pakistan national assembly question and answers 2008

1 (6th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ————— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Wednesday, the 13th August, 2008 (Originally Starred Question Nos. 50, 57,58, 59, 61, 62, 68, 71, 73, and 80 were set down for Answer during 5th Session) 50 *Mrs. Yasmeen Rehman: Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased to state: (a) the total demand of wheat for domestic consumption registered during the year, 2007-08; (b) demand of wheat per capita; and (c) short fall in demand and supply occurred during the years, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07? Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal): (a) Total estimated demand of wheat for domestic consumption for the year 2007-08 was 21.22 million tons with the following break up:— Million Tons ———————————————————————————————— 1 Consumption by the People 19.34 (156 million X 124 kg per capita) 2 Seed, Feed and Wastage 1.88 (8% of the total production) ———————————————————————————————— However, Afghanistan has been always depended on Pakistan for meeting its major food requirement from Pakistan i.e. 0.4 - 0.6 million tons. (b) 124 Kg per capita consumption as per FAO/MINFAL standards.

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(6th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 13th August, 2008

(Originally Starred Question Nos. 50, 57,58, 59, 61, 62, 68, 71, 73, and 80were set down for Answer during 5th Session)

50 *Mrs. Yasmeen Rehman:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) the total demand of wheat for domestic consumption registeredduring the year, 2007-08;

(b) demand of wheat per capita; and

(c) short fall in demand and supply occurred during the years,2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Total estimated demand of wheat for domestic consumption for theyear 2007-08 was 21.22 million tons with the following break up:—

Million Tons————————————————————————————————

1 Consumption by the People 19.34(156 million X 124 kg per capita)

2 Seed, Feed and Wastage 1.88(8% of the total production)


However, Afghanistan has been always depended on Pakistan for meetingits major food requirement from Pakistan i.e. 0.4 - 0.6 million tons.

(b) 124 Kg per capita consumption as per FAO/MINFAL standards.

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(Fig in million tons)———————————————————————————————— (c) Year Demand Supply Short-fall/Surplus————————————————————————————————

2003-04 18.239 20.175 (+)1.9362004-05 19.328 *21.028 (+)1.7002005-06 21.441 *22.783 (+)1.3422006-07 21.883 23.815 (+)1.932

————————————————————————————————*Including imports.

57. *Dr. Azra Fazal Pechohu:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal under consideration to importB.T.Cotton Seed; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): No.

58. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that Rs. 279.793 million has been allocated bythe Federal Government for Livestock Production andDevelopment of Meat Production in the country under PSDP2007-08;

(b) if so, the amount received and spent by the Ministry alongwiththe progress made in execution of the said project so far; and

(c) whether the project will be completed and the sanctioned amountutilized by 30-6-08?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Yes.

(b) Rs 225.006 million have ben received by the Livestock Productionand development for Meat Production Project during current financial year2007-08. Rs 174.16 million have been spent till 30th April, 2008.

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Progress till 30th April 2008:

— The project has undertaken 3893 feedlot fattening farm operations.

— 8120 farmers/investors have been sent feasibilities on beef and muttonproduction.

— 117545 animals fattened.

(c) As per approved PC-I, the project will be completed by June, 2011.

59. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that Rs. 7.460 million has been allocated bythe Federal Government for establishment of Post-EntryQuarantine Sections Karachi under the PSDP 2007-08;

(b) if so, the amount received and spent by the Ministry alongwiththe progress made in execution of the above project, so far; and

(c) whether the project will be completed and the sanctioned amountutilized by 30-6-08?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Yes, an amount of Rs.7.460 million has been allocated in the PSDP2007-08 for the Project “Establishment of Post Entry Quarantine Station at PortQasim, Karachi”.

(b) The above allocation of Rs. 7.460 million was for the following itemsas per approved cash plan.

i. Civil Works Rs. 1.671 millionii. Pay & allowances of staff (18 Nos) Rs. 1.586 millioniii. Procurement of Lab Equipment / Rs. 4.038 million

Machinery / Furniture/Vehiclesiv. Contingencies Rs. 0.165 million

Out of the total allocation, an amount of Rs. 1.865 million was released.Rs. 1.671 million for civil works was transferred to Pak PWD and Rs. 0.073 millionwas incurred for contingencies, so far. Due to procedural delay, the civil workswere not completed by the Pak PWD. The recruitment process of 18 Officers /

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Officials has been initiated after advertising the posts, interviews were held butappointments orders were kept in abeyance due to ban imposed on fresh appointmentby the present Government. Due to non-completion of civil works and recruitmentprocess, the procurement of lab equipments / machinery was deferred. The requiredprogress could not be achieved and the savings have been surrendered.

(c) Since the civil works, recruitment of staff and procurement ofequipments could not be achieved as planned, the project life has been extended upto 30-06-2009 in order to achieve its objectives. The balance un-spent amount ofRs. 5.716 million has been surrendered.

61. *Chaudhry Muhammad Barjees Tahir:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of persons arrested by the Anti Narcotics Forceon the charges of smuggling narcotics during the years, 2005 to2008;

(b) the action taken against them; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to control narcotics in thecountry?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal): (a)Since 1st January, 2005 through 27 May, 2008 Anti Narcotics Force has arrested2989 persons on the charges of smuggling of narcotics etc. Year-wise details aregiven below:—————————————————————————————————

Year Persons————————————————————————————————

2005 6752006 10332007 9372008 344(up to 27-5-2008)

————————————————————————————————Total 2989


(b) Subsequently, all the aforementioned persons were charged andprosecuted under CNS Act, 1997. So far out of 2989, 1015 have been convicted.Detail of conviction is as under :—

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(i) Death penalties 2(ii) Life imprisonment 125(iii) Different terms of imprisonment 888

Total 1015(iv) Acquittal 64

(c) Following steps have been taken by the Government to control narcoticsin the country.

(i) Creation of Separate Ministry.(ii) Formation of special committee of cabinet.(iii) 12 Wings of FC for Pak-Iran Border.(iv) Installation of Scanners at ports.(v) Installation IONSCAN at 3 Airports.(vi) Increase in personnel for ANF.(vii) Establishment of new police stations at Gawadar, Sialkot, Panjgoor

(24 already functioning).(viii) Proposal for establishment of new police stations at Rahim Yar Khan

and Mir Pur. AJK.(ix) Acquisition of 2 more MI-17 helicopters from U.K.(x) Mass awareness campaign.(xi) Treatment rehabilitation centers.

62. *Syed Javed Hassnain Shah:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) the total quantity of wheat produced in the country during theperiod from Ist January to 31st December, 2007;

(b) the total quantity of wheat purchased by Government; and

(c) the total quantity of wheat exported during the said periodalongwith the names of exporters?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) During 2006-07 23.3 million tons of wheat was produced in the country.

(b) Out of the above, 4.422 million tons of wheat was purchased byProvincial Food Departments and PASSCO.

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(c) According to FBR, total wheat exported –during the said period was377,915 tons. All this wheat was exported by the private sector. The list of names ofexporters is Annexed.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

68. *Mrs. Sumaira Yasir Rasheed:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased torefer to Starred Question No.27 replied on 23.4.2008 and to state:

(a) the names of the country from where the said wheat was importedalongwith the rate thereof;

(b) the rate at which the said wheat will be supplied to the mills; and

(c) the rate at which the mills will provide flour to the general public?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal):————————————————————————————————

(a) Tender Country C &F rate KarachiNo. (US$ PMT)

————————————————————————————————1 Russia 428—4552 USA 5123 Canada 450—6534 Brazil 4675 Argentina 4676 Kazakhstan 467


(b) @Rs. 465/- per 40 Kg. uptill 15th of April, 2008.@ Rs.625 per 40 Kg after 15th of April, 2008.

(c) Following ex-mill price of flour were fixed by the provinces:

Before 15th. April, 2008:

Punjab: Ex-mill price Rs.285/- per 20 kg bag.Sindh: Ex-mill price Rs.290/- per 20 kg bag.NWFP: Ex-mill price Rs 300/- per 20 kg bag.Balochistan: Ex-mill price Rs 297/- per 20 kg bag.

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After 15th April, 2008:

Punjab: Ex-mill price Rs.3651- per 20 kg bag.Sindh: Ex-mill price Rs.440/- per 20 kg bag.NWFP: Ex-mill price Rs.380/- per 20 kg bag .Balochistan: Ex-mill price Rs.371/- per 20 kg bag.

71. *Mrs. Shakeela Khanam Rashid:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) province-wise and year-wise total production of wheat registeredduring the last three years;

(b) the steps taken for increase of said production; and

(c) the time by which the country will become self sufficient in wheatproduction?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) The province and year-wise production of wheat during last threeyears is given as follows:—

“000” Tons————————————————————————————————

Province 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07————————————————————————————————

Punjab 17375 16776 17853Sindh 2508 2750 3409NWFP 1091 1101 1160Balochistan 638 650 872Pakistan 21612 21277 23294


(b) Steps taken for increasing wheat production included:

(i) Announcement of Minimum Guaranteed Price (MGP) of wheat toensure fair return to the wheat growers.

(ii) Government adopted policy of placing herbicides on generic list. Thismeasure helped in reducing the herbicides prices by 30 to 40 percentand help farmers to increase herbicides use.

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(iii) The farmers were also advised for judicious use of water and micro-management of irrigation water at local level through active coordinationof irrigation and Agriculture Departments.

(iv) Ensured timely availability of inputs like seed, fertilizer, and pesticides/herbicides. The supply of agri credit to farmers was also increased.

(v) Provincial Agriculture Extension Departments educate the farmers atlocal level as well as through electronic and print media regardinggood agricultural practices for increasing wheat production.

(vi) Launching of grow more wheat campaign by the Ministry of Food,Agriculture and Livestock to improve productivity and production ofwheat.

(c) Pakistan achieved self sufficiency in wheat in 2000 and also exportedwheat. However, later clue to low production wheat was imported tofulfill the domestic requirement. Presently efforts are underway toincrease production to sustain sell sufficiency in wheat.

73. *Mrs. Belum Husnain:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:(a) the district-wise and year-wise total production of strawberry in

the country during the last three years; and

(b) steps taken to increase the production; and improve the quality ofstrawberry?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) This is a new crop introduced in the country and is not cultivated asmajor or minor crop and its district wise production data is not available with theprovinces. The details provided by the provinces regarding production of strawberryis as follows;

SindhIn Sindh province the strawberry is only cultivated by few growers in district

Khairpur on small scale.

NWFPThe details of district wise production of strawberry in NWFP for the last

three years is as under:

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————————————————————————————————Strawberry Production in NWFP (Tones)

————————————————————————————————Years Mardan Charsadda Total

————————————————————————————————2005-06 30 1548 15782006-07 57 1457 15142007-08 65 1536 1601


The strawberry is not cultivated in Balochistan on lame scale however ithas been sown by few farmers, but not on commercial scale.

(b) The agriculture departments of the provinces have conducted researchon production technology suitable for the provinces and provided the guidelines tothe farmers regarding the production practices of strawberry as following:—

(i) Dissemination of Production Technology Variety Introduction.

(ii) Rationalizing, the use of fertilizers.

(iii) Plant Protection Measures.

(iv) IPM approach introduced through FFS.

(v) Post harvest losses and its control.

80. *Mr. Riaz Fatyana:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) the production of grams, maize and sunflower during the years2005-06 and 2006-07; and

(b) the steps taken for the increase of production of those crops duringthe year, 2006-07?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) The production of grams, maize and sunflower during, the years2005-06 and 2006-07 are giving below:—

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————————————————————————————————Production of Gram, Maize and Sunflower (‘000’ ton)

————————————————————————————————Gram Maize Sunflower

————————————————————————————————2005-06 479.5 3109.6 348.32006-07 837.8 3088.4 407.2

————————————————————————————————(b) The Government has taken following steps to increase the production

of gram. maize and sunflower;

GramFixed intervention price of Rs. 850 per 40 kg.

Media campaign to disseminate improved production technology

MaizeIntroduction of hybrid seed varieties which on average gives about7 tons per hectare yield compared to 2 tons per hectare yield fromconventional varieties.

