the sun. (new york, ny) 1868-06-06 [p ].r utrr rmiimltt. it lo th1 cmt i f t if, of the tlitl rmita,...

' ' rTn I IIT Y-- F fFl 11 YEAH. NEW YORK, S3r U 1 1 1 V V , JUNE , 18G8. " FROM WASHINGTON. Tlio Chinoso Embassy nt tho Whito House f Bpeochca by Minister Burliugamo and tho President. i Tho Tax mil The Admission of Soul hern States ' GEN. SHERIDAN AND THE INDIANS. i rTtClsl fell awhe. to The mis i XWimvi.T".. JoreS. j inr and TLc lt n. John M"irii-- f rrtiiiticil ami ?i Cil'MM' tl. t'lnh'ii Ileal the Neaa link li lrrntln I rtllvotc fur- - c In the of July Convcn tloi. lie say, he latteonly man tn the I who I. fT I'n ilktnn. nnd If the latter I m.t r.otnh 1 natc-- l he will be able to dictate it candidate, au 1 that i)t it nut hn.tllc iu Tin titni' ivr.imtiof. The Managers y cj..uiiitieil icveriil Now I "fork aaltneMe. aali.a te.tlfcd that they h,d eontrlb-ute- J mc ney to 'defeat Imiiachmcnt." but that th.y did net knoaa hoaa It aaaa to be u,d. bhcrldin fclook li here, but aaa, not called to day. MR. HTIXUIIir. Staubcrr left for H. home lu Kcntncky t tur TX DILL. The IJoiie, In Committee to.ilar, nsrcoil, bv a vote of M to 10, to Mrlkc out the ljth section of the Tat bill, on the pronnd lint It aai ul-- not ai l omtllth trhat n diIrcd. t tt avould ofen the aa hole rcacnuc ten Ice to he mercy of I'n blent Johnaou, and pro- bably ei abb' htm to act rid uf Mr. Holllns, a many were of the otlnlonthtt thi fiction would bare legislate hliu out of offiie. Mr. Hchcnck la very Uuea at the defeat of ttil rctli n, which lioCOssllercil altil tn tl.e Mil. and It I, mol likely that cut neck Hi.' bill will be rrccmmltted to the ' ciainlttee. aalthln-l'Ui-ilo- n tn lmmdlahly report W11 to coiir the ((lil-li- tobacco, and stamp ace Clilj. lftE!.l. Anal. IV sitlcnt li.v promlu'd Wlcaaell'i friend In LI uinc a l'oininl"loucr or li ter llcaalll be as ninitii-trll- ) rejected a he IllOM the tlrst t me. when he lud i.ot enough friend Ct a division of the fei.ate. the in rr on luuMiNot coil. Thornton, the llritisli Minister, Billed by Seward. Secretary Mcculloch, an I the President. Ik nt work to cnylneir u bill Ihroogh Cotitcrc.a to ri dure the duty on hltumlnou. coal N aa Scotia lo a inertly nominal rate, an I to iiicccfiill) cotnjite with - d earludo fruui the ICacoasl trade Pet nalaiifila ftn,l Mar) land coal. rotL mtir.R.1. iTho ttouie l'uptul Cuniiiilttcc had u Mr. Wufhbume'ii bill to build a (lincrntii'Mit line of ieleKraph between Val. jtun and New York The Committee agreed, by a un.inlmuu tute, to recoil It Cilicntl) They rrg-ir- all fcl.cnica. to draw- - the tlotcrnmtnl Into any finch buluc a utterly Im tracllcable The Cunualtteo will report In faxorcf cbanglii the pi al money order ytim, to til.: rdcra will be for any amount fromfl to tU fn the r.rt (Ma fee of lOcenta, from fW to I.13 vents ; (V tn to. 80 cent; W to 110. ii on'. AH", a prollun to allow ' veikly ncAai iri 'o ta tepoflted lu tho put ofllec f tcieat to the o2.'e of publication, nnd dtlhcred free tif poataiie to rrKUliI nulncilbois nt the otllce, but but to be acrwd by cirr'cr. Ato a rolliu to rtturn ill leliera to writer, frie nf imtjpe, when Kny card it iMri-t-u- u the out' le of the letter, und wLil mcli lii'tri arc nut called fur within A) tlaja. inn rnric iiui.iumii. The first ufl'.iiul cotiimiinicntinii if len. Scbo-fiel- d to i oj.k'i -- tin fulluwlnj: U tter of (iiu. fctu-liao- , ci.i.oried by (im (irunl uml luii.fclf: IICAUOI A "T lll.l IITMKST OK Ml'HOl'lll, ) ruin LtAXywuiKU. Kan, V M.) II, l"W. I Tlio Kni branch of the 1'nluii railflr Itailum I will In a ahurt nine bo completnl to u point aboui thirty u Ilea ilNUiit ftuin t'urt Well ire, fana. At Ihta pilnt the llovernmvnt ''Zy aiiu rork inda. I VTuuld ropectfully urne on )ou the ln:orlinee of the (luvernimnt cui.tln-oln- In aid at onco n fir a I'uit Wallace, tn-- afl rwrd to Tort I." on, (.Vlnrado Tender;' The uml could bo Unladed to I'uit Wal- lace by bbuut duly 1, and to Kort I.) on In time lor Ihoiprlrg fribjil to New Mttlcu lu W. 1 know that, peiunljrlly, It would be to the aiUanbigc of the tioTernmiiit to htlp tl'l road ccitalnly a lar u I'm I Wallace and nto to Kurt Hut in auilitlon, It hlmoat fiibtantl iby o d the Indian'en by the mcral itleet whleli it tacrclaca oer tlio Indian, and the facility which It cite tn the mill, tary In emtio. llni; them. I have not bad a Single tlcpti datlon li my department rlnce cninnund, mid I hive the i;mitc-- t de.lre lo niilntj'u Ih.-- i condition ofulfuita. I hatu roado li treat dcil of personal eaertlun by vlillnK i.early nery pi at In tl.e aectlon of the e junlry lu which .u wire I ll e lt juii, and lu til Inter 1own with tho Indiana 1 i.i led t Inllevc that we maybe able to Mett'ii tcace during the comb k No one. utile be baa pernoi.nlly illiil thia country, eun well appreclalo the Krrat lilcla I'll lullro d Kl'''' tn economy, ei nil ). and rtlcclltcnca in th'1 ndn 'nl-- t ntlou of inllitaiy aifalia Lu thla driartmeui. Youra truly, I' II Mll.lillUN, Majoi tleinral V. H. A. Geo. V. f. Uiiant. Couananaiu. Ac. MiniNAinisi coxriniit:ii. Tbe Hon.ilu coniiriued tin 'olluwliii; DOmlnatlona : II O Wi rlhiniiton, of Nevada, to be Ulnlalir rialdent at the ArKCntlue Ili ublle, vice Aabotli, dece.Ted Aloed Allen, of Kentucky, Con. rul alFoO'Chou, China. Thoma It. Aaten, Ator of Iuterual HeveDue fur tho Klehth IHstrict of New York, vice Uli eckcr, to be umoved: Thoma Turner, to be I'cor Admiral on the active list, and C upt. John I.. Woidui, Con.modorc. ASOIlltr. rt'NIAS rillrllSltlt IICLKlkKI). The Htulo Deinirtnicul I in receipt of Intelli- gence to the tfloi t that I)i mil U'l'cnnor, the lat Im prisoned Amiricun In Inland, lua bien leicased, and It DOW on Ida way to Ihu United Matin. hllNlsTLK tt) I'AIUCl'AV. The I'rcildcut nominated Martin McMa-ton- , of New York, to be mlnlatir ut 1'aia guay rice Wuahburu rolitiiCd. IKON CLAP 80LU TU Tilt I'KKL'Vl IN OOTinSUINT. fiomo d.iys tifto, In nccordance with the resolu. (ton paaed by the Monacal the Instance of Uiu. Van Wyck, the hecretary of the Tnaaury ft'ive In Itructloua to the Collector at New Urleana not to rant a clearance to ilthir of the Iron clad vcnaeK fhe Oueoto and IheCatiwtia. '1 ho resolution declared " There waa reaaon to billevethat theao veteilawire liourht Irom thn Navy Dipurtment by hIR .V Company, with tho denn lo dbprne of and dillvcr the lame to thu (ioieriiincnt of Peru, then and now In a atateof wur with u friendly power of thia (lor-- l crumcnl." Within a day or two paat, Information Waa received that the vcasi l were to be aent out on au experimental cruUe, prufissedly, but In fact to escape to 1'iru. Accordluzly find lntrucllor have been transmitted to New Orleans to uunrd aealntt audi a moriment. The C'ounnlltie on He trenchrnent hva the matter under conaldeiatlou. uml nay eoon repoit tirou tho euiijoct. It hat ueeu ascertained that altl ourIi tho original puirlmie price waa only 15,U, tho vistela have betn old to the I'eruvliu iov eminent for I'.'.OO'J.IMI. tbutifouilbs uf ttlilcn uuiounl has already been puU. i The Chlueaf r.mbny. To-da- y the Chiiuao Amba.aadur and suite re- paired to the State Departmint. and were thtre Jolucdbytbo Smctaiy of Bute. The paily then proceeded to the Kaicutlve ininflon, vihero a laie crowd of ladles and geullenin had gi'lutej to ace them, They were cacoiud to t'i Dine Itooro, At son Burl!D''arae,ofUitChluicraiik, l'.nv y Katruordl cary and Ill,h M.nlatvr riinipotcntlary, walkluK vlth Hecretary and thick Kouj and I.un Chla Ku, of tho ecuid tlilnete rank, n'soclated Uijli Envoys end JllnUter fiiloiiiig Incempany With the sla atuJciu-- i v.ho. In addition to Chlucie. ipeak the Entollah, French, and Itnsalan languajcs. , llr. Brown, tho CMU Stcretury, and M, do Charai a, S.f elatn.t eecretary of the r.mbnssy, were nlo In the miuioat lUi ci:;cuiotlsa cercaicnies ncic from theTMtlbulft by th crowd cfJvliM nJ RinHitncn, the door btin opfn, bat ttif onty pr-io- llhln the chamber were tbe Erabtoj, the t, tbe tnembcrf of tbe Cabinet, ind Col Moote, the lreldtnt' lr.Tte tHecretnrjr. The Mgh offlflil repectlely were Introdoced to the I'mldent by the Secretary of HUte, iTetloo to the deliver) tf Ibelr crcdi'iilliln, Mr. llurslfiftame luiJe tho folluwIiiK re- mark. Mr. rr.rtnrsT-- lf von h i not Ire'l. ttrnneh lh uf sutr, kindly rt'ltrird mt from ti.i'nl, 1.1 y rtrvt t st) or, tliU ic 1. i w nl It.- d t Ula t you how it tn timt I, h.i Ifn nn i'tiitt.. p?rn ten ft Mnilfr r Mic l'nlte-- SMnl C hitm. hAM C-- tuornH tirtr n Vlnttirr from U Iti.i l liV 1'nltM stjir )nnll) inr, I trni,to renrw In Iht-- trinni tiiii nnrr Hie ti rrnoni of ni) ItmiiXn for the aikI librfillty with h lbl t Imi of chtmcUr kul rrponlM)tty uti ln ftitt h uch ullt Ahv Amrrimn titlr Mr. liirt! ( bltirtc Ootrrnnifttt liittli t, llhln thr Ut ttrrv ytrnr. U of nit lore tint nre allowed tr.l ftfti tWtt ly ihe N. irrn Powers that UoTtromrni hu fiirlhrr tonr1ii(lsl If in enur into c i.imuii'Min li.ronih ll.f riMutnsr) iiflnroMlc nt) vt'tti tl I nllcJ tAU, heiklnm. ttlnik, rrnnre, iin Dtliitin, lt tni. ItAtr, North (Irrumiiy, ...nn,hi-in,Mi-i- trl. n lht .lir,r thri hl'M' iirrnni-- i t rol'y ef',, 'n h tteri ilJri'tet In ttio-- i powrir r..' lit 'jr. r rrt i ImrifM, hi tdr rip. tine of Mini m'lii.t ln ippf n-- "1 cjiMMin, t rut Uml the nine unVinl ink llllhlllat. lljf Ml.) (f Ml. Wlllsl tliC Ktf llii ! t'tv ri ynt f' r tin- W"ttri, PuHor, ll' l ttc m r utrr rMiimltt. it lo th1 cmt if t if, of the tlitl rmita, mm lo t stilt litjen nnl i"lc u of 1lt MTotid rank, tnplf brlntt tmitrd nllh cttri.r.l,nr) snl pK'iilpnirniinry fui.ttlono, itt.J ml vt ii brlnit stiTtfililftt In 'Mt iu Mlu-i- Kit 1 Knvu now il. t titrthtf ifitcr III tmpirlM MJ'-t- v, tt.'rh u th ftMrnrtl t. the Pmidti.t or I tin t'n;ti.l In d Am ntir obiy ictinrcc sttiti bv ilK r ff ( Itlri, lu noatiri )ou nt hl flwrtfl druro tor loiml fiKAllh, hotr, Ahd biprlmti, nn.l forttir bd i.rnp pit 'f the itnui nut hut of r luMtt.h the sutliorlt) wf j ou hftie bu tolled li prtii Ji . Till rRMM.KNT R tlKTLY, The rrUent lepllcd a folio ti YotHKtiKiLRtirfwbUitjilintrillfblnAlrnen,bRre two iliilntl ehartiiri auj tlehtt if aehttiy thr one itottti tlr, itif olher 4k t. If It be irii.n IlrntHlf. that rverttl pH'tlr! romntniitih ol the ctrtli rr i.ow uwrv uctlt.ljr erttrattl Ihitn at ny t rctiou prrlot In unfit rittiiff Um Ir mtp-ntt- t ouinutlPt "tl lim, tt roriAlr ly nt rt mntfrt Hint thry hti nlot.nly 9Pg nrfi-.- l In Mtietmr itlii nl ifrfwtttin thtlr rttn of inlvrntlotiNl lnttrfur nn-- Yin tprrfiriM.ff here vt thl. the t tlrtloti from th,n to tiicveiern nation. in thl rri ett not more Mlnitu-l- tlin t l nuifSf'ttte. Iiuilntf the r.rt rlvinlr y .4rt of nr In.Utf ruttLcr. forrUn htttloiit rtlnciu i intion ami TfvTt O A to tay JabMr, In rrunt to tho fitttancifi of Die I'nucil hiatr t vf Ule Uir9 fcaiurri hiva to dlier. Tberrtem tin ncri-- i one citiIIii 1 and ct i lltuteil httte, ttltli Mhlrli e htte imt roltnel relatiui. tf rorilt'it frluiwtxhlp. ho ri irmn f t .Ins to liiiitotj fetter upon our f'Mi.mi , m l.rr i of uc, i.early all i lloii iu w luvit th tontnl llih fn e trah our nation al .ltoiK-- ' li e Amer cui Coiiitnetit an.t U'iihI are r'trf'trnlty tFrril f r the nltimxte taMhn enl of . landfill American tt te t n loncrr anywliere . tttforou tn l well tluropean I'uw iftmw fwelr 'efte to it for fair I'linlt alrut u h of llii Ir c'li,UI f.iMtloiit ii thi hwo.ui h' tr at c Hint J lablt lor Ptrerrfttt n d c luihicrcr Tl.e Inlitr-n- t ttit.t of tiitn to 1 "1 niij ctianire itomirlU atnl ail2iinre, a (rit'rpte r rut in I to bum in iroartr, t cui.cuWl in our treat u 1tv i liMiiKo, itltl'miti not Nv In t'orlAiit, ai leM tMr.klitC than tin ottrimon if our liiicrcoitrttti the U.1 nial natioiii e bite r' utljf npt-n- i I t. lineal Hint nviftl li trrroorpe with Urvtrc. with the ft oman Purl, aiid Pti tlai-a- l.lna haliiff arreptetl tl e la ol nH"Ui t!ny ire et laltie.l lu uut on iriitrd cnmptlatio' . now aqilW l.uivlf, It.rouctt )mr it Isw.on, of our frl'-- 'il liiiroilueilon to tho (Jrlilati Winh i Put ope anil Atnenra. I hi eo t ettti Tv p i ut fart t ii input ktulh uf mutual a.i c' HUioii.; the r.atlott, reruILIus from a crmial uenioti uf the i ' lie) of wr roiiriueet, iid theit Hint on of air ittrn- -l at.ii hriiD'jlfiit pullr m If pUi-e- , ur Kxrelltet rti i, wp I fatlnl lo apprm ite 'he n itar'l) illi wbttli th tti litem l.mplre ha rttptnleil lo thl chniitf of pobry 1) the t'ltrutiai t.i Hurt Wo itcknowltdia'e Mllh plrairr Iho omI enlightened idotlonoi Hint pollvy the Wrt 'tn v tiuht, arilitir In court rt vlih tin t i.lte't Ml( er' rtaily j.r ilrtHt Hrllaln. llula, rlh itertnaur. Italr. ark, J(i1e., llolarit, nrtd )i Im itn i di'cui H not uiiHorthv ol thit ucca--o- to bear wiim-- tolhe iiieulofthe rerirrntatlve aruU wl.of v in monlatioi tt Peklti btve cutntlnattd tn bttniMnx 'tie hmplre of t. htnt o early hw u d.rrclly i.ito the lam ll)rlrtletf clvlllrt'd lutloi.a. itnnifly : Pitnr.- - Ki uc ar.d Wei ttilntj, on thu art uf l bin , yonitctf, Mr It'tr ttntfunir, on t'.e pari of the l'ilted Htatre ; Hit btinn.ted Mrtredeikk llrmennthu Urltioti pattt 'lertliniiy on belulf if !, ard Mrir. lUllnei k and VlaLrnlly oh Ihe part f Hum. a. KraMirlnt; from the (iitrinon whkli tu Hutu prcvnlled hitherto, I f(d in)elf Jtittiritd on till itTndoii. hot tn ilvl'iti )oii itcoidlal rectptton. bnl alio In ainltnc )rn of a uelcoine, eiju-'lt- corillnl, hy tliu verrral dhr piiMerti to uhlch )on tin1 arcredlieo. trul thai ihu lutellu ut f.iil ciitlithieiud Itutorc llovrinmunt and (i'oplu n 111 allnu me build upon thU day' triv f in cipi( t ition thnt thtlr ijrnit empsfr. H.Hftlnf ii"iiuit)iin . at hili''rtly puhr, m it) hi w f'irtti ht'liHluied to tuku an atlltu part In lht irt li't .1 pro-- i tt on. i hi re on etn rut lu: of nav i i tl ti tit wnn hurope and ( lona Pit rim of the Pi did MnVa tuvi- airtad) C'intrtti'i. if a loai nt runn thn mu of itnania, ilh a buv of atcim ncrtlce ice llo Purine lUeati. In ho or 11 n- j tr ti)"H there Mill he nd Ic.l to thee fiiethttt) of IntMcour e the Piinf.e Ka'.l-io- at roa unr nun roiihii nl, an I n tti'p raiml j nt rut led h) t'ri t.cti p dronace a roi- the Utt.tiiu of MH'. Iii tlnr. will ttt reiviln. all tin e. atul iif-r- Im port ant ll.nii ..I or tin ni. the trint work i fon-m- i 'jiiit ti at o o run ty a r.ti.itl, to ie i O'.ntr'.i i d arm Ihu of luile 'i o doir i tin t i It tv of kiii h ii urk wot, id Imply hi iirniranir ti He' and Ihe wealth uf the a.u tn vthuli we i.t onr linpoitHiit tii tl-- will tun to i mtii mc ire i to H. Hi'lilvveiiicnt of that ureal etitiri.rl'-e- . llully lialti .tt, Ihrrelore to CuliimetMl 11 tolhe fetor M Hie I'httt I Mate of . n ui t. u I an tn tl e (lutei Mr id cri'tdt a, a 'id ll.t) tvternl Kuropra't Mali a lo width ou nir i(Lredltrl, Attcr th dellMT) d Ibr ddrra, tbe PniliJy cri IntrodiittU to the inrmhcr ur the CAbinet. Tho PrcUlcnt iicbst k' ft word with ti tliruiiKli thu iutuprt lcr. .Ml ftcnud lo oc plemd wtthltf intcrxitvt. 'Jl.o Km. teturiird to the rMn nt, white tUy wciv cidutaiiad iU u coltatluii At their Intt. view with the President thl , Mlidtir I 'irllr the Itto Srcir'ariet writ dit'-e- d In pi tin t lack ulla, nltliotit pittifj, 'll,c Ivi) chltf .iiai.ilLib a ni to uttlrid In c rseotia lliturnl nnd t.'nl y wtoUkIiI Rowna, ylidUd with Ilk and Jewi od conln . i.nd weailnn eniibea of their rutik nd oflln. i rtcullar ri( line atid tirilbaiicy. lj u trr t .i f tl.ey wurc ( llerly hluied etiudunn atraw hut, which were routed t It i loi m, flow ln di ep red filnji-Pro- tbe I j of tho ccntrt- of lbee hula was uprtid'd n onnm id auri uunded with iewela. Loocp tlonjuj; f htVoon of rl"h toloml llk,jid iiusiillliriitly worked r Ilk nnd velvet .inda!et with ill .iiioi.U d buck ca, romptittd the foitumuof the eblr1, while iho Inttrprttrrf. who aro nil hlh o CI ccrs of tbe ih'h iniik. win Hourly kIiiiiI irlv ut tiled, Ihe oi l dllb rcitce btinn arlou itiinkH of innk, tllbtr about lbe-l)- if thu diVftiiRor the color ot lite clothing. to n ri 1. 1 it t OA a a t:s -- s t;cust s i: v. .Naff A. M'llUlP. Washington, duue G. . pttltlim of 3,000 chi-vt- of tin Noiii'Wifl, mid tbe luiiitcrUd oi' tl.e Mc- - ihihbv' Mule ArOC il. r- - U'rllifcp-iS-Mi-j- of uu tight Lour, wilt- JlcaihUd, HTATtv-- i NUII-lt- , Mr. .jiiiT.M n called up tho bill nl ttlnij to Vnlted i.uten, tun) the ubaUlute ( the t'otuiiiliKc p.ovidlni that tiny contruit r nnole piinlle It. coin ahall I e Icul iimHulid, nnd may he il Iniiul uctorilllij; to 1' ti i ma. iitijtliitnf In tho bill if bitii k lo Uiittd btulii bulta toiat' contrary I otwlthtiiiidtn. Tlie bill wa TUB fiEMCIKNCT HILL, Tl e Uf r.r'rncy Aprri'Prlatlou bill nt tbla point (ante ir"iii tbe llotiN", ih the Aiinounceuirnt tit d II e auiMiilnictda nre concurred In, and u 'uilhtr utnchdmei.t piriettid, which, nti mutton, wa luncumd lu, atd tl.t bill gocn to the Pre. dint. TDK AUKlS't-t- i HILL. Thu bill to admit Arkanaa came over from tbe Hour?, with n fur u t tro-o- Con fen me, Mrm-.- . Trumbull, Uruke, and Wlltou weiuufoliited audi couimlltii. TDK AIUIHHlOf Of BOtTIIERH HTATM. Mr. Titt'ma-i.