p l a in f ir l u , n .j · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, hu- low grnttnif in the renr brought

JANUARY 14, IB88. PLAINFIRLU, N.J. EQITOI ADVEKrxeeacEirrs. PUB™), R |, THDBSBAT, JAR W, 1 M. due Outer IMwt, Mr !knr‘« t«n|H-rt.T. rnuiilWghneh to Ukr mar It no. if LI* firm TlmlHfotportlM of almat IM arm lack to I'lM SI . w « * . M r,.< ( | i n ir r utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought <inm ; Mu Wt». ITfirm, wild a id! • *ho*t tlaw airo im llir m ind of PVarl fJroTc near iW t.*' Il»ftl*t CWn V, 'if one u-i a ajnarirr arm , tor J4,Mi*. j Mil Y.uu «U (K *aU a l a il»>, ,in*v. a U»i on c-'iraw pClVt-cry *MU -tlb M-, i f SJ feet on it* &L, fa* ICAUftl. Tnn «f tin- li»i Nillawl LOCAL AFFAIRS. H am i. flitwnii No. 97 A oh T.— A labile Lecl<irr: M lobr riven urn week ‘4t a* mtlnewt owine ami dlvSne. Vhalf dCth*enth-enf *nircTinir Imntsnlir. Frtmil* i>l IrtnpcTntKc m4nl| lnterr-g- ed, ls-»r Ihk* In mtnd. Weldon ffiM« ( t err Thurwlay cvt-nln if. what M i« n>. I*. kavi j ( in - f a - a nualf tl tliv rri'iauf in Ini^nin^ . lnu.. C* wail iin|iati<-niK thirty 4*j* - lo a lu vrl’-ry >i'-arrl ii(, anil ,awe n a n * wax Bfc-I *au« bofotv l»arfeinK lk> lpat*-** i « fuil|in' of ay uDnal lilc Mad* atranjpily n4l. Tu hn a^tfraraTin^; uninl^nlimalH **tyv h " ]wT>lifnn1>le. hut (ji lie agyra- ntiair in cold M.0.1 i* without mid- fc-afcK-n or riiMM'. nml thru ■ liter* of ‘Hula a»iiuiii| tlioix error,” rwurat ii. *M •m r-|a atinr >t with *ui- **■# afofo though J- *J -> What a *tfd r they iiiak,- of pnr human ruiitin*, aT»l la •« , tfo-r pluv trpriit It* luu- prtiwibilitiew! Bit* art liiUv tilt-;, llirovr oui Vai n H, fflitt-h ; a*, un a t tlir throw a out tie- Inpl to iloouy wUr Hah : rw biruiw i» apt iu*|<— The o-arl-'r, lik" the IKh. loo i ilV‘!J * wallow* the r..|.l *«wel o f 9**aff$niht- when ||| tbutki to tatiilv |ii» tutpgaa. What a dnhrnta ircb-w<rrh ISjuor A Tnoaie hare *»hloU totlwlr al- rrolyritnwlMi line o f buslntvw Plumam awl U.u Fmran. This Imone of our olrl- r*t lunwi, full of rnli'Tjirlac. ■«-! iln j* mulr for a Joh. NoudthtlmdlB' the lam s-limon*! More luiutlni:laietj erect pd, they li+vo th > nmn to npaie, all the spare la tweuplrtl and Mi-lne** drill*#. MiuMi[,|if1qijuin> lit tlie lii-L riiin nf lh.1i a (auiiita that altn'il wiiundi.il 1 ’ qii*n rkiU iwr>i*t>-iit jialr^ww Aw ivrji .rrh |,ar, for homitiir th- TW^l«et4 Ar jwiml'-ajiL han nwwnilv W it itiTeiir-d Tho tub* Wniaiait.lt th» rich eiteii.il n 'wrly to (he of thn WT w ar it- .tdl, and all the air lutu^ntt .a num pajw ■ low n thniii|Hi the w-i. A a*d ruin*, aa.1 then | mmwap thryuptli Ik e IfcpitiL letiiipe uia<ln nu thie liciuftpii-. it h Wain..*!, Will * .* , *pUyle. $ j died at ! ttRi^VE, f50WERt5ET. AX1> t ! Ji>lklXQ* WXKKKTH. Turn* m *r For pankeUUre «u|aire at . K lItM AX t-UMMI, f 'tMiid* u£wjm-. n a,n n F.afHm! tt r i u r t t l u q i i laid Low befotw iw —t. — .-»a- ;ui, MMiutdovrur* Jou* Mm- t Bon*, of V i_, ______ of IVUaw l uuprr. t'ulpe|i|wr lahl Tbunalay, %ed G7. Mt.N 9r*>* od I>une* tha BeWlJioii, when Inw u i a m rtfokyl ttag a it* ikn fSe.ullt * u met it, and VjVallj a ■Mime at-thrlottnaa. eauee of dietrud, Mr. ButW a a* one a ir W av for Ik* of tli* liiUv few a 1 mj uiaintaiatfd that if o n * ffotfona >ht Diet of tiecawawe « « aa art of tad earth eared in , trw b iw y nerwr i^unU-1, ami d n m l mat timm 1m itw 11(5 uf the J.itanJnuenl a hkh, ihanlc* pt tr- ■ — fo tW durUV Hr it is <Lae (hould ham fj,V M annually anti] at. taihinx the mga uf Si . the; ill 111 of fSO.Hh) at that imriod ; H.MW ,*ino ally until h« had taonl tLt age <*f ■J4 ; *8/hX> annually untS he had jiam d the age of 30, and f^Pr'Hi per aanata after that tinm- The jnpopri-IJ Ti-Hflin* In thebaad* of three tru*tee«, nriJ the F .1ai|Je int*y-u*l |>n thi-origin*! amount, added (•> the prinripaL ha* reaehad tlie *uut of ai.rtOC, while the a-movn-l value o f the rval e*taw it r s i non.nno. The mi.**-, ham a w*!arj uf|.'li}<d .-in It,- ami the cutu- miuiimi nweEvyd Imiu the ■ ‘ullortiun* uf rent* am»qnt h> • um eqital to th# walnrv rtf the J’re*idet»t j*t the tilted FtaU*. Voung Ufari ie aow in Eu~ M)pe, w hero he;1n fltting bfmwH for the aedm dutuUi of life. I I E P : Q U IL T S lu he tuure wait, Itwwv tobirhad loom ttiatalaal * Fuhllnb. r. and au tltar* jn*tif - them. *e|m* in their fmetiuiial dt J>urwe- ineati uf a. tat. by a j«el»hd. d lor* for huMiauiir. They eunten 1 that gHffiaK of intrUtictaal food |«ducv4 * * • «! dy*jwwwia aid prefoil that they am an kind aa [an-nC , whii taatrh (treat caUa fruai thoirek tidtwa ere their greed baa imducad Latiet v. A rational argument for th* ra jon-ai ■Jkittile ut o f thaor roinautie rviort'* truly, only it i»tl't quite honeat.. Au- thor* nad putrlnibvn hare ani’rre to die main rhanne itiorn than thi men* tal health o f _tli# put»l«-, aaj it id the nan It uf wiaar calculation ' than Church ef tU l rltta^e. tn<l the Her. S r WIIILinr* atfmliiUtereiT the arthr*are at haptl*ni there laM Mttdnlb. The EtahbathSchool roniH-rtr.1 with that ebufrb. brill thrir analvrrwarr on Mondar evrultts of la»S wirk. The u*l. r the itu-crlion oi 1IU* UuiiUm. ww well cjicnu-d, and the literary vaertbes refoxt ed uiurh credit Upon tlir p e r I V * orcrj the (chool awl Invited #ur*l* repair- Tint Put» itt or von m Hatnl Woe*—Iv. Ihrkrrof Hew'York dm liven'd a foetsrf mi Sunday evening, Uw> 3rd itoit..'in w hich ft- thowed thM evils pn Kin ling brim the tranugrrw- thenaalt of _ -------------------- -------- tb* tr* that the penplea well beiru and their F tAll, 1.. vdstlk Iin !■ n m IL.1 (fort o f the KlBita of their nhy riral powers by Utnrnrr men. *c. lie sard : v “ TCo matv eAa do Head work fottH- fttlly for four* than four or liv# wr «< h'WJrt. I f dint trine i* eveneded, all ' th* phnrplvnrm I* sallied d lj and the in an hertirnea inii table, broken down, and has softening of the hra>n 1 ham seen ihis nTerwnrk in tavern, doe- tor*, r lr m n r t and merehantn, who hare w-«.rhivi the brain for ten hour*. They have dropjird nteler the burden. Ton cannot fvetwle the law « f OiFd with impunity. _8«r Walter Scott did a large anuiHH « f brain work in hi* d*y, but be did rrt«1 overwork himself. I# hie latter dnvs) hrrwrvBr, he became pecuniarily e»J«*rr*—ed, and resorted td hi# literary punuitw loenVe him- »#lf; bathe Worked too hard andenm- pletely brake hifow— If dukl ■ Ihv of l ' . __,1 ' - l I- Tot iicmD fjxtnutd thecoarnc was ■iTeifCM III* trtMag of JtM. ilh, in Af arabt Oalb bf Uev. 1. T. Durr**. D. D-, at Urt*klya ll'i. ealdret. “Tra* Hau- keod,lj or rather, Ute growth at iru man heoi, was treated la a hnrfesl manner tail ut Inhered arguforat and r*mlll*r IIlustra- Uotu. The speaker prrailacd Chat growth net properly mein the simple lncr*n*c of quapUty or qnallty that •ttrodrJ the ealarttrlncut o f Inanimate thllHw, hat al- ways Implied the Ides of lilt A tier *t«ak- lajr at Itagth o* the Matlod* and nurtool rVjK-rvVwr. ofan1m*I, Intel im ual Mad «4r- ft u l iHP.ind maklngadiwtlnrtlon hrtwrrn selMmjr and selflshnm, be gave iMFlfafi ■*** JvL rh* co*uHt1a«i cjf trnr manhood ■ml inpat rated It* working!) I# the profoi- •JoflM anil ark Th* 11!nstration* <iT men rrctiving inspLraiiuo and working it oat In det-ilf llul Were powerful l» proportion to Ibelij KTr-fbrgeitfalnem. were strlklnn In Uii-I r ippmxiriMt>-b,*» sn>| bciuuntl It* Ian- couapcitaHl to halt a monlh at time in '** pulley of iliaa)>|»uitawnl#I rr- raU one bright, green spot : rhetw Wilkin rollin' lot hi. i**den <^taff #f satisfy ing iliaugbi aud li« ilova to pleasant drewna. I w+ t to a^hap- tci *ib “ Aruiadalu when he Rarrw all U* imaginary people in a deight- fol riatf of gvoduom and “ eVn- ■ wnnantr of Carrfmcre i l l , rf'nw g»v f (he beat scholar* •I ever 1 himself down in hi* yi> bat he Hvod on Pj sevrrntji cnrald only, rrvrk r*B * t day-. After hour* M*hed Up* jnal E m ta drmk li#Wr»- They

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Page 1: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

J A N U A R Y 14, IB 8 8 .P L A I N F I R L U , N . J . EQITOI


PUB™), R |, THDBSBAT, JAR W, 1 M. due Outer IMwt, Mr !knr‘«t«n|H-rt.T. rnuiilWghneh to Ukr mar It no. if LI* firm TlmlHfotportlM of almat IM a rm lack to I ' l M SI . w « * .M r,.< (| in ir r utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought <inm ;

Mu Wt». ITfirm, wild a id! • *ho*t tlaw airo im llir m ind of PVarl fJroTc near iW t.*' Il»ftl*t CWn V, 'if one u-i a ■ ajnarirr arm, tor J4,Mi*. j

Mil Y.u u « U ( K *aU a l a il»>, ,in*v. a U»i on c-'iraw pClVt-cry *MU -tlb M-, i f SJ feet on it* &L, fa* ICAUftl.