Better production technology is disseminated to improve per hectareyield. Resultantly the production of maize which was 1.6 million tonsin the year 2001-02 has reached to about 3.1 million tons in the year2005-06.

SunflowerThe Government of Pakistan has given priority to oilseed sector.

PODB has launched two sunflower cultivation projects; one each inBalochistan and D. I. Khan. As a result 130000 acres will be broughtunder sunflower cultivation on completion of two projects.

Media campaigns for the promotion of oilseeds through electronic andprint media are launched at the onset of sowing seasons each year.Free Help-line facility (0800- 111-33) is being provided to farmers fortechnical information and suggestions regarding all aspects forcultivation of sunflower and canola to gain high production.

Private sector has been encouraged to announce minimum procurementprice of sunflower. All Pakistan Solvent Extracts Association (APSEA)has announced a minimum procurement price of Rs. 830 per40 kg for sunflower crop for the year 2006-07.

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Other oilseed promotional efforts to improve the production of sunflowerand canola during 2007 include:

O Arranging of field days/seminars/conferences to educate farmersto go for better yield.

O Provision of improved production technologies and oilseedliterature to growers free of cost.

O Planting of demonstration plots to bring technology at the doorsteps of the oilseeds growers.

Facilitating the farmers in disposal of their product at profitable prices.

47. *Miss Marvi Memon:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that India has organized a civilianmountaineering and trekking expedition on Siachen Glacier; ifso, the steps taken by the Government to combat the situation;and

(b) whether the matter has been discussed in the recent compositedialogue with India; if so, the result thereof?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a) The decision of the Indian government to allow trekking teams to Siachen glaciertaken in September 2007 is a matter of concern to Pakistan. Pakistan immediatelylodged a strong protest with the Indian government. Pakistan’s position is that Siachcnissue is being discussed within the framework of the Composite Dialogue and anyunilateral action by India on the glacier has the potential to undermine the ongoingtalks on this issue. The matter was subsequently raised with the Indian side duringvarious high level interactions.

(b) During various meetings under the Composite Dialogue, including theExperts level meeting on Conventional CBMs and recently held review meetings ofthe fourth round of the Composite Dialogue, the matter has been raised with theIndian side.

48. *Mrs. Samina Khalid Ghurki:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture & Livestock be pleased to state:

(a) the names, addresses and experience of those firms who arepresently executing projects under “National Programme forImprovement of Water course in Pakistan”;

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(b) the total amount incurred so far and target achieved therefrom;and

(c) the steps taken to ensure the quality of work?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) It is stated that firms are not involved in execution of the project titled“National Programme for Improvement of water courses in Pakistan”.

(b) The expenditures incurred are Rs. 26,683.753 Million while 50,848Nos. of watercourses have reportedly been improved so far.

(c) Local supervisory Consultants for third party validation have beenengaged by the Provincial Agriculture Departments to ensure the quality of work.Moreover, Provincial Project Monitoring Units have been established in all fourprovinces to monitor the quality of work closely.

49. *Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate the steps taken by the Government to control the sale of spuriousagricultural medicines and to improve the quality of agriculturalmedicines alongwith the detail thereof?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal):

Imported pesticides are checked by pre-shipment agencies at the portfrom where pesticides are exported to Pakistan.

At provincial level there is 9 Pesticides Quality Control Laboratoryare notified to analyse and ensure quality pesticides to the farmers.

At provincial level there is 625 pesticides inspectors are notified todraw samples of pesticides from distributors and retailers level to checkthe quality.

Bulk import of pesticides banned and replaced with retail packing upto one liter to ensure quality.

Government has introduce major amendments in existing pesticidesordinance to ensure high quality pesticides to the farmers.

Federal Government announced pesticides policy with particularemphasis on quality and prices of pesticides.

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O The Provincial Governments and the District Governments would befully on board with a view to make the prosecuting chain more effective.

O The Provincial Government may direct the District Police Officer, theSub-Divisional Police Officers and Station House Officers to rendertimely assistance to notified Inspectors if need be for the purpose ofcollecting samples.

O The notified Inspectors, through due process, will collect the samplesfrom any point of the distribution chain for further testing.

O In case of defective sample in the laboratory and result thereof. Theparties involved in the chain i.e. importer, formulator, distributor, retailerwill be liable to prosecution, in general and those from whose possessionstocks of adulterated, fake or substandard pesticides is found inparticular.

The above measures are being taken by the Federal Government andProvincial Governments to ensure availability of quality pesticides to the growers inthe countrty.

50. *Dr. Donya Aziz:

Will the Minister for Population Welfare be pleased to state whether itis a fact that it is mandatory to procure contraceptive products onlythrough United Nation’s Fund for Population activities (UNFPA); ifso, the justification thereof?

Minister for Population Welfare (Mir Humayun Aziz Kurd): No, it isnot mandatory to procure contraceptive products only through United Nation’s Fundfor Population Activities (UNFPA).

51. *Mrs. Rubina Saadat Qaim Khani:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal to, conduct investigation of theassasination of shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, through UNO;

(b) if so, the present status of the said investigation?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a) The assassination of former Prime Minister Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

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was a great loss for Pakistan. Therefore, we have sought UN Secretary General’sassistance in establishing a Commission to Carry out full and impartial investigationand bring the perpetrators to justice.

(b) During the recent visit of the Foreign Minister to the New York, theUN Secretary General on 10th July, 2008 had conveyed his agreement in principleto the establishment of the Commission. The two sides would now discuss themodalities of the establishment of the Commission.

52. *Rana Mahmood-ul-Hassan:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the serum imported from Saudia Arabiaby Ministry during the year, 2007-08 for treatment of snake biting,has been banned for use; if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) the quantity and price of said serum; and

(c) the authority who approved the import of that serum?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a), (b) and (c) No serumfor treatment of Snake Bite has been allowed by Ministry of Health from SaudiArabia during the year 2007-08.

53. *Maulvi Asmatullah:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state:

(a) the district-wise Programme launched for Social Welfare inBalochistan during fiscal year 2007-08 alongwith the number ofindividuals benefited therefrom; and

(b) whether there is any proposal to launch new Programme duringthe year 2008-09; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education (Nawazada KhawajaMuhammad Khan Hoti): (a) No Programme has been launched by M/o SocialWelfare and Special Education during fiscal year 2007-08 in Balochistan.

(b) M/o Social Welfare & Special Education has planned to launch numberof National Level Programmes for Community Development and Patient Welfareduring the year 2008-09. Such projects are also proposed to be started in Balochistansubject to provision of funds by the Planning Commission and Finance Division.

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54. *Sheikh Waqqas Akram:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal to import parent birds during theyear 2008-09 in order to meet the requirement of poultry industry; ifso, the details thereof?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): The import of parent birds is a private sector affair. The decision regardingnumber of birds to be imported is decided by the importer and generally demanddriven. The role of the M/o Food, Agriculture & Livestock (MINFAL) is to theextent that Animal Quarantine Department of MINFAL observes that quarantinerequirements of Pakistan are satisfied and carry out inspection of consignment atthe time of arrival to see health of birds and valid animal health certificate to thiseffect. The said certificate is issued by the competent veterinary authority of exportingcountry.

55. *Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether the pollen allergy vaccine is available in the FederalGovernment hospitals in Islamabad at present;

(b) if so, the details of those vaccines?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) Pollen allergy vaccinesare available in the Allergy Centre of National Institute of Health, Islamabad.

(b) Following types of pollen allergy vaccines are available in the AllergyCentre of National Institute of Health, Islamabad:

1. Pollen + Dust2. Pollen + Dust +Paper Mulberry3. Pollen + Dust +Paper Mulberry + Thresher4. Pollen+ Dust+ Paper Mulberry + Thresher+ Raw Cotton

56. *Mrs. Fauzia Wahab:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a treaty for exchange of convictedprisoners between Pakistan and UK has been signed; if so, thedate thereof;

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(b) the date from which the said treaty became effective; and

(c) the names and addresses of the prisoners who have beenrepatriated under the said treaty, so far, alongwith the offencecommitted by them?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi):(a) On 24th Aug. 2007 Pakistan and Britain signed a prisoner exchange agreementin Islamabad. On the 20th of February 2008, the Instrument of Ratification for thisagreement was signed by Pakistan. The Instruments of Ratification will be exchangedwhen U.K Government completes formalities for ratification on their part.

(a) Article 18, sub-clause (1) states that the Agreement shall ‘be subjectto ratification and shall enter into force on the date on which the instruments ofratification are exchanged’. Since the Instruments of Ratification have yet to beexchanged, the Agreement has not entered into force as yet.

(c) Since the agreement has not come into force, no repatriations haveoccurred between both sides.

57. *Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal to launch a campaign forvaccination of general public against Hepatitis on the pattern ofPolio Vaccination;

(b) if so, the detail thereof?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) and (b) Vaccinationagainst Hepatitis is an effective and highly recommended intervention for preventionof Hepatitis-B. The Health Ministry in the past has been constrained by the highcost of the vaccination and was initially only offering vaccines from it own sourcesto high risk groups such as health care workers, prison inmates, patients on dialysisand those requiring blood transfusion. Over the past 4 years the Government ExpandedProgram on Immunization has included Hepatitis-B Vaccine to infants and thus upto 5 million children per year are getting the benefit of this preventive intervention.With the reducing cost of the vaccine and increasing allocations to the ImmunizationProgram it is envisaged that the cover of vaccination will extent to other high riskgroups such as intravenous drug users, sanitary workers, policeman and schoolgoing children. When the economics allow, vaccinations could be extended to alladolescents and adults under the age of 45.

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58. Transfered to Industries and Production Division for answer on nextRota Day.

59. *Mrs. Asiya Nasir:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether free of cost vaccine for Hepatitis “C” is provided in theFederal Government Hospitals in the country;

(b) the annual budget of PIMS, Islamabad allocated for the year,2008-09; and

(c) the total number of doctors hailing from Balochistan presentlyworking in PIMS?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) Unfortunately there iscurrently no vaccine available for the prevention of Hepatitis ‘C’. In those affecteda proportion is suitable for treatment with injection interferon and Tab riboverine.This expensive treatment is available for limited number of patients in the FederalGovernment Hospitals i.e. PIMS, FGSH, JPMC & SKBZ.

(b) The annual budget of PIMS, Islamabad allocated for year 2008-09 isRs.1225.487 Million the detailed is at Annex-A.

(c) The total number of doctors hailing from Balochistan presently workingin PIMS is 13. A list of doctors is at Annex-B.

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60. *Dr. Attiya Inayatullah:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the date of approval and launching of the National HepatitisProject alongwith the amount allocated for the said project andits duration;

(b) the per patient cost of treatment and total number of patients tobe benefited therefrom; and

(c) the total number of patients given treatment so far under the saidproject?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) The Program wasapproved by Executive Committee for National Economic Council (ECNEC) on08th April 2005 and was launched on 29th August 2005,with a cost of Rs. 2,594.000Million for five (05) years (2005-2010). The project is largely oriented to theprevention of Hepatitis which is the best strategy to curtail the epidemic and a smallcomponent of therapy for clinically eligible patients.

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(b) Hepatitis B & C patient treatment provision in PC-I:

As per PC-I phasing the number of patients to be treated was based on theestimated cost per patient of Hepatitis C = Rs. 60,000 and Hepatitis B = Rs. 45,000;However as per increase demand for Hepatitis C treatment and low rates receivedthrough bidding process, increase quantity of Hepatitis C treatment provision wereprocured. Details are as below:—

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*Hepatitis B patients are given tablet Limivudine per day 100 mg till thevirus is vanished and the treatment may continue beyond one year but treatmentcost calculated is on the basis for 01 year (365 tablets of Lamivudine 100mg)

(c) 24,279 patients of hepatitis C and 3,644 patients of hepatitis B havebeen extended free of cost treatmen far under the said project.

