    in the role and integrates the mothering behaviors


    her established role set, so that she is comfortable


    her identity as a mother.


    Is a woman who has given birth to more than one

    child past the age of viability.


    It means happening during of around the time of


  • 30


    It means the period of time following the birth

    of a



    Is a woman during her first pregnancy.


    Is a woman who has given birth to one viable



    Refers to people who live in Maribojoc, Bohol.


    Refers to the people who live in Cogon District,

    Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

  • 31


    Alligood, M.R. and Tomey, A.M. Nursing Theorists and their

    work. 7th Edition. Maryland Heights, Missouri. Mosby


    Copeland, D.B., & Harbaugh, B.L. (2004). Transition of

    Maternal Competency Married and Single Mothers in

    Early Parenthood. Journal of Perinatal Education,



    Fotwe, E. E. (2010). Comparison of Maternal Health Literacy

    between Rural and Urban women in Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-

    Abrem District of Ghana. University of Cape Coast

    Mercer, R. (2004). Becoming a mother versus maternal role

    attainment. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 36(3).


    Miles, M. S. (1998). Parental Role Attainment with

    Medically Fragile Infants. National Institute of

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