- called up fho llouoc bill to udmlt Not lb lurullnj, Houtli Carolina, l.ouMuna, (Jcorpa, mid Altbin i. Ifo ezplaliitd that lu thu aubitltutu the Coinmlllic bad Hilikui out Alabama, nnd Unit by inUUku 1'Iorldu wu lntcrti'd, couirury to the jplnlou of the u.njorlly of tl o l ouimlttte, ihouKh hu personally bad faorid InteitlnK It. lie hUted the number of oUn cait for und HKilnrt the Contltu Hon in the Male eimmeratid, and In thu iii.ilU-- of Flnildu nad u coimuuuWatlon fiom tho (Itii'-ra- l of thu arinj. inctoaltiK ii telirum from (itn. Miale, (Utrd UUtda, IU , Junu 3, IVri, witch atitea Ihu iiujorliy lu fa or of tho Cui.tltutlou lu rlorlda ut &,Mr. Tm'Mhi'l L proceeded to eiplnln tho aubntl-tut- of thu touimittte, which has already becu pub-M- WtLftON moved to amend by tnncrtlnir Alabnma. lie nld tbitt htttu Irnl prepared Ita Constitution uiirllir than any htute, nnd .oted upon It aid ciy In tuplcbii4 acaaon. jrivlnic a Urvr vote lunn any of the other bUtc ecept(nt houlb ("aioliua, If u full ote b.ul been CJt, hu lud no doubt thu would buc Lieu adopted b to rju.ih hi majt.rlty. bhu fallid ulely on arcount of the Pi ot Uion talnccd ch inucd of ri quiring a iimjority of the rejfUUicd Uli I t the . loj lluu of tl.c toDatl-tUtlop- . Mr. IUtUB arjrued that It wouu ie uetier to inv :bU bill aiiile until the Conterei if I'oininltlee eni lUitu vaa the fuudtducutai cuhditULa to bu lu "Air. tdtr.r.MAN hoped Alnbonm world bo ndmttt1, ulhu tbut ahc m lu a btitir condnbn to maluialu M.ite than purliiip nj of lie uthim, und tbid U o piocretllnh Uu tu l.u.u bltll KiuUi, and iLv Lobatl-iLtln- a f,,(,,l 'ho- Mr. PrHEMdH waa In hmr of pai'lnifj tu bill with At ham i Ictt t:t, und with YU rbla In. Mr. CoNhilt-- fUKKwud that It would nut be In tho InteieU of uc( t.atruction tolrert tbuuimtid-incut- , liicludlnii A abaina. J Iu thought that In tt e fut i;ig the j in If fit conclude It hud been an uu wlt act to cLftLtjc tU lruU.u that Us culudcd Al.tbunia. Artcr furtlier dthatc, In which Mc4iri. NU.n, Va:iMuUtu'tXuutUc. tsuuuer.aud otbtrs tn tlc'pited, tl.e Per ite, without Ullnir action on tbe bill, went Into eiecutlre wid toon kflrr ad Juurned, llotiap or Iteprr arnlnllvr Sir l.AWRiNci, of Ohio, presented a reolntlon of the Ohio I.ecUlftlnre for Ihe nrvey of the Miami and Frio Can il, for the purpoe of rnltrpltiK It lo the raptelty of a alup canal cotincrtlnc the water of the Dido and MiMllppl ilvirs wltli the great like, lie he hid 'alrevly Intmdncfd III to (retire this ldp canal, whlih be regtrditl wof more Imi'iirtame than the propiitMl ahlp cnnal from Chi eato by w iy of Juliet to I.t SUlle. Hcforrcd to the C i"nnttec on Connnerce Mr Tkmhy ftom the Committee on Afiftlr, rrporled a Joint rt solution direcllnir tho Prial lent In a.Uance Ci tln Thonn t". Metcn, Cnltrd Mate Navy, not ixccrdlnir VI numbtra on tbe lltof(tp taln In ihe navy, for gallant, f.illhful, and ifllcioul lenlce dui Irg the bite wur lWcd. Mr KtAMiEii, of Vnblnitton Territory. Intro-dne- a bill to rtmb!c Clitk County, nb!tniton Territory, to pro Me a fund for eitliiulhinif it in itctdcduvM, lUfcrnd lo the ComiuUttc on Tirtb torlca. A PRVMny PILt Mr. PKtiltAX, fVom the Cominltlce on Invalid Pen-- n, h bill rolnllittf in inlona. The tlrt pet.! ton eonvtrnia tbe liWtltic pinlon law a po a to f tricedrtuc to ttl.ttitM of deceased t'Crwrna intinj neither widow nor child, In the following ordrr: b'lrt. mother ; aeeondly. falhcraj third, orph m bro'her and fi.tcr, who ball be pensioned Joint!), If there be moie than one. Tbe tdtnrte lion to lualtera uf delall. Ihcbsll wan ped. T It E t nii.L. The Houo then, tn CotnmlttP f the WhoV, re amtitil thi (ttttfldf ration of the Tax bill. .Mr UiMiti im.tid to amrnd tbr alxth aectlon by p'ntldli'K that tball be made by and wttii tl en hire am'l nrtit of the Kipreetit.itttra In t'omrrt.- -c irom the d strict In wliili the duty tapir formed. Mr ciibm'R rppned Ibo amendment, and men-- t juM ha an lilU'tiatloii uf the way llwould work Ve fuct tint the Collrctor and Aaror of tl.e Mnth District of New York b.i 1 been recommended for re moral month ao tho A.r.iot fur Ktoai luattth tlon tn bulno. .ititl Hie C dltrhu for I opclca l. nutabce uf the law, and inaulfol Incapacity to learu It. .Mr Wood abl be no dUporltlon to dlpnte the fact", but aritued that they proird natldm; Aiculiiftt Ida propoithii. If the rejt nlblllty were riatlinston Ihomrmbm rrtpovtliely, Ihtrc would be no memlier who would dare lo Itupioper ofllcluli In lie amendment cfTircd by Mr. Wood waa re- ject! d Ibo debalo waa finally closed by order of Ihe 11. UM. Thotarloti amendments which bin ollritd front time to lime bud been either withdrawn or rrjectrd, and tbe tiucrtlon wn narrow rd down to tbe motion ot Mr. UAliriKLDto rlrlke out the Utd ai.'tlon. Hie lute waa taken by teller, and irnultisl iyea, 01, hoe, So tbe alx-- fretion w.t ftruck out Tbe Committee then procetdrd to the conldeta-Ho- of tbe teii nlh aectlon, which proIdft uprr vlor of Internal lUtenue for e.ieh dud-rla- Platrlct, ftud reiiulnlta hit ilutle-- Ae The protloion Ibit he fbjllbute towtr to Um afer ufllcer fioiu one tllattl-- l ry or pbiee of duty to .violin r, ,w a, on inoilon of Mr Schenck, ntrtiek out. Mr. Ksi'TT nl to trlko out tbe protlon whlrbaiitl.orUea the Super tor l 't ttulue peroua, paje but ka, ftftounW, Ai.. and which .Mr Knott cont' Liled waa In ntlou of the Conatllutlon Mi Al.l fiN aald that tbl wn let ii ly ihe pro. v I mou uf the pri- .nt law, bdU that power lnw . Tt c amendment wa rejected. The Commltlte H en prociedtd lo the consideration of the aicll'tti, wblth rt (fill ilea the tlullia. .c . of reienuo!!!!!'!. hi M ini an.t iidmeota of detail hating bren ofTered by Mr N nttst k and iicieidlo, Mr Lihian mott d to cut the whole act llon. btciue 11 I londt I for a bondul wftnhou-i- , ai.d Iflhc wbhkey tat re dured nnd weit to be dnl the ttl!l worm, the oru way In which the lax could be collected, there w i ol I p r.o nt id of on tlcil wui eliotiM Mr. HrnrsrK oppiied Hie motion, latlne that boi.ded arebouvet wire for rdnilh ollur nrlirt tifiiilr fphlta; and aln, Uml If the whUkov lux ahuuld hot h rinluced, It woubl be nen"iir) l bate (be )tem of bondid WHreboufei proldid lor tn the general bill. Mr. LtHiiN Mid he. bad been all Ihe time oppo-m- to bondeil winboui, btraute they wiro thu ureal of wbUkiy nd loh.iuo fiamU. Mr Cotoiir .ill he bad Jul rterltod a note liotn the t ol'cctor if hltdltrlrt that I ,n i.t t uloii id whUkey wete now In bond In I ho wnri hotiei dlttift. hlttce dlhtllltra bad been forbidden toablp their wbt-ke- y In IkhhI they hid not bien able In din P"M of It. biruuo they t mil. I nut mlu, d lo pay lu uulloii Ihv aid lliru Mil Ihu whlakt-- at l,M.Mbe I rtre In the Ilftirn nmrki t Mr. Wood iriuaiked that ll wn by the boioled wartbotie pjftiiu that all tho wblnkey Iratidi bad been p r, 'rated .Mr. Mrrii leinn'ked that the proper wny to prt al the tux w at to t.ix the lirtnenliuit eup'icliy ol ditiil teilea, lie H'po-n- l to ollei u ri -- olutlon to that t'tlcct. It wa tt e ftlein adopted In Prucida mid At'ftrit; w! j ahoiild It not be l led here for :tt lent ny nir? Let ihe 'at be r iluitil to a do'Iar, or lo 75 r nt, and li t lhv ft tiutntli.u im unty nf ihMilh i lea be trued, and be heliew-- tbut a laro propoillon ol thetiix would be colleeted. The Cotumltleo thtii priwcrded to Ihe ninth fee Hon, wbb li nttulatia the apuintii.ent uuddulleaof irfluuer1. Ki'teml aintndment ofditall hnrlninei'n made, Mr. iiiovid to atut'ii'l by Rttlnj: (he ..f iji.niiM-r- to Ihe eere'ar ol the Trva-u- liiitead of to ibe Cominilont r. 'linn tiling i.o quorum pitrenl, ihe (tuentlon wnn II pen, til The Cotillhlltee lldll tr.'rfcdfd to tbo roublein tton of the tenili myOou, whlih reulatca thodhi-f- n of -- Utrr. Inl ulleellon Dittrtet. Mr. lit ni t it oibied a Mulmtituli to constitute each Htate and Tiirdnrya Cnlb'ctlon libditcl, cxiept lu Statew wbetc there an lurj;c cities which was re Jtrti-d- No olber nmrndnunl waa otfrrrd to Ihe aectlon. No ami ndniu.t ol wai uiadv lu ice tton It, I J. or ll (lu motion of Mr. aSt jirCK, arctlon ll wut rtruck out. No amendment wu made lo fectlon 13, rrulatlni; the account of Al tint ta. reierid aniciulmeut of detail were tnudetorte-tio- I'l, which rtgu.atci tho pjy and alluwancia of A- c air. Mr. I.AWitrsrit, of Ohio, mnvM to icducc Ihe of Atilttmit r fiom " to 1 per duy. The nineii Jimnt van rejeited. Mr. r'.Lt muted toruduieaalarliaof Aiti;o:- - from lo ,o4i. Mr SniKM K evplilned Ihe operatton of the aec- tlon. It htnrlM ty ifltln'E all .ton flJKI ii yenr; thin, mi nil nt.mi nt belwrm iih),n-- und yi m, lll, It allutve I ball of p- -r iii.t., which would uh to tin ubo (jul.tmi), JI.M10 a jinr; nod P niiiwed on bitwieii Ji"i.-- ; Ljd,iM), one fourth of one per iinl., wblcii . Mtfite to an who n'efced the latitr oi tn. r:ir. Tho nvera:i eompennallon of would bo ui out ia,&'JU, whiil lie did uot cotiMtlrr too l.l)(h. Mr. Klu a ithieiidiufnt wna rejceled. The Couiudtlte then proen ib tl to tin I Tt h "fctlon, rt'ienlnK to Ibe dutb uf . No Imporlaut uriMT.Imi'Mt uai madu to It or to thu 1Mb, ll'tb, tfrth, oi aNt Mr. Jf.m i.m mottd to umind the ird acellon by Htilkln out the wort In "or ptti.iltUV tb.'it nppllid lo dirri Uotury I ftutltlirt otir which the bi.d no power. Vithout dlcpoftiiK of the iictlun tl.e Coiiimltti e roue. The prenentcd a memce from tbo Pre! d nt in ii' to Hi irluU of American citizens Id limit Hi it ''ii, iiul ihu Homo adjouineii J7O.W .HJUSW llllln nUueil by tbe flot rrnot-T- bo Horn I in orm-In- rut Cue Ai.niNr, Junu 5,Aiiioiiu; tb bills a! pied by Hi-- , (louTiiur to day wus the one which pro i. Itn that the Cotiiinb-lont- T of Kmti'ratloii may take tvatlmony ua to tho treatmeut of rmhnutiti ou ihlpboard, their food and dilnk, uud lu case of death tho cauio IbMiof, Tl ere are rtimora here Hut an extra nelon of Ihe Htnate will be called for tho ronHbivratlon of exicu-liv- nomlnattona mudo last winter, but not acted upon by iho henate. Tbo leatltuony lor the proeenlIon In th Iorn Im peachtuenl caae w a closed to-- iy, and eeveral wit nea-i- i weru examined lor the dcfince, amoiiK ttum llrucc and Albeicr. Tornado lu Oblo-lloii- -e- lllott n Ilotvu. Tree rpronietlt tVc. HiNDunicr, Ohio, Juno fi. A terrlblo i;olo of wind, accompanied by rain, paaed over tliU city thi ttfternoon, doing comldcrable damnije. Tbe roof if tho Clncliiuallt tianduaky, and Clu. eland lUllroad warchouae waa blown ot), and felt upon the propeller Orontcs, lylnfc at an adjolnlne dock, tearlni away ber ftnoke tack. Injuring thrto mm, two of them "Ciloti'ly. Treea writ uproott d, chimney and abed- blow n dow n, und much properly dam icd lu all part of thu city. A Mrlkp uml Tlirriitciird llloi. Wur.tLHTi.ii, Mun , June 5. Tho Ktiiko fimnrit the fboumukcra In Ashland culminated In a rlotuua detnonatratlon yttttirda), on account of tho m:iiiufxc lurert hlrlns: pi raona md mcmbera of tho Hi. Vr In Ordtr. Thu "buna of Ht. Cr.i-pl- " parad' d w Ith a b'Hidof intiale. and threatened to dtatroy tho bulld-U.j- - Pott) citwena armed thcmailtca to k'p the ietti.' The iirrhul of clu I funo of twtnlyU.c rttiite Conatablia iUil!od tbe dlaturbance. ur I ui h ?Iitituo DlmMer. At inldniibt, May 12, Ibo acbooncr John A. Swell, of Piluoctowu, Cttpt. Atklna, fioni (hand Cyyman for Ht. Iiomlnso, ran on Cuy erde, Cuba. The wa a total b. The crew left tho wreck, and In Hit open bo'tt mode u dUtanru of lut) mile. Ihey wire two day at four liirurs of wl fch thi-- were without fco lbUivrg t!uy CAltLE TELKGUAaMS Tho Chiu'ch Suspensory Bill in Parlinmont. Tho Austrian Kmporor anil iho Topo. ottVA r tnttr.t .v. June ft. in Ibe limn of Common thi evening an amendment ti the Mipen'oi) bill wa olio red, placlmc the o.TlcUl tenurca under tie Mnynooth Co'lcse iirant un Ihe a.ime Imata u llilni In the Irlnh Church. The amendment wa npponed a dcfdmcthc and not aupenor). In nrrordmee with Ibe ehnrncb r of tbe bill under eonlderutluu( nnd wat rijicted by ti e lloitr Tbe Home then voted In fivor of pirmlttlm; ne-- In be mndo (n Iho Mnjnonili Colb ce, and nlo tn faior of tho etmllntiiuee of the litgiwn Ikmwn duitnu the ple.itire nf pArlbtment. 1 bo ulMnory bill w t then pieil In Committee. Tbe announcement of the leault wa teci-hi'- with cbeir. .1 ( sltllA. T.oioMt June f. -- Tho Kmperor of Autrbiu-cr- t that he b id to mike hi choice of two dtema the, the "IttnliifE uf Ibe recil law hoMlletotho Coticordnt, ir the abdication of the throne of the lltpnbutRb', it'id be iboe tbo former. Tbl exp'iifi t luu I Iiitendid to aoftin the riieultucbt of Ihe Pi pi for thu ilo.u1biii of the Concordat. V.iSAhA. Tin rrnlnii Karlli'ttirittt Ottiwa, Juno B, Autheiitie luforninlloti ba bcn receltnl here of the transfer of trtt qtinu- - title of Fenian nn and ammunition Irom t. Ab ban to fKiltitt abtiiit tbe frontier. Tbe ordir foi the inn-fe- r of three companle of I title from IJuebcc to Ott.iwa baa betu eouutrr tutntid. Tbe lion Mr Hoe, Mbd-ile- of Finance, Iimi bete en thn llih po!. lor Kmfl ind on Itoteriimeiit bulne AmontE olhi r mitier be will arr.rn.-- for tho HoJtlnn Colon hi Ktlinntred bun. tnillmi llolllltlc". Kofi, June fl. The .'nu (Monlanal hi" iUlcet fiom Fort Htiilotd, atid iibti thu t.ppr MIourl rtier, Itint there kro pron eeta of t renew tl of ludlm ho--t lli'ett, und the (.otiMiiment la prcpmlng In fluid the mum It la rifrted that tl t liotirument I i b irlertnfi ateatui r on ll r MU-oi- titer, lor Ihr purpon o tr.i'ip"ilnif tr ..t1i nnd up-- t tl 'a, and uu kin other prrt nation for aRuei al dl in war Tteii-nr- i' per Mr..iiihlt Ore tin ((uoeiit lUbiiy, Morkan iUellA Co.. .. 0,0. M AC' . . ..V.l ? lUlii-nn- , A Mt Imout A 1 o. Jfivd tfil A I o .... . M.UC Tt b ut tn? Kelly A .Uelli, Katco A Co .. . W7,ifO I'll to W.OU 11 I.. oii llwllu iiu IPa-ia- t Kaiiroa I A i company H.TI3 l Monti Mi )ir ;i,lifl:;ii 1 lal Ui.M tl riiox A iM! tl U IM'oii.1 Munnr M.U-- ui llotitlit t , Poo A; Co. Nil On b. L hunt" A Affi '."0 tu Welli, f .f Co HHj id fI,WI,7JU li cos i;.v.s; i t:t,t;i;tt.t ms. Hie Colli'i'e ol Cnlifnitila will hileaftrr bo ab- sorbed In the Minlr t'iihrrlty. 'Iho. A. Fuller, Put (Imid Mutter uml (Iniml Strii-iar- t of the (ir.ind l.odjre uf Maoitt, of T iinoa I e, died In Ib it illy on Prida). (lot. Hi'tiwiihtw, of Ttttiiici't', ha It tiled u prortnmtHon for the rlepllou of Connri!!!''!! on the tlil dl) id Notrmbrr tiett. Ihe Mlililjati Cetilnil Hailroml ilelnd ut .lollet, III., wa humid on I he vend locomulhot wi re d im.i-ie- l,ot ii.tnai; liitiuid. Iti'L'iil.ii tt. tins ttiil tuuiiiieiite ttitiniiiL' next MoinlTi) on the Kiiiimu Puiliie IUUro.i.1. MaV mile MUxourl i her, ihe prrfi-ii- t the load. Fotu tlioimntid pviAoiii ttilnetted thu o reinouy nf the dm'oi.itit.ii of fobltira ki'HM a at iVikfklll, N. V, onrrblty. Thu lion. C'liaiinioy M. Ihpcw dithrreil nn orutfoii. The Natiounl Hoard of Trade, In eiou iu Plilhidelphla, i Mtcrd it adoHed a Mr. I icdi hi k rt:tle,ot Pblltdrtpljia, wat elcilud J'le abb nl of tbr Komi ltihopi AiueH und Sirupon, aiul iihout foity mlidteiaof the Chhaco Mi tlHHtlt Conferoi c ur ihcd In Om ihu on Thurhi) ulld, on u trip io ibo Hoiky MouutuiiiH, Tim "'-- ; .,.,,1,1) nii'i"J und olhirolll-cnao- f thu New oik Mate It.ebrbitt at llini'hamtoii, wu hi Id on W iilut-rda)- Tbe old Ihurd of Ti unties wn neli-eKd- . Atluiirul II. Ii. Thntrler hun been de lachel from the rnmiimi.d uf iho Ni ttli Pteilie , lo t:ik ell ct on tic hlli of Auutt leit. tind ordtrcd to return to New- York. Hear Admiral 'Ibinniia J. Craur will commaii tho a.juu Iron aftir that ilali'. Hi'iciOR or a Ci stom Uo.- lluoKKit nr HiKMiTiso. Aupi-tt- i IkrnMt'.i, a ntoin llouao broker, nt 1W Mi Mot freel, llnbokn:, cummltted ulciitu abovt 1 o'clock ef lerday luurulntr, by abootlt'S hlmfi-t- IhroiiKb the Orel et I vt llli uic solver lyliii lu bed. The ftct did tint birome kno .ii until fhoilly bef re lu o'clock In tliofoiinouu. 1 he onl) oil ei occur Mi of tl.i botitt wi ie Ihof itti r of the deceased, uxetl iihout eighty year, nnd blind, and tbe aervunt t'lil. 'I be laltir heard u Jhltd thot ut about I A.M., but tnotiyht nolhiuic uf ll Mr. Iter lit b In nut lomluic tlown at tbo uual hour, ahe went up lo the tooiii, and beluitunnble Ionroueblhi, btictnie alaimid, and called in Mr. Cmne, who buiht open Ihe door, and toiimt Mr 11 lyliizd.-.'donth- bid with .1 pl"to wl.ol lhrouj;b that f r' biad nnd i i rMped In leilht!. Coroner Wlilte eom minced au hujurnt.whf n tbeabi e but weioclUltr-d- tho lurlber ii.ttidlit.d.on wi oitponed to llijt. 