61. *Miss Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise cases of breast cancer registered in the FederalGovernment hospitals during the last five years; and

(b) the steps taken for prevention and treatment of breast cancer?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) The year wise cases ofbreast cancer registered in Federal Government Hospitals during the last five yearsis given as under:—————————————————————————————————

Year No. of Patients—————————————————————————————————————

2003 6242004 5922005 6302006 5742007 572

————————————————————————————————Total 2,992


(b) Unfortunately there is no effective preventive intervention for breastcancer. Thus improving outcomes relies heavily on health education, directed toyoung woman who must engage in regular self examination. Screening mammogrammay also be suggested.

Once a breast lump is detected, it is subjected to tests to confirm the diagnosisand then treatment is offered by surgery, radiation therapy, Hormone therapy andchemo therapy.

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62. *Dr. Talat Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state:

(a) the province-wise total number of persons whom financialassistance was provided from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall under FoodSupport Programme during the years 2005-06 and 2006-07alongwith the amount thereof; and

(b) the procedure adopted for the said assistance?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education (NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti): (a) The province-wise total number of personsto whom financial assistance was provided from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal under FoodSupport Programme during the years - 2005-06 and 2006-07 alongwith the amountthereof is as under—————————————————————————————————

FY. 2005-2006 FY. 2006-2007————————————————————————————————

Province Disburse- Bene- Disburse- Benefi-ment ficiaries ment ciaries

(Rs. Million) (Nos) (Rs. Million) (Nos)————————————————————————————————

Punjab 1,690 752,192 1,793 739,782Sindh 521 313024 759 293460NWFP 582 263,968 746 280,758Balochistan 124 54.896 128 71.394ICT 173 75,920 120 74,606

————————————————————————————————Total 3,090 1,460,000 3,545 1,460,000

————————————————————————————————The procedure adopted for the said assistance is as under, which has approved

by Federal Food Support Steering Committee (FFSSC):

(b) 1. Criteria for applicants

(a) EligibleAssistance is provided to the needy individuals having no support orsource of income.

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(b) Ineligible

(i) Govt. employees and their family members;

(ii) Beneficiaries of other social welfare agencies;

2. Registration of beneficiaries

(a) Identification and registration of FSP beneficiaries is theresponsibility of District Food Support Steering Committee(DFSSC). Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal district office is the secretariatof this committee. The DFSSC may receive applications for FSPsubsidy through the offices of PBM, Zakat, District/Tehsil&UnionCouncil Nazim or directly from beneficiaries.

(b) All applications received are scrutinized and verified by anymember of the Task Force constituted by the DCOs in all thedistricts.

(c) All the above applications duly verified/attested to be genuine bythe Task Force are then placed before DFSSC meeting forapproval.

(d) The District Nazim or his nominated Naib Nazim/Tehsil Nazimand Investigation Officer PBM are the co-signatories ofapplication forms (FSP-001).

(e) On the basis of application forms (FSP-001) lists of the approvedbeneficiaries on the form FSP-003 are prepared. The DCO orhis nominated EDO/DDO and Investigation Officer PBM arethe co-signatories of these lists.

(f) These lists are then forwarded to GPOs for opening of accountsof beneficiaries.

(g) Authority letters (FSP-002A) are signed and issued by the DistrictIncharge PBM to all approved beneficiaries, who after receivingthe same approach their respective post offices for opening oftheir accounts.

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3. Transfer of funds

(a) The funds are provided by the government to PBM in two bi-annual installments. PBM is maintaining a Main GPO Accountfrom where the funds are transferred to the provincial/regionalaccounts.

(b) PBM Provincial/Regional Offices are maintaining Provincial/Regional GPO Accounts at their headquarters through whichfunds are transferred to the district offices. The provincialaccounts are operated by the PBM provincial Director/DeputyDirector alongwith the provincial/regional Secretary SocialWelfare. In case of Northern Areas, the Chief Secretary, NorthernAreas is the co-signatory with Director/Dy Director PBMRegional Office.

(c) PBM District offices are maintaining District GPO Accounts attheir respective GPOs through which the funds are transferredto the beneficiaries’ accounts. The accounts are operated by thePBM Investigation Officer alongwith the Deputy Commissioner/DCO of the respective District.

(d) Each sub-post office is provided sufficient cash by the GPOs toenable it to make payments against Food Support Programme.

4. Drawl of subsidy

(a) At the transfer of subsidy into their accounts the beneficiariesapproach their respective post offices for drawl of subsidy.National Identity Card (NIC) and pass book of the beneficiaryare necessary documents to be produced at the time of drawl.

(b) Bulk payments (where one person gets subsidy of manybeneficiaries) are not allowed in any case.

63. *Mr. Tariq Mehmood Bajwa:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that passports were stolen from PakistanEmbassies in Germany, Spain and UK during the last 6 years;

(b) if so, the names and designations of the officials responsiblesalongwith the action taken against them?

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Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a) and (b) Country-wise reply are as under:


According to the Mission, no passport was stolen from the Embassy ofPakistan in Germany, during the last six years.


According to the Mission, no passport was stolen from the Embassy ofPakistan in Spain, during the last six years. However, record of 1088 passports wasmissing. An inquiry was conducted. Details of the action taken are as under:-

(i) Disciplinary proceedings under the removal from service specialpowers Ordinance 2000 were initiated against Mr. Shafqat Ali Cheema,former Second Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Madrid. After carefullyexamining the contents of the inquiry report findings andrecommendations of the Inquiry Committee, reply of the accusedofficer other relevant record, consideration of the facts of the case,explanations presented in the personal hearing, the Foreign Secretaryimposed the penalty of with holding of promotion of two years w.e.f.26th March, 2007, under section 3(1) of the Removal from ServiceSpecial Powers Ordinance 2000. This was because the officer wasneglectful but conclusive evidence of corruption was not borne out inthe findings.

(ii) Mr. Shafqat Ali Cheema submitted an appeal to the Prime Minister/Appellate Authority which was rejected under Section 9(2) of theRemoval from service (Special Powers) Ordinance, 2000 and followingfurther orders were passed:

(a) His services be placed at the disposal of the EstablishmentDivision as OSD for further posting against a suitable post undersection 10 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973;

(b) The officer is debarred from any foreign posting for five years;and

(c) He should be counseled and his working should be monitoredstrictly.

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(iii) Mr. Shafqat Ali Cheema has filed an Appeal before the FederalServices Tribunal. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has submittedparawise comments to the Federal Services Tribunal. The case isfixed for hearing on 12th July, 2008.

UKThe Mission confirmed that no passport was stolen in the UK, during the

last six years.

64. *Nosheen Saeed:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate the steps taken to increase agricultural production of edible fooditems in the country?

Reply not received.

65. *Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the names and designations of Pakistani entourage of the recentvisit of President to China; and

(b) the expenditure incurred thereon?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a) The list of entourage is given at Annex-I.

(b) The President’s visit took place from April 10-15, 2008. A sum ofRs.22,551,923/- was incurred on the visit which includes expenses on accommodation,transportation, payment of Daily Allowance, gifts etc.


COMPOSITION OF ENTROURAGE (TENTATIVE)————————————————————————————————

S. No. Name Designation————————————————————————————————

1. The President

2. First Lady————————————————————————————————

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————————————————————————————————S. No. Name Designation


3. Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar Minister for Defence4. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi Minister for Foreign Affairs5. Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rehman Chairman, HEC6. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh Dy. Chairman Planning Commission7. Mr. Tariq Ikrarn Chairman TDAP

OFFICIALS8. Maj Gen (R) Rashid Qureshi Media Advisor to President9. Mr. Nazir Hussain Chief of Protocol10. Mr. Masood Khalid Addl. Secretary (AP)11. Mr. Mohammad Iftikhar Anjum Dy. Chief of Protocol12. Mr. Arshad Jan Pathan Director (CJ K)13. Mr. Saeed Akhtar Protocol Assistant

PERSONAL Staff14. Maj. Gen. Shafqaat Ahmed Military Secretary15. Mrs. Nadeema Kalsoom Iqbal Wife of MS16. Maj. Gen. Tassawar Hussain Personal Physician17. Lt. Col. Syed Mohammad Adnan DMS18. Cdr. Amir Saeed ADC19. Mr. Muhammad Junaid protocol Assistant20. Mr. Ashad Mehmood Valet

SECURITY TEAM21. Brig. Muhammad Iftikhar Mansoor DG Security22. Col. Muhammad Ilyas Chief Security Officer23. Lt. Col. Babar Mumtaz Addl. CSO24. Maj. Adil Rehmani Security Officer25. Hav. Tariq Mahmood Security Staff26. Hav. Muhammad Jamil Sectuity Staff27. L/Nk Shahid Akbar Security Staff28. L/Nk Naeem Ishaq Security Staff29. Sep. Habib Sultan Security Staff

MEDIA TEAM30. Mr. Arshad Saleem PTV Correspondent31. Mr. Shahid Ahmad PTV Cameraman32. Mr. Muhammad Afzal Tanvir PTV Engineer33. Mr. Muhammad Sohail Malik PID Photographer34. Mr. Muhammad Javed Khan Jadoon PBC Deputy Chicf of Correspondent35. Shakfek E Koreshe APP Correspondent36. Mr. Sajid Hameed APP Cameraman


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66. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the names of Federal Government hospitals where the medicaltreatment facilities for Thalassaemia patients are available atpresent; and

(b) the measures adopted to control the said disease?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) Pakistan Institute ofMedical Sciences, Islamabad is the only Federal Government Hospital wheremedical treatment facilities for thalassaemia patients are available at present.

(b) The measures adopted to control the disease are attached atAnnex-A.



1. Thalassaemia is a blood disorder which is passed on to the Childrenfrom their parents. A Thalasemic child is born only when both parents carryThalasemic gene. In Pakistan carrier rate is 05% and because of marriages in thefamily, around 5,000 children are born every year, with Thalassaemia.

2. Thalassaemia can be prevented by stopping marriages between twocarriers. This can be done by explaining the cause of disease to the families. This iscalled genetic counseling.

3. After this counseling families should have a blood test i.e completeblood picture (CP) and electrophoresis to find out if they are carrier or not. This iscalled family screening.

4. Once people know about their carrier status it is important to tell themthat carrier should not marry a carrier.

5. For people who already have Thalasemic children and are all alreadycarriers married to carriers should have chorionic villous sampling at 10 weeks ofpregnancy to find out the status of the child. This is called prenatal diagnosis.

6. In addition to this, a number of awareness programs are carried outduring Seminars in electronic and print media and on T.V. to make the general publicfamiliar with Thalassaemia and how it can be prevented.

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67. *Mir Amer Ali Khan Magsi:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the names of placesin Balochistan where new railway tracks were laid or repaired duringthe last two years alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Railways (Sardar Mahtab Ahmed Khan): No new Railwaytrack has been laid in Balochistan during last two years. However, the details ofrepair & rehabilitation works carried out during last two years are listed as under:—

1. 3 Km sleeper renewal between Sibi and Mushkaf.

2. 2 KM sleeper renewal between Spezand and Sariab.

3. 1 KM track renewal between Shelabagh and Chaman.

4. Improvement of track in curves and straight portion with releasedmaterial between Panir and Sibi and Kila Abdullah - Shelabagh. -Chaman section.

5. Replacement of 700 worn-out rails on Kila Abdullah-Shelabagh -Chaman section.

6. The shortage of 3,00;000 cubic foot of stone-ballast has been recoupedin the track on Sibi-Quetta section on mainline.

7. 1.3 Kms sleeper renewal between Dera-Allah-Yar and Mangoli, 1.6Kms from Km 120.4 to 122.00 between Dera-Murad-Jamali and Natalon Sukkur Division has been carried out.

8. The shortage of 1,10,000 cubic foot of stone-ballast recouped in thetrack from Dera-Allah-Yar to Sibi.

9. Kms track protection-band provided between Dingra and Dangolistations. In addition to above, day-to-day routine maintenance of trackis also being carried out.

68. *Mrs. Anusha Rahman Khan Advocate:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that less sugar cane has been cultivated onless area this year;

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(b) if so, the steps taken to combat the situation?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Yes. The first estimates received from the provinces indicated thatless sugarcane has been cultivated on less area this year.