Tnn « f tin- li»i N illaw l

L O C A L A F F A I R S .

H a m i. f litw n ii No. 97 A oh T.—A lab ile Lecl<irr: M lob r riven urn week

‘4t a* mtlnewt owine ami dlvSne. VhalfdCth*enth-enf *nircTinir Imntsnlir.

Frtmil* i>l IrtnpcTntKc m4nl| lnterr-g- ed, ls-»r Ihk* In mtnd. Weldon ffiM « ( t err Thurwlay cvt-nln if.

what M i« n>. I*. kavi j( in - f a - a n u a l f t l tliv r r i 'ia u f in In i^ n in ^

. lnu.. C* wail iin|iati<-niK thirty 4 * j*- lo a lu vrl’ -ry > i'-arrl ii(, anil , awen a n * wax Bfc-I *a u « bofotv l»arfeinK lk> lpat*-** i « fuil|in' o f ay uDnal lilc Mad* atranjpily n4l. •

Tu hn a^tfraraTin^; uninl^nlimalH **tyv h " ]wT>lifnn1>le. hut (ji lie agyra- n tia ir in cold M.0.1 i* without mid- fc-afcK-n or riiMM'. nml th ru ■ liter* o f

‘Hula a»iiuiii| tlioix error,” rwurat ii. * M •m r-|a atinr >t with *u i- **■# afofo though J- *J ->

What a *tfd r they iiiak,- o f p n r human ruiitin*, aT»l la •« , tfo-r pluv trpriit It* luu- prtiwibilitiew! B it * art liiUv tilt-;, llirovr oui Vai n H, fflitt-h ; a*, un a t t l i r throw a out tie- Inpl to iloouy wUr Hah : r w biruiw i » apt iu*|<—The o-arl-'r, lik" the IKh. loo i ilV‘ !J * w allow* the r..|.l *«wel o f 9**aff$niht-

when ||| tbutki to ta tiilv |ii» tutpgaa. What a dnhrnta ircb-w<rrh

ISjuor A Tnoaie hare *»hloU totlwlr al- rrolyritnwlMi line o f buslntvw P lum a m awl U.u Fmran. This Im one of our olrl-r*t lunwi, full o f rnli'Tjirlac. ■«-! i l n j *mulr for a Joh. NoudthtlmdlB' the la m s-limon*! More luiutlni:laietj erect

■ pd, they li+vo th> nmn to npaie, all the spare la tweuplrtl and Mi-lne** drill*#. •

MiuMi[,|if1qijuin> lit tlie lii-L riiin nf lh.1 i a (au iiita that altn'ilwiiundi.il 1 ’ qii*n rkiU iwr>i*t>-iit jialr^ww

Aw iv r ji .rrh | ,ar, for homitiir th- TW^l«et4 A r jwiml'-ajiL han nwwnilv W i t itiTeiir-d Tho tub* Wniaiait.ltth » rich e ite ii.il n 'wrly to (he o f thn WT w ar i t - .tdl, andall the air lu tu ^ n tt .a numpajw ■ low n thniii|Hi the w-i. A a*d ruin*, aa.1 then |mmw ap thryuptli Ik e IfcpitiL letiiipe uia<ln nu thie liciuftpii-. it h Wain..*!, Will * . * , *pUyle. $ j

died at

!ttRi^VE, f50WERt5ET. AX1> t

! J i> lk lX Q * WXKKKTH. Turn* m * r For pankeUUre «u|aire at


f 'tMiid* u£wjm-. na,nn F.afHm!tt r iu r t t lu q i i laid Low befotwiw —t. — .-»a-

;ui, MMiutdovrur* Jou* Mm- t Bon*, o f V i _ , ______of IVUaw l uuprr. t'ulpe|i|wr lahl Tbunalay, %ed G7. M t.N 9 r*> * o d I>une* tha BeWlJioii, when In w u i a m rtfokyl ttag a it* ikn fSe.ullt * u met it, and VjVallj a ■Mime at-thrlottnaa. eauee o f dietrud, Mr. ButW a a* one a i r W a v for Ik* o f tli* l i iU v few a 1mj uiaintaiatfd that if o n * ffotfona >ht Diet o f tiecawawe « « aa art o f tad earth eared in , trw b iw y nerwr i^unU-1, ami d n m l mat timm 1m itw 11(5 uf the J.itanJnuenl a hkh, ihanlc* pt tr- ■ — fo tW d u r U V H r it is <Lae

(hould ham fj,V M annually anti] at. taihinx the mga uf Si . the; ill 111 o f fSO.Hh) at that imriod ; H.MW , * ino ally until h « had t a o n l tLt age <*f ■J4 ; *8/hX> annually untS he had jiam d the age o f 30, and f^Pr'H i per aanata after that tinm- The jnpopri-IJ Ti-Hflin* In thebaad* o f three tru*tee«, nriJ the F.1 ai|Je int*y-u*l |>n thi-origin*! amount, added (• > the prinripaL ha* reaehad tlie *uut o f ai.rtOC, while the a-movn-l value o f the rval e*taw i t r s i non.nno. The m i.**- , ham a w*!arj u f| .'li}<d .-in It,- ami the cutu- m iuiim i nweEvyd Imiu the ■‘ullortiun* u f rent* am»qnt h> • u m eqital to th# walnrv rtf the J’re*idet»t j * t the tiltedFtaU*. Voung Ufari ie aow in Eu~ M)pe, w hero h e ;1n fltting bfmwH for the aedm dutuUi o f life.

I IE P : QUILTSlu he tuure wait, Itwwv tob irhad loom ttiatalaal *

Fuhllnb. r. and au tltar* jn *tif - them. *e|m* in their fmetiuiial dt J>urwe- ineati uf a. tat. by a j«e l»h d . d lo r* for huMiauiir. They eunten 1 that gHffiaK o f intrUtictaal food |«ducv4 * * • « ! dy*jwwwia a id p re fo il that they am an kind aa [an-nC , whii taatrh (treat caUa fruai thoirek tidtwa ere their greed baa imducad L atiet v. A rational argument for th* ra jon-ai ■J kit tile ut o f thaor roinautie rviort'* truly, only it i»tl't quite honeat.. Au­thor* nad putrlnibvn hare ani’ rre to die main rhanne itiorn than thi men* tal health o f _tli# put»l«-, aaj it id the nan It u f wiaar calculation ' than

Church e f tU l rltta^e. tn<l the Her. S r WIIILinr* atfmliiUtereiT the art hr* are at haptl*ni there laM Mttdnlb.

The Etahbath School roniH-rtr.1 with that ebufrb. brill thrir analvrrwarr on Mondar evrultts of la»S wirk. The u*l. rthe itu-crlion o i 1IU* UuiiUm. w w well cjicnu-d, and the literary vaertbes refoxt ed uiurh credit Upon tlir p e r I V * orcrj the (chool awl Invited #ur*l* repair-

Tint Put» itt or von m Hatnl W oe*—Iv. Ihrkrrof Hew'York dm liven'd a foetsrf mi Sunday evening, Uw> 3rd itoit..'in w hich ft- thowed thM evils pn K in ling brim the tranugrrw-

thenaalt o f _ -------------------- --------tb* tr* that the penplea well beiru and their Ft A ll, 1.. vdstlk I in !■ n m IL.1

(fort o f the KlBita o f their nhy riral powers by Utnrnrr men. *c . l ie sard : v “ TCo matv eAa do Head work fottH- fttlly for four* than four o r liv# wr « < h'WJrt. I f dint trine i* eveneded, all

' th* phnrplvnrm I* sallied d l j and thein an hertirnea inii table, broken down, and has softening o f the hra>n 1 ham seen ihis nTerwnrk in tavern , doe- tor*, r l r m n r t and merehantn, who hare w-«.rhivi the brain for ten hour*. They have dropjird nteler the burden. Ton cannot fvetwle the law « f OiFd with impunity. _8«r W alter Scott did a large anuiHH « f brain work in hi* d*y, but be did rrt«1 overwork himself. I# hie latter dnvs) hrrwrvBr, he became pecuniarily e»J«*rr*—ed, and resorted td hi# literary punuitw loenVe him- »# lf; bathe Worked too hard andenm- pletely brake hifow—I f d u k l ■ Ih v o f

l ' . __,1 ' - l I-

T o t iicm D f jx tn u td thecoarnc was ■iTeifCM III* trtMag of JtM. ilh , in A f arab t Oalb b f Uev. 1. T. Durr**. D. D-, at Urt*klya ll'i. ealdret. “Tra* Hau- keod,lj or rather, Ute growth at i r u man heoi, was treated la a hnrfesl manner tail ut Inhered arguforat and r*mlll*r IIlustra- Uotu. The speaker prrailacd Chat growth

net properly mein the simple lncr*n*c of quapUty or qnallty that •ttrodrJ the ealarttrlncut o f Inanimate thllHw, hat al­ways Implied the Ides of lilt A tier *t«ak- lajr at Itagth o* the Matlod* and nurtoolrVjK-rvVwr. of an 1m* I, Intel imual Mad «4r- ftu l iHP.ind maklngadiwtlnrtlon hrtwrrn selMmjr and selflshnm, be gave iMFlfafi ■*** JvL rh* co*uHt1a«i cjf trnr manhood■ml inpat rated It* working!) I# the profoi- •JoflM anil ark Th* 11!nstration* <iT menrrctiving inspLraiiuo and working it oat In det-ilf llu l Were powerful l » proportion to Ibelij KTr-fbrgeitfalnem. were strlklnn In Uii-I r ippmxiriMt>-b,*» sn>| bciuuntl It* Ian-

couapcitaHl to halt a monlh at time in '* * pulley o f iliaa)>|»uitawnl#I rr- raU one bright, green spot : rhetwW ilkin ro llin ' lot hi. i**d en <^taff #f satisfy ing iliaugbi aud li« ilova to pleasant drewna. I w+ t to a^hap- tci *ib “ Aruiadalu when he Rarrw all U * imaginary people in a deight-fol riatf o f gvoduom and “ “ e V n -

■ wnnantr of Carrfmcrei l l , rf'nw g»v f

(he beat scholar* • I ever 1 himself down in hi* yi> bat he Hvod on Pj sevrrntji cnrald only, rrvrk r*B * t day-. A fter hour*

M*hed Up* jnal

Em ta drmkli#Wr»- They

Page 2: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

T H U K S D A Y ^ J A N U a Ik Y 14, 1 SflOC K N T R j lL N I W J E R S E Y T IM E S .