'lh dtceud wna a n dhe uf my, ubutit Id )rit of une, and wn Ibe atcfor ol i tm.tli r proprl) 'Ibo caiio of rio uit U utiknowti, The tuliido waa dtvorcid fiom bit wlte ubouttlhbt j ear flnrr, nnd the lalur - 4tipi ' d to be a t of I'hlladilpbia. Ikrualelo wat a tn m uf fobt r and cornet lubi' On utituiol in Ibe room i f dctrtivitt wan fund part of an tipuii width wu w ntU u in pi in 11 imirk.T the Iritnlw rttlnu of ilicenmil, tho follow tn;C word Drhi u to dtath. Not guilty." lr John M. dullcu, who made . ;- -' mortem ex amb.atlon, found the bialti Uci rat I by h tfim idiot ; death muct baro bnn eiiixid by eon- - Unilon, by thu ball PCiUeriiitj thu biaii.a aunutti that they wire puraled. Frolu tho potltlou of the wound, wltncaa thuiiKht that Ueceued could hao tbut btmcelf. (ieoiK A. tetlfitd: I rcrddu In Went cheater county. N. Y., und um a druiulKt, wn ac ipjtliited with Mr. Hi n -- teln, the den and, about Ut aaw him ulhu for tba latt Hmu the uluhtbe funo luat, and had cont era tllon wilb blm . he did not eompbilu of be III- - unttell. hi oRlcvIa In William atrcTt, oppoalle the Cuitiim lloue: iirronllim lo my opinion, Mr. Hernaleln biiibeen alck for u Icnn timu. I belletu bo Im otetworked bliiinill, and liU brain wai Imp tired lu comiequeuce ; about eUbt or ten at;u he eumu lo mr and tobl mc atorlca that only oxlited In hi own lmacliutton , ho timuirlit hi dhoreedwlfe was followlm bliii; ho thought bl ft lend wire uplra upon him, tr)lnK lo diteil aouio fraud lu hia Culoii Uouo btilneaa ; when I faw bl altuiliou 1 io Ul-- t. I him to go toKuropc, he thereui-o- look pn.ijre on th Hrrmen I nlou, but ou tbo day ho wa to nail, hi lather wat taken lr., und be dctirmlnid it pout pouo bl hil , ho then found that bit in lud wan Krowlu better, ami tbuiucbt tt not necinary to ro to Kutope, but lu tho hit eluht da hi mew ao inuc.i worbu thitl wa prepared to htar nothing (rood of blm ; wbrn I ttlked lo him uUht beforu lat, bu wa ury muih exclu d ; bin old mmorle oppre-e- blm very much, and Itappiurtd t I Im thit eery one wn following bliii, when he thought of kuiiiK t Ktiroui bu KiM- - lilt bulnrM In tne h.indn of hla bookkee-er- and u jowir ol altornev to mo; bK ttoublu wan both about hi lamlly and butmaa . bo lud no loirph u fnr a I know. VU nea hero bUiitliiid tho willln-- c on thu en- velope flbote uleried to n that of Mr. lleriiteln.) Iliadl..i i wiferci-idMl- 1'nll de'pbu, the) weridhored u'totit li )eaia fclncu; Ibilbtu hu wuiuarrUdubout mi e jtar-- t aluce, and ho Ihed wlib hi wlfo only two or llui'i weika ufti r ho lent f fiU I U wlf.' altoruey, tibout two juoutl.a aince, to piy bl be; td.c obtained u ilivon u Horn blin. ut ihu timu hum' be Informed btawifi 'a dtorney tbut f td.e vM.nti .t no) awul nice lio would atie It to her. h" ha a reildln(( In Pltt-b- h, i'enn., und u brother and t rre uter iu liermany. Henry Wall, r tn.ilb th.d lie loauU I with Mr. lU'ii.-K-l- and w t in Ida uip'" an buokkioier for the punt two eara ; aiw blm lattallvo oii'Iburday ienitu at cupper; I wu imaein ouriua uiu oteiiiiic and lifl the lionic at 7 oN Im k In tbo rnoinlnir ; botrd of Mr. it. death about ll' u'elork ; 1 um chief mail' 'teer hi Mr. Jbruiitlna otlice during hU tldnk bU mlud waa atleitt'd; la wu ur atihplcbiua of bl UlMid. and thought tluyweii kple tor tbo (Journment; he bo hud no In butlnctd ; bu tolil mo he hud a wife uud wat dhoiced. The Tnr leudircd a veulltt that dt?etated commit' ted atililde by ohootluic hl'ii-e- lf while Uborlb ucUt,r tcuiouuiy at'uu'.bu of uLO. M.isttstc. (Irnnd I.ndtrr I'oitrlb lnr. The e4lon of the llrnnd Ihi!hi w. retimed )eterds) morning at nine o'clock, It. W. John 11. Anthon. I. tl. M., pteldimr. The (irand LoilK" waa opmctlwlth prijrr by the It W and Kev. F. C Kwer, and with the utiat for nnlllie, afhr which It wn declared ready for bulne, W Pro. De Yniintn mollont that W tiro. J P. Solomon' teoliillon (drlriliK thit Iberlluil be o rev led a to remote from It all evidence of le n fined to n afeiial lotiiiudtio to be eh'cii b) the lliaud Maler, wa carr'.i The Conimllfee on slurhprudei ee nnd Condition of M font) id a further n port llooturb d Ib i.i run. M W. didiU W. Slmnn, ronbtlnitK Ibo fo'low Itm cltue- TwiMnin hid.ipplled to know how thirty piron who had been mtde member, unw il UorI), ura rlif.di'tlno lanUe.eoutd bieomumi mber In K''d atatidlnt'. The Coiiitiiilti e derbled wbit-- 1 r of I nie and inooe) bad been t xpt ndi d b) tht m. Ihe Mme int"l be lo.i.anl tint Ibo irentiemen tn titiratlon mtiat be repropomd, and pn throutrli thu - one i onifM a tf the) h id m it r it templed to become M.i-o- Adopted b) the lltiind l,.dr. Tbe fpeetal order of the di) wn ltn.ii taiu up, ti Tlt IVT LI. TttlN. The (Intnd Mntbt luiuotnu'ed Ihe tntnd ort.cer eltrt reii-- tor nl n. upon w !i th. i.nni.t Mtvtirea'lil the t.l I 1. lo mlir. uml tl c nrand oflcera elect were Introduced to him In tbe order ol their tank. It W and Itet Chalet 11 I'M! then ollerol tip pray r tor ll e f the Nit feme tchltn t to ret up'n the work uboui to be t ouutiiiii ue.l, nn 1 Ul'ii all tba'te i ttt ned lu 11 Ti e Itiiiti I Miter ileet, June (Jlbon, wm Ibra upeel il.v Introduced by M W, John I.. I.ewl. P.O. M. ; after which, an ompntded by nit tht P 11 Ma, lora prcaint. bu wa couluelid lo I lie altar, nnd thett MoUmtit) nddreird by the liiund M M. W Mifb'ti II Johitonc,ttt the dutba and He of Id new u!1 ce. lie wa then c.tidurtd lo th tl K. ImeMcd with ihe euibletita Of bl high poU lion, und ohmtily lnl.illed. Tne rellilnjr ifrand M.iler then Introduced tbl newly Inat il dtirn.d Matter to tbu btithrrii. wlo reeehed blm with the Ktand lionori. Inn tiring, M. W. Hiphru II. Jolinatotif care the bietbrrnhl alneeie lhatik for their eotdial na. tutieu dtirhiK Ibe tmii, and itiiormid them thai be atioti Id eur toko a dttp lutiiiai In tbvwtliurcof Ibe order Tbolieptily llr ind M itrr elect. II. W. John 11 Aliti oi, then Introduted, rondutted to the nl'ar, ard a ldre-pe- d ty the lirtnd Mutt t Hp w a then reti.liu"i to the 11. P. , InteMtd with the tmblcm of lua and rob inidy I m btlns presented to tbe btrtbrili, he wa ato rrcehed with tl v itraud bonoti. It U CbrUto her 1. Fox wa Ibcn Intr.'dnced b) Ibe llrnnd Marthil, And Conduelrd to Ihe nllar ; arter wlilih he wi inveatid with the imb.em of Ida ofneo at M. (i, W., and eondurted lo Ihe (i W Thellrand Marat it in xt Inltodtieed M W John W. Simon, P. (I M., who waa duty Inat't1led n llrnnd Tre.iMirrr, to whlih portion be had bien tin immou'tr ief!iced H W daniea M. Austin wn rest InUoduci d, And for mil ly liiat.dh-- ut Urind Men l try, nn olUr wbb b I e lu. ' tilled for mill) )rnt, to the eatUfactlon of the Ir.tternliy It W and liet Hrolhcra H I.. Srhoonmaker, C. II. Pl.ttl, Hud I'. C Fner wire tht n liitio.liiced, rtml In Mailed a (b Ch'phln-- It W Hio.pefl IUmoiul wa next llitindiirid a (Irat'tl l.ertuier ilrel.and condm te-- t the nllar, white he w.i lutniete I in ihe diitle of bit omco. He tta then tlivtid wPh tbo (enl of hla oftler, Comlm ted lo tent, hihI duly In tallt d Tbe (iratnl Mambal ititd ml then, at the order of the llr.iud Malrr, proilalmed at tbe 11. S., 0 W , and ll t: Hit tbo gtand ontcir bid been did) Itialidlrd In ample form. It W Imi'iiIi l(ndera o Hired a tro!uUon at (he opining of etery m'mIoii of thefirtud lat.lne oi.e of the i'bapl.dh I e liiotruiled to ilelhir un uddret-Hi- of (uint) mluuti't' leimib, ou the pod and welfire of Ihe . Curt led '1 be of Ihe Committee un ('ntlnltbed ltu-- 1 na and llrievancr wne lend, iceehed, and mb pled A motion wn made tint Ihe present commuhlct Dili of the litutid l.odKu iluau at 11 o'cluik un thia tSttUldii)! inoiuiii'C. i tt k m; io io I. ami AM.t; rtM. Tbe Special ( omioUlee tippo ntid to c nfrr with i Coinmltlir from Ibe Ilo.ird of Tniflee uf the Pen lea Collese" al llntiitin, pieeutrd tbrlr report ll tbilr Clulimau, W. Iho. I,. M. llano of No. lit!, nt follow: Thai after a pUa.iul Inlenlew with the Trutee. atid .1 lull und lit e tutrn haiij-- r of oplulona, tbo d proinfllloti In writing w t iubmllti d to thu Uiiiud l,ode i ommillt u ou tho psnt nf ihu Tru-dr- : I h" tndirdjenid lruin of Ihe Peopu-'- , i .ih" ut II Italia, S ., hen-It- renj.ei titilly I. nder in thetluiiol l.eil.i h tral.tvuof the fall t, kloiiid, btilbtlla, nnd othei property of the aal ICollexe, lor Iho purpoHun of a Ma mule a- lum. No rrnir'et1oua nre molrmou tb. arint nttnrtMn tho u U.iiuKid upo.i H.t iu y ftvt , whit h me: Pint, Hiu n.s.uuitl lalior unlit , ui.d, niint. tl.e Oil In HKiiind Ihe ( olli'L! , Aiootinllni to .onO.liieuiiiHl hi repair and ihe putt lm or furniture uinl oilier tnrl dental epeiit.t'-i- ind a portion of h Judi; menl, tielii,t aIhiiii f'V'O, whlih tho cndltura are uuw Im iipiihli of leteAMiiif. Ihelr bir--t wllna tt 111 be itreomplluhed by nn arnp tion ii ol Hi - prpoiittoti, at. it tin y tripi rtuitty n .o it-- that a eommitief ol viltor bi appolnie I to Imt tikMte their ul)a)n, and lo whomu lull exhibit of all umliera t'oiii i le tt if i the Col jfe tt 111 he in t)e U'e retpettfiilly ie)Uft Hnt the Commute. hivlmt the au tdi el In i lot re. and lo tvhoni wu prttiitt lldi will lay 11 hi ore thv llrnnd l.oile 1'or the ir nti ei dims I. I.PWIH, Chairman. nd propotdtlon wo dri-t- 11 advlmbto lo aeeepl, but In thla moditled lorm Thit wbeneier Ibe -- .iM Tiu-tic- by byUbiihe enu-m- t nt or ulherwie, eun u.i.y l ui-- r ti e piojeny i.nnird In Ihu ptojior! Hon to thi liiuiid Lottie, tree from all lti".imbr-inre- . Hint thi timid l.n.Uu ahottld aeotii t tbu amu lor ihe iMirpoii'i ot a athint. The lnv "tleulloiit tlc.i we hive nndu of tho lint It r have eon lired u tbtt tbe Institution la imu will (lefeitb.j ol tho and fjur of the fraternity, lo wblili wu lordlilly rteommend It; but we do not rnommi nd at y futtbrr action on tbe put oi i lie Oiund l.otlue at tho indent communication, tippointmctit of the Cominlttee uf VUll r aucated hy the Truateeii, aul that the present Trutua be rciueted lo report at thn next mutual lommuulc.'itlou tho tecelpt nnd eiH.iidltuie of Ibe and a)ltnn while uiitltT (heir control, Tbe follow Inn reaolutiou wcte, then lore oilen d. .ctofird,'! Iiul Whenever the IhttlVople'a olle-.e- mi eutl' d, at II ft v aim. an and properly tra nf-- the t nut, uroti d, bnllllnji, and ullo-- propei t) nifinif lo it.tld tnntlt'itloti, free fiom atl Incum i. runic, Hilt llrnn Uditu ahould ucecpt a (.uutt-- um e ol the en no tot n Mfionle a) imu l!tvlnttt' hnt .1 i oiiindl.eo of ttfltora, eonilillnc of etuht 4)tie fiomiiieh Judicial dhdrli I he appointed to hit Ho premiers ut d Inteatluale Ihe mrufri of tlio In ltd ntlou Ion w ithi nl to thin Hi uud Loil;e, nnd report to tlx' Hi nnd Mionr. ,' fif, 1 hat the Trutirbe reuettnl lo rej it lo thi Hnind I.ode, at Ita nntieul i.lralioii, a vtateiiieiii of the Mi'(l and rtpi udiiurea of thu n jiool uml u) lum w hllu umler Iheir eoiiirob otifilt I hat 'tr i onli ally reeononend ihe eidi rprbw ot Ihe bletiui-i- i havtiu llo Itiiittutlon Iu i Iuub Iu tho fator at,d pu'rouae oi Ihu bod li and Iraterntty. 'I he repott w ja net hnl atid read, uud the Hunt ailopti ib t lv o't lot k Ibo litund I.od?o waa called o(T for ri'cen until ArTKitMms rHHHy, The lifternoon n alon eomi.ieri(e. at 3 u'rlocr, H. W. John II. Antboh, I), (1. M., n fcbllny. In tm ijueneoof tlr.tnd Miotir M. W dnmc Hlion tn in lndiKietl from a fV i re told The wat, L' owe vi r, proem uu tin p.allu.m, and octupltd u ft at tietir the inefblliit; On motion of It. W. K. M IhukH, 1 .1. lb. tbo fol- low ii k pnumble und icao 'lion wu uduptid uii.ui u.ou-d- : tlAefe',TheftertUeaof M.W htiphenll Johimlone. ut .1.(1. W..H H.W.. ei ul Hiii id Mater mi d Hraud M.t'ir, hit u merltfd mni rn i it ed Hih ediumi mint ton o the itt ami of thu I'rali rn'ty . aii'l Hint In re t.rltuhom o'lieinl aMtiuii, it la ouu alike lu him aiol uoroelt ea that he rdioul putu ftuiu ttuclhlH tbb nee of om iuirur'1 thi n tore, lhat i Commit tee hu name 4 to proeu re and PIiki nl In our late llr ind Mn-- t. r u auitat'iu of our api l.Tlatlo'l of Ida aliml-l- i , aiel an nil i tldeneeof iho high lu width hu la hi Id hy lh K i and body. Tbo ('oinmlllce on Appeal, through ll Ch ilrmaii, preatnted Ita report, wbbh wua read, biid Ita ncommcudiitlon ii'Joptr.l. Thu ;pi i lal Com ml lit e, to which the resolution of lb W. Ilndher Macoy. P. I tl. M., with niEnrd to Ihe ball uud ayluui (as pruIoinly ri'porte.l In Tine Hl'N), bad hint rdcrtel, pivaenttd thtlr riporti, r commiiidlnj; Ita ud.iptlon. APrr Munu ilvbate, the wbolo auhjort wa I lid on the Pihle, hml on luottou. It wu resulted th it the rttiiduttou uud lepoit khould hoi bu printed lu thu Tho llr.iud wat tbcu collid olT until 7 o'clock. KVRMN'l B K.SHI ON, Tho eveniiii wan coiiiinenced ut hcpoii o'clock. It. W. John II. Anthon, 1) II. M. prcldinic. Tho cummltlru apxdiited ftvcinl )enra alncu lo pic pare a miltible burial winlee ti r tbo iiso of tbo IJruiid I.o dtre, were, on motion, dirhurifed, 'I be CommilUo on Charity pioeiitetl their teport, whb h waa rwd, and referred to ihu 1 iiuutc Com- mittee. The Commlttco on Wirrmta, throimh W. Heine K. Selmen, premided their report, which reeom mended Iho Krtnlin-- of warranta to tbo following ln lodix now CO.: Mbblleburie (.oditc. Mid Schoharie county; Amicable, S ufliliuton Mil'. Oneldl county; Mucedou, Maeedon, Wiyeu eoiinly; Dour, )oer Plaliii, Dutiliunt county; Chun hUlle. CI urvhtllle, Mo roo i"iiiit), Jerte), Prullord, Ktetiben county; port bidden, Port bid- den, l.ewia county; htar, . Henae-Ine- r county; hjij ier, WnjliirH Cill. Imtcl.oHs county : Ai n.inli, Arm n :i, J ulrlntt county: Avori, Avocn, HlMibin enmity Yatet, idea, Oileana count) ; hchu)lcr, Selmb r Fall, coutiij : Ibuntii, Ituiutu. t.nldi cot.iry; Senwaub ik i, ltroA1)U, I. I ; .lln- nl. n, Oawi'Ko coutdy; Ylrtnr. J I ii t I'd, ltetii it i county; Carnlliif, SlnteniPv, Tompkliillle; Nundi htutp n, Mm in h.aiion, Lhlntioii county- tor loth, I otlntb, Snralou county; Hi t lie, !u- -t lb rue, Albany county; AuuahofiLa, lUvhmond, Kiebuioud count) ; On weytttcbfe, Fine, tit. I.uwn nen count) : lufpr, .Iiiper, Steubtn county: Ci llroul:-l)lt- , Kinga county; Ji ptuvllle, Hepuii lib', Jeller (uunti und Nuiti, N;it-.a- u lfi uaalaer eutiht.t. tho U only ou CMidllb it that tho name do cbunml, Iheiu already tiMlufC vuv Iudo u. Uvr that Uf uomlii itlou. u.irttHUti Wcitli J.cclnri-- their report, which waa read, received, debated, amended, and tbe rrort recommitted. Th" t of debate wa the a called " Standtrd Work, which tin hem a tioarce of trouble for the pal Ihrep yeata- - The Commlttr! nn Fininee 'heir rrport tbrouith the chairman, It W J W llllim Wall, and rerommrnded ei rl.iln appoprlalloii. ntnonit which were. tV"tothe Mionlc Ikmrd of Itfllef for thla eltt. l,atltii tbe two Itoml of Itellef for Ilroikhn, and nj proprlale 511m to Ihe other Ihurd of li' Iter In dlflerenl nil of the tftte. The rfrt wa reechid, di I atetl, ahd finally lobipn d a aim ndeil 11 W. Willi mi Sim Mir, I' I) l. ll. M.. fn m Ihe (I. i; , loinphmdilril Tur in on It ptioet u pon, of tl,.- p. oi i cilln. of ll eI n i nt llr.uid I. U Th. (Irand l.odtfe t , Ho n t al'el ol! iir'll n'ibrV thi m ndnv.wtou it will In bl a n hm until II. and thtu be rhcd In dat md anritltt I Hd t.ov.u. rtii.trnst Twr.sTiitu Wahu Cmpiiik (m ii. Tbl Club mot on Thin da ecnlttii at I ..In" Itroadway, Mr. 'I ho. Cnlli ii, Pield. t. and Mepr. Jaa. Itlh mid J. J. Near), livrel.irlia ltoolullon itidorlnrf Cbn-- e and Hnncoik n the Ih uiocmlle li mlnei for tint Piral.lenr) and Vice Prendeney were tinirb only pacd. A rommltiei oi ttv. - ipponti.l to eonfi r wtlh ollur lh inocritli oi (an b iti n, with a lew t union ii on lhei' e tudhl i'e. The Club then adoidcd a lmilke to he ttoili h) r number, ou the Ith of July arade, pt-- I i tole of tl auk to If it for rallnt( the hlrkot) pole, and n ljoiirned to htitt tuiln on the lii , at :he .ttne place. Itri rrhtriv 11 iTiitrxrioN Mi itlMi in llrunr.v CiTV.-I- he Itepublleii of Pertten C). N. .1., find Itatbleoy, fit tn tf'$? la- -t i n film: at I.b brntt Hall, to ratify the nomination of Den nunl ami Schu)ter Coll ix lo the pollloti-'- of Prrblenl nnd lee Piebb lit of ll.U ei utury A litije mibmrr of idle were preenl durlmi Ibe ete-- li . At b df pnat " Ihe clnlr waa taki n ly Mr. ret rn Im d. who brtt tly explained Iho b. Jtttoflbr tori tlio:, and Um Introduted a lint fj inker My. the Jtrt-- y f I JvutmlL 'I he M.ijor ltd lite abMnceolaeiikeia who wete expicliil to atttnd. bet iue be till not much like tho Idea of becoming the of any peaon Tbo ubiltute buliM.t had become tnot unpunular flnee Andrew Johnvui bcame atil for Abi i Inm Lincoln. Alter pialux a few remark of Ihe ndlc) of ho ridiculed the Idiia that then wa any mhii of abandonment, diminution ol rdn t.tfib, or luck of cotilldeuce of vblor) in the Itepubtte rn parti, lie poko In b rIi term of the net nt Cotnt ntion nt Chicit:o wheio ibiiKnt fiom .Mnl no lo I itlifornla, and Florid i lo Wlmuifln met imd frpanled with mllre cood In lltii; aiul eordlalll). uml with tho lnurid hope of v liturv lo ciowu their tfiorl. He Rate a cur ry revliw of the Hepublleiu platform, and argued lint Ibe bimlt of Iti i uhtlcinUm I jmto e. He aked thn llemoeiatlt' whether It waa letter thtl con and tate ahould rule than thai eimillty al.ould I retell, or that Injtntlce and wronjt dionl f trbimph over Justice and t let t lu cone be pied a biitli etilolum on lien, llratit foi tbo noble .ju dlle- - ttblrh be ami o (Hied him for the Piebletillnl chat i, and concluded iitnid reat appluno n -- perch uf otrr au hour diirillon l(coluilon vteic Iben read to Ihe audience by .Mr. Hear, of Ibe .Vry f ty an I patv-t- d b) ncintiuitli.ti, ufler wldch i apeech waa delhered by tbu Hon. A. W Teunev. wb.i at aome leimth In ib fence of Itcpubllcau potiev, nnd rhalli mred the Hetuocrnltr p.n ty to lum one tlitrlo act of Iheii b) which thi) meiitid the conllib nee of litem minded men. Hu too ppoke u ihe blbe-- t terma uf the fulurr PiCft'dint, bl lltnra for olhre. and the eeiie ofJiittre, hlahmiudtdni,Mid tlrinnr which bad i ter chnr icterit l 1,1 cohdmt, and concludid by h atltrlnn npptul to pledge lhimelt that liny nhould aiip'mrl tune uthota than tbo Chloaeo iiomi-tieei- . Sitiral exitilinl utUb id aeiua, prepand lor Ihe oec:ilon. wtre uh b) the Hire club, after which, id ii Ute hour, the meeting adjourned. Comi tins ti. INio IUnkkal CoMwitTrr.. Thi an.tocl.1t bu met In' eti nluu al Hall, 'I blrtriidh alrei I, tor the purl oe of fclvlu ( a tecep-Ho- to Col. Naule nnd 1.1 ". mvi,nlona, who wi le tr- ee nil) llberided from n Prithh prl"ii, and bate to tbl city. lutdel Noitbrop t naldeil, and Mr. Abbott dlacharced the thilj of Seiiitnry. The Chiilrm hi Introduced Ctd. Niigle to ll.e mielln), w ho ttiinked the ore ml il Ion for Ihe IntcicM they took In bl win ii bo wa eiett Into a llrltlah dutn eon, and wa by Iho Uoternmtnt a' Washington, He wa Intuit ulTnl, chiilunl, ant Imprhoiieil without any Juttlflcutlou for audi outiiie, and eoutlned with letotia nnd eiliii lunl for ileten month tnd ten day. He wa dUcb.irKed wllbmit miklni nny i impromle with the llrtttnh lloteinme it, although bo ba beu tllied lo alRti a nl which ben tusid to do, and I e atood be) ore the tn.illiii' it file m.iu wllboiit Inji; tiudt r nuy oblUattoii lo the ' otirnmentut W:ihlnu-ton- , whlih pmted den In I in It iltitle to tbou were arrtf(id und lonhued wllhoit Ihe hadov of a Col. .lohti Wattelt and AuRtiilii A. win now umlrip-lh- i a rinteiiie nf llf tn u) ru r' pi ml amitudo in Mil I ank prim n, and If tbili fenlt lire wen a or.e, ho should be Un re with Hum Col. Nuili eommentrd ut miuio bnnth un the i',te of Col, Wiineii, Colillo, and Ilrdplii, and concludid by ha)IiK th-i- he hi I tu'l In ll e itb timate furceri o the 1 nlati cntie, nid tit it in l;d. wbt u (he) would be n !i brttm the Men u f tl Ib ublb. a republican ll.U woubl bu lljlinf out Li bind und Ireland. Mi. Ciuion in tt Htldn ibe meetly, when a n amble and ieoiullou wire p hy Mr. I .lebi mm to tne rltert Hut ti hi otiti'utlohal Aao ..aitim d.alrelo red- im in. mmuit from Ihe ilesliuethe n.iHru!i f Ita they In Ik id It lo be llnidtil) of etert dot i riiltient to itheirolie-tio- Coiijinl with the du'let iletnitnded Itom Itacltl cu ; und whin tho Ib moriatlc Nation il t'niiu nllott ut i t In (hi tity on tho Illi of Jut) U be mpiifiid to engraft (hi principle upon Ua platform, ami to fdalr Ihtit It I ttiu duty id our (loterniiient lo ob- tain wilhout dilay, by IreJty or utht I wte, Irom all foreign nation (he right of their auhjcrla lo expatrlatu ibrmaelvi-- whin becoming Amirl-ra- rhlrrua; that tbl llbt ahall be extended to lboe clllm of our Iti public, ipeclally Warrin, Coatello, and II dplu, who are ronllued In !tr!tlh prioiiH ou the ubutil ibcliitie of ' ouei uaubjict alwn) naubject." it wa onl'Tid eopie ol thu leaolutlona be aenl to thu pnldliu o.Hcera of the Ilemocratie National Couveutlou hh aoou u they ahall lunuhid In thit city ou the 1th of ucxl July. 