(b) The steps taken to combat the situation are as under:

I. Ministry of Commerce has issued SRO to ban export of sugar.

II. FBR has been requested to remove 25% duty on import of sugar.

III. TCP has been asked to procure sugar up to the stock of 7.5 Lac tons

IV. The Provincial Governments have been asked to expedite payment tosugarcane growers

69. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total income earned by Pakistan Railways during the yearsfrom 2002 to 2007; and

(b) the total expenditure of Pakistan Railways during the said period?

Minister for Railways (Sardar Mahtab Ahmed Khan): (a) and (b)Income and expenditure of Pakistan Railways during the years 2002—2007 is asunder:

(Rs. In Billion)————————————————————————————————

year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07————————————————————————————————

Income 14.812 14.636 17.830 18.183 19.194

Expenditure 20.466 19.996 21.063 27.370 30.309————————————————————————————————70. *Nawab Abdul Ghani Talpur:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Railways land along side 4 KM railwaytrack between Kotri-Hyderabad has been sold;

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(b) if so, the justification thereof alongwith the criteria adopted?

Minister for Railways (Sardar Mahtab Ahmed Khan): (a) and (b) NoRailway land has been sold by Pakistan Railways alongside Railway Track BetweenKotri and Hyderabad.

71. *Pir Muhammad Aslam Bodla:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of drug addicts in Pakistan at present alongwiththe nature of addiction; and

(b) the steps taken to control the said addiction during the last threeyears?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal): (a)According to National Assessment Study-2000, the estimated number of drug addictsin the country is about four million. These figures include cannabis users, psychotropicsubstances users and heroin addicts etc. According to National Assessment Study2006, there are at present about 628,000 opioid users (heroin, morphine, opium,codine, pentazocine, buprenorphine etc) in Pakistan. Out of which approximately484,000 are estimated heroin users. Moreover 125,000 injecting drug users has alsobeen estimated.

(b) (i) According to Sections 52 and 53 of the Control of NarcoticSubstances Act, 1997, the responsibility for the registration and rehabilitation of drugaddicts falls within the purview of Provincial Governments. The ProvincialGovernments have been directed to earmark ten beds in each District HeadquartersHospital for treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts in the provinces.

(ii) Following steps have been taken by the Government for treatmentand rehabilitation of drug addicts in the country:—

The Ministry of Narcotics Control/Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) hasestablished two 45— bed Model Addiction Treatment andRehabilitation Centres at , Islamabad and Quetta at a total cost ofRs. 39.02 million each during the current financial year. These Centresare providing free treatment, food, boarding and rehabilitation to drugaddicts.

Ministry of Narcotics Control/ANF is providing treatment facilities toinjecting drug users and street children involved in solvent abuse undera project titled “Treatment Programme for Injecting Drug Users(IDUs)” for three years (2007—2010) costing Rs.19.70 million.

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Additionally under the project “NGO’s Support Programme inTreatment, Rehabilitation and Drug Abuse Prevention”, which endedon 30th June, 2007 a number of credible NGOs running Treatment &Rehabilitation Centres were provided financial assistance by ANF forprovision of free of cost treatment to addicts. The continuation of theproject beyond 30th June, 2007 was not approved by the PlanningCommission.

72. *Mian Javed Latif:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Railways constructed walls/erected hedge within 500 feet on both sides of railway track fromKarachi to Landi Kotal during the year 2002 to 2007 by removingencroachment at said area; and

(b) the total number of plants planted on both sides of the said track?

Minister for Railways (Sardar Mahtab Ahmed Khan): (a) 16750 feetboundary/retaining wall had been constructed during 2002 to 2007 on Karachi—Landi Kotal Section by removing encroachments within 500 feet of both sides oftrack.

(b) 23400 numbers of trees have been planted during 2002 to 2007 onKarachi - Landi Kotal Section alongside the Railway track.

73. *Mr. Abdul Majeed Khan Khanan Khail:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the mill owners did not purchase the cropof sugar cane cultivated during the year, 2007-08; if so, thereasons thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the mill owners particularly FectoSugar Mills have not made the payment of sugar cane to thefarmers so far; if so, the steps taken in this regard?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Out of 63.9 million tons of sugarcane produced during 2007-08 thesugar mills have purchased 52.8 million tons of sugarcane worth Rs.78.23 billion.The rest was used for seed and making gur by the farmers.

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(b) As per statement of Cane Commissioner Punjab, Fecto sugar millhave purchased sugarcane of Rs.1.008 billion. They paid Rs.0.895 billion upto31-7-2008 and only 0.117 billion are outstanding. MINFAL is in touch with theProvincial Governments to ensure the payment of the remaining sugarcane growers.

74. *Haji Muhammad Akram Ansari:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal to introduce rationing system in thecountry to provide flour, rice, sugar and ghee at cheaper rates to thepeople; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): No. But MINFAL is working on a comprehensive pro-poor Food AssistanceProgram in Pakistan.

A draft proposal for the same is under consideration and it is mainly basedon the following points:

1. Lessons from global situation.2. Facts and assumptions regarding domestic situation.3. Identification of poor.4. Mode of Assistance.5. Estimated cost and source of financing.6. Impacts.

As soon as the proposal is ready for implementation, it will be made knownto august house and media before implementation.

75. *Syed Nasir Ali Shah:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the train service from Bostan to Zhob hasbeen discontinued; if so, the reason thereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the Railways track of the said routehas been sold; if so, the rate thereof?

Minister for Railways (Sardar Mehtab Ahmad Khan): (a) It is a factthat the train service NG-9-Up/NG-10-Dn (Mixed Passenger) running betweenBostan- Zhob was suspended with effect from 15-10-1985 for being un patronized.

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Finally the section was closed on 01-07-1991 alongwith other eight (8) unremunerative sections.

(b) Track material of Bostan –Zhob Railway line has been sold out throughadvertised tenders and the material is being dismantled by the successful bidders asper details given below:—————————————————————————————————S. No. Beat Tender No. Firms Price

opened on Name29-10-2007

————————————————————————————————————————1. Km. 0.33 191-W/7/Pt-III (1) Haji Akhtar Muhammad Rs. 7,98,00,000/-

to 60 Km. & Co. Plot No.82-83, St. # 6,Sector 1-10/3, Islamabad.

2. Km 61 to 191-W/7/Pt-III (2) Nawaz Khan Rs.5,00.00.000/-120 Km. Trading C.226/6,

Abdul QayyumRoad. BadamiBagh Lahore.

3. Km 121 to 191W/7/Pt-III (3) Trading C.226/6, Rs. 5,75,00.000/-180 Km. Abdul Qayyum

Road, BadamiBagh Lahore.

4. Km 181 to 191-W/7/Pt-III (4) Haji Akhtar Muhammad Rs. 8,02,00,000/-240 Km. & Co. Plot No. 82-83,

St. # 6, Sector 1-10/3,Islamabad.

5. Km 241 to 191-W/7/Pt-III (5) Nawaz Khan Rs.3,49,00,000/- 295.5 Km. Trading C.226/6,

Abdul QayyumRoad, BadamiBagh Lahore.

———————————————————————————————————————— Total Rs. 30,24,00,000/-


76. *Mr. Muhammad Hanif Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that a Task Force has been set up to overcomewheat crisis and check/control its smuggling;

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(b) if so, the achievements of the said Task Force, so far?

Reply not received.

77. *Engineer Usman Khan Tarakai:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the daily average of patients medically examined by each Doctorof Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad and PakistanInstitution of Medical Sciences, Islamabad during the last threemonths; and

(b) whether it is a fact that regular doctors oftenly examining thepatients by themselves; if so, the steps taken in this regard?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) The daily average ofpatients medically examined by each doctor of Federal government Services Hospitalis 40 & Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences is 36 for the last 3 months;

(b) Trained regular Medical Officers have the prime responsibility ofproviding care to the patients, under guidance of their senior specialists. The houseofficers are there to assist and learn and they can not give independent treatment toany patient.

78. *Ms. Shahnaz Saleem:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether any subsidy has been granted on DAP fertilizer; if so,the details thereof; and

(b) whether there is any proposal to fix the price of die said fertilizerto counter the increase in the value of dollar against Pak rupee?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Yes. Rs. 470/- per 50 Kg bag for 2007-2008. Rs. 1000/50 Kg, proposedfor 2008-09.

(b) Yes.

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79. *Begum Ishrat Ashraf:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Pakistanis imprisoned in Nepal at presentalongwith the offence committed and punishment awarded; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government for their release?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi):(a) and (b) Our Mission in Kathmandu has informed that there are four Pakistaninationals under detention/serving sentence in Nepal as per following details.

(i) Mr. Abdul Khalig s/o Muhammad Esa.—He was arrested on August22, 1997 on possession of drugs and is serving 15-year imprisonment.

(ii) Mr. Nasrullah Khan S/o Ghulam Hyder.—He was arrested on August22, 1997 on charges of possession of drugs and is also serving 15-year imprisonment.

(iii) Mr. Maqsood Lala S/o Haji Dawood.—He was arrested on June 4,1999 on charges of carrying fake currency and was awarded 4-year imprisonmentand was fined NPR. 156,800. He was again arrested on July 13, 2004 on charges ofoverstaying in Nepal. He is expected to be released next year.

(iv) Mr. Abdul Wahab.—He was arrested on charges of carrying fakecurrency on July 30, 2007 and is under detention. His case is under process in thecourt.

80. *Mr. Nawab Ali Wassan:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) whether any medical aid is provided to the drug addicts;

(b) the number of rehabilitation centres for drug addicts establishedin the country with their locations;

(c) whether there is any proposal to set up free of cost rehabilitationcentre for drug addicts in district Khairpur Mirs, Sindh; if so,when it will be implemented?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) Yes.

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(b) Government has established two Model Addiction Treatment andRehabilitation Centres one each at Islamabad and Quetta for the treatment andrehabilitation of drug addicts in the country.

(c) Presently there is no proposal to set up a Treatment & RehabilitationCentre in District Khairpur Mirs, Sindh.

81. *Syed Zafar Ali Shah:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state whether it is a fact thatthe Health Centres and Basic Health Units of Sindh have recently beentaken over by the Federal Government; if so, the justification thereof?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) The Federal Governmenthas no direct relationship with the Basic Health Units or Rural Health Centers ofSindh.

(b) Two years ago under a so called President Primary Health Initiative.6 Basic Health Units were given over to NGO, Sindh Rural Support Program. Morerecently under a renamed Peoples Primary Health Initiatives a further 10 BHUshave been given and the Health Ministry of Sindh is considering out sourcing RuralHealth Centers as well.

82. *Mrs. Shamshad Sattar Bachani:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and livestock be pleased tostate the price of DAP fertilizers separately at present?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) At present subsidized price of DAP fertilizer in different cities are asunder:—

City Prices in on 7-08-2008

Karachi 3100Hyderabad 3100Sukkur 3150Bahawalpur 3150Multan 3200Faisalabad 3400Lahore 3000Rawalpindi 3150Peshawar 2900Quetta 3000

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83. *Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) the production of rice in the country registered during the year,2007-08; and

(b) whether the rice has been exported abroad during the said period;if so, the name of the country where exported?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. Nazar MuhammadGondal): (a) The production of rice in the country registered during the year2007-08 is as under:—————————————————————————————————

Province Basmati Irri/ TotalOthers

————————————————————————————————Punjab 2451 838 3289

Sindh — 1818 1818

NWFP — 124 124

Balochistan — 331 331

Pakistan 2451 3111 5562————————————————————————————————

(b) Yes, the rice has been exported abroad during 2007-08. The name ofthe countries where exported are given in Annex-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

84. *Mrs. Khurshid Begum:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state that:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has not established BurnCenter in Southern Districts of NWFP, so far;

(b) if so, whether threre is any proposal to establish Kidney and BurnCenters at Distt. Kohat and other Southern District of NWFP?

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Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) It is a fact that theFederal government has not established Burn Center in Southern Districts of NWFP.

(b) Currently there is no proposal with Federal Government to establishKidney & Burn Center at District Kohat and other Southern Districts of NWFP andthe immediate responsibility for this would lie with the NWFP Health Department.

