
Pakistan A Land of Mystery By: David 4R

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traits of culture, Pakistan.


Pakistan  A    Land  of  Mystery  

By: David 4R

Table of Contents


1. Where is Pakistan

2. Housing and Shelter

3. Religion

4. Food

5. About the Author

Introduction Have you ever been to Pakistan? Well you should. Before you go let me give you some small information about it. Join me on the magical adventure of traveling to Pakistan. Travel through the land discovering wonderful, joyful places. But be careful, it can be a very, very dangerous place, watch out for thieves, terrorists and other criminals. But don’t think about that, come join me as we explore and see 100s of different varieties of people and places.

Where is Pakistan? Pakistan is located in southern and it is nearly twice the size of California! About 2/3s of Pakistan are covered in gigantic mountains. Its also home to the 2nd tallest mountain in the world, K2. But there isn’t only mountains, there is also a river called the Indus River that divides the country from east to west. To the east are plains and farmers use water from the river to grow crops. West lies the dry, rocky Baluchistan PLATEAU. There are approximately four bordering countries, India, Iran Afghanistan and China.

Housing and Shelter

Most Pakistanis live in homes that are very small, mostly 2 rooms. Pakistanis with more money live in larger houses. They have cement, wood and metal roofs. Most homes have electricity but unfortunately not running water or other services. People get water from underground wells. Usually homes are made of mud brick or cement. Some houses have modern conveniences such as satellite Dishes. There are 2 categories of neighborhoods in Pakistan rural and urban. In rural areas, most houses are made of mud bricks. And in most urban area the houses are made of cement.

Smaller homes

Bigger homes

Religion In Pakistan about 90% of the people are Islamic and about 10 are Coptic christen. Every morning the fathers bring their sons to a mosque to pray, but children under 7 cannot not come because they may cause distraction and make to much noise. There are also 2 types of Muslims, Sunni Muslims (Sun-ni) and Shiite Muslims. About 3% of people living in Pakistan are Hindu and other. Pakistanis have two holidays to celebrate when Pakistan became a country. Pakistan day is held on March 23. It honors the say Muslim leaders decided to form a Muslim nation. August 14th is Pakistanis Independence Day.

Food Usually Pakistan meals include wheat or rice. One of the famous types of bread in Pakistan is Chapati. Chapati is a very popular flat bread made with wheat. Rice is often mixed with and vegetables to make a main dish. Common meats are beef, lamb and chicken. Spices are also often used to enrich the flavors of meals. Common drinks include milk, juices and tea. Pakistanis drink milk from cows, goats and buffalo. Lassi is a creamy yogurt drink. People in Pakistan often squeeze melons, apples, pomegranate, and mangoes into juices.

2 meals of rice, chapati and rice

About the Author

Hi I’m David Bredin and I am the author of Pakistan! I was born in South Africa on March 8, 2001. I enjoy just about every sport you can name and enjoy reading every day. Now David Bredin is enjoying a life in maadi, Egypt. I hope that you liked my short but I think detailed story. I’m sorry that I couldn’t write as much as other people. The reason that happened is because I was evacuated and started the project a 1 and a half after. Hope you liked the book!