'Ibcodoro P. Toi.iliii-.o- licit addiened He meet UiSt lu an eloquent and energetic apeerh Alltr traniictlni; ame louUm buIucM of the Aaiocbitlou, the uuttin alJourned. (Jkint ami Coliax Ctwrtiu.s lloboken held n I iri;e meeting un Tbur diy etenInK at Hoit'a Hall, and loiuud a Uranluul Colfax CumpaUn Club, Willi thu fallowing tiamcd pt nth men n oftlcer : rtfi't'nt Ct. 11, Prnnklln Hut. I'm r 'ctMefdi-Cap- l. Pailry Prown. Dr. John Kttdlhh, M Nhio ; and loba.H! u. i'oi tst I'tt - thai tea tdiaiubvilatu. Ktitrifinu fifrrtnn- rtm. A Macy. iiennuttr- - Wn. 1 . Harp. A'iN' t'nmiitithr dohn Held, tl. Farim r, iiiiddohii I.hcy;M Ward, I In VWhh', lataeM.reie, and win. Huh) ; :fil Watl.l'ipt H. 1 ra.a, Jr., Juo Y Murtlii, toi'l Uobnl i CMitlM. '1 he l.xucuuto ( oinmitttu wi ru limlructcd lo forui u git o club foi thu catiipogu, und ul.j lo makt, iir ruuKtmiuU lor public tun ling1. I'llOl'OlM) .SoLlilt ' MllNl'VU.NT Jki.ikv t'in. Keamc) Pul No. ft, tl, A. It., and Ihu member ol Hou Coinj .ih No 9, uf Jti-ie- City, are about to i re I a mouumcid to bu lutati-- In one id the public parki In honor of the fallen io! illera who ture reidi uia of ) I ity It U pro poft'd to ndc about i,uH) b ubirij iloiu of frum il to Knu or inn Timt-iiN- Milk Timhi'. John llotilding, the walkini," who ha been Iramplna a Mile uu bom, tlay uud nlbl, for lx witka, nailitd the end of bl. lniu, wear) Journe) ut d o'clock Ihl uiurnlug. Win u bU cutiipelitor, Youni! Mile, gate up the c 'titi at, It wa not implored that Uouldlnx would continue lo ti.e end. but hn luibimllable pluik ami pi ini'tc luuee enabled liliu lu triumph oter mil y ubtaile thulcuino In bli w.i). Not llo least of there were atlempta inadu by li.teri-idi'- partita to break tip Ihu milt li About u wiek alncehe waa requeued to lall in a lit when wulkin-;- bu decllnid. other prooillon of nn t'linll) dUhonoi ible iluricter w rro uUo i epelled Till I eretllt'tble tu Ihr to nn w hu hua walked a llmimml mile in u thou ind bourn, and who will probably challtngo Weum to a trial of leg and endurance. We new htm lut night at he wa Htrlppi d for a rubblnj down. Thi're U uot au i xlra particle of lleah upon him ; hu I pure skin and bono; audi a corj u n a luidicul t would fall In bite with were Lc d"ad. Hu would dl Ct beau-- ii II V ; thrt titnuet, mtifclea, and bone would not be hard to Und. Ilia ltv Itokid ahipileaa, tho akin lough n leather, tbo boned ntlcklng out, the ankle aw lltn, the htela bletiiLil, khd the tut-- and too nalU gone ur goiu. In It pnent comlt llou It U uot a handomi Wit by auy mean. Tho feet and toea uru ilitirnetl out, Ihe kmc raps ure booe,und tbe knee cannot bi illitlm;ulhed when bo rduuda up. HI (ran tr, r..i)le., turnid up bU Mtotva and tubbed au ol.) pmuutiuh Into tbu hard tough akin o the Ic, then up theapine und ac.rona Ihu am.tll of tbu ba k. tiuuldintC did not aln p much )i tcrUa), belli c iilrald that lie could nut bo awakened ot. time which woubl bu latal to bl .t,u billon to uccoinpli-- b tbu feat. be pitched Into bib trainer on WU'tt aw .keued The b irbir who h ite blm went Into hi room on Weduedar, uud found blm alt-- i nuiif Not wUhlii. to dhtuib bis if!, to1 l.ttbore I and hmd him w lib out bia kijualhic aii'tbini about a until bu awoke A tt would be to hi blm h.rp b )ond a llmlieil time, be will bun to . o ib bed tare lully until bu (;t.i bi illy re'i.rus to hi nT lual comtitlon. A la net ciowd conirreuated Ut i enin to wlti.e ln l.i- u. f i mahct. t oi. deriiii; tbu o nmo bi' baa lnn cuduilnj r ' ' tl.O torture, and tho ithet It lnut bite uu ctcti bit wonderful eoiti'utiuii, lua WMth mile w m dour In eiy hott tiuu - pi mlnutea ami Only a tim man eou'd do the cutiti&uoi. utk bu b ii- d"t-- and tt uid It o .til!. The f at waa pirfoinicd only onco hi fore. nnnali ae eonri-t- 1 bis fuct iai Ie aome doubt wlo'tliti' Uouid-hi- wu'kud coutlutioi'a'y nlnbl in d day br the w huie l itiie. '1 hero doe not to bu any 0Y. deuce that 1.0 did not. It ttD.'i.t iwu hiuio aipiuid- - lot trUu Aiiuu will cuudueute t ie ttt ii. t wvekt for whitli tbe) ate to be pa! the munliKeiit sum of u wcik. lu--.- tkui. Uu cnt fur enry mile, tl5 Milt tiulnti 1 rtunti-lii- irom bi wouud. On .Mondi) tbctwUHf wl-- o ailuot JtyliuOddy, ut Fllev't t"t'. THE BROOKLYN WHISKEY FRAUDS. Sontonco of Calllcot and Others. IMPRESSIVE SCENES IN COURT. On the njicnin of the Unlteil f liilei Circuit (' nit VVi.lrrn )(,nt i,oon,Th(n-- i ' I. htin.r .t. Illrhnr.l f Km y,. and Join S. Al- ii n. Iicrrtofure 'nn.lrlnl nf ili'frau lln the (loiern- - tm nt out of lht In nn itlitlllo-- ilrlt", trc arraign i ill for 'entente., NeNon Ilencillct ntn nn the l'i lifli. The Court ro iin wji croilcd with aa lniircHni tlimii.' nf ilatiir. Tlmprlamiera, wlio aii'i-irei- l cl(-- i - ii, ami a If its piri-i- l ti nitel II, f ti Hliirh awalle.l llirin. occuplid xats btalj, tin Ir rn'iii"-!- . .lii.lfe l'n nnuiKnl: Yim ,r"Kc In me, Mr, Willi thia. uflir Ihl till! tlir.ll) of Nvotk, at'out a. in lou fu a nev I .it.sae ol aou llirn ti nt I I ail hut in.iite up " tnln I thai It nnnl.l bo of hm) iieri-n- j in lour p.rt tu tn ike the anil on jour in I hi Ihe cie anj Imikrii mlo ll. M lire iillle ,'lili-i- tli-- lt ll "oulJ I In-- uel . a of ilfiie I t...e .my arKiinunl oa I : tlio l of (lit. e ie, in, tlir imitl n for n new 1 j or an nnei n. I tlu..k II mi l lt luoMf 1 J In ) that tu ).m It nil ! I.anllr 11 I as I. ' it Jon artir a tliiil opn Ion on the.utiject haJbeca : font i it tySk " Mr .I T William,- -! did not ata lo bo under- - M j ''Kit Hi r Iw mid ni'i.e fir a near trial upon aa) er M & ror. ni'l) I liopt'd our Honor avonld liwir inrupo. nun- hmii uacJ Hit Urn I ilaf a lib reference ""Tfal Jt I .li.'i rr N. 'ion- - Our ,ucrtlnn alt lhat If Ihcral 11 f a amtiilrr In It o i eoulil of eoure, avail )onr- - 41 M Mlf id It alter the, but I ain clear that tt aM uotild be uiiui ri y tu to attempt to iiiak. 1 nn)- - point the trl j! or peitiiicut to Ilia it tl eve. f ' ill Mr. William, -- I ali .nM not ferl II lUht. after yoar T'"l tlomir'-- i teiuark. to ileiay the Court. Mr Jtnlia I li 1 1 not opened to becilleJonta aiy nttylhlns; I had aurpoacil the aririiment for a new till! vaotili! oceupy thu iniJortMit or tho day. I 'I here a i, a alnsle point on the rl2ht of peremptory rliiillini-r- . uhlch mhtht be preenteil to the tuurl, I but If the Couit la a i'l-- ar on 'h..t iHtlntaacn olhcm, , i It I. t.ardla nottli Khllc to add aiiytldmr. 1 .tu.l'rr Nrlmti 'I lut aaa aittled u . conultatlon, ; M not on thi map, but .nine timu Have yoa M aiiithtni; to aa) a to si'iitenee T i j9 Mr .lemka, after conaultillon. If your Itonnr j ti!e...r, vae mliiht nay a treat deal in mi fir a L'allleot I runrrrned. If It ahould be II. o Intention of tho 9 Court to Ii tllrt In.'arreratluti In irafcrrnce to any W nllirr pnnlahim iit. II I i inuh fur me lo aucneat to the Court on of Hiliarl.i and thue lntriet id III him, tint thu l'i nlleiithry of thla rounty la pro- - i,,m fined. I thbik aai arc not aakini too mutt, lu a,k ,$m In fur that. I haaeei.-.ferie- t with the Iilitrlct At-- . ,M t.irnti, and aae think It I clearly In the power uf llm Court ro to do. (Ulled nun suddenly I rl a I a a, I could not, iielthrr chotld I. mldre the Cutirt at any length upon lh. ' rlti n of the eaae My own i.mal.'ltn i it aaa a I en tl.e caao was Brat preciited. I I ni)ailf am (..itl.llid itul the pri. iu-- ai the bar ha, tJ been the alrtimof tinny unf'.rt itat'- clreumtinee,, KtP vahieh eauiu I. In th-- i pod'lun 'f 'ho pil oner, Jually m I e e'.plalticd I lilt iidhrrc to ilia oi'lnliui lii reran! W (it hi innurenre In the ma'li r I atn aed avtaio wLal , 1f ttiUhl be .ald nil the othi r ldi t tu tin: neca .ally ol an ix atnpli for public policy Hut ll tloe-- seem to j me that In can, ol tLi, dfairlrtlon, ndiii.ttlnic ol . Klratdoutit-.- 'f fi(Eteal ilotlht atlppurtrd b such i Idi nee i Ii i been mtiliiri'd in thla court, Iba. Court , inn) ailt (iiiii-ld- i all tin ficl b tt e Mr. William then luvbi nlrafielln remark oa beh. If of Mr. I'nlll 'i t, au 1 au! thit If lo wcro fur a aliiale iiiu.itl ll a.inld ' a- a. If he aai re lmprluned furuair Ilia body tnUhl be sel . fne Imt bi lrit ti'd in tin l te of ll euraae. II. It aan Ihe father of tao fern .lc chlldien aaho bad bad a . If molhei and nov one tur uunht couu.el k.ieva. but for tbl clnie I' uuail lumuttidid lh. lj prlioiiir lo tl.e Ju.tlru ul the Court. Ju.tlce Jnd ' miicy vaire belli mi . niaaT'iltate, nnd tiny only aaknl Ju.tlco In mercy a mnnirch I" it r thin bis cioatu, and aa. I lc gltry of tbe Judi- cial Mr. Calllcot vi Ihcn d fur srnttnee, and In ri-- 1) tu tl u iiucntu li vtU) .viitrLco ahould Lot b. p.ied upon blm raitl : i ' nvmiiK or Tim rmaoN.a. ' " S.. fir aa I bupa Hm a'i) lUaf I could say Hiuibl al'eil the aeidlct of the t null, lumleratir , II I ptiiili'iie I an empty form, b it I think 1; u- -e to ' J' tu)-e- lf ami the pul-l- to .) on tl.l- - rcca.loq g II it in there tr.inai lluu, tii-- . li W.-t- (haae bean B uiialKiied and uii-d- 1 (au in'i 31) i.;,oLir.l of any jf Kiilll) Intent to dn.iinl the - ..rni.ient Myron. I alitluu Im I em 'ibt.'i ".! ti) ealdi io eof such i char. 4 ' u'ti'i llul Ihe ... ;'i.i(iiii ul . 1,1 ii'.'. be uldeil by f iiii)tinn ti Ci .Ijlr u.) , hut I do .i Il4.i tui-.i- . fi.r...)'..l iinl I hrt the efllce nf the Third I'ullrc. j lum li tilel oi Neva V rk i ourer inm. tha'i (alien I flat nit. t'.l it. and tint l..r.ns n y ti.m f office I ro- - 1 H mil lu lithali ol ll.u (ioieiiiini iii l,lai,iaai, nil ol Mfi (ah., h aa fillblully lucoiititi-- fur. The atTotllit, S aaere exiinlre I b) the .Tnta r tl e Cuininl .luiiir ol O, llili rnal lleaeuiie ai d found litln I) eoriict. Willi J8 II. a.(. reiu.rL. I suhi: il tu )oui lb i.r. juJ.ucut." H Till! IIMItiT. W .Tiidre Vil-'n- In n.n uiiieii-i- cntenc-- . a'luded to aji Hie llilellli.eur, eun. atluii, uud p. liantu of this 1 piiaumriii publie nttili. bilii lltu i h Ii pnfia- - f aton, th it oi tin law, ler tl.e re.i l) .nul enact ill.- - limine of all the ilula Al ilh Ihe ui".. e he ..eld Ilia- - . poi'il upon blm. Thiae (inliicnt qualltle.ilon, had 1 lift him aalllioul i iiu-- e fr the uiih ii i y liuljie; uol onl) aalth ml". l ul Kieatly .ii. .valid It, aud nlmoit eitliiL'ulahnl tarry . ration ' Ihul iiiiiltr olhi r clrrum.Uiic m in t.u cuu uf an a. nlli ii lii Ikiiiii ant and lu btiiubie Ibe rnkhl be In- - ilul.l. Ill llotioi lo tne cine uf ilcfrjinl- - lux ti e (lueiiiiiu nt l y coiiupt'nx the public oHccra apiolnlril lo collei t tua upon dl.lllli d (plrll. Ill Ibis iomuiii,.lty, und which pna ailed toiiu iilirtnlni; ct- - ; tent at tin' lime of bl. u p m nt rollretnr. ' Man) oillcrri lud bien n inoae l, utliara pro.cedrt j ii.Mln't ariinl'ially uud ucieuva iltlia tbelrtrlal. Th r I. ill been eho.eii In the mhl-- t of thla drmor. 1 iilualiun to petlf) and rci.ublili uKclal authoitty In " Ihl, br.incli of the (lov.'inmvnt, r.nd It a wllWn hia tuaacr t" bae arcompl linl the t.isk. Tbe trial and wlltt , the jury luinl.hed the laldcucc or bl, nl il, lu fillttie; uud nut only thR but that th. rnmc had multlplUd under h'.a admmttrjtii.ii, llli hi, aid unit ciiiouMrtiipnt. In ci ncli: don, His llunor aid i Tl.e I. iv, lahkh It I our duty lo admlu- - ; lter,li lio rupactor of pei.ona-ti- n re nre none o lilKbiuto bo ubuae, nr ao buinbl'j n. in lubcn.Jlti . Iti putter. Il reiiuli.i for Um Cot it tu pro. ' I nouiiri tho icnti i ce i f ll.e The lull punish. f until iiudir tl.e thud aectli of the act of iu;, aa i riurd i moderate ruliipili'l aallll Ihe of theolli iiiil I a Hi o t.o. CKeedluc tW.iXdand , ii.ipriia.iiui nt nut en- i 111. liao )i ii. Vac fael t biniinl to tinpoM! the aal'o'f of lbe imprlaonmenl lo I e earciiltd In the Alb.ii- I'lclunllary, ami In ad. ditiLU t j bi iu; riaut.' ! until the tlr.e ta paid. hie i.TUKit casui. , ' lu the rae--i of i:.nUl.t and llien. In aahli ha motion ; ai in.uto rur 4 m, .ludno Ih'iiedlcl allied thai he Indeiuiiiincd tl e iuib Ioii. uhlch (u're l .lii.l r.iun I they uere .u.t.lli to the queatlotis iienliti'l on the I r .til . mil III 111 opinion aaeie aa eh ui in to in 1'ie 11 um eciiiry lo diliier any ilabo-la- t Un fiiind no imr In the trl il, and . mid then line ib it) Ihu uiu. mil. Tbo Court thtre-iio- ti iiiilineed ltli lianl C Kurlnht to liupt iai.n.iicnt j In the All.i'i) l'i'.illi-nt- l ii) foi la mouth, nnd lo pay J; a io of ('.',: (J, t) at nil iu.piboned till tho lluo b. I" 1 i John S. Allen, In .tnnaer to the uual question al.l Inm Innocent !' each and nir) crlui. men. In the liiilicliiirnt. I slate It In a aoliu.ii nun. nr, fully luu ol my pualtli n. .lu l(e lh neillcl then aientcnred tbo prlioncr to tht ' Alh.uiy I'lUitinlur) loi one )car uud to pay j lluo ol :, . J.'l. i i I bo prlionor, were ioii:iiiilei Into ll.o cualody ol 1 ' the Maralul, and the Com I adjourned. Wt. Trotllnv u ll.o I'.iil.lo.. t'oin r. Kj I'n, um t'taiLsi:, Julio 5. Match ?W0 milt Mn in turni as. " j I Mori Ii)', tt. ui. Lady Wooitlaaan... .Itccelvcd forrclt. J. Ihi!rea' li in. I.ady Lou II raid forfeit. Same luv .1C(pitjV.oj f.SUU; milo heals, lu bar. tie. J llil.lelt', ,. in I 111 .Million!'. Ii. in t I 1 I I .J. li.ur tiii'ia b. ir. Hoy i 3 I I J . 1 Kxptminv asu l.u.u ur I.trn. An ciploalon 1 of a koroai'iitj limp took plaeo lut eaeulmr at P.J Wu'du'ii' ii aiieet. b) nluoli Mr. lUtbira l'iciilll, attivl all. nit uu, burucd to . .No ilamao laai denu lu tho buudiUiC. mii (Mm AiTEMpr to Comvit Pncnir.--F.- nl , Mr. (liorco l'eteron, aied it, rcaldlux al '."il Aai nun A, 0,1 I!- - the aeeond-.tor- aaln- - ilo'v to the .Mew-ilk- , and wi rl 'inly Injured. Tht ui.l'urlunalo aaomin i taken to her room by her , mil i ph) at once .eiitf.r; but no riauu (( s i:Iii n ror the roritut.ili.n or tho act. . f Fxji nr- - Coioner bite, ol lloboken, Field an Inqui-.- t foienuon, on the budvof an tin knoiau mm luund In the nater near iLo Mcrrls und fS-- o iiul, In Hub 'km Dcrejsul a abonl Id jcir-n- i" ate, btrck ra and moiiitache, black cluih.'a, ai.d on lua ihi-- . i. una n p.ii'i un nhlch Mas va ten. Pill at I') 11 rr' iy strict." An lun. aa i .i:o he.d on the bod) ora lnf.iiit alai fi"ind ncu the uino aput In the abn'iice of aty inldetiiv. u'rilUUof ilv.llU fiotu Ukkuo'.iu cauin m (acre l a tide. ed. M I.i'. ait l' nr. A cne " lirmiirlit befort .a Jitilate lluckltr.or IluokUn. jiMiet'Uy k.orulnit. lu. m ',l.,n. tlio Ml, .Willi; c'ii. ua,.iii'.-- I....I Noaew. ; 9 ber Abied K. Mlilleln.l, au u hu'.iiier, u nrrM I M Ml., lb.iil.led i), and ill..! mi; li..ppu iti. Ur u- - W til :i I'eav day. .luu. (al- n It w.ii fo..'.t thai Mr. m ( Intel, eod uaa ptouon'i-- g lo tnatr) a l.ny uanwd il.b.l, reMltti;.il 1H J .y atuel. SI. W l..lilul miJe Inqnlrlaaa. avhleh le.1 m ..r her aiHati-M- f it Hi, ai ei'i.alne.1 that Mu'..ii .d will m i'o m.iiiieil ton ijilylu ml II la u al tj auuihau- lu U.itr.lo, aud Uut In addit.uii be bo rro .4 mo. e) unjet lulae pratuui-i- , to the amount yf !.), I Hi) ti er, fur la (aitlt Im. otr.ieaa, and (.ill f ptulubly be oamviuiad. He '(CI to euwUcd cu !- - Mtuuliytho lath lust., aud In thj ucaa time bth H tjm