DJtY 0001*8, O l-O T IIIN G , AC.


C LO tH H ,( ’ASPtM KK E A


Ki kOMh a ii T,i»4salt*.»ieno tafiAO* Ckili 0a*k«. Alt W-M.

WINTERyearn A Her his w ifp 'i ill i ‘■,haV rvlrt.-Untljr c «w m tJ

1 Uctktil#, * • he railed her, >| (U|iy tv.iuu in lus huune ua<

They I with married jo hde liuikiC i tu t Hear t||o limu ut n o * (Trite, tin t one nml thun■ • u mad* h wlduw, and m i their fathar'a hqnse. j

ThJa 8ti*t» thej took IWtn «j duty,. for he Htill maintanial tlietu the cold m u } ) which k thrtu no unhappy in their cj liu i a bile they acre both i t Wm4 |pat a ronahlhrahlo part q tuwy v m feebla and K r t t v t a to t tbo c t f « be neat

The oldest d u g h ln , af . IdUeh, had. aodu after her t J'» thr E]iiacupal churchy joyad. th « personal l iw M

j Uii-hujr Knup. Of Mary bur I lo trvd . her u***e, v u t in t

C ustom er W o r kMAJ>K IN THE DEtiT STYLE,

A n d W a r r a n te d to F i tBan1 sod Childrens’ Clothing

■_ •’ I IV IV IU S I IS D


'-~ u . f i a . i f h* h 3 take , out a new g j

I— i f t a r n * * 5 * ? » « • - .* • t * ? 1. " t H ; N j i b t i i i i i a d « s ™ i M m a .Im I , » u i E i io j . K a . f . • ■ p ™ '" * . . p . . .W n d w i * > . £ « . « » U - p -

l ^ h t . . b d k i _ ± ^ pSTlk ™ t n , ; ~ U « k

sw ^a^ 'E ftffS S rS S SInvite your attention be­

fore ],urcliaHirtg



WOODRUFF’S t CO,P f t t T D B S ' 8 S L O C K i C GRAHAM A SON, j

U t B l T t C i a. - ASP


D R Y GOODS, G r o c e r i e s f t P r o v i s i o n * ,

Stafl* D ir Goods, Notions,u ■ I' l ■lIlMIll r f I I . J gtOHOCERIES, F B O m O N ^ te .

v s A .s n v n i - , ■—

FAMILY GROCERIES IA CAtmeral A fw ortm eat


' G L A S S , j e t a i a U W b r e ,




AND FRUITS,F r e s h E v e r y M o r n i n g .

Page 3: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought



Drug and M iciii stars,

L U M B E R ! l* »g v ajnooai i* made up o f ih* L4- W in ^ i t w : T * the p *X o f Dmfato

fta lia am i M u w , | l_ UOit^NHJ; far aducackm Ln iW Bb3 to Jilncka «u-l * Iiiten, #'iItWW,IKW ; far■ museum to pmaefre American m l ^ y -k - O o f l ^ f t i 4 m : fa r a similar mu^Muk i* Harvard IVillr**.

4 tut immtitatm u d a d u tM * at IJaurer*. |25u,»Ml . far a C m nut- ; " W I at Halm , •uo.sw i; ■ko th# 8tat» I

Mary land. *£*',<■*» i fmfan Hell- jram far Rerivcm CVdkg*. f&.OOff; !

C e s t u i , T h e sT. W. YOUNG k CO,,n -v iH r iE U ). x . j „

VV'* *3fi'Ech& * *•Pure Drugs, Medicines,

c^i i k m i c a l s . k t o ,■ f g h rato.’, a i— * r u i r i s i ii l r w i. u r i'X ip i irrsiMiiiwu rk, -—■?—

Physicians Prescriptionsg g ^ g s a m s r rB fc ’igIlfall ll WUwU «*y T «d Olq.



CfapOaite tW Friend*’ Meeting I I uu*e

PLAINTTEUX tv t jit.&ou.oto.

W M . H - V O O R H E E S .

m w m

•Now prepared to exe­

cute all ortlers trtfhBuilders and Contractors,

L A R G Er’, FOSTERS,§itl 3twcU. ®ltoil»w,

x . l o i v a i , rO p l i r i u a a d O n d M . « s™ 1' « o f * r r “ » i

ULXKtra s m u , s i r s i i ' . ' s s , 1I ’L A IN 'F U S J ), N . J . f a v d oa i n fatJm, tug

FROfl FESRUMT m T€ S * . IS M , b ^ .W ill a tr fy flat »tae* r f IV - petatw m not <rij

Spectacles 1 Optical Iutmoiia s s■ ^ .■ rirr .rr^ i r . g ^ y f I , * * ! ! l g V a -S iU .r £ u M u t m — r, thifraphirf What trOultfc. > iM in .y . a * tU h i j liL‘ * '■**' pkj- ha* aUrady raundd


Canada, and Michigan,

t v a r i r m o i

P I S T E , H F R l ' C E

1 .H ID


yendpy, Shingles, etc., STASH, CED AR A CTFR B 8B

s s x j s t o -X i i a s ,AT a^EATLV kHlVCBO REEF,

Specially Seleteted

Viftt^er Cut to Order. P L A N R D A N D S A W E D


orrtC* IN THU

Page 4: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

A K Y 14 , 1 8 0 *C E N T R A T* N E W J W B 8 K Y T I M K K ^ - T H T I R S D A Y , -J A N

(tp-f FrrijtiniiUr lu «n l S » * V w k bu­ttons uifu Buy that l iw j IKS'-** take t tost in OW U« ndanm* CUr*. on stormynight* lint thv* i n thnplcfn I U lfJ *rrnot g°ipK up-W'W-n, crowded in a stage o f standing iu a n r , ilu puling the right to i in one j h m , and i t * tight to K f>nvt|inl<l in t^e olln-r.

Thaw n fr iD 'ii' rrnw'W, f>'f growth apply to evsjry town < n jlii- linn o f llio Now Jersey ( Vnt r*l Jjtailrmid, but 1’luinti.il.l ha* intrinsic m l' outages iu iM'nutunil Ihuiuty aw l li< ,ilthfuln«~-. it* lUuml njjd <«Jm abuttal inflm'uccs ■ i*4 ■ manifest utiiu<KrfU#-nt in entrr- prtM*s £ >r H)«-mTi*l gu«j^* thinkwe’dn wuw-ly U> liopt m ich fa t P in in ' (fold, and we think n i^n ivc t w am aUk to give n-at-on- for t i l ' Imp*'.

Caatral M i m Ties.

■•That tV-ukr on h « vis a ! In direct h * t lr t> r In « Jtl*- po|iW of ( > V *n4 Oh- Torh-. front * * £ d>e think* l-v lV -and thin "h‘- :J~ — w tp* ultimate wsUun at tfc* j* Jt hark you or that other *o*nriioiy

hffuxMMt tth tin t, * » l ■« to tjj.ui.1, should it £*U fo luiwt tin-

rnttUM hr Ih.. hrtnlr tatan-r I K H.' hut * i»* R *»ey « fpwtle, u d■Irjr t r n i r o i !Si.-'-rai|«iiiiV ([ruli- In hi 1*1 o f the i-iuLlcii*. * » a * peunl^ ifrUkr inidiionH i * J I* to w it t , 4 to f U * , uay o f his

*£ I friends in the Ion ri iitiurcat hi* p a W ’,J j y — w / t r i n 11 * * »*1 tulUcili* " *n order for Four IV iUthIs Marini.—n otfortoJ hr I»r C iw b T : ( I ’ tweirr i tV iM g a u thuih o’ thMiiuBMitr trow *ljw «tlc nun- F * J * / 7 *"• 1* ■ ) ‘styM 1>J Hw knVtr.1 iv t l llneev that thrtr I.* * 'tam er

lie- July |*rlrlloc- c*ll«*l th - "V u L i" w ill pr\J.*h|v U f nr fa rjjrn h r M W u k l fc.-to Y.wlt *m Wtodawdiy . t w -


Then- i» « ^ noml iia fircfisiun tlml th/ only end o f *U oeeab.atio* in to p is ie a livifig, and thnl^thr boy or young1 iuu.li Who select* tlinl t-mpkiy- mMit by which ho c*n m*ke the u.rwt nioiiev with the gn^atort rapidity m*Vr-H the heat chrice. ’* h i « i* k dt- ploifkhle error, wlu-roTpr Jt pst«t*. To |j)iriila *n honorable au^iau liirta lile mpport for hintw-lf nn>i--futnily naat r-Tt'r be * main object o f i-rert* man's butainea*. iiad re t it i* *n unworthy thing to toil yr&r aftei j'l-uf uikxmu iugly with no other *nu tit lift) than to ■ t* i» motley.' The conritti.m ahoukl ba jwewtit with ewery you ng penult, in w lrcting Vis orcupa^on, that all bin tilue, poweri *m l i^rtunatanw* •bohld be «o •■ngmgrd m ut | nuliire tM y n t tw l ptwidble » muon I o f 1,-WKt to the roDimmnity nrmnulbiin: * ’ w**n *a hi hiluN-lC . S « l » u*ag esteem thi" t idnUMj Old hKi«**ible, but in re*l-