85. *Malik Abrar Ahmed:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to refer to Starred QuestionNo.65 replied on 9-6-2006 and to state:

(a) the present status of the construction of Burn Unit Centre in PIMS,Islamabad; and

(b) whether there is any proposal to set up a Burn Unit in FGSH,Islamabad; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the detailthereof?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) The construction work(Civil & Electromedical) of Burn Care Centre in PIMS has been completed and thecenter is functioning w.e.f. 05-11-2007 and providing treatment facility for patientsof acute burn injuries round the clock.

(b) There is no proposal, presently, to set up a Burn Unit in FGSH,Islamabad.

86. *Miss. Shagufta Jumani:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of patients of Hepatitis “C” in Sindh at present;and

(b) the steps taken for their treatment?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) As per Pakistan MedicalResearch Council (PMRC) prevallencery survey, In Sindh, prevalence of HepatitisB is 2-5% & Hepatitis C is 5 %; However the Hepatitis C patients screened &registered in 20 hospitals (Program’s sentinel sites — Ist generation of surveillancesystem) established in Sindh, (List attached at Annex-I) is 9635.

(b) As viral hepatitis B & C is an emerging public health problem. TheGovernment of Pakistan has embarked up on Viral Hepatitis Prevention & Control

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since September 2005, with a total financial outlay of Rs.2.594 billion for five years(2005-2010); Hence covering all forms of viral hepatitis i.e. prevention & control ofboth water borne (Hepatitis A & E) and blood borne (Hepatitis B & C);and thepresent peoples Government has prioritized this issue and the activates are to beenhanced. Presently the program is executing the following activities by utilizing theexisting health infrastructure at Federal, Provincial & District levels:

Establishment and installation of acute Viral Hepatitis SurveillanceSystem including screening, counseling and viral hepatitis diseasetreatment facilities in 150 teachings and District/Agency HeadquartersHospital, and has covered all districts/Agencies in the country.

Reduction of vulnerability to Hepatitis B in high risk groups thusvaccination of health care workers, prison inmates, patients on dialysisand frequent blood transfusion i.e. hemophilic, thalasemics; Intravenousdrug users, zanzir zani groups, Para military forces and sanitary workers;closely coordinating with the Expended Program on Immunization (EPI)which is universally immunizing children under one (01) year.

Mass advocacy & awareness campaign through a well targetedBehavior Change Communication (BCC) strategy on persistent basis.

Improvement of health workers knowledge for prevention of ViralHepatitis through good clinical practices and establishment of properhospital waste management system in 120 Districts in three phases.

Strengthening of the national blood transfusion services to ensure safetyof blood and blood products, in coordination with National AIDS ControlProgram.

Capacity building of the national and Provincial & Districts healthdepartments for efficient and effective prevention and control of viralhepatitis.

Developed national guidelines on various technical aspects of viralhepatitis control and impart trainings to the relevant stalk holders up toDistrict level i.e. on:

(i) Sterilization guidelines for invasive devices/instruments used inmedical, surgical & dental interventions.

(ii) National guidelines on viral hepatitis case management andcounseling for high-risk groups.

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(iii) National guidelines for injection safety, devices control andhospital/ biological waste disposal management.

National community-based guidelines for safe drinking water and sanitation.

87. *Haji Roz-ud-Din:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) the steps taken by the Government during the last three years forproviding incentives to the farmers; and

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(b) the steps taken to provide standard seeds to the farmers ofBalochistan?

Reply not received.

88. *Dr. Darshan:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the names of Pakistanis imprisoned in Turkmanistan at present,alongwith the offence committed and punishment awarded; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government for their release?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a) and (b) At present, no Pakistani national is imprisoned in Turkmenistan.

89. *Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Maher:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the total quantity of increase made in the cultivation of poppycrop in Afghanistan during the year 2007-08;

(b) the total quantity of the said crop sent to other countries parsthrough Pakistan; and

(c) the increase of decrease registered in the cultivation of the saidcrop in the country during the said period?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal): (a)Figures are not available because Afghan Government/international agencies havenot completed the survey on cultivation of poppy crop during the year 2007-08.

(b) Since the cultivation figures are not available, the total quantity sent toother countries through Pakistan cannot be ascertained.

(c) There is a decrease in cultivation of poppy in the country during thesaid period.

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90. *Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the prescribed procedure for determining the price of medicinesimported and produced in the country;

(b) the ratio of profit allowed to importers or producers and procedurefor its determination; and

(c) the reason of high price of medicines in Pakistan as compared toneighbouring countries?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) Prices of medicines areregulated by the Federal Government under Section 12 I of the Drugs Act, 1976.


Since April 2004 uniform prices of medicines are fixed by the FederalGovernment on the recommendation of Price Recommendatory Committee / PriceAdvisory Committee. This committee has representation from the all the Provinces,Ministry of Finance, Pakistan Pharmaceutical Medical Association, Network forconsumer protection and Help Line Trust for Health/Education Improvement andConsumer Rights whereas the representatives of pharmaceutical industry attendthe meeting as observers. Prices are calculated on the basis of following laid downTOR’s and parameters:


Prices of medicines are fixed at an average of the prices prevailing in theSAARC countries. In case, if the medicine is not available in the SAARC countries,international prices (particularly Australia / New Zealand) are considered and personalhearings are provided to the firms in Committee meetings for negotiating the pricesof medicines.

Prices as mentioned in the proforma invoice for imported medicines andcosting data for locally manufactured medicines are also considered for new chemicalentities besides other parameters and Maximum Retail Price (MRP) is calculated

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by applying following formulas:—

Imported medicines

MRP = C&F +40% Mark-upWhereas

C&F = Cost & Freight(Note- the Mark-up is allowed to cover the expenses)

Locally manufactured medicines.

(a) Non-Sterile ProductsMRP= Prime Cost+75% Mark-up


Prime Cost = Raw material cost + Packaging material cost+ Direct labour cost

(b) Sterile ProductsMRP=Prime Cost + 90% Mark-up

The members / medical experts in the Committee also discuss prices ofvarious medicines particularly the expensive preparations keeping in view per daytreatment cost of the drug as compared to therapeutic equivalents.


Uniform prices are fixed for generics as summarized below:—

I. Average price of medicines of same composition(s)/generic(s)registered before constitution of Price Recommendatory Committee.

II. Prices of new strength of medicines are awarded on-pro-rata of earlierprice of same composition / generic fixed by the Price RecommendatoryCommittee (PRC).

III. Average price of earlier registered therapeutic equivalents in case noearlier exact substitute(s) / generic(s) registered in the country.

IV. Minimum 15% less than the brand leader price in case where data asmentioned vide (I) to (III) above not available. Raw and packagingmaterial cost analysis is also considered.

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(b) Ratio of profit allowed to importers/producers are calculated as under:-

Imported medicines

MRP= C&FxE.R$ + 40% Mark-up (The Mark-up is allowed to cover the expenses)

WhereasC&F = Cost & FreightE.R $ = Exchange Rate in US dollarMark up = budget variable cost

Break-up of 40% Mark-upCustom duty 10%Insurance 01%Bank Charges 0.5%Cleaning Charges 0.5%Misc. Exp 01%Retailer & Distributor Discounts 21%Importer’s profit 06%

Locally manufactured medicines

Non-Sterile ProductsMRP = Price Cost +75% Mark-up

Sterile ProductsMRP = Prime Cost + 90% Mark-up

Break-up of 75% Mark-up

Manufacturing expenses other than 9%labor e.g Electricity water gas & depreciationAdministration & Selling, expenses 20%Financial expenses 5%Retailers & Distributors discount 26%Income tax 05%Manufacturer’s profit 10%

Additional Mark-up to 15% is allowed to meet expenses on stringent cGMPcompliances, maintenance of 24 hours sterile environment, hepa filters, Hvac systemetc.

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(c) There is a common public perception that prices of medicines arecheaper in neighboring countries as compared to Pakistan which is partially true.There are certain drugs which are cheaper in neighboring countries but there aremany drugs which are cheaper in Pakistan. In 2007 an apple to apple comparison(multinational to multinational) of 178 essential drugs marketed by multinationalcompanies depicted that 108 (61%) drugs are cheaper in Pakistan whereas 70(39%)drugs are cheaper in India. However, prices of drugs marketed by local companiesin India are generally lower than prices of drugs marketed by local companies inPakistan due to following reasons:—

1. Raw materials for most commonly used medicines are produced inIndia whereas in Pakistan share of locally produced raw materials isapproximately 5%.

2. India has large scale manufacturing base and industry enjoy muchlarger economies of scale.

3. India has developed its industrial base for manufacturing ofpharmaceutical machinery and excipients which also decreasemanufacturing cost of medicines.

91. *Mrs. Fouzia Habib:

Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state the namesof NGOs working in the country which participated in the InternationalWomen Conferences held in Pakistan during the last four years?

Minister for Women Development (Ms. Sherry Rehman): Ministryof Women Development and National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW)had organized the following three International conferences during the last fouryears:—

(i) International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming and the MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs) held on 28-30 March, 2005 at Islamabad.

(ii) 5th South Asia Ministerial Conference: Celebrating Beijing+10 heldon 3-5 May, 2005 at Islamabad

(iii) International Conference “The Other Self: Conflict, Confusion orCompromise” on 8-9 December, 2006 at Lahore.

2. The names of the NGOs which participated in the said conferencesare Annex-I

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The following NGOs participated in the International Conference on GenderMainstreaming and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) held on 28—30March, 2005 at Islamabad:—

i. All Pakistan Women Association (APWA)ii. ROZANiii. SUNGI Development Foundationiv. Aurat Foundationv Behbood Associationvi. Shirkat Gahvii. Business & Professional Women’s Organization

The following NGOs participated in the 5th South Asia Ministerial Conference:Celebrating Beijing+10 held on 3—5 May, 2005 at Islamabad:—

i. Aurat Foundationii. Shirkat Gahiii. All Pakistan Women Association (APWA)iv. Bahbood Associationv. SACH

vi. ROZANvii. OXFAMviii. Jurist Consultix. Business & Professional Women’s Organization

The following NGOs participated in the International Conference “The OtherSelf: Conflict, Confusion or Compromise” on 8-9 December, 2006 at Lahore:—

i. Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association (PAVHNA),Karachi.

ii. Strengthening Participating Organization (SPO), Islamabadiii. Aurat Foundation, Lahore, Karachi.iv. Mashal Books, Lahorev. Bunyad Foundation, Lahore

vi. Tameer, Lahorevii. K-2 Development Organization, Gilgitviii. Khwendo Dor, Peshawarix. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), Lahorex. All Pakistan Women Association (APWA), Lahorexi. Lawyers for Human Rights & Legal Aid (LHRLA), Karachi.

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92. *Justice (R) Fakharunnisa Khokhar:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the bird flue disease exists in the country;and

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to combat thesituation?

Reply not received.

93. *Mrs. Bushra Rehman:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration to establish adrug Regulatory Authority;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the time by which it will beimplemented?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) Yes, there is proposalunder consideration for establishment of Drug Regulatory Authority.

(b) The details are at Annex-A. The Ministry of Health will present theBill in the National Assembly after getting approval for the Cabinet.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

ISLAMABAD: KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI,The 12th August, 2008. Secretary.

PCPPI—1125(08) NA—12-8-2008—700.

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6th Session




For Wednesday, the 13th August, 2008

69. Miss Marvi Memon:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state the stepsbeing taken to control the sale of narcotics in the country?

Minister for Narcotics Control(Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal):Following steps have been taken to control the sale of narcotics:—

a. A major policy decision was taken by Pakistan in 1979 with thepromulgation of Hadd Ordinance, thereby prohibiting production, salesand consumption of all kinds of Narcotics drugs.

b. The Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 which is acomprehensive law was enacted on 7th July, 1997. Under the saidAct the cultivation, production, sale and consumption of narcotic drugs,psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals is prohibited andwhosoever contravenes the provisions of section 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 ofthe Act is liable to punishment according to the prevailing laws of thecountry. As such, there are no outlets for sale of narcotic drugs in thecountry.