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1868-06-06 [p ].r utrr rMiimltt. it lo th1 cmt i f t if, of the tlitl rmita, mm lo t stilt litjen nnl i"lc u of 1ltcttri.r.l,nr) MTotid rank, tnplf brlntt tmitrd



rTn I IIT Y-- F fFl 1 1 YEAH. NEW YORK,S3r

U 1 1 1 V V , JUNE , 18G8. "FROM WASHINGTON.

Tlio Chinoso Embassy nt thoWhito House

f Bpeochca by Minister Burliugamoand tho President.

i Tho Tax mil The Admission ofSoul hern States


i rTtClsl fell awhe. to The misi XWimvi.T".. JoreS.j inr and

TLc lt n. John M"irii-- f rrtiiiticil ami?i Cil'MM' tl. t'lnh'ii Ileal the Neaa link li lrrntlnI rtllvotc fur- - c In the of July Convcn

tloi. lie say, he latteonly man tn theI who I. fT I'n ilktnn. nnd If the latter I m.t r.otnh1

natc-- l he will be able to dictate it candidate, au 1 thati)t it nut hn.tllc iu

Tin titni' ivr.imtiof.The Managers y cj..uiiitieil icveriil Now

I "fork aaltneMe. aali.a te.tlfcd that they h,d eontrlb-ute- J

mc ney to 'defeat Imiiachmcnt." but that th.ydid net knoaa hoaa It aaaa to be u,d. bhcrldinfclook li here, but aaa, not called to day.

MR. HTIXUIIir.Staubcrr left for H.

home lu Kcntncky t

tur TX DILL.

The IJoiie, In Committee to.ilar, nsrcoil, bv avote of M to 10, to Mrlkc out the ljth section of theTat bill, on the pronnd lint It aai ul-- not ai l omtllthtrhat n diIrcd. t tt avould ofen the aa hole rcacnucten Ice to he mercy of I'n blent Johnaou, and pro-

bably ei abb' htm to act rid uf Mr. Holllns, a manywere of the otlnlonthtt thi fiction would barelegislate hliu out of offiie. Mr. Hchcnck la very

Uuea at the defeat of ttil rctli n, which

lioCOssllercil altil tn tl.e Mil. and It I, mol likely

that cut neck Hi.' bill will be rrccmmltted to the' ciainlttee. aalthln-l'Ui-ilo- n tn lmmdlahly report

W11 to coiir the ((lil-li- tobacco, and stamp aceClilj.

lftE!.l. Anal.IV sitlcnt li.v promlu'd Wlcaaell'i friendIn LI uinc a l'oininl"loucr or li ter

llcaalll be as ninitii-trll- ) rejected a heIllOM the tlrst t me. when he lud i.ot enough friendCt a division of the fei.ate.

the in rr on luuMiNot coil.Thornton, the llritisli Minister, Billed by

Seward. Secretary Mcculloch, an I thePresident. Ik nt work to cnylneir u billIhroogh Cotitcrc.a to ri dure the duty on hltumlnou.coal N aa Scotia lo a inertly nominal rate, an

I to iiicccfiill) cotnjite with - d earludo fruui theICacoasl trade Pet nalaiifila ftn,l Mar) land coal.

rotL mtir.R.1.iTho ttouie l'uptul Cuniiiilttcc had u

Mr. Wufhbume'ii bill to build a (lincrntii'Mit line ofieleKraph between Val. jtun and New York TheCommittee agreed, by a un.inlmuu tute, to recoil ItCilicntl) They rrg-ir- all fcl.cnica. to draw- - thetlotcrnmtnl Into any finch buluc a utterly Im

tracllcable The Cunualtteo will report In faxorcfcbanglii the pi al money order ytim,to til.: rdcra will be for any amountfromfl to tU fn the r.rt (Ma fee of lOcenta,from fW to I.13 vents ; (V tn to. 80 cent;

W to 110. ii on'. AH", a prollun to allow

' veikly ncAai iri 'o ta tepoflted lu tho put ofllec

f tcieat to the o2.'e of publication, nnd dtlhcred freetif poataiie to rrKUliI nulncilbois nt the otllce, butbut to be acrwd by cirr'cr. Ato a rolliu tortturn ill leliera to writer, frie nf imtjpe, whenKny card it iMri-t-u- u the out' le of the letter,und wLil mcli lii'tri arc nut called fur within A)

tlaja.inn rnric iiui.iumii.

The first ufl'.iiul cotiimiinicntinii if len. Scbo-fiel- d

to i oj.k'i -- tin fulluwlnj: U tter of (iiu. fctu-liao- ,

ci.i.oried by (im (irunl uml luii.fclf:IICAUOI A "T lll.l IITMKST OK Ml'HOl'lll, )

ruin LtAXywuiKU. Kan, V

M.) II, l"W. I

Tlio Kni branch of the 1'nluii railflr Itailum I

will In a ahurt nine bo completnl to u point abouithirty u Ilea ilNUiit ftuin t'urt Well ire, fana. AtIhta pilnt the llovernmvnt ''Zy aiiurork inda. I VTuuld ropectfully urne on )ou

the ln:orlinee of the (luvernimnt cui.tln-oln-

In aid at onco n fir a I'uitWallace, tn-- afl rwrd to Tort I." on, (.VlnradoTender;' The uml could bo Unladed to I'uit Wal-lace by bbuut duly 1, and to Kort I.) on In time lorIhoiprlrg fribjil to New Mttlcu lu W. 1 knowthat, peiunljrlly, It would be to the aiUanbigc of thetioTernmiiit to htlp tl'l road ccitalnly a lar u I'm IWallace and nto to Kurt Hut in auilitlon, Ithlmoat fiibtantl iby o d the Indian'en by themcral itleet whleli it tacrclaca oer tlio Indian,and the facility which It cite tn the mill,tary In emtio. llni; them. I have not bad aSingle tlcpti datlon li my department rlnce

cninnund, mid I hive the i;mitc-- t de.lrelo niilntj'u Ih.-- i condition ofulfuita. I haturoado li treat dcil of personal eaertlun by vlillnKi.early nery pi at In tl.e aectlon of the e junlry luwhich .u wire I ll e lt juii, and lu til Inter

1own with tho Indiana 1 i.i led t Inllevc that wemaybe able to Mett'ii tcace during the comb k

No one. utile be baa pernoi.nlly illiilthia country, eun well appreclalo the Krrat

lilcla I'll lullro d Kl'''' tn economy, ei nil ). andrtlcclltcnca in th'1 ndn 'nl-- t ntlou of inllitaiy aifaliaLu thla driartmeui. Youra truly,

I' II Mll.lillUN, Majoi tleinral V. H. A.Geo. V. f. Uiiant. Couananaiu. Ac.

MiniNAinisi coxriniit:ii.Tbe Hon.ilu coniiriued tin 'olluwliii;

DOmlnatlona : II O Wi rlhiniiton, of Nevada, to be

Ulnlalir rialdent at the ArKCntlue Ili ublle, viceAabotli, dece.Ted Aloed Allen, of Kentucky, Con.

rul alFoO'Chou, China. Thoma It. Aaten, Atorof Iuterual HeveDue fur tho Klehth IHstrict of NewYork, vice Uli eckcr, to be umoved: Commmli.ieThoma Turner, to be I'cor Admiral on the activelist, and C upt. John I.. Woidui, Con.modorc.

ASOIlltr. rt'NIAS rillrllSltlt IICLKlkKI).

The Htulo Deinirtnicul I in receipt of Intelli-gence to the tfloi t that I)i mil U'l'cnnor, the lat Imprisoned Amiricun In Inland, lua bien leicased, andIt DOW on Ida way to Ihu United Matin.

hllNlsTLK tt) I'AIUCl'AV.The I'rcildcut nominated Martin McMa-ton- ,

of New York, to be mlnlatir ut 1'aiaguay rice Wuahburu rolitiiCd.IKON CLAP 80LU TU Tilt I'KKL'Vl IN OOTinSUINT.

fiomo d.iys tifto, In nccordance with the resolu.(ton paaed by the Monacal the Instance of Uiu.Van Wyck, the hecretary of the Tnaaury ft'ive In

Itructloua to the Collector at New Urleana not torant a clearance to ilthir of the Iron clad vcnaeKfhe Oueoto and IheCatiwtia. '1 ho resolution declared

" There waa reaaon to billevethat theao veteilawireliourht Irom thn Navy Dipurtment by hIR .V

Company, with tho denn lo dbprne of and dillvcrthe lame to thu (ioieriiincnt of Peru, then and nowIn a atateof wur with u friendly power of thia (lor-- l

crumcnl." Within a day or two paat, InformationWaa received that the vcasi l were to be aent out onau experimental cruUe, prufissedly, but In factto escape to 1'iru. Accordluzly find lntrucllorhave been transmitted to New Orleans to uunrdaealntt audi a moriment. The C'ounnlltie on He

trenchrnent hva the matter under conaldeiatlou. umlnay eoon repoit tirou tho euiijoct. It hat ueeuascertained that altl ourIi tho original puirlmie pricewaa only 15,U, tho vistela have betn old to theI'eruvliu iov eminent for I'.'.OO'J.IMI. tbutifouilbs ufttlilcn uuiounl has already been puU.

iThe Chlueaf r.mbny.

To-da- y the Chiiuao Amba.aadur and suite re-

paired to the State Departmint. and were thtreJolucdbytbo Smctaiy of Bute. The paily then

proceeded to the Kaicutlve ininflon, vihero a laiecrowd of ladles and geullenin had gi'lutej to ace

them, They were cacoiud to t'i Dine Itooro, At son

Burl!D''arae,ofUitChluicraiik, l'.nv y Katruordl

cary and Ill,h M.nlatvr riinipotcntlary, walkluK

vlth Hecretary and thick Kouj and I.un

Chla Ku, of tho ecuid tlilnete rank, n'soclated

Uijli Envoys end JllnUter fiiloiiiig Incempany

With the sla atuJciu-- i v.ho. In addition to Chlucie.

ipeak the Entollah, French, and Itnsalan languajcs., llr. Brown, tho CMU Stcretury, and M, do Charai a,

S.f elatn.t eecretary of the r.mbnssy, were nlo In the

miuioat lUi ci:;cuiotlsa cercaicnies ncic

from theTMtlbulft by th crowd cfJvliM nJRinHitncn, the door btin opfn, bat ttif onty pr-io-

llhln the chamber were tbe Erabtoj, the t,

tbe tnembcrf of tbe Cabinet, ind Col Moote,the lreldtnt' lr.Tte tHecretnrjr. The Mgh offlflilrepectlely were Introdoced to the I'mldent by theSecretary of HUte, iTetloo to the deliver) tf Ibelrcrcdi'iilliln, Mr. llurslfiftame luiJe tho folluwIiiK re-


Mr. rr.rtnrsT-- lf von h i not Ire'l. ttrnneh lhuf sutr, kindly rt'ltrird mt from

ti.i'nl, 1.1 y rtrvt t st) or, tliU ic 1. i w nl It.- d t Ulat you how it tn timt I, h.i Ifn nn i'tiitt.. p?rnten ft Mnilfr r Mic l'nlte-- SMnl C hitm. hAM C--

tuornH tirtr n Vlnttirr from U Iti.i l liV 1'nltMstjir )nnll) inr, I trni,to renrw In Iht--

trinni tiiii nnrr Hie ti rrnoni of ni) ItmiiXn for theaikI librfillty with h lbl t Imi ofchtmcUr kul rrponlM)tty uti ln ftitt h

uch ullt Ahv Amrrimn titlr Mr. Prrttittt.ltliirt! ( bltirtc Ootrrnnifttt liittli t, llhln thrUt ttrrv ytrnr. U of nit lore tint nreallowed tr.l ftfti tWtt ly ihe N. irrn Powersthat UoTtromrni hu fiirlhrr tonr1ii(lsl If

in enur into c i.imuii'Min li.ronihll.f riMutnsr) iiflnroMlc nt) vt'tti tl I nllcJ tAU,heiklnm. ttlnik, rrnnre, iin Dtliitin, lt tni.ItAtr, North (Irrumiiy, ...nn,hi-in,Mi-i- trl. n lht.lir,r thri hl'M' iirrnni-- i t rol'y ef',, 'nh tteri ilJri'tet In ttio-- i powrir r..' lit 'jr. r rrti ImrifM, hi tdr rip. tine of Mini m'lii.t ln ippf n--

"1 cjiMMin, t rut Uml the nine unVinl inkllllhlllat. lljf Ml.) (f Ml. Wlllsl tliC Ktf llii ! t'tv riynt f' r tin- W"ttri, PuHor, ll' l ttc mr utrr rMiimltt. it lo th1 cmt i f t if, of the tlitl

rmita, mm lo t stilt litjen nnl i"lc u of1lt MTotid rank, tnplf brlntt tmitrd nllhcttri.r.l,nr) snl pK'iilpnirniinry fui.ttlono, itt.Jml vt ii brlnit stiTtfililftt In 'Mt iu Mlu-i-

Kit 1 Knvu now il. ttitrthtf ifitcr III tmpirlM MJ'-t- v, tt.'rh u thftMrnrtl t. the Pmidti.t or I tin t'n;ti.l Ind Am ntir obiy ictinrcc sttiti bv ilK r ff( Itlri, lu noatiri )ou nt hl flwrtfl druro torloiml fiKAllh, hotr, Ahd biprlmti, nn.l forttir

bd i.rnp pit 'f the itnui nut hut of r luMtt.h thesutliorlt) wf j ou hftie bu tolled li prtii Ji .


The rrUent lepllcd a folio tiYotHKtiKiLRtirfwbUitjilintrillfblnAlrnen,bRre

two iliilntl ehartiiri auj tlehtt if aehttiy thr oneitottti tlr, itif olher 4k t. If It be irii.n IlrntHlf.that rverttl pH'tlr! romntniitih ol the ctrtli

rr i.ow uwrv uctlt.ljr erttrattl Ihitn at ny t rctiouprrlot In unfit rittiiff Um Ir mtp-ntt- t ouinutlPt

"tl lim, tt roriAlr ly nt rt mntfrt Hint thry htinlot.nly 9Pg nrfi-.- l In Mtietmr itlii nl ifrfwtttin thtlrrttn of inlvrntlotiNl lnttrfur nn--

Yin tprrfiriM.ff here vt thl. the t tlrtloti from th,nto tiicveiern nation. in thl rri ett not more Mlnitu-l-

tlin t l nuifSf'ttte. Iiuilntf the r.rt rlvinlry .4rt of nr In.Utf ruttLcr. forrUn htttloiit rtlnciui intion ami TfvTt O A to tay JabMr, Inrrunt to tho fitttancifi of Die I'nucil hiatr tvf Ule Uir9 fcaiurri hiva to dlier.Tberrtem tin ncri--i one citiIIii 1 and ct illtuteil httte, ttltli Mhlrli e htte imt roltnel relatiui.

tf rorilt'it frluiwtxhlp. ho ri irmn f t .Ins to liiiitotjfetter upon our f'Mi.mi , m l.rr i of uc, i.early all illoii iu w luvit th tontnl llih fn e trah our national .ltoiK-- ' li e Amer cui Coiiitnetit an.t U'iihI arer'trf'trnlty tFrril f r the nltimxte taMhn enl of .

landfill American tt te t n loncrr anywliere. tttforou tn l well tluropean I'uw

iftmw fwelr 'efte to it for fair I'linlt alrut u h ofllii Ir c'li,UI f.iMtloiit ii thi hwo.ui h' tr at c HintJ lablt lor Ptrerrfttt n d c luihicrcr Tl.e Inlitr-n- t

ttit.t of tiitn to 1 "1 niij ctianire itomirlUatnl ail2iinre, a (rit'rpte r rut in I to bum iniroartr, t cui.cuWl in our treat u 1tvi liMiiKo, itltl'miti not Nv In t'orlAiit, ai leM tMr.klitCthan tin ottrimon if our liiicrcoitrttti theU.1 nial natioiii e bite r' utljf npt-n- i I t. linealHint nviftl li trrroorpe with Urvtrc. with the ft omanPurl, aiid Pti tlai-a- l.lna haliiff arreptetl tl e laol nH"Ui t!ny ire et laltie.l lu uut on iriitrdcnmptlatio' . now aqilW l.uivlf, It.rouctt )mr it Isw.on,of our frl'-- 'il liiiroilueilon to tho (Jrlilati Winh iPut ope anil Atnenra. I hi eo t ettti Tv p i utfart t ii input ktulh uf mutual a.i c'HUioii.; the r.atlott, reruILIus from a crmial ueniotiuf the i ' lie) of wr roiiriueet, iid theit Hint onof air ittrn- -l at.ii hriiD'jlfiit pullr m If pUi-e-

, urKxrelltet rti i, wp I fatlnl lo apprm ite 'he nitar'l) illi wbttli th tti litem l.mplre ha rttptnleil lothl chniitf of pobry 1) the t'ltrutiai t.iHurt Wo itcknowltdia'e Mllh plrairr Iho omIenlightened idotlonoi Hint pollvy the Wrt 'tn vtiuht, arilitir In court rt vlih tin t i.lte't Ml( er'rtaily j.r ilrtHt Hrllaln. llula, rlh itertnaur.Italr. ark, J(i1e., llolarit, nrtd )i Im itn idi'cui H not uiiHorthv ol thit ucca--o- to bear wiim--

tolhe iiieulofthe rerirrntatlve aruU wl.of v inmonlatioi tt Peklti btve cutntlnattd tn bttniMnx 'tiehmplre of t. htnt o early hw u d.rrclly i.ito the lamll)rlrtletf clvlllrt'd lutloi.a. itnnifly : Pitnr.- - Ki ucar.d Wei ttilntj, on thu art uf l bin , yonitctf, Mr It'trttntfunir, on t'.e pari of the l'ilted Htatre ; Hit btinn.tedMrtredeikk llrmennthu Urltioti pattt 'lertliniiyon belulf if !, ard Mrir. lUllnei k andVlaLrnlly oh Ihe part f Hum. a. KraMirlnt; fromthe (iitrinon whkli tu Hutu prcvnlled hitherto,I f(d in)elf Jtittiritd on till itTndoii. hot oi.lytn ilvl'iti )oii itcoidlal rectptton. bnl alio In ainltnc)rn of a uelcoine, eiju-'lt- corillnl, hy tliu verrral dhrpiiMerti to uhlch )on tin1 arcredlieo. trul thai ihulutellu ut f.iil ciitlithieiud Itutorc llovrinmunt and(i'oplu n 111 allnu me build upon thU day' triv f

in cipi( t ition thnt thtlr ijrnit empsfr. H.Hftlnfii"iiuit)iin . at hili''rtly puhr, m it) hi w f'irttiht'liHluied to tuku an atlltu part In lht irt li't .1 pro-- i

tt on. i hi re on etn rut lu: of nav i itl ti tit wnn hurope and ( lona Pit rim of the Pi didMnVa tuvi- airtad) C'intrtti'i. if a loai nt runn thnmu of itnania, ilh a buv of atcim ncrtlce ice lloPurine lUeati. In ho or 11 n- j tr ti)"H there Mill hend Ic.l to thee fiiethttt) of IntMcour e the Piinf.e Ka'.l-io-

at roa unr nun roiihii nl, an I n tti'p raimlj nt rut led h) t'ri t.cti p dronace a roi- the Utt.tiiu of

MH'. Iii tlnr. will ttt reiviln. all tin e. atuliif-r- Im port ant ll.nii ..I or tin ni. the trint work i fon-m- i

'jiiit ti a t o o run ty a r.ti.itl, to ie i O'.ntr'.i id arm Ihu of luile 'i o doir i tin t i It

tv of kiii h ii urk wot, id Imply hi iirniranir ti' and Ihe wealth uf the a.u tn vthuli we i.t

onr linpoitHiit tii tl-- will tun to i mtii mcire i to H. Hi'lilvveiiicnt of that ureal etitiri.rl'-e- .

llully lialti .tt, Ihrrelore to CuliimetMl 11 tolhefetor M Hie I'httt I Mate of . n ui t. u I an tn tl e(lutei Mr id cri'tdt a, a 'id ll.t) tvternl Kuropra't Mali a

lo width ou nir i(Lredltrl,Attcr th dellMT) d Ibr ddrra, tbe PniliJycri IntrodiittU to the inrmhcr ur the CAbinet. Tho

PrcUlcnt iicbst k' ft word with titliruiiKli thu iutuprt lcr. .Ml ftcnud lo oc plemdwtthltf intcrxitvt. 'Jl.o Km. teturiird to therMn nt, white tUy wciv cidutaiiad iUu coltatluii

At their Intt. view with the President thl ,

Mlidtir I 'irllr the Itto Srcir'arietwrit dit'-e- d In pi tin t lack ulla, nltliotit pittifj,'ll,c Ivi) chltf .iiai.ilLib a ni to uttlrid In c rseotialliturnl nnd t.'nl y wtoUkIiI Rowna, ylidUd with

Ilk and Jewi od conln . i.nd weailnn eniibeaof their rutik nd oflln. i rtcullar ri( line atidtirilbaiicy. lj u trr t .i f tl.ey wurc (llerly hluied etiudunn atraw hut, whichwere routed t It i loi m, flow ln di ep red filnji-Pro-

tbe I j of tho ccntrt- of lbee hula wasuprtid'd n onnm id auri uunded with iewela.

Loocp tlonjuj; f htVoon of rl"h toloml llk,jidiiusiillliriitly worked r Ilk nnd velvet .inda!et withill .iiioi.U d buck ca, romptittd the foitumuofthe eblr1, while iho Inttrprttrrf. who aro nilhlh o CI ccrs of tbe ih'h iniik. win Hourly kIiiiiI irlvut tiled, Ihe oi l dllb rcitce btinn arlou itiinkH ofinnk, tllbtr about lbe-l)- if thu diVftiiRor thecolor ot lite clothing.

t o n ri 1. 1 it t OA a a t:s -- s t;cust s i: v..Naff A.

M'llUlP.Washington, duue G. . pttltlim of 3,000 chi-vt-

of tin Noiii'Wifl, mid tbe luiiitcrUd oi' tl.e Mc- -

ihihbv' Mule ArOC il. r- - U'rllifcp-iS-Mi-j-

of uu tight Lour, wilt- JlcaihUd,HTATtv-- i NUII-lt- ,

Mr. .jiiiT.M n called up tho bill nl ttlnij to Vnltedi.uten, tun) the ubaUlute ( the t'otuiiiliKc

p.ovidlni that tiny contruit r nnolepiinlle It. coin ahall I e Icul iimHulid, nnd may

he il Iniiul uctorilllij; to 1' ti i ma. iitijtliitnf In thobill if bitii k lo Uiittd btulii bulta toiat' contraryI otwlthtiiiidtn.

Tlie bill waTUB fiEMCIKNCT HILL,

Tl e Uf r.r'rncy Aprri'Prlatlou bill nt tbla point(ante ir"iii tbe llotiN", ih the Aiinounceuirnttit d II e auiMiilnictda nre concurred In, and u

'uilhtr utnchdmei.t piriettid, which, nti mutton, waluncumd lu, atd tl.t bill gocn to the Pre. dint.

TDK AUKlS't-t- i HILL.

Thu bill to admit Arkanaa came over from tbeHour?, with n fur u t tro-o- Con fen me,Mrm-.- . Trumbull, Uruke, and Wlltou weiuufoliitedaudi couimlltii.