TOMJ one Headinff na ibe nanrauf /r» r#w aatMciibrra with the niuawr 1“ ad­vance for out year, * aapy o f tlw T iU b Will beatai lire nf rh irjr wlili rrrrlptcd Wll. _________________ j

li*-r litter riw—* Aa lurx , a a l ilbraii- it : U l k t i a i * tw ih . K , it will aa*ur>diy raehofuirrin bud lin-k hi tlu- I doh’t idnlu- i* r-air'iti,’

lantTf" willi pwrlfiu <ui«u{rlr* m are l.tuu-l a* n lltnoU* Akrtncu Iu (ftrauf our v # W ii»e wa l e * f W*r«l n cn n a p w iil lilt hr Cbriuiianycf Ih R u i , *«W Wfw* -lt«T bnavrtT la llarlalswlor I'retr aawiarl ila bubtha | v * ir r f ilii- Tark«, sail Ihtl Wf nwaautfitltj art IRr li<n crm at of liar I'altnl HUtn le aw Ila laBurarF lo put: aii nut to ihr atpartun* wirfsrr auar h.->i

atnhr* that it ia about tun* to label an<l lay |firay tba archara* o f that Ven-i era hie humbug, the CulonUutivn St- < *ety. The war aad *n»*Bciputioa. h*n> plaked it out moat thoroughly.^

.r; M . S T IG K R , iThe teal b u m oT the writer aioat iccou- paiiy Ibe Article—u«t nwinwarlly rorpub- llcaliun, l>utAs a auaranty ot gowl lAldi. H a . i u w i & 4 lU lX A - T lO y A L .

' Roaulttiiiti . r iR w itn l h r Ilm ry-W wel Drauhau : 1 •

t in t It la the taarrtrthw of ihlr weetlas ■liht Uw fn w l'ul|til o f thr i'Rin-1 StAUe, a* tlw treugakanl ntnttaiw. of irji llA trao l p#»llc; Wilflincli1.*anr NjuwI by j thrh i l W i a e 1 in n .rM I*u li» n l t«» Kwwtom, IA Ad<W»n- tbr lelM * f lit* Ciwi: lata IrauilHbarlapiai away a iRuTarhn,. s> k-'ia Lkrj. lu ir aavn ifu lly t-aghi tuif- I WjUtk-, wall! tWHr h «w - «w ,>1. w.l. |r, tlw.-l r ttthn.1 raragp.1, sa t cnljf.

■.■ - S k ^ u n o * T d > w a e » ’

I . Q T 8 P O H A A x k .

: T W O W S W B O O T H * i u '^wtriUhlAw.ap-amAW,'- e -

T W O 1TARM3 TX 0 0 (^ 3 O R 0E S ,F a n llia u H — I t ia eutimated thal

J,rk? the Ua**aie order, at s w e a t , rem-'■lar tain* nlejut l.SSO.UOO members, f t f L .

this a iiB Srt 1M!,«00 are in Fji-U ltd, 3 (Hyl'EIUT. OOhD HOCSfci TO . 11RI,ft*XI .in Scoilwml, and M,<MM1 in ; i w U i a . i k r | n . u . | O T a r

' T - Ir^mMd. » Thure -raahu -i «00,tHW ut, -*»• “ * _S i . r f K w W ' » « , « » i i ; _ _ A * » w g h o t o . J j U

L i. U d D . ’S i I ' f t ’ y - . - ' i v y K t C * >• lu it iih d n e r j y tw , and the ■ U H M O T * W UVHtHSi.1

n a b.*dr iswiid to hr «WTJwh*pe ilWTwa* ' :mar. * : atL-amo w j j t r r o

M t vh o p t r i t o anrt.-tj, with via- dliha and judgnn-nt. the ' Liuolit o f.a putiioti o f Id* W g r , atl| f j i l t»> reap a richer m m l than1 mrV-<- pvraunal uahticu or love o f m « i* y can »«wure.

The c hoice o f ,*n omiUMiuB shoald be CH>raid<rod with all the i-ar* and thinlgUl duu tu a nialtor that >• d*v- to what (nay be a choice for life- I t ia- ila fo s a l lm u n v l "ther Uiuinv, and i f » i IIrat wiaely mad*. »*othing will be araated, nothing 1>»I, hh<l UA- w ill be a aoutiiauvd laugrum. Uauwliet

latum that has sought had found hqnm in atrnvta whow aniubera rank amuag the handrvd*. Thia na o v a rat lay and erf gold, he m M 1

would bare sold the l i , aetw and t l * W "«-lk eS f

Wb4>;lwe« merely fo r re lf ibid to p i t - ifjr pjaibition, U a trait in-'-'$■> bin utrn wetfhru, hit cMa#try aw l his ra.. . latlm vfaaidater ut Waslungfon it is a .*chW«T Ua afcaHtira that W v wen for him the admiration o f thwW-orW. bat the tori that duty » t > »uW»-fne, and that althnUgb h « lutig.nl for and tho qu kt at huvuv.he Mu rthci-<l it all at the ta ll t*r lud nuuntjy. bti.) put his life and fartnqr at stake gjpon a |*T- iknts issQr. TTksdHfohnem ttuikrw a tea really gTeuter than miil.inaa.

A ebaace uf u au p sd a i uuklu nn

hnutiuss i*«Tt n f the rity. The Hmf-■ua B in * Bailiuud ha* ila depot iu SOth bh, tlta lia r lute in Sfilk Hu, and the New Haven in H tfc « t , UrtvtW i there strcetB and the centre o f bum- 1 nose Tie* a long d istance to lie tcatvra- ed by stages and hone cars, both uf winch are ia a degree uncertain - and anoWnfottablc. In general they are crowd**!, cold in V n trr and tn fom . bug in Mtiuincr, and with many Jia- b ill lie* tu delenboti, the business man ’ iu haate tu got (lawn tuwn, drs-adstlnv bncra ing the rity w o rt thnu any part o f H » mote.

T\uo ia a difficulty New Y.wk bun- “ * * * " wi*h bumaa in oar New dor- j aey towns adjacent to New York do not ennnnter. The ferries nm iert- tag with our railroads nsu in tliefowr>r p u t o f the cjty, only n few m LliuW ;walk from tha very hrart uf Use saty’a 1

iuipridual i i t t i i f| i i i « « lusvn r*-»ult.-d frrau tba pTrueuUe and' (day o f Lkm£ priiari|ilM tba a u f |ihyUrnl til fou p tM sctiw|»>lw ie m n y l K t w y s C mitt VI be f tan tod at the duraykt .«T . ■Vberi/u . V t d f f f *

No H r irmiramiriiWvsPtswo-kt iBdtsm f D c^n.— fisri any (Kaj; la thr madvml Is-lran lliw. caa to. fforaiwt o f tktoarW W an si IS] Bndstvay. sat to to lla i als Trll totow for ifor aaom. and thr aarchaarths«F (tor mtrn ortRs W Srsient wMto KLa-law iwhtfor. HTeway by i l l anas

m will pndatiilv lead to tituui ■ iiiiinisair il U u d itu , y r t lu*w m o o , o f which ib e na- laa|.y h a r W and art " jot* th e * c»4 in l-arsti.m it is capable- prik' ip V s with lU H lI j a aertotts r*t ey o f a v atoh dcjs-ucU fli-cftitm npn* rlv-ST more fssrial efi tua part* b^Litg m. ad foci*. Yrookamwu |tr«Hrt»cvi*ed awl or, that r.'lnti#u toewch uu ( u u la l nutioas u f another, they intnulnl b r ib e maker, «-il| untorluia a tlialiku tu him, and

ktijd mechanjtti. ftf man by w„rda <•» acta they V ill ritto-r blast n T**nl powci| an*t o ld- his reputation nr injure ItU inUnenerj ■ life by the jjrulsrr ail- nm) by studying <*i|ly mlf-ilttrnwt, 1 his Vurioui jpnwsaa-— nuj hoarding up till h*r ss-lf-Kratific*-

tioa and aolf-advnnct’BieuI, they will, n a T l k m i * uwfotnaiisnaWy l * t sandy, slay thww

. Taa r u n r i l a t Union tVllr^n- from tv.hr y i tody to Albany. X . Y., u d n io - kinft St in om oed io ii with the Albany

Tfiiiif In'iChrixtiaiissotialiOH.

— is v — r —ea| 111 at il till* eiim-n* of'.Albs I in sc fdUOJOll, the In ig f r i f.vtlejCc will (uDMiit to ph.' ai itii-ot an t traasfrr tlw* i-njirr api#r»Kis, ua'UW’ s KbrSu, ,• the t-olleg** endow mont, Hi<iw tod a t rate millkm lira hgtoirw - u d dolls ra. T|

A, y t ’ sa A . T -?torr J. K. » v i l ' 11 Mai

ItW W fs

lust ia training the journey’ * starting .‘point

Growing ant n f Nuw York 's rapid uofMau is tJis Mpt-naivene** attond- rag rity life. As the rity herntnea a c r e rnnrilid, home* ant in g m t r r damnnl and rents pirciportioliatoly large, «fHn^srBiag men r k i ore not poaitii'ely » mil thy, and some who are, to seek lirauea oiitsidn <>f X m rT orV . Besiilen U ia j i c r York i n | fast he - UOtoing the very ri-h Bad very poor, the former o f w hom lira tltoru becausu they must Iuj Hour the labor that give* them daily hrna'I. The class who have much oT the strength and virtue 1 o f society, subject to uoitiutr grout 1 toiuptaiiona uf woakh ut poverty, ia . the clues that Min tributes largely to i the growth o f townd adjacent tu New York.

Ajiuthrr reisun for the groarib o f i Plainfield in t i e past and uCpUCUttrai* fa t faet future grus th, to found iti the

T Iu t i- mm « lark's filhu »ia*tfo 3tei ting in b vW lf nf th * I 'r s W ** W 4 ut th# Cooper lusbtulc. NaW^York, un i'riitoy uveniug o f hist a to t . AJ drpsHci were rtindc hv W di, Unllen Itryant, P cv l y . Ik1 llow s Itr. Cnwby, lLaiirj W an l Tfoccht-r and - .iKcra.