70. Dr. Donya Aziz:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state the prescribed criteriafor the recognition of private Medical Colleges by Pakistan Medicaland Dental Council?

Minister for Health(Ms. Sherry Rehman) : The prescribed criteria forrecognition of public and private medical colleges by the Pakistan Dedical and DentalCouncil mainly envisage the following:—

(i) Infrastructure.(ii) Faculty.

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(iii) Attached Hospital.(iv) Affiliation with the University.

Detailed criteria is attached as Annex-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

71. Dr. Donya Aziz:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state the total number ofnew Lady Health Worker recruited during the year 2002 to 2007?

Minister for Health(Ms. Sherry Rehman) : The total number of newLHWs recruited during the year 2002 to 2007 are as under:

Year Number of new recruited LHWs

2002 111922003 117462004 22882005 77992006 23082007 6022

Total 41355

72. Mrs. Belum Husnain:

Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state the detailsof the projects recently started under the “Jaffa Kash Aurat”programme alongwith the province-wise details of the funds allocatedfor each of the said programme?

Minister for Women Development (Ms. Sherry Rehman): Threeprojects under the ‘Jafakash Aurat’ programme were started during 2005-06 whichare going to complete by 30-06-2008.

Another project ‘Econimic Empowerment of Rural Women in Tharparker,Sindh’ was approved and started its activities during 2007-08 with a total commitmentof MoWD amounting to Rs. 8.750 million and NGO Share of Rs. 26.250 million andRs. 3.240 million were provided to the NGO during 2007-08 and the remainingMoWD Share will be provided during 2008-09.

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73. Sheikh Waqqas Akram:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of entourage of the Prime Minister during hisrecent visit to Saudi Arabia alongwith the expenditure incurredthereof; and

(b) the total number of entourage of the formers Prime Ministersdelegations during their visits to Saudi Arabia during the yearsfrom 2002 to 2007?

Minister for Foreign Affairs(Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi) :(a-b) The requisite information is being compiled and will be submitted shortly.

74. Rana Mahmood -ul- Hassan:

Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:

(a) the district-wise funds allocated under Gender Reform ActionPlan during the financial year, 2006-07 and 2007-08;

(b) the procedure adopted for monitoring the utilization of the saidfunds; and

(c) whether it is a fact that financial irregularities were un-earthedin the said funds at large scale; if so, the steps taken or beingtaken in this regard?

Minister for Women Development(Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a) UnderNational Gender Reforms Action Plan (GRAP) Rs. 250 million were disbursed to111 districts @ Rs.2.2522 million each in Financial Year 2005-2006 as GenderDevelopment Grants (GDGs). (List at Annex–I). No funds were allocated underGRAP during FY 2006-07 and 2007-08 to any of the districts.

(b) The monitoring of utilization of Gender Development Grants (GDGs)includes reporting procedures and visits. This is a three tier mechanism. At thehighest level is GRAP/Ministry of Women Development (MoWD) responsible forcoordinating the activities of four provinces and preparing national level reports.

At the second level is the Provincial Women Development Departments(WDD) acting as a facilitator. Each WDD is responible for consolidated quarterlyprogress reports showing district-wise progress of the initiatives/activities undertaken

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by the District Government, and funded out of the Gender Development Grants,expenditure made, beneficiaries, etc.

At the third level are the District Governments responsible for theidentification, approval and execution /implementation of activities under the fundstransferred to Account IV in accordance with the guidelines provided to them. TheCouncil gives approval for each scheme separately.

To facilitate the process of monitoring the Project Management Office(PMO) GRAP Islamabad has taken following steps:—

• A committee of focal persons from Provincial Women DevelopmentDepartments has been formulated which conducts meetings at PMOGRAP and liaise with districts and PMO GRAP regularly.

• Focal Persons at the level of districts have also been nominated bythe District Governments who report regularly to Provincial FocalPersons on one hand and directly to PMO, GRAP Islamabad on theother hand.

• Consolidated Quarterly Progress Reports are received from theProvincial Women Development Departments (PWDDs) and theseare scrutinized and finalized at PMO GRAP.

• Monitoring visits by the Monitoring & Evaluation Officer PMO GRAPIslamabad.

• Monitoring indicators have been developed for various activities ofGDGs

• Gender Management Units (GMUs) have been established by PunjabGender Reform Action Plan (GRAP) at district level. The GenderSpecialists working in these GMUs are continuously monitoring theprogress of GDGs at district level.

In addition the Planning Commission has itself taken interest in monitoringof GDGs.

(c) No financial irregularity has been reported as yet. The funds are stillin the process of utilization.

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75. Maulvi Asmatullah:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state the district-wise total number of people in Balochistan to whomfinancial assistance was provided from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal duringthe last fiscal year alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education(NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti):Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal is providing financialassistance under Food Support Programme (FSP) and Individual Financial Assistance(IFA). The District-wise total number of people in Balochistan to whom FinancialAssistance was provided during the last fiscal year (2007-2008) is as under:—

(a) Food Support Programme (FSP):

————————————————————————————————S.No District No. of Amount

Benefisheries (Rs.)————————————————————————————————

1 Awaran 1.473 4,410,0002 Barkhan 1.472 4,416,0003 Bolan 3.038 9,114,0004 Chaghi 1,134 3,381.0005 Dera Bugti 1,519 4,557,0006 Gowadar 1,472 4,197,0007 Jaffarabad 4.557 13,557,0008 Thal Magsi 1.519 4,524,0009 Kharan 3.022 9,066.00010 Khuzdar 4.557 13,542,00011 Kohlu 1,483 4,449,00012 Lasbella 3,038 9,072,00013 Loralai 3,038 9,114.00014 Mastung 1,519 4,557,00015 Musa Khail 1,472 4.416,00016 Naseerabad 3,038 9,114,00017 Noshki 1.904 5,712,00018 Panjgoor 2,944 8,832,00019 Pishin 4.479 13.437.00020 Qalat 3,038 9,114.00021 Qilla 3.038 9.114,000

Abdullah22 Qilla 2.944 8.832.000


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S.No District No. of AmountBenefisheries (Rs.)

————————————————————————————————23 Quetta 3.600 10,800,00024 Sibi 1,519 4,557,00025 Turbat 6,076 18,228,00026 Zhob 3,022 9,066,00027 Ziarat 1,479 4,437,000

————————————————————————————————GrandTotal:— 71,394 213,615,000

————————————————————————————————(b) Individual Financial Assistance (IFA):

1 Awaran 32 240,3002 Barkhan 40 210.0003 Bolan 46 386,3004 Chaghi 30 307,8725 Dera Bugti 140 619,4006 Gowadar 625 3,054,5107 Jaffarabad 34 360.8408 Jhal Magsi 34 145,1009 Kharan 29 190,84210 Khuzdar 13 216,20011 Kohlu 51 252,00012 Lasbella 31 391.14013 Loralai 74 658,79014 Mastung 105 1.061,06015 Musa 8 208,000

Khail16 Naseerabad 59 537.65017 Noshki 107 679.85018 Panjgoor 66 340,71019 Pishin 43 873.73020 Qalat 56 363,17521 Qilla 27 563,800

Abdullah22 Qilla 20 539.300

Saifullah23 Quetta 1,564 12,559,75024 Sherani 21 140,00025 Sibi 33 347,31026 Turbat 1,533 7,506,190


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S.No District No. of AmountBenefisheries (Rs.)

————————————————————————————————27 Washuk 2 28,00028 Zhob 41 490,21029 Ziarat 15 236,000

————————————————————————————————GrandTotal:— 4,879 33,508,029



No. of AmountBeneficiaries (Rs. in Million)

————————————————————————————————FSP 71.394 213.615IFA 4,879 33.508

————————————————————————————————Total 76,273 247.123


76. Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Pakistani prisoners released by India on 14thAugust, 2007;

(b) the total number of Indian prisoners released by Pakistan onsaid date; and

(c) the charge levelled against those prisoners?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a)India released 22 civil prisoners and 48 fishermen on August14, 2007.

(b) Pakistan released 34 civil prisioners and 100 fishermen on thesaid date.

(c) Our High commission in New Delhi has repeatedly approached theIndian authorities to provide the details of offences committed by Pakistani prisonersbut despite repeated requests, the Indian authorities have not provided such details.

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77. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Rs.22.00 million was allocated by theFederal Government for replacement of old equipment and up-gradation of Radiology Department to Digital RadiographyDepartment at JPMC Karachi under PSDP, 2007-08;

(b) if so, whether the project was completed and the sanctionedamount was utilized by 30-6-08?

Minister for Health(Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) It is correct thatRs. 22.00 million was allocated by the Federal Government for the project replacementof old equipment and upgradation of radiology Departments at JPMC during PSDP2007-08.

(b) The project was completed on 30-06-2008. The allocated amount ofRs. 22.00 million was utilized by 30-06-2008.

78. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Rs. 180.00 million was allocated by theFederal Government for Establishment of Institute of NeuroSurgery at JPMC Karachi under the PSDP 2007-08;

(b) if so, the amount received and spent by the Ministry and theprogress made so far in execution of the above project?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) It is correct thatRs. 180.00 million was allocated by the Federal Government for the developmentproject “ Establishment of Institute of Neurosurgery at JPMC”, Karachi underPSDP 2007-08.

(b) Total amount received was Rs. 115.32 million out of which Rs. 114.485million were spent. The progress made so far in execution of above project isreflected as under in tabulated form:

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————————————————————————————————S.No. PC-I item Allocation Releases Expenditure

2007-08 2007-08 2007-08————————————————————————————————

1. Civil Works 3.500 3.089 3.0532. Equipment 136.500 101.692 101.6923. Furniture 16.050 0.000 0.0004. Contingencies 0.580 0.611 0.0005. Establishment Charges 23.370 9.740 9.740

————————————————————————————————Total 180.00 115.132 114.485

————————————————————————————————The project has made considerable progress. All major equipment has been

procured and is being installed. The junior staff for the institute has been recruited.The project will be completed by June. 2009. It may be mentioned that the buildingfor the institute is being built at a cost of Rs. 75.00 million by a community donor.

79. Dr. Talat Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state the total number of employees presently working in the HeadOffice of Bait-ul-Mal alongwith their provincial break-up?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education(NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti):At present total 283 employees are working inPakistan Bait-ul-Mal, Head Office, Province-wise break-up is at Annex-A

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80. Dr. Talat Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state the province-wise total persons who have been granted financialassistance from Bait-ul-Mall during the last five years?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education(NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti): Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) providesassistance to destitute, widow, orphan, invalid, infirm and other needy personsirrespective of their gender, caste, creed and religion through its following ongoingprojects/schemes:—

(i) Food Support Program (FSP)

(ii) Child Support Program (CSP)

(iii) Individual Financial Assistance (IFA)

The province-wise total number of persons who have been granted financialassistance from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) during, last 5 years is as under:—

(i) Food Support Programme (FSP)

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(Numbers)————————————————————————————————S. No. Province 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08—————————————————————————————————————

1 Punjab 624,680 644.000 752,192 739.782 1,013,4002 Sindh 259,960 268.000 313,024 293.460 402,0003 NWFP & FATA 219,220 226.000 263,968 280.758 384,6004 Balochistan 45,590 47,000 54.896 71,394 97,8005 ICT, AJK & N.Areas 63,050 65.000 75,920 74,606 102,200

—————————————————————————————————————Grand Total: (Nos) 1,212,500 1,250.000 1,460,000 1,460,000 2,000,000


(ii) Child Support Programme (CSP)(Numbers)

—————————————————————————————————————S.No. Province 2006-07 2007-08

—————————————————————————————————————1 Punjab — 4,197

2 Sindh 660 4,746

3 NWFP 4,330—————————————————————————————————————

Grand Total 660 13,273—————————————————————————————————————

(iii) Individual Financial Assistance (IFA)(Numbers)

—————————————————————————————————————S. No. Province 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08—————————————————————————————————————

1 Punjab 9,126 11.125 9.155 11,592 23.775

2 Sindh 6,108 9,978 10,444 2,274 3.097

3 NWFP 2,055 4,574 4,484 3,695 4,367

4 Balochistan 2,195 2,122 1,881 1,213 6,277

5 1CT AJK & 1.746 2,244 2,744 1.428 2.263N.Areas

—————————————————————————————————————Grand Total: 21,230 30,043 28,708 20,202 39,779


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81. Mr. Faiz Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state:

(a) the grants provided to the district Mansehra by Bait-ul-Mal duringthe last three years; and

(b) the names and addresses of those persons of the said area towhom financial assistance was provided during the said period?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education(NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti):(a) Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) providesassistance to destitute, widow, orphan, invalid, infirm and other needy personsirrespective of their gender, caste, creed and religion through its following ongoingschemes:—

(i) Food Support Program (FSP)

(ii) Individual Financial Assistance (IFA)

The detail of funds remitted/disbursed during last three years in districtMansehra is as under:—

(i) Food Support Programme (FSP)————————————————————————————————

Quota 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Grand TotalAmount Amount Amount Rs ( million)

————————————————————————————————17392 31.936 35.444 56.495 123.875


(ii) Individual Financial Assistance————————————————————————————————

S. No Year No. of Persons Amount Rs.————————————————————————————————

1 2005-06 133 28490502 2006-07 78 18495403 2007-08 98 3305501

————————————————————————————————Total 309 8004091


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(b) The record of Food Support Programme (FSP) and IndividualFinancial Assistance (IFA) beneficiaries are maintained manually, it is therefore,not possible to provide the names and addresses of beneficiaries of District Mansehrawho got financial assistance from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) during last 3 yearsdue to huge volume of the information.