Mr. Titt'ma-i.- called up fho llouoc bill to udmltNot lb lurullnj, Houtli Carolina, l.ouMuna, (Jcorpa,mid Altbin i. Ifo ezplaliitd that lu thu aubitltututhe Coinmlllic bad Hilikui out Alabama, nnd Unitby inUUku 1'Iorldu wu lntcrti'd, couirury to thejplnlou of the u.njorlly of tl o l ouimlttte, ihouKh hupersonally bad faorid InteitlnK It. lie hUted thenumber of oUn cait for und HKilnrt the ContltuHon in the Male eimmeratid, and In thu iii.ilU-- ofFlnildu nad u coimuuuWatlon fiom tho (Itii'-ra- l ofthu arinj. inctoaltiK ii telirum from (itn. Miale,(Utrd UUtda, IU , Junu 3, IVri, witch atitea Ihuiiujorliy lu fa or of tho Cui.tltutlou lu rlorlda ut

&,Mr. Tm'Mhi'l L proceeded to eiplnln tho aubntl-tut-

of thu touimittte, which has already becu pub-M-

WtLftON moved to amend by tnncrtlnir Alabnma.lie nld tbitt htttu Irnl prepared Ita Constitutionuiirllir than any htute, nnd .oted upon It aid

ciy In tuplcbii4 acaaon. jrivlnic a Urvr vote lunnany of the other bUtc ecept(nt houlb ("aioliua, Ifu full ote b.ul been CJt, hu lud no doubt thu

would buc Lieu adopted b torju.ih hi majt.rlty. bhu fallid ulely on arcount of thePi ot Uion talnccd ch inucd of ri quiring a iimjority ofthe rejfUUicd Uli I t the . loj lluu of tl.c toDatl-tUtlop- .

Mr. IUtUB arjrued that It wouu ie uetier to inv:bU bill aiiile until the Conterei if I'oininltlee enilUitu vaa the fuudtducutai cuhditULa to bu lu

"Air. tdtr.r.MAN hoped Alnbonm world bo ndmttt1,ulhu tbut ahc m lu a btitir condnbn to maluialu

M.ite than purliiip nj of lie uthim, und tbid U o

piocretllnh Uu t u l.u.u bltll KiuUi, and iLv Lobatl-iLtln-

a f,,(,,l 'ho-Mr. PrHEMdH waa In hmr of pai'lnifj tu bill

with At ham i Ictt t:t, und with YU rbla In.Mr. CoNhilt-- fUKKwud that It would nut be In

tho InteieU of uc( t.atruction tolrert tbuuimtid-incut- ,

liicludlnii A abaina. J Iu thought that In tt e

fut i;ig the j in If fit conclude It hud been an uu

wlt act to cLftLtjc tU lruU.u that Us culudcdAl.tbunia.

Artcr furtlier dthatc, In which Mc4iri. NU.n,Va:iMuUtu'tXuutUc. tsuuuer.aud otbtrs tn

tlc'pited, tl.e Per ite, without Ullnir action on tbebill, went Into eiecutlre wid toon kflrr adJuurned,

llotiap or Iteprr arnlnllvrSir l.AWRiNci, of Ohio, presented a reolntlon

of the Ohio I.ecUlftlnre for Ihe nrvey of the Miamiand Frio Can il, for the purpoe of rnltrpltiK It lo theraptelty of a alup canal cotincrtlnc the water of theDido and MiMllppl ilvirs wltli the great like, he hid 'alrevly Intmdncfd III to(retire this ldp canal, whlih be regtrditl wof moreImi'iirtame than the propiitMl ahlp cnnal from Chieato by w iy of Juliet to I.t SUlle. Hcforrcd to theC i"nnttec on Connnerce

Mr Tkmhy ftom the Committee on Afiftlr,rrporled a Joint rt solution direcllnir tho Prial lent Ina.Uance Ci tln Thonn t". Metcn, Cnltrd MateNavy, not ixccrdlnir VI numbtra on tbe lltof(tptaln In ihe navy, for gallant, f.illhful, and ifllcioullenlce dui Irg the bite wur lWcd.

Mr KtAMiEii, of Vnblnitton Territory. Intro-dne-

a bill to rtmb!c Clitk County, nb!tnitonTerritory, to pro Me a fund for eitliiulhinif it initctdcduvM, lUfcrnd lo the ComiuUttc on Tirtbtorlca.

A PRVMny PILtMr. PKtiltAX, fVom the Cominltlce on Invalid Pen--

n, h bill rolnllittf in inlona. The tlrtpet.! ton eonvtrnia tbe liWtltic pinlon law a po a to

f tricedrtuc to ttl.ttitM of deceased t'Crwrnaintinj neither widow nor child, In the following

ordrr: b'lrt. mother ; aeeondly. falhcraj third,orph m bro'her and fi.tcr, who ball be pensionedJoint!), If there be moie than one. Tbe tdtnrtelion to lualtera uf delall. Ihcbsll wan ped.

T It E t nii.L.The Houo then, tn CotnmlttP f the WhoV, re

amtitil thi (ttttfldf ration of the Tax bill..Mr UiMiti im.tid to amrnd tbr alxth aectlon by

p'ntldli'K that tball be made by andwttii tl e n hire am'l nrtit of the Kipreetit.itttra Int'omrrt.- -c irom the d strict In wliili the duty tapirformed.

Mr ciibm'R rppned Ibo amendment, and men-- t

juM ha an lilU'tiatloii uf the way llwould workV e fuct tint the Collrctor and Aaror of tl.e MnthDistrict of New York b.i 1 been recommended for remoral month ao tho A.r.iot fur Ktoai luattthtlon tn bulno. .ititl Hie C dltrhu for I opclca l.nutabce uf the law, and inaulfol Incapacity to learuIt.

.Mr Wood abl be no dUporltlon to dlpntethe fact", but aritued that they proird natldm;Aiculiiftt Ida propoithii. If the rejt nlblllty wereriatlinston Ihomrmbm rrtpovtliely, Ihtrc would beno memlier who would dare lo Itupioperofllcluli In

lie amendment cfTircd by Mr. Wood waa re-

ject! dIbo debalo waa finally closed by order of Ihe

11. UM. Thotarloti amendments which binollritd front time to lime bud been either withdrawnor rrjectrd, and tbe tiucrtlon wn narrow rd down totbe motion ot Mr. UAliriKLDto rlrlke out the Utdai.'tlon.

Hie lute waa taken by teller, and irnultisl iyea,01, hoe, So tbe alx-- fretion w.t ftruck out

Tbe Committee then procetdrd to the conldeta-Ho-of tbe teii nlh aectlon, which proIdft uprr

vlor of Internal lUtenue for e.ieh dud-rla- Platrlct,ftud reiiulnlta hit ilutle-- Ae The protloion Ibit hefbjllbute towtr to Um afer ufllcer fioiu one tllattl-- l

ry or pbiee of duty to .violin r, ,w a, on inoilon ofMr Schenck, ntrtiek out.

Mr. Ksi'TT nl to trlko out tbe protlonwhlrbaiitl.orUea the Super tor l 't ttulue peroua,paje but ka, ftftounW, Ai.. and which .Mr Knottcont' Liled waa In ntlou of the Conatllutlon

Mi Al.l fiN aald that tbl wn let ii ly ihe pro.v I mou uf the pri- .nt law, bdU that powerlnw .

Tt c amendment wa rejected.The Commltlte H en prociedtd lo the consideration

of the aicll'tti, wblth rt (fill ilea the tlullia..c . of reienuo!!!!!'!.

hi M ini an.t iidmeota of detail hating bren ofTeredby Mr N nttst k and iicieidlo, Mr Lihian mott d to

cut the whole act llon. btciue 11 I londt I fora bondul wftnhou-i- , ai.d Iflhc wbhkey tat redured nnd weit to be dnl the ttl!l worm, theoru way In which the lax could be collected, therew i ol I p r.o nt id of on tlcil wui eliotiM

Mr. HrnrsrK oppiied Hie motion, latlne thatboi.ded arebouvet wire for rdnilh ollur nrlirttifiiilr fphlta; and aln, Uml If the whUkov luxahuuld hot h rinluced, It woubl be nen"iir) l bate(be )tem of bondid WHreboufei proldid lor tn thegeneral bill.

Mr. LtHiiN Mid he. bad been all Ihe time oppo-m-

to bondeil winboui, btraute they wiro thu urealof wbUkiy nd loh.iuo fiamU.

Mr Cotoiir .ill he bad Jul rterltod a note liotnthe t ol'cctor if hltdltrlrt that I ,n i.t t uloii idwhUkey wete now In bond In I ho wnri hotiei oftb.itdlttift. hlttce dlhtllltra bad been forbidden toablptheir wbt-ke- y In IkhhI they hid not bien able In dinP"M of It. biruuo they t mil. I nut mlu, d lo pay luuulloii Ihv aid lliru Mil Ihu whlakt-- at l,M.MbeI rtre In the Ilftirn nmrki t

Mr. Wood iriuaiked that ll wn by the boioledwartbotie pjftiiu that all tho wblnkey Iratidi badbeen p r, 'rated

.Mr. Mrrii leinn'ked that the proper wny to prt althe tux w at to t.ix the lirtnenliuit eup'icliy ol ditiilteilea, lie H'po-n- l to ollei u ri -- olutlon to thatt'tlcct. It wa tt e ftlein adopted In Prucida midAt'ftrit; w! j ahoiild It not be l led here for :tt lentn y nir? Let ihe 'at be r iluitil to a do'Iar, or lo 75r nt, and li t lhv ft tiutntli.u im unty nf ihMilh i leabe trued, and be heliew-- tbut a laro propoillon olthetiix would be colleeted.

The Cotumltleo thtii priwcrded to Ihe ninth feeHon, wbb li nttulatia the apuintii.ent uuddulleaofirfluuer1.

Ki'teml aintndment ofditall hnrlninei'n made,Mr. iiiovid to atut'ii'l by Rttlnj: (he

..f iji.niiM-r- to Ihe eere'ar ol the Trva-u-

liiitead of to ibe Cominilont r.'linn tiling i.o quorum pitrenl, ihe (tuentlon wnn

II pen, tilThe Cotillhlltee lldll tr.'rfcdfd to tbo roublein

tton of the tenili myOou, whlih reulatca thodhi-f-n of -- Utrr. Inl ulleellon Dittrtet.

Mr. lit ni t it oibied a Mulmtituli to constitute eachHtate and Tiirdnrya Cnlb'ctlon libditcl, cxiept luStatew wbetc there an lurj;c cities which was reJtrti-d-

No olber nmrndnunl waa otfrrrd to Ihe aectlon.No ami ndniu.t ol wai uiadv lu ice

tton It, I J. or l l(lu motion of Mr. aSt jirCK, arctlon ll wut rtruck

out.No amendment wu made lo fectlon 13, rrulatlni;

the account of Al tint ta.reierid aniciulmeut of detail were tnudetorte-tio-

I'l, which rtgu.atci tho pjy and alluwancia ofA- c air.

Mr. I.AWitrsrit, of Ohio, mnvM to icducc Iheof Atilttmit r fiom " to 1 per duy.

The nineii Jimnt van rejeited.Mr. r'.Lt muted toruduieaalarliaof Aiti;o:- - from

lo ,o4i.Mr SniKM K evplilned Ihe operatton of the aec-

tlon. It htnrlM ty ifltln'E all .ton flJKI ii yenr;thin, mi nil nt.mi nt belwrm iih),n-- und yi m,

lll, It allutve I ball of p- -r iii.t., which woulduh to tin ubo (jul.tmi), JI.M10 ajinr; nod P niiiwed on bitwieii Ji"i.-- ;

Ljd,iM), one fourth of one per iinl., wblcii. Mtfite to an who n'efced the latitroi tn. r:ir. Tho nvera:i eompennallon of

would bo ui out ia,&'JU, whiil lie did uotcotiMtlrr too l.l)(h.

Mr. Klu a ithieiidiufnt wna rejceled.The Couiudtlte then proen ib tl to tin I Tt h "fctlon,

rt'ienlnK to Ibe dutb uf . No ImporlauturiMT.Imi'Mt uai madu to It or to thu 1Mb, ll'tb, tfrth,oi aNt

Mr. Jf.m i.m mottd to umind the ird acellon byHtilkln out the wort In "or ptti.iltUV tb.'it nppllid lodirri Uotury I ftutltlirt otir which the bi.dno power. Vithout dlcpoftiiK of the iictlun tl.eCoiiimltti e roue.

The prenentcd a memce from tbo Pre!d nt in ii' to Hi irluU of American citizens Idlimit Hi it ''ii, iiul ihu Homo adjouineii

J7O.W .HJUSWllllln nUueil by tbe flot rrnot-T- bo Horn

I in orm-In- rut CueAi.niNr, Junu 5,Aiiioiiu; tb bills a! pied by

Hi-- , (louTiiur to day wus the one which pro i. Itn thatthe Cotiiinb-lont- T of Kmti'ratloii may take tvatlmonyua to tho treatmeut of rmhnutiti ou ihlpboard, theirfood and dilnk, uud lu case of death tho cauioIbMiof,

Tl ere are rtimora here Hut an extra nelon of IheHtnate will be called for tho ronHbivratlon of exicu-liv-

nomlnattona mudo last winter, but not actedupon by iho henate.

Tbo leatltuony lor the proeenlIon In th Iorn Impeachtuenl caae w a closed to-- iy, and eeveral witnea-i- i weru examined lor the dcfince, amoiiK ttum

llrucc and Albeicr.

Tornado lu Oblo-lloii- -e- lllott n Ilotvu. Treerpronietlt tVc.

HiNDunicr, Ohio, Juno fi. A terrlblo i;olo ofwind, accompanied by rain, paaed over tliU city thittfternoon, doing comldcrable damnije. Tbe roof iftho Clncliiuallt tianduaky, and Clu. eland lUllroadwarchouae waa blown ot), and felt upon the propellerOrontcs, lylnfc at an adjolnlne dock, tearlni awayber ftnoke tack. Injuring thrto mm, two of them"Ciloti'ly. Treea writ uproott d, chimney and abed-blow n dow n, und much properly dam icd lu all partof thu city.

A Mrlkp uml Tlirriitciird llloi.Wur.tLHTi.ii, Mun , June 5. Tho Ktiiko fimnrit

the fboumukcra In Ashland culminated In a rlotuuadetnonatratlon yttttirda), on account of tho m:iiiufxclurert hlrlns: pi raona md mcmbera of tho Hi. Vr InOrdtr. Thu "buna of Ht. Cr.i-pl- " parad' d w Ith ab'Hidof intiale. and threatened to dtatroy tho bulld-U.j- -

Pott) citwena armed thcmailtca to k'p theietti.' The iirrhul of clu I funo of twtnlyU.crttiite Conatablia iUil!od tbe dlaturbance. ur I ui

?Iitituo DlmMer.At inldniibt, May 12, Ibo acbooncr John A.

Swell, of Piluoctowu, Cttpt. Atklna, fioni (handCyyman for Ht. Iiomlnso, ran on Cuy erde,Cuba. The wa a total b. The crew left thowreck, and In Hit open bo'tt mode u dUtanru of lut)

mile. Ihey wire two day at fourliirurs of wl fch thi-- were without fco lbUivrg t!uy


Tho Chiu'ch Suspensory Billin Parlinmont.

Tho Austrian Kmporor anil iho Topo.

ottVA r tnttr.t .v.

June ft. in Ibe limn of Commonthi evening an amendment ti the Mipen'oi) billwa olio red, placlmc the o.TlcUl tenurca under tieMnynooth Co'lcse iirant un Ihe a.ime Imata u llilniIn the Irlnh Church.

The amendment wa npponed a dcfdmcthc andnot aupenor). In nrrordmee with Ibe ehnrncb r oftbe bill under eonlderutluu( nnd wat rijicted by ti elloitr

Tbe Home then voted In fivor of pirmlttlm; ne--

In be mndo (n Iho Mnjnonili Colb ce,and nlo tn faior of tho etmllntiiuee of the litgiwnIkmwn duitnu the ple.itire nf pArlbtment.

1 bo ulMnory bill w t then pieil In Committee.Tbe announcement of the leault wa teci-hi'- withcbeir.

.1 ( sltllA.T.oioMt June f. --Tho Kmperor of Autrbiu-cr- t

that he b id to mike hi choice of two dtemathe, the "IttnliifE uf Ibe recil law hoMlletothoCoticordnt, ir the abdication of the throne of thelltpnbutRb', it'id be iboe tbo former. Tbl exp'iifit luu I Iiitendid to aoftin the riieultucbt of Ihe Pi pifor thu ilo.u1biii of the Concordat.


Tin rrnlnii Karlli'ttiritttOttiwa, Juno B, Autheiitie luforninlloti

ba bcn receltnl here of the transfer of trtt qtinu- -

title of Fenian nn and ammunition Irom t. Abban to fKiltitt abtiiit tbe frontier.

Tbe ordir foi the inn-fe- r of three companle ofI title from IJuebcc to Ott.iwa baa betu eouutrrtutntid.

Tbe lion Mr Hoe, Mbd-ile- of Finance, Iimibete en thn llih po!. lor Kmfl ind on Itoteriimeiitbulne AmontE olhi r mitier be will arr.rn.-- fortho HoJtlnn Colon hi Ktlinntred bun.

tnillmi llolllltlc".Kofi, June fl. The .'nu (Monlanal

hi" iUlcet fiom Fort Htiilotd, atid iibti thut.ppr MIourl rtier, Itint there kro pron eeta of trenew tl of ludlm ho--t lli'ett, und the (.otiMiiment laprcpmlng In fluid the mum It la rifrted that tl tliotirument I i b irlertnfi ateatui r on ll r MU-oi-

titer, lor Ihr purpon o tr.i'ip"ilnif tr ..t1i nnd up-- ttl 'a, and uu kin other prrt nation for aRuei al

dl in war

Tteii-nr- i' per Mr..iiihlt Ore tin ((uoeiitlUbiiy, Morkan iUellA Co.. .. 0,0. M

AC' . . ..V.l ? lUlii-nn-,

A Mt Imout A 1 o. Jfivd tfil A I o .... . M.UC Ttb ut tn? Kelly A .Uelli, Katco A

Co .. . W7,ifO I'll to W.OU 11I.. oii llwllu iiu IPa-ia- t Kaiiroa I

A i company H.TI3 lMonti Mi )ir ;i,lifl:;ii

1 lal Ui.M tlriiox A iM! tl U

IM'oii.1 Munnr M.U-- ui llotitlit t , Poo A; Co. Nil On

b. L hunt" A Affi '."0 tu Welli, f .f Co HHj id fI,WI,7JU li

cos i;.v.s; i t:t,t;i;tt.t ms.

Hie Colli'i'e ol Cnlifnitila will hileaftrr bo ab-sorbed In the Minlr t'iihrrlty.

'Iho. A. Fuller, Put (Imid Mutter uml (InimlStrii-iar- t of the (ir.ind l.odjre uf Maoitt, of T iinoa

I e, died In Ib it illy on Prida).(lot. Hi'tiwiihtw, of Ttttiiici't', ha It tiled u

prortnmtHon for the rlepllou of Connri!!!''!! on thetlil dl) id Notrmbrr tiett.

Ihe Mlililjati Cetilnil Hailroml ilelnd ut .lollet,III., wa humid on I he vend locomulhotwi re d im.i-ie- l,ot ii.tnai; liitiuid.

Iti'L'iil.ii tt.tins ttiil tuuiiiieiite ttitiniiiL' nextMoinlTi) on the Kiiiimu Puiliie IUUro.i.1. MaV mile

MUxourl i her, ihe prrfi-ii- t

the load.Fotu tlioimntid pviAoiii ttilnetted thu o reinouy

nf the dm'oi.itit.ii of fobltira ki'HM a at iVikfklll,N. V, onrrblty. Thu lion. C'liaiinioy M. Ihpcwdithrreil nn orutfoii.

The Natiounl Hoard of Trade, In eiou iuPlilhidelphla, i Mtcrd it adoHed a Mr.I icdi hi k rt:tle,ot Pblltdrtpljia, wat elcilud J'leabb nl of tbr Komi

ltihopi AiueH und Sirupon, aiul iihout foitymlidteiaof the Chhaco Mi tlHHtlt Conferoi c urihcd In Om ihu on Thurhi) ulld, on u tripio ibo Hoiky MouutuiiiH,

Tim "'-- ; .,.,,1,1) nii'i"J und olhirolll-cnao- f

thu New oik Mate It.ebrbitt atllini'hamtoii, wu hi Id on W iilut-rda)- Tbe old Ihurdof Ti unties wn neli-eKd- . Atluiirul II. Ii. Thntrler hun been delachel from the rnmiimi.d uf iho Ni ttli Pteilie ,

lo t:ik ell ct on tic hlli of Auutt leit. tindordtrcd to return to New- York. Hear Admiral'Ibinniia J. Craur will commaii tho a.juu Iron aftirthat ilali'.

Hi'iciOR or a Ci stom Uo.- lluoKKit nrHiKMiTiso. Aupi-tt- i IkrnMt'.i, a ntoin llouaobroker, nt 1W Mi Mot freel, llnbokn:,cummltted ulciitu abovt 1 o'clock ef lerday luurulntr,by abootlt'S hlmfi-t- IhroiiKb the Orel et I vt llli uicsolver lyliii lu bed. The ftct did tint biromekno .ii until fhoilly bef re lu o'clock In tliofoiinouu.1 he onl) oil ei occur Mi of tl.i botitt wi ie Ihof itti rof the deceased, uxetl iihout eighty year, nnd blind,and tbe aervunt t'lil. 'I be laltir heard u Jhltd thotut about I A.M., but tnotiyht nolhiuic uf ll Mr.Iter lit b In nut lomluic tlown at tbo uual hour, ahewent up lo the tooiii, and beluitunnble Ionroueblhi,btictnie alaimid, and called in Mr. Cmne, who buihtopen Ihe door, and toiimt Mr 11 lyliizd.-.'donth- bidwith .1 pl"to wl.ol lhrouj;b that f r' biad nnd i

i rMped In leilht!. Coroner Wlilte eomminced au hujurnt.whf n tbeabi e but tho lurlber ii.ttidlit.d.on wi oitponed tollijt. 'lh dtceud wna a n dhe uf my, ubutitId )rit of une, and wn Ibe atcfor ol i tm.tli r

proprl) 'Ibo caiio of rio uit U utiknowti,The tuliido waa dtvorcid fiom bit wlte ubouttlhbtj ear flnrr, nnd the lalur - 4tipi ' d to be a t

of I'hlladilpbia. Ikrualelo wat a tn m uf fobt rand cornet lubi'

On utituiol in Ibe room i f dctrtivitt wan fund partof an tipuii width wu w ntU u in pi in 11

imirk.T the Iritnlw rttlnu of ilicenmil, tho follow tn;Cword Drhi u to dtath. Not guilty."

lr John M. dullcu, who made . ;- -' mortem examb.atlon, found the bialti Uci rat I by h tfim idiot ;

death muct baro bnn eiiixid by eon- -

Unilon, by thu ball PCiUeriiitj thu biaii.a aunuttithat they wire puraled. Frolu tho potltlou of thewound, wltncaa thuiiKht that Ueceued could haotbut btmcelf.