H>* Mryiuil ituiil: .

trui to himself, and fotui t*J none, without Itotug a illuig (•» pul naiili; proju.iirw and fiad^mst in every uuvj *n*t wrthuat tuiiHf n w ly to distribule uf his moana and Jaflanurv* n to ltcr Ida Iwruinnuity a p l k ii iw v , Q l»w■ *iipi*rtanL that issuh u l s*u) aussi rtha HBiwtiitaa, W hat atu 1 to gn o ■pi' Hraf much am I to jrivw out f

HfRu**l Coaairxsi: wc.mjto.— A t thet tm a d w l wUfc-ticiu iu "VY,hjh>sUt , rv <w|jj11 *br»- K la a n l Ksria n-1 U c . V. Baker'wen' risctnl i,»>,n —rv o f the D u ih l c f Hrluml tlumiailtto. in Graf, ton, lions.. Mis* Jana E. p'arrr-n has Viv a ffo ' tc'l ru-lilla \m-a.j«-v in the HcluuA C*Kumitt*-c WUoXfcii doubtthat tha* intrreits nf thi* im*vLi*- sHnwds‘w ill kkjiesi»ti<d by i i m v A n i ? pur-

B U in t o s t iu n u IM UKHTWHI^.W Ito lt las larxrwwlile sfrtT a Au.».s’s Ifaraovwn (a pnihten or I)u i m H inDnlawis) tot’* H. fkto

or iiiek>. Crvw. Ills n I*1iiisJs In II* at 11-4*1, a*(*ur iiwlialiluri from ihr rarflrsl pcrlmkiai' Its Ills m ry ny itoUrwrtt ra®. tu i ssto w**s ito is rtou ilawu-if, E(iru|s:sn u i y M k u — Crete was the rti>i of the <invk oii|iis»,inl- tks Ibitl l uibr.icxif CUriiciaullto A t all eartr flurlwl, suit fora Ion* t in e Ciets was"a ifojuimir 0*1 thr la-newrsUc muM,

N E W '

Page 5: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

C E N T R A L N E W J E R S E Y T P E S . - T H 1JR SU A Y , ' J A N U A R Y .4 , 1 3 G0 ,nev (jooiw. r he itii ml* «II <Ur tvopfniig

from hi* brniitM, directing

m k W f t f e lU tn V q

I. and n wionl*t»l wild t of rlk* wolr thru child : )ipl dMialsKijrn,

/VtMVHfer -Ff*iArw U i i , H a t o f

WIJvf t-H JBit*SU«q»KST,T5tk Ecirta Train DU

riyesHI U» »>!• •» |^,r IT.*jlrlJ IT MS. fcU.


Caps, F u rs* Straw Goods.luics' t ewLDREas noun hats

Awl M*i wrah. I in j <*)«( mbblay aat —Sff* >h, l»ar!— »We h#>- nothing u> r*d, amt n , mother

W ill dir!Marrffl*. i « r lM i at tajr m*l cV c.Jn*t i— T T ill tbr l»-i o f Uw burning tmrnttv l i jp * .<hH d :iU -now; , .Out Ifc I I 'n o * .H e Ivirll uj t v troth, tbo' ynn *U j*a>

Aral 4 **-. i'll w*nr the toother will

<d« th*R*l

Country Seats, A?m Farms,




FIH«T ptfeBSI, nr.ndc.1PUinleld, S. J,

VAITgY ARXIC tEB .itawiW >< t

H ouses E rected to Order F a l l A W i a t w H u AO F F A S H K n t i i r X

, t


F I B S 1- 1 Y Y i

Tie Greal Sndiiir CoiThe Euph<*uinn TrtkrJir#,r a i f f v n i f i l , Uptota SI I lili n. hr, at

l 4 ia M lb c t r ic p r o a t O i l ,F ” “PH TSICU BP F B B K R ira O IlS !

\ VD hi a pip i wans pw ml h P ’ ■*

F - t o l u * ^ OrpSaadr

o p e ^ w « i


with, h en t ll SBCOWKL Ho ah hmii, wk ngh sIioti-1 coal,'porter in. a *tt»r**; if lu> haa 3talent, *ud inAimtrr to will i fort u be. Out of-the rirlusnt, New l'o fk began a* porter,;


C f f t l t i n f t E x t r e m e . ^


S h a w l s . n D n M . c t i iS K W iw ,OiiKSH tMKtdS. E ll KTO *H it.MILS, m .n v i> , HOSIERY, ItlhBoxs, 4,-„

V I C K S l

l l o , t a l c i e i d e"A - r — wumaii that-rflf #tny

at Lome, elntjneiit prcntdieT that will pte*cb h alx>rt lermon, a good writer Umt Will hut write tad fnueh, *u4 a fool^who has ruffle-lent t e a r tooTpoR**, “ lOtllN

•ead the furctont- iims to da iartty Shu did,'* * C the ri?i

ha* done pwriw«Taa*,r «T| winai it i* -a.1 lr-' wHtaSTajiwa-

T“J r -!._a«a. C o l d W i n t e r■ : — 1 ' in o o w n m o .i

m i d u u e d h n«D m l a m a i m m . V M * » a a w * a n d m ™

- P U R S * ' H A T S ,

n x ^ il ikTO EXatUNQE >-<m

C O U N T R Y PROPER fY . w y - 7* ^ r r - * 7* *

. . i " j: : L B. SQUIBB,’

did when'struggling f « r tir go-a to l i t a ton* hefiin* the p deliver, the Ho v ithe bu»ine«8 la Imnaactcd, eiago ju»| 'uj., the door locked, he rxrri<r*'tlto key* to hi* 01Ho tiuy* efri’ty H iio j fa r e v t •far n u L I He ia U r awn 'cin ' book-kmiirr. He tell* from Of tan or a iwttud o f sugar 1 W . N ddlU i ark* Efftis j What they pirn fear to b * hay t

AtjtASge . gj pHiml Bt-

.13 t tiajtHA'r*”

N E W JE RSE Y pE A jb .Efl^ATE.

Page 6: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

r i ' i i f i ii - T - 1 • ■ * - >■ ■ ■ f ■

g E N T f e A L J R K 3 E Y T I M K a .—T H U K B U A Y . J A N U A R Y 14 ,

[4 SO NS, minW d y e * wrereUdy the « * * » ! » « * ■ “ f •out* p feuutes? n k « *omo *Titer. Ik , you knew hew little it takes to make a mwftitwd* happy ? Such tri­fle* u * peany, ■ woiti, ur * mntile no the r ink . There are two or three boys im m p c along— give them each ft c bantu at, nwl hew uniting they look! they w ill Hot be (T on Tor w m f time. A poor widow Err* in the nrighlwr- huod. who ia the toother o f half ■ (l<wn children. Send them ft half peck o f n rH t apples, and they Will all be happy. A child ha* lost hi* arrow— the world to him— and he mourn« s a lly ; help him t » find i t or make him another, aad how quickly w ill the aauhiae play over the sober face. A U it has a* much a* he ran do to pile ap a lead o f wood ; asaiat him a few. im W iiU , or apeak a plena- ant word to him, and he forget* hi* toil, and work* away without minding i i . Tou r apprentice ha* broken a mug, <W cut the » r i too large, or

-•lightly injured a piece o f work Bay “ You around re l " and h* feel* nuaar-able ; but remark, " I am sorry,” and be Will try to do better. You employ a maa, pay him cheerfully, and speak a pleasant word to him, uod he lea re* yoUr km s* with a contacted heart, to ligh t ap hi* o n hearth with m i l *

to enter the Kingdom o f i l n m it n for tlie rest u f the world, fancies she is leading the ehil when, after nil, the children areiu(£ her ; *nd they Veep her, in r f i m the riser is the narrowest the. air is llie clearest; ind the oniltg o f a radiant band is so pi seen from the other siting, that it woftder that slie *o often let* g c law upon tha little Ik g r r l s


P U inflaktM in*.i p m u m F E U .

f t 4> t o r THE L iH im ADD* HO* X ^rtS aM priy lo c it ta i ia T it* a n .



■WATCH. MOTHER-' Moihrr. wsleb iJm' lltUr Set.

Clkni'rlaji o'er ibt esekw wall.Ho mutiny llirvayti ihr l i f t f street.

Hanging cellar, sited and ball, Hirer conut On nKHaents lust.

Never const llte lime I * costs,tinkle IIMU] mater. whUeyoa m . Mother, m lrb the little Mhd -

Picking berries be the Way.Making house* in jU

TirSsiu* ap tJ>e [rs-fsnt h*y. S n vr ib ir tbt (lueslloo n*h —

!Why To roe l|>is wesry task ** H e same little tomb n - r j is n .

Messenger* of Ughl sod Isrve Mather, watch the 111 Ur la w s ,

PuilU l.g . l..|UrUl *bd W|kl. D O W N T H E Y


Lnter, Cwl i ffioi Mc o n n t o d ( ? u > s r n i i .

I V k s ta s li lH s it lu s t ■ i is * i*( *1drwn ia to saw “G uns what I see in this fncim,*’ beginning with giringthe ini tiki letter o f something in the room; each child i. allowed to ifusss in rota- twft till on* ia sureenaful, wlwen that child hna the pririltgw o f g iv ing M l tha K i t thing to he gucased. This gam# w ill eenumend itself to mothers who nr* vary b u r, as H i u s » i ia the fens* interfere with their week, crew i f they participate, a* I often du, in Us* game. M y children haea test) interested in it tor hours tuw .lto-r, of­ten peculiar their elder*, aftd contrib­uting greedy to the * mn**b*oat o f Us all. jlremeniher an instance in which W LltU s**en-year old dawhtar gave mat Ii, 8. n er oumrudee M ed it ua-


GMAMSTC O A L ,H fR U lU Y A M I O A K * jA » l >

« s * w « s w t a c !

COM STOVES SWo w r s a s i r i f ^A g r i e v l t u n t i I r n p l

H u o w im . m iW o o d A W illow


Caswmcrs, 1

* Flannels, j

| blankets. |

. ’ s Carjieta, *


Cupratera' A Mmons’ -Todi,FLOWS M O C iS TN tM .between individual*

f mem to inherit the ivery vital act ia bar-

T in R o o f i x e a in» 1 J i m n n o j — n y f fg

W U V * O ff A L Lare ill constructed and imperfectly fitted and proportioned. W e see about us those to whom life is ft rtmMaut Miy victory over the vlrRHink aad Races o f the outside i world, and hr their aide thorn to a bom the mere labor o f existence ia cnwngli and more limn euou^h to task s lltb iif pnrns. Itx- raluliF.ni is a fuiuhon to width cer­tain person.* bit? born, iu ahem are horn to poetry or art a* their railing.