82. Mrs. Shakeela Khanam Rashid:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the gender-wise total number of Doctors of the FederalGovernment hospital sent on deputation to Middle Easterncountries during the last five years; and

(b) whether the salaries of male and female doctors are different; ifso, the details thereof?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman): (a) No doctor from FederalGovernment Hospitals has been sent on deputation, during the last five years, to theMiddle Eastern Countries.

(b) The salaries of the Male and Female doctors are the same.

83. Nosheen Saeed:

Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state the stepstaken to improve the working conditions of female employees forenhancing their capability?

Minister for Women Development (Ms. Sherry Rehman):With a viewto provide safe and improved working conditions to female employees. the followingamendment in section 2 (b) of the Removal from Service (Special Powers)Ordinance, 2000 is in the process of approval:—

“Gender Harassment at Workplace causing interference with workperformance and creating an intimidating, hostile uncongenial workenvironment”.

2. National Gender Reform Action Plan (GRAP) is the largest projecton the portfolio of Ministry of Women Development. The overall Project Goal is topromote women’s access to socio-economic and political empowerment throughmainstreaming gender in all government processes, programmes and at all levels ofgovernance structure.

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3. One of the main intervention of National GRAP is Women Employmentin Public Sector. Under this area following initiatives has been taken to improve theworking condition of female employees:—

i. Establishment of Gender Development Sections (GDSs) in fiveMinistries/Divisions (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Law & Justice,Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Planning & DevelopmentDivision, Establishment Division) to mainstream gender concerns/issuesfor improvement of working condition of female employees andmainstream gender issues in all policies/projects.

4. Through these Ministries/Divisions following interventions has beenundertaken:—

i. A day care Centre has been established in Establishment Division in2007 which is working efficiently.

ii. The day care centre of Ministry of Women Development has beenupgraded.

iii. In MoWD, Establishment Division and Ministry of Information &Broadcasting, separate ladies toilets have been renovated.

iv. Two bathrooms in Planning & Development Division are in the processof completion.

84. Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether there is anyproposal under consideration to make the present contractual employeesof Pakistan Railways permanent; if so, when it will be implemented?

Reply not received.

85. Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that medicines are not provided to the majorityof Government employees in PIMS and Federal GovernmentServices Hospital, Islamabad; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that medicines, if provided, are sub-standard ; if so, the steps taken in this regard?

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Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a) No it is not a fact thatmedicines are not provided to the majority of Government employees in PIMS.

PIMS & FGSH are providing all the medicines within the formulary to theGovernment employees and general public in the OPD. Government employeesadmitted in the hospital are provided free drugs within the formulary. Any drugwhich is prescribed and is not in the formulary is supplied to the Governmentemployees through local purchase.

Implants used in surgical and interventional procedures are purchased bythemselves and later on they get re-imbursement from their respective offices.

(b) No sub-standard drugs are being provided to patients at PIMS.

If any drug is suspected to be substandard, the dispensing of the same isstopped immediately. Procedure laid down in Drug Act 1976 is followed in suchcase and the Federal Inspector of Drugs is called to draw the sample. He sendsthese samples to the Central Drug Testing Laboratory, Karachi, where the test/analyses are done accordingly. If the Drug is found of standard quality, it can beused. On the contrary if found substandard action is taken against the supplyingfirm/manufacturer in accordance with the rules and terms & conditions of the tender

86. Mir Amer Ali Khan Magsi:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state:

(a) district-wise number of educational institutions for special childrenin NWFP and Balochistan at present;

(b) the total number of teachers and students in those institutions atpresent; and

(c) whether there is any proposal under consideration to establishmore institutions in those provinces; if so, when it will beimplemented?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education (NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti):(a) Directorate General of Special Educationunder the Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education has established 22Special Education Centres in the NWFP province and 10 in the Balochistan Province.

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————————————————————————————————District Name of the Centre/ Institutions————————————————————————————————NWFP

Peshawar 1 Institute for Physically Handicapped(Non Development) Children

2 Special Education Centre for HearingImpaired Children

Peshawar 3 Establishment of Special Education Centre(Development) for Visually Handicapped Children at

Primary Level.

4 Up-Gradation of Institute of for PhysicallyHandicapped Children, from Primary toSecondary level.

5 Special Education Centre for MentallyRetarded Children Special EducationComplex.

6 Vocational Training Centre for DisabledPersons, Special Education Complex.

7 Provision of Hostel Facilities at SpecialEducation Complex

8 Computerization of Special EducationCentre for Hearing Impaired Children

Abbottabad 9 Special Education Centre for Physically(Non Development) Handicapped Children

Abbottabad 10 Up-gradation Special Education Centre(Development) for Physically Handicapped Children.

Kohat 11 Special Education Centre for Visually(Non-Development) Handicapped Children.

Kohat 12 Up-gradation of Special Education(Development) Centre for Visually Handicapped Children.————————————————————————————————

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————————————————————————————————District Name of the Centre/ Institutions————————————————————————————————Charsadda 13 Special Education Centre fort Visually(Non-Development) Handicapped Children

Charsadda 14 Up-gradation of Special Education(Development) Centre for Visually Handicapped Children.

D.I. Khan 15 Special Education Centre for Mentally(Non-Development) Retarded Children

Mardan 16 Special Education Centre for Mentally(Non-Development) Retarded Children.

Mardan 17 Special Education Centre for Physically(Development) Handicapped Children

18 Special Education Centre for HearingImpaired

19 Special Education Centre for VisuallyHandicapped Children.

20 Establishment of Vocational TrainingCentre for Disabled Persons

Swat 21 Special Education Centre for Hearing(Non Development) Impaired Children.

Swat 22 Up-gradation of Special Education(Development) Centre for Hearing Impaired Children


Quetta (Non- 1 Institute for Physically HandicappedDevelopment) Children.

Quetta (Development) 2 Up-gradation of IPHC Primary to Middle,Gulshan-e-Siddique Colony near GulistanNursery, Suryab Road, Quetta

3 Establishment of VTCD, H.No. 10-9/537,GOR Road, Killi Shaboo, Quetta.


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————————————————————————————————District Name of the Centre/ Institutions————————————————————————————————

4 Computerization of IPHC, Gulshan-e-Siddique Colony near Gulistan Nursery,Suryab Road, Quetta

Khuzdar 5 Special Education Centre for Hearing(Non-Development) Impaired Children.

Khuzdar 6 Establishment of SEC (PHC), Special(Development) Education Complex, Engineering University

Road, P.O.Box 41, Khuzdar

7 Establishment of VHC at Primary level,Special Education Complex, EngineeringUniversity Road, P.O. Box 41, Khuzdar

8 Establishment of MRC at Primary SpecialEducation Complex, Engineering UniversityRoad, P. O.Box 41, Khuzdar

9 Establishment of VTCD, Special EducationComplex, Engineering University, Khuzdar.

Sibi 10 Special Education Centre for Mentally(Non-Development) Retarded Children

(b) Total No. of teachers in 65Centres located in NWFP

Total number of students 708In centres located in NWFP

Total No. of teachers in Centres 68located in Balochistan

Total number of students in 278centres located in Balochistan.


(c) The Directorate General of Special Education has a plan to establish moreInstitutions in NWFP and Balochistan in near future subject to approval byappropriate forum and availability of resources.

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87. Mrs. Anusha Rahman Khan Advocate:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Pakistani prisoners released by India duringthe last 2 years;

(b) the total number of Indian prisoners released by Pakistan duringthe said period; and

(c) the charges leveled against those prisoner?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi):(a-c) the requisite information is being collected from Pakistan High Commission,New Delhi and as and when the same is received it will be placed before theHouse.

88. Mr. Humair Hayat Rokhri:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state the month-wise totalquantity of vaccine prepared for dog and snake bite in NIH, Islamabadduring the last three years?

Minister for Health(Ms. Sherry Rehman) : Details of the month wiseproduction/quantity of Anti Rabies Vaccine and Anti Snake Venom Serum duringthe last three years in placed at Annex-I and Annex-II respectively.

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89. Mr. Humair Hayat Rokhri:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total quantity of vaccine for dog and snake bitepurchased by PIMS and F. G. S. H., Islamabad during the lastthree years; and

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(b) the month-wise names of persons to whom the said vaccine wasinjected during the said period?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman) : PIMS, Islamabad (a)the-year wise total quantity of vaccine for dog and snake bitepurchased by PIMS,Islamabad is as under:—————————————————————————————————

Name of Item Year No of Vials————————————————————————————————

Anti Snake Venom 2005-06 830Anti Snake Venom 2006-07 1231Anti Snake Venom 2007-08 6275

————————————————————————————————Name of Item Year No of Vials

————————————————————————————————Anti Rabies Vaccine 2005-06 950Anti Rabies Vaccine 2006-07 1000Anti Rabies Vaccine 2007-08 1575 FGSH, Islamabad

————————————————————————————————Name of Item Year No of Vials

————————————————————————————————Anti Snake Venom 2005-06 300Anti Snake Venom 2006-07 272Anti Snake Venom 2007-08 400

————————————————————————————————Total 972

————————————————————————————————Name of Item Year No of Vials

————————————————————————————————Anti Rabies Vaccine 2005-06 170Anti Rabies Vaccine 2006-07 204Anti Rabies Vaccine 2007-08 183

————————————————————————————————Total 557


PIMS, Islamabad

(b) The month-wise names of persons to whom the vaccine for dog andsnake bite was injected during the last three years is enclosed at Annex-A.

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FGSH, Islamabad

The month wise name of persons to whom the vaccine for dog and snakebite was injected during the last three years is enclosed at Annex-B.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

90. Nawab Abdul Ghani Talpur:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the name of the permanent representative of Pakistan in UN atpresent; and

(b) the period of appointment of the said representative, alongwithhis perks and privileges?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah MahmoodQureshi):(a)The names of the present Permanent Representatives of Pakistan toUN New York and UN Geneva are as follows:————————————————————————————————S.No. Name Place of Posting————————————————————————————————

1. Mr. Munir Akram Permanent Mission of Pakistan tothe United Nations, New York.

2. Mr. M. Masood Khan Permanent Mission of Pakistan tothe United Nations, Geneva.


(b) Period of appointment of the above mentioned PermanentRepresentatives is as follows:————————————————————————————————S.No. Name Period of Appointment————————————————————————————————

1. Mr. Munir Akram Since May 21, 2002

2. Mr. M. Masood Khan Since March 13, 2005————————————————————————————————

There are no specific perks and privileges for the post of PermanentRepresentative except payment of pay and allowances in accordance with respectivePay Scale/Grade.