(ieoiK A. tetlfitd: I rcrddu In Wentcheater county. N. Y., und um a druiulKt, wn acipjtliited with Mr. Hi n -- teln, the den and, about Ut

aaw him ulhu for tba latt Hmu the uluhtbefuno luat, and had cont era tllon wilb blm . he didnot eompbilu of be III-- unttell. hi oRlcvIa In WilliamatrcTt, oppoalle the Cuitiim lloue: iirronllim lo myopinion, Mr. Hernaleln biiibeen alck for u Icnn timu.I belletu bo Im otetworked bliiinill, andliU brain wai Imp tired lu comiequeuce ; abouteUbt or ten at;u he eumu lo mrand tobl mc atorlca that only oxlitedIn hi own lmacliutton , ho timuirlit hidhoreedwlfe was followlm bliii; ho thought blft lend wire uplra upon him, tr)lnK lo diteil aouiofraud lu hia Culoii Uouo btilneaa ; when I fawbl altuiliou 1 io Ul-- t. I him to go toKuropc, hethereui-o- look pn.ijre on th HrrmenI nlou, but ou tbo day ho wa to nail, hi latherwat taken lr., und be dctirmlnid it poutpouo bl hil , ho then found that bitin lud wan Krowlu better, ami tbuiucbt ttnot necinary to ro to Kutope, but lutho hit eluht da hi mew ao inuc.iworbu thitl wa prepared to htar nothing (rood ofblm ; wbrn I ttlked lo him uUht beforu lat, bu waury muih exclu d ; bin old mmorle oppre-e- blmvery much, and Itappiurtd t I Im thit eery onewn following bliii, when he thought of kuiiiK t

Ktiroui bu KiM- - lilt bulnrM In tne h.indn of hlabookkee-er- and u jowir ol altornev to mo; bKttoublu wan both about hi lamlly and butmaa . bolud no loirph u fnr a I know. VU

nea hero bUiitliiid tho willln-- c on thu en-

velope flbote uleried to n that of Mr.lleriiteln.) Iliadl..i i wiferci-idMl- 1'nll de'pbu,the) weridhored u'totit li )eaia fclncu; Ibilbtuhu wuiuarrUdubout mi e jtar-- t aluce, and ho Ihedwlib hi wlfo only two or llui'i weika ufti r

ho lent f fiU I U wlf.' altoruey, tibout twojuoutl.a aince, to piy bl be; td.c obtained u ilivon uHorn blin. ut ihu timu hum' be Informed btawifi 'adtorney tbut f td.e vM.nti .t no) awul nice lio wouldatie It to her. h" ha a reildln(( In Pltt-b- h,i'enn., und u brother and t rre uter iu liermany.

Henry Wall, r tn.ilb th.d lie loauU I with Mr.lU'ii.-K-l- and w t in Ida uip'" an buokkioier forthe punt two eara ; aiw blm lattallvo oii'Iburdayienitu at cupper; I wu imaein ouriua uiu oteiiiiicand lifl the lionic at 7 oN Im k In tbo rnoinlnir ; botrdof Mr. it. death about ll' u'elork ; 1 um chief mail''teer hi Mr. Jbruiitlna otlice during hUtldnk bU mlud waa atleitt'd; la wu ur atihplcbiuaof bl UlMid. and thought tluyweii kple tor tbo(Journment; he bo hud no In butlnctd ; butolil mo he hud a wife uud wat dhoiced.

The Tnr leudircd a veulltt that dt?etated commit'ted atililde by ohootluic hl'ii-e- lf while Uborlb ucUt,rtcuiouuiy at'uu'.bu of uLO.

M.isttstc.(Irnnd I.ndtrr I'oitrlb lnr.

The e4lon of the llrnnd Ihi!hi w. retimed)eterds) morning at nine o'clock, It. W. John 11.

Anthon. I. tl. M., pteldimr.The (irand LoilK" waa opmctlwlth prijrr by the

It W and Kev. F. C Kwer, and with the utiat fornnlllie, afhr which It wn declared ready forbulne,

W Pro. De Yniintn mollont that W tiro. J P.Solomon' teoliillon (drlriliK thit Iberlluil be orev led a to remote from It all evidence of

le n fined to n afeiial lotiiiudtio to beeh'cii b) the lliaud Maler, wa carr'.i

The Conimllfee on slurhprudei ee nnd Condition ofM font) id a further n port llooturb d I b i.irun. M W. didiU W. Slmnn, ronbtlnitK Ibo fo'lowItm cltue- TwiMnin hid.ipplled to know howthirty piron who had been mtde member, unw ilUorI), ura rlif.di'tlno lanUe.eoutd bieomumi mberIn K''d atatidlnt'. The Coiiitiiilti e derbled wbit--

1 r of I nie and inooe) bad been t xpt ndi d b) tht m.Ihe Mme int"l be lo.i.anl tint Ibo irentiemen tntitiratlon mtiat be repropomd, and pn throutrli thu- one i onifM a tf the) h id m it r it templed to becomeM.i-o- Adopted b) the lltiind l,.dr.

Tbe fpeetal order of the di) wn ltn.ii taiu up, tiTlt IVT LI. TttlN.

The (Intnd Mntbt luiuotnu'ed Ihe tntnd ort.cereltrt reii-- tor nl n . upon w !i th. i.nni.tMtvtirea'lil the t.l I 1. lo mlir. uml tl cnrand oflcera elect were Introduced to him In tbeorder ol their tank.

It W and Itet Chalet 11 I'M! then ollerol tippray r tor ll e f the Nit feme tchltn t toret up'n the work uboui to be t ouutiiiii ue.l, nn 1

Ul'ii all tba'te i ttt ned lu 11

Ti e Itiiiti I Miter ileet, June (Jlbon, wm Ibraupeel il.v Introduced by M W, John I.. I.ewl. P.O.M. ; after which, an ompntded by nit tht P 11 Ma,lora prcaint. bu wa couluelid lo I lie altar, nnd thettMoUmtit) nddreird by the liiund M M. WMifb'ti II Johitonc,ttt the dutba and ripoiih.lbHe of Id new u!1 ce. lie wa then c.tidurtd lo thtl K. ImeMcd with ihe euibletita Of bl high poUlion, und ohmtily lnl.illed.

Tne rellilnjr ifrand M.iler then Introduced tblnewly Inat il dtirn.d Matter to tbu btithrrii. wloreeehed blm with the Ktand lionori.

Inn tiring, M. W. Hiphru II. Jolinatotif care thebietbrrnhl alneeie lhatik for their eotdial na.tutieu dtirhiK Ibe tmii, and itiiormid them thaibe atioti Id eur toko a dttp lutiiiai In tbvwtliurcofIbe order

Tbolieptily llr ind M itrr elect. II. W. John 11

Aliti oi, then Introduted, rondutted to the nl'ar,ard a ldre-pe- d ty the lirtnd Mutt t Hp w a thenreti.liu"i to the 11. P. , InteMtd with the tmblcm oflua and rob inidy I m btlnspresented to tbe btrtbrili, he wa ato rrcehed withtl v itraud bonoti.

It U CbrUto her 1. Fox wa Ibcn Intr.'dnced b)Ibe llrnnd Marthil, And Conduelrd to Ihe nllar ; arterwlilih he wi inveatid with the imb.em of Ida ofneoat M. (i, W., and eondurted lo Ihe (i W

Thellrand Marat it in xt Inltodtieed M W JohnW. Simon, P. (I M., who waa duty Inat't1led nllrnnd Tre.iMirrr, to whlih portion be had bientin immou'tr ief!iced

H W daniea M. Austin wn rest InUoduci d, Andfor mil ly liiat.dh-- ut Urind Men l try, nn olUrwbb b I e lu. ' tilled for mill) )rnt, to the eatUfactlonof the Ir.tternliy

It W and liet Hrolhcra H I.. Srhoonmaker, C. II.Pl.ttl, Hud I'. C Fner wire tht n liitio.liiced, rtml InMailed a (b Ch'phln--

It W Hio.pefl IUmoiul wa next llitindiirid a(Irat'tl l.ertuier ilrel.and condm te-- t the nllar,white he w.i lutniete I in ihe diitle of bit omco.He tta then tlivtid wPh tbo (enl of hla oftler,Comlm ted lo tent, hihI duly In tallt d

Tbe (iratnl Mambal ititd ml then, at theorder of the llr.iud Malrr, proilalmed at tbe 11. S.,0 W , and ll t: Hit tbo gtand ontcir bid beendid) Itialidlrd In ample form.

It W Imi'iiIi l(ndera o Hired a tro!uUon at(he opining of etery m'mIoii of thefirtud lat.lne oi.eof the i'bapl.dh I e liiotruiled to ilelhir unuddret-Hi- of (uint) mluuti't' leimib, ou the pod andwelfire of Ihe . Curt led

'1 be of Ihe Committee un ('ntlnltbed ltu-- 1

na and llrievancr wne lend, iceehed, andmb pled

A motion wn made tint Ihe present commuhlctDili of the litutid l.odKu iluau at 11 o'cluik un thiatSttUldii)! inoiuiii'C.

i tt k m; io io I. ami AM.t; rtM.Tbe Special ( omioUlee tippo ntid to c nfrr with i

Coinmltlir from Ibe Ilo.ird of Tniflee uf the Penlea Collese" al llntiitin, pieeutrd tbrlr report

ll tbilr Clulimau, W. Iho. I,. M. llano of No.lit!, nt follow:

Thai after a pUa.iul Inlenlew with the Trutee.atid .1 lull und lit e tutrn haiij-- r of oplulona, tbo

d proinfllloti In writing w t iubmllti d to thuUiiiud l,ode i ommillt u ou tho psnt nf ihu Tru-dr- :

I h" tndirdjenid lruin of Ihe Peopu-'- , i .ih" utII Italia, S ., hen-It- renj.ei titilly I. nder in thetluiioll.eil.i h tral.tvuof the fall t, kloiiid, btilbtlla, nndothei property of the aal ICollexe, lor Iho purpoHun of aMa mule a- lum.

No rrnir'et1oua nre molrmou tb. arint nttnrtMntho u U.iiuKid upo.i H.t iu y ftvt , whit h me: Pint, Hiun.s.uuitl lalior unlit , ui.d, niint. tl.e Oil InHKiiind Ihe ( olli'L! , Aiootinllni to .onO.liieuiiiHlhi repair and ihe putt lm or furniture uinl oilier tnrldental epeiit.t'-i- ind a portion of h Judi;menl, tielii,t aIhiiii f'V'O, whlih tho cndltura are uuwIm iipiihli of leteAMiiif.

Ihelr bir--t wllna tt 111 be itreomplluhed by nn arnption ii ol Hi - prpoiittoti, at. it tin y tripi rtuitty n .o it--

that a eommitief ol viltor bi appolnie I to Imt tikMtetheir ul)a)n, and lo whomu lull exhibit of all umlierat'oiii i le tt if i the Col jfe tt 111 he in t)e

U'e retpettfiilly ie)Uft Hnt the Commute. hivlmtthe au tdi el In i lot re. and lo tvhoni wu prttiitt lldi

will lay 11 hi ore thv llrnnd l.oile1'or the ir nti ei

dims I. I.PWIH, Chairman.nd propotdtlon wo dri-t- 11 advlmbto lo aeeepl,

but In thla moditled lorm Thit wbeneier Ibe -- .iMTiu-tic- by byUbiihe enu-m- t nt or ulherwie, eunu.i.y l ui-- r ti e piojeny i.nnird In Ihu ptojior!Hon to thi liiuiid Lottie, tree from all lti".imbr-inre- .

Hint thi timid l.n.Uu ahottld aeotii t tbu amu lorihe iMirpoii'i ot a athint.

The lnv "tleulloiit tlc.i we hive nndu of tholint It r have eon lired u tbtt tbe Institution la imuwill (lefeitb.j ol tho and fjur of thefraternity, lo wblili wu lordlilly rteommend It; butwe do not rnommi nd at y futtbrr action on tbe putoi i lie Oiund l.otlue at tho indent communication,

tippointmctit of the Cominlttee uf VUllr aucated hy the Truateeii, aul that the present

Trutua be rciueted lo report at thn next mutuallommuulc.'itlou tho tecelpt nnd eiH.iidltuie ofIbe and a)ltnn while uiitltT (heir control,

Tbe follow Inn reaolutiou wcte, then lore oilen d..ctofird,'! Iiul Whenever the IhttlVople'a

olle-.e- mi eutl' d, at II ft v aim. an and properlytra nf-- the t nut, uroti d, bnllllnji, and ullo-- propeit) nifinif lo it.tld tnntlt'itloti, free fiom atl Incumi.runic, Hilt llrnn Uditu ahould ucecpt a (.uutt--um e ol the en no tot n Mfionle a) imu

l!tvlnttt' hnt .1 i oiiindl.eo of ttfltora, eonilillnc ofetuht 4)tie fiomiiieh Judicial dhdrli I he appointed to

hit Ho premiers ut d Inteatluale Ihe mrufri of tlio Inltd ntlou Ion w ithi nl to thin Hi uud Loil;e, nndreport to tlx' Hi nnd Mionr.

,' fif, 1 hat the Trutirbe reuettnl lorej it lo thi Hnind I.ode, at Ita nntieuli.lralioii, a vtateiiieiii of the Mi'(l and rtpi udiiureaof thu n jiool uml u) lum w hllu umler Iheir eoiiirob

otifilt I hat 'tr i onli ally reeononend ihe eidi rprbwot Ihe bletiui-i- i havtiu llo Itiiittutlon Iu i Iuub Iu thofator at,d pu'rouae oi Ihu bod li and Iraterntty.

'I he repott w ja net hnl atid read, uud theHunt ailopti ib

t lv o't lot k Ibo litund I.od?o waa called o(T forri'cen until

ArTKitMms rHHHy,The lifternoon n alon eomi.ieri(e. at 3 u'rlocr, H.

W. John II. Antboh, I), (1. M., n fcbllny. In tmijueneoof tlr.tnd Miotir M. W dnmc Hlion tn inlndiKietl from a fV i re told Thewat, L' owe vi r, proem uu tin p.allu.m, and octupltdu ft at tietir the inefblliit;

On motion of It. W. K. M IhukH, 1 .1. lb. tbo fol-

low ii k pnumble und icao 'lion wu uduptid uii.uiu.ou-d- :

tlAefe',TheftertUeaof M.W htiphenll Johimlone.ut .1.(1. W..H H.W.. ei ul Hiii id Mater mi d HraudM.t'ir, hit u merltfd mni rn i it ed Hih ediumi mint ton othe itt ami of thu I'rali rn'ty . aii'l Hint In ret.rltuhom o'lieinl aMtiuii, it la ouu alike lu him aioluoroelt ea that he rdioul putu ftuiu ttuclhlH tbb neeof om iuirur'1 thi n tore,

lhat i Commit tee hu name 4 to proeu re andPIiki nl In our late llr ind Mn-- t. r u auitat'iu testiuioni.tlof our api l.Tlatlo'l of Ida aliml-l- i , aiel an nili tldeneeof iho high lu width hu la hi Id hy lhK i and body.

Tbo ('oinmlllce on Appeal, through ll Ch ilrmaii,preatnted Ita report, wbbh wua read,biid Ita ncommcudiitlon ii'Joptr.l.

Thu ;pi i lal Com ml lit e, to which the resolution oflb W. Ilndher Macoy. P. I tl. M., with niEnrd toIhe ball uud ayluui (as pruIoinly ri'porte.l In TineHl'N), bad hint rdcrtel, pivaenttd thtlr riporti,r commiiidlnj; Ita ud.iptlon.

APrr Munu ilvbate, the wbolo auhjort wa I lid onthe Pihle, hml on luottou. It wu resulted th it therttiiduttou uud lepoit khould hoi bu printed lu thu

Tho llr.iud wat tbcu collid olT until 7o'clock.


Tho eveniiii wan coiiiinenced ut hcpoiio'clock. It. W. John II. Anthon, 1) II. M. prcldinic.

Tho cummltlru apxdiited ftvcinl )enra alncu lopic pare a miltible burial winlee ti r tbo iiso of tboIJruiid I.o dtre, were, on motion, dirhurifed,

'I be CommilUo on Charity pioeiitetl their teport,whb h waa rwd, and referred to ihu 1 iiuutc Com-mittee.

The Commlttco on Wirrmta, throimh W. HeineK. Selmen, premided their report, which reeommended Iho Krtnlin-- of warranta to tbo followingln lodix now CO.: Mbblleburie (.oditc. Mid

Schoharie county; Amicable, S ufliliutonMil'. Oneldl county; Mucedou, Maeedon, Wiyeueoiinly; Dour, )oer Plaliii, Dutiliunt county;Chun hUlle. CI urvhtllle, Mo roo i"iiiit), Jerte),Prullord, Ktetiben county; port bidden, Port bid-den, l.ewia county; htar, . Henae-Ine- r

county; hjij ier, WnjliirH Cill.Imtcl.oHs county : Ai n.inli, Arm n :i, J ulrlnttcounty: Avori, Avocn, HlMibin enmity Yatet,

idea, Oileana count) ; hchu)lcr, Selmb r Fall,coutiij : Ibuntii, Ituiutu. t.nldi cot.iry;

Senwaub ik i, ltroA1)U, I. I ; .lln- nl. n,Oawi'Ko coutdy; Ylrtnr. J I ii t I'd, ltetii it icounty; Carnlliif, SlnteniPv, Tompkliillle; Nundihtutp n, Mm in h.aiion, Lhlntioii county- torloth, I otlntb, Snralou county; Hi t lie, !u- -t lb rue,Albany county; AuuahofiLa, lUvhmond, Kiebuioudcount) ; On weytttcbfe, Fine, tit. I.uwn nen count) :

lufpr, .Iiiper, Steubtn county: Ci llroul:-l)lt- ,

Kinga county; Ji ptuvllle, Hepuii lib', Jeller(uunti und Nuiti, N;it-.a- u lfi uaalaer eutiht.t.tho U only ou CMidllb it that tho name docbunml, Iheiu already tiMlufC vuv Iudo u. Uvr thatUf uomlii itlou.u.irttHUti Wcitli J.cclnri--

their report, which waa read, received, debated,amended, and tbe rrort recommitted. Th" t

of debate wa the a called " StandtrdWork, which tin hem a tioarce of trouble for thepal Ihrep yeata- -

The Commlttr! nn Fininee 'heir rrporttbrouith the chairman, It W J W llllim Wall, andrerommrnded ei rl.iln appoprlalloii. ntnonit whichwere. tV"tothe Mionlc Ikmrd of Itfllef for thlaeltt. l,atltii tbe two Itoml of Itellef for Ilroikhn,and nj proprlale 511m to Ihe other Ihurd of li' Iter Indlflerenl nil of the tftte. The rfrt wa reechid,di I atetl, ahd finally lobipn d a aim ndeil

11 W. Willi mi Sim Mir, I' I) l. ll. M.. fn m Ihe (I.i; , loinphmdilril Tur i n on It ptioet u pon, oftl,.- p. oi i cilln. of ll e I n i nt llr.uid I. U

Th. (Irand l.odtfe t , Ho n t al'el ol! iir'll n'ibrVthi m ndnv.wtou it will In bl a n hm until II.and thtu be rhcd In dat md anritltt I Hd

t.ov.u. rtii.trnstTwr.sTiitu Wahu Cmpiiik (m ii. Tbl Club

mot on Thin da ecnlttii at I ..In" Itroadway, Mr.'I ho. Cnlli ii, Pield. t. and Mepr. Jaa. Itlh mid J.J. Near), livrel.irlia ltoolullon itidorlnrf Cbn-- e

and Hnncoik n the Ih uiocmlle li mlnei for tintPiral.lenr) and Vice Prendeney were tinirb onlypacd. A rommltiei oi ttv. - ipponti.l to eonfi rwtlh ollur lh inocritli oi (an b iti n, with a lew tunion ii on lhei' e tudhl i'e. The Club then adoidcda lmilke to he ttoili h) r number, ou the Ith ofJuly arade, pt-- I i tole of tl auk to If it

for rallnt( the hlrkot) pole, and n ljoiirned to htitttuiln on the lii , at :he .ttne place.

Itri rrhtriv 11 iTiitrxrioN Mi itlMi in llrunr.vCiTV.-I- he Itepublleii of Pertten C). N. .1., findItatbleoy, fit tn tf'$? la- -t i n film: at I.bbrntt Hall, to ratify the nomination of Den nunlami Schu)ter Coll ix lo the pollloti-'- ofPrrblenl nnd lee Piebb lit of ll.U ei utury Alitije mibmrr of idle were preenl durlmi Ibe ete--li . At b df pnat " Ihe clnlr waa taki n ly Mr.ret rn Im d. who brtt tly explained Iho b.Jtttoflbr tori tlio:, and Um Introduted a lintfj inker My. the Jtrt-- y f I JvutmlL'I he M.ijor ltd lite abMnceolaeiikeia who weteexpicliil to atttnd. bet iue be till not much liketho Idea of becoming the of any peaonTbo ubiltute buliM.t had become tnot unpunularflnee Andrew Johnvui bcame atil for Abi iInm Lincoln. Alter pialux a few remark

of Ihe ndlc) of ho ridiculedthe Idiia that then wa any mhii of abandonment,diminution ol rdn t.tfib, or luck of cotilldeuce ofvblor) in the Itepubtte rn parti, lie poko In b rIiterm of the net nt Cotnt ntion nt Chicit:o wheioibiiKnt fiom .Mnl no lo I itlifornla, and Florid i loWlmuifln met imd frpanled with mllre coodIn lltii; aiul eordlalll). uml with tho lnurid hopeof v liturv lo ciowu their tfiorl. He Rate acur ry revliw of the Hepublleiu platform, andargued lint Ibe bimlt of Iti i uhtlcinUm I jmto e.He aked thn llemoeiatlt' whether Itwaa letter thtl con and tate ahould rulethan thai eimillty al.ould I retell, or thatInjtntlce and wronjt dionl f trbimph overJustice and t let t lu cone be pied a biitlietilolum on lien, llratit foi tbo noble .ju dlle- - ttblrhbe ami o (Hied him for the Piebletillnlchat i, and concluded iitnid reat appluno n -- perch ufotrr au hour diirillon l(coluilon vteic Ibenread to Ihe audience by .Mr. Hear, of Ibe .Vry f ty

an I patv-t- d b) ncintiuitli.ti, ufler wldch iapeech waa delhered by tbu Hon. A.W Teunev. wb.i at aome leimth Inib fence of Itcpubllcau potiev, nnd rhalli mredthe Hetuocrnltr p.n ty to lum one tlitrlo act of Iheiib) which thi) meiitid the conllib nee of litemminded men. Hu too ppoke u ihe blbe-- t terma ufthe fulurr PiCft'dint, bl lltnra for olhre. and theeeiie ofJiittre, hlahmiudtdni,Mid tlrinnr whichbad i ter chnr icterit l 1,1 cohdmt, and concludid byh atltrlnn npptul to pledge lhimelt that linynhould aiip'mrl tune uthota than tbo Chloaeo iiomi-tieei- .

Sitiral exitilinl utUb id aeiua, prepand lorIhe oec:ilon. wtre uh b) the Hire club, afterwhich, id ii Ute hour, the meeting adjourned.