All__IP-.IJJ T/J-.U

Was H e a M ag !*~ }s one o f the qu id town* o f Ifauachiiantte, s yo u iy lady who had an accutuplLhed educa­tion, and nil the charms o f modest Iwauty and nohfe intellect, went to ft rtuIntelIer, who *rn» daily-enticing hpr father to drink, tfitt*nditig soon to pon­ses* hi* sung little farm. She told hint he was rot oftly destroying her lather, but bringing rain and di»- grace on W and her mother. Oh, he •aid, she would *con be married—she send not trouble hemelf. She replied


" H ELL A S C D E A F ^ S

A . T * S T E W A R T | c 0 0 .

At his Items I (torn In Hvw T**k CHy.

House-fceaping Oato*W « J nwd WIDOW W * i i

C L " t U U « t Y A N K E E K W O lij

Page 7: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

T k e C h i l u h e n V C o u i u n

W h « I be lemon* “ *l U*ft* air i l l railnl.Aw) the ~-h<K4 e t the iter In i!liivnl'»<'d.

Aw ) the little Me* (father anrtnhl uw.To hW K C n 1 >u*hl awl be t l » l .

Ob. t lr little whits arm* thal HH-irvL..Jlr ArT'fc !» a Irwlur ™lirwT ‘

Oh. the smUtw Oat ate hahai at hearm,dtmhilng vunehliv* o f lov* a* imy fact-!

A im’ when ih p «rr p a r I ' l l rimming OfHX chil4h«»i»l, tt«> lo te lf to last ;

O f lore that for bear* Wilt morwlxr,W M It a tt™ to the point- o f (he pant;

Ere the KorlJ awl tin w Vt-krOaM rnaile nr A parln-t itf aoTTikit ami 'to ;

tVhra the friary « f Gml m a* about inr.And the rl«ry or gtaciatw* <nrM a.

Ob. B l heart.p™ wb Wrek an a womanV, Awl ibr fiofnlniw'ff fi-rlin* will Wo**.

When 1 think’ of the path* alwp m l "tony. When- the fret of the clrar uonvuiuM jpi;

O/ the monn tal n* - "f *ln hanjjIn^oVr Ibr-iii.O f the Irn W 'l o f F'ale lilowinn wild

Ob ! then la mitliinjiioi earth half wi huly A » the Innocent I wort »r a child!

They art Mol* orhenrt> awl orhowhohU, They are iW,i U of God In dln^iitB! ;

Hia ranltjfbl atilt tritvp* in their tp «e * ;

They hare made mr won- lunnly jn l mild! And I fcnuvr bow Jwa» roaMI llkra

The hi ngdep o f God 1o ■ ililtl-

1 o k not a lift PA the <lrar one*.All rndUntaa oibc-w have done :

Bet that lift may hare Jivet enoo»h shiriuwTo temper the ffiapeof Ihr boo ;

} would pray Oo«1 to gnanl th. ni from evil. Uni my prate Would bound hark to

myaelr;Ah I a oeraph awy p*aj- r..r ■ 'inner

Bat a einttcT mast i « j - tor hlmarlf.

The twig In w tedl T ben-1 ed.I have lianloht'1 the rulr and Ike rod ;

1 lure la ugh l them Vh« xi'MliAcws! bnoNi’l-

T te j ham tansthf. me (hr goulivna of

would iA Via (nod tim* afford Vita maae opjvortwsitr o f bring

, use fid to Via mother e*d to otben, be | Dili m hi a V a p i h f L .■■ H r awoke £ > iW C f t t . u i f r™ *

a a m s , under lb * jtvpag jays. ,ai na j that the T rvw h and S i r u i u anuy I

. wax approeshiag. Ha tty ld not shake* j “ “ ’ ‘ WM with th « 1

U f f f i n s u r a n c e .

O O i m V E S t l L

• A L L B I G

Mr fina l la saRcWnt corwrllou :My lore la the law o f (be

J shall le»Tr thr vM Ib i w In lb TV* Ira ceric it* Ihnabuhl no more:

Ah ! how 1 Shall «!*ti » « r (hr d n r (tor*.Thai nwet laerarh»u*m at Hi-' door;

I shall naiie Ike " f f o l n lfliw ' and the Mmeo, I *

And Use gush of their iobweat alee. The «TV*f> on the green, and (hr In w r .

Thai ere broughi t i l r j inoralag to mr I shall nslm them at mom am) ai cys .

Thdrsuag la the arbuoi and the «trm ;I shall mbs the low hum o f tM n a lc n ,

And the team p of their Aellralr frrl. When Me lewsom and ta*k» are all ended,

And death mr*. " T V school b die m fared f


I widow KtbJ ife aba te hat *h t a mountain Tillage o f the Alpn. Hax only th ildw os » poor oriv-pio. H * was o kiwd haartwd te y . HeLead hia mother, and would gladlyham W p « l bat * . I w r tte b m b »ofpoverty ; bat hi* V d lm s m forbade it- H a m m ldast *h«u jo in in the rod* sports o f the young m.f»anmid. m m . A t tte age o f fifteen je k n he fish I n m ^ the fart that ha

I t wo* at this period that Napolecm Bonaparte ram making hia power felt throughout Enruhe. ’ H e had daereed t W & l ^ f m V ' ’ “_____________ . . I belong to B * -rana, andnet to A u ir ia , anal u e t a K m u c h a m i D a t u m arruy to t n u n -

i bin porpoao*. The Auatriaca Th e Tryuleie resisted ra l-

u n t lr . afan, woiwen, and child ten of tbs manalain lamd ware filled with aaal «■ (b b a m o f their homes On

ptuh I

das ln jcd in a >J an lm e e m

hurled upon themby an unseen be .

A w en t a m i _n m g the Tyrolean, tiy which thp a t h o f the enemy was to be mankwted h r signal fires from ri tn s illu e , taneethw ,

the ap-

1 height, and wiubustible matenala

were laid to giro instant alarm, IV e t HUs * in wW ch th* crip -

teg , an 1 his mother UtmI waa in *ha fiai’ i 1 Bae e f the nm t» the French army weald take, and the people w en h i! s i anxiety and few - A i l w en

widow and he r s r ^ ^ M r s s r .

* said she, w e n a i u " i t is well lo r u i now ttetpen can bo o f finle use; Any Weald das make a soldier o f yon.’' T ins struck a tender cord. The mars rolled from hia cheek, ‘ Hother, 1 am useless," cried Hans in bitter grief.Look round our village— all s A b uy , ah reedy to strire llir home and fath- mtend t I am M a le s ’*

*'My boy, my kind,. dear too, yon » e not useless to sue.’*'

“ b’es, to you ; I cannot work ibr h e , « n » o t Bupport yoa in old age. Why was I made, mother ! " ■

“Hush, H m s , " said hia m other; ‘Veu kfmw then* repiaing though t* •«a w m w . T ea w ill lira to find the hath o f the old prove r+v—

■Gw) has Ills Jdsn ‘, FweTsry man-'" j

I d lh itiii ita lic Uinil that am a Snr ja sk s had pamod, U iU truth w te to te verified In a s t r a in manner.

Vaster IwKdaya, the festir. seaeoa ° f D v iim iia d , m e - The people lost fteb- tear* o f In-raaion in tba sporteof fha eeeeoa. A ll warn bogy iw the row - ^■making—aB bat Hana H e stood Uo m oa the posoh o f his 1 n o T w k o l h x f f e ~

ho jW of Iwinx rid o f it,'Vo arose, ho*tilr ilnasad tijn s*H wad strolled up the laountaia path. The m d a ir did him wood, and h* cvikthtbed VU walk till h * r lim b ri to the signal pile. Haas walked round the |»n«; hat where were the watehecnf They wan S fli bcrv to be seen, and perhaps theyWPfvs baded with the hieUvitum nf thevi]ltgv. Near th* pile was an eld pine

1 Tree ; and ia its hollow stem she tin- dor WOs lakl f f t i y Una* paused br th» anruiat tree; s a l ts he listened, a singular KHind cnaghf kts attention, now qaickened by the [wculiar ciT- ciioutsaccs In which he (omul himself, and hy th* iwirvytioa that much might depend on bins.. - He hoard a eh’w and stealthy tread, then the click o f rndvlrtv, end two tbldiera i-r**pt nl.mg tW cliff; seeing .no iAuv, fie K l i n wo* hidden by tty old tree, they gave the signal to some comrades in th* distance.

llano saw instantly t ty plot sad ibe danger. The v «n d o f the signal pile had been revealed to the enemy ; a jiafty had been amt forward th destror (t ;■ the army was marc king to attack the village. W ith no thought o f his own peril, and perhaps recalling the proverb hi# mother had quoted, be seised the tinder, r tn t fl th* light, and Hung the b lu in g tarpbntine bread isH the pile-

The two soldiers, whose backs were theV ' tam ed to the pile wsitiag tte arrival Gt their rararadea, were seised with fea r: but they sow h w there were US l e v ia uabwsh ; holy a single vouch tanning down t ty mountain path- They fired, and Judged a ballet m t ty boy's shomhW. kty th* *igaol- Irrc was m i n e high, and the whole coaatry would t e nreatyd. I t was ■ Irately Massed h n e o tn u ia lop to mountain JVc plan o f tha ndvnaesngarmy was ilsf ssiail, vuul* tea tr ra-treat fidtewvd.

lUna, Jaint oad bWnli wg, mads his way to the village. The people with

C E N T R A L , K E W J E K i iE Y T IM E a . - T H t r i i s D X Y , J A N U A R Y 14, 1V t y v m . '

I I T A s u x tr

N E W I X R f K T

A t t t e O U M u i

rasa mustering thia snnstiteatye, 1

q a iry was m m h a * knnrd, “ W h o lighted the pile V “ I t was L mid «

F b * crippled Haas M im e d amoag (hem saying, ‘T h e — s ia j; the F iw c h w w * i t , * . 1’ U . A K t y 'npon the gnvamL “T a k e me to ru.Ah*r,” said he, "at t y l have baad TiesUii ’’

T t y y stooped te Uft hil*, “ TV hM h t t y r thoyecied, *-he h m b e a a s te * I t 1* ten* ; H a ns the c rip tte Van sa­ved us.” I t y n n i* d him horn# to hie mother, gad t y d him te fu m ter. As she bowed ia a o g te A 4W Id* pel* Ckoe, Hana npetied his e yw and said, “ I t la not new, dear toother, should weep lo t n s *, 1 am hnppy t T ea, t e s te r, it if tree,