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91. Pir Muhammad Aslam Bodla:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the quantity of charas, heroin and liquor wine confiscated byANF during the year, 2007-08 alongwith the places from whereconfiscated/seized;

(b) the names of persons convicted alongwith the quantity of charas,heroin and wine seized in each case; and

(c) the punishments given to them in each case?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal):(a)The total quantities of charas, heroin and liquor wine confiscated/seized during2007 and 2008 alongwith the places of seizures are as under:—

(1) Year – 2007

(a) Charas - 109530.653Kg(b) Heroin - 2873.887kg(c) Opium - 15369.594 kg(d) Morphine Base - 10989.000 kg(e) Cocaine - 7.389 kg(f) Acetic Anhydride - 1075.000 kg(g) Wine/Liquor 342 bottles(h) Opium Syrup/Liquor - 10467 bottles(i) Ecstasy - 200232 tablets(j) Intoxicant Injections - 17891 nos

2. Year-2008 (upto 15 July 2008)

(a) Charas - 56482.020 kg(b) Heroin - 1007.569 kg(c) Opium - 12247.504 kg(d) Morphine Base - 870.250 kg,(e) Cocaine - 1.260 kg(F) Acetic Anhydride - 15240.200 kg(g) Acetone - 12.000 kg

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(h) Wine/Liquor - 710 bottles (i) Opium Syrup/Liquor - 365 bottles(j) Ecstasy - 88 tablets(k) Intoxicant Injections - 35300 nos(l) Diazepam powder - 248.000 kg

2. Place of seizures from where the charas/hashis, .heroin and liquor/wine was confiscated/seized by ANF, are given at Annexes A & B.

(B) The names of drug traffickers from whom the quantity of charas/hashish, heroin and liquor/wine was confiscated/seized by ANF are given at AnnexesA & B.

(c) Details of punishment awarded to the drug traffickers in each caseare given at Annexes A & B.

(Annexurs have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

92. Chaudhry Muhammad Barjees Tahir:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken to control drug trafficking in the country;

(b) the name and number of organizations presently working for drugcontrol alongwith the achievements gained during the last threeyears?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal):(a)Details about the steps taken to control drug trafficking in the country is given atAnnex-A.

(b) Details about names and number of organizations presently workingfor drug control alongwith the achievements of the last three years is given atAnnex-B.

(Annexurs have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

93. Chaudhry Muhammad Barjees Tahir:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of visits abroad undertaken by the CaretakerForeign Minister and the present Foreign Minister after January,2008; and

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(b) the total amount incurred thereupon alongwith the achievementsgained thereof?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah MahmoodQureshi):(a-b) The requisite information is being compiled in consultation withthe concerned Pakistan Missions abroad. As and when complete information isreceived, reply will be submitted in due course of time.94. Mr. Mahmood Hayat Khan Tochi Khan:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal to set up depots at each Tehsillevel in Punjab to provide seeds, fertilizers and agricultural medicinesto the farmers; if so, its details thereof?

Reply not received.

95. Mr. Abdul Majeed Khan Khanan Khail:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether there is anyproposal to extend the route of Rail Car 242/DN and 241/UP (Kundian-Sargodha-Kundian)?

Minister for Railways (Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan):At presentthere is no proposal under consideration to extend 241-Up/242-Down (KundianPassenger) due to acute shortage of coaching stock and non-availability oflocomotives.

96. Begum Nuzhat Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the names of persons who were sent abroad for medical treatmenton Government expense during the last five years alongwith thetotal expenditure incurred thereon; and

(b) the reasons for their medical treatment abroad?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a) The names of personssent abroad for medical treatment on Government expenses during the last Fiveyears alongwith the total expenditure incurred thereon is given at Annex-I.

(b) The reasons for their medical treatment abroad are given at Annex-II.

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97. Mr. Muhammad Hanif Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that vacant post of Reception Officer (BPS-11) in PIMS, Islamabad, allocated for FATA was advertised inthe press on 29-03-07; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the said post was re-advertised in thepress on 27-03-08 allocating it for Sindh (U) instead of FATA; ifso, the reasons of re-allocation of the said post?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a)Yes. It is a fact that thevacant post of Reception Officer (BS-11) in PIMS was allocated for FATA andwas duly advertised in the Press on 29-03-2007.

(b) Yes. It is also a fact that the said post was re-advertised in the presson 27-03-2008 allocating it for Sindh (U) instead of FATA. The reason being awrong calculation of quota for FATA, which was re-examined and corrected as ofSindh (U) quota.

98. Engineer Usman Khan Tarakai:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that private pharmacy has not been set up inMCH Centre of PIMS, Islamabad; if so, the reason thereof; and

(b) whether there is any proposal to allow to opening of privatepharmacy in the said centre; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a)Yes, it is a fact that thereis no private pharmacy setup in MCH Centre, PIMS, A private pharmacy is alreadyfunctioning in the name of Pharmax in the premises of PIMS.

(b) At present there is no plan to open a private pharmacy in MCH Centre.

99. Mr. Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the total amount of monthly electricity bill of PIMS, Islamabadfor the last two years;

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(b) the amount of electricity bills of residential Flats, Houses andDoctor’s Hostel of PIMS out of the said amount; and

(c) the monthly amount of electricity bill from the said amount chargedfrom the residential Flats and Houses and Doctor’s Hostel ofPIMS?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a)The total amount ofmonthly electricity bill of PIMS, Islamabad is Rs. 166.343 million for the last 2years. The monthly detail is at Annex-A.

(b) The amount of electricity bill of Residential Flats, Houses & DoctorsHostel of PIMS out of the said amounts is as under:—

1. Doctors Hostel 7.621 million2. Postgraduate Hostel 1.093 million

(Male & Female)3. Nursing Hostel 4.950 million4. PIMS Residential Colony 17.272 million

TOTAL 30.936 million

The detail is at Annex-B

(c) The monthly amount of electricity bills from the said amount, chargedfrom the residential flats, houses and shops is Rs. 92.096 million.

Free electricity is provided to Doctors Hostel of PIMS.

(Annexurs have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

100. Begum Ishrat Ashraf:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the locations of railway rest houses set up in the country at present;and

(b) the year-wise total income earned from those rest houses duringthe last three years?

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Minister for Railways (Sardar Mahtab Ahmad Khan):(a)There are 79Nos. of rest houses of 07 Railway Divisions on the entire network of Railways.Their locations over the Divisions are as under:—

Peshawar Division

Peshawar, Nowshera, Attock City, Daud Khel, Kundian and Mari Indus.

Rawalpindi Division

Islamabad , Murree, Rawalpindi , Taxila, Jhelurn, Lalamusa, Malakwal,Sargodha and Khushab.

Lahore Division

Lahore (06). Sialkot, Wazirabad, Faisalabad, Changa Manga, Tandliawala,Jaranwala, Sheikhupura, Chiniot and Kasur.

Multan Division

Multan (03). Khanewal (2), Sahiwal, Shorkot, Jhang, Shahinabad, Chenab,West Bank , Kot Adu, Dera Ghazi Khan, Rajan Pur, Pakpattan, Lodhran, DeraNawab Sahib, Samasatta, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Layyah and Bahawal Nagar.

Sukkur Division

Sukkur, Jacobabad, Nawabshah, Larkana, Khanpur and Rahim Yar Khan.

Karachi Division

Karachi (03), Kotri, Sehawan, Dadu, Hyderabad, Tando Adam, MirpurKhas Pithoro, Chhor, Khidro. Digri and Nabi Sar Road.

Quetta Division

Quetta, Sibi,Dalbadin, Chaman, Bostan, Kolpur, Mach, Sheela Bagh andSheikhwasal.

(b) The total income from these rest houses during the last three yearswas Rs. 38;76.676/-

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101. Begum Ishrat Ashraf:

Will the Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education be pleasedto state:

(a) the total number of teachers and students in Special EducationInstitutions in Islamabad at present; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration to establishmore institutions in Islamabad; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education (NawabzadaKhawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti):(a)There are total number of (139) teachersin Special Education Centres located in Islamabad (Annex-I) while the number ofstudents in these centres is 1032 (706 male and 326 female) (Annex-II).

(b) The Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education, Islamabad hasplanned following mega projects which are under consideration to establish moreinstitutions in the various districts of Pakistan including Islamabad, subject to theapproval by appropriate/ competent forum and allocation of budget forimplementation:—

(i) National Programme on Inclusive Education.

(ii) Sheltered Workshop for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

(iii) National Programme on Special Education.

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102. Transferred to Interior Division for answer on next Rota Day.

103. Mr. Riaz Fatyana:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the total number and place of allergy centres in the country at present;

(b) the total number of staff presently working in those centres; and

(c) the procedure adopted in their appointments?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a) At presently there isonly one allergy centre in the public sector at the National Institute of Health,Islamabad.

(b) The total number of staff presently working in the allergy center is asfollow:—

(i) Doctors 06

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(ii) Paramedical & other staff 18

(c) Allergy centre is being run with the help of Doctors and staff takenout of the existing strength of the National Institute of Health. Further induction, ifany, would be in accordance with NIH Employees service regulations, 1989

104. Mr. Muhammad Hanif Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state:

(a) the name of the Hospital/Dispensary in Islamabad which issuemedical fitness certificates to the newly selected non-gazettedFederal Government employees; and

(b) the details of the medical tests which are conducted by thoseHospitaal/Dispensary for the said purpose?

Minister for Health (Ms. Sherry Rehman):(a) Federal Governmentdispensary functioning under the administrative control of Federal GovernmentServices Hospital in G-7/3-4, Islamabad is authorized to issue the medical fitnesscertificate to the newly selected Non Gazetted Federal Govt. employees.

(b) Following medical tests are conducted at Federal GovernmentDispensary G-7/3-4, Islamabad.

1. X-Ray Chest.2. Blood CP, ESR.3. Urine R/E.4. Hepatitis HIV Screening.

Any further test if required, on examination of patient is conducted in thedepartment of Radiology/Pathology of the main Hospital.

105. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether the minimumwage of Rs. 6000/- is also admissible to the employees of RailwayCarriage Factory, Islamabad; if not, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

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106. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of permanent posts presently lying vacant inPurchase Branch of Carriage Factory, Islamabad alongwith theirranks grades;

(b) the total number of TLA employees made permanent during theyear, 2007-08 alongwith their length of service;

(c) the name of employees working on Daily Wages/TLA Basis inPurchase Branch alongwith their ranks and service period;

(d) whether there is any proposal to make the remaining daily wagers/TLA employees of the said Branch permanent; if so, when it willbe implemented?

Reply not received.

107. Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the names, designations, BPS of officers of the Ministry againstwhom disciplinary action has been taken during the last five years;and

(b) the final conclusion of such disciplinary actions?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah MahmoodQureshi):(a-b) The names, designation, BPS of officers of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs against whom disciplinary action has been taken during the lastfive years (2003 to 2007) and final conclusion of such discipliinary actions isdetailed below:—

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108. Mrs. Bushra Gohar:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the official visit abroad made by the Prime Ministerduring the last four months;

(b) the purpose and justification of those visits; and

(c) the number of entourage of the visits alongwith the expenditureincurred thereupon?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Makhdoom Shah MahmoodQureshi):(a-c) The requisite information is being compiled and will be submittedshortly.109. Mrs. Belum Husnain:

Will the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock be pleased tostate:

(a) the names, educational qualifications and experience of thepresent officer of the project namely “National Programme forControl and Prevention of Avian Influenza” alongwith theirsalaries and other perks and privileges;

(b) the names, model, make and capacity of engine of vehiclespresently under the use of those officers alongwith the yearlyfuel consumption during the last three years?

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Mr. NazarMuhammad Gondal):(a) Following persons are working as officers in the projecttitled “National Program for Control and Prevention of Avian Influenza”alongwith their education, experience, Salary and other privileges.

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(b) The Project has only one Toyota Corolla XL1300cc Car, Model2007 which is under the use of National Project Coordinator and PMU Staff, thesaid car was purchased in November 2007 and an average monthly fuelconsumption of Rs. 8,000/-


ISLAMABAD:The 12th August, 2008.