Comi tins ti. INio IUnkkal CoMwitTrr..Thi an.tocl.1t bu met In' eti nluu al Hall,'I blrtriidh alrei I, tor the purl oe of fclvlu ( a tecep-Ho-

to Col. Naule nnd 1.1 ". mvi,nlona, who wi le tr-ee nil) llberided from n Prithh prl"ii, and bate

to tbl city. lutdel Noitbrop t naldeil, andMr. Abbott dlacharced the thilj of Seiiitnry. TheChiilrm hi Introduced Ctd. Niigle to ll.e mielln), w hottiinked the ore ml il Ion for Ihe IntcicM they tookIn bl win ii bo wa eiett Into a llrltlah dutn eon,and wa by Iho Uoternmtnt a'Washington, He wa Intuit ulTnl, chiilunl, antImprhoiieil without any Juttlflcutlou for audioutiiie, and eoutlned with letotia nnd eiliiilunl for ileten month tnd ten day. He wadUcb.irKed wllbmit miklni nny i impromle with thellrtttnh lloteinme it, although bo ba beutllied lo alRti a nl which ben tusid to do, and

I e atood be) ore the tn.illiii' it file m.iu wllboiit Inji;tiudt r nuy oblUattoii lo the ' otirnmentut W:ihlnu-ton- ,

whlih pmted den In I in It iltitle to tbouwere arrtf(id und lonhued wllhoit Ihe

hadov of a Col. .lohti Wattelt and AuRtiiliiA. win now umlrip-lh- i a rinteiiie nf llftn u ) ru r' pi ml amitudo in Mil I ank prim n, and Iftbili fenlt lire wen a or.e, ho should be Un rewith Hum Col. Nuili eommentrd ut miuio bnnthun the i',te of Col, Wiineii, Colillo, and Ilrdplii, andconcludid by ha)IiK th-i- he hi I tu'l In ll e itbtimate furceri o the 1 nlati cntie, nid tit it in l;d.wbt u (he) would be n !i brttm the Men u f tlIb ublb. a republican ll.U woubl bu lljlinf out Libind und Ireland.

Mi. Ciuion in tt Htldn ibe meetly, when an amble and ieoiullou wire p hy Mr.

I .lebi mm to tne rltert Hut ti hi otiti'utlohal Aao..aitim d.alrelo red- im in. mmuit from Iheilesliuethe n.iHru!i f Ita they In Ik id Itlo be llnidtil) of etert dot i riiltient to itheirolie-tio-

Coiijinl with the du'let iletnitnded Itom Itacltlcu ; und whin tho Ib moriatlc Nation il t'niiu nllott

ut i t In (hi tity on tho Illi of Jut) U be mpiifiidto engraft (hi principle upon Ua platform, ami tofdalr Ihtit It I ttiu duty id our (loterniiient lo ob-tain wilhout dilay, by IreJty or utht I wte, Iromall foreign nation (he right of their auhjcrlalo expatrlatu ibrmaelvi-- whin becoming Amirl-ra-

rhlrrua; that tbl llbt ahall be extendedto lboe clllm of our Iti public, ipeclally Warrin,Coatello, and II dplu, who are ronllued In !tr!tlhprioiiH ou the ubutil ibcliitie of ' ouei uaubjictalwn) naubject." it wa onl'Tid eopie ol thuleaolutlona be aenl to thu pnldliu o.Hcera of theIlemocratie National Couveutlou hh aoou u theyahall lunuhid In thit city ou the 1th of ucxlJuly.

'Ibcodoro P. Toi.iliii-.o- licit addiened He meetUiSt lu an eloquent and energetic apeerh

Alltr traniictlni; ame louUm buIucM of theAaiocbitlou, the uuttin alJourned.

(Jkint ami Coliax Ctwrtiu.slloboken held n I iri;e meeting un Tbur

diy etenInK at Hoit'a Hall, and loiuud a UranluulColfax CumpaUn Club, Willi thu fallowing tiamcdpt nth men n oftlcer :

rtfi't'nt Ct. 11, Prnnklln Hut.I'm r 'ctMefdi-Cap- l. Pailry Prown. Dr.

John Kttdlhh, M Nhio ; and loba.H! u.i'oi tst I'tt - thai tea tdiaiubvilatu.Ktitrifinu fifrrtnn- rtm. A Macy.iiennuttr- - Wn. 1 . Harp.A'iN' t'nmiitithr dohn Held, tl. Farim r,

iiiiddohii I.hcy;M Ward, I In VWhh', lataeM.reie,and win. Huh) ; :fil Watl.l'ipt H. 1 ra.a, Jr., Juo Y

Murtlii, toi'l Uobnl i CMitlM.'1 he l.xucuuto ( oinmitttu wi ru limlructcd lo forui

u git o club foi thu catiipogu, und ul.j lo makt, iirruuKtmiuU lor public tun ling1.

I'llOl'OlM) .SoLlilt ' MllNl'VU.NT Jki.ikv t' Keamc) Pul No. ft, tl, A.

It., and Ihu member ol Hou Coinj .ih No 9, uf Jti-ie-

City, are about to i re I a mouumcid to bu lutati--

In one id the public parki In honor of the fallen io!illera who ture reidi uia of ) I ity It U propoft'd to ndc about i,uH) b ubirij iloiu of frumil to

Knu or inn Timt-iiN- Milk Timhi'. Johnllotilding, the walkini," who ha been Iramplna aMile uu bom, tlay uud nlbl, for lx witka, nailitdthe end of bl. lniu, wear) Journe) ut d o'clock Ihluiurnlug. Win u bU cutiipelitor, Youni! Mile, gateup the c 'titi at, It wa not implored that Uouldlnxwould continue lo ti.e end. but hn luibimllable pluikami pi ini'tc luuee enabled liliu lu triumph oter mil yubtaile thulcuino In bli w.i). Not llo least of therewere atlempta inadu by li.teri-idi'- partita to breaktip Ihu milt li About u wiek alncehe waa requeuedto lall in a lit when wulkin-;- bu decllnid. otherprooillon of nn t'linll) dUhonoi ible iluricterw rro uUo i epelled Till I eretllt'tble tu Ihr to nn w huhua walked a llmimml mile in u thou ind bourn, andwho will probably challtngo Weum to a trialof leg and endurance. We new htm lut night at hewa Htrlppi d for a rubblnj down. Thi're U uot aui xlra particle of lleah upon him ; hu I pure skin andbono; audi a corj u n a luidicul t would fallIn bite with were Lc d"ad. Hu would dl Ct beau--

ii II V ; thrt titnuet, mtifclea, and bone would notbe hard to Und. Ilia ltv Itokid ahipileaa, tho akinlough n leather, tbo boned ntlcklng out, the ankleaw lltn, the htela bletiiLil, khd the tut-- and toonalU gone ur goiu. In It pnent comltllou It U uot a handomi Wit by auymean. Tho feet and toea uru ilitirnetlout, Ihe kmc raps ure booe,und tbe knee cannot biillitlm;ulhed when bo rduuda up. HI (ran tr, r..i)le.,turnid up bU Mtotva and tubbed au ol.) pmuutiuhInto tbu hard tough akin o the Ic, then up theapineund ac.rona Ihu am.tll of tbu ba k. tiuuldintC did notaln p much )i tcrUa), belli c iilrald that lie could nutbo awakened ot. time which woubl bu latal to bl .t,ubillon to uccoinpli-- b tbu feat. bepitched Into bib trainer on WU'tt aw .keuedThe b irbir who h ite blm went Into hi room onWeduedar, uud found blm alt--i nuiif Not dhtuib bis if!, to1 l.ttbore I and hmd him w libout bia kijualhic aii'tbini about a until bu awokeA tt would be to hi blm h.rp b)ond a llmlieil time, be will bun to . o ib bed tarelully until bu (;t.i bi illy re'i.rus to hi nTlual comtitlon. A la net ciowd conirreuated U ti enin to wlti.e ln l.i- u. f i mahct. t oi. deriiii;tbu o nmo bi' baa lnn cuduilnj r ' '

tl.O torture, and tho ithet It lnut biteuu ctcti bit wonderful eoiti'utiuii, lua WMthmile w m dour In eiy hott tiuu - pi mlnutea ami

Only a tim man eou'd do the cutiti&uoi.utk bu b ii- d"t-- and tt uid It o .til!. The f at waa

pirfoinicd only onco hi fore. nnnali aeeonri-t- 1 bis fuct iai Ie aome doubt wlo'tliti' Uouid-hi-

wu'kud coutlutioi'a'y nlnbl in d day br the w huiel itiie. '1 hero doe not to bu any 0Y. deuce that1.0 did not. It ttD.'i.t iwu hiuio aipiuid- - lottrUu Aiiuu will cuudueute t ie ttt ii. t wvektfor whitli tbe) ate to be pa! the munliKeiit sum of

u wcik. lu--.- tkui. Uu cnt fur enry mile,tl5 Milt tiulnti 1 rtunti-lii- irom bi wouud.On .Mondi) tbctwUHf wl-- o ailuot JtyliuOddy, utFllev't t"t'.


Sontonco of Calllcot and Others.


On the njicnin of the Unlteil f liilei Circuit(' nit VVi.lrrn )(,nt i,oon,Th(n-- i


I. htin.r .t. Illrhnr.l f Km y,. and Join S. Al-

ii n. Iicrrtofure 'nn.lrlnl nf ili'frau lln the (loiern- -

tm nt out of lht In nn itlitlllo-- ilrlt", trc arraign iill for 'entente., NeNon Ilencillct ntnnn the l'i lifli. The Court ro iin wji croilcd with aalniircHni tlimii.' nf ilatiir. Tlmprlamiera, wlioaii'i-irei- l cl(-- i - ii, ami a If its piri-i- l ti nitelII, f ti Hliirh awalle.l llirin. occuplid xats btalj,tin Ir rn'iii"-!- .

.lii.lfe l'n nnuiKnl: Yim ,r"Kc In me, Mr,Willi thia. uflir Ihl till! tlir.ll) of Nvotk,at'out a . in lou fu a nev I .it.sae ol aou llirnti nt I I ail hut in.iite up " tnln I thai It nnnl.l bo ofhm) iieri-n- j in lour p.rt tu tn ike the anilon jour in I hi Ihe cie anjImikrii mlo ll. M lire iillle ,'lili-i- tli-- lt ll "oulJ IIn-- uel . a of ilfiie I t...e .my arKiinunl oa I :tlio l of (lit. e ie, in, tlir imitl n for n new 1 jor an nnei n. I tlu..k II mi l lt luoMf 1 JIn ) that tu ).m It nil ! I.anllr 11 I asI. ' it Jon artir a tliiil opn Ion on the.utiject haJbeca :font i it tySk "

Mr .I T William,- -! did not ata lo bo under- - M j''Kit Hi r I w mid ni'i.e fir a near trial upon aa) er M &

ror. ni'l) I liopt'd our Honor avonld liwir inrupo.nun- hmii uacJ Hit Urn I ilaf a lib reference ""Tfal Jt'i rr N. 'ion- - Our ,ucrtlnn alt lhat If Ihcral 11 fa amtiilrr In It o i eoulil of eoure, avail )onr- - 41 M

Mlf id It alter the, but I ain clear that tt aMuotild be uiiui ri y tu to attempt to iiiak. 1nn)- - point the trl j! or peitiiicut to Ilia it tleve. f ' ill

Mr. William, -- I ali .nM not ferl II lUht. after yoar T'"ltlomir'-- i teiuark. to ileiay the Court.

Mr Jtnlia I li 1 1 not opened to becilleJontaaiy nttylhlns; I had aurpoacil the aririiment for anew till! vaotili! oceupy thu iniJortMit or tho day. I

'I here a i, a alnsle point on the rl2ht of peremptoryrliiillini-r- . uhlch mhtht be preenteil to the tuurl, Ibut If the Couit la a i'l-- ar on 'h..t iHtlntaacn olhcm, , iIt I. t.ardla nottli Khllc to add aiiytldmr. 1

.tu.l'rr Nrlmti 'I lut aaa aittled u . conultatlon, ; Mnot on thi map, but .nine timu Have yoa Maiiithtni; to aa) a to si'iitenee T i j9

Mr .lemka, after conaultillon. If your Itonnr jti!e...r, vae mliiht nay a treat deal in mi fir a L'allleotI runrrrned. If It ahould be II. o Intention of tho 9Court to Ii tllrt In.'arreratluti In irafcrrnce to any Wnllirr pnnlahim iit. II I i inuh fur me lo aucneat tothe Court on of Hiliarl.i and thue lntrietid III him, tint thu l'i nlleiithry of thla rounty la pro- - i,,mfined. I thbik aai arc not aakini too mutt, lu a,k ,$mIn fur that. I haaeei.-.ferie- t with the Iilitrlct At-- . ,Mt.irnti, and aae think It I clearly In the poweruf llm Court ro to do. (Ulled nun suddenly I rla I a a, I could not, iielthrr chotld I.mldre the Cutirt at any length upon lh. '

rlti n of the eaae My own i.mal.'ltni it aaa a I en tl.e caao was Brat preciited. I I

ni)ailf am (..itl.llid itul the pri. iu-- ai the bar ha, tJbeen the alrtimof tinny unf'.rt itat'- clreumtinee,, KtPvahieh eauiu I. In th-- i pod'lun ' f 'ho pil oner, Jually mI e e'.plalticd I lilt iidhrrc to ilia oi'lnliui lii reran! W(it hi innurenre In the ma'li r I atn aed avtaio wLal , 1fttiUhl be .ald nil the othi r ldi t tu tin: neca .ally olan ix atnpli for public policy Hut ll tloe-- seem to jme that In can, ol tLi, dfairlrtlon, ndiii.ttlnic ol .

Klratdoutit-.- 'f fi(Eteal ilotlht atlppurtrd b such iIdi nee i Ii i been mtiliiri'd in thla court, Iba. Court ,

inn) ailt (iiiii-ld- i all tin ficl b tt e William then luvbi nlrafielln remark oa

beh. If of Mr. I'nlll 'i t, au 1 au! thit If lo wcrofur a aliiale iiiu.itl ll a.inld ' a- a. If

he aai re lmprluned furuair Ilia body tnUhl be sel .fne Imt bi lrit ti'd in tin l te of ll euraae. II. Itaan Ihe father of tao fern .lc chlldien aaho bad bad a . Ifmolhei and nov one tur uunht couu.elk.ieva. but for tbl clnie I' uuail lumuttidid lh. lj

prlioiiir lo tl.e Ju.tlru ul the Court. Ju.tlce Jnd '

miicy vaire belli mi . niaaT'iltate, nnd tiny onlyaaknl Ju.tlco In mercy a mnnirchI" it r thin bis cioatu, and aa. I lc gltry of tbe Judi-cial

Mr. Calllcot vi Ihcn d fur srnttnee, andIn ri-- 1) tu tl u iiucntu li vtU) .viitrLco ahould Lot b.p.ied upon blm raitl : i

'nvmiiK or Tim rmaoN.a. '" S.. fir aa I bupa Hm a'i) lUaf I could say

Hiuibl al'eil the aeidlct of the t null, lumleratir ,II I ptiiili'iie I an empty form, b it I think 1; u- -e to ' J'tu)-e- lf ami the pul-l- to .) on tl.l- - rcca.loq gII it in there tr.inai lluu, tii--

. li W.-t- (haae bean BuiialKiied and uii-d- 1 (au in'i 31) i.;,oLir.l of any jfKiilll) Intent to dn.iinl the - ..rni.ient Myron. Ialitluu Im I em 'ibt.'i ".! ti) ealdi io eof such i char. 4 'u'ti'i llul Ihe ... ;'i.i(iiii ul . 1,1 ii'.'. be uldeil by fiiii)tinn ti Ci .Ijlr u.) , hut I do .i Il4.i tui-.i- .fi.r...)'..l iinl I hrt the efllce nf the Third I'ullrc. jlum li tilel oi Neva V rk i ourer inm. tha'i (alien I flatnit. t'.l it. and tint l..r.ns n y ti.m f office I ro- - 1 H

mil lu lithali ol ll.u (ioieiiiini iii l,lai,iaai, nil ol Mfi(ah., h aa fillblully lucoiititi-- fur. The atTotllit, Saaere exiinlre I b) the .Tnta r tl e Cuininl .luiiir ol O,llili rnal lleaeuiie ai d found litln I) eoriict. Willi J8II. a.(. reiu.rL. I suhi: il tu )oui lb i.r. juJ.ucut." H

Till! IIMItiT. W.Tiidre Vil-'n- In n.n uiiieii-i- cntenc-- . a'luded to aji

Hie llilellli.eur, eun. atluii, uud p. liantu of this 1piiaumriii publie nttili. bilii lltu i h Ii pnfia- - faton, th it oi tin law, ler tl.e re.i l) .nul enact ill.- -

limine of all the ilula Al ilh Ihe ui".. e he ..eld Ilia- - .poi'il upon blm. Thiae (inliicnt qualltle.ilon, had 1lift him aalllioul i iiu-- e fr the uiih ii i y liuljie; uolonl) aalth ml". l ul Kieatly .ii. .valid It, audnlmoit eitliiL'ulahnl tarry . ration 'Ihul iiiiiltr olhi r clrrum.Uiic m in t.u cuu uf an a.

nlli ii lii Ikiiiii ant and lu btiiubie Ibe rnkhl be In- -

ilul.l. Ill llotioi lo tne cine uf ilcfrjinl- -

lux ti e (lueiiiiiu nt l y coiiupt'nx the public oHccraapiolnlril lo collei t tua upon dl.lllli d (plrll. Ill Ibisiomuiii,.lty, und which pna ailed toiiu iilirtnlni; ct-- ;

tent at tin' lime of bl. u p m nt rollretnr. 'Man) oillcrri lud bien n inoae l, utliara pro.cedrt jii.Mln't ariinl'ially uud ucieuva iltlia tbelrtrlal. Th

r I. ill been eho.eii In the mhl-- t of thla drmor. 1

iilualiun to petlf) and rci.ublili uKclal authoitty In "Ihl, br.incli of the (lov.'inmvnt, r.nd It a wllWn hiatuaacr t" bae arcompl linl the t.isk. Tbe trial andwlltt , the jury luinl.hed the laldcucc or bl,

nl il, lu fillttie; uud nut only thR but that th.rnmc had multlplUd under h'.a admmttrjtii.ii, lllihi, aid unit ciiiouMrtiipnt. In ci ncli: don, Hisllunor aid i Tl.e I. iv, lahkh It I our duty lo admlu- - ;lter,li lio rupactor of pei.ona-ti- n re nre none o

lilKbiuto bo ubuae, nr ao buinbl'j n. in lubcn.Jlti .Iti putter. Il reiiuli.i for Um Cot it tu pro. ' Inouiiri tho icnti i ce i f ll.e The lull punish. funtil iiudir tl.e thud aectli of the act of iu;, aa iriurd i moderate ruliipili'l aallll Iheof theolli iiiil I a Hi o t.o. CKeedluc tW.iXdand ,ii.ipriia.iiui nt nut en- i 111. liao )i ii. Vac fael tbiniinl to tinpoM! the aal'o'f of lbe imprlaonmenllo I e earciiltd In the Alb.ii- I'lclunllary, ami In ad.ditiLU t j bi iu; riaut.' ! until the tlr.e ta paid.

hie i.TUKit casui. , '

lu the rae--i of i:.nUl.t and llien. In aahli ha motion ;

ai in.uto rur 4 m, .ludno Ih'iiedlcl alliedthai he Indeiuiiiincd tl e iuib Ioii. uhlch (u're l

.lii.l r.iun I they uere .u.t.lli to the queatlotisiienliti'l on the I r .til . mil III 111 opinion aaeie aaeh ui in to in 1'ie 11 um eciiiry lo diliier any ilabo-la- t

Un fiiind no imr In the trl il, and. mid then line ib it) Ihu uiu. mil. Tbo Court thtre-iio- ti

iiiilineed ltli lianl C Kurlnht to liupt iai.n.iicnt j

In the All.i'i) l'i'.illi-nt- l ii) foi la mouth, nnd lo pay J;a io of ('.',: (J, t) atnil iu.piboned till tho lluo b.I" 1 i

John S. Allen, In .tnnaer to the uual questional.l Inm Innocent !' each and nir) crlui. men. In the liiilicliiirnt. I slate It In a aoliu.ii, fully luu ol my pualtli n.

.lu l(e lh neillcl then aientcnred tbo prlioncr to tht 'Alh.uiy I'lUitinlur) loi one )car uud to pay j lluo ol :, .

J.'l. i iI bo prlionor, were ioii:iiiilei Into ll.o cualody ol 1 '

the Maralul, and the Com I adjourned. Wt.

Trotllnv u ll.o I'.iil.lo.. t'oin r. KjI'n, um t'taiLsi:, Julio 5. Match ?W0 milt Mn in turni as. " jI Mori Ii)', tt. ui. Lady Wooitlaaan... .Itccelvcd forrclt.J. Ihi!rea' li in. I.ady Lou II raid forfeit.

Same luv .1C(pitjV.oj f.SUU; milo heals, lu bar.tie.J llil.lelt', ,. in I 111.Million!'. Ii. in t I 1 I I

.J. li.ur tiii'ia b. ir. Hoy i 3 I I J. 1

Kxptminv asu l.u.u ur I.trn. An ciploalon 1

of a koroai'iitj limp took plaeo lut eaeulmr at P.JWu'du'ii' ii aiieet. b) nluoli Mr. lUtbira l'iciilll,attivl all. nit uu, burucd to . .No ilamao laaidenu lu tho buudiUiC.

mii (Mm AiTEMpr to Comvit Pncnir.--F.- nl ,Mr. (liorco l'eteron, aied it, rcaldlux al

'."il Aai nun A, 0,1 I!- - the aeeond-.tor- aaln- -ilo'v to the .Mew-ilk- , and wi rl 'inly Injured. Thtui.l'urlunalo aaomin i taken to her room by her ,

mil i ph) at once .eiitf.r; but noriauu (( s i:Iii n ror the roritut.ili.n or tho act. . f

Fxji nr- - Coioner bite, ol lloboken, Field anInqui-.- t foienuon, on the budvof an tinknoiau mm luund In the nater near iLo Mcrrls undfS-- o iiul, In Hub 'km Dcrejsul a abonl Idjcir-n- i" ate, btrck ra and moiiitache, blackcluih.'a, ai.d on lua ihi-- . i. una n p.ii'i un nhlch Masva ten. Pill at I') 11 rr' iy strict." An lun.aa i .i:o he.d on the bod) ora lnf.iiit alaifi"ind ncu the uino aput In the abn'iice of atyinldetiiv. u'rilUUof ilv.llU fiotu Ukkuo'.iu cauin m

(acre l a tide. ed. MI.i'. ait l' nr. A cne " lirmiirlit befort .a

Jitilate lluckltr.or IluokUn. jiMiet'Uy k.orulnit. lu. m',l.,n. tlio Ml, .Willi; c'ii. ua,.iii'.-- I....I Noaew. ; 9

ber Abied K. Mlilleln.l, au u hu'.iiier, u nrrM I MMl., lb.iil.led i), and ill..! mi; li..ppu iti. Ur u- - Wtil :i I'eav day. .luu. (al- n It w.ii fo..'.t thai Mr. m

( Intel, eod uaa ptouon'i-- g lo tnatr) a l.ny uanwdil.b.l, reMltti;.il 1H J .y atuel. SI. W l..lilulmiJe Inqnlrlaaa. avhleh le.1 m ..r her aiHati-M- fit Hi, ai ei'i.alne.1 that Mu'..ii .d will mi'o m.iiiieil ton ijilylu ml II la u al tj

auuihau- lu U.itr.lo, aud Uut In addit.uii be bo rro .4mo. e) unjet lulae pratuui-i- , to the amount yf !.), IHi) ti er, fur la (aitlt Im. otr.ieaa, and (.ill fptulubly be oamviuiad. He '(CI to euwUcd cu !- -

Mtuuliytho lath lust., aud In thj ucaa time bth H