, “ S>odhseHlspl*dl r.w rrrrj------- 1

T o d *ee he te d It fur mo, though we did not Luow v is '-tiy whet it w a a ' "

H u * did net recover from his wound j hat he lived long enough te know" that ha had been n f tin* tn hit village and to hia country ; be lived te

motlwc— to te a r that she Would be re-m v d and hoaored in the community which her sou had p m a f te d at tte

_ r, __... __a ~rfHawnTo w a rd the eloaa o f Eaatet-day, al

‘ sr,ia w h itt the 7atte

hrtya usual tren im peny«r,ia which hahveathedflie petftioa that T '

l a A aebis oaatle th a n t ty * lira d a very rich kaighL H e expaSuled much money ia adoeniag aad t y aadiyiag b»S dwelling, but t e gave t itle to tte poor, A weary pilgrim efim* to the castlennd asked ter a night's lodging. T t e knight U n w h u ly refused him.and said, “ Thia c a a U e is a o ta a ty ." The p ilg rim replied 1 “ Psswrijt i»e t y j j

dep a rt." • . . I1? . .r t - p o . this nrnditkm sptyk.” arid

the k n ig h t : I w ill n s n | ]i on*war

r ° T te PilgtTtB then said tiai h im :— ‘ W h o d w e ll im. this c t y le tetur*

kasght.A n d who w ill dwell ty re after

jo n r etOl asked tte mtgrim.T t e knight said. “ W ith Ood s w01

m ye S h , - -1 .a id tte pilgriaa

dwells bat bin time ia tte caste ' amt M Ah

•JTL_____ J t e t e W hy*meeh teoaev in edam m * a dweUieg

tar ‘ te that hath p ity ajH>D - tte poor k u d e th a a to the Ite d , aad that which K . B U g i n . " U *• j * r Urn

Ttyl- - rheart- B * * te te »for the aigbt, • »* « • evwrffrscwnid mote eheritahla toward t te peer —Yrmt 4 -

'Je . T * S r a a V 5 S ? a i i i ^ * E ^>t n w T S s ”A 5 *.

L I F E I I S I J F D X E C O M P A N Y. o f r a r B W y o m . F I L L C U F U C I !

O S m , W o . 3 B I W > V L , o K i n fir m i l

w it h a n r a u i i . eftew o r

o m c E n f i :

J U B T I J 8 E N U E , Y t e f r a a m n i *

O . H I I T Q . V 8 C R I B H E E .i "* . vBrinufrjJtv: ■ ’ •


B . C - F R O S T . MwawsL ExAgnitw .

E . D . W f l E S r E S . K . D .

T H » * < * r o i U ! CJA M E S B. O O L p A TE ,

A u i H i t i n l l l l S I l l t l ,

n u n s f i T M - W i f l E ,

tl**» SaeMary s^SiamJ J l H T t S I -A * R E > t l i

0. H iL f O M i r t u S e i r 1 .. Vice- F it vtdrnl

J O h t l 'I I T . S i E ll.

N h. U U b w j

' - i 'a w l e v m v w a k t i t y r s e t a

* 4 ___ ■T N . . S M C T - N N M i p f O ,

h l i U A H O W BceJArtf.*"**h ^e fth M. Htevrt.fr Co,, h i f r i v

L I T i l E H W. P IM n if .

E -i 6 ; “

P O B 0 A . f e i H : .

t f i ,k u n t o R i r r , J

n a i M N i s n i i mfo te te teael to X t y Im, I W , ] « J M ,

“ a s s

fraoanw u* ^ i v ^ i r u T a m « m j .v.1: - ' I s.

e t y as W las a 'N O N O t n M E U IJU U B D

P o J l t - i O H N o i L E o r i e i t a b l e .

ss its .’s ^ s .-^ jr ta s ^ .r i - W I t o f - r o o t o * T r i w n .

3 jg £ t t je i is s f is s t i

B p p ii— -

H O M E O P A T H I Ci . .

| 1 . ; M U T U A L .V . v i . i . i q . m m i o o i i n a -

A H om e in thc C ounti} .!; ■



C O M P 1 I V .v

■ o te t o a js — ite tto j m .

* ' *

• T t y r Acs as j ,

artm aiysffiM Tw t, ^N o . S 3 ! - B r t m d w a y .

National .Company.

nnw rPtsT

r s s a ;

■ m a w k e en ir khm stwaiesy am* w i* w w ( s J

LAUIE8, LOOK AT THIS!/ t e sts insured at same rat* *s m

Al l P a i j n n K o jv -f o w tlT ia U . A u D u n a m K w h

P k f s e w i r i l >M< "m .Mr m t r ia r — em . . .. f i u - o i m o i u i D o c a t r i n .

V . i . T . M A H B H A U j.^

How. a L WOODFORD.utec sier. a t e W lh v T W

JA3CES CUSHIMO, Jm,v l V e r k n a s M i f t . -

E D W A R D R- K A R ff8 ,a _ _



QEOROE O. LAKE,i*m ♦Msemn . s n

Haw : R I C H A R D K S U I , f w A U i a aJohn enrpKisa l

w . c . DCOTOIT,eSvatif. l a v s e t f t

DETER LANO,•* s T L t y a

W . B . K E N D A L L .. sfUmtswIftsf

H . I f . W A R M E R ,


W U H A N B A P D f r

THOM AS B ASTEN;i H t y r m

Q , B . H A M M O N D , ^

K S T U B U l ^J A H U C t M U l R

O. ( r s n K I T . Sun .

TftW iiT UWWMOM,s s - y w a i a v i i

j o n r o i x m .

' ■ - - - - — a(V rf g V F T , D m a m p * u

Cook S tove* m d t e g s ,


B b T T 2 > n r 0 2 f r s '


t f . * - i iH o i r H 810X FBOKT « 3i u r .

[ H s i a M A ■

A Mifeck t o rant aaotm “ O ^ A A R F O R O A f f l f ,

r 11 .^1 . vUB j m ^ t^ a tye.WNsiaaa

f a t t e r f o l t o .

O O lf l l lT N IP A W ,

PASWOOD. ’ S , <

■ b E n g e n r d i i f i ^ '**P L A t N F t E L D ,

T j . T g \ p F T t l |

l i t T C F X I X N , v

, R D 6 E L L E , .

o r u u w u p a

A t L^ v x r P fi icn tk ty « m o f ­’ fen d ik F U in itiM


O o t m t w g T i e n a w , T n g p o , H v i i T i i R

F r o n t , O n * t n T r r e n t u .4 c r e * . *B A D fc IR lM M C fO d , ' .I W H U K R C O R D A l l l l

B U IL D IN G S IT E S . m c ^ » f * a * e » . i■ i F A N C Y PICTURES,

Lund iri Blocks by the A c re , »:- oxd

V HOfcsEb AND LOTA, ! * a t y T a t t s t

S i ,f i3 *4 rtS8 5j

A - ix h o w ;

. n v a i l w i i !

B f l T T E H , C H E E S E , L A R D , Z O O fl, H A M , AC -

F R O N T S T R E E T ,( l i | t o N n m n i m .

r t e u r u i f t , m. *■ -I

Hn Funliu lin,


O r f V S B T o d c B I P T I O K .

j r T iA l t W a n t s P r t & n p t i f t M e t ,

* i r 5 a £ ? ~

A L L K IN D S * r F I i a S m i l K

R epa ir and Upholster

• " a K S t y g i g g - T t f e - r

' £ £ 3 3 £ £

_ _ _ ^ 1

HJUEbREssrHfi. G m y wr W d M r ta t y t y p

I t e f f luItwtRMFAIAO fllU X|hl_

m t a c O K E B A ^ f i

l E. f i r A L R A V E l t ,u r a t t i i j r t H A L u r i 'u r iH ita rGOODS

o r ( V V V T d S s o b i p t i o h .

WMWdTw&BI B M u M iY , b c im rd tk flfc, *

w m u i l u ^ mv*

t I. m Maty, mft

g S C B b i » v

Page 8: P L A IN F IR L U , N .J · 2015-02-09 · irr utrr, Hu- low grnttnif in The renr brought

C E N T R A L n e w J E R S E Y T IM E S .—THTJIi£> D A Y , j f f A N U A R Y L 4, ; ! * • » .

BU SINESS CA KI?S. A T H O M S A M I} A is HO A It.A B y jib w .ir •tore m t^ n a. up*-


f ^ r u , coliad Uw E a t hw a started M A fc u il-

;— immi ■' T . r i i t Vp w i n n . — I t ia taut that k t u m w u p tivu of T w n n in and .Ealb ■le, mor.' un tho ourlk aren it tlw only phujjaotii warned eua o f lb * kiiul nt»w going « » - [Tro- rm rrw l Km or K tinkle, o f CanhridqpY J f i «—* -BanoHjitinl at a ran.-i)t UIIM.'tuu o f Hit!

Vaanarhuaetts iLslitut-' o f Taejinol- -ogy that liia a««ua-in4e, rrufiissur |Yin- lock, think* It* Uu m d for lit* last two night* a vulmna in tlio mopn in *t|iv« eruption, D ating Uiu paat year ft>tnfn,'Hi.)rx la v e din.-jo*! in

, t-jHniwii n*;u> the d lnappt«m ic« o f the crater bin m'U-t, marked on the best charts o f ljb« moon's surfn-.s t i l l tho present year; i f i l ls crater ha* dis- uppoaro.l, it is tho first rviilems; o f actually >,Interred dm ii|w going On U tho >urfaraof the lauqa. In this icon-Bct-tioa tho ntafcjurUl v t P to i- 'VTin-lock l>eouli|{sn doubly interesting. ■

H r* Xc4‘ Hr.tnso f l i n t m —Jimminlands on the ixiwst o f Aladka, aror j tlw A leu turn Tides, are repdyied to be great renorts for seals. The Riiaxjunx Shto hitherV" pursued this %>i*ry there, but lta l season Uie - Yunhoe* took ]»»e*4uiia. The m b t f v foimJ •at those islands only in tho mturner s e a s o n thee begin to t n iw la April o r May, and continue tu mine w|d p i through the Miuuner, pceapaiirf’ the , Shores.. often tainting up the bluffli to 4 Cuh*i>lera(»Ie height- The i f nuifib* r is legion Thd young arc brought


N- K . T Q Q I t m N ,W K T K J l

P lu m b e r , S te a m A G a s l i t t e r ,

-d o c r o n q , i v u j w r u l ,lac a f T R i r r > ctTsar Trawl

PLAIN pi El.ft, S J. .

h*Vo found ft ►loan too to 1«JW captivating. tin a when hois m»n ; that is i i toy, a f i »man. A tuaii U a a iw so ' n « er w» porflrt la my ejnho i i b .arriwt at when fi* Itoad, ami thSj fibber o f a f«parting in bid manly anna: children, u id tli* whole do■ which. ij, h b cntrn-i.--nuirried atatnlalHH a roam■ ■m-titutvs a h i t o f hi* 1*01world, l ie a a j l para lj » tthis position, ibp| b * U noMtified by it. f f c m ba app( M tin# e w w iJ o f creation;: only such a atau as this w M tuu l III ine’(” xitol with w| Udfintodtn fh'.iin lute. ISdi JiHstyL'ftirbidiitt i- lfrss Htt|

-S| ,1 r Is- routHl njiyn Tnim these. M s wbo -r.-at |nh».sjliHPii*ii

Msj lie i»n I; bum dje I™ .They a ft rich, MM *#*f * W .Who hstvr itir -ion-piiiohlr.iw"",

PalSrra nfc dlroTf ■luineS ;

dTia, E gyp t

• T a * Pawsi . — ________ __* IlyntoHtb Onm-h,rt Drotddyn; w « *sold at auc tkm for 5.U..‘sSj| Uat weak.

Wnsar-CLiax, tin old Hy re la tiow a j •oldier, ug»d 121 yaan, di*d ia JUek-

fn A jrr.i VL>rntnt is Burma*V !>• I f I hep- he not hafney KdlVA.

dcntlc tlmuahix. iflid n iin i»f" >»Trdst me, tMo^h M* ‘ot he Miull,

-ill.! h. loak.-s iiiit - j n Im-He SkJin llviwai |evtee W hh ill

IV i-IIj in true aia^nifl>v-nce.

I f you'd prurc uTtoJilrjUnl*(% ! heursK j f jmbrSeals n ih r

S viMi in Measureli imsn wurili Ilf ihe -m il.I raluWcasli.

tluld sail siIvcr manfYow Ict dfototM* nay M i i


R , K AD TO K I).

k i * V Crrr,'MwaooH, h a*aJ'LAINjFlRLP. N.J Xixs^H C itt , lu saoori, hsa a pops - Utioa tw «a lj-ew h t thousand - I t Jnul 11 rr'yhonaaqd fire yearf ago.

A N l » J«*a*T State CoiNcntsow o f uJnaris«li o f the Peace” j* ja b* held at T r a c is ib is month. - "

Ora. i j n r w i t died at N « r O r ln n ioti Tbamday night last, after thrwdays' agad fil. '

A kfiJaa aiait has mod the has-

o . II. y n U J I A S , M. !>.,Eftysfrifrw. Anron nmii 1> llAJC ltlllTT , V A ll . fi CO.,

l i t ‘ 111 E W A t C Itl*r> lc .‘ lr : . O rn c i Orr. ljrm T, I’ t iia m riii. N

K liA N K S. WT.LTJ5,3D K T X S T IN N T 'llA N IT e

‘■OastLr.si*' is that ii unae which, like perfumed ! aa.wlalinster Ipiop. fills ma| with light u id a*rtutli andall logt-ther. ft it the enryi il.wp, which, v l.ilc it [lilfaj o f ample inuXiirt, deaden crmlusa l-jufil. I » »* llj

from fnany m In-fe WiU-ile I iff at (iNfcrt the n w l and the w in ters wind- I t toV oil1 which b irisnH l^Vj and fdrgcts Ij^ lf il> miset u lii- hJoiith eohi'-s ina bulai l l |s ein.tiili-Tnl^iil'-.s It H i " f fis'ling. i l j s * unuti. vl It fat ,.e.iii[iHUide o f avuitau Ivan is (U iu dyplb, snd m

Z A C K A R 1 A H W R B S T E E ,

I n s u r a n c e S c a n t , [k*gnE. W . A .N . J iU N YO N ,

3ltf«r»niS R fcsunstllswA T L A W ,

SUna ?U IM KU ! in Esjiio ! ii Hucr.

HATH irmnrd to ■flidi' nea HBre la ftonr .ti.i-U W H U I'.* * 1 oy|»->»-_pest~,~'

a ^ 'w . 'l ip a i fb k T '' mtusoj: *n>*To«8t«a.t C mK

J . B . C O W A R D ,A t t o r n e y a t L a w ,

. v o f i n r . i v ,coaaitoMxra rok yaaiMTLvsaiSt


seems ib a t l lrcr, fttienii-tod to whip a Un toaWilliratolusan, whd .J is lo l m*d left ■-hart. A day f ir f * n Mterwftrdyuutig IIutvliiw.li, iimiih|iuak<l byiii- brother and n fiiitn named Nniitli. v W W the s*:h.-4 Hatsw Iv i tl»* a»w e.| )>uriwM' o f i hasfi-iDg Ihmne, and tiot linmng him lher.>, t V y prr.es.tosd p« his tvriilf'ltee. I ten ne saw them loin ■ng.' and nmuinatsl their » r t « . . l , aawh.1 him-.-1C as nUd did Ur. H a w . cha ' h ijip-u a l t.. Is* nl (fie ht.nas.-7— I In ilieir arrival Hwichioiiu said they iutt bded giving J.iiu (IV aU «) a thrs.l.- iug Minin’ riru. mat rated, when f?Biithdrcwa pistol mel ub.M him dead. This waa a hioiulI fur all to uruduev iiiatoU (W it.-; Ova and b->toatiy Lill.bl f 'lr o s lllitcliiwtn, l.fu llm bf lbs '.M-hiHiUhty. II.- hftd v a r .dv firctl when NniiTH. who had inttantlyk ili.il Moore, lir.nl aaolLcr bartv-l o flus tuiwiUeral H fsii.': liioleAUiina-k hat IhiUd so CmoiudjnMr b w U i M XHmtse tin n lurgtol im Smith and lod­ged tlwee I walls ip l.is( M j . iadicting omutols a im ’ll resulted mortally in a few li.iiMlaa. T »v|.rj ii.inntes alter

Obrrrr" ®lrJitj Ubn do Hera wonji o f ptot^ t i ls y**fS Chicago newsb yearly l a n p t i n u o f fij tb * h » w s r k i oa * o f #150.

I'IH1,\|ULII. X. J.

. i y r i - ' . r t u i .tonne.-tiito 1

(Ad thougbiy i

Ttrr t * 'rrir“ Broadway Bride* is being dspitiliahed by a H at .dealer in that rir&irtj, with fb * conasiA! d t tb* n i y , haring o a t ito-pespb #15,000 to hwiid f t I t o j tX i ago, ;


Iinnue nil Beil Estate i [»t .Hntthiwm. ribaTIfiifh'd M.rf>re ! « ■ Bead on the grouiiil wilhin a few fr-r* o f each! other. JliiltliijOJio hr*’ thrr w *» tits obIv lu-rsen who t x a p d unhurt.

l W iItoTlr : V L A lN F IF .L l», N . J.

H TllJ .m m ir. is !sJr Kl ILK B1*KBUPINEiirt CAKUH.

A l^ iiaw a* — ifan y js a n ago ayoung ITairerwali»r *.|"rgj ina*i started

■ f f l b'- it,WAttrol the

FaosT f l itte r , 0 t » C a i t t r , ,ip f ju N m t b . ,


r W S T T R J k W C E A d E N T , (a il T u m A3 • R u r ia tr S n sm i,

w .re s in n a l

Jo J " tdrtnl a m attU t il to rtus esrwsti*



: - wJ ■ , IB _IFE IR S D R M C E C n m i T .

n A in m i,l), k.

punify, and a -.-ordingly si.rinklad a junk o f beef rather iHiuntifalty with it, fiirihwilh (Dtnulured it into his ra- l*< i. i i i n.outh. Tt MS>n began In take hold. He thm bis nve* wad hi* Iw t ui** begae 1o wablia, Uewdritig a earj isksHncniinit iiatlitiini ph.wi.ally F in a ly be eowld atand it ao ktogar Ha n^cnod his mouth wad streamed

‘■'Tfik* a drink n# Xfid ST*tor M l o f the jaK ." to i l i t o parsua.

“ W ill that pat it hdl f nfcksd Iha martyr, auiling the actl.m |.. the word la a kliort tiuie the un Uirvunate non th-gM k* re c ren sad tam ing to tb* pattoto, b it «y*tMkllferrim irir« ia wa­ter, strlainwrl ■ ■ " , ' .

“Slntnger, jowl ra il yourself a 'Y ar oaliet, 1 believe “

“ I tto,* aaswetail fhp totwad"W a ll, I Stouttokpow i f TWu think

it ta fintudatent wstli yrair belief to go about with bell fisa. jn yunr Lsaeuiw

W i a o T s l f l U t H S I f fln

I- Thei shun 1.1

r ; w :

N . Y A E B ,S U R V E Y O R .

o r n o t m (T il j . n, c o w a r d .




.1001 Pro. CritiFjftiiaa,irR Emm *tIJsal r JsMftftf slO-sM la

Horse-Shoeing and Repairing,MWKHKT «TBKET, S U 1 Kill J NT.

Flamflold-»-*it ____ a a EI.UOTT

£7 - T M y i m i a r . ' a r n t i a a i w t il1ll* t;un Mjr stop-nurther to. raai raw tody,

*5? td.-ctioa Stop.«*toj o f bor, and d » y , : /randwither, httsats bs is tb* rioFtBO toM- o f her tU'p W B; sad my fiuhef is:

t*»r ir* ! '00RET 4 STEWART,

l ' - ' VAdfllONABl.KMnruimsHts. f fsn it Stow*-*, .Or.

rijial ilinv uir, ax ofiuar whi « half IS to i f and street l l r ia citwbwl m rrrr year regfalerad rititous o f tlie ti rm, 11* iw s i tu a salary a yeur, in gold, and a hou* ia samnd in aulltoriijr to thi •if Kstiagawa, who is pewtoi Bia/of oaasidsnbto raak , on tha daw above m*Btfoa* a UnatuB n i t , Edwaad As n*>, a mm- halt t u f ltd a cit

father, but brii

'j. B. BROWN,

F*r*masr a “ Chnatian walk aad coOTurssUam, aad st^aenL-ly reffirm l to the aocwSSSUr o f UO-

a religious iastetictsun. l ’he a Lola iatUn public trill U glad to kaow

Shoe .k , v;/.. T»__ - ] , !____ ___ro f mfiking his

t s r ^ L ^ jNEWAtS, J, J. (

(X iR H Y A O T E W lR T .